ict in education

By: Sadaf Rustam By: Sadaf Rustam

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Page 1: ICT in Education

By: Sadaf Rustam By: Sadaf Rustam

Page 2: ICT in Education

The Aga khan Education Services (AKESP) is

committed to archiving Excellence by continuous improvement of its programs, services and processes. Offering a superior education to students is perhaps the most important factor is creating a successful future for generations that will have to cope with a rapidly changing in environment. To ensure that the Aga khan schools followed the latest technological advancement to supplement teaching and improvement learning methods.

Transforming Teaching And learning through information and communication technology.

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AKES Pakistan began extensive use of

information and communication technology (ICT) in its schools. Various initiatives have been taken to provide access to technology to teachers, students and administrators in all its schools. The AKES is making effort to implement ICT facilities in line with the following vision.

Transforming Teaching And learning through information and communication technology.

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“Using library and technology

resource to promote independent learning, critical thinking, creative abilities and consciousness among students and faculty members to make them caring citizens of this global community”


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The ICT implementations project began with

ICT integration across the curriculum in which teachers employed technology tools such as electronic encyclopedias, spreadsheets and database to deliver curriculum content. The objective behind this approach is to allow students to learn how to apply computer skills in meaningful ways and to achieve curriculum objectives with the help of technology.

Transforming Teaching And learning through information and communication technology.

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An innovative programme, called the

peer education programme was institutionalized a few years ago. Through this programme, selected young students develop and acquire various ICT skills and in turn teach these to fellow students and teachers.

Transforming Teaching And learning through information and communication technology.

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The result of technology integration is very

motivating to provide all students of AKES Pakistan schools exposure to the latest digital literacy skills and to equip graduating students with these skills. ICT was launched as a cross cutting features in all programs launched by AKES. In all three regions of operation of AKES Pakistan (south Gilgit and Chitral , ICT IS changing the context of classrooms in four ways………

Result of Technology Integration

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Changing the Context of Classrooms in Four ways

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In recent years, ICT reforms have been

introduced in Aga khan schools with following approaches.

Classes were allotted where students went to the computer labs and learned required skills. Technology integration across the curriculum ensured that students not only learn the ICT skills but use those skills to learn other curriculum subjects;

Approaches of ICT in Aga Khan Schools

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To achieve our objectives and ensure

adequate and frequent access of students to computers, the capacity of every computer laboratory was enhanced to accommodate a complete class of students;

A pool of mobile computer trolleys was provided, along with multimedia facility, which could be used by teachers, as and when required, in the classrooms ;

Approaches of ICT in Aga Khan Schools

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To sustain the momentum of ICT across the

curriculum and motivation teachers to integrate technology more frequency in their curriculum. The notion of setting up media laboratories with Wi-Fi internet connectivity in each school is being considered. Each laboratory would comprise of 10 computers where students can work in groups on curriculum assignments.

Approaches of ICT in Aga Khan Schools

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The ICT goals for the future

focuses on the e-Learning model to enable teachers and students of AKES,P to communicate, collaborate ,share and discus information with each other and across the globe through AKES,P’s platform.

Goals of ICT for the future

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In Sultan Mohammed Shah Aga Khan School

ICT facilitators are working as LTF’s. LTF’s means Learning Technology Facilitator who are facilitating the whole system of ICT.

LTF’s have to report to their Head Teachers on daily basis. (Ms.Seema Khalid)

LTF’s have to report online to their Head LTF (Mr.Fahim Surani/Nurali Tejani)

LTF’s have share all the resources with other LTF,s of campus.

How our ICT lab's are working???

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Junior Section

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LTF’s arrange ICT integration lessons they

facilitate teachers in any kind of issue related to ICT.

LTF’s give support in Middle Schools Assessment Projects (MSAF)

How our ICT lab's are working???

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To give awareness of IT. To facilitate children in increasing ICT skills. Teach innovative ways of Communication. To give awareness of Online learning. To give tools how to use Computer

applications . Facilitate in integration of ICT with teacher. Arrangement of Multimedia in ICT/Media lab. Facilitate in MSAF projects.

Targets of ICT

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Curriculum of ICTJunior Section Focus

Junior I Computer Basics, Ms Paint, Kidspiration

Junior II Computer Basics, Ms Paint, Kidspiration, Ms. Word

Junior III Computer Basics, Ms.Word and Powerpoint

Junior IV Computer Basics, Ms.Word, Internet and Publisher.

Junior V Computer Basics, Ms.Excel, Internet and Publisher

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In the end of Mid term /Final term we take

assessments of ICT in practical form and give results on the basis of students performance.

We submit the data of assessment in a DVD in the end of the year.

We share results with parents also and we give grades in report cards.

ICT Assessment

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Thank You