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ICT Showroom 2015


Schedule 5.3.2015

10:00 ICT Showroom opens 10:00 Public voting opens

(the audience may vote for best performance and best technical content)

10:15 Jury starts to evaluate the projects 13:30 Jury ends their evaluation round 14:00 Public voting ends 14:00 ICT Showroom ends 14:30-15:00 Winners are announced in auditorium Alpha

Immediately following the prize ceremony boostCafé – ICT City

All invited !

Jury members

• Anders Innovations (Riku Voipio) • boostTurku (Erika Halonen)

• Cerion (Tuomo Saarni) • Crosskey (Monika Sigmark)

• Nortal (Henrik Lehtonen) • Teleste (Ulf Betlehem)

• Turku Science Park (Erik Lehtonen) • Vaadin (Henri Muurimaa)

Sponsors of the event

Anders Innovations, Cerion, Crosskey, Microsoft, Nortal, Teleste, Turku Science Park, Vaadin, YTK

Organizers and contact information

ICT Showroom - facebook.com/ictshowroom

Jerker Björkqvist, Åbo Akademi, 0400 528 758, [email protected]

Janne Roslöf, Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, 050 598 5438, [email protected]

Seppo Virtanen, Turun yliopisto, (02) 333 8886, [email protected]

ICT Showroom 2015


Business Administration

S10 eCS Desktop, Business administration



eCleanSchedule - a staff roster software with a clean interface Kasperi Ekqvist, Jenni Lehmonen, Roope Aapola, Julius Koskinen, Antti Intonen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: eCleanSchedule is a staff roster software tailored specifically for our client's needs. It provides an easy way to keep track of the schedules of the company's employees. The software allows the managers of the company to make modifications to those schedules as well as print them out.

S11 SAW Web,Mobile Business administration


Student Association Website - A DIY Web Portal Alabi Olujuwon Auoseyi, Abdiasis Abdullahi Diiriye, Magnus Gulin, Oscar Hellsten, Mattias Lundell, Johnny Nenonen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: https://showroom.infa.fi

SAW is a solution for student associations in need of a website. The solution lets you create a website in minutes while enabling a high degree of customization for advanced users. By default SAW includes a comprehensive collection of modules covering the needed functionality of most student associations. Editing modules is easy and hassle-free, and changes within a module do not affect other modules. An overarching design principle has been to make the system extensible while keeping it simple.


S12 AltaRobot Embedded system,HW, Healthcare,Public services,Communication



Immersive video Sami Teräväinen, Teemu Tähtinen, Samuel Laurén, Abdulakeem Odunmbaku, Jia Shuowei, Tingting Yu, Shuting Tong

Contact person: [email protected]


Project goal was to create a wheeled robot, that has stereo cameras to send video stream to the receiving end. Receiving end would control the robot with controller and receive the stereo video to Oculus Rift DK2. Both ends would have microphones and speakers for audio communication. Purpose of the robot was that it would help elder people in their homes. By having telepresence robot there, they would not necessary have to leave house for some medical businesses or counsel. Doctors or nurses could check their condition and talk to them remotely. In Finland there are very much elder people, and not every nurse can make house visits unless it is necessary. By having good telepresence to patients house, some issues can be solved.

ICT Showroom 2015


S13 Fs Web Public services,Communication



Feedback system Mikael Nyberg, Antti Ristolainen, Adomas Simonenkovas, Valtteri Rauhala

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Web-based feedback system that allows you to easily create and manage feedback polls. The poll can be answered on any device with a web browser, but the UI is especially designed for touch screens.


S14 DelSiTech Web Games and




DelSiTech - The natural solution for drug delivery Jarkko Hurme, Teemu Gratschev, Jonathan Sarry, Haikuo Zhou

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: In this era of Information Technology. Consumers want knowledge about products. This phenomenon does not only affect certain products but it is spreading to all areas. Be it for example electronics or medicine. The process of creating pharmaceutical drugs isn't as linear as creating other product's though. One medicine can work on a patient while it can hurt another. One dosage form will work on a patient when it is not enough for another. The aim of this videogame is to allow the consumer to gather that information about pharmaceutical drug creation process. .

S15 No to smoking! Desktop Games and




An adventure game that aims to give children the courage to say no to smoking cigarettes. Markus Mäkilä, Samuli Laato, Antti Vikström, Han Kaituo, Liang Tingxhuan, Tian Xinghua, Apil Karki

Contact person: [email protected]


The "No to smoking" -game is an extremely fun adventure game. But besides being super fun, it also delivers a strong message: Smoking is bad for your health, you lose money to buying cigarettes and there is nothing cool about smoking. When you start the game, you are free to choose your own character. You can move around in a city freely, and visit shops, sports stadium etc. There is smoking related content scattered all around the game. In several entertaining minigames you notice the bad effects smoking has. The game is full of details, come find out more!

S16 ICUG Desktop Games and

entertainment,Healthcare,Education T



ICU Game Daniel Prange, Oskari Rautala, Jussi Pajari, Joel Jaakola, Yue Ba, Xi Chen, Henri Rossi, Nguyen Truong Thanh Tam

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/icugameproject/

An educational & motivating game about ICU nursing for nursing students.

ICT Showroom 2015


S17 Celia Dyslexia Web Education,Other,Special library services



Web app for identifying dyslexia and learning difficulties Sami Suo-Heikki, Joonas Korgan, Maija Paloposki, Jenna Nikander, Stella Riikonen, Aku Sidorow, Joni Kaarttinen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://luki.cloudit.fi/

We are Celia dyslexia and we are developing an application that helps you identify dyslexia. We help people identify their possible dyslexia and we want to help them. Our application provides real help for people who are struggling with learning difficulties and we give people additional information regarding dyslexia. The application has the possibility to help 400 000 dyslexic people in Finland and we want to reach all of them. We are working together with the Finnish state-owned special library, Celia.

S18 NEMG Mobile Games and entertainment,Education



Game Prototype for NordicEdu Mikko Pavén, Antti Laurila, Milan Herrera, Aaro Salonen, Robin Horemans, Nina Mattila, Aapo Koivusalo, Alice Girs

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: www.nordicedu.com/

We are developing a mobile game prototype for Turku based development company NordicEdu. NordicEdu specializes in games with an educational aspect. They are best known for their alphabet learning game Molla ABC. The goal is to create a brain teasing puzzle game with personality for midcore gamers.

S19 UML Mobile,Desktop Games and entertainment,Education



UML-opetuspelin jatkokehitys Tomi Tarvainen, Janne Vehniäinen Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Tämän projektin idea on kehittää olemassa olevaa UML-opetuspeliä.

S20 Logiikkametsä Web Games and entertainment,Education



Ohjelmoinnin logiikkaa alakouluikäisille opettava peli. Niko Tammisto, Aino Suomela, Otto Roivainen, Heikki Wendelin, Juhani Säilä, Waltteri Turunen

Contact person: [email protected]


Ohjelmoinnin logiikkaa alakouluikäisille opettava peli, joka perustuu hauskojen ja opettavien pulmien ratkaisuun. Pelissä on karismaattisia eläinhahmoja, joita pelaajan tulee auttaa selviämään mielenkiintoisista haasteista käyttämällä omia älynystyröitään. Logiikkametsän kutsulta ei pysty välttymään kukaan.

ICT Showroom 2015


S21 Sinun päiväsi: Koulupäivä

Web Games and entertainment,Education



Luo selaimessasi oma yhden päivän tarinasi aamusta iltaan! Eemeli Heikkilä, Jenni Huttunen, Miska Aaltonen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://www.reltix.net/tarinapeli Sinun päiväsi-peli on kolmen Turun ammatti-instituutin toisen vuoden datanomiopiskelijan toteuttama selainpohjainen peli, jossa voidaan luoda oma yhden päivän kuvallinen tarina aamusta iltaan! Tarinaa luodaan valitsemalla jokin annetuista vaihtoehdoista. Peli on tarkoitettu sekä huviksi, että hyödyksi. Sinun päiväsi -pelillä voi edistää lapsen oppimista, jossa kohderyhmänä ovat 5-13-vuotiaat lapset, ja tarvittaessa vanhempi tai muu aikuinen.

S22 Kotihoidon opetuspeli Web,Mobile Games and




Vuorovaikutteinen kotihoidon opetuspeli sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille Mari Pakkonen, Sari Havia, Heli Laiho, Matias Perilä, Matias Raassina

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Kotihoidon opetuspeli on sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille suunnattu peli, jonka virtuaalimaailmassa voi harjoitella mm. lääkedosetin käyttöä. Peli on toteutettu Unity 3D-pelimoottorilla ja sen teknisestä toteuttamisesta on vastannut yksi Turun ammatti-instituutin kolmannen vuoden datanomiopiskelija. Osia peligrafiikasta on ollut tekemässä myös yksi toisen vuoden datanomiopiskelija. Pelin kotihoidollisen sisällön ovat suunnitelleet sosiaali- ja terveysalan opettajat.


S23 YOGAme Web,Mobile Games and entertainment,Healthcare



Capstone innovation project Mikko Nyman, Jenna Viertola, Jero Nikkanen, Eemeli Tammero, Sami Lindgren, Inka Mannermaa, Tero Alasmaa

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/yogamecapstone

YogaMe feedback system YogaMe is an online app which helps to practice yoga using phone, tablet or computer. YogaMe meets your individual needs by creating an exercise program based on your skills and goals. The YogaMe feedback system we are creating is a webcam-based app that reflects the user on the screen, next to the professional. It helps the customer to see how to do different yoga positions properly. We are also creating a photo gallery, which allows customers to add photos of them doing yoga. It gives the app a new social dimension which will give the customer a spark to exercise more.

S24 KKP Web,Mobile,Desktop Healthcare



Virtual 3D demonstration of KunnonKoti project Juho Kaasalainen, Milka Tossavainen, Miika Haanpää, Kimmo Suominen, Antti Kämä, Jaani Viljanen

Contact person:

[email protected]

Web: miika.viikuna.fi/kunnonkoti Virtual3D presentation of KunnonKoti project. You can walk around in a realistic virtual representation of the KunnonKoti room.

ICT Showroom 2015


S25 Website for young cancer patients

Web Healthcare



Website with information and support for young cancer patients. Aapo Koivusalo, Joni-Matti Huotari, Henri Rossi, Jenna Nikander, Eino Laihonen, Rita Matikainen

Contact person: [email protected]


The website will have accurate information about cancer and its treatment. There will be forums where users can discuss variety of topics and an embedded Instagram feed where users can share their pictures. The website is aimed at young cancer patients.

S26 HealthFOX Mobile Healthcare



A virtual rehabilitation program Jenna, Taika, Heidi, Sami, Mikael, Shovit Contact person: [email protected]

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/capstonehealthfox HealthFOX Oy has developed service to rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries which is used with mobile devices. The service acts as a meeting place for physicians, doctors and patients. Patients using HealthFOX receive rehabilitation instructions from their doctors and physician, as well as feedback on their progress. Patients also record information of their rehabilitation. Our project is to develop service concept extension called Supervisor. Supervisor is an additional functionality for the existing service concept to motivate the patients for rehabilitation and increase the stakeholders’ commitment to using the service. We have done research over motivation and interviewed stakeholders to define their needs and expectations over the service concept.

S27 Mobile Feedback System

Mobile Healthcare



Mobile feedback collecting system for hospital Matias Paasi, Ulla-Mari Laine, Eveliina Suominen, Jarno Penttinen, Matias Määttänen, Juhani Lempiäinen, Matti Lumme

Contact person: [email protected]


A hospital wants to improve their collection and quality of feedback and is testing collecting feedback with mobile device in the hospital lobby. Project is done in collaboration with the hospital and the feedback system manufactor. The TUAS student group is helping to develop the questionnaire and develop the user experience. Project’s goals are to focus on the patients user experience and to find out the possible problems in this method of feedback collecting so in the future these problems can be solved and giving feedback would be easier.

S28 Mobile Dictation Mobile Healthcare



Mobile tools for healthcare dictation Joel Jouhki, Joonas Laitinen, Juha-Pekka Ruohonen, Juho Kähäri, Juho Suopanki, Akseli Suvanto

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://liikkuvakirjaaminen.blogspot.fi/

In the fall 2014 Medbit Oy opened a procurement notice for mobile dictation solutions in specialized healthcare. Aim was to find mobile dictation solutions that would provide ease-of-use and integrated services in a tablet/mobilephone in specialized healthcare. Our project group was assigned to investigate the possibility of combining commercial tablet with existing base application to create a cost-effective solution. In order to understand the requirements of this type of solution we gathered base information, checked compatibility requirements and performed need finding in specialized healthcare units. On our project stand we present our project findings, as well as existing mobile dictation solutions created by Medanets Oy.

ICT Showroom 2015


S29 Everon Lyra Web Healthcare



Admin panel for Everon Lyra Mikko Auranen, Sami Immonen, Daniel Prange, Kimmo Sällylä, Joonas Korgan, Sami Suo-Heikki

Contact person: [email protected]


Our project is to create a new enhanced admin panel for a wireless mobile telecare alarm system. The new admin panel will be integrated into the existing system. Product owner is Everon, which is a Finnish company specialized in healthcare informatics.

Infrastructure services

S31 Huistuppulat Mobile,Desktop Infrastructure services



House maintenance software Denis Anchugov,Aaron Holanne,Heli Hampunen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: In Hirvensalo there are houses that have different kinds of sensors installed but not utilized. The idea for the project arose from utilizing these sensors. The product of the project is a multi-platform software that shows a 3d-model of the house and locations of the sensors. The software shows spesific data from each sensor in a separate window. If the sensor readings are alarming the software will alarm the user and provide him with maintenance instructions.

S32 Fölipass Mobile Public services,Infrastructure services


Turku Bus Routing Application Joni Kiikola, Alexander Karell, Tony Hulden, Aman Yadav, Syed Usman

Contact person: [email protected]


S33 GeoSmartCity Web,geographic Information System,GIS Public services,Sustainable

development,Infrastructure services



Open geographic information through open standards Olli Ojala, Tiina Ferm Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://www.geosmartcity.eu/ The EU CIP funded research project opens up geo-data for innovative services and user applications towards Smart Cities. GeoSmartCity establishes a cross-platform, re-usable and open hub able to publish open geographic information and provide specialised services based on open standards’ services protocols. Smart City scenarios: Green Energy and Underground. TUAS participates in the GeoSmartCity project as a demonstrator of the re-usable cross-platform toolkit for sample pilot scenarios. TUAS will utilise open geo-information provided by national public and private actors and will demonstrate how open geo-information can be utilised in cooperation with national and international partners.

ICT Showroom 2015


S34 SEA Web,HW, Infrastructure services


Smart Events and Analytics Nasreen Azad, Hussain Parsaiyan, Johan Grönroos, Markus Mannila, Sina Deznabi, Iliyasu Dramani

Contact person: [email protected]


This project aims to achieve an integrated system for event booking, statistics and realtime analytics. We want to create a hardware which can detect people entering and leaving an event and send the data to a server and which would log the data and display event specific analytics on the event's page. The website also provides means for the users to book different meeting rooms anywhere in the world.

Public services

S35 UTUMAP Desktop Public services



Interactive map service for University of Turku Mira Tammelin, Juho Ylikorpi, Jarko Papalitsas, Tero Laakso

Contact person: Mira Tammelin ([email protected])

Web: utumap.ru UTUMAP is an interactive, easy to use map service for the University of Turku that includes both outdoor and indoor maps. The map service helps students, staff and visitors to navigate in the campus area and find the wide range of services offered by the university. In addition to basic map functionalities, like moving the map and zooming, the map service includes a predictive search for buildings, rooms, staff and lecture room reservation information. It also displays additional information about the search results. The map service works with mobile as well as desktop devices and with different operating systems.

S36 TUPO Desktop Public services



Game lab library & database Antti-Veikko Reunanen, Iida Niska, Sallamari Rantanen, Kalle Möller, Joonas Randen

Contact person:

[email protected]

Web: Team Utopia

S37 Taskuvero Web,Mobile Public services



A mobile and user friendly web application for tax card creation. Mikko Kondratjeff, Markus Konsti, Mika Koskelainen, Jan Lindström, Marko Saarela

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://nortal-capstone.cloudapp.net/ Anyone working in Finland has had at some point the same problem: there’s a sudden change in your working terms and your old tax card is no longer valid. Perhaps you were a student getting a job or already working and getting a raise. Taskuvero is a prototype for a new web application that aims to make the creation of a new tax as easy and as user friendly as possible. At the same time, Taskuvero aims to make this possible anywhere by being scalable to devices of any size. No more tax headaches from tax cards!

ICT Showroom 2015


S38 Green Waste Web Sustainable development



Easier way to identify plastics Tuomas Varila, Jussi Rokkanen, Oskari Anttila, Raju Paudel, Pauliina Heikkilä, Veera Pekkarinen

Contact person:

[email protected]

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/greenwaste2014/ Do you know what to do with your computer, when you have to get rid of it? You can take it to a recycling center! Our project is all about finding an easier way for a recycling center to identify plastics that are used in computers. That can be a hard work, because of all of the components in the plastics, and they are always changing.

Games and entertainment

S39 CLG Mobile Games and entertainment



A route planning puzzle game that encourages young boys to visit the library Markus Norrgran,Janne Nylander,Heidi Rauvala,Timo Talja

Contact person:

[email protected]

Web: City Library Game (Hidden Stories) is a mobile game ordered by Varsinaissuomen Kirjastot. In the game you are collecting books and returning them to the right shelves. You can find more levels to the game by scanning QR codes hidden around libraries. The idea is to lure boys ages 8 to 12 to use library services.

S40 Savior Desktop Games and entertainment



Tactical battle prototype Aku Lukka, Max Lindblad, Kristiina Seppä, Martti Niemi, Tarmo Riutta

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Tactical battle system extracted from a larger project. Player has to plan their movement and actions on a grid while predicting what the enemies will do.

S41 Escape From The House of Wicked Witch

Mobile Games and entertainment



Escape room puzzle game for children age 7+ Mika Koskelainen, Jarno Hiltunen, Heidi Hyvönen, Santtu Alatalo, Anup G.C, Markku Liljeroos

Contact person: [email protected]


Escape From the House of Wicked Witch is a game project for the Project Course on Game Development. The game is horror themed puzzle game for children age 10+. Players agenda is to solve different kind of puzzles to get out of the Witches Hut. This game is meant to be educational but also fun and thrilling. Main platform for the game is iOS and iPads but there is also Android version of the game. The game is designed with Unity.

ICT Showroom 2015


S42 BE Mobile Games and entertainment



Biathlon Experience Joni-Miikka Merilahti, Eino Laihonen, Phu Thai, Juuso Hämäläinen, Joni-Matti Huotari, Maria Puttonen, Jesse Ahtiainen, Johan Lehto

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: https://sites.google.com/site/biathlonexperience/

A biathlon-themed mobile application utilizing and showcasing new, cutting-edge technology on mobile devices.

S43 CL Mobile Games and entertainment



Create a mobile gam for young boys to motivate them to visit the library more often Markus Norrgran, Janne Nylander, Timo Talja, Heidi Rauvala

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: The project team is creating a mobile game for the VASKI-libraries, for the purpose of motivating young boys to visit the local library more often. The game consists of two separate components, an average puzzle game, and a treasure hunting game. The treasure hunting game provides the player with a hint about the whereabouts of a QR-code within the player local library. By scanning these codes, the player unlocks new levels within the puzzle game component.

S44 TKT Desktop Games and entertainment



Paper Boy 3D game with motion detection Juho Keski-Rahkonen, Annina Bergholm, Valtteri Kinnunen, Santeri Halkivaha, Samuli Huttunen

Contact person: [email protected]


A game project that is homage to a game called "Paper boy", from the old NES gaming console. This game uses motion detection through a normal web camera. It's developed on Unity3D and the motion detection API is developed by ExtremeReality.

S45 PBHG Mobile Games and entertainment



Hoki - The Physics-Based Hockey Game Petri Linja-aho, Rami Mattila, Oskari Myllykylä, Teemu Myllylä, Mikael Laine

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Our project is a physics-based hockey game on a mobile platform (Android).

S46 Overthrone Desktop Games and entertainment,Sustainable




Turn based fantasy population simulation strategy video game Toivo Järvi, Roope Isoaho Contact person: [email protected]

Web: overthrone.blogspot.com Turn-based strategy game with simulated population set in medieval/fantasy environment, where your object is not to let your kingdom's population die. You must supply enough food, defend your castles and find your way to rule all the kingdoms.

ICT Showroom 2015


S47 Ragdoll Desktop Games and entertainment



Ragdoll game Elias Määttä, Janina Nordman, Jami Ojala, Joonas Nevala, Joonas Rikkonen

Contact person: [email protected]


S48 TT Desktop Games and entertainment



Tunnel Toads - a game where frogs fall Tommi Tapaninaho, Juha Sikstus, Lari Malmi, Jami Aho, Lauri Koivunen, Sami Viitala

Contact person: [email protected]


A multiplayer game where each player controls a falling frog. The frogs fall in a tunnel, avoiding obstacles. The players try to get as far down as possible while trying to push other players in to obstacles. Collecting power ups make your journey easier or hinder your opponents movement.

S49 IARP Desktop,Augmented Reality Games and




Immersive Augmented Reality Platform Leo Sakari, Mikko Forsman, Samuli Suomi, Tommi Tapaninaho, Vesa Keskitalo, Minna Isomäki

Contact person: [email protected]


Immersive Augmented Reality Platform (IARP) is a project that focuses on creating a platform on which immersive augmented reality can be experienced, studied and developed. The project combines existing technologies to create experiences that are not yet possible with novel augmented reality gadgets (e.g. smart glasses). The end result could be used as a tool for visualization, education or just entertainment purposes. The only limit is one's imagination. The main customer for the project is Technology Research Center (TRC) at the University of Turku.

S50 Lingsoft Mobile Games and entertainment



Turku treasure hunt 2 Pradip Neupane, Shovit Thapa, Lauri Lundell, Iiro Järvenpää, Jani Javanainen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: A mobile application for android which gives information about key locations of Turku (in this instance the Turku castle) uses speech recognition to make usage more fluent and augmented reality to make it lively. Quiz for users to try out their knowledge of Turku and earn points.

S51 Sputka & Lutnik Mobile Games and entertainment



Mobile game Jesse Ahtiainen, Alice Girs, Jenni Lehtonen, Nina Mattila

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Sputka is a "space pirate" whose goal is to steal valuable resources from different planets. In the game your task is to help Sputka get past different obstacles at the planets while collecting resources and guide him back to his spaceship Lutnik.

ICT Showroom 2015


S52 Tursas Desktop Games and entertainment



Medieval Combat Simulator Mikko Lainio, Joni Salmela, Eero Hannula, Natasha Trygg

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Prototype for a realtime RPG/Strategy game set in realistic low-fantasy medieval setting with aesthetics from medieval era wall art and paintings. We have plans for full-scale commercial desktop project, so the prototype is but a miniscule taste of things to come, basically a medieval combat simulator with very limited functionality and a taste of things to come...

S53 ML Mobile Games and entertainment



Salaperäinen Luostarinmäki game project Ahmed Abdulghani, Aaro Salonen. Aleksi Viljanen, Alice Girs, Johanna de Leeuw, Natasha Trygg

Contact person:

[email protected]

Web: - The aim of the project is to create a game based on the children's book Salaperäinen Luostarinmäki by Maija-Leena Kero. We intend to keep authentic visual language created by the illustrator of the book, while focusing on the needs and expectations of the end user. Any additional visual language that we need to create would keep the essential aspects of the book and yet closer to the contemporary mind-set of the users’ target-group. The game will introduce the book and history's facts in a playful way for children.

S54 GPC Desktop Games and entertainment



Delirium game Pertti Ranttila, Khang Nguyen, Kim Lindqvist, Zeeshan Ahmed, Ahmed Abdulghani, Sampsa Vuorela

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: -

The player wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how he got there or where is his friends, so he needs to find them. The game includes obstacles and puzzles. The player can change his form to three different shapes to help him solve the puzzles and advance in the game.

S55 Lemming Dynasty Mobile Games and entertainment



Save the Lemmings, keep the dynasty rolling and do it with style! Joni Kuusisto, Sami Kangasmaa, Miika Perkola, Sampo Pihlaja, Teemu Ritala

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://www.lemmingdynasty.com Save the Lemmings, keep the dynasty rolling and do it with style! How many can you save? Lemming Dynasty is an endless arcade bouncer for iOS, Android and Windows Phone! Available now!

ICT Showroom 2015


S56 Escape from the North Pole

Mobile,Console Games and entertainment



Demonstration of PS Vita Joacim Grönroos, Juha Erkkilä, Akseli Aarnio

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Penguin themed game that demonstrates the features of the PS Vita For the show room, we request extension cords for electricity, one computer screen, a keyboard and two headphones.

S57 LudiCreations - Town Center

Mobile,Desktop Games and entertainment



Digitized board game Teemu Aro, Niko Savander, Niko Hannula Contact person: [email protected]

Web: In Town Center, players build a city – in particular, the town center. They add cubes on their personal board and try to arrange them as best as possible in order to score the most victory points. Each cube represents a different type of module. Flats, shops, offices, generators, lifts, car parks, town hall can be built and stacked during the course of the game. Each module generates influence on adjacent land and on cubes directly below or above.

S58 Scoutaway Mobile Games and entertainment



Capstone innovation project Maisa Johansson, Mikko Hollo, Jenni Lehtonen, Martti Gullström, Joni Anttila, Petteri Ellonen, Juho Maljanen, Mikias Gebre

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://scoutgame2015.blogspot.fi/

Team of scouts are stranded on an island. The boat is wrecked and now You have to help them to survive in the wilderness day by day. Use the skills of your group members to build and maintain your own camp. • Survival game on mobile platforms • Fun, approachable and free of charge • Works in iOS, Android and Windows Phone

S59 Tarina Web Games and entertainment


Online Storytelling Game Simon Candolin, Eyob Woldegiorgis, André Johnson, Benjamin Wärnå, Noora Helle, Malin Mitts

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: tarina.it

It is a place where you can read, share, write, and collaborate on stories with your friends and other use.

ICT Showroom 2015


S60 Crowmire Desktop Games and entertainment



3rd person survival horror game Kimmo Santamaa, Jami Andersson, Jussi Jantunen, Nianzu Yang, Aleksi Nieminen, Sami Pellinen, Liisa Lehtonen, Jarno Penttinen

Contact person:

[email protected]


Crowmire is a game project developed with Unreal Engine 4 by eight aspiring students with the goal of pushing our artistic, technical and design abilities to its limits. The game is a 3rd person survival horror, where you must survive a set of puzzles in different types of environments. This demo is to showcase what we have been able to create within 8 weeks of game development for the ICT-Showroom.

S61 MBM Desktop Games and entertainment



Murder at Baundry Manor Jere Naski, Joonas Virtanen, Jukka Lammi, Tero Urponen, Teemu Aro

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Our project is a murder mystery game for PC platform made with Unity and Blender. Our game features a custom made dialogue engine and full randomization of murder weapon and the murderer for each game making the game experience a bit different for play through.

S62 Pikkuli Mobile Games and entertainment



Mobile game for children Martti Gullström, Petteri Ellonen, Joni Anttila Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Pikkuli is a children's animated series that both entertains and educates. The Pikkuli series is colorful and cute, and, at the same time, very Scandinavian in its simplicity and style. Games are developed to support the animated series, and are developed in close co-operation with the creators of the series. The games have received very positive feedback from the children, come and test them yourself!

S63 Rescuer Princess Desktop Games and entertainment



2D, pixel styled, adventure game for PC Johan Lehto, Juuso Hämäläinen, Mirka Raasakka

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Mysterious monster steals the Prince. Princess has to go and save him.

ICT Showroom 2015


S64 CR Desktop Games and entertainment



Cyber Ralph & The Brain of Doom Nuppu Eskelinen, Mikko Pavén, Niko Miekka, Nikke Leskelä, Mikko Kondratjeff

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: A cyberpunk/scifi themed game with action, sneaking and puzzle elements.

S65 perspace Web,Mobile,Desktop Games and entertainment



Personal Space, a space shooter konsta sinisalo, pyry pajunpää, karita mikkonen, esa aaltonen, eetu tapola, julius rajala

Contact person: [email protected]


An old school space shooter game paying homage to such titles of the genre as space impact and faster than light.

S66 Fear Of The Bark Mobile,Desktop Games and entertainment



A spooky themed 2D platforming game. Joni Rämö, Teemu Tähtinen, Markus Mäkilä, Sami Teräväinen, Alexey Lobankov

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: We are Crazy Otter Games and we are making Fear of the Bark, a unique 2D platformer inspired by such non-platforming games like Alan Wake and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. In the game, the darkness of the environment is an equally great puzzle as the platforming itself and light plays a great role in traversing the dark caverns. We have both a PC desktop version and a mobile version in development.

S67 Untitled real-time multiplayer mobile game

Mobile Games and entertainment



A realtime mobile multiplayer project coming out in 2015! Joni Kuusisto, Sami Kangasmaa, Miika Perkola, Sampo Pihlaja, Teemu Ritala

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: www.rockodilegames.com Rockodile Games testing platform for real-time mobile multiplayer game. The servers are up! Are you ready?

ICT Showroom 2015



S68 Metsämäki Harness Racing Track

Web,Mobile Other,Informative and freetime



Metsämäki Harness Racing Application Alberto Barriuso, Evgenii Belan, Jukka Lammi, Erik Lanza, Heidi Rautanen, Suvi Sario, Joonas Virtanen

Contact person: [email protected]


Metsämäki harness racing app Harness racing is a very popular sport in Finland. We are one of the leading countries in harness racing, and our expertise is world class. Harness racing has over 700 000 customers annually. The races can be followed through many IT devices, but since this sport is an arena sport in essence, its best experienced on the spot. Our problem along with Turku Harness Racing track is that, the sport doesn't lure in as much customers as wanted, because the races dont get that much visibility. Service availability and the overall race experience could be enhanced aswell at the track. Our solution is to create a mobile application, which provides information on how to get to the track and how to navigate at the site. Information about the tracks services such as the restaurant menu, will be easily available for customers. You could for example reserve a table through the app. You can also find alot of information about current and upcoming races through the application and also gamble if wanted. We believe that this application will bring in more customers and enhance the overall race experience.

S69 HowAbout Mobile Other,social


We have created a mobile application that connects people for the purpose of socializing. Julian Tarvoll, Konsta Weber, Chinedu Eze, Dola Olorweh, Kimanh Pham, Matias Mannfolk

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://howabout-pc2014.rhcloud.com/

People tend to enjoy company, but many may be too afraid to ask for company. We have created a solution for this. An application that matches people together for the desired event. Whether it is for lunch or beer does not matter, the application takes location into consideration in order to suggest restaurants and bars to meet at.

S70 ICRBS Embedded system,Web,IoT, Other,Digital signage



Interactive conference room booking system Pasi Vuohijoki, Jussi Seppi, Aleksi Tuominen, Jami Virtanen, Antti-Pekka Peltonen, Oscar Fonsell, Markus Sukoinen

Contact person: [email protected]


ICRBS is an add-on service for digital signage and info display system made by FirstView Digital Signage. Our prototype will be used in conjunction with customer's existing calendar software where the bookings are fetched. Touch screen displays will be installed next to customer's conference rooms door where public is able to view and admin user is able manage the bookings.

S71 HomeWatcher Embedded system,Web,Mobile,Desktop,HW,IoT,Cloud,

Other,Home security



Development of mobile, wireless home security system Ari Karkinen, Song Lanchen, Jaakko Häyhä, Oscari Saariniemi, Saulius Bartkus, Nelli Chernikova, Niko Röntynen, Roger Kruusamägi, Minh Nguyen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: http://homewatcher2014.blogspot.fi/

Home Watcher is a project made by students from Turku University of Applied Sciences and owned by the Right Sport Ltd. The aim of the project is making a home surveillance system that helps people especially senior citizens to their life safer and more secure. The Project consists of three parts - the devices, the database and the application. Each member of the group dedicatedly working on each part in order to deliver the best working prototype in the shortest time.

ICT Showroom 2015


S72 BVGP Web,Mobile Other,Sports & Social events


Beach Volley Game Planner Jonas Laine, Marcus Eklund, Jonas Storholm, Markus Schaumann, Sewnet Gebremedhin

Contact person: [email protected]


Our vision is to provide an easily accessible and usable website for Turku Beach Volley (TBV). The idea is to have a mobile friendly website which members of the TBV group can use to register themselves in for upcoming games and practices or social events. Each player will have an individual ranking and players will be matched against others with similar rank. After each game the score is posted and the ranking list is updated. Male and female players will be divided in separate leagues.

S73 IKEA Web,Mobile,Desktop Other



Navigation system for IKEA-store Valtteri Vainio, Antti Oksman, Joonatan Vuorinen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Designing a navigational system mainly used with mobilephones for navigating inside an IKEA-store. First only Raisio-store is used.

S74 Cubeception Desktop,Epoc Emotiv headband Games and entertainment



Cubeception - a puzzlegame controlled with your mind Oskari Mällinen, Aukusti Manninen, Jarkko Pukkila, Viljami Saloranta, John Peltomäki, Tuomas Mattila, Osku Rantala

Contact person: [email protected]


Cubeception is a new simplistic and innovative puzzle game that uses the new Epoc Emotiv headband, so that the user is able to control the game with his/her thoughts and/or facial expressions. The object of the game is to get the small cube out of the big cube, and this is done by moving the big cube. Here is where the player uses the power of the mind: think, and the cube turns. No hands needed. The game is done with Unity. Controls are very simple but rewarding and the look of the game is elegant. Be part of the future technology, today.

S75 Blastonaut Mobile Games and entertainment



An arcade/action game for iOS Anton Korhonen, Walid Al-janabi Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Your shuttle blows up in space and sends you flying trough vast space sceneries and dense asteroid fields. Lay waste with powerful weaponry or use different combinations or power-ups to dodge everything while traveling as far as you can.

S76 Industrial Remote Controller



Industrial Remote Controller Pekka Uusitalo, Kimmo Sällylä, Kalle Väärikkälä, Joonatan Gorski, Mikko Auranen

Contact person: [email protected]

Web: Controller group is researching a way to modernize Pemamek Oy’s mainly analogous controllers. Controller has a touch screen and a micro controller to communicate with controlling application. The project goal is to produce a plain demo of basic functions for the controller where the controlling application is a pc program..

ICT Showroom 2015 – Index of participants


aaltonen, esa S65 Aaltonen, Miska S21 Aapola, Roope S10 Aarnio, Akseli S56 Abdulghani, Ahmed S53 Abdulghani, Ahmed S54 Abdullahi Diiriye, Abdiasis


Ahmed, Zeeshan S54 Aho, Jami S48 Ahtiainen, Jesse S42 Ahtiainen, Jesse S51 Al-janabi, Walid S75 Alasmaa, Tero S23 Alatalo, Santtu S41 Anchugov, Denis S31 Andersson, Jami S60 Anttila, Joni S58 Anttila, Joni S62 Anttila, Oskari S38 Aro, Teemu S57 Aro, Teemu S61 Auranen, Mikko S29 Auranen, Mikko S76 Azad, Nasreen S34 Barriuso, Alberto S68 Bartkus, Saulius S71 Ba, Yue S16 Belan, Evgenii S68 Bergholm, Annina S44 Björkqvist, Jerker S0 Candolin, Simon S59 Chen, Xi S16 Chernikova, Nelli S71 de Leeuw, Johanna S53 Deznabi, Sina S34 Dong, Weiting S30 Dramani, Iliyasu S34 Dytckov, Sergei S30 Eklund, Marcus S72 Ekqvist, Kasperi S10 Ellonen, Petteri S58 Ellonen, Petteri S62 Erkkilä, Juha S56 Eskelinen, Nuppu S64 Eze, Chinedu S69 Ferm, Tiina S33 Fonsell, Oscar S70 Forsman, Mikko S49 Gebremedhin, Sewnet


Gebre, Mikias S58 Girs, Alice S18 Girs, Alice S51 Girs, Alice S53 Gorski, Joonatan S76 Gratschev, Teemu S14 Grönroos, Joacim S56 Grönroos, Johan S34 Gulin, Magnus S11 Gullström, Martti S58 Gullström, Martti S62 Guo, Dingwen S30 G.C, Anup S41 Haanpää, Miika S24 Halkivaha, Santeri S44 Hämäläinen, Juuso S42 Hämäläinen, Juuso S63 Hampunen, Heli S31 Hannula, Eero S52 Hannula, Niko S57 Havia, Sari S22

Häyhä, Jaakko S71 Heikkilä, Eemeli S21 Heikkilä, Pauliina S38 Helle, Noora S59 Hellsten, Oscar S11 Herrera, Milan S18 Hiltunen, Jarno S41 Holanne, Aaron S31 Hollo, Mikko S58 Holsti, Pia S30 Horemans, Robin S18 Hulden, Tony S32 Huotari, Joni-Matti S25 Huotari, Joni-Matti S42 Hurme, Jarkko S14 Huttunen, Jenni S21 Huttunen, Samuli S44 Hyvönen, Heidi S41 Immonen, Sami S29 Intonen, Antti S10 Isoaho, Roope S46 Isomäki, Minna S49 Jaakola, Joel S16 Jantunen, Jussi S60 Järvenpää, Iiro S50 Järvi, Toivo S46 Javanainen, Jani S50 Johansson, Maisa S58 Johnson, André S59 Jouhki, Joel S28 Kaarttinen, Joni S17 Kaasalainen, Juho S24 Kähäri, Juho S28 Kaituo, Han S15 Kämä, Antti S24 Kangasmaa, Sami S55 Kangasmaa, Sami S67 Karell, Alexander S32 Karkinen, Ari S71 Karki, Apil S15 Keski-Rahkonen, Juho


Keskitalo, Vesa S49 Kiikola, Joni S32 Kinnunen, Valtteri S44 Koivunen, Lauri S48 Koivuniemi, Kaisa S30 Koivusalo, Aapo S18 Koivusalo, Aapo S25 Kondratjeff, Mikko S37 Kondratjeff, Mikko S64 Konsti, Markus S37 Korgan, Joonas S17 Korgan, Joonas S29 Korhonen, Anton S75 Koskelainen, Mika S37 Koskelainen, Mika S41 Koskinen, Julius S10 Kruusamägi, Roger S71 Kuusisto, Joni S55 Kuusisto, Joni S67 Laakso, Tero S35 Laato, Samuli S15 Laihonen, Eino S25 Laihonen, Eino S42 Laiho, Heli S22 Laine, Jonas S72 Laine, Mikael S45 Laine, Ulla-Mari S27 Lainio, Mikko S52 Laitinen, Joonas S28 Aaltonen, Miikka R51 Lammi, Jukka S61

Lammi, Jukka S68 Lanchen, Song S71 Lanza, Erik S68 Laurén, Samuel S12 Laurila, Antti S18 Lehmonen, Jenni S10 Lehtonen, Jenni S51 Lehtonen, Jenni S58 Lehtonen, Liisa S60 Lehto, Johan S42 Lehto, Johan S63 Lempiäinen, Juhani S27 Leskelä, Nikke S64 Liljeroos, Markku S41 Lindblad, Max S40 Lindgren, Sami S23 Lindqvist, Kim S54 Lindström, Jan S37 Linja-aho, Petri S45 Lobankov, Alexey S66 Lukka, Aku S40 Lumme, Matti S27 Lundell, Lauri S50 Lundell, Mattias S11 Määttänen, Matias S27 Määttä, Elias S47 Mäkilä, Markus S15 Mäkilä, Markus S66 Maljanen, Juho S58 Mällinen, Oskari S74 Malmi, Lari S48 Mannermaa, Inka S23 Mannfolk, Matias S69 Mannila, Markus S34 Manninen, Aukusti S74 Matikainen, Rita S25 Mattila, Nina S18 Mattila, Nina S51 Mattila, Rami S45 Mattila, Tuomas S74 Merilahti, Joni-Miikka


Miekka, Niko S64 mikkonen, karita S65 Mitts, Malin S59 Möller, Kalle S36 Myllykylä, Oskari S45 Myllylä, Teemu S45 Naski, Jere S61 Nenonen, Johnny S11 Neupane, Pradip S50 Nevala, Joonas S47 Nguyen, Khang S54 Nguyen, Minh S71 Nieminen, Aleksi S60 Niemi, Martti S40 Nikander, Jenna S17 Nikander, Jenna S25 Nikkanen, Jero S23 Niska, Iida S36 Nordman, Janina S47 Norrgran, Markus S39 Norrgran, Markus S43 Nyberg, Mikael S13 Nylander, Janne S39 Nylander, Janne S43 Nyman, Mikko S23 Odunmbaku, Abdulakeem


Ojala, Jami S47 Ojala, Olli S33 Oksman, Antti S73 Olorweh, Dola S69

Olujuwon Auoseyi, Alabi


Paasi, Matias S27 Pajari, Jussi S16 pajunpää, pyry S65 Pakkonen, Mari S22 Paloposki, Maija S17 Papalitsas, Jarko S35 Parsaiyan, Hussain S34 Paudel, Raju S38 Pavén, Mikko S18 Pavén, Mikko S64 Pekkarinen, Veera S38 Pellinen, Sami S60 Peltomäki, John S74 Peltonen, Antti-Pekka


Penttinen, Jarno S27 Penttinen, Jarno S60 Perilä, Matias S22 Perkola, Miika S55 Perkola, Miika S67 Pham, Kimanh S69 Pihlaja, Sampo S55 Pihlaja, Sampo S67 Prange, Daniel S16 Prange, Daniel S29 Pukkila, Jarkko S74 Puttonen, Maria S42 Raasakka, Mirka S63 Raassina, Matias S22 rajala, julius S65 Rämö, Joni S66 Randen, Joonas S36 Rantala, Osku S74 Rantanen, Sallamari S36 Ranttila, Pertti S54 Rauhala, Valtteri S13 Rautala, Oskari S16 Rautanen, Heidi S68 Rauvala, Heidi S39 Rauvala, Heidi S43 Reunanen, Antti-Veikko


Riikonen, Stella S17 Rikkonen, Joonas S47 Ristolainen, Antti S13 Ritala, Teemu S55 Ritala, Teemu S67 Riutta, Tarmo S40 Roivainen, Otto S20 Rokkanen, Jussi S38 Röntynen, Niko S71 Rossi, Henri S16 Rossi, Henri S25 Ruohonen, Juha-Pekka


Saarela, Marko S37 Saariniemi, Oscari S71 Säilä, Juhani S20 Sakari, Leo S49 Sällylä, Kimmo S29 Sällylä, Kimmo S76 Salmela, Joni S52 Salonen, Aaro S18 Salonen. Aleksi Viljanen, Aaro


Saloranta, Viljami S74 Santamaa, Kimmo S60 Sario, Suvi S68 Sarry, Jonathan S14 Savander, Niko S57 Schaumann, S72

Markus Seppä, Kristiina S40 Seppi, Jussi S70 Shuowei, Jia S12 Sidorow, Aku S17 Sikstus, Juha S48 Simonenkovas, Adomas


sinisalo, konsta S65 Storholm, Jonas S72 Sukoinen, Markus S70 Suo-Heikki, Sami S17 Suo-Heikki, Sami S29 Suomela, Aino S20 Suominen, Eveliina S27 Suominen, Kimmo S24 Suomi, Samuli S49 Suopanki, Juho S28 Suvanto, Akseli S28 Tähtinen, Teemu S12 Tähtinen, Teemu S66 Talja, Timo S39 Talja, Timo S43 Tammelin, Mira S35 Tammero, Eemeli S23 Tammisto, Niko S20 Tapaninaho, Tommi S48 Tapaninaho, Tommi S49 tapola, eetu S65 Tarvainen, Tomi S19 Tarvoll, Julian S69 Teräväinen, Sami S12 Teräväinen, Sami S66 Thai, Phu S42 Thapa, Shovit S50 Tingxhuan, Liang S15 Tong, Shuting S12 Tossavainen, Milka S24 Truong Thanh Tam, Nguyen


Trygg, Natasha S52 Trygg, Natasha S53 Tuominen, Aleksi S70 Turunen, Waltteri S20 Urponen, Tero S61 Usman, Syed S32 Uusitalo, Pekka S76 Väärikkälä, Kalle S76 Vainio, Valtteri S73 Varila, Tuomas S38 Vehniäinen, Janne S19 Viertola, Jenna S23 Viitala, Sami S48 Vikström, Antti S15 Viljanen, Jaani S24 Virtanen, Jami S70 Virtanen, Joonas S61 Virtanen, Joonas S68 Vuohijoki, Pasi S70 Vuorela, Sampsa S54 Vuorinen, Joonatan S73 Wärnå, Benjamin S59 Weber, Konsta S69 Wendelin, Heikki S20 Woldegiorgis, Eyob S59 Xinghua, Tian S15 Xu, Jingxian S30 Yadav, Aman S32 Yang, Nianzu S60 Ylikorpi, Juho S35 Yu, Tingting S12 Yu, Zufa S30 Zhou, Haikuo S14