idda lyatonga swai 18 february, 2015. introduction research questions methods major findings ...

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Idda Lyatonga Swai 18 February, 2015 Slide 2 Introduction Research questions Methods Major findings Likely conclusion Slide 3 Slide 4 Tanzania has ratified international treaties; The declarations of the Beijing Platform for Action [BPA] in 1995 The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) SADC protocol on gender and development on 17th August 2008 Article 21 of the 1977 URT Constitution recognize equal right to participate in the governance of the country. Slide 5 Therefore, special seats. 1995 1 5% 2000 20% 2005 30% Slide 6 What do they do? Is there any difference? Slide 7 How and to what extent do women councilors (try to) exert influence in the decision making of councils? Number of attempts Issue areas and type of attempt Number of success attempts Attributes Slide 8 Data collection Analysis of Minutes Number of attempts Observation Interviews Data analysis Statistical analysis (attempts), Cases were combined Total attempts per councilor * Council size Total attempts per council Content analysis Slide 9 Men councilors make more significant attempts when compared with all women Elected women make more attempts than men but the differences is not significant Elected councilors made more significant attempts than appointed women councilors Slide 10 Issue areas? No gender difference in social services. Men made more attempts than women but not sig No difference btn men and elected WC Elected councilors made more sig attempts in permit than appointed Elected made more sig attempts in running the government than appointed councilors But no difference btn elected and appointed WC Slide 11 Type of attempts? Men made more sig attempts to initiate, support and oppose than women (all) No sig gender difference when men were compared with elected women Elected women made more attempts to initiate than men No gender difference on the attempts to prevent Slide 12 Elected councilors made more sig attempts to initiate, oppose and prevent than appointed However, no difference when gender is controlled. No status significant different on the attempts to support Slide 13 Status Elected councilors made more sig success attempts than appointed councilors Gender Men councilors made more attempts than women but not sig When status was controlled, the elected women made more success attempts than men. But, the difference was not sig Slide 14 Success rate? Total success attempts per councillor/total attempt per councillor Gender Elected WC make more sig success rate attempts than men Status Elected WC made more success rate than appointed However No sig difference btn men and women(all) and all elected and appointed Slide 15 Table 10.1: Determinant of success attempts of the councilors to influence decisions VariablesCodesBtSig. Gender Male0.14.99.32 Female1 Status Appointed0.312.25.03 Elected1 Leadership position Non leaders0.252.54.01 Leaders1 Political party Ruling0.02.22.83 Opposition1 Age Below 450 -.00-.01.99 Above 451 Occupation Civil servant1.161.70.09 Business1.191.86.06 AgricultureReference --- Experience Below 10 years0.11.11.27 Above 10 years1 Education Primary educationReference--- Secondary education1.02.21.83 Higher education1-.17-1.50.14 Slide 16 Gender does not make difference on the attempts of councilors. Status is important determinant of councilors attempts and successful attempts. Other predictors of successful attempts were; Leadership position, Occupation only Gender + status predict success rate Slide 17 Slide 18 Bedankt voor uw aandacht