idea to launch and the role of social media

Idea to Launch And the role of social media @alimirza 2k

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Post on 08-Feb-2017



Small Business & Entrepreneurship

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Page 1: Idea To Launch And The Role Of Social Media

Idea to LaunchAnd the role of social media


Page 2: Idea To Launch And The Role Of Social Media

Topics covered today

1. Idea to launch (old & new way)2. Building MVP / landing pages to validate ideas3. Social media (Why?)4. Building engaging social brands (Challenges & Solution)5. Platforms for 2016 and beyond


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1 – Idea to launch (the old way)

Idea Launch Marketing

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I have a product, but how do I find users?

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1 – Idea to launch (the NEW way)

IdeaStart MVP(Landing

pages test)Launch 1

Marketing = Educating Get some haters| Get feedback | Lead generation | Build community

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2 – Building MVP (Landing pages) to validate

The minimum viable product (MVP) is a product which has just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development.

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WHY BUILD MVPs?To validate you are not the ONLY crazy one

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Landing page test 1. What is it?2. Email capture

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FiveOHLanding Page

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Exercise (How can we validate this idea?) RoomINDR - A website to find on campus roommates

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SPOILER ALERTA Landing page / MVP is not enough

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Marketing / Educating Bring Traffic to your landing pages

1. Offline hustle (Meetups, Local events)2. Startup pitch competitions (WIN OR VALIDATE) 3. Startup communities (Hackernews)4. “Can I pick your brain” other startup founders5. Social media (coming up next)

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3 – Why use social media ?

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3 – Why use social media ?

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3 – Why use social media?


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4 – Building social brands(The challenges & solution)


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QUESTIONWhy do you guys use social media (Facebook, Instagram)?


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Quick Social media Survey


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Why do people use social media anyways ?


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Social media Is making us lazy ……Do you think this TREND will stop ?


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The Ultimate Challenge

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The Solution – ABC System

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BUT HOW …………………….. ?

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Create a planPick 1 – 2 channels Post consistently

Attract Phase

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Use images/videos80/20 rule

Benefits NOT featuresConsistency START EARLY

Build (relationship) Phase

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Convert AskEngaged fans will convert


Convert Phase

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Social Content Ideas (What to post) 1. Share your WHY2. Talk about your team3. Show off your product / MVP 4. Post about relevant events 5. Share your milestones 6. Talk about the community 7. Share industry news

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Lead generation examples & ideas

Note: No incentive to leave email add.

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Lead generation examples & ideas

1. Can you incentivize people for emails?Free XYZ, 3mon FREE etc.

2. Think of your home page as a lead generation hub3. Example at BETALIST.COM & STARTUPLI.ST4. Look at home pages & email capture boxes

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5 – Social Platforms for 2016 & Beyond A. The giants keep growing (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.)B. Facebook has the most data (best Advertising options)C. Focus on visual content (Video, Images, Gifs) D. Live streaming video is here (Periscope, Facebook live)E. Rise of Snapchat as a marketing platform

And in 1 year from now, we will have MORE


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FORGET THE TRENDS• Pick 1 or 2 platforms, use, test, and build community• What are you good at?


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Dark Truths About Social Media

• Pay to play • FREE ONLY to start • Requires hard work & time • No short cuts • ABT (Always be testing)

Social media is NOT optional

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Ali Mirza

[email protected]://