ideals of the samurai

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  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    Translation and Introduction by

    William Scott Wilson

    Editor: Gr!ory N" L

    Gra#$ic Dsi!nr: %arn &assad


    'alli!ra#$y: J" (rms

    P$oto!ra#$y: 'linton 'l)land

    Second Printing 1982


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    T$ translator and ditor *ould li+ to ,#rss t$ir t$an+s to t$ -ollo*in! -or t$ir +ind #rmission to r#rint t$ samurai #ortraits *$ic$ a##ar in t$is )olum:

    T$ #ortrait o- Asa+ura Tos$i+a! on #a! ./ and t$ #ortrait o- 0o1o Soun on #a! 22ori!inally a##ard in Nihon no Shozo 3d" National &usum o- %yoto4 5/2678 courtsy o-

    '$uo+oron9s$a4 Inc"4 #ublis$rs"

    T$ #ortrait o- Nabs$ima Naos$i! on #a! 55. ori!inally a##ard in Dai Nihon Shiryo 3d"To+yo Dai!a+u S$iryo 0nsan1o78 t$ #ortraits o- %uroda Na!amasa on #a! 56 and %ato

    %iyomasa on #a! 55 ori!inally a##ard in Shozo senshu 3d" Ni$on R+is$i Ga++ai4 5/.;78

    courtsy o-

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    Translation and Introduction by

    William Scott Wilson

    William Scott Wilson *as born in Nas$)ill4 Tnnss4 in 5/==4 and !r* u# in Florida"

    0 is -lunt in modrn Ja#ans and $as radin! +no*ld! o- bot$ classical Ja#ans and'$ins" 0 currntly $olds a mastr?s d!r in Ja#ans lan!ua! and litratur -rom t$

    ni)rsity o- Was$in!ton in Sattl"

    Wilson?s intrst in Ja#ans cultur *as s#ar+d on a +aya+in! ,#dition alon! t$

    Ja#ans coast durin! 5/.. as #art o- an assi!nmnt -or National Go!ra#$ic" 0 rturnd a yar latr to li) bri-ly in Ja#an4 but bcam con)incd t$at a t$orou!$ undrstandin! o- its #o#l

    and cultur could only b raliBd by mastrin! t$ lan!ua!" 0 *nt to t$ &ontry Institut

    o- Fori!n Studios in 'ali-ornia4 disco)rin! t$ ins#arabl as#ct o- Ja#an?s *arrior tradition*it$in its cultural #rsonality" Wilson also studid a '$ins styl o- +un! -u"

    Wilson rturnd to Ja#an -or som intnsi) rsarc$ at Aic$i Pr-ctural ni)rsity in

     Na!oya -rom 5/2C9224 translatin! t$ *or+s o-

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



     $n the s%ring o# 1&92' the #orces o# the once(%o)er#u* "akeda c*an had +een near*y

    destroyed, -utnum+ered +y the enemy near*y ten to one' the *ast #euda* *ord o# the c*an #*ed the

     %rovincia* ca%ita* to .t, "enmoku' )here he )as ca%tured and ki**ed' his once match*ess troo%sin #u** retreat, "suchiya Sozo' a )arrior )ho had +een in dis#avor #or a num+er o# years' came

    out a*one' ho)ever' reso*ved to sho) his sincerity, /ith the remark' 0$ )onder )here a** the men

    are )ho s%oke so +rave*y every day he )a*ked out onto the +att*e#ie*d to die a*one in com+at,

     $n the *ate #a** o# 1933' a young *ieutenant in the 4a%anese navy named "eshi aruo )as

     stationed on a sma** is*and in the Paci#ic, -ne morning in the ear*y hours his %ost received )ord 

    +y radio that a huge 5merican nava* #orce )as on its )ay through to the Phi*i%%ines' destroying

    a** 4a%anese out%osts en route, 6sca%e #or the *ieutenant and his men )as not e7%ressed as a %ossi+i*ity, 5s t, "eshi sat *istening to the ear*y morning rain' his #irst thoughts )ere a+out his

    uni#orm! /as it c*ean ad he sincere*y sho)n himse*# ready to die

    T$ t$rad o- t$ou!$t t$at lin+s mn li+ Tsuc$iya SoBo and Lt" Ts$i 0aruo is a lon!on4 ,tndin! to *ll b-or t$ 5.t$ cntury4 and -or*ard today as on o- t$ s#iritual

    -oundations o- t$ Ja#ans #o#l4 and consuntly o- t$ modrn martial arts" It is im#ortant

    to us4 not only -or undrstandin! on as#ct o- Ja#ans $istory and cultur4 but also -or

     #ro)idin! a mor solid basis -or our o*n acti)ityor inacti)ity*it$ t$os around us"D)lo#d by a class t$at *as to rul Ja#an -or narly 6 yars4 and intr#ntratin! Ja#ans

    li- in so many *ays4 t$ samurai s#irit is an a##roac$ to bin! in t$ *orld t$at dsr)s our

    attntion4 r!ardlss o- *$at our o*n #articular -ocus o- intrst may b"

    W$o *as t$ *arrior and *$at *r $is )alus T$r ar many sourcs to *$ic$ onmay turn: $istoris4 no)ls4 or )n #lays and mo)is" (ut t$s ar4 ssntially4 t$ )i*s o-

    outsidrs and4 alt$ou!$ )alid in t$ir o*n ri!$t4 do not com -rom t$ sourc itsl-" In t$ nint$

     boo+ o- t$ 0a!a+ur4 an arly 56t$9cntury tratis on t$ *arrior s#irit4 t$is story is !i)n:"he Buddhist %riest' yozan' )rote do)n some genera*ities concerning

     ord "akano+u:s +att*es, 5 certain %riest sa) this and criticized him saying' 0$t is

    ina%%ro%riate #or a %riest to )rite a+out a mi*itary commander, No matter ho)

     success#u* his )riting sty*e may +e' since he is not ac;uainted )ith mi*itarya##airs' he is *ia+*e to +e mistaken in understanding a great genera*:s mind, $t is

    irreverent to %ass on misconce%tions concerning a #amous genera* to *atter


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    concrnin! t$ t,ts -or *$ic$ I rarly smd to $a) t$ #ro#r ans*rs" I am !rat-ul to A+ira

    Ta+da4 Stilly Rutld! and 'olln O?Hora *$o also !a) -rly o- t$ir tim and --ort in t$

     #ro!rss o- t$ manuscri#t" Finally4 a )ry s#cial t$an+s to &arilyn Pristly4 *$o #atintly radand r9rad #arts o- my o*n manuscri#t4 and *$os )aluabl su!!stions aidd !ratly in t$is

     #roduction" Any and all mista+s ar my o*n"

     William Scott Wilson5/6;


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    Once I was a gallant with books and a sword . . .I studied the arts of peace and studiedthe arts of war,

    I studied the arts of war and studied thearts of piece.


    Learning is something that should be studiedbroadly. It is, for example, like the beggars bag

    in which e!erything from lefto!er meat to cold soup is stored.

    Hosokawa "usai


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



    W$n t$ *orld is at #ac4 a !ntlman +#s $is s*ord by $is sid" Wu Tsu


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    INTROD'TIONDescription of the Trns!te" Te#ts

    Accordin! to Ja#ans myt$olo!y4 som t$ousands o- yars a!o t$ !ods IBana!i andIBanami cratd t$ -irst island o- t$ Ja#ans arc$i#la!o -rom a $a)nly -loatin! brid!"

    T$is t$y did *it$ a s#ar" From t$at tim t$r d)lo#d a martial tradition t$at $as bn

    intimatly bound u#4 in on d!r or anot$r4 *it$ t$ country?s cultur in trms o- litratur4 art

    and t$ics4 and is a li)in! $rita! )n today"

    T$ *ay o- li- and *orld outloo+ o- t$ Ja#ans *arrior is rmar+abl4 bot$ in t$

    )i!or t$at $as sustaind $im o)r t$ cnturis4 and $is balancd )i* o- t$ com#lt man as

     bin! bot$ martial and litrat" ndrstandin! *$at t$ *arrior mant by t$s t*o conc#ts is

    im#ortant to us in a##roac$in! Ja#ans cultur as a *$ol4 and bcaus t$at undrstandin! may!i) us a n* #osition to 1ud! our o*n )alus as *ll"

    Prsntd in t$is boo+ ar 5; slctions o- *$at mi!$t broadly b calld kakun and yuikai4 clan #rc#ts and last statmnts4 -rom t$ $ads o- t$ Ja#ans *arrior $ouss to t$ir 

    dscndants and clan ldrs" T$y ran! -rom litral last statmnts4 suc$ as t$ lttr snt-rom Torii &ototada to $is son on t$ ) o- t$ dstruction o- $is castl4 to #rc#ts mditatd

    u#on in t$ uit o- (udd$ist tm#ls by 0o1o S$i!to+i4 or t$ dictums o- Ta+da S$in!n #ut

    into *ritin! yars a-tr $is dat$" T$y ar all ali+ in t$at t$y r#rsnt t$ idals o- t$ *arrior class and *r *rittn do*n to $l# !uarant t$ #r#tuation o- t$ clan8 t$y ar statmnts

    -rom *arriors to *arriors4 *it$out t$ a##ro)al o- ot$r classs in mind" T$y ar4 t$r-or4

    )ital and sincr"

    T$ #ur#os o- t$is introductory ssay is to ta+ a broad loo+ at t$ *arriors *$o *rotand *r a--ctd by t$s #rc#ts in trms o- t$ir ori!in4 t$ir socity?s #rc#tion o- t$m4

    and t$ systms o- t$ou!$t t$at *r t$ir daily intllctual and motional brad"

     T$is )olum co)rs a #riod t$at could b calld t$ classical #riod o- t$ Ja#ans

    *arrior8 t$at is4 -rom immdiatly a-tr t$ tim o- Taira no %iyomori?s in-lunc at court in t$lat 5;t$ cntury4 t$rou!$ t$ Priod o- t$ Warrin! Stats4 to t$ b!innin! o- t$ To+u!a*a

     #ac4 durin! *$ic$ t$ rol o- t$ *arrior lost muc$ o- its immdiacy" It is durin! t$is classical

     #riod t$at t$ *arrior?s acti)itis in national a--airs *r !ratst in sco#4 and it is mostlydurin! t$is tim t$at t$ !nr considrd $r -louris$d" (-or t$ 5;t$ cntury -*r

    ,am#ls o- *arrior *ritin!s sm to ,ist and4 *it$ t$ To+u!a*a #ac4 t$ #roblms o- t$

    *arrior class c$an!d and *r sub1ct mor to #$iloso#$iBin! and idaliBation" T$rou!$out t$

    . yars in ustion4 t$ -ormulation o- martial #rc#ts *as basd dirctly on ,#rinc and*as )ital to t$ #roblm o- t$ continuanc o- t$ clan" Durin! t$ To+u!a*a #riod4 $o*)r4

    military a--airs casd to dominat t$ samurai?s li-4 t$ !rat *arrior $ouss *r -or t$ most #art *ll stablis$d4 and t$ *arrior class $ad to r9,amin its )alus"

    T$ *ritrs #rsntd $r r#rsnt a broad s#ctrum o- #rsonalitis and socialstandin!: -rom t$ u##r9class mmbrs o- t$ +aku#u 3tnt !o)rnmnt7 and $rditary lords

    3suc$ as 0o1o S$i!to+i and S$iba

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    and No$ alto!t$r 3li+ %ato %iyomasa7" In t$is *ay4 t$ radr may s t$ )alus t$at

    rmaind consistnt t$rou!$ many !nrations and #rsonalitis as *ll as t$os t$at c$an!d or

    *r intr#rtd -rom a di--rnt #oint o- )i*"

    Finally4 it s$ould b mntiond t$at t$ t,ts t$msl)s )ary substantially in styl" T$

     egu*ations o# $maga)a yoshun and t$ -%inions in Ninety(Nine 5rtic*es *r4 -or ,am#l4

    *rittn in a trs classical '$ins4 t$ lattr slction consistin! #rimarily o- uotations o- oldr '$ins sourcs" T$ '$i+ubas$o4 on t$ ot$r $and4 *as *rittn in a )ry -luid -orm o-Ja#ans t$at r-lcts t$ aut$or?s $i!$ r!ard -or Ja#ans court li- in bot$ styl and contnt"

    T$ ot$r slctions ran! in lan!ua! bt*n t$s ,trms4 -rom t$ *ordinss o- %uroda

     Na!amasa to t$ laconic styl o- Nabs$ima Naos$i!" Gnrally4 $o*)r4 t$s *or+s *r*rittn by mn *$o *r nit$r unducatd nor unso#$isticatd4 and -ollo* a !rammar t$at is

     bot$ radabl and rmar+ably consistnt *$n * considr t$ dramatic c$an!s in En!lis$ o)r

    t$ sam #riod o- tim" A!ain4 t$y *r *rittn lss to b n1oyd t$an to b undrstood and!i)n $d"

    Ori$in of the Wrrior

    In Ja#ans t$r ar s)ral trms t$at a##roac$ t$ manin! o- *arrior4 but t$

    closst in usa! and -lin! is #robably t$ trm bus$i 37" (ra+in! do*n t$ c$aractr bu 37r)als t$ radical 374 manin! to sto#4 and an abbr)iation o- t$ radical 374 s#ar" T$ Shuo/en4 an arly '$ins dictionary4 !i)s t$is d-inition: (u consists o- subduin! t$ *a#on and

    t$r-or sto##in! t$ s#ar" T$ "so Chuan4 anot$r arly '$ins sourc4 !os -urt$r:

     Bu consists o# +un

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    a##aranc in *ritin! *as in t$ Shoku Nihongi4 an arly $istory o- Ja#an com#ltd in 2/2 A"D"

    In a sction o- t$at $oo+ co)rin! t$ yar 2;4 * rad:

    A!ain4 t$ Au!ust Prsona! said4 Litrary mn and *arriors ar t$y *$om

    t$ nation )alus"

    It is im#ortant to +# in mind t$ connotation o- t$ #ac-ul arts *it$ t$is trm4 -or

    alt$ou!$ t$ bun and t$ bit )ry clarly contrastd4 t$y *r at t$ sam tim considrdssntial ualitis o- t$ su#rior man by bot$ t$ '$ins and Ja#ans4 W *ill s t$is

    distinctly -rom t$ Ja#ans *arrior?s #oint o- )i* in t$s translations"

    T$ ot$r trm usd -or t$ Ja#ans military man *as samurai *rittn it$r 37 or 37" In

    '$ins4 t$ c$aractr 37 *as ori!inally a )rb manin! to *ait u#on or accom#any a #rson in

    t$ u##r ran+s o- socity4 and t$is is also tru o- t$ ori!inal trm in Ja#ans4 sa+urau" In bot$

    countris t$ trms *r nominaliBd to man t$os *$o sr) in clos attndanc to t$nobility4 t$ #ronunciation in Ja#ans c$an!in! to saburai" An arly r-rnc to t$is *ord is

    -ound in t$ Kokinshu4 t$ -irst im#rial ant$olo!y o- #oms4 com#ltd in t$ -irst #art o- t$

    tnt$ cntury"

     5ttendant to no+i*ity 5sk #or your master:s um+re**a,

    "he de)s neath the trees o# .iyagino

     5re thicker than rain,

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    d-ns !rou#s4 *$ic$ !r* !radually bt*n t$ nint$ and 5;t$ cnturis4 tndd to b

    or!aniBd alon! -amily lins4 ta+in! in non9rlatd mmbrs o- t$ a!ricultural community as

    +?nin 3$ous mn7 as tim *nt on" As t$y !r* in strn!t$ t$y *r o-tn abl to discard t$aristocratic absnt landlords o- t$ manors t$y #rotctd" T$ nd -or l!itimacy *as

    -ul-illd in t$ lina! o- t$ir ladrs *$o *r4 i- not t$ dscndants o- t$ ancint aristocratic

    u1i 3clans #rdatin! t$ ori!in o- t$ *arrior class74 *r dscndants o- t$ im#rial lin itsl-"T$us4 t$ Ja#ans bus$i *r rminiscnt o- t$ '$ins s$i *$o $ad -louris$d

    cnturis b-or" Aristocratic by birt$4 t$y *r not unducatd8 bin! land$oldrs or

    administrators o- stats and o-tn *$ol #ro)incs4 t$y $ad incom to su##ort t$ armory and

    $orss ncssary to t$ *arrior class"

    E)ntually4 t$ ci)il !o)rnmnt lost control not only o- t$ #ro)incs4 but o- t$ ca#italitsl-" In 55C.4 a succssion dis#ut calld t$ 0o!n Disturbanc bro+ out bt*n im#rial

     #rincs4 and ladrs o- t$ t*o ma1or bus$i clans4 t$ Taira and &inamoto4 *r calld u#on to

     bac+ on #rtndr or anot$r" T$ rsult o- t$ clas$ *as t$ tm#orary mr!nc o- t$ Tairaand cli#s o- t$ &inamoto4 but mor im#ortantly4 t$ b!innin! o- *arrior rul: Taira

    %iyomori4 t$ $ad o- $is clan4 not only too+ military control o- %yoto4 but also b!an to

    dominat t$ court as *ll" T$ Taira in turn *r crus$d in 556C by a r9mr!nc o- t$&inamoto4 and *it$ t$is )nt bus$i rul bcam com#lt" T$ ladr o- t$ &inamoto -orcs4

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    cultur" T$ ,am#ls o- t$ castl to*ns at Ic$i1o!atani and Oda*ara built by t$ Asa+ura and

    t$ latr 0o1o dmonstrat t$is tndncy to a rmar+abl d!r" ndr t$is im#tus and t$

    ima! o- t$ corrct balanc o- bun and bu4 t$ idal o- t$ sc$olar9*arrior *ould sur)i) )na-tr t$ battls *r lon! o)r" It *ould b a mista+4 $o*)r4 to t$in+ t$at all samurai *r

    lttrd" For alt$ou!$ a mor dmocratic ducation amon! t$ *arriors !aind momntum as

    tim *nt on4 it $ad crtainly not bn -ully raliBdds#it t$ social #osition o- t$ class as a*$ol)n by t$ lat 52t$ cntury"

    The %ie& of the Wrrior in Litert're

    T$ c$aractr o- t$ *arrior a##ars t$rou!$out t$ litratur o- Ja#an and studyin! t$is

    litratur ma+s it #ossibl to ,amin t$ *arrior as $ *as sn t$rou!$ t$ ys o- $iscontm#orary obsr)rs"

    T$ *arrior -irst a##ars in t$ %o1i+i4 Ja#an?s oldst ,tant boo+4 com#ild in 25; by a

    larnd aristocrat as a sort o- national $istory o- t$

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    Ot$r #oms ar addrssd to lo)d ons4 $is $omland4 and )n a #in tr4 but $is last

     #om4 com#osd as $ lay dyin!4 attsts to $is martial callin!:

     Ne7t to the maiden:s

    S*ee%ing %*ace $ *e#t 

    "he sa+re' the s)ord 

     5*as' that s)ord,

    a #om #ro#$tic o- t$ $i!$ r!ard to b !i)n t$ Ja#ans s*ord in a muc$ latr a!"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    0$ e7%ect you *ook u%on me as a very uncu*tivated' %rovincia* %erson, 5nd so $ shou*d +e i# $ )ere

    at a** *ike the other %eo%*e around here, But $:ve +een very #ortunateA you )ou*d not #ind many men even

    at the City )ho have had a +etter education than $, =ou:d +e making a great mistake i# you set me do)n

    as a %*ain' countri#ied sort o# man, 5s a matter o# #act there:s nothing $ have not studied, e )ou*d very

    much have *iked to try his hand at 31 second %oemA +ut his stock o# ideas )as e7hausted and he )aso+*iged to take *eave,

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    =oriyoshi' too' had heard that voice' and' thinking in the same manner as his #ather' had made no

    e7%*anations to him, e had s*e%t #u**y dressed )ithout *oosening his sash' and no) he got u% just as he

    )as, ike his #ather' he shou*dered a ;uiver o# arro)s and )ent o## in chase a*one to)ard .t, 5usaka,

    "he thie#' mounted on the sto*en horse' thought that he had no) managed his esca%e' and' in a

    )atery %*ace at the #oot o# .t, 5usaka' *et the horse s%*ash s*o)*y through the )ater, =orino+u heard this'

    and' though it )as dark and he had no kno)*edge o# =oriyoshi:s )herea+outs' ye**ed out' 0ShootE "herehe isE just as though he had made detai*ed arrangements +e#orehand, Be#ore the )ords #inished *eaving

    his mouth' a +o) t)anged and' a*ong )ith the sound o# the arro) hitting something' the sound o# em%ty

     stirru%s cou*d +e heard as the horse ran, 5gain' =orino+u said' 0"he thie# has +een shot do)n, Bring the

    horse +ack home ;uick*y, Saying on*y this' he returned )ithout )aiting #or the horse to +e +rought in,

    =oriyoshi then )ent out to #ind the horse' and returned , , ,eturning to his home' =orino+u made nothing

    o# the %receding events' and in #act in#ormed no one' +ut as it )as sti** night' )ent +ack to +ed just *ike

    +e#ore, =oriyoshi %ut the returned horse in the care o# the servants' and he' too' )ent +ack to +ed,

     ater' at day+reak' =orino+u came out and' )ithout commending his son on the e7ce%tiona* )ay

    in )hich the horse had +een saved or on the )ay he had shot so )e**' sim%*y said' 0"ake out the horse'

    and the horse )as taken out, =oriyoshi sa) that it )as tru*y a #ine horse and said' 0/e** then' $:** take it'

     %*ease' and took the horse a)ay , , ,

    "his is c*ear*y a )ay o# thinking o# e7traordinary %eo%*e' and this story has +een to*d to sho)

    that the )arrior:s mind is *ike this , , ,

    T$ story -airly *ll s#a+s -or itsl-" In it is r)ald t$ narrator?s admiration and*ondr at t$ *arriors? c$aractr4 t$ir silnt communication and sl-9rlianc4 and t$ *ay t$ir

    coura! and bo*mans$i# smd as normal to t$m as *a+in! and sl#in!" And t$ou!$ t$is

    story *as told only 5 yars a-tr t$ tim o- Lady &urasa+i4 it r#rsnts a !rat c$an! inattitud -rom cnturis o- courtly disdain4 and #r-i!urs t$ #ic t$at *as to r#rsnt t$ idals

    o- t$ *arrior -or a!s to com"

    T$ 0i+ &ono!atari is on o- t$ lon!st and most bauti-ully com#osd o- t$ !nr

    calld !un+i mono!aturi4 or *ar c$ronicls" Alt$ou!$ *rittn in #ros4 it $as muc$ in common

    stylistically *it$ #otry as it *as ori!inally c$antd aloud4 and at tims bra+s into t$ -amiliar29C4 29C #attrn o- Ja#ans lyrics" It is #ic bot$ in t$at it is a #otic narrati) rcountin! t$

    li)s o- $roic #rsona!s4 and t$at it mbodis a nation?s conc#tion o- its o*n $istory andc$aractr" 'larly d#ictd t$rou!$out t$ 0i+ &ono!atari is t$ idal o- t$ culti)atd

    *arrior" T$is idal is symboliBd in t$ c$aractr 374 or uru*as$ii4 manin! a situation o- balanc

    and $armony bt*n t$ ,trior #attrn or bauty 374 and t$ intrior ssnc or substanc 37"

    &n *$o #ossss t$is uality *ill b as accom#lis$d in t$ *orld o- t$ arts as in t$ *orld o-martial s+ill and coura!"

    Atsumori4 -or ,am#l4 is a youn! Taira c$i-tain *$o is ca#turd *$il rturnin! to $is

    abandond cam# -or $is #riBd -lut4 -or *$ic$ $ *as said to $a) !rat talnt" T$ou!$ only a

    yout$4 Atsumori is a #r-ct ,am#l o- t$ aristocratic *arrior4 and t$ narrati) dscribs atln!t$ $is l!ant a##aranc:

    "he )arrior )ore armour *aced )ith *ight green si*k cords over a t)i**ed si*k +att*e ro+e

    decorated )ith an em+roidered design o# cranes, -n his head )as a go*d(horned he*met, e carried a s)ord in a go*d(studded sheath and a +o) +ound )ith red(*ac;uered rattan, is ;uiver he*d a set o# +*ack 

    and )hite #eathered arro)s' the center o# each #eather +earing a +*ack mark, e rode a da%%*ed gray

    out#itted )ith a go*d(studded sadd*e,

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    W$n c$alln!d4 Atsumori uic+ly acc#ts and is 1ust as uic+ly o)r#o*rd by $is

    stron!r ad)rsary" 0 r-uss to idnti-y $imsl- to t$ lo*r9ran+in! man4 $o*)r4 and tlls

    $is ca#tor:

    0$ cannot dec*are myse*# to such as you, So take my head and sho) it to the others, "hey )i**

    identi#y me, &?

    T$ *arriors in t$ 0i+ &ono!atari sr)d as modls -or t$ ducatd *arriors o- latr

    !nrations4 and t$ idals d#ictd by t$m *r not assumd to b byond rac$" Rat$r4 t$s

    idals *r )i!orously #ursud in t$ u##r c$lons o- *arrior socity and rcommndd as t$ #ro#r -orm o- t$ Ja#ans man o- arms" Wit$ t$ 0i+ &ono!atari4 t$ ima! o- t$ Ja#ans

    *arrior in litratur cam to its -ull maturity"

    The Wrrior(s %ie& of Litert're

    Prior to t$ 5;t$ cntury4 t$r is littl )idnc -or t$ $istorical accuracy o- t$

    idaliBd *arriors #ortrayd in t$ 0i+ &ono!atari and ot$r litrary *or+s" Wit$ t$or!aniBation o- t$ military ba+u-u $o*)r4 t$ *arrior too+ a mor acti)and documntd 

    rol in socity" It is -rom about t$is tim t$at t$ +a+un and yui+ai b!in to a##arstatmnts

    -rom t$ *arriors t$msl)s suc$ as t$os r#rsntd in t$is boo+" &any o- t$ slctions in

    t$is )olum dal *it$ t$ ustion o- t$ )alu o- litratur to t$ *arrior"Pr$a#s t$ most outs#o+n o- t$ *ritrs translatd $r on t$ )alu o- cultural

    attainmnt is S$iba

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    /hen a man has a+i*ity in the arts' the de%th o# his heart can +e conjectured and the mind o# his

    c*an surmised, No matter ho) no+*e a #ami*y one may +e +orn into or ho) good(*ooking he may +e' )hen

     %eo%*e are %icking u% the manuscri%ts #or recitation o# chants' thinking over the rhymes #or making

     %oetry or tuning u% their instruments' ho) de%*ora+*e it must +e to +e among %eo%*e reciting *inked verse

    and to have to make some e7cuse #or one:s ina+i*ity' or to sit chin in hands )hi*e others are %*aying musictogether,

    Or t$is:

    "he man )hose %ro#ession is arms shou*d ca*m his mind and *ook into the de%ths o# others,

     Doing so is *ike*y the +est o# the martia* arts,

     $t is #air*y certain that most ordinary %eo%*e have %icked u% the Genji .onogatari or Sei

    Shonagon:s .akura Sochi and read through them any num+er o# times, "here is nothing *ike $ these +ooks

     #or the instruction o# man:s +ehavior and the +earing o# the ;ua*ity o# his heart, eading them' one )i**

    natura**y +e a+*e to recognize a man )ith sou*,

    0r is )idncd an almost dirct connction in S$i$a?s mind bt*n ability in t$

    cultural arts4 t$ d#t$ o- on?s $art4 t$ martial arts4 and t$ study o- t$ classical litratur o-

    t$ 0ian Priod" S$iba $as rmar+ably littl ls to say about military mattrs in t$'$i+ubas$o4 but rat$r n1oins t$ youn! mn o- $is clan to li) t$ical li)s and to d)lo# t$ir 

    snsiti)itis and abilitis in cultural r-inmnts"

    Anot$r !nral *$o strssd cultural attainmnt in t$ li- o- t$ *arrior *as Ima!a*a

    Ryos$un 35;C95=;7" 0 is *ll +no*n -or $a)in! studid #otry undr t$ !rat mastr o- t$ Ni1o sc$ool4 t$ courtir

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    i# he gives his heart kno)*edge o# such e*egant and de*icate re#inements, aving +een +orn into

    the house o# a )arrior' one:s intentions shou*d +e to gras% the *ong and short s)ords and to die,

    'oncrnin! ot$r r-inmnts4 %ato $ad t$is to say:

    "he %ractice o# Noh dancing is a+so*ute*y #or+idden,,,, 5 samurai )ho %ractices dancing 

     )hich is outside o# the martia* artsshou*d +e ordered to commit se%%uku,%ato *as a soldir?s soldir and a blac+smit$?s son4 #robably rci)in! littl courtly

    ducation4 t$us r#rsntin! t$ o##osit nd o- t$ s#ctrum -rom S$iba and Ima!a*a in bot$

    u#brin!in! and outloo+" T$ou!$ t$ir intr#rtations o- t$ conc#t o- larnin! may di--r4 it *asn)r doubtd by any on o- t$s mn t$at t$is idal *as an int!ral #art o- t$ *arrior?s li-"

     (!innin! in 5.4 and lastin! -or t$ n,t ;C yars4 Ja#an *as at #ac undr t$

    administration o- a ba+u-u !o)rnmnt4 T$ conomy ,#andd4 and it *as #r$a#s indicati) o- 

    t$ tims t$at t$ s$o!un surroundd $imsl- *it$ not only military mn and sc$olars but )nmrc$ants" ndr t$s circumstancs many mmbrs o- t$ *arrior class -ound t$msl)s in

    an n)ironmnt -or *$ic$ t$ir trainin! as *arriors $ad l-t t$m un#r#ard4 and -rom t$

    amount o- attntion d)otd in *ritin!s o- t$ tims to t$ ustion o- *$at is a samurai4 it is)idnt t$at it *as a #riod durin! *$ic$ t$ man o- arms $ad to rassss $imsl-" T$ ba+u-u

    itsl- *as not i!norant o- t$is #roblm4 and as arly as 5.5C issud t$  Buke Sho(atto4 or Rul

    -or t$ &ilitary I louss4 *$ic$ as its -irst itm4 statd:

    "he study o# *iterature and the %ractice o# the mi*itary arts' inc*uding archery and

    horsemanshi%' must +e cu*tivated di*igent*y,

    0-n the *e#t hand *iterature' on the right hand use o# arms

    )as the ru*e o# the ancients, Both must +e %ursued concurrent*y

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    )sic Re"in$ n" Re!i$io's )c*$ro'n"

    &ost o-tn mntiond as su!!std radin! matrial in t$ *arrior?s o*n #rc#ts ar t$

    'on-ucian classics4 and mor s#ci-ically t$ Four (oo+s: t$ Analcts4 t$ Grat Larnin!4 t$Doctrin o- t$ &an4 and t$ &ncius" Ta+da Nobus$i!?s Ninty9Nin Articls4 *$ic$

    includs ,am#ls o- *$at *as considrd #ro#r radin! -or t$ ducatd *arrior4 lists t$

    Analcts o- 'on-ucius as on o- t$ #rinci#l t,ts o- study"

    (asically a #$iloso#$y o- $umanism4 'on-ucianism #lacs muc$ m#$asis on ducation4rationalism4 sincrity o- action4 and t$ rlations$i#s o- #o#l in)ol)d in socity4 rat$r t$an

    s#iritual a--airs or s#culation on li- a-tr dat$" In 'on-ucianism4 it is man t$at can ma+ t$

    Way !rat4 rat$r t$an t$ Way t$at can ma+ man !rat 3Analcts4 5C:;67" Good !o)rnmnt

    is considrd to b -oundd on )irtu and ,am#l rat$r t$an on military mi!$t or -orc4 and t$ #r-ct man is considrd a man o- )irtu rat$r t$an #ro-it" In trms o- $uman rlations$i#s4

    'on-ucianism strsss -ilial #ity in t$ $om and -idlity *it$in socity at lar!"

    T$ Analcts consists o- many s$ort a#$orisms *$ic$ a--ord an a##roac$ to t$ cor o-

    'on-ucianism" No doubt its radrs in t$ *arrior class ,tra#olatd t$ir o*n intr#rtations o-

    t$ 'on-ucian doctrin by slctd radin!s" T$ -ollo*in! ar som slctions t$at t$y may$a) -ound most attracti)"

    "he /ays o# the gent*eman are three , , , in humanity' he has no an7ietiesA in )isdom' he

    has no con#usionA and in courage' he has no #ears,

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     .eng Chih(#an )as not +oast#u*, $n a retreat' he took u% the rear %osition, 5s he )as

    a+out to enter the gate' he )hi%%ed his horse and said' 0$t:s not that $ dared to +e the *ast' the

    horse just )ou*dn:t go,

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    Alon! *it$ t$ )alus o- sl-9rlianc4 ascticism4 and sin!l9minddnss 3all o- *$ic$

    *r s$ard in common *it$ 'on-ucianism74 Hn laid !rat m#$asis on sl-9dnial4 or

    transcndin! li- and dat$ as a condition o- attainin! s#iritual sal)ation" T$ *arrior?s duty4 o-cours4 *as to -i!$t and di4 and in t$is transcndnt #ostur4 Hn o--rd $im t$ s#iritual

    trainin! ncssary to carry out $is duty un-linc$in!ly"

    Hn4 $o*)r4 occu#id t$ #arado,ical #osition o- rlyin! on intuition 3not standin! onscri#turs7 and yt tac$in! a rs#ct -or larnin! and )n actin! as its )$icl" 0r a!ain4 t$*arrior -ound t$ #rinci#l o- ru!!d and manly disci#lin $armoniBd *it$ t$ litrary *orld"

     Not all *arriors blon!d to t$ Hn sct o- (udd$ism4 o- cours4 but it *as Hn t$at

    ultimatly $ad t$ !ratst --ct on *arrior socity"

    Finally4 t$ '$ins military classics s$ould b mntiond4 du bot$ to t$ir immdiacyto t$ *arrior?s #ro-ssion and to t$ allusion !i)n t$m in t$ #rc#ts" Som o- t$s classics

    may dat bac+ as -ar as t$ -i-t$ and si,t$ cnturis ("'"4 and $a) lon! $ld t$ rs#ct o- not

    only military mn but sc$olars and #ots as *ll" &ilitary strat!is -or t$ most #art4 t$y *r

    rad attnti)ly by t$ !rat Ja#ans cam#ai!nrs8 amon! t$ *ritrs $r t$y ar mntiond

     by Ima!a*a Ryos$un and %ato %iyomasa4 and uotd ,tnsi)ly by Ta+da Nobus$i!" Asid-rom t$ir #urly tactical ad)ic4 $o*)r4 t$y must $a) $l#d in t$ -ormation o- *arrior

    attituds *it$ #rinci#ls suc$ as t$ -ollo*in!:

    "here#ore' it is a #unctiona* mi*itary *a) that one does not re*y on the enemy not coming'+ut re*ies on the #act that he himse*# is )aitingA one does not re*y on the enemy not attacking' +ut 

    re*ies on the #act that he himse*# is unassai*a+*e,

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    0o* *ll t$ *arriors *r abl to sustain t$at balanc may b 1ud!d4 in #art4 by t$s

     #rc#ts com#ard *it$ t$ li)s o- t$ir *ritrs"

    On may rad t$s #rc#ts4 t$n4 -rom di--rnt #rs#cti)s" T$y may b rad asdocumntary )idnc o- *arrior attituds in crtain tims and #lacs4 or -rom a strictly litrary

     #oint o- )i*4 or a!ain4 as matrial !i)in! -rs$ and dirct insi!$t into som o- t$ most

    intrstin! mn in Ja#ans $istory" T$r is a currnt runnin! t$rou!$out t$s radin!s4$o*)r4 t$at bars dirctly on oursl)s and our o*n )alus: t$ Way o- t$ Warrior is t$ *ayto t$ total man and t$ 1ourny to a -ullr sl-" In our o*n s#cialiBd cultur4 t$ sc$olar and

    t$ #ot ar too o-tn idnti-id *it$ t$ do)4 *$il t$ soldir is d#ictd as too martial and

    un-lin!8 t$ir cam#s ar mutually ,clusi)" T$ ladrs o- t$ Ja#ans *arrior classattm#td to s#an t$at !ul-" I- t$y did not attain t$at idal4 t$y did maintain and #rsr) it

    *$il li)in! and actin! in t$ *orld *it$ a broadr #oint o- )i* t$an t$at *it$ *$ic$ *

    oursl)s mi!$t claim"


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    0$# one )i** #i7 his heart in such a )ay and assist the )or*d and its %eo%*e' he )i** havethe devotion o# the men )ho see and hear o# him,

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



    0o1o S$i!to+i

    355/695;.5 A"D"7

     ojo Shigetoki' the third son o# ojo =oshitoki' )as on*y #ive years o*d )hen the ojo

    c*an +ecame shoguna* regents under his grand#ather' ojo "okinzasa,

     $n 122' he +ecame the .i*itary Governor o# the %rovince o# Suruga' and in 12 )as

    a%%ointed the Shogun:s De%uty in Kyoto' an o##ice he #i**ed unti* 123>, /ith the de#eat o# theriva* .iura c*an in that year' ojo )ent to Kamakura to assist the egent' "okiyori' in the

    organization o# the +aku#u, $n 12&H he shaved his head and +ecame a monk' retiring to the itsu(

     sect tem%*e that he had esta+*ished' the Gokurakuji' )here he s%ent his remaining years in sec*usion and contem%*ation, e had *ived through a %eriod that sa) the conso*idation o# +oth

     %o*itica* and economic %o)er #or the )arrior c*ass' a %eriod o# re*ative ca*m )hen com%ared tothe Gem%ei )ars that %receded it' and the revo*t o# the 5shikaga c*an that )as to #o**o),

     ojo )as kno)n #or the se*#*ess he*% he %rovided his higher %*aced re*atives in theadministration o# the +aku#u' and #or his dee% #aith in Buddhism, -# his )ritings' t)o are e7tant!

    "he Prece%ts o# the ord o# okuhara' a set o# %ractica* %rece%ts he )rote #or his son' Nagatoki'

    in 123>A and "he .essage o# Gokurakuji dono' #rom )hich the %resent te7t is taken' )ritten sometime a#ter 12&H #or his son and the house e*ders in genera*, "his *atter consists o# 1

    artic*es )ritten in the kanamajiri sty*e' and is +asica**y concerned )ith man:s mora* duties and

    the idea* +ehavior #or *eaders o# the )arrior c*ass, "he %redominant tone o# the )ork is a

     Buddhist sym%athy #or a** *iving +eings and an a)areness o# the #unctions o# karma, /omen'chi*dren' and those o# *o)er socia* standing are to +e treated kind*y and )ith regard' and even

    the conce%t o# *oya*ty to su%eriors is dea*t )ith more in a re*igious sense than a Con#ucian one,

    T$ &ssa! o- Go+ura+u1i9dono r-lcts t$ rli!ions -lin!s t$at sm to $a) bn

    common *it$ t$ 0o1o -amily4 and in t$is rs#ct is #robably t$ last scular o- all t$ #rc#ts #rsntd in t$is boo+"

     The Message Of Master Gokurakuji

    To b!in *it$4 alt$ou!$ it is #rsum#tuous o- m to say so4 t$ rlations$i# o- #arnt and

    c$ild ,ists inasmuc$ as t$ir bond in a #r)ious ,istnc *as no s$allo* on" Truly4 t$

    im#rmannc o- t$ *orld is li+ a dram *it$in a dram" T$ mn * sa* ystrday ar not$r today4 and t$ ,istnc o- t$os today *ill b in #ril tomorro*" &an?s -at dos not *ait

    $is brat$in! in and brat$in! out" T$ sun t$at ros in t$ mornin! sin+s b$ind t$ mountain

    rid! in t$ )nin!4 and t$ moon o- t$ ni!$t b-or mar+s t$ b!innin! o- t$ day" T$ bloomin! -lo*rs only *ait -or t$ nticmnt o- t$ storm" From t$s it can b sm t$at

    transinc is not limitd to man" And4 alt$ou!$ it *ould at last sm dtrmind t$at old mn

     #ass a*ay and youn! mn li) on4 t$ -act is t$at dat$ $as no rs#ct -or a!8 and *$n on

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    truly t$in+s about it4 on cannot rly sim#ly on yout$ in t$is uncrtain *orld" T$is bin! so4

    s$ould * not *ant to b rmmbrd by ot$rs and culti)at our minds


    T$in+in! t$at t$r ar -* o##ortunitis to s#a+ o- suc$ t$in!s dirctly4 I am *ritin!

    t$m do*n in t$is mannr" On s$ould rad t$is car-ully at $is lisur as a di)rsion4 and it

    s$ould not b lnt to ot$rs" S$ould I not b abl to sca# t$ round o- birt$ and dat$ a!ain t$istim4 )n t$ou!$ I am rborn in innumrabl succssions it *ill b di--icult to mt *it$ you

    a!ain4 and t$s *ritin!s may b considrd as rminiscncs o- t$ *orld into *$ic$ I *as -atd

    to b born"

    First ar t$ articls on s$ould t$in+ o)r in $is $art and #ut into #ractic *it$ $is body"

    On s$ould *ors$i# t$ !ods and (udd$as mornin! and ni!$t4 and maintain a $art o--ait$" T$ !ods !rant #o*r to a man accordin! to $is rs#ct -or t$m4 and $ maintains $is -at

    accordin! to t$ir blssin!s" T$us4 *$n comin! b-or t$ !ods and (udd$as4 -or bttr ability

    in t$is *orld on s$ould as+ to b !rantd an u#ri!$t $art" In t$is *ay $ *ill b stmd int$is *orld and born in t$ Wstrn Paradis in t$ n,t4 and t$is is a -in t$in!" On s$ould

    undrstand t$is #rinci#l *ll"

    W$n on is sr)in! o--icially or in t$ mastr?s court4 $ s$ould not t$in+ o- a $undrd

    or a t$ousand #o#l4 but s$ould considr only t$ im#ortanc o- t$ mastr" Nor s$ould $ dra*t$ lin at $is o*n li- or anyt$in! ls $ considrs )aluabl" E)n i- t$ mastr is bin!

     #$l!matic and on !os unrco!niBd4 $ s$ould +no* t$at $ *ill surly $a) t$ di)in

     #rotction o- t$ !ods and (udd$as" W$il in t$ midst o- dutis4 on s$ould +# t$is #rinci#l

    in mind concrnin! sr)ic at t$ mastr?s court4 too" To t$in+ o- rci)in! t$ blssin!s o- t$mastr *it$out -ul-illin! t$ dutis o- court sr)ic is no di--rnt -rom tryin! to cross a rou!$

    sa *it$out a boat"

    On s$ould not disr!ard4 )n in 1st4 t$ instructions o- $is #arnts" Alt$ou!$ t$r

    s$ould b no on4 as a #arnt4 *$o *ould instruct $is c$ild -or t$ *ors4 t$ c$ildrn *$o ust$ir #arnts? instructions ar rar"

    Turnin! t$is o)r in our minds4 *it$ our ys closd4 lt us t$in+ t$is o)r *ll" 0o*

    sorro*-ul must b t$ $art o- t$ lamntin! #arnt *$o ss $is c$ild turnin! bad" It could

    crtainly b said t$at t$is c$ild is un-ilial" And $o* $a##y t$ $art must b o- t$ r1oicin! #arnt *$o ss $is c$ild bin! !ood" T$is can crtainly b said to b -ilial #ity" On s$ould

    listn *it$ a calm mind to *$at on?s #arnts say4 )n i- *$at t$y say is rronous"

    It is said t$at *$n t$ ldrly bcom n-bld4 t$y ntr t$ir scond c$ild$ood"

    T$ir $air bcoms *$it4 t$ir -or$ads bcom *rin+ld4 and t$ir $i#s bnd li+ a bo* o-catal#a *in id" W$n loo+in! in t$ mirror t$ir ima! $as c$an!d4 and on *ould doubt t$at

    t$y ar t$ sam #rson" T$ #rson *$o coms onc in a !rat *$il to )isit #ays $is rs#ctsand !os $om4 and t$r is truly no on *$o coms to stay a*$il" An ldrly #rson?s mind $ascrtainly c$an!d -rom $o* it *as in t$ #ast8 $ cannot rmmbr t$ t$in!s t$at $ $as $ard4

    and -or!ts *$at $ $as sn" 0 -ls rsntmnt in t$ t$in!s $ s$ould r1oic in4 and r1oics

    in t$ t$in!s $ s$ould rsnt" T$s t$in!s ar all in t$ natur o- t$ ldrly"

    ndrstandin! t$is *ll4 on s$ould -irst $a) sym#at$y *it$ *$at $is ldrly #arnts$a) said4 and not turn $is bac+ on t$m" W$n t$ *ay #assd by on?s #arnts $as bn lon!

    and t$ir dstination at $and4 on may *ondr $o* muc$ lon!r $ *ill listn to suc$ *ords as

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    t$irs" At t$is tim $ s$ould -ollo* t$ir dictums by all mans" T$is *ill surly com to on?s

    o*n mind a-tr $ $as bcom old"

    I- t$r is som discord bt*n on?s #arnts and anot$r #rson4 i- on *ill #lacat t$ot$r #arty t$r is not$in! t$at4 s$ould !o a*ry" I- t$r is somt$in! bt*n on?s sl- and

    on?s #arnts4 $ s$ould at any rat -ollo* $is #arnts? instructions" I- $ dos not4 $ *ill $a)

    not$in! but r!rt a-tr t$ sad la)9ta+in!4 and *ill *is$ t$at $ $ad obyd t$m *$il t$y*r still ali)

    W$n on is in a #lac *$r #o#l ar !at$rd to!t$r4 and -is$4 -ruit4 and t$ li+ ar

     bin! sr)d4 )n i- $ is #arta+in! o- t$is $imsl- $ s$ould do so in a mannr t$at ot$rs may

    $a) mor" N)rt$lss4 on s$ould not lt ot$rs b a*ar o- t$is"

    W$n on is sr)in! -ood4 it *ill not do to sr) on?s sl- mor t$an t$ !ust" Nors$ould on4 *it$ t$ abo) in mind4 sr) small #ortions" 0 s$ould sr) t$ #ro#r amount"

    W$n #assin! by t$ uartrs o- *omn o- $i!$ ran+4 on s$ould #ass by *it$out loo+in!

    around r#atdly" In -act4 on s$ould not loo+ at all" And on s$ould ma+ strict instructions to

    t$os o- lo*r ran+ accom#anyin! $im t$at t$y s$ould not loo+ it$r"

    T$r is rror in t$ midst o- con-ormin! to rason4 and rason in t$ midst o- rror" Ons$ould undrstand t$is *ll"

    Error in t$ midst o- rason is *$n on is so con)incd o- $is o*n rasonablnss t$at

    $ #us$s $is o#inion -or*ard4 not to t$ ,tnt t$at it *ill caus in1ury to $imsl-4 but to t$

    ,tnt t$at it may caus anot$r man to los $is li-" T$is is rror in t$ midst o- rason"

     $t is tru*y regretta+*e that a %erson )i** treat a man )ho is va*ua+*e to him )e**'

    and a man )ho is )orth*ess to him %oor*y,

    Rason in t$ midst o- rror is *$n a man is about to los $is li- and on coms to $is

    aid *it$out disclosin! t$ t$ousands o- mista+s t$at may b in)ol)d" T$is is rason in t$midst o- rror" I- on *ill -i, $is $art in suc$ a *ay and assist t$ *orld and its #o#l4 $ *ill

    $a) t$ d)otion o- t$ mn *$o s and $ar o- $im" &oro)r4 $o* muc$ *ill t$ 1oy b o-

    t$ man *$o $as bn $l#d And )n i- t$ #rson $l#d and t$ #o#l around $im do notr1oic4 on *ill $a) +indld t$ d)otion o- t$ !ods and (udd$as4 and *ill $a) #rotction in

    t$is li- and assistanc in t$ li- to com"

    'oncrnin! mattrs o- drss4 no mattr by *$om on is bin! sn $ s$ould not a##ar

    s$abbily4 and )n i- $ is mi,in! *it$ t$ lo*r classs $ s$ould drss to a modrat ,tnt"W$n o-tn in t$ midst o- $umbl #o#l4 on s$ould not r#atdly drss s#lndidly" A #rson

    *it$ snsiti)ity *ill b #rudnt in t$is mattr"

    W$n on o- on?s com#anions $as bn rbu+d by t$ mastr4 on s$ould -ind it mor

    lamntabl t$an i- $ $imsl- $ad bn rbu+d" I- t$ mastr s$ould tll $im about $iscom#anion?s rror4 $ s$ould mdiat *ll -or t$ man" For )n i- t$ mastr dos not a!r

    *it$ $im at t$ tim4 it *ill im#rss $im *ll latr on"

    At t$ tim o- mrry9ma+in!4 on s$ould b )ry #rudnt about 1oinin! in *it$ a su#rior 

    *$o is ridin! a *a) o- amusmnt" T$is sort o- t$in! is *$at is calld a cro* imitatin! a

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    cormorant" No mattr $o* muc$ on may b lttin! loos or $o* drun+ $ may b4 $ s$ould

     b )ry car-ul o- $is dmanor *$n $ is in t$ sam #lac as a su#rior" No mattr $o*

    raucous on may !st4 $ s$ould b )ry a*ar o- $is surroundin!s"

    It is truly r!rttabl t$at a #rson *ill trat a man *$o is )aluabl to $im *ll4 and a man

    *$o is *ort$lss to $im #oorly" E)n do!s and basts *ill b !lad and *a! t$ir tails *$n

    solution trats t$m *ll4 and *ill bar+ at and run a*ay -rom t$os *$o !i) t$m rou!$ -ar" Itis in t$ )alu o- bin! born it $uman bin! t$atand t$is !os *it$out sayin! -or t$os *$otrat us *lli- on is +ind to t$os *$o trat $im #oorly4 )n t$y may c$an! t$ir *ays"

    And )n i- t$y do not4 $ *ill $a) t$ lo) o- t$ !ods and (udd$as4 and t$os *$o s and

    $ar o- $is acts *ill #rais $im"

    I- on trats mn rou!$ly in t$is ,istnc4 $ *ill b rou!$ly tratd by t$m in t$ n,t4-or +arma is n)r ndin! in all t$in!s" And i- on *ould rid $imsl- o- bad +arma in t$is round

    o- ,istnc4 $ s$ould trat *ll t$os *$o ar not so +ind to $im" For i- on is dalt *it$ +indly

     by #o#l4 $ can r1oic in a #r)ious ,istnc8 but i- $ is $andld rou!$ly in t$is *ould4 $is #r)ious ,istnc is a mattr -or r!rt"

    W$n on buys somt$in!4 $ s$ould say ,actly *$at $ *ants at onc" I- it is too,#nsi)4 t$n $ s$ould not buy it" To *ast so many *ords is )ul!ar4 and to buy c$a#ly

    *ould b a crim4 -or t$ s$o#+#r ma+s $is li)in! by trad"

    W$n on?s *i- or c$ildrn ar rlatin! som mattr to $im $ s$ould listn to t$m *it$car" I- t$y say somt$in! unrasonabl4 $ s$ould considr t$at to b in t$ natur o- *omn

    and c$ildrn" &oro)r4 i- t$y s#a+ *it$ rason $ s$ould b som*$at im#rssd and

    ncoura! t$m to s#a+ in suc$ *ay $ra-tr" On s$ould not loo+ do*n on t$m bcaus t$yar *omn and c$ildrn" Amatrasu Omi+ami ta+s t$ -orm o- a *oman4 and t$ Em#rss

    Jin!u4 as a un4 attac+d and sub1u!atd t$ %oran +in!dom o- Silla" A!ain4 on s$ould not

    loo+ do*n u#on c$ildrn4 -or t$ !od 0ac$iman ruld -rom t$ tim $ *as a c$ild" On s$ouldrly on nit$r a! nor yout$" (ut $ *$o r)rs t$ mastr and #rotcts t$ #o#l may b

    calld a sa!"

    W$n on loss at !amblin!4 $ s$ould ta+ t$ consuncs uic+ly" W$n $ *ins $

    s$ould not taunt t$ losr" On s$ould not dic+r o)r t$ rsults o- !amblin!"

    W$n on is associatin! *it$ #rostituts and dancin! !irls4 $ s$ould not considr t$at4 ast$y ar suc$4 $ can !o to ,csss and s#a+ in an o)rly -amiliar mannr *it$ t$m" On

    s$ould act and s#a+ in a sim#l and ordinary *ay" Goin! too -ar4 on may brin! s$am u#on


    W$n on is slctin! a #artnr -rom a numbr o- #rostituts4 $ s$ould #ic+ on *$o isunattracti) and *$os drss is lss comly" A man *ill los $is $art to an attracti) !irl4 but an

    unattracti) on *ill $a) no #artnr" &oro)r4 on?s $art *ill not b ta+n in t$is *ay" And as

    t$is *ill b -or only on ni!$t4 on can ima!in t$at t$ #rostitut *ill b #lasd too"

    W$n on is at a drin+in! #arty $ s$ould al*ays #ay attntion to and s#a+ *it$ t$ #rson at t$ lo*st sat" E)n i- it is *it$ t$ sam *in t$at on is drin+in!4 i- $ *ill -l

    sym#at$y -or t$ man and #our -or $im4 t$ man *ill b )ry #lasd" On s$ould b s#cially

    sym#at$tic *it$ mn o- lo* #ositions" In t$ir boundlss !rati-ication t$y *ill #lac !ratim#ortanc in on?s ordrs"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    In bcomin! accustomd to ridin! in a boat4 in +no*in! t$ #articulars o- a ri)r4 in

    larnin! to climb a mountain4 in $at and in cold4 on s$ould larn all t$s t$in!s *it$


    On s$ould not tal+ about t$ -aults o- ot$rs4 )n as a 1o+" For )n t$ou!$ on may

    t$in+ o- it as a 1o+4 to ot$rs it may b mbarrassin!4 and t$is is a bad mista+" I- on *ould

     1o+4 $ s$ould 1o+ about t$in!s t$at ar a #lasur to ot$rs" On s$ould $a) rstraint andd# sym#at$y in all t$in!s"

    On s$ould not tal+ about a *oman?s -aults4 no mattr $o* $umbl o- ori!in s$ may b"

    T$is !os *it$out sayin! -or *omn o- #osition" On s$ould us discrtion in tal+in! about

     #o#l?s !ood #oints4 and s$ould say not$in! about t$ir bad ons" A #rson *$o $as no

     1ud!mnt in t$s mattrs *ill li+ly brin! s$am u#on $imsl-" Suc$ t$in!s $a) no mrit at all"

    -ne shou*d have insight into this )or*d o# dreams that %asses in the t)ink*ing o# 

    an eye,

    (y mans o- an oar4 a boat is abl to bar out -ri!$tnin! *a)s4 #rotct itsl- -rom rou!$*inds4 and cross !rat sas" As -or a man *$o is born into t$is *orld4 $ may cross it *it$ t$

    $l# o- t$ !ods and (udd$as by mans o- an u#ri!$t $art" Rlyin! on an u#ri!$t $art4 *$n it

    coms tim to ta+ t$ tri# to t$ Nt$r World4 t$r s$ould b a #at$ across t$ &ountain o-

    Dat$ and a brid! across t$ Ri)r Sty," Suc$ a $art *ould sm to b a 1*l -or *$ic$ t$ris no occasion to #ut a*ay" On s$ould undrstand t$is *ll"

    An u#ri!$t $art is -r o- a)aric4 and a lac+ o- a)aric *ill b an aid in t$ li- to com"

    On s$ould $a) insi!$t into t$is *orld o- drams t$at #asss in t$ t*in+lin! o- an y"


    Alt$ou!$ it is crtainly s$am-ul o- m to !o on li+ t$is4 a man?s li- $as its dtrmindlimit4 and on cannot +no* *$n $is nd is comin!" &oro)r4 concrnin! t$ conditions o-

    -acin! t$at momnt4 t$r $a) bn mn *$o #assd a*ay la)in! not$in! said4 and ot$rs *$o

    $a) l-t t$is *orld in t$ midst battl" &an?s -at is li+ t$ d*4 and -ollo*s t$ uncrtain *indo- li- and dat$" E)n on?s rlations$i# *it$ $is c$ild is as uncrtain as t$ simmrin! o- a $at

    *a)" T$us4 I $a) s#o+n t$ t$in!s to $a) com to mind *it$out $sitation"

    I- you *ould #ut t$s t$in!s into --ct and t$ rsults *ould turn #oorly4 you s$ould

     blam your -at$r at tim -or $a)in! s#o+n )il" (ut I -l t$at #uttin! t$m into #ractic *ould b t$ $i!$st disc$ar! o- on?s -ilial dutis" And )n i- you do not #ut t$m into #ractic4 you

    s$ould #ass t$m on to your dscndants until t$ nd o- tim" For amon! t$ dscndants to

    com4 i- on in t$ midst o- a $undrd *r to #ut t$s into #ractic4 $ mi!$t *ondr i- t$y*rn?t #r$a#s somt$in! t$at $ad bn #assd do*n by on o- $is ancstors"

    It is #rsum#tuous -or a man?s #arnt to mddl *it$ $is c$ildrn4 and you may t$in+ t$at

    *$at I am about to say is ,actly t$at4 but I $o# t$at you *ill sit #ac-ully *it$ t*o or t$r o-

    your c$ildrn and rad t$is to t$m"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    somt$in! $andd do*n to you -rom your -at$r"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    T0E '0I%(AS0O

    “In this uncertain world, ours should be the path of discipline.” 

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    A *arrior !nrally s$ould not b unmind-ul and la,4 but rat$r s$ould t$in+ )ryt$in!

    o)r a$ad o- tim" Watanab no Tsuna instructd rab no Suta+ t$at $is )ryday mind

    s$ould b li+ t$at o- a co*ard4 *$ic$ mant t$at on s$ould b #r#ard b-or$and -or t$ -inal!rat )nt"

    &any mn -l t$at t$y s$ould act accordin! to t$ tim or 1ust accordin! to t$ momnt

    t$y ar -acin!4 and t$us ar in con-usion *$n somt$in! !os byond t$is and som di--icultyinstantanously ariss" It is a mattr o- r!rt to lt t$ momnt *$n on s$ould di #ass by" It$as bn said to t$ --ct t$at t$ #r#ardnss o- t$ *arrior and t$at o- t$ mon+ ar t$ sam"

    In all mattrs it is a r!rttabl t$in! not to #aci-y on?s mind"

    &n *it$ s$ar#nss o- mind ar to b -ound only amon! t$os *it$ a #nc$ant -or


    A #rson?s c$aractr and d#t$ o- mind may b sn by $is b$a)ior" T$us4 on s$ould

    undrstand t$at )n t$ -ncs and *alls $a) ys4 and not bcom n!li!nt )n *$n alon"

    &uc$ mor so -or b$a)ior in t$ midst o- #o#l4 on s$ould not ta+ a sin!l st# in

    )ain4 or s#a+ a *ord in a *ay t$at ot$rs may s#a+ o- $im as s$allo*"

     .any men #ee* that they shou*d act according to the time or the moment they are

     #acing' and thus are in con#usion )hen something goes +eyond this and some

    di##icu*ty arises,

    &oro)r4 )n #o#l *$o li+ r-inmnt and l!anc in t$ir li)s s$ould add t$sualitis to t$msl)s a-tr ma+in! t$ir $arts u#ri!$t and tru" W$n t$r is no trut$ )n in

    rlations bt*n mn and *omn4 *it$out a r-ind sincrity t$r *ill b littl to d#ly mo)

    t$ $art"

    On *ill only !o a!ainst t$ tac$in!s o- $is #arnts i- $ t$in+s -irst o- $is o*n situationand r!ards t$ir ad)ic as troublsom" E)n i- on?s #arnts ar lac+in! in *isdom4 i- on *ill

    -ollo* t$ir #rc#ts $ *ill -irst o- all li+ly not $ turnin! $is bac+ on t$ Way o- 0a)n"

    &or t$an t$is4 in i!$t or nin tims out o- tn4 #arnts? *ords *ill b in accord *it$ t$rasonin! o- t$ir c$ild" T$us4 on?s o*n mista+s may b r-lctd u#on"

     T$ *ords o- on?s #arnts t$at in t$ #ast on -ound ),in! or r1ctd in #rinci#l ar

    all im#ortant" Rat$r t$an imitatin! t$ !ood in ot$rs4 on s$ould imitat $is o*n -aulty #arnts"

    T$is in itsl- *ill carry on t$ clan traditions and #ro)id -or on?s dscndants"

    T$at t$ !ods and (udd$as s$ould b r)rd is li+ly +no*n by anyon *$o is a man4and dos not *arrant bin! mntiond an*" (ut in t$is connction t$r is a small mattr t$at

    s$ould b undrstood"

    T$ (udd$a a##ard and t$ !ods mani-std t$msl)s in t$is *orld ntirly -or its

    sa+ and -or t$ sa+ o- t$os li)in! in it" T$us4 it *as not to in1ur man4 but to ma+ $is $art #ur4 to ma+ corrct $is sns o- $umanity4 1ustic4 #ro#rity4 *isdom and -ait$-ulnss4 and to

    ma+ clar t$ -oundation o- $is li-"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    T$os *$o do not undrstand t$is basic #oint con-ss t$ir bli- in t$ (udd$as but

     brin! troubl to t$ #o#l4 ta+in! t$ir blon!in!s4 and buildin! tm#ls or monastris" Or4

    dclarin! t$ir rs#ct -or t$ !ods4 t$y d#ri) mn o- t$ir $inds only to #r-orm s$rinsr)ics" On s$ould +no* t$at suc$ acts ar a sacril! to bot$ t$ !ods and (udd$as"

    E)n t$ou!$ on $as n)r o--rd a sin!l sr)ic to t$ (udd$a or mad a #il!rima!

    to a s$rin4 i- $is $art is u#ri!$t and -ull o- com#assion4 nit$r t$ !ods4 nor (udd$as *ill loo+$im amiss" T$ !rat !od o- Is4 t$ (od$isatt)a 0ac$iman4 and t$ !od o- %itano in #articularar li+ly to rsid in t$ $ads o- t$os *$o ar !ntl and #ur"

    A!ain4 t$r ar mn *$o #ray at t$ s$rins only *$n t$y t$msl)s ar in distrss"

    T$is is a sad situation4 indd" T$ dsir o- t$ !ods and (udd$as is not$in! ot$r t$an t$at *

     #ray -or $a##inss in t$ *orld to com4 nd in suc$ t$r is --ct"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    !at$rin! to!t$r is a*+*ard indd" T$at on s$ould b *ll #racticd in suc$ arc$ry s#orts

    as mato4 +asa!a+4 and inu9oumono4 !os *it$out sayin! and s$ould b an undrstood mattr"

    A man *it$ intlli!nc and a -irm $art *ill b abl to #ut ot$rs to us" Po#l?s *aysar )ariant4 and to us a man to *$om on $as ta+n a li+in! -or all t$in!s-or ,am#l4 to us a

    military man -or litrary mattrs4 or a man untalntd in s#c$ as a mssn!r4 or a slo*9

    t$in+in! man in a #lac *$r a uic+ *it is ncssarymay brin! about -ailur and )n causa man?s li- to b ruind" A man s$ould b #ut to us in t$ lin *it$ *$ic$ $ sms most-amiliar"

    W$n mn ar #ut to us in t$ sam *ay t$at cur)d *ood is usd -or t$ *$l and

    strai!$t *ood -or t$ s$a-t4 t$r *ill b no on *it$out )alu"

    T$us4 *on?t t$r )n b us -or a man4 accordin! to t$ mattr at $and4 -or *$om ondos not #articularly car W$at *ill it )alu a man to not #ut anot$r to us on t$ !rounds o-

    disli+ -or $im It is truly as statd abo)4 t$at a man lac+in! sincrity in $is $art is li+ly to

    !ain no mrit in anyt$in!" T$ sayin! t$at all abilitis com -rom t$ $art a##lis to suc$


    Particularly t$ man *$os #ro-ssion is arms s$ould calm $is mind and loo+ into t$

    d#t$s o- ot$rs" Doin! so is li+ly t$ bst o- t$ martial arts"

    It is -airly crtain t$at most ordinary mn $a) #ic+d u# t$ Gn1i &ono!atari and Si

    S$ona!on?s &a+ura Sos$i and road t$rou!$ t$m any numbr o- tims" T$r is not$in! li+t$s boo+s -or t$ instruction o- man?s b$a)ior and t$ barin! o- t$ uality o- $is $art"

    Radin! t$m4 on *ill naturally b abl to rco!niB a man *it$ soul"

    Surly on s$ould not act inconsidratly to anot$r?s distrss4 ntrtain a d# cra)in!

    -or t$in!s4 or ma+ *ort$lss -llo*s on?s -rinds" It is in t$ natur o- man t$at t$ !ood isdi--icult to larn *$il t$ bad is asily ta+n to4 and t$us on naturally bcoms !radually li+

    t$os *it$ *$om $ is -amiliar" I mysl- $a) raliBd t$is d#ly" T$at I $a) #racticd t$ art

    o- calli!ra#$y stms -rom t$ -act t$at I onc notd *it$ mbarrassmnt $o* *ll a crtain lady*rot $r c$aractrs" T$at alon! *it$ )ryon ls I b!an studyin! *a+a4 !ttin! my nammntiond in t$ #otry collction4 S$in!os$ui Wa+as$u4 and t$at I bcam in)ol)d *it$

    *ritin! lin+d )rs all coms -rom t$ -act t$at I com#td *it$ my youn! -rinds4 at -irst *it$

    !otism and latr *it$ t$ou!$t to r#utation" T$us4 naturally and *it$ t$ #assa! o- tim4 my$art dr* clos to t$is sub1ct and I $a) mi,d *it$ t$os *$o ar li+*is inclind"

    W$n mn bcom old t$y ar tratd *it$ a)rsion by ot$rs4 and it is di--icult to

     #artici#at in socity" I-4 t$n4 on is not connctd *it$ any arts at all4 nit$r *ill $is ,istnc

     b rco!niBd by ot$rs4 nor *ill $ $a) anyt$in! *it$ *$ic$ to soot$ $is o*n mind"

    As -or #layin! -ootball4 *$n I *as youn! I *as ur!d to -ill in bcaus o- a lac+ o-

     #layrs4 and4 to t$ ,tnt t$at I associatd *it$out bin! as$amd *it$ t$os -llo*s4 in t$ ndt$ rsult *as t$at4 alt$ou!$ not so das$in!4 I *as abl to distin!uis$ mn o- t$ art4 !ood and

     bad tc$niu4 and calmnss o- mind" T$us4 I *as brou!$t to s$am by no on4 r!ardlss o-t$ir s+ill"

    As -or t$ study o- music4 t$at4 too4 *as strssd by my #arnts4 and as an aid in t$ study

    o- t$ t$r basic lut mlodis I *as tau!$t t$ us o- t$ drum -rom b-or t$ tim I can

    rmmbr" T$is study *as cut o-- $al- *ay du to *or+ and lac+ o- tim" &y intntions4 t$n4

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    *r in )ain4 -or a-tr t$at I *as no lon!r abl to associat *it$ mn *$o studid suc$ t$in!s"

    T$is is r!rttabl"

    'oncrnin! t$is mattr4 too4 on?s art is a--ctd by $is -rinds" T$ mn and *omn o- bot$ #ast and #rsnt *$o $a) !aind nams in t$ *orld o- t$ arts $a) don so on no s#cial

    accounts" T$y sim#ly imbud t$ir minds *it$ t$ moon and -lo*rs4 loo+d t$rou!$ to t$

    transinc o- t$is *orld4 mad t$ir $arts tndr4 +n* t$ a*ar o- t$in!s4 and #uri-id t$irintntions" T$us t$y !aind -am in t$ Way o- t$ Arts by t$ir !ntlnss and t$ir su#rlati)artistic sns and ability"

    W$n on t$in+s o)r t$s mattrs4 it *ould sm t$at in today?s *orld * lac+ suc$

    culti)atd #o#l" W$il yt in t$ )i!or o- yout$4 mn #ut t$ir #rid in a )a!uly #lasin!

    a##aranc8 t$in+in! only o- t$msl)s and t$ir dsirs4 t$y nit$r disci#lin t$ir minds nor*is$ to bcom mor r-ind" W$n mtin! *it$ t$os *$o s strai!$t t$rou!$ to t$ $art4

    *ill not suc$ mn b uic+ly scornd W$n on t$in+s about suc$ unculti)atd mn !ro*in!

    old4 t$y sm no di--rnt t$an a!ain -o,s and bad!rs" And *$at *ill b don t$n

     0Cherry +*ossoms that #a** in con#usion'Concea* the road that is trave**ed  By my a%%roaching o*d age,

     5ri)ara no Narihira

    0-n*y a)aiting my end'

    /i** it +e today or tomorro)

     Kai:s )ater#a** o# tears or my o)n,

    /hich sheds the more

     5ri)ara no =ukihira

    0"hen $:** c*im+ .irror .ountain and have a *ookE

    "his +ody %assed +y )ith so many years'/on:t it *ook o*d

    W$n * rcall t$at t$s #oms *r rcitd and lo)d in t$ rs#lndnt #ast4 * $arin t$m bot$ #at$os and !ntility" W$n a man #uts all $is stoc+ in yout$4 *$at *ill b $is

    t$ou!$ts *$n old a! $as com T$ou!$ on?s s#an sms only a dram or a##arition4 $is nam

    may last to t$ nd o- tim" (ut unlss as a -amous (udd$ist #rist4 sa!4 or saint4 or a!ain as aman o- r-inmnt4 *$o *ill b +no*n -or lon! in t$ !nrations to com T$ou!$ it is said t$at

    mn ar mad o- nit$r *ood nor ston4 ar not t$os *$o s#nd t$ir li)s -or nau!$t no

    di--rnt t$an t$ rottin! trs in t$ s$ado* o- t$ )ally

    On s$ould us #rudnc in t$is mattr"T$r is not$in! mor bas t$an -or a man to los $is tm#r too o-tn" No mattr $o*

    an!ry on bcoms4 $is -irst t$ou!$t s$ould b to #aci-y $is mind and com to a clar

    undrstandin! o- t$ situation at $and" T$n4 i- $ is in t$ ri!$t4 to bcom an!ry is corrct"

     (comin! an!ry sim#ly on account o- on?s o*n bias is unrasonabl4 and on *ill not

     b $ld in rs#ct" T$us4 t$ou!$ on may bcom mor and mor an!ry4 t$r *ill b no rsult" Itis rason alon by *$ic$ #o#l -l $umbld and -or *$ic$ t$y -l rs#ct" Sim#ly4 *$n on

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


     bcoms an!ry4 $ s$ould r#atdly calm $is mind and t$in+ t$ mattr o)r" It is a !ood t$in!

    not to b as$amd o- corrctin! on?s mista+s" To ta+ somt$in! onsl- $as don to $art and

     #us$ it t$rou!$4 r!ardlss o- its !ood or )il4 is a disastr o- t$ -irst ordr"

    It s$ould also b said t$at it is not !ood -or ot$rs and dos $arm to onsl- to sim#ly

    rmain tranuil and s#a+in! li+ a t$r9yar9old c$ild4 n)r bcomin! an!ry4 barin! rancor4

    or d#lorin! mattrs *$n on s$ould" T$is !os also -or lttin! situations #ass by *$n ons$ould d-initly s#a+ $is mind to anot$r4 in t$ nd bcomin! +no*n by all as o)rlyaccommodatin!" It is a !ood t$in! to +# on?s mind tranuil4 yt to s#a+ *$at on s$ould

    *$n t$r is a situation t$at s$ould b r#rimandd4 and t$us not bcom +no*n as com#ltly


    Lon! a!o4 *$n all mn *r !ood9naturd4 * could call suc$ mn it$r !ood or bad"(ut no*adays4 as #o#l it$r loo+ do*n on ot$rs or carry only )il in t$ir $arts4 t$y distain

    t$os *$o ar only !ntl and corrct"

    T$ (udd$ists *$o ta+ t$ Way o- Sl-lssnss sm to b lac+in! bot$ y and mind4

     but *$n t$y tal+ as t$r9yar9old c$ildrn it is yt anot$r t$in!"

    &oro)r4 a -ool *$o sits s#c$lss4 unabl to discriminat t$ !ood -rom t$ bad4

    *ould surly not b calld a !ood man" Suc$ t$in!s s$ould b t$ou!$t o)r *ll"

    T$ #rists t$at #ractic BaBn *r not born cl)r4 but bcam nli!$tnd to all t$in!s

     by #aci-yin! t$ir minds" Sc$olars4 too4 to t$ ,tnt t$at t$y study *it$ !rat rs#ct to *$at is b-or t$m and #aci-y t$ir minds4 bcom naturally cl)r about ot$r mattrs4 too"

    W$t$r a man bcoms !ood or bad4 cl)r or t$ic+9*ittd4 is sim#ly a mattr o- t$

    *ay $ uss $is mind" A man?s #a+ yars do not numbr o)r tn" Durin! t$at tim a man

    s$ould #ut out --ort -or at last somt$in!" From t$ tim on is tn to t$ tim $ is 5= or 5C4 $is intrstd in not$in! truly" (comin! 5= or 5C $ is still slo* and una##rciati) o- anyt$in!4

    and )n considrabl disci#lin at t$is tim *ill not com u# to on?s ,#ctations" From t$

    tim on is 56 or 5/ to t$ tim $ is 4 $is mind $as com to ordr4 and $ arri)s at t$-ountain$ad o- intrst8 yt t$is #riod dos not !o byond 5; or 5 yars"

    In t$is uncrtain *orld4 ours s$ould b t$ #at$ o- disci#lin"

    It is t$ natur o- t$is *orld * li) in t$at4 o- our dsirs4 not on out o- tn coms out

    t$ *ay * *ould li+" It is doubt-ul t$at )n t$ Em#ror $as t$in!s t$ *ay $ *ould li+

    t$m to b" In s#it o- t$at4 -or on to #rsist *ill-ully in a--airs t$at $a) not !on accordin! to$is $art?s dsir4 *ill4 in t$ nd4 b in)itin! t$ admonis$mnt o- 0a)n" No man s$ould t$in+ 

    o- !ttin! satis-action today concrnin! somt$in! $ -lt c$a!rind by ystrday4 or !ainin! t$is

    yar an ambition t$at *as -rustratd t$ yar b-or"

     $t is the nature o# this )or*d )e *ive in that' o# our desires' not one out o# ten

    comes out the )ay )e )ou*d *ike,

    I- * do act in t$is )in4 t$ dsirs o- our $arts *ill ris u# on a-tr anot$r li+ dust in

    t$ *ind4 and our a--airs *ill b a--lictd by t$ sam" As muc$ as #ossibl4 it is bttr to -or!tsuc$ as#irations4 -or $ *$o *ould tndr rancor in $is $art is a morti-yin!ly #r)rs man"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    Suc$ a *rtc$ is ds#isd in bot$ t$ scular and (udd$ist *orlds ali+" Any man *$o $as som

    !otistical attac$mnt t$at $ *ill not -or!t *ill surly b narro*9mindd and --minat" In

    s*#in! t$s t$in!s asid and not lttin! t$m stay in on?s $art4 ot$r and bttr t$ou!$ts*ill aris"

    On s$ould ta+ !rat car to #ut man -irst in all t$in!s4 and ridicul no on"

    E)n *$n in a battl t$at is byond on?s mans to *ill4 on s$ould li-t u# $is $art and

     b rsol)d t$at no on *ill sur#ass $im in -irmnss" 0 s$ould t$in+ to b anot$r?s strn!t$and to b rlid u#on" No mattr $o* -rindly a man may b *it$ on4 $ s$ould not b as+d

    about battls i- $ is born a co*ard" On s$ould not considr )adin! an im#ndin! battl

     bcaus o- its normity" Nor s$ould on ad)ocat a battl t$at s$ould not b -ou!$t on account o- 

    its bin! un,actin!"

    For battls !nrally4 *$n t$y ar li+ly to b un,actin!4 on s$ould #ut ot$rs to t$

    -or" (ut -or situations o- crisis4 )n i- it b a $undrd tims4 on s$ould b o- t$ mind to ta+

    action $imsl-" n-air b$a)ior is ,traordinarily bad in battl"

    Suc$ mattrs ar only *$at t$is -oolis$ man $as com to +no*4 and4 ntirly -rom a #arnt?s ,css o- com#assion I *rit t$m do*n -or my #ossibly )n mor -oolis$


    To t$ bst o- your abilitis4 culti)at and ta+ car o- yoursl)s"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    T0E REGLATIONS OF I&AGAWA R' the Baku#u had *ost contro* o# most o# the is*and o# Kyushu and sent yoshun to serve as mi*itary governor to %aci#y the area, "o this task he devoted the ne7t decade

    o# his *i#e' at the same time continuing his *iterary interests and contacts )ith his teacher' Nijo


     $n 19& it )as suggested to the Shogun =oshinitsu that yoshun )as +y #ar too %o)er#u*and he*d re+e**ious intentions, "hus he )as reca**ed to his governorshi% in Suruga )here he

    devoted most o# his remaining years to *iterature and %oetry,

     yoshun )as the author o# a num+er o# *iterary )orks and documents' among them the

     .ichiyuki+uri' a trave* diary inc*uding some o# his o)n %oetryA the Nan "aiheiki' an historica*)orkA and the %resent te7t' the egu*ations' )ritten in 1312 #or his younger +rother' "adaaki,

     5*so ca**ed the $maga)a /a** $nscri%tions' the egu*ations has +een res%ected and studied as a

    te7t on %ro%er mora*ity u% unti* //$$' and used during the 6do %eriod as a +asic te7t in tem%*e schoo*s, /ritten in kan+un' it sets do)n the c*assic vie) that a )arrior must +e a man o# +oth

    mi*itary ski** and o# *ettersthat *acking one' he )i** *ack +oth, 5s a Buddhist' yoshun

     %roscri+ed the )anton taking o# *i#e' +ut as a mem+er o# the )arrior c*ass' he he*d great res%ect #or his %ro#ession, 5s a Con#ucian' he cited the Chinese C*assics and demanded res%ect #or one:s

     #ami*y' as )e** as stressing the conce%t o# *oya*ty and duty to one:s master, $n him )e see the

    idea* o# the )arrior at its most +a*anced stage,

    The Re$'!tions of I,$& R-osh'n

    Wit$out +no*ld! o- Larnin!4 on *ill ultimatly $a) no military )ictoris"

    'ormorant -is$in! and -alconin! ar #lasurs t$at4 uslssly dstroy li-" T$y ar


    It is -orbiddn to #ass t$ dat$ sntnc on a man *$o $as committd a minor crim

    *it$out -ull in)sti!ation"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    It is -orbiddn to us -a)oritism and ,cus a man *$o $as committd a ma1or crim"

    It is -orbiddn to brin! about on?s o*n ,cssi) #ros#rity by mans o- ,#loitin! t$

     #o#l and causin! t$ dstruction o- s$rins"

    It is -orbiddn to tar do*n on?s ancstors? -amily tm#ls and #a!odas4 t$rby

    mbllis$in! on?s o*n domicil"It is -orbiddn to -or!t t$ !rat dbt o- +indnss on o*s to $is mastr and ancstors

    and t$rby ma+ li!$t o- t$ )irtus o- loyalty and -ilial #ity"

    It is -orbiddn t$at on s$ould4 actin! disrs#cti) o- t$ Way o- 0a)n4 attac$ littl

    im#ortanc to $is dutis to $is mastr and b o)rly attnti) to $is o*n businss"

    It is -orbiddn to b indiscriminat o- on?s rtainrs? !ood or )il actions and todistribut un1ust r*ards and #unis$mnts"

    ( mind-ul o- t$ -act t$at4 as you +no* t$ *or+s o- your o*n rtainrs4 t$ mastr

    +no*s yours in t$ sam *ay"

    It is -orbiddn to disru#t t$ rlations$i#s o- ot$r #o#l4 and to ma+ ot$rs? an!uis$your o*n #lasur"

    It is -orbiddn to #ut ot$rs? #ro-it at a loss and4 rc+lssly mbracin! on?s o*n

    ambition4 incras on?s o*n #o*r"

    It is -orbiddn to b disr!ard-ul o- on?s o*n -inancial status4 and to li) it$r too -ar

    abo) or blo* it"

    It is -orbiddn to $a) contm#t -or *is rtainrs and #r-r -lattrrs4 and to $a) on?sactions b in-luncd by t$s conditions"

    On s$ould not b n)ious o- somon *$o $as #ros#rd by un1ust dds" Nor s$ould $

    disdain somon *$o $as -alln *$il ad$rin! to t$ #at$ o- ri!$tousnss"

    It is -orbiddn to b !i)n u# to drin+in! and carousin! and4 in !amblin! and t$ li+4 to-or!t on?s -amily dutis"

    It is -orbiddn to b #rid-ul o- on?s o*n cl)rnss4 and to ridicul ot$rs about


    W$n a #rson coms to on?s $om4 it is -orbiddn to -i!n illnss and t$us a)oid

    mtin! $im"

    It is -orbiddn to n1oy only on?s o*n tranuility4 and to rtir a man *it$out addin! to$im som sti#nd"

    It is -orbiddn to b ,cssi) in on?s o*n clot$in! and armor4 *$il $is rtainrs !o

    about s$abbily"

    On s$ould b $i!$ly r)rntial o- (udd$ist #rists4 and trat t$m *it$ corrct


    R!ardlss o- a #rson?s $i!$ or lo* #osition4 it is -orbiddn to disr!ard t$ la* o-

    +arma4 and to sim#ly li) in as"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    It is -orbiddn to rct barrirs *it$in on?s o*n domain and t$us caus distrss to

    tra)lrs bot$ comin! and !oin!"

    T$ abo) articls s$ould b +#t in mind at all tims"


    It is natural t$at trainin! in t$ martial arts is t$ Way o- t$ Warrior4 but it is mostim#ortant to #ut t$m into actual #ractic" First4 it is clarly *rittn in t$ Four (oo+s and t$

    Fi) 'lassics? as *ll as in t$ military *ritin!s t$at in #rotctin! t$ country4 i- on is i!norant

    o- larnin! $ *ill b unabl to !o)rn" From t$ tim on is youn!4 $ s$ould associat *it$com#anions *$o ar u#ri!$t4 and not )n tm#orarily b ta+n in by -rinds o- lo* c$aractr"

    Just as *atr *ill con-orm to t$ s$a# o- t$ )ssl t$at contains it4 so *ill a man -ollo* t$

    !ood and )il o- $is com#anions" T$is is so tru" T$r-or it is said t$at t$ mastr *$o !o)rns$is domain *ll lo)s *is rtainrs4 *$il t$ man *$o ,#loits t$ #o#l lo)s -lattrrs" T$is

    mans t$at i- on *ould +no* t$ $art o- t$ mastr4 $ s$ould loo+ to t$ com#anions *$om

    t$ mastr lo)s" On s$ould truly ta+ t$is to $art" To #r-r -rinds *$o ar su#rior to $im4

    and to a)oid t$os *$o ar $is in-riors4 is t$ *isdom o- t$ !ood man" 0o*)r4 considrin!

    t$is to b tru4 it *ill not do to b o)rly -astidious in on?s c$oic o- #o#l" T$is is sim#lysayin! t$at on s$ould not lo) t$os *$o ar )il" T$is is not limitd to t$ man *$o !o)rns

    t$ country4 -or *it$out t$ lo) and rs#ct o- t$ masss4 all mattrs ar di--icult to ac$i)"

    First o- all4 a samurai *$o disli+s battl and *$o $as not #ut $is $art in t$ ri!$t #lac)n t$ou!$ $ $as bn born in t$ $ous o- t$ *arrior4 s$ould not b rc+ond amon! on?s

    rtainrs" &any -amous !nrals $a) mad t$is admonition" N,t4 i- on *ould *ondr about

    t$ !ood and )il o- $is o*n $art4 $ may t$in+ o- $imsl- as !ood i- many #o#l o- bot$ $i!$and lo* #ositions !at$r at $is door" And4 )n i- on in)its many #o#l4 and still t$y n!lct

    $im and $ $as no comrads4 $ s$ould t$in+ o- $is o*n conduct as bin! incorrct"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    T$r is a #rimary nd to distin!uis$ loyalty -rom disloyalty and to stablis$ r*ards

    and #unis$mnts" It is manin!lss to di)id u# t$ administration o- t$ domain i- on?s )assals

    commit uslss acts in t$ir o*n intrsts4 $a) no ability in t$ martial arts4 and do not sustaint$ir undrlin!s" And t$ou!$ on can say t$at t$ tratmnt o- $is )assals in t$ di)ision o- t$

    -i-s $as not di--rd sinc t$ tim o- $is ancstors4 di--rncs in conduct and aut$ority ar

    d#ndnt on t$ -ram o- mind o- t$ #rsnt mastr"(in! born into a -amily t$at $as -rom t$ b!innin! arnstly +no*n t$ Way o- (attl4

    it is truly r!rttabl to *ast-ully tam#r *it$ t$ domain4 su##ort no soldirs4 and rci) t$

    scorn o- all"

    T$us is t$ abo) *rittn"

    in t$ 5/t$ yar o- Oi 35=5;7


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    “Even if one has learned all the sayings of the sages and saints, he should

    not insist on them obstinately.” 


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    Asa+ura Tos$i+a!

    35=;695=65 A"D"7

    "he 5sakura' c*aiming descent #rom severa* em%erors' )ere esta+*ished in the %rovince

    o# 6chizen as hereditary vassa*s o# the Shi+a c*an' and )ere a %o)er#u* #orce +oth mi*itari*y and

    economica**y #rom the mid(1&th century unti* their #ina* destruction +y the #orces o# -da No+unga in 1&>,

     5sakura "oshikage )as recognized #or his a+i*ities #rom his youth' and in 13& )as

    charged +y the +aku#u to sett*e a succession #eud +et)een t)o +ranches o# the Shi+a, Jsing this

    as an o%%ortunity #or greater things' he +egan a career o# e7%ro%riating %ortions o# manors he*din 6chizen +y +oth re*igious institutions and the no+i*ity, "he Shi+a #ami*y:s rea* %o)er +egan to

     #ade ra%id*y' and +y the end o# 13>1 5sakura )as a)arded )ith the governorshi% o# 6chizen' an

    o##ice traditiona**y he*d +y the Shi+a, e then +ui*t a cast*e at $chijogatani' and the %rovince %ros%ered economica**y and cu*tura**y #or near*y 1 years, $chijogatani +ecame a thriving

    mercanti*e center unti* its destruction in the )ars )ith -da No+unaga,

     5sakura is considered to have +een ruth*ess and ty%ica* o# the gekokujo daimyo' those

    *o)er c*ass )arriors )ho overthre) the u%%er c*ass no+i*ity, e )as certain*y very rea*istic and scorn#u* o# su%erstition, "he Seventeen 5rtic*es' )ritten in a heavi*y Sinicized sty*e' )ere

     %ossi+*y com%i*ed a#ter his death' +ut are re%uted to re#*ect his ideas and tem%erament )e**,

    "hey indicate a shar% %ractica*ity and rationa*ism' and there is very *itt*e o# the re*igious a+out

    him, "he choice o# the num+er 1> is reminiscent o# the 1>(artic*e constitution o# Shotoku "aishi)ritten in the seventh century' and may hint at 5sakura:s as%irations #or his c*an and %ossi+*y

    his o)n se*#(image in history,


    The Se.enteen Artic!es of As*'r Toshi*$e

    In t$ -i- o- t$ Asa+ura4 on s$ould not dtrmin $rditary c$i- rtainrs" A mans$ould b assi!nd accordin! to $is ability and loyalty"

    On s$ould not ntrust a #osition and land to a man *$o $as no talnt4 )n i- $is -amily

    $as $ld suc$ -or !nrations"

    On s$ould #lac s#is in -i-s bot$ nar and -ar4 )n in tims o- #ac4 and s$ouldconstantly inuir into t$ir circumstancs"

    On s$ould not b o)rly -ond o- -amous s*ords and da!!rs" For )n i- on $as as*ord )alud at 54 cas$4 $ *ill not o)rcom 5 mn carryin! s#ars )alud at 5 cas$"

    T$r-or4 i- on $as 54 cas$ and buys 5 s#ars4 $a)in! 5 mn to carry t$m $ s$ould

     b abl to #rotct an ntir -lan+"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    On s$ould not b -ond o- cratin! a s#ctacl by #riodically in)itin! actors -rom t$

    -our sc$ools o- Saru!a+u to com -rom %yoto" Wit$ t$ ,#ns t$at *ould in)ol)4 i- $ *ould

    $a) a Saru!a+u actor o- talnt -rom our o*n -i- !o to larn in t$ ca#ital4 $ *ould b abl to$a) n1oymnt t$ra-tr"

    It is #ro$ibitd to #r-orm No$ *it$in t$ castl !rounds at ni!$t"

    On s$ould not4 sayin! t$at is -or t$ us o- a samurai4 snd mssn!rs to t$ Dat or

    S$ira+a*a in sarc$ o- !ood $orss or $a*+s" It is di--rnt4 $o*)r4 i- on rci)s a !i-t -romanot$r #lac8 but t$at4 too4 s$ould b snt to anot$r clan *it$in t$r yars" I- on rtains

    somt$in! -or a lon! tim4 it *ill in)itably brin! r!rt"

     $# a man )ho serves indo*ent*y and a man )ho serves )e** are treated in the

     same )ay' the man )ho serves )e** may +egin to )onder )hy he does so,

    (!innin! *it$ t$ immdiat mmbrs o- t$ Asa+ura -amily4 all s$ould *ar clot$in!

    mad o- cotton at t$ N*

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    o#inions" &oro)r4 t$ mastr s$ould also c$an! $is a##aranc a bit and ma+ suc$ an

    ins#ction -or $imsl-"

    It s$ould b strictly -orbiddn to construct in our #ro)inc any castl ot$r t$an t$ on3Ic$i1o!atani7 $ld by t$ Asa+ura -amily" All mn o- $i!$ ran+ s$ould b constantly maintaind

    at Ic$i1o!atani4 and only t$ir r#rsntati)s and undrlin!s s$ould b #lacd in t$ir $om


    W$n #assin! by s$rins and tm#ls or t$rou!$ )illa! strts4 -rom tim to tim ons$ould rin in $is $ors and #rais #lacs o- bauty or lamnt -or t$os t$at $a) !on to ruin" I-

    $ *ill do so4 t$ 1oy o- t$ common #o#l at $a)in! bn s#o+n to by t$ mastr *ill +no* no

     bounds4 and t$y ar li+ly to uic+ly r#air #lacs in nd and to b all t$ mor scru#ulous in

     #lacs o- #r-ction" T$us4 ncoura!in! t$ #o#l *it$out ta+in! !rat --orts *ill b c$i-ly amattr o- t$ sin!l9minddnss o- t$ mastr"

    W$n on is !i)in! dirct audinc to )arious r#orts4 $ s$ould not allo* t$ last bit o-

    distortion in trms o- t$ir trut$ or -als$ood" I- $ $ars t$at an o--icial $as #ut $is o*n #ro-it to

    t$ -or4 $ s$ould b strictly !i)n t$ #ro#r #unis$mnt"

    On s$ould +# t$ abo) itms *ll in mind4 ,rt $imsl- in t$m day and ni!$t4 and

     #ass t$m do*n to dscndant a-tr dscndant" In all t$in!s4 i- on is -irm -rom *it$in t$r *ill

     b no )il mn to caus disturbancs -rom *it$out"


    W$n )arious r#orts ar bin! !i)n4 on s$ould not allo* t$ last bit o- distortion intrms o- t$ir trut$ or -als$ood" I- on $ars t$at an o--icial $as #ut $is o*n #ro-it to t$ -or4 $

    s$ould b strictly ordrd to t$ #ro#r #unis$mnt" In all t$in!s4 i- on *ill scrutiniB t$

    intrior and ta+ t$ #ro#r st#s -or it4 t$r *ill b no )il mn ntrin! -rom *it$out" For

    ot$r clans *ill com to mddl i- on?s o*n sli#s$od conditions ar +no*n"Accordin! to a crtain #rist4 a mastr o- mn s$ould b li+ Fudo9o9myo and AiBn9o9

    myo8 t$ rason bin! t$at Fudo9o9myo carris t$ s*ord and AiBn9o9myo carris t$ bo* and

    arro*4 not to stri+ at man4 but solly -or t$ sub1u!ation o- )il4 -or t$y ar bot$ !ods o- d#innr com#assion"

    &oro)r4 a lord o- mn *ill #rais t$ !ood and #unis$ t$ )il4 and s$ould 1ud!

    corrctly bt*n trut$ and -als$ood4 and !ood and bad" Suc$ a t$in! can b calld t$ ta+in!

    o- li- *it$ com#assion"

    E)n i- on $as larnd all t$ sayin!s o- t$ sa!s and saints4 $ s$ould not insist ont$m obstinatly" In t$ Analcts o- 'on-ucius it is said4 I- a !ntlman is not solmn4 $ *ill

    $a) no di!nity" (ut it *ould b a mista+ to undrstand t$is as manin! t$at on s$ould bsolmn all t$ tim" It is ncssary to b solmn or li!$t9$artd accordin! to t$ occasion"

    T$r *ill b no )alu in t$s articls i- t$y ar sim#ly t$ou!$t o)r casually" A-tr I4 aman o- littl ran+4 un,#ctdly too+ control o- t$ #ro)inc4 I $a) #ut -ort$ !rat --ort bot$

    day and ni!$t4 at on tim !at$rd to!t$r -amous mn o- all +inds4 listnd car-ully to *$at

    t$y $ad to say4 and $a) continud in suc$ a *ay u# until t$is tim" I- on *ill b su--icintly #rudnt and $a) $is dscndants +# t$ articls *rittn in t$is boo+ and t$in+ o- t$m as t$

    tac$in!s o- &aris$itn or 0ac$iman4 t$ nam o- t$ Asa+ura s$ould continu $a##ily" (ut in

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    t$ distant -utur4 i- our dscndants act only *it$ sl-9intrst4 it *ill crtainly b a mattr o-


    Ima!a*a Ryos$un?s )rs:

    /hen a %arent thinks o# his chi*d 

    /ith a heart o# sincerity' o) )i** he teach him

    /ithout vaci**ation and dou+t 

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



    0o1o Na!au1i35=;95C5/ A"D"7

     ojo Nagauji )as a genera* o# the *ate .uromachi Period )ho' through marriage and a succession o# %o*itica* maneuvers' +ecame master o# the Suruga' $zu and Sagami Provinces, is

    origins are o+scure' +ut he may have +een connected )ith the eiji o# $se' and #irst )ent +y the

    name o# $se Skinkuro, ater he married o## his son' Jjitsuna' to a descendant o# the ancient ojo #ami*y and took their name #or his o)n' su%%osed*y #or the %restige it )ou*d render and %ossi+*y

    to indicate his o)n %o*itica* intentions, is *ine is ca**ed the Go(ojo' or the ater oj,

     5round 13>& ojo Nagauji came to Suruga and attached himse*# to the $maga)a c*an'*ater taking advantage o# a succession %ro+*em )ithin that c*an to +ecome master o# the

     %rovince, $n 1391' under simi*ar circumstances' he )as a+*e to add $zu to his domainsA and

     #ina**y in 139&' under the %retense o# hunting #or deer' he marched into Sagami' taking the cast*e

    to)n o# -da)ara, From this %oint' Nagauji e7tended his attacks and eventua**y his domainsnorth)ard' #ighting successive*y )ith the Jesugi and other neigh+oring c*ans, 5t -da)ara he

    +ui*t one o# the #irst great cast*e to)ns in 4a%an' attracting many samurai #rom other #ie#s +y its genera* %ros%erity and %eace, $n his *ater years he +ecame a %riest' taking the name Soun,

     ike 5sakura "oshikage' ojo Soun has not received great %raise #rom historians due to

    his some)hat cunning and ruth*ess methods in e7tending his domains, =et he )as admired +y

    other daimyo as a good genera* and administrator, $n addition to attracting more samurai to-da)ara' he cut cro% ta7es #rom one(ha*# to t)o(#i#ths o# the harvest' and genera**y *ooked out

     #or the )e*#are o# his %eo%*e,

    "he ")enty(-ne Prece%ts )ere )ritten some time a#ter o#

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    The T&ent-0One Precepts of Ho2o So'n

    Abo) all4 bli) in t$ !ods and (udd$as"

    In t$ mornin!4 ris as arly as #ossibl" Risin! lat4 on *ill $ n!li!nt as a sr)ant

    and a $indranc to bot$ t$ mastr?s and on?s o*n businss8 and4 in t$ nd4 on *ill b-orsa+n by t$ mastr" Grat #rudnc s$ould b ta+n in t$is mattr"

    On s$ould b soundly asl# at ni!$t b-or i!$t o?cloc+4 -or t$i)s ar most li+ly to

     bra+ in bt*n midni!$t and t*o in t$ mornin!" 0a)in! uslss lon! con)rsation at ni!$t4

    on *ill b asl# bt*n 5; and t*o4 $is mony *ill b ta+n4 and dama! *ill b don" T$is*ill not b !ood -or on?s r#utation"

    On s$ould #ut a*ay t$ -ir*ood and lam# oil t$at *ould $ uslssly burnd a*ay

    durin! t$ ni!$t4 and at -our in t$ mornin! ris and do $is ablutions and d)otions4 drss onsl- 

     #ro#rly4 ,#lain t$ day?s labors to $is *i- and rtainrs4 and !o to attnd $is *or+ b-or si,o?cloc+" Accordin! to an old #ro)rb4 on s$ould rtir by midni!$t and ris by -our in t$

    mornin!4 but t$is is u# to t$ indi)idual" Risin! by -our o?cloc+ *ould b bn-icial -or anyon4$o*)r" Stayin! in bd until i!$t or tn in t$ mornin!4 on *ill com#lt nit$r $is *or+ -ort$ mastr nor $is o*n #ri)at businss4 and t$ o##ortunity o- t$ day *ill b *astd -or no

    rason at all"

    (-or *as$in! on?s -ac and $ands in t$ mornin!4 on s$ould -irst c$c+ t$ la)atory4

    t$ stabls4 and outsid t$ !at8 instruct t$ a##ro#riat #o#l concrnin! t$ #lacs ndin!clanin!4 and t$n uic+ly *as$ $imsl-"

    On s$ould not assum t$at *atr is #lnti-ul4 and carlssly *as$ $is mout$ out and

    t$ro* it a*ay" Furt$rmor4 on s$ould do t$is uitly and not assum t$at4 as $ is in $is o*n

    $om4 $ can !o about !ar!lin! and s#ittin! loudly4 -or t$is is actin! *it$out rsr) to*ard

    ot$rs and is un#lasant to $ar" T$r is a sayin! t$at !os4 Wal+ stalt$ily *$r still undrt$ arc$ o- $a)n"?

    Consider that )hich e7ists to e7ist and that )hich does not e7ist to not e7ist' and 

    recognize things just as they are, /ith such a #rame o# mind' one )i** have divine

     %rotection even though he does not %ray,

    To *ors$i# t$ !ods and (udd$as is t$ corrct conduct -or a man" It can b said t$at on

    *ill b in con-ormity *it$ t$ -lin!s o- t$ !ods and (udd$as i- $ *ill sim#ly ma+ $is $artstrai!$t9-or*ard and calm4 rs#ct $onstly and *$ol$artdly t$os abo) $im and $a) #ity

    on t$os blo*4 considr t$at *$ic$ ,ists to ,ist and t$at *$ic$ dos not ,ist to not ,ist4 and

    rco!niB t$in!s 1ust as t$y ar" Wit$ suc$ a -ram o- mind4 on *ill $a) di)in #rotction)n t$ou!$ $ dos not #ray" (ut i- $is mind is not strai!$t4 $ $ad bst b #rudnt lst it b said

    t$at $ $as bn abandond by 0a)n4 #rayr-ul or not"

    It *ill not do to t$in+ t$at on must $a) s*ords and clot$in! as -in as )ryon ls?s"

    It is su--icint to intnd not to b unsi!$tly" (orro*in! and s+in! a-tr t$in!s on dosn?t $a)4and #ilin! u# dbts4 on *ill b scornd by ot$rs"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    E)n *$n on is t$in+in! o- stayin! $om all day du to illnss or #ri)at businss4 $

    s$ould uic+ly arran! $is $air" T$is !os *it$out sayin! *$n $ is !oin! out to $is

    rs#onsibilitis" To ,#os #o#l to on?s slo##y a##aranc is bot$ im#olit and incom#tnt"I- a #rson $imsl- is n!li!nt concrnin! t$s mattrs4 $is rtainrs4 too4 ar li+ly to -ollo* in

    a similar mannr" &oro)r4 *$n on?s comrads com to )isit4 it *ill b unsi!$tly i- all t$

    mmbrs o- on?s $ous$old ar in disarray"W$n on is #r-ormin! $is dutis4 $ s$ould not 1ust sim#ly a##ar b-or t$ mastr"

    0 s$ould *ait -or a momnt in t$ n,t room4 c$c+ $is colla!us? a##arancs4 and t$n !o in

    to audinc" I- it is not don t$is *ay4 $is --ort *ill li+ly b in )ain"

    W$n on $as bn addrssd by t$ mastr4 )n t$ou!$ $ is satd at a distanc $

    s$ould uic+ly ans*r4

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


     #lay !o4 c$ss4 and s$a+u$ac$i" T$r is no s$am in not +no*in! t$s lattr amusmnts"

    Indd4 t$y ar mattrs to b ta+n u# only in t$ stad o- *astin! on?s tim com#ltly"

    A #rson?s !ood and )il ar d#ndnt on $is com#anions" W$n t$r #o#l arto!t$r t$r *ill al*ays b an ,m#lary #rson amon! t$m4 and on s$ould c$oos t$ !ood

     #rson and -ollo* $is ,am#l" Loo+in! at t$ bad #rson4 on s$ould corrct $is o*n mista+s"

    W$n on $as som s#ar tim and rturns to $is $om4 $ s$ould *al+ around t$

    stabls and rar aras mndin! t$ *alls and -ncs and -illin! t$ #lacs *$r t$ do!s $a) bn di!!in!" I!norant maids and t$ li+ *ill #ull t$ la)s undr t$ a)s and burn t$m4

    doin! only *$at is ndd -or t$ #rsnt4 but *ill not +no* *$at to do a-tr t$at" On s$ould

    $a) a d# undrstandin! t$at all t$in!s ar li+ t$is"

    At si, o?cloc+ in t$ )nin! on s$ould clos $is !at ti!$tly and not o#n it a!ain,c#t to lt #o#l in and out" Not to do so is n!li!nc4 and *ill in)itably in)it disastr"

    At ni!$t4 on s$ould !o about $imsl- c$c+in! t$ -irs in t$ +itc$n and li)in! room4

    and ma+ -irm instructions concrnin! t$m" Ot$r t$an t$at4 $ s$ould ma+ instructions ni!$tly

    in ordr to -orm $abits in caution a!ainst s#radin! -irs" Womn o- bot$ $i!$ and lo* ran+s$a) no -lin!s -or suc$ t$in!s4 and *ill la) $ous$old !oods and clot$in! s#rad around4 and

     b !ratly n!li!nt" On s$ould not t$in+ $ can $ir ot$rs and $a) t$m do )ryt$in!4 but

    rat$r $ s$ould b o- t$ mind to rly on $imsl- and to +no* t$ condition o- t$in!s" Only t$n

    s$ould $ dl!at to ot$rs"

    It is $ardly ncssary to rcord t$at bot$ larnin! and t$ military arts ar t$ Way o- t$

    Warrior4 -or it is an ancint la* t$at on s$ould $a) larnin! on t$ l-t and t$ martial arts on

    t$ ri!$t" (ut t$is is somt$in! t$at *ill not b obtainabl i- on $as not #r#ard -or it


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai




    “! general of great merit should be said to be a man who has met with at

    least one great defeat.” 


  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai



    Asa+ura Nori+a!35=2=95CCC A"D"7

     5sakura Norikage )as the mainstay o# the 5sakura c*an during the di##icu*t years o# the $kko sect u%risings in 6chizen and continued insta+i*ity in the near+y area o# the ca%ita*, "hough

    never a daimyo himse*#' he )as advisor to three generations o# 5sakura chie#tains and s%ent

    most o# his *i#e in mi*itary cam%aigns, $n 1&38 he shaved his head and +ecame a %riest' takingthe name o# Soteki, Neither the years nor re*igion deterred him #rom his occu%ation' ho)ever' #or 

    at the age o# >9 he marched )ith his army to the %rovince o# Kaga #or )hat )as to +e his *ast

    cam%aign against the $kko adherents, -n Se%tem+er 8 o# that year' he died in cam% o# natura*


    "he Soteki /aki is a co**ection o# his sayings' )ritten do)n +y a c*ose retainer a #e)

     years +e#ore his death, $t consists o# 8 %rece%ts or anecdotes and is )ritten in a kanamajiri

     sty*e, $n this record )e can see the *egacy o# 5sakura:s %ractica*ity and vision, "he idea*ism o#

     #ormer and *ater ages is *acking here' #or 0though a )arrior +e ca**ed a dog' or a +east' )hat is+asic #or him is to )in, $n this connection' 5sa*eura stressed the mutua* #ates o# master and

    retainer' and thus the need #or harmonious re*ations +et)een them, 5*most a** o# the %rece%ts

    here %oint to success on the +att*e#ie*d in one )ay or another' )hether out)ard*y concerned )ithmora*ity or #eeding one:s horse' and c*ear*y re#*ect an active genera*:s concerns and e7%eriences,

    The Recor"e" Wor"s of As*'r Sote*i

    It is a -ailur on t$ #art o- a !nral to -orcibly snd $is troo#s to attac+ a castl4 *$t$r 

    on mountain or -latland" T$is *ould b sndin! $is )aluabl troo#s to di b-or $is )ry ys"T$is mattr coms -irst in a !nral?s considrations"

    In connction *it$ military mattrs4 on must n)r say t$at somt$in! can absolutly not

     b don" (y t$is4 t$ limitations o- on?s $art *ill b ,#osd"

    In attac+in! nmy9$ld !round4 on s$ould n)r assum t$at $is o##onnts *ill not

    $old t$ir o*n" I-4 in suc$ an attac+4 t$ nmy sti--ly rsistd4 on?s ntir -orcs *ould bdis$artnd"

    From tim to tim a man s$ould soa+ $ard soy bans in *atr4 and -d t$m to $is $ors"

    T$r *ill b no #ots or #ans -or suc$ t$in!s on t$ battl-ild"

     No mattr $o* lac+in! a man may b in $umanity4 i- $ *ould b a *arrior4 $ s$ould

    -irst o- all tll no lis" It is also basic t$at $ b not t$ last bit sus#icious4 t$at $ $abitually

    stand on int!rity4 and t$at $ +no* a sns o- s$am" T$ rason bin! t$at *$n a man *$o$as -ormrly told lis and actd sus#iciously #artici#ats in som !rat )nt4 $ *ill b #ointd

    at b$ind $is bac+ and nit$r $is allis nor $is nmis *ill bli) in $im4 r!ardlss o- $o*rasonabl $is *ords may b" On s$ould b )ry #rudnt about t$is"

    Durin! any military a--air4 no mattr $o* im#ortant t$ )nt may b4 *$n somt$in! is

    communicatd by *ord o- mout$4 t$ last bit o- )a!unss *ill in)it !ri)ous rsults"

  • 8/17/2019 Ideals of the Samurai


    A -* yars #ast4 at t$ battl o- &inato!a*a in %a!a4 t$r *r mor t$an C $ads

    ta+n" From t$s4 t$ $ads o- )ry youn! mn *r s#aratd4 rci)rs -rom t$ nmy

     bc+ond4 and t$ $ads rturnd uic+ly" In t$ -i!$t bt*n -oot soldirs #r)ious to t$at4$o*)r4 no suc$ t$in! *as don"

    At t$ tim o- a !rat battl or distrssin! rtrat4 t$ nmy may snd out troo#s to

    ,acrbat a !nral in )arious *ays in ordr to 1ud! $is #rsnt -lin!s" 0 s$ould not s$o*t$ last bit o- *a+nss4 $o*)r4 or lt out a sin!l *ord" On s$ould b car-ul about t$is andnot b n!li!nt"

    T$ou!$ a *arrior may b calld a do! or bast4 *$at is basic -or $im is to *in"

    A man *$o +#s a considrabl numbr o- rtainrsand t$is !os *it$out sayin! -or a

    !nrals$ould -irst o- all $a) t$ rli!ious and $abitual a*arnss to #ro)id -or $is mn*ll" Es#cially -or mn *$o $a) bn lon! in sr)ic4 but also -or t$os *$o ar n* or

     #rsntly m#loyd4 i- t$r is a rtainr *$o $as did in t$ midst o- duti-ul sr)ic and la)s

     b$ind a youn! c$ild4 t$ mastr s$ould trat t$at c$ild *it$ !rat car4 dalin! *it$ it +indly in a

    *ay t$at it *ill b abl to bcom an adult" W$n a samurai by c$anc $as no natural $ir4 i- t$

    mastr *ill ncoura! $im to ta+ on a -ittin! ado#td c$ild *$il $ and $is *i- ar yt$alt$y4 and ad)is $im in a *ay t$at $is -amily lin *ill not run out4 )n a c$ildlss man *ill

    -l rassurd and !rat-ul4 and *ill not $old bac+ $is li- -or $is mastr" I- a man *ill +indly dosuc$ t$in!s4 t$os undr $im *ill -l !ratly blssd4 and t$os *$o $ar and s t$s t$in!s

    *ill t$in+ o- $im as rliabl" T$os undr $is command *ill naturally sr) $im *it$ !rat

    loyalty4 as *ill t$os o- ot$r clans4 and $ *ill $a) many rliabl rtainrs"

    A mastr *ill incur t$ #unis$mnt in-lictd on $is rtainrs4 and $is rtainrs *ill incurt$at in-lictd on t$ir mastr" &astr and rtainr to!t$r s$ould not b n!li!nt"

    A mastr s$ould not unrasonably ma+ rusts -or t$ #ossssion o- $is rtainrs4 suc$

    as t$ir $orss and -alcons4 or t$ir s*ords4 $albrds4 #aintin!s or '$ins !oods" Gnrally

    s#a+in!4 -or rtainrs to #ossss )aluabl articls is t$ sam as i- t$ mastr $imsl- #os