ideas into action team

Ideas into Action TEAM 2021 SAGE Event Management, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Page 1: Ideas into Action TEAM

Ideas into Action TEAM

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Page 2: Ideas into Action TEAM

Roles and Responsibilities Hiring and Training

Motivating and Managing

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Page 3: Ideas into Action TEAM

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

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Page 4: Ideas into Action TEAM


Purpose-Driven Pay Day

Impact AND Income

Page 5: Ideas into Action TEAM

But, you say, it takes team….

And time…

And resources…

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So, how can you be super strategic?

Page 6: Ideas into Action TEAM

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”

(Jimmy Johnson)

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It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!

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Page 8: Ideas into Action TEAM

There is Only One YOU

• Zone of Incompetence

• Zone of Competence

• Zone of Excellence

• Zone of Genius

Let’s Reset Your Thermostat

What is the ONE problem YOU solve?

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Designing the Team

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Host Family Volunteers

Host Family Team In-house AV Volunteers

Host In-house Team Outsourced Team Mix of the above Depending on need

LEAP Success Stories

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HostChief Decision Maker

Enrollment Lead/PAG

Content/ Creative

BOR/Lobby Lead

Marketing Help Desk:Reg/CS/Processing

Zoom Manager

Content Development

Enrollment Strategy AV and Tech

Zoom Breakout Lead

Customer Service

Social Media

Video Production

Video Engineer (V1)

Show caller

Graphics / Design

Live Chat Support

Event Logistics

Show Management

Billing Support

CRM support

Host Support

B Roll

Roles (Tasks)

Offer Support

Copy writing



Web Design Print and Product

Speaker Support

Sponsor Support

F & B

Team Support

EST Lead

Camera Operators

Lighting Tech (L1)


Zoom Monitor/s

Audio Engineer (A1)

Tech & Dashboard


Lobby Chat


Enrollment Team


Coaching Zone Lead

Enrollment Chat

Tech Check

Emcee Support


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Lean in before YOU Leap: Considerations

Factors • Size • Reach • Budget • In house Team • Comfort • Complication • Layers

Lens • Enrollment • Budget • Logistics

In that order!

Reminders • Be aware of silos • You can consolidate roles • Think of responsibilities, not just

tasks • Factor in introvert/extroverts

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HostChief Decision Maker

Enrollment Lead/PAG

Content/ Creative

BOR/Lobby Lead

Marketing Help Desk:Reg/CS/Processing

Zoom Manager

Content Development

Enrollment Strategy AV and Tech

Zoom Breakout Lead

Customer Service

Social Media

Video Production

Video Engineer (V1)

Show caller

Graphics / Design

Live Chat Support

Event Logistics

Show Manager

Billing Support

CRM support

Host Support

B Roll


Offer Support

Copy writing



Web Design Print and Product

Speaker Support

Sponsor Support

F & B

Team Support

EST Lead

Camera Operators

Lighting Tech (L1)


Zoom Monitor/s

Audio Engineer (A1)

Tech & Dashboard


Lobby Chat


Enrollment Team


Coaching Zone Lead

Enrollment Chat

Content Throughline All roads lead to offer Intentionality Nothing gratuitous Enrollment

Vision, Inspiration, Intention, Throughline, Delivery

Smooth Start Customer Care Tracking Troubleshooting Enrollment Support

Tech Check

Emcee Support


Seamless production Host & Attendee Support Enrollment

Enrollment!!! During, After

Seamless production Host & Attendee Support Enrollment

Page 14: Ideas into Action TEAM

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Lean in before THEY Leap: Considerations

What we look for: • Cultural fit • Chemistry • Flexibility • Whatever It takes Attitude • Buy in • Authenticity • Passion and Purpose

Train on Wide Lens • Enrollment • Budget • Logistics

In that order!

Reminders • Your day job may not be your event

job • Your event job may evolve • Everyone is on the enrollment team • If it looks wrong is probably is • Boots on the ground, view from the

top (share often and easily)

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Enrolling the Team

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You have to Enroll Yourself Before You Can Enroll Others.

Enrolling them begins with enrolling YOU.

“Them” is Team, too.

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I can help you do this

We need to do this.

I need to do this.

Support, not permission

You are meant for more.

The person with the most certainty wins the debate.

Your Tribe

Your Team

Your Inner Circle

Your Family


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Crossover: Enhanced Opportunity & Community

Crossover: Enhanced Opportunity

Crossover: Enhanced Opportunity & Community

Crossover: Enhanced Opportunity & CommunityONE-TO-MANY MASTERMIND MEETING





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Page 19: Ideas into Action TEAM

Health Deep Dive


Wealth HappinessHealth

Wealth Deep Dive

Week 4

Happiness Deep Dive

Week 6

Happiness Deep Dive


Health Part I

Health Event Wealth Event Happiness Event

Problem Solution Mindset

Problem Solution Mindset

Problem Solution Mindset

Health High Level

Wealth Part I

Happiness Part I

Foundations: Daily Facebook, Monthly Q and A / Hot Seat Deep Dive Calls

Wealth High Level

Happiness High Level



Deep Dive




Problem Solution MindsetEnrollm


3 day Event

Health Deep Dive

Week 3

Wealth Deep Dive

Week 5

Welcome Week 1

Graduation Week 8

Health Part II

Wealth Part II

Happiness Part II


(C) SAGE Event Management, Inc. 2021

Page 20: Ideas into Action TEAM

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MetricsTech 1/15 In One hourSo10=150 people per hr10=1500 in 10 hours10= 3000 in 2 days , 10 hours a day

Zoom monitors Yes on pulseOne bouncing vsCareful about ownership of room Goal: connect with you , not them Study orchard No section monitors Worry going viralHappens in person Stoked fires unintentionally Volunteers CompensationFlat fedd red box group

HiringEstsBrand ambassadors / FB groupBa of... cityLeapLocalFamily


AvHelp deskTech checkLobbyPlannerSponsorSpeakerEmceeConcierge

EnrollmentConciergeSalesSwitchboard Could be one person multiply from there Do t volunteerPayPush harderBetter results Keyboard warriorsNot less complaints. Hear moreFocus on positive Not negative They need to know 2 people out of how many ?ContextQuantityPercentage Timing Surveys Front end box back end Not importantConversion.

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All Roads Lead to Offer…. But Offers Lead to Objections….

And, Objections Trigger My Thermostat…

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Conversion ConversationsEngage and connect (Meet them where they are)

•What question do YOU most need to know to serve them?Diagnose (Gap Analysis)

•Where is their biggest opportunity? (What are they most excited about?)

•Where is their biggest challenge in getting there? (What values and emotions previously held them back?)

Prescribe (Pain, Solution, Invitation)

•What if the values and emotions that have been driving your life up until this point could be changed and you could (create a new destiny) based on your new vision?

Three Most Powerful Words: Tell Me More2021 SAGE Event Management, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Page 24: Ideas into Action TEAM

What a Diagnosis Sounds like… (gap analysis)

“So what I am hearing is….you are excited about embracing… but you are challenged with (or have struggled with in the past)….”

“We see that a lot with our attendees prior to entering our programs…”

“The good news is — this is not uncommon for someone letting go of values and emotions driving your life/business. In fact, it’s normal and predictable, it’s a right of passage at this stage in your life…”

“You need a new strategy going forward…”

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Page 25: Ideas into Action TEAM

“Based on what you have told me, learning more about you (and your business), now that we have uncovered this challenge, I feel confident you’d be a good fit for (insert program)…”

“Many of our members see results around (insert challenge) in the first XX days”

“You remind me of… (insert testimonial).”

Subtext: “What would it mean to you to create XXX based on your new vision with the support of a like-minded community?”

What a Prescription sounds like…. (invitation)

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Page 26: Ideas into Action TEAM

Biggest Obstacles to CloseProcrastination: Assess how enrolled are they in their bigger vision of themselves?…”On a scale of 1 to 10 how excited/committed are you?”Pat answers: What are they really asking? Get to the question behind the question “tell me more”Hint of Special deals: “We might be able to arrange that” (Makes them question if there’s a better offer)Delaying Decision: “We could chat next week… reach out to me via email…”Dangerous: “Let me connect you with someone in Special Forces" (can be misconstrued as a special deal, then everyone wants Special Forces)Enabling: Letting them go to deep into their story (frustrates those waiting): “I know we have some people waiting, to make the best use of our time together, what is the question you most want answered?…”

Biggest Opportunities to ConvertGet to the question behind the question: “Tell me more”Speak directly to the objection continuum: “Tell me more”Actively invite others to listen and learn from others questions: “How many of you had the same question?”Cost of inaction (expense vs investment, ROI vs COI): “What are the chances of you doubling, tripling or more?” “What is the cost of not implementing what you learned here?”Secure the deposit: We can determine PP/PIF later, we can always move you to another program if not right fit”Future pacing (will you remember taking five days off a year from now?…)

Obstacles & Opportunities

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Page 27: Ideas into Action TEAM

Decide. Commit. Resolve.

I’ve done coaching before but it didn’t work… How did you show up?How would up show up differently this time?The support you most need the most threatens the comfort zone you are inYour past does not predict your future

I can’t afford it… You can’t afford not to…are your greatest investmentWho you become by investingPeople value what they pay forYou are worth investing in… todayMoney: 50 ways (resourcefulness) — See what’s available to you when you are no longer dealing in the unknown, then you can make an informed decisionBalance between reality, certainty and trust

Can I invest in the next one… What are you hoping will change if you wait (This is often exactly what the program solves ie. Make time, make money)The shift is on the other side of the choice

I can’t make the dates Could something shift that would allow you to be there?Are you willing to re-negotiate to allow for this? (ie. Childcare, work)Make this an “and” - not an “or”

I think I’ve got this on my own Is it hard for you to ask accept support?How has going it alone worked so far (Weight loss, muscle training, children)In my experience, this takes longer and is lonelier

My spouse is not on board… Compassion for spouse : concern is change and differentiation

How can we look at this together? I want to serve you at the highest level!Decide. Commit. Resolve.

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Objection Matrix

Objection Sounds like… Obstacle Opportunity Continuum Right Fit Client







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“Not everything that can be counted counts,

And not everything that counts can be counted..”

(Albert Einstein)

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