ideaspace-dlsu presentation

Slide 1 and the mobile apps ecosystem presented by jim ayson smart developer network IdeaSpace DLSU version 1.3

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SMART DevNet presentation at IdeaSpace DLSU


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 and  the  mobile  apps  ecosystem  

presented  by  jim  ayson  smart  developer  network  

IdeaSpace  DLSU  version  1.3  

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About  the  speaker  

Ques6ons?    TwiAer:  @jimayson  Facebook:  Google+:  +JimAyson  Download  the  slides:  

Jim  Ayson  heads  the  Partner  Management  team  at  Smart.  This  covers  technology  partners,  content  providers  and  the  developer  community.  

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My  workmail:  

[email protected]  

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•  The  Post-­‐PC  world    •  What  is  an  “App”  •  The  app  economy  •  The  app  ecosystem  •  The  mobile  operator’s  view  

•  SMART  Developer  Network  

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The  Post-­‐PC  World  

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The  PC  World  of  the  80s  and  90s  

PC’s,  MS  Windows,  Office,  desktop  browsers      

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The  Post-­‐PC  World  is  mobile  

Smartphones  /    Tablets  /  Apps  

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Slide  8  Source:  State  of  the  Internet  2012,  Mary  Meeker  

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Mobile  devices  surpassed  PCs  in  2010   Source:  Mary  Meeker,  Kleiner  Perkins  

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Mobile  apps  usage  vs  web  consumpaon  

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Slide  11  Source:  KPCB  Internet  Trends  2012  

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“We  are  in  the  post  Web  2.0  era”  –  Forbes  Magazine  

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Web  1.0  to  the  present  

• Companies  founded  in  1994-­‐2001.  Portals  and  Search  engines  -­‐  Yahoo,  Google,  Amazon,  AOL,  eBay  

Web  1.0  

• The  Social  Web  –  Facebook,  LinkedIn,  Groupon  

Web  2.0  

• 2010  to  the  present.  The  age  of  the  Mobile  App  is:  Instagram,  Foursquare,  Draw  Something  


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the  net  today  is  Mobile!  

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The  mobile  app  ecosystem  

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Defined  by  Apple  

•  iPhone  in  2007  (modern  smartphone)  •  iPad  in  2010  (the  modern  tablet  computer)  

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Apple  defined  the  eco-­‐system  

hardware   apps   app  store  

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Apps  Developers  They  are  crucial  to  the  eco-­‐system!  

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Other  smartphone  plalorms  

android   windows  phone  7   blackberry   nokia  belle  (formerly  symbian)  

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What  is  a  mobile  app  today?  •  Can  be  a  naave  app  (iOS,  

Android,  Java,  WP)    

•  Can  be  a  web  app  (HTML5)    

•  Can  be  developed  via  HTML5  and  converted  to  a  web  widget  running    through  a  widget  runame  (wrt).      

•  Developed  in  HTML5  and  run  like  a  naave  app  via  a  wrapper  like  Phonegap.  

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The  App  Economy  

Apps  are  the  new  face  of  the  internet  (complemenang,  and  someames  replacing  the  web)  

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Slide  22  Foursquare   Instagram  

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Slide  23  TwiAer  app:  Tweetcaster   Facebook  mobile  

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More  than  25  Billion  apps  downloaded  from  the  Apple  app  store  

Inventory  of  almost  600,000  apps  on  Apple  

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More  than  20  Billion  apps  installs  from  Google  Play  (Android  Market)  

600,000  apps,  1  Billion  downloads  a  month,  on  400M  Android  Devices      

Source:  Google  I/O  2012  -­‐  June  27,  2012  

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Apple  App  business  •  Sales  Revenues  of  $5.71B  since  2008.  

•  Paid  over  $4B  to  developers.  (70-­‐30  revenue  share)  

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How  the  Apps  make  money  

•  Business  Models:  – Paid  downloads  – Free  but  adveraser  supported  

– Free  but  contains  in-­‐app  payments  and  subscripaons  

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Temple  Run  Store  

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The  Mobile  Operator’s  View  •  Apps  are  important  because  they  drive  mobile  internet  usage.    

•  More  Usage  =  Revenue  

•  Mobile  operators  (like  SMART)  are  trying  to  become  part  of  the  app  ecosystem  

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AT&T  App  store  

AT&T  Apps  Center  

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SMART  App  Store  

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The  App  Ecosystem  +  Mobile  Operator  



App  Store  




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Mobile  Operators  as  part  of  the  app  ecosystem  

Operator  billing  (payment  for  apps  and  items  through  load)  

APIs  and  tools  for  developers  Revenue  Share  with  developers  

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Mobile  operator  app  ecosystem  

Developer  Community  Programs   Operator  run  app  store  Promotes  local  apps,    Allows  in-­‐app  charging  

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SMART  in  the  app  ecosystem  •  APIs  and  tools  for  apps  developers  

•  Developer  program    •  Operator  billing  (apps  payments  through  load)  

•  App  Store  •  Cooperaaon  with  internaaonal  telcos  through  WAC  and  GSMA  

•  Assisang  technopreneurs  through  IdeaSpace  Foundaaon  

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SMART  DevNet  

•  We  provide  speakers  &  sponsorships  for  external  developer  events  (big  or  small!)    

•  We  organize  developer  events,  hackathons  &  meetups  

•  We  educate  devs  about  SMART  technologies  (APIs  and  other  Dev  Tools)  

•  We  assist  developers  to  do  business  with  SMART    

•  We  run  a  community:  the  developer  network  

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Visit  the  Smart  Developer  Network  Online    

•  •  TwiAer:  @smartdevnet  •  E-­‐mail  inquiries:  [email protected]  •  Facebook  Group:    hAp://  

•  Google+  and  Google  groups…  coming  right  up!    

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Suggested  Reading  

•  Steve  Jobs    by  Walter  Isaacson  

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Suggested  Reading  

•  free  PDF  download  from  

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Op6onal:  SMART  DevNet  Videos  

TopApp,  iCare,  Shoephoric  

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End  /  Q&A