
Idioms (from Granny’s Candies)

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Post on 23-Jul-2015




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(from Granny’s Candies)

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(1) Raining cats and dogs

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(2) Green with envy

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(3) Frog in my throat

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(4) Get cold feet

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(5) Face the music

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(6) Elbow room

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(7) Piece of cake

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(8) Butterflies in my stomach

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(9) Beat around the bush

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(10) Right off the bat

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(11) My lips are sealed

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(12) Skating on thin ice

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(13) Sour grapes

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(14) That’s the way the ball bounces

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(15) Just for kicks

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(16) Bite the bullet

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(17) Head over heels

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(18) Win by a nose

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(19) Not my cup of tea

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(20) Give me a hand

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(21) A big hit

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(22) Pulling my leg

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(23) Get the ball rolling

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(24) Tickled pink

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(25) Apple of my eye

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(26) Stick your neck out for someone

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(27) Don’t cry over spilled milk

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(28) Look before you leap

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(29) Under the weather

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(30) Breath of fresh air

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(31) Heart of gold

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(32) Blind leading the blind

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(33) Monkey around

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(34) Wild goose chase

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(35) Hit the nail on the head

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(36) Beat a dead horse

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(37) Chip off the old block

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(38) His bark is worse than his bite

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(39) On the ball

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(40) Put your heads together

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(41) Beat the clock

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(42) A lot of get up and go

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(43) Get the upper hand

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(44) Put your nose to the grindstone

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(45) In the doghouse

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(46) Jack of all trades

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(47) Stretch the truth

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(48) Bite off more than you can chew

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(49) Let your hair down

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(50) Spill the beans

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(51) My eyes are bigger than my stomach

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(52) Go overboard

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(53) Stay on track

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(54) Costs an arm and a leg

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(55) Keep your head

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(56) A fly on the wall

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(57) In hot water

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(58) Kill two birds with one stone

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(59) Blow the whistle

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(60) Get on my nerves

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(61) Heart-to-heart talk

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(62) Off the deep end

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(63) Crack me up

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(64) Ham it up

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(65) Tied up

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(66) Pain in the neck

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(67) Keep an eye on

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(68) Just for kicks

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(69) Hot under the collar

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(70) Get off on the wrong foot

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(71) A barrel of laughs

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(72) A shot in the dark

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(73) Time flies when you’re having fun

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(74) In one ear and out the other

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(75) Wet behind the ears

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(76) On the money

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(77) Back against the wall

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(78) On the right track

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(79) Let the cat out of the bag

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(80) Crack the whip

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(81) Drive me up a wall

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(82) Break a leg

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(83) Keep a stiff upper lip

What Does This Idiom Mean?

(84) Open a can of worms