
IDIOMS A picture paints a thousand of words’

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Post on 10-Jan-2017




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‘A picture paints a thousand of


Page 2: Idioms

The 2010 Chile earthquake (known as numeronym 27F) was occurred at 3:34:08 local time (UTC-3) on Saturday February 27, 2010 quake, which had a magnitude of 8.8 MW.1 2 epicenter was located in the Chilean sea, opposite

the towns of Curanipe and Cobquecura note 1 about 150 kilometers northwest of Concepcion and 63 kilometers southwest of Cauquenes, and 30.1 kilometers deep under the crust terrestre.2 the earthquake had a maximum

duration of four minutes in the areas near the epicenter, and more than 2 minutes in the capital.1 4 was perceived in much of the Southern Cone with varying intensities, in places like Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo in the east .5 July 6The affected regions (north to south) were Valparaiso, Metropolitan of Santiago, O'Higgins, Maule, Bio Bio and La

Araucania, accumulating more than 13 million people, about 80% of the country's population. In the regions of Maule and Biobio, the earthquake reached an intensity of IX on the Mercalli scale, wiping out much of the cities as

constitution, Concepción, Cobquecura and the port of Talcahuano. Much of the central city of Curico and Talca collapsed and the old town was destroyed in its entirety. In the regions of La Araucania, O'Higgins and Metropolitan,

the earthquake reached an intensity of VIII causing destruction in the capital, Santiago, Rancagua and rural locations. Fatalities totaled 525 fallecidos.3 Nearly 500 thousand houses are severely damaged and a total of 2 million victims are estimated in the worst natural tragedy lived in Chile since 1960.8 President Michelle Bachelet declared a "state

constitutional exception of catastrophe "in the regions of Maule and Biobío.9A strong tsunami struck the Chilean coast as a result of the earthquake, destroying several villages already

devastated by the quake impact. Because errors and indecisions by the agencies sending alarm tsunami, the population was not warned about the event that occurred 35 minutes after the earthquake. The Juan Fernandez archipelago, despite not feel the quake, was hit by the violent tsunami that devastated the only town, San Juan Bautista. Warning Center Pacific Tsunami generated few minutes after the earthquake a tsunami warning for the Pacific Ocean, which was later extended to 53 countries located along much of its basin, reaching Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama , Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Antarctica, New Zealand, French Polynesia and the coast of Hawái.10

The earthquake is considered the third strongest in the history of the country and the eighth strongest recorded by humanity. Only it surpassed nationally by the cataclysm of 1960 Valdivia earthquake, the largest magnitude recorded

by humans by seismometers. The Chilean earthquake was 31 times stronger and released about 178 times more energy than the devastating earthquake in Haiti occurred the previous month, and the energy released is close to

100,000 atomic bombs on Hiroshima released in 1945.11


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a great earthquake in Chile…

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