idirect utilities pipeline transport solution overview

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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  • 1. Utility and Pipeline Transport Solution OverviewThe VSAT Advantage Extend IP connectivity to everyremote location Maintain real-time access toSCADA applications Protect physical assets andstrengthen network security Create an alternate network pathto ensure continuity of operationsMeeting Next-Generation Business DemandsToday, the utility and pipeline transport industries face growing challengesin how they manage their core operations. For utility companies, newregulations require them to upgrade their communications networksto safeguard core infrastructure and ensure their services remain alwaysavailable. Investments in green energy are extending their power generationoperations deep into remote geographies, far beyond the reach of terrestrialnetworks. And the adoption of smart grid standards requires real-timemonitoring of energy load distribution across all their substations andcustomer locations.Pipeline transport companies are confronting similar business pressures.They require greater visibility into operations at remote locations that arescattered across thousands of miles of rugged terrain. They need instantaccess to unmanned sites to address local problems remotely. Anddemand for increased pipeline station automation requires greaterbandwidth at remote sites, surpassing what traditional narrowbandSCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) networks can support.Broadband VSAT Networks: Higher Reliability and AvailabilityThe need to monitor, access and protect critical remote operations isforcing utility companies and pipeline operators to upgrade their legacycommunications systems. They require a next-generation network solutionthat can monitor real-time operational data with greater precision, handlebroadband applications like Voice- or Video-over-IP and provide constantconnectivity to every facility, no matter how remote.Advancements in satellite communications enable high-speed, two-wayconnectivity that can support traditional SCADA applications and meetthe bandwidth requirements of emerging broadband applications. Inremote areas, satellite IP connectivity is the most reliable, functional andcost-effective transport technology, extending farther than alternativemethods, delivering 99.8% availability and enabling data rates equivalentto terrestrial networks.With satellite connectivity, utility companies and pipeline operators can improve the reliabilityof their operations and cost-effectively manage remote locations.

2. Terrestrial Core NetworkPrimary OCCNetwork Managementand Terrestial IntegrationVSAT connectivity integrates withterrestrial networks to maintainseamless operations. Each site canbe easily managed from a centrallocation with complete visibility tothe entire network.Remote SiteHubNetworkManagementSystemRouterData Video VoIP SCADAMulti-application Supportand PrioritizationThe iDirect Platform supports bothSCADA and broadband applications atremote sites. Group QoS ensures everyapplication receives the requiredbandwidth to perform in real time.The iDirect Satellite SolutionThe iDirect Intelligent Platform provides organizationswith a secure, private network that can instantly reachany geography and support any application. The iDirectplatform delivers ubiquitous coverage to support SCADArequirements and broadband voice, data and videoapplications on a single network. In addition, iDirectsadvanced IP-routing capabilities provide seamless integrationinto existing terrestrial networks and offer highly reliableback-up options for critical business applications.Integrated Application SupportWith the iDirect Intelligent Platform, utility companiesand pipeline operators can support multiple IP applicationsthrough a single network infrastructure: Real-time data collection from SCADA network devicesto monitor operations and improve decision making Video surveillance of remote facilities to increasesafety and securityiDirect Network Architecture Internet, VoIP, videoconferencing and corporatedata access for technicians servicing remote stations An alternative network path to maintainbusiness continuityReal-Time Traffic ManagementThe iDirect platform is built on the next-generationDVB-S2 standard that delivers significant bandwidthefficiency gains over traditional satellite communicationssystems. This enables organizations to economicallysupport a higher level of network traffic. Further, iDirectsunique IP-based D-TDMA protocol continually monitorsreal-time bandwidth requirements on a site-by-site basisand dynamically allocates bandwidth based on eachlocations exact needs, resulting in significant operationalcost savings compared to dedicated satellite links.When coupled with iDirects award-winning GroupQuality of Service (GQoS) feature, organizations canprioritize network traffic according to critical and non-The iDirect platform delivers broadband IP connectivity that can reach any geographic location and support any application. 3. critical applications and assign corresponding servicelevel guarantees. The iDirect platform protects theresponse times required for SCADA applications, whilenever compromising quality of service for VoIP, videosurveillance and other real-time data transmissions.High reliability is ensured even during adverse weather.iDirects Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM)technology automatically optimizes link quality duringrain, solar outages and other conditions to maintainnetwork performance.Secure, Private NetworkIn order to meet emerging cyber threats and physicalsecurity requirements, utility companies and pipelineoperators must deploy a fully secure closed communicationsinfrastructure. With iDirects private network architecture,organizations can minimize the risk of intrusion, helpingprevent the possibility of outside tampering of criticalassets. iDirects technology makes it possible to encryptall data sent over network links using AES encryptionTerrestrial Core NetworkPrimary OCCHubTerrestrial Core NetworkBack-up OCCHubwith 256-bit keys. And with iDirects broadband capabilities,organizations can support on-site video surveillance andother applications to meet physical security requirements.100% Network UptimeBecause disasters and catastrophic failures cannot bepredicted and can occur anywhere, primary SCADAOperations Control Centers (OCCs) are at potential risk.iDirects geographic hub redundancy feature provides afailsafe switchover mechanism. Organizations can set upa secondary hub at any teleport location distant from theprimary hub. If the primary hub goes down for any reason,the secondary hub detects the failure and automaticallypicks up network operations to ensure seamless functionality.In addition, organizations can leverage satellite connectivityas an alternative path for their primary terrestrial networks.An iDirect high-speed IP satellite communications networkcan operate completely independent of terrestrialinfrastructure and seamlessly handle critical terrestrialtraffic in the wake of a primary network failure.RouterData Video VoIP SSCCAADDAARemote SiteNetwork RedundancyOrganizations can link a primary and secondary hub to ensure complete network and system redundancy. 4. Total Visibility, Access and ControlIts important for organizations to have the tools necessary to manage asatellite network from one central location and have a simple user interfaceexperience. With iDirects network management solution, organizationscan easily monitor, configure and control traffic across the entirenetwork, making bandwidth and quality of service adjustments instantly.The iDirect platform automates nearly every aspect of an OCC andseamlessly integrates with multiple transport solutions. The system alertsusers of potential trouble before problems arise. And when problems dooccur, organizations can proactively detect and prevent further networkdegradation. In addition, iDirects network management solution enablesorganizations to easily scale to new sites, applications and end users asneeds evolve.Meeting New Connectivity RequirementsNew requirements across the utility and pipeline industries areforcing the migration from legacy SCADA networks to more versatile IPbroadband solutions. Having the right network infrastructure is essentialfor utility and pipeline operators to better manage assets in remote orchallenging locations.Satellite connectivity based on the iDirect platform presents a cost-effectivesolution to manage growing operations and meet emergingindustry regulations. Utility companies and pipeline operators canimmediately establish communications infrastructure in remotegeographies. They gain a single integrated network with SCADA andbroadband traffic capabilities and a resilient, secure network to protectassets and improve the reliability of their operations.iDirect delivers the most efficient and reliable satellite communications platform for monitoringcritical assets and keeping operations running strong.iDirect13865 Sunrise Valley DriveHerndon, VA 20171+1 703.648.8000+1 866.345.0983www.idirect.netAdvancing a Connected World