idol worship, monotheism and swami dayananda saraswati

1. Idol Worship and monotheism in the Eyes of Swami Dayanand Saraswati And 2. What prevented Swami ji from coming closer to Islam?

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These are two monographs written for the thread "No Muslim can profane the name of Prophet" of Topix. The first one deals with the subject of Swami's views on Idol Worship and Monotheism. The second one is why he did not came closer to Islam, always a riddle


1. Idol Worship and monotheism in the Eyes of Swami Dayanand Saraswati And 2. What prevented Swami ji from coming closer to Islam?

Preface: In the name of Allah, Most gracious, Most merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Creator and sustainer of this Universe and His Peace and Blessings be on His Slave and Servant Prophet Mohammad and all his family and companions, after that. These are two monographs I wrote for the thread "No Muslim can profane the name of Prophet" of TOPIX, during my discussions with some Hindus on the subject of Idol Worship. My main arguments against Idol Worship and support of Monotheism were from Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATI and his most famous book SATYARTHA PRAKASH. Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATI is a very well known name to contemporary Hindus of India. It was he who started this Arya Samaj movement in India. He and his disciple Swami Vivekananda are much admired as foremost scholars of understanding Vedic Teachings in Modern Time. Swami JI wrote this Book SATYARTHA PRAKASH, which is much respected by many Hindus in India. Many people, on this thread have said that they follow Arya religion and are much impressed by this book. I would like to show to people what Swami JI wrote about Idol Worship in Chapter 11 of his bookand how weak are the arguments of these people who try to justify Idol Worship on one pretext or another. I translated these from his Sanskrit laden Hindi into English. The errors in translation, if any, are my mistakes. Then in the later part of my monograph, I tackled the situation why Swami Ji so opposed to Idol worship and pleading for monotheism stayed away from Islam, the most famous Monotheistic religion in the world? Not only that, he even tried to criticise Quran and Bible in the last two chapters of his books. (And these two chapters are really the two "weakest part" of his books and shows his superficial knowledge of Quran and Bible.) I have tried to answer these questions, based on my understanding of his book and arguments. How far I was able to do this I leave this to my readers. In the end I seek Pardon and Forgiveness from Allah, if I have erred in my analysis or try to hide any truth or spoken any wrong thing, to cause hurt and pain to any person. M.U. Qidwai Jubail Feb. 2013

Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATI on Idol Worship- Part-1 Q1. Who started Idol Worship? (In India) Ans. : Jain religion Q2. Why Jainis started it? Ans. Due to their ignorance and stupidity. Q3. Jainis say To look at a peaceful idol, we also get peace of mind Ans. Man is living and the idol is dead. Will a living person become like dead? This idol worship is totally wrong, it is started by Jains. We will give more reasons against it in Chapter 12 of the book also. Q4. SHAK did not follow Jain and their idols (VAISHNOVITES) are not like Jains Ans. Yes, this is correct, if they made their idols like Jains , they would have joined with Jain. So they made their idols different from them. Jains idols are naked, in the shape of hermit and one who is in contemplation To oppose them these people made their idols in the shape of ladies with makeup and engaged in fun and frolics. Jains do not make much noise.these people make lot of noise. To earn money from the people, many false priests took their followers to a remote hill or cave and hid a idol there before handand then they claimed that such and such Devta appeared to them in dream and indicated that such and such idol is hidden at this place when they discovered the idol, people got very much impressed and they made temples in remote mountain tops and caves and idol worship started in full swing .. Q5. Since God is without shape, and we cannot contemplate it, so we go before Idol and concentrate and remember God, what is harm in it? Ans. : When God is without shape, then no one can make any Idol like Him, and if Idol makes you remember God, then why not you see other things made by God like Earth, Water, Trees and animals and remember God? Are not things which God made are superior or the idols which these men make by their own hands and by their own imaginations. So you assumption is totally wrong, and If Idol is the main cause of your remembering God, then when the idol is not present, men will do all wrong things and assume that God is not seeing them

Q6. Yes, we know that God is without shape and size, but He took Avatar in the form of SHIV, VISHNU, GANESHA, SUN, DEVIS, RAM, KRISHNA etc..are these statues are not OK also? Ans: Yes, they are all wrong and invented lies . It is mentioned at many places in Vedas that God has no shape and form and He is free from Birth and Death. How can the Lord and Creator of this Universe can come inside womb of a woman and born like a human child? All these tales of God taking Avatar and come into world as humans are lies and invented by vested interest, so that they can devour money of people. Q7. When God is everywhere, then He is also in these idols and statues, so what is harm in their worship? Ans.: If God is everywhere, then to concentrate and restrict Him into one idol or statue is not correct. It is like one having a whole kingdom and he leaves the whole kingdom and makes a small hut in village and considers that as his kingdom. And the things you offer on these idols, flowers, Sandals etc, they are also things where God is present, so what is the end result?... Q8. When we recite Mantras, only then Devtas come into these Idols and when the He goes when the ceremony is over. Ans. If Devtas come on recitation of Mantras, then why these idols and statues do not become alive? And how does he depart and where does he go. The truth is that God never comes into these idols and never goes any where. If you people can call Devtas whenever you wish (by reciting a few Mantras), why do you not get the life of your dead child back by reciting the same mantras. These are tricks of these foolish priests to fool people like themto take their money by false pretexts. Q9. Is this TANTRA wrong? Ans. Yes it is totally wrong. There is not a single verse in whole of Vedas that support making statues and idols and then making elaborate schemes for their worship and offering them sweets and gold and silver.

Q10. If Vedas do not teach Idol worship, then they also do not prevent it also. Ans. Vedas do not teach Idol worship, but they warn strongly against worshipping anything beside the Worship of True God. It is mentioned in Vedas that those who worship ASANBHUTIS , (non living things like sun, moon, stars etc) in place of God, they fall into darkness and sorrow. And those who worship SANBHUTIS (i.e. living things, like animals, trees, or human beings)in place of God they fall into greater error and they are due for eternal punishment in the hereafter. The God who is without form and shape, to make His statue or idol and worship it, is the biggest sin according to Vedas. Q11. If there is no advantage in Idol worship, then there is no harm also Ans.: Every act is of two type, recommended or Not recommended. If one does anything against the recommended he does wrong. And if someone does something which is not recommended, he does wrong. So if Vedas prohibit from making any statue or idol of God, if you make idol and statue of God and worship it, why should you not earn sin? Q12. When Vedas were revealed at that time, people used to see Devtas, so there was no need for idol worship. But after that age was over, idol worship is for ignorant and less knowledgeable people, it helps them concentrateand once they reach higher level, they do not need idols to girls play with dolls till they grow up and meet their husbands. Ans. Anything which is prohibited by Vedas shall always remain wrong. You cannot justify it by giving your own reasons. Any book which is against Vedas is wrong. So all these arguments which idol worshippers have devised are wrong and to go on insisting and arguing about it only adds to your ignorance. Knowledge of God and His remembrance increases by sitting in the company of learned people and hearing the Vedas and its interpretations. By worshipping these idols of stones and wood and gold and can never come near God or feel His presence. We have never seen any one growing from Idol worship to Non Idol worshipmost people die in this condition itself. And to compare remembrance of God like girls playing with dolls is ignorance of highest order.

Q13. It is easy to concentrate when we see some definite object than to concentrate on God who is shapeless and formless. Ans.: One never concentrates on seeing a fixed object in front of him, but his thought wander about one part of the object to another (from its face, to its clothes, to its eyes, to armsetc- MUQ), while contemplating on Formless God, makes the mind concentrate more and more and the mind goes one stage of peace to another. And if form helps man to concentrate, then why are we unable to concentrate on seeing our wives and children and parents? One has to concentrate on formless God to increase his concentration. That is why idol worship is against (Arya and Vedic) religion Harms of Idol Worship: a. Crores of Rupees are Lost in constructing Temples and making these Idols and statues and it is a wastage of money and adds to the level of poverty. b. When men and women gather in Temples, there are fighting and illicit relationships, and many diseases are transmitted from one to other. c. People think that this Idol worship as their ultimate goal, it creates idleness and prevent them from aiming anything further. d. There is much competition between these priests to get as many devotees as possible. e. People think that victory and loss in wars is related to these idols and they do not try other means. f. If someone says to other that I will put an Idol on your land, he gets angry, why, if God is coming to his land, he should be happy. That shows that it is all false. g. They waste their time in going from one temple to another and one idol and statue to another. How much money is lost in this, no one knows. h. The money given to priests is usually spent on Drinking Alcohol, going to prostitutes, eating meat and other bad works. i. Instead of respecting their own parents, people pay more attention to these stone idols, who can not profit them, nor harm them. j. If some one steals these idols or breaks them, they feel much sorrow. (How one can Steal or Break these Idols if God was present into them?- MUQ)

k. The priests are frequently get involved in love and illicit relationships with female devotes and that causes lots of problem in the society. l. One who concentrated on a Non Living Idol, his mental capabilities are reduced. m. Flowers and other scented items, God has created to purify and clean the atmosphere of earth. By plucking these and offering them by millions on these idols and statues, harms the environment. Then these flowers rot and give a very bad smell that makes the whole area smelly. There are many more harms of Idol worship. Any learned and civilized man must stay away from Idol worship. No learned man should ever give any argument encouraging and / or justifying this illogical and practice which is against Aryan and Vedic religion. Q14. If we have to keep away from every type of idol worship, then what about this PANCHDEV Puja which is so common in India? These five Devtas are SHIV, VISHNU, AMBIKA, GANESH & SUN. Ans.: We should stay away from every type of Idol worship, and people have totally misunderstood the meaning of PANCHDEVA Puja. We have already rejected the idea of making idols and statues of these Devtas and then worshipping them in any form. What Five Devtas are mentioned in Vedas are , Your Mother, Your Father, your Guru, Your Guest and Fifth is your spouse. These five are like Devtas for us and we should respect them and give thanks to them. This is PUNCH DEVA Puja which is recognized in Vedas. Q15. If we serve and also worship idols, then there is no harm? Ans. To neglect Parents and spend your time in worshipping idols of stones is mere wastage of time. What these priests do is to attract people by decorating these idols and putting colored clothes and costly jewelry on them, and all these noise of dances, Bhajans and Musical Instruments..these are means to attract people and take out their money. If there was any religious ruler, he would have put these priests to work in stone mines and build houses and any other worthy work. Q16. When we get sexual excitement by looking at the statue of a female, can we also feel peace by looking at a statue in peaceful posture/ Ans. No, because of their being dead they cannot affect the spirit. And concentration power of soul is reduced by looking at these idols. It is because of this idol worship that we see so many idle people in India, they do not do any worthwhile work and spread superstition amongst the people.

Part-2 Miracles Attributed to Idols and places

Q17. Did not we see the Miracle from Lord BHARAON in KASHI, then when Aurangzeb soldier went to break the idols, large number of wasps attacked them and they ran away? Ans. This was no Miracle of Lord BHAIRAON, there was a wasp nest which was hit by the soldiers and the wasps attacked them we see such Miracle many times, when some one disturbs the houses of Honey bee and wasps. Q18. See, MAHADEV hid in a well to avoid giving Darshan to a MLECHA and BENIMADHAV hid in the house of a Brahmin, is it not a Miracle. Ans. On one side we hear that MAHADEVA was so powerful that he killed so many Demons and on the other hand he was so afraid of a few Muslim lads that he had to hid in a cave, how we can believe it? When Muslim army destroyed the temple and idols, then these priests hid his statue in a well and started saying that Bhagwan has hidden in well. These are mere tales and have no truth in them. Q19. In GAYA the PITRAS are removed from sins, and they gave PRASAD with their own hands, is this also false? Ans. Total lie! The money which is given to PANDAS is spent in alcoholism and going to prostitutes (I am not saying this, Swami Ji is saying this MUQ), no hands appear now a days and they would have done some trick to fool some simpletons and then advertised as a Miracle. Q20. Kali in Calcutta and KAMAKHSHA are worshipped by millions of people, are they all wrong? Ans. There is nothing in this, people just follow one another without thinking. Just like one sheep follows another, same is the case with these millions of people. They fell into the wrongs of idol worship.

Q21. In JAGANNATH temple, one log comes from the sea at the time of changing KALEVAR. If you keep seven utensils one over the other, it is the top one which is coked first, and his Rath moves automatically, are these things wrong. Ans. I met some one who had worshipped JAGANNATH for twelve years, he told me that this is all wrong and sleight of hands. When the times of changing KALEVAR comes, some one drops a log in sea by riding a boat, sea waves bring it to shore just about the same time and they declare this as a miracle of Idol. The rice in the top utensil is pre-cooked by the priests and no one sees it, then they put that on top and uncooked rice in the other pots and then show to people with little understanding that top one is cooked before the bottom ones. There is a trick in moving the Chariot also and it is done so cleverly that common people cannot understand it (Just like magicians showing tricks on stage MUQ) All these false stories and tricks are done, just to gather money from people one way ort another. Q22. And what about Ling size increasing in RAMESHWAR, is this also lie? Ans. Total lie!, in that temple also there is darkness during day time also. The lamps are lit all the time, when water is poured over the Ling, its image vibrates and Priests show to fools that size has just increased and they come under their trick and believe it. Q23. But this temple at RAMESHWAR was made by Lord Ram and he established the Ling there, if Idol worship was wrong, then why he did it? Ans. During the time of Lord Ram, there was no sign of temple or Ling. Some other king from the south made the temple there. There is truth that Ram spent four months in that Jungle for the ways to free his wife Sita. This is what is recorded by VALMIKI and nothing else. Q24. There is a MURTI in South called KALIYAKANT, it drinks HOOKA, is it not a clear miracle? Ans. This is nothing but a trick. The mouth of MURTI is open and there must be a hidden pipe going from its mouth to a hidden place. When the trick is to be performed, it is filled with water and a man who is hidden blows into the tube and water bubbles come out from its mouth. Nothing but a sleight of hand to fool people.

Q25. Statue of DAKOR came with a worshipper, a heavy stone idol weighted only a few grams of Gold. Is it not a Miracle? Ans. No, the Murti was stolen by that worshipper and he said that it came by itself. And this story of weight is a lie spread by some fool and other fools started believing in it. Q26. What about the Idol of SOMANATH was standing above the earth without any visible support, how can you deny such a big miracle? Ans. This was done thru the magnets fixed at strategic places, so that the idol was hanging above the earth.if the idol had any power, why it did not save itself when MAHMMOD GHAZNAVI came to destroy it? All its priests were besieging and asking it to save the temple and them, but nothing happened and Muslim soldiers broke the statue and temple and took so much gold stored there. When the roof of temple was removed, the magnets fell and the idol came crashing down on earth. If instead of worshipping that false idol, these priests would have fought and defended themselves, they would have harmed the attacking army, but their idol worship did not help them in the least. Q27. What about the Hundi sent by Ranchorji or Dwarika to pay the debt of one of its devotee? Is this also false? Ans.: The Hundi might have been sent by some rich man and a rumor was spread that Lord Krishna has send it. When British people attacked that land in 1914, why that idol could not kill any of them? The people of the land fought the British but that statue of Lord Krishna stood still. Q28. what about that pond of Amritsar, The snow Ling of Amarnath which is formed itself, Pigeons coming from Himalaya for Darshan, are these also lies? Ans. The water of pond at Amritsar is no different form any other water, no one lives for ever after drinking itwhen snow falls in Amarnath, a shape of Ling being formed is nothing strange, and those pigeons must be trained and sent by the accomplices . There is not truth or any miracle in all these. Q29. what about the famous religious places like, HARIDWAR, TAPVAN, DEVPRAYAG, GANGOTRI, UTTARKASHI, KEDAR NATH, BADRINATH, PASHUPATI IN NEPAL,people visit these religious places so that their sins be forgiven and each of them has a special story about its importance , are all these things fabricated? Ans. These are places which have some scenic beauty and located at high altitudes and difficult to reach places. These priests just constructed temples there and started their own

rumors and false stories of miracles and myths. Now people just visit these places and waste their money in giving donations to these priests, who do nothing but enjoy these donations.

Q30. In VINDHTACHAL there is a Statue of Kali with eight hands, no fly is to be found in that place, If you shave your Head in Prayag and take dip in Holy Sangam, your sins get dissolved, Ayodhya went into heaven three times, Mathura having special fatures, people taking bath in KURUCHATRA during Solar Eclipse, all these things falsehood? Ans. VINDHYACHAL: Three faces is just a trick, which is performed by draping different clothes on the idol, and I have seen hundreds of thousands of flies there with my own eyes, Prayag: If people go to heaven after taking dip, why they return back home, these are false rumors spread by the greedy priests. Ayodhya: It never went anywhere and is standing where it was. These are just rumors which are spread by the vested interest (Swami Ji has not written any thing about Babri Masjid, Ram Janambohomi being in Ayodhya that issue was not there during his time MUQ) Mathura: I agree, there are three things special in Mathura. One is its CHAUBEY who are always ready to eat LADDO, another is the tortoise which attack those who take bath in the pond, and third are the monkeys which are present there in large numbers KURUCHETRA: There is nothing special in taking bath there during solar eclipse, another false rumor spread by the same priestly class, Q31. This Idol Worship and Holy places are present since SANATAN Time, how they could be wrong?(Very Important Question MUQ) Ans.: What do you mean by SANATAN? If by it you mean that since beginning of time, then why Idol worship and these holy places are not mentioned in Vedas and ancient Scriptures? This Idol worship was not present during Vedic times and when Arya Religion was paramount in India. This idol worship was started around two to three thousands years back by Jain people. And soon Hindus also adopted it. None of these Holy Places have any history dating more than 500 to 1000 years back. Every one verify it by reading the markings and seals present there.

(So if some one has to follow Sanatan Dharma, he should then follow the Vedic Dharma which has no mention of any idols or statues or idol worship MUQ) Q32. Is there no truth in remembering name of God? Ans.: If one reads true books, stays in the company of learned people and pious people, does service for people, speaks truth, and has high morality.such good deeds and concentrating on God does help people. This is the real remembrance and real pilgrimage.what short cuts people have invented, they do not help in the least, but mislead people and they never think of improving themselves and their personalities. Concentrating and contemplating on God and His various attributes, helps persons who do that with an aim to bring same qualities in themselves and in their dealing with other humans on this planet. Q33. What about respecting one Guru? And never criticizing them, irrespective of what they do? Ans.: No Guru can be greater than God. Father, Mother, Guest and Teacher are the real gurus. We should serve them respect them and learn from them. But we should not blindly follow or support these Gurus, if we find that they are going, doing or saying something which is against established teachings of God, we must leave them (Our prophet also said that there is no following anyone if it is disobeying Creator- MUQ). There are true Gurus and many false Gurus also, their pupil and followers blindly follow their gurus and this is the main reason of so much confusion and falsehood and discord in the society. Q34. Is it not true that Muni Vyas is the author of eighteen Puranas? Ans. If Vyas was the author of those Puranas, there would not be so much falsehood in these. These Puranas have been written by people whose name no one knows and they just refereed it to Vyas Ji. He was busy in reading, learning and teaching Vedas. He read all the four is not right to say that he wrote all the four Vedas. Because his father, grandfather and his ancestors has also read these Vedas. Q35. Is there anything truth also in these Puranas or it is total falsehood. Ans. Most of the stories in these Puranas are falsehood, but there are also truth in them once in a while. We should compare its teachings with Vedas, those which are according to Vedas, we should accept it and those which are against it, we should reject it. Each of this Purana is named after a particular name, and it keeps on exaggerating its importance and qualities, as if there is no one else beside him.

Then another Purana does the same for another name and so all of them can be true? Q36. There is no contradiction in these Puranas. When we worship one deity , we put all our concentration to it. If we are worshipping Shiva , we only see his greatness and when we worship Vishnu, we do the same for him, where is the contradiction? Ans. No this approach is not correct. We cannot raise the level of one person, so that we insult other people.. There are so much exaggeration and so strange stories that no reasonable man can for even one second believe that they are true. And why those things do not happen now? Q37. The people who are unable to understand Vedas for them Smritis were written, for those who cannot understand Smriti for them Shastras were written and those who cannot even understand Shastras for them Puranas were written. These are mainly for women and Shudras because they cannot hear Vedas. Ans. If that be the case, then why there are so much contradictions between Vedas and these books? These are just excuses which people give so that most people do not read Vedas and be ignorant and follow these false books. Q38. What about these TANTRAS And PURANAS which people say that only explain meanings of Vedas. Ans.: No, these are against Vedas and its teachings. It is like one being a friend of one and enemy of all others. Anyone who believes in TANTRAS and PURANAS is a man who is ignorant, No learned man believes in them. And if you believe in all these PURANAS you have to always on fast, because they each pick up different day for fasts. Q39. Some people say that some of Vedas parts were lost, may be those who were lost talked about Idol worship and that is why these PURANAS and other books talk so much about Idol worship? Ans. A branch of tree is like a tree and anyone can analyze that it is from this tree. When we study Vedas and its commentaries written by learned scholars, we find them to be supporting each other. In none of them we find God having some shape or form. How come these later book talk about his form and his statue etc. So these branches are not from the same tree but another tree. These people do not think that how much insult of these people is done when we make their statues or idols. Many of these Devis and Ladies were Ranis. When these priests use their idols to beg from people, it shows that these kings and Ranis cannot help their own priests.

If someone breaks these idols and statues, then these priests weep and cry and complain to people that some evil man has broken statues of our gods , and then they try to get some finer and better and stronger Murti. Do they not insult their own gods?

On different sects and religious groups in India

Q40. What about those who follow SHAIV panth? They are good? Ans. What good, they are as bad as others. They keep on reciting OM NAMA SHIVAYA, wear garlands made from RUDRAKSH and make Shiva Ling of stone and clay and worship it. They make unintelligible sounds like a goat or sheep and say that is what please Lord Shiva and his wife. Q41. Then VAISHNAVAS should be better. Ans. What better? They are just like the others. You can see their actions. And they name themselves as servants of Vishnu, they just try to fool ignorant people. Just by putting Yellow TILAK on forehead , they will not become servants of Vishnu. These outer signs confuse ignorant people and they think that these people are very learned ones, in reality they are not learned ones at all. Q42. These KABIR PANTHIS, they do not worship idols, He was born from flowers and in the end became flower. He was before Shiva, Vishnu etc. things which even Vedas and PURANAS did not know, he knew. So they should be better. Ans. If they do not worship idols made of stone, but worshipping his cot, bed, blanket and his shoe, that is also a sort of idol worship. Was he a wasp or bee that he was born from flower? The truth is that he was found by a childless weaver in the city of Benaras, as an abandoned child of one day is a bed of flowers. They picked him up and raised up as their child and told everyone that he was born from flowers. When he grew up, he tried to go and learn Vedas from many Pundits, but no one was ready to teach him, because he was of a lower caste. Then he just picked up something from here and there and tried to convince lower caste people like him. He wondered here and there and singing Bhajans etc, he used to criticize Vedas His teachings are just like childrens playthings.

Q43. DADU PANTH should be very good? Ans. Only good way is that of Vedas, if you can follow it, then do it, otherwise you will be just wandering here and there and will never find the true path. This DADU was born in Gujarat, he was a is a strange thing that he also became a learned man and people just take his name DADU, DADU as if this slogan will take them anywhere. When some one does not have real knowledge, he falls into such errors. In the same way, there is a new sect called RAM SANEHI they just chant Ram, Ram. They think that mere chanting of this name will take them to God. When they are hungry, this Ram Nam does not give them bread. (Here Swami Ji has criticised Goswami Tulidas, the writer of famous book RAMCHARITRA MANAS (also know as Ramayan), saying that he was a simple villager, he was not learned, otherwise how he would have written such false stories and falso logic- MUQ) Q44. Are BRHAMO SAMAJ and PRARTHNA SAMAJ better? Ans. They have some things good and some things bad. These people have devised their own rules, without knowledge of Vedas, how can they get knowledge? They have helped some people to not became Christians and Muslims, but this they have done at the cost of diluting teachings of Vedas. a. They have very less patriotism, and have copied many habits of Christians (one can look at the bias of Swami Ji and this bias kept him away from accepting truth- MUQ). b. They do not praise great people of their own country, but criticize them every time. And they praise Englishmen and people of European. They never praise great scholars of India but say that no learned man has come into world except European and India was always backward. c. They never praise Vedas but loose no chance to criticize it, and in category of Great people add Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Nanak and CHATANYA etc. When they have born in the land of ARYA WRAT and have eaten its food and drank its water, so why they leave the religion of their parents and their forefathers and tilt toward foreign religions (again see the biased patriotism of Swami Ji? The same logic is used by Arya Samjis of today , it shows that they will accept only that thing which originates from India- MUQ) d. They keep no distinction in eating with any one and eat with people of other nationalities. They think that country will improve because of this, but it will never. And Swami Ji has criticized all other religion and sects present in India in the same manner- MUQ

Q45. Guru Nanak has started a new way in Punjab, they do not worship idols, it saves people from becoming Muslim, he remained GRAHST (family man) all his life, he was made a Sanskrit Mantra that says He whose name is truth, Who does not take any human form, His name only we should remember, He was from the beginning and He shall be forever, He is truthThis is good teaching. Ans. 01. Nanak intention was good, but he had no knowledge. He only knew the local village language. He had no knowledge of Vedas etc.but he wanted to pose as if he is expert of Sanskrit, that is why he wrote this Mantra in Sanskrit, and it has many grammatical mistakes. 02. He wanted to pose himself, other wise he should have written in the language which he knew best. He must also have vanity, that is why he criticised Vedas in his teachings. This he did so that no one should ask him to explain or ask question about Vedic teachings. 03. He said that these four Vedas are mere stories, a man who says such things about Vedas, he sure is ignorant and foolish. And he criticised Vedas, because otherwise his sect would not have progressed. It is true that in his time, Punjab was under Muslim rule and he saved many people from becoming Muslim. He did not get as many pupils during his life time. It was after he died that his sect spread. 04. He was not a rich man, but his followers which came after him, made him a rich man and one who had met Brahma and other Devtas.this all is false stories spread by his followers. 05. Then after Nanak, writings of other Gurus was also added in his Granth,.the tenth and last Guru was Gobind Singh. After him, nothing was added into the book and some one made all of that into one book. 06. Gobind Singh was a warrior and he and his family had suffered much at the hands of Muslims. So he took sword in hand and asked his followers to unite and fight Muslims and they will be victorious. Many people gathered around him. Just like people before him wanted some specific identification for them he started five KAKARS (five things starting with the letter K of Hindi MUQ) and these are: a. KEISH (i.e. hairs,): Do not cut hairs on head, beard, public hairs and armpit hairs (a most unhygienic practice- MUQ) It helps them during fighting as it saves head. b. KARA (i.e. Iron Bangle for men): worn on hand to save it from injury c. KANGNA (i.e. Comb): Which they wear on head. d. KACCHA (i.e. Long Underwear): that helps them in running and jumping etc. Any

many NATTS also use it. e. KIRPAN (i.e. small dagger or sword): Worn under wais band. These things were started as useful during that time. But now they have no practical use. But his followers have made them as a symbol of their religion 07. They do not worship idols and statues, but they bow their heads and prostrate before a book, is it not idol worship of another sort? The same way, Priests ask people to worship idols and give money, these Sikh priests also ask people to bow down before this book and give money 08. But the people who worship idols respect Vedas, but these Sikhs have no respect for Vedas. But we can say that they never saw or heard about Vedas so what they can do. If they remove some wrong things of their faith and study Vedas and follow its teachings, they can come to right path. PS: (By MUQ) 1. Sikhs have been complaining about what Swami Ji said about Guru Nanak and their religion. 2. They said that Swami Ji never studied Sikhism and his remarks were based from superficial study of Sikhism. 3. Now we have come to know, that Leaders of Arya Samaj have agreed to delete these remarks from the next edition of SATYARTHA PRAKASH. So what I have written might not be found in the next editions of the book, and those people who will study that edition, will say, that I am telling a lie against Swami Ji and he never said such things about Guru Nanak Ji. 4. The same thing we find about Christian Bible also, where editors keep on removing and keep on adding verses into each new edition. So people get confused.

Words and Title which Swami Dayananda Ji has used against those who do and who justify Idol worship and against those who oppose him; (By MUQ) Note: In the Chapter -11 of his famous book SATYARTH PRAKASH , Swami Ji has written the wrongs and falsehood of idol worship and have given answers to all the logics that these people provide for Idol worship. We have already seen summary of these arguments in the series presented above. Now I would like to present here, a few of the words and titles that Swami Ji has used to criticize these people. Every one is free to think about his own character and how guarded was in the use of language. I have given both Hindi words in original and there English Translation, whose who know Hindi, would realize that there are many Hindi words which can not be faithfully translated into English. This is lighter side of this whole series- MUQ 1. MOORKH: i.e. Fool 2. VISHAYI: i.e. Looking for gains one way or other 3. KAPTI: i.e. Crafty 4. LAMPAT: i.e. Idiot 5. ADHARMI: i.e. Against Religion 6. GAPODI: i.e. Exaggerators 7. AANKH KE ANDHE AUR GAANTH KE PURE: i.e. Foolish and Stupid 8. POPE i.e. Slang for deceiving people 9. CHHALI: i.e. Crafty 10. SWARTHI: i.e. Selfish 11. VIDYAHEEN: i.e. Ignorant 12. PAKHANDI: i.e. Dealers if falsehood 13. DHOORT i.e. Crafty 14. MITHYAWADI: i.e. Dealers in Falsehood 15. THAG i.e. Cheat

16. AGYANI: i.e. Ignorant 17. PAPI: i.e. Sinners 18. NASTIK: i.e. Without religion 19. ANDHEY: i.e. Blinds 20. BHEED SAMAN: i.e. Like sheep following each other blindly 21. JHOOTEY: i.e. Liars 22. POPELILA: i.e. Sleight of hand 23. JHOOT BOLNE WALE: i.e. People speaking lies 24. LILA DHARI: i.e. Doing sleight of hand 25. GADARIYE : i.e. Cattle herders 26. LOBHI: i.e. Greedy 27. KUKARMI: i.e. Doers of bad deeds 28.AVIDYWAN: i.e. Ignorant 29. LAL BUJHAKKAD: i.e. Fools posing as wise 29. PHOOTI AANKHON WALE: i.e. Blind eyed people 30. GAPODE KA BHAI GAPODA: i.e. Fools supporting each other 31. MAHA PAPI: i.e. Great Sinners 32. SWARTHI: i.e. Selfish 33. LAMPATI: i.e. Idiot 34. KUSANGI: i.e. Bad company 35. AALSI: i.e. Lazy 36. And many more

Swami Ji on Monotheism

Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATI on Monotheism Swami JI wrote this Book SATYARTHA PRAKASH, which is much respected by many Hindus in India. Many people, including really evil guy have said that they follow Arya religion and are much impressed by this book. I would like to show to people what Swami JI wrote about Monotheism , these are taken from Chapter -7 of his book Q46. Do you accept that according to Vedas there are more than one God? Ans. No, we do not accept this statement. There is nothing written like this in all the four Vedas, which indicates that there are more than one God, but it is written that God is only one. Q47. Why it is written in Vedas that there are many Devtas? Ans. If some thing has Divine attributes, it is called Devta, but they are not to be worshiped. It is written in Vedas, that Ishwar is the one in whom all Devtas are existing. So they are wrong who equate Devta with Ishwar and start worshipping it. That is why He is called MAHADEV. Ishwar says that O Humans! I am PATI of whole Universe. I am the source of all wealth and Giver. Every Creature calls me as Father, I make all arrangements for their living and cherishing I am never defeated and I am Living and I never die, O humans! You ask every thing from Me and be not separated from My friendship O Humans! I give knowledge to those who seek knowledgeI am maker of everything in this you should not call upon Me and no one else These Shlokas say very clearly that there is only One God and He is Living and shall never die, He is the One who has Created, and who cherishes every one and Humans should worship only Him and no one else. Q48. You keep on saying Ishwar, Ishwar, how can you prove that He even exists? Ans. We know and we can prove His existence by logical proofs. Because when there are Creations so there must be a Creator also. When we reflect on this Universe and every thing in it, it gives knowledge to our hearts that He exists and that He is only one.

Q49. Does Ishwar is everywhere or He resides in a particular country or place? Ans. He is everywhere, because one who lives in a particular country or place, cannot know events and things happening in another country or place. And he cannot do acts in another country or place. Q50. Is He merciful and Just, and can one have be both? Ans. He is Both Just and Merciful, and these are two contradictory traits, Because to be Just is also a kind of Mercy. If a criminal is not punished, this is not a mercy, but it will spoil the society, because more and more people will do the same crime. So God is Merciful and Just and doing Justice is really the mercy for humans. These are two sides of the same coin. Q51. Is Ishwar formless or He has a Form? Ans. He is formless. Because if He had a form, He could not be present everywhere. And if He would not have been present everywhere, His knowledge would also had been limited. And if anything has a Form, then these forms are subject to decay , so there should be a need for their permanent replacement or modification Translated from Sanskrit laden Hindi into English. The errors in translation, if any, are my mistakes- MUQ Q52. Is Ishwar All Mighty or not? Ans. Yes He is All Mighty, but this word has a different sense than what common people understand. It means that Ishwar does not need any one else help in Creation, Cherishing, Destroying, or Judging etc. He performs all these tasks by His own unlimited Power. Q53. That is what we say Ishwar can do everything, there is no one to stop Him Ans. No Ishwar does what He wishes and what He wills. He cannot do EVERYTHING. Otherwise we can ask questions, can He die? Can He tell lie? Can He do injustice? Can He forget etc. All these acts are contrary to the nature of Ishwar, so He cannot do these things. That is why we explained what All Mighty means when we speak it for God.

Q54. Has Parmeshewar a beginning or is He eternal? Ans. He is eternal and has no beginning, and has no end either. Q55. What Parmeshewar wants from us? Ans. He wants everyones welfare, but with free will and without harming anyone unless he does some sin. Q56. Should we worship Parmeshewar or not? Ans. Yes we should, but we should try to improve our self, by cultivating all the good Qualities which Ishwar has. We should thank Him for all His gifts to us, but just remembering Him, without doing any good deeds or improving ourselves, is not beneficial at all Even if we live hundred years, we should never be lazy and keep on doing our duties. Q57. When Ishwar does not have ears or eyes, how does He hears and sees? Ans. He has no physical hands, but with His power He does all the works of Hands. He has no physical legs, but being present everywhere, He does more than what legs do. He has no physical ears, but by being present every where, He hears every thong which physical ears cannot hear. And He has no physical eyes, but He sees every thing.We cannot understand all His qualities with our limited brains and limited power of understanding. Q58. Does He knows His own end? Ans. His knowledge is infinite, and Infinite means one who has no beginning and therefore has no end also. So true knowledge is to consider Him as He has told Himself.and making our own imaginations and judging Him by our standards is ignorance. Q59. Does Ishwar takes Avatars? Ans. No, according to Vedic teachings, Parmeshwar does not take birth.

Q60. It is written in Gita, that Sri Krishna says that whenever there is loss of Dharma, I take human form to restore it Ans. First thing is that this statement is against Vedas, so it cannot be true and it should not be takes at face value. May be it was Sri Krishnas wish that he should be born in every age and restore religion.that does not prove that Sri Krishna is God. Q61. Then why people believe that there have been twenty four Avatars of Ishwar, and why they are recognized as Avatars? Ans. It is because of their ignorance and being mislead by ignorant people that people believe in these false things. Q62. If Ishwar does not take Avatars, then who will kill evil people like RAVANA etc? Ans. The one who is born will one day die.If God has created this whole Universe and everything in it, without taking human formwhy it is difficult for him to kill evil person like RAVANA without coming into human form? It is a very demeaning thoughts against the Majesty of God that we ask them to become human to do such a little job. And if some one says that He comes down to reward His devotees.then why cant He reward them without coming down to earth? Has he not Created Sun., Moon, Rivers, Mountains and every thing in Universe without taking human form/ By every logic and reason, this is a very wrong thing to believe that All Mighty God, the Creator of Universe can become so small to fit into womb of a woman and born as a small child, knowing nothing and then grow up and learn things and then become old and die like a common human. It is greatest insult to the majesty of Ishwar to believe in such unreasonable thing. Q63. Are humans free or restricted to do deeds? Ans. They have freedom in some things and restricted to do some thing. God has given limited free will to humans to choose between right and wrong path and He does not force anyone to do good or bad. But there are matters of life and death and health and sickness and sons and daughters etc where humans have no freedom. These are fixed by God and given to them as per His will and Wisdom.

Q64. Since God is TRIKALDRSHI, so He knows all the events of pasts and future, so He knows in advance what a man will do, so in a way He allows humans to do what they do, so why should He punish them. Ans. It is ignorance to speak God as TRIKALDARSHI in the sense common people understand. God knowledge is infinite and for Him there is no past, present or future. Every thing is as present for Him. Humans have freedom to chose good path or evil path, and God knowledge has nothing to restrict this freedom. Q65. What is the meaning of these Great sayings PRAGYANAN BRHAM, AHAM BRAHASMI, TATVAMASI, AYMATMA BRAHAM Ans. These are not words of Vedas, but these are words of Brahmins. And they are never called as Great Sayings in authentic books. And these words do not mean what people translate them commonly. They are ignorant in translation and they lead more and more people into ignorance. Q66. It is written in TAITRIYA UPNISHAD that I after making Universe and humans, enter into universe and bodies, so as to explain them.This clearly shows that God takes human form and enters into human bodies. Ans. This explanation is based on mere ignorance. There is direct entry and indirect entry. After making humans, God gives them knowledge thru Vedas and other inspired books, so they might get insight. It does not mean that God himself enters human bodies. Q67. God has qualities of SAT, CHIT and ANAND and human have qualities of ASTI, BHATI, PRIYAROOP, they have some commonalties, is it wrong? Ans. Just having a superficial equality does not mean that they become same. Man also sees and God also sees, but they are totally different in the ways and details.same thing is in human seeing and God seeing. Humans also have life and God is also living.but they have nothing in common. It is therefore very wrong to say that humans get some qualities or share some qualities with God. Q68. It is written that one who makes even slight distinction between BRAHAM and JEEV, he gets fear, because one fears from some one else Ans. This shloka is from BRAHDARYANK , it does not mean what you have just translated. It means if any JEEV does some thing which is against the nature of God (i.e. against His teachings or transgresses the limit) he has to fear. Because at that instant he has got separated from God.

Q69. Is Parmeshwar SAGUN or NIRGUM (with Attributes or Without Attributes) Ans. He is both. He is SAGUN considering His infinite knowledge, His All Mighty Powersetc and He is NIRGUN because He does not have human like bodies and any physical form. Q70. You consider Parmeshwar as SAKAAR or NIRAKAAR?(With physical form or without Physical form)., and how a NIRAKAR Parmeshwar interact with SAKKAR humans? Ans. He is NIRAKAAR, and due to His infinite knowledge and His Unlimited Power.there is no limitation on Him to interact with Humans. He does not need to speak with human tongue to get His voice heard, or have physical ears to hear sayings of humansHe has given part of His infinite knowledge in the form of Vedas to learned teachers. When they speak to other humans, they convey Ishwar s message to all humans. Q71. Vedas are made by men or from Parmeshwar? Ans. The way Ishwar is pure, true and has all good qualities, in the same way any book that is Pure, True and has all good qualities is also made by God and not humans. Therefore these Vedas are from God and not humans. Q72. Why men could not write book like Vedas with their own knowledge? Ans. They will never be able to do it. Humans have no knowledge which can be comparable to God, so the truth and wisdom and knowledge mentioned in Vedas, can never me matched by humans. Q73. What are Vedas? Ans. RIGVEDA, YAJURVEDA, SAM VEDA and ATHARVA VEDA and MANTRA SANHITAS and nothing else. Q. There are how many SHAKHAS (commentaries of ) Vedas? Ans. One thousand one hundred and twenty seven, 1127.

Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATI on Criminal Justice System for IndiaSixth Chapter of his book A. For thief: A thief whatever parts of body he uses to commit theft, those parts should be pierced by the King (Compare this with Islamic punishment to chop off Thief hands- MUQ) B. Exemplary punishment for some people: If a common man has to pay One Rupees as a penality, a man from ruler class should be fined one thousand rupees, a Brahmin should be fined 64 to 128 times. One who holds more responsible post should be fined and punished higher, to set an example before others (See equality before law- MUQ) C. Women committing Adultery: A women who commits adultery leaving her husband, she should be killed by setting dogs on her and many men and women should witness it (Islam calls for both man and women stoned to death, if they are married, and 100 lashes if they are unmarried, and this punishment should be given in open so that every one can see it, what is the difference?MUQ) D. Man committing Adultery: If a man commits adultery, leaving his wife, he should be tied to a iron cot which is red hot from fire, and he should be burned in front of all people (Compare it with Islamic punishment MUQ) E. If Kings, Prime Minister, Minister, Justice and Gurus commit adultery and Crime: They should be punished by committee to common people and their punishment should be double. Because they are supposed to maintain law and order and uphold the law , how can they themselves break the law (See this and look at our courts dealing leniently with politicians and ministers MUQ) F. Logic for These Strict Punishment: Those who consider such punishment harsh, cruel or Barbaric, they do not understand the politics. When one man is punished like this, he serves as deterrent for others and hundreds and thousands of people stay away from doing the same bad deed. But if we are lax in punishment, more and more people will be attracted towards it and crimes shall multiply in the society.(Exactly the same logic as Islamic system and where Islamic laws are established, crime graph comes down suddenly- MUQ)

Why Swami Ji and his followers stayed Away from Islam?

Why Swami Ji and his followers stayed Away from Islam? By MUQIntroduction: 01.In earlier pages, I tried to present Swami DAYANANDA SARASWATIS views on Monotheism and against Idol worship. Many of his arguments are exactly what we find mentioned in Quran and sayings of prophet (Please, let no Hindu come forward and claim that our prophet stole them from Vedas, he having a secret and hidden Vedic teacher in Makkah- MUQ). 02. The way he distinguished between Creator and Creations, the way He denies that God can take human shape and form, the way people fell into error by equating their faculties and senses with that of Godand so many arguments, which are more or less we find in Quran. 03. Then his rejection of Idol Worship on whatever pretext, wrong and confusing arguments people give for its justification and its existence. His rejection of Miracles and Special Power stories linked with each Holy place and TEERTH we find scattered thru out India.. characters of priests in inventing and telling those stories and harm of idol worship in every form..these arguments we also find in Quran and prophetic sayings. 04.Then Swami Ji justifies exemplary punishment to criminals to act as deterrent for common man and that punishment should be given in view of general public, so that they stay away from path of criminalswe find the same thing mentioned in Quran also. 05.The Swami Ji has also supported the use of force and war to defend one country from outside attack and even to intervene in other people affairs if tyranny and injustice there exceeds beyond the limit.are some what similar to Islamic concept of Jihad. 06. Swami Ji rejected the present system of birth based caste system and advocated a new system where castes would be allotted after people have grown up and educated and then depending about their attitudes they would be allotted their castes (like numbering or grading system in exams- MUQ) 07. When one reads all these arguments of Swami Ji and then listens to what he wrote about Quran in Chapter 14 of his book SATYARTH PRAKASH, one wonders how could such a mind write such things about Quran? I find an excuse for him, because he was never a scholar of Arabic or Persian or Urdu, what he learned about Islam and Quran was from the mouths of his associates and it is not the first time that one close friends have mislead a person?

08. How can one support a statement in Sanskrit EKKUM BRAHAM DOOSRA NAASTE Creator is one and beside Him there is No Other.and then reject the same statement if mentioned in Arabic LA ILAH AL ILL ALLAH..i.e. There is no one worth worshipping except Allah. Does this difference in language makes one statement truth and another statement false? 09. In these pages I will try my argument as to how Swami Ji stayed away from finding the truth of Islam, and how he and the movement he started Arya Samaj.took an Anti Islamic and Anti Muslim form and why we find most rabid critics of Islam from these people. And then we can see how this Arya Samaj movement fizzled out and it did not change anything in India and slowly What is good for India, is good for Hindus and is good for Vedic religion concept. allowed these Araya Samji leaders on the forefront of every Anti Muslim movement, including to construct a temple at Ayodhya for Sri Ram (and some one on this thread said it, that Mosque there was a symbol of Hindu enslavement . A mosque where Muslims used to worship God without shape and form is more dangerous to these Araya Samjis than a Temple, where a statue of Sri Ram will be placed and millions would come to it and worship it against teachings of Vedas? 10. This is the type of reverse logic and proofs which these learned Arya Samjis have created. for them means are more powerful than the truth.

Main Reasons for him staying Away from Islam (Allah Knows Best)A. Worshipping Bharat Mata: 11. My assumption is that Swami Ji and Arya Samaj has tried to break all these smaller statues and idols. and created another Super Statue and Super Idol to take their place. and that Statue and Idol is the statue of India or Bharat Mata! 12. When Idol worship in all form and all shape is bad and prohibited, how it can be allowed in case of one nation? This is the pit in which many followers of truth fall and Swami Ji was no exception. 13. Loving your country, protecting it and doing every thing for its growth and welfare is different than worshipping it and to do every thing and to tell every lie and to commit every crime, so that it become powerful and strong. By any means fair or foul, by cheating, by spreading falsehood , by maligning its neighbors, etc. is never a good thing. 14. Islam when it broke ALL sort of Idol worship, it also broke the Idle of country or race also. It separated people on the basis of their faith. not on the basis of which country they are born in, which language they speak, what is color of their skin. At no place in Quran, it says O Arabs! it is always O you who believe O Muslims O Humans O Children of Adam 15. That is why Islam is a Universal religion and Muslims are the least racial people on the face of earth by accepting that Prophets, Books and Revelations came to all part of earth, Muslims are inherently broad minded .. and Swami Ji and His Vedic based religion revolves around India. For them any teaching coming out of India is ANATHEMA just because it is foreign. 16. I bought and studied his book SATYARTH PRAKASH, many years ago, I was struck by finding so many things there which are confirmed by Quran and I used to wonder what prevented Swami Ji from coming closer to Islam and forming alliance against Idol Worship and all social ills prevalent in India.. then I read last chapter where he critics Islam and Quran. and that chapter alone Exposed the level of his scholarship. 17. If he would have removed Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 (i.e. the ones dealing with Bible and Quran).the value of his book would have increased many fold (some people say that Swami Ji did not write these two chapters, some one added them into the manuscript after his death, I wish the story was trueMUQ) In following pages, I would try to find out answers as to what kept him and his followers not finding and following true path. He tried his level best to re-interpret Vedic Mantras and Shlokas, which no one before him did.just to prove his point.but it all was wasted, because he could not maintain To speak truth and nothing but truth in his book.

Now before I dwell further into the reasons, why Swami Ji and his followers, did not come close to Islam, I want to comment on some of his arguments, presented in favor of his theories. His Concept of Parmeshwar: Swami Ji has beautifully described the Qualities of All Mighty Ishwar and His absolute uniqueness, in personality and attributes. Therefore it definitely hurts when we see him taking some liberty on this subject. A. Giving Ishwar names which are same as His Creatures Swami Ji has said that such names, like sun, moon. Earth, sky, water, air , fire, father and mother etc.are used for God All Mighty. This is serious error, because these are recognized names of his creations that have separate form and body. How can one say that God is without form and body and then say that sun is name of God or Moon is name of Godetc. I think Swami Ji got carried away in interpreting certain verses of Vedas to say this.the best approach is that God is Creator of these objects and they point to their Creator. B. Insisting God does not Forgive Sins Another Issue on which Swami Ji has gone wrong is in his insistence that God cannot and does not forgive sin. This is extremist view and against the teachings of same Vedas which Swami Ji wants to uphold. Swami Ji while insisting that God is just and punishes evil people.went to extreme by saying that if God forgives sinners, then it will encourage people to do more and more sins and then ask for His forgiveness. Swami Ji forgot that God accepts only repentance which is done by heart and not be mere repeating words from lips. And then if someone knows that his sins will not be forgiven, he will become despair and will not try to come back to right path. So the truth is in between, God does forgives the sins, if human repents sincerely and for those who do not repent sincerely there is no forgiveness. Qurans attitude is more balanced than what Swami Ji has told.

C. Believe in Soul Incarnation Theory, even if it is not supported by Vedas Another strange thing which strikes every one is Swami Ji s strong justification for the theory of Transmigration of souls, which is known as AWAGAMAN theory. He knew very well that this is not mentioned in Vedas. How come he justifies a theory which is not mentioned in Vedas.he has gone to extreme in justifying this and has given many funny examples. I think his insistence of this theory led him to deny the concept of Last day and heavens and hell. He tried to justify that these things refer to pleasures and punishment on this earthly life itself. D. Denial of Prophet hood: Another concept which is missing in his book is the concept of prophet hood. He did not understand that God All Mighty sends His guidance thru prophets, and they serve as teachers and role models for human kind. I think since the concept of Prophethood is not very clear in Vedas and in place of that, Indian people believe in concept of Avatars, i.e. God takes human form and comes into the world to uphold the truth. Many of these Avatars were humans, that is why Swami Ji spent all his energies to prove that God does not take human shape. But concept of divinely guided prophets from God contradicts this concept of Avatar as well as have the window of divine guidance reaching humans thru prophets. And the root cause of this mistake is his insistence that God sent the Vedas in complete form and shape in the beginning of Creations, and that was end of it. There was no need of any prophet afterwards. What was needed was scholars to understand Vedas and teach it to others. But did he not see that so much falsehood entered into interpretation of Vedic teachings and so many sects and denominations formed amongst can one sort out these differences. Another thing which escaped Swami Ji (and many other holders of ancient religions), that when Vedas were revealed, human civilization was in its infancy and when circumstances change, new direction are needed. And when the message and teachings of one prophet are lost, there is need for another prophet. And if Vedas had complete knowledge, then WHY does he gives his arguments from books other than Vedas? As I told you he preached theory of AWAGAMAN based on other books and not Vedas. How these writers got knowledge about these affairs if they were not divinely guided? So missing of the concept of prophet-hood in his book is really surprising.

E. Denial of Last Day or Day of Judgment When Swami Ji became firm believer of the theory of AWAGAMAN, it was but natural that he did not believe in the Last day and Final judgment and heaven and hell. He tried to explain all these are being punishment on this earth and pleasures of this world. The theory of AWAGAMAN was not mentioned in Vedas , how could such an important article of faith could be left to other books. If Vedas are source of all knowledge and were so complete that nothing was left in it, why this concept was not mentioned in Vedas? And this theory is wrong both on reason and logic. Because the effects of one man deed might have effect on many generations. If his account is closed the moment he dies and he be sent into another Yoni, what about those gains or sins which come afterwards. No generation is in Isolation by itself, it is linked to the one above and the one below. So for Natural justice to prevail, it is correct if All humans be gathered at one place and one time, so that accounts of each person can be fully taken and there is no confusion. The theory of AWAGAMAN closes this chapter and does not give the person involved any chance to view evidence against him. In Islamic concept of Last Day, every man will be given a complete list of his good and bad deeds, so that he has no ground to complain. If some one denies it, then angels and prophets will bear witness of its truth. If some one still goes on denying it, the God will give tongue to his arms, and legs and skin and they will testify it. So the evidence shall be given and witness shall be called so that no one has any grounds to complain. And Islam does not present God All Mighty as cruel or tyrant on the last day. He will be a Merciful God on that day also, and He will reward good deeds by 10 to 700 fold or even higher than that. He will forgive many sins and crimes which men have committed..but those who willfully kept on denying His message, took His Prophets and Messengers as a laughing stock.and kept on doing bad deeds and exceeded all bounds. For such persons, God shall have wrath.and they have to taste punishment of Hell Fire. The same shall be the place for those who have worshipped false gods or associated anyone else in the worship of God. If Swami Ji had accepted this concept of Last Day and Final Judgment of God, he might have stayed away closer to teachings of Vedas and would have stayed away from many of his false assumptions.

F. Extreme Nationalism Another point which I mentioned in my preface is False sense of Patriotism and Nationalism which Swami Ji has taken in his book. This I call as False or Extreme Patriotism and Nationalism. And this is the fate of every country based or nation based or raced based religion. We see that according to Jews, they are the only race and God has special relation with them , and made all other people and races to serve them.and they keep on praising Land of Canaan , as if there is no other land in the world to equate or exceed it. Swami Ji has taken the same India Centric position of the entire world. According to him, source of all knowledge is India, it were Indians who were originators of all knowledge and it was they who taught world every thing. And God send His message only to India (in the form of Vedas) and to no other nation or people. And to prove that Swami Ji blindly rejected all historical, archeological, and linguistic evidence unearthed by scholars around the world. He maintained that Aryas were original inhabitants of Tibet and did not came from outside India.while linguistic research and their shepherd strong evidence that they came from Iran and Central Asia. Swami Ji has gone to extreme and that reaches some time to comical levelwhen he tries to explain that people from all over the world, including Europe and America came to take part in the Battle of MAHABHARATA. A small word picked from here and there and Swami Ji is ready to pass his Judgment that this shows that people of this country and that country were also present. In the same way, he tries to trace all scientific discoveries of our Modern Time to ancient India and tries to prove that Air planes, Missiles, Rockets and modern gadgets were also present in Ancient India! This is the logical reason of extreme nationalism and patriotism. And that is the trait which was picked up by his followers and people of his movement Arya Samaj. Islamic concept is that God is not partial to any people or any particular land. He sent His Books and Prophets and Messengers in every nation and every age. Every nation was in pole position of world at one time or another. There might be a time when India was leading the world in knowledge and science. But Indians did not take that knowledge and spread it to other parts of the world.because they were too much India Centric and did not care for other people of the earth.

So after some time, India was bypassed and some other nation took their place as Leaders of the world.rise and fall of nations is a separate topic, and I just want to refer to it here. Growth of Science and technology has been a gradual process and every nation and every age has given its contribution and helped in its is by this slow process that science has reached this stage. No nation or people can claim exclusive right to it. Because the foundation, basement and starting points of columns of a Sky Scrapper are as important as top most floors. If someone is dazzled by the High Structure and only praises about them probably he does not think that they could not stand, unless foundations and basements and columns were equally strong too. It is evident that growth of science and technology is very fast and furious in the past 200 to 300 years and now it is almost exponential in our modern time. So a balanced view is what was required from a Great Scholar like Swami Ji, but sadly he did not rise above his Narrow sense of Patriotism and Nationalism

G. Defending Local Customs and Local Culture I think the basic problem is one love for its local custom and culture. People think that once they accept another religion, they would have to leave the culture and custom of their ancestors. And if we read the history of religions, that was the basic objections which all prophets of God have faced thru the ages. The same reply was given to each of them, Do you mean to say that we leave the customs of your ancestors and believe in you? I think when Lord Buddha had started preaching his message, he would have faced the same question, now we feel that if we were present at the time of Lord Buddha, we would certainly have accepted his message The basic question is What are your ancestors? I think the oldest ancestors should have more authority than the present ones, and if in Vedic times there were no idols and no idol worship, then why we leave their custom and take up the customs of more recent ancestors? Then if we have to follow God and His instructions, then we will have to leave these local customs, when they contradict the teachings of God. And Swami Ji had apprehension that by accepting Islam, they have to leave their language (Hindi and Sanskrit) and have to study foreign language (Arabic and Persian), he was not aware that Muslims all over the world speak different languages, except for Arabic in which Quran and sayings of prophet are preserved, Muslims have retained their languages and there have been no problem. A Punjabi Muslim and a Tamil Muslim and a Malayali Muslim are proficient in their language as their Non Muslim brothers. But if we have to choose between Hell Fire and customs of our forefathers. I think the choice is not that different.

H. Lack of Broader Outlook: As explained earlier, with India Centric approach, one out look becomes narrow. Swami Ji and his followers think that every good thing originated from India and there is no good outside India. And even if there be good, why should we go for it. These people take a very negative approach of God and His Blessings. If He is Creator of all people, why would He neglect the spiritual needs of other people and keep them in darkness? And if He send different religions to different people, then there should not be contradiction in their basic article of faith. The same statement could be expressed in Sanskrit and Hebrew, in Arabic and in Chinese. Just changing the language will not change the message. There could be small adjustments in social laws as per the prevailing cultural and social needs. A person with that outlook would have instantly recognized that Quran confirms many of Vedic Swami Ji should have a more tolerant attitude towards Quran and Muslims.. Muslims have that inherent broad outlook, because Quran says that prophets and books and revelations have come to all nations and in all ages. So whenever Muslims find any teaching that matches with Quranic teaching, they feel happy and point it out. Hindus and other people, on the other hand goes on the offensive and start accusing our prophet of copying their teachings and inserting into Quran. They fail to realize that God is the common Creator of All of us. If He sent some message in Veda, why cant He send the same message in Bible or Quran. But it needs a broad International outlook, which Swami Ji and his followers still lack.

I. Not acknowledging Greatness of people of other race or Nationality In consistency with India Centric approach of this universe, it was only natural for Swami Ji to look on the achievement of other nations with disdain. And if he was content with the Vedic science, it was very natural for him to deny achievement of modern science. For example Swami Ji has said that this Universe is same and does not change with time. May be the science of his time would be advocating such ideas, but now we know that this Universe has had a beginning. And it is strange how could Swami Ji say that Universe does not change with time, because he has said that except God every thing in the universe is created. A thing which is created could also change with time. We can find excuse for Swami Ji not having access to modern science or its development, but he should not be so dogmatic is his views, to leave no room for maneuvering. J. Is it possible to implement Vedic system in India as Swami Ji has suggested? The Model of Modern India which Swami Ji has proposed shows that he was out of touch with Modern India and its complex problems. He advocated students to go to small village based schools and be taught by Gurus, in Vedas and Vedic thoughts for many years. After completing that education, Guru will sort out as to which belongs to which caste. And then I think would be the time for scientific education! He seemed out of touch of Indias problem of his time and how to solve its socio economic and political situations. His theories could serve as goals and ideals but I doubt any one will try to implement it. That is why we see that his Arya Samaj movement has been sidelined and find its use in advocating Anti Muslim and Anti Christian sect. And we saw how Arya Samajis held many debated with Muslims and Christian scholars to prove that Hinduism is the true religion. And we see many Arya Samiji scholars in Anti Muslim agitation after India participation, most of senior RSS and BJP leaders are Arya Samajis, and the language of Truth and Love and Tolerance which Swami Ji has used has been replaced with Hindutva slogans and extreme right wing policies.

Is there a way out?

K. What is the way out? Now people have asked me, is it possible to remain Hindu and leave Idol worship and worship only one God. In theory it is possible, but I know it would be very impractical. And it would be like riding on two horses. Quran and Islam have a very broad outlook on world religions and we will see what are the options and is there any way to salvage the situation. Let us see the various group we have. 1. Those who worship idols, false gods and associate partners (real or imaginary) in the worship of True God of the universe: I wish there was some good news for this group, but Quran is very clear on this subject. There are many unambiguous Quranic verses on this subject, some of which I quote below: a. Allah shall not forgive that partners be set up with Him; but He shall forgive anything else, to whom He pleases, to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed (4:48) b. Allah shall not forgive that partners be set up with Him; but He shall forgive anything else, to whom He pleases, one who joins partners with Allah has strayed far, far away (from the right path) (4:116) c. And speaking thru the mouth of Jesus, Said Jesus the Son of Mary O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, whosoever joins partners with Allah, Allah will forbid him The Gardens and the fire will be his abode. (5: 73) d. And issuing a Warning to His Last and Final Messenger But it has already been revealed to You, as it was to those before you, If you were to join partners with Allah, truly fruitless shall be your work (in life) and you will surely be in the company of those who lose (all spiritual goods) (39: 65) e. And again talking about past prophets, This is the guidance of Allah, He gives His guidance to whom He pleases of His Servants. If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they did would be vain for them (6:88) f. And this was the advise given by LUQMAN the saint to his son O my son! Join not in worship of Allah others, for false worship is indeed the highest wrong doing (31:13). g. And speaking thru the mouth of Patriarch Abraham And Remember Abraham said O my Lord! Make this city (i.e. Makkah) one of peace and security; and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols, O My Lord! They have indeed led astray many amongst mankind (14:34-36)

These are very clear cut and unambiguous statements and do not leave any doubts whatsoever as to how serious is this crime and Swami Ji has also said the same thing from Vedas: It is mentioned in Vedas that those who worship ASANBHUTIS , (non living things like sun, moon, stars etc) in place of God, they fall into darkness and sorrow. And those who worship SANBHUTIS (i.e. living things, like animals, trees, or human beings)in place of God they fall into greater error and they are due for eternal punishment in the hereafter. So the ONLY way out for these people is to shun this evil practice and ask forgiveness from God for their past actions, and worship One True God in spirit and without any form or shape.

2. Those following other religions: Quran does acknowledge that Allah said prophets to all nations and in all ages, so their followers do still exist. Even if they have chosen different names for themselves, but they still have many true teachings left with the. Except those who worship false gods and idols (because that was NEVER part of ANY divinely guided religions). These people should be dealt separately from those who worship false gods, idols and associate others with Allah. We find following verses in Quran: (They mainly refer to Jews and Christians, but their meanings could be extended to all religions on earth): a. Those who believe in (Quran), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and in the Last Day and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve (2:62) b. Those who believe (in the Quran), those who follow Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians, any who believe in Allah and the last day, and work righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.. (5:72). c. Those who believe (in the Quran), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures) and the Sabians and the Christians, Magians, and the Polytheists, Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, for Allah is witness of all things (22:17) d. :Not all of them (i.e. people of book) are alike: of the people of book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse The Signs of Allah all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. They believe in Allah and the Last Day, they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten in (all) good works: they are in the rank of the righteous. Of the good that they do, nothing shall be rejected of them; for Allah knows well that do right (3:113-115). e. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He has given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues, the goal of all of you is to Allah: it is He that will show you the truth in the matters in which you disputed. This is extremely broadminded view of Quran. Accepting goods from people of other faiths and enjoining them to compete in good deeds and righteousness and leave it to Allah to decide as to who was right and who was wrong. And Allah wants people of all these earlier religion to come and join with Muslims on a common platform. A Minimum Program which is mentioned in all scriptures on the face of earth and it is.

Say O people of Book! Let us come to common terms as between you and us, That we worship none but Allah, that we associate no partners with Him; That we erect not from amongst ourselves , Lords and patrons other than Allah..(3:64) These points are common to all revealed religions and why should there be an\y one who will reject it.just imagine how much tensions will be removed if people of all religions agree on these common points.

3. Categories of Non Muslims: So Non Muslims in the world can be divided into following categories and there is a separate way to deal with them. A. Those who worship false god and idols and keep on insisting on worshipping them, even if they are reminded: For them there is no way, but to repent and turn back and shun this evil path before they die. Otherwise they shall have no excuse before Allah on the Day of Judgment. B. Those who follow their own religion, but do not worship idols or false gods and Islamic teachings have not been delivered to them: For these people, Quran provides the following solutions. a. Let the faithfully follow teachings of their religion and do not create mischief on the earth and do deeds of righteous ness. As following verses of Quran tell us: Let the people of the Gospel (Christians) judge by what Allah has revealed therein. If they fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah has revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel (5:50) Say O people of book! You have no grounds to stand upon unless you stand fast by the Torah, The Gospel and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord.. (5:71) If they truthfully follow their religion, then there matter is with Allah and He will judge as to what should be done to them.

C. Those Non Muslims to whom Message of Islam is delivered, and they have understood it, but they still reject it willfully: These people are given a special title Kafir in Quran. It means these people have rejected the message of Islam, when it is delivered to them. By their rejection of last Prophet and Quran, they take upon themselves a great sin. For such people, their adherence to their own religion shall not be enough.because that was OK as long as the Message of Islam did not reach them.but after they received the message, understood it and then rejected it, they have no excuse before Allah for their conduct. Those who received the message, but are still studying and evaluating it, they have an excuse before Allah, provided they are sincere in their claims. Then amongst these Unbelievers there is another extreme class, those who try to persecute and kill Muslims and plan for their extermination and fight them over religion..these are another class and it is for these Muslims that Islamic Jihad is prescribed. Muslims should take arm and defend their religion and their lives from such Kafirs. Following Quranic verses throw light on this: It may be that Allah will grant love (and friendship) between you and those whom you (now) hold as enemies, for Allah has power over all things: and Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful Allah forbids you not with regards to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them, for Allah loves those who are just Allah only forbids you, with regards to those who fight you for (your) faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (from friendship and protection), it is such as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do wrong (60: 7-9) You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last day loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or their sons, of their brothers or their kindred (58: 22) So the struggle and fight for survival between Truth of Islam and falsehood mongers (either in the form of Idol worshippers, those who associate partners with Allah, and those who willfully reject message of Islam after it has reached them, and then try to stifle the message of Islam , so that it does not reach others.) continues, and it shall be interesting to see who shall be the ultimate winner.

One just cannot be a moot spectator in this fight, one must have to take a firm stand, on the side of truth or on the side of falsehood this is a fight for survival, and I want to sign off by quoting this verse from Quran: (In this struggle for survival of Islam) There is for you an excellent example (to follow) In Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: We are clear of you and whatever you worship beside Allah: We have rejected you, and there has arisen between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,-- unless you believe in Allah and Him alone. (They prayed ) Our Lord! In You only we trust, and to You only we turn in repentance: to You is our final goal. Our Lord! make us not a test and trail for the unbelievers, but forgive us, Our Lord! For You are The Exalted in Might, The Wise There was indeed in them an excellent example for you to follow, for those whose hope is in Allah and in the Last Day, but if any of you turn away, then Allah Truly is free of all Wants, worthy of all praise (60:3-6) Allah Knows Best and All praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds!