ieal estate bargain, , t .. ip i r i a l · ; qhly paper in meafcneutfe ctiufltjr: 'yc^jiar...

; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily T e le g m p ^ News , Servfcei, ■>» i •v 1 ; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiCmDealtbManasquaa; . FfFTEENTH YEAK. N O . 81; ASBlJRt PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1901. PRICE .ONE CENT) An Important ieal Estate Bargain, One of the best built and mod- . £ era improved cpttgges at —- -DEAL with 12 rooms and every mad- /em improvemcflt, will be sacri- ficed to an immediate purchaser on easy terps. A n excellent -’ location and splendid plot. 100 by ISO feet. For particulars see a C. COVERT ' : •, v- 208 Bond Street, Asbury Park. H U B 'S ESFRESS ABBURY PARK and OCBAN 6B0VE / ( Hotel Brunswick,- ' • Offices < Sa;!m ia Dopot tuid i 1314 Bangs A^BUae. Principal Office 780 MATTISON AVE. floods stered at reasoiiabSa rates. . 'Telephone oocnectton. P. O. Box 667, - - - Abbctbx P abk. Fine Bargain T?he property situated south- west corner of Embry St. and S'ummerfidi Ave. Lot , . 50x100 ft, together with a good dwdling. Thia prop- erty must be sold to close an jestate, consequently the price is very low. APPLY TO T. FRANK APPLEBY Corner Main St. and Mattison Ave. : 1 ’ Asbury Park. Big A. llttlo A, you seo Tho I;' b one at twenty feet, At half a foot tho woe, i T t not ytiu must need 01.AS?iBa tt) 3 fc'e a certainty Big A, little A, can you see t Neat sighted !**ople oan bso dearly olose by and often ileoldo to get along without glasses, thoreby entailing endless misery, and wniotlniea blindness. Willard C. Wiseman, OfcADUATB OPTICIAN I 3 IQBT Fill SFHSaL PIILOB. . 603 Cookman Avenue Cgr. Emory St. Tel. 138 T O L O A N $ 325 ,- ; 400 600 ioi) ! " v 1,000 1/500 , 2 jp 0 p 2,500 3,000 GEO. W. PITTENGER Mortgage Loans - Room 14, Appleby Bgilding, Asbury Park. lasltil 159,611 - eW t T * * 153,000 A sftttryP ik^ Oceai Grove B A N K Corner natttoon Ave. and Main St., ASBURY PARK, N. J. "/ Corner Uilo Avecne siodPUfrini Pithwa? OCBAN aRpVB. SESBT O. WIOTOB. President, . '.i\. \ O.aCliAYTJOS.-VWrresUsnt sDsstffli) s dayton, oaswor., - JS38B MINOT, Assistant 6 s*hler. j DlHECrrOBS:' r. »raW* M tttt*, ,! db. s. k, natoct w. »„ aroHitBs,'' ^ c w isp*ba&», , 0 , 0. enrrbft ■, . r-nra gizm o, .aso. irt «vto*, . . etn, w. ti*w. -v;-' .uuot.Twtos, !•••.. jw nrro. vnaoM, • Ae 0 outttt;&es»®otf« 8 ly Solicited. 8 af« Dono»lt Boxes to' Rent. and Let- W t Issue Porolgn Draft# M rs of C tfm tti •- ,v v U.S. i l l H I p i r i a ^ ■ . — ■*-—7- Lads discovered Valuable Pack- age of Letters on the Ocean drove Beach Front. CONTAINED $2(30 IN CHECKS StarapA Torn,Oft, anti letters Mutilated by |Joy» \V)to VTert) Entliuslastla Stamp Ccileotors— Hroagltt Chockff tit Ilr.tik up) Told ot Flail — Fostinaster Ilamll* ton Forwarded I.ettfini to Ncw lfork. f Several bnndred letters from Chicago, St. Lonle, and othor wostorn polntB, ail- dressod oxclnBlvely to Now York olty, ond evidently lost In somo manner from tho United States malls, wero found cm tho Ocean Grovo bench yosterday afternoon by Korl Chamberlain, aged about 14 years, of 07 Main avonuo, Ocoan Grovo. • Ho was tramping towards Avon, when, half burled In tho sand nt tho foot of the- LIUagoro pavilion steps, ho no- ticed a paokago of letters. Being an en- thuslagtlo Btamp collector ho hnrrled off for his boy, chum, Elbert Miller, of 20 Broadway, Occan Grovo, and tho two, not realizing the value ot their find, began to Industriously tear off stamps and mono- grams from the letters Inside. Tho paokofeo had bcon'in tho water, for the envelopes bad become ungummed and woro open. Their Immersion, however, had not been long, for the writing was clear and readable. Tho lads came across several cheeks nnd drafts, and not knowing what to do, brought them to the Ocean Grovo branch of the Asbary 1’ark/ and Ocean Grovo bank, on Main avenuo, and asked Cashier Frank Miller If thoy woro any good. Mr. MlUer noticed Immediately that tho papers had beon wet and aslaed tho lads where they had gotten them. They told their atory . wltkoat rerervnfclon,x Miller sent them back to tho beach for tho rest of tho letters and they returned with a bushel bankethalf full. C. C. Clayton, ono of tho bank directors, had In tho meantime Informed Postmaster William H, Hamilton of the And and h.e took ohante and sorted out tho. sadly jumbled muss tho boys brought book. Careful sorting brought to light about SO special dolivory letters and fcMO worth of checks, drafts, money orders, oto. None 6t tho letters were dated further book than Maroh 29 and ono oheok was dated April 1. The letters wero this morning sont tor Now York. Postmaster Hamilton, when seen this morning, Bald that he had yester- day. informed tho postal authorities at Washington ot the iind and that as tho matter was in their hands he was not at liberty to furnish any information. How tho letters canto to be upon tho beach la a matter of pure conjecture. It ia bel|eved, howovor, that tho package was thrown in tho water not far from tho spot where they were found. From thoir con- dition it is unllkoly that - they could havo drifted down tho coast from Nqw York harbor. • ^ JOINT R0A0 CONFERENCE To be Held at ta Early bate lu Regard to the Proposed Widening' of South Slain Street.. • A joint confercnco between tho authori- ties of Asbury Park, Ocean Grove and Neptuno township, in rofcrance tc tho widening of South Main street, will be hold as soon as James A. Bradley ropHes to Commlttcoman H, G. Shreve's letter in reference to Using a date that will allow him to be present, nnd he cxpects an an- •swer very soon. Ho said that Messrs. Ap- pleby and Troat of tho Asbury Park coun- cil and Kov. A. & Ballard ot tho Ocean Grpvo association woro ready to-meet to discuss the matter. A letter from a Philadelphia contractor asking that ha bo allowod to bid on the work was received and filed. JKRSEY’B OLDEST PUXSIClAN. Refuted to Ask for FeoRlou \Vhtle Health and Strength Held Ont. Forkmore than lio years Ur. Otis R. Freeman of Freehold, now tho widest pran tlolng physician Ih Now Jersey, refused to ask for a pension, but at last hns applied for and received ono. Ho served with dis- tinction ns surgeon of the Tenth Now Jor- Boy regiment during tho olvil war. Dr. Freeman always insisted that he was not In need of the bounty ot Undo Sam as long £ 4 Hhis health and strength hold out. HO is 93 years old. Weddenpoon Reception Tonight. Tho members andfrienda of the First Methodist fSpitcopai ohuroh wUl*tondGr a rocoptlon to the new pastor,-Rov. W. R< .WedderspooO, tonight, at the parsonage, Second and.Qrand avenues. An invitation Is extended to all who desire to welcome him and his family to Asbury Park to call between tho hours of 8 and 10 o’oloek. Notico of .Removal. . - i On April 1 Dr. George B. Herbert will remove, his dentalparlorafrom ti e A.ibury Park «*h! Oottori Grove Bank building to larger end moro commodious rooms In the new P&skw tending ttt COG Cookman asrs- nue.r-Adv. 48 tf. ________ K m ler Hnmluy Me»ns the day of change tram winter to spring iind, of course, v,aw clothing, gb> v hats, Bf)v,r jieckweci-, ihree roqfaislttF' to be hod at tho Steinbach stores —Adv; 81. Crnoiilslo)’ ., itesnrreotion and Ascon. sion of Christ’*-In ppjse ond song'. Illus - trated by eterooptiaan", St. Paul’s oimrcb, Ooean arovc, Frlday. Aprli, 5 at 8 p. m. Adnlt admlsaian, 15 cent 3 ; Children 10 osnts., -J : ■ -; A d v . TU^SS IMIss Kloli^rdson’n auction solo at 412 •A'sbiiry avonuo h)« heeii 't«8tpofted until: w elna*!ivr. A pril 10, M lo a n>., .when all I the reniaicSajf gooda w ill bo sold.“ AdvlS8 $ 20,Q 00 DAMAGE SUIT JProjnlnont, Atlantic lllghlcinds Men Frln- ' olpalft ln”a Kov«! 7 Fray Over Alleged pefamatory Remarks. Counselor David Harvey' jr. Is asaaei atod with his brother, Counselor Charlos HarVey of Atlantlo Highlands, )n a, novel damage Buit brought by. jnstlco John Ki- lls of that piacc against dx-Mayor PeterS. Conovor, jr. of Atlantlo Hlgtyands, Tho cause of action is nn ailogcd' remark by Mr. Conovor in tho Atlantic Highlands postofflcc to' the oEfeot that Ellis %fi drunk, and the damages asked for thp al- leged false statement aro $ 20,000 A t the recent school election u t Atlantic Highlands Justloo,Ellis and’^Amzi Qilack- onbush each rccoived 21 votes for trusteo The next morning, according to the story oy which tho suit for damages,is based, Mr. Conover entered tho postofllce and re- marked to Charles R. Snyder, in the pros- onco of sovoral persons, that, “tho judge” tolobratlng his tie. Whon asked in what manner ho was celebrating Mr. Coti- ovat' iK alleged to have said that ho was tolobratlng by getting drunk. Mr. Snyder Is a school trusteo and ho mado tho re- mark, it is said, that “tlio judge” would novor havo an opportunity of colobratlng on tlio school board. /M r. Kills hoard of Mr. Conover’s ro marks a few minutes af forward. Ho went a t onoo to Mr. Con.ovor’s oilico nnd blew his breath In Mr. Conover’s face to satisfy Mr. Conovor that ^io had n’ot beon drink- ing. Ho did tho samo thing, it is reported, to Mr, Snydor and several other residents of tho town,-bo as to havo plenty of evi dsnce that ho had not oven had' a drini^ that morning, much less having takon onongh to get drunk. The board ot education appointed Mr. Ellis’ opponent to the ofilco for which they both ran. Mr. Ellis claims that in addi- tion to-tlio damage to his character, tho remark mado by Mr. Conovonlnjurod bis chance of appointment to the scliool board. DUPLICATE ASSESSMENTS CAUSE TANGLE OF TAXES Conferenco’ Arranged to Straighten Out - Matters Pertaining to Neptune Township Aflbln. According to partial investigations made by tho township committee, tho taxes of tho township for somo years past aro said to be in a distracting muddle ow ing to duplicate assessments having been made, threo persons having been assoBscd' ns ownors of a single piece of,property in sevornl instances. - Several moetlngs havprecontly been held to verity tho tax gales of rocent years, and aconferoncG was to have beon hau Tues- day between Collector William Glffard and-!Harry Q. Shrove nnd Justico P. F, Dodd, a spcoial aommlttoo appointed by tlio, township,.committeo to verify the salOE o f 1807,1B90, 1895, etc. Mr. Qiffard, howovor, was thjn unable to bo present, hut replied tha;, he would be pleased to meet with the committee today at 4 o'clock. To this tho committeo agreed anti Mr. Gifford was ordered to bo notified. Only the 1897 sale relate.-) to Mr. GifTard’s administration, the others having boon mado liy his predecessor in ofllce. ' In thB discussion anent tho taxes, Jus- tice Dodd stated that a scaroh of tho roc* ordsat Freehold showed that noeertlfl-. cates of taS sales for property sold in 10iX) for unpaid taxes of 1807 had ovor been re- corded. For the purpose of unraveling tho tangle Clerk Rainear was Instructed to notify Collector Glffard to meet with tho town- ship commlttco in tho municipal building Saturday afternoon at 0 o'clock and havo thoro his t o books. The committee, at its meeting of Mareh 25, passed a motion that the qafo in tho township offlco ,<yi South Main street bo tho repository of tbo collector's books. Both Mr. Glffard and ox-Collector John Hubbard, who haB some of tho old tax books, wero notified of the ruling. ATTEMPT ON CZAR’S LIFE Report That Rusalau Ollleer Entered Hla M®d«»ty'» Stody^and Discharged Revolver That Blissed. London, Thursday,—A dcspatoh from Vienna states that a report .Is published there of another unsuccessful attempt to nsgasslnuto tho czar. According to tho report a Rns 3lan oillcor ontorod the czar’s study yesterday, and discharged a revolver at his majesty. The shot missed, whoroiipon tho oillcor turnod tho weapon on his own porson and shot himself dead. His majesty was nnhurt. ^ __________ FOUR MONTHS OF SLEIGHING. Northern New Yorkers So Accustomed to ' It Wagons Now Seem Odd. Plattsbui'g, N. Y., Thursday.—Northern New Yorkers are traveling in wagons after continuous sleighing since Deo, i last. Thoy had become so acoustomcd to BleighB that wagons now seem odd. Funeral of George R. Hurley. The funeral of Elootrlbian George R. tlurley will bo held Sunday next at 12 o’olook noon nt his late residence, Toil ^ummerlleld avenue, and at the Glendcla ohuroh at 1 p. m. Mlllluery Oponlug. Miss Dora Hnrtponce, formerly 1503 Mat- tlaoti avonuo,' noxt pcstolllce, will :opei) now millinery parlors 500 Cookman at e- nuo, Oookman avenuo block opposite Mammoth • Opening days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , April 4,5, Thanking ooatosiors forpast favors, she invites them and tho pnbllc to attoiftl tho opening. . Adv.bO-sa. 8 eo CuBborly, tho carriage dcjiler, for wagons and harness. Also ropairlngnnd fcaniBSj made to arder. Cor. Sprlngwood and Railroad avenues. . 80-06* , Easter supper by W/O: X. U„ Parker’s restai) rant, f.atard.-jy, tAprll 8 , from 5 to 9 pl'.m. Pyflooads for oharlty, TlOkots, 85 c?nts.—Adv. 81-2-3, * 1 ***^ 1 " Fbil'Uno of trosse-j at Kinraopth’s drug b 56». Fit guaranteed,--Adv. 60 tf. • W asted 8,000 eggs for cash. F. W, Bat- ten.- 81* i §00 MEN ENTERTAINED . A t T-^O ^IG SMOKERS ■■■■ i ■>“ . ,t ' .. Aniilvaraary of.West Grove Junior Connell .Celehrfited—Bnjoyable I'Vf-nt of tho Clrand Fraternity. ' " Tho first anniversary smoker of Wost Grove Caution,' No. 278, Jr. O. U. A. M„ ■was held last rfvenliig In tho Unoxcoilod Engino houso and furnished amusement for several hundred smokors and non- smokers until a. late hour. An «xcellent phonograph exhibition was glviin by ex-M^yor Harry - li. Pratt of Bt-aslfoy Beaoh,' whicli was followed by the gerierouB.sorvlqaof refreshments. One of the features of tho ovoning was a cakewalk by William It. O’Brien und William it. Hill. Thoy filled tho bill nnd eUiiscd'sbocta of merrlmont. A t tho con- clusion -Tnetlco P. F. Dodd presented tho eflko to Mr. O’Brjen, whllo tears qf dlsap; pointmont; It is said, streamed down Wil lie H lil’s face: The Wost Grovo Glco club/with John Q. Bleasfialo ns;pianist, and Joseph H.Mc- Li.mghllii, Chiirlos R. Irons, Mahloa T White and Jdseph II. Peterson, Singers, gave several choice selections. Thoy after- ward declared an attempt was made !o poison their coffeoi .The commlttco in chargo was Joseph II Potorson, Joseph II. McLaughlin, James W.Xawlor,,Alfred J. Atkinson nnd Ar- thur Matthews. Grand.Frattoriiity (lathering. Fully 800 men {• attended tho smokor given "last night', by Grand Fraternity Camp 88 in tho Wlnckler building und woro agreeably ontertained for threo hours. President Jjamos D. Carton pro sided. •; i In an i;iterenting and Intolliglblo man nor Freilerlok ’Gaston ot Philadelphia, president of the order, explained tho oh jeet and purpose of the GraniM'iatornSly, pointing out tho advantages resulting from membership. President Gaston is chock full of facts und figuresjrelatlvo to the organization, arid fils cusy stylo of Im- parting the information makes him a pleasing and convincing speaker. Ho helped institute the order In Pennsylvania In 1880, and la editor of The Homo Advo cate, the official organ of tho sobioty. D. D. Fennell, chairman of represent*! tives, was' another speaker. Ernost F Mearns, a member, of Morristown camp, who riosv resides on Third avonue, this city, was present, William W. Waters—"Original Seltzor" Waters is tho namo by which ho is better known—a New York entertainer, told funny Inoidonts and sang comic songs in hla own inimitable manner. Ho is not new to Asbuiy Park peoplo, having ap peared here on previous occasions. . George Parker flayed rag-time piano se- lections ai)d accomiianicd Sidger Waters Sandwiches, po/feu and cako were served hnd cigars and smoking tobacco were pro- vided for all who eared to indulge. Camp !ia meets tho second Thursday of each month In tho Mikado building. Tho insmbersh)p has donbled during.tho past threo months. J. C. Shook of Ocean Grovo la general deputy of the order. SOLDIERS MAY BE SEN1 TO QUELL STRIKE RIOT Company 11 Koceives Startling ^cvrH Friim General Ollpltunc on Their Arrival in Camden Today. Comi>any 11 left for Camden this morn- ing with full ranks and in tho rain, with view to tako part in the -annual field day exorcises. Arrived thero at 10.45, accord- ing to a telephone incssago receivod by tbo Pross this afternoon, tho boys wore told by Gonoral Oitpliant -that ammunition might bo given out and thoir services ro- qulred to quell the strike riot at Millville, which had been going oivfor two days. No little commotion was causod by this startling suggestion, and at 8 o'clock this afternoon it was not known whether tho company would roturu or go into the riot quelling! business.' Should tho riot order, however, fall to pun out, tho company will leave Camden for Asbury. Park at 4.111 anil is expected to urrlvo here at 7.07 this evening. Novel Sociable at -lirailley llenclt. The color of the mon’s neckties was thoir fortune for Jtho ovoning at tho neck- tio and apron sociablo glvon at tho Brad- loy Beaoh church last night. Tho girls with aprons to match wero, thoir partners whothor they liked or disliked them. It is not to bo supposed, however, that every- thing was left to ohanco by some. Tho event was very enjoyable und about $15 was realized. ______ Easter Soolal aad a Mystery. Noxt Monday night thu Ladles’ Aid so- ciety of tho West Grovo M. E. ohurch will hold au Easter social in the parsonage ad- joining tho church. Payment of 11 eonts w ill entitle thoso admit&od to coffee and cake and thoy will alBo get a souvonir the naturo of which Is a profound aeerot. Ico crodiri will bo sold. ’ Mnuntly Thursday Services, Two celebrations in commemoration of tho Institution of tho Holy Eucharist woro had in Trinity Episcopal ohurch to- dqir, Maundy Thurcdny—ono ut 7.80 a. ill. and tho othor at 0.80. They woro botii largely attended. Odd Fellows—Notico. A Bpooial meeting of Asbury Park Lodge, io. 268,1.0.0 F., vill bo hold Thursday night nt 714 Mattison avonuo, Central hall, at 7 o’clock ahunvtq. u ’ra action on .Bio^ death of our late brother, Georgo E. Hurley. All Odd Follows in- vited to'attend. W. D. B edell, Noblo Grand. ^Aitur J. B odine; Secretary.—Adv. 80-1 Tailor Mado Salts for Easter. ' Our grind display of ladies* tailor niado salts and marvolous low prices are bound to Interest tho women, of Asbury Park ..... Adv. 81 Tiie SifitnfAcn Company. ' l , " ' Anypno wanting a good horso vill n o t go wrong by vlsitlng Sexton’a stables M\d ■wnMhirig his privaiaBole. Wntehfor tho, notte-' tor the silo-to begin.—Adv; 7 £tf. I OFFENDERS ARRAIGNED \ •- -— — Alleged Chicken Thief Hendrleksou I’leads ;. Not CJuilty—I’ap p a Flued-SlSO. , ' I.leeme for .llm Oriflln. - j Judgo Wilbur A. Helaley held court at Freehold today aud’dlsposod ot numorous offenders, ... Walter Fields plead guilty tpatcallng ibrass iittinga fromjGordon’s beach pavil- ion at Belmar, rotractlng a former plou of not guilty. :Judgo Helsloy suspiinded son tence until J lily 0, wltii a threat of soverc punishment If thn, -prisoner was again brought lioforo him. .- Lewis Itobl^lnR of Eatontown, who pl&vJed non vult to the larcony of a ham mock, retracted tho plea and another plea, of guilty was entered against him. Sen- tence was suspended. - Robert Evorlngham pleaded nbt guilty to tearing down and destroying a sign. His trial was Bot for April 0. William Hendrickson, the alleged des pollor of Noptuno township chicken coops, who was cupturod by Constable Hammcll at the paint ot a pistol, entered u plea of not guilty and his trial was set for noxt Tuesday. 8 Jamea Cleary plead guilty to assault and battery committed at Long Branch und was sentenced to ton days In tho county jail. W. Pappa, Indicted for the Illegal salo of liquor in Neptaiio township, plead guilty and was fined $150. Jmnos Qrlllln was granted a license for the salo of liquor at his place In West Bol- mar. Fee', f 150.50. Robert Avery of Weat Park, who was fined $25 for assault nnd battory on John Walkpr, paid $20 on account. POLICEMAN’S LOT IS SOMETIMES HAPPY ONE A Cane In Point Occurred X.aHt Night, When Caterer Joe Weir l>lned tlie -Whole Forco. Asbury Park’s “finest” woro dined ut Woir’s last night'. A t the close of tho toast the chief and his oilicora separated to thoir sovoral posts laden with tho spoils gathered from , thu official raid on-Mr- Wolr’s lard or. Chief of police William H. Smith presided at tho feast. The guests of honor wero Police Justico John A. Borden, former Marshal Calob T. Bailey -and Constable Thoodoro Hullok. Tho officers dined wero William B. Rog- orsKE. S. Longstreot, sr., Janies C. Canso, C. J. Pnlhiatoor, Albert Davison, Atlantic White,rEdgar R. .Van .Wicklo and Jacob It. Borden^ Officer Bordon arrived lato but In amplu tlnie to catch tho romndnts of Weir’s good things nnd the rominlscencos of Mr.Boiley, who pointed with prldo to dooda of'valor done in the seventies and and olghtlos, and tho.glowlng eulogy of Chief Smith, who, wltii excusable prldo and tonohing affec- tion, extended the tfarm hand to his nsso elates and exclaimed. with enthusiastic emphasis, “Boys, you nro all right and no mistake.1' 'j.' . ; ___ ;J : __ .. _. Weir’s bill of fare woh dlsoussed from every sStandpolnf.' A. strong sqimdedntored around the. baked shad and roast turkoy, while a skilled detail was sent out to ex plore the soup, it was aftor 0 o’clock whon the night watch rapped for Neapoli- tan and hot Bbileo. Police Justico Bordon -then oponed court and-called Host Joseph R. Weir, jr., to tho bar. Mr. Weir was charged with an attempt to overload the Stomachs of his guests. The testimony against Weir was conclusive. . Offlcora Canse and Rogers wore placed on the stand as object lessons to prove the charge against Weir, who was publicly complimented from the bunch for the overloading, whicli. from observation later In the ovoning, apparently caused only a temporary Inconvenience, THRILLING INCIDENT lawyer Patrick Heads lu Court Valet Jones* Statement- of the Klee Murder. . :Ngw York, Thursday.—A curious inci- dent in Rico murdur caso boforo Jus* tico Joromo' this morning was a statomenfc nmdo by Jones to his counsol, Battle, nnd wliioh was placed in ovidonce. The stote- Uipnt is tho stuno in most respects us tho confession'- made by Jones day be- foro yesterday,, ono excoptlon be- ing that Patrick, and not lu*, killed tho old man . with chloroform. Tho statement was read in court. The cofry was poor and Jonos could not raid tt. Patrjok thereupon volunteered to m ul it, which lio did lu. a cool, deliberate way. It was curious to hoar him road the state- ment of another rolatinghow ho (Patrick) had killed tho old man, Patrick seemed to tako the affair us a joko. Special Service ut Bradley JBeach. Special Good Friday services will bo held in tho Bradloy Beach M. E, churoh tomor- row evening. Thb choir will render sev- eral choice selections and tho Marplo quar- tet will sing u number of hymns and play suitable Imusical fnumbors. Rov. JT. S, Brook will speak upon “The Cmoithclon,” C l'S OFFICERS L Intentionally Evade Orders to Suppress the Reform Demon- strations'In Russia. AGUINALDO IS NOT INVITED TIiouHtitidH WitncNH Launching <ir Montstor Ocean Liner—Splendor of Eihvard’M KcJgn—Extru Guard for Valet .fone*u Steamer Cheater W, Chapin Fa*t on Hock* nt New Haven. Berlin, Thursday .—Private letters which havo reached Berlin from St. Petersburg und Moscow stato that thero Is a poworful Huntlinent in tho Russian army in favor of revolution, Tho younger officers of that army ojjonly sympathizo with tho students and othor civilians In tho demand for re form and restrain tho soldiers from be- ing too severe In thoir attacks on tho riot- ors. Jnmy ollieers intentionally absent thon\solves froni homo that they may not rocblvo onlers to take*part in suppressing tho reform demonstrations. . ♦ . KING EOWAR d T d AZZLER Ho W ill Soon Enril This Title if All Re- port!! Are True—The ltoyal Civil List Is Extensive. London, Thursday.—King Edward In tends to dazzle tho British peoplo'by the splendor of his reign. Among other things, it Is soml-oillclally reported that the king intends to instituted body guard, of 3UU gorgoously uniformed Indian cuv airy, who aro expected to make a brilliant appearance In the streets of London. The parliamentary committee to make provi alons for tho support of thq king and his family has Issued proposals that the king's civil list eliull include In all £470,000, or a b o u t $3,500,000___ ' ___________________ NO INVITATION EXTENDED President Hat* Not Asked Aguinaldo to ViMlt United States and Has No Intention of Boing So. WaHhlngton, Thuraday.-^Tho president has not invited Aguinaldo to como to tho United States and has no intontion- of sondlng tho ex-leador of the insurgents Buoh an invitation. A report from Mu nlla attributing this Intention to the presi- dent is ontiroly erroneous and is probably based on Soxto Lopez’s despatch to Agui- naldo from Boston, suggesting that ho re- quest tho American authorities & send Mablnl and himself to tills country. It is known that Aguinaldo is anxious to visit the United States. RAIN NO BARRIER TODAY Grand American Handicap Pigeon Shoot V Proceeds With J3JJ3 Contestants at the Traps. Inter-State Pork;’ ii. I., Thursday; — Two hundred and twenty-two contestants faced tho traps for tho Grand Amorlean handicap pigeon shooting contest at 0 o’clock thia morning. Rain fell -steadily, but did not scorn to dampen the enthusi- asm of the shooters and the event pro- ceeded; OCEAN LEVIATHAN AFLOAT Now White Star Steamer Celtic, Largest In World, Successfully Launched at ." yucell’s Island. Belfast, Thursday.— The White Star steamer Celtic, tho largest ocean steamer In the world, was launched this morning at Queori's Island In tho preaonco of thou- sands of spectators. crepentials T resented Minister .Arthur S. Hardy Exchanges Of- ficial Greetings W ith Swtt’ /.er- laiul’H Chief Executive, Borne, Thursday.—Arthur S. Hardy, the newly appointed United States minister to Switzerland, presented his credentials to- day to tho president. Tho usual greotings were exchanged. BOAT FAST ON Tllli ROCKS. » ' C h a d w ic k ’s P h a r m a c y . On April 1- Chadwick’s pharmacy will bo .moved from (114 to (UMCookman ave- nue, in tho handsome now Burtonf build- ing, noxt to JjoMalstro, whero wo will bo pleased to soo our friends aiid customers. Adv. 72 tf*, Chadwick’s Pharmacy. A Few Choice Flats - • Still for rent in Keator block, Mattison avonuo, nnd In (now Cookman avonuo blodw—Al l-m odornr con von lenoosr—R ent $10 to $20. Apply to owner or agents. t Don’t forgot the date of tho Richardson salo at 413. Asbury avenuo, Wednesday, April 10,.at 10 a. m. Sale was postponed on account of tho severe storm, but will positively take place on that data, and all tho remaining goodB must be sold. See adv. Monday and Tuesday.—Adv. 81-2-8. Tho best ’tonic and spring medicine is Klnmcnthlshypqphosphltos.—Ady. 50 U. Subscribe for our weekly edition, THB 8 RORK PRH& 3 . All the local new* in- terest for only $1 a year,—Adv. Steamer Chester W. Chapin Ashore OU* Patience Inland*—Passengers Itcxcucd. New Haven, Thursday.—Tlio steamer Chostor W . Chapin, running between Now York and Providence, rsm on tho rocks oil* Paticneo Island last night. All, tho pas- sengers wore rescued. Tho Chapin is owned by tho New York, Now Haven und ‘Hartford Railroad com- pany. Sho was Btill stranded a t» o’clock this morning, but hope of saving her Is ontertained by the ownors, as sho is steol- plutcd. ____________ VALET JONES* EXTKA GUARD, Precautions of Jail OUleials to Prevent Ills Possible Suicide. Now York, Thursday.—Last night an extra guard watched at tho cell of Valet Jones, tho self confessod murderer of Mil- lionaire William I^ice, to prevent him from committing suibido. Jones seemed, to tako no notice of tho extra guard. Euster Mllliinery at Stelnhach’s. Our charming creations ^n Kastor milli- nery comblno Parisian ideas at American prices. T iik Steinuach Company. Adv 81 M oney tq^Loafi We have 'to l^ac on first wort- gage on Improved Real,Estate the' following sums: ; ; ''! $ 1,000 1,200 v 1,500 2,000 3.000 4.000 MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 MAIN STREET. Monmoutli Trust -AND- Safe Deposit Company Monmouth Building:, Asbury Park, K. J. CAPITAL ................. $100,000 SURPLUS ................ 25,000 Kxcculea all trusts known lo the law. T«oans money on bond and mortflrage. KrcelvM deposits subject to cJicclc and allow, intcrcfll on dally bulanc#*. Acta os TrpsSee, Keglstmr and Transfer Agent Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. . Safe deposit vault.. A, C.'TWINING/Prts^.-at 0 .8 . M. HARVEY, Vice President - R- A. TUSTING, SraeUry ». C CORNHI.I, Tiensurer DIRECTORS: 0 H. Drown, R. A. Taallde, 1 II. Ducli.iron, Hsnry Mitchell, M. D. C- Cornell, John P O’Brien, , W. J. Horrlson, Perry R. Smith, Col. O .n M. Hanrey, S. A. Patterson, George V. Kroehl, A. e. Twining, Bruce 6. Keator, M. Is., 11. H. Vreeland, O. II. w. Vroom. Why Not Buy a Lot for $400 AT BRADLEY PARK Bulldjalmo lsrate' prioe houso. which In- veatment will oost less than- paying *ia per month rent. 8 eo H. C. WINSOR or J . F. APPLEQY. EASTER CARDS .1 EasterrBooklets , - Easter Novelties Paas Egg Dyes Freo from Poison Paas Paper Dyes Each envoiopo of 12 alieeta, 5 ceuta. Printa beautiful shades of varloua colora. W ill color from 3 to I) dozen eggs. Special Sale—BOOK LEASES this week 4 'Cents. -------- . HARRY fl. BORDEN Stationer and N ew sdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Are. WHEN... you drop a PENNY into a BLIND man’s hat, do you consider how much care you should give your own eyes i Take no chances with them. STILES & CO. Philadelphia Eye Specialists , At 22 a Main street, Asbury Park every Friday. Hoars, 10 to S. Free examination and all work guaranteed. .For Bent. Cheap, 8 mom house. Immediate poa- sesaion can be had. M, M. Crosbie, COS Main atrept.—Adv. tf. / 0 Auction salo of oholoa groceries, houco- hold goodti, wagons: etc., at J, H. Mathews’ store, 07 South Malp street, Saturday,-Apii! 6, at 7 p. m. Joseph C, Patterson, auctioneer —Adv. 81-2-B. Mlaa Gcrtrudo Wise of New Yo^k will conduct a special ecrviea in the O, and M- Alllance rooni. Mikado building! Thurs- day overling, April l. at 7:4B, All are In- vited, . Adv, 78-81 First National Bank OF ASBURY PARK Mattison Avenue and Bond Street [Between PoatoBloo and Depot. ORGANIZED FEBRUARY, I88<i. OOTCERS: BKOROE B1 . KBOEHL,nPresldent. ^ DR. BAM UEJj JOHNBON, Vice-President M. H. SCOTT, Cashier. J. B.DAVIB, Asa’t Cashief. Patrona’ valoahle 8 received (or sate keep tog: free ot obatge -1 ; v, f , ... . - Foreign Exchange bought and sold. . ColleotloES promptly actot^yloiiiji^a, YOUKr- BD0XK3SS8 P A y O E S E S S P E O T TiruiT. souorrap.

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Page 1: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

; Q h ly p a p e r in M eafcneutfe

CtiUfltjr: 'y c ^ j ia r d i i l y

T e le g m p ^ N e w s , Servfcei,■>» i

•v 1;

A D a H y R e c o n f o f t h e L ota l* !

t r ic t f i C m D e a l t b M a n a s q u a a ;

. F f F T E E N T H Y E A K . N O . 8 1 ; A S B lJR t PARK, NEW JER SEY , THURSDAY, A PR IL 4, 1901. PR IC E .ONE CENT)

An Important ieal Estate Bargain,

O n e o f t h e b e s t b u ilt a n d m o d -

. £ e r a im p ro v e d c p ttg g e s a t

— - — -D EA L —w ith 12 ro o m s a n d e v e ry m a d -

/ e m im p ro v e m c flt , w ill b e sa c ri­f ic e d to a n im m e d ia te p u rc h a se r

o n easy t e r p s . A n e x c e lle n t

- ’ lo c a tio n a n d s p le n d id p lo t . 1 0 0

■ b y ISO fe e t .

F o r p a rtic u la rs se e

a C . C O V E R T' : •, v- ■ ‘

2 0 8 B o n d S t re e t , A s b u ry P a rk .


/ ( H o te l B runsw ick ,-' • O f f i c e s < S a ; ! m ia D o p o t tu id

i 1314 B a n g s A ^BU ae. P r in c ip a l O ffice 780 M A T T IS O N A V E .

flo o d s s te r e d a t reaso iiabS a r a t e s .. 'T e le p h o n e o o cn e c tto n .

P. O. Box 667, - - - Abbctbx Pabk .

F i n e B a r g a i n

T?he p r o p e r ty s itu a te d s o u th ­

w e s t c o rn e r o f E m b r y S t .

a n d S 'u m m e r f id i A v e . L o t

, . 5 0 x 1 0 0 f t , to g e th e r w ith a

g o o d d w d l in g . T h ia p r o p ­

e r ty m u s t b e so ld t o c lo se

an j e s ta te , c o n s e q u e n tly th e

p r ic e is v e ry lo w .


T . F R A N K A P P L E B YC o rn e r M a in S t . a n d M a ttiso n A v e .

: 1 ’ A s b u ry P a rk .

B ig A . llttlo A, you seo Tho I;' b one a t tw en ty feet,

A t half a foot tho woe, i T t n o t ytiu m u st need

01.AS?iBa tt)3 fc'e a certainty B ig A , little A, can you see t

N eat sighted !**ople oan bso d ea rly olose by and often ileoldo to get along w ithou t glasses, thoreby entailing endless misery, and wniotlniea blindness.

W illard C. W isem an,OfcADUATB OPTICIAN

I3IQBT Fill SFHSaL PIILOB.. 6 0 3 C o o k m an A v en u e

C g r . E m o r y S t . • T e l . 1 3 8

T O L O A N$ 3 2 5 ,- ;

4 0 0

6 0 0

ioi) ! "

v 1 , 0 0 0

1/500 ,2jp0p2 , 5 0 0

3 , 0 0 0

GEO. W . P ITT EN G E RM o rtg a g e L o a n s -

R o o m 1 4 , A p p le b y B g ild in g ,

A s b u ry P a rk .

lasltil 159,611 - eW t T * * 153,000

A s f t t t r y P i k ^ O c e a i G r o v e

B A N KC o rn e r n a t t to o n A v e . a n d M a in S t . ,

A SBU R Y P A R K , N . J. " /

Corner U ilo A vecne siodPU frin i P ith w a ? OCBAN a R p V B .

SESBT O. WIOTOB. President,. ' . i \ . \ O.aCliAYTJOS.-VWrresUsntsDsstffli) s dayton, oaswor., -

JS38B MINOT, Assistant 6 s*hler. j DlHECrrOBS:'

r . »raW* M tt t t* , , ! db. s. k, n a to c t w. »„ aroHitBs,'' ^ cw isp*ba&», ,

0 , 0. e n r r b f t ■, . r - n r a g i z m o ,.aso. irt «vto*, . . etn, w. ti*w.

-v;-' .u u o t.T w tos,!•••.. j w n r r o . vnaoM , •

A e0o u t t t t ;& e s » ® o tf « 8ly S o l ic i te d . 8 a f « D o n o » l t B o x e s to ' R e n t .

a n d L e t -W t I s s u e P o ro lg n D r a f t# M r s o f C t f m t t i • - ,v v

U . S . i l l HI p i r i a

■■■ . — ■*-—7-

Lads discovered Valuable Pack­age of Letters on the Ocean

drove Beach Front.

CONTAINED $2(30 IN CHECKSStarapA T orn ,O ft, a n ti l e t t e r s M u tila ted

by |Joy» \V)to VTert) E n tliu sla s tla S tam p C c ileo to rs— H ro a g ltt Chockff tit Ilr.tik u p ) T o ld ot F la il — F o stin a s te r Ilam ll* to n F o rw a rd e d I.ettfin i to Ncw lfo rk . f

Several bnndred letters from Chicago, St. Lonle, an d othor wostorn polntB, ail- dressod oxclnBlvely to Now Y ork olty, ond evidently lost In somo m anner from tho U nited S ta tes m alls, wero found cm tho Ocean Grovo bench yosterday afternoon by Korl C ham berlain, aged abou t 14 years, of 07 Main avonuo, Ocoan Grovo.

• Ho was tram ping towards Avon, when, half burled In tho sand n t tho foot of the- LIUagoro pavilion steps, ho no­ticed a paokago of letters. Being an en- thuslagtlo Btamp collector ho hnrrled off for his boy, chum , E lbert M iller, of 20 Broadway, Occan Grovo, and tho two, n o t realizing th e value o t th e ir find, began to Industriously tea r off stam ps an d m ono­gram s from th e le tters Inside.

Tho paokofeo had bcon'in tho w ater, for the envelopes bad become ungum m ed and woro open. T heir Immersion, however, had not been long, fo r the w ritin g was clear and readable.

Tho lads came across several cheeks nnd drafts, and n o t know ing w hat to do, brought them to the Ocean Grovo branch of the A sbary 1’a rk / a n d Ocean Grovo bank, on M ain avenuo, and asked Cashier F ra n k M iller If thoy woro any good.

M r. MlUer noticed Immediately th a t tho papers had beon w et and aslaed tho lads where they had gotten them . They told the ir atory . w ltkoat rerervnfclon,x M iller sent them back to tho beach for tho rest of tho le tte rs and they retu rned w ith a bushel banke th a lf fu ll.

C. C. C layton, ono of tho bank directors, had In tho m eantim e Inform ed Postm aster W illiam H, H am ilton of the And and h.e took ohante an d sorted ou t tho. sadly jum bled m uss tho boys brought book.

Careful sorting brought to ligh t about SO special dolivory letters an d fcMO w orth of checks, d rafts , money orders, oto. None 6t tho le tte rs were dated fu rth e r book than M aroh 29 and ono oheok w as dated A pril 1.

The le tters wero th is m orning sont tor Now Y ork. Postm aster H am ilton , when seen th is m orning, Bald th a t he had yester­day. inform ed tho postal au thorities a t W ashington o t the iind and th a t as tho m a tte r was in their hands he w as no t a t liberty to fu rn ish any inform ation.

How tho le tters canto to be upon tho beach la a m a tte r of pure conjecture. I t ia bel|eved, howovor, th a t tho package was th row n in tho w ater not fa r from tho spot w here they were found. F rom thoir con­dition i t is unllkoly th a t - they could havo drifted down tho coast from Nqw York harbor. • •

JOINT R0A0 CONFER EN C ET o be H e ld a t t a E a rly b a te lu R e g a rd to

th e P ro p o sed W idening ' o f S outh S la in S t r e e t . . •

A jo in t confercnco between tho au th o ri­ties of A sbury P ark , Ocean Grove and Neptuno tow nship, in rofcrance tc tho widening of South Main street, w ill be hold a s soon as Jam es A. Bradley ropHes to Com m lttcom an H, G. Shreve's le tte r in reference to Using a date th a t w ill allow h im to be present, nnd he cxpects an an- •swer very soon. Ho said th a t Messrs. A p­pleby and T roat of tho A sbury P a rk coun­cil an d Kov. A. & B allard o t tho Ocean Grpvo association woro ready to -m eet to discuss the m atter.

A le tte r from a Philadelphia contractor asking th a t ha bo allowod to b id on the w ork was received and filed.


R efu te d to A sk fo r FeoRlou \V htle H e a lth a n d S tre n g th H e ld O nt.

Forkm ore th a n lio years Ur. O tis R. F reem an of Freehold, now tho widest pran tlolng physician Ih Now Jersey, refused to ask fo r a pension, b u t a t last hns applied fo r and received ono. Ho served w ith dis­tinction ns surgeon of the T enth Now Jor- Boy reg im ent d u rin g tho olvil w ar. Dr. Freem an alw ays insisted th a t he was not In need of the bounty o t U ndo Sam as long £4H his h ealth an d streng th hold out. HO is 93 years old.

W ed d en p o o n R ecep tion T o n ig h t.Tho m em bers and frien d a of the F irs t

M ethodist fSpitcopai ohuroh wUl*tondGr a rocoptlon to the new pastor,-Rov. W. R< .WedderspooO, tonigh t, a t the parsonage, Second and.Q rand avenues. A n invitation Is extended to a ll who desire to welcome h im and h is fam ily to A sbury P a rk to call betw een tho hours of 8 and 10 o’oloek.

N otico o f .Rem oval. . -i O n A p r i l 1 D r . G eo rg e B . H e r b e r t w il l rem ove, h is d e n t a lp a r l o r a f r o m t i e A .ib u ry P a r k «*h ! Oottori G ro v e B a n k b u i l d in g t o l a r g e r e n d m o ro c o m m o d io u s ro o m s I n th e n e w P & s k w t e n d i n g t t t COG C o o k m a n asrs- n u e .r - A d v . 48 t f . ’

________ K m le r HnmluyMe»ns the day of change tram w in ter to spring iind, of course, v,aw clothing, gb>v ha ts , Bf)v,r jieckweci-, ihree roqfaislttF' to be hod a t tho Steinbach stores —Adv; 81.

C rn o ii ls lo ) ’., i t e s n r r e o t io n a n d A sc o n . s io n o f C h r i s t ’*-In p p js e o n d song '. I l l u s ­t r a t e d b y e teroop tiaan", S t . P a u l ’s o im rc b , O oean a r o v c , F r ld a y . A p r l i , 5 a t 8 p . m . A d n l t a d m ls a ia n , 15 c e n t3 ; C h i ld r e n 10 o s n ts . , -J : ■ - ; ■ A d v . TU^SS

IM Iss K lo li^ rd s o n ’n a u c t io n so lo a t 412 •A 'sb iiry a v o n u o h ) « h ee ii 't« 8 tp o f te d u n t i l : w e ln a * ! i v r . A p r i l 10, M lo a n>., .w h en a l l

I th e re n ia ic S a jf go o d a w i l l bo so ld .“ A d v lS 8

$20,Q00 DAMAGE SUITJProjnlnont, A tlantic lllghlcinds Men Frln-

' olpalft ln”a Kov«! 7 F ray Over Alleged pefam atory Remarks.

Counselor David H arvey ' jr. Is asaaei atod w ith h is brother, Counselor Charlos HarVey of A tlan tlo H ighlands, )n a , novel dam age Buit b rought by. jn stlco Jo h n Ki­lls of th a t piacc against dx-Mayor P e te rS . Conovor, jr . of A tlan tlo Hlgtyands,

Tho cause of action is nn ailogcd' rem ark by Mr. Conovor in tho A tlan tic H ighlands postofflcc to ' th e oEfeot th a t E llis %fi d runk , an d the dam ages asked fo r thp a l­leged false sta tem ent aro $20,000

A t the recent school election u t A tlantic H ighlands Justloo,E llis a n d ’ Amzi Qilack- onbush each rccoived 21 votes fo r trusteo T he nex t m orning, according to the story oy which tho su it for damages,is based, M r. Conover entered tho postofllce and re­m arked to Charles R. Snyder, in the pros- onco of sovoral persons, th a t, “ tho judge” to lobratlng his tie. W hon asked in w hat m anner ho was celebrating Mr. Coti- ovat' iK alleged to have said th a t ho was to lob ra tlng by getting d runk. Mr. Snyder Is a school trusteo and ho mado tho re­m ark , i t is said, th a t “ tlio judge” would novor havo an opportunity of colobratlng on tlio school board./M r. Kills hoard o f Mr. Conover’s ro

m arks a few m inutes af forward. Ho w ent a t onoo to Mr. Con.ovor’s oilico nnd blew h is b rea th In Mr. Conover’s face to satisfy M r. Conovor th a t ^io had n’o t beon d rin k ­ing. Ho did tho samo th ing , it is reported, to Mr, Snydor and several o ther residents of tho town,-bo as to havo plenty of evi dsnce th a t ho had n o t oven had' a drini^ th a t m orning, m uch less having takon onongh to get d runk.

The board ot education appointed Mr. E llis’ opponent to the ofilco for which they both ran . Mr. E llis claim s th a t in addi­tion to -tlio dam age to his character, tho rem ark mado by Mr. Conovonlnjurod bis chance of appointm ent to the scliool board.

DUPLICATE ASSESSM ENTS “ CAUSE TANG LE OF TAXESConferenco’ A rranged to S traighten Out

- M atters P erta in ing to Neptune Township Aflbln.

According to partia l investigations made by tho tow nship committee, tho taxes of tho tow nship for somo years past aro said to be in a d istracting m uddle ow in g to duplicate assessm ents having been made, threo persons having been assoBscd' ns ownors of a single piece of,property in sevornl instances. -

Several moetlngs havprecontly been held to verity tho tax gales of rocent years, and aconferoncG w as to have beon hau Tues­day between Collector W illiam Glffard a n d -! H arry Q. Shrove nnd Justico P . F, Dodd, a spcoial aommlttoo appointed by tlio, tow nship,.com m itteo to verify the salOE of 1807,1B90, 1895, etc. Mr. Qiffard, howovor, w as th jn unable to bo present, h u t replied tha;, he would be pleased to m eet w ith the com m ittee today a t 4 o'clock. To th is tho com m itteo agreed anti Mr. Gifford was ordered to bo notified.

Only the 1897 sale relate.-) to Mr. GifTard’s adm inistration, the others having boon mado liy his predecessor in ofllce. '

I n thB discussion an en t tho taxes, J u s ­tice Dodd stated th a t a scaroh of tho roc* o rd sa t Freehold showed th a t noeertlfl-. cates of taS sales for property sold in 10iX) fo r unpaid taxes of 1807 had ovor been re­corded.

F o r th e purpose of unraveling tho tangle Clerk R ainear w as Instructed to notify Collector Glffard to m eet w ith tho tow n­ship com m lttco in tho m unicipal building Satu rday afternoon a t 0 o'clock and havo thoro h is t o books.

The com m ittee, a t its m eeting of Mareh 25, passed a m otion th a t the qafo in tho tow nship offlco ,<yi South Main stree t bo tho repository of tbo collector's books. B oth Mr. Glffard and ox-Collector John H ubbard , who haB some of tho old tax books, wero notified of the ru ling .

ATTEM PT ON CZAR’S LIFER eport T hat Rusalau Ollleer Entered Hla

M®d«»ty'» Stody^and Discharged Revolver T hat Blissed.

London, Thursday,—A dcspatoh from V ienna sta tes th a t a report .Is published there of ano ther unsuccessful a ttem p t to nsgasslnuto tho czar. According to tho report a R ns3lan oillcor ontorod the czar’s study yesterday, and discharged a revolver a t h is m ajesty. The shot missed, whoroiipon tho oillcor turnod tho weapon on his own porson an d shot him self dead. H is m ajestywas n n h u rt. ^ __________


N o rth e rn New Y orkers So A ccustom ed to ' I t W agons Now Seem Odd.

Plattsbui'g , N . Y., Thursday.—N orthern New Y orkers are traveling in wagons afte r continuous sleighing since Deo, i last. Thoy had become so acoustomcd to BleighB th a t wagons now seem odd.

F u n e ra l of G eorge R . H u rley .The funera l of Elootrlbian George R.

tlu rley w ill bo held Sunday n ex t a t 12 o’olook noon n t h is late residence, Toil ^um m erlleld avenue, an d a t the Glendcla ohuroh a t 1 p. m.

M lllluery O ponlug.Miss Dora Hnrtponce, formerly 1503 Mat-

tlaoti avonuo,' noxt pcstolllce, will :opei) now m illinery parlors 500 Cookman a t e- nuo, Oookman avenuo block opposite M am m oth • Opening days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , April 4,5, Thanking ooatosiors fo rpas t favors, she invites them and tho pnbllc to attoiftl tho opening.. Adv.bO-sa.

8eo CuBborly, tho carriage dcjiler, for wagons an d harness. Also ropairlngnnd fcaniBSj made to arder. Cor. Sprlngwood and Railroad avenues. . 80-06*

, E aster supper by W /O : X. U „ P arker’s restai) rant, f.atard.-jy, tAprll 8 , from 5 to 9 p l'.m . Pyflooads for oharlty, TlOkots, 85 c?nts.—A dv. 81-2-3,

* 1 *** 1 "F b il 'U n o o f tro s s e - j a t K in r a o p th ’s d r u g

b 5 6 » . F i t g u a r a n t e e d ,- - A d v . 60 t f . •

W a s t e d 8,000 e g g s f o r c a s h . F . W , B a t ­ten.- 81* i

§00 MEN EN TER TAIN ED .A t T-^O ^IG SMOKERS■■■■i ■>“ . , t ' ■. . ■ •

A niilvaraary o f.W est Grove J u n io r Connell ;» .C elehrfited—B njoyable I'Vf-nt o f

th o C lrand F ra te rn i ty . ' "Tho firs t anniversary smoker of Wost

Grove Caution,' No. 278, J r . O. U. A. M„ ■was held la s t rfvenliig In tho Unoxcoilod Engino houso and furnished am usem ent for several hundred smokors an d non- sm okers u n ti l a. late hour.

A n «xcellent phonograph exhibition was glviin by ex-M^yor H arry - li. P ra tt of Bt-aslfoy Beaoh,' whicli was followed by the gerierouB.sorvlqaof refreshments.

One of the features of tho ovoning was a cakew alk by W illiam It. O’B rien und W illiam i t . H ill. Thoy filled tho bill nnd eUiiscd'sbocta of m errlm ont. A t tho con­clusion -Tnetlco P . F . Dodd presented tho eflko t o M r. O ’B rjen, whllo tears qf dlsap; pointm ont; I t is said, stream ed down W il lie H lil’s face:

The W ost Grovo Glco c lu b /w ith John Q. Bleasfialo ns;pianist, and Joseph H.Mc- Li.mghllii, Chiirlos R. Irons, M ahloa T W hite an d Jdseph II. Peterson, Singers, gave several choice selections. Thoy after­w ard declared an a ttem pt was made !o poison th e ir coffeoi

.The com m lttco in chargo was Joseph II Potorson, Joseph II . M cLaughlin, Jam es W .X aw lor,,A lfred J . A tk inson nnd A r­th u r M atthews.

G ran d .F ra tto riiity (la th e rin g .F ully 800 men {• attended tho smokor

given "last n ig h t', by G rand F ra tern ity Camp 88 in tho W lnckler building und woro agreeably ontertained for threo hours. P residen t Jjam os D. Carton pro sided. •;i In an i;iterenting and Intolliglblo m an

nor Freilerlok ’Gaston ot Philadelphia, president of th e order, explained tho oh jeet and purpose of the GraniM 'iatornSly, pointing o u t tho advantages resulting from m em bership. P residen t Gaston is chock fu ll of facts und figuresjrelatlvo to the organization, arid fils cusy stylo of Im­parting the inform ation m akes h im a pleasing an d convincing speaker. Ho helped in s titu te the order In Pennsylvania In 1880, an d la editor of The Homo Advo cate, the official organ of tho sobioty.

D. D. Fennell, chairm an of represent*! tives, w as' ano ther speaker. E rnost F Mearns, a member, of M orristown camp, who riosv resides on Third avonue, this city, was present,

W illiam W. W aters—"O riginal Seltzor" W aters is tho nam o by which ho is better know n—a New York entertainer, told funny Inoidonts and sang comic songs in hla own in im itab le m anner. Ho is not new to A sbu iy P a rk peoplo, having ap peared here on previous occasions.. George P a rk e r flayed rag-tim e piano se­

lections ai)d accomiianicd Sidger W aters Sandwiches, po/feu and cako were served

hnd cigars and sm oking tobacco were pro­vided for a ll who eared to indulge.

Cam p !ia m eets tho second T hursday of each m onth In tho Mikado build ing . Tho insm bersh)p has donbled d u ring .tho past threo m onths. J . C. Shook of Ocean Grovo la general deputy of the order.


Company 11 Koceives Startling ^cvrH Friim General Ollpltunc on T heir A rrival

in Camden Today.Comi>any 11 left fo r Camden th is m orn­

ing w ith full ranks and in tho rain, w ith view to tako p art in the -annual field day exorcises. Arrived thero a t 10.45, accord­ing to a telephone incssago receivod by tbo Pross th is afternoon, tho boys wore told by Gonoral O itpliant -that am m unition m ight bo given out and thoir services ro- qulred to quell the strike rio t a t Millville, w hich had been going oivfor two days.

No little commotion was causod by this sta rtling suggestion, and a t 8 o'clock this afternoon it was n o t know n w hether tho company would ro tu ru o r go into the rio t quelling! business.' Should tho rio t order, however, fall to pun out, tho company will leave Camden for Asbury. P a rk a t 4.111 anil is expected to urrlvo here a t 7.07 th is evening.

Novel Sociable a t -lirailley llenclt.The color of the mon’s neckties was

thoir fortune for Jtho ovoning a t tho neck- tio and apron sociablo glvon a t tho B rad ­loy Beaoh church las t n ight. Tho girls w ith aprons to m atch wero, tho ir partners whothor they liked o r disliked them. I t is no t to bo supposed, however, th a t every­th in g was left to ohanco by some. Tho even t was very enjoyable und about $15 was realized. • ______

Easter Soolal aad a Mystery.Noxt Monday n ig h t thu Ladles’ A id so­

ciety of tho W est Grovo M. E. ohurch will hold a u Easter social in the parsonage ad­jo in ing tho church. P aym ent of 11 eonts w ill en title thoso admit&od to coffee and cake and thoy w ill alBo get a souvonir the naturo of which Is a profound aeerot. Ico crodiri w ill bo sold.

’ M nuntly T h u rsd a y Services,Two celebrations in com m em oration of

tho Institu tion of tho Holy Eucharist woro had in T rin ity Episcopal ohurch to- dqir, M aundy Thurcdny—ono u t 7.80 a. ill. and tho othor a t 0.80. They woro botii la rgely attended.

Odd Fellows—Notico.A Bpooial m eeting of Asbury P a rk

Lodge, io. 2 6 8 ,1 .0 .0 F ., vill bo hold Thursday n ig h t n t 714 M attison avonuo, C entral ha ll, a t 7 o’clock ahunv tq . u ’ra action on .Bio death of o u r la te brother, Georgo E . H urley. A ll Odd Follows in ­vited to 'a ttend.

W . D. B edell, Noblo Grand. ^ A itu r J . B odine; Secretary.—Adv. 80-1

T ailo r M ado S a lts fo r E a s te r . 'O ur g r in d display of ladies* ta ilo r niado

sa lts and marvolous low prices are boundto Interest tho women, of A sbury P a rk .....Adv. 81 Tiie S ifitnfA cn Company. '

l , " ' ‘Anypno w anting a good horso vill n o t

go wrong by vlsitlng Sexton’a stables M \d ■wnMhirig h is privaiaBole. W n teh fo r tho, notte-' to r th e silo-to begin.—Adv; 7£tf. I

OFFENDERS ARRAIGNED\ •- - — —A lleged C h icken T h ie f H en d rlek so u I ’leads

; . N ot CJuilty—I’ap p a Flued-S lSO . ,' I.leem e fo r .llm Oriflln. -

j Judgo W ilb u r A. Helaley held court a t F reehold today aud’dlsposod o t num orous offenders, ...

W alter Fields plead gu ilty tpa tca llng ibrass iittinga from jG ordon’s beach pavil­ion a t Belm ar, ro tractlng a form er plou of no t guilty . : Judgo Helsloy suspiinded son tence u n til J lily 0, w ltii a th rea t of soverc punishm ent If thn, -prisoner was again brought lioforo him..- Lewis Itobl^lnR of E atontow n, who pl&vJed non v u lt to the larcony of a ham m ock, retracted tho plea and ano ther plea, of guilty was en tered against him . Sen­tence was suspended. -■ Robert Evorlngham pleaded nbt gu ilty to tearing down and destroying a sign. H is tr ia l w as Bot for A pril 0.

W illiam H endrickson, the alleged des pollor of Noptuno township chicken coops, who was cupturod by Constable Ham m cll a t the p a in t ot a pistol, entered u plea of n o t gu ilty and his tr ia l was set for noxt Tuesday.8 Jam ea Cleary plead gu ilty to assau lt and battery com m itted a t Long B ranch und was sentenced to ton days In tho county jail. •

W. Pappa, Indicted for the Illegal salo of liquor in N eptaiio township, plead guilty and was fined $150.

Jmnos Qrlllln w as granted a license for the salo of liquor a t his place In W est Bol­m ar. Fee', f 150.50.

Robert A very of W eat P ark , who was fined $25 for assau lt nnd battory on John W alkpr, paid $20 on account.


A Cane In P o in t O ccu rred X.aHt N ight,W hen C a te re r J o e W eir l>lned

tlie -W hole Forco.Asbury P a rk ’s “ finest” woro dined ut

Woir’s last night'. A t the close of tho toast the chief and his oilicora separated to thoir sovoral posts laden w ith tho spoils gathered from , thu official raid o n -M r- W olr’s lard or. Chief of police W illiam H. Sm ith presided a t tho feast. The guests o f honor wero Police Justico John A. Borden, form er M arshal Calob T. Bailey -and Constable Thoodoro Hullok. Tho officers dined wero W illiam B. Rog- orsKE. S. Longstreot, sr., Jan ies C. Canso, C. J . Pnlhiatoor, A lbert Davison, A tlantic W hite ,rE dgar R. .Van .Wicklo and Jacob It. Borden^

Officer Bordon arrived lato bu t In amplu tlnie to catch tho rom ndnts of W eir’s good th ings nnd the rominlscencos of Mr.Boiley, who pointed w ith prldo to dooda o f'valor done in the seventies and and olghtlos, and tho.glowlng eulogy of Chief Sm ith, who, w ltii excusable prldo and tonohing affec­tion, extended th e tfa rm hand to his nsso elates and exclaim ed. w ith enthusiastic emphasis, “Boys, you nro a ll rig h t and nom istake.1' ' j .' . ; ___ ;J : __ .. _.

W eir’s b ill of fare woh dlsoussed from every sStandpolnf.' A. strong sqimdedntored around the. baked shad and roast turkoy, while a skilled detail was sent ou t to ex plore the soup, i t was aftor 0 o’clock whon the n ig h t w atch rapped for Neapoli­tan an d hot Bbileo.

Police Justico Bordon -then oponed court and-called H ost Joseph R. W eir, jr ., to tho bar. Mr. W eir was charged w ith an a ttem pt to overload the Stomachs of his guests. The testim ony against W eir was conclusive. .

Offlcora Canse and Rogers wore placed on the stand as object lessons to prove the charge against W eir, who was publicly complimented from the bunch for the overloading, whicli. from observation la ter In the ovoning, apparently caused only a tem porary Inconvenience,

T H R ILLING INCIDENTla w y e r Patrick Heads lu Court Valet

Jones* S ta te m e n t- o f t h e K le e M u r d e r . .

:Ngw York, Thursday.—A curious inci­dent in Rico m urdur caso boforo Jus* tico Joromo' th is m orning was a statomenfc nmdo by Jones to his counsol, B attle , nnd wliioh was placed in ovidonce. The stote- Uipnt is tho stuno in m ost respects us tho confession'- m ade by Jones day be- foro yesterday,, ono excoptlon be­ing th a t P a tr ic k , and no t lu*, killed tho old m an . w ith chloroform. Tho sta tem ent was read in court. The cofry was poor and Jonos could no t ra id tt. P a trjo k thereupon volunteered to m u l it, which lio did lu. a cool, deliberate way. I t was curious to hoar him road the sta te ­m ent of ano ther ro latinghow ho (P a trick ) had killed tho old m an, P atrick seemed to tako the affair us a joko.

S p e c ia l S e r v ic e u t B r a d le y JBeach. Special Good Friday services will bo held

in tho Bradloy Beach M. E, churoh tom or­row evening. Thb choir w ill render sev­eral choice selections and tho Marplo quar­te t will sing u num ber of hym ns and play suitable Imusical fnum bors. Rov. JT. S, Brook w ill speak upon “ The Cmoithclon,”

C l ' S OF FIC E R S L

Intentionally Evade Orders to Suppress the Reform Demon­

strations'In Russia.

AGUINALDO IS NOT INVITEDTIiouHtitidH W itncNH L a u n c h in g <ir M ontstor

Ocean L in e r — S p len d o r o f E ih v ard ’M K cJgn—E x tru G u a rd fo r V a le t .fone*u S team er C heater W , C hapin Fa*t on Hock* n t New H aven.

B erlin, Thursday .—Private letters which havo reached B erlin from S t. Petersburg und Moscow stato th a t thero Is a poworful Huntlinent in tho Russian arm y in favor of revolution, Tho younger officers of th a t a rm y ojjonly sympathizo w ith tho students and othor civilians In tho dem and for re form and restrain tho soldiers from be­ing too severe In thoir a ttack s on tho riot- ors. Jnm y ollieers in ten tionally absent thon\solves froni homo th a t they m ay not rocblvo onlers to take*part in suppressing tho reform dem onstrations. . ♦.

KING EOW ARd T d A ZZLE RHo W ill Soon E n ril T h is T itle i f A ll R e­

port!! A re T ru e —T h e ltoya l Civil L ist Is E xtensive.

London, Thursday.—King Edw ard In tends to dazzle tho British peoplo'by the splendor of his reign. A m ong other things, i t Is soml-oillclally reported that the k ing in tends to in s titu ted body guard, of 3UU gorgoously uniform ed Ind ian cuv airy, who aro expected to m ake a b rillian t appearance In the streets of London. The parliam entary com m ittee to m ake provi alons for tho support of thq k ing and his family has Issued proposals th a t th e k ing 's civil list eliull include In a ll £470,000, or about $3,500,000___ '___________________

NO INVITATION EXTENDEDP res id en t Hat* N ot A sked A g u in a ld o to

ViMlt U nited S tates and H as No In te n tio n o f B oing So.

WaHhlngton, Thuraday.-^Tho president has not invited A guinaldo to como to tho United States and has no intontion- of sondlng tho ex-leador of the insurgents Buoh an invitation. A report from Mu nlla a ttr ib u tin g this Intention to the presi­dent is ontiroly erroneous and is probably based on Soxto Lopez’s despatch to A gui­naldo from Boston, suggesting th a t ho re ­quest tho Am erican authorities & send Mablnl and him self to tills country . I t is known th a t A guinaldo is anxious to visit the U nited States.

RAIN NO BARRIER TODAYG rand A m erican H and icap P ig e o n Shoot ■ V Proceeds W ith J3JJ3 C on testan ts

a t th e T raps.Inter-S tate P o rk ;’ ii. I., Thursday; —

Two hundred and tw enty-tw o contestants faced tho trap s for tho G rand Amorlean handicap pigeon shooting contest a t 0 o’clock th ia m orning. R ain fell -steadily, bu t did no t scorn to dampen the en th u si­asm of th e shooters and the event p ro ­ceeded;

OCEAN L E VIATHAN AFLOATNow W h ite S ta r S team er C eltic, L a rg e s t In

W orld , Successfully L aunched a t• ." yucell’s Island.

Belfast, T hursday .— The W hite S ta r steam er Celtic, tho largest ocean steam er In the world, was launched th is m orning a t Queori's Island In tho preaonco of thou­sands of spectators.

c r e p e n t i a l s T r e s e n t e dM inister .A r th u r S. H a rd y E xchanges Of­

ficial G reetings W ith Sw tt’/.er- la iu l’H C h ie f E xecutive,

Borne, T hursday .—A rth u r S. H ardy, the newly appointed United S tates m inister to Switzerland, presented h is credentials to ­day to tho president. Tho usual greotings were exchanged.


» ' C h a d w ic k ’s P h a r m a c y .On A pril 1- Chadwick’s pharm acy w ill

bo .moved from (114 to (UM Cookman ave­nue, in tho handsome now B urtonf build­ing, noxt to JjoMalstro, whero wo will bo pleased to soo our friends aiid customers. Adv. 72 tf*, C h a d w i c k ’s P h a r m a c y .

A Few Choice F la ts - •S till for ren t in K eator block, M attison

avonuo, nnd In ( now Cookman avonuo blodw—Al l-m odornr con von lenoosr—R ent $10 to $20. Apply to owner or agents. t

Don’t forgot the date of tho Richardson salo a t 413. A sbury avenuo, Wednesday, A pril 10,.a t 10 a. m . Sale was postponed on account of tho severe storm, b u t w ill positively take place on th a t data, and a ll tho rem aining goodB m ust be sold. See adv. Monday and Tuesday.—Adv. 81-2-8.

Tho best ’tonic and spring medicine is K lnm cnthlshypqphosphltos.—Ady. 50 U.

Subscribe for our weekly edition, THB 8RORK PRH&3 . A ll the local new* in ­te re st for only $1 a year,—Adv.

Steam er Chester W. Chapin Ashore OU* Patience Inland*—Passengers Itcxcucd. New Haven, Thursday.—Tlio steam er

Chostor W . Chapin, runn ing between Now York and Providence, rsm on tho rocks oil* Paticneo Island last night. A ll, tho pas­sengers wore rescued.

Tho Chapin is owned by tho New York, Now Haven und ‘H artfo rd Railroad com­pany. Sho was Btill stranded a t » o’clock this m orning, b u t hope of saving h er Is ontertained by the ownors, as sho is steol-plutcd. ____________


Precau tions of J a i l OUleials to P rev e n t Ills Possible Suicide.

Now York, Thursday.—Last n ig h t an extra guard watched a t tho cell of V alet Jones, tho self confessod m urderer of Mil­lionaire W illiam I^ice, to prevent him from com m itting suibido. Jones seemed, to tako no notice of tho ex tra guard.

E u ste r M llliinery a t S te lnhach’s.O ur charm ing creations ^n Kastor m illi­

nery comblno Parisian ideas a t Am erican prices. T iik Steinuach Company. Adv 81 •

M o n e y t q ^ L o a f iW e h a v e ' t o l^ a c o n f irs t w o r t -

g a g e o n Im p ro v e d R e a l ,E s ta te t h e ' fo l lo w in g s u m s : ; ; ' ' !

$ 1 , 0 0 0

1 , 2 0 0

v 1 , 5 0 0

2 , 0 0 0

3 . 0 0 0

4 . 0 0 0


Monmoutli Trust- A N D -

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth Building:, Asbury P a rk , K. J .

CAPITAL................. $100,000SURPLU S................ 25,000

Kxcculea all trusts known lo the law.T«oans money on bond and mortflrage.KrcelvM deposits subject to cJicclc and allow,

intcrcfll on dally bulanc#*.Acta os TrpsSee, Keglstmr and Transfer Agent Pays coupons.Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. .Safe deposit vault..

A, C .'TW IN IN G /Prts^.-at0 .8 . M. HARVEY, Vice President -

R- A. TUSTING, S raeU ry» . C CORNHI.I, Tiensurer

DIRECTORS:0 H. Drown, R. A. Taallde, ■1 II. Ducli.iron, Hsnry Mitchell, M. D.

C- Cornell, John P O’Brien, ,W. J. Horrlson, Perry R. Smith,Col. O .n M. Hanrey, S. A . Patterson,George V. Kroehl, A. e. Twining,Bruce 6. Keator, M. Is., 11. H. Vreeland,

O. II. w . Vroom.

Why Not Buy a Lot for $400 A T B R A D LE Y P A R K

Bulldjalm o ls ra te ' prioe houso. which In- veatm ent w ill oost less than- paying *ia per m onth rent. 8eo

H . C. W IN S O R o r J . F . A P P L E Q Y .

EASTER CARDS.1 EasterrBooklets , -

Easter Novelties

Paas Egg DyesFreo from Poison

Paas Paper DyesEach envoiopo of 12 alieeta, 5 ceuta. P rin ta beau tifu l shades of varloua colora. W ill color from 3 to I) dozen eggs.

S p e c ia l S a le — B O O K L E A S E S th is w e e k 4 ' C e n ts .-------- .

HARRY fl. BORDENS t a t i o n e r a n d N e w s d e a l e r

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Are.

WHEN...y o u d ro p a P E N N Y in to a B L IN D m a n ’s h a t , d o y o u c o n s id e r h o w m u c h c a re y o u sh o u ld g iv e y o u r ow n e y e s i T a k e n o c h a n c e s w ith th e m .

STILES & CO.Philadelphia Eye Specialists ,

A t 22a M a in s t r e e t , A s b u ry P a r ke v e ry F r id a y .

Hoars, 10 to S. Free examination and all work guaranteed.

.For B en t.Cheap, 8 mom house. Im m ediate poa-

sesaion can be had. M, M. Crosbie, COS Main atrept.—Adv. tf. / 0

Auction salo of oholoa groceries, houco- hold goodti, wagons: etc., a t J , H . M athews’ store, 07 South M alp street, Saturday,-A pii! 6, a t 7 p. m. Joseph C, P atterson, auctioneer —Adv. 81-2-B.

Mlaa Gcrtrudo W ise of New Yo^k will conduct a special ecrviea in the O, and M- A lllance rooni. M ikado building! T hu rs­day overling, A p ril l . a t 7:4B, A ll are In­vited, . Adv, 78-81

First National BankO F A S B U R Y P A R K

M a ttiso n A v e n u e a n d B o n d S t r e e t

[Between PoatoBloo and Depot.

O R G A N IZ E D F E B R U A R Y , I88<i.


DR. BAM UEJj JOHNBON, Vice-President M. H. SCOTT, Cashier.

J . B.DAVIB, Asa’t Cashief.

Patrona’ valoahle8 received (o r sa te keep tog: free o t obatge -1 ; v, f, ... .•- Foreign Exchange bought and sold.. ColleotloES promptly actot^yloiiiji^a,

YOUKr- BD0XK3SS8 P A yO E S ESSPEOTTiruiT. souorrap.

Page 2: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

A ffB y g Y PARK DAILY PRESS, TH U R SD A Y , APRIL 4, 1001.

T h e g re a te s t sa le o f m o d e m tim e s n o w g o in g o n . T h e c ro w d s th a t r e s p o n d e d t o th is m o n s te r w as so la rg e th a t h u n d re d s w e re tu rn e d a w a y n o t waitfed o n . W e h a v e a d d e d a n e x tr a fcnrefe o f sa le sm e n to th e la rg e fo rc e w e ,?a lre a d y h a v e . T h e .b a la n c e o f o u t la rg e s to c k

O n S a l e a t 5 0 C e n t s o n t h e D o l l a r ., E v e ry o ffe r is t h e g r e a te s t b a ig a in o n e a r th .

M E N ’ S S U I T S .$5 and *8 S u its . .

$ 10nnd $12 Suits. *i/J«mi 125 Suits.

.$3 !»8 and f t OS5 OS ond 6 986 98 and 12 48

B O Y f e !$a S u its .......$3S u ita ... . $7 (Suits.......

S u i t s .' .............. i«0 $1 !)8

............ .’I 48

K n e e P a n t s .25c k in d . nuo kind

$100 k in d . . . . . . . . . .

C a p s .fiOc C aps ...(Vic C aps. . . . . . . . .

$100 Caps

12c. 1»cKte


O v e r c o a t s .$10 values.........$ii> V alues............$18 V alues...............

P a n t s ,.$1 P a n t s ...........£} P a n ts . .... v . • ■$4 P a n ts . . : ........... ...$7 P an ts.

$1 H ats i<2 H ats *1 H ats

H a t s .

MIC S h i r t s . ..$1 S h irts . . . . . .2ooSuspenders. : . .50c Suspenders-----25c Boys’- W aists .. #1 Silk Shirts ..... . ISo Boys’ H ose— 20o Boys’ Hoso —

M e n ’s F u r n i s h i n g s .IUo

48c07clito12 c48cinto12 c

15c C ollars .25c N eckw ear— 50c N e ck w e ar,.., . 50c G loves.. . . . .$2 Gloves................10c H o s e ..................25c Hoso. . ; .............05c h a n d k e rc h ie fs ..

.*4 487 488 48

Cflc . 98c .$1 38 . n 48

.. :48c 08c •

,.$ l 48

. toe

. ioc .. 2Uc. 23c . . 98c

one. 10c,. 01c

L A D I E S ’ D E P A R T M E N T .The thousands ot ladies th a t come to tako advantage

of out w onderful oftors woro ac tually amazed w ith our bargains; and no wonder, for tho finest stook of cloaks aro on sale a t 60c. on the dollar. LadleS’ custom tailo rs come Irom nil over to exam ine an d copy th e styles. '

L a d i e s ’ S u i t s$8 S u its .....................

$12 S u i ts . . ........ ■$15 S u its .........$25 S u its .......

J a c k e t s .$« v a h io s .... . . . . . . . . .

$12 values .. r . .$14 vaiuos....................

W a i s t s .$5 S ilk W aists ......... IS88-*0 S ilk W ais ts 8 98

$10 S ilk W aists 5i!8

|4 98 0 i)8 8 48

.12 48

$3 98* (i 98 7 98

S k i r t s .$7 k in d ............... S3 88

$10 k i n d . . . .... 4 98$12 k in d ' ........... (i 98

*7 Capos.- $!Q Capos. *14 Rapes

C a p e s .$2 98 4 98 0 98

W r a p p e r s .$1 00 k in d ...................: . 48c$1 00 k in d ..................... 08c$2 00 k in d ...................... 98o

S h o e s f o r IV Ie n a n d B o y s

$2 Men’s Shoes. . . . . x . 98*s Man’s Shoes.: ------- $1 !®|3 Boys’ S h o es 08.

$2 Ladles’ Shoes........... *1.18$y Ladles' Shoes 1 !S8$1 Child’s Shoes........... 59

C o m e e a rly to av o id th e g re a t r u s h . M o n e y r e fu n d e d o n a ll u n sa tis fa c to ry p u rc h a s e s . C a r f a r e to

o u '- o f to w n p a tro n s . • .. '■... ® .




Two Local Burlesques.

# ........ R e s e r v e d S e a t s a t G r e n e l l e ’ s .....# ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 8, AT 9 A. W.

S te in b a c h C om pany


| B IC Y C L E S F O R >901 j

My stook is nearly complete. Have m ost ~ —'O fthe leading m akes, such as theC lev e la n d V ale, 1 r ib u n e

S p a ld in g R o c h e s te r O a y to nC r a w f o r d i m p e r i a l j L y n d h i i r s t 'W h l t eam i several others; The finest line over ex­hib ited by a local dealer. Havo both ehain and ohainloss. Shull .continue the same liberal te rm s m id honest dealings

R e p a i r in g 1, R e n t in g a n d In struciio r A gent also for W hite Sewing Machines nnd sundries and Spalding Sporting Goods. C all an d exam ine my stock.

M . L . F E R R I S7 1 4 M a t t i s o n A v e . , A s b u r y P a r k

r. N O . 1 . . . .


$ I 0 0 , 0 0 0


- A T —



j ' Supper Furnished by the- Companyf c —


Made of the best m aterial and workmanship a t lowo9b prices.


C . F . H F .M M E N W A Y & C O .. 6 1 7 C o o k m a n , 6 1 8 M a ttiso n A v e n u e s , A s b u ry P a rk .

■ . r . -

AGUINALDO TO AID US.W iU A s s i s t I n S u p p r e s S t r i g Irt-

s u r r e c t i o a ,r



< =/

PE R C E N T .

W e hnva tbe Hhove-sum to place iu ir - jo or small am ounts on flrao

.m ortgage. Loa?ss on - Asbury Park, Lo<h Arbour, Ailauhurat and Deal buuiness or dwelling property.


K o a t o r B l o c k .

tx to o b e ta o o c K > o o o o e x > o e m o o o o o o

D id N o t . K opW '.-'/e jiB * A m e r ic a n * C o u ld t ie ,s’b1r.P * l# i-S n d ire T » n > . L a n i) 8 h o w H im I I I .V I . t t T b l . C o u n t r y . v ' '

M anila , A pril ^ - d h i e f Ju s tlco A rel­lano, w ho ad m in iste red to Em ilio Agui- lm ldo th e o a th ot a lleg iance to the .U nited S tn tes governm ent, h as describ ­ed th e conditions lead ing u p to a n d a t ­ten d in g tlie cerem ony, w hich w a s sem l- p fiv a te .^ A guinaldo, s till de ta ined in nn a p a r t­m en t o f tlie M alacaim ii pa lace’ and a w a itin g o rd e rs .fro m Atfasliington, h ad expressed h im se lf a s anx ious to lea rn rno rr regurd liig th e 'A m e r ic a n system of go v ern m en t a n d h ad ask ed C hief Ju s tic e A rellauo to en ligh ten h im . T he ch ie f ju s tic e ca re fu lly exp la ined th e v ario u s m easures. passed by th e P h il­ippine com m ission, h eaded b y Ju d g e T a f t , a n d sliow ed h im w h a t provisions w ere m ad e fo r education aiid p rog ress au d fo r m uuic ipq l an d provincial- se lf governm ent.

L is ten in g w ith deep in te re st, .Agul- n a ldo finally excla im ed :

“ I liever be liev ed ' th e A m efleans would be sa fa ir a n d lib era l.’'

B efore tlie conversa tion liad ended he had ag reed to ta k e tiie on th o f a lle­g iance, an d th is w as, im m ediately ad ­m in istered . - ■

Senor A rellano sa y s:“ A gu inaldo 's ac tio n w ill induce a ll

th e in su rg en ts to su rren d er, an d I p re ­d ict th a t tiie is lan d s w ill be com pletely pacified by Ju n e .

•A guinaldo is eag e r to v is it tlie U n it­ed S ta te s , b lit w hen 1 questioned him on tlie su b je c t o f hold ing office he re ­plied th n t he h a d n o 'd es ire s in tlm t d i­rection an d in ten d ed to re tire to -p riv a te life .a fte r a tr ip to A m erica.”

I t is repo rted here th n t P re s id en t M c­K in ley h a s Inv ited A guinaldo to v is it th e U nited S ta te s nnd th n t th e fo rm er in su rg en t lender m ay sa il from M anila A pril 15. G eneral. M acA rth u r w hon q u es tio n e d reg a rd in g the ru u io r sa id he h ad abso lu te ly no th ing to com m linl- eutc.

M a r A r f h n r G e ts H I . In K fra e t la n * .W ashing ton , A pril 4.—A fte r n consul­

ta tio n w ith th e p res id en t; Secre tary R oot se n t a c a b le ; m essage to 06001111 M acA rthur, g iv in g him In structions re­g ard in g A guinaldo an d th e v iew s o f th e ad m in is tra tio n on som e recom m enda­tio n s a s to P h ilip p in e a ffa irs m ade by G enera l M a cA rth u r.. T he co n ten ts o f th e cab leg ram w ill,n o t be m ade public fo r tiie p resen t. I t Is understood th a t A guinaldo .w ould like ce rta in a s su r ­ances of* p rom ises fro m th e govern­m ent.

- No I n v i t a t i o n Y e t.■Washington, A pril 4.—I t wob s ta te d

n t tlie W h ite H o u se la s t night', tlm t n o th in g w as know n th e re o f nn Inv ita­tion by th e p re sid en t to A guinaldo to v is it th is coun try . I f Mr. M cK inley has nny such Idea in m ind, lie would h a rd ­ly p u t i t - tn to opera tio n u n til m ore o f A guinaldo’s in ten tio n s a r c know n.

ftfnny. S lu k l n t h c - P h l l i p p l n e . .W ashing ton . A pril r4.-—G eneral M ac­

A rth u r cab les th a t th e .n u m b e r o f sick In th e P h ilipp ines a re 2,833 In hosp ita l au d DOS in q u a rte rs , th e p ercen tag e be­ing 0.80. : .


. . . U . S . B O N D H O U S E . . . . —'P ennsylvania P earl Rye, made In 1S8S,

per gal., S.'S.on; bottle, 80c.M ount V ernon Rye W hiskey, per gal.

--SS.50! bottle, 70c.Elkwood Ryo. m ade ln 1896. per gal.,

82.n0) tjottle, 7Cc. ■ ■ *Monoftfrahula, a pure Rye W hiskey, per

gal., *2.00; bottle, ooc,Suruka C lub Pennsylvania Rye, per

gal., S3.00; bottlo, #1.00.Miinogrora, Belie of Nelson, bottle, S i. .Sherry, Part nod B lackberry, per gal.,

*1.25; bottle, 35c. »P u ritan <2I«ret, a line Unllfornia Claret,

perdoz., S3.40; bottlo, 20c, ■liaubenholm er, a typo of California

R h lsa Wlno, per do*., *J3.00i bottle, Koehler & Co.’s Logo? and Fidello 2eere,

Alea and Portor. O rders delivared tree.


T h e H n w n lld n L e g l i l a l a r e .H onolulu , M arch 23, v ia S an F ra n c is­

co, A pril 4.—T h e leg isla tu re lias now com pleted h a lf Its session , an d only ono bill lins renehed th e governor. T h is is a . 1)111 ap p ro p ria tin g m o n ey -fo r th e expenses c£ th e session/ I n bo th se n a te and house couRtnut d eb a te s .o v e r sm all b la tte rs hav e p reven ted th e tra n sa c tio n of business, th e se n a te especia lly h av ­ing occupied n early a ll i t s tim e in d e ­b a te s over ru le s and q u a rre ls ov er th e ru lin g s o f tiie p residen t. T he hom e ru le rs hav e m any cnueus m easu res pending w hich a re in d a n g e r o f failing' to p ass fo r lack of tim e) a n d th ey a re p rep arin g fo r n ig h t sessions to force tiie tran sac tio n .of b usiness. S even ty b il ls -a re befo re .tiie. house in v arions stages, nnd h a lf ns m any a re befor* th e seiyite

After Search in g T e sts

D r . D a v id K e n n e d y ’s F a v o r i t e R e m e d y H a s P r o v e d I t s e l f

t o b e t h e O n ly

P o s it iv e C u re fo r k id n e y a n d B la d ­d e r D ise ases .

p r o 7 B s n 2 8 r B E t M A R r N .JH S tric t. Cor. 46th Aveno<«

1 A vpfnl M o r ta l i ty I n n n aM tt.O dessa, A pril 4 ,-F n rn lu e and ty phus

a re rag ing th roughou t tlit> govern m en ts o f Iviierson nnd B essarabiri nnd portions of tlie goverm nefits of K iev an d T a u r id a r ' T he m ortailtV iH 30"per cen t o f th e en tire population .

4 H enyy Snow In W c»t Vlrfflnla.C nniberiand, Sid., A pril 4.—Six inch

es o f anow feii a t ltaw Jings,' Md., yrts terdiiy, and 18 inches fell a t D avis, WVa. • ' * •

\ ■ V ,

J O N E S 8 A y 8 H E L l E D , '

S ta te m e n t . Its Wlir»* COS- ; (eaiflon A re V n l.e . ,

N ew ' York, A pril 4.—T h e cross ex a m ­ination o f C h arles P . Jo n e s , w ho began b is confession o f th e m u rd e r o f W . M.-

•R ice on T uesday , y esterday b rough t oat-that J o n e s .h a d .m a d e tills confei- siou ln th e belief, th a t by so doing he w ould reeelye p a r t ia D m m u n lty from th e consequences o f h is crim e. I t also developed th a t th e flrsJ confession maide by Jo n e s before his a t te m p t a t su icide w as .la rgely fnlea a n d th a t !t w ns in th e second confession m ade w hile he w a s In th e fiouse o f de ten tio n th a t he a s se r ts t c to ld th e tru th .

M r. M oore conducted .the criia.'j ex am ­ination , nnd in an sw er to h is <iueqtionn Jo n e s snid th a t , h is s ta te m e n ts to Cap- ta ln M tC Iu sk y 'n t th e tim e Of h is a r re s t w pre fic titious and t lm t 'l ie co u ld .n o t i« iuem ber w h a t th ey w ere. H e had m ade p rac tica lly th e sam e sta tem en to to C apta in B aker; b e sa id ,. In D istrics A tto rn ey G ard in er’s room . C nptaln B a k e r h ad n o t seem ed susp ic ious abous R ice’s d eath , b u t had been convinced th a t th e checks .and w ills w e re fo r­geries. . ; : .V \ ; ^

Fnenonn J ttp a n e iie T e m p le t B u rn e d .V ancouver, B . O., A pril 4.—L ates t

o rien ta l ad v ices reco u n t tb e b u rn ing o f tiie ce leb ra ted T em ple Ildm m ongi a t Ikegam i on tlie n |g lit o f M a rc h . 0. P ew o f th e renownfcd p laces o f Ja p a n , a re m ore fa m ilia r to fo re ig n ers th an th is tine and b en u tlfu lly s itu a te d tem ­p le, s ta n d in g in a g ro v e o f tre e s arid com m anding n fin e 'v iew . I t stood on tlie sp o t w lic rc th e B u d d h is t s a in t N ielirren d ied in 3282. O rig inally e re c t­ed in tlie y e a r 275, It w a s re-erected aifter a Ore in th o d ay s o f th e th ird T o k u faw a Shogun. S p a rk s from ; tlie burning , bu ild ing were, ca rried to th e T em ple ; M yokyo, w hich s ta n d s a t n d is tan c e o f ab o u t 120 y a rd s to tlie so u th e ast, an d th is , too, w as des troy ; ed. A few dixys la te r th e fnn ious T em ­p le Ziken-.TI w a s d estroyed by fire ut O kitsu . ,

■ - • T- rr------- « -------L o n s M lsnlnp: N u rs e R e t a r m ;

N ew Ybrfc, A pril 4.—M iss J fa ry H off­m an o f S an Prnnclsco ,' w ho d isa p p ea r­ed m y sterlbusly from th is c ity la s t D e­cem ber, h a s n s m y steriously re tu rn ed . According to th e s ta te m e n ts o f fo rm er fellow s tu d e n ts n t th e N urges’ T ra in in g school a t B e llevue hosp ital, w here she fo rm erly stud ied , she hns been In th is c i ty .fo r ab o u t ten days. A ccord ing-to all accoun ts sh e w en t to E u ro p e under a n assu m ed am ine via H a lifax . No ex­p lan a tio n is g iven of. h e r m ovem ents h ere o r ab ro ad . T he Rev. Ja m e s Le B a ro n Jo h n so n , fo rm erly ilre chap la in , wlio d isap p eared n b o u t 'th e sam e tim e th n t M iss H offm an le f t th e c ity , is not In th e c ity a s ’ fn r ns know n. H e . w as a t la s t a cco u n ts in Ita ly .

’ : • ;______ W__Dulce*. R e la tiv e F o a n d . . . .

Now Y ork, A pril 4 .--T he ru n aw ay d a u g h te r o f n oousin o f th e D uke of H a m ilto n h as been found in th is city , posing a s a m odel fo r th e A r t s t u ­d e n ts ’ league.' She w ns located th rougb th e effo rts o f S ir Ju lia n P auncefo te . B ritish m inister- n t W ash ing ton , nnd tu rn e d ov er to th e Sf. G eorge society nnd-iv lll be se n t l>ack*to E n g lan d f?nt- u rd ay on th e s te am er M innehaha.' T he g ir l’s fa th e r is A. St. R. D ougina H am ilton. flrs t cousin to th e duke. H e 'o b ­ta in ed com m endation an a com m ander in llie B ritish ' navy , b u t is now on th e le tire d list. T he g ir l’s nam e is Iso la M. N orton D oug las-nun iiltou .

JftriHnryy. Fayfr; Bfeiirv i‘ark Boteit

H e r e is a M iU m e ry Display

T h e C nbnn S itu a tio n .H av an a , A pril 4.—T iie C uban con­

s titu tio n a l convention yeste rd ay , took u p th e p ropositions o f Senor dc Q uesa- d a nnd S enor T nm nyo regn rd ln g tiie re- latloni:. w ith th e U n ited S ta te s w h ich w ere T u esd ay laid upon tiie tab le , b u t only th re e m em bers voted fo r th e p ro­posal of S en o r de Q uesada an d only six fo r th a t of- S enor T am nyo . T iie o th er p ropositions w ill lie considered n t tiie n e x t m eeting c f tiie convention , w h ich w ill be held S a tu rd ay . T h e question o f send ing a com m ission to W ash ing ­ton w a s n o t discussed .

S e w L i ra 'l l ESfTect o n B u c k e t S hop* .Buffalo, A pril 4.—G eorge W P ltzm il-

le r , 'o n e o f th e m ost ex ten siv e bucket sliop ow ners In th e cou n try , nnnouuced th n t h e w ould d iscon tinue business. Mr. S p itz tn llle r ass ig n s th e w ork ing o f tiie n ew revenue law ns th e cau se o f ids suspension . H e ad m its ,, how ever, th a t thri bull m a rk e t is an o th e r fne to r. T iie ’te r rito ry covered b y th e firni included M ichignn, C anada, w e s te rn N ew York an d n o rth ern P en n sy lv a n ia .'

Thousands of requests fo r free bottles of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy are received nearly every day. by tho m anufac­turers, and upon striot investigation It ha* been found th a t no less than. 91 on t of every hundred o t tho=e receiving tria l bot­tles have been so helped by the Remedy Bonr,' th a t they have bought large sized bottles a t their druggists. ■

'I t has been proven beyond question th a t Favorite itemeSy is the very best medicine known for jiUenses or the Kidneys. Liver,i Bladder atid Blood, Rheumatism. Dyspep 8ia, Cbronlii CoBstipatlonand th p s lc k n ^ e s peculiar to women. Tho m»nnfaottireri« are prepared tn send free tr ia l bottles post­paid to all thcee who w illjy rite , giving their full name and pwtnfBdtf'address to the D-, David Kennedy Ciitpotatiop, IJon- doutN N. Y., nnd mention thllj p iper. ^“I ’il 't^ iireT 'f 'y o iirW fln ^ iB ^g lf iB l'iu m - bler; if in 34 hours i t hns n sinilnienf, nr a milky, cloudy iiornlltion; If it. Is prtle or dieeolorwl, ropy or etrinajf, yoiinetfl a food medlclno, and F ivoriui R em edyji the best one you can take. I t sp e e d ily cares caoh dantferons syroptnms hs pain in ib e back, frequent desire to urinate; 5 wpwrtallf a t night,'scaldlne, burni ig :pali> in ,passing water, stalnlog; 6f your llben by.. th e nrlDe and inability to hold id. “ Also tho, unpleas­an t and daattorops.effectri produced on th e system bv the uso of v^hisUey or beer; ,’’ Dr. David Kennedy's F avorft; Remedy Is sold, a t all d ru g store* -at $1.00 a b o tth , or six bottles for 15.00 ’.

r r o m C 'lilcnno to H ara tin rir.Chicago, A pril 4.—T h e new Clilcagp

tra n s a tla n tic s te am sh ip N o rth w este rn w ill sail ou i ts lirs t t r ip from C hicago to H a m b u rg ou' A pril 24. A carg o of ag r ic u ltu ra l im p lem en ts nnd m iscel­laneous f re ig h t w ill be ca rr ie d on tlie firs t tr ip . - I t is expected th a t th e en­t i r e ' voyage dow n tlie lak es , t h e .S t . L aw ren ce an d acro ss tiie A tlan tic w ill la k e only. 22 (lays. . .Tiie b o a t arid |ta s is te r ship, w jll m ak e re g u la r tr ip s to H a m b u rg a f te r A pril 24. .

B rnkeiu 'an B lo w n F rf tn i T ra in .N ew York', A p ril 4.—D avid . Louns-

bery, a J e rs e y C e n tra l ra ilro ad brafce- inan , w as b low n fropi th e to p o f a f r e ig h t tra in d u rin g th e gale w iiicb p assed ov er Som erville, N. 3., an d ^ ied sh o rtly a f te r . H e lived in Phlllipsbui'g ,n . j . . : "■

• Netv; Cnp D e fe n iie r N nined. •,Now Y o rk . ' A pril '-4.—C ap ta in Dun-

cau , fnnnnger o f th e sy n d ic a te ’s cup defender,'; announces t h a t th e nam e of .tli* i 'o a t w iil b e -th e ^oiiAtttiitlOri.

W ci< (|ir% .;F ;o re 'en .t.---— —- • V itlr an d ......

■, .. » JDreadful Cold.. Harlon Kooi*<V.u:ft3»eer fo rT . M.'fhamp*

son. h . largo.'Importer ,of flue millinery f»t 1068 Mil wanked ayeaue.: Cmca*o. . ray.-:; •‘Duri«a the lasn K'V®r« w e a td e rl c-jo«nt a ds»'^lful uold: wh'tjh kent- » 6 aw ak e :a t niRht and eb».i1e .n;s tii.flt to »tten<5 ,wy worfc dntins; t ho 3n.y, . On* of >mrm illiners m is takinsr ,C%«o>barlsli>’x Qpusb Kemady f o r . a Mvoro cold a t that. time, walon ae*me<l. fo reileve .her >o quickly t h a t I bo d ah t' pome fo r myuelf. ,R adted like raauin and I Ijegnrt to ihiprovo a t onc«. 1 nnf ?i;>w entltw y ano fw l very pleaded tit-acknowledge its m orita.” Fpr I’nje by S tew art's drucr store, corner Cookman

I ayenua and Bon<3 1 oet.

o r M i : . .’■1 •' " - Siia Farioii aiid steam tua)£» "

, Bpoota! rates for w iiter v

m A Ju L B tiik & X JtG 'hO o r n ^ A f l r a e i A a n d M n n iro e AvtsiAdaa

N«w H o c * . H a a d a o n e ly P a r a l a b t^ H as A U R M tr l i ImproTHinent*T l i a corner Orand and Monroe ateaneS.- Open all the yaar. New

I I I C I d l l U O boose; newfnrnilore; modern improvemefiti. Special ten na a ' - fcr tha wiDtfv ir.opUia SJBB. QbSbGE M. .UST*,

The Adrian• • . • ^.niontlig. ■ ; ... , ■ J .B TABRIAM.

Commercial Hotel noe and stnsst,^ Open bJlT tM s«Biva cjcmlarge,airy,etanrortablsroom*.. 8tf«mheated Uao«gbo«t,,! Builwasd

________ E. VAK&KKH.Open oil tba y t - , . Enlarged 'a id lnv-{iroTKd. Eleetrlo lights anS i&s. Bun rmr-

■n. Superior table. ^ SILL, Proprietor.Grand Avenue HotelOcean a row Ocean 6rbw ^oteU

, , • •. ^ . 8 b Pitman avenue, 4 and 0 McCllntock street. Thla hotel (aT I i a 4 I a a I / a open aU the year. Bnnparlora- and well heated rooma tor the cold

I l i e A i a S M f i P10Pths*^Jrh0 octy hotel in Ocean orore supplied With teft water batha. Xb-6 locaUon ta the beet, 100 feet from boardiradk and close to Btufitorfom and partoffloe. 1?. H. KILME&, proprietor

th a t is ljtcfa lly w ortlL go lng ,m boo.*' H orn aro distinctive ideas beau tifu lly worked Into charm ing novoltios. Spring h a ts and bonnets w hich aro n o t to he seen olsewhoro,

You have not soon tho best.In m illinory u n til yon havo boen hero.

- ' ; , M R S . E . D l t T S .



3 1 5 B o n d S t .

R o 8 8 - F e n t o n F a r mON D EA L L A K E , A S B U R Y P A R K .

O P E N A L L ; T B E

Y E A R .

A S T R IC T L Y ■ F IR S T - C L A 8 S F A M iL Y r s s o e t .

o ~ w s i n v c o n s r s o i s rD I S T R I C T A O E N T F O R

B a l l a n t i n e s e x p o r t B»ala g e r B o o rB o t t l e d - b y S t p a m P r o o e s s a n d G u a r a n t e e d t o K e e p I n A n y C l i m a t e

W i n e s , L iq u o r s a n d F o r e i g n a n d D o m e s t ic A le s a n d P o r t e r s C o b d a d e l i v e r e d o n l y o n o r d e r —f r e e o f c h a r g e .

T e l e p h o n e C a l l ' 1 7 c S P R I N G L A K E , N . J .

* Press “Special** Ads

ANY w ho havo ao oocasioi! to carry

jxigular Bt.wdiiig ndvertlBomonts in TH K P R E S S could often, iw o’o a r '•Special” c o lu m n 'to g rea tad v an - togo i i i i i i • • : I I

. I t is th e recognized nio- d lum for. a ll -.'Lost i d F ound ,” “ H elp iind SitmitionE W anted” and sim ilar business; b u t these a re Oniy a sm all frmoMon-of the m any uses to w hloh thin “gpeolal” colum n can be p u t F or inritnnce here arc soross of tha heads 5b o u r “SpeclnV! ndvor- tlrem onte th a t ijggost tho divorsl- fled.use to w hich th is colum n m ay be profitably p n t : : : : : ■:

S p e c i a l A d v e r t i s e m e n t s C l a s s i ­f i e d —N p D i s p l a y .

Bioyclce Board W anted Boarding BoAincsa ChanKCa, Removals

BnrfnnBsNoticea BnflinesH Opportunities BosinessPerBannlg CometeryMcmorlflla

Goal, Wood, Etc. Oountry Board .Dcntifltry Press MnktoR Kxchnngo F arm aF orS alo Em ploym ent W arned

F o r Balt) o r Kxchnngo F o r Bal? Ftirniphcd Koomfl T oX ot

Furniahod Rooms W anted Help W anted Horses Carriages, Etc.

Booses to L et Houses W onted . Instruction : Loai^i W an ted ' \

Lost and Found Machinery F o r Salo Mortgages, Loanfl, E tc ,. Medical

Personal ‘ Pianos and Organ#Real E sta te For BaIo . Rowords-

RoomBjFluts. Etc., Wonted- . RoomB and Flute To Let. Stores

Offices ;B taht98T oL et .W all Paper and Pa por Hunging

Etc. ■ UndcrtakerB * Etc.

W . A ; N ;; E M M O N S .M^nufacturor* ond Dealer i n . .* ?. •*»;

R u n a b o u t s , B u g g i e s , ^ r a p s .

S u r r e y s a n d B u s i n e s s or i

p l e a s u r e , V e h i c l e s r ? "

W e do •h iiak lnd^’.of B E P A ib ' WOBK, P A lN W N fl an d .T B IM M lN O . _

can. p u t on your .itJJUBKit t i k e s • • \ o t.o u r ahop.;^' : '.

W o tnako adpoclalty of w o 'b sb s h o e j k o ; , In', tho latoat s ty le s .. ■' ' ,


r J s .....................................5 of Be

t t

T H E C H I E F Polntito boob-t;oi-v-ed ln buying ore quality .price ond rep­utation of th e pursoiiK buying from. ■It’s easy buylnpr whon you know a ll thia. W e nrlde ourselvesi tn o t theso require­m e n ts nre found hero-, a v isit w ill con vince yon. O u r fo r salo book of housof; an d luts is open fo r your inspootlon.

W I L L I A M G I F F A R DR e a l E s ta te a n d iia su ran ce

2 2 2 M jin S tre e t . .' . A s b u ry P a rk

C O A I ^ A H nW OOB...

' • ■ ' - -V '' - ' ..............E . S T O U T . Succcsso^ to Form ac

H aving purohasod tho coal an4 wood bnBlnoaB-of-Jolin.J.i'onnon, J : propose to carry th e bost qualities of coal th a t can be purchased. •* . ■

Deliveries vfill W prom pt.* '

W I O N E ^ T d L O A NIN BUMS dip ANV A nO llN t, ^ '

O lA M O I C D S , W A T C H E S . V -E L R T , S I .O T ra H < I . STS?. , ■ ,

-■ F . F IN K E J - S T E I ' N • ., a r : 1 - r, ' ’ LicensejiPawnbroker, ■ ,

W f i S t 'A :s]uU<lY v f a i c :l l O S B m d w a y , 4One Block Wost of Bailroad. ' All in;jaa<^'.tri^tiT-=ooflaoniia!-

Page 3: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

s u mii*®;-? -rfvr •

:R :C<Wl,lii'A M S 'r & C O fM : V , i , ' d i s t r i b u t o r s . ; ' ' • . .

W K GRESH & S O N S , m a k e r s . -

raret-Bloiwy ett»4(ng,Trantoa; Building, A*bS3T,rwk, S. J .

WANT coins®With , its Mrvest df '; | 6od things and fo itho$e\Wha are looking for gffcd p l ia b le ., .i j .



.we would like to have you call and se e" .us...M ost per­sons. have' a f^Ste for choice things and that is what-;we sell,’ ler in price for, your, .-v.-v,


t m p u s s w i s m r o m k O S S I S “S P E C ! M L


i * * * o t » -

'i W e have bought the exclusive patterns of aii the leading^ manufacturers i Designs , not sold to jobbers or small, dealers. \W e ' cao;i |8 H o y ^ u ; t-; ?« tiM , effects vat’ ;niocleSt ‘prices. Our; . p r ic ^ ;i r e ej^ jrnely low. Turn your hoihc 'ove^TO'dsi^il'f'let^:u5-;Bp4u-j. tify .it, . : • .:%i y - . < / J.

’ W illiam h . BAN#A:RD*;r' ••/.?}«# .;-•»<«;•' <•. V?I j rand arid Cookman A verities, Asbury Park.

DIVIDEND PAY!A1‘GThe IDAHO. LITTLE GIANT M INE is equipped w^th reduction^ machineiy and is now the best producerm 'W arren,' Central Idafio.-''^

W i m E A f i t N 2 5 P E R C E N P D ^ I D E N D S ,on tho to ta l Capital of tho Company, $500,000, n'ntl w ill ourn

^ X T U ; 5 0 P E R C E N T . E J I V I D E N D S ' ;.i : ' • on thp present Boiling price o i tho shares.

$ i 5 , b o o ; p o o I N G O L phns boon takon from th is rich m lnoral bolt, which la In tlio samo bolt as tho grent “ Dig Buffalo" mine, owned liy tho Buffalo H prap M ining Company of Now York, a dividend payer, ■wiiqgo first Superintendent la Gonoral. M anager of tho L lttlo S la n t. See tho solh A nnual lloporl of . tho U . S. Geological Sur- voy. E x trao t furnished on application. Send for prospectus and tho W estern M ining Toipgrajp ,con,toin!cg tbo fu ll particulars. Do not loso th is oppor­tun ity , (ho p rlcod rthoejiaree w ill certalnly-advanco. ■ • t ' •

\ , W ^G. M O T LEY & GO.: '-J • - : ■ ' v B a n k e r s a n d B r o k e r s .1'


LOCAL .WEN!Frank E.'Tjr.ilorwoocl ia in Morristown

tbilay on’a buklnctes Vjslt..’. A.c: Twinliig Is a business visitor today in Now York and Phjladpjphla,;Mlss Lou Bakor returned yostininy from

Elainflold milch improved in health, Cornelius Lanilor is now aotlng as gen­

eral agent foiV Stiles' express at the rail­way 0tpt!onVl ..

The Tni'JStig Stainp company advortlso- montjjontalns Bometnlng today that will interest,ovoryjjody. . Itcad it.

Poutiuts, rooi beer and oranges '.Voro the refreshments,served at tho meotlng of tho Nopttino tdwnthip committee last nlghc,■. t Leo 3 /Emitions of Matawan was a ro ^itint visitor for several days at. the homo ’’til Ills slate ', Mrs. Goorge Cade, 818 Sixth avenue■ The Isolation hospital ouchrenoxt M'on-

'th oR oo k afe llo r/503' Third,


AUCTION SALE M , M ! S. 1901 10 8. D|.

of The Qibson Houst514-516 Summerfield Avenue,

■ C o r . E m o r y S t r e e t . ; '

s Also a ll tho fu rn itu re in the houso consisting of f> oak bedroom salt?.Ii parlor stilts, lot. of odd bureaus, 1 ico box, hall raukratoveri, "kitchen and extension tables, porch shairs, Brussels carpet,

k itchen ohairs, orookory, glasswato kitchen utensils, bedsteads, springs «nd uiafr-i tresses ond num erous other ihlnpu Doth useful and ornam ental.

The proportyconsists of lot vOxlOO feet, facing o;> Summerfield avenuo and twp houses thoroon, The proporty w ill bo offered a t abou t 12 m. Sold absolutely w ithout reserve.

The proporty w ill bo offered a t about 12 m,

D . G A T E S , A u c tlb n e e r .


q - : — * I S . - - - - - •• : - tDo You Want

• v>a Piano?

If so, buy -onc’tliat lias.pissed through all the expet i- niental slastes; onecpnibijSijijifhc very best outeriais w ith scientific know'filKe a net artistic skill. Buy from a reliable house an :artistic: piano,'froo from unneces-

alue of the “ purchased ’’.variety. In thissary expenses and stripped of fictitious va way only can you obtain full value fo r you r ni6i&i', T he jjSano that best fits this description is .T H E M A T H U S H f i k & SON,-a piano known to the public for over six ty years as one containing everything t in t constitutes perfection.. A catalogue of the M. & S. and o ther makes sent on application. :■ •'

G . T . ' S A N F O R DSlock of p : .M .Mon| h o ^ .M « r April I . t 6 2 1 r i a t t ? s o n A v e in u e ,




A H * I S * I G S H r i r © R -R I C H C V * , G f r A £ 0 .. •, ,•>

S f S S & I N d 0 I f c ¥ B R H O y S t * I R 5 l %: ' I f B a * H © R ; G C O D S , B * C . »

. . A. W. CORNELIUS I,, 6 3 4 C O O iK ^ V A N A V C /M U e .

<fcy a t 8 p. m . h e l^ it t i^ of ■ Mrs., John 'iivonae..' Miss Ethol Gahagan of 01 D ecatur street, •prdoklyij, is visiting w ith hor.oou8ln,Mrs, B. .WV H owland, Ul Cookman avenuo, Cjcdan G rovo.. % J., Spoclal .sorVleo th is cvonlng a t Gospel Army.-room, Springwood aycnuo. Lead- ors. Captain B. VanNoto, Llout. L . Shinn,' L ie u t. 'J . 'ndojjor.

Miss M yrtio Xtoblnson of 002 Main M.reel, a ‘ tcaolfar In th e W est P a rk school, Is spanning thd E aster Jiolld^ys a t he r homo In Allentown',1 N. J .

Mlss L u lu M. Rjilnear, who rocontly ro- ‘movoll from Ocean Grovo to Wardanolyffd, L, i . , 'ls spending sovoral weeks w ith her undo, Thoni.'is Wyncoop. ; ■ '

Noptnno Firo company nom inated M ar­tin H'. S co ttfo r chlof UDd Jo h n H. Bonnqtt for assistan t chief tf in u ee tin g hold IntJid now onglne hdiise last night.

How ard Cli\?6r, who has booh employed as drug clerk In ono of the, tciidlng pimr- mnoloS of St. A ugustino^Pia., re tu rned to his homo in th is city last niglit.

Tlio Neptuno tow nship coiiimitteo' in­tended to mako its annuul road inspection yesterday, b u t on accouat of tho ra in tho trip was postponed u n til Thursday noxt.

Miss Minlilo Cook, ona. of the instruc­tors in tho Bolmar ' school,, residing a t 002 M ain street, lotfc totldy to pasa a fow days a t her homo irSatasasqunn, Sho has beon 111 for two weeks.

' Wesloy B, S tout, who has been, attend ing his sick brothor, J . C. W . Stone, a t Tallapoosa, Ga., re tu rned to A sbury Park "last night,. Ilo roportod ills brothor as bo Ing som ewhat Btrongor. '‘ Members of tho local tribfe of Red Men will moot a t b o'clock tom orrow n ig h t a t W illiam G iffatd’s Main stree t real ostat,. ofiico to mako arran&emonts to attoud. the. funeral qf th e ir lato brothor, Georgo K H urley. . ' , ^

Tho Misses Fannio and Jonnio Rlohards w ill go to A tlan tic City tom orrow for tho Bastor holidays, ^ h e i r . m other, Mrs. W. Ii.,'Richards of. tho Ridharda house, Will spend tho ; same period- w ith anothor daughter who resides a t Hazelton, Pa.

Georgo M. Dallas, form erly ;igont of A dam s Express company in 'A sbury P ark ,1 Aoiv In.tho N ew ark ofllco of the samo oom; pahy,-was a v isito r hero yesterday, as was jjiso, W. P . Cahill, form erly cashier horo for thq samo company, who w as trans /erred to H arrisburg; Pa.-





S E E D SThe planting season will soon be

here and in orden-to have , good crops it is important thatsyou haive GOOD SEED S. Our supply of


!■ has just afriyed apd a? it comes from one.of the mos: reliable houses in' A nieika.'w e feel (hat you bountifully' r6paid: by purchasing your seeds at our store. W e can supply you • seeds in any quantity and at prices that will bearinspectioh. Lnwn;i F ertilizer, T im othy .and

Clover Seeds. rrrJ 5 i n a l I Onion Sets" 1 0 cts. Q uart1


JO S. D. N E W L INl i i Main Street V V Asbury: Park.

H o t C r o s s> B u n s v

‘.On Good Friday,April 5th-

, ; rALL KINDS OF , -

C a n d y ^

V/INCKLER’S.• •'*; ■ ’t *l'tir;* i > ; t t v f :

V;: m m w s iW ’W ?’ ,'

James For«yth. Joe! S. Boycc

F 0 R 8 Y T H 1 BOYCEi.P LU M B IN G ..

■: i — — ;-------' i & IN A I. W.; ITS', BRANCHES'

lofebing Promptly Attended to ; EsfJinates Ch^eiffUlly.Given

3zo^O N D STREe|t

d u a l # H ig h

Prices' M w

S e a s id e P h a r m a c y.'y T •.>I'.' l .* c? \i r} ti t : OI: Vo t v <

; BloomSeld Hallck^Ph. G., Prop. c | r . 8 th ; a n a -F ^ S fe i'B E L M A R ,, N . J ,

T hose W lio Com W ore tlio Oner, . I tc a ily /^ooletl.

A t tho homo of H onry E. Gravatt,’ 114 E m bury avenuo, Ocean Grove, ’ an unique A pril F ooI’b party was hold Monday n ight. Tho 00 porsond invited VYero loft under the Impression th a t they were niordly to gathor a t Mr. Gravatt'fi house and then surprise someone else. A fte r all had onterod .an d wero seated thoso \vho woro in tho soprot proposcda gamo. Others .followed and soon tho tru th dawned on tho m inds of tho m errym akers.

Rofroshmeiit.i woro served about m id­night. .Thoso present'w ore: Misses Grace GilTord, H elena LiBsner,, Carrio W orth, Bercy Opdyko, A lida Bedell, M ary Sm ith, M attie Clayton, A nna Caminol, Bollo Lotts, Elsie Shlun, M yra Itolibins, Ida Hudson, E lla Jones, Nellie Noil, Nollio Polnsot, M ary D odd ,, Miss -Shlbla, Miss Brow n; Messrs. .Ambrose Reynolds, El- dpn W ills, Jo h n N u tt, Ludlow Sm ith, A r th u r,W ills , Georgo Johnson, Georgo Matthews, A rth u r W hite, Goorge Torrcil -Burtls n u ll t , Jo h n T errell, W ill Penny, J i 'l ll Mogill, .John Crawford, Edward Bluckwoll, S tu lts Nowman, Jam os Boa nott, Gordon Thompson, M att. Slocum ; E lbort W ills,A rthu r Pharo , H arry W hite E ran k Hagornsun, B aird Itolibins, H arry Steelm an, H arry Combs, H arry T ruax.


Atnboy Ofllcla N Mnke an Inspoctlon \V Ith . T hat Objoot hi Vlo\v.

Superintendent Abororomblo of tbo A m ­boy ' division,; in company w ith soveral othor prom lnont ofilciols of tho Penrisyl vania railroad, mado an Inspection Tues­day afternoon, of the road, about Bordon- town, w ith the objeot of laying double tracks In avert anothor aeoident such as th a t of last Fobruary.

P rl/t; IVIntioi^i gt, M atinco W hist... Tlio prize w inners a t thom atltiuo liljrary

ch a ir w hist givon n t, tho Grand Avonuo llotol ycstorday wore: Mrs. S. A. Boyce pf the Saratoga, a fln« bisque figure; Mrs. T. H . Beringer, ohina sot, . ream pitohor and n.ig irliow l; Mrs. Goorgo Ferguson, hand ‘sointf picture. ■

:' A. <!'. Captain anil Managor.iLt^tho' ineotlhg Tuesflay o ig h t o f ' thp

Noloae Athlotlu olub of Oeeari Grove, Clarence H urley was olootedCaptain of the, fop thM f’dloyea for the 11101 aoasoii, and H erbert Btadd w as mado manager.

i t, Best Blood I^ ir l l ln . 1 ......The blood Is constantly being purified by

the iUDge, liver 'aud kidneys. Keep these organs- • In ,a isalth.v condition and -lie bdwdli rdghlar aiid you Wilt have np need of a blood -pbrittSr,- For'thls purpdsd there is nothing .eqnal to (JBamberlnlil's Stomach Wild iiivdr Tablits. o‘n«‘dd»o orthfem will do

on tt(ogodir i hnti a doiinr bottle* of.thelieRtliidod. purifier. Prtcd,i’O.ifflnts..; pam- plos-; jiiea' a t: fsrewniv's $mg store, oorner Cop: uiau -'.venae arid BoBd etroc t.

W ill AI'bo S r c u r r 'for E lc c tr lc IJglitRB eforo C oiitrttct-is A w arded—llc ll

- ;y-OrUlntt*noo..Incircctlve.Tho rogular quartorly m eeting of tlio

Neptnno tow nship .committee -was. hold last n ight. O rp ot^tljo m atters discussed was tho ligh ting of tho township streets.

C o m m ltto fu aan ijB . .S . ; S b rav s re n d a co m m u n ica tio n fro ra t^io W elsb a c h 'S tree t L ig h tin g O om pany .o l A m orlca , offering to fu rn ish n o t lesii th ttti S) a ll-n ig h t lig h ts fo r otio y e a r at,$!l£>iPor l ig h t,.o r fo r five yoars a t $S1. : , ■ - j - i i •

T ho proposal m o t -W ith m u c h favor, th e com m ltteo fig u r in g t l ia t tho n u m b e r of lig h ts now in uso c o u ld bo, doub led an d a su rp llis of >.*13 s t i l l be b a d on each l ig h t, bealdei hilv lngi th e odvnntiigo o f a n a ll- n ig h t serv lco .•>•.- -■

Mr. Shrove w as iristructed to also:got term s from tho -A tlan tic Coast Electric L lg litcom paily , .. .

I t wos ’ sta ted to tho . board to ; Clerk R alnear th a t he w as uiiable to get orders from Overseen of i:the PoOP J.ohn 0 . W hlto for supplies sont to somo fam ilies under scarlot fever quaran tine, as th a t oillclal wns riot satlsildiJ thM :tho money should bo taken from the poor,fund. Mr. H uleliart sta ted th a t ho-would explain to Mr. W hlto the exact atuto of affairs-

Chief G ravatt appeared bofpro tho com­m ittee antl'-asked' thutr 'tlio ordinance pro hibitl;ig juflkincn from carrying bolls be rescinded,Us It wns d nuisanco am i 'could no t bo equltably dnfdreed. He stated th a t there we'ro sdydrni'. casts' iitny sleeping in the suprom’e court «iilrcertionirl, tho junk men m eanw hile using bells, as also,did nlf

° “ * o f % ^ # f e . , v ‘ ' fJ ' 'No actici! w as tnfcon, bu t nstiieot-dl nance has,fof'tsomo. Okiio been inopdra'tivu ItSvlll likely, so coaVfyiio.'

.table '^harles gbam- uVid'ajiprcivcii. Ju.s

ttco Dodd t^rn^d'^o^Qritcj tihe.ponimrfteo JKi.Oii finea.colidctecl.uiKier orcitriances. ,

A bout $l,llo6 w orth bf bills word pnssod, which, as thoro w as only about $750 In tho treasury, loft a-'<3oflait: of. about $2o0, A ‘noto for $500 fo r onfe month was ordorcd negdtiatedi'-n"1 •‘■‘•i- .■! ■ ''•••!> >' S'

' - HOr.M ES W . M U ftl'H Y »K A D . .• y , . - - ~ J\i. ■ .• .Was* .I'romln.cnt* .freehold _ Ctt-izcli and

Momlier o r Ocean ( pivo .Vhs< 1 r ia t 1 on. H olm es, W . Miirplij-, 'a prom ihdjt.eiti-

zon of Freehold and M onm outh county, died a t Kls hom e ut tho county, seat .Tues­day n igh t,;lp the TWthiyqar ot his nge, aftpra lo n g illn e ss .wJAi\/l>aimlyMs.,

Mr. Murfihy j whs p .^rpduflto of P rince­ton college. Hu first prnoticcd law in Brooklyn and subsequently camo bnok to his nativo tow n, where ho at once became prom indnt. as. a lawyar- in i) u public offl olttl. n o was county cierk for maiiy years an d hold num erous public positions of trust.. Ho was an arden t M ethodist and for mojro.tljau --0 yejirs hydlioen a trusteo of tho Ocean tJ rove assoclatlori. Ho loaves a widow and threo_ daughters. Tlio. fun- oraljiflll boheld .atj bis Into rosidenco. to-m b r r d w - ____ . . ' ■

N ow . l*r«aWent for F arm er Coiil Co, The annual mcoting of tho Georgo P..

F arm er Coal company •will bo hold noxfc Tuesday, afe wlriclv W illiam P . Farm er, brother tif tho la to tfcoreo E. Farm er, and son of Goorgo V. Farnior, rocontly do- ceased; w ill ijrobnbly bo elected president of th«5 company.

I h o bRjid ,o f bqrluln was. recelved. i

To bo Hold a t Freehold Svoxt M onth to , ro rlc c t Ilcor/fanlzatlon Plan.,

Tho M onmouth County Dem ocratic Kx- ecutivo committee, having direottHl Its chairm an to call a gpcoial ; Democratic county convention for tho purpose of pro- motlnR tho in terest and welfare of the Democratic party in tho county o i Mon-‘ m outh by tho adoption, a t such special convention, of a constitution for tho gov-( em inen t of said party and! tho moro'pev- feot organization of the samo, tho under­signed hereby calls a . special Democratic county con von tion i for tho purpose afore­said, to bo hold a t tho Freehold Opera Ilouscj in Freehold, on <

Wcdnouday, May 1,1001, a t 11 A. N .In accordunco w ith tho -nbovo .call the

Doniocratic votors of tho sovoral townships in tho county of M onm outh aro roqxiested to* meet a t the places horoiiiaftor desig- natod on , ■, ‘ . , -;.;v • .

Saturday, April X001, n t 2 o’clock p. m., for tho purpose of elect> ing delegates to tho said spoclnl county convention. • ,

The following table shows tlio: places designated for hohllhg .tho prim ary m eet­ings,»and tho num ber of delegates each township Is entitled to under the pall, be­ing tho samo num bor of dologates as con­stitu ted the last Democratic county con­vention, to w it:

. .K o .p f•Delegates

A tlantic H otel...................CoUa.,Neck..(.Katontomi ...GarriRnn’u....... Occanport 0Fri'chold.......Itichardrion’fl... FrculioldHolmdol........H otel...................... H o ln u lo l-.u i.. 5Howell Htraugh'HHotel.Farmingdaie.. 9M annlapan... .Fleming’s ....... Engliriitown \ . 5MarlboroMatawan

.Hotel . . . .M arlboro...iUrAberdeen In n .M a ta w a n . . . . . . 0

Mlddleto\vn. .Navesink Hall..Navesinki.V..;15 MlJlHtone. ....P a tte rpon 'a...,:.C orr’sT avern . 0N e p tu n o . . .P a r k Hall ........* sbu iy P qrk ..l0Ocean............Town Hall .. Long B ranch..25)R a r ita n ........Koough’fl H a ll..K o .p o rt .......11

oH< *U\ ~ ' . ' , .

a ll , . . . . ......H otel...... .....Boiley’flCor....l5Blirowebury. ,Up.Freehold Hendrickaon’Hv.Imlayatown . . . tl W all.... . . . . : .H o te l... .; . .....B o iley ’flCor... *“' : - ■ ■ ■' . ito

«..<> .-J.’ CllAiiKSCB.CfJN’OVijR, a f y C hairm an of C ounty Coinmitfee.

R uw P Y- L awhb^ cu, A ssietant Secretory, Freehold; N; J ; , A pril 1, 11X11, '. .

T l l lo y l lu f d l l c d F r o in 'l^ n ta ila .WUsliIugton, April. 4.—Ori^oi;s, l»)vo

been s f j i t1 forw urd by .the nnv.v; ilqpfcrt'- int-iil fo r jgoihm nntlcr BtMiJn iniii l-\ Til ley, the riavaT cdiijnmniliinf o | ?fio"nn vnl s ta tio n n t T utu iln , Sninon. td 'eoiiio to W nsbington, Connniiiider Tllloy lias been- h n x io u s-fo i-so in o -‘tlniii- ildKt-fo confer ' . i t h the a s s is ta n t socrotnry of tlie iiayy 'in*regnrd to the 'iiccd8_o( Bis, s ta tion o n 'th e Sam oan islnnd, ntifi tills o rder w ill give III in the opportun ity as well a s u -chance to v isit b is fam ily In tiie U nited S tates.' l i e w ill leave i ’u tu lla upon th e lirs t availab le steam er hom ew ard liound an d w ill re tu rn to liis post a f te r tlie com pletion of his bus! ness In W ashington.

If y ou Want to, go a little h ig h er in price

. . . s t r r r OF CLO TH ES.. . '

we are the leaders in Custom Tailoring and can guarantee you 5fs perfect fit. '


o n e p r ic e 622 COOKMAN AVENUE, h o n e y ba ck

> - y v > / V ' ■

M a k e a D o u b l e B d l l e r ^

Out of Vour Teakettle* 1 • J'. r . ,: • •'■V

P o r 3 0By using ars inside receptacle'which fits pericctfy and is 'so much

more convenient than a double boiler. Come in and see it.

Uhe S rea t Tmttie 'Siom.1 -■ *■* i* i

7/fattisori jiv e .GO oooaoatxiooQOQaoaaoooaabQOOQooooQoooocxksoQaoaQodooQ '

■' ' VtMillrt. o r .#135 fo r N ew bury,In tho su it of S. \V. Newbury against, K.

R. L uke for jthe yajuoof a I ot-so ailegod to havo- |)§ifl O’tllleil .Jiy L o fc , hoard boiore JustiodAfiorden,; yestoi'day, tbo ju ry ron- derod a vordict of 51-S in favor of tho plaintiff. Mr. Newbury was represented by Counselor John V. Hawkins.

IGtiods Apiiropi-iiito Tor Tills Scnfmn.A choice llnd of habdrdashory m ost ap-

propriato to tlio spring aud E aster season m(iy >'boi‘Muml - a t the M attison avonuo m en’s furnish ing store ;Of Hdppor & Co. Tho otitorprlslng liuyor. of thn t popular storo keeps closely lu tqjieU w ith the needs of tho young as woll as.tho old.

. l i e 3)1*1 1,i>vo. V U In Sri'..' .‘*T see', th ey a re ,«i 11 till flu Iti'i; p e t dogt 1 1 0 1 : t ':mii11. au.%f '

,“’OlV, I s i i 't that K W ljr?” slie . ex c lu in ied “T lln t'i? w lia t I 'll h a v e d o n e to F ltl ij/"' *M list th e IhinK ,” h e rc tu i-n ed , s m ld e n lj grq .\ying e iitl iii :;ia s lic (li5diself. “ G iv e h im to iijc, nm l I ’ll h a v e U ,doue to ilu y .” — S t r a y 'S to i i e s . ' ’

' ^ t r l t ; l n ; r iS lire rd iic e , '.TohAny SliiSii ^ 'T h c i’o4 ' 'a";b ig (Hirer-

cnee iit'tivci'/i'liif,'' te .'ic lit'rtinn ti s tro k e of liglitning,' t*. •' '..Vv .

M rs.-Sm art—1 lo^ ' .soyidelir?Johnny . S jiia rt~ IIe > ^trlkos Beveral

times in the same place.—New York Jouiiinl.

C'fl n 't A l - yu ' r r l l .

M JiiK

"Do you 'set-rt - hibstel'V hele?” asked thd new arrival. '

“Weii. .replied tbe^.naiter, "w e ’as our Instruetldns tol iUKVl'iiuiiiate. as much as ppsslble .among- tliepi a s —eoiaea-fln—to : eat.”—Bhllailelffv1). £ortlj .^ in erietju.,. ;• • 'r^Wliy.OrlndUnt?., • ■:'il'hS ’ llnor tho^boUer-fbr^tiiint, no iiiat-

torW hflt '|)iilht;:a ll palutpan'3-..'thd ibost ls ;D6Vod-ieha;«'iititelnolBro&Atftogd(hor. -

■J’l'- ■ .-. . .- liV.U - 1 •• I ! ' v / i" ,iw . 'i

' ..-.nSJ&ti; -’-I'. - ".'

R n tc to C , A. I t, l^ n c n iiiim iy n l.Chie'ngo, A pril 4.—P assenger ojlleiills

o f enstern roads w ill meet, hero next W ednesday lo ' se ttle lipon a rra n g e ­m ents fo r_ th c _ t.ilbniiipm eiit_bf t lie G rand. A rm y c f tb e Republic, wliicli- Is to be bold a i Cleveland in Septem ber. Thoy will vote' upon a proposition to g ra n t a ra te of a cen t a mile fo r the reunion. It. in known Hint the officials o f some ronds a re not favorable- to the concession.

Slrikc^iit KliiKHton,' N, Y.K ingston, N. Y„ April 4.—One h u n ­

dred em ployees of th e I ’eekham Sliimi- fiie turing com pany, m akers of car vh^els and trucks, qn jt work y es te r­day'. T he (Uinpany prepared eon liiiets b y w hich t i e em ployees should agree td obey now (regulations. T b e m ajority refused to s ig n .: Thoy have organized.

London, April 4.—T he 'B loem fontein correspondent of T he M orning P ost a s ­se rts th a t tb e B oers hav e tried for treason an d executed Mr. De Koei;, the ponce envoy w ho took tlu- m essage from G eneral. Sniltli-Doreieu to Xien- eral"Louis B otha on Feb. 12,

P R iE S S C A L E N D A R

C o n d e n s e d L is t o f C o m in g E v e n ts f o r Q u ic k R e fe r e n c e .

Friday,- A pril 5—ICastor ontorbiluiuont, “Crucifixion, Rcsurreotlonand Aspen sion of Christ" in prose and eong, il­lustrated, in St. P au l’s M 10. ulitirnh, Ocean Grovo. •’ r

Monday, April S — Isolation hospital ouchro at. residonco of Mrs. John ltock- afollor, 503 T hird avonno, a p .m .

Monday, April 8—Easter social of 3,nillos: Aid Sooloty of W ost Grovo M; E. ohuroh, In parsonago. -.-

MonJ'iy, April 8—Entertainm ent, Little Lady MlnstrolB, and danco of Asbury Park Lods::-, No. 258, ». O. O. P„-

, Wiocklor building. ,Tuesday, April ft—Asbury Park Wheelmen’s

minstrels, Educational hall. W ednesday, April. J l —W hist for benefit

of L ibrary a t Grand Avonuo hotol, a t f li p. m.Wednesday,' April 10—Annual reception of

Wesley Engine and Hose company., Tuqsdayr"A'prU'3ft;=SoBlul_1)Jr“ lli0i«s'"of

F irs t M ethodist Episcopal ohttroh ut G rand Avonuo hotol.

W'ednesdajr, A pril 17—Ledturo on ^ ‘R un­away W orlds” by Frederick Camp-

-— bellf-astronom or,-ln F irs t Congrega­tional Chjircli, 8 p. in.

WddKosdiiy, April 17-rSdc'ialby V ae t'fem >i iilnra o t Lltiorty Temple,1 L. a . ‘ K:,

wlnoklor bnlldlng. - t:ri-ti'-- , Frltlav. April 111—Sliakespearo evening a t

tho Noptuno Township H igh school.


! ■•-. ; . • , ; . ;

i • Y o u r d o lla rs w ill do c\oublo d u ty a t o u r s to res th is w eek ,-fo r-w o -a -h av o in a u g u ra te d a special sale o f 8l*iUNG- WEARABLES th a t: positive ly defies c o m p e ti t io n .- F o r in s ta n ce : : : 1; «

1 Mcn^ SpHog Suits' S4.S0 fMensFi^c All Wopt Serge Suite

’ *| gty.o you n new Rtdt. A u a r^ a in a t ?lo: S a tdp rico i' . . . . .

;; Tlie Very Finest of All-Wool and Black Clay "Wot'stcd %: -'Overcoats A.vo.ry . M? f . afd. ^ $9.00

I Men's Fine Spring Overcoats 313; pi^per/ Mado to sell a t $12. During thia «ale they go*at V. •' i #.»' V . ,


sh o e s n o u a n f/-41-43 COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARK. m n i h e r 6 s h in e d f i I e e

W I L L I A M © B I F F I N , J r . .J B IT - .WAHAMA88A




P osT O F F ice B o x @ 0 5 ASBURV PARK, N .J .

meg in in tie WindowThe prettiest patterns in...

Reed Rockers Go CartsCombination Burea\i and W ash Stands Chiffonieres ^ u g s .

Carpets ^Mattings ' Sideboards Stoves - ; :Extensi on Tables. &c

i v ; . :

- Come and examine the bargains ,we can show you.

CB0SBIE FUPHB8E 00.5 0 8 M A IN S T R E E T .

J o h r i N . B u r t i sU N D E R T A K E R

7 0 8 vfK A TriSO N A V E isiiBCoin tin nud pnrlal Caskstt an'Hand .01

furnlthod to order,

■01 ~Aii r , ■ ..

Proicssiona!h ; s . k in m o n t h , m , d .

710 Grand avenue and a t Klnmbtilh & Co.’a I)ruR Store, 721 Cookman avenue, ABbury Park, N. J.

DR. ELLA PRENTISS UPH&MSOS Third avonue. Aabury Park, N. J. OHloe

houre until 1 1 a. tn., 1 lo 2.5JO p.m., 0 t o 7.30p. m. '/otophone connection.

OR. MARQARET- ^ CORsTe126 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J . Offlofl

Boars: 7 to 10 a. m.4.2 to&p, m. 7 to 10 p. m,.

'burton brothersDENTI8T8 , 020 Cookman avenue, Aahary Park.'

DaadoUine building, 8 . W. Oor. Broadway and 83th otreet, New York. New York oflloe doted from May until October.

or. h. s. taTlorDENTIST. Cookman avenue, opposite Po*t

ofllcH, Asbury Park, N,. J . Entrance on Eraorv . Btroet. H ourp:0 to 5, I • .

OEQ. L. D. TOMPKINS 0. D. S.DENTIST. KoomB 1,8,3 and 4, Poatoffloe build

Aahory Park. Teeth extracted . painlessly with* out rendering^tbe patient unconscious, u u ad* minUrtered. 'Office hours: 9 a ; bi» to 5p, m.

OR. 0. B. HERBERTDENTAL SUItCiEON. Over Aabury Park and

Ocean Grove bank, corner Main Btreet and Mat- tison avenue. OOToe hours 0 a. m . to 6 p. tn. Gas administered. Telephone call 1&9 b.

R. F. DORAN, D.D.S.:DENTIST. Successor to the Boston Dentists.

715 MattiBon avenue, WInckler, Building.

CLAUDE V, GUERINLAW 07F10E8. Transacts general Ie«ml bmd*

^ 6sar~Aokh0wledBrmbhtfl taken for au ' s ta t t i ' Booma 0-10 Appleby Rulldinjr.


tS Appli-lij-Building,Asbnrt P a rk .N .J .

Samuel A. Books* . .iassew ^ J U a n o3R0U3E,4 < IIW

Page 4: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

* A S B U R Y P A R K D A T L V IM ^ K F S , T H t T R S O i V V ', A P R I L 4<:1 f O l .m m

i f i f e D a i l y P r es s_ .... v J .wI h BlINM OOTH, .'...

:jV ,kditoh.and Paoriurroa.

J ‘ p u b l i c a t i o n o f f i c e :607 fllattlaou A venue, A sb a ry ParV . N, t)

TSUKPHOHK OALLi:' EdltorUl Booms . mL . m m mm 80.Pnrin—i Offlco. BO

TERM S O F SU B SCRIPTION t . ■ E ven ing E d itio n . ,

One year (strlotly In ad v an ce )....,* ,,.»♦«.. f3,iOne w eek ..., ............ ».»*•••••••«..............0Singleooptee ; ............ .0

M orning E d ition (Juno to S ep tem ber).Tenweeka............. A . . . . . . . .................... $U>One w e e k , , . . , , , . . , . , . , , , , , . , . . . , ................. XSingleoopie* .......

W eek ly E d ltto n (The S hore P ress)One year....................... . . . . . . . . . . . 41.(!Six months................................................. &SinglocOpy ........ ......................... . .0

A d v e rtis in g R a tes on A p p lica tio n .

P ersons lead ing tlio c ity can liave th i ■ I> A IIjY PR E S S m a ile d t o th e q i a t an y ad

dress, p o s t p a id , a t tb e r e g u la r su b sc rip ­tio n ra te , w lth o a t. e x tra c h a rg e . -Che a d ­d re ss m ay be ch an g ed as desired .'

Thursday - - April 4, 191Wt-'. aro in receip t of a copy of. $ie

Chicago Post;, secontly purchased an d iS8s\ published by J ; C. Shaffer, b ro ther ol H ow ard Sh&fTor of th is city. The paper is m ado up on the “ tabloid” ideaas advanced liy A lfred HariuBworth- of London. W e don’t like th ^ “ tabloid” fad, b u t suppose, th a t 'if "it m u st bB wo can got used to it. A nice th a t can become resigned to the useof atarid-up collars- an d ’stiff sh irt fronts can g^t.nsgii to any th ing . :'So, be i t -'tnb- lo id |’,or “ b lanket sheot,” whon the time som es th a t people w an t it, count u s in.

-'My,. oh m y, oh m y. A il th is fuss about lights, N either .gas nor electricity is any good unless proper service is given by the cpn trac ting com pany. L ot council so. th a t tb e con trac t calls for sufficient light aiid-let ihe con tract be so d raw n th a t the standard contracted for m u st be m ain­tained and then no one caros w hether the illum ina tion comes from gas or electricity . ’T1S thb lig h t we w an t, The m ethod is im m ateria l.

HAMILTON H APPENINGS^ re d d in g o f H alsey a u d M ary jKI.

S to u t—1>. o t I,. E n te r ta in m e n t a n d ' a S upper.

Tlio en terta inm en t given by the D augh­ters of A m erica w as well a ttended and a financial success.

The E aster supper w ill be given ton igh t a t tho residence of S. E ly T ilton I f the •weather should ba storm y tho supper will bo given tho nex t fair, evening, .

Jeffrey Halsey, son of M r. and-M rs. Jo s ­eph Halsoy, and M ary B. S tout, daughter of.Mr.-and Mrs, Charles S.toiit, -wero nmr- ried las t.n ig h t ab o u t 8;80 a t the hom e of tho bride's parents. Only tha Im mediate relatives of both fam ilies wore present, Bov. J , .X . J3?own, pastor of the M. E. ohurch a t H am ilton, perfoi'jaed the cere­mony. A ’sum ptuous wedding supper w as served, islisa Blanche Halsey, sister of the groom , acted as bridesm aid and Ar-

“ thur'D ttvlsoa ^ a s best m a n ;-- ---------v 1—*

COUNTY AND STATE -In tho orphans’ court a t Camdon Judgo

A rm strong confirmed the salo to Philip J . Ross of N ew York of 177 acros of land on P o tty ’s island, valued a t $85,000.

The painters of P erth Amboy w ent out on a strike yesterday. Thoy havo been re-

. coiviug 25 sonts an hour, and dem and an increase of 5 cents. The m asons an d car. pen tors have also m ade a dem and for an increase of pay, b u t arc Still a t work.

Tho Telephone, Telegraph an d Cable .Company of A m erica has Mod papers w ith tho secretary of sta to a t T renton reducing its authorized capital stock from $30,000,- 000 to $0,000,000. T his was done by reduc­in g the p ar value of its shareslfrom $50 to $15.; • _ . .

AVith Judgo F o rt presiding, the April term of tho Middlesex county courts was opened Tuesday. Tvro m urder cases will be tried a t th is term . John W ieland is charged w ith having killed Thom as Davis a t Wood bridge on Dec. HI, 1W0, and Miss Louiso Woglom of P erth Amboy is charged w ith infanticide.

Negotiations are on foot betweon Phila­delphia capitalists operating telephono lines in Pennsylvania for tho purchase of tho Paterson, Passaic and .Suburban Tele­phone company of Passaic county. They aro desirous of ge tting into Xew York, and i t is w ith tho view of effecting this th a t they w ant to control tho linos in P as­saic county. An effort was mado to got into N ewark by way of Newark nnd J e r ­sey Cfty, but the Hell company succeeded in blocking them.


Senator, M cKoc; and A ssem blym an Lewis C all;U pon th e G overnor.

Senator Wood Molveo and Assembly- . m an Vivian Lowis of Passaic county ap­peared before Govornor Voorhoes Tuosda.v to opposo tho calling of an extra session of the legislature for tho consideration of-the pollution of tho Passaic river. Before giv­ing his final dooUion the govornor will hoar any argum ants th a t m ay lie ad­vanced by tho committeo of tho Nowark board .o f trade, which- is advocating tho ex tra session.

Personally Xhe governor believes the ses­sion-unnecessary, b u t says he is w illing to dofor to popular o p in io n 'in tho northern part of the sta te if - lhe counties attested can u n ite upon somo course of action. . .

lliclmrdson Sale Next Week.- Miss~R!chard8on1s-'flale-at~41d'~-A8bury-

avenue, postponed on account of the • storm , w ill nosltivoly ta)>G placo W ednor-,

day next, April 10, beginning a t 10 a . nit* AU tho gootje rem aining will then ho dis­posed o f ./^o 'n d v ^ ^ in this paper Monday, an d Tuosdoy.

"/;■ W by z in e ? . J. *WhUo,l£ad bbaiks oft; zlno prevents It.

Devoe loath r in d /z ln c . • ground together, w ears twice ns lotig aa lead and oil.—Adv.7S

T H E W EATHER-• ■ ‘ >*.' Cl

W a h i lg ton , Thursday, -T a r tly . c H u ,ly to n ig h t; f a ir F rid ay , v .lid s becom ing h ig h nor. h .yeatorly. ’ V . ■. • '■ j^/.

PRESS DISTRIBUTING DEPOTSTho P ross is on salo a t tbo follow ing

-Maces a lo n g tho coast. Delivered a t your home, Oo a week : ;

Bradley Beaoh—N athan Poland.Avon—0 . D. S n y d e r ,........................

. Beltnar—W illard Dlclioy and E. J . -eyinour.

Spring Lake-4-Otta M orris. ,M annsqaan—W alter C. Voorhees.


- This Date In History—April 4,:IC6G—Itcnry Iv\of England, son ot John of daunt

ami founderjof the house of Lancaster, bom at, Bolin^brake; died 1-113.

1774—Oliver Goldsmith, poet and miscellaneous: writer, died ih London; bom in Ireland 1728.

1702—Tliaddeua Stevens, statesman, born; died.: 1S6S, . • ' V :

t&ll—I’reaident William llcnry Harrison died. I, ISG5— President Lincoln entered^Richmond. The

president was with Grant a t‘Petersburg when word came of the fall of Richmond; Ue went there immediately, and almost his first act was to visit tlie quartera ot the fugitive.prasi-

/dcnt of tlie pqnf.oderacy. For a, few moments' he sat in the chair of the fallen leader, iib*, sorbed in somber reverie.-

IS83—Peter Cooper,, American pUil^nlhroplst, fouhder of Cooper institute, died; born-1701,;^

1888—Beifjamin Harris Drewster, ex-attorney-gen* oral of the United states, died ,in tPhiladeK phia; born 1817.

l805^Ex-Governor William Marshall of Minnesotadied; bom 1S25. - *•, • • > ;;

1500—Osman Pasha, Turkish hero of Plevflf, died at Constantinople; bom 1835, • \ \

W IR E LE S S T E L E G R A P H Y .\V c n th e r B n r c a u R e p o r t s S a t i s f a c ­

t o r y E x p e r im e n ts , _W 'nsliliiston, A pril 4.—P rofesso r TVil

!is L '.^Idore; ch ief o f th e w ea th e r 'b u - ;;onu, lias re tim icd from nn inspection if th e w ireless tclrgi'nj>liy s ta tions .on Ue V lrginin an d K orth C arolina coasts inti h a s repo rted to S ecretary ;Wt}son iic .'J,;cMiUs of h i s : bbSen-ritlons. t H e

iOmi<l ■ th a t tho exper.m entai w orji is proKi'essing Katisfnetovily betw een H at- eras m id Cape H otiry, w iierc elabo ra te ilans hhvc been la id o u t fo r im p o rtan t .■xpertijients.

A t Cape H enry an excellent p lan t has been estab lished fo r tiie physical and m echanical developm ent nud inv estig a­tion o f th e fun d am en ta l princip les of w ireless te legraphy , ,

S ignals aro exeliaiiiilng d a i ly ' b'c; !iveen these tw o sta tions, an d ine«- -ages can be trnntnniU ed a t any time,' hough th ere is no necessity for. ex ­change of m essages ns yet. T hese twjd s ta tio n s iii'0“ 47 luiics ap a rt, w ith no land betw een them ,, and fho coui-se Se regarded a s an ideal one,for, tlie <;xpori- m ents. I t is in tended ttj l:o<-p tlila 'se c ­tion for expcriinen ta l and research work, wiilcli w ill be p rosecuted v igor­ously th roughou t n ex t sum m er. ■

\ « w V iir l t 's S e w t ' l m r t e f ,A lbniiy. A pril -i.—Thi! b ill to rrevise

‘lie Xew York city c h a r te r w as Report­e d ' favo rab ly iu tho soHHte -yesfarday and passed . I t w as received in |hfe as-; seinbly iive m irtutes a f te r i t Ssassed tlie senate, advanced to th ird -reu d iiig and- re fe rred fo tiie cities com m ittee, t t w as reported today w ith the aniend- m ents an d passed, T lie.j^iuinortant elm nges m ade in th e revision bill by tiie sen a te cities coninilt'tee a t it6 m iet- ing beforu th e session yeste rd ay ;-svere as—follow s:—riie u th re e —p in toon ipo llce clause w as stricken ' o u t tlie m ayor is m ade eligible fo r re-election, tiie 'te rm o f ‘-bo rough-jM ^iden lsrJa=feifid-)!-irt^yo years in stead of four, to correspond w ith th a t o f the m ayor; no m em ber df the un ifo rm ed force of tiie s tre e t c lean ­ing d ep artm en t o r o f tiie clerical force cnn be rem oved except on charges a f te r a hearing . .

H t t l e A l»y ! i«si iu-1 ’ l'V(r3<*i i i ,S unlm ry, l’a., A pril 4.—Dr. Johnson ,

a physician in. th e S ta te H osp itn l F o r the In sa n e a t D anville, M ontour coun­ty, w as sta b b ed to d ea th la s t n ig h t by an in san e I ta l ia n " p a tie n t nam ed Ca- pello. Capcllo- becam e tm inanageflble during the. a f te rn o o n and th rew th e in stitu tio n in to confusion. T he o th er p a tien ts becam e alarm ed , and thoir cries could hes heard some d istance aw ay. A n a t te n d a n t Dually subdued th e I ta lian , aud a s D r. Johnson w as stooping over him ta k in g Ills tem p era­tu re he plunged b is knife Into tb e doctor's b re a s t .th re e tiines. T h in k in g he w as not seriously hu rt. Dr. .Iplinson s ta rte d tow ard his room, bu t before be had proceeded very f a r he fell to th e floor a corpse.

I n d in n n M in e rs ( l iv e In ..T erre H au te . Ind ., A pril 4.—A t th e

final m eeting la s t n ight betw eeil th e rep resen ta tiv es o f tlie t;ODD m iners in th e Ind iana b itum inous Helds and tlie op era to rs tb e m iners su rren d ered ' to the op era to rs on tiie c la im s fo r th e p u r­chase of pow der, anti tlie th rea ten ed s tr ik e is av erted . Hy tiie ag reem en t th e m iners for a year m ust buy tlie lr pow der from th e op era to rs a t $1.75 in­stead of iu tb e open m arket. T h is ru le prevails in Ohio an d Illlhnis. • T here is m uch b itte rn e ss am ong tiie m iners, w ho a re divided In to tw o fac tio u s on th e proposition. T he m ines will re ­sum e a t once.

r iu K ii? Cn*(;« n t C ap e T o w n .C ape Tow n, A pril I.—Several p lague

corpses hav e been found in th e s tre e ts nnd houses. Ind ica ting efforts to con­ceal co n tac t w ith tho disease. T iie to ta l liu ipber of d e a th s from th e plague is 107, including :>2 E uropeans. T here have been :!1.">' cases p f th e p lague, .- :

The Bent R em edy fo r K lieuinntlsu i.- QUICK JIELIEK r t ’.ONt I'AIX.

Ail w ho use C ham berlain 's Pain Calm for rheum atism aro rinlishtod w ith th e <t:;fuk relief from pa in w hich i t affords. W hen Fpeafclng of *.hla Mr. D. N !-Sake, o f Troy, Otiltirstsy37“"8on>t! tim e a tto T 'h a d a savere a tta ck of rheum atism In u iy a rm and shou l­der I tried num erous remedied bat, c o t no '•oilef u n til I w as recommer.detl by M^asr*. O io. P . Parsons & Co.. Jruftglsm o f ’his placo, to tr y Chiitniifcrliln'.; Pain B-tlm They recoin m en d ed "It bo h igh ly th a t X b o u g h t a bottle . I wns soop relieved of all pain, I have 8iuce recom m ended th is llnl- /r/ent t» m in y o f my friends, who a g ree w b h m e th a t It hi beat rnmssly fn r naua- c id a r )-'if>iima«liin in thn m ark e t ” F u r sa le by S te w a rt’s 'dribs, sto re , e jfn tir C ookrt in tiveniio and Bohdlstreef. " ■

BUZZARD IN PITTSBURG. . . : - . . - . : . t-..

April Sft'owstorm Fills City’s * S treets. .

AMOUNT OF DAMAGE. IS G'REAT.B e tw een «2 tt0,000 nnd. S?;iOO,ono—I,o«B

r . on T e le p h o n e n n d T e l-,, e;Vrnii‘li Gonu>aiilc»—'i 'r i i ln s S n rro w -? (y ,;-M.'cupW C cln(r stiow cil In .

/ - . . -.•■i i’lttsb u rg , April 4.—Pittslsurrt. " 'a s y estb td ay . th e center of a snow storm th a t, beg n ii,ea rly In th e m orning, cou- tlnuiip w itli g re a t force ■ u n til; a f te r doing th o u san d s o f dollnrs' w orth of damage!, i t m ade practically useless for a tim e every electric w lto iu tlie city , susp eu d ed a l l ,s tree t ca r travel an d in th ^ .e a r iy 'h o iir s iso lated tiie city frbm tlie S u ts ld i w orld, ilc .tvy ra in fell be- fprc,' <’.-iitu*. iind. :;il .reports

;fro n i t i p ' river, poin ts te ll of rising Btreains,.' iyvhiclt .uiny b ring abou t a flood h ere a n d below.

T h e losses cannot be fixed, bu t con­se rv a tiv e es tim ates '' placo the am ount •a t‘.betw een $2a0;0(ll> anti ifiiOO.OfiO. , T el­eg rap h . stud te lephone com panies a re tlie’ heav ies t losers, because tlie lr lines reach every, part: of tlio d istric t.

iieK nii w i i h W et Snoyv.E a rly iu th e m orning n I cavy wet

snow began fnlllng. I t chtng tenncioui;- ly to ey ery th iu g It touched, and by !) o’clock , every w ire . tn the. c ity w as eon ted w itli snow ; T he trn iik lines of th e cen tra l d is tr ic t w ere the • lirs t to g ive w ay, an d uuwt of th e o tlier tro u ­bles tlm t follow ed 'a re a ttr ib u te d to th e fa ilu re o f th is service. T lie poies w ere heav ily laden, ca rry in g 150 tele­phone w ires anil tw o cables. W herever a pole guve. w dy long s tre tch cs o f poles .w ent w ltii it, fa lling Into th e stree t, b re a k in g i tro lley uiul e lectric w ires a s though th ey w ere th reads.

I i i E llsw o rth avenue, A m herson av enue to C raig stree t, tlie w re e k is com plete, every pole being dow n./ R ive C o.lisolldatid ca rs-w ere c a u g h t in tills

■district an d w ere held th e re un til a f te r i) oSdock. a t n igh t.' ;, r * . :/■ - f reetM TecO I p .; . C enti'e avenue, from P ennsy lvan ia avenue to C raig stree t, is in a lm ost ns litia 'ilin p e a s E llsw orth . F o rbes ave- j iu a .from C ra ft avenue to C ra ig stree t, is .also p ro stra te , an d F ra n k sto w n av e­nue- fo r a long d istapce w as a m ass of poies an d w ires.

A li o f these s tre e ts w ere com pletely ' b locked from 9 o’clock u n til 1:30 p. in. By d in t, o f lm rd w ork w ith a large

;for<je o f Uien s tre e t car trav e l w ns re ­sum ed 911 t i ie .F ifth ityeniic line a t 1:30 o’clock, th e o th e r b ran ch es follow ing rapid ly .-until all excep t the K llsw ortli

-oveinie line w ere open, by 5 p. m. The tpibphpne com pany lias a large fo rce a t w o rk ,an d etiy they w ill be in operation ih 'u cjay o r two.

In- O th er Pl«^e/*iT lie s to rn i p assed ou tw ard , an d all

th e sub u rb an tow ns in th e vicinity suffered proportionately w ifh th is city. W JIklusburg, B raddock, Ilom estead ,

ll^tjfiucjsne an d JfcK e'esport till ‘report jbusiness a t a s ta n d still fo r a p a r t o f the ,flay, .caused by th e p ro stra tio n o f the w ires. A lleghany escaped w ith com- p a ia tiy e iy lit,tic dnipage. , M ount \ya,sli- iiigjtqu.and tlie o th e r .h illto p s suffered severely. Ali- railroatl ttviiiis froni the ea s tjire . hours,la te , h av ing encountered in th e m oun ta in s snow to th e dep th of- l iJa !ir tlf) 'in ch cs^ v h lc liiv as -» o « 'o t-a tid clinging th a t snow plow s c o u itl . not c lear th e tracks. F o r a ti tne It . was, feared th e re would be a b lockade,on both th e P en n sy lvan ia und B altim ore anil Ohio roads.

M rs. iS a tiu n to I tn n a T t.iv a .C oncord. Xeb„ April 4.—F o r th e next

y ea r iliis tow n w ill lie conducted under the d irec t adv ice o f Mrs. C arrie N a­tion, anil w ha tev er she says is the m u­nicipal law . T his w as the Issue here, an d th e C arrie N ation ticket reccivcil nearly a unan im ous ro te . T h e tem per­ance—people.- i^ it—in .-nom inal ion for m ayor Ju d g e it. O. M itchell!ree am i a fu l l 'c i ty council ticket. T hey .signed th? foliptving pludjie before being nomi- nn ie th . ’W e pledge ourselves lo use all- honorable m eans to se cu re 'tlie services of Mrs. C a rrie N ation as o u r sole ad ­viser in o u r official du ty . If elected,, aud to ado p t no ord inance o r m easu re ot im portance re la tive to the tow n’s gov­ernm ent. w ithou t receiv ing M rs. Na­tion’s approval.’’

• Im p o r ta n t I'oHtnl Chnn^f*.W ashing ton , April 4.—An arrange-

w ent bas ju s t been concluded betw een tiie I 'u ited S la tes am i C anada, under w hich all posta l m oneys sen t betw een th is country nnd C anada will go 111 (lie dom estic ra te o f th ree-len t li* of 1 per cent in stead o f th e In ternal inmil ra te of 1 per cent ns iu presen t. T h is conces­sion is regarded a s m ore Im portant to the m oney o rd er business th an any ac ­tion taken since th e inception o f the system . N egotiations had 1 been in progress fo r som e tim e b etw een th e re­spective posta l ad m in is tra tio n s looking lo tlie fu rth e r unification of the posta l sy s tem sJof tb e U nited S ta te s an d C an­ad a w ith respect 10 the m o n e y 'o fd e r business.

C crm aim n o iit ChliieRe Ito lilicm .'Berlin. April -I.—T he w ar ollice 1ms

received a d ispa tch frbm C ount von W aidersee form ally rep o rtin g th e 'd e ­fea t 011 .March ,'i 1 o f l.oiio C hinese rob­bers by a com pany o f G erm ans seven m iles n o rth o f T ien-tsiu . H e'll rids th a t the robbers are bellig pursued and also th a t ii d e tachm en t of in fan try , a t tlie request o f the Chinese local au th o ri­ties, has been sen t from T len-tsin to H w ang-siul and I.ltt-tlng-kan to p ro­tec t th e in h a b ita n ts from roliliers.

I ln r n e t l t o D c u tli In F o r e s t P i r e .M otitlcello, N. Y.. A pril 4.—Israel

p la te r o f C enterville- K tation,-Suiilvitn county, w as b u rned to deutfi y esterday w hile try in g 10 p ro tec t a tr a c t of wgotl- lan d -fn jin n forest lire n e a r Ills lioiue. H e 16ft hom e alone 111 tho m orn ing , an d liis body w ns found In tlie a fternoon \v itk clothing, shoes, jhoir an d beaVd hprned off. .Sinter w as oyer 70 y ea rs old ond one of tiie lies! know ii m en in th e county . Ifi; w as a u iercbnn t lu 'O entervillo. ’ ' •

% H y p O ' ' .v;' Vs F o r fc h o t o g r a p h y

We are supplying perfectly, pure ‘'H ypo” for amateur photographers in one pound sealed boxes at i'O cent',. This is.^a^sp^ciaUy low price for “ Hypo” of such higH.quality, an< ihfe* convenience of the air tight box is also, worthy, of attention; Oa the label of each box'are formulae for .fixing plates and printing;out paper. When next you buy “ Hypo*’ r bUy itih is way and note how much* more'.satisfactory "is’.'

Srv1 h 'V:' ", \ \ ■{ • .•^Many little ’;^fudu’s” for amateurs here at lo^ prices.

• /• 'Ev«ylhiog.;o£i(i^%est quality.'.';.'. '• j| $ f$-


M a t t i s o n a v e , p h a r m a ^ ;? 2 9 * 7 3 t M a i t i / o n A v e n u e

A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .


. LOST-Ap!D.R.,May, lHifu, jui/.ji.ih—Ijo rownrded if ring is returned to 704 Gra^d avenuo. W. D. Roclccfeller.

;il,8, plain gold.ring m arked “W. tizpah—Mother.’ F inder \viU

HOT CROSS BUNSErery Afternooai at ,4 O ’clocK

.AT T H P ...

Taylor Baking Co.-f •

Cor. Cobkniass and Bond St.■/■ .d'iA-*' ah <) au'n ■ ■ ’

■ - : , . ■ ' ■ ■ j - .'

Asburv Park, N. J.

- P R O P O S A L S . .

Notico is given by tho'Bor6 ngh ot Avon-by- the-Sea th a t they \vill receivo bids fo r tno lighting of thi) streets of - tho borongh of Avon* by-the-8ea, a t >thu councii rooms, on Monday, A pril 15, m 'accordnnco w ith tno followiug p lans: ■*' ■ * , * * ' 1 * - ' " . 11.' For 7 oi*1 ni’ot-o yearly Arc lights of 1200 candle power^eaph, to burn - from- early dusk until dawn each night.

And for- 9 or ifcoto arc lights to , burn as above for four mopths 6r moro in summer. , .

2. For 20 or more yearly kerosene, gasoline or any other kind 'of BgKts of oOtinl illuminat- m gpow er,to burn aspotpliiinslo 1.: And for 20 or moro kerosene, gasolene or any othor kind of light, to .burn as above, for tho summer season o^Jour months or more.VH ie borough reserves tho right to reject anyor all bids. - ‘

S t e n o j f r a p U e r * ; 'WANTED—At onco,n flrs^elnas stenographer

end typuwriter: Underwood'-muchino; no ^matour. ^Address, in own hahdwritino’. Box 816, Ocpan Grovo, N. r ’

81-00 Li ght Committeo

4 '^emeaiber Christ's Resurrection.' '

Sunday Morning’s Topic,


Emory and First,

; / ,F rp i ic h « C .o m w e n t o il l ’!i I ti Hivt no?«.P aris , AiiriL4.-v;VT!ie recen t successes

o f t h e A m ericans;,in the phl.lippttfes,” say s I.e F igaro tills m orning, “appear to have d iscouraged th e rijplstance of the F ilip inos anij.jiyill p robn |i|y lead to a real pacltic!i.tiont b u t th e oj‘g(inl7.atiim of th e country , w ill.lie a ilitiUmlt nnd la ­borious ttxsk. P residen t M cK inley lias f ie rjuen lly expressed 11 desire to e s ta b ­lish local governm ent, b u t w ill not t lie population be Incapable o f u sing au to n ­omy, and especially in conform ity with the view s of. IV iiidiiuiftou?,. Surprises a re In store, a ltiidug li it is; not to lie doubted th a t tlie tenacious conquerors Will even tu a lly solve th e problem .”

F r a n c e , n n j l I t n l ) ' M ak o l-p.T nris, A pril -I.—T ho Frailco-Ilall.'in

fetes :it Tmiloii p ex t w eek will be b ril­lian t. A lthough (h ere Is no question of an 'a lliance, th e m eetlng o f P residen t I .ouhet an d Hit! B uko of Genoa will be one o f the .most •Important even ts since ‘.lie Franco-Ilfussiair.;fteiiionstratloii a t tbe sam e port, ij'ecause it w ill officially m ark , th e re.stoi'afion o f good feeling betw een Fratiee. iind Ita ly .-

F e n rn F o r A m e r ie i in S Iilp ,San F rnhcisco , "April.’4.—T he A m eri­

can slil|i Jo h n M cDonnid, lieionging to th e C a lifo rn ia Shipping com pany, Is now' ou t ‘2WJ. day s fro m .B altim o re , la ­d e n w i th coal fo r th is port, an d (Jj p e r cen t rcliis iirnnce is o ltered oil Its cargo, tlie ow ners of th e ,v esse l ca rry in g the ir ow n insurance!

A n o th e r C o llie ry filin t -.Down,, W llkesbarre , ■ P a „ April 4.—N otices

liav e been liosted a t-N o . ti colliery of tlie I.hhlgh aiiil AVIlkesImrie Coal com ­p a n y 'a t-S u g a r N otch th a t u n til fu rth e r notice th e re w ould be no w ork a t tlio m ine. S ix intiidrcd inoii. tire thr.jitwn o u t o f - w tirk. . \ ’ , . '

I t ’d tv ic t i f i l to* t i e .“ I ’m surprised, iloar, tliiit yoiir frlpntl.

Miss Singleton, shbiilil encotu-ago wick­edness!"'. ",

’’W hy , Charley, she wouldn't! How can you ntijr bhc-Ii iC tiling?", r’Bectitiie.she did.,;S liv.nslied nie^bow old 1 .thought slip'.was.’ a:'iil she-knew * was. tii'ii !.i;icli;;)jif.,a.,.g.','ii|lemSiii;:tu tell the tri^tli.;’—I.Mirtadeljmiii Builetiit.

tisemcaits containing nbt moro than twonty-flvo words inserted under this heading for twenty-llvo conts first insertion and fifteen conts cach subsequent insertion. . No moaov refunded under any conditions. Errors will bo xnnde good by additional insertions.

FOR RENTB a rn a n d W a g o n H o u s e .

TO LET—Barn and wngon houso; room for 12 horses and 10 wagons: block from depot,; west side.' Bee T. Frank Appleby or Oubberly, tho carriage dealer, ABburyPn^s:. 7G-811

. , ' •*; ; -: ' H o m e . . 'FOR RENT—A very commodious homo a t 03

Benson avenuo, Occan Grpto. by the year, un­furnished., Josoph L. Dtffrtill,GQ7 Tliird avo- nue, Asbury Park. , ^ * v 71 tf

“ "3 ’ ~ m ^ y ~ ;FOR RETNT — A .flatB^rooms nnd bath;

steam heat; electric lighrTolovator and janitor Rorvice. In Taylor & Tusting liuilding. corner Bond and Mattison. Apply iu Tusting's music store. • 64tf

;S to r e . ,FOR R51NT—Store, Mattison avenue, <15:5.*

Gcorgo W. Pittenger, 14 Appleby building,[C2tf

WANTEDf i i r l .

■WANTED—Girl for general housowork; small family. Apply with references, "282 Oor- Iitss.oYenuo, Allenliurst. : *81

W o ft i a n . :l : •• '•it* WANTED—A young woman; to assist' in-tlid cart) of children. Apply n t 209 Second avenue.


- r i ^ fc Wi 11B o a r d e r s ; . . -

WANTED—Adult boanJera wanted in pri­vate family; pleasant rooms with uso of bath; itls«) table board, two blocks from postofflco. ................ O. M..’;-Et£&3Jifft6c. ■•~'T8tf.'Address,

FOR SALEM o r t g a g e d

FOR SALE—I lmvo on ?800 flrst. bond m ort­gage. gilt edge security, bearing 6 por cent.,\vhich I will transfer to auyono liaving the cash. Address Box XX B, Press ofllce. 70-81*

C o o k in g : P l a n t F o r S a l e .Rango and sholf, hot water Iwilers, ;broilers

ond hood; complete outfit; cost $150 andAhas only boon,usod two montlis; will sell for $75 and givo credit if desired.

WM. J. COOPER,005 Sixth avenuo,

G8-39 .. .. Asbury Park,

M ISCELLANEOUST o W h o m It M a - C o n c e r n .Whereas my wife, Laura Bennett, has left my

bod and board without just cause o r provoca­tion, I forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her, as I will pay no. debtfl contracted by hor. • .81-2-8* ROBERT BENNETT.

D r e s s m a k in g :*Mrs. Higbeo/ dressmakor, has moved to 724

Mattison uvenuo,aud will continuo to dn drn-^s- making. Also liiis a 111111 0^ of furnL liMl' rooms to let. . ■ ^77-82

F u r n it u r e *IN fitting u p your liousu f o r rental the eff<M2t

produced by tho- fumituro will detormino tho rent you can demand. Before placing your order look over the stock of William H. Ban­nard, Grand and Cookman avenues. 07tf

C a r p e t s C le a n e d *HAVJS your carpets cleaned by tho tumbling

process; cheape«t and best method; satisfne- non ^minmteed. Leave, orders with W, H. Bonnard or d iaries J. Black, or address P. O. Box 1002. 07-02

D r e s s m a k in g :*Between tho seasons spring and summer

work will bo dano nt vdry reasonablo rates, Thosodcairing to tako ndvantago of this.op- portnnity would c o well by calling to soo

. ; ,________MRS. M. H. JORDAN,“ “ e03Mattisqn ovqnuo.

Accordion plaiting dono at short notico.

E m p l o y m e n t BTureau,Miss Stafford has elosod hor employment of­

flco and store at 542 Coolqnan avenue until on about April 10, when sho will rosiimo business.

28tf r *•

J . A l b e r t H e m s t r e e t ,PENMAN AND DESIGNER.

Resolutions. Memorials and. Testimonials En

M A T T . A P P L .E Q A tE f “ Contracting Ptdaier and Decorator

Poatoffleo box 1084, _____ ■.. ■JA M B S STRO UD , '

Architect, _____* 6 0 9 M a in 1 S t r e e t .

A abuiy P ark . 3 1 1 ?


Architect ' - : v .:m Broadw ay:.';^ . lf.ONO.-BRANQ H

•? >-© 0 —0 > -< “ O—O -

:E / '.S ''S E R ^ T I D E E L E G A N C E. . . .IN ,. ..

W \Nefekwear ' I -’ ..l^^^feves# Etc., ..

W E r are shoeing tha mosfc attiteiifcive line of ' : • ;..:NEW' F U R N I S H I ^ G S i . r ^

for m‘6nithat' W« ,ha^f; ever displayed. Eyery for­mer -S|rection has- been outdone, Don’t'append ei^irely bn our windoWdisplay^asin­side We|exhibit ev^rythiog that is NEW/-AND jS T O B B ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ e l^ ty l e s , thg ;W^defi^l .yirltfcy

of silks, whicn-mark the Higli Class Neekw^ar in our large Btoclris^not-a dream burt a-yeritable fact.

,.Our sp4ng^Sp^rns.':f:i©ver have been surpassed in ; th e :h is |p r |^ p p !jc dressiy., Wlwth^Wsiy|e;;;(^ ailk; or - pattern,’, tlife! most dressy 61? fashiflihabfe, we hayr ;t.' ' \ ' *

■ . , ^o Y b ffw in t a Stylish5" 'Of course y o u do. W e have it. • ^Some people 'fm - ag ine th a t th e ir appearance is about th e sam e, no m a tte r •whijtfc k in d , of Hat thdy weai*i .; TU i th is th e y a re m istak en ,, as iiot every ;k |iid of h^j; is • su itab le to every face.;’. W e knbwo if you • w an t '' H a ts o r Men’s- F u rn ish in g Groods we have w hat ' you w ant, and i t is alw ays, a ple{|sure-to show our stockj'w hich is so.'inexp^hsiv-ely'price^.}-;:

F6 0 S M A T fISO N A V E N U E ^ ;

■ 4. • W :

M m k ■

’‘r ti tt t l iA n it '

^ s k > n |

: y \• l i the better gradts bf bed room furniture wc ' sesd all competition in variety, styles and prices. Nbt passes but that visitors express «swpnsqrait; the complete/iess and beauiy of this stock. From it a perfectly satisfactory selection can be made, as the arrangonedts tallcftf. each suit to be studiedbyitself. This furniture comes from one of the most reliable factories in the country arid we fully guarantee it in every, respect, -

The woods used are" mahogany, curly birch,■ bird’s eye maple and quartered oak. The finish, trimmings, &c. ar.e of the-highest ciass. ; trices: , $18, $21, $27,-^32.50, $37 and up to $65.

Enameled Iron Beds, brass mounted,'guaran­teed superior to any offered at the 'price< $2.90, $3.44, $S.1S, $S.7S and„_upwards..

.V' WILLIAM H. BANNARD,G r a q d .a n d Cookman A v e n u e s , Asbjry J . . .

F O R ^ E N TWo havo tho following liousw for ro n t by tho jfcar. C.vil in i l lot us givo yoVi purtla lars. ; '

Munroe Ave.—7 rooms, S bodrooma. . . . s a iofo u rth Avoi—'ieroom s.Tbcdroom a^ll

Im p ro v e m e n t* .h v . . — . . . . . . . . 4ooSevonth Ave —7 rooms, 4 bedrooms;

nil im provem ents................................ 2-10Bewail Ave —7 rooma. 4 bedrosiras; all

Improremeuts. tooBond 8 t —6 Vopriia, TS'bcdroomfc; all Im

p r o v e m e h t ' s . . a o o Second Ave —11 rooma,7 bedroomai all

1/nprovomoDtH.,......'....................... kcoEmory S t.—10 roorne, O bedrooms; nil

i t c p r o T O m e o t s . . . :12s Emory St.—11 rooms, 8 i)adroora4; all-

Improvementa.. . . " • • •. ••••••••••• 300Aibiiry Ave.—8 rooms, 4 bedrooay3; all '

Im provem ents.................. V.'.Vi..';::... sooSowali Ave.—11 roonisl'O bedrooms; all

improvetuOntfl././.ij ......... .•*.... xur



A dvertise in TBE PRESS


Fnqeial DMw ago EQiaimei. iS9M t& u • i t t e e f c ’A S ljn ry 'la r f e . •

Tlie flheot ond bust ea^P iifd funeral par- : - ..lora in tlie.etiite., , ,v ;

Brancit Olfli ii—Selirtwr. Sprtaf iakc

• 'V % '4 b - 'W «

THE'. MAINStreet


AN ACTSJAL FACTA Tire Kot Affected by Punctures

J u s t tho thftiB-fur 'cnrpiuitprB .and thos*1 do n o t WHI5S, to 'b o bethorcil -^ lih punc turos and Cotifcquont Iosh of tlmo. Q uite n Mumbor In uso boro, tjils w lnlei nnd giving splonflld Butlefuctlfln. Cosh ro bato allowixl for old tlrca. »

J . E D G A R S p G YR eliab le R e p a ir

512 1-2 Cd6kinan Ave.\Opp. Pprtiidgo & R fc^ ia rtlg o ij 'i.- ,; ,

E orker, E h lers & E cr F l im OiREGTORS

.AND. ' V

EMBRLMCRSIShipm ents a Sp ealn lty

1 722 Mattlsoh Avohw«Branch bfOoe, Streot,Newarkf Telephoiio oonnootion;’ " j •;

Coaches and chairfl furAished to t aU ; : : occasions., \

Page 5: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

ASBURY PA ftK DA l i f t PRESS, T H im SD A Y , A PR IL 4, 1001

I HER ■PpRTRAIT FAV.OREp.. ThQ bP leto ire '4 f Mi**. S te p h e n * B anff* j i n M a n a io n ,I - JI ra. i o i r 'y .-Kfjte phen&j 'w i fc o f ex-

G ovetnd r^fcp liensI iVho i e f t th e gutier- I naioi'Inl.'Chnjr.-bf iflsaoftri on if/an. i o t , th is year, in th.b^fi'n ; w om an to ! have

hor p ic tu re b u n g 011 tlie Walls of tiie executive m ansion. Tlie po rtra it, wblfch Is done lu oil, Is l i f t size iiud show s tlio w earer In a handsom e reception to ile t

n e w a R s g y s G R E m a r s ro R B ,

The Popular Piano StoreHBgSWt.

iPAimctBH»- F ^ R N l t U R B

s u n n E R H o r i E s



T h i s R e e d . Rocker, suit­able for porch or s i t t i n g - , room, verveasy.: : R e g . . 2 . ? 0 ; Special,

This Rocker, maple frame, splint seat, reg­ular 90c, special

.This D i n i n g Chair,' full box seat, quartered ia wed oak,

f olden finish, spindle aeky carved legs,

highly polished.. Reg. -3;00; Spe­c ia l 2.00. 1

Ann ch a i r to match.

Reg. , 4.75 ; 3 AC Special.........

M ittlson Avenue and Bond S treet,, A sbury P ark . "


This Iron Bed, al! sizes,., strong and serviceable, head end, 4 ft. i in. . high, trass trimmings, regu­lar r 3.50, special

• MBS. tOfc.V- STEPHENS, w ith g a rn itu re - o f ' costly (ace, Mrs, S tephens Is jtfpiiiig! and atflbltlpua, aud It Is sa id lierV tnctj and graelousucss have done rrinchpfo 'hsslst th e political fo rtunes c f h e r husband . T h e ir home, Ivy T errace, a t Jefferson C ity, Mo.,: Is one o f the raoaf b eau tifu l and hosp ita­ble In-tlie tow n, atid th e ir Indorsem ent an d su p p o rt. h a v e ;b e e n m anyof t b e . ch a ritab le -projects o f jfeffersonP i t v ■* ’ ■ t •» * ■■■ * \ - . ; _ V

E l i s a - T e r r / V S e w ln tt :OcMsi, 'In co n n ec tio n .v '^ th • tliei T heatrica l

IVouien’B gu ild bit fionslon Is tlie N eedle und .T hiinb le gu ild , w hich w os founded nearly , th ree yepire ago by M is* M arga­re t A lston. M iss-E llen Terry, is th e preslden t,:.aild tliS in em b ersh lp exceeds 300. .

T he gu ild ’s consists chleOy in collecting .new .•'garm ents, clo th ing o f every d e sc rlp tio n 'an d m oney to bo d is­tr ib u ted am ong,' th e th ea tr ica l poor. E very y e a r two: badges n re given, one fo r o b ta in in g ttje m ost new m em bers, the o ther . fo r seh a in g tho m ost g a r­m ents d u rin g th e year.' In 1809 M iss .T erry offered a gold

th im ble a s a p rize fo r ’th e sender o f the m o st'g a rm ch ts 'iaa ile . by herself; T h is th im ble w as w on ,by Mrs. A rth u r M or­rison, w ho con tribu ted 112 garm ents, 44 o f w hich sihs. m ade herself. T he vice p re s id e n ts ' o£ the guild a re M rs. Nevlll Duridna. M is. A rth u r M orrison, M iss LUcy H are , M iss,L indsay Ja rd in e , S ilas B a jly ;Jon'?B^ M is s ' Low , M iss M aclngan, M iss B. Shaw S tew art and M iss L ola D uncap,

• P l w t .P r e t i c ^ G ir l , ' C ldb.T he firs t F re n c h 'g ir ls ’ c lub h as ju s t

been fo rm ed In .P a ils . and SsMooked upon w ith InteasV disapproval, I t Is sa id , ,by! the 'C onservative: I f- Is called ilife- >AJB^s|i£Ufuifci6, a n dth e m em bership Is [lim ited, to s tu d e n ts o f e w ta ln c^ W e~UnP v erslty ; o f ;Patis, th e Schpbl’. b f F in e ■Arts an d SehTOrof JJecoraU ve A rt.

T he c lu b had great difficult^ In se­cu ring a h o p e , a s the. landlords; seem ed to tb ln k 'i t a-highly Im proper th ing , b u t room s finally w ere found In a build ing belonging to ’ a scientific 'society;

T h e rules: adopted iby. th e club a re 'sufficiently stringent,- ona 'w ould th ink , .to q u ie t th e fea rs o f tb e -o p p o n en ts , ;The rootnc are to^Jj’e ' closed a t 10. o’clock, gam es of c h a n o e a re prohibited , no alcoholic bevera^eEi w lll'be^served , tobacco Is no t allow ed;on th e prem ises, an d no p e t an im ats a re perm itted Id the house.—N ew YorkitTrlbune, ,

. This Rocker, soiid oak. sad­dle seat, with arms a n d c a r f e d /back, a very comfortable chair.

Reg. 2,-?0; S p e c i a 1

This Chiffonier, golden oak finish, 5 drawer?, 30 inches wide,, trimmed with brass handles/ we l l piade. ■ ..■ v Reg. 5.00; Special

This Solid Oak Sideboard, golden oak; finish,: 24 x 14 bevel plate, glass, w ' e l l f i n i s h e d ‘carved lop.

Reg, 15.00; Spe-' C lal. ; .

T his Porch Rdcker, . l arge a n d comfort- able reed ., seat and back, wide arm. ■

Regular S. JO;S pe- ' I ' ^ 7 - d a l ’.

An Excelsior M attress, full size, our own make,. with nice soft -top, regular 2.50, special

T h isv Q o id e n - p a k China Clos­et, 42 in. witl< '5 feet high, nicely finished, r o u n d ends, French legs.

Reg. 15.00; Spe­c ia l

•This S o l i d Q a k flflorris; C hair, Veil tin- islied,, complete with d e n.i m cushion, regular 4.00, special

-.This Brpss GedsteatM. It, six inches wide, test''(told, iae- t;uer, 5 ft. 3 in. iiigli.t* in.posts, 3 in, liHIng rods, swell foot end.* R e g . 27.00;

a n 6.98

Clare C4MI!

h a S t a n d a r d R a il ro a d o f .A r- ie r 'd cHave You Seen the New Store of the,

On 4t»«f iiftef N bvem ^r 2S \mil- • TRAINS LXAVK ABO DRY PARI—WEEK DAW,

F o r N e w "V ork a n d N e w a r k , 7 1 0 , 8 50 , a in ,9 25 a a d 5 88 p m . • - • ' i <

■For E lizabeth, 8 50 a m . 3 25 and G 83 p m .F o r E a h w a y , 8 5 U a n i, 2 2 5 a n d 5 3 8 p m ,

- F o r M ataW atJr 8 50 a ^ - 2 2 5 a n d 5 8 3 p m . - — — F o r ^ l S i / g B r a n c h , 7 1 0 . 8 5 0 , 1 1 0 0 a ' m , 2 15,

2 2 5 ,5 83,*5 40 a n d 7 07 n in .For Bed Bank, .710,, 860 a m, a 26 and ,5 83 , p m . ■

F o r P h ila d e lp h ia , B ro a d 8 t . ‘ a n d T r e n to n , 7 29, 8 05. a m .1 2 1 6 , a n d 4 07 p r a •

For 0a«id6fl, v ia Trenton .and Dordentown, 7 JB and 8 05 a m . 12 If-and 4 07 p m ..

For Camden and- 1'hIIadelphla, • ?la Toma' River 1 2 5 p m; \ ‘ . " !: - v

w'or Tom s llH er , Inland UeJfifotaand Intenn^lat** B ta tln n B 'l 15 p tii.-‘ or Point,. PloaBont an*!- Vit^nnfdlate atatloa**. 11 01 a ni. 2 Kl. 5 19. and 6 48 n r a ,.”or New Kruni»wlr%yta Monn.orith Jiinxrt,lont 80&

a m ,1 2 15 nud 4 (/7 p m > . -• .

’ T|UiN8 nkw y o n r r o a *awti«v p a r iK^*vn T w e n ty t1>trd K tM lo h , H 5.1 a cd

12 40-, 3 25, a n d ■ 4 fifl p n^, B u u d u y m 9 2 5 i a ti,. and 4 55p nv , . . . '■ rom Deebroei«es Btree' St^tnon at u 00 a ih,'12 50,■ 3 40,' a n d : 5 3 0 p rij. S tf to d a y e ,; 9 45 a ' r a arnJ

5*15 p m, 1 , *' <“ : ? ■’• ^toni Cortlnndt Street Station, ttt9 00n iii, 1250.

8 40, arid 510 > ra. .vPhudnvH 9.15. a? va. and 515 p m. On Bundav will riop a t interiakou and Avon In plac* or North Aahury Park and

- Aebury Park to let off:pagaepf ora. -:THilNB LEAVE Poit.ADKLPHIA (D maW .Bt) rOB

. . -V ;AfninR v ' pa kb • . V.' ‘ .8 20 11 a 01 8 80 a n d 4 UO p xn, tfw »k-day> ■

M a r k e t R tr e e t 'W h « r l v ia C a m d e n a n d T r * u t o r ? 28 10 SO a ra , 2 80 a n d 8 £0 p m : T .ea v e M a rk « ; S t r e e t ’V h a r r , v i a Ja n fiw tt n rj? , 7 28 a in . 4 00 >m wwWrtjrH,n W A S H IN G T O N A N D T H E S O U T H *

LKAVB BROAD BtREET, PHILAnKLPHIAFor Baltimore and Waahlocton.'S 50,720,8 82,912

10 2 3 ,1 1 2 3 , I I 83 a m . (1288 l im i te d D in tn j? O a r ) 1 .1 3 (D In ih c C a r ) , .8 1 3 , 8 2 9 (D in in g C a r ) 4 4 l 5 2 5 6 f 5 . 0 20, O.V» (D ln ln a t O a r , 7 3 1 ; (D in in ?

. O a r) n r a , a n d 1 ^2 0 n l i r h t w w l f d a y s . 8 u n d a y s , 3 60, 7 20, 9 12 .11 23 11 33 a ra 1 13 (T>tn- In s ' Ca t >. 8 1 3 , 8 29 (D n ln ir * a r ) , 4 4H. 5 2 5 ,

«!»5 0 5 5 (D in in g C a r ) , 7 81 (D in in g C a r ) p ra , 12 20 n ig h t 1Tim e ta h lr so f all other tralna o f the fyaten

m ay be obtained at, the ticket offices 6 r stations J . R. WOOD, Gen. Pa©*. Afc*.

J . n. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mana**f

A w nings, Porch S creensand Window: S h a d e s ."A doi'nplete awning, to fit any

window 2 feet 6 inches'wide, ready with' instructions for hanging, 1.50.. ;

G a r p e t s , /V V a t t in g S v

Oil C loths, Lnioleunis.C hinese M a tfin is IS c , I8 c i

33c,. 2 5 c , 2 9 c yard ,. %

Japar.ese Mattings 2 5 c , 39c, 35c, 3 9 c y a r d . ', •

Fibre M attings 3 9 c , j is e , 49 c ,

5?>o.yari:i. . i '•' • / -.

Well,to get you acquainted with our new location,we will give20 GREEN TRADING STAMPS ______

to any One having one or more pages of a book full. We want to help you fill your book and show you one of the prettiest show rooms in town. Remember the date....

Saturday, April- 6, Monday, April 8,Tuesday, April 9.

Call any day. BRING YOUK, BOOK. Tell your‘neighbors to be sure not to forget the book. You can get 20 STAMPS FREE.

Window Shade, complete for haijging, 21c.' >

. Send to us for estimates on furnishing your home, office, hotel or public building* We have seven acres of household goods of the best character, and our prices are positively the lowest.

T here is a nice o id ila ily ln a! to w n no t f a r from Ne,w Y ork;w ho I s tn a k in g a n ea t little sum of inton'ey w ith one o f th e accom plishments, 'which Were fash - ionable w hen sIicl S '^ ' ii y o ueg girl. She p a in ts on g lass an d riaakes iriany to p s fo r looking glasses a f te r th e Jild style. She i s now betw een 80 and OO y ea rs old, nnd th e re is a n added In te res t in h er w ork because o f h e r age.

Asbury Park Trading Stamp Co.> 0 1 643 MATTISON AVENUE. 12 1




T he cbRt lit lusufuE ce Tu Iho endow ­m en t ran k Is not. burdensom e to tiie K n ig h t w ho th e w elfare o f Uls fam ily, b u t to th e K n ig h t ivho w ill not Insure the c o ^ -o f his refusa l m ay be w an t an d m isery fo r lils loved o n e s ..

W e recom m end to K o ig b ts th n t one of tb e best w ays to build u p a subord inate lodge is to g e t m em bers Into th e en­dow m ent rank .

A very p re tty gow a h a s Insertions o f -SMiSoSiinee laee vilb a fa llin g ruffle

-siwsuBd th e edge o f tb s yoke edged w ith 'cluny. T h is rufQe Is earfled dow n on eltlie r side of the opening a t th e front, w hich Is closed w ith Utile ribbon bows. T h e re a re Insertions o f the . laee se t iu a gracefu l design a t ' t h e tops o f tho sleeves o f th is gown.

Columbia BeveL'Gear, Chainless .Columbia Chain Models . . .Hartfords , . # - . . . .Vedettes . . . . . ,Cushion Frame for Chainless or Chain Colunibias S5 Hx(r<

or Hub Coaster Brake, $5 E itra

MACCABEESSSKNU F O tl F R ID A t.Item * o t In te re s t C o u c e n ita K t b e |

F r a t e r n it y . ;.M aine te n ts a re bustling , an d new ;

m em b ers 'a re be lug added n ightly .The suprem o tent? w ith a su rp lus

over a ll liab ilities o f $1,200,000, la rgely | invested In U nited S ta te s bonds, w itli- a dea th ra te o f six to the th o u sn n d /b as a record th a t is uiiparalfeled - ' I. T b e s ta te o f Tennessee now h a s 33 \ ten ts , w ith 1,488 m em bers. A rk an sas • h as 9 ten ts, wi|Lb 438 m em bers. )

N ational ten t. D is tr ic t o f Colum bia, - h a s a m em bership o t 540. . _ *" !

P o rtlan d te n t.J s th e b an n e r (en t of ; Oregon1, w ith 310 m em bers.— J >

A n tb r n i l t r C iiai U sed E x c lu i lv e ly , I n s u r ­ing : C le a n lin e s s a n d C o m fo rt.

Coluspbia TireWhom they have Injured they also hate. Seneca.

W , W . EM B LEY & CO.MAIN ST. AND SEWALL AVE. s o l e a g e n ts .

BREAKFAST. ** . Oranges. .* *4*

, \ ”. Cracked Wheat and Cream. n*Cliicken*Blahquette. •> ' •b

. ‘r Breakfast Pufla. Coffee.

A i ’ -.^Euncheok. - ' $T ^ T ^ L ' Brown 9tfew of Tripe. 4*\ Egjr Toast./. Jullenn^ Potatoes.

C^ackcra. ❖

’ -'f . : Dl>{NE^.<; . YV , j . Soup. • / " TDrolled Fillet of Beef, fiauep Matfre d'Hotcl. T

Potato Balls. Fried Parsnips. Y, ■ '/ . * liettucc Salud. T

- Rico Pudding witht'rult: ;; ' . TCamembcrt Cheese, Wuter BlacUIL V

;v Demi Taese.. Y\ t "r *> i : y T-

DROWN ' STEW^/'pF • XR1PE. —iCut (one *'pound or more, p^ulre It,‘ of cnuked *r* tripo into small plcce*. Set oni? ouwc ot V* drlpplnor in a dry .eaueepijn, and direcAJy It T ’ is ulsaolvcd add tlire j alftcd onions an I fr,y* to a nice browrn.:> Dradir6 n a .tablespomful V 1 of flour: brown it a HttTi; add a ltfrpc JdiMi Y1 of powdered. Mgc. salt^and black pepp;r to T* ’ tasted popr ove< all as>\U(3lt Cold gra'^or *!** stock‘aB will cover it. < Stir all till it i*jniPS T ’ to the boll. Lay In the plccea of trip! and V ’ simmer cently for au hour, stirring oroalon* *r “ ully. Tlie quantities of onion, etc., unfit be *}*‘ increased it more tripe,bo used. Serve 'n an 7* e n tre d ish , , w ith a c a m la h of l o u r 'F ^ k l c t T ' and treisceh ts o f fried b re ad . T

i t ' trou b led b y a d igestion , loss o f a p p etite ,'or con stip ation , try a fow d oses o f Cbatnhcrlain’8 S tom ach iin a .L tv er T ah H is. Kvtify box w arran ted . P o r sa la b y S tew - sm .m (Sruv; storo, 'o o m e r ’eooiiman-avfcUHa und Bond s tree t , -v .


p 'S ti “ - ra of To«3. Coffees, A & P 8p!ci». A & PB aldngPow der. A & P K itrpsia apd C.& Co’s Saoco. .

FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY : From S atu rday , March 30, Until fa t -

urday, April 6, inclusive Don’ t P«U to <!let One. .


K n l c l i l i o f H o n o r .(BbiW^wlshes a re a ll r ig h t,a s . f a r na

tiiey go, t |u t they m ake very poor bniid- Ing m a te tla l fo r au order.

H av e you noticed the Im proved finan­c ia l condition o f tho o rder?

y o u cab co t. expect to i in d a n appll- can j junle^Si you look fo r one.

J f yob’- .^ e r :flng y^nrseif. In a posi­tion . w hen j<icclslon .m u s t’ be m ade - be- sweeti jiay iug .asseasm en ls an d debts, arwny« pay tlie .'issessm ent first, as th a t.w ill uo t w a it an d d eb ts can.

*■/''. 'Xt-'K S(0|5)er-Io-I«'(T ■ tjoke.V 'H ^w j does llt .hiippen th a t Frauleiu Leillen.j Is fltiU;.uhn]urr|ell? Sho . Is npedrl'ainonB wpnich.’Y,,' ! ,

“ ^erfin'ps tbe youris; men arc afra id of mother of peprl.”—H eltefe \Velt,


Brushes, Paint, Varnish, Etc,THOllSANDS OP PGET OP

Oi Interest tc You



Page 6: ieal Estate Bargain, , t .. Ip i r i a L · ; Qhly paper in Meafcneutfe CtiUfltjr: 'yc^jiar diily Telegm p^ News, Servfcei, >» i •v 1; A DaHyReconfof the Lotal*! trict fiC m D

i jis opportunity toto operate

ASBURY PAR K DATLY P ltiilSS^rH {JRSDAY, <£f*RJL 4, 1901’• t / v 1' • vt. i jf.-i, . • f * V<i ! ?" • : v ~ 5 ■'V" 1 f ..

Twenty-Fourth Annua!

Opening • i 1— : —" ' "" '■


TH U R S D A Y . F R ID A Y and S A T U R D A Y .

A p ril 4, 5 and 6.

Full and complete line of the' latest im­

ported patterns in H A TS and BO N N ETS and

all that goes to'make the complete

Millinery Department.", In each department the newest of spring

goods will be shown.

Gor. Main St. and Cookman Ave.


-Now-Geinf-on- for- tlie-NEXT 30 DAYS

Previous to Our Annual Stock Taking W e Will Offer Special Bargains in All Departments

Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Toweling, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Embroideries and White Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Winter Underwear.

— - CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL O U R — ■ -Nottingham and Ruffled Curtains, one, two and three pairs Jof a pattern. These we will sell regardless of cost. Bric-a-Brac, Dolls and Sterling Silver Novelties we will sell at a great re­duction.

VIOLET AMflONIA, SPECIAL a t 8 an d ioc

W . C . W E B D E NAgent fa r the woil-known k e y s t o n e w a g o n ch . . Paeum atio Road Wagons. Runabouts and Carriages of the fineat quality and latest de­sign. Don’t tlilnk o t buying before you see mo, ■ ■



Factory and Repository....Cor. Main Street and First AveuueR esidence 1020 W. Sum rnerfleld Avenue, ASBURY P A R K .


W ill N ot S ign the. Manchurian Convention. •


I t I s D e c la r e d I m p o s s ib l e - I-’op, S n k o o f t in e N a tio n . F r i e n d l y . l aA l ie n a te A ll .O th e rs—A t t i t u d e o t L tII tin It, C lu m s r . ' . . . '

* <Peking,' A pril 1.—T h e C hinese gov­

e rn m e n t h as fo rm ally notified ltnaala th a t 'C h in a ; ow ing to th e u tjltu d e o f the pow ers, is not ab le to algn th e M anchu- rlu n conventlon'.-v .. f- I. “ I t la C h ina’s des ire ,” says tlie form al

notification ,, “ to beep on friend ly terq is ;iritli a ll nations. A t p resen t she la go­ing th rough 11 period w hloh is th e m ost perilous In .’lie em pire’s h isto ry , am i. It Is ,n ece ssa ry th a t slit* should hav e tjie f rie n d sh ip ,o f all. H ow ever im n:fvnhe uilgl(t be w illing to g ra n t any special' ■’priv ilege to onepow ec , w hen o thers cjb- Jcct It Is im possible th a t fo r th e sn k i o f m ak ing oiie' nation friendly. jthe siioijlU a llenn tc tlie sym path ies o f all-o thers.!'

LI H u n g C hang say s th is le tte r se t­tles th e m a tje r defin ite ly an d th a t R us­sia w as in form ally 'no tified to th e sam e effect on M arch -9 . P rince Cliing a s ­se rts th a t every C h in a m a n 'e x c e p t i i H u n g C hang w ns ag a in s t s ign ing the convention.:

So soon a s th e genera ls o f tlie pow ers no tify the m in iste rs a s ta w h a t d isposi­tion is desired o f a rtic le s 8 nnd 9 o f the p ro toco l’ every th ing will- be p rac tica lly concluded' ex cep t th e indem nities, th e only claim s not ready being tlie B ritish . G erm an an d Ja p an ese . T he G erm ans s a y 'th e y can be ready lu Hvo days, and tlie Ja p a n e se a sse rt th a t th e y 'c a n lie, read y a t a m om dnt's w ara in g .

P riv a te claim s, how ever, pan lie Bled, u n til H a y 14, and th is m ay delay tlie p resen ta tlonH o th e C hinese:p len ipo ten . tla r le s . '.A m ajo rity o f the m in isters a re lu fav o r o f m ak ing a genera l claim a s soon os th e governm ent cla im s ijrc In, m ak ing a llo w in c e s ’fo r a few thou- sa iids fo r possible" fu tu re claim s, a l ­though It ts believed th a t a ll p riva te clalpiij a re now filed. .

Li H u n g C hang an d P iin e e Clilhg liave sen t to th e court fo r app ro v a l a . l is t o f nnm es p resen ted by th e m inis­te rs o f th e pow ers fo r p iuiislm ient. The d ea th lis t h as been reduced to 4 liairjes fo r degradation an d to 111 fo r loss o f p f - : flee. No objection is an tic ip a ted , a s th e men- n re only p rom inen t in local com­m unities.

LI H n n e - C h a n g . I h D U g rrn ce?W ash ing ton , A pril 4.—A lthough no

official notice has re a c h e d , here .of the repo rted d e p a r tu re 'o f LI H u n g C liang l'rom P ek in g fo r Shanghai, tlie officials a re inclined to believe tlia t tlie re p o rt Is tru e an d th n t Li H ung Clm ng is rea lly leav ing P ek ing fo r good, because tlie em peror Is d isp leased w ith h is conduct o f tlie negotiations. I t w as know n here w hen Li H u n g C hang w as m ade one of th e peace envoys tlm t lie 'w as pro-bus.- slan In sen tim ent, b u t th e re w as no cause fo r com plaint on th a t score until- th e M anchuria agreem ent, cam e up for consideration . • Now It is believed by officials here th a t LI 1ms proved so ea r­n es t an advocate of th e R ussian cause nnd Inis so strenuously worked fo r th e s ig n a tu re o f th e ag reem en t th a t h is ow n governm ent h as fe lt obliged to de­prive him of pow er in th a t direction.

C r is is I n B a l k a n s F e a r e d .O dessa, A pril 4.—I t is asse rted here

th n t th e R ussian political ag en t In B ul­garia has sen t to St. P e te rsb u rg a very pessim istic report regard ing .tiie s itu a ­tion iu th e B alkans, declaring th a t thu B u lgarian governm ent is qu ite incapa­ble o f coping effectively w ith the a g ita ­tion o f th e M acedonian com m ittee, an d th e re is constan t d an g e r o f som e un to ­w ard Incident leading to a conflagra­tion. . T he repo rt em phasizes the om i­nous fac t_ thn t T u rkey w ill listen to no suggestion o f foreign in terven tion w ith regard to M acedonia, because a n y con­cession of M acedonian te rrito ry would lend to a Holy w ar. I t declares th n t th e on ly /th in g Is fo r R ussia to help B-ilga- rln to su p p ress the M acedonian com­mit lee.

M o v e m e n ts o t \ n v n l V-essclM.W ashing ton , A pril 4.—The Iow a has

a rrived - n t B rem erton. T h e W inslow has been placed in rese rv e In N orfolk. T he B ru tus, w hich h a s been a s ta tio n sh ip a t G uam , is to be b ro u g h t home a n d converted in to a n av a l collier. T h e n avy d ep a rtm en t w ill ad v e rtise for th e com pletion of tlie torpedo b o a t TIn- ge.v, th e re hav ing been a d efau lt on th e p a r t o f th e B a ltim ore co n trac to rs 111 com pleting th e vessel. A fo rm al an n u lm en t of th e c o n trac t w as inade y es te rd ay , an d the ad v e rtisem en t for now bids w ill be issued soon. T he sh ip is afloat and ab o u t 70 p er cen t com pleted. T he co n trac t price w as $108,000, und o t th is .$105,840 lias been paid, leav ing .$02,100 w ith w hich to com plete tlie ship.

E P I D E M I C O F - S O i e i O E r

H o r r i b l e " tiitcet* ot t h e O eoiiiV atton • ’ o f C h in a . »

W ash ing ton ; ’A pril 4 . - A 1 re c e n t ' re- , t » f t a t th e s ta te d epnrtn ieh t te lls a d r ru d fu f s jb fy o f w holesale su ic ide ot w om en lii .C lih ja . W hdii a C hinese np itfo i| Ib ab u sed by .'ii . w h ite m dii, slip njillfles lier'oxVii fam ily .am i tlm t o f her H usband ,'u t th e shhio tim e annoiihfcl’ng tl ia t (iii a .oprfiijnjLiti* siie w ill d ep art

iT'j ..V.N o rem o n stran ce ' is riinde. arid. in­

variab ly tlio ' w om an c a rrie s o u t lier p lan . If.S bft ’iild no t com m it suicide, slip w ould-he. ostracized -Iw-her,-people a iid com pelled t« c h a n g e 'h e r m ode of llf«-’p.l‘t»r«j>^.:vt- A ;:-

T lfoufnte-i'pf tlie iin rfia rrk d w om en .w ljo hre.-jhisfrentet} ' iVy-tho so ld iers Is only,:H: l i ttlo d iffe ren t,■ • -Ifi ■ qbmc cases, It Ih' rep o rted i-tliey a re Itllled ibjr tlioit re la tiv e s Ip stead , uf .coiniiilttjiig su i­cide, Ijvit th is i s o i i l .y a . i f o rp f " o f se lf destruction ,- u s ■ they,: u re en tire ly pns- slVe liv tl |e h a jld s o t 't l ie lr friends.

So cx ten slv p lipye.'lVpen flic crim es of •tlie whljte'vsoldiersi t lijit-Jn m any vll- la g o s ra n d -gtnnll tovyns (w om en, lmve p rac tica lly ilisnjipeareit.'

I t i l s rep o rted in th is s ta te depart? m en t ilocnn ipn t that: In majl.v v illages i t is idlftlcui|: ttf (li|(l a^ifpmrije person ov er th e a g e of^lO yesirs and u n d e r th e nge- o f yjjO.' .;-iyilen 'tlie m atro n s dp iio t a n n o u n c e , t lm t • th ey t r i p ; "d ep a rt th is life ,” th ^ su g g p s tio i i to do so com es from th e Jm s^4tgd,,nnd-lt is sa id to be ra re ly p y n < J , < ; ( ] . .

PoU R likp^|>slc 'M U lv e r. S ly « te r y . 'Pongl|ii(iRiifiIer X. Y..’ A pril 4.—Tho

o(Hclols.,pf VDijtehess couiity, w ho' a re try lh g to ^eleny up th e n iy ste ry of tiie head less body found in th e r iv e r a t Sfoiieeo ,InHt-‘t'i;lday an d b u rled a t ^ ’a p p i i lg e r . Ii'alls, hav e lpnrned to nexy/.fde.ts. ;T hcy lm ve dropped th e th eo ry tliiit tlio -body wait t l ia t of Ja m e s ya&.'Taes«l)> a s h is .w ife sen t w prd-tftatfslie.lsnow s w h ere lie,Is. Pui>- llc (itteiition Is ,once m ore tu rn e d to C hjirles :p ^ tp r^ .. th e .ra ilroad eng lpeer o f .H opew ell.iw jio d isappeared *n i ’eh- ru a ry :flrteBi’|i^ ; iy lfe ,iiad obtni.ned a VII- vpfce an d m arried I>r. L eslie Sutton . A slsferi .of P^te^s, w ho lives, in Brook­lyn , sta te 's th rit slie believes i t w a s lie r h ro tlie r’iB. body, a lthough P e te rs ’ fa- tlier-)n-laTy,, X pdrcw Biltpr, w ith whom lie i lived , vji^s- wlcl th a t lie. d id uo t tf iln k .'I t i^ rn ii^ g te rs ’. T h e d is tr ic t a t- to riiey w ill f in fe ,th e body exhum ed If an y ,J re l^ tly e^ v re iiu cs t,;it an d S heriff H pffp ia ii.expec tp to offer a re w a rd fo r the" iden tifica tion o f th e body, a s they i i rm ly , |Ae)}^ve; th e m an, w h o ev er ■ lie %> as , w a a m urdered .

Jean;.d 'jp R e s s k c 'V e r y II I .’ B oston, A p ril 4.—.Teau de R eszke, the fam ous,'t(nior slpger, is dapgerously ;lll a t th e Pai-ker IJouse In th i^ c ity . Con­fined to Hlty betl since T uesday n ig h t, he .Is und er t^is consfuu t cafe o f h is physi­cian . T heLlarge"nudieuce w hich g a th e r­e d to h e a t 'Ii | h' Boston deb u t Iii “ Le Cid” o n 'T u e s d a y w ere Inform ed th a t M. de lteszlce liad a severe cold arid w ould lie iin a 'h ltj to appear. ,L lis t n igh t the’ shnie reSsqn ;was..glycn fo r h is nqn- ap p earan ce .' - •-.4 : -

T he E g j^ itia r i‘ w piiiin looks greatly overburdened, and : y e t th e physical bur­dens she carries w il l 'n o t com pare with th e burdens borue t y Jnany an American ' ■ , 'V: ni’i.wojrian. T here is no

■ u burden lik e th e bur- , 'd e n o£ disease. The

wom an who suffers f r p n i inflammation d r '.ulceration, bear- ing-down pains,w eak 'back a h a uervous- neiss, bears a burden w hich crushes her very life. •' .- •

E v e r y , w o jn a n should know . th a t D r. IHerce’s Favorite p rescrip tion m akes weak women strong, a n d s i c k women- well.- I t cures th e w om anly d is e a s e s w hich cause weak­ness an d feebleness. I t quiets th e nerves, e n r e s t h e ach ing baqk . and th robbing head, a n d g i v e s streng th fo r wifely cares an d .raa ternu duties.-'"W hen I first wrote I waa la a bad condition, nnd lmd almost given iipl»says Mrs; Bella Snider, of wilkr:;vil!e, -Vinton -Co., Ohio. " I \va« suffering from female trouble of tbe worst k ind ; I couldn’t rilt anything; without suffering 'KTtat di',trr.‘5,j t h r o a t hurt nJc by spells; was nprvous and weak. Had numb bands aad arms, heart trtnibTe, pains‘all through my body and achlughead and neck. I t seemed that 1 could riot work a t all. ' X got Dr. Pleree’s • '.ed, - • • -medicine and took it asi directed, and the first week ft .began to liefp me, I took three botUca and airt glad to sny that it did me niprc good than all the other medielae’I ever took. I feel better than I lmve for years." \ - -

Dr. P ierce’s Medical ASviser, in paper covers, is sen t free oh .receipt of 21 one- cent stam ps to p a y , expense of m ail­ing only, o r if c lo th ' bound volump is desired, send 31 stam ps.. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N . Y.




/ p v U ^ - annual Easter 1 ^Ppening’ l will tajce pl^pe on ^atufgl^,, ■

^ April > 6th f when w e want the people of this vicinity "to

two Asbury Park stores a n d enjoy the new Spring:

Will h4ye on exhibition. The, markets' of Europe a ^

been, ransacked for desirables goods anjd w e prom*

ise that the djsiplay wiil be the largest and finest evef , pffered:-

hereabouts./. 1 \ ;; ::’V- 'v; ^ '"'''-u'iThe,riew goods w ill be scattered through'out^is 23 dejiart-'.

ments, so visitors can put in the whole day admiring tbe cp^ice

stock which includes :.



‘ . ''{ ’■> -FASHIONABLE SEPARATE SKIRTS. /• . ' i f -r; ! (* DESIRABLE .JACKETS A ^D WRAP^.'.'1' ; •



- MODERN MAKES ‘OF FURNITURE.s e a s 'o n Ab l e We a v e s i n c a r p e t s


‘ *’ * '-/C'' *

• • . ' . . r* * ' . ■W e. purchased the new comers/in large quantities for spot

cash, and tbe price tickets ta v e been marked ju st a fraction

above what the goods cost, sp the Easter “ O pening" is going

to be a bargain event in merchandise selling. Come yourself,

bring yo u ^ frjends, and enjoy a visit to Monmouth bounty's

most progressive stores. Y o u need not buy unless the unusual

offerings tempt ypu^to do so. \ ^

S T E I N B A C H C O .. Providers for "Wardrobe and Home. ,,

Modern Stores Modern Methods

On the Trolley, near the .Station, A sbury Park.

- .BRIEF NEW S NOTES.A mob p reven ted th e c ity council of

K an sas C ity from g ra n tin g fran ch isesto .a s tre e t ra ilw ay com pany. — ....... ''■ 'P h y s ic ian s linve d iscovered a fre sh abscess in th e th ro a t o f M. \VaIdeck- 'R oiisseau, tli^r.F rench p rein leiv -1 "

T he F rench m lnlHter o f m arine, M. dc tlan essa ii, h a s o rdered th e cofiBtrnc- t Ion o f 20 add itio n a l su lim arlne boats:

Six tro ttin g horses, v a lu ed in nil a t $10,000 au d ow ned by E d w ard E , P e r ­k in s o f P oughkeepsie, w ere b u rn e d ‘to dentil In Mr. P e rk in s’ b a rn .

G overnor Odell h a s signed the b ill o f S enato r -H |ll au th o riz in g th o - Pan-, A m erlcnn B zposltlon com pany: to Issuo second m ortgage bonds to th e value o f $000,000. . : .>

D ’Oyly C arte , th e th e a tr ic a l m anager an d im presario , Is d e a d e n London. H e had been an invalid q Jong tlm b und w as obliged to u^e a b a th chair, b u t he nevertheless o ften a tten d ed (he tfiea- tc r . s '•> ■ 'a

C’ompi&tc .re tu rn s _n1iqw I h e election

by n ir .u ra jify TTjr.TCn'oT R(,'iit .Ti'clls, D em ocratic ciindldnto fo r itiayor o f St. Louis. T h e rem a in d e r o f th e Dem o­c ra tic tick e t w o b a lso elected by about, th e srtm e p lu ra lity .■ T he- board o f d irec to rs o f th e H ead­in g com pany a t a m eeting accep ted the resig n a tio n o f P re s id en t Joseph S. Har­r is , a n d elccted Geoi'gc F . Boer' to suc­ceed him : " P re s id e n t f la r r l s w ill re­m ain w ith th e com pany Id nn executive position. , _ - v

m u r d e r e r GplleJU S t i l l n t I , s r n f .Sunbur>% P a ., A pril 4 .-rJo lin G uilck,

w ho m ade h is cscape a f te r ihu rd erln g 'ills’ aged m o ther an d younger b ro th e r a t . tlie lr hom e n e a r 'th i s o ity T nesdoy m orning, is still, a t la rge . T he searcli- ing ' p a rtie s h av e re tu rned , fa llin g t» Iind an y trace of him . T he courify c6m- m lsslonei's liave o f fe n d a re w a rd of $100 fo r Ills cap tu re . T iie aged fa th e r Is In a condition of a lm ost to ta l col­lap se from th e shock caused by th e te r ­rib le crim e. H e th in k s h is son has com m itted su ic ide b y ju m p in g In th e r iv e r. ........

R e c e ip t s a t JVew V o rk P o s to tn o e .W ashington',- A pril 4.—PoBtm flster-

Van C ott o f ,N ew tY ork c ity h as reflprt- ed to th e postotfice d ep a rtm en t th a t the g ross receip ts o f h ls otllce fo r th o q u a r­te r ended S iarch 31 w ero $3,740,700 ag a in s t $2,503,807 fo r th e eorrCHpond- Ing q u a r te r a y e a r ag o ,. : T h is n^aUei, an lucrease o f 9.72 p e r cen t in N ew Y ork’s posht! business.

G e n e r a l ‘ 'T in e ” 'A n dp n o n D rlty ff.Mucon, A pril 4,—W ord )s reeolved

from A nniston,-A I'Pm th a t G eneral G. T . ("T lge”) A nderson Is a t th e poin t of death . A nderson w as a b rigade com ­m ander u n d er L o hgstree t In th e elv lK w a r und w ob 'one o f tho m ost fam ous .of C o nfedera te fi^bte^s.' ; .■•- ■;

AJTestlmonhU F to in Old Eugfand. .• I 'consider Chamhorlalo’s Cough Rem­

edy tbo best In th e vrprld for bronchitis,” , Bays Mr. w illiam B*vory, pf W arrington, - Eualand. "Ic bus saved my wife’s life, she having been a m arty r to bronchitis for over six years, being- m ost o f th e time confined to her tw i. She Is now qulto well,"- Sold by S tew ort’s drug store, corner CooVman avenuo nud Bond pfrcelv;


MEN’S NIGHT SHIRTS AND WOHEN’S GOWNiS .Those having no experience will be taught

can be harped. APPLY A T O N C E....