ieee 802 lmsc chair’s guidelines

IEEE 802 LMSC Chair's Guidelines and EC Policy Decisions, v21 11/08/15 IEEE 802 LMSC Chair’s Guidelines and EC Policy Decisions 13 November 2015 This document is intended to provide guidance and consistency for the orderly conduct of IEEE 802 business. Revision 21 1

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IEEE 802 LMSC Chair's Guidelines and EC Policy Decisions, v21 11/08/15

IEEE 802 LMSC Chair’s Guidelines and EC Policy Decisions

13 November2015

This document is intended to provide guidance and consistency for the orderly conduct of IEEE 802 business. Revision 21


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Table of Contents1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 31.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 31.3 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 Sponsor Chair’s Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 42.1 IEEE 802 Approvals ........................................................................................................................ 42.2 Registration Fees ............................................................................................................................. 42.3 Standards distribution in digital format ........................................................................................... 52.4 Tutorials ........................................................................................................................................... 62.5 Commercialism at meetings ............................................................................................................ 72.6 Identification of WG contributors in standards ............................................................................... 72.7 Recording attendee information in meeting minutes ...................................................................... 82.8 Criteria for posting information to the EC reflector ........................................................................ 82.9 Patent Policy announcement instructions ........................................................................................ 82.10 IEEE 802 EC’s responsibility to progress PARs ......................................................................... 102.11 WG Vice Chair activities ............................................................................................................. 102.12 The sponsor ballot process .......................................................................................................... 102.13 Duties of the Sponsor Officers .................................................................................................... 102.14 Duties for other Sponsor positions .............................................................................................. 152.15 Access to a published IEEE standard for outside groups ............................................................ 162.16 Consent agenda ............................................................................................................................ 162.17 Email reflector policy .................................................................................................................. 162.18 Maintaining a repository for approved CSDs .............................................................................. 17

3.0 Sponsor Chair's interpretations .......................................................................................................... 183.1 Interpretation on “substantially complete” .................................................................................... 18

4.0 EC Policy Decisions ........................................................................................................................... 194.1 Student Fees .................................................................................................................................. 194.2 Cross WG and TAG document and email reflector access ........................................................... 194.3 IEEE 802 EC interim teleconference meeting .............................................................................. 204.4 Length of hotel stay for discounted registration ............................................................................ 214.5 Letter of affiliation ........................................................................................................................ 214.6 WG review of the CSD .................................................................................................................. 21


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1.0 Introduction This document is intended to provide guidance and consistency for the orderly conduct of IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) business. These guidelines provide clarification and direction in areas that have been identified as requiring it by the IEEE 802 LMSC Chair (Sponsor Chair) or IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Committee (EC) motions. Throughout this document, the IEEE 802 LMSC is referred to as simply IEEE 802.

In addition to the guidelines, this document also contains some of the EC policy decisions that were approved by motion to be binding on the operation of the group. It is not an complete list of all such decisions.

Unless otherwise specified, the term Working Group (WG) applies to both WGs and Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs).

1.1 Scope The scope of the document is to be a repository of guidelines for IEEE 802 activities that have been issued by the Sponsor Chair or by specific EC motions. The classification of each guideline is be noted in the first paragraph as ‘Sponsor Chair Origin’ or ‘EC Motion Origin’. In the case of a motion, the goal is to also include the date of the motion.

1.2 Purpose The purpose of the document is to provide IEEE 802 participants, membership and leadership guidanceon how IEEE 802 conducts its business.

1.3 Limitations This document does not replace or supersede any formal IEEE 802 rules documents (such as the IEEE 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures) or any documents that are superior to those rules. In cases where conflicts occur, the formal / superior documents shall have precedence.

The enforceability of these guidelines is up to the good will and best efforts of all attendees developing standards for IEEE 802. The IEEE 802 EC requests your support.


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2.0 Sponsor Chair’s GuidelinesThis section contains the various guidelines that are currently approved.

2.1 IEEE 802 ApprovalsSponsor Chair Origin

The below table identifies which group (or person) by IEEE 802 convention must provide approval at the milestones in the development of a draft standard or study group effort. The explicit right to these approvals is, by IEEE-SA procedures, vested in the Sponsor who is, for all practical purposes, the Sponsor Chair. The Sponsor Chair may thus override theses guidelines in order to avoid issues which would negatively impact the process for IEEE 802 standards.

Item WG1 WG Chair EC Sponsor Chair PAR submittal (new) YES YES YES2 YES PAR Revision YES YES YES YES PAR Extension YES YES YES YES PAR ‘WG Chair change’ YES INFO YES Form WG Study Group YES YES YES Form Industry Connections Activity YES YES YES Form EC Study Group YES Standard Renewal Date Extension YES YES INFO

Sponsor Ballot YES YES YES Sponsor ballot pool formation YES YES

Sponsor ballot recirculation INFO YES INFO All Standards Board submissions YES YES YES

JTC1/ITU Submissions3 INFO YES YES IssuesPress Releases YES4 YES YES Issues

2.2 Registration FeesSponsor Chair Origin

This guideline defines the requirements for ‘atypical’ meeting attendees such as IEEE staff and members of the press to pay applicable registration fees during sessions.

1 All WG approvals require explicit vote counts (yes/no/abstain) to be recorded and communicated to the EC.2 Requires submission 30 days in advance to the EC, refer to the IEEE 802 Operations Manual.3 Submissions to JTC1/ITU are defined to be communications with a government entity in the IEE 802 Operations

Manual and have specific procedures. Refer to the IEEE 802 Operations Manual for more information.4 Press releases should be approved by the EC. The WG should normally approve a press release, although in some cases

this cannot be done in a timely fashion. In such cases, the EC decision will prevail.4

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1) IEEE Staff members and anyone being supported by the IEEE Staff for attendance at the meeting should be exempt from the meeting fee. These individuals, since they are representatives of IEEE Staff, may participate in WG meetings. Unless they pay a meeting fee, they will not be counted as WG voters. Note that observers are allowed to comment on WG documents and vote at the IEEE sponsor level if they meet requirements here. They should register to receive a name badge.

2) Invited (by members of the EC) guests who attend meetings for a specific purpose that is of value to general attendees (e.g. to provide a tutorial presentation) should be exempt from the meeting fee. Invited guests who do not pay a meeting fee are welcome to observe various sessions of IEEE 802. However, as guests they may not vote in WG meetings during that session and their attendance will not be counted toward building or maintaining voting membership in any WG. Guests should register to receive a name badge. Note that observers are allowed to comment on WG documents and vote at the IEEE sponsor level if they meet requirements for participating in a sponsor ballot.

3) Students – See guideline 4.1 Student Fees4) Members of the Press have no special privilege of access and shall be subject to normal meeting

fee requirements. 5) For plenary sessions, the Sponsor Chair will have the responsibility to review and approve the

above exceptions (total limited to ten individuals per session) and provide a list of these exempt people to the Executive Secretary before the session and obtain EC confirmation at the Monday EC meeting of a plenary session.

6) In addition to the previously mentioned 10 waivers, the Sponsor Chair may rarely grant meetingfee waivers for invited officers of other SDOs who do not regularly attend IEEE 802 meetings. The purpose of the waiver is to provide an opportunity for the individual to observe how IEEE 802 operates and to meet the IEEE 802 leadership. Attendance at the meeting doesn't count toward establishing voting membership. The meeting fee waiver privilege is not intended to permit the individual to participate in project work. Reciprocal treatment should be encouraged.

2.3 Standards distribution in digital formatEC Motion Origin

(Originally an EC motion, updated by EC motion 16 November 2012).

This guideline defines the mechanism for generating and handing out IEEE 802 standards in digital format. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for determining for the format and for creating the version for that year. The Sponsor has requested that the format be a durable, physical format, suchas CD-ROM or DVD.

1) The distribution contains at a minimum:a) All PDF files for IEEE 802 standards that are active, withdrawn or superseded, that have

been published by September 30 anywhere on earth.b) The approved IEEE 802 rules including: IEEE 802 LMSC Policy and Procedures, IEEE

802 LMSC Operations Manual, IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures and IEEE 802 LMSC Chair's Guidelines.

2) Produced once a year, initial distribution at November plenary session and the current version isavailable for distribution during the plenary session.


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3) In order to receive a copy of the standards, the individual shall be registered at the plenary meeting where the standards are distributed

4) Distribution is offered during badge pickup.5) The license is for personal use only – individuals will initial receipt of the standards.6) Previously issued versions of the standards distribution are licensed to recipient only and is not

transferable. The recipient may keep it for archival purposes or should be destroyed.7) The Sponsor Chair may make an exception to the above, subject to copyright requirements of

the IEEE.

2.4 Tutorials(Sponsor Chair Origin)

This guideline outlines ‘acceptable practices’ for Tutorial presenters.

1) Content of Tutorials should be: a) Technology oriented, informative, concise, and well illustrated. b) Reflect general needs and technology for standards and recommended practices. c) Reflect business/economic drivers for possible standardization. d) Present multiple viewpoints and speakers where appropriate

2) Purpose of Tutorials should: a) Explore possible new directions for IEEE 802 efforts b) Summarize ongoing major work of Study Group or WG or TAG. c) Describe basic IEEE 802 or other standards process.

3) Mechanics of Tutorials:a) Hosted by a voting Sponsor member.b) Executive Secretary shall provide a tutorial request form that shall be made available on the

IEEE 802 website.c) Requests are sent to the Sponsor email reflector no earlier than the end of the plenary

meeting immediately preceding the plenary meeting in which the tutorial is requested. Requests shall be sent no later than 45 days in advance of the start of plenary meeting in which they are to be presented.

d) The Executive Secretary schedules the Tutorials and announces the schedule to the Sponsor reflector at least 30 days before the meeting.

e) Conflicts to be resolved by Executive Secretary and Sponsor Chair based on most importance to IEEE 802.

f) Schedule is provided on IEEE 802 website with abstracts 7 days before the meeting. g) The final PDF version of the presentations shall be filed with the recording secretary at least

24 hours before the tutorial, or the tutorial may be postponed. h) Held Monday, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm, 7:30 pm– 9:00 pm, 9:00 pm–10:30 pm, and are held on

Tuesday only on an optional basis (i.e., concurrent WG meetings are allowed)i) Tutorials in support of a new PAR should be conducted Monday evening.

4) IEEE 802 Tutorials should NOT be:a) Product announcements b) Company announcements


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2.5 Commercialism at meetings(Sponsor Chair Origin, updated by EC motion 21 March 2014)

IEEE 802 Plenary Sessions are held to develop standards. Commercial activity in conjunction with these meetings is discouraged. The IEEE 802 EC has expressed a clear desire to avoid product promotions, or anything that can be construed as a product promotion, at the IEEE 802 plenary sessions. We do not want IEEE standards meetings to turn into trade shows, where vendors avail themselves of the opportunity to show their wares to a captive audience. Any discussion of pricing information in the IEEE 802 plenary session can bring our body under suspicion of anti-trust violations and therefore cannot be allowed.

IEEE 802 meetings make no provision for hospitality suites, product demos, and receptions (collectively referred to as "vendor events"). However, if any vendor embarks on such an activity they are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:

1) No announcements or notifications regarding vendor events should be made inside the IEEE 802 meeting rooms or in the vicinity of the IEEE 802 meeting rooms or IEEE 802 registration office.

2) No brochures or other collateral material should be distributed inside the IEEE 802 meeting rooms, or in the adjacent areas that constitute the IEEE 802 meeting area. An exception is made for brochures and collateral related to current and upcoming meeting venues, such as travel brochures, and for IEEE publications.

3) No posters outside IEEE 802 meeting rooms. 4) No notification using IEEE WG email reflectors. 5) No commercial mailing notification using the address lists obtained from IEEE or IEEE 802.

The Sponsor Chair may allow any of the following for a company that provides financial sponsorship for an IEEE 802 session:

a) Logos on meeting website, badges and signage, Host can provide additional signage i.e. banners)

b) Logos on t-shirts and lanyards (provided by Host)c) Public acknowledgement by the IEEE 802 at the Plenaryd) Limited number of complimentary registrations for the meeting and an earlier meeting for

Host personnel to aid in preparation.e) Limited product exhibition spacef) Table for literature and pop-up banner, outside meeting rooms only.g) Social media promotionh) Speaking opportunity at reception, plenary or tutorial, but not a product pitchi) Joint press release

2.6 Identification of WG contributors in standards(Sponsor Chair Origin)

The list of contributors to a standard (to appear in the front piece) should normally be included with thedocument during the Sponsor Ballot period. The list is:


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1) determined by the WG Chair and, 2) normally consists of those who are WG members at the time the project went to WG Ballot.

This list will be used to determine which WG members and other experts will receive a PDF copy of the standard when approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board.

2.7 Recording attendee information in meeting minutes(Sponsor Chair Origin)

IEEE 802 meeting minutes are public documents; therefore a minimal amount of attendee information should be contained in minutes in order to provide privacy for attendees.

The minutes should only record an attendee’s name and affiliation. Meeting participants shall disclose their affiliation as per the IEEE-SA Operations Manual, The affiliation information shall be included in the minutes next to the attendee’s name.

Any other personal information, such as email, telephone, address, etc. should not be included in the minutes.

2.8 Criteria for posting information to the EC reflector(Sponsor Chair Origin)

The IEEE 802 EC email reflector is open to viewing by anyone that may have an interest. Occasionally it is necessary to keep some information under consideration by the EC private; hence it should not be distributed via the EC email reflector, but via a private list containing every EC member’s email address.

All EC business should be conducted in public via the reflector except for the following classes of information which should be distributed to the EC members via a private means:

1) vendor contracts for review and approval (on the other hand, high level summary of terms and conditions are appropriate for posting to the EC email reflector)

2) any personal information (all EC email reflector traffic should be strictly IEEE 802 business related)

3) any information that has been explicitly deemed as possibly 'confidential and/or proprietary' 4) any information the EC has explicitly decided to be of 'executive privilege' 5) any attorney-client privileged information

In addition, Announcements (without attachments) of key activities such as WG ballots of drafts shouldbe copied to the EC email reflector.

2.9 Patent Policy announcement instructions(Sponsor Chair Origin)

2.9.1 Face to face meetings

At the first meeting of any session of a IEEE 802 WG, TAG, SG, Task Force (TF) or Task Group (TG),


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the IEEE-SA PatCom developed slide set [] shall be presented by the chair, or the chair's designee, in accordance with the 'Instructions for the WG Chair' found on slide 0 of the slide set. Another separate slide (one only) will then be shown that details the URLs of the Patent Policy, Patent FAQ, Affiliations FAQ, Antitrust guidelines, and Ethics policy. This would also be included within the pre-published tentative agenda.

During any subsequent meetings, only the slide showing the URLs needs to be shown. The chair, or thechair's designee, shall also make a statement that [a] the meeting is subject to the patent policy as presented on the first meeting of the session; and [b] if any individual believes that patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) might be or may become essential patent claims, that fact should bemade known. The fact that these statements were made, and any responses that were given, specificallythe patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom, shall be duly recorded in the meeting minutes.

2.9.2 Online or Teleconference Meetings

As part of the pre-published tentative agenda or meeting announcement, a link to the IEEE-SA PatComdeveloped slide set [] shall be provided indicating that they have to be read prior to the meeting. At the start of the meeting the chair shall ask whether there is anybody participating that has not read the slide set. If someone says they have not, then the chair must either [a] read the slide set aloud, or [b] send the slide set, or URL of the slide set, electronically and pause the call until all participants have read the slide set.

The chair shall also make a statement that if any individual believes that patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) might be or may become essential patent claims, that fact should be made known. The fact that these statements were made, and any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom, shall be duly recorded in the minutes.

2.9.3 IEEE 802 Web site

The IEEE 802 web site as well as all IEEE 802 Working Group, Technical Advisory Group, Executive Committee Study Group web sites will contain a link to the Patent Policy, Patent FAQ, Affiliations FAQ, Antitrust guidelines, and Ethics policy.

2.9.4 Suggested URLs for reference by websites:

1) Patent Policy, Patent FAQ, Antitrust guidelines, Patent Tutorial, Patent information in the IEEE Standards Companion, what you need to know about standards and the law, the LOA form, the LOA cover letter, the LOA database and the LOA process flowchart. l

2) Affiliations FAQ: l

3) Ethics policy:


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2.10 IEEE 802 EC’s responsibility to progress PARs(Sponsor Chair Origin)

PARs within the IEEE SA are assigned to Sponsors, and the IEEE 802 EC as a whole has the responsibility to ensure PARs assigned within IEEE 802 are properly progressed. Should a member of the EC believe work on a particular PAR is not being properly advanced (e.g. a WG refuses to forward a draft to RevCom even though it has properly completed the sponsor balloting process) the matter should be raised to the EC for consideration. In addition, materially interested parties can file appeals to the EC if it is felt that a WG is not properly advancing the work of an assigned PAR.

2.11 WG Vice Chair activities (Sponsor Chair Origin)

Since WG Vice Chairs must be ready to step in as acting WG Chairs should the WG Chair be unable to serve, it is expected that WG Vice Chairs will regularly attend EC opening and closing meeting. In addition, WG Vice Chairs should be assigned regular duties by the WG Chair. Such duties should include, maintenance of WG rules, and maintenance of WG membership rosters. The WG Chair may assign Vice Chairs other regular duties, and of course special actions that pertain to the orderly conduct of WG business.

2.12 The sponsor ballot process(Sponsor Chair Origin)

There are numerous requirements for IEEE sponsor ballots. This guideline summarizes where they canbe found. Most of these requirements are delegated to the WG Chair proposing to conduct the ballot. New WG Chairs should carefully review this documentation prior to conducting a sponsor ballot so they are thoroughly prepared for the process. They are also encouraged to seek the advice of an experienced WG Chair should they have questions about the process.

After the WG and EC approve balloting of a new draft standard, the Sponsor Ballot process is handled via the myProject/myBallot tools at IEEE-SA. A help section exists for the Sponsor Ballot process. Additional guidance can be found in Section 3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Style Manual on topics such as conducting mandatory editorial coordination (MEC). These documents will guide the WG Chair initiating the ballot through the balloting process. One important tip is to advise ballot participants not to attached comments as “attachements”. While the tools allow it, it can complicate the process for approval by the IEEE-SA Standards Board Review Committee (RevCom).

2.13 Duties of the Sponsor Officers(Sponsor Chair Origin)

The following responsibilities have been developed for the Sponsor Chair and appointed positions:

2.13.1 Sponsor Chair responsibilities

1) Fulfill duties as outlined in IEEE 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures2) Obligations to Computer Society (CS)


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a) Attend CS Standards Activities Board (SAB) meetings as Sponsor Chair (one face-to-face, nominally three teleconferences)

b) Represent IEEE 802 views and needs c) Guide/facilitate healthy evolution of CS-SAB projects and practicesd) Produce summary reports on IEEE 802 activities, 4 times a yeare) Generate IEEE 802 annual report: past year highlights, next year target goals, summary

overviews, major changes, etc.3) Obligations to IEEE 802 beyond explicit duties identified in IEEE 802 LMSC Policies and

Proceduresa) Sign and, in many cases, draft/author/edit official communications to external organizations

(e.g., FCC, ITU-T, ITU-R, etc....nominally 20-25 documents per year) b) Review and sign-off on Sponsor Ballot lists generated by SA c) Review and sign-off on PAR submissions, send to CS-SAB and IEEE SA Standards Board d) Facilitate generation of IEEE 802 agenda with help from the recording secretary, finalize

agenda for the closing executive meeting e) Review with the Recording Secretary all IEES 802 actions items after the end of the plenary

sessionf) Review with the Executive Secretary all meeting planning recommendations and help deal

with meeting logistics issues as they arise g) Review with the Treasurer the meeting budget and help deal with financial issues as they

ariseh) Working with IEEE SA staff to address any issues regarding the orderly management of

Standards development (at a minimum consists of chairing IEEE 802 Task Force meetings during Plenary sessions and SA Standards Board meetings)

i) Work with IEEE 802 participants to address any concerns and suggestions for improving operations of the IEEE 802.

1) Plenary Meeting Facilitation: a) On-call entire week to coach/mentor/facilitate resolution of issues and guide actions toward

IEEE 802 win-win results (usually 72 hours, 10-15 key projects). [This limits one's freedom to attend WG meetings to no more than a few hours at best)

b) Act as liaison with IEEE SA staff (at plenary session and in Piscataway usually during SA Standards Board sessions) on working issues/projects (usually 5-10 hours per Plenary meeting)

c) Lead ad hoc activities as needed, usually two or three per Plenary2) Inter-Meeting Activities:

a) Follow-up on items in (3) aboveb) Work with IEEE staff on issue resolution (e.g., Sponsor Ballot process, SA directives,

getIEEE802, distribution of IEEE standards to registered attendees, drafts for sale, legal issues, etc.)

c) Respond to calls from the press, obtain approval of IEEE 802 press releases etc.d) Respond to NesCom and RevCom concerns on behalf of IEEE 802 PARs and draft standard

reviews (if needed beyond WG chair actions)e) Monitor JTC 1 actions affecting 8802 series of standardsf) Monitor FCC, IETF, ITU-T and ITU-R activities, sign off on liaison communicationsg) Conduct EC email ballots (usually less than 10)


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General Notes:

There are tremendous variations in the level of time/resources needed to support IEEE 802. There is a somewhat constant level of 80 hours per month (average) to do the various items identified above. There are also actions that demand attention whenever they occur, ranging from big issues that take 100% of one's time because of the magnitude of the issue, or the volume of communications. Unfortunately, the latter events have become more frequent and they can consume full-time effort (or more) from five to twenty five days.

There is another level of activity that has tremendous advantages for IEEE 802 at the same time it consumes substantial resources. From time-to-time the opportunity arises for IEEE 802 spokespersons to speak at conference and seminars. One could make this a full-time job, or ignore it. Experience indicates that good/valuable opportunities arise about once a year to make a major presentation at somenational or international meeting. It is my opinion that EC members should do more of this on a coordinated basis to spread the word, build further interest, gain added commitments to IEEE 802 programs.

2.13.2 First Vice Chair responsibilities

1) To stand in for the Sponsor Chair when needed. This can be for a few minutes at the EC meetings. Other times it means chairing an entire Plenary session. In the latter case, there are a couple of weeks' worth of work in the 4-6 weeks before the Plenary session, and 100% consumption of one's time during the session. Occasionally and emergency situation develops, and the First Vice Chair is suddenly required to conduct IEEE 802 business for an extended period of time.

2) The primary responsibility is to lead mentoring and IEEE 802 training program efforts. This position will focus on the execution of the Education, Mentoring and Support program which is intended to improve the overall efficiency and quality of IEEE 802 standards projects.

3) Be expert on IEEE 802, CS-SAB and SA Policy and Procedures, IEEE 802 process and RobertsRules of Order to help resolve issues in EC meetings and, when asked, at WG/TAG meetings.

4) To help the Sponsor Chair in situations where the Sponsor Chair believes he needs assistance with issues primarily arising in the various working groups.

5) Act as a mentor to new WG Chairs and work with the Sponsor Chair to oversee the assignment of experienced IEEE 802 members to mentor WG Chairs as appropriate.

6) Visit WG/TAG sessions for short intervals during the Plenary session to keep abreast of the pulse of the organization. This should be coordinated with the Second Vice Chair to maximize coverage of all IEEE 802 projects.

7) Support maintenance of IEEE 802 LMSC Policy and Procedures with Second Vice Chair and bean expert on the IEEE 802 LMSC Policy and Procedures.

8) Present IEEE 802 introductory information at each Plenary session.9) In coordination with the Sponsor Chair and Second Vice Chair, help resolve IEEE 802, SA and

BoG issues with IEEE staff, IEEE Standards Board, BoG and CS-SAB.10) Assist Sponsor Chair with miscellaneous administrative and other assigned tasks.

2.13.3 Second Vice Chair responsibilities

1) The primary responsibility is to lead policies and procedure change activities. When major


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issues are being addressed this can consume significant amounts of time, occasionally precluding meaningful participation in a working group.

2) Be expert on IEEE 802, CS-SAB and SA Policy and Procedures, IEEE 802 process and RobertsRules of Order to help resolve issues in EC meetings and, when asked, at WG/TAG meetings.

3) Visit WG meetings for short intervals during the Plenary week to keep abreast of the pulse of the organization. This should be coordinated with the First Vice Chair to maximize coverage ofall IEEE 802 projects.

4) Interpret the IEEE 802 LMSC Policy and Procedures and provide advice to LMSC members, WG Chairs, and other EC members when requested.

5) In coordination with the Sponsor Chair and First Vice Chair, help resolve IEEE 802, SA and BoG issues (such as appeals, IPR issues, complaints, timely issuance of sponsor ballots, Get802program and draft sales) with IEEE staff, IEEE Standards Board, BoG and CS-SAB.

6) Assist Sponsor Chair with miscellaneous administrative and other assigned tasks.

2.13.4 Treasurer's responsibilities

1) Establishment and maintenance of accounts a) credit card companies b) bank account

i) checking account ii) credit card charge processing

c) vendor accounts2) Prepare Budget

a) annual CS SAB submission b) periodic recommendations/justification for meeting fee changes

3) Collect and Disburse Moneya) establish money handling procedures for meeting registration staff

i) check and travelers check endorsementii) credit card processingiii) temporary storage of receiptsiv) daily cash-out

b) credit card deposit transactions (one or two per meeting day) c) void/adjusted credit card transactions (one to three per meeting weekd) storage of cash/check/etc during plenary meetinge) preparation of deposits (deposit execution)f) review of vendor invoices (hotel master account, A/V, etc)g) expense reimbursement payments (executive committee member between meeting

expenses, items specifically approved by executive committee)h) deadbeat collections.

4) Reportsa) statement of operations, balance sheet

i) accounting period (meeting and following interval) at Monday executive committee and plenary

ii) estimated statements at closing executive committee and plenary meetingsb) reports of expenses to Computer Society


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c) deadbeat report (recommendations for removal of voting rights when needed)5) Capital Equipment

a) maintain records of owned equipment and assigned custodians b) procure equipment approved by executive committee

6) Reprogram credit card transaction terminal for each meeting7) Maintain files of all financial transactions (database and journal entry)8) Audits. Supply all necessary information to IEEE-SA auditor and provide oversight and

guidance as needed.

2.13.5 Recording Secretary's responsibilities

Required Core Responsibilities:

1) Record minutes of executive committee meetings (at a minimum the opening and closing EC meetings, at each of three plenary sessions per year with occasional executive sessions).

2) Maintain Sponsor email reflector and determine reflector settings.3) Maintain official records of minutes for historical purposes.4) Generate draft agenda for executive committee meetings.5) Edits and coordinates the distribution of IEEE 802 standards in electronic format once a year

with the IEEE-SA staff.6) Ensure existing automated tools are operating properly (e.g., registration database, attendance

monitoring, document handling, IEEE 802 web page, etc.) in conjunction with the Executive Secretary

7) Acts as the formal point of communication for all IEEE 802 appeals.8) Maintaining the IEEE 802 website.9) Generate informal communications regarding status of all new IEEE 802 work (e.g. PARs under

consideration, Study Group status) to other organizations at the discretion of the Sponsor Chair.

Additional Responsibilities (desired, could be given to others);

1) Maintain assignment lists (IEEE 802 decisions)a) Liaisonsb) OUIsc) LSAPs

2) Maintain archival records for:a) Functional requirements, document revisionsb) Policy and Procedures document revisionsc) IEEE 802 Guidelines/Practicesd) PARs approved, revised, completed, withdrawn, etc.

2.13.6 Executive Secretary Responsibilities

1) IEEE 802 Meetings: Efficiency Improvementa) Ensure existing automated tools are operating properly (e.g., registration database,

attendance monitoring, document handling, IEEE 802 web page, etc.) in conjunction with the Recording Secretary


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b) Develop requirements for additional meeting services to improve IEEE 802’s efficiencies in developing standards (e.g., combined live and virtual meetings, purely virtual meetings, improved registration, attendance and document systems, etc.)

c) Prototypes, deploys, tests, evaluates and summarizes test results of new systems. d) When appropriate work closely with IEEE SA staff to evaluate and/or implement new

systems.e) Manage the introduction of new systems until they are operating smoothly.f) Provide guidance to IEEE SA Sponsors, Working Groups and Staff outside of IEEE 802 in

deploying new smoothly operating systems2) IEEE 802 Plenary Sessions: Facilities and Services

a) oversee activities related to meeting facilities and services in conjunction with the Treasurerb) assist in identification of future site choices/locations c) coordinate with Conference Service Provider and the Sponsor Chair on major decisions

3) IEEE 802 Registration Databasea) responsible for database maintenanceb) oversee conference service staff on updates and additionsc) protection against loss/corruption of data

4) Assist IEEE 802 Treasurer a) review of expenditures and future budget preparations b) identify meeting deadbeats and report to treasurer for collection

2.14 Duties for other Sponsor positions

2.14.1 IEEE 802 Advisor, Member Emeritus responsibilities

1) Provide advice and guidance to the Sponsor Chair and all EC members on all matters before theEC (especially on controversial and difficult topics)

2) Fulfill assignments from the Sponsor Chair based on need covering a wide scope of activities: IEEE 802 items, the IEEE SA Staff, Standards Board and Board of Governor’s items; and international standards development items.

3) Act as a mentor to WG/TAG members and leaders, especially for new groups4) Note this is a non-voting EC position.

2.14.2 Meeting Designee

The Executive Secretary may select an individual, referred to as the Meeting Designee, to be in charge of a venue. The responsibilities of the Meeting Designee are:

1) Work with Meeting Planner to get an RFP for the dates assigned2) Get Meeting Planner to send the RFP to one or more venues3) Attend the Site visit to walk the space with the Meeting Planner and meet with the hotel staff as

the IEEE 802 EC contact point. The Meeting Planner is the primary Hotel Contact.4) Review the response from the venue(s)5) Present the bid with the Executive Secretary to the IEEE 802 EC (due to the P&P).6) Help in preparing the contract for the selected venue.7) Watch the terms of the contract to ensure that IEEE 802 meets our obligations and that the

venue meets theirs.15

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a) If there are deposits make sure the Treasurer makes them on time.b) If we have room block obligations deadlines, make sure the Executive Secretary and

Meeting Planner have responded in timely mannerc) Attend the pre-meeting with the hotel again as the IEEE 802 EC contact.d) Be aware of the details of the contract to ensure compliance

2.15 Access to a published IEEE standard for outside groups(SA/Karen McCabe Origin)

The process for IEEE 802 working groups to request no-charge access to an approved IEEE 802 standard by a legitimate standards developing body for the sole purpose of standards development-related work prior to the standard being freely available from Get IEEE 802 Program.

1) All requests shall be made by the Sponsor Chair or WG chair.2) Email requests to the IEEE Staff Liaison.3) The email shall include:

a) the standard designation and approval date,b) the standards developing body/committee for whom the request is being made, andc) a brief description on why the access to the standard is needed by the standards developing

body/committee.4) The IEEE-SA will provide one electronic copy (PDF) along with a terms of use agreement

(which must be signed prior to access being provided).5) The request shall be a one-time request specifically for standards development related purposes.

If the IEEE-SA deems the request to encompass more than an exception for or addition to standards development related purposes, the IEEE-SA reserves the right,working with the IEEE 802 EC, to pursue a Memorandum of Understanding with the appropriate licensing terms.

2.16 Consent agendaThe following should be considered for inclusion on the consent agenda upon request:

1) First renewal of a Study Group (either ECSG or WGSG)2) Public statements (e.g., press releases, responses to regulatory bodies, liaison statements, etc.)

that have been announced to the EC email reflector made available to the EC members 24 hoursin advance of the start of the meeting.

3) Presentation of the Tutorial schedule at the opening meeting, only if all presentations have been given to the Recording Secretary according to the guidelines.

4) Other pro-forma information items5) Meeting minutes from previous meetings if they have been announced to the EC email reflector

and distributed 1 week in advance.

2.17 Email reflector policyIEEE 802 reflectors shall only be used for official business relating to IEEE 802 and its sub-groups. Technical discussions/questions, comments on presentations and documents, meeting announcements, etc., are acceptable uses of a reflector. Communications are expected to be respectful, dignified, and germane.


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IEEE 802 reflectors are not 'free speech' forums. Subscriptions are granted to further the purposes of IEEE 802 and may be revoked for inappropriate communications. These include: recruiting, advertising, soliciting, spamming, flaming, whining, whinging and disparaging individuals or companies.

IEEE 802 operates in an open manner. To that end, no material submitted to IEEE 802, or any of its sub-groups, will be accepted or considered if it contains any statement that places any burden on the recipient(s) with respect to confidentiality or copyright. Any communication, including electronic mail,containing language with such restrictive wording will not be accepted or considered.

Note - this policy regarding confidentiality and copyrights does not apply to IEEE copyrighted materials or copyrighted materials received from liaisons with other organizations, such as draft standards.

In addition, IEEE 802 reflectors operate under the IEEE Acceptable Use Practices (

The Chair of the group to which a reflector is dedicated shall enforce these policies.

2.18 Maintaining a repository for approved CSDs(EC motion, 17 July 2015)

CSDs approved after 17 July 2015 shall be stored in the IEEE 802 Executive Committee document repository in a group for approved CSD files: ACSD.

Upon approval of CSDs submitted to EC, the Recording Secretary shall create a document number in for the approved CSD and add the document to the ACSD group with that number. The Project number of the related PAR (e.g. 802.1Qcn, 802.11az, 802.15.3) with “.” replaced by “-“ will be used as the file name.

If a modification of a CSD is later approved, it will be uploaded as a revision of the same document number.

Therefore, the file identifier will be of the form:

EC-YY-NNNN-RR-ACSD-<Project number>

CSD files may be Power Point, Word or PDF formats.

The latest revision of an uploaded CSD is the official CSD for a project to be used for the CSD review as required by the “IEEE 802 LMSC Approval” subclause of the IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual. A link to it shall be provided in ballots so that voters can review whether a project is consistent with theCSD.

A link will be provided on the IEEE 802 webpage for a search to provide a listing of approved CSDs.


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3.0 Sponsor Chair's interpretationsThe interpretations below stand unless superseded by other rules, or later motions of the EC.

3.1 Interpretation on “substantially complete”(Issued 11/11/2010)

IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual clause titled “Procedure for Conditional Approval to Forward a Draft Standard” states:

“This procedure is to be used when approval to forward a draft standard to sponsor ballot or to RevCom is conditional on successful completion of a WG or sponsor recirculation ballot, respectively. Seeking conditional approval is only appropriate when ballot resolution efforts have been substantially completed and the approval ratio is sufficient.

The Sponsor Chair’s interpretation of 'substantially complete' is when there is a very low likelihood of receiving valid new disapprove comment(s)/vote(s) upon the next recirculation ballot, in the judgment of the WG Chair. If a new valid disapprove comment/vote is received as a result of the 'initial conditional recirculation ballot', the WG Chair may issue one 'subsequent conditional recirculation ballot' in an attempt to meet the conditional approval conditions. If the conditions are not met by the 'subsequent recirculation ballot', the 'conditional approval' terminates. Upon request the EC may grant either an unconditional approval or grant another conditional approval (this may be done via EC email ballot).


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4.0 EC Policy DecisionsThis clause contains binding policy decisions made by EC motion.

4.1 Student FeesEC Motion Origin, motion approved 9 November 1998.

This guideline defines how IEEE 802 will handle student registration fees.

Moved: Student registration fee at the IEEE 802 Plenary meetings of $100.

1) This motion is effective from the November 1998 plenary meeting onward.2) Professors and academic staff need to pay the full registration fee. There are no exceptions to

that rule. Retirees, out of work attendees also pay the full rate. IEEE 802 already has a number of University members attending and they will continue to pay the full fee.

3) The student discount is based upon:d) Students attendance will not count toward voting rights.e) Each student can only receive this discount for one meeting. Attendance at future meetings

will require payment of the full fee or EC waiver.f) Students will not be included in the Membership Data Base for future meeting

announcements. Since students are expected to change status rapidly, we don't want to try tokeep track of their address.

g) Students might join a WG Chair's reflector, at the discretion of the WG Chair.

To obtain this discount, a member of the EC needs to certify the student. This will typically require the EC member to confirm that the individual is a full time student and that the EC member has explained the process for attending IEEE 802 meetings.

Registration form will be filled out and fee will be paid at the meeting in normal manner. Student Badge will designate "student".

A student is defined as currently taking at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program in an IEEE designated field of interest for the current academic year.

The number of student discounts at a meeting will be limited to the first 10 applications.

4.2 Cross WG and TAG document and email reflector access(EC motion origin)

EC members should be allowed to join any IEEE 802 reflector / gain document access without meetingany attendance requirements.

WG Ballot information (excluding information on how to access drafts) should be copied to the EC reflector as general information for other Working Groups.

In addition, active participants in the activities of one IEEE 802 Working Group, Study Group, or Technical Advisory Group often have a legitimate need to study the work of other such groups. Therefore, access to the private areas of any IEEE 802 WG/TAG/SG web site, and to any private IEEE


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802 WG/TAG/SG email reflector, should be promptly granted to any participant in any other such group upon request to the appropriate WG/TAG/SG officer.

For the purposes of this guideline, a "participant" is taken to be one of the following:

1) A current voting member of a WG/TAG/SG;2) Any individual identified by the Chair of a WG/TAG/SG as a participant in the activities of that


IEEE 802 groups may also operate reciprocal access arrangements in which the username/password forone group's web site allows access to the private areas of another group, and vice versa. This practice isencouraged. EC members should be granted access to WG/TAG/SG email reflectors upon request.

4.3 IEEE 802 EC interim teleconference meeting(Sponsor Chair Origin)

4.3.1 Interim Schedule:

Tentatively, the EC Interim Teleconference is to be held on the 1st Tues of Feb, June, and Oct. The actual date is confirmed by the EC during the closing plenary prior to the interim meeting.

4.3.2 Interim Meeting Notifications:

Notification of the EC Interim Meeting Teleconference agenda shall be made 15-days prior to the interim meeting and shall be announced on the IEEE 802 EC reflectors. The meeting shall be open for observers and there should be resources for approximately 50 ports provided for the teleconference. The notification shall provide the proposed agenda and call-in information.

4.3.3 Interim Meeting Duration:

The duration of the teleconference shall be limited to 2 hours.

4.3.4 Interim Meeting Quorum requirement:

A quorum requirement exists as stated in Quorum subclause of the IEEE 802 LMSC Policies and Procedures for the call.

4.3.5 Scope of Interim Meeting:

The scope of the teleconference is limited. Typically the EC will conduct all of its business during the plenary face-to-face meetings. However, there are occasions where topics fail to have sufficient time for a complete discussion during the plenary session. Topics that may be discussed during the EC interim conference call may include the following topics:

1) Cross WG collaboration/competition2) Standard Development Efficiency3) IEEE-SA items4) IEEE 802 Task Force reports5) Review of Chair's Guidelines


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Voting on teleconferences is to be conducted using the same rules as voting for an in-person meeting. Topics that may require discussion and a decision by the EC are limited to the same list that is currentlyavailable for EC E-Mail Ballots and shall be included on the distributed agenda:

1) Press release, Liaisons, MOU etc.2) Approval for RevCom3) Approval for Sponsor Ballot4) Meeting venue selection approval

4.3.6 Out of Scope topics for Interim Meetings:

Topics of discussion and decisions that are out of scope for the interim teleconference include topics that require working group input and/or discussion such as PAR approval.

4.3.7 Urgent EC Teleconference Meeting Exception:

On rare occasions, there may be a need for an Urgent EC Meeting by teleconference to address unexpected circumstances that require a quick response. If the Sponsor Chair decides an urgent EC meeting is in order, the notification requirement may be as little as 24 hours.

4.4 Length of hotel stay for discounted registration(EC email ballot, closed 15 October 2010)

In the November 2009 meeting, the EC passed the motion that enabled a surcharge of $300 to the registration fee for those attendees not booking and staying in the IEEE 802-contracted hotel. Proof of hotel stay will be required to prevent the surcharge.

The purpose of this motion is to clarify what a "hotel stay" means. The result of the motion was that a hotel stay was defined as at least one night booking and staying in the IEEE 802 contracted hotel. Effective beginning with the November 2010 meeting.

4.5 Letter of affiliationAll members of the sponsor that are confirmed or elected, prior to confirmation or election, shall provide a signed letter that states their affiliation. This requirement may also be met by having an explicit statement of affiliation in the endorsement letter described in the “Voting membership” subclause of the IEEE LMSC Policies and Procedures. A statement of affiliation should be in the form of “For the purposes of IEEE 802, <potential Sponsor member's name>'s affiliation is <affiliation>.”

4.6 WG review of the CSDThe requirement for the review of the CSD by the WG may be met by a motion that is passed by the WG that approves the CSD.