ielts letters_7 bands

8/9/2019 IELTS Letters_7 Bands 1/25 IELTS-BLOG LETTERS OF BAND 8 IELTS Letter, topic: Leaving your current ep!oyent  "ou #ave $eci$e$ to !eave your current ep!oyent% &rite a !etter to your ep!oyer% Inc!u$e t#e 'o!!o(ing in your !etter: - E)p!ain (#y you are (riting - E)p!ain (#y you #ave $eci$e$ to !eave t#e copany - Te!! your ep!oyer (#at you p!an to $o a'ter !eaving your pre*ent ep!oyent Dear Sir/Madam I am writing this letter in regards to termination of my contract with the organization as a Guest Service Agent. The employment contract states a reuirement of two wee!s" notice. Therefore# my last day of employment will $e on %&th of May %'(%. The decision was made due to personal reasons# as my family and I will $e migrating to Singapore ne)t month. *ecently my hus$and has $een offered a managerial position in a five+star hotel# which we thought would $e a $etter prospect for his career. ,nce my family and I have settled down in Singapore# I plan to loo! for a -wor! at home o$ which would allow me to have fle)i$ility with my time and I would $e a$le to ta!e care of my children too. 0eaving the company is a great loss for me as I have learnt a lot and was given opportunities to grow. 1inally# I would li!e to than! you for the guidance provided during the period of my employment. 2ours sincerely# 3ve This letter covers the requirements of the task, all the bullet points are addressed sufficiently. The information and ideas are presented logically, and the paragraphing is appropriate. Although there are some instances of  poor word choice and grammar, most of the sentences are error-free. Overall, seems worthy of Band  IELTS Letter, topic: An e)p!anation 'or a re!ative A 'ai!y e+er i* coing to *tay (it# you% e*#e (i!! +e arriving +y train in t#e orning, +ut you (on.t +e #oe unti! t#e evening% &rite a !etter to

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IELTS Letter, topic: Leaving your current ep!oyent

 "ou #ave $eci$e$ to !eave your current ep!oyent% &rite a !etter to your

ep!oyer% Inc!u$e t#e 'o!!o(ing in your !etter:

- E)p!ain (#y you are (riting- E)p!ain (#y you #ave $eci$e$ to !eave t#e copany- Te!! your ep!oyer (#at you p!an to $o a'ter !eaving your pre*entep!oyent

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter in regards to termination of my contract with theorganization as a Guest Service Agent. The employment contract states a

reuirement of two wee!s" notice. Therefore# my last day of employment will $eon %&th of May %'(%.

The decision was made due to personal reasons# as my family and I will $emigrating to Singapore ne)t month. *ecently my hus$and has $een offered amanagerial position in a five+star hotel# which we thought would $e a $etterprospect for his career.

,nce my family and I have settled down in Singapore# I plan to loo! for a -wor! athome o$ which would allow me to have fle)i$ility with my time and I would $ea$le to ta!e care of my children too. 0eaving the company is a great loss for me

as I have learnt a lot and was given opportunities to grow.

1inally# I would li!e to than! you for the guidance provided during the period ofmy employment.

2ours sincerely#


This letter covers the requirements of the task, all the bullet points areaddressed sufficiently. The information and ideas are presented logically,

and the paragraphing is appropriate. Although there are some instances of poor word choice and grammar, most of the sentences are error-free.Overall, seems worthy of Band  

IELTS Letter, topic: An e)p!anation 'or a re!ative

A 'ai!y e+er i* coing to *tay (it# you% e*#e (i!! +e arriving +y trainin t#e orning, +ut you (on.t +e #oe unti! t#e evening% &rite a !etter to

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your re!ative% In your !etter:- e)p!ain t#e arrangeent* you #ave a$e 'or t#e to get /ey* an$ entert#e #ou*e- te!! your re!ative #o( to get 'ro t#e train *tation to your #ou*e- *ay (#en you (i!! +e #oe an$ *ugge*t (#at you cou!$ $o toget#er t#at


Dear Tanya#

4ow are you5 I hope your ourney was comforta$le. I have an appointment withmy dentist at 6 pm today and this is why I will not $e at home when you willarrive. 4owever# I have left the !eys with Mr. Sharma at house 7(6. 2ou can ta!ethe !eys from him and enter the house. I have made some 8hic!en 9iriyani foryou and prepared the guest room upstairs so that you can rest.

:hen you arrive# your train will stop at the 8entral railway station. 2ou need to

ta!e the e)it towards *oma Street. ,nce you come out of the station# you needto turn right and wal! ('' metres. 2ou will find the $us stop num$er &; on theopposite side of the road. 2ou need to catch $us num$er <<< and get off at*o$ertson Stop. My address is= 7%># 1leetwood St# Macgregor.

I will $e in home $y &=<' pm# and so will $e Sam and 4arry as well. :e haveplanned to watch -The Dar! ?night at home. I will ma!e smo!ed salmon withchic!en salad and we can have some wine with the dinner as well. See yousoon.

0ovingly 2ours


This letter covers the requirements of the task, all the bullet points areaddressed sufficiently. The information and ideas are presented logically,and the paragraphing is appropriate. The use of vocabulary can beimproved. !ost of the sentences are error-free with only a fewinappropriate words used. Overall, seems good enough for Band .

IELTS Letter, topic: Te!!ing a 'rien$ a+out a ne( 0o+

&rite a !etter to an Eng!i*#-*pea/ing 'rien$% In your !etter - e)p!ain (#y you c#ange$ 0o+*- $e*cri+e your ne( 0o+- te!! #i#er your ot#er ne(*

Dear @ohn#

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I am writing to let you !now that I finally got a Software 3ngineer position inGoogle. I am so happy to share this news with you. As I told you earlier# myprevious o$ was so $oring for me. I !ept wor!ing on fi)ing uncounta$le $ugs ofan e)isting system. Thus I started see!ing new o$ opportunities % months ago.

Since I wal!ed in Google"s office during my first interview# I immediately !newthat this was my ideal wor! place. My maor responsi$ility is tuning search resultson several Google products. The most e)citing thing is that my supervisor is apioneer in this area around the world. I $elieve that I can get enormous cutting+edge !nowledge from him.

1urthermore# I have $ought a new house near my office. I would li!e to invite youto visit ne)t month if you are free at that point of time.

:ith $est wishes#


T#i* !etter cover* t#e ta*/ propt 'u!!y% It #a* t#e rig#t *tructure an$ it*!eve! o' 'ora!ity i* *uita+!e 'or a per*ona! !etter% T#e voca+u!ary an$*entence *tructure i* 'ine% T#e !etter cou!$ #ave ac#ieve$ a #ig#er +an$*core i' it (a*n.t 'or t#e error* 1ou*e over t#e (or$* in +!ue (i!! *#o(*ugge*te$ correction*2% See* (ort#y o' Ban$ 8%

IELTS Letter, topic: 3op!aining to neig#+our* a+out t#eir noi*y $og

 "our neig#+our* #ave a $og t#at i* noi*y at nig#t% "ou can.t *!eep% &rite a

!etter to your neig#+our*% In your !etter:- $e*cri+e t#e pro+!e (it# t#e $og- e)p!ain (#y it i* iportant 'or you to *!eep- out!ine (#at your neig#+our* cou!$ $o a+out t#e *ituation%

Dear Mr and Mrs 9rown#

I am writing to you to $ring to your attention a pro$lem that i have $een havingwith your dog at night.

 As you may already $e aware of# your dog started ma!ing small detours at night

around the neigh$orhood# digging holes in the gardens and often ma!ing loudnoises. I was awo!en $y your dog"s $ar!s several times lately# and I had evenconsulted a doctor and had $een prescri$ed some sleeping pills.

This wouldn"t have $een as $ig of a pro$lem for me if I wasn"t in the middle of mye)ams# $ut since I am# it is crucial for me to get good rest and sleep during theright hours I have morning e)ams to wa!e up to.

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I will therefore $e grateful if you could have your dog loo!ed after $y anothermem$er of your family away from this neigh$orhood# even if only until my e)amsare over# which will $e in a$out three wee!s time.

Than! you for ta!ing time to read this letter# I hope you will address this issue


2ours sincerely#@eongsup 9yun

T#i* i* a goo$ !etter on a!! account*, e)cept per#ap* *oe inaccurate (or$c#oice an$ ver+ 'or* 1+ring t#e ou*e over t#e (or$* in +!ue to *ee*ugge*te$ correction*2% Suc# !etter cou!$ +e a(ar$e$ Ban$ 8 in a rea!IELTS e)a%

IELTS Letter, topic: E)p!aining to a 'rien$ #o( to !oo/ a'ter your #ou*e

 "ou are going a(ay to trave! 'or t#e *uer% A 'rien$ (i!! +e !oo/ing a'teryour #ou*e (#i!e you are a(ay% &rite a !etter to your 'rien$% In your !etter:- *ay (#ere you are going- $e*cri+e your #ou*e- e)p!ain *oe o' t#e t#ing* your 'rien$ u*t $o to !oo/ a'ter your #ou*e%

Dear Sam#

Than! you in advance for loo!ing after my house and my lovely puppies while Iam on vacation. 2ou !now how e)cited I am to go to 9aliB It is indeed a dream

coming true now.

I ust want to let you !now that my house has $een renovated and since youhaven"t $een to my place for a couple of months# you have to use the stairs ne)tto the car par! instead of using the main entrance door. The ground floor will not$e accessi$le and will $e loc!ed for maintenance reasons.

I need to mention a couple of things which you need to loo! after during mya$sence. My dogs will $e staying on the top floor and I will $e very grateful if youcan feed them thrice a wee!.

0ast $ut not least# could you please clean after the dogs as well5 Clease feel freeto contact me in case of any emergencies on my cell phone '6%6&;(((% or viaemail as well )) 2es I !now# I have not forgotten your treat as Iowe you this one mate B

Than! you once again for your help.

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See you soon#@ane

T#e can$i$ate #a* 'air!y a$$re**e$ a!! t#e part* o' t#e ta*/ *tateent% T#ein'oration i* organi4e$ (e!! an$ conveye$ co#erent!y% T#e !eve! o'

'ora!ity i* *uita+!e 'or a per*ona! !etter% In ter* o' *entence 'oration t#e(riter #a* $one (e!!% T#e range o' voca+u!ary i* a$e5uate 'or t#ere5uireent* o' t#e ta*/ re*pon*e, a!t#oug# t#ere are inor pro+!e* (it#(or$ c#oice an$ graar 1+ring t#e ou*e over t#e (or$* in +!ue to *ee*ugge*te$ correction*2% Overa!!, t#i* !etter i* a goo$ one, an$ *ee*(ort#y o' Ban$ 8%

IELTS Letter, topic: E)pre**ing $i**ati*'action (it# a cour*e at co!!ege

 "ou are not #appy (it# t#e cour*e you are $oing at co!!ege an$ (ou!$ !i/eto c#ange to a $i''erent cour*e% &rite a !etter to t#e co!!ege $irector

re5ue*ting to c#ange your cour*e% "ou *#ou!$ inc!u$e $etai!* a+out:- (#at cour*e are you $oing no(- (#y you are not *ati*'ie$ (it# t#at cour*e- (#at cour*e (ou!$ you !i/e to c#ange to

Dear Mr. 4odg!ins#

I am currently enrolled in an Italian coo!ing class at St. @ames and am writingregarding some difficulties I have had while doing this su$ect for the past twowee!s. I would li!e to !now if it is possi$le for me to change my course.

I $elieve that the last day allowed for students to ma!e any changes was:ednesday &th @une $ut# my particular situation reuires special consideration.The fact is that# during the enrolment session# no one mentioned that I needed to$e literate in Italian# which I"m not. Therefore# you will comprehend that for me#getting an understanding of what the teacher is saying is $eyondcomprehensi$le.

Thus# I am reuesting that my current enrollment $e transferred from the Italiancourse to the 1rench coo!ing class. As unli!e in Italian# I am fluent in 1rench.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to you and the staff and loo!

forward to hearing from you.

2ours sincerely#

Sandrine Mo

T#e *tu$ent.* re*pon*e cover* t#e ta*/ 5ue*tion very (e!!, t#e *entence*#ave goo$ *tructure, t#e !eve! o' 'ora!ity i* a$e5uate an$ t#e voca+u!ary

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i* *uita+!e 'or t#e purpo*e% Soe e)pre**ion* (ou!$ *oun$ +etter in$i''erent (or$ing 1*ee *ugge*tion* un$er!ine$ in +!ue2% Overa!!, t#i* !etter i*a very goo$ one, an$ *ee* (ort#y o' Ban$ 8%6%

IELTS Letter, topic: A cop!aint a+out a purc#a*e a$e on!ine

 "ou #ave recent!y or$ere$ an ite t#roug# t#e Internet, +ut are not #appy(it# t#e purc#a*e% &rite to t#e copany% In your !etter:

- $e*cri+e (#at you purc#a*e$,- e)p!ain (#y you are not #appy (it# t#e purc#a*e,- te!! t#e (#at you (ou!$ !i/e t#e to $o a+out t#e *ituation%

Dear Sir or Madam#

I am writing this letter to e)press my disappointment with a recent purchase I

made in your online store# order num$er 7>%F;;;<. I ordered a set of soccereuipment that were advertised on your site as a pac!age including < pairs ofsoc!s and a pair of soccer $oots. 4owever# on their arrival I found out that therewere only % pairs of soc!s. In addition# there were scratches on the $oots thatsuggest that they had $een used $efore and returned to your store.

I have since found the same offer on another we$site and will $e returning thepac!ages to your office. I have read the refund policy# and as I am dissatisfiedwith the product# I would li!e to reuest a full refund# as well as the postal andpac!aging fees. Should you have any uestions# you can contact me via email#my address is

I loo! forward to a swift resolution to this matter.

2ours sincerely#

*aymond @ose

T#e *tu$ent #a* *u''icient!y a$$re**e$ a!! t#e point* in t#e ta*/ *tateent%T#e in'oration i* organi4e$ (e!! an$ conveye$ co#erent!y% T#eparagrap#ing o' t#e !etter i* 'ine% Even t#oug# *oe inor graatica!error* are pre*ent in t#i* !etter, it i* a very goo$ one, an$ *ee* (ort#y o'

Ban$ 8%

IELTS Letter, topic: Boo/ing a #ote! roo

 "ou an$ your 'ai!y are p!anning to *pen$ a (ee/en$ at a *ea*i$e #ote!%

Ta*/: &rite a !etter to t#e #ote! a/ing t#e arrangeent*% Let t#e /no((#en you (i!! +e arriving an$ !eaving, (#at type o' roo* you (ou!$ !i/e,

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an$ a*/ t#e #o( uc# t#e (ee/en$ (i!! co*t% A!*o en5uire a+outactivitie* an$ p!ace* o' intere*t near t#e #ote!%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am writing this letter to ma!e arrangements for the stay during the wee!end atyour hotel and to get more information on the places of interest and differentactivities near$y.

I will $e arriving with my parents and wife to cele$rate my parents" weddinganniversary on the 6th of @uly which will $e on Saturday morning# and leaving onthe >th of @uly afternoon. I am loo!ing to $oo! dou$le+rooms with the attached$athroom for more privacy and convenience. I would love to have at least one$edroom with a $alcony or seaside view for my parents. I would also appreciate if you could provide me with the list of activities that we can ta!e part in during ourstay for more fun and adventure. I prefer the locations to $e near$y the hotel as

we are not familiar with the place. 1urthermore# I would also li!e to !now if thereare any historical sites or a mar!et near$y where we can e)plore more a$out theplace"s history and local culture.

I would li!e to receive the detailed information through email or fa) no later thanthe 6th of @uly with the total cost of stay during the wee!end.

I loo! forward to hearing from you.

2ours faithfully# A.G.

T#e *tu$ent #a* a$$re**e$ a!! t#e part* o' t#e ta*/ *tateent 'air!y (e!!%T#e in'oration i* organi4e$ nice!y an$ conveye$ co#erent!y% T#e graar an$ *entence 'oration are o*t!y 'ine, (it# on!y inor iproveent*nee$e$% T#e range o' voca+u!ary i* a$e5uate 'or t#e re5uireent* o' t#eta*/ re*pon*e% Overa!!, t#i* !etter i* a very goo$ one, an$ *ee* (ort#y o'Ban$ 8%

IELTS Letter, topic: 7er*ona!, a*/ing 'or t#e 'orgotten 'i!e

 "ou *taye$ at your 'rien$*. #ou*e (#en you participate$ in a +u*ine**

*einar in Au*tra!ia% "ou !e't a 'i!e (it# iportant $ocuent* in your roo%Ta*/: &rite a !etter to your 'rien$, $e*cri+ing t#e 'i!e an$ a*/ #i#er toreturn it to you +y po*t%

My dearest Chilip#

I am sorry I am writing only now. 1irstly# I would li!e to than! you for all theattention and support you gave me while I was in Sydney. Things li!e that are

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priceless and all I can give you is my gratitude. I e)pect you and Ingrid to cometo *io soon# so that I try to somehow propitiate eually oyful moments as thoseyou propiciated to me. I am writing also# $ecause of the fact that I forgot a veryimportant document in the room where I stayed at your house.

The document is a signed contract and was the most important reason for my tripto Australia# after the $usiness seminar I attended. 2ou certainly can imagine howdesperate I have $een in the last days loo!ing for this document in my luggage. Icould not find it anywhere and now I am sure I left it in your house.

Clease let me !now if you find it# and post it with e)press delivery as soon aspossi$le. I will pay for the e)pense ust let me !now what is your $an!# accountand $ranch num$ers.

:ith $est wishes#0eonardo

T#i* !etter *ee* to +e a +an$ 8 !etter%

IELTS Letter, topic: An e)p!anation 'or t#e +o**

 "ou *ucce**'u!!y pa**e$ a 0o+ intervie(% "ou are e)pecte$ to *tart onNove+er 6, +ut you (i!! not +e avai!a+!e on t#at $ate% Ta*/: &rite a !etterto your ne( +o**, e)p!aining your *ituation, e)pre**ing your concern an$*ugge*ting a *o!ution%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am 0eonardo Gomes and I have recently passed a o$ interview for theSoftware 3ngineer position at the Software Infrastructure group. I was e)pectedto start on Hovem$er (&# as agreed# and am writing $ecause# unfortunately# I willnot $e a$le to present myself on that date.

During the interview I estimated fifteen days as the amount of time needed forme to finish my activities at my current o$ and start at your company# $ut due tofact that I got sic! for the last whole wee! and was not a$le to wor!# I could notfinish my tas!s and will need another wee! to do so. If necessary# I can give youa copy of a letter from my doctor informing that I had to stay at home and under

medical care during that wee!.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope this will not affect ourrelationship. If I am e)pected to present any other form of proof or tal! tosomeone else in the company# please let me !now.

1aithfully yours#0eonardo

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T#i* !etter *ee* to +e +an$ 8 one%

IELTS Letter, topic: 3op!aint a+out a !aptop

 "ou #ave +oug#t a ne( !aptop coputer an$ in a 'e( $ay* o' purc#a*e

$i*covere$ a a0or '!a(% &rite a !etter to t#e copany% In your !etter - intro$uce your*e!' - e)p!ain t#e *ituation- *ay (#at action you (ou!$ !i/e to copany to ta/e%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am writing you to e)press my dissatisfaction with a laptop computer I $ought inyour store four days ago.

 As soon as I turned on the computer# I realized that :indows operating system

was not installed in it# even though the offer said it was included. In addition# Ichose a gray laptop and the one I received is $lac!. Moreover# the defaultlanguage of the laptop is @apanese and I haven"t $een a$le to change it to mynative language# which is 3nglish. To ma!e matters worse# the memoryspecifications of this laptop are not the same as the ones that I read in yourcatalog.

I definitely need this situation to $e solved as soon as possi$le. I made thedecision to $uy the laptop at your store# $ecause of previous goodrecommendations some friends of mine gave me a$out your store. 4owever#after this e)perience# I feel deceived.

I would li!e you to send me the laptop I first chose at your store# including all thespecifications is shown in the offer. If I don"t get a uic! response to my reuest# Iwill demand a full refund of the payment I already made.

Than!s in advance for your response.

2ours faithfully#

This is a good letter, all it need is a little more attention as there are certainlanguage inaccuracies "see comments underlined in blue#. Overall, this

looks like a Band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: A*/ing 'or in'oration a+out an e)ecutive event

 "ou are organi4ing an e)ecutive event 'or t#e copany you (or/ 'or%Ta*/: &rite a !etter to t#e per*on in c#arge o' a venue t#at you arecon*i$ering 'or t#e event an$ a*/ 'or $etai!e$ in'oration regar$ing $ate*,*ervice* an$ co*t*%

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Dear Sir#

I am writing to as! for information a$out organizing an e)ecutive event at yourvenue.

My name is Marcia# I wor! for a multinational company# and we need prepare anevent that will $e held on Decem$er (># %''>. I would li!e to o$tain the followinginformation=

(. 4ow many people can your clu$ contain5%. :hat !ind of food do you serve5<. Is there any special service availa$le for the disa$led56. :hat time can we start the event5&. Do you have any -animation service to offer5. 4ow much do you charge for your services5>. Do you offer any transportation service5

;. Is there anything else included on your services5

I would li!e to receive this information until ,cto$er %''># $ecause I need toprepare the department in charge of the event and invite the target audience. 2oucan send me this information via fa)# using the num$er && J%(K <6%%+F&&F# oremail me at= I am confident that your company willprovide us with the $est type of service we need# $ased on a$undance of goodreviews a$out your company.

2ours faithfully#Marcio Marinho

This is a good letter. %t covers the task, is correctly structured, and youused an appropriate style and vocabulary. There are some sentences thatneed a change in structure "see comments underlined in blue# and thereare also repetitions of the same word, which should be avoided. Overall,looks like a Band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: A*/ing 'or in'oration a+out a *einar 

 "ou (ou!$ !i/e to participate in a (or/-re!ate$ *einar in anot#er country%Ta*/: &rite a !etter to t#e per*on in c#arge o' t#e *einar an$ a*/ 'or

$etai!e$ in'oration regar$ing t#e $ate*, progra, accoo$ation an$co*t%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am writing to as! for information a$out the seminar that you are conductingduring the ne)t wee!.

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I am an electronics wholesale dealer in Ca!istan and I am interested to ta!e partin this wor!+related seminar. I thin! that it would $e very $eneficial for me to seethe latest electronic appliances and have an e)cellent opportunity to ma!econtacts with different companies. Therefore# I need to get some information indetail such as the total period of time your seminar ta!es and the leaflets of

different scheduled programs. In addition# I have a plan to come with my two staff mem$ers and would appreciate information a$out accommodation and totale)penditure# which you have estimated for each person.

2ou could send the a$ove+mentioned information to my e+mail address. I wouldli!e to receive it as soon as possi$le to $e a$le to prepare adeuately $efore thedeparture.

I am loo!ing forward to hearing from you.

2ours faithfully#

 Athar Hafees

This is a good letter. %t covers the task, the information is organi&ed welland each paragraph covers all the necessary details. There are someinaccuracies "see suggested changes in the comments underlined in blue#.Overall, this looks like a Band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: &riting to a pen pa!

 "ou #ave a pen 'rien$ !iving in anot#er country an$ #e*#e i* curiou* a+outt#e a0or ne(* ite* in your country%

Dear Amy#

4ow are you5 2ou didn"t write to me in ages. I remem$er in the last letter youhad mentioned $eing interested in current affairs in India.

The *eserve 9an! of India has increased *3C, rate $y .&' $asis points# whichhas lead to an increase in home loans" rates.

*ain in IHDIA is too heavy this year compared to the past two years. Two years$ac! Mum$ai was flooded and all the normal life was halted for ( L % days.

,ur Cresident Dr. A.C.@. A$dul ?alam# have finished his tenure on twenty first of@uly this year. How we have Mrs. Catil as our new and 1irst lady Cresident in theIndian history. She has political $ac!ground whereas Dr. A.C.@. A$dul ?alamdidn"t have.

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 After (6 years# people $ehind the Mum$ai $om$ $last in (FF< are finally $eingpunished. Some are $eing sentenced to death and some have to serve a longtime in prison.

Ta!e care. 9e in Touch.

This letter is not bad. %t has the right structure "apart from the first paragraph, last sentence of which should be in the second paragraph# andcovers the task, the vocabulary and the structure of sentences are fine.The logical connection of paragraphs needs some work, because it seemsas though you are 'umping from issue to issue, instead of linking themsmoothly.

 Add some more personal touch in the last paragraph, ask how they aredoing or what are their news. (on)t forget to sign your name in the end.*ee comments for detailed corrections. Overall, this looks like a Band +.


IELTS Letter, topic: &riting to a anager a+out pro+!e* at (or/

 "ou recent!y too/ a part-tie 0o+ (or/ing 'or a !oca! copany% A'ter a 'e((ee/*, you rea!i4e$ t#ere (ere *oe pro+!e* (it# t#e 0o+%&rite a !etter to t#e anager o' t#e copany% In your !etter 

- E)p!ain (#y you too/ t#e 0o+- De*cri+e t#e pro+!e* t#at you e)perience$- Sugge*t t#at (#at cou!$ +e $one a+out t#e

Dear Manager#

I am writing to e)plain you some difficulties# which I am e)periencing since lastmonth# and I would li!e to inform you.

I am wor!ing a part time o$ with you in the evening and doing my mastersdegree in software programming in the morning and not only to help with myfinancial pro$lem#$ut also to accomplish my s!ills in my field. 9ut there are manytrou$les with the computer system here.

1irst of all# it is not fully euipped with hardware and secondly# the software in it isnot updated enough. 9asically we are wor!ing for many famous companies toprovide them software and also we assist them in case of any trou$leshooting.

8onseuently# if the company provides the latest machines with updatedsoftware to their wor!ers# it will not $e merely e)pedient for the companyreputation and progress. It can also give an edge to the Crogrammer# Designerand 4ardware/Hetwor! 3ngineer to learn and wor! well for the company clients

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in a $etter way. In this way# we can save our plethora of time and in return we canproduce some fascinating wor!.

I am loo!ing forward to your passing my suggestion to higher management andhopefully they will ta!e some corrective and optimistic action as soon as


2ours sincerely#


This letter is too long �   words instead of the advised /-/+. %t is tooe0tensive, % suggest that you make it shorter by summari&ing some of thesentences. There are some confusing e0pressions and some incompletesentences, the grammar needs attention. *ee comments "underlined inblue# for details. Overall, looks like Band +. letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: 3op!aint a+out a 'au!ty o+i!e p#one

 "ou #ave +oug#t a ne( o+i!e p#one an$ in a 'e( $ay* a'ter purc#a*e it#a* *toppe$ (or/ing% "ou *po/en to t#e copany repre*entative a (ee/ago +ut t#e p#one #a* *ti!! not +een repaire$%

&rite a !etter to t#e copany% In your !etter - intro$uce your*e!' - e)p!ain t#e *ituation- *ay (#at action you (ou!$ !i/e to copany to ta/e%

Dear Sir/ Madam#

I am writing to inform you a$out the faulty mo$ile phone that I have purchased inyour store.

My name is 8hristine 9.# I am a regular customer of your company. ,n the ('thof March# I $ought a $rand new Ho!ia 2N mo$ile. 4owever# upon one wee! ofusing it# pro$lems started to appear. The flash of the camera is no longerwor!ing. Also# the monitor is getting $lurry which ma!es it difficult for me to seethe SMS messages clearly. I was very surprised to discover such pro$lems in

uite an e)pensive model.

Haturally# I returned the mo$ile phone in your store to $e replaced with a newone. ,ne of your sales staff mem$ers told me that they will send it to my homeaddress within one wee!. 4owever# two wee!s have passed without me receivingany replacement. I am very upset with your poor service.

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In this regard# I insist on getting a refund of my full payment if the replacementwill not arrive within one more wee!.

2ours faithfully#

8hristine 9.

This is a very good letter. The structure of paragraphs and sentences,grammar, vocabulary, the length of the letter 1 everything is in order. Thereare some minor corrections "see comments underlined in blue#. Otherwise,this looks like a Band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: 3op!aint a+out a renta! car 

 "ou rente$ a car 'ro a 3ar Renta! 3opany% T#e air con$itioner #a**toppe$ (or/ing% "ou p#one$ t#e copany a (ee/ ago +ut it *ti!! #a* not

+een repaire$%

&rite a !etter to t#e copany% In your !etter - intro$uce your*e!' - e)p!ain t#e *ituation- *ay (#at action you (ou!$ !i/e to copany to ta/e%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am writing to complain a$out the air conditioner in my car# which I rented fromyour company for two wee!s. Onfortunately# it has stopped wor!ing.

I rented a Mercedes 9enz ; days ago and my customer num$er is (%<'. Actually#what happened is when I was on my way from @ac!sonville to Miami# althoughthe atmosphere temperature was cooler# suddenly a sound came from theengine. At first# I thought that the engine $elt was $ro!en and I might not $e a$leto drive the car any further. 4owever# when I felt no air coming from the airconditioner# I realized it had stopped wor!ing.

Haturally# when I got $ac! home I immediately contacted your customer carecenter and registered my complaint. They issued me a complaint num$er %<6<6<and said that they will send a technician at my house within two to three $usiness

days to get it repaired. Almost one wee! has passed since I called# $ut still it isnot $eing repaired.

I am not at all satisfied with your customer service. In case you can"t resolve mypro$lem within % $usiness days after the receipt of this letter# I want a completerefund of the car rental payment which I made in advance# a total amount ofP%''.

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2ours faithfully#4asnain Sira

This is a good letter. %t has the right structure, covers the task, the paragraphs are connected together by linking words and the sentences are

well-structured. The grammar needs some attention, especially the prepositions and the way you use tenses "see comments underlined inblue#. Overall, this looks like a Band +. 1 $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: a igrant (rite* a !etter to a 'rien$

 "ou igrate$ to anot#er country% &rite a !etter to your 'rien$ to $e*cri+eyour pre*ent !i'e an$ te!! #i#er (#y you c#o*e t#i* country%

Dear 0inda#

I"m sorry I haven"t $een writing to you for such a long time. I am writing to let you!now that I have migrated to Certh# Australia. My family and I arrived in Certh onthe third of April and we have finally settled down.

:e migrated to Certh $ecause my sisters and their families have also migratedthere three years ago. :e have planed to oin them in Certh and also did this forthe children"s education and their future as well.

:e have ust settled in our new house and the !ids are enoying the pool almostevery day. They have $een attending a pu$lic school and have made uite a lotof friends. The people here are very friendly and helpful. @ohn has also found a

 o$ near the city. The wor!ing environment here according to @ohn is verydifferent from Malaysia. As for me# I am a full time housewife# enoying themorning coffee with the newspaper.

Do let me !now when you plan to visit Certh and you are always welcome to stayat my new house.

:ith love#Sharon.

This is a good letter. %t has the correct structure, the task is covered, the

sentences are nicely built and it leaves a good impression because of thefluency of the language. *ee comments underlined in blue for minorcorrections. Overall, this looks like a band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: ite !e't on t#e +u*

&rite a !etter to a +u* copany *aying you #ave !e't *oet#ing va!ua+!e ont#e +u* an$ te!! t#e (#at to $o i' t#ey 'in$ it%

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Dear Sir/Madam#

The reason I am writing this letter to you is $ecause I have left my $ag on yourcompany"s $us which I too!. It was on Tuesday &th of August at around <=''pm.The $us station where I $oarded the $us was at @alan Cinang J$us no &&K and I

got down at @alan Tuuan.

I have tried to locate the $us and the driver $ut was una$le too. The $ag I lostwas $rown with some samples of custom+made ewellery of my company. Therewere (& pieces of it in the $ag. It"s the last set of samples that I have. :ithoutthe samples we have nothing to show to our customers.

If you have found it could you please call me on '< &(F% &6( or email me and I will arrange a pic!+up from your office.

0oo!ing forward to hearing from you.

2ours faithfullyS. 8hua

This letter needs some work. %t covers the task and has the right structure.2owever the structure of the sentences needs some attention as well asthe accuracy of e0pressions "see comments underlined in blue for moredetails#. Overall, this looks like a Band +. letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: E)p!anation o' $e!aye$ 'ir*t (or/ing $ay

 "ou *ucce**'u!!y pa**e$ a 0o+ intervie(% "ou are e)pecte$ to *tart onNove+er 6, +ut you (i!! not +e avai!a+!e on t#at $ate%

Ta*/: &rite a !etter to your ne( +o**, e)p!aining your *ituation, e)pre**ingyour concern an$ *ugge*ting *o!ution*%

Dear Sir/Madam#

I am writing to inform you that I won"t $e a$le to start wor! on Hovem$er (&# asagreed during my recent interview with you.

The reason why I can"t start my wor! is that my mother has fallen down thestairs yesterday. As# I am the only daughter and there are no other relatives thatare a$le to loo! after my mother# I have no choice $ut to go $ac! to loo! after her.

 According to the doctors it will ta!e a$out two wee!s for her to $e a$le to wal!and ta!e care of herself again.

I apologize for all the inconvenience and I truly $elieve that you need me to $e atwor! on that day for the proect that is scheduled to $e completed three wee!s

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later. I am a$le to wor! for home and will complete the proect as agreed. I willalso report to you through e+mail and if there is a pro$lem# I will call and informyou along the way.

,nce again# I"m very sorry for the inconvenience and than! you for your


2ours faithfully#S. 8hua.

This is a good letter. %t covers the task, has a good structure, the paragraphs are coherent. There are several grammatical errors "seecomments underlined in blue# and a poorly structured sentence that needsimprovement "it starts with 3% apologi&e for all the inconvenience4#. Overall,this looks like a band +. letter 1 some improvement to grammar could takeit to Band $.

IELTS Letter, topic: A*/ing 'or in'oration on *c#o!ar*#ip*

Dear Sir/Madam#

I"m writing this letter to reuest more information a$out a scholarship/financialassistance offered $y your 8ollege.

I was awaiting in anticipation to enroll ne)t year for the much coveted Diploma in3nglish# $ut due to unfortunate circumstances# I found myself in a financialdifficulty.

I would appreciate it if you could steer me to the right path for scholarshipsinformation or if the college could provide me with financial assistance.

My certificate in Secondary education shows a$ove average grades. I havewor!ed in a voluntary position on wee!ends teaching 3nglish to young foreign!ids. I do have the means to pay $ac! if a loan was approved $y the college. Myemployer will vouch for my employment and provide you with a proof of myearnings. 4e could also arrange a monthly deduction from my salary to your$an! account.

I $elieve I have what it ta!es and I trust you would consider my reuest# $y givingme the opportunity to continue my study.

0oo!ing forward to hearing from you soon.

2ours 1aithfully#M Munsamy

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This is a good letter. %t has the right structure, covers the task, shows agood command of the 5nglish language, the sentences range incomple0ity, the grammar and spelling are fine. *ome minor correctionswere made, see comments. Overall, this looks like a Band $ letter.

IELTS Letter, topic: 3!eaning 0o+ app!ication

Dear Sir/Madam#

I"m writing this letter to apply for a position of a house!eeper as advertised in the-Daily Hews on th of Hovem$er %''>.

I have wor!ed for the -8are+givers home for & years and thereafter wastransferred to the main $ranch in Dur$an. This $ranch caters for two hundredpeople. I was appointed the supervisor# with five staff reporting to me. I havegained much e)perience in planning# organizing and leading in this o$. I have

wor!ed with all types of people and !now how to handle any pro$lems that mayarise.

The reason why I would li!e to apply for this o$ is $ecause your private homewould $enefit from my e)perience. I would $e a$le to give much more attention tothe needs of the home due to its size. My credentials spea! for themselves.Clease find them enclosed in this letter. I am loo!ing forward to an interview tofurther discuss my e)perience with you.

I hope to hear from you soon.

2ours 1aithfully#M Munsamy

This is a good letter. %t has the correct structure and covers the task. Thesentences are mostly well structured, although some show use ofinappropriate e0pressions. The vocabulary is fine.There are a fewgrammatical errors, see comments. Overall, this looks like a Band +. 1 $letter.

I30TS 0etter= Some pro$lems at wor! 

You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks you

realized there were some problems with the job.Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter 

- explain why you took the job

- describe the problems that you experienced 

- suggest what could be done about them.

Dear Mr. Thompson,

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I am a part-time call-centre operator at your company, started working about 4 weeksago. I am writing to indicate the problem I encountered during my work.

Actually, I decided to took the position of a telesales specialist because consider myselfable to deelop a career in sales due to my skill of establishing good contact with people

and make them trust me. !oweer, I reali"ed there are some obstacles on a way tosuccess.

The problems started # weeks ago then the system administrator updated my software. Atthe time of a call I was $uerying a customer for his personal data then suddenly mycomputer reloaded and this person%s profile was lost. This situation repeated in the futurefor seeral times. I asked the system administrator to sole this problem, but he told methis is solely my fault and my computer skills are below re$uired to use this program.

I am assured the complete situation makes company profits lower. I beliee that softwaremanaging specialist could fi& the problem if the initiatie would be taken by a senior

manager of your rank.

'incerely yours,Anna (rank 

192 words, Expected IELTS Band - 7 

I30TS letter= Damaged suitcase 

You traeled by long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged.

Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter 

- inform the bus company of when and to where you traeled 

- describe your suitcase and what happened to it - explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase .

Dear 'ir or Madam,

I am writing to re$uire a compensation for the property damage, taken place at the timeof the traeling by the bus of your company.

I traeled from )ashington, D.*. to +oston by the bus # on (ebruary /, /0.+efore the trip I passed my luggage to the drier, who helped me to place my suitcase inthe luggage compartment of the bus. After arrial the drier opened this back

compartment and the first thing I saw was that my new and brand-name suitcase wassmashed under the pressure of the weight of the other%s luggage.

My suitcase was $uite firm and ery beautiful in its red colour and modern design.!oweer it obiously hasn%t been designed to resist such a weight on it. I am erydepressed because I can not use anymore my broken suitcase, its handle was bended andtwo wheels out of 4 were detached.

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'ince damage stated aboe was caused by the careless actions of your employee, I wouldlike to re$uire a compensation of 1/, which was the original price of my suitcase.2lease, delier a che$ue to the address, written aboe.

(aithfully yours,

Anna (rank 

197 words, Expected IELTS Band - 6.5-7 

I30TS 0etter= 9ad service at a shop 

You recently had your computer fixed at the local computer store howeer you are not

 pleased with the serice you receied.

Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter 

- describe the situation

- explain why you are dissatisfied 

- say what you want the manager to do. Write at least !"# words.

Dear 'ir or Madam,I am writing to e&press my dissatisfaction with the serice I receied at yourestablishment.

Actually, the computer I hae bought at your store on the late 3anuary was $uite good,howeer after ust half a year things got wrong. 'ome programs were getting fro"enfre$uently. )hen I took my computer to your specialist and tried to e&plain the problemto the technician Michaels, he refused to take my computer into serice because the problem did not appear that time. I was trying to conince him to spend more time toidentify the reason it is getting stuck, but he was rude and impatient e&plaining this is the

end of his shift. 5n the ne&t day another technician listened to me carefully and fi&ed mycomputer in minutes.

I suppose your employee Michaels is not suitable for his position because of hisunprofessional. I suggest you to employ someone more skilled and with better personalityin order not to cause your customers to loose their time like me.

(aithfully yours,Anna (rank 

177 words, Expected IELTS Band - 6-6.5 

I30TS 0etter= 4omestay in a Hew Nealand family 

You are going to isit $ew %ealand for an &'nglish and (omestay& program. You hae

 just receied details of your homestay host family.

Write your first letter to the family. In your letter 

- introduce yourself 

- ask the family some )uestions to get information that is important to you

- tell the family about your arrial date and time.

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This task was taken from the book IELTS on Track: Test Practice General Training.

Dear Mr 3ones,

I hae ust receied details of my future homestay at your family and writing to introducemyself and ask for some further information.

My name is Anna (rank, I am / and lie with my family in 6yon, (rance, which is myhometown. My natie language is (rench and I am looking forward to improing my7nglish during the trip to 8ew 9ealand.

I would be grateful if you could proide more information about your family and itslifestyle. To begin with, I would like to ask you about your usual diet. It is ery importantto me since I am a egetarian. 'econdly, I would like to learn more about your family%sday routines, like games you used to play together, in order to get familiar with these

actiities while I am here. This could help me to participate in all your routines like arelatie.

I am ery eager to meet you in person: +y the way, I hae already bought the plane ticketand would be happy if you could meet me at the airport because this will be my first timeabroad. I will arrie on 'eptember #, at am, )ellington time.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

'incerely yours,Anna (rank.

213 words, Expected IELTS Band - 7 

I30TS 0etter= Ona$le to attend a course 

You are employed full-time and also doing a part time eening course. You are not able

to continue the course.

Write a letter to the course lecturer. In the letter 

- explain why you cannot continue the course

- describe the situation

- say what you will be doing. Write at least !"# words.

Dear Dr. 3ones,

I am writing to inform you that I no longer hae a possibility to attend your eeninglectures on treating emergencies.

As I told you earlier, I receied a position of a nurse at the Thompson !ospital. My shiftends at ; pm and since I hae got a lot of oertime ob recently, I found myself unable to be on time at your lectures, which start at ;.# pm. This disappoints me a lot since I alue

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and respect your course and your e&perience.

I would be grateful if you could consider letting me to study your course myself. +ecauseof my ob is closely related to the accidents treatment, I feel able to learn eery point ofthe course in practice. In addition, I hae already read almost eery book you

recommended as the supplementary reading for your lectures.

I hope to get your approal on this matter soon. I am looking forward to receiing yourresponse.

'incerely yours,Anna (rank 

166 words, Expected IELTS Band - 6-6.5 

I30TS 0etter= 0ocal clu$ mem$ership cancellation 

*or the past year you hae been a member of a local club. $ow you want todiscontinue your membership.

Write a letter to the club secretary. In your letter 

- state what type of membership you hae and how you hae paid for this+

- gie details of how you hae benefited from the club+

- explain why you want to leae.

Dear Mr. 3ones,

I regret to inform you that I hae to discontinue my membership at your <olden !ook(ishing *lub.

I oined the *lub year ago and the benefits from the participation e&ceeded the fee.=ound tables and lectures of famous fishermen were absolutely brilliant. Moreoer,discounts on the e$uipment in sports gear shops helped me to sae money. The last butnot the least, your monthly illustrated maga"ine was a precious treat to me.

>nfortunately I hae to moe to another country because my father, liing in (rance, is ina desperate health condition. I must acknowledge that continuing the membership in your *lub is no longer an option to me.

I hae paid the last year fee by my credit card and its details are in your database.

+ecause of stated aboe I would like to ask you not to charge me for the following year. Ihope that in the future I will hae an opportunity to recommence haing adantages of participation in your *lub.

'incerely yours,Anna (rank 

174 words, Expected IELTS Band - 7 

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I30TS letter= Apologizing for the noise 

Your neighbors hae recently written to you to complain about the noise from your

house flat.

Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter explain the reasons for the noise

apologize, scribe what action you will take

Dear Mr. 3ones,

I am writing in response to your letter, complaining about the sounds my musicalinstrument is producing. I feel that I hae to e&plain myself and humbly ask for yourforgieness.

Actually, I am a student of the 8orth *arolina Arts *ollege and as a part of my end ofterm e&ams I hae to perform 4 plays by flute. Therefore I hae to rehearse eery day because I am eager to make a good impression to my teachers. To achiee my goal I am

supposed to play about # hours a day.

I must apologi"e for playing in inappropriate hours. It was my entire fault since I did not bother reading the rules of our house owner, prohibiting playing musical instruments.

I hae consulted with my class teacher and he suggested me to use one of the rooms ofthe college to rehearse for a small fee. I assure you by no means will be disturbed againwith the noise from my apartment.

I beg for your understanding and forgieness. 2lease, accept this bo& of chocolate as atoken of my appreciation for not giing this problem a legal action.

?ours sincerely,

Anna (rank 

his is a great letter. It is written according to all the guidelines and will probably get

 and / at least. 0ay more attention to grammar though.

Yo are !o"n! on a s#ort corse to a tra"n"n! co$$e!e a%road. It "s a co$$e!e t#at &o

#a'e not %een to %e(ore.

)r"te a $etter to t#e acco**odat"on o(("cer. In &or $etter

← !"'e deta"$s o( &or corse and &or arr"'a$+departre date

← exp$a"n &or acco**odat"on needs

← as (or "n(or*at"on a%ot !ett"n! to and (ro* t#e co$$e!e

Dear 'ir@Madam,

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I am writing to inform you that I will be attending the Adanced 6ife Insurance course, being held from Tuesday /4th April until /0rd April, at the >niersity of !artford.

I will be arriing on the afternoon of Monday /#th and will be leaing on the morning of'aturday the /th of April, so I will re$uire a single room for this time. I would prefer my

own bathroom, if this is possible, but do not mind sharing if I hae toB howeer, as I amwheelchair bound, the room will hae to be disability friendly. *ould you please tell mehow much this will cost and how I should make a paymentC Do you accept I'AC

As I do not know the area, I would also be grateful if you could proide someinformation about getting to and from the >niersity. )ill I need to take public transportfrom the station or is there a >niersity bus sericeC Any information on what to see anddo in the area would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.Ale& 3ones E4 wordsF

Yo are $oo"n! (or a part-t"*e o%. )r"te a $etter to an e*p$o&*ent a!enc&. In &or


← "ntrodce &orse$(

← exp$a"n w#at sort o( o% &o wo$d $"e

← and say what e&perience and skills you hae

Dear 'ir@Madam,

I am a <erman national from !eidelberg and at present I am studying for a Master%s

degree in *ommercial 6aw here, at the >niersity of +ielefeld, where I hae been for thelast two months.

I am looking for a part-time ob and I wonder if you can help me. 2robably, I would likean office ob, perhaps working as a secretary, office administrator or typist. I can onlywork during the afternoons and at weekends as my uniersity studies occupy most of theday. I would be ready to start immediately.

I am a competent typist and I am computer-literate. In addition, I speak 2olish and<erman fluently and I hae been learning 7nglish for the past three years. )hile I studiedfor my degree, I worked as a part-time office manager for an import-e&port firm in

!eidelberg. In recent years, I hae also had temporary summer obs as a hotelreceptionist in Mannheim, <ermany.

I am looking forward to hearing from you,

?ours faithfully,!einrich +ukowski E0 wordsF

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Yo sta&ed at &or (r"ends #ose w#en &o part"c"pated "n a %s"ness se*"nar "n

/stra$"a. Yo $e(t a ("$e w"t# "*portant doc*ents "n &or roo*.

Tas0 )r"te a $etter to &or (r"end, descr"%"n! t#e ("$e and as #"*+#er to retrn "t to

&o %& post.

My dearest 2hilip,

I am sorry I am writing only now. (irstly, I would like to thank you for all the attentionand support you gae me while I was in 'ydney. Things like that are priceless and all Ican gie you is my gratitude. I e&pect you and Ingrid to come to =io soon, so that I try tosomehow propiciate e$ualy oyful moments as those you propiciated to me. I am writingalso, because of the fact that I forgot a ery important document in the room I used inyour house.

This document is a signed contract and was the most important reason of my trip toAustralia, after the business seminar I attended. ?ou certaintly can wonder how desperate

I hae been in the last days looking for this document midst my luggage. I could not findit anywhere and am sure I left it in your house.

2lease let me know if you find it, and post it for e&press deliery as soon as possible. Iwill pay for the e&penseB ust let me know what is your bank, account and branchnumbers.

)ith best whishes,6eonardo