ielts speaking topic 1

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  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    Interview- Do you feel close to your friends?- Have you experienced stress at work?- Are you a patient person?- How do you handle stress?Cue CardDescribe an outdoor activity that you would like to try for the first time. Please say- What is it?

    - When and where would you do it?- What preparations and euipment would you need?Discussion- What do you think about extreme sports like skydivin!?- Would you encoura!e youth to do extreme sports?- What are the advanta!es of physical activities?- How would you encoura!e people to be physically active?

    Interview- Do you work for extended hours?- What do you prefer to do on weekends?

    - Do you write "type or by hand# as part of your daily life?- $s writin! important in life?- Would you like to write a book?- Do you like boats?- How many times did you travel by boat?- Where did you !o and when?- Do people use boats for travel in your country?- Would you like to own a boat?Cue Card%alk about a sub&ect which you learned in school. Please say- What was the sub&ect?- Was it interestin!?- How useful was it later on in your life?Discussion- Do you remember other sub&ects that you learned at school?- How important is math in a person's life?- Do you think that everyone is !ood at math?- Does the !overnment take any action to develop people's math skills? Why?- Are writin! and math skills eually important in a person's life?

    Interview- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Do you like this house? Why?- What kind of house would you like to have in the future?Cue CardDescribe a cultural music or dance event that you have attended recently. Please say- What was the event?- Where and how was it or!ani(ed?- Did you like it or not? Why?Discussion- Do you like cultural music or dances from other countries?- )an !overnment play a role in promotin! cultural events?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    - Do you think today's youth is connected with the culture?- Do you think %* can be used as means of promotin! culture?

    Interview- What is your ma&or?- Describe your favorite style of clothes.- Who picked your clothes in your childhood?- What kind of toys did you have in your childhood?

    - Do you keep any of your old toys now?- Why do you keep it?Cue CardDescribe an activity that you do to stay healthy. +ou should say,- What do you do exactly?- When have you started doin! this activity?- How much time do you spend on this activity weekly?- xplain what benefits you !et from this activity.Discussion- $n your country how do people try to keep fit?- Do you think women and men in your country have eual conditions to do sport


    Interview- What is the most difficult part of your &ob?- Does your &ob reuire concentration?- What do you do to improve your concentration?- Do you write a lot? Why?- Do you plan to write a book in the future?Cue CardDescribe a vacation that you would like to !o on. Please say- Where would it be?- Whom would you !o with?- What would you like to do there?- Why is this place so special to you?Discussion- What preparations would you do before !oin! on a holiday?- Do you think !oin! on holidays would cost you a lot?- How lon! the holidays should be in your opinion?- How would you prepare yourself before !ettin! to know a new culture?

    Interview- Who selected your clothes when you were a child? Why?- What would you look for when choosin! your clothes now?- $s it easy to buy clothes for someone else? Why?- Do you prefer writin! emails or letters? Why?- What is the difference between communication throu!h emails and letters?Cue Card%alk about a film or %* pro!ram which made you lau!h a lot. Please say- what it was- when you saw it- who the characters were- and what made you lau!h a lot.

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    Discussion- Will a comedy made in one country be appreciated in another country? Why?- $s it possible to en&oy a comedy if we don't know the culture of that country? Why?- )an we learn a country's culture throu!h its local comedy pro!ram? Why?- $s it possible or impossible to make such a pro!ram without hurtin! the country'sculture?


    - What do you think about paintin!?- Did you learn paintin! at school as a child?- Do you think youn! children should learn paintin! at school?- Would you buy a paintin!?- What is your opinion about art collectors?Cue Card%alk about an interestin! country that is not your own. Please say- What country is it?- How did you learn about this country?- Why do you find this country interestin!?Discussion

    - Do you think it is !ood to have international cooperation?- Do you think that nei!hborin! countries should have a !ood cooperation?- How can they achieve it?- $s international cooperation more important than national interests?

    Interview- Where do you come from?- Do you work or study?- What is your normal day like?- What do you do after work? Why?- $f you could chan!e somethin! in your daily schedule what would it be and why?Cue card%alk about an important person you know. +ou should say- what they do- where they are- how they help people- why you consider them importantDiscussion- Does everyone a!ree with you about that person bein! important?- $s there any profession which is more important than others?- /hould people receive the same salary when they do different &obs?- Do you think some people are in the wron! profession or in a profession they dislike?- What are some of the reasons why people dislike their professions?- How much writin! do you do in a day and why?- Would you be able to write a book?

    Interview- What do you do at your &ob?- Would you recommend this &ob to others? Why?- What occupations are the most popular in your country? Why?- How often do you use the $nternet?- What do you think about the $nternet?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    - What are the ne!ative effects of the $nternet?- Do your family members use the $nternet?- What do you do to stay healthy?- What is your plan for the future?Cue Card%alk about an unusual &ob that you would like to do. Please say- What would this &ob be?- How do you know about this &ob?

    - Why would you like to do it?Discussion- What are the parameters by which people are choosin! &obs? Why?- What is the difference between &obs for men and women?- What su!!estion would you !ive to children for choosin! a future &ob?- Do you a!ree that children should do part-time &obs? Why?

    Interview- What sub&ect are you studyin!?- Why do you think people choose such a sub&ect in your country?- Do you like readin! books?

    - What type of books do you read?- Are you readin! a book presently?- Would you like to write a book in the future?Cue Card%alk about a place where you used to work "e.!. a school a hospital an office#. Pleasesay- What was the workplace like?- Did you like to work there?- Describe the people you were workin! with.Discussion- What !ames did you like as a child?- Do you believe in what advertisements say? Why?- Did you buy somethin! after seein! an advertisement?- Why do you think some people work from home?

    Interview- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Do you like it? Why?- Do you plan to move in the future?- What would your future home look like?Cue Card 1%alk about a recent pro!ram on radio that you have listened to. Please say- What was the pro!ram about?- When did you listen to it?- Was it interestin!? Why?

    %alk about your favorite place that you have visited recently. Please say- What place was it?- Where is it located?- Why is this your favorite place?Discussion 1- What is the benefit of havin! a national radio?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    - How are advertisements done on the radio?- How often do you listen to the radio?

    Interview- Where do you live at the moment?- $s it a house or an apartment?- What is your favorite room? Why?- Do you plan to move to another place? Why?

    - Do you communicate via letters or emails?- Do you receive letters often?- How many do you !et?- What kind of letters are these?- Do you prefer to send letters or emails? Why?Cue Card%alk about a place where people !o to listen to music. Please say,- Where is this place?- What kind of people !o there?- What music is played there?Discussion

    - What new technolo!ies are used in the music industry?- Do you think we need to pay to download music? Why?- Do you think new technolo!ies influence music these days? How?- What are the advanta!es and disadvanta!es of these technolo!ies?

    Interview- Have you ever been to a museum?- Did you !o to museums as a student?- Do students in your country always !o to museums?- Do you think students should !o to museums?Cue CardDescribe a !arden that you like and visit often. Please say- Where is it?- What kind of !arden is it?- What do you like the most about it and why?Discussion- Do your friends visit this !arden too?- Do you think !ardens are important for people?- What are the benefits of !ardens for different a!e !roups?- /hould !overnment encoura!e more !ardens in cities?

    Interview- Do you live in a house or an apartment?- Do you like your home?- What will your future house look like?- What public transport do you usually use?- Why do you use it?- Do you think people should use public transport more?- What would you do to improve /ydney's public transport?- Do you think public transportation is expensive in your city?- What time of the day do you like the most? Why?- What you do in that time?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    - How is your day's structure different now compared to the past?Cue CardDescribe an advertisement which made you buy a certain product. Please say- What was the product?- What was shown in that advertisement?- What did you like about the advertisement0product? Why?- Why was the product important to you?Discussion

    - Do you think advertisements influence people's choice for products?- Who is showin! advertisements in your country?- 1ther than food and clothin! what products are advertised there?- What do you think about showin! or mentionin! children in advertisements?- $s it a ne!ative thin!?- What are the other means of advertisement in your country?- What is the most effective media in your view?- Do you think a lot of advertisin! is harmful?

    Cue CardDescribe a party which you have or!ani(ed. Please say,

    - Whom did you invite?- Where did the party take place?- How did you or!ani(e it?- How did you feel about it?Discussion- What kind of special celebrations do you have in your country?- Do you think youn!sters nowadays participate in these traditional celebrations lessthan in the past?- What are the advanta!es of havin! such celebrations?- How do they or!ani(e a traditional festival in your country?

    Cue CardDescribe an important plant in your country. Please say- What is this plant?- How did you first learn about it?- Why is it so important?Discussion- Do you like this plant?- $s farmin! important for your country?- What measures should we take to protect our nature?- Do you think future !enerations will be interested in farmin!?Interview

    - What is your full name?- )an $ see your $D?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- Who is choosin! your clothes?- Do you help people to select clothes?- What type of fashion do you prefer western or eastern?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    Cue Card

    %alk about a meal or a picnic that you had recently. Please say- What was the occasion?- What did you drink and eat?- Have you en&oyed it? Why?


    - Do you think we should preserve our traditional foods?- Do you cook by yourself?- Does media help to spread the culinary culture amon! us?- What needs to be done for certain foods and culture to spread in the world?Interview- What is your full name?- )an $ see your $D?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- What kind of &ob do you do?

    - Are you a patient person?- What do you do to stay patient in certain situations?- Do you think people in your country are usually patient?Cue Card%alk about a seaside place that you would like to visit. Please say- Where is it?- What can you do there?- Why would you like to !o there?Discussion- Do you think people like the seaside for holidays?- Do you think the seaside will always be a preferred holiday place?- $s it more fun for children than adults do you think?- Do you have some !ood memories from seaside trips as a child?- $n what circumstances the seaside mi!ht stop bein! an attractive destination forholidays in your view?Interview

    - What is your full name?- )an $ see your $D?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- Were you tau!ht paintin! or drawin! in school?- Do you think children should be tau!ht paintin! in school?- Why do people like to keep paintin!s in their homes?- Would you like to buy a paintin!?

    Cue Card

    Describe an older person whom you respect please say- Who the person is- What your relationship with this person is- Why you respect the person

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1



    - What are the advanta!es of havin! an elderly person at home?- $s there anythin! that older people should learn from youn!er !eneration?- What ualities does a person need to take care of old people?- Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?- Do you think that elderly people should be taken care of at home?

    Interview- What is your full name?- )an $ see your $D?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?- Are you fond of receivin! !ifts?- Which !ift do you like the most amon! them?- What is the last !ift you have received?Cue CardDescribe an outdoor activity that you have done for the first time. Please say

    - What did you do?- Where and when did you do it?- How did you feel later?Discussion- Do you like tryin! new thin!s?- Was it an expensive activity?- Would you do it a!ain?- Would you recommend it to others?- Do people in your country usually do it?- How do you think people should be encoura!ed to do outdoor activities?- What is the main disadvanta!e of such activities?

    Cue cardDescribe an environmental problem. +ou should say,

    - what it is - how lon! it has existed - how it has affected people2s lives - what we can do to solve the problem

    3possible follow up uestions4

    What causes environmental problems?What should !overnments do to protect the environment?What should people do to care for the environment?What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?How could we educate children to look after the environment?$s there a difference between old and youn! people with re!ards to environmentalprotection?


  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    - Please tell me your full name.- Where are you from?

    - Where have you planned to go on your vacation?- Is this a place in your country or abroad?- What do you like about this place?- Will you go with your family or alone?- Will you prefer to go to this place for vacation again next year and if yes, why?

    Cue Card

    alk about a leader from the world of business, politics or sports. Please say

    - Why do you think he is a leader?- What does distinguish him from other leaders?- What does inspire you about him?


    - What are the !ualities of a good leader?- Is the leader responsible for his"her followers?- Is there any social responsibility that lies with a leader?- What should leaders do to inspire their followers?- What role do media and technology play in creation of leaders?

    IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'parties' topic

    In part 2 of the speaking test you might be asked to describe a party.Here are some part 3

    questions that could follow that topic:

    1. What types of party do people have, and why are parties important?

    People have parties to celebrate special occasions like birthdays weddings or the beginning of a

    new year. I think it!s important to celebrate these things because they are landmarks in our lives.

    Parties are a good way to bring people together and they!re an opportunity to let off some steam.

    2. Why do you think some people like parties but others hate them?

    "ost people like parties because they have a good time at them # eating a nice meal chatting to

    friends or having a dance. People who don!t like them mightfind social situations difficult because

    they are shy or maybe they don!t en$oy having to make small talk with people they don!t know.

    3 mmmo0

    %o I don!t think anything will change. People have always had parties and I!m sure they always

    will in the future. Humans need to socialise and en$oy themselves and parties are one of the best

    ways to do that.
  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    IELTS Speaking Part 3: 50Practice Questions

    ! Topic"o#e $ode#s

    Which type of people are respected most in your society?

    Do you a!ree with this situation?

    What happens when youn! people lack !ood role models?

    What standards of behaviour should teachers set?

    Do you a!ree that you should never meet your heroes?

    Trave# and transport

    How easy is it to travel around your country?

    Which method of travel do you consider safest?

    Has travel become safer in recent years?

    What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

    How do you think people will travel in the future?


    $s hi!her education too expensive in your country?

    /hould all students pay for their university education?

    What advanta!es do universities brin! to society?

    Which is more important research or teachin!?

    How should students spend their summer vacations?

    Sports and co$petition

    Why are some sports fans so passionate?

    $s there any violence at sportin! events in your country?

    /hould athletes be better role models?

    What benefits do international sportin! events brin!? $s it important for a country to win lots of medals?

    Leaders&ip and po#itics

    Do you think people are born to be leaders?

    )an leadership skills be tau!ht?

    Why are elected politicians often so unpopular?

    What should a leader do to remain popular?

    Do you think unelected heads of state are a !ood idea?

  • 8/14/2019 Ielts Speaking Topic 1


    Li'e e(perience

    Do you a!ree that we learn best from our mistakes?

    What's the best way to !ain experience in life?

    )an we !ain life experience from books and movies?

    Which is more important experience or potential?

    What experience do you wish you'd !ained?

    "etire$ent and o#d age

    At what a!e should people retire from work?

    What problems can people face after retirement?

    How important are retirees to your country's economy?

    When should you start savin! for retirement?

    Why do some companies encoura!e early retirement?

    P&otograp&! and t&e i$age

    $s it easy to take !ood photo!raphs?

    What are the pros and cons of di!ital photo!raphy? /hould people share their photo!raphs online?

    When can an ima!e be worth a thousand words?

    $s a photo!raph a reliable form of identification?

    Inventions and cop!rig&t

    Which invention has transformed your country most?

    Would you like to be an inventor?

    How lon! should someone be able to profit from an idea?

    Do you think intellectual property laws are too strict? /hould all medicines be free to manufacture?

    T&e internet and socia# $edia

    Which websites are popular amon! your !eneration?

    $s usin! the internet a social or solitary activity?

    How has the internet chan!ed social behaviour?

    /hould companies check &ob applicants' online profiles?

    What will be the next bi! development online?