if ir iiip t - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/01023/0647.pdf ·...

> t ij iF l < Irf t Ir IIIP T v < > 7 > 9f < tt c on > > rJ ifP ji l t t EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 1908 I What Do They Cure = The above question Is often asked con- cerning Dr Pierces two leading medi- cines ¬ Golden Medical Discovery sand Favorite Prescription The answer is that Golden Medical is a most potent alterative or bloodpurifier and tonic or invigorator and acts especially favorably in a cura- tive ¬ way upon the mucous lining sur- faces as of the nasal passages throat bronchial tubes stomach bowels and bladdei curlns a large per cent of catar that catyhether < e disease affects the nasal p adages the thsoat larynx bron- chia ¬ stomachXas catarHt l dyspepsia as mu o c 5 < c 5 uterus or other pelvic orgitrrs Even in- n ronl r pq affection c if N often successful in affect ¬ n cnres r TbeVavdrftA Prescription I> advised for e N P ss o dlseasrs o lrwe P P ra eletsr- e iJ t po r P t tvo J tn or U Is a powerfu yet gcntty acting invigOrat- Ing tonic and nervine For weak worn out overworked women no matter what has caused the breakdown Favorite Prescription wilt be found most effective- In building up the strength regulating the womanly functions subduing pain and bringing about a healthy vigorous condition of the whole system- A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formula both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med- ical ¬ authors whose works are consulted- by physicians of all tine schools of practice as guides In prescribing say of each in- gredient ¬ entering into these medicines The words of praise bestowed In tho several ingredients entering into Doctor Pierces medicines by such writers should have than any amount of Don professional testimonials because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak Both medicines are nonalcoholic non secret and contain no harmful habit forming drugs being composed glyceric extracts of roots of native American medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers In medicine You cant afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition- any secret nostrum- Dr Pierces Pellets small sugarcoated- easy to take as candy regulate and In vigorata itovach liver and bowel j r BAD BREATH Forrnonthi I had great tronblewlth mr tomach and used all kinds of medicines My tongue bai bell nctuallr as green ai crass my breath harlo a bad odor Two weeks ago a friend recommended Calc retl and after using them 1 can wllllnely aod cheerfully that they have entirely cured me I let you know that recommend them to any one suffering from such troubles j Chas n Halpern 114 E 7th St New York N Y Best For The Bowels CANDY CATIUJtTIC I 1 A Pleasant Palatable Potent Tast Good Do Good Novor Sicken Weaken or Grill lOc SJcSOc Never Bold In bulk The ceniilne till t xtamiied COG Guaranteed to cure or your money back Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 596 ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES FOLEYSKO- NEYANDTAR The original LAXATIVE coup remedy < for coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good for everybody Sold everywhere Tho genuine FO LEYS JHONiSY and TAR is in 3 a Yellow package Refusesubstitutei Prepared only by Folly Li Company Chicago- FOR SALE BY ALL DE- ALERSasm iEMm- ye e r aU4 Cough S Colds CROUPW- hoopingCougb This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take It contains no opium er other harmful drug and may be given as confi- dently ¬ to a baby as to an adult Price 25 cents large size 50 CC- ItslOLEBIIONHAllDTAR z JfS t1aft COULL aid kala lug y I FORT McCOY Fort McCoy Dec SThe big Rentz saw mill building is nearing comple- tion ¬ Foundations are being laid for I the large engines one of the carriag is set up and the saw hung The building complete will be over 300 feet long and sixty feet wide The capacity will be 100000 feet per day- It will require 230000 feet of lumber to complete all the buildings ready to run Mr T M Pierce the superin- tendent hopes to be able to start up some time in January Rumor has it that Mr Rentx has been offered lOftOOOO for the mill and what tim- ber ¬ he has here This company is doing substantial uork both in buildings and railroads which fact leads the people here to believe that the road will be contin- ued ¬ on to some point north whore connections will tw made with the trunk lines so they can ship fruit and vegetables They have tt cently re ¬ and improved the roadbed from here to Silver Springs and when close connections are made with the Sea ¬ board road one can go from this place to Ocala in thirty minute Hereto- fore ¬ it required four hours There are to be about forty new houses built at once a large commis- sary and a drug store I Mr O A Harper contemplates erecting a large boarding house in the near future New men are arriving daily and all seem to find employment j Mr W W Atchison superintendent for the Fort McCoy Turpentine Com- pany hopes to soon start work with their retort This company has al- ready several thousand cords of > ood on the ground and as soon as prices warrant this monstrous log I stumpeatSng machine will go to work This plant will employ a large num ¬ ber of men- Marston Lodge No 49 F A M held their annual election of officers last Saturday evening which resulted- as follows J W Stevens W M L B Jordan S W M L McQuaig J W W T Forbes treasurer F M Harp secretary A J Albritton S S J E Thomas J S J J Brinson Tyler This lodge meets Saturday at I 2 p m before each full moon and all I brethren in good standing are cor- dially ¬ invited to visit I There will be a Christmas tree at this place giVen under the auspices of the Sunday school date to be an ¬ nounced later The many friends of Mr Alexander McQuaig will be pained to learn that t he is suffering with a cancer or large t tumor I The literary society here has sus- pended ¬ meetings until after the Christmas holidays I I placevh- o Valdosta Ga for two weeks will re- turn ¬ home today Cant grinding oat planting and sweet potato digging are interesting I the farmers here now I MRS McRANEYS EXPERIEN- CEI i M McRanoy rentiss Miss I writes I was confined to my bed for throe months with kidney and bladder trouble and was treated by two phKUcians hut failed to get relief I Xo human tongiu cart tell how I suf I and I had given up huge of ever getting well until I began taking Iy I leys Kidney Remedy After taking two bottles I feit like a new person and feel it my duty to tell suffering women what Foleys Kidney Remedy I did for mire I Sold bv all druggists t LEROY I Christinas is coming buys Und we I i expect to have a big tined here sucjjj I as an oyster roast turkey raffle and barbecue Come one Smith and lets hove a great big time- S I Mrs H W Toole of Gainesville is vsiting relatives here now and en- joying ¬ the cane grinding I Mrs W T Mellwsiine and children l of Ocala were the guests of Mr and I Mrs c Y Miller Wednesday I Mrs Elwood Johnson spent the day j Wednesday pleasantly at Martel j The rend pulling at the residence fof Mr J F Parker was well attended ad enjoyed to the full extent by the young bilks I AV B Xewbern the prosperous mer- chant ¬ and postmaster mule a fixing trip to Ocala Wednesday r I C Y Miller shipped a barrel of fancy grape fruit to Dunnellon this- j week I Mr T V Xewbern made a visit to J relatives and friends in Gainesville a few days the past week I The sad news reaches us of j the death of Mrs G L Agnew of Jack- sonville Fla She was a most excel- lent Christian and a devoted wife J and mother She leaves a husband i and tin little children to mourn her loss May the great Redeemer com fort them in the > hour of their be- reavement I Mrs Agnew has many- I friends here who will be pained to learn of her death They formerly dived here before moving to Jackson- ville ¬ 1 Mr Editor I wish you a merry Christmas O4feijmppy New Year t S Bluebell i HADV CLOSE CALL Mrs Add flL room the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel Vaughn Misssays For several months I suffered with a severe cough and consumption seemed to have its grip on me when a friend recommend- ed ¬ Dr Kings New Discovery I began taking it and three bottles affected a complete cure The fame of this life- saving cough and cold remedy and lung and throat healer is world wide Sold at all drug stores Fifty cents and 100 Trial bottles free t CottoleneSho- rtens r your food Lengthens your life Cottolene is a cleanly wholesome product It is made from cottonseed oil j in a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner and is just as pure as olive oil It j moreover makes palatable digestible healthful food which will agree with the most delicate stomach Lard food on the contrary is indigestible and will cause trouble if its use is persisted in Cottolene is endorsed by the most prominent cooks and household economists- of the country as well as by those of the medical profession who make a special study of pure food There is no substitute for Cottolene because there is no short ¬ ening so good as Cottdlene It stands alone as everyone who has used it accord- ing to directions will verify COTTOLENE IS Guaranteed Your grocer is hereby au thonzed to refund your money in case you are not pleased after having given Cottolene a fair test Never Sold in Bulk Cottolcne is packed in pails with an air- tIght top to keeps it clean fresh and whole ¬ some and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable- odors such as fish oil etc r Cook Book Free For a 2c stamp to pay postage we will mail you our new PURE FOOD COOK BOOK edited and compiled by Mrs Mary J Lincoln the famous Food Expert- and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes Made only by THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANY Chicago a fit Natures Gift from the Sunny South J n I Bring the children to see old Santa- at the Bazaar Store Gadson- KENDRICK Our efficient school teacher Miss Ida Wiggins assisted by the other ladies is getting up a program for our Christmas tree We feel sure it will be a success The Woodmen at their last meeting night elected the following officers- C I Grace C C Alex Tongue A L J E Turnipseed banker A A Olin clerk A G Ray sentry D C Rawls watchman I I There have been several transfers of real estate here recently Mr U D Turnipseed has sold his place to Mr G W Ray and we are reliably inform- ed ¬ that other deals are on or have been made for farms here Mr and Mrs Harrnnan who have been spending a while with Capt and Mrs J R Webb left last Sunray for their home in Vermont j Mr 13 C Webb accompanied by his wife and sister Miss Julie at- tended j memorial services at Elks Hall i last Sunday and report a very pleas- ant meeting i We were very glad to note in last issue of the Star that Editor C L I Bittinger was improving Hope he i has entirely recovered before this i BROKEN- Because I HER HEART WAS her complexion was bad anti she could find nothing to clear it up Ladies a bad complexion is caused by an inactive liver An inactive liver will be put in perfect condition by tak I ink Ballards Herhine The unequall- ed ¬ I liver regulator Sold by the Anti- Monopoly Drugstore CHARTER OAK- I have not seen any news in the Star from Charter Oak in a long time- so I will tell you some t We all had a nice pillau at the home of W M Scroggie A large crowd at tended and all had a nice time There were six chickens and sixteen pounds- of rice Berry Perry made a business trip- to the Brick City Saturday last Miss Cora Pritchett is at Rutland going to school A young man in Charter Oak is sorry of her leaving- Mr Charles Lucius went dear hunting Sunday evening Had fine luckA red horse and a top buggy went- to Belleview Sunday evening What does that mean Miss Nannie and Berry Perry made- a business trip to Lake Weir Sunday Rose Bud WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder Have you pains- in loins side back groins and blad der Have you a flabby appearance- of the face especially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sold by the Antimonopoly Drugstore FISH AND OYSTERS- I E Tompkins the old reliable is now keeping a strictly firstclass stall- in the city market the last on the right as you go In He keeps all kinds of fresh meats choice beef pork mutton sausage etc Fresh fish received daily from both salt and frseh water points and choicest Crys ¬ tal River and Cedar Key oys rs re ¬ ceived by each train All are guar ¬ anteed to be fresh and fine Also re ¬ member if you want employment or want to employ any one consult me- I E TOMPKIXS City Market Ocala I Railroad Rates to the MARION COUNTY FAIR ATlPiNTIC COAST LINE i The Schedule of Special Train and Rates is as Follows r Round Trip- Lv GROOM 700 a m205- Li Istachatta 714 a m 190 Lv Floral City > 730 a m 175 Lv Inverness 746 a m 155 Lv Hernando 800 a m 140 Lv Holder 812 a m 125 Lv Elliston S17 a m f Dunnellon S2o 85 Springs Leroy 908 915 m 955 Special Train will leave Ocala Returning 530 p m Same hate All Excursion Tickets Lignite to December 19t- hEN9T FORGET TK E DTEJEOE BBfcHET i7 = v It Washington Seminary CORNER NORTH AVENUE AND PEACHTREE ATLANTA GA For girls and young established 1878 Number boarding stud ¬ ents strictly limited to insure refined home life Classes divided into small sections personal attention to each pu pin Faculty of IS specialists Con ¬ servatory advantages in MUSIC ELOCUTION Certificate admits to Vassar Wellesley etc Catalog free D EMMA SCOTT PRINCIPALS- I I I KodolF- or Dyspepsia and Indigestion- If I you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas on Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn- etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly I I Kodol supplies the same digestive I Juices that are found in a healthy- i stomach Being a liquid it starts digestion at once I Kodol not only digests your food i but helps you enjoy every mouthful I you eat- You a sufficient amount of I good wholesome food to maintain I strength and health But this food be digested thoroughly otherwise the pains of I indigestion and dyspepsia are the result When your stomach cannot do its work properly take something to help your stomach Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom ¬ complete rest Why Because Kodol does the tame work as a strong stomach and does it in a natural way Roun cWt Trip y Lv a mI00- Lv Juliette 840 a in Lv Rock 856 a in Lv a m Lv York a Lv Cartel 926 a m 50 Ar Ocala a m ladies ART L SCOTT B I I the need must So dont neglect your stomach Dont become a chronic dyspeptic Keep your stomach healthy and strong by taking a little Kodol You dont have to take Kodol all the time You only take it when ycu need it Kodol is perfectly harmless Our GuaranteeG- o r to druggist today and get a dol- lar ¬ bottle Then after you bareasedtb entire contents of the bottle if you can honestly say that it has not done an Rood return the bottle to the druggtstand he will refund your money ¬ tion or delay will then pay the drug- gist ¬ Don hesitate all druggists know that our guarantee good This offer ap ¬ plies to thelanre bottle only asd to but one in a family The farce bott e contains times as much as the fifty cent bottle Kodol prepared at the laborator- ies ¬ of E C Be Witt do Co Chicago SOLD BY THE ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCALA FLORIn

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Page 1: iF Ir IIIP T - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/01023/0647.pdf · 2009-05-15 · money in case you are not pleased after having given Cottolene a fair

> t ij iF l <Irf t Ir IIIP T v < > 7 >9f < tt c on>>rJ ifPji lt t


What Do They Cure =

The above question Is often asked con-cerning Dr Pierces two leading medi-cines


Golden Medical Discovery sandFavorite PrescriptionThe answer is that Golden Medical

is a most potent alterative orbloodpurifier and tonic or invigoratorand acts especially favorably in a cura-tive


way upon the mucous lining sur-faces as of the nasal passages throatbronchial tubes stomach bowels andbladdei curlns a large per cent of catarthat catyhether < e disease affects thenasal padages the thsoat larynx bron-chia


stomachXas catarHt l dyspepsiaas mu o c 5 < c 5

uterus or other pelvic orgitrrs Even in-n ronl r pq

affection c if N often successful in affect ¬

n cnres r

TbeVavdrftA Prescription I > advisedfor e N P ss o dlseasrs o

lrwe P P ra eletsr-eiJ

t po r P t tvo J tn or UIs a powerfu yet gcntty acting invigOrat-Ing tonic and nervine For weak wornout overworked women no matter whathas caused the breakdown FavoritePrescription wilt be found most effective-In building up the strength regulatingthe womanly functions subduing painand bringing about a healthy vigorouscondition of the whole system-

A book of particulars wraps each bottlegiving the formula both medicines andquoting what scores of eminent med-ical


authors whose works are consulted-by physicians of all tine schools of practiceas guides In prescribing say of each in-gredient


entering into these medicinesThe words of praise bestowed In tho

several ingredients entering into DoctorPierces medicines by such writers shouldhave than any amount ofDon professional testimonials becausesuch men are writing for the guidance oftheir medical brethren and know whereofthey speak

Both medicines are nonalcoholic nonsecret and contain no harmful habitforming drugs being composed glycericextracts of roots of native Americanmedicinal forest plants They are bothsold by dealers In medicine You cantafford to accept as a substitute for one ofthese medicines of known composition-any secret nostrum-

Dr Pierces Pellets small sugarcoated-easy to take as candy regulate and Invigorata itovach liver and bowel


BAD BREATHForrnonthi I had great tronblewlth mr tomachand used all kinds of medicines My tongue baibell nctuallr as green ai crass my breath harloa bad odor Two weeks ago a friend recommended

Calc retl and after using them 1 can wllllnely aodcheerfully that they have entirely cured me Ilet you know that recommendthem to any one suffering from such troubles jChas n Halpern 114 E 7th St New York N Y

Best ForThe Bowels




Pleasant Palatable Potent Tast Good Do GoodNovor Sicken Weaken or Grill lOc SJcSOc NeverBold In bulk The ceniilne till t xtamiied COGGuaranteed to cure or your money back

Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 596



NEYANDTARThe original

LAXATIVE coup remedy <

for coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good for everybody Sold everywhere

Tho genuineFOLEYS JHONiSY and TAR is in3a Yellow package Refusesubstitutei

Prepared only byFolly Li Company Chicago-



iEMm-yee r aU4

CoughS ColdsCROUPW-

hoopingCougbThis remedy can always be depended upon andis pleasant to take It contains no opium erother harmful drug and may be given as confi-


to a baby as to an adultPrice 25 cents large size 50 CC-

ItslOLEBIIONHAllDTARz JfS t1aft COULL aidkala lug




Fort McCoy Dec SThe big Rentzsaw mill building is nearing comple-tion


Foundations are being laid forI the large engines one of the carriag

is set up and the saw hung Thebuilding complete will be over 300feet long and sixty feet wide Thecapacity will be 100000 feet per day-It will require 230000 feet of lumberto complete all the buildings ready torun Mr T M Pierce the superin-tendent hopes to be able to start upsome time in January Rumor has itthat Mr Rentx has been offeredlOftOOOO for the mill and what tim-ber


he has hereThis company is doing substantial

uork both in buildings and railroadswhich fact leads the people here tobelieve that the road will be contin-ued


on to some point north whoreconnections will tw made with thetrunk lines so they can ship fruit andvegetables They have tt cently re ¬

and improved the roadbed fromhere to Silver Springs and when closeconnections are made with the Sea ¬

board road one can go from this placeto Ocala in thirty minute Hereto-fore


it required four hoursThere are to be about forty new

houses built at once a large commis-sary and a drug store I

Mr O A Harper contemplateserecting a large boarding house in thenear future

New men are arriving daily and allseem to find employment j

Mr W W Atchison superintendentfor the Fort McCoy Turpentine Com-pany hopes to soon start work withtheir retort This company has al-

ready several thousand cords of >oodon the ground and as soon as priceswarrant this monstrous log

IstumpeatSng machine will go to workThis plant will employ a large num ¬

ber of men-Marston Lodge No 49 F A M

held their annual election of officerslast Saturday evening which resulted-as follows J W Stevens W ML B Jordan S W M L McQuaigJ W W T Forbes treasurer F MHarp secretary A J Albritton S SJ E Thomas J S J J BrinsonTyler This lodge meets Saturday at

I 2 p m before each full moon and allI brethren in good standing are cor-dially


invited to visitI There will be a Christmas tree atthis place giVen under the auspices ofthe Sunday school date to be an ¬

nounced laterThe many friends of Mr Alexander

McQuaig will be pained to learn thatthe is suffering with a cancer or large

t tumorI The literary society here has sus-pended


meetings until after theChristmas holidays I

Iplacevh-oValdosta Ga for two weeks will re-turn


home todayCant grinding oat planting and

sweet potato digging are interesting I

the farmers here nowI


CEIiM McRanoy rentiss Miss

I writes I was confined to my bedfor throe months with kidney andbladder trouble and was treated bytwo phKUcians hut failed to get relief


Xo human tongiu cart tell how I sufI and I had given up huge of evergetting well until I began taking Iy

I leys Kidney Remedy After takingtwo bottles I feit like a new personand feel it my duty to tell sufferingwomen what Foleys Kidney Remedy

I did for mire I Sold bv all druggists


Christinas is coming buys Und we I

i expect to have a big tined here sucjjjI as an oyster roast turkey raffle andbarbecue Come one Smith and letshove a great big time-S


Mrs H W Toole of Gainesville isvsiting relatives here now and en-


the cane grindingI Mrs W T Mellwsiine and childrenl

of Ocala were the guests of Mr and I

Mrs c Y Miller WednesdayI Mrs Elwood Johnson spent the day j

Wednesday pleasantly at Martel j

The rend pulling at the residencefof Mr J F Parker was well attendedad enjoyed to the full extent by theyoung bilks

I AV B Xewbern the prosperous mer-chant


and postmaster mule a fixingtrip to Ocala Wednesday r

IC Y Miller shipped a barrel of

fancy grape fruit to Dunnellon this-j weekI Mr T V Xewbern made a visit toJ relatives and friends in Gainesville afew days the past week

I The sad news reaches us of j thedeath of Mrs G L Agnew of Jack-sonville Fla She was a most excel-lent Christian and a devoted wife

J and mother She leaves a husbandi and tin little children to mourn herloss May the great Redeemer comfort them in the > hour of their be-

reavementI Mrs Agnew has many-I friends here who will be pained tolearn of her death They formerly

dived here before moving to Jackson-ville



Mr Editor I wish you a merryChristmas O4feijmppy New Year

t S Bluebelli


Mrs Add flL room the widelyknown proprietor of the Croom HotelVaughn Misssays For severalmonths I suffered with a severe coughand consumption seemed to have itsgrip on me when a friend recommend-ed


Dr Kings New Discovery I begantaking it and three bottles affected acomplete cure The fame of this life-saving cough and cold remedy andlung and throat healer is world wideSold at all drug stores Fifty centsand 100 Trial bottles free




your food Lengthens your lifeCottolene is a cleanly wholesome product It is made from cottonseed oil j

in a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner and is just as pure as olive oil It j

moreover makes palatable digestible healthful food which will agree with themost delicate stomach Lard food on the contrary is indigestible and will causetrouble if its use is persisted in

Cottolene is endorsed by the most prominent cooks and household economists-of the country as well as by those of the medical profession who make a specialstudy of pure food There is no substitute for Cottolene because there is no short¬

ening so good as Cottdlene It stands alone as everyone who has used it accord-ing to directions will verify

COTTOLENE IS Guaranteed Your grocer is hereby authonzed to refund your

money in case you are not pleased after having given Cottolene a fair test

Never Sold in Bulk Cottolcne is packed in pails with an air-tIght top to keeps it clean fresh and whole ¬

some and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable-odors such as fish oil etc r

Cook Book Free For a 2c stamp to pay postage we will mailyou our new PURE FOOD COOK BOOK

edited and compiled by Mrs Mary J Lincoln the famous Food Expert-and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes

Made only by THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANY Chicagoa

fit Natures Gift from the Sunny SouthJ n


Bring the children to see old Santa-at the Bazaar Store Gadson-


Our efficient school teacher MissIda Wiggins assisted by the otherladies is getting up a program forour Christmas tree We feel sure itwill be a success

The Woodmen at their last meetingnight elected the following officers-C I Grace C C Alex Tongue A LJ E Turnipseed banker A A Olinclerk A G Ray sentry D C Rawlswatchman I


There have been several transfers ofreal estate here recently Mr U DTurnipseed has sold his place to MrG W Ray and we are reliably inform-ed


that other deals are on or havebeen made for farms here

Mr and Mrs Harrnnan who havebeen spending a while with Capt andMrs J R Webb left last Sunray fortheir home in Vermont j

Mr 13 C Webb accompanied byhis wife and sister Miss Julie at-


memorial services at Elks Hall i

last Sunday and report a very pleas-ant meeting i

We were very glad to note in lastissue of the Star that Editor C L I

Bittinger was improving Hope he i

has entirely recovered before this i




HER HEART WASher complexion was bad anti

she could find nothing to clear it upLadies a bad complexion is caused byan inactive liver An inactive liverwill be put in perfect condition by tak I

ink Ballards Herhine The unequall-ed

¬ I

liver regulator Sold by the Anti-Monopoly Drugstore


I have not seen any news in theStar from Charter Oak in a long time-so I will tell you some t

We all had a nice pillau at the homeof W M Scroggie A large crowd attended and all had a nice time Therewere six chickens and sixteen pounds-of rice

Berry Perry made a business trip-to the Brick City Saturday last

Miss Cora Pritchett is at Rutlandgoing to school A young man inCharter Oak is sorry of her leaving-

Mr Charles Lucius went dearhunting Sunday evening Had fine

luckAred horse and a top buggy went-

to Belleview Sunday evening Whatdoes that mean

Miss Nannie and Berry Perry made-a business trip to Lake Weir Sunday

Rose Bud

WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLSHave you neglected your kidneys

Have you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and bladder Have you pains-in loins side back groins and bladder Have you a flabby appearance-of the face especially under the eyesToo frequent a desire to pass urineIf so Williams Kidney Pills will cureyou Sold by the AntimonopolyDrugstore

FISH AND OYSTERS-I E Tompkins the old reliable is

now keeping a strictly firstclass stall-in the city market the last on theright as you go In He keeps allkinds of fresh meats choice beefpork mutton sausage etc Fresh fishreceived daily from both salt andfrseh water points and choicest Crys ¬

tal River and Cedar Key oys rs re ¬

ceived by each train All are guar ¬

anteed to be fresh and fine Also re ¬

member if you want employment orwant to employ any one consult me-I E TOMPKIXS City Market Ocala


Railroad Rates to theMARION COUNTY FAIR



The Schedule of Special Train and Rates is as Follows rRoundTrip-

Lv GROOM 700 a m205-Li Istachatta 714 a m 190Lv Floral City > 730 a m 175Lv Inverness 746 a m 155Lv Hernando 800 a m 140Lv Holder 812 a m 125Lv Elliston S17 a m

fDunnellon S2o


Leroy 908915 m


Special Train will leave Ocala Returning 530 p m Same hate

All Excursion Tickets Lignite to December 19t-



For girls and young established 1878 Number boarding stud ¬

ents strictly limited to insure refined home life Classes divided into smallsections personal attention to each pu pin Faculty of IS specialists Con ¬

servatory advantages in MUSIC ELOCUTION Certificate admits toVassar Wellesley etc Catalog free





KodolF-or Dyspepsia and Indigestion-

IfI you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gas onStomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn-

etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost InstantlyI

IKodol supplies the same digestive

I Juices that are found in a healthy-i stomach Being a liquid it starts

digestion at onceI Kodol not only digests your foodi but helps you enjoy every mouthfulI you eat-

You a sufficient amount ofI good wholesome food to maintainI strength and health

But this food be digestedthoroughly otherwise the pains of

Iindigestion and dyspepsia are theresult

When your stomach cannot do itswork properly take something tohelp your stomach Kodol is theonly thing that will give the stom ¬

complete restWhy Because Kodol does the

tame work as a strong stomach anddoes it in a natural way

RouncWtTrip y

Lv a mI00-Lv Juliette 840 a inLv Rock 856 a inLv a mLv York aLv Cartel 926 a m 50Ar Ocala a m








So dont neglect your stomachDont become a chronic dyspepticKeep your stomach healthy andstrong by taking a little KodolYou dont have to take Kodol allthe time You only take it whenycu need it

Kodol is perfectly harmless

Our GuaranteeG-o r

to druggist today and get a dol-lar


bottle Then after you bareasedtbentire contents of the bottle if you canhonestly say that it has not done anRood return the bottle to the druggtstandhe will refund your money ¬

tion or delay will then pay the drug-gist

¬Don hesitate all druggists know

that our guarantee good This offer ap ¬

plies to thelanre bottle only asd to but onein a family The farce bott e containstimes as much as the fifty cent bottle

Kodol prepared at the laborator-ies


of E C Be Witt do Co Chicago