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A lam. Prescott,' edltOl';r ·Pa.'," March. 22,. 1840;1 ,therlne Dampman 'V,: Princeton Theol .. Som.: 19ton, CoiL, ]~92) ;""1;' 1871,. Mary Heed; '2<J;~: 'g",]884, .Annle J\1oKe 11,ministry, 1870; C;O) 'hUa., 1870-94. Pustor 83;,ML Airy; Philn.,:,;: [ncoln .Univ., .p",., "IIIe I" Sustentation:, at . ~.Y.i, Ddltor Presby'n Jou~"l t!1ennsso. editor.ot;[' r:.,Presbyterlan Ycar J,. ;,A13; ., The '. Presll)' lii'adelphla, I11ustrattut; t" .Bernard St .. ' (Jllj(t, 'h'iladelphia .. ' ". :'.. ii: .Robert Nuy)or,.edu' ",fordsville, Ind.,. Jun tthew M. and Julia Du ;raiJ., 'Vabash CoIl., ,J.•• . in ..English., 'Geril1l\n, ; A. M., 1892, saIne,,' 'J!!' (Ph. D., .Wabash:, 1 Mar.' 27. 1~9g,. EUn;' Instr. English' lIterR~v ;h Sch., :1893-190";,d",,0.:_ . dept. Am.' Intern"~,;'Co," ~S.~ since 190G, Octt1!thr . 'Mem. Modern LI(II~I Plii Beta Kappa. Pr".by' tho,': Anthology of "1n1lU :to·Klpllng,'190:J S12; atlf4, serted ViIJage and' OU ::f ~~~;i~ellc~:' \VilbJ'ahltr~~!.t~:~" Cabell, banker,mlll~l'tlt .Oct.' 5, 18G3; B. lIf., l.nblttl S., 'Columbian (IIUW O&cj iv., 1896, Ph, n.,· 18!JS.", ay oIDce, Boise Cfty, r, Bureau of the Mlllt,'1 <Iin bankingand mlllin l1em.' Am. Inst. Mlnhl!: Soc., FranltIin' InsL'.',il Uaska: I /() COI-tltt·udt,. P ..~ Iit"bIJ' (;'30,1842; s. WilliAm' izabeth (Parker) \V,j a~:~,,lAndover,; I\Ia88:;~ ; 'A.'lI!., ]8H6; gracl,tip (D.' D.,.' Union; 18S0:t s..~ 3t. Stephen's, 18g0); /11.'3 "B. King, Roxbury; o;MI .';June· 21, 1867;. ordal 1868;1 miSSionary III r Cole, .·,of'the Nativity, S. 1I<11t! ~; asst. sec. Dioceso of C." twice deL to Gen. Cont••. nfs.1 ,; London, 1888,". ID1 ,p .. of .Pittsburgh, . Jan,": Lplain of Grand' J.4odRer f.',! ]883-1!107;ehnplaln ,Po 'ors; 19011-7; chaplain ,p. n-gen.'of Guild ot·St. n.. '1887-1907. Addr",s: 'BhA( , i) ,,, i ~, .. ,,'j}t1' Jolnl; minister,' ;.'thl\01{!· : March H, ]850; S'"DdYI, grad. Acad. or the. N;I1 879 '(B. Th.,']880: :A',.I;)t. ]880, .Mary A!tkun,1 Phil&, 'ch (Swedenborgian); &Ir~. WHO'S WHO burg, Pa., 1880-g5; pastor Urbana, 0., . Cburch Soc, 1895cg9; pres. Urbana ,,,]8~5-99; teacher theology New Ch. ,Seh.., Sept. 29, 1899, J!lne, 1902; pre- minister Michigan Assn. of the New d pastor Detroit Soc. of the New Cl1., lecturer on Swedenborg's pbilosophy _eDlogy,.Doston, since Jan. 1, 1906. Es- "bed, 1897,New Philosophy (Swedenbor- I paper); memo Gen. Conv" and Council .. Mlalsters; memo Bot. Soc. of Western Pa., CmtralOhio Scientific Soc., Am: Social Sci- I Assn., Swedenborg Scientific Assn. 'J;",,: Waltbam, Mass. Office: 16 Arling- 8t, Boston. TtJIIEAD, RahIll Untlclifl'e, b. at f4fkahlre, Eng., 18M; s. Francis Frederick iiI4 Isabella (Dalglish) W.; M. A., Baliol OiI1.;:Oxford,Eng., 1877 (pupil of Ruskin); Me to U. S., 1892; 1/1. Portsmouth, N. H., II:, -Jane Byrd MacCall. Fotlower of Rus- 1:1and WJ1llam Morris whose principles he toll endeavored to embody in an arts and settlemen t ••Byrdcliffe," VVoodstocl<, ,Co., N. Y.; engaged in the propa- of newer methods of ed'n, Club: Nat. Alltllor: Grass of the Descrt, ]892 Xl; Ie's Vita 1'I'uova, 1893 Xl. \Vrites ]Jam- etB and artir:les on art, 111ullieipal o\VlIer- P. economics, etc., sinco 1SiJO •. Addn:j·.s: 'oodstock,N. Y. IiTEUEAn, Illchnr.1 Hellry, physt- taD, educator; b. Salisbury, N. C., Jnly 27, Il1O; s. M. (M. D.) fil,d Virgillia (Colemall) ~J,' grad. Wake Forest CoH., N. C., 18S6; dept. Univ. or Va., 1887; m. Amberst, L, ISn, Virginia 'Vhitehead. Demollstra- "" anatomy, Univ. of Va., 1887-9; prof. !uatomy and dean Med. Dept., Un i\'. of N. t,.. 18~]-1905;prof. auatomy and dean of Jr,d.Dept.• Univ. of Va., since 1905. Mem. .!d, Soc. N. C., Assn. of Am. Anatomists, UI,.Med. Assn. Author.' Anatomy of the Jraili, ]900 D9. Contb'!, of anat. and pathol. .ppers to med. jours. Address: Charlottes- ,'Lie, Va .. 'HITEHOUSE, F lor e nee llrookc .·E')' autbor; b. Augusta; Me.; d. Samuel , neeI' and Mary Caroline (Wadsworth) : lOoks;ed. pub. scbs. and St. Catberine's Rail,Augusta; music in Boston under pvt. bltors:also ],mguages, drawing and paint- !Ii;'III; Augusta, Me.', June 19, 1894, Rob- III Treat Whitehouse. Vocalist in Rossini aub, , of .Portland, Me. Traveled in Eu- fliPS: Syria and Egypt, 1891-2. Auillor: The 000'of Things, 1902 L6; The Effendi, 1904 1.6;also several plays, all of wbich bave i,hfn produced. Address: 42 Deering St., 'Portland, Me.. tl!JTEHOUSE, Jam'es Horton, art. designer; "iled1902;see Who's Who in America, 1901- ,.1~., . Il/lTEUOUSE, IJeJnT nen,s"ll, niplo- . 'mat,authOl'; f,. New·York, Aug. ]7, lSfi7; s. J. H. Plld Mal'y (Schcn"I<) \V.; "t!. 1':,1/(- land, Germm;y. Switzcrhllu] and U. :=;,; m. Boston, June 1, 18"2, Margaret McBurney. ,'JDdiplomatic servicc U. S., 1882-96; student , 10iIlerature find hist. research. Corr. memo Scelet1; dcs f,:tudcs historiques, Paris; deco- rated by King Humbert of Haly with Cross orCommander oE St. MallJ'iec m1l1St. Laza- I fUS; mem, lLalian Dilllte Alighicl'l 80e., etc. ·rf.,IJoJ': Sacrifice of a Throne (,[,I[e of IN AMERICA ~ '2043: Ainadeus of Savoy), 18g7 B33; Collaps<\;~t' the Kingdom of Naples, 1899, 1902"fJ3~":~ Hevolutionary Princess, Life of . CliI:I(t\na Belgio joso-Trivulzio '(In Englisb"\j.1nd Frencb), 1907 D4. Contb',.· to Am.,' Italian; French and Swiss reviews, largely on;' Hal- ia:n subjects;·' Address: '~The Larches," Ir- I'v'ington-on-Hudson, N.· Y., or'VilIa Denan- ton, Cluehy, Switzerland .. 11' ,; <,; .. : j '\VlIl'rEHOUSE, Robel't Tr(mt;:lawyer;" b. Augusta, Me.,'Marcb 27,'1870; s.·~William Penn and Evelyn .M. (Treat)·'W,;'.grud.' Harvard, 1891, Harvard Law Scbool," 1893; m. Augusta; Me., 'June' 19, 1894,"F,lorence' Brooks.' Admitted to· bar, 1893;, co: '·att'y . . Cumberland Co., :Me., elected SepL'lO.1900; U. S. disl. att·y, dist. of Me.:, since JaIl: '11, 1906; Republiean. 'A',tho1': Equity 'JurigdiC- tlon, Pleadipg, and Practice in Maino, 1900) Address: Portland, ]\ole •. \ 11._.,; ',; ',:;I~ 'WHITEHOUSE, Williani FitzHugl1, expiorer'; 'i ; see Who'~ Who in America, 1906.-7.··._ ... , " \:'.'-':, 'WHI'rl~llO',(JSE, ,\ViJlialll" PCllll, . asso. "\. justice Supremc Jud. Court·or 'Me, 'since . 1890; b. Vassalboro, Me., April '9, ]842;·s. Jolnl Robcrts and Hannah (PercIval) W.; ::;rad. Watcrviile CoIl., Me:, 18(;3 (A, M., 1866; LL. D., ]891:); 1H •. ·JUIIO24, 18••9, gyolyn Ill., d. of CoL Robcrt "l'rcat: Admlttcd to bar, 1865; city solicitor, Augusta, Me., 4 yrs.; Co. aU'y, 7 yrs.; since ]88$, trustco of Kennebec Savings Danl,; chmn. comm'n on New Insane I1osp., ]87:\. Wrote monograph against the Cottage System pUblished by the State; judge Superior Court, ..1878-90, Kennebec Co.,, Me. Address: Augusta,' Me. WHITELEY, Isabel Nixon, ."autbor; sea Who's 'Vho in America, 1906c7., ", .. '\VHI'J'EI;EY, ,In,,.''s Gustavus,' writer on internaL law and history ;q. ,fir. Balti- more, July 9" ]866; S. William· Stevens and Emmeline Holmes W.; ed. at pvt, schs. and under pvt. tutors; m. Dec. 16,:.1896,. Emiiy Baily Stone.' UnoffLclal representative of President of U. S. at meeting' at The Hague, 1898, of Le Congrss Internat. d'Hls- toire Diplomatique, of which. is V.-p. and one of the founders. Mem. Internat. Com. wbieh organized Le. Congrss Interiiatlopal d'Histolre Comparee, ParIs,: 1900;.. ofljcial del. of U.. S. Gov't. to same; 'apptd; consul of the Congo.Free State by H .. M. Leopold II, 1904, consul-gen., Sept.'1,·1905~ Asso. Inst. Internat. Law; feliow Royal ..Hist. ··Soc. (Great Britain); corr ..·· m~m·.:: La" Societe d'Histoire Diploll1atique. 'and:L'a ,Societe des :J1:tudesHistorlques (Paris); mem."Aln. Hist. Assll. Extensive contb'r.' to prin," Am.',and foreign revs'. on subjects of" intern'at. law, diplomatic history aud foreign' afEairs: lDpls- copalian. Cll/bs: University, Baltimore Coun- try. Address: '223 .W. Lanvale St.,' BaIU- nlore. ' 1 " : •• ~,' "'III'I'F.I.OCK. GCOJ·p,.", lawyer;·b. Baltl., morc, rhH~. ~r;, 1Sfi·l: .~. Wlllln1l1. and ,Tnne (Slocl<tOll) W.; grad. Pa. Mil. Cpll.; 1.872; Univ. of Md., LL. D., 1875; student Leipzig, Germany, and in Romance pbllology, Jobns Hopl<ins; 1H. Mt. 'Vashington, Md., Dec. 30, 1878, Louise Clarl<son Sauerwein; In prac- tice of law, Baltimore, since, 1876; firm Schmuekcr & 'Vhiteloek, 1876-98; <,hmn. of Com. on Revision of ItuJes of State Cts. of Ballimorc City,1897; mem.of COIU, 'of ~[I/G/,

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lam. Prescott,' edltOl';r·Pa.'," March. 22,. 1840;1,therlne Dampman 'V,:Princeton Theol .. Som.:

19ton, CoiL, ]~92) ;""1;'1871,. Mary Heed; '2<J;~:'g",]884, .Annle J\1oKe11,ministry, 1870; C;O)

'hUa., 1870-94. Pustor83;,ML Airy; Philn.,:,;:[ncoln .Univ., .p",., "IIIeI" Sustentation:, at . ~.Y.i,Ddltor Presby'n Jou~"lt!1ennsso. editor.ot;['

r:.,Presbyterlan YcarJ,. ;,A13; ., The '. Presll)'lii'adelphla, I11ustrattut;t" .Bernard St .. ' (Jllj(t,'h'iladelphia .. ' ". :'.. ii:.Robert Nuy)or,.edu'",fordsville, Ind.,. Juntthew M. and Julia Du;raiJ., 'Vabash CoIl., ,J.••. in ..English., 'Geril1l\n, ;A. M., 1892, saIne,,' 'J!!'

(Ph. D., .Wabash:, 1Mar.' 27. 1~9g,. EUn;'

Instr. English' lIterR~v;h Sch., :1893-190";,d",,0.:_. dept. Am.' Intern"~,;'Co,"

~S.~ since 190G, Octt1!thr. 'Mem. Modern LI(II~I

Plii Beta Kappa. Pr".by'tho,': Anthology of "1n1lU:to·Klpllng,'190:J S12; atlf4,serted ViIJage and' OU

::f ~~~;i~ellc~:' \VilbJ'ahltr~~!.t~:~"Cabell, banker,mlll~l'tlt.Oct.' 5, 18G3; B. lIf., l.nblttlS., 'Columbian (IIUW O&cjiv., 1896, Ph, n.,· 18!JS.",ay oIDce, Boise Cfty, r,Bureau of the Mlllt,'1<Iin bankingand mlllinl1em.' Am. Inst. Mlnhl!:Soc., FranltIin' InsL'.',ilUaska: I /()COI-tltt·udt,. P ..~Iit"bIJ'(;'30,1842; s. WilliAm'izabeth (Parker) \V,ja~:~,,lAndover,; I\Ia88:;~; 'A.'lI!., ]8H6; gracl,tip(D.' D.,.' Union; 18S0:t s..~3t. Stephen's, 18g0); /11.'3"B. King, Roxbury; o;MI

.';June· 21, 1867;. ordal1868;1miSSionary III r Cole,.·,of'the Nativity, S. 1I<11t!~; asst. sec. Dioceso of C."twice deL to Gen. Cont••.

nfs.1 ,; London, 1888,". ID1,p .. of .Pittsburgh, . Jan,":Lplain of Grand' J.4odRerf.',! ]883-1!107;ehnplaln ,Po'ors; 19011-7; chaplain ,p.n-gen.'of Guild ot·St. n..'1887-1907. Addr",s: 'BhA(, i) , , , i ~,..,,'j}t1'Jolnl; minister,' ;.'thl\01{!·: March H, ]850; S'"DdYI,grad. Acad. or the. N;I1879 '(B. Th.,']880: :A',.I;)t.]880, .Mary A!tkun,1 Phil&,

'ch (Swedenborgian); &Ir~.


burg, Pa., 1880-g5; pastor Urbana, 0.,. Cburch Soc, 1895cg9; pres. Urbana,,,]8~5-99; teacher theology New Ch.

,Seh.., Sept. 29, 1899, J!lne, 1902; pre­minister Michigan Assn. of the Newd pastor Detroit Soc. of the New Cl1.,lecturer on Swedenborg's pbilosophy

_eDlogy,.Doston, since Jan. 1, 1906. Es­"bed, 1897,New Philosophy (Swedenbor­I paper); memo Gen. Conv" and Council

.. Mlalsters; memo Bot. Soc. of Western Pa.,CmtralOhio Scientific Soc., Am: Social Sci­

I Assn., Swedenborg Scientific Assn.'J;",,: Waltbam, Mass. Office: 16 Arling­8t, Boston.TtJIIEAD, RahIll Untlclifl'e, b. at

f4fkahlre, Eng., 18M; s. Francis FrederickiiI4 Isabella (Dalglish) W.; M. A., BaliolOiI1.;:Oxford,Eng., 1877 (pupil of Ruskin);Me to U. S., 1892; 1/1. Portsmouth, N. H.,II:, -Jane Byrd MacCall. Fotlower of Rus-

1:1and WJ1llam Morris whose principles hetoll endeavored to embody in an arts andsettlemen t ••Byrdcliffe," VVoodstocl<,,Co., N. Y.; engaged in the propa­of newer methods of ed'n, Club: Nat.

• Alltllor: Grass of the Descrt, ]892 Xl;Ie's Vita 1'I'uova, 1893 Xl. \Vrites ]Jam­

etB and artir:les on art, 111ullieipal o\VlIer­P. economics, etc., sinco 1SiJO •. Addn:j·.s:

'oodstock,N. Y.IiTEUEAn, Illchnr.1 Hellry, physt­

taD,educator; b. Salisbury, N. C., Jnly 27,Il1O; s. M. (M. D.) fil,d Virgillia (Colemall)

~J,'grad. Wake Forest CoH., N. C., 18S6;dept. Univ. or Va., 1887; m. Amberst,

L, ISn, Virginia 'Vhitehead. Demollstra-"" anatomy, Univ. of Va., 1887-9; prof.!uatomy and dean Med. Dept., Un i\'. of N.t,..18~]-1905;prof. auatomy and dean ofJr,d.Dept.• Univ. of Va., since 1905. Mem..!d, Soc. N. C., Assn. of Am. Anatomists,UI,.Med. Assn. Author.' Anatomy of theJraili, ]900 D9. Contb'!, of anat. and pathol.

.ppers to med. jours. Address: Charlottes­,'Lie, Va ..'HITEHOUSE, F lor e nee llrookc

.·E')'autbor; b. Augusta; Me.; d. Samuel, neeI' and Mary Caroline (Wadsworth): lOoks;ed. pub. scbs. and St. Catberine'sRail,Augusta; music in Boston under pvt.bltors:also ],mguages, drawing and paint­!Ii;'III; Augusta, Me.', June 19, 1894, Rob­III Treat Whitehouse. Vocalist in Rossiniaub, , of .Portland, Me. Traveled in Eu­fliPS: Syria and Egypt, 1891-2. Auillor: The000'of Things, 1902 L6; The Effendi, 19041.6;also several plays, all of wbich bave

i,hfn produced. Address: 42 Deering St.,'Portland, Me..

tl!JTEHOUSE, Jam'es Horton, art. designer;"iled1902;see Who's Who in America, 1901-,.1~., .Il/lTEUOUSE, IJeJnT nen,s"ll, niplo­. 'mat,authOl'; f,. New·York, Aug. ]7, lSfi7; s.

J. H. Plld Mal'y (Schcn"I<) \V.; "t!. 1':,1/(­land, Germm;y. Switzcrhllu] and U. :=;,; m.Boston, June 1, 18"2, Margaret McBurney.

,'JDdiplomatic servicc U. S., 1882-96; student, 10iIlerature find hist. research. Corr. memoScelet1;dcs f,:tudcs historiques, Paris; deco­rated by King Humbert of Haly with CrossorCommander oE St. MallJ'iec m1l1St. Laza­

I fUS;mem, lLalian Dilllte Alighicl'l 80e., etc.·rf.,IJoJ': Sacrifice of a Throne (,[,I[e of

IN AMERICA ~ '2043:

Ainadeus of Savoy), 18g7 B33; Collaps<\;~t'the Kingdom of Naples, 1899, 1902"fJ3~":~Hevolutionary Princess, Life of . CliI:I(t\naBelgio joso-Trivulzio '(In Englisb"\j.1ndFrencb), 1907 D4. Contb',.· to Am.,' Italian;French and Swiss reviews, largely on;' Hal­ia:n subjects;·' Address: '~The Larches," Ir­

I'v'ington-on-Hudson, N.· Y., or'VilIa Denan-ton, Cluehy, Switzerland .. 11' ,; <,; .. : j

'\VlIl'rEHOUSE, Robel't Tr(mt;:lawyer;"b. Augusta, Me.,'Marcb 27,'1870; s.·~WilliamPenn and Evelyn .M. (Treat)·'W,;'.grud.'Harvard, 1891, Harvard Law Scbool," 1893;m. Augusta; Me., 'June' 19, 1894,"F,lorence'Brooks.' Admitted to· bar, 1893;, co: '·att'y .

.Cumberland Co., :Me., elected SepL'lO.1900;U. S. disl. att·y, dist. of Me.:, since JaIl: '11,1906; Republiean. 'A',tho1': Equity 'JurigdiC­tlon, Pleadipg, and Practice in Maino, 1900)Address: Portland, ]\ole •. \ 11._.,; ',; ',:;I~

'WHITEHOUSE, Williani FitzHugl1, expiorer'; 'i; see Who'~ Who in America, 1906.-7.··._..., " \:'.'-':,'WHI'rl~llO',(JSE, ,\ViJlialll" PCllll, . asso. "\.

justice Supremc Jud. Court·or 'Me, 'since .1890; b. Vassalboro, Me., April '9, ]842;·s.Jolnl Robcrts and Hannah (PercIval) W.;::;rad. Watcrviile CoIl., Me:, 18(;3 (A, M.,1866; LL. D., ]891:); 1H •. ·JUIIO 24, 18••9, gyolynIll., d. of CoL Robcrt "l'rcat: Admlttcd tobar, 1865; city solicitor, Augusta, Me., 4yrs.; Co. aU'y, 7 yrs.; since ]88$, trustco ofKennebec Savings Danl,; chmn. comm'n onNew Insane I1osp., ]87:\. Wrote monographagainst the Cottage System pUblished bythe State; judge Superior Court, ..1878-90,Kennebec Co.,, Me. Address: Augusta,' Me.

WHITELEY, Isabel Nixon, ."autbor; seaWho's 'Vho in America, 1906c7., ", ..

'\VHI'J'EI;EY, ,In,,.''s Gustavus,' writeron internaL law and history ;q. ,fir. Balti­more, July 9" ]866; S. William· Stevens andEmmeline Holmes W.; ed. at pvt, schs. andunder pvt. tutors; m. Dec. 16,:.1896,. EmiiyBaily Stone.' UnoffLclal representative ofPresident of U. S. at meeting' at TheHague, 1898, of Le Congrss Internat. d'Hls­toire Diplomatique, of which. is V.-p. andone of the founders. Mem. Internat. Com.wbieh organized Le. Congrss Interiiatlopald'Histolre Comparee, ParIs,: 1900;.. ofljcialdel. of U.. S. Gov't. to same; 'apptd; consulof the Congo.Free State by H .. M. LeopoldII, 1904, consul-gen., Sept.'1,·1905~ Asso. Inst.Internat. Law; feliow Royal ..Hist. ··Soc.(Great Britain); corr ..·· m~m·.:: La" Societed'Histoire Diploll1atique. 'and:L'a ,Societe des:J1:tudesHistorlques (Paris); mem."Aln. Hist.Assll. Extensive contb'r.' to prin," Am.',andforeign revs'. on subjects of" intern'at. law,diplomatic history aud foreign' afEairs: lDpls­copalian. Cll/bs: University, Baltimore Coun­try. Address: '223 .W. Lanvale St.,' BaIU-nlore. ' 1 " : •• ~,'

"'III'I'F.I.OCK. GCOJ·p,.", lawyer;·b. Baltl.,morc, rhH~. ~r;, 1Sfi·l: .~. Wlllln1l1. and ,Tnne(Slocl<tOll) W.; grad. Pa. Mil. Cpll.; 1.872;Univ. of Md., LL. D., 1875; student Leipzig,Germany, and in Romance pbllology, JobnsHopl<ins; 1H. Mt. 'Vashington, Md., Dec. 30,1878, Louise Clarl<son Sauerwein; In prac­tice of law, Baltimore, since, 1876; firmSchmuekcr & 'Vhiteloek, 1876-98; <,hmn. ofCom. on Revision of ItuJes of State Cts.of Ballimorc City,1897; mem.of COIU, 'of


Rovislon of Hulos of U, S. Cls. for lJisl. ofMlI.,1906-7. /lepublleall: /lop. "ulI<llelnlo fo,

,nllY.·gPJI. Md .• JHO:tj mom. MUlllclpal COllI.on J.!1xteuslon of Clt~~ Llu\!ls, j~~8 .. Mmn. Am.Dar Assn., Internat. Law Assn., 1\'JodcrnLnnguago Assn. of Amel'ioa, Md. Slate BarAssn. (pres., IH03-4.) UlIltarian. Ncsidcl1cc:29 JiJ. 1I1t. VCl'non PI. UI/ice: 1-107Conllnellt1ilJJllIg., I1aIlInlOl'o.

WI(('I'I~I ..•()CI<, JIOllIH(~CJn.1"]i:ROn, [lH-· thor; b. (Clarltson) Baltlmoro, 1865: III.George Whlteloclt, lawyer. Early books Un-

·dcr llllllle of L. Clal'ltsull; Is also illustrator .· Junny of hor Looks hcIl1g illustrated byherscH. Au/hot,: (colleclioIlA or poenlH) Vio­let with gyes of Blue; Thp Gullwl'lng of theI..dUes; Tho- Hag Fair; Indian Sununer;

· Heartsease and Happy Days; Flyaway Fai­,rlcs (childrcn's boolt); LIttle 1I11ss Stay-at­Home (salUe). Also: The Shadow of JohnWaUace (novel); A Mad Madonna; How

·Hindsight Met Provlncla]atis (short stories).Address: 29 Mt. Vernon PI., E. Baltimorc.

. '\VIII'I'ELOOK, '\VIlHanl '\VnlInce, au­thor: b. Mt. 'Washington, nr. Baltimore, Apr.

'2..1'L ,1, 1869: s. 'WlIJiam and Jane Stockton (Wool-

~' ,)1' 'stou) W.: A. B., Johns Hopkins, 1890: Ph.\ IV- I_D., Univ. of Munich, 1893: 1/1. London, Eng.,~ "':J.,w; Jan. 10, 1901, Baroness Mary von Stock-

I..IV'" ;hausen. Served apprentleeship in uews-,- 'paper work in New York; chief yeoman on

U. S. S. Gloucester during Spanish-Am.,War. Republican. Allfllor: When the Heart·Is Young, 1902 D4: The Literary Guillotine,1903 L22; Just Love Songs, 1906 Lll: 1"ore-

· gone Verses, 1907 Bll; When Kings GoForth to Battle, 1907 L5. Add"ess: 758 WestEnd Av., New York

'\VHITESIDE, Frnnk Ree.I, artist, teach­er: b. Phila., Aug. 20, 18(;6; s. R. J. 111.anll

·Mary (Mustin) 'V.; ell. Phila. pub. schs. and:Pa. Acad. Fine Arts: studied with Laurensland· Constant, Paris; m. Phila., umr,. CI:lrnWalker. InMr. R. C. High Sch., Phila., ]S~O­6: Instr. In Pnb. Industrial Art S('II., P. i~.Ch. Acad., Blight Sell.. Philo., 1~07; spe­Cialty landscapes: contb'r to art periodicals.A dd"ess: 'Vyncole, Pa,

WIIlTIo'IEI,n, Altlert lInll, jurist; b.nr. ,Aberdeen, Miss., Oet. 12, 18·19; s. Rob­ert Donneil alld .Iane Amanda (McMillan)W.; ed. at Tutwilcr's Prop. Scbool, GreencSprings, Ala., 18611-7:grad. Uulv. of Miss ..

'1871, with first honors (A. M., LL. D.); Ill.Dec. 13, 1876, Isadore 13uITaJoe, Grenada.Miss, Taught Latin and Greek as adjunct

'prof.,' dcpt. Greek. Uuiv. of lIIiss., 1871-5:.grad. Jaw dept., Uuiv. of Mississippi, 187.j;dean law dept. Univ. of Miss.: 1892-4; ap­ptd. asso. justice Supreme Court of IIllss.for. term 1894-1903, ehlef justice, 1900; re­

apptd. chief justlco for term 1903-12; prof.law, MilIsgps Coil.; Jackson, since 1900.Address: Jackson, Miss.

'VIII'I'FIRI,U, J. l!~'h'·nr.l, analyticalchemist: b. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1859; s.Robert p. W.; academic ed'n (Ph. D., Not.

:Coll. Pharmacy, Washington, D. C.); stud,:Ied ,,4 yrs. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.,..but. was not graduated; 111. Dec. 25, 1885,,Florence P .. Morton. With U. S. Geol. Sur­:.vey, ]880-8; since then of firm, of Booth,.Garrett· & Blair, analyth-al chemists and:eng'rs, Phila. Has publishe(j many artielcs

O! 'orchestral npIanoforte pie.liy .Boston, Pitphony orchestlA dd"ess: 141' EnUTING, 01.ltor Sprlllgllcl'.Vt., .Jan. ao,':Goollrlch W.;'Falla, Mass.;'Gray. After '~.farmIng, Iteepitllo slltff of tI:,with, It ever Iasst. edltoI' Aleditor RepubliClub, New Yccatl<:>nof ·the ~field; The S,New England,Springfield .. ,,(Prospective),St.' Oiliee: ThenUTING; ISoc. of Arts,Oakdale, TenAugustus' ande4. pub.' sch,Framingham,

.•Cook .. Aetiv:ment; supt.·"Art,·' La. PI

~irdlploma and i;,~~rangenlellt' 0:,: l1at. Jury of )r .•!'ln same. ·0.•il exec. com.'· J

q:. treas. Nat. L,;,;, Copley Soc.,".': Civic LeagUE. ; City. Unitar:, omce: 9 Park,WllrrlNU, 4

' .... composer;·· l,..1842; early I

. ~.boy played' ij became org· '18(;2, at Bo!· ,studied in'1

and musica.: .Conception,:.. 1883: teache!

"tory of 1IIll!:;., organtst CII• , t organ and (· ",Music, '1878­, ..Aldrich; at,.' Gral)d Sonal. ment and E,i, ing. Cahtatf., S21; Midnlg

_,:for organ,· :'j. sisting .of :c_" Overture Pri'l Orchestra; (

ian), 1893.WHITING" ;

1903; see '\1. WHITING,.. FaUs N ­. W., 'iu.·St. editor Bostton Budgel

'1900 in Em

on topics of his profession. AddrtSlI,4b$ClIHt St., l'hllllllelphin. •. '.; il':;

\V Ill'J11i'lliJLD, .'n IIlCS l1r)'nn,'Jttin 'Ynyne Co., N. C., Nov. 8, lSQ)i:..•.,ard Allen and Mary (Croom) W,; jl;'la. S~'m" Tallahassee, and UnIJ.! Of~H. L., ]8,Sfi; 111, 1st, Nov. 25, 1896, LNllsh (died Oct. 4, 1897); 2d,' Talll

, Fla., .Juno 12, 1!JOl,Margaret H. RnAdmitted to Fla. bar, ]886. CasblerTropical Exp'n, .Jacksonville, Fla.,:!.apptd. pvt. sec. Gov. Pcrry ot Fia,;.,1888; co. jUdge Leon Co., Fla., Noy•.•lilaI'. 9, 1HS!J;<:Iel'k Sllpreme Court 01:,1HS!!-!J7;Rl.nlc In'as., Fla., 1897-1902:JNI,J'gon. of I"ill., 1903-4: justice SupremeCFla .• 190·1-5, chief justice. 1905; ro.••:justice, 1904, 190r.,present term o.pl •••••Democrat. Episcopalian. Address: Taltsee, Fla .. ,., ~11 'l

\VIlI'l'FIEI,n, llotleI't PUI'I', geoleb. New Hartford, Oneida Co., 'N: Y:;27, 1828; s. William Fenton and lilt(Parr) W.: mostly self-educated' (A;:,Wesleyan, 1882). Worked for hi8 tatblt;' ,spindlemaker, until 1848, when he 'f/lUftiItemploy of Samuel Chubbuck, In.tMl~maker, Utlea, becoming mgr., 1849.64.~.spare time stUdying natural hlslol7 •••••geology: asst. In palmontology and cMkIiN. Y. State Natural History, 11;56-76;'11;Geol. Survey, 1872; teacher, 1872-5,'aud

geology, 1875-8, Rensselaer Poly. ln8!:.·,N. Y.; curator geol. dept.. Am..Mu!. "History, since 1877. Ol'igillni' t~lIolI\'~A.A. S.: fellow Geo!. Soc.' of Amcrlca:Inany scientific socs.; writer on gaoL

. jects. Author of Palmonto!. pgp~rt V,lGeoL Survey, Ohio Palmontoiogy, I'al_ogy of New Jersey. 3 vols" etc. A~J"Am. IIhfseul11 of Natural IIIslory, COllIPark, New York. ' If.i~,

WHITFORD, Oscgr F" clv. eng'r; died: '_Who's ,Vho ill Amcrica, 1901-2... " ••.••,WIIITFOItD, 'Villiam Clgrke, educntor: dl.tll

1D02: see Who's Who in Americn.)~I~l.'\VIlI'I'lIAJU, Jay lIInnnel, mecb.' eli(I,

b. Warren, III., Aug. 24, 1853; s. Jobo i14Caroline A. (Rowe) W.; grall. In 1J!41'ffio>!'eng'ring and no val architecture, JSSJ,1M ~again In 1883, U. S. Naval Acad. (A,·)I ••.\St. .John's CoIl., Annapolis, Md.: C. E.;')!, ';:E., Ark. Industrial Univ.); 111. Juiy 27, ltU."Rebelmh Emmet, d. Rev. Dr." J.> ",",C',

Dashiell. In U. S. Navy, 1877-86:prot. till!',.;;):ing, 1~~5-91: consulting eng'r III' Pbll4."ic!

since 1891. Mem. Am. Soc. Mecll. En,',.., .;;Am. Soc. Naval Architects and Mnrln. e:r.. ,ig'rs, Am. Soc. Naval FJng'I'S, New.EDllbM '.,VoteI' ,Vol'lts Assn. Allfltor: Steam' EDttM,Design, 1889 W9; Constructive Slenm: tf9•..:'gincering, 1891 'V9. Contll'r of enr'rial':'"papers to tech. jours. and procs. R"iJtJI(t:,',5114 Newhgll St., Germantown. 01li(1:'. ~ .Bullilt Bldg., Philade'lphia. ' ." ::~.~•

"'lIlTING, Almon Clurk, orllst; b., ~t'Vorcestel', Mass., Mar. 5, 1q78; "..~1.Albtnand Martha (Greene) W.; studlcll a1 M••••Normal Art Scll., Dostou; Aca<1r,mleJuUa,.Paris. under Constant and LaU,..n8; ~U~of Whistler, Paris. Mem. Am. AI!. AIII\.,Paris; ex-dir. Toledo Mus. or 4rl. .·.~;:r~.

'VIIITING, Arthur, musician: I,. nt, CIII!•bridge, Mass., June 20, 1861. Planlsl, writer






.. ];2046 .·W:HO'S WHO IN AM.ERICA ! ~;~

.Sldney. ColI., VII. Preshy'n. Democrllt. J~S~:5; <H.r. Allis, Lake Lnboralor1, ~; '!)~~'.tJd",'css:, HaUlJ1d()n·Sldll()~·, Va. pl'ul. zuulogy, Ulnrk Unlv., }1j8~:i2,-"'.i.~!.i

'. Ma1'1110 BIoi. Laborntory, "ood. 'HM\,. ';;'VIll'l'~~OCI~, n~und~ ~~~vyer, autlH,~r;.b., nt Malis., Aillce 1SSS; 'lOW head proto z.o6~. :.:,,;.· (Jrbann, .0., Mat. ·1, J81o.l•. ,. Hcv .•• 1I.tA I'. \lnlv. or Chi<-agu, since 1892: . Mem•. "'t. ;jJ· (D.. D.) and. Mnllin (Umnd) \Y.; ~LUt~lo'l Acad. Sclcllccs slnco J8!15;memo Llo_,i!

( Inw;.1II. Sprlngflold, Ill., .J~"lC 8, 18!~" ~.II" Soc., A. A. A. S., Am. Soc. of NaIU~i!ii1" llpl,:,erd. Adm!tlc~ to b.I1, Juno 10, 18~1: Am. Urulthol. Union; asso.· rcllow·"AII.,.~.. :now.of flrm.of WhllIocl".Mlh·oy, &. .Malln\~.. Acad. ArLs and Sciences. Editor JO\l':,c4~:· ·.Mayor of .To!odo, 0., 1~Olj-7,l~OI,-?" Cont!' I Morphology, the BioI. Uulletin, 'plol. )#'" R;, .. of shor~ slones to mags . ..,ll1tlw,. fhc 1.,Lh Lurcs and .Journal nf Biology. Rwd'",,:I.:1.$,,;'i

.:))i.~trlc;t., 1902.B6; Il,:rlnn~"Lc \:~rl,cty, 1BOI Wondlawn Av., Chicago .. ' .,';':.'.' )itj DIJ, The.lIapp:r AVelnH.e, ~.}(J,IHI" 1,~~(C.T}~ln \VJlI'J'IUAN, JiJdlUnlltl Allen, Inw1tr;h""tttlI': of t~o Bnlnnc:c, :HJOr;7 Ub" AI'.~ldfll(.£;: (:••.1 ~\tn: Lawrcnec, 1(:111., June "11, 1800; $, Edn.na..,.:~~1:

throp, St. UII,re: 11101SIJlLzcl Did"., "nd Ult) Bnrke and Lncrctla (Clnpp) W.; grnd',Hu. J,lIall, Toledo, O... vard, A. D., 1881, A. M., J882, LL, IJ.•.·n~:~"VHl'l'LOCH:,' Herl.ert Percy, mmeral- lit. Cantnn, N. Y., June 27, 1895,.Flore •• ·:~· 'oglst; b. 'New York, .18G8; S. Thomas and Josephine Lee. Admitted to bill', ~mn.''' •. :'': Caroline' V, '(Hull) W.; grad: Charlier lnst., 1886 bar of U. S. Supremo Court,'IJ«',' •••..:!

.: New' Yorl,;' 1884,' Cnlumbia Uuiv. Sch. nf 1902: engaged in gen. practice, but·m.ktt 'ii,·"'Mlnes,'.C.· E.; J889:' 111.Alban:(, N .. Y., 190,1,' sp'lty of coprrlght cases; mcm: law ftmy\!,· Jnlla 'Jaques Gardner. Asst. Ill'mllleralogy, Elder &. Whitman. Unitarian:' Denlllc"'~.III'

,." Cnlumbla .Univ., J892"1901; asst. in mlner- Clllbs: Appalachian Mountain' (v.-p. "II'UJI!ie;'!: alngy, 1901-4, mineralogist since 190·1.N. Y. 20Lh Century, Exehange (lloston); Colonl)!;). " State. '1I1us.. Engaged in mineralogi~ and (Cambridge •. treas. 7 yrs.);· IlllrVllrd 'I:i ••••;!

crystallographie'rescarch 011 N. Y. m1lleral York). A "tllOr: Flax Culture In Lho Unlld ..,

spccies, with sp'l refer~nce to calcite. Wrnte States, 1888: also several. titles In 8DIIIII/I·Y'Mus. :bulls.:· Guide to· Mineralogic Collee- and Am: Ency: of' Law (Jst edit.), . /(,n. ":.:. tlnn:nf the N. Y. State Mus., 1902; List of de"ce: 23 Everett St." Cambrltlgc;: Mut. .1• 'New:York'l\fiuel'al' Lncalltles, 1903; several Of/ice: Pemberton Bldg., Boston.· ,,,,:;' '.:il·; ·mineraloglc contb'ns, 1905-6; edited a~ticles 'VJII'l'iUAN •• John 'IU1I1Iro, rullwar' <4•. ~!.~'on 'ininerrils 'for 'Internat.,· :mucy. Resldellce': ficinl; b, Elbridge, Onondag;i Co., N~'· .• 't.'.. 293' Madison Av" Albany, N. y, Aug. 11, 1837; .t. Jnseph Chandler a'"1 CAr.' ,"'VIIITLOCH.:, . 'VUlllu •• Frnncls. educa- oline Detsy (Munro) W.; cd.' Munro'AcIl4., .." ' to.r'· .cle1~gyn~an; b•. 011 farui W. of Dayton, Elbridge, N. y, Began ,ry. service, IbM.' At •· 0.,:: Oct .. 20. 1833; s. Ellas D. and Mary rodman In eng'rlng dept., 111.Central It••It.,.

,./IA .: (Johnson) W.; cd. country dlst. schs., West Chicago; Icvcler in wnrk of enlarglrlK Jo:mIl" .•.:Chester :(0.) ·.vlliage sch., prep .. and col- Canal, 1858-60; eng'r in charge e.o~"tructl"n:

'~' \Y' ..legla.te. dapts., Ohio Wesleyan UIllV., A. B.. Drunswick & Albany R.. It., In (,n., 11It"~.I"lt" 1859,:,A. III., 1862 (D. D., Baldwin Uniy .. eng'!, in charge construction Union 610Ck

A 1878;I.L. D., Syracuse U\llv., 18!19, Ohio Yards, Chicagn, 18GG-7;on' Ill. and Mich..1' I Wesleyan ·:Univ., J905); III. Dclaware. 0., Canal J867-9' Inwa MIdland R. n., 18&1,'1;

L \V ',"Aug; 2, 1865. Martha. .Jane Howe (died O<:t.. t eng'r 'and suilt., 1872-6; reeclver, J876, Chi•.r-" . 28. 1QOO).·.Tutor auelent languages. 185B-hl. eago & Pacific H. IL; supl. Iowa ,111'.'(:hl•. adj. prof.;: 186-1·6, prof. L:'ti,/1 latH;. al"l. cago & North-West"rn Ry., Juno 1880.1,.h.•.lIt."slllc.e .18GG,dean of. Lad,es. Dept.'r.18,7-. J88:1: geu. SU[lt. Chicagn, SI. Paul, Miano.83,. deal1, .1897~190~,actlll!'; pres .• ~.)Ol-u, V.- apolis & Omaha Ry., Feb., 1R83.July. I!!,,!;p. ,'slnce 1905, Oh,o \Vesleyan UlllV. CI.H'. !';cn. JI1gr., J887-99, 4th v.-p., J89B.19OU,v••~.

"g)'l:U'tn; ,mem. N, Ohio C01J.f~ 1\01. E. ('.h:, in clwl'g-e of constr'u, since Jun. 23, 1900, «:.· 'whlch . ha.s rcprcsenLed .In G c~nsecntl\c & N.-\\'. nv. Nr.<idcllcc: 1295 \\'n.hln~loc

quadr~n~lnl gen. confs.; ll1.em. sInce J884. BnllI'. OllieI': 215 Jackson BanI., Chlcn"o.'·chmn. smee 1893 of P.ubllshln!'; Com. M. E. ... 1 II' . b' P I•Ch' nepubllcan' Alltltor: Story of the llook '\\'T1ITJlJAN, Uo)nl, plYS I' an, . or

Cnilcern '1893 I\i-l Cnntb'r to Meth. Itev .. land, Mc., Oct. 24, 1857; .<. Hoyal It ftlld."'and' deiloll1iu'ation'al 'weeklles bf M. E: Ch .. Lucretia .S. 'V,.; grad. Harvnf<l Mo"!. 8"' •.,"A fd • D laware 0" 1882; reeelved dlpluma. noral CIIII. !:I"rR~oll'.· • rcss. c, , , .••.. Eng., 1889; 1/1. Washington, Jf;gG.JuUa' I•.

.WIJJTJlIAN" neuflh,h 1,011/;1 ••). napt~~~. ·Armital';e. Specialist in sUl'gery or <In(orml.· clergyman;·z, .. Torb~ook, N. S., N.ov. 21. J81o",. ties and diseases of tho joillts. Mern. Am.

,s,: Isaac J ...'y., ed. ·1~1Nova ScotIa to age of Orthopedic ASS11. (pres, JS!J6); ·~orr. m~tn•~ ,17, Worcester. (Ma,s.J Acad., J880-3; gr'!d. 'British' Orthopedic Soc.; mrm: N;Y.' Surn.:, .;Brown· Unlv.,· J887; Newton Theol. Inst n, Soc. Lecturer nn 0I'tbnp,;.1Ic snr/lory" )1.,1.· ,·1890 (D., ·D.,. Bowdoin, .189,1);,LL. D., Hnw- 'Sch., Cn]nll1bia Uuiv.; asso. surgeoll 110"(1,

ard, 1899. Pastor Frce St. Bapt. .Ch., P?rt-; for Ruptured and Crippled; nrthoJ",d10 .ur...- lal\.~, '1\["., 18~0-2.; pres .. Colby Ul1lV., J892-5; geon tn Hasp. St. John's Gull<l, 'Alilhor ,.r',. p~es.: Columhmn,unlv., 1895-~900; pas~or ~th A Treatise on Orthopedic Sor"ery, ", (:M..' . Bapt: Ch •• Phila., sluce 1900•.Addrcss . Phll- tb'r to med. jours; Address: 283 L~xlnllh'"::adelphia: ..· •... ' , ' .' . , Av .• New Ynrk.· '.':'.:WU'IT1IiAN,Chnrles Otis, zoologist; S. 'VHI'I'IUAN. '\VIlIlnm, eomm'n' JtI~~f.,. (.Joseph,·and,Marcia .'V.; 111.Boston, !\Iass .. mfr.; z,. Hound HIli, N. S., May 0, IKI•. I.:.·~;Aug..,;.,188j, :-Emlly· Nnnn; grad. Bowdoin,. Jnhn and Rebecca (Cutler) w.:. ·ccli:\lo!,.·'.18G8 (A. 1\[:;1871; Ph. D., Leipzig, .1878; LT•.. sell.. Annapolis (N. S.).Aoad.;.n,. CaUlbrld•••.:.·.D., Unlv. of Neb .• J894; D.·S.,Dnwdnin Coil., . Mass., J~n. 19, 1865. Jano' 1>010,'lInll.\!.,. '1805)' Fellow Johns Hopkins 1879; prnf. ZUC Troas., sInce 1867, pres. slnr:r 11")2•. '\rll'lItl""

: :ijlogy,.:Imperial Unlv.; .Japlln'. 1880c1; Naplcs (Mass.) M.ills (cnv~ring 62 al'res ~ollr 01''''.':.,' Zool. .:Sta:,· 1882; asst. zoology. Harvard, pres. Wllltman Mills, sineI' ·!fIO>. Mnrwrn-'



.I MillA, sincc 1905•..·1.,Splnlllng Co.• '81nIT.HanIlng, WllILman

, . ·,Rnstnn. N"w Ynl'k,... :.,Nat. Assn. 'Vool'M

.. ·6,. i l1Hnn. t'X{'C. com~,Cotton IIHrs .• ·Am ..' Icy-holders' <IIr.. E.'Soc., since 1905;,J1f· and' Snclal Scicnce ....Geog.' Soc., lloston_IUnion; ,]nenl. ChatI.;tnnl(\n ·Soe.; Bunll(· N. J:::. 11istnl'lc Gc"Hlst. Soc., Soc. of·.: Commercial. Count·.: Market, ~li<ldlesex,.; (Phlla.) Wrlter'OI'. subjcets. Re,lidellce:'.78 Chauncy St., Bn.WHITMAN', Wiman.j IJnlist, nuthnr; dice,.Amerlca. 190G-7•.

:\VIII'l'JllAIlSII. II'·.·,joul'llallst; b. Mad.. Can.,' Aug. 10, 18

Emily (Long) W .f"Brooldyn, May' 8".,1At : sea· as appren,j.drug business, Nev· tn Cuba for the .::,phlllppines for thi,.Benguet, P .. 1., 'N,

',.1901. A "t/Jor: 'l'he:',Toil and Adventu];', Tho. Golden 'Talll·1.Pearl Divers, P3;·::];Daphne, W2. Add.,' Denguet, P. I.:\ViUT1UEIl, 'Rob• ,'Hartleton, Union' ,_..of William \V.; e'....Lafayette Cnll., 18:

fath0r, JSfHi, succce, ..Fork H. H., Gon

:r,~:::I~~'~~\It\~~';,~""'Pa.);. v.-p. TIuffnl."'ClIlIo: Union 'Leagt

f'l ··:'bti!'J", Pa...- 'WHITMOHE,' Willi

.•. dlcj 1900; sco, \Yhc,,:1900 ... '."WHITNEY, Adeline· died 1906; see Who,\VIU'l'NEY. AlllH: ..t"rtown, Mass., Sel.:: gles and Sai'ah (S,,;schools; early lIIar .her . poems . wer<

...•.Poems," 1859 A2· .amateur. interest. a

..·i.work as scUlptor;· "town, .J860; later ,',: established hersel· i' her works are ..st.. 'Harriet Martlneal';. pin," ·"Roma/',: a;.; ideal, Address: .53,·,WHITNEY; (lU,"

.. ("Dinah Slurgis":b. Dostnn. Sept. 2:and Sarah Snphlaton private' schoo]

I: also sel'ernl plays •. 1\11 of wh1<:h I,pr dUced. -.:1<1<1rc88: 42 Dee~lug St.,'lle·1 , ", , , '.

)US ;~' F(rCI]Cric) COlic,lawyer;

liri" N,y,\Nov, 9r' ISI~;, 8, nt. He,','n nd, 1-."elina I a rl'l"t( llru(!n) \\'.;

t. 'ono~s), Colllwuia D., 1861, A.~I.,I n' Franc(\ Gcruwny, nod lealy;A milleLl to U'lI', 1871. ,11011, U"'nI;

:c '1'. 'mem .. of many ;learned i;ut~.

6 e our.! !!:g)'!Jt; was tlJ1Hh. Con"h'.I': nd Gl"und OJlieicl' ~h~(Jjldich Oli

elf rfs for hel tel' l'l'g IIIa tioll uf theye ell the. depression 'In th,e E!()'p,u w ku'owu a~ till! Wndl Hai)'lIlI.s,' 'rltteJl"many IJalH'r~ advocatln!(g 'resen-oil·. lIas Ulode extensive.. ,'lultlc tmilltions 1',~latln;: to th,!

II'and the land of Uosh"n, \\'hl<-h'!th' the 1"IIYOllm, sllhmel'ged in

I~O(lotus and thell !;UOwn lis La!;.!

III nt Conlbr. Oil topl,'s r~latlllg to I1,. tul olh"I' Sch'lIflfJe suiljeds lind,

,bun'a alld 1"'"k111~, /le.'ie/ellec: t.:el\'­~.d.d re'8: ~Ielropolltau Clnb, Xcw.ij&:,.:,

,Us ,HC1U')' HeUlMen, autbor; IJ!':'A 1;, 17, }b57; s, J.II.· nnd .\Ial')'W.; ,,\. Bliglallll, (;"l'IJlan.\', ~witzer-

U.. ; Ill••\1argurct )IcHurncJ", uf'J'e l' IMJ2. In diplomatic sel'\'lce V.~tn "'nt' iu lit.at,,1 hlst. reseueh...' I:; cJet~ ues Elltd('s Jllstorlqlles,'rat 'II 'hJ' King- 1I1t1t1bert of Ital,\'of 'Ollluwndcr (If Sf. :"Inurice and

: I)! Ill. Itullnn IJunl<' .\IJ~hl!'l'l Soo ..r: ~acril1l-e of u 'I'hrolle (l.Ife of:'80 ·n.r) ]S~7j ('f)lJlIp~1" 01' th('KI'H':'

riiJh' ';- J~~I~. l!'{):':; ~\ H"\'oIIlUI)JJaI"Y'L C" of ('hrl,'IIIIu U,'lglo Joso''I' •.f.'Bog Ish atld 'F •.•·II"h). l~v7, Coni hi'.tulln Frclldl and :O;wlss l'e"le\\'s.'nta Ian ··slthJ ••cts. J.lldrc.s: "Jlla'Clue Ij', SWltzl'rland, " ,

Ji~'i,(.T;ii:ne~·' lIortrin, art "l1esIgner;,se~ \ .I, IOOH~O~. '

'USE. Hohert 'rrent; lawym'; b.Ie., larch 2;, 10.0; s, \\'Hlium }'l'nn-ill,'el 'n .\1. 1'1'1'('a t) W.; A.B., liar.

1,.lldL. Ib!I;J; 1II,1-'1<11'1'lIce Broo!;s~, 8!J,1. Admlttl'd to har. 1'~3; ('(j.'Iu d Co., ~I.'" 1~'OO: IUi. dlslrld

0[,.\ 0.• sillce ,Jun, 11, I~Oli; H"ptI!,II.," [~( 1]11)' .JUtJ:idlt'llon. Pit'lidillg- flUe!

tliMnl e, WOO.• 1,/,11'1'"": I'onllllld, .\Ie,U8P:.' \1'lIl1um Fltzlltlg-II; e:<p)on't.;, see V I. I~Ulj,7. '

'~IYSI~.. 'Vjl~lllrH P'cnu, judge; lJ.':Mo ,"ApI'. 9, 1812: " .. 1ohn Hohens.. (f erch'nl) W,;, A.B., WulO1'\'llie

Co 1:~'MO;i 1~\1:J, A.~!., IS6f> ((.J',IJ,..IYI '·'1"", Co!. Hoh('1't '1'1'('11 l', , ofe,; ,Tulle 24. JS6:J; fa thN' of Hobcl't!.) Admltled t(~ har"ISG.~; eJtr so'sla !lIe.,. ,{ )'1'6.; 'co.' atty" 1309-76;or Ct.,lS,S-90; a"o,'just lee Su.

:t:' [,~!c.'since ]~90; Hef'uulicall.en cbee'Savin;:s Bank s nce lSSS.In; 'on, 1\,."., Insall" lIosp,: 1873.

0l1ra It 'agaID~t th" '~otttlg-e systemy,th stute, Arlclre"s: "~u!:usta, Ue.'rsab lJ\"ixon, nutbor;'sce ,"ol.lDOG.Ii. ,.. , _.'

~':'!j 'Jl~S, 'Gu~tn·vu~"f,. writer; lJ.,rei ,J II.y 9, 1866; 8. William 1:;1""('ns,!e ,( lolml'S) W,; c,l. at jJ,·t, schs,


aud under pvt;· tUtOl'S; 111.J;;mlly Bally Stone,IJcc. 16, ]896. UnoUicial I'el'rl'sl'nlllttve of Pl'es­idenl of U.S. at mccttng at The lIugUc;'189S,of La COl1gl'cS ,Intct'nut. d' Htslolre lJlploma'1lIIIle oC which Is v"». and onl1 of ,tbe found, ,,·rs. ~1"1ll. Intornal. Com. whleb O"ganlzed LeCOU\{I'CS Inl"l'uatlontll d'lIfstoJre COlllptll'ee.I'ans 1900; oUiclal dl'L of U,I:;. GOYL tl.l SUI1'e;ar»tcJ. consul of the Congo Free I>tate hy II..\ , Leopohl II, 1~101, COUsul,gen., Se»t. 1, 1905.Kui~hleu by Ii. ~1. Leol'old,190'J, III1U erealedChl'nlUer de ]'01'''''1, de la (!ourunlle (of lIel,glulII). J\sso. Inst. Iut"rnal. Law; feliow Uo:"­III lIist. 'Soe, (GI'Nlt HI'1I111n); con'. mem., La

Sqclel'e (l'Ulslolre lJiPlornaUljul'( and La 1:;0.clete des :t;tuded IIistorllJul1s Paris);. memo.\111. IIlst. A~sn. Epl~copallan" 011/u8: City(:'\l'W YO"k), UnIYcr.1t.l', Baltlmot'c, Country(Baltltllorl'). Ext"nsJ\'" contbl·. to prlu. Am.and forcJg-n I'e,·., on suhjects oC Intet'llllt .. Jaw,<iiplomatle histol'\' nnd fO"el!;n affuJI'>f, ~1<l­<lrcS';~:!J W, Lun\'aJe ::;1., Ualtlmore,

"'III'!'ELOCK, Genl'go€!, law,I"er; b, at Balti.too"e, Dec. :!5, Ib5I; s, WHllam uud ,Tnne ~tock,ton (Woolston) W,; hl'Olhl'r of \\'Illiam \\'al.

lace \\'. (I}.,'.); gt'lld, I'a. MIL Coil., 1812; LL.BJC. of ~/d., 1~,5; sln,](onl Ll'lpzlg-, (Jerman.\', anIn Homllll"'! phllolugy, ,Iohn" !lopklns; >II,

l..ouJse CJark~oll ~aucrw('i(].(IJ. t·.). lJec. 30, 1078.III (,,'nellce at Ballfmore, since 1876; /1rm~ehmuek,,,' & Whitelock, ,18,(j-~8, WhItelock &Fowler, 1908,9~ Whitelock, !lI1m/nl( & Kl'rnp,"Inel' 190:<. l'llllltl, Com. 011 !tev!>,lon of Hull'Sof ~tute CIs. of l!altlmol'() Clt.\', 1097; mem.oCC',m, on ,He"hlon of Hull'S of U.~, ,CIa . .fortJisl. of ~Id .. I~Oti-~; H ••p. eU'IlJJdatl1 for ultr,'g"tI. ~Id., I!I03; morn. '\/nnlcJpul Corn., on J'.x.f"uslotl or City Limits, JliliS; ~e", Am. Bat~\.s:-:IJ •• HJUC:t· :-;.'pl. 1, 1:10:.1; 111('111• .i\m. ~OC. In.

tl'l'IllIl. Luw, 1\10<1.'1'11 LUIII;, Atif'ill. AlIJ!'rIt'll;1'J't'". ~l<.J, ~Iat" HlIl' A""u., l~J(J:J'1 (lu'()('lIrl'd)JilSsug-e law fill'. iH'nsfoUH tu ~(d. JudicJllrr);JJI·I~S. r.aW.r('r~ ,.:\ql .•.Amcnclnllml Leuglle or illd.,l!IO:J (disCI'IJ nChls"tIlf.'n t amendu",n t d"featecl);IIh~m. fro!ll ::\[d. of COllllnn. (HI Ul1lform Stare1.a\\'s, 1~OS'10. Unltul'iun, UII/b.: 1IIa1'\'lancl,C;"l'lIlatlla, ' MI'rehanls,' (BlIltltnOI'I1) :UnlonI.l·uglle (:'\ei,' Yt)l'kl, ~Ietl'opolltan (\Yashlng,tOil) . .Author of yariolls puh. nddrcHses and ar~IIdes on lit. nnLl (I'gal sllbj(oCIH. 1follJc::!9 E.~Ir. \',>,'oon 1'1. Or]lec: 1407 Continental Bldg.,Haltluwrl'. ' ,

'VIII'j'I,;r,OCK, LOllIN€! VInl'I'Non, 'author;IJ. l:allilll(Jl't!, lSI;fi; rn. (;I~ol'~e \\"hJt('J(JcJ( {(I."')'}JI'.'. :~, J~;X. J';III"I.}'ImokH IU)th.'(·UHIJH: or L.<.'1:lI'I\sol.1; hi nl:-;o UIIIHtratur. JlllIUY of })(~I'houleH 1JI:lnJ{ JlluHlrHI •..·d h.r Ilt'l'H(·lf. AUl/lOr:(('IJI/('d IOIlH or 1)(11'111:;) \'ICJh~t with 1'~Yl'!-j,ofBJII'~;Tlit: <.taCJH~1"JI1~ of the Lfllc:i;,'l'hc Uu~Fair; Juolinn ~lJmn"'t·; JI","·tsease und lIarl'yIJII,\'s; FI.rul\'u.I' Fuil·lt·s (t'hlldl'l>U'R hook); > I.II" .\lI"s K(II)'-al'l1ollle (stlll1,,); 'l'h\' Shadow oC

,)ohn \\'allu ••(' (IIn\'''I); A lIIad ~rlldOl1nll; lIow,Ilhlllslj;ht M", ,j'/'orluclnlulI, (shol't. Htorle~).,ldtln'»: ~ g" ~H. \'emon PI., Baltimore,

'VIlI'l'I;;J,OCK, "Villialll 'VaUllce, authol';

I). .\tt, Washing-ton; ur: Bal t Imot'I!, AI"" 1,: 1860;.9. WililallJ and Jane Stockton (Woo sloll) W,:hrotltel' of (;eOt'ge \\', (" .•.. ); A,n., .Iohna Hop.I.ins. I~OO; I'h.))., U. of ~Iunlch, 1803: 1II,!Lon,

dOli, I';a~" ,fan. ]0, 100J, Baroucs" ~lul'y YonSt, ••.I'hall:;ell, of llel'lIn, G"rll1aI1Y,.Jun. 10, 1901.

:;;.' l'\'l'Il IlPIH'I'ntlee~hlp in newspaper work 111:\"1~W York. Chief yeoman on 'U.S.:-=;. GJoUC('Htl:r

IInrJug- KpanlHh,Am. '\\'al', H,·puhllran ... Ill litoI':\\'I"'n tI ••, lIent·t IN Young-, 1002; '1'he,Lltl1rary

GlIlllolilll', 19O:!; .TUNt L,w,' I:;ong-~ 1900; J"ure.g-OlJe \. el'ses, lOCI7; \\'hcn Ktllg~ uo Furth to

N14-0 I~

. --~ ."ui; ;, 1<'cl"I"1 C. 'llid11,,I Y';LL,B,' CUlIlhcrl""d (;" 1~,~ I; stll­"~'ID43-4 : III, Elh'lJ 1\'''lJ"~~, So..mi'-Elle 11'0110<0('\les, lI'ill;.", II',Jr~~ ~aj fY •. \drnUl,'" '., I •••,., I...",

r,GeOl·g·e EIl>rldg·e,. orgaulsl, Conolitulioll, 18i8-9; comd. lraiuiog-ship Sara-i':ib:HOlJ!ston, :llaso.,: Sep(., H, liH~; toga, 1881-0, K('1lrsarge, 1889, Aillaoce' 1892-3;

,talent for music; aSa hoy plareli COll1oH\ndant, "av)' Yal'd, Pensacola,' ;1891'6,.J\'a-:Worcester, ~lass,; became orgall- val ;;tn:,'Puget ;;(julld,18~0-7; comd. '1I1ona(l-. Coon." and 1862, nt Haston; latl'r noek, 189i-8; took :llonadnock trom ;;ao :Fran-,Y.; studied in Europe, 181j3and c;sco to :lflllllla; cOUld. 'Charleston, 1898"9, Bos-1,'(/. Hev. '1'. AldrIch, ot \I'(H'C,'s- tOll, 1,~!9; capt. at rard; J\'uv.y 'Yurd;'Mare: Is-

,J867; Orgaulst· and mllsIcal 1111'., lalui. 1900; comfL receiving-shIp Independencee;;lmmaeulate ConceptiOIJ, DostOll, l!IOO-~; comman,lallt, Navnl' Hta: .. HonoinIn'agahi sInc" 1883; tear;hcr orglln "l'W 1!102-3, ,,"nd '1'mlnlng Sta,,";;an,.Franc!sco:

(Ooosenator)' of the ~llIsic. 81)Verlll 1~)03·5; rei Ired. 'July 8" 1[J()5.":llem.' LOj'aI'LI)-;1897: orgllnist CinCinnati ~luoic gion, Order I?OI'efg-n Warst; J\'ayal,'-Ordcr: of.·organ and cOIll[JosIUon,Clncin·' U,;;, HUllle: 1311 Arch 'St;, .tJerke!er"Cal.!,MusIc, 18i8·83, CUII/Puser: G,'an(]" .•...• " ... ,'. ip;4: O"gan Aecolllpllnllll,·nt and Ex- 1\ HIT,D'G, "\VIIlI.~I~l ,1I~n~}", ~r., e01,e,ge

The'iTllle oflbe Viking, cantata; p!~~r, b,.~UI1~'~Od, CIark~ ,co., ~a., JU~J.'2.J,ctures, cantata; ~Ildnlgbt, cllntata; 180_, ~,\\, ~Icr!!o a~d.~laIJ J. (I oote) .~\;:, 'i,

ete" for orgau, and muny ~I:;. B,. !Iaml~lli n:;;J(JH~o, CoIL,. ~88g, :~.~1:, 1883" !" kHg of eantMas, songs, symphouy at "\ILl IS80·1,. Ill. :;n!ah H~J CIlI~lc\ of II ?lS-Princess Plano Cooccrlo ::;ull e ha '!". \ a., .Jnl.1 31, lSSI. As,t. prof., lSS1-5, p!1n.,

" olll'·aer 01"'1'11 "I t'llOrit" (in l~o·(j, I'rlllc(, Edll'ard ·Acad., Va:; asst:. prof.,Ad<ire.s: 26 ConJord Sq" Boston, (;nil·. S,ch., XpshVIJ,f~)!'1,<;}~u"..lSS6.S; prln, C!,ay. PI' ",,, ,]' 11'0'" !I III AWd., \a., 188.';-]90_, PlnLLalhl, IDO_--j,:.1U \ c£., conglcSsman, (Ie( ~ v, IIcllnl; ["'('S.. sessfol!~ ]DOI.5 and'lD08.D, Un'mp .•. "dt'n·:;ldne)' CoIl., Vn. Preshyn, Democrat •..;:Ili-1II111l, autbor: V. NJagara ~al1s, dn',,8: lIaIJlVd,'n.Sldnej' Va.' .-

,-1850; (1. Hon. LOl'eu;t,o Dow qlJ. r r 1 "'.' ,: ••.

r for.~O )'ro,) and Lllda (Ckm~'nt) ,\ III I LOCI~, !lrnll<l, ma,:or; v.: Urhana, 0" "oJ'iell,. Lit, e,lIlol' Bust,f,n.'1'ra\·l'f,'I', .\Iul'. ·1. JI,,"'~;,H, H,'v. l~I', Jolia" 1>. llnd ~IIIIll., p0-or. BO"lon Budget, 11ifI0-3;passo't! (B'~lId) W., uJ, PIIIJ, "~iI$. aUd IJy,pvt. tultiou:'L\

,.to 1900 in Ellr().pc, Pl'ludpallr iU.'/1" ..' ?lIa. Bl'HiI.l<'l'd, ot. I:;prl.nl;lIl'ld" Ill., June 8, f""Florence and London, Ilnd IIgalll IS~lo. ="ewspaIICl' I'Cpol'tcr, Toledo, 0.,,18S7-DO;times, 1903·9. Ml'IU, LYCClIllI CIIIJ.. np0."tel' and pollt, COl'l'. staIr Chicago lIer!lIrJ,thot·s Cluh, Boston . ..t UlllO/': 1'h., 11;!0-3; ci<,rk,/n_?Jhce of see, .of state,Sprll1g.tlful (3 VOIH.,1st, ~II and 3d serll'H); 1I"ld, 111." 18:'3-" Htudled Jaw .under .TohnM,

miand Sent (pO\'IIIS); After lll"'/l almer, :::iIH'I!lgllc,fd;admitted to HI. hal', 189.j,'Story or a SIIIIIII)('I'; A ~tll'Jo' "I' l<:lHlr,oC UhlO, 1897: Pl'~!'tlccd lit IuIedq Hlneed'l'oetrv ot EI izal,,;[ h HUI'l'l'lI Ib~,. l'.I<'el"fI lIIayor of 101l'do llS IrH]cJll'nden t.ute FI"I<I-I\ Hl'C01't!; '1'1", >Jplrlt· agaInst .j "thel' can,J!dll te~_1905: l'el!Iect.'d IIn-Ice, l!JOO; Th1~ \\'01'1<1 Bt'<!u1lfuJ in! :I,"r ~~1I111nl" Cf)n.dltloIlH, ,~UVI fiUe] ,]!)09. Qluluf:

"BoHtOIl 1>11\'0,I!IOl; Till' Life Iea· I I !'l' 101'.'''''1 In\('I'I"'H" (I of"do), C lIir 1111',,)I<"'HThe It'lot'(·IJ(!·(· fit LHI1t!II!', l!JO.,; TJII'/ \< Ideug,,). Anthol'H (Bm·doIl), AII/hor: 'fliu,l:nJIuUtUI, 1:,Of,;'J'h" .Io,\' Thut X" ~11111' ItYIl'lc1 1:10~; lIl'l' II\J!nll:., "'ll'i"ly, HIO.I;'J'hcni You, ]!JO;';'1'h" Llllld of EIlt;halll·1 1,I"1'/lo' )""t"'lIg,,, I:JOI; 1hl' 1111'11ot th" Balanct'.

i:II;'r~m l)renm to "bion 'of Lifl', 1;10,; ",\hl'nlll;(J), .1.Jfn,eoln (Be,neon Blogrllph(cs),"the' ~[af"ie r alltl !'J07' Pllrls th,' 1,\08. lOlltl,,,, >iSn\s, poems amI Hhort. storlcs1908, .iddl'c88:''I'h,: H'rll~""'fck'Hu,_ to mllgs, lIul//c: 6~9 Winthrop St. ,Of!/cc: .1051l1Ia Trollope, Florence, HnlJ'.' Spitzer Bldg, and Cit~"HUll,"rOl~dO"O" ':',"WilIInm, paper mfr,' 1" Dudle\', 'Vln'I'LOCK, Uerl.crt.,I'crc};; 'mlneralogist.~24.'lS.Jl; 1>ll-'hsell. ell'l.;' (hon. A..\i.. b. "eIV 1'01'1" 1~08: 8. 'rho'm'ls ·and CarolIne V:

17),'·BOokkeeper. Intel' salcsmall (HUll), \1'.: ,gril<l. . Chnrl!cr Insti 'New' T¢rk,I'·mgr. IIoIl'oke Papel' Co.; or/;'lIn· 1~8·1;LB., ColumbIa U. ·I:;ch. of ;\ I~es; ,1889; tJI,'Whiting l'lIper Co., of which h., ,Tu111I,TnIJIl"s (;nrdllcl', of Albany.: N,y." 190.J,pres.' of 01her mfg. co"porn t 1<,lIs A"t, hI lIilItt!l·alo/;,y,. ColufIlbIIl . U., lS92-1DOI;

olyoke Nnt. Hank. ~!"Ill. ~!I\" .. 'J;,st 1!I.ml!terlllogy, 1D~1,4; mlne,'uIoglst;sJncelty treaR. Holyoli:p, 1~7t;·7, mayor. 1.'0-',~.);. ~(lltH ,)1IJH,-,1 hugaged, ju rn[ncl'ulogle. 1\'at,COII\'" 18,1); mom, ·JMIl 10 and CI'YSlullogl'llphlc-n'seareh on:N,y. mIneraij(1~83·:J). Gth MU';;.'I'IHI. Com· 'pee/')H, WIth,'111. rderence· to. calcite •..!,'Vt'ote:,1900. Add/'c,s8: Holyoke, :lIass, ·Mus. IHI}I"., ('II do II) :lIineralogle CollectIon of

'illinm Henr}', 'rl'l\r-admlral U. the N, '~f;lal" .~Ius", 1902;1X,lst, at New. YMk"York'Julv ~, 1813; '•. \\'lIl1alll' ~.Iirll'I'HI Lo"alltles, 1903; monograph on New,1ar}' .T~ne (Ch!'l,tlallJ \1'. '\PIJtd .. \o~~ ca 1."1lc', 1~1O;Hl'veral m!nerafogle ecnthn""Ij\.ead, frolll WI~.• ]81)0,grad. ]BG3; 1.l0ii·~. 1,;.t!llt:(~al',t!clI'S on mI!lcl'~s l:;r ftjterlla-l'1SG3; maslel', ~!a)' 10, ]806; It" t.lonal LII',J <.I,ol;'cd111: 4~ql ~8~.• .1.12i,cPP~~l}yt

;:it.-comdr., ~Ial'. 1~, l~(;g; !:Omrll'" .St.',Alhal~], ~,L, n. : .. , .. ",:'; eapt., .Tillie HI, ]'f!i: 1'1'111"111111111'111.\\ II 11 LOr.h, \"1I11nm Francis, euneator; elerg]'-,Sernd in Ih")IIlI'Ii'Ol'd, \\',-:<':ul1' IIUlI,l; ,!led lUO'J: Hce Vol. 1908·9,:.' ;'.;'.'1' .. ,

"sQullrJroll,lSG3 ..'J: 1'011. 1I11'lIlion hy 'VIII I'~I'\.N, I"',,~duh LonA'Iey, Cl<wgynlan;.~l'I'a~ut "tt))' gaIJallt '~O!](luI't III b. 'l'III'IJl'IH!k.N,H., Nay, 21: 1862: 8.18uac'J:,llnd'bloCk1lde'l'uuIH>I' "I\'auho,)" IIndt'l' :-;li!'ah ~1. (Splnneo') W.; A.B., Brown IJ' 1887il~l'gun, .Ill[y 5,1801"; I'>ok flaI'l ill A,~r., I~!!O; gl'ad, Newlon '1'I",01.1IlIstn:';II;:JO;oblIe Bay,' aud, al 'I1l','elld'!r FI. (11.11" BO\\'dolu, 18D,!; L••,D .• Howard 189U•.Fur-,I~~ dO\\'ll till.' ('''IIt'l'd. 1I11g /lild wan, ]!!()(J); "., i\JIII'o' ./. I:kott, OrNI!\"(ou,'MaJiH"

ag; af~o at IHJlJlliardll'''"1 /llId 11t.t>.';, IkliS, Urdained Haflt .. mlnIHln', 1887;,pas-Irt :llfJl'gun. Ang': 21. lSI;I; sen"'d tOI' I"I'('e >Jt. 1.11:,POI·tland, Me., IBoo.93; pres.~I"l'ollc l!-nd Tleond,'!'o;:a, Em'II' ('0 !In' IJ., WI2-5; prt's, ColnHlhlau(now, George

n, 1800-11:H\\'a tara, 1~1;~·7]:1h'1I1- Wllsfi!lJ~toli)', U, lK%.1900'· ilaijl<ir ~Flfth' '(,It;;.!'IavY,:ul't!, Nt':" "ol'k, ISi5G, l~B!- I'ldla., JUOO-7,Fir:.1 Cll. 'He/lItl", 8InC·C·1!108.Le~:f,\i:'~~;,10rl'"do ::icII., .'\el\'port, IS,o; lu",,1' Hll<:kllclJ a., I~OO-7" 'rl'u~teiJ ~ewton

2071,WHITMAN, j r~. , ' .• ; ,'~:.

.;.. '~'r",

:ieles o:~ art, municipal .. w.neI'SI)'~;:\~r~,te." smce 1800. ,ldrl,( 8".\~??,stIIIDAD, Ili{~hnr(l lIen ·~~'ftnatbury,N.C. ;ruIy 27, loG; 8,'Maa~ld VIl'rl~1ia (C.olelJ]nIJ) I ·,;,A.E;,CoIL, N.C., 100'); ~LJ)". l. of ,V~

1J.·or KC .• JD10); m, il'gIIia',r Amherst, Va" JUIIe ·1,1 1. DeDit'lillY, U. of Va.; 10Si,D; pl'of:"ana

1Il llIcd, dcpt .• U. of N.C., 180U905i',_y and dcau of ll1ed. (1e t.,.'U: of·.·.05: ~lcIl1. ~Ict1. Sue. N.C. Assn/.of:Lists, A,~I.A ... 111111,,1': A latomy.of'.:WOO. Contur. of aTlaL a)d pathot.!111.od:jOIJrR. Arlcll'('S8: lJlivel'sity; Y.

:OUSE~ FloreIlC(~ Brook" :;airthoI:.;t0·11., .. , ., :.~ ;;,) ;;::;OUSli)" F(r('tlerle) Cope, ltJ.wyer;r31'01.'1010·11. "'.:'1 :0:OUSIIJ, }JPI1I',y Hl'l1lsl!n,' n 1thol';:"

: '.': -'1;/.:

OUsg, .TameR 'JIOl'tOlli. urt:;;'dl2; see VoL lOOl·lDO~, ,'" ~(:.•..,1l0USliJ, llohert 'rre t;laivYIt, 1\1e" Mal'cl1 ~7, 18iO; s. WiUiaDi'ad 1']vCIyn ~L (Treal) \ . ;.A:B,', 1891, LL:B:, lS!Ja; 1JI.11"'1 rCI1ceu

une la, ISD·L Admitted t(. bm';::!nnberJand Co., Mr., 1000 U;S,.-dist.' of:l[e:, since .Jan. ,11; 1906;, R(

:lIu,': le']l1it.\' .JnriSdic,l!on p~aOlllg,· 111 Name, IDOO.• 1,/(/1 ess. IOltIand;'OUSE, ,WillIam 1<'itz111 gl1;,"e'xpliI; see Yol;·1~06·7 •. , , ,'''.Ol':"IOUSEJ, ",ViIIi111U I'c} ,n/:)jtiCir'01.'O, l\lp., A[Jl'.~, ]812; s. ;Jph'nJItnnall (I'ercil'al) '\Y.; :A. :;"WI!t:

>1u;~'~C~'Il.< .\1e., 1~G3, A,:I :, ,18pqi(· LHIJ n M., (I. Col. Rol ert ,IreI't,1I1e., ,Tune 24, ISGD; (alhcl' 0' •. (If.t',) Admittq(1 10 bar 18G5;Augusta, l\le., '1 JTB.;. co: at.ty,";\lperior Ct.,' 18,8·90;. ass ;·.:just!u,l. .Ct. o( :lIe .. lSDO-IDll, chlef:j

1911-'-, 1(cpul>l ka.!l· .. '1'1' islcc,-,plrings Hank, 1800--.· Chu n, COrn'sane 110sp., .IS,;], Wrot',' man'the coltage s)'slem pul> ished'_omc:·17 ({rove ::)t., Augns "il.i J\Ie:'

;Y,Isal)e1 Nixon.; a\lthor;~e?,:Yj

IIiJ~-,·.liu·rl~n Gnst.a:vl-t ,::;.'wrttimorc, .July D, 10Gl;; s, Wi Jil!m StJ]eJine (Holmes) \y,; ca. a.tpvt,er VI't. tUlors;, IJI, Emily Eaily,'!1896.. Uno1!icial represent tive'of

U.S. ct nweting at'Tho 'Uai.hw

ongres 1ntc1'11at .. d' Hist il'c'1)JwbTch Is I'.·p. (lud one. f,tllC

n.' Inte1'11at"Com. which O,l'gall· International d'IJistph :.'CP00; 'ollieial del. of D,S: G vt;,onslll of the Congo "lfb?c .Sthold I 11001;consLlI·gen:;," S¢pl1 by It: '~1.' Lcol1(,ld, '1909 ,!lnd',l' dc 1'.:)1'(11'0 do. Ja' COLII' nne"(·\:;;so;· Inst. IntcrnaLL,\w: 'fclloSac, (Ureat Britain)";' c' rr.::Di'

lI'lIfstolre Diplorilatique/ ,and',s :Btudes. JIi~toriqli~s ".\ ~arls) ~'t. AS$l1.' Eplscopal1au:' 'Clllbsl'k)," i\!al')'land. Universi y, .BaI(Baltimoro). JDxtensive :.eo tbl',Lt,foreign :r~ys .. on .stlbje.et ,'?f

loman". history: ana.Ao erg223 W. Lauvale. St;',iBal"iil\

, , ": • I~

i( ••,-~_., .••'~~1.';;'4'''''''i-1:.>..i,f""".,·~,.~~,''''~·1''''''''~

N A-Mft;2 1<ZA- lf6 L.. V ( t 14 (?.. '1"/ "4/3

~~ 2:2G7 WHITING

'EJ,()CK, (;"0 rg- •• , h I\'H'r; 1,~n t nn III, 1.'/):', <'Idef j'l~1 Ice . .1!Ir>Onn,1 1~r);].1l; j)eolOcra L,n(1r,·~:j. 1\:11: x. \\"JJllftm~:\f1d .Ja/ll· ~";'(wli' J'r·qf. law •. '{li/saps ('f)ll.~ .Jar!C:-:iOll, ~;Inl'e 39\)11.

o+(OYooH:ltill) \\'.; IHootlll'" of \\'fllhm \\':11· _1'ldn'~'''': .Tack:-;on, .\Ii!"s.

ace'IV. (I/,!'.,l' g.'·IId. I'll, ,\111. ('''iI., I"';~; /./.,n., \\'" "1']0'1)0;1.11, .r'\1Il"~ Jlrntn, jlllJge; /1. IniJ'pfM(.1" ).~.r,:·,1 ',d"Of L"'I'zl", ("'1'111"".". nlld 11''',1'11,' C,)" :-;,('" :-;01', I), JSljO; 8. Hlehn!'(! ,\1.ni)tonIat1"" pllllol":ry, .10111'" lI"pl;II!!'; 'd. i"" nnd .\Ian' II'. ('1'0')(11) 11',; 1',1. \\'. Fin,

nise CIIII'I"on ~IlI"'I'II''''1I «/.1',), 11,'r', :1'1. Is,.,. ~"IIL, 'l'allalo;,""I'; J:.)". lJ. of VII., If>%: 111.rnetl~·,., "'. Hal!l''1I'"''~",~li.''''' ,1\;1:, ,/11'111 L'·i!:!. H. 1\"H II, ."'01'. ~G, U;~I; (dl",] Oct. 'J, 10~1;);

,lIckl'l '" 111I1!1'11"'Jr, IS,I ...!., 111111<,/", k ,\ ;!'1. ~llIl'glll"'1 II. Han"olph, of 'l'niinhass<,<"~r, E)(J:-\-!), '\'liljf')()(·li ... J"rIIlIIl~ \~ KI"JtJjI • .r"Il'! J~. JLlU1. .-\d1l1Itlp(} to FIn.. h:1l\ ls~n. Cash.-;1.111,·,,1. .\'./."11"1,,"1 ( ""1. "" 1',XI,·",I"o 'H, !<-" ~nll·'J'rofJknl Expn .. ,lad'~onrlllp, 1.'SS; np-·LlInll", 1''':. /'IullO, ~'OI11, ,,', 1(,:1'1,100 'ei 1'1<1. I"·t. sr'c, (Jor. J't'I'l'J' of Fin" 1;;ept., l»b~;sol Hlnf" (Ih, t,f 1.1111111"'('(: U'y, 1."": C". Jnd~e L"nn Cn" Fin., L'~8-9; el':rk !:-;upreme

,'cantlldnl~' ,f'.'" nllt··g,,,l. ~I:I." 1:'):;: ~ni'III: ('!, nf I··ill., :,S<J-!Ji: stale trene., Fla., 15~1.lo0'2;....om. on H, \I-.:Inn 01 HII1t';:; (I[ 1.. :--:. (.f~- .• 1111 nft\".-gl'Il., l'la., ];lO:J--I; iustlce Hupl'PTnc CI. oft,lof ·~]tl .. H'")·9: 111"''': ('OIII, "I'pld, ,")' CII" Vi, •... ~i"ee I,'ph, Hi. u'oi, plecte(l eh!etjl1~tie",

It Ct. of ,Ip",'als. ·1'1, I Ircnlt, oil /'1'1'''),'n ot 1!'W', nnll JDfY.>;I"'''sent /"rm P.Xpit'P8 IDI3; D"mo.'ty 1'\11"" I',~, ~o"r,""" Cl" l!Jlt. efe. ~"". "/'nt. EpIscopalIan. "lrNre8S: Tallahassee, Fla,fBar ,I."f~", ;;1'1": I: n,':/)',:-;""'(11: ,I "' ('('[III I. '\-III'I'FJI,:LI>, ,J (IIIII('~) J~(J "'II rfI, chemist;.Assu" ,\/."11111" I ..III A",,", ,1'01.1,""' ~I~,d' r., .111'"'.',1'. ~·,Y., 0"1'1. ~" ].~;,!I; '. H"hpl'tl'. IIIIdLanf',:I'·'Il"',I'o, ..rt"";,P~·:·::',_\ltI.,01I1t" 1.,,,. ,\1,,1')' 1111'III'\') II',; Il('llt!. ",III,; I'h.ll .• Na!. Coil.,,1UQ.,-1 '!'" llllid ,.,1,.""" 1111\ fill Ii' '." I '''nl'l'.''"'\' \1'lIs111"g,,," ]~M)' ,1,/(II('d.j I'I'S. Ilt

to ,~Id, .~~J:,II<:!"r!·), "'I'~: l.:II\',I'~',':" :1\'11 1;{'IIH""I"i,i' 1'''1,1'. In'l .. ',,"I. ;"11' /Jot gr,id.; 111,unH;U1I",1.,I(" <It ,\ld,,1.rr.t (dl'I',""III"~ J'lorl'uc" P. ~I,,,·t""i'J)l'e. ~;;, 1SSfi. lI'ith U,0.all1l'IId"~"'.'I d'·f<-:.","d!; 1~"'".1. ),:/~'" :lId" "I ':"')1. Hllrve.\'. IS,OS: since Ihl'n of IIrm ofIn. 00 LIlIl"liO ~1,11~. L.I".,. 1. ·11. J,'.'I· 11"01", (.:"l'relt <'< HInlr ""ail'Iical chemists.:CI!j{,,~: ,\I"~')I:t':,'1. ""'·IItIl'.''''. ~:""Cll.:,"'.t~: olld ('n"r"" J'}Jila. lIas jHlh. /Jl110)' articleR on

m~1( '("""11.1 IJ"UI im'" ,,,, 1..111,II I".,~" t"I'ic, of hI" Pl'o(o"lo/J .. 'ldrlres.: .J06 Locust,,1'nl'kL ~rl.'tl·qp\Jlll_nil. {H a~lIl1l~tol1l .. "11- :St.. PhIlnd,~lplJiH..0f.nulIlel""'s 1>111,.IId<l1'l's,,'., '''"J :trlld,'" InI ['1'1'11'] n I I t P . 0

JiLfl)}(l legal fi)pk~. II/Ill/('::'~ E. ~{1. Y"r· . ~ '. 'I)" to:'0l' f'tIT, ~(lologlst; lS ....c;.1!HO;·r>1."O.lliec: CoulI/J""lal Hid;:., n,lllimore .. "'1', .'.,,1, 1. JLI'lL • ,TELOCK, I.oulse Cln rl<110 II, nlll hr.r; \\ If,! I~' OHD, O,qcnr I", cll'II "l1gt'.; (1",,1; SPP. Vol.aItimol'I''. l,l:Ii:i: '!I. (:f>nrge \Yhitdock «(J.t'.), ,1.0::",: . ,',30 18'S. E"t'll' h'IOks nnd,,,· 11nlll~ 01' L. \\ 1111 I'Onn, \'\ 1111'1111 Clal'l'e, ':tlllcn!nr; dlpdkson; is nlso ·IJlII~tl'(\tor. ,JU:lllj-" of 111'1' !!JO:!,;,HCC "01. ItiOl.2. ,:s:beiug JlIlI:-;tratpd 'by JWl'~{'If. A1ftlw1'; ,\ III J HA;'\I, _1n~' ~'lnnllt·l. PI1g-1nprr' b. War.ections of J}(J('1I1S) Yfnlet wi t 11 E.r('~ of (,PIl, IlL, Aug. 21, 1.':-.5:J; ...•· •• 1ohn and Cn~'olin(1 A.;"'rhe Gnth('l'ln;; of tl1('.LII.J,'~: The Ha~ (HoI\'l') W.; gnu!. In lIIarll1" en;:ring. nnd naval;:·Indlan :-';UIII 1}!I\r; ~I"nrtsl'J1:-·I.' und,unrpy nr('Jij~.'\(:tlll'~, l.S.~l, find :Jt;ain jn 1S03.. U.S. Nu-

;':Ici~'nll'ny Fnlrles (,'ltll.dn'I1'S hooln; ,II- I'al .It'''d,: (hon .• I,~I" RI. .John', Coil., Annn]"Iss·~taY-'>I·lionlt' (sallie); 'J'1t(' i'l1l1do\\' ot oils, .IId., 1,,~I; C,I,:., ~LE., Al'k, Industrial t.,'Walla(',' (l1on'l); A ~rlld ~IHdonna: Hol\' IS,<lI; "', Hel"'lwh Enllnl'l. d.1('I'. ;ruiIns 1I1nt.sight 111.'1. l'ro"ln"'0In1ls (,hot'1 Rlol'll's), thlas U,,"ItI"'1. of ,lunapolls, ~Id., ;Iull' 27 l8S3,

'CSS: 29 E. )IL· V01'110111'1.,' BalUrnore. lu tI.~.S .• 1.'<:77-0I,i; pl'of. en~rilJ,~ .• 1885-91; con.'ELOC}i::, "'\VillhtJl1 "YnlIn('(~, I1U(hM'; Hliltin~ PUgT. in PlJila. sitH~'" lS~H. MCID. Am.t. 'YasIlinc:toJ1. IU·. Hnllin\Orr~, ...\lH·. I, J~!;!J; ~()(:. ,\ll'l"h. Elu.~r::::.•.• \nJ. ~oc. Xn\'aI Architectsilliarn fInd .THIIl' ~tockl()n (\\'Of) ~toIl), \\'.; and ){nrJne Jo:III~rs.•. Am. ~(jr. :\lIvnl JI;ug-rs.,'er o(~I\(II'ge \Y. ('f./·.):·A.H., Johus IfnI" :\.1-:. \\"atpl' \\·or'\~.; A~"'Il.. -I/lfltln': :-itt.'flrn 1';,,-18VOj l'h.J.1., U. of :\fuukh. ]\~I;~:1/1. (.011- gJI1P Jlpsh.,:n. b;~I: CO"~I!"It<:l1\'!~ Ht('Htn Eni.d-10ng.', .Jun. 10, l~HJI, }:aro1I1'J.;S .\Iun· _,"Oil ll"i'I'\II~':,1.\~'1. (.Iilllhr. (JI (·IJgl"l1Ig'. Pf1[H'l"S tohousel], 01' HI.'rllll. <:1~tlllaIJY. Jnn. Jd, ]~'()1. t:-c:h. .illur~. Hnd. PTI)( •....::.. {fIJtII(,:. E):ll:J (;}'l'l'J1e Sf.,cl'·3PPl"l.'lltfc('~hlp ill Ilt'\\"sfJllfJl'l' work in ('!'!'11I:1l1Iown. U/jwc: fl)j Bullllt. Bldg., l)hila.Ybrk. Chtp[ yeoman 011 V.~.K. (;lotH'I'sll-'l" <llJplJla, lln.

g SpanlsI1~~\Th. \\r:J1'. Hq)1JIJJkan .. {lithl/r; 'VIfITIS(;, ...\l1n/)11 C1ut'k, nrtl~t; 7). '-Yor,l ~hc lIr'nrt Is l"01.111g-, I:IU:!: Till! Lit{~l'nry t'P~t(lI'. ;'I:ts~;, .\lnr. fi, l~j,';;: .1.1. ~1. J\IIH'l"t andathIe, l~jO;;; ,ltI~t. Lon~ ~ollgs. l~Jf)r;; 1"(11'1" .\lm'llia ((;n'('IH1) n·.; ~tl1di('d nt ?\Ia:::~. lSol'lllul'\!,el'ses, lU07; When King-s (;0 jo'orlh to An ~,'IL, Bos(on; Aea,j,'mie ,111111'n, l'arls, \Ill-c~;"'lVf)7. Addrc8s: G'~ .\fadl-':oJl' ...\\'., Xpw dl'l' C01!Qnllt HI1I1 Lntll'(\I1S: pupil o~ 'Yhistler,'N:Y;, l'aris; )'lr!l}' Alii. Art I\S~ll., I al'l:.;; ex-dir. 'l'o-

Sll)]'~, F,'nn], lIe'!I1, nl'tlst: b,· al' ledl\ ~!tlsi,i"n of ,ll'1. Adll}'('88: ~1<JGF St., Wash-.A.U~uHt,~(), 1SGG; .~. H. ,T. ~r. and ).[an· jn~tl)lI, n.C '1) '11'.; ed, I'ilila. public ,s,'hs. 11t1l1 ]',i, "·III'I'I.'\'H, Arthur, 1J111"ltlan; 1> Cnmbrldge,

,Flne /(l'IH; s(lIdi(>c) wIlli Lanl'r'us and .\1ns"i., .Jun~ ~:O,]8/;1. l'lnllj~f. writer of oITla'H-ant, ParIs; 1JI.l'IIlJ'Il' '\"l1lJ\{~I".Or J'.hilll" Il"aJ 1111(1chnll1lJcJ' IUlIsJC. '';OI1~S nna pillnororll~listr. H.C. J1igh ~kh .. ·l.·hJln .. l~;~.lO·G:IustI'. pl','I'l'k; ('omp(J!~it\!.Jl),~ Jlt'l'fol'UJpd hy HO!)(()Il.b. JuulIJ-;lrJal.AI't N<:JI., 1'.1'). eh. ~\(,Hd.• Pitl~h1Jr::h IInci Cfllcinnnfl ~YIIJphoilY orchf~S4;rScb., 1'11111\.. l!JOi. Sppeln1fv Jalld~eal)('~';: trati lIud thf·'I.:;:w'hH:l (!l1nl·tet..?\I(~m. Nat. lust.'. :to art pOI'iodi(,I1I~ ..• .11111";.'R8: (I\' Int",.), .1,., s "ntl Ldl.l'rs. A rl</)'(,8.,: In ],;. 401h St.,I.te,l'a,; (~UI1l1l1el'J. OgUIlqUIt, ~Ie .. ""II' y",.k ... '.

'JELh, AIIH'l't Hall, judge; .b.: nrar '''lilTinG, ChnrleH Goo<lrl('h, editor; II.en Mis,., Oct. 12: ISH!: ••. Hobrrt J!on- 1'1, AII,an8, Yl., "Ian. 30, 101~; 8. Call'ln' and

na 'Jnn('AIIlltn,la OIdIlIllln) .11'.; .,I,n" .\Iur,l· It; (Goodrich) \y,; ed. high sch., Chic,).st ·hono/', U. of Mhs., 1871, Intot' A.~I., I"'" Falls, ~!I1~S.; '111. Eliza Hose Uraj', of,;.18i4 (LI~.D,); 1Il...1"ldore nnl1'nlop, ot Ada",s, ~[nR~" .lunc ]2. ]oliD. ,\ftf'r youth spent

da, illlRs .. Dec. 13, l~jl;'Adj. ,prof. Latin in pnjH'r-mnldng, farmin~, ).;:('ppIllg. country1reek, lSn·fi. d"nnil1w dept., lS!12,4, V, ot stn,.", "te" join"d the slntI o( tJw Jtepublic.~n.,(tsso,. justice Supreme Ct. of Miss., JWI· JOI;S; Itas been I;'ith It ever since except' Jo

nl;o'~nl~;~ Cillh, New ~LOI'~; . "lILtl;OI::ilN .. ~oni'Order Forcl!:o \\,ar,;. Xayal Ordel·. of

\YOlld, Beautlflll (3 v~ls., st, _d aod 3d,.se,rI~" ,t"S:','H,ollie: 1317 Arch ~t. 13erkell!" CII!.l'rom.,.})I·eamland 8ellt· poems); ,Afterj,JI.· .,.' . , ... 'Death: '1'110 Story of a .ummcI·;·;A,.stl1dy.[' ,!TING,' ."'lIl1nll~ Henr~-, ~J1"., collegelho: •.-1.lio', and, Poetry. 0 gllzaueth,'Barrtlt. ~o(.;' b. Mlllw"ocl, Clarke Co., '\ a., .Tlllr ~,I,Urowoln '; Kate Field-a Hecord; ,The'S Ii It j!!2'''s; \Y. HeJJr)' and ~Jary .J. {F(.ote) W'.; A.Ilal"Sll;nfflcllnce, l~OO; '1'h World Beautltull " l;Hampden-Sl<lney ColI., l&SO, ,~.)I., I:;S:I; I;.Bool\8, '1901;" Boston Dnys 19m· 'l'h~.r;!fci'II' tl;Va::, 1800·1; III. Sarah Hay ClIl'l'k, of \\'oro'

:Jlnnl, 1003; ,The' Florence bf Laildor;'i9051'~ Itm:.va., ,Till)' 31,1&,'1. .\sst. prof., 1081·G, 1'1'10:.::~11t100k lIellnt!.flll, 10~; 'nle .Ioy 'l'hattlli;MilI{ .l§5.tj,<Prlne". Edward Acad., ~·a.; a"t. prof.,

IlIketh from ,'lOll, 1905; T~C Land ,of 'EIicblll1t~ rntV,'Scb./ 1'nshvllle, 'I'''nn., l&;G-S; prill. CIa)'

ment,.190G;.'I"rom Dream to Yislon:,.of!~tt'i' Ul:Acad., \'a., IS!;s-WO'J; proC. Latin, l:IO~-'I,

L,006: ,Itllly, tile: Mal':le 1,_ nd, 1'107' "I',arl',i!•idb,j'" efln~,prc.·., ",,~"IOIIS HI01·5 and U\OS-~, Ham,p,

~I<"'\ltlinl, 1008; 1.olllsc <.'h n,II"I: lII'oultoU'·'!? ' ~ii.;Sldney Coil., Va. 1'1·c>I!~·u. Democrat. AUl1I1.<I·I~rle~(~p09i Life '1'1' n'ti;:uI'ed,'1910';;T .. :. ~!t8:,jlaw:H]"n-Bidney, \'a .. Iij(?Q. \~lo\~nl?g8 1 he I' Life ani Al t, 1.91l.;.-AddrCffi:' ITLOCh., Brnnd, mayor; b. Urhana, 0.,

~11O:,n1llnswlek, B,'st.on, and Vllln.,',Trollo , ){ar."4,18W; .,. He\'. 01'. Elias D' an,! ,~lalli". oloneo, Italy., .", ,)!i'::):~~~.'~rand) \\'.; l'd'I,"h. sehs. and hy p\'t. tllilion;UITIXG, Hohert nuol , editor' b.','nt':~cw', •.EIIn'Bmlnel'l, of :'prlll;:IiPld. III., .IIIIIe 8,O:0rk; Sept, IS, 1S7,; ., .. , ','wton lh-nnc\s/'Iin"~ ~.",New,paL!er rcponer, T~1"'dO, .0., IS:i7-~O;

_nthl\l'lne (1(\1\1<1) \\'.; ;: 'nlL l'hililps'.Acattj ~porter and 1'0111. CU''I'. slalt Ch",ago 1I''''al<l,\ndnver, ~lnss., 1~~!t;; sl", •.nt. llarvard"'lro&T,'I! WQ-3; cierI,. in ollirl' 01 Sl'C. oC slatc, ~pl'ing­

~rlnc('tun, ISD7·9; III. Agll\" Kempsler' 6r"\V1tk· (lId, 1II.~ 1~J3-7; ,t"dit',1 law lllHlt-r .1,,1111 ~1.lC!>l\go \\,1"" fh'pt. 3, 190~ On ,taIT ·New·Y'~~ himel',:> H'int;lio:l<l; ,,,II1III..,d tll III. hnl', 1~~I,

1IJn, 1&19-1901; <1<-pt. ",!II O' E"crYhodY's"AfQ~' lobar or bhio. 1~J7; praell""d lit Tol"do sill""

900.10, 'J'he nosl;.:nel· 1:J1 -11' l'ciitor'AiiiSl!'~!'1II]:'};Iecl",l 11111.\'01'of 'I'oll:dll IlS ] IldqH'lltlelll.,[nK •• ~[nr .• 1!H1- •. (:llllJH' l"IJl\,(-'l'S 'Prince igi.!llst 4 olht'l' eIlIH1il1atl'~. l:IOfJ; n'eh;ctl~(l \In-New Yor1\). CottH:-:(~ (Prln l'ton: N . .T.)~··"Allt G kr:s1mllar ('UUtli(!IIIIS, l~O;. J!J\I~. WIt. l·I"'.··.:

IIlschall Slorll's, 190~; A lIull of Yarn "'U07~' Ibl Toledo. Illn,I'lJl'ss (Toledo). CliIT nwdl,·I'".lso':mllny uowlett"s lI!\f1 ,hort stories ':'Qo~ I, ~blcago), Allthol's (lIo"lon), ,11//1101': 'I'he 131h11/(',,: FOpI' 1!0Ildn',1 ~-;ood :;lorles,'1910':hom' DI,trlct, I:JO~; lieI' Inl:nilc. \'arlet)', 1:11)1; The'rlnee.ton, N .•T. Officc: .\Inslee's Mngnzlnt<: HappyA\'el'Ugc, l~JOI; '1 he '1lIrn oC the Bala!'e\',~ew \:ork ..... ;.ox \..~.~.I~~'00; Abraham Lmcoln (Bencon Hl(lg:l'apI1lcs).IU<i'ING S 1 F ",". :::':.,f." ~;rbe (;olll Hrick, 1:110; On Ihe Ell fill"''' 1l)C,n I

l'OriOI~<"~! nt;~ 1 i rnl~j(~.CS'phYSl~Ist;(~ •.. tlLaw in Citil's (monogl'apl!L HIlO. Coutlil', ps·

'I. I,,~, \\)omlng, );. ~L, Allg,,~3, ~1~!7.r~MYS,POt!LH:i and ~hol"t slol'jp~ tu IJ)II~S. JllJwc:0<.. nnd lo_llzah"th 1.1''' I oln"tocl,) 'W.;,:!I" 15Wlnlhrop ~t. OlJ'""' Cll\' lIall 'l'ul\'oJo 0nr,hnm Coil., 1.I'nOr, N.Y lSG,,' ,tudent'JIla ' ,--' ., , .,."'t. '1','('h. IS,"·!!, 11. o[ H,: IIn. 1889. Bdlllltur <" I:rLO~,i~-, Ho."·J •• ,:·~ 1',"'''''' ml~)(,r:dlll-;Ist.;

StiU:7: (Se.h., '['II[1s Cull.. 190,,). 1'I'of. 'Plln~ INeIV ):~~k, J~ ••~; ••. I hOllin, '!"oJ (:"·,,IIII!' \.nil l)h~'H. nHtron(JIn~' \\' 1I"slcy .1879':"-;-il~!f, !Hull) W., ,gl·a,1. Chnl'l~l'r In.st ... :\':\1' \IIrl"I'hlt II ,OhH., 1901-. ' FI'lIow X.;\,A.S:;··'iri~ MI;C.E., C~'IIl!"I~UI ~~. ~dl. ot. ~1~lIl'" .. ~8:':1;, m..m. ARlroll. and A,tro[lh\'" Soc Am "r>hrJ.\· lalla..Jaqlles t,alllnl.1, of AIl),\n). :\.\ .. 1.101.o e..', Congllst. 'A,l<iress: ~\'ili'tln"OiJsci~ntP"'~ 1ss1.·ln 1!}l!)(,l'IIllIg)', CollllOhill II., l~;I~-lnOI;

10l1S0, .W"lIeHle)', MIISH.. ~ , .... "r<ciJ:i" !!St.-In.ml!lerai(.~y. 190,]..1, nol'H'l'alo~1s1 :<111':"

r··· , .1"·}{·''.1~'~~~~,N.Y. ~tah! :\1115. Lng-ng,'c! in mllh'l'aJu~lt:

~J('IN, a''''W1IJla,m, pa[ll'r ,mfl": 1841_1011Itt~I,'", rodC,ryst'\llo;:rnphIC r,',"~areh nil X.Y. mil\l'flll

01; 1910-11, . /' .UL.:~? \IIIcleS,\\'lIh spi. r('fel'\'II"e to "alelt,!. \\'rotl''I1't'.NO. "'lIJ1nm IIen )' 'rem';aih~Wn{u1IUS, bu}ls ..; Uulde to )Jilll'l'al'.'!~lc COlly"tiO!1 of.:N:: ':b. New Y.)l'k, Jul\' 8.' 1843;' '8"WIIIIII1II1, theN.!. Stat,: .)1 liS .., l?O~; LI"t 01 :\,.\\' \ ~)1'1'(eOl'v IInd Mnr)' .Jalw (Clrlstlnnl 'V' "\pl .' lJDeral Lo"ahtws, 1.1113; m~!lH)gruph 011 :-;ew) U.~. NI\\'III A"fi'L from \ '1',,18"0 ' ~ad'l~."r rcrk.calcll'!, l!illI; l.I,t <lr :-:;"w Cryotal FOI'III"

nRI!;n ,Oet. 1 ISt;'1; mIlSlot..,.~Ia.l' il18G6"I'~,: )Jlller~II", 1!II<I;""""'rlll 1111I"·I·III1>I-:I<:."""II"'s ..'ch., 21; 1h1;7; !t.',·nmdl·. ~! r. 1~ 1868' eoriia~J a6-9. bilk,! III·tkl," 1>111111111'1':11"lor 1"1,·,·­uly, 12, 18S2; CHIH:, .TlIn~~1/, lS!J7: rcar:adnilraJ:~, ut ~n(:-v.. 1/ldrc.'1H: l:.I~Clu':-;ll111t Ht., ~\lllilI1Y.

'~t,' 11, 1003. SerY~cl in I h'f ll'JI'tford W:. Gutt:!' !ew YOII<.loeit/lclln~ Sqnadron, 18G3.t5; hon_ m~ntlon'lbf;:i ITLOrK, \"ll1lam Fl'and". educator, c1er~)"

~1,':N~II\, ,'n rI'a~(~~t ,":01' l~tI!.a,: t coii,(:~I:.t,.iIII:\ !an; died 1~0~; ~ee \'01. l:'OS-U, ,

g ~f l>locl"H]e'11I1ll11 1\lIohoe" under· ITMAN. n"nlllllh 1.ollgl<',· cJpr")'man- 18G·'·1lI1S or I't. ~lorglln . .rill)' fi 181;("; took·l)ilftln. !JJ"see Yol l'I1U-lI ., ~', -Ittle, of ~loiJlle Ba)', all' at s01'l'eodet"I\t~ ' , ." .o:lu.eH' 'hnuled down' the' Coufed. 'fiag'q"~ IT)IA~, Chnrlcs ~luJ~fin~~()ut ('oIIPgc\olste.! U.~; lIag' also at bomh'lrdmenfiJ\1iIf', lro!.;~- AI!IHllt, ~I"., :\0'" 11. Ib,J; '. N:lIII"1IIrl'entler or Fort'~!or"nn \1I0;~.j 1864"s-rirf r- ~d Hclen .\lIgll"la (ThOIll") \Y.; ,\.n., (:oib\',

I: KI'J\rsnrgli, 1"l'oil" III"i, l'ie';l~d;'r'wu' "Eu~)' :m;fcilow In EIIl:lbh. Yal ••• l~~S·I~'OO. l'h.I) ..~tln RI~\tncll'on. ]81,;5-9: Sw: turn '18G!J~7i'~:Bdrii~,,0; u. of )IUllkh, 1:1(~-I); 111, Haphd .IClH'·:-(

.UI187~'5; 1\11\')' Ynl·'1. Kl' . Yoi·J;,' 1875,a;,18S1l>' foster, or 1'111'11111111.~k, ~III.I' ~:}. ]!IO~.· 111"11',, 8~6.!I, 18~0-~; Torpedo ~ '11. Newport; 1$74"1;'I English, 1~01)-1. "",1. ),,·or.. l!101·G. 1.<'111;.;11:

~nHtII\.I!lolI, ~878·9; com". 11'alullIJ;-ShiP'SIi;Ii~r !!So.PI'Or. \o:1I;.:ll:<h, }fl/lli-l , )'I'I>C. EII;.;II::h IlitH:.'1(11,. 1881·G, hplirslIl'g.,. 1S,',I, Alliance '1892-3(:. ad lit., ItJlI~,'I". (II'!. I. 1.111--. it"I!JlI.lio'SlJI .1IIllU1\1Hluntt Nit'".\" run1, P ~l1sacoln '1894.6'1\'1 •.: 1apllsl. :\11"111,. ~1(uh'rJl I.nll:..{. Asst!. .\ II 11'1'k;1,II. Hill.; I'I/I-;et HOIIII,I. JX'fi.'· eOlnd'Mo'na'd'!,'ucOrcliJlIl'e HII" .. ]'111 n"ta l\al'/lI1, 1),,1111 KII/I'1,<:1(;~XU7.R: tool( ~ronHdlllJ 'k i'l'om S·an-!i'rnn;-j,}.1EPsil'.II1. 'J'nlludlllor: Tllt~ Christ" ,01'. (~.rlli"~~H~O10 1\11111l1n;ennuI. Chn 'h~Ht()n 1898~9"Bofc:~' nlf, 1!:10u;alst) ('ontlil'. 10 .11111 rll:\1 ot 1'.JI~Jtslin, 1S?~): l'I\Pt. or YIII'11, :'\1\"\' Yui-d:._1\rai"~';I;""t. wd UI'I'II1:iIJI,~ Pidlolll~r, ~111c1prll l.all!~lIa:..:"fHI,\ll.IOO; 1'011\(1. 1,,>t'I'JVllll: .. ;J;lp Illtln}lendenCt\~'~;JoteA .. \Hellll, ('II',. ,Idd"'·:i'''': I~·~J (' ••III'J~I' .\\' .•1111••; COl1llllllllclllnl. :<:11\'11 Hill. HonohiJo/ !ew 111'1111,:\\'1<-1;,:\ ..1.~;'~'. ':'"Y~ll 'l'I'IIII1II\i-: HI]., H,tli, li'rllneJ!ico:i,: ITMA:\'. ('11" •.1<" nil,. ",,;il'wl:,t: 1.~1~·1:11O:~"I'J,'U, ·.ell1ed, .11111' x, l~O" lIlclII, LO,Yfil·'.fki'· I~I,I9IU·I1.


\"HI'l'JL\X, Chnrles Se:pllour;, lawyer;" b.Norwich Conn., '\lIf' ~S, 1808; 8. ,John Seymourand Lillfe (Arne) ".; A.B., Amhcrst, 1890i'l,L.B .. 'New York 11., 189\; (hnn. "LA., Wllhams,1~01); III. Oll,·c Illtchcocic, of New: York; Dec.:!:J, ID08. _-\sst. corpn. counsel, New York; IVO!t

':!: morn., and Inler r'I'S" B,], CIlY·"[ugi"trales," ••II' York, 190,1·7; Ildge Ct. oC O<:n. Bc8slon"

KY., hy Hppmt. oC' UOY. 'UII!;hes, 1907;, dlst.ally. Xcw York Co. sillce .Jlln. 1, 1~10;,ltepuhl!­(.'an. Prcsl,,-n. l'res. ,,\nti~Pol1<.:y' Hoc. of I\cwYork; tnH-;""tl:c Xc\\", York :Sldu,; and CancerI IO:-ip., !\'I~W,York ProhnlIon ASRU'~ ',~Icm. _Alpha))(:1Ia I'hl. "Iason. Olubs: Uolon Leal;ue,'Unl.Yersity, lIepullllclln, Ard"lcy, Aillha Delta I'hI,W('st Hid." City. J/"I/Ic::17 )Ja,lIsoll Av. Office:Criminal Court lIouse, New York. .:" ,

'VII I'l'~\L\X. EIl"n""I ,Allen, lawyer; ,b.' atLawl',,"e\', Kiln .. Jllne 11,1800; 8; Edmond Burkean,1 LU<:I'ctla (Cll1ppl \Y.; A.B., Uarvard, 1881,A,~r., l»S~, LL.B., ]bs5; lH_ Florence JoscphillOLI'c. of Cnntoll, N. Y., .June 27, lo~5. ,A(1tnlU,~d(0 ""l', lSS~, ""l' of U.~. Supreme Ct., 1902; eu­g-;1gl..·d JI1 ;.r;en. IH"acticc, but mal(C~ spit)'. of(:op,\Th;lIt CU~('S; mew.1aw ti"rm Eldpr, \\:hHman& Hal'llum, 1~H3-. Cl1mn. tI'lIH{I.~':!:3 <JaL'(ltH~rHI al" Co:~uy. Unltllrlan. nl'lIJoc:I'Ilt.. VII/Ii.,:.\ppaIHddnn ~lol1ntl1in <Y.·}}., 1!IO;n. 'l'wl:;l1!iethCl'nllll'~', Exchllnge (Hoston), Cohml1l1 (Cam­hridge, 1)'(>H~" 7 .rr~.). Un t'vHl'd (~I~W York) . .:1n­thor: 'i.,'lux Cllltllre In .the United ~tntcs, 1888;ab() s(~n~l'al HUt's -in ElIglish Hnd Am. Ency. ofLaw (I::t ,·,IIl.) and ','Cyc::: ,l1ollle: 2:1 Eyen·1tf1t., Cnmbrlc1g-". )lass. Office: 1'I'mbel'ton Bldg-.,Boston.

\\'IH'I'JIAN, Frl111J< I'",.]<ln ••, ]lhyslclst; b.

,ur.'t'rn)', X.Y. • .Till\' ~U, lSo,:\; s, Wll1hllll \\'nrrcll~Ylln'l Cl1l'olln« K,:1l1t (Pcl'hlll") W.; A.H., Brown'.•.•.1; .. 1~7·1, A.~t., 1~77 (h,,", He.I> .. 1900); sln,lIcd

,. .Johlls JJopklns; III, Churlottc W,,"'ler Wheeler,,,( I',·o"ltl"ne." ILl" JIIlY 2G, 1881. Instr. in.Eng­IIsh UIH! C!:IHS!c1l1 Hch" Providence, 18,·1·8; prof.ph:-"H!C}:i:, Hl.'tlssl..'h1el'; Poly. lnst.; 'l'roy, lSSO-5,\\','stcrn Ite"en'c U., slnee 188G. Fellow A.A.A.

::>. (,'.-]1., l~S); memo Am. I'hy"lcai Soc., AstI'on,IIIHI AsII'Oph)'~. Hoc. AnH'riell. Il1umlnatlul': Eo·grillg-. ~oe. Conl!>r. tosell'utilic junrs. 11olllc:~(,79 Adell/ert lid., CleY0!'jJ)d. , ' ,

\\']lI'I'JL\?i, Fl'nl11< S" physleilln; b. Belvidere,Ill., ~cfll, ~7. Ib·I!J;~. 111t'n'm 1111\1CIIIl'ln,ln (lIan­d ••. lt) \1'.; It. or Chkll;':O; ~LI' .. IllIhllell1l1nn~I,·<I. (;011., Chil'lI);", ]~n; (hon, .\!.II., Chlell~oIIIJlIHl'. CoiL, 1~77): m. l,'l'llllt:I.'S C. l'(pl', of BpI­\'Idlll'e, ,hum ~I. lSi5. Pl'Hcth-t'd lit Bclvic.h're,IS,2-!iG; Sllpt. 111. 'NoI'thpl'Il 110"1'. for 'Insane,1·:I<:IIl. III., l~'9:)·I00tj; "1'1. 11I"I\:llI:e III nH~ntlil

tll~l"n:iN~ and consullntlollH, l:JOli-; prof. !1wntnldl~"ast'~ IlalllH~malll1 :\1('11. CoIL, l!JOQ--;' }Jl'(,~.J 't~olJh'~ Burl1\". I:l'l \'ltll'l'e ~cl'e\\' -and ~rnehineCn. CllmtJ._ 1\0011(' Cu. Hl'p. CentTal' Com.;('hmll. HI~p, COI1,t.;t"t'S:ilnllal C<tIH.; (1{·I. Hpp. State,·on,·,., 1S-flll,19tH; COI"IIl''!'' noone Co., 187(j·88; !Jass~I'\'eli as 11111.1'''1'oC 1\,'1,'1<1,,1''', etc." ;\11'111.• \m.Inst. 'l!ollllcllpalhy: 111. ~lcd. SO".:' 111. lIomm.~rc<l. Hoc. PIli/): BdylllcL'c COllunel'dlL1. •.ltl-</,.",'8: 1I"lv\del·I·. III. .

"'IIJ'l'JIAN, JoI". Munro, rall\\'nY officla];/•. 1';ll>rllll;'" OIiOIHIUI(Il ('0 .. N.Y., AIlI(. 11. 1~37;•. .111s,·ph Cllnn,II"I' nn,1 Cn""line B"lsy (\Inn 1'0)W.; ed. "llInl'O Acnd" Ell>l'ldge; Unllllll'l'kcJ:Hi'g-an 1'\'. ~t'rvie(" 1~5(j, H!'i 1'(Hlmnn In p.l1gl'in~.()('pt. I.C. It.H., Chi<:ago;'leycler In w(H'k of en­l:tn:llI~ Erlt~ Canal. lSf,S·I:O: I'ng-I'. in clw l'J.~qf:fll1~dI'll, (:nlll!-lwll'1~ & i\lIlnll,\' 1l.IL, In it" .. l:-\tiO­fj; I'Jlgl', III l'IIIlI'J~I~1'011:111'11, \'111011 HInch YUl'dH.

(,Id,~'ago( IX~;tj.7; 011 HI. ,I,~~,II~~lIt:h:,~:alial, ].kG7.!.J,lo\.n .\ Id1.lud JLH" J",oJ-,l. (IInl. HIltl supt.,lS-j~·G, I'l'cl'i\'er, IS,,;, l.'hkll!;cJ ,I; l'acJlic H.H.;

",,'", 10';

'-1835.Inst!', Il:C.1Hlgb,Sch. In· Pub .. 1nuu~lrJltJ ":A.rt~~,IllIg-lit 8ell.,l'lIlIa.;'19071,,1. '1'011101'"·to 'nrt: [JerloaJCI\I~I,Wyneote,.l'a,; (summer);,(

'VIIITFIELD, ''''-IlJert 'II;'Aoerdeen,1\1IS8;;;Oct::112:'

',iell' and' Jane' AlUan'da~C:wlth ,1st honor~; 'Ui ot~1I[LC.B .•.··1874 . (LL.D.); . 111;']

Grenndn; ·1I1Jss.,'Dec."13,':11nnd, Gl'eelr,·1871-6,.deliu' IIi

. 'Miss.;· ngso:' justIce' SIlP!'~11903:,chfer; justlc'!!, '1DQ{f'l1nProf;' Iall';.' 1I1Il1sapir·.Coll:,'Address: Jnckson '·Miss."

Wlll'J'I>~n~LDt. Jn~i"8':niWuyue' Co.,; N.C .• NQv,:.S,

lell ,ana ;\Jnry \V;·: (Crool. Sem.,;TuIIallassee; ;n.L.;'LeIla .Il ..·Nash •. NoY:25.',1S~2ll, ' lIJar~31·et. U:·. nantlol

.•1line 12. 1~01.·.'Admltted. to

, It", SIIII·Troplcal ·J~xpn.: ;J:ptd. IJI't.· scc: Gov: :I'crry'co. jlldg-e Leon Co:•.;I~ln.; 1cr. of 1"lit. '1S8!J-97;"Atnto'ally.-g-rn.,. hu., 1!i03:4/ jlls

i Fin., 1!I01.1~;·<,llOsrllch(,,( j, 'l<'mol'l'Hl. EpIHcopnllllll.' 'A

J!~lorltla. : . ' 'i,-. Ji"I;~

''\VIII'1'FII~I,D; .J(nll~·(;,.)!::. b. Aloan,·, ·.N.Y., Sept. 27,11

. Mar)' (l(enr('1 W.; nend. eell'harmncj·,. I ashln~ton; '18HeIlS,,,1I101'·l'nIJ':·lust. "Oil

. Florellce P. l\1ol'ion' 'b"e;'

.n,'n!. S'""";Y; l&>O.R;"II"it!loOIJI, (;ar"ctt & 1111111',

. IIlId I'II;:;rs.: l'hIla:,'UIIS:PIItopic, of hl~ prOfession::'.:>1., 1'hIlnul'lphIa .. " ..; .•1>':':

\\'IIITIIAJI, .JnT';Uon·ti •.,\'Il (1912-13). ;, '.'J: "'~I"":'

'''lilTING, 'AlmOli"Clnf:: ce~tel';, ;\[I1S8.,'Mar.:·,5,:1871

• .. lIJa"lha (Groeno>..)V.:'sturli..• Irt Scl!., Boslon' 'Acnq6nlj! . dcI'. Constan t nll~ LIlV.rC!I·~I " l'al'll<., ~lclII.. Am. Al·t.;1!i~1\

; cnralor since 1~12,.Tol~(lti.1i . d<'eorntlon:, "'rhe' <Nose ~(Ii w. W. Windle M[I[htirr.;'~

I ; ·1~~;~~:;;-nOArtJsf.s;{H? S!N~!' I' • I -'" ,. ':' •• 11"j1'VIII'l'ING, ,Arthur; .muslc

Ii Mass., .Jllne 20{!SGl.; PlauI,, Iral I1nd cham lCI' lUuslc, 'H(i pf,!l'<!s;,: compositions',; port

1 ; 1'1IIsburl<h and :Clnc1nuattI trus alld tlw KnoJseLQIIIII'j.. Arls un,l 1.etters;, Ol14bS:i(

1 1 .1'OI·k),' St., B()t!,ll'h'(U.p~to~40t.h i-Jt.,.N"w ~O':k':.i :~I.H ,

./"'111'1'I;\,.G, Dorilell Dnrt"Lo,dH, .Tnn: 3;' 18i6;'8"'JoscJJI. rJl1e UPPltt(Cad)'YW::ll'h,

.' Lr"n., ·l'<!w. ,Xork. Lnw.·,s"i '. Louill" Chu'k, 0(. HnlulltOll,

• 1901. HeinnlJl'\\Ctl~".IIJ,.Qme;'1 & Ihl'1J(l1t"Ncw, ~ork,119()Q,.I 190~-3; IIs8t.·1.\ttj·" ",Ht anu!;.w,·n.n., lB03·7· (resh:ill'd);

I l!l1l1road Commn., '19071(firl, ',firm.Colhy & !\\'hl.tllIg, N<i

.i 'M('U1, S1t1ndl'onAI"N,u.N,~:.memo n. ; Ho, of l(pp." No);.:.) .,



. of' Le Congr~s 'Interuat; a'JIlstoIrc' DlIilotJiil·rlli'H'. of wbleh' is v.-j). and one ot' lhc· found­crs. )leUJ.' Jntcrnat. Com. wlliehon:llulzed LeCon~rcs International d'Histoire·"Cornpnree,I'uns, 1~00; ollic!dI del. of· U.S. UOyt. to same:apptl1. consul' of the ,Congo'!"ree Stllte "y If.M_ [,pop'Jld' JI, 1901; consul-gen., S~'pt. I, 19U5.Knl;;htcd hy If. M. Leopold, 1909;'nud 'crellte,ICh"\'1IIi ••r de I'O"dre de la Couronue (of' Bel­;:;In'n). A"~o: Inst. Intcl'I1at. 'Lit\\,;'fcllo\y H'Oj'-nl l!iRt. SOl', t(;"eat Bdtain);:.corr: llIem: La:-;och'te 1I'111stoirc Diplomatique:' and, La 'So­

cit't,; Ill'S 1'>tllu"S, lIistori'Jucs. (Paris); " mCIlI..Am. lIist. Assu. 1"lllseollllllau.· C/ut,s:' Citj'I""\\' lork). ~!an·lancl. Unll'ersitv, BailitnoroCountry (BaJtllJ1oi'pt gxb!J1~ive contbr. to' pl"iu~Am. al111 fO)'(·i.gn 1'1~\'S. on' ~uhjccts 'of" intrI'nnt.

Jaw, tliP.I(~;~latl: hist?l'~- and 'forCig,n,i'a,~~~in\Y'~A.r1drt.!8. ~~3 \\. Lamale St.,.Baltimore ... r'WIIl'I'EI,OCn:, Georg-e; JaJVyer; b. at·Balti. ~

!Ho/'e, !Joc. 2~, 1351: 8. Willlllm and' :Jane' Stock- )JV(fill (Woolston) W.; tHo(h •.r of' William, .Wal­lace \V. ('1.".); gracl. I'll. Mil. CoIL, 1372; LL_B .•U. of MII.,I$i5;· ~llIdrut. L •.ipzlg, Gcrmany,.rindin Homance phllologj-; ,Ioltns·. Hopklusi,·lIl.LOllise Clark~on Haul'l'wrlu ('I.v.), Dec.,30,.18i8.J/I prl1•.tlr" at Haltimorc; since 1876;:111'10SehTII/lclcl'r & \\'ItI Ir""'·k. 1371;-98•. White!oci. &

FO"'!e!', In'!8." Willtdock, Deminf?·.&f.Ke1l\p,J ~H~I._., :\11'111.'1\J 1111il'i I InI (~om. on l'~xt.cn:sion ofi 'It.\' J,ltllft~,· 1S~S; dun".' Com. on'I:c\'isiou ofHlllp~ of ~t:1.fI· CIH. or Haltlmorc City; '1897;Hl'p.· C:1/1lJiriatl' for atl,'·.-g"/I. 1\[<1;.1903; mem.of COin. Oil HI','IRlo/l of Hull'S of U.S.' Cts.' forIIlq. o[ :'11/1..11')r,·!!: lI1<'m.•. om. apptd, by Cil'­•.1111.Ct. of ,\pp",IIs. ·llh ('Irelllt, on.reYisfim or'·'IIIit.,· /'III"s. 11.:-;. :-;lIpri'",,, Ct., ]911, ctc'.'·.'Sec.J\lIl. Bal' •.\S~II .• f4r'pt. 1, ]!)(f.)--; nWII1;'In.ternnl.J.rJ',~: ;\S!o!II., ,1\1111'1111111' 1.1t\\' A~~n~ A1H.eL·icn.·.!·!\Iod~"I'll Lalit.:. ,\ssn. ,\n"'rl<-a; prl's. ~!d. :State 'Bar

.\Sf{fJ" 1~O:~-·1(rro('III·(.tI pns!-Iagc 1n.w "for'~pcn­sloll~ 10 ~Id .. ndlciary); prl's. Law~'N's Anti­,\m('whn!'nl L"a:,:,"' of ~!(1.. l!!O9 (dls(rauchise-

"IIlf'nt anlC'IH]nwnf (Jpf('nti>d): nWI11. from !Ic[ orCotnl1ln. on linifol'm :-Hntf~ La\\"~t 190~; memocolItmn_ I1J1ptl1.lIy t.:0\'. 0[ '\[d. to fl'ame'work­1l1P11'~ ('oJIl)t<-,nt-:nfion Hc·t, l~Ha. Tlnitul'ian,' Gruus:;\farylnrHI.' Ut>rln:1l1ia. )'Il'rdiant~; BaltimoreConntry, .10hlls. "opklns (Baltimore)." UnionL(1:TgliP (~C~\V Yo!"I;:), :\h'tropolitnn, <,Yash,i~ng~

'1onJ.. AlltllOf of Inlllll'rOIl~ pull, ad(ll'e~scs'~ndurlll'1.,s on lit. atH1 le:.:aJ\op"'s.· 1Iome: ·2~ E.~fol1nl Vpruon 1'1. .office: Continental mc1g.,1::rltllUore.

'\YrII'l'BI.OCK, I,on j,,1' Clnl'k~oJl; "see: Yol.VIT (1!'12·13)..... ',':'.' . ,

'\VIIITEI,OCK; '\VIlIIn1ll '\VnIlu",,;' nuthor;I,. Mt. \Vashlnu:lol1. 111'.Baltimore.. Ap!;.. 1. 1869;

8. Wllliltll1 and .Jan" Kt(Ockton .(Woolslon) '11'.;omtlll:r of <;"or!':<>W. (,[.,-.): A.13., .Iohns Hop­kins, .1~~0;I'h.D., U. ,)f Munich. 1893: m. Lon­cJOIl.; }·}ng-.• , .Jall. 10, !!)Ol, Haroncss ~rary.!,YonHlne!<hul1:icm, ()f Hf'rl1n, GCI·JUan,\'. Spt'vt'd:ap­IJt'pnJ II:p~hlp In 1I1~W'[JH(JI'r work In. New· York.C!!h·C "{'oman .on I j,H.~. (;Iolle('~t('r' (}urlng ,.1h~:-;puulill-Arn. War. ~odnllst. " ,11lIltor:: \yhpn'tI)(~ 1[('urt ;1$ YOUIJg', 1902: 'l'lw Litel'Ul'Y Gl1Ulo­tin!?, 1:.0:3; .Just,· Lcn'r~ f:oug-~, 190G: ".It""or(~;1;OnC\'('r."~p, 1~1)7;Whell ·KlnJ(s ()o Forth to Bnttle,I!HI7. Ol/lb .•:· The I'la,r"r~,'.Mad)owell '(New

',~orl\)JI ,Atlt.J:o,rs: (,J~onclrJll). i1 rId1"C$Il: 7fi3 'V~1stLllu i\\.~.:\(\\ 1::olk. " , t ;1' 1:'1 ,/'''In'l'I~SInJ~, ,F"onk Rl'e.l,.ortlst; b ... at

1'hlla .. Angust 20, 186G; .s.Il. J,:M ...lm<1·~Inry.OfuRlIn) W,; .cd.. Philo: publlc:schs.·autl'Pa.·Al'ad: Flue Arls: studied with Laurens and'C'41Hsfanf', Paris: ?Ii. Clara \Yalkc:'f, Or" PhiJo..,

~H-01~I-JI-\-a I~ fJ-Mf-.Rlck 'YowJ((1:WIIITEHEAD 2G2S

.' 'N.II.; '1&12.. :FoUo"··cr' ~f' Iluskin ~n<1 William"lon'Is, whose vl'lndplt's hc lws cndea \"or<:d t,~embodl In aU'ans'und C!'IlftS settlemcnt "!Jj')'d­

" elllll',' .W90dstock, Ulster Co., :\. Y.; cn!;aged III;the vropaganda of newcr methods of cun, (:ll/b:

···.Nat .. Arts. ,lutha,-: ,Grass of·the Vcscn. 1~2;"'.I)ante's ;Vita. Kuora,'.18:'3. Writes Vali,phlets

nud artlcl!'s ou art, muulclpal oll'lIershI\" eeo-"nomles, ('fe.,· sinee.1~JO. ;·1(/(/rc88: WOOlstock,New Yorl;.' ' .. ' ..

'\VHl'rEnI!:AD, RldlOl,.l JIenr:r, anntomlst;

b. SalistJllry •. KC.! .July. 2i, lSG5; S. )1I1rc('l1l1sDLD.) and YJrr;lu a (Colcllllin) W.; A.B" \Yak"1,'orest Coil., N.C., ISSU: M.D., U. of Va., 1&~7;{I;L.I)., 11. of N.C., 1~10); 111, Virgilia \\')111,,­hcad,.of Amherst, .Va., June 4, 1891. D,'nlOllst ra­tor.I1nritonlr; U. of \ a., 1837-9; prof. ill1atomrand dean lUed..dept:, U. of N.C., 1&91-1!105:IJrof.

· auatomy al\(l 'dean of ·mcd. llcpt.; U. af Va.,~Inc('! .1:105. )1('111. ~\1('1.1.Hol'. Va .. A~xJl. of AliI.

· Anatomists, A.~LA. A utl,,'r: ,lnatoIJlJ' of th"Bruin, l~l1().. Coutu,'. of anat. and I'llthoi. I'll­pel'S to' mea.- jours •. Ad,lrccs: Unil'crslty, \'a.

;"YllITEllI LI,,·Clnrl"u;,,' (Eu~"n ••), harHon~, ~jng-I~I'; b. )lal't'Jlgo, Ja., :"\0\",5. lSil ;,"". ""ilH:1!11

an<1 gllzahdh lJuw~on (~[CLUI1J(hllu) \Y.; IJ i::h

· . }kh .• ~Inn'lIgol J!II)Q; Htlldh'd JII\I~it: IIIH11'1" L. ,,\,JII1(1lr~ In CIl I:ng-I); \\",-'ul· tt) Paris, ]!l411;, und:-\l\1(1 ('(1. tllull!l' Ull'ltlld(~f HI((I ~lJt'IJ..:)III:III. )11':-1.

, Jsahl~lI" Hush HlIIII""JI, 'of f;t.; I'alll :lIII[ ['hila.,

· Jnly 2G,1~12. O/,,,,,al k.dehllt as 1.'1'1:11'LaIlT"'I""· In t;OUJIo(}'s •• {Ol11po' HIIli .111111'1," at Thl'ilt,"Pde In ,i\IonnaIc!,' Bnu;~e1:4" lUOlJ; Iu'xt npJh'a1'j'dh, 01/(01'11COllllqul', J.'arI~, M :\llukuJllha, in·"r..nloue'; went to (:f1rIl1Huy, If.10::. nut! ('OUlill­""" 8 ~T;;.; .10111"<1~f"t/'ol'ollllJlI ()I!"/'n Co., 1~1I1.I.

\lIJaldng- 1in"t nl'P{~HrHJ1C'n ]11 A('W ·Y,irk H~ Alii­lOI"tUN, in "PUf't"lfuI" ; hn~ slw'.c sun!.:" with IU'fI.J}f)lIllf:t~d Ktlec:(·sg wllh Chic1lg-o nl'Hl1d ()pl!l'a ('".nnd In Jpnflin.~ o}.u\ra hou~I'~"o( AIIII'l'lea. l'rot­l'slant. JfrJlIiU: 5>1 ,IV. 89th St.· Add •.."" .• : Ca/'I!\Yolfsohn &. Co., I \Y. 31th Bt., ~ew lork.

.'\VIIITEIIOUSE, RolJert Trent, .1~wYer: b.· Augusta; Mp:, March 27. 1870; s. n:1II1nrn l'enn

(q.I',) ant] I'Jvl'lyn M. ('['I'"nt)· W;: A.B .• lIar·vonl U.• 1391. 1,1,.11., l;,~':;: m. Flor"ncc Bl'ook~

:(I]'''.),·:1I1''e 19, 18~·\. AIlmlttcd to haT. lS~3; co.nlt~·. Cumberland Co.• Me.• 1900; V.f;. dlstrlc:tatty.;' Dlst. of ~k. sltwe .TI1n.11;190\i: Hcpllbll·cnn.-A"tllOl·: B'JlIlty .llIrl~dletlon, l'lead[n::; IInd

f PracUce In ::'\lnll1l!. l~ff)Q: Criminal Dfrc('tiol1s· 'nnt! FOI't1Hf,'" Jm3: \'I":-:t, Poc1{l't Digest of 1.11 ••

Law of 1,]"I<1t'II<:".1~JI:!; Whlt-"hollse's Eqlllt,l'1'I'Ildicc (3 "ols.), 191·\' Ar/(lrt"'8: J'ortland, ~\P.

WIIl'l'EIIOUSE, '\Vl1lIol11.· p''')));,' judl;c: I,.Vas;.alhol'o,:Me.: Apr. 9, 1812; .'.',John nobcrtsand :Hannnh ·(I'cl'dl'al.! W.; A.n:. "'ali'!"'III"

. tnow· Colli,·) CI,II., '\fc:, 'I~G3, A.'\f., 18Gr, (1,1,.1)..· '18%); III. l~"elyn' M.• c/. Col.' ·Itoll,,/'t '1'I','nt, of

Frankfort; :1I!e:,JUlie 2~, ISm; fllther'of Hol)('1't: 'rrel1t',,". (1].(':) Ad'nllted to bnr,.lS65; cil,· so­

,f111<:1tor, Anit1f;tn~ :\Ic.; 4 )'fH,; 'co, ntt~·,.'U:{j~J·'ifj:.' 'jllll::;e SlIpcl·lor. Ct .• 1878-YO;nsso .. jllstlce f'n-

I PI'<'I11'":'nd.' Ct. of M', .. 1X9Q·19Jl,·('hh·f .Inslll· ••.:r111r'2G,l!I1I·Ap'·. II. 191:1(t:"lircd undl'r aJ(" 11111­1_1-lt): 110W- ('ml1u.elor,,:"u t-Ia \'f". J(('IHI bl l<:,an.' 'rrll~t1'1''oCKlinnc>hec ~::\xln.!!~Hnnk.'lSs"')-':';'. Chmn. ('0111­:U.\fl.' on' !'\I!W 'In~nll~ JJoR'II.,: lS7~. !',Vrntf! mono­·).:/'aph n::;nln~t Ihe ('oltag" ~r"f<'m pHlllls!"'ll II:'1ht':"Inlt·. lloma: ,47 ()r'JI'" Kt. O[flr'e: Cour,.IlUllHC.iAugw,jtn;'1\£e.'" :,' !I,

'\VHl'I'BI.J~Y, JIlJlJ"':';. Utl1itl~"'·UH,. \nlter; b.';" In'. Balllth'ore, July 9, ISGr,:'s. William ~t('\'enfi.. :·.l1nd. Emmeline ;(!lohues) ..W.; ,cd, ,nt p~t: ;'el1s.

·,';nnd. under' p,t., tutors; .111.: Emlly·.BnIlY Stone..'. J)ee: 16'-1891;:'Utiotlidnf re[lt'cs ••ntnlh·" 0( 1'1''''­. ,. W"nt of U.S. Itt 1IIf'l'tlnJ;' at 'I'll •• Ilng-n,', 1WIS,

\dmirtl! ['ar.ar;ut "for gull ant conduct In ~b 1[J,lng of l>loclcnue·runner "I v:1nhoe" under Mus. llulls.: (Ouide to~!lncruloglc Collect)on of'~ns ot Ft. Morgan, ,JUly 5, 186,1"; took ]H1l'1!n the N.l. I-;Iat" ~Ins .. i!IO~; Lbt of New Y?l'k

Gnltle of Mohlle Bay .und, at surrcIlder 1'1, ilUIlI'l'aI Localilles, J80~; m.onogl'!lph on NewUuiIlI'a hllllkd doll"'; the Conf('d. Jlllg ,Ilnd ) ol'k (':tlclil', l~[I); List of N('II' ,'rys(al ForBISho}sted U.H. Jlag; also at bOJUIJal'd,l!ll~lIt Hud or ~llller!II~. 1:110; ~c\'('r[l,1 mll~l'l'alog-Ic conthuH"f!UITeJldl~r Qf Fort .Morgan ~\ug, :n, ~~bJ; He,n'~'d WOa'~I". J:'(,lltp<l n~'~!elysOl~ mnH~I'nl~ for Intp~'.0[1 Kt'nr::-:uL'gt· ll'rolic u~J IjcO)H_klog~l, J!.illIO- n,Hf. I~lIl.\.•. 1,!rIH., .•&. 88 CIH.'stnut Ht., Albon.\,l)('UIl HlIUl1111'o'n. IbG[j-U; ~\\'aUtl:a, lBt;:J-.!};. BI',ul· Nc'\\' \orb:, , ' :;cln, J"~i~·5; Navy Yurd, Nc;v Yor!c, 1~,"-I" 1~~1: "·UITJt.\l\", (:hur]e", nnntin~t()l1, college4 J~b~·9, Ib90·~; 'i'uq,edo ::>cl1.,Newpurl, !~tI" prof.: I,. AIJIJOlt, ~l('., No,'. 2,1, J873; .9, NathnIlConstilutlull, l~i8·9; comd. ~ralning'shll' ~,Ur:': :tnd 11,'II'n AIl.!;lls111(Thoms> W.; .\.B." ColbJ',toga, l&H-~, Kenraurge, 181m,,AllInne~, l~.Jl:,!, ISfli; f,'llolI' III En~lIsh. Ynle, 1898-1000,'Ph.D.,COlllmfil1tlant, Navy Yanl"l'eusficola, 18H·l-li, 1\a· .1900; li, uf Munich, 1!)05-6; m. Huehel .10UPHval I;;la., I'ugel 80nud, l~%'I;, comd; ill<~natl- FO"tel', of Portlalld, ",](0., illay 2!J, J~102. Instr.

nucl" Ib!I~·8; lOok MOlladlloek from ~a!' l'r,'lJl- ill English, ]90(H, as~t. fror., 1901.n, Lehigh;cisco to Malllla; <;onuJ. CU!lrlest,?,u,. 189S.:" !'l~- a"so. ]l1·of. En~lish, ](11)(;-1 , prof. J':l1l;llsh Inn;:.ton, 1~1J9;capt,' or ymd, Navy ,Lull, M,ue ,- alld lit., !Wtt;(OI·B.Oct. 1. Hltl-.' Hl'puhllcun.lunl1,,1900; comd. rccelvil1g'shil~ 1ndependene(', Hap(Jst. ~Il'rn. ~!<)dern Lan!:. Assn. A'merIca,1~OU·~· commanuant, ,Nayal ~ln., 1l0no~ull1, COII('ordnl)('1' fJoe. Phi netn Kn]lpa Deltn Kap-1~02-3: Na.val 'Fraining, ~t_a., ~:111 It'ra.uclsct:: p[l Ell!--'Jlon. 'l'ra;udfltur: 'rhe Christ of CYllt~~1903-5; retired July 8, 1~0"., ~!cm. Lo,al Le \\'1) If, IUOO;also ('(mtbr .. to .Iournal of En[{llsh

glon,. Order {"ol'olgn ":ars, Nal'al. O!IICr of a!,,] (;"I'manie PhIlology, ~Iotl"rn Lan~ua!-:"U.I;;. HOlllc: 1a17 Arch St., ilcrkde,y, Ca!. )'(ol"s, AI)((li:r. de. :ltltll'r8.q: lIG Linl'oln AI'""v HI'l'ING 'VHllum· n"nr~', .Jr., college ] Ii~hl"ntl I'ark, ::\,J.' .prof.; IJ. ;\IllJwOOd, Ciarl,C' Co.. ya., .rul,y.,~'J, "'HI'I'J~\:'\'" ChHrle~' ~e~'m()lIr, lawyer; b.1~62' 8. W. Henry 'and Mary .1. (I'OOfC\~\, 0' 1':ol'\\'h~h, COllI).. ,ll)g. 2~. I~(;~; ".. Iohn :-)eymourB ilnmpliell-I;;idncy' CoiL. 1880, '\~ ., f ~v;, ,and Lilli" (,\rlJe) \\'.; A.I\:: Amherst, lSnO; 1,1,.of' Va., 1S.~0-1; tII. t)arah HIl,' CUlT c., 0 ~rs- : B.. NI'w York' U., 1891; (hon. ~I.A,~ ,WIlliam".ham \·a ... luly 31,',1884, Asst. prof., 1881-5,IHm., J!JU,I;1.1..11., 0"11' YOI'I, P., HI!;!, Amhel'at CoiL,1&~5·G,Prince' Ndwunl .:\tnd., ':!':; U6S~. In;o,f.: ,i Ifn::);}Jl. Olin' IIlb'hc(J('k. (If !\t.w York, ])('(",Univ. Sch., Nashville, rl't~nu .• 18011"8; ~rJll'19~~'li ~ ~~. ID08, J\~st. co1'pn. cotJn~{\J. Nt~W York. 190J.

Hill Acad., Va., ~S.'3-~·1902;J,,·of. L,at;tl' . ,~-.' I 3; mem., and lalcr }"·es., HII. City Mail:istrates.acting IHPB" HeSSlOns . 1901-u n~lIlIJO~".), .tlll.L;~' I l\'(~\\" York, J001-7; ndge Ct. of Gl'u. Hl'~~ioTW.sillce ']:111, 1I1\lnildl'II·::;II~lHI.I·Cnl,!..• '\ a. ~ 1_1.~: i KY., I!y, al~plHt. of riov. Hughes, 10iJ7; <list.Sch. Trustecs' ASSll. of.\ a., 1!Jll·1~, v·t· fglit~n .: ntly. ;'-;e", lork Co. sincc .Tan. I, HilO: H"puhli.('al Assn. of ':Mlddle \\ ('st alld fJout" ,;.' \1 cau. 1'1'1'sbY11. 1'1'<'". ,\nll-Polky Soc. of Nell'I'rl'sl>:rn. Dcmocrat. Address:. IIamilllcn.I;;'d.: ~ ,1'01'1<; trusl,." N,.w York Sl<ln and Cunc,.r

' ne.)' '\n ... ,.' t"" ! IlfJ~p" ?\(~\V York J'rohntloll At-;~n, 1\ll'm; Alpha'VII]TLOCiC Drn}ltl, nUlhor,<liplon!at; lJ. Ur. ',.. ! n,.ll:>- Phi. i\1""JIl. CI"",,, Union League, Unl.

halla, 0., ~Ial', 4;'181;9; 8. Hev, ,1.1". I0IllIs lJ. and i . v~r~Jt.,:: Hep,llhheo11, AnJslcy, A!pblt Delta Phi,~Ia !lie (Brand) W.; "d. pull. sd.IS.. anl) by pvt. ,j \: (.st. :-;i<],'.,U 1.1'. lIomc:?7 MadISon A v.' Office:tuition; 1/1.. Ella Brainerd, of ::;i>l'lt~~held, 111., ~ 5-1'1111111a! Court Housc, !\ew )ork ..Tune 8, 18%. NCII'spapcr rcport!'r, 10]P~,?, 0., ';'\ III'{'J[AN, E,lmUllti Allcu, lawycr; b. at.188i·90· reporter and polit. corr. staff of Clucago 1 LI1\\'re11C(',Kau ... Iunc 11.1SGO;s. Edmund BnrkeIIc-ral(i ,1800·3; ,derk In ofli<-!'of sec. of alate, .: aud LIIIT"till (Clapp) \Y.; A.B., Harvard, 188J,

' f;prlnl;field . Ill. '18!J3-7; studie.1 law,Ulldm' ,I,ohn J A.~r., li,.'~. 1,1,.1:., lS~5; 1/1. Flore'nee .Iosephine\1 .J'lllm('r'spi'In~f!elll; a.lmitted to III. par, ! Lec, of Canlon, N.1' ... Tnne 21, IS!15. ..'..;;""ttcdi~,j,1 to ba·i· of Ohio, 1897; practiced at '1'0 edo 'i to 11111',ISS\;, har i,r U.S. Supreml' Ct., ID02; en'Ri;l~e IS'Ji Fh'eted ,maYor of'Toledo as Inde- : ;.:al;oll In g"n: pra,,!lcl', hut makes splty. or1>(~ndpnt: flin"ln~t ,·1 oll1r1' (':,lI](l~dates, ID05;;,l'e- . I (;op}:rl~ht ('a~H'~:,1II1'JII, !aw !inn Elder, \\',hitm:tn01('('t(-'(} lIndpr Kimllat' COl1(litlOUfi, ID07, 09, .11.' de· ~,:' & La1'11I1111. lb~J.I--, ('lol1n. trustp($ (,nt'dnl'rcllnp(i IlominntJon fOl' [jlh term; U,..S. ml!ll,HtCl' ;'/ ,! Rtat.(· ('olony, IJni!ul'Jan, Ih'~loel"at. C'lulJs:-.Ap.jo ]\t'lgll1lI1 b\" IIppmL of 1'res .. \\ tIson" smce i', paladllan ,1onntalll (v.-jJ. I!JO.!).J-:xchanl;e (Hos-])('f' 2 l!J1~t :\'fpm. Kat. In~t. Art~ and LcttCi'S, I 1on), Colonial «'al1lbrjd~p, tI'Nl~. 7 yr~.), IInr .1'oe1:1'{' Hoe AUH'rlea Author:::;' League Arner- . y:!rd (.:\'(·w YOlk), .lut/wr: F']ax Ct11ttll't~ In thefen ('lUll'{: TII(' 'l'ol:~(l(), Toledo Country, In- 1 l_;nitpd :-;inf(':'i, 1~S'8: rtl~o RP\,prnl t itlpf-) h1 I~ng~",',:ness ('j',;I"do) CI!IT ])\\'l'l!l'rs (Chlcng9), -;iu· ,; !ish Hni! Amp, II an !·~n('y. of Law (Jst (',lit.) and1hor~/ (no~t()ll),' i11l1l1Or: rrhel130,1 DIstrIct, ) 10(1, c." J/011l(': ;::{ E\'f'I"ptt Rt,. Camf)r1clg(-', ~ln:-:R.J002; Hcr Inlinill' Y>lrll't.v, 1901; 'fhe lI1T]J~ ; O.orce: l'l'lIllJl'lton HId;;, noston.j\ Vl"'n~e, 1801; The Turn of t!le D~la.nce, po~; nVIU'{'2IL\i\", Frnnk Perkins, physIcist. bAbraham Llnco1n (Beacon Bi0':irap~l~cs), 1008\ . '1'1'0)', X.Y .• .lull' ~O, 185:3; s. WIJllam Wa!-rctiThe Gold Brlek, 1910; On thc bt~fO\el'l~eft.o! * nnd Carolinl' ].;:(:itll IJ'l'rklns) W.; .\.n., BrownI.nw In (,IiIes (1I10nO~I;a[l~), 1910, I~ )00 1M.'.!' ~ 11., ISil, '\ ..\1., Viii 111<)11.Hc.V., 1,'00); stuI]i<'d1~1:!; '['he Fnll (iuy, J!lJ2; I'ort>' YO~'S °llt,s to i 'Johns )["[lldns: 111.Charlotte IV"',"t"r ""J11'1'II'r,

j • Coutbr, ('~~ny~, popms nnd sh~tt s Ofle~Ad. ; 'f of Provldp!1c(,. ILL. ?\Iay ~li, 1881. Instl', in Eng-

1 magH. lIo1l"': G29Winthrop St., 'Iol~dO,?. ~" IIRh and Classil.'at Seh. I'ro\"ldencc, 1814-8;prof.(]re"'."Arn. Lega.tlon; Brussels, Belgmm. " J phys',,". Hl'nssl'lal'r Poly. Inst_, Troy, 1880-5,'VIII'1'LOCK; IIcrbcI·t Percy, mineralogist; >i/" .;, \Yesll'l'll Jt"SI'l'\'1' U., slnco 188G. Fellow A.A.A., 'IJ New York 18G8·,·s. 'PhoI1las a.nd Carollue .V. " : S. (v.-p., IS'IS): II1pm. Am. Ph,'sical I;;oc., Aatroll_

cilu(l) 'V.; grad.' Charlier Inst ..: New Y?rlc, :~';Iand A"tl'Ophys. Bo(', .\merl!'a, ]!Juminatillg En-

: 188'!; C.J1J.,'Co!umb!a. U. Sch. of Mmes. ~889, tII. :. \ \1 grinI'. f;oc., Alpha l)ella Phi. Phi Beta Knppa.I Julia ,Jaques Gardner, of Alb.any, N,Y .. t98/: :~\' 'I Conlbr. to s<'ll'n1l1ic jours. }Jome: 2019 Adcl-' 'Asst. In mineralogy,' ColumbIa U." 18!J~'19 ; :' r 1,' l>ert I1d., C'IeypiUlld. ' ...i asst., In mIneralogy: 19~1-4, ~!tIYi;a:~fi~~~'n~,:I,~~ ':, ~\VIJl'1'~IAN, Fran], S., physician; b. Belvidere,1.1901. N.Y, ~{atc i\f'!s. 'I~~~:.tgI;~n'N Y mincrnl "f II!!, f;ept. 2i, ]819; ". Hhl11n and Clarinda (llan-, 'and .(,l'ystl!tl°g;l'ar '~~f~i'en'ce tocalc·ite. Wrote ',\", chctt) \\'.; n. of Chica~o; .M.D., lIahnemann' . speclCS,. IV I sp . I rMed. CoIL, ChIcago, 18i2; (hon. ~L[)., Chicago


--r:14- ( 111( It;' ,

i[O[lJQ>:Coli,,' 1871)tilv-I<lere, _JUliO 9,. 1n-(6,·J872·96; ·611I't•..·11I. Nc

I:J1v,ln, 111.,'1899-1900;dlseasl.'s and conHultndl~enFt(lR, Hahumnurin!"'opl\'g Hank,' BOl"lCo. Chn1I1.' Boono, ,ChillI], Hup, COllg~esHlC0l1v~.,1S9~,J90·1:coro,servcd' ns ,mnyol' ofe:

lust. HO!1ll1!opatbYI~']Med. Soc.'.· UlIfU:'.IJ.JCdrcss :.lld vldure,. Ill,

'\VHI'l':lfAN, JOll1li,~,Aug, 11; i83i-Oc~;"28, :

WIII'l'lIL\N; 11(,A''.l.:;'Y'jJ'k, June 22, 'lS7!ii',drpws) W.; stndent C.CUt'lis,' of :Kelv rOl'k,ship" Heglllll;\lusl,<;"JJI·S.; t!!dl. '<111'., jNo\vl!H}."j-S; l1utomoul e 'cd.Jourua}, :JHOH; Hulf.'R 1l

~[~to~:'jje~!:~~:~2i~~~'~'~1897; YO!. slIllor Spunlkel' •. Solllee IInd Mui'bf))ohll«J 1'~J1f.{I'H., AlI1; S,tfcul Hot'., \ Nat. Gn~LeaglH' Amerlcn; PhI

of AIIIPI'IeIl, CJt.l- (Nctn', AliI/lOr:: ~lotol'!;1l!Ji2; Gas I-:n:;:!1\o1'1'1111lng, N. Y: Off/c(.: 1026J

WHI'I'~fAN, nhynl; ',:M('., Oct.' 21, 1~57;~.1W.; i\[,D., lIaryurd;.18ai CoIl. Snrgf'ODS; EI•Tulln L. 'AJ'll1ItHg~,;"A:SUt'gery 0( 'deformlt!'

joints; adjunct [lrof:.l'hJ·s. and ,I>ur~, (Co Isurgen-,' N(>w,}:ork.l'(

. sUt'J;eoi, IIosp. 'ford 1orthopCdlc 'surgcon 'toconsu[Ung slll'geoll;"S1

York lIome' for Cl'lppOrthO]lI'dlc ~\ssn •• 18!JUthlT('diC SOC:; IIwm.:I]A '. 'l'I'alls(> on Ortho]WIO), , Contbr, tomed.'ington Av., New Yorj"

"'HIT2IIAN, "'UUnriRound !I ill, N.S:, )\[n~III~cc:t (Cutler) W.; ed;S.) Acnd.; 1/1. ,Tane DolMass., Jnn.' 19, 1865:.'fl'lArlington (Muss;) 111111:space); pres. '.WbJtmnr

Mills (1':~w Hi'dford).1'S'nIng- Co,"slne'o ..lUOu;·"~11nll'_i l~W!J; pl'PR. lIOOHlAdams), slnc(f1910; I11nl(luau· & Co.•.commn;'11Ic

Hc.(1889.09' (flrlll'nanWb tmal1'& Co:' July!dit'>I~'itlltnl>lt> Lift> AssIlolie Wehhlng Co. (I'mCa !boun Mills· (Calhom

"Pres: Nat,'!Assni'i,\Voomem', exec:,' COlli:;J lSD4Cotton Mfrs .• Am.; C(

··mem: Am. 'Acadell1,' 1',Mass. 'lIort; ,SOciety,/'!Young-';\ll'n's, Chrifll.lutJ

. of Commerce, 'llostollie


,V C) l.--J/ 'I,WHITLOCK2530

8; n:nd'ag'a1nsin~e 1883;t]Cher organ :Kel\'

land"Conservatory Of ,lh MUHLc severalresig!1ing' .1891; oL'ganlst 'Lnclnnat! Musle

,'aod'prof. 'organ nUll co position, Clncln·ColI. of'illuslc,'1818·S3. 01lI/W8cr: Uranll

ltv,' Op.·4j Ol"glln Accomp nlmellt {lu(l Ex­Jore' !Fho Tule of Lhe 'Iklnl;, cHntllla;till ·iJjctqrCH,·' can tat!\;' i\fldnigh t, (;al1 tata::tit'cludes. etc.,' for On~nll nlul many MS.-::'scor.sh,ting- oC"cllntntns', iongs, Ryml'hOHY/OV~l'tl1re'llrlncesR,' Pian COlleerto, ~ul tp·Orchcstra;"' one·act opel' I;' "Lenora" (Inan),",189Z: ; ,lddress: 'lJ'UIO~Ye110r fid., .Ia·:!lPlaln': :Boston.: ' .. ' .i'ING;I,illnn, author; .' NlagorH FoBs,,"Od:.,3;'1S59; d. lIon. I, >l'f111Z0lJow tIll.~\sCllator for 20 yr~.) :and Luela (CII~nH'nt)pi'i,atcly;ed. Lit: editor 'oston Tmveler,)O;CditiJ,.Uoston.Budgct, 1890·3; slncc ]S:}",IJasscdpart of ,every ·yr. hI' Europc, prin·I~"'in ;Parls:·Home; Flore Ice and London.:"Society' of :Authors (Lml!on), Authors', ~ostoiJ; .hall:"' IneJU. Bro 'ning Cluh, 1\1'\\':;'and,Husk!n CIII!>, BOHI>II. .-1.1/.111/11':TileJdBciantJful (3 vols.,'1Ht, <i nud 3d series):Ii'.' Dreamland ,Seut (pOI illS); Artl'r 11el':I1';"'1'he Story'of n Sum lei'; A'Study'of;LIfe" au'(l 'Poetr\" of F; ieaheth Bun"l(1',lliog;'Katc Fielli-a It<' ord; '1'he Spirit·SIgnificance; 1900; The \Y rid Beautlful'ln's,"lfJ01;, Bostou' DI1Ys, 1!J2; The Life TIa·t;'1903;"1'heI<'loreuce of ,!ludor, 1905: TheoOk'lJealltiful, 1!J05;The', oy That No i\tan,th froro You, 1905; '1'he I nud of Enchnnt·t,. 1906; 'From 'Dream to VIsion of Life,J tal:r;. the ilIaglc Laml,; 1907;'Parls,' th,'

Itiful;19C'8; Lonise ClInnd er Moulton, PoetIi~riQod, 1909; Life Trans tgn1'rr]. l!nO: !rl'hemlnl:(s-Tlleir ,Life nn,l rt, 1911; AllH'!Is{iol~t:-Crcwne(], 1913,: .11 rlr rC88: The BrntlH­;,Boston, 11.S.A.,.and Hot ,I Florcncc, Flor·.ltnJy.;;'· ;, '. ;,' , .. "

'Il'.'G; ni.l.crt ntHIa; dltor;' D. nt Ncw:-, Sept: . .15,';1877; 8, Newton ,FJ'ancis' and!\l'ine (Hudd) W.; I;rlHI Phillips A"'''1..

Jy,er;.'J~I:u;s.'J 1896; RhH10n Uarvunl, IS9f;~7,ec(on. IS9i·9; 111.Agnes hompstcr, of Wln­<;0,'Wis.; Scpt. 3, ]}J02, 0 staff New Yoric1899'1904: dept. cdi lor Jol'er:rl>o<1y's ilIag., "

,Q, The. Designer, 1910-11 .editor AlnRJic's,: ~rar,; '1!J11-'-c-.. GlIIIIS:.P [\,1'1'1'8,Princeton;.Yorl,),. Cottage (I'rinCl't n, N.J.). Antllor:l~nll::Stbrir.s, 1002; ;\"Dnll of Yarn, 1007;many,ndvelctt'cs and sh rt stories. CO'I'-.~'Four Hnndred Good fJt r1<'s, J910.)Iom·c: II~eton; .N.,J. O,[fi.cc: .AiusJic s ~Iagazine, ]Scw,.'.N~1;':,I." :~; " 'J' -) • "'.-

'lNG, 'Snru1l Frllucc ,; physicist, as·Jmer;·b.·.Wyomlng-, N.Y;, AUI;.. 23, 18-17;a.and ;Eli,abeth 1",1' (Con stock) '\V.; A:n.,a1n'Col\:;,J.;,eHoy, N.Y., 18'5: student Muss. I.U'r.ch.;;1876-9. U. of BerliI : 1880, ,Edinburgh,·;(8e.D:, Tufts ColI. .. 19 5). ,Prof. ph:;sIcs IIphys.· m;tt'onomy, ,Welle 'Iey, ,J8iO-12; dil'.in"Obs;,'·190,l~., IrellOl . A.1\;A.8,;; memoAstron.', aUll' Astroph;\'s. ,Soc., ,Am .. 1'hys."Cnng1ist ...:,,:Addre8s: 'VI iUn. ObservatoryIe, WelleBley, Mass .. :.::'1:"'ING,'-Willlntn'ne:.ii· ';rear·ir'dmlhil 11.':' i/J.·New ·York;' .July';~,· 184:\; s ..W!l!lam"ii'-IJnd'Mary ,Jane (Chr!. tlah) W:"A[lptd.S::Nayai :Ac!id: from WI..,' 1860,'grad. 1863;

:,~rOet;.F )863;· n;~stel';.: May 10, }866; It.," ,·1867, Jt,-COIII<;\I.,i\Im1B,.18G8" COllidr .•

'12,'18&2(cnQt'.'; ,}twe 19,·J 97\ rcal'-udinlml.1l."19o;!. rServ~d '!iI' .the I· arford. 'W. GulfkhdingiSquadron;'oI863·5; hon; mention by