iglob t onl advertising & imc

Advertising & IMC Principles and Practice TENTH EDITION Sandra Moriarty Nancy Mitchell William Wells GLOBAL EDITION

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For these Global editions, the editorial team at Pearson has collaborated with educators across the world to address a wide range of subjects and requirements, equipping students with the best possible learning tools. this Global edition preserves the cutting-edge approach and pedagogy of the original, but also features alterations, customization, and adaptation from the north American version.

Principles and PracticeG





Advertising & IMC Principles and Practicetenth edItIon

Sandra Moriartynancy MitchellWilliam Wells

GlobAl edItIon

GlobAl edItIon

this is a special edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. Pearson published this exclusive edition for the benefit of students outside the United States and Canada. If you purchased this book within the United States or Canada you should be aware that it has been imported without the approval of the Publisher or Author.

Pearson Global Edition

Moriarty • M

itchell • Wells

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# 149080 Cust: PH/NJ/B&E Au: Moriarty Pg. No. 1 Title: Advertising Principles and Practices Server: Jobs3


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Advertising & IMCPrinciples & Practice

Tenth EditionGlobal Edition

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eBook Instant Access – for Advertising & IMC: Principlesand Practice, Global Edition

Table of Contents


Title Page



PART 1 Principle: Back to Basics1. Advertising

ITS A WINNER: Old Spice: What It Takes to Be a Man

What Is Advertising?

What Are Advertisings Basic Functions?

What Are the Key Components of Advertising?

Common Types of Advertising

Other Important Promotional Tools

What Roles Does Advertising Perform?

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: The Greatest Commercial Ever Made

How Did Current Practices and Concepts Evolve?

Eras and Ages

The Advertising World

Who Are the Key Players?

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Mad Men: The Inherent Drama of Advertising

THE INSIDE STORY: Freelancing: Two Sides of the Coin

Types of Agencies

How Are Agency Jobs Organized?

A DAY IN THE LIFE: The Day-to-Day Job in Content Management

How Are Agencies Paid?

How Is the Practice of Advertising Changing?

Consumer in Charge

Blurring Lines and Converging Media

Accountability and Effectiveness

Integrated Marketing Communication

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Old Spice: The Smell of Success

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

2. Brand CommunicationITS A WINNER: McDonalds Love Story

What Is Brand and Marketing Communication?

Brand Communications Role in Marketing

Who Are the Key Players?

What Are the Most Common Types of Markets?

A DAY IN THE LIFE: A View from the Marcom Front Line

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Table of Contents

How Does the Marketing Mix Send Messages?

Added Value

What Is Integrated Marketing Communication?

What Is the Role of Communication in Branding?

THE INSIDE STORY: A Passion for the Business

How Does a Brand Acquire Meaning?

How Does Brand Transformation Work?

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Its Pure and It Floats

Brand Value and Brand Equity



Brand Communication in a Time of Change

Brand Relationships


Global Marketing

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Golden Arches, Golden Opportunity

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

Trace North America Case

3. Brand Communication and SocietyITS A WINNER: To Tell the truth®

What Is the Social Impact of Brand Communication?

What Are the Key Debates about Impact on Society?

What Are the Key Debates and Issues about Brand Communication Practices?

THE INSIDE STORY: Pepsi: Creating Culturally Relevant Programs

A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: Tribute to Ivan L. Preston: 19312011

Communicators Ethical Responsibilities

PRACTICAL TIPS: Brilliant or Offensive Advertising?

Personal and Professional Ethics

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Advertising Gets No Respect!

Why and How Is Brand Communication Regulated?

Brand Communications Legal Environment

The Regulatory Environment

The Impact of Regulation

Media Review of Advertising


Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: The truth® Wins Out in the End

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

Hands-On Case

PART 2 Principle: Be True to Thy Brandand Thy Consumer

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Table of Contents

4. How Brand Communication WorksITS A WINNER: Anatomy of an Award-Winning Campaign for Chrysler

How Does Brand Communication Work?

The Mass Communication Foundation

Adding Interaction to Brand Communication

THE INSIDE STORY: What Went Wrong at Office Depot?

Other Aspects of Communication

What Are the Effects behind Effectiveness?

What Are the Facets of Impact?

The Perception Facet: See/Hear

A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: Ice Cubes, Breasts, and Subliminal Ads

The Emotion or Affect Facet: Feel

The Cognition Facet:Think/Understand

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Thought vs. Feeling

The Association Facet: Connect

The Persuasion Facet: Believe

The Behavior Facet: Act/Do

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: May VWs Force Be with You

The Power of Brand Communication

Strong and Weak Effects

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Finding Chryslers Heart and Soul

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

5. Segmenting and Targeting the AudienceITS A WINNER: Dove Audiences Redefine Beauty

Starting the Conversation

How Do Consumers Make Brand Decisions?

Paths to a Brand Decision

What Influences Consumer Decisions?

Cultural Influences

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: There Are No Ugly Women, Only Lazy Ones: Why Doves

Real Beauty Campaign Flopped in Taiwan

Social Influences

THE INSIDE STORY: Scotts Brand Comes Alive as Scott

Psychological Influences

Influences on B2B Decision Making

How Do We Segment Markets and Target Audiences?

Segmentation Strategies

Types of Segmentation

Targetingthe Best Audience

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Table of Contents

Profiling Markets and Target Audiences

Targeting and Profiling Using Demographics

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Same-Sex Marriage: A Boon to the Economy?

Targeting and Profiling Using Psychographics

Sociodemographic Segments

Targeting and Profiling Using Behavioral Patterns

Seeking Seekers

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: The Beauty of a Campaign

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

6. Strategic ResearchITS A WINNER: Dominos Cooks Up a Recipe for Success

How Do You Get Insights into Consumer Behavior?

What Are the Basic Types of Research?

Basic Research Designs

A Principled Practice: Does Advertising Make Smoking Cool?

How Do We Use Research?

Market Information

Consumer Insight

Media Information

Message Development and Diagnostics


A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Finding Moments of Truth

What Are the Most Common Research Methods?

Ways of Contact: Quantitative Methods

Ways of Contact:Qualitative Methods

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Online Marketing Research

A Day in the life: A Stopwatch, Code Sheet, and Curiosity

How Do You Choose a Research Method?

Research Trends and Challenges

Sampling Challenges

Global Issues

IMC Research Challenges

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Dominos Gets Its Slice of the (Pizza) Pie

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

7. Strategic PlanningITS A WINNER: Re-telling a Tale

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Table of Contents

What Is Strategic Planning?

The Business Plan

The Marketing Plan


A MATTER OF PRACTICE: My SPAR: Letting Our Customers Lead

The Brand Communication/IMC Plan

Plans for Marketing Communication Functions

Key Strategic Decisions

The Communication Objectives

The Target Audience

Brand Identity Strategy

THE INSIDE STORY: Mistake #1: Drinking and Driving Drunk

Brand Positioning Strategy

Consumer Insight and Account Planning

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: The 7-Up Uncola Story: A Classic in Repositioning

Account Planning

The Consumer Insight Process

The Creative Brief

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Re-telling a Tale

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

Hands-On Case

PART 3 Practice: Developing Breakthrough Ideas in the Digital Age8. The Creative Side

ITS A WINNER: A Tale of Brotherly Love and Sharp Thinking

Science and Art?

Who Are the Key Players?

What Is the Role of Creativity?

A DAY IN THE LIFE: Tweets from the Front Line

The Creative Brief

Message Strategies

Which Strategic Approach to Use?

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Six Message Strategies in Six Minutes

Strategic Formats

Matching Messages to Objectives

Creative Thinking: So How Do You Do It?

Big Ideas

PRACTICAL TIPS: Checklist for Killer Ads

The ROI of Creativity

The Creative Leap

Dialing Up Your Creativity

The Creative Process: How to Get an Idea


Managing Creative Strategies

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Table of Contents

Extension: An Idea with Legs

Adaptation: Taking an Idea Global

Evaluation: The Go/No-Go Decision

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Creating Ideas That Stick

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

9. Promotional WritingITS A WINNER: Wildlife Blaze Trails for Frontier

The Writers Role in Brand Communication

The Language of Brand Communication

Writing Styles

Strategy and Legal Imperatives

Types of Brand Communication Writing

The Ad Copywriter

PRACTICAL TIPS: So You Think You Want to Create a Funny Ad?

Public Relations Writing

Direct-Response Writing

Writing for Various Media

Basics of Writing for Print Media

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: The Principle of Truth

Radio Messages and How to Write Them

Television Messages and How to Write Them

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: How the Emotional Pivot Works in a Story

A DAY IN THE LIFE: A Copywriters View of Television Production

The Internet and How to Write for It

Copywriting Challenges

Writing for a Global Brand

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: And the Winner Is . . . Frontier

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

10. Visual CommunicationITS A WINNER: A Strong Mint with a Curious Past Goes Digital

Why Is Visual Communication Important?

Visual Impact

A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: An Imperative: Respect the Dignity of the Person

Brand Image and Position

Visual Storytelling

Emotion and Visual Persuasion

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Save the Pandas! Save the Baby Seals! Save the Eagles!

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Table of Contents

Save the Toads?What Is Art Direction?

THE INSIDE STORY: Large or Small, Which Would You Choose? The Good, Bad and

Ugly, Exposed

The Designers Tool Kit

Design Principles, Layout, and Styles

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: The Beautiful Messy


Environmental Design

What Do You Need to Know about Production?

Print Media Requirements

Print Art Reproduction

Binding and Finishing

3D Printing

What Does an Art Director Need to Know about Video Production?

Filming and Editing

The Process of Producing Videos

The Television Production Process

Web Design Considerations

Action and Interaction

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Keeping the Altoids Brand in Mint Condition

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

Hands-On Case

PART 4 Principle: Media in a World of Change11. Media Basics

ITS A WINNER: Lottery of Life

What Do We Mean by Media?

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: The Engagement Strategy behind Sports Advertising

IMC and Media

The Media Industry

Media Types and Terms

The Evolution of Media Forms and Functions

Key Media Players

What Are the Fundamentals of Media Strategy?

The Media Plan

Key Strategic Media Concepts

THE INSIDE STORY: WarriorA Three-Artist, One-Song Music Video for Converse

The Basis for the Buy

Changing Patterns of Media Use

Consumer Use of Media

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Connected Viewers + Multiscreen Marketers

Alternative Media Forms

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Creative Use of Out-of-Home and Nontraditional Media

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Table of Contents

THE INSIDE STORY: The Animated Axe Effect in City Hunters

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Lottery of Life

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

12. Paid MediaITS A WINNER: The Art of Laying an Egg and Making It Golden

Traditional Paid Media of Advertising

Published Print Media

Published Media: Newspapers

THE INSIDE STORY: Tsunami Disaster: The Inherent Value of Newspapers and Their


Published Media: Magazines

Published Media: Directories

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Directories: The Medium You Trust the Most

Broadcast Media: Radio

Broadcast Media: Television

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: People Really Enjoy Their Large-Screen Televisions

Movie Advertising

Video Game Advertising

Place-Based Media

PRACTICAL TIPS: Outdoor: An Effective Brand Communication Medium

Online Advertising

Cell Phone Advertising

THE INSIDE STORY: Indian Villagers Advertise on Mobile Phones

Website Advertising

Search Advertising

Online Advertising Sales

Digital Issues for Traditional Media

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Aflacs Flap Ducks Disaster

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

Trace North America Case

13. Owned, Interactive, and Earned MediaITS A WINNER: Unleash Deadly

Beyond Paid Media

Owned Media: We Own It; We Control It

Corporate Presence Media

Branded Media

The Media of Retail

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Using Chinese Folk Arts in Promotional Designs

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Table of Contents

The Owned Media of Public Relations and Promotions

Owned but Interactive: Lets Talk

Corporate Interactive Media

Direct-Response Media

Personal ContactMedia

Interactive Promotional Media

THE INSIDE STORY: Farmers Ending Hunger

Owned Digital Media

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: How Web Sites Build Brands (or Dont)

Mobile Marketing

Our Mobile Future

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Your Mobile Future

Earned Interactive Media: Lets Listen

Earned Publicity

Word of Mouth

Social Media Mentions

The Media of Sharing

Earned and Interactive Media Considerations

Multiplatform Brand Communication

Viral Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Integration of Platforms

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Advertising at the Intersection of Digital and Physical


Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Unleash Deadly

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

Trace North America Case

14. Media Planning and NegotiationITS A WINNER: A Hair-Raising Story about Mens Cancer

How Are Media Plans Created?

Media Engagement Research

Key Steps in Media Planning

Step 1: Target Audience

A DAY in the Life: What Do I Do as a Media Planner?

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Toyota Taps the Do-It-Yourself Community

Step 2: Communication and Media Objectives

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Horizontal and Vertical Reach

Step 3: Media Strategies

Step 4: Media Metrics and Analytics

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Integrating Advertising and Public Relations Media


How Do Media Buying and Negotiation Work?

Media-Buying Basics

PRACTICAL TIPS: Interactive Media Buying

Multichannel Buying (and Selling)

Global Media Buying

Media Planning and Buying Trends

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Table of Contents

Unbundled Media Planning and Buying

Online Media Buying

New Forms of Media Research

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Having a Ball and Saving Lives

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

Hands-On Case

PART 5 Principle: IMC and Total Communication15. Public Relations

ITS A WINNER: Häagen-Dazs Creates a Buzz about Bees

What Is Public Relations?

Public Opinion

Reputation: Goodwill, Trust, and Integrity

How Public Relations Contributes to Brand Perception

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Content Management as a Careerin Public Relations

Different Types of Public Relations Programs

Aspects of Public Relations That Focus on Relationships

Aspectsof Public Relations That Focus on Particular Functions

What Key Decisions Guide Public Relations Plans?

Research and SWOT Analysis


Objectivesand Strategies

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Mudo City: A Successful Brand Expansion

The Big Idea

What Are Common Public Relations Tools?


A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: The Social Impact of Public Service Advertising



Other Tools

Online Communication

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Engaging Word of Mouth through Online Influencers

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Just Bee-Cause

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

16. Direct ResponseITS A WINNER: The Gecko and His Pals Go Direct for Geico

What Is Direct-Response Brand Communication?

Who Are the Key Players?

What Is Included in the DBC Process?

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Table of Contents

What Are the Primary Tools and Media of DBC?

Personal Sales

Direct-Response Advertising Media

Direct Mail

THE INSIDE STORY: Thinking outside the Mailbox



The Internet and New Forms of Direct Response

Databases: The Foundation of DBC

Databases Drive a Circular Process


Data Mining

Issue: Privacy

A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: Privacy: Use but Dont Abuse Consumer Information

DBC Trends and Challenges

Integrated Direct Marketing

Global Considerations in DBC

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: The Gecko and Pals Deliver Direct Response

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

17. PromotionsITS A WINNER: The Power of Pink

Why Sales Promotion?

Why Is Sales Promotion Growing?

Sales Promotion Planning

Promotional Big Ideas

Consumer Promotions

Tools of Consumer Promotions

How Are Consumer Promotions Used?

Trade Promotions

Types of Trade Promotion

THE INSIDE STORY: Explore. Discover. FEI and the World of Images

How Is Trade Promotion Used?

PRACTICAL TIPS: Planning Point-of-Purchase Promotions

Multiplatform Promotions

Sponsorships and Event Marketing

Event Marketing

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Active Engagement through Event Sponsorships

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: The Underdog Wins the Super BowlAd Championship

Loyalty Programs

Partnership Programs

Sales Promotion and Integration

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Positively Pink

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

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Table of Contents

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

Trace North America Case

18. The Principles and Practice of IMCITS A WINNER: Im Amazing

Key IMC Concepts

Stakeholders and Brand Relationships

Total Communication

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: When Is Too Many Too Much?

Moving from Channels to Contact Points

Message Synergy

A Brand Is an Integrated Perception

Unified Brand Vision

Internal Integration

Brand Integrity

IMC Campaign Planning

What Is a Campaign Plan?

Situation Analysis


Campaign Strategy

The IMC Mix

Message Strategy

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: A Campaign with Legs (and Flippers)

IMC Media and Contact Points

Management and Campaign Controls

THE INSIDE STORY: What in the World Is Marketing Portfolio Management?

International IMC Campaigns

Managing 360° Communication Programs

Cause and Mission Marketing

Internal Integration

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Whos the Integrator Here, Anyway?

Looking Ahead

ITS A WRAP: Im Amazing

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

Trace North America Case

19. Evaluating IMC EffectivenessITS A WINNER: Gut-Checking Obesity

Brand Communication Impact: Did It Work?

First Things First: The Campaign Objectives

A MATTER OF PRACTICE: Can You Really Predict the Impact of Advertising on Sales

The Campaign Purpose: Brand Building

Why Evaluation Matters

A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE: Completing the Cycle

How Evaluation Fits into the Stages of Brand Communication Testing

Evaluating the IMC Message

Experts in Message Evaluation

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Table of Contents

Message Evaluation Techniques

Evaluating the Performance of Various IMC Tools


Public Relations

Consumer, Trade, and Point-of-Purchase Promotions

THE INSIDE STORY: The Best and Worst Website Designs

Evaluating the Performance of Media Vehicles

Media Optimization

Evaluating Exposure

Vehicle-by-Vehicle Evaluation

IMC Campaign Evaluation Challenges

Measuring ROI

The Synergy Problem

Digital Challenges

A PRINCIPLED PRACTICE: Can a Broken Guitar Really Hurt United?

International Challenges

Back to the Big Picture: Did the Campaign Work?

Connecting the Dots: Tying Measurement Back to Objectives

Bringing It All Together

ITS A WRAP: Results of Colorados Gut Check

Key Points Summary

Key Terms

Review Questions

Discussion Questions

Take-Home Projects

TRACE North America Case

Hands-On Case

















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Table of Contents