igomii salesforce deck.pdf

iGOmii Day Planner Built for GET MORE OUT OF YOUR DAY

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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i GOmi i Da y Pl a nnerBuilt for GETMOREOUTOFYOURDAYI t s a na ppl i c a t i ont ha t i nt egr a t esCRMf unc t i ona l i t y &bus i nes s a na l y t i c s i nt o oneea s y - t o- us emobi l ei nt er f a c e.WHATI SI GOMI I ?iGOmiiContacts, Opportunities & LeadsDailyAgendaDaily Map & Local Places APIsBusinessAnalyticsOURRESEARCHSHOWS*Smartphone apps are in demand95% of road warriors rely heavily on smartphone apps App usage by function- 47% of road warriors use their smartphone to access their CRMs Other functions (which feature prominently in iGOmii) include:-calendars 78%-mapping apps 65%-cloud storage (files & photos) 33%-financial data capture 48% Salesforce customers say 45% of them intend to increase their investment in mobile initiatives over the next 12 months Geolocation on the riseGeolocation (a vital element of iGOmii) is predicted to be 1 of 3 AppExchange categories that will see the most significant adoption increase in 2015 *Statistical references available upon request.KEYFI NDI NGSFROM SWOT&PESTREVI EW Focus on key markets rst Our application is easily scalable to numerous vertical markets (CRMs) and we need to focus on the easiest revenues first. Keep it simple & intuitiveSuccessful apps have simple and intuitive interfaces; and we feel we can on improve upon the current range of mobile offerings. Leverage skills & experienceWe are experienced at designing and deploying mobile apps, especially for the CRM market. We also have an experienced business team that has launched and marketed successful companies in the past. Protect IPiGOmii has at least 8 technology processes for which it is seeking patent protection. Limit privacy issues Users are sensitive to privacy issues, especially in light of numerous hacks. CRM deployments will keep personal data protected.The market for Salesforce applications is estimated to be $1 billion USA annually. Currently there are a limited number of applications (approximately 9) that feature contact mapping and optimized routing. They are offered via subscriptions ranging from $15 to $70 per month, per user.THECOMPETI TI ONiGOmii is different from these products in 4 main ways: 1. iGOmii has a simple, intuitive interface 2. iGOmii has a richer assortment of mapping tools(including the sharing of map pins) 3. iGOmii features one-touch toggle between agenda/map views 4. iGOmii was designed specifically for mobile so it makes better use of the devices native controls (unlike web apps that are pushed out to mobile platforms as an after-market tool) Weve defined 8 unique mapping processes for which we will seek patent protection in the USA and Canada. We are working with a patent lawyer to outline our application and document its unique processes.L EGAL PROTECTI ONKey Fea t ur esI GOMI II GOMI I TURNSYOURAGENDAI NTOANI NSTANTMAP SOYOUCANPL ANYOURROUTEMOREEFFECTI VELY one-touch navigation to destinations optimized routing that saves time & travel expenses offline maps to save data charges(coming spring 2016) easy way to find the nearest & cheapest parking lots information about whats nearby, via APIs from Google Places, Yelp, TripAdvisor and more a way to create & share your maps, using dropped pinsI GOMI I SUNPARAL L EL ED MAPFEATURES: iGOmii maps your accounts, opportunities, and sales leads so you can plan your trips more effectively and grow your business HEL PI NGBUSI NESSES EXPL ORENEWOPPORTUNI TI ESCustomer AccountQualified OpportunitySales Lead iGOmii also maps your social network contacts so you can reach out to them andset up face-to-face meetings during your business tripiGOmii provides accurate, in-depth information about each customer, opportunity, and sales lead using Salesforces extensive data mining capabilities.PROVI DI NGVI TALBUSI NESSANALYTI CSCustomer sales history Previous meetings Previous emails Social profile Peter McGarvey ABC CorporationKEYCL I ENTI NFOTI MEANALYSI SREPORTSUsers see their current work habits at a glance, with IGOmiis calendar reporting tool (shown right). This information helps users to adjust work habits to meet goals and targets and to focus on growing their business.TheAs k 200KFOR20%OFTHECOMPANYTheDel i v er a bl e J AN2016I OS/ WEB/ SAL ESFORCEL AUNCH2 0 0 k Res our c eAl l oc a t i on I TDEVEL OPMENT: FRONTEND80K/ BACKEND30K SAL ES25K MARKETI NG30K L EGAL 20K ADMI N( SAL ESFORCEFEES) 15KGETMOREOUTOFYOURDAYi GOmi i Da y Pl a nnerBuilt for 3 Yea r Bus i nes s Pl a n&BudgetI GOMI I SPRI NCI PL ESBuildingWere building a company thats profitable, well run, a good employer, and a fun place to work. Work Ethic Owners work at the company and will take an employee salary. GrowthWe will build our brand by industry verticals. Optimism We believe that industry verticals need a customized version of our product. InnovationWe believe in continuous innovation and improvement. Teamwork Creativity, integrity and teamwork guide our decisions. Pat Pathade is a senior Salesforce specialist, who has deployed dozens of enterprise installations. Hes also released his own Salesforce application called ShowCycle.OURTEAM Brian Crew is an experienced business analyst and consultant. Hes helped numerous businesses reach accelerated growth targets. Anne Marie Elliott has extensive experience in marketing and business communications. She heads up our social marketing initiative. Blair Robert is iGOmiis designer.Hes designed numerous mobile apps, websites, and two travel books. His apps have had over 2.5 milliondownloads and an average session engagementtime of 7 minutes.APPL AUNCHSTRATEGYLeverage existing CRM contacts Pat Pathade has managed several Salesforce enterprise deployments and gained a respected reputation within that community. We ll reach out to this audience and introduce them to iGOmii. Attend Salesforce trade shows & events Well attend numerous events so we can introduce iGOMii in person to current Salesforce users. Beta group testimonials Well make iGOmii free to a few selected companies from which we will seek feedback (to improve the product) and user testimonials for our marketing and sales teams. Social media outreachLinkedIn groups will be a vital outreach channel we will join and participate in several groups to help usgrow iGOmiis audience. Twitter is also a key part of our strategy we currently have over 1400 followers. i GOmi i Pr oj ec t edSal es 2016 $209k CDN 2017 $3,318,249 CDN 2018 $7,031,831 CDNWith an estimated audience of 2.5 million business users, Salesforces open platform provides developers with an opportunity to enrich the CRM experience for an active paying audience.SCAL ABI L I TYiGOmii is designed with scalability in mind, so it can easily be adapted for other CRMs & accounting packages.Planned launches include: Oracle - over 25 million subscribers Microsoft Dynamics - 4.4 million subscribers ZoHo - 15 million subscribers Sugar CRM - 1.5 million subscribers Quickbooks - 3.7 million subscribers And many others2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8GROSSREVENUE $ 2 0 9 , 2 6 3 $ 3 , 3 1 8 , 2 4 9 $ 7 , 0 3 1 , 8 3 1SAL ESFORCECOMMI SSI ONS $ 4 5 , 8 5 3 $ 6 6 3 , 6 5 0 $ 1 , 4 0 6 , 3 6 6I TEXPENSES $ 8 3 , 2 0 0 $ 2 1 1 , 9 9 6 $ 3 1 8 , 4 0 0SAL ES&MARKETI NG $ 6 8 , 7 9 6 $ 2 5 5 , 9 9 6 $ 3 1 3 , 9 9 6R&DEXPANSI ON $ 2 9 , 3 3 2 $ 6 2 , 6 6 4 $ 6 2 , 6 6 4ADMI N, OFFI CE&L EGAL $ 4 5 , 7 9 6 $ 8 0 , 5 9 6 $ 9 0 , 5 9 6PROFI TS - $ 5 9 , 7 1 4 $ 2 , 0 4 4 , 1 4 4 $ 4 , 8 3 9 , 8 0 9FI NANCI AL FORECASTi GOmi i Da y Pl a nner