i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. - amazon s3vol+22...or sex i will go. further s r and say cowan s...

PUblished by GEORGE BUTTER VOLUME XXII -NO 52 1I1to people s ballotmgs at all He tell8 us blmself !D II former artICle that the adoptl9n of the Amendments was exactly thp thlllg at ISsue He lao"" •• a to ImagIne In hIS dream-tat It has onll charactenstlc of a dream Its absuhllty)-that Congress IS requmng 'lifeless States to adopt Amendments . the ConstItutIon Had he been fIde awake when De wrote both tl10se artIcles be would not have represented the people and Congress as llemg so VOId of sense .• "In,gnz'lne:!, as to requlIe dead States to rat fv L' Amendments .. Now let us the bed aud took hIS fnend by tll.e hand Agam he saId Dear Luther why don t you let me depart lU peace No no PhIlIp we can t spVe you yet was the reply He then ordered SOJlle soup and when pressed to take It MelancthDn de clmed agaIn saymg I Dear Luther why will you not let me go home Ihe--nla<'I,,-iin and be at rest? tWe can not spale you yet PhilIp was the re ply He then added PhIlip take thIS soup or I WIll excommumcate YOll He took the soup He com menced to grow better He soon regsllled hIS wonted health aud la bDred years afterwal ds m the Clio se of the ReformatIOn and when Lu ther returned hDme the saId to' his With JOY God gave me my was placed MelancthDn back m duect tohe Government iR to my nra,ver's'.", It should be exerclS E 11 tlv·lr.nO!OA who could make the best PitA.:n:JROF s' and most effectIve use of It He ob FEMALE SUFFRAGE In the Senate of the lJ mted St3tes a few d3YS ago pendmg the dlscns SlOn of 3 h Il to gIve all male pel sons of proper age the r ght to vote m the D st ret of Colnmb a M Co van of Pennsylvama moved to stllke 0 t the word male befo e persons ThIS led to a lengthy dSCUSSIOn of the quest on of female Buff age at the conclUSIOn of wh eh M Cowan s amendment was voted down-v to !) As It IS not often that ators mdulge m such d SeUSSIQPS we OUI readers WIll be mtelested m the followmg report of what they sa d Jected to the extensIOn of sufl'rage be Mn FREfINGllUYSEN (Rep J) cause It would corrupt and degrade NELSON'S SIGNAL A London pubhshmg house J 1St Issued a memo r of the late LIeutenant General SIr S BEllIs allud ng to a remark flOm Mr John electlDns by pourmg mto the ballot- son tl at women voted 1D :New Jel pox II Jarge number of votes subject sey sa 1 that n ce tam local elec to mfluences eIther SOCIal or pecum tIOns they dId at one t me but not at ary It will degrade electIons and pl'csent He wo 11d .ay ulrther that on that ground he would oppose the the \\ Dmep of :N ew Jel sey dId not extensIOn of suffrage eIther to fe , ant to vote N me hundl ed and males or to negroes lIe would be the Bntlsh RDyal Mannes 1D which D1[IAt"-TIllnfl out of every 1 000 womeu less opposed to thIS measure If there I\.. "' 11 f h A I b occurs Lue 10 oWlllg story 0 t e menca wante no vote ut were a dIfferent mode of conducting 1o'hat they now exeIClsed th ough electIOns The effect of the present batae of Trafalgar and Nelson s fa the r mfluence upon men TheIr mode was to dIVIde people llltO par mous by General EllIs mISSIOn was h gher and hDlIer He tICS and to c eate a struggle for the who served on board the flagshIp cDuld see no. CDnnectlon between the halance of power wh ch led to all f two cases 0 women and neg Des manner Df corrnptIOn It was pos greatly lllfluenced the affaIrS oe Eu :Mu Buo N (Rep frIo) Bard he SIble to tU1l1 the scale of the great rDpe and gave to' England the su ] d not th nk the pendmg alllend State of Pennsyh ama for lllstance premacy of' the seas was one through ment offered by Mr Cowan was m by llltrodumng pern c ous mfluences whICh OIr shIp passed WIth but lIttle tended m good fa th for plactlCal and brlllgIllg them to bear upDn a loss There was scarcely any wIlld leglSlat on It It were mtended to ,cry small nnmber ThIS was an at the tIme and we approached the be put mto practICal effect hc was c\il m.eparable flom GDvernments enemy at not more than a knot and ont' Df those "ho bel c\ ed It would contlOlled hy mme maJDr tIes The a half an honr As we neared the be neces.a y to accompany It by a class of men no :v propDsed to be m French fleet I was sent below WIth gDod leal of other Jeg slatIOn to' pIe t oduced mto the pDlItICal system ordms and was much struck With Hnt It f om degenemt ng nto abnse would be more approachable than the preparatIOns mflde by the blue and corr phon But accept ng tl e DOW III It mDle acceSSIble to Jackets the maJonty of whom matt!! In the lIght he had stated he and more ens Iy CDr slIlpped to the waIst 8. hailldirercbllefl for one was w II ng to' expless hIS The refo m ought to he III was bDund tIghtly ronnd DpmlOn f eely on tbIS subject I dl ectIOn It oIght to be and over the ears to ue:aU€ill hm e to say sa d 1\1 Brown that I toward a reorgan zatlOn of the nDlse of the cannon many memcJ:JeiIl!! stand fDr \ nl\ ersnl suffrage and do tem mstead of Its enlargement As deaf fQr days after an actIOn not lecogmze the nght of sOCIety to a mele cho ce between twO. kmds men WeIe varIously occupIed, some It on 'my gro nd of race CDI01 extens ons he should ,ote for 1\1r weresharpeDlngtheIrcutlasses others or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m tbat I recogmze the rIght of f anchlse MIl DOOIl'ITI E (Dem W IS )-ThIS about to take lilace III as bemg an mtnnslCaI and natural amendment In my Judgment opens a mortal combat Ight and I do. not behe\C that so a very g ave questIOn-a or four as If 111 mere bravado clety hus tl e r ght to Impose any that appers at first blush a questIon were danclllg a hornpIpe but all I ulltatlon upon that fight that does upon" I cl the ablest m nds are d seemed deeply anxIOUS to come to not sprlllg 0 It of the neceSSIty of tbe vlded hele and elsewhe e-a ques close quatters With the enemy Dc SOCIal state It-elf The-e !Day seem tlOn how ev el pon whiCh we are caslOnally they would look out of extreme VIew. b It they confOlm to called ulon to vote and therefore IDrts and speculate as to' the v"'nnII1RI the rig d IDgIC of the queStIon and I one upon wh ch I very brIefly ShIpS of the enemy many of defy any Senator on th s floor to es to. state the VIew S W hith control my had been on former occaSIOns en cape f1 om them I ha, e been ShDCk Jndgment when I say I shall not gagj)d by our vessels ed durlllg the course of thiS debate vote the amendment whIch ;It was at thIS time that Nelson s at expreSSIOns which I have heard so IS now offered For myself SU' after famous Signal England expects the language 0 lr no martyrs sounds when lips that enunc ate such The quotatIOns of D nothmg whatrver IIJ M'R ANT IONX (Rep R I) s:ud 1 e s Ipposed Mt Cowan had offered thIS amendment by way of satmi !but he should, ote for It not bemn se of any mherent n17ht that women had to exerClse th:t anchlse but he can' d ered It a ngl t that could only be g anted by soc ety If It was claIm ed th:;lt lUtell gence 0 ght to be the bas s of s ff age women could not be excluded stIll less If VIrtue 01 mo ahty was to be the standard It mIght be saH] that men represented women bnt thIS was not so There cDuld be no representat on wltl out fall from dlstlllg11lshed Sen a glvmg some conSiderable reflectIOn every man to do hIS duty was hOlSt- to"S saymg that they recogn ze 111 to the subject of Buff age I aUlve at 'Cd at the mast-head of the AdmIrals til s rIght of franch se sub8t8ntll1lly th s conclUSIOn-that the true base shIp These WDlds were requested no right at all that It was Simply a or foundatIOn upDn whIch to rest suf. to be delIvered to the men and I pnv lege cDnceded by society fOI the frage 111 any republIcan commumty was deSlrea to 1I1form those on the govemment WhICh replesents so. upon the famIly-the head of the of the SIgnal Clety that It was a gmc DUS boon famIly-because m all CIVIl zed com Upon acquallltlllg one of the quar fI 0.00 eomewhere and for whICh we mumt es the famIly IS the un t tel masters 'nth the order he assem-·I suppDrt of He quotes from Judge If the officel S '(lflicers as ' ;1legiLn", of a State Gove£nment rethse to take aul;holrity the oath to support the (JonstltutIOn of the U mted States -hold on thIS WIll not apply South Carolma that seceded IS not the one ratIfied the (Jonstltutlon Df 1788 entered the U mon It has not a smgle element of that one ThIS Sauth Carolma IS the sa,me sovereIgn and Illdependent SDuth 0arohna that before the ratIficatIon of and It would be fDr officers 'to. take thE:' loath to sup the CDnstitutIOn ot the Un ted A quotatIOn from Whea In the U mted States It IS III the consent of the person represent OhIO) sa d that ed and women liad not g ven thIS he m CDnsent Nat Dns had been well lIe m ght It because th s governed by women Ehzabeth lalS ed EnO'land to the h ght of great best place ness A woman fUTDlshed Columbus subject but as to tl e WIth the means to dlSCDver AmerICa to vote he had no A woman now SIts upon the thlOne he was fully can sub eet It would of Spam and a woman was the tl.l draw the I ne of ruler of the proudest monal chy of j:d,em:arcati,on the female and the earth It was nDt log cal to say oel;W\mn that a woman could re gn as a Queen respect whIle both s$lJjec:t to the same law or command an army and yet that a woman was not fit to ote for Com approachmg salol Mr mon CounCIlmen of W every female m the The tune had not yet CDme fe be lesponslble fD the male suffrage but It was commg of the CD mtry as Mn WI LlAMS (Rep Oregon) BIUd males theIr light to women d d not need the plotectlOn the gO\ernment of the of the ballot but negIOes dId and Just as m ch ackno II for thIS reason he should voteagamst the Amendment and for the BIll Negroes had been enslaved and de graded IntellIgence had been de DIed them women had not been en slaved or degJ aded on aCCDunt of theIr sex but on the contrary had should feel p Dud and thankful In nDt the llldlYldual and su if bled the men WIth there lads other words It was not a rIght III any were left for to' determme what come and hear the Mmtral B words t sense Mr PreSident I do not hold shDuld be the true qua11licatIOn of a Wheu the men we e mustered I dEi- my lIbertIes by any such tenure I person to exerCIse the light of snf. lIvered WIth becD mg dlglllty -hould glleve to thlllk I was depend f age If It were a mere questiDn sentence-rather antIc patmg t1\a1' ent exclUSIvely m a matter of would fix It upon that-that the the effect on the men would be to pDn the VIews of SOCIety whlcb may head of a famIly capable of support awe them by Its grandeur Jack represent only majOrItIes for those mg that famIly and that hud sup however d d not appreCIate it for Tights On the contraly I belIeve ported a famIly should be permItted tbere wero mmmurs from some whIle that whenevel you establtsh that as to ,ote and none others .And Mr otllels m an audIble whIsper mIltte!r",l the doctune whenever you crvstal PI eSldent whIle I know tbat the ed Do our duty Of cOIir.",we'll Ize that Idea III tho publIc mIlld 1D questIon IS not a new one It IS 1m do ou! duty I ve always thIS CDuntlY you nngthe death knell pOSSIble for me to treat It as a new haven t yo I Let us come aIQng1!idlll AmerICan lIberty becaus1 you lay quest on because suffmge has been of ern and we 11 soon show whether It open to dvelthrow "lhenever extended everywhere beyond the we WIll do our du1fl' StIll the men corruptIOns prevaIl to. such an heads of familIes Yet) SIr the cheered VOCIferously-more I be extent and voone\er shall reasop m my Judgment why It has heve from love admIration become suffic ently exaspera ed been I extended IS SImply thIS If theIr Adm ral andlleaders than from The that worn n could certam men have been permitted to a full appree atlOnbf thIS well known not partIClpatll III the tuTlnorls of vote who were not heads of famlhes SIgnal elect ons and IllOlItlcal gns It was because they weTe exceptions was an argument aga nst the hus to the geneml mle and because It t ngs not agaInst suffrage The ar vas to. be presumed that if they are gllment that women ought not to nDt nDW the heads of famIlIes they ,ote beda lse they cDuld not he em 0 Ight to be and probably WIll be bDdled 1D the m htm was nqt found I say Mr PreSident that! accord ng ed m fact Men 1101 e exempted flOm to reason nature and re IglDn the mrl tal y servIce for a vanetf of ell. fam!ly IS the umt of human SOCIety sons amDng them PbYSICUljnabillty so fat as the ballot 18 concerned aud were yet allowed the llght of and III my Judgment t represents suffrage The satne Illabih y would thIS1 fundamental elementJ of human apply III the case of women SOCIety It should thJrefore be A T Stewartl a hbellli man H subscrIptIOn pape WIth hIm beg Ilbusine!!s gmg IS at a dISCO nt He has lIttle lI"Ull,'U sympathy wlth vagrancy Men and WDmen who see!> hIS presence seldom gam much by an Internew If money IS the {lbJect In It IS very dlf. ficult to gam a ss to hIm m "any way He IS mte sely devoted to blS been loved and honored H Isbands SllprE!mld and brotbers pIDtect WIves and SIS te saud It was the pude and glor y of mencans to love and honor the Mass) Bald he Mn D \VIS (Dem Ky) s cast by the Mad of the fumlly and 1\I BrD vn on the floO! a{!cordmg to reaSDn nature and re ed to speak agamst the pendmg hglOn the man IS the head of the measure and the pendmg am ndment family In that relatIOn !\Vhrle every To grant the right of to WO man IS kll1g every WDman IS queen man would be to drag bel! mto tl e and upDn man devolves the responsl COIrUptlOns of polItICS and her billty of controllmg the re- a pol tICal hack He vas 0 pORed to latIOns of bls fam!ly and these ex neg 0 s til' age because he bel e\8d ternal relatIOns ale cOlltrolled buslDes' and wor s more hours pro bably thananyot ermerchantIllNew York He contr Is hIS own affims WIth llespotICl s ay HIS partners have no. control over the busmess, but are mtereste merely m the pro fits I1e buys an sells as he pleases Without cDusultm anyone In hIS down to", n store has a small office the amendment fem lesex It would betlmeeD'Dulzh'!E[e to onslder the quest on of age when It was demanded by encan women No such demand ha yet been made except by a few: wh sought notonety and dId not to connectmg the qU1lSti'OI>S tDgether at all TheRe Woman s RIghts Con slBeqleu to. have had a gl eat tOISUtJpOIrt.: lep esent the sex to which they be- IDn If Indeed they can belong to an sex wh ch he ;ConsIdered ques tlonable It bad heen salol that the hand that rocks the cadle rules the Cowan If J'lcIr (Jo the speeches of these wnrnbn dnri/ng the past few years he record when he Before he (WII Senate he enter ThIS was true lind beautif\ll but III a different sense from that of COlll:ltl'V exerClsmg the r ght of snffrage ThDse women who now clamor fDr the turmoil of polItICS and WIsh to enter mto the contest WIth men at the ballot box would if they had the power overthrow the framework of sOCIety and make every house a hell upon earth When women were wi11mg to be sailors and soldIers to fight battles and navIgate the seas It would be time enough for them to that It would the legISlation of the women of the land of B Iffrage If Mr offer women B suffrage ask the nght to vote Mit. COWAN (Dem Pa) had nDt Illtended agaIn to take the floor on the subject bnt It hlld been Sala be "as not !D earnest 111 ofi'enng ThIS was nDt """TPe:t. measUre, he would was opposed two togethel (nem Md) saId many reasons why the had never been gen .exte*,led to women It had been asked fDr by he belIeved It would be them Tbere was an why they should not be If they pattIClpat they must be a part Mr Johnson reaa a from JOlan .. auams, the nf'glO mfenor to. the w Ite man tl e ballot for that l'lllllbt or ote and dId not beheve a sup nor race whICh he casts goes to I choDse the should grant polItICal po we to anm' legIslators who are to make where he 'lIS tIme from early t.""id,"n<!A·in busllless tIll dark No man fellor race reSIdent amo g them whIch a e to govern soc ety The prOPDSltion to do suc a thlllg III the family clIcle man 1S was fana ICaI and revolutlO ary con He governs by the law ofthe taulliJlr, trary to the teaohlllgs of hI tory and by the law of reason and re the wntlllgs of the best pI:. osophers IIglOn Therefore It IS a reform EthnolOgIsts had deSCnbed!he skulls whIch I am not m of confer shms and feet of the negro as rmg the rIght of suffrage uJ;lon edly marklllg hIm as belDn lUg to an woman I mferIOr race The negro I race had been engulfed III the deepllst Ignor THE STOLEN BING ance for 4 000 ) ears wlthou.t making It IS well known that the magp e the least progress had IS very fond of Jewelry and tbat a set hIm off to hImself and never III tame raven III any neIghborhood IS a tended that he should ml WIth the regular pest If he can espy a spark whIte race He m ght bEl us slave Img finger nng or 8.ny small but but never lts equal 01 as bnlllant object he makes no scruple fanatICIsm now proposes I:, to. make of flymg off Wlth It to some colleo- hIm tlOn of curIOSItIes he has stored away Mn SPRAGDE (Rep R i: ) follow securely out of reach Rats seem to ed Mr DaVIS III a wntten speech of take a SImIlar pleasure III carrymg conSIderable length takll)g ground ofi' artIcles th3t can be of no pOSSIble III fa, 01 of unn ersal Buffrage use to them for supplymg bed or people of the Sonth wete kept III boa1:d We all know that if he gets povel"tJ' and IgnDrance fie saId m 11 to your hbrary he IS of the i;licmscls order that a class mIght ije elevated mDst unlscrnpltlOils to rule Snch WIIS nDt ,pe case In appropnatlllg the ]I orth where the maspes had your chOIcest ,wclrk!l-c-itiut portuDltles for and hiS apology IS catIOn SOCiety der that he may He had been opposed to any change 111 the Bufi'rage, but If It was to be changed, If negroes weI e to be en fraJlchlSeq he was 111 favor of stilI further changes so as to embrll,ce women also If whIte men conld thi'ew"hi'ffisi\1f not be IBtrnsted WIth polItIcal power for the negro they could .J)ot be trusted Wlth ltfor women He who thonght women were represented by capable of free But what would not be for stealing a:ll: oh1 ;rill! Northern ldeu shop I IlllC eBSJl ry £0J: the !.9 DC e.. equalIty for women to

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Page 1: i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. - Amazon S3Vol+22...or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though



1I1to people s ballotmgs at all He tell8 us blmself !D II former artICle that the adoptl9n of the Amendments was exactly thp thlllg at ISsue He

lao"" •• a to ImagIne In hIS dream-tat It has onll charactenstlc of a

dream Its absuhllty)-that Congress IS requmng 'lifeless States to adopt Amendments . ~o the ConstItutIon Had he been fIde awake when De wrote both tl10se artIcles be would not have represented the people and Congress as llemg so VOId of sense

f\!,on~~l~ .• I\~ligtqU8 "In,gnz'lne:!, as to requlIe dead States to rat fv L' ~ Amendments t!'~the, .. C'~n~titl1ti(JI1.

Now let us ~exa,mitle

the bed aud took hIS fnend by tll.e hand Agam he saId Dear Luther why don t you let me depart lU

peace No no PhIlIp we can t spVe you yet was the reply He then ordered SOJlle soup and when pressed to take It MelancthDn de clmed agaIn saymg I Dear Luther why will you not let me go home Ihe--nla<'I,,-iin and be at rest? tWe can not spale you yet PhilIp was the re ply He then added PhIlip take thIS soup or I WIll excommumcate YOll He took the soup He com menced to grow better He soon regsllled hIS wonted health aud la bDred years afterwal ds m the Clio se of the ReformatIOn and when Lu ther returned hDme the saId to' his

With JOY God gave me my was placed b~jl~;~ MelancthDn back m duect f~~~!~;~~~! tohe Government iR to my nra,ver's'.", ar.C:;~:6,~,f~~~ l'l~t:~i!:~:::es~~~~~~~'t~rp,!~h;:~l~;!rH.n:g It should be exerclS

-.J-~:':'2±'!;l~·!"~ 'J.,)i'~:T:.jfui:r~~~:~/~.~t~t!!~t~ E 11 tlv·lr.nO!OA who could make the best PitA.:n:JROF ~~lIE s' and most effectIve use of It He ob

FEMALE SUFFRAGE In the Senate of the lJ mted St3tes

a few d3YS ago pendmg the dlscns SlOn of 3 h Il to gIve all male pel sons of proper age the r ght to vote m the D st ret of Colnmb a M Co van of Pennsylvama moved to stllke 0 t the word male befo e persons ThIS led to a lengthy dSCUSSIOn of the quest on of female Buff age at the conclUSIOn of wh eh M Cowan s amendment was voted down-v to !) As It IS not often that ~ave ators mdulge m such d SeUSSIQPS we thm~ OUI readers WIll be mtelested m the followmg report of what they sa d

Jected to the extensIOn of sufl'rage be Mn FREfINGllUYSEN (Rep J) cause It would corrupt and degrade

NELSON'S SIGNAL A London pubhshmg house

J 1St Issued a memo r of the late LIeutenant General SIr S BEllIs

allud ng to a remark flOm Mr John electlDns by pourmg mto the ballot­son tl at women voted 1D :New Jel pox II Jarge number of votes subject sey sa 1 that n ce tam local elec to mfluences eIther SOCIal or pecum tIOns they dId at one t me but not at ary It will degrade electIons and pl'csent He wo 11d .ay ulrther that on that ground he would oppose the the \\ Dmep of :N ew Jel sey dId not extensIOn of suffrage eIther to fe , ant to vote N me hundl ed and males or to negroes lIe would be the Bntlsh RDyal Mannes 1D which D1[IAt"-TIllnfl out of every 1 000 womeu less opposed to thIS measure If there I\.. "' 11 f h

A I b occurs Lue 10 oWlllg story 0 t e menca wante no vote ut were a dIfferent mode of conducting

1o'hat they now exeIClsed th ough electIOns The effect of the present batae of Trafalgar and Nelson s fa the r mfluence upon men TheIr mode was to dIVIde people llltO par mous s~nal-tDId by General EllIs mISSIOn was h gher and hDlIer He tICS and to c eate a struggle for the who served on board the flagshIp cDuld see no. CDnnectlon between the halance of power wh ch led to all

f ~~~~~w~~ two cases 0 women and neg Des manner Df corrnptIOn It was pos greatly lllfluenced the affaIrS oe Eu

:Mu Buo N (Rep frIo) Bard he SIble to tU1l1 the scale of the great rDpe and gave to' England the su ] d not th nk the pendmg alllend State of Pennsyh ama for lllstance premacy of' the seas was one through ment offered by Mr Cowan was m by llltrodumng pern c ous mfluences whICh OIr shIp passed WIth but lIttle tended m good fa th for plactlCal and brlllgIllg them to bear upDn a loss There was scarcely any wIlld leglSlat on It It were mtended to ,cry small nnmber ThIS was an at the tIme and we approached the be put mto practICal effect hc was c\il m.eparable flom GDvernments enemy at not more than a knot and m"IlUllll~'·, ont' Df those "ho bel c\ ed It would contlOlled hy mme maJDr tIes The a half an honr As we neared the be neces.a y to accompany It by a class of men no :v propDsed to be m French fleet I was sent below WIth gDod leal of other Jeg slatIOn to' pIe t oduced mto the pDlItICal system ordms and was much struck With Hnt It f om degenemt ng nto abnse would be more approachable than the preparatIOns mflde by the blue and corr phon But accept ng tl e DOW III It mDle acceSSIble to Jackets the maJonty of whom matt!! In the lIght he had stated he and more ens Iy CDr slIlpped to the waIst 8. hailldirercbllefl for one was w II ng to' expless hIS The refo m ought to he III was bDund tIghtly ronnd DpmlOn f eely on tbIS subject I dl ectIOn It oIght to be and over the ears to ue:aU€ill hm e to say sa d 1\1 Brown that I toward a reorgan zatlOn of the sy~ nDlse of the cannon many memcJ:JeiIl!! stand fDr \ nl\ ersnl suffrage and do tem mstead of Its enlargement As deaf fQr days after an actIOn not lecogmze the nght of sOCIety to a mele cho ce between twO. kmds men WeIe varIously occupIed, some

It on 'my gro nd of race CDI01 extens ons he should ,ote for 1\1r weresharpeDlngtheIrcutlasses others or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m tbat I recogmze the rIght of f anchlse MIl DOOIl'ITI E (Dem W IS )-ThIS I-~~:~~tjd~f ~:~;e about to take lilace III I'ml'~". as bemg an mtnnslCaI and natural amendment In my Judgment opens a mortal combat Ight and I do. not behe\C that so a very g ave questIOn-a ~uest!On or four as If 111 mere bravado

clety hus tl e r ght to Impose any that appers at first blush a questIon were danclllg a hornpIpe but all I ulltatlon upon that fight that does upon" I cl the ablest m nds are d seemed deeply anxIOUS to come to not sprlllg 0 It of the neceSSIty of tbe vlded hele and elsewhe e-a ques close quatters With the enemy Dc SOCIal state It-elf The-e !Day seem tlOn how ev el pon whiCh we are caslOnally they would look out of extreme VIew. b It they confOlm to called ulon to vote and therefore IDrts and speculate as to' the v"'nnII1RI the rig d IDgIC of the queStIon and I one upon wh ch I d~re very brIefly ShIpS of the enemy many of defy any Senator on th s floor to es to. state the VIew S W hith control my had been on former occaSIOns en cape f1 om them I ha, e been ShDCk Jndgment when I say I shall not gagj)d by our vessels ed durlllg the course of thiS debate vote ~gamst the amendment whIch ;It was at thIS time that Nelson s at expreSSIOns which I have heard so IS now offered For myself SU' after famous Signal England expects

the language 0 lr no martyrs sounds when lips that enunc ate such The quotatIOns of D

~M.'·'a· nothmg whatrver IIJ

M'R ANT IONX (Rep R I) s:ud 1 e s Ipposed Mt Cowan had offered thIS amendment by way of satmi !but he should, ote for It not bemn se of any mherent n17ht that women had to exerClse th:t anchlse but he can' d ered It a ngl t that could only be g anted by soc ety If It was claIm ed th:;lt lUtell gence 0 ght to be the bas s of s ff age women could not be excluded stIll less If VIrtue 01

mo ahty was to be the standard It mIght be saH] that men represented women bnt thIS was not so There cDuld be no representat on wltl out

fall from dlstlllg11lshed Sen a glvmg some conSiderable reflectIOn every man to do hIS duty was hOlSt­to"S saymg that they recogn ze 111 to the subject of Buff age I aUlve at 'Cd at the mast-head of the AdmIrals til s rIght of franch se sub8t8ntll1lly th s conclUSIOn-that the true base shIp These WDlds were requested no right at all that It was Simply a or foundatIOn upDn whIch to rest suf. to be delIvered to the men and I pnv lege cDnceded by society fOI the frage 111 any republIcan commumty was deSlrea to 1I1form those on the govemment WhICh replesents so. upon the famIly-the head of the of the AdmITa~s SIgnal Clety that It was a gmc DUS boon famIly-because m all CIVIl zed com Upon acquallltlllg one of the quar fI 0.00 eomewhere and for whICh we mumt es the famIly IS the un t tel masters 'nth the order he assem-·I

suppDrt of He quotes from Judge If the officel S

'(lflicers as';1legiLn", of a State Gove£nment rethse to take aul;holrity the oath to support the (JonstltutIOn

of the U mted States -hold on thIS WIll not apply Thl~ South Carolma that seceded IS not the one

ratIfied the (Jonstltutlon Df 1788 entered the U mon It has not

a smgle element of that one ThIS Sauth Carolma IS the sa,me sovereIgn and Illdependent SDuth 0arohna that e:~nsted before the ratIficatIon of ~88 and It would be tr~asonable fDr

officers 'to. take thE:' loath to sup the CDnstitutIOn ot the Un ted

A quotatIOn from Whea In the U mted States It IS III

the consent of the person represent OhIO) sa d that ed and women liad not g ven thIS he m CDnsent Nat Dns had been well lIe m ght

lIIL,q.Jl1llC;~U It because th s governed by women Ehzabeth lalS ed EnO'land to the h ght of great best tlme~nd place ness A woman fUTDlshed Columbus subject but as to tl e WIth the means to dlSCDver AmerICa to vote he had no A woman now SIts upon the thlOne he was fully can

sub eet It would of Spam and a woman was the tl.l draw the I ne of ruler of the proudest monal chy of j:d,em:arcati,on the female and the earth It was nDt log cal to say oel;W\mn that a woman could re gn as a Queen respect whIle both

s$lJjec:t to the same law or command an army and yet that a woman was not fit to ~ ote for Com approachmg salol Mr mon CounCIlmen of W every female m the The tune had not yet CDme fe be lesponslble fD the male suffrage but It was commg of the CD mtry as

Mn WI LlAMS (Rep Oregon) BIUd males theIr light to women d d not need the plotectlOn the gO\ernment of the of the ballot but negIOes dId and Just as m ch ackno II for thIS reason he should voteagamst the Amendment and for the BIll Negroes had been enslaved and de graded IntellIgence had been de DIed them women had not been en slaved or degJ aded on aCCDunt of theIr sex but on the contrary had ~honlil

should feel p Dud and thankful In nDt the llldlYldual and su if bled the men WIth ~Avast there lads other words It was not a rIght III any were left for ~e to' determme what come and hear the Mmtral B wordst sense Mr PreSident I do not hold shDuld be the true qua11licatIOn of a Wheu the men we e mustered I dEi­my lIbertIes by any such tenure I person to exerCIse the light of snf. lIvered WIth becD mg dlglllty th~ -hould glleve to thlllk I was depend f age If It were a mere questiDn sentence-rather antIc patmg t1\a1' ent exclUSIvely m a matter of would fix It upon that-that the the effect on the men would be to

pDn the VIews of SOCIety whlcb may head of a famIly capable of support awe them by Its grandeur Jack represent only majOrItIes for those mg that famIly and that hud sup however d d not appreCIate it for Tights On the contraly I belIeve ported a famIly should be permItted tbere wero mmmurs from some whIle that whenevel you establtsh that as to ,ote and none others .And Mr otllels m an audIble whIsper mIltte!r",l the doctune whenever you crvstal PI eSldent whIle I know tbat the ed Do our duty Of cOIir.",we'll Ize that Idea III tho publIc mIlld 1D questIon IS not a new one It IS 1m do ou! duty I ve always thIS CDuntlY you nngthe death knell pOSSIble for me to treat It as a new haven t yo I ~ Let us come aIQng1!idlll

AmerICan lIberty becaus1 you lay quest on because suffmge has been of ern and we 11 soon show whether It open to dvelthrow "lhenever extended everywhere beyond the we WIll do our du1fl' StIll the men corruptIOns sh~)l prevaIl to. such an heads of familIes Yet) SIr the cheered VOCIferously-more I be extent and voone\er maJDn~leS shall reasop m my Judgment why It has heve from love ~nd admIration become suffic ently exaspera ed been I extended IS SImply thIS If theIr Adm ral andlleaders than from The argumen~ that worn n could certam men have been permitted to a full appree atlOnbf thIS well known Jroq~:d not partIClpatll III the tuTlnorls of vote who were not heads of famlhes SIgnal elect ons and IllOlItlcal ca~lpa gns It was because they weTe exceptions was an argument aga nst the hus to the geneml mle and because It t ngs not agaInst suffrage The ar vas to. be presumed that if they are gllment that women ought not to nDt nDW the heads of famIlIes they ,ote beda lse they cDuld not he em 0 Ight to be and probably WIll be bDdled 1D the m htm was nqt found I say Mr PreSident that! accord ng ed m fact Men 1101 e exempted flOm to reason nature and re IglDn the mrl tal y servIce for a vanetf of ell. fam!ly IS the umt of human SOCIety sons amDng them PbYSICUljnabillty so fat as the ballot 18 concerned aud were yet allowed the llght of and III my Judgment t represents suffrage The satne Illabih y would thIS1 fundamental elementJ of human apply III the case of women SOCIety It should thJrefore be

A T Stewartl a hbellli man H subscrIptIOn pape WIth hIm beg Ilbusine!!s gmg IS at a dISCO nt He has lIttle lI"Ull,'U sympathy wlth vagrancy Men and WDmen who see!> hIS presence seldom gam much by an Internew If money IS the {lbJect In ee~ It IS very dlf. ficult to gam a ss to hIm m "any way He IS mte sely devoted to blS

been loved and honored H Isbands SllprE!mld and brotbers pIDtect WIves and SIS

te saud It was the pude and glor y of mencans to love and honor the

Mass) Bald he

Mn D \VIS (Dem Ky) s lCceed~d cast by the Mad of the fumlly and 1\I BrD vn on the floO! an~PlOceed a{!cordmg to reaSDn nature and re ed to speak agamst the pendmg hglOn the man IS the head of the measure and the pendmg am ndment family In that relatIOn !\Vhrle every To grant the right of suffra~e to WO man IS kll1g every WDman IS queen man would be to drag bel! mto tl e and upDn man devolves the responsl COIrUptlOns of polItICS and ~ake her billty of controllmg the ~xternal re­a pol tICal hack He vas 0 pORed to latIOns of bls fam!ly and these ex neg 0 s til' age because he bel e\8d ternal relatIOns ale cOlltrolled

buslDes' and wor s more hours pro bably thananyot ermerchantIllNew York He contr Is hIS own affims WIth llespotICl s ay HIS partners have no. control over the busmess, but are mtereste merely m the pro fits I1e buys an sells as he pleases Without cDusultm anyone In hIS down to", n store ~e has a small office

"~'>lU.l the amendment fem lesex It would betlmeeD'Dulzh'!E[e to onslder the quest on of te~nale'

age when It was demanded by encan women No such demand

ha yet been made except by a few: wh sought notonety and dId not

to connectmg the qU1lSti'OI>S tDgether at all TheRe

Woman s RIghts Con V""'Ll~lll slBeqleu to. have had a gl eat

tOISUtJpOIrt.: lep esent the sex to which they be­IDn If Indeed they can belong to an sex wh ch he ;ConsIdered ques tlonable It bad heen salol that the hand that rocks the cadle rules the

Cowan If J'lcIr (Jo the speeches of these

wnrnbn dnri/ng the past few years he record when he Before he (WII

Senate he enter

ThIS was true lind beautif\ll but III a different sense from that of COlll:ltl'V exerClsmg the r ght of snffrage ThDse women who now clamor fDr the turmoil of polItICS and WIsh to enter mto the contest WIth men at the ballot box would if they had the power overthrow the framework of sOCIety and make every house a hell upon earth When women were wi11mg to be sailors and soldIers to fight battles and navIgate the seas It would be time enough for them to

that It would the legISlation of the

women of the land of B Iffrage If Mr

offer women B suffrage

ask the nght to vote Mit. COWAN (Dem Pa) had nDt

Illtended agaIn to take the floor on the subject bnt It hlld been Sala be "as not !D earnest 111 ofi'enng

ThIS was nDt """TPe:t.

iriilepi~ndlenl". measUre, he would was opposed

two togethel (nem Md) saId

many reasons why the ~lIn'"llO'''' had never been gen

.exte*,led to women It had been asked fDr by

he belIeved It would be them Tbere was an

l·~a.u,Il why they should not be If they pattIClpat

they must be a part Mr Johnson reaa a

from JOlan .. auams,

the nf'glO mfenor to. the w Ite man tl e ballot for that l'lllllbt or ~ ote and dId not beheve a sup nor race whICh he casts goes to I choDse the should grant polItICal po we to anm' legIslators who are to make

where he 'lIS tIme from early t.""id,"n<!A·in busllless tIll dark No man

fellor race reSIdent amo g them whIch a e to govern soc ety The prOPDSltion to do suc a thlllg III the family clIcle man 1S SUIJreine'I,\JUm":r~.1',t.hA~("w'.~ilrin,1' was fana ICaI and revolutlO ary con He governs by the law ofthe taulliJlr, trary to the teaohlllgs of hI tory and by the law of reason na~ure and re the wntlllgs of the best pI:. osophers IIglOn Therefore It IS a reform EthnolOgIsts had deSCnbed!he skulls whIch I am not m favo~ of confer shms and feet of the negro as rmg the rIght of suffrage uJ;lon edly marklllg hIm as belDn lUg to an woman I mferIOr race The negro I race had been engulfed III the deepllst Ignor THE STOLEN BING ance for 4 000 ) ears wlthou.t making It IS well known that the magp e the least progress prov~ence had IS very fond of Jewelry and tbat a set hIm off to hImself and never III tame raven III any neIghborhood IS a tended that he should ml WIth the regular pest If he can espy a spark whIte race He m ght bEl us slave Img finger nng or 8.ny small but but never lts equal 01 s~penor as bnlllant object he makes no scruple fanatICIsm now proposes I:, to. make of flymg off Wlth It to some colleo­hIm tlOn of curIOSItIes he has stored away

Mn SPRAGDE (Rep R i: ) follow securely out of reach Rats seem to ed Mr DaVIS III a wntten speech of take a SImIlar pleasure III carrymg conSIderable length takll)g ground ofi' artIcles th3t can be of no pOSSIble III fa, 01 of unn ersal Buffrage use to them for supplymg bed or people of the Sonth wete kept III boa1:d We all know that if he gets povel"tJ' and IgnDrance fie saId m 11 to your hbrary he IS of the i;licmscls order that a class mIght ije elevated mDst unlscrnpltlOils to rule Snch WIIS nDt ,pe case In appropnatlllg the ]I orth where the maspes had your chOIcest ,wclrk!l-c-itiut portuDltles for and hiS apology IS

catIOn SOCiety der that he may

He had been opposed to any change 111 the Bufi'rage, but If It was to be changed, If negroes weI e to be en fraJlchlSeq he was 111 favor of stilI further changes so as to embrll,ce women also If whIte men conld

thi'ew"hi'ffisi\1f not be IBtrnsted WIth polItIcal power for the negro they could .J)ot be trusted Wlth ltfor women He who thonght women were represented by

capable of free But what e.xc~se

~i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. would not be for stealing a:ll:oh1

;rill! Northern ldeu shop I ~Im'()t .i[IlJl~lin~!.: IlllCeBSJlry £0J: the .~!IP: !.9DCe.. equalIty for women to

Page 2: i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. - Amazon S3Vol+22...or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though

27, 1866.

men of known worth be chosen

every avenue to occupy the postilMlf honpr and I'~~~i~l~~;~~~f tingmBhmg kIDd of things It IS to whIch much Importance as saymg that only "will get the VICtOry

in these A NEW twenty-t,wo

conSCIences of men'; trust; I know wtierebf I ~ hav- Ie 'lPlm."--1. needliaH nolear asto results IT ing wItnessed the operlj.tions, nrlvat,e'l

-------:c-----',-- I wOlklDgS, and etrect upon th~

years we have In exchange The Morning Sta) , at Dover, N H, by the Freewill Baptist Prmt,

GOOD EDITO~B. mumLy, of variOus secret societies Consldenng how mlUlY good ad- But It has been said, that most se- 1 __ ' __ .'.'_" 'rJIC~:.rllj~(lte" ali(:J}I~~i18tiJ and hIS Image," IS a ~ystelry to UB,

IDg EstabIISmeD,t, With the name of Wilham Burr pron:JlDent aB Editor ply:

VIsers af edltorrthere ara, It IS 'eret someties were orgauized and ana we fear It IS to

str!lTlge there ar~ sofew:&oqd~dltors carned on 80lely for the acquirement PeIhaps a careful investigation of the of selfish ends, and that thereforellnisists matter would"show, however, that they are not what they should ~E!ople.,*ulrmlurled8tgaiilillt. In movIng to a good editors are oftener Bpoiled by try- heuce no! ChfIStian will lJj"m".;:. whether plallle or mg to follow too many advisers, than one This I admit is true """".'~IIJ'''''I first want of every by havlDg too few There is plenty of yet not With all Some ·a~d~iJ~,g81lnst " ling house Though advice, whIch thEl" gIvers deem good, whICh no personal galD IBI3cllose WJl":UOlr~;.,Bnu fimsh of the dwellIngs I but whICh the rooeiver would do bet- ed or expected "By degree IDdlCate the t>nlterIDl'lI!e ter to pocket than to practioe Most shall know them; for hn,~-".n those who build up adVIsers, so far as our oS-sarvation rnpt tree brIng forth good fr'oit, 01' a iSIl'iriIG;' yet It IS Impossible goes, regard much wnting and good good tree brlDgforth evilfrnitl" L A thEllpll'imliti,~e. consult theU" taste to great ex-editIDg as nearly ~onymous THere \ :'l) tent m their hurned efforts to secure IS no greater mistake, and none more A SURGEON AMONG THE FREEDMEN. a home Each new settlement has fatal to the successful edIting of a Its own peculIar sty Ie At Farina, general newspaper Benjamin Frank- the style IS SIXteen byl twenty-four, 1m has the credit of sayIng, that With fourteen feet posts These are "the hest editor ,is !!ClSSors;" by deBlgned aB Ls for present convem-whICh he probably meant, that the Enolosed please find;:'-i~hr~¢e_-do'lla:rs ence, the mam part to be added at editor who recogmzes the fact of for the RECORDER, which has become Bome future day Some have secur-there bemg m the world mauy good a necessity, as it keeps me posted ed good houses for a new sectIon wtI:Iters beBlde hUDBelf, and avails WIth regard to the denomination Some of the old settlers, who have himself of tho good thmgB they have Bemg the son of one of the oldeBt large farmB, With mceteams, and fine i tten

, will make the most Interest, preachers, I have met at my father's crops, have very IDfeHor dwellIDgs IDg and acceptable newspaper Men nearly all the leadmg I men whose HaHng secured your lot, you haBten wfo know most about mak10g news- names and dOIDgs I se.e sop often men- to get a dozen or mOle posts from pqpers, do not estImate an editor's honed m the paper; and I never the timber for underpInnIDg These labors by the number of columns he look over Its full pages, but my mmd JOU settle mto the gIOund two feet, wl

ites, but by the general complete- goes back to days long past, when 01 down to the hard clay, and aI-

ness and fimsh of hiS paper as a sat by the fireSIde, and lIstened range them for tbe sIlls But you whole The followlDg paraglaph, wonder, whIle those holy men fought ask, Mr Editor, can we not have w1ltten by an Enghshma~ of large over agam then battles by field and eellam stoned np lIke our eaBtern explmence, contaInS the gist of the :tiood, when horseflesh was the most to nought; but If homes' CertaIDly we can; but the whole matter common mode of conveyance wlthm ye cannot overthrow new comer ,nth hIS family has no

f' A good editor, or competent the I eaeh of the Sabbatanan preacher ye be found even to tIme to EeCIU e such a convemence, nerspaper conductOl, IS lIke a gen Smce I wrote yon last, 1 have been God "-Acts 5 38, 39 but hastens hiS'silis upon the founda-eral 01 a poet, born-not made Ex- of the Apostle, then, tlOn Then he can obtalD at the erClse and expenence give faCilIty, ordered to take medical charge

h 1 Ii h F d B h I first quoted, IS thiS' If lumber ~ald common pine £or thirty t 0 qua 1 catIOn IS mnate, or It tel ee man's ureau at t IS pace, h H J

1 t dOth L d b d us IS oly Spmt, If dollm~ per thousand, and oak fior mannes e neon on 10 connectIon With my ot er utICS d .~o un or ItB glUdance, paper's, all the great hI8torl8n8, 10 the almYi; consequently, I have that despIse, despIse not sheathmg, and JOICe, at the mills, SIX no'~elil"tR poets, essaYists, and wnters h ddt f I In accOldance With mIles distant, for twenty dollms, and travels. have he en tried, and near- a a goo opportuD! y 0 earnlllg

,~ f th.l bl k th I to the Thessalom~ns, 1D nood shin crIes for about SIX dollars one has failed 'I can,' more 0 e poor ac s an evel' " Wh d 0 0

I d f h L I'd k b l' I d t h t t t en ye leQeJve In a few da's, he has his frame up, ate e Itor 0 t e oU on new ewre 0 no eSI a e 0 whlCh J e heal d of J

'find any number of men of say, that freedom has been hastriy It not as the word of hiS Bldmg and shIDgles on, and as gel~iu:s ito wnte for me, but very B{'I- thrust upon them, and has been, and It IS III truth, tbe \\ ord soon as hiS floors 31 e 131<1, he moves

one man of common sense' h d h f Thess 2 Ii!' m, thankful that he has .0 soon se N"lIrlv all Successful edItors are of Will contlDue to be, t e eat 0

b d L k h 1 d th God by hiS SPlllt IS mov- cured hIm a comfOltable sheltel A good editor Bel- t ousan SIC ten 13n, ey h

l' h h II d b l' h l' f h thlld angel's message, to Since the fil-t of March last, there wntes muc lor IS paper; e WI Isappear elore t e lace 0 t e h S " d I t d It

IS to leslst t e pmt have been bUilt In thiS Circle around JU ges, se ec s, ICtateB, a erB, white man like early dew A few If tlllB IS not the case,

combmes, and aftel dOIng all have been benefited, and the next It are III a delUSIOn, Fanna, thlfty-four houses, beSIdes a he has but lIttle time for To w17le for a paper IS genelatIOn WIll be far better off than the sprnt of error, and ware-house, a dry-good~ store, whICh

h t b t h th h splflt of truth In thiS we conSIder an ornament to our vd-edit It paper IS an- t elr paren s weIe, u 0, e or- h I b f f d h I f to t e wor d t l!ll lage, a bUlldmg In plOgress for a rors 0 lee om to t e poor B ave 0 .", . .,u,,,, of a people more

the cotton field, never can be propel- the whole mowl law of tavern and stOle, and other buildmgs Iy portluyed Only a lIttle M>ove dOIDg more fOI the ad- me ID contemplatIOn The commit-

nomn,,, seen ID the S'llllATU RE- thebrutl! keptmcompletelgnorance, of ItS chums, than any tee to whom IS mtrusted the wOlk of COllWlm Beveral articles on thiS Bub they neVeI thmk beyond the prescnt ID the woIld, and yet bUlldmg our meetmg house me se

a delUSIOn of the tieula,l'ly one by "L E L" moment, and such sufferlDgs as have of all delUSIOns and curlDg tbe lumber upon the lot; so and

J as they did not altogether ac- come under my notICe al c far mOl eYe who belIe\ e the we antICipate havIDg a house of wor-

cor witli my Views of the sobJect, I heart-lendlDg than the Sight of the moral law as It IS, Seventh-day ship soon, that shall stand liS a monu-

and GeneralAgent. I As a result, we "N bad come to regard MorDing Star, the int~rE!stjn!!

out Fleewtll Baptist, and WillIam Burr, as neally synonymoljS terms A few weeks ago, Mr Burr was called sud­denly from hIS labors to hll! reward,

as our readers are already IDformed A lJo.NVI!jNTION of reI~re!ienl~ti.ve8 ~ho!pelless SIDee tben, the questIOn who shonld from succeed him haB been anXIOusly dlS- was m seElsl<;l!n cussed among Freewill BaptISts We last week learn from the last 'number of the presided Star, that It IS now settled Rev. Srlas CIU'tiS IS to be the GeneFSl Agent of the Printing Est(LblIshment, aDd Rev Geo T Day editor of the Mornzng Star We extend to them a cordIal gr~etIDg, wlshIDg nothmg better for them than that they may prove wOlihy successors of the la­mented dead Of Mr Day, we find the followlDg notice III one of our exchanges.

"Rev Geo T Day, who Was two years ago elected Professor lD Bates Conege, aud who has SIDce made the tour of Europe, Egypt, anq Pales­tIDe, and bas bqen expectmg to en ter on the duties of bis professorshIp next Spl'lng, has just accepted the pOSitIOn of edItor of the MOl >!Ing Star, made vacant by the death of Wm Burr,1 and accordlDgly declmes the ohair m the college Much as thiS IS regretted by the fnendB of the col­lege, those among them who have the best opportumty to Judge, admit that gleat as was the Importance whICh ~hey deservedly attached to hiS ser­vICes m the college, the reasons for biS acceptIDg the other pOSitIOn are even more urgent"

ThiS sum is to be used for edllcJ1p.OI~" al purposes and churchb. p;~~~~~~ Over $150,000 has been a for the benefit of the .coIOrE!<1 tUld over $239,000 has been apJprq', pnated for feeble chnrches Church EUStaIDS miSSions III Central and Eastern Europe, AfrICa, South Amenca, South ~'l''"~~ I and South ChIDa

A COMPLAINT NOT 'TlTHOur V~',U~J9'i -A wuter m the Watchmq,n <tllu • .ao, flector thus complams.

I "I have for nearly PL \lNl IELD, N J, IS lIkely to be- paId for a pew ~n Baptist churCihel~jl

come as dIstinguIshed for the qualIty and attended regulaJ:1y With my of ItS meetmg-houses as It has long lly DUrIng all the ~Ime, I been fo.r the number and vanety of never heald a dISeourse on any Its churches The Seventh day Bap- f?llowIDg subjects

t18m ; stnct and mIXed col~muDlLo~ tlSts are bmldmg a meetmg-house the seventh-day Sabbath thme, whICh we hear spoken of as mg; communIon every l,m'n'O

elegallt m ItS propor-tlons, and to ID- form of chulCh government; clude all the "modern Improve confirmatIOn, apostolIo SUICC'~!!Silol).

t " Th N Y' k D • treatment of publIc and men s e ew or .c.xanUller fi h &h ,~ refel s as follows to a new meetIDg honse ID process of erectIOn for the Fllst BaptIst Chlllch of Phunfield

ences ; c nrc mUSI~

MESSRS w.ulrn:{ FREimAN &r of PrOVIdence, Iiave an ment m our columnB, to which tentIOn IS directed We have lat,elYIIIOI been treated to a sample keg of oYBterB, and can certify to their perlOr qualIty If adybody puts a better artICle, or m better ~tyle, has not been our good fortune meet With them TheBe 3l"e goodl[1ttlou:saII~

instructwns sent fOI th "to

"i!ril~icf1,tb.e11.~rlgdlom of God," which to rJfuse to teach

tak the lIberty to say a few wOldB blood-BtalDed battle field, all there we do yon understand I Some Ill®t to the enterprIse of our hreth-on the other Side I had hoped to expect to see human agony m all ItS number are zealouBly en- ren at home, aud to the benevolence

If bl th A h h d to spread the Sabbath of those scattered amoug the see a rep y rom an a er pen an forms s t ey ave no ploper I ea you will accomplIsh but

the one whIch wntes thIS, but bave of vU"tue, that fearfnl scourge of CIV- m that dIrection, If you reSist chulChes waIted ID vaID IlIzatlOn, venereal disease, m all Its spmt of the thud angel's mes- THE WEATHER AT FAIm;A L II C

'jThe prosperIty of the FIrst Baptist chmch m PlaIDfield, N J, IS of a \ ery gmtlfYIDg ch:nacter Dunug the pastorate of our fuend, Rev D J YClkes, two hundred additlOnB have been made to Its membershIp, most of them by baptism It IS now one of the strongest and largest chmches of the denommatlOn, and we are glad to hear that they have made conSIderable progresB ID build­IDg a new church edifice wOlthy of themselves and their cause It IS to be of cut fl eestone, 113 feet by 68 feet, and to contam 156 pews, E'xclu­S!\ e of the gaUenes The sty Ie of the 31 chltecture IS to be the Roman esque, With two towel1l, one to. be surmounted by a spire ot 1 i3 feet ID hCIght The whole cost of the build-109 will be from $60,000 to $;5,000, and It Will De complete m all ItS parts -an ornament to the tOWlI, and an

enough for us, and go.od enough anybody

BEECIlEI! ON SUFFRaGE -At l.~eW",L ark, N J, one evenmg last Rev'Henry Ward Beecher gave lecture ID fa\or of uDlversalsuffrage, mcludmg black and whIte men and 'v omen, paupers, and foreigners m­tending to remam III the country He claimed YotlDg to be a natural,

our stores piactlCe of

than we

Were not of them, acknowledgt:d hav­"because he follow-

To begm, then, all seCi et SOCieties most loathsome forms, IS runnIng God has prOVIded a speCial ~ Sabbath, • Dec 15th, waB ... cry d d f h fOI you ID the commg strng- t F "' d are eon emne, or t IS reason, among them like nre on a prame ; s ormy. or a lew ays prevIOUS,

on the Sabbath questIOn WIll that they are "secret" ThiS, I and 1 do not heSItate to say, tbat accept It t tJIC WInd blew fiesh from the south thInk, IS rather a Blight pletext The fully one half of the negroes m thiB frIends of the Sabbath of the It changed to the north east, and It Simple fact that they me "seClet," dIStnct are now suffeung flom the ought not to be diVided m the contlDned to ram aud freeze untrl Isnothmgagam,st, but rather for them, dIsease m some of Its forms, more or struggle that IB hefore ns evelY leaf, and spne of grass, and

honor to the church" IDherent rIght I d b IS of God', dIVISIOn IS not of t d h 0 as, if the object 18 a au a Ie one, less VIOlent Did the eVil stop here, ree, was covere Wit ICe n Umon gives power to the teB-theIr effiClentwot;klDgpower IS there- only the guil~y would suffer; but the of the advocateB of truth, FIrSt day, the ",md, by a Budden

by much mcreased, whIle, on the mnocent offspnng come mto the tends to weaken theIr testr- fieak, changed to the west, and It othr

l t hand, If the ell.d .to whIch they world only to hng~l, suffer and dre , and rendent IDefi"ecttve How snowed really hke Winter On-~fon-

No Mr:;SIC IN TUEIR SOULS -A por- NE'V JERSEl must be havmg a v<>-tion of the MethodISt Society at Col- litICal reVival Charles Bub, a Dem­lege Corner, Franklin county, Indl- ocratlO member of the last Leglsla=­ana, were recently" moved by con- tme,' from Hudson City, h/ls Just cord of sweet sounds" to some un- been sentencedf for bribery to hara uBual and not very commendable labor ill the State Prison for one actIons A melodeon was mtroduc· year, and to be forever dlftqualified ed IDtO the meetIDg house, agamst from holding any- office of profit or

I hI h d I we be uDited' There IS but d th b ht d asPIre IS not a auda e one, t IS These Iseases were comparatIve y ay morDIng, e sun rose ng an h ld b h b d t th t k h I t d t way God has prO~lded a spe- beautlf'11 upon the town covered With s or e teo ~ectIOn, an no a un nown w en savery eXls e , aB 1 message m hiS word (Rev 14

ther III e secret What would be was to the IDterest of the planter for thiS velY time It IS per- sIlver L ]1 C th~~ght of the man who should ob- that all disease should he kept at adapted to the struggle on the

HOPE FOR JAPAN. Jeot to readmg a newspaper, because bay, and thlB espeCially eradIcated, question before us HIs Borne newspapers were not what they as hIS slaves replcsented will accompany the message of

word It IS now the very tIme BhouJd be Neither, I thIDk, can "e value, and when the case oellDallOe!O,.1 that the message Bhould be proclmm-Tbe opemng of Japan to. IDter­

courBe WIth other natIOns, was promptly followed by the estabhsh­

ent of Christian Protestant mIS-

theIr strenu?us oppOSitIOn Shortly trust m the State afterwaros, It was taken ont, under cover of mght, by" unknown par­tIes," and burned to ashes A sec­ond melodeon was purchased and pnt m ~ts place On the 20th of last mouth, It was hammered mto mmute fragments WIth a pIece of r~lliroad

reasonably reject all secret sOCIetle", the best medical aid was procured, at ed i and ItS success thus far IS owmg because the avowed plUposes of whateveI cost; and the patient was to the fact that the Spmt of God ac-Bome do not meet With our ap- locked up until cnred or Bold otr the compames It SIOns m that country Several

1D I th t th d h t AmerIcan BOCIeties entered at once proval place Now the case 18 far different, 0 you ove e ru ,an WIg 0

ad~ance It 1 Aecept of the message upon thIS work, and they had the One Igreat objectIOn to them IS, and Cutry must shift for hImself. The from heaven, and your testImony h d tli WIsdom to parcel out tel erent that they did not leceJve tho dU"ect mortahty among IDfants IS far great- will be rendered effective by the

I Objects that first reqUired attentIOn, sanctIOn of Chnst and the Apostl~s er than formerly, anil the number of Ho y SPIrIt The SPlllt of God does t 1 d t d tli t d t IU such a way as to aVOId duphcatmg Do these obJect to the prIDtIDg and bIrths much less As It was to the IU- no j ea IU wo I eren lIee Ions

On y one party WIll stand finn on each other's labors They have distnbutlOn of tracts and o~her pllb- terest of the planter that hIS stock

the~truth IU the comlUg struggle and agreed as to the prIDClples on which lIcatlOns, becanse forsooth Buch should mcrease, every well-ap- per "cutlOn It Will be those only hid h B bl " t ey wII ren er tel e mto that thmgs were Jot m lise m the time of pomted plantatIOn had a p.urBe.ry, wh have a message of the word of

G d stlange tongue Dr Hepburn, of our SaViour' where all the children of the women 0, attended by the power of hiS H

~I S t Th 1 ill t th the Presbytenan 13oard, has occupied Perhaps some one WlUsay, " I dare that worked m the field were kept, 0 pm ey on y w ge e I h hild VIC ry o~er the beast and hiS Image himself almost exclUSively WIth the not identIfy mY/lelf With a secret so- and the mother on y saw er c I b

I t 1 «not y might, nor by power, preparatIOn of a Japanese and Eng-CIety, even though the object be a when It was necessary to gIVe It butJbY my Splnt, 8alth the Lord of

hsh dictIOnary, wh"lch IB at leugth worthy one, lest by so domg I lend nourIShment, whICh was at Btated hos s" R F COTl'llEI L.

completed and ready for prmtmg my mfluence ~or evil and not for penodB, and Bhort ones at that In REMARKS The last number of the record con-good, as they may be made the meanB thlB way, a mdther' wo~ld have sev- - t th " b


FREEDMEN IN TEXAS -The fol!ow-mg dispatch from WashIDgton, to the Boston Ailvertlser, shows a state of thmgs ID Texas whICh IB hard to belIeve

"The statement made by SenatOi WIlson, that there had been two thousand murders of freedmen dnr­mg the past year, has been question­ed Senator Jtoberts, of that State, places the number still higher, and says at least 2700 have been killed, and that the blacks are so alarmed, that they ale praYIng fOi the retnrn e pnn e 10regoIDit ecause taIDs the followlUg mformatlOn Of much m'ury to the cauBe of hu- eral chIldren ID her life time, yet t fid r th

" I we ave grea con ence II). e sm- " One of our countrymen, a mer mnDlty" Such, for the sake of con- know th~ flrst thmg of the care cen y and conSCIentlOusneBS of the chant of Yokohama, kIDdly and lIb. A STIlONG AppEAr -The annexed, Blster'\}y, shouldj~cfralDfro'rnndlDgoIL cessary to hrIDg the lIttle one safely WII r But we frankly confess, that erally offered to take the rIsk and be duly sigued, &c, recently appeared or patronizlDg our railroa,ds, because through the perils of childhood It a pears to us a little dreamy The lit the expense of It.! publIcatIOn; m one of the Western newBpapers

of slaver y "

the rogues and blacklegsl

often nde Anyone ean ImagIDe the reBult "th rd angel's message," on whICh this expenBe wIll probably be relm- Whereas, at partICular timed may fr d h h ' Old bursed by ItS sales This work, the t -'- fi d h d th t on them I ee om to sue a mot el ' suc Important results are supposed fi d 1 f h ki d h Imper une lUy nen S n 0 ers 0

k il I.' rst an on y one 0 ten, as let liie have liquor, whICh IS hurtful A-traID, those who ob'ect to them Aunty" eeps no more ch dren ,or t h d I.' II" I d t I b b t t d

Eo" e nge, rea s as 10 vWs IDVO ve grea a or, U 1 IS regar to n:\e and detrimental to sOCiety; cl31m that they are leBs productIve the field hands ~ she IS fl ee, and "~nd the third angel followed ed aB mdISpensable to the translation thiS IS, thel-efore, to forbid any per-

SOUTll CAROTlNA, through her House of Representatives, has re­Jected the ConstitutIOnal A.mendment by a vote of 95 agsIDst 1

REV DR BURUNGIlAJI has accept­ed a call to the pastoral care of the Second BaptIst Church m St LOUIS, M~

~ORRIBLE ACCIDENT -A mOBt hor- lMetllodjst rIbie aCCIdent occurred lit Washing-

I tonville, NY, on Saturday, Dec 15th\ Mrs Thomas Millard went into a factory to tranBact sbme busi­ness WIth her husband, When her , ..... ,,_ .. clothes caught ill the machmery, and In an IDstant she was dragged IDto the works, and one of her limbs was severed from her body Her band, who went to her 8BSistance, also had hIS arm caught In the ma­chmery, where It was horribly crusb,­ed, IbaVing It attached to his shOuld­er by a small prece of flesh onfy U slII'g hiS other hand, .Mr Millard drew hIS KUlfe from hiS and opemng the blade With cut the remammg piece of flesh that hIS IDjured arm; and after thus mg hunself, r81sed his Wife on

of good than they mIght be if con- don't work for nothmg I might them, sayIDg With II loud VOIce, If of the Serlptures IDto the Japanese son sellIng me lIquor, Qr lettIDg me ducted m a pubhc_manner ThIS IB, mention mauy othercllusesoftroubl:e any man worilhlp the beast and hiS language, and It WIll be very useful have It on any account, for if they do

k S h fi d Th and reCClve hiS mark m his also to mlBsionarleB and many others " I Will pOBItIvelyprosecute them, not, I thmk, a great mlsta e ecret so- to t e ree men e propensity to

n\ d h or lD hiS hand, the same Such an aot of lIberalIty on the ilVIthstandlDg anv. promise I may a,{\ v,oC.!Ltillgl Cleties are much ore etrectIve for steal Will only be era ICllted by t e

r of the wme of the wrath part of an AmerICan merchant IS make to the contrary at the tIme good or eVil' as the case may be, tban death of the present generatIOn . u ed 0 t wItho t th I t h t

arm and her where

" 18 po r u u highly honorable, and has many pre- ey may e me ave 1 publIc ones I speak,ID thIS connee- But the" pecull8r mstitutlOn" bears cup of hiS indlgna- +'-0--0-----_

tlOn, more p8\ticularly of thl\ vanou~ the blame of thIS, as well as all the be tormented With cedents, as It ~ sure to have many NEW VEI!~ION -Dr N M Craw-Popular temperance SOCieties of the faults of tile negro Time will tell, the presence of ImltatorB Dr Hepburn, In hlS let-- ford, well known lD the South aB au

m the presence ters home, speaks hopetiilly of the 1 day No lOne Will deny, I pre- and those who attempt a solutIOn the smoke ofthell future of Japan able Baptist mIDlSter, does not Irke Bume, that atleastthe professeil object the problem, waBte IDk and paper asce~deth up for ever and ». the new verSLOn of the New Testa-of these SOCIeties IS a lawful one, and What I have stated are facts, and I and thlhave no rest day or EDUCATION 0] JAPANESE IN AlnmI- ment whICh the Bible UhlOn has that It IS nght to use all proper sometimes' think Job's boils were who w ShIP the beast and hiS cA-Rev Mr Brown, the American ISBued He says. I means to obtam that ~esult, namely, nothmg to a ward full of sick ne_IIDna~~\l,and w oSoever recelveth the mISBlOnrry lD Japan, haB sent several "1 would adVise the Bible Union the total banishment from our laud groes, as every thmg moveable has Offhlshn~me Hhere IS the hPa- Japanese youth to thIS country to be to sell no more of these miscalled

o t e aIDts; ere 31e ~ ey educated Mr Brown was formerly corrected revlSlons, to fall back on of the demon of strong drIDk ThlB disappeared otr the place smce they thBlt Ii;,eep the c mmandments of uod, at the head of the ~~mson Bchoolm the common versIOn, and before they can be more easily and surely done came-chlckens, vegetables, wood; o'f JesuB" China, supported lly EnglIsh and publIsh another reVISion, appomt on

a secret Boolety thall.lD a pub- and one old woman even ploked whatodrcorrespondentmeans ,American merchants, and while there the FlUal Committee some man who he one; and particularly is thIS cotton ont of a quilt, and used It to Sp;).it "movmg out" that sent three ChmeBe youth, who were knows English, and give him an ab-the case in the legal preventIOn of buy tobacco Thus went the gift of or byl"reBlstIDg the spuit" first placed at Monson Academy, and solute veto on all proposed altera-~ii4~lfi,l~,!e:v~~ydeDllrtiIiilllitl the liquor traffic In various ways; some good friend at the North, who message, IS more than we afterwards one of them went through tlOns"

' Yale Colle~e, one through the Um-soch, for example, as the arrest and pItIed the poor negro Seventh-day BaptiSts be- verslty of Eninburg, Scotland, and MASSACHUSETTS may pOSSibly re-prosecution of those sellIng liquor The City of Natchez is gamsoncd in common With the other was obhged to return home jQct the ConstitutlOna! Amendment In vLOlatron of law; the obtain- by one company of the 15th Infantry in the Word because of ill health The result Of

ot tlie nominatLOn, by both poli- Regulars, Lleut,Col Rltter!D com- that enterprise was so favorable, that tICal p;ras of men of strict temper- mand of post, Capt Gray, lD com- as much as he doea, the ~xp?rlment is. to be repeated,

. ,.' . mand of company and fort, and your , . and It 18 not unlikely that these anqe p mple!/, to fill the pnnC\~ correspondent .miidical officer In which 'gives PQwer youth from Japan will also be placed ~!~",~~tllj1-j, :riII~dif:at.e~r om_ ~ the State governments; iJo oharge: of Pest and Marine HOSPItal, of the advocates of at MOII8on :A:oademy, und,er the ~ ~!}I.~~f;tl!I~""'jJ~!lte'l6i:f~, tbat' wliichever party may fJDcceed, also Frl!edman's Bnreau F. n q peculiar and dis- of ReT OIiarliiS Hammond.

attendance w:!fo~6~~:!~:~~ 01J1~1I1-ed, and the u perIy cared however, m a and It was tn()lIg:llt would. die

Page 3: i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. - Amazon S3Vol+22...or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though

the a~noon they were exposed the most fnghtful tempest could he lmagmed The sea was really homble on all

As for the wmd there were

IS gIven

'hm,·g •. 1 no longer squalls but fnghtful howl mgs About half past SIX we were literally the sport of a whirlwInd whIch caught up, everythmg on deck and wh rled thmgs In a clicie to the rIght and left to the he ght of the m z zen mast An enormous brass plate was proJected from forward to aft and on masts bend like reeds I be I eved they would be carr ed a vay and I do not really know hoW they we e able to res st Buch VIOlence

LATE EUROPEAN ITEMS A d spatch from Brussels dated

Dec 19th says that the Inaependence Belge publ shes a report that Marshal BazalUe has been ordered to enter nto negot at ons w th the Un ted States

the establ shment of a sn tabl~ government to succeed that of Max mil an

A d spatch from Berl n Dec 19th says B smarck by tne adnce of his phys cans has reI nqUlshed the Pre s dency, of the conference of the North German States n favor of SaVlgny

Another d spatch from Berl n dated Dec 19th sayg that the gov ernlIlent of PruSSIa have resolved to send a number of naval offi'ce s to the Un ted States to mqu e nto the af faIrS connected w th that aerv ce

A d spatch from Hamburg dated 19th says Th rty 0 forty Han

over ans were arrested th s morn ng m tli s c ty while about to emba k on the Amer can Bteame to avo d ser ng m the Pruss an a my

\ d spatch from london Dec 22d says ~he Fen an tro bles n Ireland are ent rely abate 1 The

B tranquil and cQnfidence has retnrned to 'the people

A d spatch dated Alexandr a Dec 22d says Su ratt was yesterday put on boa d tbe Un ted States corvette Swatara

A TERRIIlLE CALAMITY occu led at Memph 8 Tenn on the morn ng of Dec 19th The confect ona ~ estab 1 shment of Joseph Specht No 36 Mail son street took fire between 3

SUMMARY 'OF NEWS An extens ve case of conlisoat on

nnde the Revenue Laws came to light at Cleveland last week Be tween 40 000 and 50 000 ponnds of steel carnage spnngs of excellent qual ty manufaotured n Canada we e 8h pped to the Un tea States n under valuat on only about half the ongmal cost be ng placed upon them as- the r J eal value The property under the revenne laws was tbus forfe ted to the Government and cannot fall mncn short of $30 000 n value

A Milwauk e W s Dutoher kill ed IJ. eow the other day and fonnd n her stomach ale mud tnrtle It measrued SIX mches acr6ss the back and as It could not hate entered that SIze the mfetenoa IS that It must have grown CODS derably n ts gas tric home The shell was very much eaten IIway hf the ao ds of the atom ach lind the turtle only I ved ten hours after be ug released

A fanuly 10 Danbury missed thelf a short time s nce and concluded

that she harl been abducted Sun day she was found lU a vacant lot In

the mnghliorhood wrapped m the embrace of a snake Both were dead ~he snake hav ng perIShed from the bite of the cat, marks of whose teetb;were found III ts back while the cat ev dently suffered death from the too fondly hu~ of the snake

Saturday afternoon Dec 22d about four 0 clock as two s sters Mary and Magg e Penn ngton were skatmg on the Shawsheeu r ve the ee broke and they were preCIpItated mto the nver Altho.ugh gIeat ex: ert ons were made to save them both they were only part ally successful Maggte aged 12 yea s was dr~wned while Mary was lescued n an Insen S hie cond tion I

L eutenant Egbert Olcutt, Qf the Twenty wnth Un ted ~tates Infantry shot and killed pr vat\;! R ng of the same reg ment recen~ly nea York town Va ill a dliunken quarrel about allOWIng a nelgro to drIve a government team A court of m qu ry has Investigated the CjTcum stances and IS prepanng a repo 1; for transmISSion to Washmgton

The North Bndgewater Gazette says a flock of Wild geese a1 ghted m a pond at Easton durIng a recent storm the WIngs of two of them bemg so encumbered With sleet that they could not resnme the r renal

l1aJ~IU·1 career A young man w,h~ had ob served thell" condItion succeeded m captunng themlalive

Barficades are buildmg at Grena da MissIBSlppI for a permanent gar nson for the Umted States troops It IS saId that Jackson VIcksburg and Natchez are also to he made

I p,erDI=!,ne!!t posts The major gener commandmg says It IS S mply to

aSSIst the c vil authOrItIes In ~n tam ng law .,. I

Two susp ClOns young men were arrested III ,Boston Dec 21st They had been 100Itmg IOto bank~ and IOJII01iVlIJ~ exp ess messengers about ~w'~~~w'" a package of cayenne pep

pocket when taken JUto


The New York broker who e cently InVIted a number of lad es to hIS housl' ana had placed on the plate of each a g ft worth one thous and dollars IS saId to be Leonard ,V Jerome Somli' of the husbands of the lad es were very Ind gnant and compelled th1lh to send the r presents back

In Robe tson county Tenn D L Watson had a d fficulty w th a colored woman who nested one p stol fi om h m when he shot her dead w th another The murderer was exammed by the c v I author t es and d scharged He alleged that the woman assaulted him

The Execut ve Comm ttee of the Colored SoldIers and SaIlors Na tonal League announce that there WIll be a Oonveut on of Colored Vet erans at Philll.delph a on the 8th of January the object of wh oh IS to secure equal ty before the law All colo ed sold ers an 1 sailors are n v ted to attend

The greatest wonder n the State of Iowa IS the Walled Lake wh ch IS three feet h gher than the earth s surface and occup es n neteen h nd cd acres It has not yet been as certa ned wbere the water comes fi om or where t goes to yet t always re rna ns fresh and clear

A lady at W nona Minn 'ffose husband had been absent some eIght yea sand vhose whe eabouts we e unknown to he recently appl ell for a d vo ce 0n the same day tllat t was granted the m ss ng man return cd and after due exp anat ons the couple were e mar ed

On WednesdaYi Dec 19th there was n the Un ted States Treasu yat Wash ngton n netv s x m II dns and fo ty five thousand dolla s 11 gold of wh ch e ghteen m 11 ons and seven hund ed thonsand dollars vere held on gold eert ficates The rest be longed to the GovernmOnt

Several slaves formerly the p 0

perty of Gen Taylor of Newport Ry deceased have Jnst ga ned a su t aga nat Taylor s executor the case nvol ed the r ght of the late sl&ves to a cons derable amount of property beq eathed to them Taylo s w 11

The mcreased bus nes~ at the workshops of the Sp nglield Ar mo y eonsequ"ent upon the Gove n m nt order fOI 2" 000 b eecb loaders has resulted lU the recall ng of the old help vh ch was d scba ged at the close of the war to many of the del a~ments

A spec al d spatch to the N Y (J. n at says that the lead ng ra load managers of New England have pet toned Congress to reduce tI e duty on r a It oad axles t res and ra Is made of on to one cent per pound and of steel to one half cent per pound

new money order be opened on

The POBt Of Vi\rlc·nn.iil 2 360 money

amount ng to

cHlmlon oonn i*:rea,sed bo nty

becone num tro1ul:jl'Bso:me, to $lv fo

that a aunt

Two Balt more lawyers we e last week m Wasb ngton try ng to ob ta n from Ch ef Just ce Cbase a wr ~ of habeas corpus fo the purpose of M:~ss:lcbius(Jtts releas ng D Mudd Spangle aud M.ge;m the othe two assass nation consp fa

to S now at tbe Dry Tortugas M C H N chols of Essex Vt

lost th ee cows one n ght recently the floo of the ba n hav a¥. g ven way and left the cattle hang ng by the neck m the stanch otis The e N'e a fi va of them In all and but two were found al ve next morn ng

The tr al of Gjlo ge W Gayle the Alabam an charged WIth nc t ng the murder of the late lamented L n oln by an adve t sement offer ng a

reward for h s body has been com menced n Montgomery but cont nu ed to the next term of the conrt

In To onto recently a g rl slife was saved by her hoops She was skat ng and b oke th ough the ce when he hoop Sklit becom ng m ve ted caught on the s des of the hole and suppo ted her head above wate unt I help came

Queen VICtor a by proclamat on has declared Arne can half and quarter dollars legal tende n Turk s Island and Ca co the half dollar to pass for two shill ngs s~rl ng and the quarter for one shillmg ste I ng

The story s afloat that a Scotch man whn removed from Massachu Betts to Michigan changed hlB name and destroyed every wr tten eVI dence of h S Idont ty to avo d arrest for deBert on and who has thus m 8S

ed secur ng an estate n the- old country

keeper of a York d ed

effects of chloro had swallowed a

m,irbl~ IIlonljtment to be erected of the late Ch ef

Tanev IS talked of was bur ed 1D the

"\jLU\j"~'~r at Freder ck City

There are forty five freedmen s schools 1D Wash ngton WIth over three thousand scholars

A couple were recently marned at Plymouth the bndegroom bemg 72 and the bnde 68 y!'ars of age

Miss G eene of Monmouth N J gete $2 800 from John H Thomas for breach of prom se

ItIs $500 fine n New York State to have the doo s of publ c bUldmgs open Illwardly

Four colored Jurors have been drawn for the next term of the Sn penor Conrt In Boston

Twenty one persons haye lost theIr lives by fire In New York w th III the past three weeks

There are th rty one cand dates for the Un ted States Senatorship III Kansas

Henry V ncent the EnglIsh ora tor was a prmte m h s young days

The quest on of female sufii age s be ng ag tated m Londo.n

General Banks constItuents raJa ng moneJ to pay h s debts

A magn ficent and costly bo quet was recently sent by express to Mrs Lmcoln at Sprmgfield IIIIno~9 as a CII lstmas offer ng ill token of her own and her noble husband B mem Ol y on the part of the German Cltl

_""~1~ eleven hundred a

zeDS of NashvIlle It B Bald that Adm ral Farragut

WIll be placed W command of the MedIterranean squadron next sprIng and It s understood that the old Ad mIral would be delighted to rev s t those shores where he had been n the early pa t of his life

Among the many schemes for a railroad n Broadway New York IS one whICh may be called the poly glot for a steam pa~senger railroad over ground a steam freIght railroad ander ground and a horse pessenge railroad on the ground

Gen Grant has sent a check for twenty s x thousand dollars to a real estate man n St LoUIS to be used In the pnrchase of the old farm own ed by hIS father In law ten miles from the c ty as a flnal homestead for himsalf and famdy

M ss Lou sa Hawthorne the popu lar Brooklyn actress, wh Ie descend mg a pa r of staIrS a few days s nee tnpped and fell over the rail ng U\?On lier face sustamlDg a compound fracture of the lower Jaw

Henry Betts of NorWIch Co un who IU 1810 proposed the railroad across the continent and was thought to be Insane on account of It still lIves to see his Idea fast be ng real Ized

Franklin W Abbott a returned Boldler died at Tyngsboro a few days ago of lockJaw caused by havlOg ClIt off some of hra fingers In a CIrcular saw on ThanksgIvlDg day

The Massachusetts Humane So elety have awarded a valuable sIlver medal to a youth named Wm C Lee, of Bnghton for rellll1lmg two pers()~ from drQWll1Dg ll\l!t July

.lliUJ"Vl" Pen tent18ry have been com

past two years

Diflkin.Bon bas lillprov wJlI be unable

wir,t<>r lecture engage

o H mbo d Bu hq. Take DO

Page 4: i~~~~~g~~~~~t';~~~~~i~~. - Amazon S3Vol+22...or sex I WIll gO. further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though an m further S r and say Cowan S amendment the guns as though


that yet if John Surratt could be m duced to confess before the death which IS almost certa n to be h s fate there 8 no reasonable doubt but that he m ght tell the whole story L ncoln s assasslDatIOn from the be gmn ng to the end - LV: 1': Tr b

INDIGO We presume that fo r persons out

of five f asked whet~ nd go IS a m neral 0 vegeta:a substance­whether t IS d g out or the earth or grows upon t ee~-would be unable to-~ ve an nte11 gent an~wer to the quest on and yet they all know lD d go when they see t Pe haps some of our readers w II be thankful for a I ttle nfo mat on n egard to th s art cle wh ch they see so often

There a e some fifty or s xty spec es of plauts of the a der L :<J 0 a? and ent, have rqentioUEi,d genus ndigofe a wh ch by unde go ment the ,E;llculia: ng a process offermentat on y eld the vaters of

beaut fill dye known as nd go These truly sur·pri~in,g. plants are md genous 0 As a Afr ea week and Amer ca and n some of the those :who ~a'ri.gat$ East and 'West Ind a Islands The :would be I~P01lslblle d scovery of the dye was very to s nk f thj'ow'n ane ent ts use be ng ment oned by my hands '''~.Pt'U more than one of the anc ent Lat n head and wr ters aud n terms wh ch make t ou the very '.UlJ"l"'= ve y ce ta n that It was the same that at least on,~~tn[lrd s now so well known by the name the water

It was very early produced m In day there not be the sl ghtest dla from wh ch country the name d ffieulty n go ng to sleep upon the was de ved as t was called Ind1 lako and allowmg you self to be cum and th s s the countI'Y n whlCh blown about as the wmd perm*ed

Q7, 18

of paIchment; made of skms of MID D L E OF TH E BL 00 K young calves The mode of pre par I -at on IS first to take off the ha r or GR"l.T BARGaINS 1& FRENCH CHINA

001 then to steep the sk n m I me One ha f he us al Se ng P cos Co Rnd W h fi I 1>e C nv need and afterwards stretc It, ery rm y I on a wooden frame When thus fix NEW AND BE1UTIFUL SHAPES Ir~iC;i~\~j~Ji~~;;~~ ed ' IS scraped with a blunt Iron I n NNER PLATEf per dOz $2 VO .~'b;;;se:j~~c(~;i;'liiB'o'<!a-et~~ o BRE.!. FA-S1 I 75 tool wetted and rubbed w tl chalk I TEA. I 60 ALl'l .. m and pum ce Stone aud these scrap C1UP8 & SAUCERS 2 00 .~"LtL~~~r'L'..<·F~.

d BUTnn D SHE:S 75 lOgS and rubb ngs are repeate sev F urI 70 eral times on each side of the sk n D NNER BETS 130 p8 30 00 til tIS fit for use ~EA 4l. 600

Parchment was emploYl'd n very anc ent t mes and t s cunous that f om about the seveuth to the tenth s centu y It was beaut ful wh te aud good but that n later t mes a very nfer or d rty look ng parchment

came nto use which has the appear ance of be ng much older thao the ne The reason for th s IS suppo ed to be that the Writers m these latter centur es used to p epare their own parchment wi Ie at an earler date t was a cu ous art only possessed

by the manufaetu ers Parchmcnt vas somet mes so /,a e and scarce

that great numbe s of the older man user pts we e eased w th pu n ce stone or the nk rubbe lout w th some chem cal s bstance n 0 der that they m gl t be sed aga n for w t ng 1 u poses -It le a I L at e In

KEEPING APPLES IN WINTER At the last State Fair n Ut ca

N Y Delos Raudall had on exh b t on Russet apples grown a year ago These apples were plump fresh and of good fia or qu Le as good as tl e the same k nd of apples a eo d nar Iy 0 the SI ng We nqu ed as to the nanner of keep ng and we em fo med that the apples ve e put n refuse boxes obta ned at the g oce es and n the follo v ng manner A Iaye of d y sawdust was sp nkled at the bottom of the box and then a layer of app1es paced m It 80 that tl ey d d not touch each oth r Upon these ~ as p~eed a 1 ttle layer of saw last and so 6n unt I th<) box was fi led The boxc ati er be ng packed n tl sway vere placed on the vall n the cellar p:t: am the g ound vhe e they are kept perfect Iy re a n ng the f eshn S8 and fla

o uut I brought a t and exh h ted at thc Fa r He says that he has kept apI les n th s vay some months latcr

}< am expe men s made w th d l' s nd plac ng the apples n the same way he finds that saw d st s much supe or to the sand-the Iatte he tn nks be ng too hea y a nate al and press ng t~e apples too nucl ea s ng tl em to decay more rap dly than w th the sawdust The abo e expe ment perhaps may be sug gest ve to those des nng to p ese e apples late n the season of next ) ear

It v II be needless to ema k per haps that no apple w II keep late by any process of pack ng that has been bused or nJ red by 1 ck ng lpplcs shou 1 be handled carefully I

aud the less mov ng about after hav ng been packed the better A

la ge part of the fr t grown and sold n rna ket has been so DJured by

careless gathe 1ng po lr ng mto ba el an] ro gh handl ng wh Ie be ug d ven to ma ket that t soon

decavs nder whatever treatment ny be s bJected to fo the pm pose

ot keep ng -l a II< ad

ODDS AND END;:; Ou ow fi e cent p eces are made

on the French met 0 system They m k an epoch n the h story of

e ghts and ncasures n the UDlted States }< nch p ece "e ghs five grammes and fi e of them la d a ongs de of onc another rna k off a dec meter n length The co n by ts w ght and d ameter s thus con

st ued to be an offic al recogu tron ulon the pa t of the Government of the conven ence and excellence of the dec mal system of we ghts and mea su es

A cane of wood f1 am the stearne Mer mao 8 to be afl1~d for at a fa. r g en by the lad es f the Oath 01 c church n Norfolk a It s to be p esented to Jeff Dav s by the w nne and the first name 00 the I st of subscr bers 18 MIs Geu lUa hone followed by eve y membe of he family The cane s to be beau t f lIy and tastefully mounted With gold and app op ately nsc bed

A c ous and ngen ous p ece of u

meehan sm IS now on exh b t on n Bangor Me It s a magic smg ng b rd manufactured n Sw zerland and J st mpo ted It san m tat on of a West Ind a Humm ng b rd and t s ngs m the most beautiful manner

10 m tat on of severnl of the most admued songsters

A mass of copper perhaps the largest eve brought to P ttsburg or any other c ty a rived recently, from Lake Supenor by th Cleveland and P ttsburg Railway It was blought by tself on a platfo m car and was stamped as we gh ng 15 180 pounds

Every housekeeper perhaps does not kno v what however s true that p eces of old bread crumbs etc on be ng soaked and m xed up w th dough n makmg new bread 1m prove It ve y much

t IS now most extensively cult vated only one would need an umbrella to and p eparcd Its ImportatIOn mto keep off the rays of the sun It has several Eu opean countr es was for been stated that three buckets ofth s a long t me pi'oh b ted for va ous water will Yield one bncket of sol d reasons m England and France be sa1t but nasmuch as water will not cause It was thought to mJure the hold above twenty five per cent of textUle of the cloth m dye ng In sal ne matter n solntIOn and if more Germany It was proh b ted for the be added It IS mstantly -deposited sake of protect ng the natIve wood- upon the bottom th16 estlIDate IS of • a mlseraple subst tute for the genu course too large On mqntr ng of me art cle the Mormons engaged m procunng

The plant from wh ch nd go 16 salt they unan mously stated that commonly produced grows to the for five buckets of water they he ght of from four to SIX feet Rliobltailn~d one bucket of salt wh ch contams the colormg pnuclple n the proportion as no less than leaves and stems m a colorless fiUld eenti No v s tor to the wh ch s changed to the dye by fer omit the bath the sen mentatIOn The seeds are sown, m the water IS most lUXUrIOUS March or Apiil and before the plants oue til th nk himself float-attam theu full growth the same sea au On the way back to son they are cut ea ly 0 the morn It will be as well for the ng l)efore the sun has fallen upon bather to stop at the superb sulphur

them lind carried to the factory baths Just outSide the town and re where they are la d m a great stone move the sal ne nc ~llstatlons which Cistern some twenty feet square and will have formed upon hIm by a about three feet deep Heavy plunge mto tlie fine SwlIDm ng bath weights are placed upon them by whose only obJect on IS ts peeul ar whlCh they are kept down below tlie odor and ts ~at heat wh ch re atri:f'8ce of water wh ch 16 let 1U so liS a la ge admIXture of cold to cover the plants, and fermentation 18 allowed to go on for ten or four teen hours according to the eondi tion of the plants the temperature &0 The liquor IS then 1U an actiV'e 1"'l""J~~"'U 'O''!"~'" commotion much as it It were boiling The~, IttIJM;~,,~~~!liil'!lC'lltjlDoe J to nee whIch II'8Sllme