igu 2013 yuka saito: valorization process of vineyard landscape in penedès (spain)

7/30/2019 IGU 2013 Yuka Saito: Valorization Process of Vineyard Landscape in Penedès (Spain) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/igu-2013-yuka-saito-valorization-process-of-vineyard-landscape-in-penedes 1/17 VALORIZATION PROCESS OF VINEYARD LANDSCAPE IN PENEDÈS (SPAIN) Yuka SAITO(Kinjo-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan) 2013 IGU Kyoto Regional Conference

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7/30/2019 IGU 2013 Yuka Saito: Valorization Process of Vineyard Landscape in Penedès (Spain)

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Yuka SAITO(Kinjo-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan)

2013 IGU Kyoto Regional Conference

7/30/2019 IGU 2013 Yuka Saito: Valorization Process of Vineyard Landscape in Penedès (Spain)

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Geographical location of Penedès region

-Penedès is a natural and historical region in south central Catalonia, integrated in the Metropolitan

fringe of Barcelona. (Ex. Vilafaranca del Penedès, located at about 40km from Barcelona)

-The main part of Penedès region is formed by the Prelitoral Depression that extends between two

mountain ranges, of the coastal hills of Garraf, and in the interior, the Prelitoral Mountains.

-Being the strategic axis of communication, “Prelitoral Corridor”, most traffic passes through this area. 

- Traditional economic activity has been agriculture, characterized by the monoculture of vine. In Alt

Penedès County, about 80% of farmland is occupied by vine .

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Vineyard landscape in Penedès 

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Penedès, a predominant wine-making

region in Spain Major part of the region is included in

the denomination of origin (DO)Penedès.

Penedès is also well-known as aregion specialized in mass- productionof Cava (Spanish sparkling wine).

Cava is the most important sector inthe Spanish wine industry, occupying22.8% of the total export.

About 95% of Cava production isconcentrated in Penedès.

Data of DO Penedès (2011/2012)

-Registrated vineyards: 19,679 ha

-Anuual Production: 164,021 hl

-Number of vine-growers: 4,379

-Number of wine producers: 182-Export: 50,747 hl

Data of DO Cava (2011/2012)

-Registrated vineyards: 31,766 ha

-Anuual Production: 1,748,129 hl

-Number of vine-growers: 6,497

-Number of wine producers: 416-Export: 1,180, 199 hl

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Caracteristics of landscape of Penedès

(Busquets et al., 2009)Mediterranean agroforest landscape constituted:

• A mosaic of pieces of different natural components (vineyards and

other crops, woods and hills, brooks and streams, etc...).

• Human elements: settlements (traditional rural houses, masia,

urban and industrial constructions), rural roads, historical monuments,

etc...• Topographical diversity (Prelitoral and Litoral Mountains, Prelitoral


“Humanized” natural landscape closely linked with wine industry. 

A panorama of Vilafranca del Penedés from L’ermita de San Pau.

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Recent landscape transformation in


Pressure of extensivegrowth of theMetropolitan Area of Barcelona.

Expansion of residentialzones outside of theurban centers

 Implantation of large

industrial complexes andlogistic centers (1)

Construction of transportinfrastructure (2)

(1) Industrial Complex constructed in the

middle of vineyard.

(2) AVE (Spanish high speed train) passing

though vineyard.

Freeway (A7)

to Barcelona

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Process to the creation of “Landscape

Charter of Alt Penedès” 

2001. A Plan to build a waste landfill of the Metropolitan Area

of Barcelona in Penedès

2002. Organized the Association “Terra Vitium”

2002. Formed Landscape commission of l’Alt Penedès amongTerra Vitium, County Council of l’Alt Penedès, and

Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya)

2004. Creation of the Landscape Charter of Alt Penedès

(La Carta de Paisatge de l’Alt Penedès)

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Landscape Charter of Alt Penedès

Public administrations

• Government of Catalonia

• Provincial Council of Barcelona

• County Council of AltPenedès

• All municipalities of AP

Local entities

• Association”Terra Vitium” 

• Cultural associations

• Associations of territorialdefense

Economic sectors

• Agricultural sectors

• Industrial sectors

• Touristic sectors

• Others (Institut del cava,Institut Català de la Vinya iel Vi)

Landscape Charter of Alt Penedès

•To protect, improve and respect the landscape of Alt Penedès.

•To implement landscape criteria in different instruments of territorial, sectoral

and urban plannning.

•To adopt the code of good practices for preservation of vineyard landscape.

To create a body of participation for development of the charter.

4 basic agreements:

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Values of vineyard landscape of Penedès

(Busquets et al., 2009)

・productive value, as a place of vine-growing and wine-making.・iconic value, to transmit image of the region (DO Penedès) to

wine consumers.

・environmental value, to maintain biodiversity.

・territorial value, to provide a big “green island” or an “oasis” in

a congested metropolitan area.

・economic value, to develop new types of leisure (agri tourism,

wine-tourism, rural tourism, etc…) 

・symbolic value, to improve quality of life, territorial identity. 

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How to manage vineyard landscape?

The aim of the Landscape Charter of Alt Penedès in not to preserve or“freeze” the landscape, as something static, but to manage it toimprove its quality, because it is a dynamic industrial landscape thatcontinues and will continue to evolve as a wine-producing region.

To manage this industrial landscape, it is crucial to introducemeasures that make compatible the maintenance of productive valueof vineyards and the quality of landscape.

Especially , understanding and collaboration of vine growers would beneeded, who work in the vineyards.

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Instruments for landscape management

①Code of good practices for preservation of vineyard

landscape in Penedès-It was elaborated as a guideline of 

auto-regulation mainly for vine and

wine growers to conserve and

improve vineyard landscape.

-It consists of 40 examples of goodpractices to respect in favor of 

landscape.These practices are

classified in 5 groups; 

1. prevent soil erosion2. keep agroforestal landscape

3. maintain biodiversity

4. improve built landscape

5. promote vineyard landscape by


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Publication of “Cards of Good Practices in wine-

producing landscape of Penedès”

Examples of “Cards of Good practices in wine-producing landscape of Penedès” 

In 2006, “Cards of Good Practices

in wine producing landscape” was

published for the purpose of 

materializing the Code in a guide.

These didactic cards were devisednot only for vine growers, as an

instruction for maintenance of 

vineyard, but for local people, as

a tool of rising-awareness, to

transmit the values andimportance of the conservation of 


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②Hiking routes in vineyards 

Map of wine footpaths in Subirats

-In the territory of Alt Penedès, there are many hiking routes (footpaths) fixed in

vineyards with view points where we can enjoy magnificient sceneries.

-By following these routes, we can experience physically the landscape, not only enjoying

beautiful sceneries, but learning about cultivation of vine and wine culture, etc...

-These experiences would provide us the opportunities to re-discover and reflect on our

own territory.

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Didactic itineraries in vineyards in Subirats.

-In the municipality of Subirats, one of the

hiking routes is dedicated for school children,

as a didactic itinerary in vineyards.

-Through this activity, they learn about

physical environment where vines grow, the

history of wine industry, etc...and rethink why

they have to respect their landscape.

Materials for children “Itinerari didàctic de la vinya” 

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Vineyard landscape of Penedès is an industrial landscape

strongly linked with the local economic activity, wine

industry. It doesn’t mean that this landscape is the

property of vine and wine producers of their own, but it is

a common assets to be shared among local people.

But sometimes it may be difficult for them to recognize thevalues of this “ordinary” landscape, with which they live their

everyday life. In this sense, activities for rising-awareness and

education would play an important role in sharing knowledge

and physical experience about landscape.

This case of Penedès tells us that we should conserve vineyard

landscape, not because it is beautiful as scenery, but it is a

visible representation of the relationship between people and

their environment established through traditional activity,

wine industry, which symbolizes territorial identity.

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Thank you for your attention.

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Busquets, Jaume (dir.) (2006): Fitxes de bones pràctiques en el 

 paisatge vitivinícola del Penedès. Barcelona: Departament de

Política Territorial i Obres Públiques, Direcció General

d’Arquitectura i Paisatge; associació Al Penedès,Vinyes! 

Busquets, Jaume; Cortina, Albert ; Farré, Carme (2009): Proyecto

de gestión del paisaje del Alt Penedès. En: Jaume Busquets y Albert

Cortina (coords.) : Gestión del paisaje. Manual de protección,

gestión y ordenación del paisaje. Barcelona: Ariel, pp561-579.