ihe echo workflow june05 v2

Echo Workflow Echo Workflow Neal Grotenhui s  Philips Medical Systems  IHE Cardiology Planning Committee

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Echo Workflow Echo Workflow 

Neal Grotenhuis

 Philips Medical Systems

 IHE Cardiology Planning Committee

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop2

Source: 16th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey sponsored by Superior Consultant Company/ACS Healthcare Solutions.

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop3

Business  I ssues Business  I ssues 

IT Ba rr ie r s IT Ba rr ie r s 

1. Lack of adequate financial support for IT

2. Vendors¶ inability to satisfactorily deliver products and services3. Lack of staffing resources

4. Difficulty proving ROI

5. Lack of clinical leadership

16 th Annual HIMSS Leadership Survey

 sponsored by Superior Consultant Company/ 

 ACS Healthcare Solutions.

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop4

I nt rod u c ti o n I nt rod u c ti o n 

Echo Profile



Stress Echo

Cath Profile

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)

Intracardiac echo (ICE) are used in cardiaccatheterization procedures, and are supported asmodalities in the Cath Workflow, and not in theEcho Workflow.

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop5

IHE is dr iving  inte rop e r abi l ity  in  Echo 

IHE is dr iving  inte rop e r abi l ity  in  Echo 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop6

IHE T e rm in olo gy IHE T e rm in olo gy 

Ultrasound system = ³Image Acquisition Modality´

Images & reports = ³Evidence Documents´

IHE Demo person = ³Docent´

PACS = ³Image Archive´ and/or ³Image Manager actors´

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop7

High ROI²value added problem solutions

Standards in place (DICOM & HL-7)

No ³political´ challenges ± just technical Restricted scope for a ³quick win´

Reuse successful Radiology profiles to meet

similar needs

G o a l s For IHE c a rd i olo gy G o a l s For IHE c a rd i olo gy 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop8

Reuse of similar IHE-Radiology Profiles ± Scheduled Workflow (IHE-R SWF)

 ± Patient Information Reconciliation (IHE-R PIR)

Intermittently Connected Modality ± Workflow

 ± Acquisition Modality storage

Stress Echo ± Workflow

 ± Staged Protocol Acquisition Modality ( optional)

Image Display ( required)

Digital vs. Videotape ± A-D workflow, training issues

Echo Prof i l e Scop e: 

Im aging Workflow 

Echo Prof i l e Scop e: 

Im aging Workflow 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop9

U se C ases U se C ases 

Case E1: Patient Registered at ADT and Procedure Ordered

Case E2: Intermittently Connected Modality

Case E3: Intermittently Connected Modality with Ad HocProcedure, Patient Registered, Scheduled Procedure

Case E4: Intermittently Connected Modality with Ad HocProcedure, Patient Registered, Unscheduled Procedure

Case E5: Intermittently Connected Modality with Ad HocProcedure, Patient Unregistered, Unscheduled Procedure

Case E6: Stress Echo Staged Protocol

Case E7: Echo Measurements

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop10

U se C ase E4 :  I nte rm ittent l  y  

Co nne c te d Mod a l ity  

U se C ase E4 :  I nte rm ittent l  y  

Co nne c te d Mod a l ity  

³Could you scan this patient right now since you have

a cart in the CCU anyway?´

Clinical Use Cases: ± Lost and unbilled echo exams because carts are constantly on the move

 ± Patient and order info manually entered (potential for errors) or not at all

 ± Measurements are transferred

Benefits: ± Accurate and automatic demographic and order reconciliation

 ± Verify all images are securely archived

 ± Improved workflow

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop11


qPt. Registra tion [RAD-1]qPatient Update [RAD-12]

Pt. Registra tion [RAD-1] q

Patient Update [RAD-12] q

nPlacer Order Management [RAD-2]pFiller Order Management [RAD-3]


qQuery Images [RAD-14]qRetrieve Images/Evidence [CARD4]


Modality Image/Evidence

Stored [CARD2]



q Procedure Scheduled [RAD-4]

q Procedure Updated [RAD-13]

nQuery Modality Worklist [RAD-5]



Step Mgr

oModality PS in Progress [CARD1]-oModality PS Completed [RAD-7]

p Modality PS in Progress [CARD1]p Modality PS Completed [RAD-7]


nModality PS Completed [RAD-7]

Order Placer







DSS/ Order Filler

qPatient Update [RAD-12]

Modality Image/EvidenceStored [CARD2]





CreatornModality PS in Progress [CARD1]nModality PS Completed [RAD-7]

qQuery Evidence [RAD-44]

Instance Availability Notification [RAD-49]o

Echo Ac t or s & Tr ansa c ti o ns Echo Ac t or s & Tr ansa c ti o ns 

Modality PS in Progress [CARD1]

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop12

Ac t or s Ac t or s 

Echo profile uses existing actors that usecardiology specific transactions

 ± Department System Scheduler/Order Filler (DSS/OF)

 ± Order Placer 

 ± Performed Procedure Step Manager 

 ± Image Archive

 ± Image Manager 

 ± Acquisition Modality ± Image Display

 ± Evidence Creator 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop13

Tr ansa c ti o ns Tr ansa c ti o ns 

StorageCommitment ± A requestor (Acquisition Modality) requeststhat the Image Manager confirm ownership for the specified DICOM

objects (images, waveforms, evidence documents, or any combination

thereof) that the requestor stored in the Image Archive, thus allowing

the sender to delete those objects now owned by the Image Manager.

 ± This option requires the Image Manager to send the N-Event Report

message to the mobile modality at the time that reconnects to the Image




³I¶m sending images´

³Will you commit to store these?´

³Yes, you can delete your copy now´

³I received them´

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop14

Modality Procedure Step In Progress: Informs the PPS Manager of the start of a newProcedure Step, PPS Manager informs the Department System Scheduler/Order Filler and

Image Manager.

R etrieve Images: An Image Display requests and retrieves a particular set of images from

the Image Archive. Echo option requires ability to retrieve Echo Evidence.

Modality Images/Evidence Stored

An Acquisition Modality sends acquired or generated images, waveforms, or other 

evidence documents to the Image Archive.

Echocardiography Options

Image Archives & Image Displays must support:

 ± JPEG Baseline

 ± YBR_FULL_422 ± Certain defined SOP classes

Echo Evidence

Tr ansa c ti o ns Tr ansa c ti o ns 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop15

Support for lossy JPEG images

Handling of intermittently connecteddevices

Bene f its Bene f its 

RLE? Sorry.

Uncompressed? Yes, but«JPEG?

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop16

ViewsApical two chamber

Apical four chamber

Apical long axis

Parasternal long axis

Parasternal short axis

Parasternal short axis at the aortic valve level

Parasternal short axis at the level of the mitral chords

Parasternal short axis at the Mitral Valve level

Parasternal short axis at the Papillary Muscle level

R ight Ventricular Inflow Tract View

R ight Ventricular Outflow Tract View

Subcostal long axis

Subcostal short axis

Suprasternal long axis

Suprasternal short axis

Tr ansa c ti o ns Tr ansa c ti o ns 

Modality Images/Evidence Stored ± cont¶d

 ± Stress Echo Option

Stage Number & View Number 

Stage Code Sequence & View Code






Code Value

(0008,0100)Code Meaning (0008,0104)

SRT P5-01201 Image acquisition at baseline

SRT P5-01202 Pre-stress image acquisition

SRT P5-01203 Mid-stress image acquisition

SRT P5-01204 Peak -stress image acquisition

SRT P5-01205 Image acquisition during recovery

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop17

Bene f it: S t r ess Echo 

V ie w ing Co nsisten c  y 

Bene f it: S t r ess Echo 

V ie w ing Co nsisten c  y 

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop18

R esu l ts R esu l ts 

Improved patient safety/reduce medical errorsImproved interoperability & workflow

Customers can choose best-in-class equipment

 based on clinical features, not based on whether it


Vendor X

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop19

Mor e  in form ati o n«.Mor e  in form ati o n«.

IHE Web sites: www.ihe.net Technical Frameworks, Supplements

Cardiology Technical Framework 

IT Infrastructure Technical Framework 

Displayable R eports Supplement

Non-Technical Brochures : Calls for Participation

IHE Fact Sheet and FAQ IHE Integration Profiles: Guidelines for Buyers

IHE Connect-a-thon R esults

Vendor Products Integration Statements

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June 28-29, 2005 IHE Workshop20

W W W . I H E . N E T W W W . I H E . N E T 

Pro viders and Vendors 

Worki ng T ogether  to Deliv er Int eroper able Heal th Inf ormat ion S  yst ems 

In the Ent erpr is e

and Ac ross Car e Sett ings