ii ii veter~ns' ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown w leller e tere d h a lilem f i j"...

" , , " j', " ' •• ," 1- " " ; . Licensed Auctioneer I: Parties wishing to dispose of t!.eir property will SAVE MUNEY by first seeiug or dropping a I!ne to !t : T. J. Gibbons - RatlJwoll ••••• •••••• VOL. XIII Treherne, Manitoba, Friday, January 26th 1912 ___ ________ , _______________ w ___ ._ . [rl " Ii II loiiIl 31 I, Ii] , LAST WEEK m I I of our Men's Overcoats, Reg'. S 8.00, now $ G.OO " " "] 0.00 " !l.00 " " ,,] 2.00 " 8.00 .. .. "W.OO" 12.00 .. .. 20.00 .• W.OO m .. Suits, Reg. $8.00. S1O.00, $12.00, to clear ·1.50 ill 25 per cent oiT all other Suits. Days' Suils, :l:l and i).1.Reg. 8ri.OO, :i;7'OO, 10 clear B.liO .. .. .. 28 to ill!," .l.OO, '1.50, 5.00" 2.05 .. " "22 to :17," B.OO, :UiO, ,1.00" 2.50 .. Underwcar, while they last, at :lOc a garmcnt. Men's .. tlOc a suit; Il'fen's All Wool, . _ . ., 1.10 .. All Wool Socks, Reg, .25 per pair, ... (j pair for 1.00 " Working Shirls, Reg. $1.25 and SUiO, each .715 " "1.00 " .fiO " good wool-lined 1\1 itts, while lhey last, at . ,45 " wool.lillct! Buck" " "., .fiG Ii] China. Special III m .1 Dinner Sets, Best China, stock pallern, 109 m lli pieces, Reg. $1 G,OO, to clear at. . • , . . 12:JO lli OBI>1' S.Il, goh., ! 2.00 C. W, 8arkwell - Treherne Ii] PHONE NO.1 0 I]] bt tillt 1St IElI ' IElI Porter. Killed at Glenboro Re Brigade A gas explosion occurred in the '1'0 the Editor, lighting plnnt of the Queen's Hotel, The 'l'reherne 'rimes, Glenboro, at 10:30 on Monday Sir,- morning, by which Joe Delewand- All Veteraus not having made er, the porter, was killed, nnd the application to be enrolled in the proprietor's son, Harry Robinson, Veterans' Brigade shotlld do so at was critically injured. The report ouce. The qllalification for Ii of the explosion was heard all over the town. TIt,e building was Veteran is.the possession of a ser,- vice medal or tCli, years' service in wrecked considerably. cellar regular or permanent forces. Here- The gas plant was in the tofore oltr SUbscriptions have been a,'d the two Olen were engaged . k .. i't t entirely voluntary; bnt a fixed la -1I1g It apart to c eau I 011. ' D I d h · f tl 'yearly fcc of $1.00 has been made, e eman er at t e tllne 0 Ie ac- .. . 'd - I d . t I . II for ",hlCh we Issue a membl!rshlp Cl cnt In a clgaret e tn liS mou I, . b .. k' I I th ficate card. If "ou wcre regis, tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e d h f I J" I tere a lIlem a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk ern they were using. Delemanu- supplied to rOll, so lhat our record s skull was frnctured ill tlVO places, while Robiusou had his jaws shal\ be comp)ele, and secure: )'onr badly Iiroken, and eyes injured cd. Buth victims were uncou- scious when found. Robinson ral- lied when brought to the open air, but Delemander never became con- sciolls. He was an Italian, and littl!! is known of him, but he was lVel\ spoken of by all who knew him. He was buried on Tuesday in the Glenboro Cemetery. Younf,!' Robinson was takeu to the Gencral Hospital ill Winnipeg on the eveuing train, Dr. Lamont accompanying him from Treherne, by request of the Glenboro phy- sician. Address to Church Workers ,A good audience' greeted Rev. J. A. Doyle, secretary of Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagnes of the Methodist Church, on Monday card bl' sending the 19 [2 fee. The wonderful Sllccess of the Veterans' Brigade has been an eye- opener iu the "Vest, sho ..... ing that Veterons uniled con accomplisb ts. Included in our membership are Veterans of the Crimea, Cbina, Afghan, Egypt, Soudan, Maori, Burma, South Africa and other wars. Veterans of the Boer Wars. and the Riel Rt!bellion of 1885 and the Fenian Raids have especially joined us ,large lIuwbers, We have just formed a Veterans' Bri- gade Headquarters Brass Band of thirty pieces. . . Not one of our officers receives a cent for services rendered, all such bei ng purel y \'olun tary. Application forms can be ob- tained hy applying to Masons' Lodge of Instruction 1'Llesday night, Jan. 2Jrd., was evidently Masonic night Itl Tre- herne, as nearly one hnndred Mas- ons assembled to welcome Mr. J:J11t1 Wewyss. of Neepawa, Grand Master for Manitoba, on his ollicial visit to Masonic Dislrict X o. J. 'l'he object of tbe visit was tr hold a lodge of iusttu:tiotl. Grand Lodge oflicers accompany- ing the Grand Master were Messrs. W. Chambers, of Hamiota, Deputy Grand Master; Jas. A. Ovas, of Wil1uipeg, Gralld Secretary; aud J. S. lIIacEwiug, Treberne, D. D. G. jl'I. Member.; were presen t represeu l- ing 1111 the lodges in the district, i.e., IWm Creek, Rathwell, Hol- laud, Cypress Rh'er aud GlenDoro, with a good turnout of the ,local lodge, and a most pleasant and ill- strnctive gathering resulted. Among au tside visi tors tloted were Messrs. 'l'tlrtlbull, of \Viuni- peg-, and Torrie, of Starbuck. Ou account of delayed trains, the meeting had to be held off Ull- til pretty late, and was 110t con- cluded uutil about 4 a. m. A was served nt the Ontario Honse between J I and I2 o'clock, and 'the :lpread was de· clared bv 0\1 to have been one of the best ever put up in Treherne. Messrs, Wetnyss, Chambers and Ovas left 011 Wednesday'S .noou train for Hartu('y, where n meeting was beld that nigbt, They will be n Swan Laj::e tonight. Swan Lake 2-Treherne 17 LIEUT. FRED·G. :WRAiGH'r, evening last in 'l'reberne. ••••• -O •••••• - •••• o._.g Mr, Doy'le. I'S an c,o. W .. P. Swith, Esq., H' + T h' H' ISh 1 t . Portage la Prairie. Treberne's first hockey 111atch . STUDIO OPEN, .. J[t! "Ig.l C, .• ,;._., _ ',,:, __ :,,'.,:-,. took.p\ace l S"i- T '''- D' (··C- 'E' 4" ': audienec,'Uoiii t9 "... . " .. It., 11ID Unlvoro!ly .umlnot[o" •. : FllJlav bond .of sympathy that is Advocates Direct'Legislation pla'red Treherne on the local ice. ,IT LOW RATE'" AND, ap£CIAL INDUCE- always An interesting game resulted, nud ;W "I'. MENTS fOR NON-R£DIDENT. ' 1m!! XmasPbOlos 8110UI4 be lahen NoW jii: STUDENTS : ness that a mall has sl'mething ot F. J. Dixon, of Winnipeg, or- a good crowd wisbed that simi * • WRITIt BOOKLET value to say. events were more frequent than h itt : -=-. ' . gnniser for the Direct L'egislatioll W It RANTON li' r.w.llurrl.on,B.A.: He started out with the premise Viagtte of Manitoba. gave' an ad- tbey have so far heen. 1 Soc, 01 Sohoolllo,,,d PriDclpnt that n human life is the greatest line-up was as fol- ;)< 0 dress in Staples' Hall, Treherne 0_ ............... - •••• •• thing in this .wolld, and weIlt 011 011 Friday afternoon: last, OIl' the 101V5.-, F. M. Anderson, goal; Les. "\Vatch this space , next weeK " , . , " \/ ' , . , , t to show that its development into subject of the initiath'e, the refer- Adair, point; Bert Horne, cover the true citizen was its greatest point·, Geo. Olmstead, left. will<T: ellduw, aud the recall. " work. Jack Smith, right wingj Fred He traced very. clearly the op- Af·ter giving a Dumber of 'ex- Bowles, rover; Jim McGiII, centre. portunity of tbe' Sunday' Scbool amples to prove the inefficiency of . 'I'he score at half·tiwe was J'o teacher and Epworth League the systeil! of government in favour 'of Treherne, ,vhite tue er ill the development' of the higb- tbe nn of final total was 17- 2 against the vis- est type of citizenship. lIe sh'ow- ,the. IUltlatlve, and itors. C. Metcalf acted as'referee. . , a IJ ed also that no amount of accumu- rec . '. ," '. ,Only two penalties imposed. lat«!c1 gaiu in the' 'shape of, moaev: ' The initiative is a measure by it reported,on the street on lel ever take: the, place' of wbicli 8 per cent. of the ,"oters tbat E?wau Lake .might eharncter. rna" for:o. law tO,be passed I protest t.he gain!!, on the' ground Mr. Doyle will always get.a and theu, if'the·legislative " .' that Treherne's tine-np inclttdecl a hearty welcome in Treherne. ly refuses to pass' it, 'it will be sub- . professional from St. Catbarines, . 'Jlhe, y.ouug 'thell served milted to all tbe voters 'at the p' oils f h t t . II d It h Outario. It is ..... to be hoped t re res Uleu 5 0 a ,an a oget er and the W t ' ll of' .' will' . ," I . . , tbe.nllel!atioll cannot be proved, or, a:"cry p evenlllg derjde " . " .. it migbt result in the M. H, A. gi'les tble:Ilcop\c!1 off Treilerne's :promising htllle,;I)Q\\,er.to stars.' '., ,: .. .... , 'j , '11 :'. HAND-MADE HARNESS Olll' Guarantee \\'ith even' Set: , All Harness Repaired FREE for One Yenr rrom dat" of purchase. Nothing- bUI the be.,l Oak-tanncd Leather enters into the cllllstruction 18. '"" That Watch of Vou.·s Mny we enquire nbout its health? Is it pretty well? Does it do ils WQ"k nil rl!';hl? 0 .. nrc you sometimes templed to IIsay things" to it because it isn'l beh.wing? t t I I I of our Ilarne.'s. combincd with the best workmanship, makes the strong-cst t pos,ible. Our i Harness rivals anything' Oil sale fo,' You shouldn't blnme lh'c watch, though, becnuse it isn't its fnult. It atways doos its best. YOU nre the one to blame. An unsntisfactor'y walch is always a tired watch .. a dirty walch. '. Beauty, Price and Endurance Call and leave vour Order Now for Spring D. S. HARVIE Broadway - - Tl'eherne And whon we nre so ncar to you wilh nit Ihose repair facilities your walch ought to be as clenn ns n new pin ...... nnd ought to "right on tho dot." I F. A. MERCER THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER IS8Ulm 010' llAltIlLIU¥.: \ ... ....... -=.... , ........ , ........ .............. I iUCTiOiTSKllisi 'Ne still have a stock of Skates on hand. To clear this season we orfer all, for cash, at Parkyte Closet Barg-ains = We have Closets. on hand 2 family-size Reg. price $2.,5.00. l\. Parkyte San itary Ba rg-ai 11 $20.00 each I I MILLINERY Shop Closed Until wEddle February - of Mrs. R. J. Moore Mllliin ami DrrsslllMrr. Trrkrne u Cream Wanted! m i H al'ing' been appointed Abent II! t 1'01' l.1 Crescent Creamery Company W' . '" 7j ,nn,p., Ii! I am now to pHY hl m spot cash for Cream in any Ii III quantities dclivcreLl al Ill)' I',! office. This Cllls out all chance " I,L, ,of differellce over tests, j; weights, lost cans, etc. Come 1'1 in alHt cre,tOl weighed and tested. !' It: c. W. Barkwell •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••• w ••••••• i 5' .c.Carrialle' and'. Enlline Barfains! :. 2 $95.60 Baynes buggies for $74.50: · " , '. . , . : 2 $8S.oQ· bU'ggies for " $69.50: •• : $2'64:00 Gasoline engine, cash $150.00: '. .1"' : are first-class in evc['y way, and are: .' G:,UA' , . 't delay: they mean mOlley to you! : , ' . . ' Treherne. : , . ••••••••••••••••••• , ,. , , ',' " , , !' , ' : I .' }

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Page 1: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk

" ,

, " j',

" ' •• ," 1- • ~~

" "


;. ~

Licensed Auctioneer I: Parties wishing to dispose of t!.eir I't~. property will SAVE MUNEY by

~ first seeiug or dropping a I!ne to !t

: T. J. Gibbons - RatlJwoll ~ i~~ ••••• ~~ •••••• ~.~

VOL. XIII Treherne, Manitoba, Friday, January 26th 1912

___ ~~_._~~ ________ , _______________ w ___ ._

. [rl " Ii II loiiIl 31 I,


I I of our

~ Men's Overcoats, Reg'. S 8.00, now • $ G.OO ~

" " "] 0.00 " !l.00 " " ,,] 2.00 " 8.00 .. .. "W.OO" 12.00

~.. .. .. 20.00 .• W.OO m .. Suits, Reg. $8.00. S1O.00, $12.00, to clear ·1.50 ill

25 per cent oiT all other Suits. Days' Suils, !iL~c~ :l:l and i).1.Reg. 8ri.OO, :i;7'OO, $~,OO, 10 clear B.liO ~

.. .. .. 28 to ill!," .l.OO, '1.50, 5.00" 2.05

.. " "22 to :17," B.OO, :UiO, ,1.00" 2.50

.. Underwcar, while they last, at :lOc a garmcnt. ~

~ Men's .. tlOc a suit; Il'fen's All Wool, . _ . ., 1.10

.. All Wool Socks, Reg, .25 per pair, ... (j pair for 1.00 " Working Shirls, Reg. $1.25 and SUiO, each .715

~IJ]" " "1.00 " .fiO ~ii1

" good wool-lined 1\1 itts, while lhey last, at . ,45 " wool.lillct! Buck" " "., .fiG

Ii] China. Special III m .1 Dinner Sets, Best Engli~h China, stock pallern, 109 m lli pieces, Reg. $1 G,OO, to clear at. . • , . . 12:JO lli

~ OBI>1' S.Il, ':i~:~I.!;t, goh., ,,~~ ~~ ! 2.00 ~ ~ C. W, 8arkwell - Treherne ~ Ii] PHONE NO.1 0 I]] bt tillt 1St IElI ' IElI t~

Porter. Killed at Glenboro Re Veter~ns' Brigade

A gas explosion occurred in the '1'0 the Editor, lighting plnnt of the Queen's Hotel, The 'l'reherne 'rimes, Glenboro, at 10:30 on Monday

Sir,­morning, by which Joe Delewand-

All Veteraus not having made er, the porter, was killed, nnd the

application to be enrolled in the proprietor's son, Harry Robinson,

Veterans' Brigade shotlld do so at was critically injured. The report

ouce. The qllalification for Ii of the explosion was heard all over the town. TIt,e building was Veteran is.the possession of a ser,-

vice medal or tCli, years' service in wrecked considerably.

cellar regular or permanent forces. Here­

The gas plant was in the tofore oltr SUbscriptions have been a,'d the two Olen were engaged .

k.. i't t entirely voluntary; bnt a fixed

la -1I1g It apart to c eau I 011. '

D I d h· f tl 'yearly fcc of $1.00 has been made,

e eman er at t e tllne 0 Ie ac- .. . 'd - I d . t I . II for ",hlCh we Issue a membl!rshlp Cl cnt In a clgaret e tn liS mou I, .

b .. k' I I th ficate card. If "ou wcre regis,

tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e d h f I J" I tere a lIlem e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk ern they were using. Delemanu-

supplied to rOll, so lhat our record s skull was frnctured ill tlVO

places, while Robiusou had his jaws shal\ be comp)ele, and secure: )'onr

badly Iiroken, and eyes injured cd. Buth victims were uncou­scious when found. Robinson ral­lied when brought to the open air, but Delemander never became con­sciolls. He was an Italian, and littl!! is known of him, but he was lVel\ spoken of by all who knew him. He was buried on Tuesday in the Glenboro Cemetery.

Younf,!' Robinson was takeu to the Gencral Hospital ill Winnipeg on the eveuing train, Dr. Lamont accompanying him from Treherne, by request of the Glenboro phy-sician.

Address to Church Workers

,A good audience' greeted Rev. J. A. Doyle, secretary of Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagnes of the Methodist Church, on Monday

card bl' sending the 19 [2 fee.

The wonderful Sllccess of the Veterans' Brigade has been an eye­opener iu the "Vest, sho ..... ing that Veterons uniled con accomplisb r~s111 ts.

Included in our membership are Veterans of the Crimea, Cbina, Afghan, Egypt, Soudan, Maori, Burma, South Africa and other wars. Veterans of the Boer Wars. and the Riel Rt!bellion of 1885 and the Fenian Raids have especially joined us i~ ,large lIuwbers, We have just formed a Veterans' Bri­gade Headquarters Brass Band of thirty pieces. .

. Not one of our officers receives a cent for services rendered, all such bei ng purel y \'olun tary.

Application forms can be ob­tained hy applying to

Masons' Lodge of Instruction

1'Llesday night, Jan. 2Jrd., was evidently Masonic night Itl Tre­herne, as nearly one hnndred Mas­ons assembled to welcome Mr. J:J11t1 Wewyss. of Neepawa, Grand Master for Manitoba, on his ollicial visit to Masonic Dislrict X o. J.

'l'he object of tbe visit was tr hold a lodge of iusttu:tiotl.

Grand Lodge oflicers accompany­ing the Grand Master were Messrs. W. Chambers, of Hamiota, Deputy Grand Master; Jas. A. Ovas, of Wil1uipeg, Gralld Secretary; aud J. S. lIIacEwiug, Treberne, D. D. G. jl'I.

Member.; were presen t represeu l­ing 1111 the lodges in the district, i.e., IWm Creek, Rathwell, Hol­laud, Cypress Rh'er aud GlenDoro, with a good turnout of the ,local lodge, and a most pleasant and ill­strnctive gathering resulted.

Among au tside visi tors tloted were Messrs. 'l'tlrtlbull, of \Viuni­peg-, and Torrie, of Starbuck.

Ou account of delayed trains, the meeting had to be held off Ull­til pretty late, and was 110t con­cluded uutil about 4 a. m.

A banqn~t was served nt the Ontario Honse between J I and I2

o'clock, and 'the :lpread was de· clared bv 0\1 to have been one of the best ever put up in Treherne.

Messrs, Wetnyss, Chambers and Ovas left 011 Wednesday'S .noou train for Hartu('y, where n meeting was beld that nigbt, They will be n Swan Laj::e tonight.

Swan Lake 2-Treherne 17 LIEUT. FRED·G. :WRAiGH'r, • evening last in 'l'reberne.

~*":lHl*"!~;;*~!!l:>:~~!:<-?:I'B)~~;!IR)K~~;:$I ••••• -O •••••• - •••• o._.g Mr, Doy'le. I'S an etltllUs;ia~;tic c,o. W .. P. Swith, Esq., H' :!~ + T h' H' ISh 1 t . Portage la Prairie. Treberne's first hockey 111atch

~ . STUDIO OPEN, .. J[t! ~~,. ,~~~~" "Ig.l C, ~o_ .• alldit1SPi~ing-~pe~~e~i.,~ndh~iSh'bYI"" ,;._., _ ~; ,,:.::>c~~.~ ',,:, ~ __ :",:_,-t;~ :,,'.,:-,. ~'~'" took.p\ace O~I l S"i-T

'''- D' (··C-'E' ai;E'-~~' 4" ~,f ·i"~\~~:·~;r:C~lr:rr.~c\ i:':,~~;~~~~:.~(1u~~""I':,(~ ': audienec,'Uoiii ~start·l. t9 "... . " .. ~l It., 11ID ~" ~(. Unlvoro!ly Mntr[~~on .umlnot[o" •. : FllJlav bond .of sympathy that is Advocates Direct'Legislation pla'red Treherne on the local ice. ~ft ,IT • LOW RATE'" AND, ap£CIAL INDUCE- ~ always geu~rated_by".the cOIl~cious- An interesting game resulted, nud ;W "I'. MENTS fOR NON-R£DIDENT. ' 1m!! XmasPbOlos 8110UI4 be lahen NoW jii: STUDENTS : ness that a mall has sl'mething ot F. J. Dixon, of Winnipeg, or- a good crowd wisbed that simi ~ * • WRITIt rOR'i!'jLL~"TED BOOKLET • value to say. events were more frequent than h itt : -=-. ' . gnniser for the Direct L'egislatioll

~! W It RANTON li' • ~.J.M\IIa, r.w.llurrl.on,B.A.: He started out with the premise Viagtte of Manitoba. gave' an ad- tbey have so far heen. 1 • • ,~ • Soc, 01 Sohoolllo,,,d PriDclpnt • that n human life is the greatest Treherne'~ line-up was as fol-,~ ;)< 0 ~ dress in Staples' Hall, Treherne ~~;:I~!~IHI1IHlt~;j!~*lHIi~I~':ilHlit:-;:;!f 0_ ............... - •••• •• thing in this .wolld, and weIlt 011 011 Friday afternoon: last, OIl' the 101V5.-, F. M. Anderson, goal; Les.

"\Vatch this space ,

next weeK

" , •

. ,


\/' , .

, ,


to show that its development into subject of the initiath'e, the refer- Adair, point; Bert Horne, cover the true citizen was its greatest point·, Geo. Olmstead, left. will<T: ellduw, aud the recall. " work. Jack Smith, right wingj Fred

He traced very. clearly the op- Af·ter giving a Dumber of 'ex- Bowles, rover; Jim McGiII, centre. portunity of tbe' Sunday' Scbool amples to prove the inefficiency of . 'I'he score at half·tiwe was J'o teacher and Epworth League \Jo~k- the pres~ut systeil! of government in favour 'of Treherne, ,vhite tue er ill the development' of the higb- tbe sp~a.k~r,.gave nn exposition~. of final total was 17- 2 against the vis­est type of citizenship. lIe sh'ow- ,the. IUltlatlve, ref~r,e[~dull1, and itors. C. Metcalf acted as'referee.

. , a IJ ed also that no amount of accumu- rec . '. ," '. ,Only two penalties wer~ imposed. lat«!c1 gaiu in the' 'shape of, moaev: ' The initiative is a measure by it w~s reported,on the street on

lel ever take: the, place' of wbicli 8 per cent. of the ,"oters 1'hu~sday tbat E?wau Lake .might eharncter. rna" petitio~ for:o. law tO,be passed

I protest t.he gain!!, on the' ground Mr. Doyle will always get.a and theu, if'the·legislative ass~mb-" .' that Treherne's tine-np inclttdecl a

hearty welcome in Treherne. ly refuses to pass' it, 'it will be sub-. professional from St. Catbarines, . 'Jlhe, y.ouug p.eopl~ 'thell served milted to all tbe voters 'at the p' oils

f h t t . II d It h Outario. It is ..... to be hoped t re res Uleu 5 0 a ,an a oget er and the Wt' ll of' .' tb~ ~aJ'orl'ty will' . ," •

I . . , tbe.nllel!atioll cannot be proved, or, a:"cry p ea~!lllt evenlllg ~as,~pent., derjde theql1~stioll. " . " ..

it migbt result in the M. H, A. ~lie·:ef~~~1!~.lum gi'les tble:Ilcop\c!1 ~ulirg off ~~l Treilerne's :promising

htllle,;I)Q\\,er.to stars.' '., ,: .. .... , 'j , • '11 :'.



HARNESS Olll' Guarantee g'oe~ \\'ith

even' Set: ,

All Harness Repaired FREE

for One Yenr rrom dat" of purchase.

Nothing- bUI the be.,l Oak-tanncd Leather enters into the cllllstruction

~O. 18.

'"" That Watch

of Vou.·s Mny we enquire nbout its health?

Is it pretty well? Does it do ils WQ"k nil rl!';hl?

0 .. nrc you sometimes templed to IIsay things" to it because it isn'l beh.wing?

t t I I I

of our Ilarne.'s. Thi~, combincd with the best workmanship, makes the strong-cst rC~L11 t pos,ible. Our i Harness rivals anything' Oil sale fo,'

You shouldn't blnme lh'c watch, though, becnuse it isn't its fnult. It atways doos its best.

YOU nre the one to blame.

An unsntisfactor'y walch is always a tired watch .. a dirty walch.

'. Beauty, Price and

Endurance Call and leave vour • Order

Now for Spring

D. S. HARVIE Broadway - - Tl'eherne

And whon we nre so ncar to you wilh nit Ihose repair facilities your walch ought to be as clenn ns n new pin ...... nnd ought to t~un "right on tho dot."



\ ... ~ • .......-=....,........,........ ..............


iUCTiOiTSKllisi 'Ne still have a well-a~sorted stock of Skates on hand. To clear this season we orfer all, for cash, at

Parkyte Closet Barg-ains = We have Closets.

on hand 2 family-size Reg. price $2.,5.00. l\.

Parkyte San itary Ba rg-ai 11 $20.00 each I

I I~~s!!~~~~R ~~o~~~AR~R~JE~~~ -.~~~~


Until wEddle February


Mrs. R. J. Moore Mllliin ami DrrsslllMrr. Trrkrne

;,?t~!~';:!S".E-';:iA!!~-?l;~:!E-,*:~i~~!~:~Q ~ u ~ ~

~~ Cream Wanted! m i • ~I H al'ing' been appointed Abent II! t ~ ~! 1'01' lh~ l.1 ~~ Crescent Creamery Company l~ ~! W' . '" 7j ,nn,p., Ii! ~ I am now prcpar~d to pHY hl m spot cash for Cream in any Ii

III quantities dclivcreLl al Ill)' I',!

~' office. This Cllls out all chance " I,L, ~;;; ,of differellce over tests, j;

~~ weights, lost cans, etc. Come 1'1 ~! in alHt ~cc cre,tOl weighed and ~! ~ tested. !' ~ It:

....:::No-W-~..:.:.8a-d.-:.t--h8..--:.CO~n-d8-nS-Bd-A.:....d"--S,I: ~ c. W. Barkwell ~ ~f:;;~:oI~~"ob"'l*':;HI::t:~IO;tilHl~~

•••••••••••••••••••••• '· ••••••••• ~ •••• w •••••••

i 5' .c.Carrialle' and'. Enlline Barfains! ~ • • • • :. 2 $95.60 Baynes buggies for $74.50: · " , '. . , . : 2 $8S.oQ· bU'ggies for " $69.50: •• • : $2'64:00 Gasoline engine, cash $150.00: • ~', '. .1"' •

: Alt:th~\above'goods are first-class in evc['y way, and are: .' G:,UA' , . 't delay: they mean mOlley to you! :

, ' . . ' Treherne. :

• • , . •••••••••••••••••••

, ,. , , ',' " , , !' ~,d , ' : I

.' }

Page 2: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk




FARMERS OF WEST MUST SuggestIon Anent Hudson. Bay ShIp ment Make Easterners Tako


t20 000 000 TO BE SPENT IN WEST

Vice President Bury of CPR Makee An Important Announcement



H W Whltla of Winnipeg Named to Assist Government In Inquiry

Otta va Ont -H W " hllla of Winnipeg has I cen nppolnte I by the govel1lment as COl ncl! to I ndertalw tho e[ qulry on behalf at tho I ublle b Ircnt berore the lalh llY commission Into the cl arges laid against so ernl western rands of dlecrhnlnntioll by them In freight rates


CHANGE SYSTEM OF FARMING Otta\';a Ont-TJ (> proposal mad~ bv lIon Frank Cochrnnc ~l\nleter at Hallway" In I Is spoech on the Hudson Bay Railway In th" house that If Bud son straits proved ImpraeLicablo they might run steamers across from Chnrchlll to Nottaway river tbence to the transcontinental raHway hns created a great deal of Interest at Ol­

Prof Robertson Says that the Prmclple of Crop Rotation has been Ignored, and that Sufh~lent Care has not

been gIven to SelectIon of Seed

Olawa Ont-A grnve note at "arn Ing ugal 1St the pros(! It system of farming and the prevalence of woeds In Mnnltoba wall so lllded by Pror J W Hobortaon chairman or the royal lechnlcnl education commission at II 0 third al nll"1 meeting of tl 0 com IT IRslon of conservation

I ould be a great factor In sol\ Ing the tnwa Amongst eastern men there c I pstlon In Ottawa peat would cost 'ns scurrying ror maps and much about two-tl Irda the price of the studying of routos cheapest coni and would bo clean and The proposal or Cochrane It Is now

~!ontreal-George Bury; vice-presl dent of the C P H and general man nger of "ostorn lines announces that no less than $20000000 will be spent bv tbe company In Improving the system west at tbe Oreat Lakes during the comJng H!nr Tho rumor tbat the maln line Is to bo double-bncked as soon as possible In an congested dis­tricts Is con!lrmed A second tracle will bo laid nlong the route between Regina nnd Chaplin Sask between Hammond B C and Vaneou\ ar and bot" oen Alyth and Sena ta Alta

Consldernble oxtenslon to the tor­mlnal fne!lltlcs at Vaneol ver Calgary s"m Ct rrent Moose Jaw Outlook Regina Broad view Brandon and Fort William will be made A terOOnal 'Ill also be built this summer at Co Qultlam B C

Bank Note .. of the New Chinese Re publlo May be Purohased frem Rev olut!onary Agents for Exactly Half Their Face Value-Thousands Have Been Sold to Chinese In Canada

Vancouver B C -Combining t\\ a of the strongest pass ons or Orientals patrlotlsDl and love a! tho game of cbance the now Chinese ropubllo I. Insuring coo(}pernUon an I (0) nlty 01 Its Bubjects on tbo PacHic canst In a \ ery Ingenlus manner Incidentally tbe sinews of war aro being pro\ Ided AI most every Bon of tbo flo we y king dam In U Is count~ 19 carryhla around wltb I lIthe equl\ alent of a Ucltet marlted t"o to one on 01 Sun Yat

When tho board Issued Its or lor for n.n Inquiry a req lest "n.e nlso sent to tho governme It to appoint II. coun sel to lUlslst 11 tha In\ esliglltlon

As It was II. wC\stem quostlon and ono In which the west Is vitally Inter ested It "ns felt a western man sho lid bo nppolnte I nnd the selection of Mr WI till. 18 the res lit

JAN 28 1912

Text of the Lesson Luke II :25-38 Memory Verses 29 30-Golden Text. Luke II 30 31 P V -Commentary Prepared by Rev 0 M Stearft8

Being made under II 0 In" to re-deem tt "m thnt were under the law He ,as dlly clrcun elled according W the Inw and culled ns eommn.nded by Gabriel VhCll 10 appeared to Mary \ Ilb the great nm 01 ncomcnt (GI\I " 4 5 Luke I 31) He cllmo to fulfill tho 10. \ to r Ifill all rlghteo ISne96 tl Lt 110 mlgl t hecome a r rlghtelJUB ness ("laU It 15 v 1 11 Cor , "1) Note the ext emc loverty at Mn y as Indicated hy tJ 0 offor ng abo brm gl t 11 ougl I cr n 1(1 fOt nd not s fflelency of a Inn I (I v xlt 8 m&l gin) l"t God us 1 1 or to provIde Hie Ln 1 b III 0 t blnmlsh nnd wltbout spot to f Ifill a I tYP~R ",d to IJroTid1l

Manitoba said Dr Rob"rtson co lid at ono time be c nss tied as a

good tarmlng I ro\ Inco bllt It Is not n llIed to Much II. clnss!!lcatlon to I, Ills In estigatlon Id covered w ny tl r ns II roughout tho lJrO\ Ince

I It was fOI II I tl:\t 41 lor cenl of 1I c HO un ler In,estlgatlon sho ,cd a tnllil g 0[[ III their prod Icts during 1I a

'I ast fow l cars rhe reaao 1 tor this H rlolls II ato of affairs \\ns suld Dr Hal ert80n tho fact thnt tl 0 principle of crop rota lion had been Ignore I A f Irther raason wns that sec I ,as not I umclel lly solected The reault of this" as that wild oats 1m 1 Increased tnro 19hout U 0 province mar" than :lilfc h mdrod 101 ce It ,,\thin tbe past to" ~ (,llrH Sucl a hold 1 a(1 It gained ld~"d that It I ad I ccome a menace

tn tho country In so fur Ibut It had tI reatened to force certnln farmers o give up tholr land and leavc the district

\n alarming Incrcono or tho weod vas rOlorted from all ovor tho west Dr Hobortaon urgeu that tl e commls slon uso ovory c[(ort to have Romo­Ulng pI n.c leal dOllc to romedy tho III amI ndvocatccl opl'rnllno; a few

burna to domon.trn.to the adlantn.ga of t 10 rotallon of crops

ITo I ellCforel Slrton chllrmnn of the commission advocnted the devel opmpnt or peat tbrol r.hol t the parts ,f I e co ntr) In wi Ich t wnR found 1 here wero no doubt many Intor oHtS which wo lid strho to dlscot ril.l e ho Ind atry but Its devclopment


!lrltlsh ColumbIa Secks Federal AId to Check Railways In Scat

tedng Sparks Ottnwn ant-Tho deBtruction of

)lllllous or dolla s wort of merchant 11 Ie lin ber thro Ighout the mlnhablt n<i Lrens of the British Colt mbla for .alll du Ing recol t years has o.wal!ened tlat provl leo to tho ncceRBlty of se " IT ng rogt lations whereby ho de nst It\O 1 of fore~tB may to a grent

degree bo stoppod

sat1afactoIJ explnlned "as sllghtly misunderstood One of tho vltnlly Important quea His suggestion was that steamers

tlons 11 connection, Ith the conserva could be run from Nelson to tl e mouth tion of the n"turnl resources of the of U 0 Nottaway river A branch Do nlulon was contained In a report the transcontinental or a private line by L 0 Denis on Certain Phases or \\oull bo buill from the month of the tho Waler Powors 01 Cn.nada Mr Notta vny river to connect "Ith the Donis ndvocated n po ver survey of transcontinental Oraln would be re-1I 0 Dominion to the end thnt the shipped at Notla" ay to the transcon amount and proportion of different tlnentlll thel ce to run through to II e kinds 01 l/ower s Ich "s steam water Atlantic electric nnd gas used In different 10- It was first thought Mr Cochrane cal lies wIth cost and other particulars meant that stenmers sbould run down relatlvo to tl e various 10cal!Ues the Nottaway river which Is \ ery mlgbt be nscertalned large nnd navigable for a conslderablo

It might also be well said Mr distAnce but It also has many rapids Denis to obtain all possible Informn and to m"ke It nM Igable for steamers lion regarding wator power sites of nny size would require n big ex owned by private Individuals or cor- pendlture IJOratlons but not being !Ie, eloped Wbat ndds welgbt to Mr Cochrane s rhese should be In esllgated nnd rea scheme Is a matter at present before sons found for the non development tho Quebec commission-to build a

Mr Donis further ndvocnted the es line from Montrenl to Nottaway tllbUshment of gauging stations In There Is said to be a splendid bar streams At prescnt his report states bar nt tho mouth of tbe liver The there are few streams In ca_~nonad:!!la!rvoan"1 distance tram the west Is about tho which artificial storage or ~ same tlon Is being practiced probnbly be According to figures tbe dlstnnce cauae It IlIls not yet becomo cammer from Snslmtoon to Nelson Is 700 miles clally economical or necessary But It Is 600 miles from Nelson to Nott he says this cnnnot go on fore\ or away or to Montrenl 1900 and the time will como when the Inst site with an economlenl ra lIus will have been secured and conservation 01 the slream will have to be resorted to In order ta. satisfy tbe demand for lower " I en the time comeB to de­volop Intelligently a conservation schemo on nny strenm It will be nec esso.ry to possess a complete history of Its flow tor II. period of at least from ton to rtrteen years Oauglng Is 1m portunt 11 order to obtlLln thlB data


Scarcity of Labor Likely to be Source of Complaint In SprIng

Toronto Ont -Unless the federal anti Ontario govern nents got together vlthout furtbor delay the scarcity of farm laborers throughout the pro vince Instead or In proving will likely becomo more than e\ or a source of complaint next spring


E.ngllsh Company Will Develop and Colonize In Saskatchewan

Hosthern Sask -W K. Stendman an English capitalist was In ROBlhern reecn tly and outl! ned a sebeme for cleveloplng and colonizing thousands of acres or land to be purchased fran the C N R So far as be could seo Rostbern was the nntural centre of lands to bo purchased and would be the ndmlnlstratl ve centre

Mr Steadman Is chairman of British Enst Africa. Trust Co Ltd Tho com pany has $2 125 000 a\ all able for 1m mediate Investment An equal nmount will be Invested along similar lines dependent upon the rcsults of the first Investmel t The company will sellie Innds wltb tho hest class of Brl tlsh flU mers

The co npany was originally formed lor making Investments In the OrIent but Steadman considered tho posslbll Itles of Western Cannda wore superior to tho Orient nnd decided to personallY Invesllgato conditions

One thing tbnt Influenced Mr Stead mnn to Bolect Rosthern was the win

\\Ith regard to Wlnnlpog t '0 nnth e surveys are under \\ ay one 100 Icing to a cut oft from Reab lrn while n....t;ermlnal may bo buill so that frelgh t trains will not ba e to pass through the cit) as at present

At ~ ort "HlIam a coal handling plant new freight sbeda steel docl a and Increased elevator capnclty "U1 be pro\ Ided

A large number of branch lines will be built but the details are not yet completed A line from Viceroy to Weyburn will be built while 85 miles will be added to tho line northwest of Swift Current Construction" III be started from a polnt.on the main IIno west of Medlclno Hnt In a eouthwest­erly direction

Four hundred and seventy miles of light steel will ~e replaced by 80 pound steel


Government Has Taken No Aotlon Pending Outcome of Thorough

Investigation Ottawa Ont -Negotintlons between

tbe government and tho Hindu colony ot \ ancouver are It Is reported In II. position of status qno at the present time and It Is understood that plac tlcallY no deflnlte concession hns b granted to the applicants for enlarged prlvlleges Any promise which hae been mnde to tho deputation 1.'hlcb vis Ited Otta" a some time ago depends largely upon !Uture de\ elopments In connection wltll the visit pf Mr Blair to the canst and tho result of a thor at gh In estigation helng carried on

the minister of tbe Interior In

tor the amou It of $10 or up wnrds In II e shape of II. ba lk nato of the new Chinese Republic wblch Is bougllt from rovolut onury ngeuts Cor oxactly hair ItB faco al ue

The nato Is 01 tJ <l same slzo and general appearal co of our own bank notes prlntod on bnnle note paper "Ith the usual ftno engra\ cd lines and patterns of a bacltgro md On ono side tho lines aro broken with II. blue Clag sho\\ Ing II. whlto "un In the centre and the words The Cbung Hwa Republic 'lI.bo\ e It In English lotters Beneath tho flag Is the In scription p omlse to pay to tI 0 bear or ten dollars In gold on Its formation Ilt the State 1 roaaury or Its agents abroad

The location of tho Treasury Is left a matter or conjecture It Is un del stood tbat sevoral thousand woro sold In Winnipeg also amongst Orientals

Peldn -At Its next gntberlng the princes of the Imperial Cln.n and the Empress Dowagor will call Into con sultatlon the nembers of tho co.blnet Many of tl e treasures of the Peleln nnd Mukden palaces are being of Cered fOI sale Their vnluo nllounts to sev oral millions of dollars A number of American ancl E lropean agents are I ere negotiating for their ncqUlsltlon The minor palaces nnd It so the for bidden city are bolng delleted In a slmJlar way and nrt worlts f am their collection are being disposed of

TI c opening dnte of Inqulr~ Is Bet for F ohruary 1 In alta" a Tho rtrst meellng wlll likely be n nrely prelim Inar~ and to nr ango for proco lure

Tl 0 renl \J, ost gallon wI! prol.b y be held In Winnipeg wilic sedS ons will nlso 10 held In \ arlot s 10 nts In tho ""st It Is the Into Ilion of tho governn ent th Lt tho ellq Ilry sho I d Ions brond III scope an I ns thorot gl In cl nrnctor ns possible and II. rc I lost to th s cffect I liS booll I nde to LI 0 commission 1 ho 1m osllgatlon pro mlses to be ono of the most Interest Ing and n ost Import! nt over held In Canada


Meetl n9 at Wh Ich Redmond And Churohlll Speak May Causo

Serious Roww Belfast Ireland -Evcnts arc sbap

lng then selves In connection with the hon e lulo ca npalgn In Irolnnd so as to glvo tI e expectation of a lively timo on I ebr IIlry 8 wi en John Redmond lender 01 the 1115h Nationalists In tbe Houso of Co III ons and Winston Sp"ncer Clure 1111 first lord of the admh alty In tl 0 Brillsh cnblnet 11.10 nnno mc~ I to SI en.k I ero on tho sarno plntform In bel alf of homo r 110

The Ulstor co moll met under the presidency of t 10 ~laro Its of London derry II. forn or Iceroy of Ireln. 11 an I pnssed with acclnn all on a res olullon expressing nsto 11shment at tbo cl allel go thro "n out by WIIston Cbt rchlll JoIn Hedman I and Josell Devil! the Irish) ember of pnrlln Ilont for tho "ost dlylslon of Belfnst who Is nlso tnllng 111.1 t II the demon stratlon on F E'br nry 8

Their Illrliclpat on In lllCl Unionist meeling I omlses tI at ndeq IUto stops shnll be tu~ell to pI event the homo rulo meoting bolng I old


Nankin -It Is belloved that the ne gotialions looking to II. poacefll Rot lIemant aTe nppronchlng a conclu~lon The formnl locumont has been drawn up for slgnn.luro and Ta 19 Shao ... I has been excl anging telegrams with President Sun Ynt Sen It Ie under stood that they ha 0 finally ngreed concerning guarantoes

Ce tnln Hepi bllcans posltlvoly de­cline to accept 'I' uan Shl Kal as Prosl dent of the Rep Ibllc In place of Dr SIn b It tho tormer may hold the premiership In the provincial govern ment and \\ hen peace Is restored nnd tho constitution drnwn up Yuan Shl l(al may have an opportl nlly to secure his election Dr Sun howevor Is persisting In his determination to rellre


United Farmers of Alberta Advised to Follow Saskatchewan \

oternnl reclemptlon I His gront snm nc~ of III Iself (I I l I 19 20 nth> x 1 I I) rl C E;rcat purposo of

God II so Far II') and 0 IT comproholi alan Ills \ a) s nn I tho ghts 80 muoh I gher tl nn a I s that evon Ul0Uglt \\ 0 [ a} leno\\ the facts or some at tl am tho reacl of thom from etc.-nit, to otcr Ity Is to hlg 1 for us (t ... :Ie 2) Wlnt an ["I onlmblo hOllor kJ lolong to Illm to bo pnrt of 111m nlloil 11 joint I elr with Him of 1110 l<ln~oJl] and pnrly

Son 0 of the things written of !lIm can are tTt 0 of overy redoemed ono for nll truo believers aro Just as right cous nnd 1 nvo tho lIo1y Spirit AI! shollil bo do a I Spirit ta Ight IUId E;llde I nnd ,alUng f Jr tho C lmlng nt tho LOld rho words jllst devout. waiting descrlhe the thr~nrolc1 sa.IYll Uon of every I ellovor as sot tortb In I Thess I 9 10 Tit I! 1113 and else vhero By the preclo lR hlood 01 (h rlst vo are now sn\ ed n I I Y lllH Spillt wo silo lid eVer IIvA lovouU~ and lava Ills appearing fils tllin

tho co lRolnt 01 at Ismel (orso M) I emlnd. R f Isa lx,l 13 Zeph III 11 15 Zc 1 I! 1012 nnd we thlol aleo nf I nother title tl 0 10]10 01 Isrnol (Jer ,1\ 8 xvI! 13 Aom xxvIII 20) but t Is nrrloH s bcyoad aIr threofoll snl nt on to II a no~t step In Cod n I Ian 01 rIO I rn wllh Christ In Ills glo y for the rodomptlon of Israel nnd tho oslalllsi ment of Ills lelngdom Tn verses "u 27 of Ollr leseon \\ 0 sep tl 0 Spirit Ipon S mean the Spirit tencl Ing I 1 an I g I lluE; 11m to the 10m Ie .t tho rlgl t It me tc find the chlld It Is a r prlvl!ege tn he th IS Spirit In ght and led Mn~

e lena v tho reality Tl e aged snlnt holdl[ g II 0 clll<1

In his arms looltlng fond y nl d rov montly upon 11 m wit 10 Josel h nn I Mary stood listenllg to I Is won lorfnl , ords and n nrveli g at II em Is In deed a bea I tit \1 plelt r" I Isten to him ns he desires not to depart having seen wit his a VI yes nl d nctuallv

It 1 as beo I generally realized that th.., two principal cat ses of forest fhes alo campers and rail ~ays La\\s nllalnst leaving camp f res burning al e alrondy on the statue books BIt I [ IB concodod that tho 1 allways spread the mont destruetJot 1 raverslng as Ihov do tho great lOll(' stretel C8 of un Inhn.bltod timber arells the sparles from their locomotives start n ImOl o s fhos \ hlch gain great headway I ofm e being detected 100 orten It Is pointed out tho rlgbto(}f way ts pll od lIlclt with InClammable rubblsb whlcl f Irn,lshes a tinder box for such conflagrations Tho owners of de stroyed property along tI 0 line find It almont hnposslble oven Ul der tllo exlst\ng laws to get damages (10m the II Ilwny company so dlrrlcult Is It to !Ix tl 0 rCRlonslblIIty nnd so expensive

Partly as a 1 esult of Instructions Is Sl cd by the Dominion Immigration authorities to boolclng ngents Inst year whlcb cbecleod the booking of Immigrants to the cities and to a less extent owing to tho delay In com pletlng thl' jo!nt Ilnmigratlon plans al ready foreshadowed there hns been for months nn almost complete cossa tion of Immlgrlltion work on the part of the staff of tho Ontario orrtc~s In London

As tbe spring movemont of Immlgra lion Is to a large degree the result work done In the fall and winter

by Seager Wheeler of the world 8 prize for whont Mr Steadma.n visited Mr Wheeler s farm at ROBthern and WIlS agreeably surprised Accompany Ing Mr Stendman was Sit Geolge Whitehouse one of the greatost of II Ing railway engineers

It was gonerally underBtoocl that any of tho past negotiations tbrough wlleb tbo dept tntlon ga.ne 1 nny de gl eo of solace were practically at a tentntlve nature It Is undestood tbnt the Ill\ estigation at the coast conduct e I by IIlr Blair has not strengthened the claims of the Hindus to nny great extent It Is further ovldent that many or the conceBslons granted by the govornment will be bitterly oppos ed by const members In tbe house It Is pointed aU t that the granting of any of the privileges asked for will he merely a step toward granting the Hindu people of tbe coast equal rights with other British subjeots Tbls Is not considered to be at 1111 desirable by the members from that part of the Dominion

The president recently declared that DO loans had been contracted by the Republicans

Alberta B Publicity Campaign Medicine Hat. Alta -It Is noted tbat

boards of trade and Industrial com misslonors In Western cIties were quick to accept the lead when a few weeks ago the plan was launcbed to nttract manufacturers to Medtclne Hat Such towns as Bassano Calgary Lacombe Lothbrldge Red Deer Tnber and otber Industrial centres are now coming forward with well organized publicity campaigns and It Is bellov ed that the effect cannot be other wise than HUmulatlng to bnslness througbout the plovlnee Although Medlclno Hat has been widely adver tlsed on the score of low priced pow or and natural gas It Is dally becom Ing e~ldent that tbe Immense coal supplies of the district soon to be made available by the successful o!>, erations of tbe Ansley Coni company will furnish an additional Inducement to manufaeturors anil other large operntors wblch they are not lIleoly to oHrloole During tbe present sea

Edmonton Alln -At a recent seB sian at the nnnual meell g of tho United Fnrmers of Alberta a lively dlscnsBlon wns precipitated by a pa per of G W Buel nnnn 'of Cowley chalrmnn of tbe gl a n elevator com m1tteo wblch recQmmonded public own 01 ship of elevators slmllnr to tbe co operative piau In Saskatchewan

Wblle tl e plnn was genorally en dorsed there seemed considerable mls understanding as to bow the rocom mendatlon came to bO made An other debate followed the report of the commltteo on sced grain

embraced tl e Lord s nnoll cd To him this child "ns tho full! 1 ent <1' propbecy b t vlll roplotlc vIs on he sa v a hne of trO! ble belore tit.< coming at the llngdom Think lp III his words DS ho held the child Mine eyos hnve aeon Thy snl nl on Jlla,,!> snld I hnve wallod for Thy snlvllU~ 1 o lord (Gon xlix 18) Moses IUld Dn\ Id nnd Isaiah sang The Lord IA becomo my sa vntlon (Ex xv 2 Ps cxvlll 14 ISll xli 2) Every Ir Ie II.,. liover can say tho same nnd rololco \.n tl 0 vords o[ Uls samo clll I whoa gro ,n to manhood messed aro thoy tbat have not seel an I yet I IVO be-

Is the process ot litigation E\ en tl ough dnmages nro acquired

Ihe I aIm dono to the natural forests cannot fo years be remedied In con seq lence of this tbe dopartment 6t Innds of nrltlsll Columbia bas made nn application to the board of rallwny commissioners for an order regulat Ing tbe operation of locomotives with regard to the spreading 01 lorest fires lipan a Ijac"nt lands In tho t\.I'Y season of tl 0 year

Tl 0 he lIlng has been set to talee plaeo at Ottnwn on Fo\irunry 6 ] 0 0 clock It Is not II. q Icstlon of talnlng damages so m Ich as It luestlon or stopping tbe <l"sU'UC,1I01ll ot forests altogethor wbleh

PI esont Indications Is a source worry to Immigration offlctals

1 he need or Immediate action Is recognized


Farm Heads Will Attend Three Can vcntlons at Ottawa

Ottawn Ont -lion Mnrtln Burrell I as Instituted a move In connection with the serIes at Dominion farmer conventions wllcb will be beld In Ottawa In February which sbould prove valun.ble to the agrlcultUl al In terosts of the country

He bas naleed overy superintendent of the 13 experImental farms th,'ou:l':h· out Canada to come to tho

d all four


CPR OfficIals Says $5500 DOD Hae Been Appropriated For Irrlga

tlon Etc Calgary -J S Dennis manager of

the Canadian Paoille RaHway Com pany s land nnd Irrigation Interests In the West bas returned to this olty atter an absence of nearly three months In Great Britain time he made

called gather lU""6.'''lU,1 r~"P'VA' Inspiration

four con\ entlons whlcb wn! be held from February 4 to 16 are for estry live slock seed grewers and fruit growers

denlt ~ Itb I aHt ~ oar under lhh',e~'l;~~~~ls~~~~:i;:::i~~id

tlon of the commltteo o


Railway Companies Have Now 7800 000 Bushels In Interior Elevators Winnipeg -Tbe Grand TTl nl, Pac

\ftc Rail my Is moving graIn In vaBt quantltles from tbe west tbls ye"r and they moved from vestern Cannda no less than 9 000 cnr loads of grain between Sept; 1 and December 3

For tho same peliod last year the compnny only moved 4 000 cars which shows an Incrense of one hundred per eent

Large qnantltles of grain are stili marketed by farmers In tbe

on otber JInes than the 0 T P "'''"~n points on tlie

recently 73 end of last

=~In marketed the Ansley company has been su!>'

coal td farmers within the '.n",II,. of sixty miles around develo!>' ment opernttons at the mine melln whlll' being pusbed forward rapidly with two shifts of workmen


G J Clnrk repr!>sontlng tho Do nln Ion Seed Commissioner ad lressod tl e convention Ho advised farme s to test grnln ns to Its vltnllty

TI e report committee on packing plants disclosed the fact that so fllr the farmers of Alberta waul I agree to supply only 4 000 hogs I ar year vhlle tho governmeut called for 15

000 Otlrer reports rend during II 0 meet

Ing were from the hoard of directors transportatton commUtee and Secre­tary Fream -----


Great BritaIn Will Tender Warm Re ceptlon on Return

London Eng -George V nnd Q lOon Mary who aro now on their return voyago from India where they nttend cd the Durbar at Dolhl nre to have a great welcomo on their arrl\ 11.1 In I ngland

On February 4th a naval review at Spill cad Is to be held and when the Royal party nrrlves In Lonclon nl though no formnl reception Ins I eon arrapged the pnbllc Is p opared to accord the King and QI eon an en thuslast!c recopllon on tholr way frolfl the station to B1cklngham Palnce

At Malta n.n 1 'Jlbrn.ltllr thm e ,Ill be II. naval wolcome to tl olr Mal~ 0. In which hath II 11 Br\l!sh nnd. F 01 tb navlos will partlel pate

After Ule return of tbe King nnd Queel to Lonclon II. Thanksgiving ser vice Is to be helcl n.t St Pm I sCathe­

The spling will be spont In return Ing visits to all Colonlnl Courts

Home Rule Flgh~ Stil Being Raged I..ondon ",ng - rno Home Rule ex

cltomont Is growing In Irolan I [Jar

vigorouS campaign Is In progress Ih tile bope of crentlng scntlment In England against the promised bill or of the Asqnlth ministry

It 18 that the bill will he tho House of Commons the of the Union

the aglta gren.lest

the Union

l\\, cd I hy Bal aU on wllell Ihou hast prepared (verseB 30 11) It III of Ihe Lord vbol y nnd only He vho said I a n tho lord th It mak tit.

n I things that stretcheth forth tho heavens alono that spr"a<leth uhrond tho earth by Mysolf lIe 18 1 0 II It! or anel finisher or It (lsa xl v 4 Hob xII 2) It v II In dlo tin e fill the e lrll for all flesh shnll S 0 the snhll lion of God (cl npter III U) Comp.'Ho Isa x 6 xlix G III l( Ho Is In tI 0 preBont ngo a IlgI t to Ilgl ten I c gUll tlleB and "'hen by tl e IIgl tills bocl) the churcll sball ha 0 beun g lth( ret! from all nations then shall II 0 I( turn ns tho glory of Israol and all I t.\()ns shall be fully enllghtel cd I y HIm thro 19h lsrnel (Isa Ix 13) 11 ere Is n"lthor Ilg It nor glory a nr' Irolll lIIm All olBo Is darkness l~r Iho ruler of tbo dnrknos" of 'i I" vorlt! (Eph v 8 vi 12) Dut If the lIfu t hnn shone In 01 r he lrtB It Is In or lor that we may lu rl others fl om 1Ul'~ ness to light nnd from tl e po, ur or Satnn Into Coel (lI Cor I GAds X,,\ I 1S) In II II 101 .nlvallon Is nnly nnd ",holly hy 111m vi a cnme from Judah who dil d for IS III d roso n.l\nln an!l'the AAlvatl Jll 01 the nations will bo throl gh ti 0 nntlon of which II ~I 1 bo tI e I<lng fOl snl\ ltion la of the In vs (Iol nil" ) whell cr II 11Ivld ual or nntlonnl Uow porlloxlng tbe wordR o"cept III , lei gl t of I roptu oy concerning lhe fal Ilg and rising Ilgrun of mnny and II e s g[ to ho 8pol on agnlnst bl t when \\ e romen !Jor Bls leath and resl 1 reellon Is p edlcto!\ 111. Po xxii lBa 1111 al d mnny of Uoo tY109 nnll His coming In glory tn But U(J His hlnE;clOlI 1111 III more clenr That wI Ich ~I ary hnd to I enr trom mls mdorRtnllCllngs by aU orR who wOl h\ not hellove tho supernntn.,,1 nbo It the birth of tl e chll I IlIlt the ngony 01 ho so 11 at OolgothlL helpl' U8

to understnnd tho worel through hor 0\'11 sal I (verses 31 3.) The m'Cat question WI nt think yo ot Christ· Is still the text which reloalll 1I. \ ~~~;1;~~~i~~I~~:I~~:~!~~1 In \prll Commons

a Unlo list thought" at all hoarts 'I bn al(C I vi dow Anna wnA 01 I don fly led I y II G

Spirit to entor tho templo at LI e rlfl'ht Instnnt to belLI these \ ords B,e~';-:-L~


Page 3: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk


IN "llHE ,


iAllthor or

f D;!n :.nd Another," I A \"veb 0, • Sin or Alison

Inn," (!tc, ;tc.

Tangled Decr·

WARD. L:OCK &. CO. LIMITED London Melbourno and Toronto


and IhEl "1~lIatllro cOlIsl~ted oC t. ~ 0110 I word I Mary"

Each IpUer In tllrn boro tlln Rall.e characteristic. and th~ I(n\ 'lor ~cannet!1 them with growing Impatience Love I letters dlt! not uppeoJ to him noz \Hlre they oC the HIlghesl use at lhls Ulom· ent Some of tltcm wero IlPPlltllllg, soma merely tonder, III olle er two the "ntor Implorcd tho I oclpl~ut to let I hOI fj'~a more o[ him, to be InOI c wlt,l

II'er, hilt on none \1 as unl add res" or even Ilny dllte. Ilntl all wore sl~ncd

I with that ono nOll committal ImUle , folnry "

I • Women ale fools' ' the IIl"ycr cx· t clilltucd his ImplltloU~Q at last flndln.; lelle[ In spoech "fools No dlltO. no s!gnatllre, 110thlll" Imt flOlh lind ynguo lies" No Y. onder the Ulllll "hom tho precious '~II1r>' Io;cd go. th"d of hOI I nnd her [011)' No \\ oudcr hu did nel wish tu Im,c hOI "Ith hlm' But tho I

, \\ hole lot of lellers I. useles. to Ill". Consclp.nc~ plll)cd n smnll part In ult<:.rl) usoless There nle th)usanrls'

any,of 1I1r :;("'mc~' t"llllsnctiolls. and (·t lIIarys In tho" ot1u 111,,1 t'w,,' IS I exp(',dl<3l1cV stili cl1.unsclllng sllonce, he nothing Ie Bhow the relationship bet-Illollcd stl al[;hl Into ttlC other 111.\J1 e I I d l' II I 11,,"k 0".01, ',,1'1 ... ,1" qlll"tlv- \\ cen t I • ono an ,colge cmus er I

. , ,., u, Pnn'" With Iho scornful ~Jnculatlo'l rll?1 fJ \\ 111 b( 110 dlillcllity whnt 1'0 Huug tile 1".1 lutlm down lI\lon tho

'''C~j.1I )0111 SCClll111~ ,OUI /Hopc,l) table. and \Ins Pllshln,,; bnclt his chllir ubso utoly ttl ~our "1(,, I cunclude "I"n his C)CB caughl sight o[ a frag 1.11:1.1 lOU III e SI! Georgo H lIndluputed meut at pal,el' thn lIltlst hllVO flutter-111 ,\::! • I I eel out [rom the lelLyeS at the 1'cHtll'

vh ~ rs IIIH OOU, "" pOOl cOI)"ln meat It \I:'S \ el Y clumplell nnd the (Worgl, 1I"'d I III man 1«1 In AlI~tral111 "rltlng 1111011 It \\aH more r~ded than n,u~IY Ihlltv lenr" ago' that of tho Olher lettors. although It ., \ 011 Illll"t light 01) son Agnln W,IS pl"II1I>' thnl of same perRon \\'Itll 1''''1,'.(1\113 ~\\Ul1g 11110 thl Il\\ler~ no hopo of finding mOlO Informatlon m"Ul, IlI"J [UI .~ lllo~llel11 he lo,t tho \tere thnn amon(.!:st tho sheatH he had r,\lr~nll of Rir Miles dlscou,"o, only JlIHt porused Mr Soamus untwlstcd fnr plcJClIIJ; Itllp 1I'::llll with tile \\oldll Iho crulllpled pallet The !lole-It "as

°l,"ru crortninh Ill) uncle's \ludis ECal~cl) ll10T(.'-\\"L8 ,elY 8hOl t pKlo( holr, null Ir lUJ ~Oll SU~, 1 cnn II !\[arcb :H 18-WU~ lily I"lllh'rty to Ill) \llfe, I sllall • 11y Own Denr GL'Olgo.- ' .. sll,you tu Ulllfl a ,,111 101 Ille, which • I will moot )Oll at \Vaterloo to I CIlI! slg" liS ROIllI as--" mOl rnw us )011 ~ay I con hardly bo

• On YOUI \\ eddlll!: dn) Sil MII"s lIo\C thl,t two hourA after you get this Am~l to cor,ellldo Ih,lt "",,?m.llnugo \\1' sltall he l\l,m and \llfe I \\1\1 .... Ill tallc \llaeo Vcr) shortly lIIalto )UU Ille best wU/e thnl ever \Iv('d

1. hopo 80' A gllm HIlIIlu r.rossctl "Your 0\\ II l\IARV 'IIUT'rON tho )'Oll'l(;(lr mnn's fnce I\Vhen on( "ll~lrns(]iLch llnl m. l .. iphook, Hauts ' I,u.s (lilly a lC ,r to IIvo tlwlO Is 110 01> A short excillmation hloke Crolll lho j(ct In \laRtlng time' InlV)llr s 1ip~ Ho rend tho nota

"I tllIl Horry" i\11 SO.lIII(" began. throul'lt [or tllo ReCOlld limo bill Air i\l1t<ld elll him Mltort 1 his Is morn lIlw It I " he excll\lm·

'J sltould I1lw to I lilt 0\, I. Homo de cd excitedly" "1'1ow Ihero CUIl't be tllltS or tho will \llIh YOIl. he s"ld !1"UCIt (Iouill thllt tho 'MlllY or a!lthoso wlt.h a CllltncuB unllsunl 10 him !Ol'lolhal leiters wns Gcmge Herrlcslcy'. 1(llldl)' h~llrt",1 I\H Iw \WH. he 111\11 con "IC" and tltll datu or lhe aoto ollght celr~11 Ull unaCcllHtolllcd IhRtale to tl,c to help us II aCo tltelr murrlugo But }I\\\;1' r. lind Ito Instlllcthol) \\Iuhell tu -"hOle 1'1 lho wom,lI\ no,,' Aud \lOR dlsOllH" 1101111111-: "Itll him hul tile there TI.III) II son' We ale;"'t through • 'tietesl atlll lllOi t COl mill IIllBlno"" "ood l ot-nlld-'

Il \\I\H \last t0111 u'eloelc bdello tho Ills wOld~ brolto olt sllddeuly h" e"t ,!ot'ri.IIR ,\C'''' [nil" tall,pd ovC'r nud ilil ~lnrll1g Ilt tho note In his IlIlI\d. Ills SOllmc" hl\(1 howed hl8 new clI 011 I onl e~es fixed jllllticularly UI'Oll tho SIl,'1lU' "r ilia otrlcn. nnd then lhe la,,~", Ie turo tulrl.~1 to hlH tuhlo Itnd tooll flom its "u, .To,o,' ho Jl)uttcled nl\(jf'r his 11I<4le<i 111.11 '" tlto Illlckut I v h,ld blUlltlt "It's 1l queor colncldenco 'I rll· l.lro\l!;ht bl cIt trolll Olll, 1'rc.., ('Olllt tOIl-:\inz1 Tritton-It's not ,. common II :v,.lS 11 rongh hlO\la pit pel 11Illel'l nama 'fhnt rool of a clerk of ,l1lne tlc<l liP with IIlnch knolt",1 sliing. Iluld his mothcz IhOll \\lthln II few "lll.eh tt,o law) 01 cut aerORS I,,)(lllCrO"" mil"" or MllIlsmere nud his nnmo Is In j»I~ 11"01,, to r .. nell tho c"nl"nla Tritton too Is It 0;11) II slJllnge colu lilt! Ille' Info" I{'" with Sir MIlos hurl leo-o,--" wlfulll II hla allpetltu flu fell I" "I, ')ll~tl ... poillt or multlng II "Hh discover CHA-P-'I-'E-I-t \' I, S, nUll II", WIlS M k",,()I~ oxcltctl '6 II h()\!JlIli thllt It.,. gol UIl1l1' lito scellt To Dorothv CnlRtalrB thl' words or I ll,o contontH ot tho paclwl "orc rOil tho olrl scorch bllllnd nltered th~1ll In 'numlll'r 1\ \Jundl" or letter. tied Illl ves suit hOI o\ln CIISC nnd Tllng willI faelee] blue z1lihQI,l all olel IIpt/) I\nel forwallls ill hOI bralu uool. n I1lrl) IUU f)lUm bed Ilnel,of 01 maddening reitci allon plu\llIl-: CllrtiN. lIud 11 liznf{lf nrid "'Il "l\oLv mlther urged me snit, nnd my In~tN III '1'~HtllllloUt 'I ht, curds !.lthel did not tipealt. th~1(,1V Illto thq wnsle.pllpGr But ho looltcd In my Cnco WI 01)

Vi Ith .t goatllrl' of <1isgust, henrt was \I1,e to break" "IMeo tlllOU .. h the not<..~book .. hawed On thlll ThurNdn) evonlng after him It morely clfronlcled acconnts. Milos JIel nosley hlld lo,t her, aUIl Illobllbh lh!') lime noto" 01 hnts lind when tho thought of what he hnel pro· gllll1hllng dobts II I\S his contempllloulJ posed to her Iltill Deemod too bowlIll· ronoclloll'. -{rhe .(J'cstamont he ol'on((llol·II)I;. too strnngo to be brout;ht dOli 11

onJy to 10o\(jlU!' UtSJ~lIame lInd dnte on to 0 lovel 01 ovel yduy posslhllities. ita lIy.IT'nt! .1lhf,~<ilw"" 116 t1ollbt,nbqut she "ould>11111'O glvon all sho !lOBsess· Ihos[I 'rhe) "eiO Inse,lbe" In a wo cd for n reall) qulot lime In which to mun 8 c10ur nUlling hllil" "GcOIgc think ovo! Milos' proposuls Dllt M,. IltlTllcHloy; Ootobor. 18- From bls Carstalia dltl not allow her auy o\lpor· lovill'; IllothQl" A 11m rled llllning o[ lUllll) for the quiet she desIted ",frs I he hook showClI tlto Beekol Cnr.lnlia WIlS 1I0lll Illdy given to COil· thai Its tho feelings of others lit flllges " toxt ""mO 100tilel Imlld thnt hlld 1laltbo til' 11 al

"Noblin I; I~ to bc Ilot out of this' Mr. Soamcs ml1tte"~d 'No\\ for til'

a qllllllty in~~h~~e,r~~?~~,~~rlJ

lottors,'f allll lUITlIstlug I ·b~~J!l',~JIH~~~:~~:.~ Ilskio he IlUt!\m t)je.\fn<led '" V""Oll"W unfoldotl thc!:;tuP..1IJettet of pllb W~~ ~ ':

w ~n It;; ga ve thll \I dtOl's Idontlty it \I(IS

10\ u lette! of II loving "hether "1'lltcn to lover

thOl (J wus notblllg to sa).

What Is the Selling Price?

Wholesale price $1.00 Cost of doing business 22 '70 Retailer's profit 10'70

'Retail seIling price ? 1J:t~lng 'our pcrc~ntn~~ on

Ilt;1Hng prJco tbe llnsw cr td not .$1 Z2

If you wIll ancwer thl. quostlon, or ask how to answer It, we will aend you free a 48 page book for retailers,

It will give you .ome In· side Information on get· tl no at the whole cost of doing buslne ••

Will explnln how suo· cessful relallers are get­tl ng, every day, a otnte ment of what each clerk I. worth In profits,

Will tell you 110w 10 know every day, all the year around, what Is on your .helves--whlch slock moves and which do.sn't

• Why shouldn't you have

at vour fingers' ends as muoh success producing inT('>rmptlon as any other relaller?

We'll send the book to every retailer who tells U8

how he figures the prob lem,

Figure It on your letter head or ask for the book

Burroughs Ad.ding Machine Co" 81 Burroughs Block, DetrOit, M Ichlnan

no dlfforence to my decision" "'i'heu what hns mado II dlfferenco'

Oh. do for pity's saito ten lIIe the tz u lh don t ItCIlP mo 011 tellterhoolu!"

"I alii so sorry. molher. but It all sll1l aeoms so dreadful to mo 1 haYt:­lI't had limo to udjllst lilY thollllht8L 01--"

"Whnt Is III endfnl? Proposllls of mnrllago al c not usual!) eon"ldel cd 60. especlnlly In tbeso days. "hp-u mOSL \\ OllllJn jump lit any chancc ()~ getting married I Ilm suro it \\ clS \ ery different when 1 "as 1\ gill I had henps of offers betore I acceptcd ) ollr Cather. and perhnps l[ I had mal rled ono of tho othOl men who 1lI gell mo so much, I shouldn't have come tu this terrible llovel ty No 0110 noed clIII lin ottor of illl\l rlage drcadfnl '

('1'0 bo Continued)


"Wltnt In the mntter wllh ,TOIIOS" used lo,be 1\ modest sort of fellow

hq aoo!'l" allllost blllsting rnportallQll" ~ "1

"!Ta\en't YOIl hU(1.rll· 'Mrs .Jones Is Riling anothor "outan for lahl)l1 ntlng hlR I)1feetiolls ane} pnts tho c1nmnges ut CIrty thousand) Ilol1ars •


SPANISH VENGEANCE. Flit; of a Fllthl ... Solon In tha ReID"

of Emperor Char-Ie. It wns In~rh .... lIrly days or thE! reign

I or the Emlleror Cburles. when tM Spualsh peuple, .... er Jealou. ot their rl,::bts, becuID8 Infllrlnled ar 0 Bubm/s-, sl,e COl tes for vor/n,.; Imperlnl ~rtlnt.~

I without obralnlng redre •• tor flopulor grlevllncetl Tordestllas, tb~ reprL .... en ~

I ntlve of Sp,.;ovln. beIng Il bold 1I0d bnllgllty UIIIU remroed to bls ontlv .. I cllY to dl'rf'lld bill conduct uod ac· cording 10 cu.tom. sumwuued his tel·

I low to" nsmen tu the churcb thnr ne tnl,::ht J!I ve an Rccount ot bls uctlOD!'

I In tha oorlos I But the olultllude. Inturlnted at bit.

r InsolellcP III nttemptlng 10 Justify coo· dllcr tlley deemed InexC'u.n ble, bll THt

I ('lIen the doors ot Ihe churcb ODd. ~e!z-

Illig ·I'(,rde.II1IlR. drugged blID Ihrough the streets wltb cU"'ea Dod Insllits t<>­\\l1rd tllp. plnco of public execution.

'rhe den 0 nod ~unons caIDe torth wltll the holv sRcrnmeot to awe tbe tnub. tbo monl,s In Ihe monnsterlos. bv whlell tbe luckless deputy '.oil dlnggl'd, prnved 00 their knees thllt his IIf" might be spnred or. nt len~t,

thut be be allowed time tor nb.olu· Ilun. but, without TCjtnrd for humanIty or rolll!'Ion. ther hn Ilged thplr victim up

I bpnd downwurd on W" rommon gibbet

I-Fl C. CIUlIneld Tllylor, ''') lie Bond at lUU CustuoetH."

ROAD TO WEALTH. "" .. X 1m. t" Which Roth.ehlld A.erlbeli

H la Earl y Sueea ... RoW"chlld cOlDmonly IIscrtbed blJoJ

emly "uc<c~" to II ~rel1t dellr • .., to thu rolluwln~ rule~.

"I 'OlD blned three proOts. I made tbo lll'\nurncturer my customer, nnd. tbe one 1 bought ot my CU"IOmer­tbnt I~ I supplied toe mnnutoctnr"r wlttl rnw materlllis und dYes on eacb ot wtllcb I made n profit. and took bla mllnutuctllred goods. whIch I sold nt 11 profIt, nnd tbus cOIDbln"d tbree prot ILq

"Moke n bnrgain at onco Be an ot!' hUnd lUun

":>!Fer hn.-e allY thin:: to do with nn ulllucl,y mnn or place. I un.-.. Been OI¥ oy clerer meo "bo bod not sboe! to thotr toet. I co.ver act with them 'l'bl!lr 1Ic1\ Ice sounds very well, but tlllU IA ul!'nlnst tbem Th"y connot gcl on tuelt1"el~e... How clln tbey do IDe good r

"He CIIUUOUS nntl bol,L It reQuires o great deal oC l.luldncRs Rnd u great , denl oC ~ullti()l1 to make a great tor lUllll. lIod wbeo you huve got It It r&­qulr,-. tco tlruus 08 mucb wit to kellp It

'1 he IURt Idea wn. one \I bleb Roth 8cll1ld frequently e'l:llTes"ed. and Were Is nu duubt he "ns thorougbly IIDflress W \lltlt Ita tl utb.-Lit~

GIant and Dwarf Honeyb ••• In ~01t1 .. ot the li:nst Indian Island.

nnd on tbe fllulnlnod ot Ellndustno ure to llA [olilid tu~ .mollest spedeR or honeybecs In tbe world. Tltese dwurr hooey collectors lire kooll II to ClI

tumolo,::lst3 as Api. !lorea 'rllelr bon c)combs aro no Inr,::!!r tbao a chlld's bUDd. lind the cells ure nbout tbe lflz@ ot n "mnll plnhelld 'rItis boney 1M CI

cellont. ns 18 the wnx 'lite little eren ture. build lbe comb 00 the bmocb or fl low tree, Iud a. tbey hnve not to PI a.-Ide for IVlnler they ,",ark nil thl' yonr through, rlllRlng blOods tIIle tbem ge~~e. In the SlIlne lund tbere Is n HPi*·le. of 1:llInt b:'eH Allis dOl'!lntll. OS 11Irge liS n field crll'IIet. 'rhCMe fuoo .tel ~ of t1w boe "olld build boney comille thn t nrc fl urn six to AeveD teet In length tuur or m"rc In wIdth 1 oDd \I hldl welgb from SIlO to 400 poun .... eucb -Bnrper 8. ..


Library for the BlInd Lilst spring a brle[ article on tho

C~nndlnn Free Library for tbe Blind appenred in these columns In tltnt nrtlcle It \HIS stated that the library tit en at M~rllhnl11. Ont .. was to be ,e: moved to rorouto The rCIllOI nl has .Iece taken place. alld the C 10' L B now oceuplos quarters at 105 Annotto St. Toronto Ont

The Cllnadlnn l'ree /Llhrarv for the Blind Is attomptlng to rench' uud ben. erlt nil Ihe blllld ot Canada, but It Is oncoullterlng serious obstacles In tho realization of this bopo from thc dlf. rteulty In securing IlnOlO. nnd addre'l­ses of thoso without Bight. frcOl tho necessity of canvassing for funds to (Ie fray tho exponses of mnlntenance. The Board of Mllnngement therefore requcsts nil rCA dOl'S of th Is jc.u rnal who 'l.re acquainted with bUnd per. sons not now cnjo) lug tho benefits of tho IIbrnry, to seull In such nalI1.Cs nnd ndd rcsses to the Secretary. S C SwIrt. 8 Washington A\e. 'loronto, Ont It also maltes n dlreet appenl to tho gOllelolls Canadian public to COil' tribute some smnll porllon of tho wealth with which It has been blessed during t!>o past year All contrlhu. lions should bg rent to tho treasurer. m W Hermon. Esq. 37 B,llmute St, Toronto. Ont

It Is the deslro of tIle C F 1. n to establish a pllntlng depllrtment for Iho purpose of prlnllng Canndlan texts In embossed typo for the "se of the Calladlan Blind There Is nt present no such ostahllshment In CRn _da "Ith the result that Cunalllan lit erature Is practicalIy unavailable to our sightless citizens Thirty thou· sand dollnrs nro required to secure n Rurrlclont Income to malto the plnn fenslblo I.ess than n thousand of th Is amount Is ,Rt present In tho b en Bury o[ the C. F. L B The Library nsl{8 tho Canadian people to help It to renl Ize thIs plnn so \\ orthy of Rsslstallce

The Old Folks find advanCing years brlng;tn Inclcaslng tendency to constipation. The corrective they need Is

"NA-DRU-CO~9 Laxatives Enllrely dIfferent from common laxallves Pleasant 10 take, mild :tnd p:llnles.s A tablet (or less) at bed-time regulales Ihe bowels perfectly Increllslnr doses never needed Compounded. like all the 125 NA-DRU-CO pro­paratlons. by expert chemlsls. Money back If 1I0t :mtlslactory

~ 25c a box If your drugglsl has nol yet slocked Ihem.

send 2Sc .. nd we wlll mall Ihem. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY


Constipation ilt the root of many forms of sic!mess and of an endless amount of human misery.

Dr. Morse's Indian

Root Pills.

thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and a11~ kindred troubles. Try them.

25c. II. box.


• Wc M., 1 rou 60 pc oa all drue

Itoro goods Patollt M edlclnc. Itub­ber GO~d1. 1 ruSS'ls. Electric Belts, EI • lstlc Hosiery. Elnstlc ~upporters etc. Our largo t.lustroted cntaloguo shoulll be In 0\ ory home A hanlly referonc. and help In ordering gooda by mll1L Sent rro" upon request

THE F. E KARN CO, LIMITED. Canada's Groate.t Cut R.t. Dru.

Houa., Toronto.IOnt,

D ISEA8En OF MEN-DIl. DE..l.N. oVldallat D CIIII.,_ SL. Tareata.

LARGE PROFITS IN MAKING BruCK l..:IticltS can btl mudo C, 010 Clay Shale

or !')utHJ 1 ull Intol ntH.llon upon I t!(IUcal.. The Berg Machinery Mfg Co. Limited.,

Toronto. Ont

THE Mra HI!J1a -I can't tell exnctly J was In Lucey's lind got Into tho crush at a bargain counter, lind thell my at. tentton wns .. ttmeted to nnothor I================~( counte\' nlld I worl{od my way there nnd. I suppose, laid my Plll se do,"n FITS Send Cor Fre. Book sf> Inll 1

• fl1l1 Darllcula", oC TRENCH'S or an Instant, possibly IInclaspod REMEDY, the World·tan,ouy

All I Imow Is thnt when 1 came ~ to Curo Cor Epilepsy and l'It. loolf tbe money wns gone." Simple homu tlculmcnt

Mr HI!J1e -Huh I I sce just how '!'eallmonlals trom all CURED 20 lOa", success

It wns. YOtl got BO Intensely "xelted pm t. oC tho world. OYer

AGENTS WANTED) To sel\ the greatest Lnbor SavinI

Washing Compound on tho markot., So\rl by Enton & Simpson ot Toronto • Send 10c tor .nmple to Honry Arland, Berkeley Ap~rtment8, Toronto, Ont,

AVO I f If' I 1 pOO In one yenr r so no 00 r ilpery or at ler thnt TRENCH'S REMEDIES. LIMITED yOU fOl got all nbollt. whnt you wero 107 St J.me.' Chamber., Toronto doing. forgot where yotl wei e or wilD you were. didn't know wh<.>ther you wero ou earth or Mms or Jupltor, "Jive or dentl YOII worne'! ne, CI learn by experlenee-flame thing over rind over ng1\ln It 1811't six m\mths since YOll lost five dollnls the sarno \Yay '1'ho wnsher woman collies to­night. tao and I ha\ en·t a nlcltel to (laY her with ..

Mrs JIlfllc- YOll had $40 Ill' you Docllct tills morning

MI Hlfllc -1 dropped that nt tho races

Forests of the Philippines After severnl years' lIlvcatlgation

or tlw forests of the Philippine Islands Dr H. N WhitfOi d Is ennl1led to maltc some statemollts concerning their ex tellt nnd 1-lchness which" III be likely to surprlso mnny readers Ho sn) s [01 Instnnce. thllt the virgin forest ]\rea of tho 181anels covering 26000· 000 acres, coatllins 200 000,000,000 boarll feet of lumber, and he conltasts this with the 400.000000000 teet at limber growing 00 the 200,000,000 acres contaIned la the forest rosorl'Os of the United Stntes. In other wordd tho Ph\llpplne forosts are, acre [or acro, four times ae rich as tho~o 01 this country. Othel authorltlos agr"e Ivlth Dr. Whltfold In the opinion 'hot when the world's eyes are op"IIC,1 to the \ alue of tho troplcnl ror~,(s a grent asset wm havo beo'! addtlt.l to the common wAnlth or 01" "', ... ·1

Dickens and MarshalBea PrIson A ,ery Intelealing relic of ono of

lbe London prisons demolished In the caul so of the Victorian ora Is abom to figure In an nuelion room In tbe west cnd, This Is the netual Iron and oak grill from tho old Mnrn1tlllsca prison 111 Southwnrk. bohlnd which It Is snld the fathOl of Chnrlea Dick· eas was confined [or debt. Readors o[ tbe Im11)0rtal works of the son will not need, to be reminded of the fact that the be.t doscrlption of the Inter

tile prison nnd the lite "I,lttlo Dorrl!."

other In the Lon nrllRn,n "as Clnallv rU1.ed

.. ,.."'~". 1899. It WaS \lsed Ill,I~IOIBt: persoas commit·

contempt of court Ildmlralty prisoners.

An Awful Scare During thoso llerlodlc spasms

Imown as mntl dog scares eV<lryollo loses his hcud except tho 1I0g Ilntl us· unlly-hls owner A crowd had ga' Ihered nt a stroet corner to watcb I' nandsoll\(! fox terrier thut Was rlln-1 nlng about with his no so lu the nil. Wblte froth "ns ISRuing from til a dog's mOllth.

lIe's mad." ) e11O(I a rnt mnn. The fall terrier stood In the ccntl e of the group with wldc-opell eyes, either to mad or too frightened to mOlC At tbls juncture tho policeman al dyed A do·ell voices heglLn to tell him tbat the tlog wns mad thnt It must bo k!1lcd. thlLt It had boen snapping at children. that It began to foam I\t tho mouth W hen It pnssed a pool of Wll' ter. llnll how hest to shoot It

A tall. Quiet looking woallln PUSh\Hl through tho crowd and started townl d tho dog A d01.en men yelled nt her. two or three men grabbed nt he~ She) Illcked the dog up and sturted alit ot the crowd

The pollcoman stopp"j Iler \'!th "Madam. Ulat dog Is mn,l. h.' "'U«

be shot Loolt at the roam coming () t of his mouth"

I li'oatn 1" sho said contomptuflu8Jl "That's a cream puft h" Wd." c:ahll; U

Minard'. Liniment Cures Colds. Etc.

An Ontario hoy was asked to deflno tho word "goblin" and solemnly reo sponded "A goblla Is tho ghoat of n. turkey"

Approprlnte Just ns tho minister \\ as nbr:H1t to b ...

gill his sermon the WOIlUlII I cmcmbol' ed thnt 8ho hnd lelt tho gila burning III the mngo ov~n VIsions 01 II ruin­ed tllnner alld 1\ u1110lty I<ltchen stu red her III tho face Sho borrowed u IKlIl' ell from tha Y(.lUng mall III tho next pew lind ecrlbbed n note With a mUI­mured 'Hurry," she thrust It luto th .. hnnd or hOI huslmud. ILII ushor. who came up tho olsle nt tlmt moment 110, with an undorstandlng nod. turnod, pasBed up the "Isla and Imulled th .. noto to the minister '1 ho Womlln saw the net In sileechiess horror and shud· dered lIS she snw tho minister smll· Ingly open lbe noto anll hegln to Nlnd But hOI expression of dlsmllY wna {1I1. Iy equnlled by tho 10011 of allll\1.0alCllt nnd wrath on tho good mlln's fllC(J as ho relld tho WOlds "Go home and lum ott tbc gas"

Tholo Ie Horrnw wlthol\! scHfahaos8. hut never ael1lshness wIthout SOl ro,y


tho blood II poor and filled WIth Ih .. poieons from dl8CHliOd kidneys or lUUctlVO

Itver, tho he.rt II Dot only stoned but poisoned as well. There aro mony COli­d.tions due to Impure hlood-uuoh .. dropsy, I.,ntlng opell •• nervoul debihty or tho many sorofuloull COndJtlonM, ulcor:.. " f"vet-sores,'/ white ,,,,ellIngs, eta. AU CIlD be ovoroome aDd cllred by ,

Dr. Pierce's Golden M.edical rDiscmver.y Th" supplies pure blood-by Biding di~eUlOn, inorea~lnit .... ~I!iitUntian and 1 .. -p.rtint tone to the wbolo olroulatorysYltem. Its .·heart t061c 1ln1l "greut deal moro, bavlnt! an .It.rnt"e nehon 00 tb" hvcr und kidney>, It help. 10 "hmln.t. Ihe PDllonl Irom the blood, • ~

To enrloh the blood ond IJlore" •• the red blood oorf'u.cl •• , Iher.by feedln. the nerve. 00 rich red hlood nnd dOing away WIth nervous .rrllabillty, tnke Dr. Pierce'. Golden Meili",,1 Diocovery amI do not perlnlt a dUlhont:.t dealor to inlult your intelligence with the U ]ult illS good kmd." The ,. DJ8CO\CJ"Y·'

, haa"O ,.ars of elm" bclund It and contatno no llioohol or narcottcs. Ingrcdi­eDtl plaiDly printed OD wrnppor. . ,

Dr. P.erac·. Common Sen ... M.dioDI Advl.er is lent /,... on receIpt DI .Iamp. to pDyexpen.c of wrappIng lind ma.lina only, Send 50 ono·cent .tamp. lor the French cloth· bound book. Adllr ••• : Dr. It V PIerce, Dulfl1lo, No Y.

is just &s

;,:;.,..,.~~~~:.:.:;.,-=:=.::.::=.::.::=...---=~b. i g th ill g]


Page 4: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk

, '. '. '

. '

" .

- '.

! .: ~'. ' .. ' i ',' ! '

j '. I' I

I· . ! . I I , , ;, , ,

, " .

d' ! j

t '


1 - --,

. " -.. - .... ,- . . ' . .,; ... - ....... ; . -., , .. ' ....... -. - ... " ;" . ...• . .. .. -..... .- ........ . .. -._. ---- -:-~ -... . . ..., ..... . ..... '." -, '':'.-,:''':;. "

. ~~.. -:.~'.'"..~ . . . .....

-. I " Holstein Bull for Sale,

• The Holstein Frie.~ia II bull,

Machcla, Nature's Scalp Tonic, Young Portia de Kol, 4 yrs. old., .r.~D1oves dandruff and prevents fa11- registered pe~igree. For purticu­ittgof the I,air. Has a record for lars enquire of John Marks, Tre­growing hair-9S cases out of 100. herne, or Each package contains a packet at I' l\hchela Dry Shampoo Powder. 15· 17-P· Price for complete home treatment.

A. GRoDn, 'l're heme.

$1.00. Sold Bnd guaranteed by Geo. Graham. \


Tenders Wanted

Sealed tenders will be received hy tbt! undersigned up ti11 the 31st, day of Jannary, 1912, for the de­livery Ilt Matcheltville school, not I.lter tban the 15th day.of l\larch, 1912, of 10 single cords of ROund hody white poplar, gret'll wood. 'fhe lowest or any tender not ncces­~arily accepted.


D. l\!CL~RRN, Sec.·Treas.


A quantity 'of haY,about one·balf good Red Top, and the balance first class marsh hay; au Sec. 1:-6· 10. For particulars apply to



For Sale

Lots J 5 Ilnd 16 in block. I, on Griffin St., Treherne, large frame house. I ~ storey; log stable; gocd well with pump. For terms apply


17·tf, Trehcrne.-

For Sale

North J4 Sec. 19-8'9; good frame ·house. granaries and stable: BOVlle river rUlls througb property: about ~.W acres bloken: 3 miles north of 'l'rehernc. For terms, etc., apply

:J. S. PALlIlIlR,


l::ieed Grain for ~ale

1000 bus. oats grown au breaking for two years, good aud clean for seed. went close to roo bushels per acre ,last year; also 500 bus. good clean barley lor seed. Both selling fast, apply early. Phont! Ratb­well 85 hI.



Farm For Sale

N. y,; 18·8'9, 2 y,; miles froUl Treherne; 30(\ ncres broken, good barn alHI grauary', nlUall house; good wnter; property all 'fenced and in good st!lte of cultiV!llion.




Farm For Sale

East ~ Sec. 31-8'9. About 200

acres broken. 10 acres wood. a­buudance of first·class water; I~ storey frame hOllse on stone fOllnd­ation, good frame stabl!!s and gran­aries; about 100 acres ready for wheat. In tbe famous Matchett­ville district - good crops every year, ,6 miles from Treherne. For terms, etc., apply


.' Treherlle,


To whom it Dlay concern: Take notice that I, the undersigned, do not and will not lJOld myself liable in any way for any debts ,:ontracted .by my SOli, .Jean Vuignier,' after December 1St." l'gO, .

.' ~ ; ~


. It cannot. be ,WO elftpJ7 .. etated. fo, t~" .tateml!nt Is 'beyond any lIuallllIJatloD 0' eonvulotlDn.~ &hat nlve,' since tlio;Mu.koka FI'I!. Hospital fo, Consumptives Wall opened In 1902, bas a: single appllca.nt bien retusod a.dm1sIloD. because or bll ,0' bel" povert~. •

More, perhaps, than any other charity i'n Canada the


is de~ndent up~n the contributions' of the Canadian public J ,"

for its mai ntenance: , .

. '. '\'" . .. .... _. - ., . THE' TThmS, TR]JH!DRNE.

PRUFESSIONAl CARDS ~ ----~----~-------------



M. DOl C.M. Uolverelt; of Manitobo.. Honour I;'rBUIl&t.o.

omee acd rcsldeoOA , Boynn St.' PhODIt 2 .... OmCA, St.o.piOB Block. Roura.2 to 5 p, m.


MORDAUNT G. DUNDAS, M. D. )I.8..c,H. &h'0 .. L,e.A. LON.

Corone ... OilleD Dod ROllldonco: GrUllD Str«l6t.

. Trchlnl1o. . oruco Hours ~ - .. 9 to 11 n. III. - 2; to 3 p. m.

, w. A. ~IOTT, ~!. D.

Brondwny Rathwcll, MOD,

, . J. J. K:eLllHItR. B. v: 5C.

VETERINARY SURGEON and D.ntl.t. Of. fice In Smlth'lI Llvorv StnhloR. Broadway.

'PhonfJ Nel. Ii.

Wllt ho nt. 'Drn..: 8lofO. nnthwoll. cvory Friday.


DR. A. W .• MYT.ES

Dontlst. I), D. S .. L. D. 8. Ol11eo 10 SLalllc8 Block, Trohofno. ,HOlUM :-9 to lZo.m; 1:30

loO p.m.: ot'onlnRIl 8ud'Suudnrs by ftPpoll!t.· rnout. Will be awny npproxlmRtci)' tho flub wook 10 o[leh mouth. ,



OFll'LOES Rnilway Avo., Trohorne, Manitoba. Holicltors for t.bo CBD&(UaU Dank of Com.

morco, Biluk of Hamilton, Rud fOr MunlclpalIt.y 01 Soutb Norfolk. .

, I ~ r -, .

1········· .... · .. ········: • '. <'.'.". • • • • • i : : ; ! i : : • •

10 G I LvlE'S I i ROY~r· i • Household : i . : iFLOUR'! i ~ I' i I Truly a Flour tha~ all good •

• Housewives should "use. t I ":':: i ~ :, : Ogilvie's Elevator, Treherne ! • I. •• ................ ~ ........ .

. ~ ..


.....-'t,· A first class livery and feed busi­

ness; good reliable .horses; stylish rigs-everything np-to-date.

Prompt and obliging eervice. Draying and teaming. Special attention to Commercials.


. ..


Our Sale Continues Till

Wednesday Night January 31st

All Discounts Hold Good till that Date .

1'. II.' !lIITCHItLL, B. A. IPtl0nle I,.'


Avail Yourself ATTORNEY A'r LAW. Ofllca flt A. Martin's aRency, Bro!\t1wl1)', Trnheroo.


PIng, lIuil. Lifo RDd Acohl(lnt InBurllDce AQ:onL. Mot'tgngo and Roal Estat.o. DUlce

~11 Hroudwny, Trohurtlo: 1lours,9 tlllij. Com~ aJiealouor [or tnklu,¢ Amllav~t8.

II. II. l!OR'l'IN

NOTARY PURLIO : NOTAIRE PUBLIC. etc. Ronl RsLntc, MOn6Y to Loon: Protour d'· ,

Argont, Achotour ot Vondou1' do Torros. BT. CLAUDE, MAN.

, .

NEW BUTCHER I' Having- opened up the Butcher Shopi formerly rl1 n 'by Staples Bms., I ' respectfully' solicit a share of YOllr trade.

A supi;if'of

of this

Final Opportunity


. Choice Beef Pork"'M'litton .. ,

arid P'lsl-i'" ':,..'.,

always" on·,)lanq. TREBItRNn LODGE,' - . NO~51,A .F.& AJILJ;I: Iaip;()R~n:)9:~Qul·.~ef

101 •• " Frld.y on or b.ror_ .~nd · .. I:'~r:J<~·,Y~~,fh~r: ·!tVE; .or

"TROWSDALf i" MCDONALD .. the full moon,'ln the Ma,onle dressed,. p.i1c.l., HI. des" at "Hall, 'rreberne, ,Vi.itlug .

brelbrou cordlallv weloom.. highest. prices.·

n. J. Mill" W. M. -8ro J. Conlter.Bec .', E. ;,G~, SM ITH: r' • " .' ',' I, '. . ' •

, ,

Patronize' Treherne Times Advertisers ? ,:.'~"'. ~ .;. 'O .. ~n~D;. O~DItR OF . +. ODDF:nLI.O,~S,

LOD(3I1.·No. U m.eto In tl .. Thuradaf evoDing at 8tl. m

Rood Btanding tiT") welcome. N.B. F •. A, Morcor. it.S


, ,~,


BANK OF HAMILTON '! .,.," ,~.G ." \ " ,". . (.

"::;,~ •• ·:.1I:w.... ........... Jaol"Ir ....... , ...... l.':u .. tl ..... lcl ••. tJae u ••• ow .. olda ........ tB ....... . . '-, It'.\ Hod.,.. ;r •••• ..,. 15 .... 1912

. . BoaliD OF DIRUTOll8 POll '811 ·Pre8ident·


'LIABILITIBS' , ... :: T. 'til. ",u. . , J . , . . , ' ,'" . . '

1;:~:~~:~t~;iri:[t~E#'" to ,~ ••••••••• t.t ! .......... ,......... '.p,teo.oo , 'Inten.t .• Ccnled 'to ~ , •••• , ......... ~ •••••• ·.,· •••• 121.013.601.1. ' ,

•••• ;', " ••••••• ~. t ••••• ~... • . '.'1N.II9.s7 , " '.' " " .'! ' • 56,,'38.493.se

;l~t~~~~:~~~~tf~~!~'~~~.!'J~~~ n.nk In Or.at Brlt.ln ......... : • .-..... ; .. : ' 160,t13.oo

~(~!~[~1~f.~,~::~:~~:J~I~~.~hl Canada and. t~.~ ';lnlled ,8t~t".,'"",,; ~ 269.'210.72 ,~ Dec.mblr.~ un ........... , .. 1 ?5."8.... • •• ' .... ';·~;~ •••• ;'.,~ •• " •••• II.I;~ , .2,00

. "", 1""78,100 ...

J. TURNBUu.. Vice.Prelident and General Mlnller COL. THE HON. J. S. HENDRIE. C.V.O.



Oold and Silyer CoIn •••• 1 ......... It .... It. II ~. Domlolon Government Notes .......... 4... '.G1S.SOC.00

. , ",uI,17UI Deposit with the Daimlnlan Oonram.a.t •• StCurlt, ror

Not. Circulation .............. ,....................... 1.a,M,_ Notes of an4 Ch'Qu •• on oth.r Ban' •••••• t ••••••••••• t... 2,'ll I ,113.11 Dalanc.n due rrom Dther Sankala Ca"a'. ancS the United

St"tc ••••••••••••• t ........... , ••• ••••• • •• ........... •••• 1SI •• ea.oo Dominlen and P,..,lnelnl OaVUDIII.Dt Securities........ :105,814.44 Can.dfan'M\I.lclpal SecurIU.s. aad Brltlah. or Porchua •

01' Colonia' Publlc Ikcurltlc:a, otbcf' thaa Can.4Iaa.. :I,II.,Btl_ nallway &ad Ollie., Donda, n_.tura and Stock. •••••• m.175,.21 Loan. at Ca.u, or ahorteaU.en .. I.otiablc liecurltllS •••• 2.CJ7,'li1.2M ." )- " .. ' . ---eI5,m,W." Note. Dlacauftt,d anclAdv.nccs current, •• , •• ",.t •••••• I •••••••••• ,.·· 'II,13!1,71lJl.GS Notn DllICOunt,d, .tc,'. overdue (estimated lOIS provided for) .... •••• 117, ....

,Dank Premlsel •••• : ••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 • ••• •••• 1.9'B.O' •• '" Offi,. Purniture. S.,. •• ctc •••••••••• ' .................... I ....... ,..... liB ... ., ReAl eltat. (other than Sank Pflmlnl>. Mort,.'e., etC .•••• r.......... 211, .... . Ot;h,cr A.~ctl nO'.,ndydtd .ndtr fgrc.olnC hea4!1 ••••• , ••••••••••• ,. •••• D,III ••

" .' •••• 7 •• 131.11

................. " •••• , .......... , •• , ........................ In.aIO.11

!'~~~I~:l=fa:i::;~.c:~:~ charlieR af " ' I ." ..... ; ................ 443.506.46

Page 5: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk


" ,... .. - .. -

01-__ ... _ • ....,_ .... _ -..,-_._._----,.-'.

Remember' seed grain fair l*-i;j!~"1!:-il!)1-;!!I::-;;;~mH!l!Hm;;~~!''';~I~~:!~!lH!!IH:'!~;!I:""'i!!~:;!i~!~''!~I~7.!.~!:~~:!i~!:*';;"i:7.!I~;<!!'~):~!I~:'~:~I~,"*!~'?!~,",'!~''il!~~;!~;~::*li next Wednesday. ~.~.e.~ ............ ~ ~ .. ~~ .......... : The Treherne Times

BIG 4-~DA Y SHO'E~ SALE Robson's Lumber Yard e SUBSCl'tIP'(ION S1 A VEAR. George Gates arrived on Wednes· day from Moose~law ..

,~-,-, Finest assorted stock on the line. Look at this list and buy the best.

Cement Wood Fibre Plaster, Kelly Island Lim~, Fir and Pine DimenSion,

Pine and Cedar Shiplap, Jl!b\lee Tar Paper, ... Best Quality B .. C Spruce Siding, Clear,

Kirkpatrick's XXX B.C. Cedar Shingles.

For Cheap Lines Look Below: 1 x4 Flooring $21.00 Cash. 1 x6 Flooring $23.00 Cash. Suitable for lining up buildings, and cheaper than

ordinary roofing lumber 2000 feet of Tamarac Plank

For stable 1100rs. \Vill wear ten years.

e ADVERTISING RATES 1 wk. 1mb. S mha. 1 yr.

ODe Column ... " ....... $.;.00 $lr,.oo ~O.OO 1100.00 Tbroo-Quartor Col..... 3 7i1. lZ:.<> 8Z,00 MQ,OO Half CoL............... 2.50 ~.OO 20.00 00.00 908rtor C.L........... 1.50 5.00 noo ~.OO F.lghLh Col............. .7~ 3.00 ~.OO ~'O.OO Quo ioch ••• , ....... ,.... 5.00 10,00

Tuo abovo rBtes donut RPplr.to anotlon 8010llt entortnlnmonh, tendon, moot UKs,logal not.lcBII. or BD)'t.hln5r ot (\ transitory nat.ure. LOl{al and Municipal advortillitlg_ firAt insortloo,12 conts a H'lo, Bubeoquont. Insortions K conle (l Uno SoUeoB of 101lt, eLrnyou, found, wanted otc.!. 50'cont8 first lOBortioDI or throo 1080rtioDI for ~l 00, .... Copr for chanltO: or advortleo .. moots mOl!lt bD roeo vot! not lalor than Tnol!lday


FRIDAY. JAN. 26. 11112.

.......................... • • • i -:- LOCALS -:- i • PorsoD"! Rod Local1toms nbont People i • ROil Eveot8 10 Bod around Trahorn!). • • .. ....................... .

. . ~: ~ ~ ~' ~

Mrs. Nelson~Wilson arrived from Winnipeg on"T~esdav.

. "i ~ C. Roux bad a new ice· house

erected during 'the week. '-" .

W. Muir; o~i\Swan Lake, spent tbe week-eud'!n Treberne.

;;~ . \

Mr. Gadiu c'a'me up 'from St. Claude on Tuesday on bl1siness.


Cbas. Gould 'was a business vis­itor from Rathwell on Wednesday.

. . Mrs. W. H. Smith was a visitor

to tne city by Monday evening's train. \

Many friends;were sorry to learn of the illness of C. Birkett this week.


• l ' . \ .....

JANUARY 27, 29, 30'" and 31

Four Days: Saturday, l\10nday; Tuesday and Wednesday

Biggest 1?argailJs ever offered in Treherne.

We commence to take stock on Feb. I~t., nnu we wish our slock as 101\' as possible. Our Srrin~

goods nre also on the way and must ha\'e room. Therefore the !-foods m\l~l go, anu we are doing-, '

our part by making the prices right. Don't miss the chance to have the whole family well bO;1ted for little lIIon~y .

Seeing i~ Believing : Come and Se'e !

I TREHERNE J. K •. ROBSO. MANITOBA I ~..................... . ................... .. Mrs. GeorRe Graham went to

Souris Oil Wednesday's noon train.

Miss Birdie Aitcheson went ot Rathwell ou .Monday evening's train.

Mr. Turnbull, of Winnipeg, W!lS

the Ruest of his, son, J. Turnbull, during tbe weeK. ..

Mr. Perroud ~ame up from St. Claude ou Tbursday, returning the same e\'ening.

J. R. ~COTT. 'Phone 60 TREHERNE

I ~ ~~,;a:*;i!

~ Mrs. Barrett retl1rned on Tues­day frolll St. Claude, where sbe bad been nursiti'g for tbe past three weeks.

M"Hfl~~~ ....... 'i"® . ~ ()


d )

" ( )



( )

( )




•• Our •• Grocerg Dep'l.

m·· Receives Our .. Care ..


We aim to give only the best goods at popular prices.

The stock being renewed every wee k ensures freshness that cannot:

, \

otherwise' be secured. . , .

.:' ':.If.you are not a cus~op.ler of ours gi've us' a trial. .

. \

. ~ . '. .

Weare su're we'can 'please you both in quality and price; as, well: , .

. as good services .. .' ,

Mrs. Darling visited her mother, Mrs. Porteous, of Cypress River, one day tbis week. ,

Rev. Mr. Hannah, of Lenore, Mun .• ·will conduct next Sl1nday's services in 'l'reherne' Presbyterian Churcb.

Andrew Myles left on Friday last for a visit. to Vanconver, Wash., and Portland, Oregon.

E Nfl' fANCY· WORI :l - ~ ~ ~ r. Coli and see our .J f: CfNTRfPlfCfS :J r. and DOILIfS .J ~ A New Lot :J

Miss Foote, of Winnipeg wbo , has been visiting friends in Indian· (, ford, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. , , )

AII'ltber carnh'al ill being ar :: Just In :J rail aged for Valenti ne' s da v. Feb. ~ .1 14th ., b) mal1ager Milt. George, of r: .. ··iiI :~ the Treberne ri'1k. r: :5 (. J. G. McGowan. r. Floss • • nnd Silks _1

Mrs. C, Meignen. late of Rath. . Mr. and Mrs, Lang, wbo have :t .) (' well. bas been visiting friends in been guests at the home of Jas. (. 5MITn:~

Trehernr.. After this week sbe I AitclleS()11 , left for their bome at l: MR5 .~ will reside at Bagot. on Tuesday's noon train. ~: MILLINER A~D DRESSMAKER :l~

Dave Flack bas sold llis farm to H. Torrie, ~f Starbuck, w~o ~ Rallwar AYI" Treherne .: Frank DeRoo. Mr. 'and Mrs. came up to attend the Masolllc (. . •

t ' T d . I t 'th ~~u-!-!-U!.u,.e.!U&® Flack will probably talte 'a trip to mee 109 on ues ay lIlg 1, WI the coast In 'the near futnre.- his wife was thJ guest of bis sister, Swan l,ake Echo. Mrs. Kissack. 1 ,

The following appointments are Miss Barbara Hogg came up from anlloullcl!d In the last issue of the on Wednesday, after a Mal1itoba Gazette :-,To be provin- visit. to friends and reo cial constables: Paul Lacroix. of latives ·at severaJ points in North· St. Claude; 1. Franc;ois Bernard, of ern Manitoba. St. Claude. . Readers of Tbe Times. particu.

For' private sale, immediately- larly those of St'. Claude and dis·

ONTARIO ·HOUSE Railway Ave., 'Treharne

Heated by Hot Air Lighted by Electricity

S,lCioI AII.llli •• t. t •• C ... .,eial Tn •• · Sample Rooms in counection .

I sideboard, table, three cbairs,·coal· trict, are a&ked to rea~ H. H. oil stove, heater, bed, spring and Fortin's announcement under the Phone No. 16 Proprietor

mattress.-Applv ~rs. Ja9. Strach'; hending . PrOfeSsional Cards, on ~~===~=~=====; Geo. D. Clarh

an, Smitb St" opposite C. R. Dari. page 4. I' i?g's,. Trelierrie. . . ' When you wIlDt a reliable med,i-

C. W. Barkwell in his ad. cine for a cough or cold take f~ont. pageis.ofJering some S~k~::~' Chamberl~in's:CoiJgh Remedv. bargains in'men's and boys'. i: can always be,' depended upon ing;, . overcoats r and. underwear. is pleasant and' sare to take; 1'01''''

Tbere are also some snaps in salt sale by all dealers.' ' and cbinaware. William '; L~gg, ,ot Guernsay,

If your children lire subject ·to Sask., aud Geo:' Vigar. :of Pinker· attacks I of croup, watch for the to~, wbo have been .the .:uests of first symptom, hoarseness. Give ~r. and Mrs: ~parltnl1:, bave reo Chamberlain'S Cough Remedv as .turned to tbelr respective homes.-

Isollll·as.tbe child becomes hoarse Swtln Lake Ecbo, lan.'19. and· tbe. attack may be warded o~. Persons. ~roubled with. partial 1;"!lr s~le,?y ,l!~l dea~.er~< ... " . , . . are often .' very' much

Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of .C.ridet. . ma'ssagillg the. ilfJected , had been troubled with sick parts thoroughly. when applyillg

" .' . . ;--

, .. ~,. Miss Vera Anderson in~

tends to commence a class of beginners for the study of Plano and Organ. early in the new year. Those wish­ing to join kindly leave .

· word at .Times Office or · phone 23 as soon as pos~ible.

about five vears' when Chamberlain'S I.ilJiment.. ;I'his she taking Chamb~rlain's Iin.iment also' reli,eves . rheu:uatic ===5==========' Tablets. has taken· two :OOt. pams.' For sale by all dealers .• , !o ties of .tbem d tbey' 'bave: cured ;..~., .,.".:t . .' her. Sick beadacbe'is . , a "'The, fortletb ~~~ual statement of disordered stowach.for· the Bank of ~~~lIlton a~pea,rs on

. page 4 of thiS Issue. It IS a state· ment that'shows security and', pro­iress, and tbe many ... cl1stomers o.f tbe np.to.date branch .of the 'bank in Treberlle. will read' .it :: with i~terest. ."'. .". " "" :

t I , \ • \


THE UALITY STORE Wondertul Bargains

for the Last Few Days of our

January Clearance Sale! We cannot always offer such savings. These few days will be a record for BARGAINS of the most genuine kind, and we can say with perfect con­fidence that to miss them would cause you regret for many a long day. A mere glance through these offers will

• conVInce yon ': ; , .

.;".;" ·r.rFi~·~rite·· ClothIng A Special Sale,

;., .'

. We· offel' our entire stock of high-grade clothing. . Every suit bought for fall and wintersale. No Old Stock.

at 30 % Discount No man can afford to miss this splendid opportunity, if ill need of an .Up-to.date Suit or Overcoat. Get the

" habi t, and weal''' Fi t-ri te".

Men's Fan'cy Vests Just61eft oHancy patterns, in durk bl'Owns and greens. Regular price up to sa.oo, to clear at. . . . . . . . . . Sl.75.

,~e~'s tleavy Underwear A great clean-up in U nder~~ear. All perfect goods, in medium and <t heavier weight. Shirts and Drawers

in the assortment, with c;izes to fit most men. Regular price up 'to $1.85; lan. Sale pTice, per garment .. $1.25

t •

.' Children's, Winter ';oats . , . " ,-

',A Special Lot of Children's Winter Coats, assorted styles;,clothsand sizes; to hurry outat HALF PRICE •.

. . Fleece-Lined Undershirts

of. Men's "fleece lined" Under Shirts.

." ,



~l .. " '


, ,

Page 6: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk


I. f

'\ , ,


.... --- .- .... ~ .. ~.-~.~. - ... ~--..... ~, ... , ... ~ ...... ~ ,. .... .. '

,I(' j " !'rl -,. '/i"r l' -::;-;: .. ........~l ... ·- ..:,.,. •

'LOOKING 'AFTER EMPCOYEES . ,pESeATC"HI~.G~B.;r·i"ELEPHONE ~ '? ~l. ~S .. ~' 1. OF'".. h q ""'~ '\ .f..,~ ;111..

C,P,R, Provides Home Comforts for C.P.R, Just About Leads the World In AT' lIlustrnllonl of. tho wal! In which TraInmen at/Important PoInt. ,_, ~ulJ1ber' of .Mlles Equipped wIth

"nm.Duk cures even ,UIO IllQst serious ", .' , . $. r "Telephone~De.patchlng CIrcuIt. lncl chronIc cases or'lIfccrs: eruptions -. • i WHen off Duty, 'r ;'Slnco the system was Installed It


snr! aorOR Is provided by' ~Ir. R. H. An finnouncement of somo In'IPortanco has worked perfectly," sailia Canndlan lInrleer, of Gil'ncalrn ... Ont, He says: was mado,recenlly, by officlnls of tbe Paclnc • Railway official recently, In Call and let' us explain our Special Anti.Sagging, A .. ti·Friction and Accurate Sowing features.

"I w'ould not hnvo belle"cd t1l1\t any U1nlJng; and Sleelling' Car~Depnrtmcnt responso to a query regarding a rumor \====:;::============~. =~'~===r=================:=::-=========-7=====================:= rl!medy coull! curo HO quickly, IlUlI Ilt of tho Cann.dlan Paclnc Rnllway, A that Ilad sprcad that the c,p.n. was tlte same LIme so effectl, ely, as Z"m· sbart limo ago there was opeued by not alt6gether sntlsficd with Its noW Iluk curcd me, tho C.P.R. at Winnipeg a Imlldlng for system of despatching trnlns by tele·

"Mv face !lecume covcrcd wll h n c use of cmployees of this Depart· phone. "Thera was n report clrculnt-klml '01 rash, which Itched. lllld Irrl· I''''CII'' whlle 011 the various l'nns ed' cast 01 Montroal," said ,TI\mOB KOl!t, tILted. This msh tholl lurned to 801'es, !Whinlpeg. J The object o[ the mallager of. Teleb'1'aphs, "that the C,P, which dlschargcd [recly' llud began to ComllUny wns to provldo accomodatlon It. was considering going back to the spread, 1 first trlod 0110 thlllg and I'or Its clIlployel!s coming on or 0[[ Its old style of despatchIng by telegraph, thon Ilnolher', but nothing seolllctl to trains, Undor old con(Utions em· but tho Idea Is most ridiculous. Since (10 mo Itny gonu, IIl1d the oruptlon got plo)'ces on trulus' lhrough Winnipeg despatcblng by telephone wns Innugu· worse and worse, nnlll my fnco WIlS hud to sccle bonrd lind lodging, lit rated on tho C.P,R., It hns been dis· jUtt covored wllh running 80ros. hotels or prlvllto hOU"CB, ThIs WIlS tlnclly successful nnd Is In every way

"lIpnrt fmlll the pain (which I?','as somewhnt dlnlclilt for the employees snperlor to the old method of despatch· , vory bad), my rltc~ was,stlch ,,~crrllllc who arrh'cd Ilt Vlll'lous hours nnd Ing by teleltraph," 61~ht thllt [ wns not fit to go out. whose stay was sbort In lho city. 'rhe Mr ,V J Camp electrlcnl engineer Thi~ was lilY sln.le whon somo ono all· or tho lleW blinding by tho oC th~ c,P.R., WIlS ~Iso Indlgnnnt Ilt the vlscd mo to Iry ZIlIl1·I!IIIt. I got n C.P,H. changed this stnte oC n':lllrs as Idea that the C,P,R WIlS not snllsnc,l supply, nnd, ll1al'velluus liS It mny tho omployees went to tho C,P.R, with tho new systom. All one has to HOUIllI, within IIttio IInder a moulll 'Julldlng wilen orr duty, and thoro do," said Mr. Camp, "to undcrstnnd ~vory Rore on my fnco wns healed. I tilO very best accommodation nt how thoroughly.tbe Cllnadlan Pacific ,"as so Ilma1.ed thnt [ ba,'e told the low rata. Being an Innovation believes In tho tclephone t10spntchl

HIde Money While Mr, Dodge, of St.' Louis, has

of tea been In Kansas City, St. Josoph, Dnbuquo, and other widely Imown mlddlo western cities, hoe has ,Dover heen tu'rnod looso In n city thllt counts Its populntlon UII III tho millions, Thorefore, he Is worried a II ttlG about .the way he wonld act In New York,

Recently a Now York friend re­ceived Il letter, irom tho St. Louis man, asldng for a little Information. Among other things he wroto:

"Shall I carry my money In my belt In n shoo?" \

"[t doo~n't make nny differ once," repllod the frlond. "YOIl cnn't hi do money In Now Yorlt,"

rnets to Revornl perSOll!!, i nll I havo on AUlerlcnn Ralh,ays this 1I0W stop system, Is to tnlte cognizance of Stockings no ohjc~llou lo your slat ng my, ex· In wolfaro wDl'k bas been closely lIumber or mllos or nC\~ circuits hn'n," .It appears tbnteHenry II, when pre­Pr.p'rr~.er~,~,(j, ror tho benefit 0/ othc~ HU[' \\ ntched by'lhe rail WILY world, Sinco Installed ench' '<"enr. by tho Company, paring for tho marriage of his sister , " " I h I luI alit to ho n ' C P In 1559, rtrst gnve tbe Iden [or s!llt

ZUIlI.Bul( is pUl'ely helbnl tn COll!' 110 He emo IUS Ul C( , > This year, stnted Mr. Camp, tile , , stockings and was tho first to wenr po

"lllotl, "1"\ Is ll.t, Idonl ba\ll) [or IJlg success It WI\S stated by the C.l.n. R would add between 1000 and 1200 I t th t I " . I I I tl t tl ,york would bo ox:, . silk knitted stock ngs n a epoc I-hublc" olld young chlldrou, Cor whoso on caS In 10 • miles of now circuits: '1'ho making event, A hundred yeare later tendor "l'ln co·.tree oilltmont u nro so teuded. ACCOllllng to Information glv. tlon for the work has not II I d f t f

u • ~ I I I t tl f tho rnll\"11Y one H1ndrcs estab s Ie a ac ory or ., n I I a ~lIr(l Cllre on out t snell on 0 C .. at made, but 1,000 miles Is a 11I1n(>01'''',". ,.fLm· A\ e s . stocltlngs In tho Bois de M'.,'Cdld ,;sOros.i chappcd to.' e!:ee,t. tlve estimate ef the amount, of, . This was the first factory In hlle Wlnlllp('g, circuits to be Most ot It was a success at'tho start and

: 111"i~ syalp COI\st r..e3vimlleage It received protection 'from the pntlllicG, bn nil ns the'mnln ministers It \l'1lB a kind of gold ~laC9a,;"cUts burns, hruls08 nnll slon a1'O now prlletlcally Illl usIng In 1666 tho venture was turned

, Inltll;loB I.lCHlbrallY, 1\1I,drul!:/;lslS lUI telephono system, 'rhe company. From It arose tho Society 1 . "torcs 8011 'Ill ; 600, hol<,: or post Crco .·g~ri~~:!~~;~il'~t; will bo .Installed on the :ottawa short Stocking Malters, At this, time

rt'<lm' 9:1,m·Btlk Co'., Torbnto, IIpon ,1'0' IlS line but the re,st or tlle Instnllatlon socklngs were mnde In ~~:;l:~~~il colpt of prl~l' IlorUBO harm[ul Hub· n rosult, Its service to public wlll will' probably take' plnee on the lines It was not until ncarly , .([tlltes" . , . ,~.:' ~." bo rondered;even'more.e!Jl..cI~'.lt than wcst of Fort·Wllllam. ,·,1 , later that sllch wenr was

I' It Is at presont. When this' next year's Inslnllntlons, Into Franco. Tho Idea, to Tho mnn who WCIlIS a ce~lulJ1ld col- Thore arll hlt"o been made the C,P R, wl\l jqst garlsm, "caught on" and

lar Ilml. t.ho woman, who paints, rool nbbut lead tho world In tho number or \\ere estnbllsbed In Paris nnd ',vnnR. nO Ol~ ,but ,ll!cmeelves.:' ,~ .. ~ ,:II miles or Its lines equipped with the

,i.' !J h " 1 • '" lJ , In telephone (lIaplltchlng circuits, It has H~ ~lrtucB ,C~nnot' bp .oe~"rlbed,- rnll· Illready 4,000 miles of circuits, which

Nd'loneJcii.n explnln tIlC',suhUo power, for places It second on the list of mU· thnt Dr, 'I'hontns' Eciectrlc 011 possos· Its trains on notlco and In ways using_this system, ,and.makes, It seA, ,'ho ol'lgl,llator WllB h,lmsclC sur· second plnce, ~Inee sanitary rulcs Ilre easily the leading railway In Canada )lrIBct1?tlyl the wondorful qllal~tlc9 ,th~t enforcod It, ensures thnt ;the publlo In this respectA ·r' ~~. ,I lila "olJlpollnd possessod. rhat 110 shall nlways have cloon, tidy, sobor .' " •..• "


In Dread of' . '

~Som:ething , , .. • was tho, hon'lfaclor oC humullltv mOn to walt on tholll. .' I .. ~ .. _,

~, SfiOIII\ ,by, \,bo my/Iuds, ~hat,. , Tlui building erecled by.th$ C,P,R, Ilfals~nr:thl8,wondcr[ul 0,1\, [,S<,> lLt\,WIHnl[,eg!ls' a~ two;'stol'hld one,

You Can Scarcely Tell What-It B. Hysteria, Insanity, Nervou&

Collapse. IUllr j9 ;"veryone with It thnt "It bulit' ~omothlng.'lIliolan: ordinary pll· l,rltClf"aH Il hou'schohl medicine overy· vate house, hn.vlng II. verllndah, gnrden whel·c. I In WII. Inside tbere nre relldlng


In Frenail Swllzol'laud, the shell. !terti gll'ls 'wear mell's clOI hes, '

; , 'T'nrro 1fI morn l;aUtrm 1:'1 tOll seotlon of Uttt roumn

U\hn r """'1'" fll .. "",,M' flllt tll'·t't~cr. "n'l llll}ll ,btl 1iU:' !,.w ye:uJI WIlH HUllpo'\oo tu bn lucllrB.ble. l:'or ft troo" m"l1~ Ul'lr'll (ICH'WI'II pronouncell n, a locnl dl:seMn end 1'''\JI.orlb~(\ lo(jll rcm('dlr.s, ami by' I~utit.u.ntly tlllllnl

-t \Q uurr. "IIIJ lucal lrultnlOllt. llrUiUJunct:d It lucurllble. I. '~I~n,~ J~:v. JlroV('..n Cntnrrh It) ho a cOUlmuUonnl dill· f,' (,I!~I laml lilcreloro rcqtlltef l.'Qllflututionul Uco.trnrht.. 1, 11'l'lli ~llU"'h Cllr!!. ItulllUr(l(:tun,\il by 1'. J. Chl!lll~' 1. ,,k Co f (olcdo. 011"" '" \til! UUlY OoNtUlutit'lnnl curo 00

rooms, smoking rooms, bl\llllrd rOOIDS, etc., nnd 1 there, are nlso sho'I'?r and plungo bnths. The h0l1S0 1£0 in chargo, of n competent, mnnng9r nnd tr9ID stlltl.lln'ents IIJade by the employees It Is than

J' Lb,,·jgtt.~t. It "tat 'laltch lOhmld,U)'fln dcJ."tti from 10 111'0\"" 10 n lU.'IRI}()01I rul. I t. "CUi direCtly un l.b~ blood _'Id fl\Lt('OlUI IIlltfltcM 01 tho IIYIltf'm. 'l1JOY oner O!l~ I ~:~~:;~~H Inhulrrtl t!c,lIul"I'I for rU\)' (!filln it ,fAIl.! 1.0 ~urc. ~t"'r IJ lor t;[rrulltor.! 1m"" t.I:~I'nhl1C.lIllllJ.

.'ddma: ,. .. J. ['llf!m~\" &: CO" Toledo. Oblo.


.,.,' "HNEY PILLS FI~~T.'·t",t" .' .' n"' ",l'- _) 'l * •• ,. , • the nervous systom breaks

;: ,~".., l( ~. e'i 1>- r j ~! ;\ I I' M Mit t d d ot One, box,;'of' them,!, 91Jr:ed. ,1'." '" ary live n cons an ren A, Cook's Rheumatism from which terrible. going to happen.

, , . sutferlng cal1no~ bo COll!' she had suffered for' fo~rteen year., to the mental' 'agonies' of th~ lI!!\nnltelm, 'On£., (Speclal):-How wreck wbo felll'S that his

qulel,ly Ilnd oasUy Rhe\Unatism cnn nd lllny give way ol'lthat hIs body be' cllred >when you use' the .. right may be paralyzed, menns Is shown In the case of, Mrs, " In this condition you must suHer Mnry' A, Coole, well'lmown nli(1 highly I'n]"no for [rlends cannot underatllt\d resilectodt here. Inter\,le,y re- or sympnthlze ,with .1'011, They\ ~II gllrdlill;~lI'el' iure, 'alh the vII· you to, ehe~r 0 u~ or thllt It Is o~~y lage Mrs. Imagination.' , . , '

I f30hl bY rrumrl!fIMo 150. t I 'Uku nllU. fl1mUy l'Ul.! for C005UPUUOP. I , ,

_:~C Y.Oll carl only throw off this depres· nn'tUral'l slon wben the lIerve cells are restored

to health by as Dr. It )'IIU buy n frlontl n drink, you' are generolls. H In relurn be buys you one, IIG's II genUemJlu. IC thon both lot It go at that, your both \lll'

commonly sllnslblo, " f ,~, '/' t -~-"f+':"~~,...-7-11 ~ J ~ .t-" ~ ~,... "\ l ,.". .t l" Pro'of Positive

Orntol'.-I thought your It'lendly to mo'l 0 , I;~ 1._ ,

Edltor,-So It Is. Whats the ter?, , I!, I ,,/ I' 1 '

• Omtor.·-I 1Il,"te n speech at the dlnnur Il\st night, and yon u line ot Il. d~tlltor.-Woll, what Curthor proo[

aoi y/:hi l\wllnt''''' ~t Ii' ""'~ "'~JL !;; !," (( 'N). ~ I !-" 1':; \') "11'1"<, Wi f~ f.";, 1 ,)l i" ~~.:;; "'1"1-" ..... .,.'X 'f ~rl "" if

'" llo',lerlcll-"Th0 ' Inn(1Iot'(1, 'nr this mOlm! !lln hotel say a ,his parllng guests should' 'stop en tlJo fl'oul Illorch i

aee tbo finishing tOllches o[ summer. 'J'V;11l Albort-"YcR, that hI 'whore ho' bllndK ~ ou his blil." It i

AVenging Waterloo The Dulto or Wcllhl!iloll, W)IO hall

t.nsl" rur .apyl hi Ill; 'thut l"t11iblo,Q't. IlilOd, UJllll1etl ttl Dal i'l. tilo I,rllst. lIud pulnted i'\.IPoloOIl'S. p,ortl'ult, I'e· 'Illesthl/; O;wld t,1 el:t'cule one of him· etll!. "Sir" 1"'1,\10<1 DIl"hl, "I paint 'onlY' hlstol'lcul cllarJl~·torH."

L(l.dy (10 tl'llmp)-"I have orr l"othin/il) \V,puld the;v; bIJ of to > (lit? i\('O )'OU' marrled'l" U(u.Jlj lIm not, rua'mu, llntl It's

, 'I 1" bit hr 1;0od.l11Ck II"vorr Ill'. ,;

ye~r.I,'f·~7\~~"flfst' t110\lght I wO\lld' trY ,tbe doc· tors, but lucl,lIy I decided first to try

vi,!',,"; I Dodd's Kidney Pl11s. " In'iilrl'shrn "Thoy cure(l and I didn't have

to try the Just to that ntter; 1n,<1.·"".


IHIUlITOliilliia ltii (Q)ID\ I


DON'T WA.IT until YOll are In the throes of Rc· morso on "The morning nflor," Investigate tho Neal Cure n ow-"The day before." You nrc only one of the thousnnds or mOil nnd

womon who have not the will powor to re.lst the gnawing, craving appetite for liquor which dally b"'rows slronger-lle\'er wou.lcOI'-and Is grndllulh' llresslng you downward to the end III humiliation lind misery, You need medical holp-tho bell' thnt wl1l come to you through tho Neal Cure and In no other wny. Don't wnstc time experimenting, Fnlce remedies, mhttlrnl haths, and the like never curod anybody. 'l'Iat tile Neill lroatmont Ilosltll'oly curcs we wlll prove lo the satlsfnctlon of yourself lind nil others Interested In YOll.

THREE DAYS, no longer, without hypodermic injections. No rur.:"tt'r ho' .... hen\'y n drinker yun are, throe d,\ys at allY Neal lnstitutn '\111 t'PHtOl'n YOII to YOllr former 30lf, You llll,o no chance" \\ 1111 tho Ncal 'J'rpntlllent, a cure Is cortnln. All d~"h" [or lI'1uo\' will bo tulet'll from )'0\1. Write, wit e cnll or \lhono for fullc"t Information,

If you are In the grip of Cocaine or Morphln~ thero Is hOllo for YOtl, 110 mnlter how stron!;l), Ihl8 fo, crlsb, em vlng desire hilS hold of you, YOll call shaleo it orr. Wrlto, wire or cnJl nt nn)' of th ... Neal Instltu tes ner\rest to you Ilnd ohtnln lull pal'tlclllnrs nhout the drug hnbl!. N"l U) allli h~·. hut now If YOll '''IIUt lO rid )'our SYSll'Ul of IheslO dendly 1I0iso liS.


REGINA, ,:' St.,


, , According to the Agreement

"Look hore," snld Blithers, nngl'lly, "YOlI sold this cal' to IlIIl Inst weole, gunranteelng thnt It was odourless, Ilnd now it smells lIke a benzlnc trust.'~ 1 I

,"That Isn't the cnr you smell," said !hI) agent. "!l's .tho gasoline."

I I • _"- •

Lady Customer (In deplu'Llllellt store,-Ibv(\ )'Olt anything to Ieeep hnlr from 'failing'? , C1erk-llalrlllns, two counters to the right, madam.-lloslon 'l'rnnscl'lpt.

• f ••

Minard's LlnlmBnt Co., /,Imlted; OcnUemen.-Last winter I l'ccoi \'ed

great benef\tT from the use of MI:{· ARD'S LINIMENT In a soycre attnclt

LIlGrlppe, and I hnve frequently proved It t\' 110 .ver~ effective In cases of Inflammntlon, . ,

..... Yours, W, A, HUTCHINSON.

405 BrOadWay~ 820 13th Ave W, CALGARY, ALTA WINNIPEG, • • ~~

~ .... ~~ Dull Preacher Responsible

Wlre.-.Tohn, denr, your trousors bndly r.ced Ilressing. You look as it you'd boon sloGplng In them. ,

lIubby.-I hal'o. 'rhey arc the ollca I wore to church.

Shilofl,& Gure tIlUlflld)' [flop!I cou4hs. cur.,,, cutd~. hunb lb. throal IIl..l luol!:t . ~ ~O ''I'nts.

U a ",oman hns I'eprcscnlall\'c I\olgll' bors, sUluli Is her neetl of IWWSI'OPOl·H.

III bear your \\ i ro is out o( lown," "I,ert this lIlomlng" "The gay lire lor YOll "

"With Uly molller·itl-law ell lhe job~"

"'hen 1l0Jloway's COl'll Cu" Is up· plied to n ,'orn or wal t It IlIlIs tho ('oolS allu tho call051ty COUteM out

His Different Handwriting Most romnl'lmblc alllnng exoerablo

wrltel's huve beell .fohn Bell, thu \.onr. rlstor of WhOUl LOld 1';ldoll "1I1d tn tho Prince Ilogent ! h .. t II<' Wll. tbo nbloRt'in\lYol' of his till1o. 1I,,,u~lI ho could "neither rend, , .. Iltl', "nth: nur tulle. "

Bell \IllS" cllpple nnd hilt WONt· lllorelnnd acconl comhltwrl willi his Atnrnmer to make! his .-pt'Gch unlntol. IIglble, Tho ~hlllllcICl" of Ills IV ... t· ings 'uppeal's frol11 his O''''ll stato.Ulcnt that ho had thl'l'" "t),lcH, ono of which ho coultl 1'('lId, hul his "Ieri, <'ould "ot, while tbo "oconcl \Ins IlItl.'lIlglhlo to his clorl:, hUI (lol to llIIllHCIf. alld tho third hurne,l bolh or them

T hopo ~'ollr non~l l'n()s II!lPIJlijo;" "Indeed It IIoes. It ends In lhu mm··

rlnge of tho Ilcroill" IInti hl'l'o: doc. not go Inlo Iheil' 1Il11l'riel! hr., ,II all "-1101181011 rust.

An old negro pronchor gil, (! aM hilS ,r.~~I:~.X~~I~,'n~~,~~n~n~~~.t~~!,~ text: lIDo troe Is known by hIs fru t. Jo"lur-I\"tH (",lul"),I\', 'Jry It tur H~I. W~I"kl nn' Its' des impossible to Hlutko do Wllt~t·y.I·.\I·!\ nllli 01ll.lInlnll'l1 ElC!hl!'l. Hluw'

without Injury lo thc flcsh.

d " trnled lluuk In ('I\!"'l1 l'IU.'l.:uJ.!l.'.. !tItlrlllf' III POSSUIll o~·n. l:HIfIl'hUIHII'II liT \lIH Of'lIl1~ll'-nut It '·Ilutl'll(. M,d·

After the henediction au old broth- h:tno"- b"t \Uu'" In tinr(\'flstut l'hy"I," Ul!oI'lInt.,·

,,' Id t II lIeL1 ttof mnnr ""l\l""!t. NolV d",ilt-UII tl lU Illn Pub-Time's Changes ,Cl' Sll 0 1 Ill! lie uud holt' l1y'lJru1wlfllll I\t ~~ Iln,l CoOn pur BuUlt,

til nevor knowcc1 hefo' uut stch ~l !\lUritlU l~fU Hl\\vtlJII A:wVUu 'l'ubcli, '1.:>0 fmd 00., , "Madam," r'emarked the weury WI\Y' text was In do ntble." Murlno Eye Romedy Co" Chloogo tarer wltli'tile bandaged eye, "[ was "W<>II," ndmllted til'" preacher. "It __ • __________ . ___ _ not nlwnys as you seo me uow," Illn't set down dnt wny, I·thl·owed In -

"I kllow," replied the stel'll·visnged do possum to hit do IntolUgance of ,REST AIIO HEALTH TO MOTIIER AND GIlILD. "'oman at the back door. u'1'l1e Inst i '" ~1"RH. W1NtlLOW'J\ !\OOTII1NO fo\ 11.111' hu~ bee. n my congregat on. a5~d ror over SIXT\' V£ARS hy Mll.I.IONS of time came horo you hnd on a deaf· MOTllJiRS fo< lhcl< CUII,UR,,'N WUII.II nD,u·'~U:mD slg'n." , , . 'l'lle darkest secret uSDnlly comos TllliTlIING, \YUh l'IlRJ'IlCT SUCCliS,.. It , SOO'fllHS th, Clln D, SOFTltNS Ihe GUl\I'!i

lamp's cnn be prevented from to light. AI.I.AVS nil PAIN; CURIlS WIND COI,le, .0 Is the beal remedy tor DIARRUCUA. II II &~

snlolelng \[ a little liquor dIstilled from ,otutel1 hlnnle .. , De 'u<c Dnd uk for" Mr .. 1~:~!~:'~!~~~~8!Plac, ed ID the bo~to'm of tholr \Vhen truth get's busy, [Ictlon Is WID,I.,,', SoolhlD. Syrup," aDd lak. aD ..... ]', alJt to feel ashamed of Itsel!. klDd. T"eDlJr·6Y. =\1 a boUle.

.. I

Page 7: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk


, .-


THE CALGARY SHOPS NOW I CAN SAY Canadla(, Exports of Manufactured

Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

Morton's Gup, Kentuclty.-"r euf· (ered two ra with fumllie d15orders.

,,,.'.'1'"">. he,tlth WIlS very and 1 had a

bU('kacho was simply

uwful. I could not stund on my feet Ion!! enough La cook

';~(j,~~:@l\ meal's v let II It. Is f~ "Ithout my back

ncarl)' killlng me, aml 1 would tulVo such dragging SOli­Batlons [ could

~..,,---,,-,---'.~_ hanlly benr it. 1 R'HcneS3 n ench side, could not

HltLnd t!ght l'Iothillg', IIlItl wns Irrt'guillr. I \\'IL5 cotlllllctt'lv run c!owu. On lid. vice 1 took Lydia R Plnkhnm'. Vege. (able Compound lind Liver Pills antI n.m cnjoyinn good health. It is now more f.hnn two years and I have not had lin ache ur paIn SitICr. J do all my o\v.n' work, washing and everythlnll, ulflnevm' have tJllllmcltUl~hc any moro. I think your lllcdiriue Is grunu IInd'l l,mlRu it tu r.1i my ucIJ:huorR. If YOIl thll1ll TIty IORI.lllIony II'llI help others rOll fillY puhliHh it. "-Mrs. OLUE 11'000, LL; Morlan's Gnp, Kentucky.

1l1IC!k,u'hc is II 8)'111I't0111 or organic Ivr,altllr.ao or derangement. If you hnv\! It,l"k,who don'l. ll11glcct it. 1'u ~"t per:llltlJ('nt rellclf you must rcacb lhe root of t.he trouhle, Nothing wo knuw ur "JiII do this so surely as Lydia [0;. Pinkh: .. lO'S Compound.

\"/rlt~) to r.1rR. Ph.1,hmn, nt ',yun, ]\Ill~" •• for slHlc/al ud"Icl'. V,,,.,. lo'ttrr will he nhl!ollltely \l<Hl.fid~.t1.ti:LI, nnt! the advke free.

Gh. Didn't A 1I,t\(\mol<' lawyer had nil office

boy wiJ(I \"p~, g(\,t!U to telllng In otlwl' lilli""" I'. lint huppened In tlmt oC his {!hll'f. '1" II " 1il.\',ycr fOllnd It necessury In 11I"'!rt\rt:" hint, but. thlniling to k""11 hllli rrom a pllllllar rault III lho flltlll'<'. I", r:"'ll"nllcd the hoy wisely on hr'" (]ppal'llIro.

"\\'11111'. ) nl! Il111Sf nC"cr hp.ar any· t!lIng tbnt i" Hlld In the office." he 'nt<l. "p" II'lu:t you IU'n lolrl hut turn a d~flr Pill to convcr~utlon thu.t dDOD naL fucludu YOU,"

.\ h"I)I':: ill~l'lrQllon! 1-1" would 8~O lI'l\.t tht' f'!pfI(HJ;I'nplH'r lcnrncrl Lho pUllIe lll~l1071, In passing. BO. lurnln~ t~l h{lr, hfl sllhl: . "'11"" 1)""\\']1 did yOll hear whn!'r

PHlf1 to ,Vlllit)'!'" "~(J. Hlr," Bite rcttlrne!l promptly,

Immonse Railway Shops to b. Built by C.P.R. to Handle Work on

Wentern Dlvl610n Canadian Pnclrlc Railway orrlclals

stllto that now that the contract ror tllO Company's new Calgary shops hus bcen let a. staloment will Boon be mado !LS to Just what will constltltuo the 110W car repairing plant. It Is of course, known Utnt tbe shops will oc' CUllY nIl nrea of 130 acres of land, and will employ about 6000 emplo~'ees hut other than tho shops will resemble tlloao of tho Company at ~Iontreal. no ornclal statement has yet been made a" to tho bullulngs to be erected. It Is probable. hOlVc"er, that thore will be at lenst twenty buildings, Includ· Ing [relght. car, passengel' car, and 10cOll1otl\'0 repairing shops. Tho loco· mol1l'o shop. will nlone It Is said. co"<Jr .Ix acres of land.

1'he mnchlnery which will be Instill· led In the neW shops will be of (he yery Intest l1e"l~n and tbe tool equIp· ",cnt will be I'ery cO!lliJl~te.

The Angus shopg ut Montrerll nre eqlllllpOcJ to pl'Ol'lde for repairs to tho Compnny's rolling stncl; Oil th", lines cn~t of Winnipeg. Incluellng some 500 locomotl\'es. and to construct nelV e'tr" nntl locomotlvM for the entire ~Ar\'lce, These shops turn alit an en·


Bridgeville, N. S. "For twenty yenrs. 1 hu\'o been

troublcd wllh Kidney 'aud Bladder Trouble. and ha\'e boen treated by many doctors hut fonnd little relief, I hnd glvcn up 0,11 hope of gottlng curerl when I Irled Gin Pills. Now. I enn say with a halJpy 11Oart. that I am cured aftcr usIng rour boxes or GIN PILLS." . '

DANIEL F. FRASER, .lnst think ofjtl Four boxes of Gin

pm. cured 0\11'. Frnser-and he had suffor~d for twenty yearR and he hau beon trealed by eJoctors, too. It Is Just SUdl casco as Ills. which prove lho Ilower of Gin 1'1115 to curo Kidney and Bladder Troublc. Burning Urine •. Sup· pression or (ncQntlnenco of the Urine. T3acltaehc. Rhcumatlsm. Sciatica and I.umllfi~o. Try Gin PIIIR on onr posl· tive guarnnteo of 0 C"1'e 01' your money buell. 600. a hox. 6 for ~2.50. Snmplc frpc If 1'0" wrllo Nallonal Drug & Chemlc"1 Co, of Canada, Limited, Dellt. N. U .. Toronto. 03

tire nnlV train e"ory dllY. Tho shops Two Clever Stote.men nt Cnl"nry nl'o Intenoed by tho C.P.R. One crisis In Lord Palmerton's lifo to'I)I'ol'lrlo for the repnlrs to eQlllp· lIIustrnte. tho nll"oluto good humor mont on Its Western \llles. That tltey which l11a)' prel'ull oven whea political I~III hn I'r plenty of work to no Is ev· enmity Is al Itu worst. Loru Derby '<leneNI from th .. fnet that the Cann.· 'linn Poclflc Hnllwoy maileR It a point had marie an attack upon him ·In the to comilletply overhnul Its roiling i.cl,,,n.terHolise with such energy and stock at lea"t once n yenr. 'rhe com. ee that. tho odds agnillst him pallY dOQS this In ordor that Its equIp- .eemed overwhelemlng. But he de·

I h b fended himself and bls polley from

Ilwnt mny OIWHYS he n t e est pas· lhe duslt of ono dny to the dawn of an· ,IbID .tnto at efflelcncy. A few yenr" ago tho AnguR RhollA at l\fontrpnl nnrl other which Buch tact, dexterity nnd I I t \VI I ffl I t force of appeal to the nntlonal senee

tie B IOPR a nn peg were 8U c en of honor that 110 wns ac~ultted of all for thIs work but tho C.P.R.'s equIp-,"ent 11It" IncrCflBml 80 greatly within blame by n majority of fourscore.

I h e I Ne"t day In passing through the Iho I~ ct rew yenrn, t lat tea gary corrhlor lendln" rrom tho ante·room ~hOU8 nrr. n nCCeFadty. ' /"'> Tho (ollowlng tahle shows the 011. to the Upper House one swing door 1I111m19 mnd~ t" tho C.P.R.'s equip. open cd to his Ilf\nd alld at tho samo lIIcnt Blnce lRSG: mom~'nt tho other to tltat of Lord

{ .. ocotnotl\·cs ...•.... ' 1 Ht nnu 2nd clnRR pU9Ren·

J,:pr carR unll colonist (md hnggngo cars .. ,

lS Qr, lnll 372 163n

304 1757

Derby. They were opponollts, but t he)' were nl"o manly nnd sweet·na· tured men. They smiled.

1"lr~l ClasR sleeping and clinlng oors ..

Parlor. of [I cia 1 nnd pny· mA.Rtor's cnrs. 27

"I was just thlnltlng," saId Palmer· ton. "what clover fellow he was who so n<'nrly put me In a hole."

"Ah." was tho rejolndor, "but noth· Ino; like the eIAI'erlles. of tho fellow

(;3 '" h n !!ot you all t of It 1 "


"'rntght CUI'S and callie enrR. , ,. . ..... 8.2,)3 60,863

Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.

~,Ir\l)1"'n. rPJlrlmnll(Jln~ Iwr Ihree Yl'nT 01<1 son who I~ fiul(rontJy dl~re· pr,lIng t!lhl~ cllnllnll .. -If we ",pre nt anothor t!lhln. I 8ho11111 he BO ashnmed or YOII I 8houl<1 not ImolV wherr. to hlelo my hen'l. .

YOII"I! D1o/irncs. nol at all flhnsht'd. -1'011 could put It under lho tablo.

There's Nbwt Like Levther Llttlp JIenry Samnel was fat, chub·

by, and Innocent withal. . Ho Anlled solomnl)' Into Scraps'

iIIenl Store. finu laying lhe coin "upon n conyenlont choppln!l bloclt dt'· m~n,lcel two contR' \VOI'th. of st.eak,

Scraps was pnlned. sleltencd. flum· moxeel,

"Two cents' worth of stcflk?" he qucl'lerl E!lelly. "You'\,c made II mls· talt~ mv Ind. It'a cat meat 'yoll mean."

"Don't keep n cal." cltlrruped tlte boy. "I\'s beef.teall 1 wanl."




J\ Imost ol'ery womUIl at tho hend of a home meets dally with 'many little wonles In her household afrull· •. Thay mny be 100 smnll to notice an hour afterwards, bu t It Is these Rame con· slant little worries Ibat malIC so many worn on loolt prematlll'ely old. 'l'helr effect may ho noticed In sick or nero 1'0\18 Ilcadaches, flcldo appetite, pain In the baclt or side. snllow comploxlon, nnd lho coming oC wrlnltles. whIch 'e"ery \Vomnn dl'ead.. To those thus afflicted Dr. WlIllllms' Plnlt PlIIs 0[' fer a speedy ane! certain cure, a res­loratlon of color to the checks, bright· ness lo tho eye. a healthy anoellto an (I a sonBe of fraeclom from wearl· ness.

Pulp Canat!a's export trade at wood pilip

Is Increnslng annually and dllrlng 1910 amounted In I'nillo to flve·lJlllllon. sev· on hundred thollsand dollars, accoru· Ing to Information fllrnl~hed the Da­minIon Forestry Braach 01 tbo De· partment of Trade anti Commcrce. The three hllllllred and twenty·nlne thousnnd tons or pulp exported was an Increase 01 forty-clght lhousand tons of tlte nmollnt .hlpped In 190D. \\'oou pulp exportlltiolls In lD10 amounled lo scventy per cent. of the total prodllcet! In Canada, whereas In lnO~ the proportion was only .Ixt)'· Ihroe per cent. Elghty-clght per cent. or tI.e export wns mechnnlcal pulp. and the rl'malnlng twelvo Ilor cent. was chemical IlIIlp. D\lrln~ 1010) ol'er thrpe-qunrterR of tim pulp e~'Jlortpd wellt to the United Stntes, whllo ship­ment.' to n~nrly ILII other cOllntrlt's dll­creased. 'rb" United 1{lngdom takes mo.t of the rcmalnlnt': onc·qllarter. ai­thou:;h "xport~ to lhese eOllntrles I1n"p [nlJ~n nff grl'nlly. Partlculnrly Is this so \\'1111 ch~mlcnl pulp. not ana­"",pnth thc nTl'ount )lelng sl1ippe,l In tn10 IIR In 1909. 'rhe averngC' I'IIhlP. n"r Inn of tho plIlll exportc,l In lOon "'n" $H.G7 for thn mechnnlcal !tnt! $36.~5 fnr thp chemlcnl p\lln. This Is n comhlneo nverILg" or· $17.31 or 14 c"nt. lesR PP" tOil than fol' tho nre· ,'1011" yep,. Thn prices 1'[\ld to Con· "rlian exnort"rs hy tho various Import· Inr. ~ountrl"s weI'''' per ton fo~ me· ellonle"l n\11n: United SlnteN, $16.0n. or p.xnt;fl\' thp .om p 'I" In 1000 11.1)(1 lTnltel1 I{ln~r10m $15.7R or $5.r.2 morn. For chl'mlcnl Imln. tlw Rmmmts pnlrl were: lTnltcl! StRt~S. ~~r,.32 llf'r tall and Unltptl J{\ngdom, $41.60 pc'r ton.

The Foe of I ndlgest!on.-lnrllges. tlon Is a common nllment and few lire frce from It. It Is II most distressIng complaint nnd allen lho sullering at· tcnulng It Is most severe. Tlte very best rommly Is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to dlrectloas. They rocl\ly tho Irregular action of tho stomach nnd rcslore Itcalthy ac­tion. For mnny yenrs they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and Indigestion allll are hlgbly esteemed for their quallftes. --_._--Mother has Trouble Enough, Child!

"Ma, this egg Is bad." "That's all rlghl. you eat It anybow.

Do you suppose I am going to pay forty cents a dozen for oggs lind bave them wasted."

TO CURE A COl.D IN ONE DAY TRite LAXATIVE URO;\IO Qulntne Tab· lets, DnH;gl~ts I'etund mon~y It It falls to cure. E ... ,v, GROVE'S slgnn.luro Is on each box. 21)0,

"Did you ever pIny In Hamlot?" In· Qulred a theatrl~al mnnager of are· cent acaulsltlon to his com puny.

UTiJver'" exclnimed tho newcomer. "Why, (','e player! In evory hamlet botween hore and NIobrara. Nebras· ka,'"

MI"ard's liniment cure. garget tn cow-

"Now," sn.ld tho warden to tho lor­gor, who had just nrl'lved at tho prison, "we'll Be~ you to worlc 'Vhat cnn you do best 7" :

"Well, If you'll gIve me a weell's practice on .your slgnatllre. I'll sIgn your ornclal papers for you."

A Passkey "Do you Imow of any good remedy

for n (leaiocl{?fI

11[ tbp trealm[>ul of Aummer colll' plaint. Ih~ mnnt orff\ctlvo ramnd)' th rlln I",' lI"ad Ie Dr .• T. n. l{ellogg'K nysont," y Conllnl. It Is n ~tandllr'l prel,ural Ion and mnn ... ll~ople omploy It It< IlrOrl'1'ellr~ to nth"-r Ilrp pnrntlons. It IH II hlt':ltlY tjonccnl.ratpd medicIne nnd ItH sml:ttlv, and curntlvr. QlltLlllles IIr,' be'yond Question. It has been a l)o1>ullll' Illedlclno for many years an(1 tllCJIIBllnlls Cltll !tttPf.t Ita superIor tJl'vllllcs In Ol'c\('omlng dysentery anu 1<l1I(\I'cll comJlItLlnt.. ~

"Rut whnt's thn nRO of two cents' worth?" a!:,aln queried he of the Imlfe nncl Aten\.

"W('ll." anlll Henry Snmuol, "Ir you !Uust. know, father's putting n. cloor on my rnbhll pon and wanls the stenk for hinges."

Among the thousands of Cnnadlan women who ho\'o found new benlth ant! new strenglh through tho usc or Dr. Williams' Plnl, PIlls Is Mrs. \V. C. Daerr, London. On I., who says:

"I .hould suggest- a Itey to the sit· uaUon."

The poor Imlt~to the rich and get poorer; tho rich Imitate the poor ami get rleher.-New York Press.

-_ .. =---' Seven Mllec Down.

A \rlwolling 1I11l1l who drol'o nproSs Illll' C"lIl1li·)1 tn a little town In 'VeHl· em l\utlsu~, lIw olhel' <In)', mnt n farm· ~r Ilti'tllhir,-n wn~ol1·lond of water.

H,\\'11(')'(\ (]() you ),";ct wntcr1 10 ho aslt" foli.· . "'I •

'''lTD. it hf! l'OfH1 about lH1\'(m m{1en/' th~ r"rnll'l' I ~Jlli"d. ,

"AtI(1 do you halll "later r.c\·en miles (or YOIjr lamn), nl1<1 stade?"

"Yr!ll.'" , '·\Vhy tn the nr.mr: ('\( fir:n:·m th .... ll'

rOll (llg u \\'oll?" ILRke'l lha t.ru,·oU('r. < ")3\!CIlUi}(I'll'N jmH !tHo flU" one way as the olhm', Slrnl1J;?r:"-An;OlUL\11.

-~---- . "

. "!Jow's, you!', )ll'o\hor'('" , . "!'lot "01')' well. 110 wn~ Illaylng wit h Itnoth0r lI~t1u, ho)') "oping, who' cOllld lran the fllrt'1eat Ollt of III window. un{l hn wno:'

, , "The' Silent Father "l'1l .hot Lh:Lt mall, I). the fn.tho.· of

six 01' 8m'CIl chlldTl'Il." . '" U\\'hy?t' I" " \:"

"JlOC(\tt~('. II hn hnll h'8H Ihan th(eu he'll he hruggitlg ahl'ut thuin." ' -. , ~ , !


The Chl~lLgn 1"11'0 COtll,l hnvn been Ilrol'nnt~d wllh one pall nf water, but tho water wos not 11Unriy. I,eep a bottlo of ~'Hnmlln~ WI7artl 011 hnmly Anr! prol'ent tho flory pnlns of Innam· matlon. -_._----

"About two ycnrs ago I found mysclf so badly run down that It, was al· mo~t Imposslhl,' to perrorm my house. The Shah's Kitchen hold duties. I fell· oft In flesh. was Who Iweps the costliest kitchen 'In weal' and very pale. had nO.IIJlpetlte, the world? Not, liS ana mIght Imag' reot constallLly cold. and to further Ine. tho American mllJlonalre, hut the mako my'life miserable 1 WILS aCmct· Shah of PersIa. The l.t"nB!\9, fIttings cd with thoso olhor allmonts rrom nnd furnIshings of the Shnh nrc said which so many wom~n suffer. I tried to he worLlI £530.000. Every sauce· many IdmlA of meulclne, bnt got no pan Is gllllded Inside, and the dlsbes heneflt, and begnu to feal that I' was appearing on his table are of solid sl\pplns Into chronic Invalidism. I gold, liS well as the spoons, knl\'es was advised to try Dr, WiJllams~ Pink and forlls, the handles of whIch are, Pills. nnd although felt ·somewhat ornamented' with precious hopeless decided to {Io BO. To my de- Moreover, tho chef, In pro· lIgll • after taltlng tile ,Pills 'a few g dlahes for lIle Sbah's table,

much better, nnd a I':'~'~',~" uso nono Il11t silver spoons , and allY dIsh on whlclt ho

cold \'iands to them 'must nlso of sll SpanIsh '-_ .• ;-'


You hllve probably been there yourse!r-perh:1ps !lre right 1I0W.

Bright women nil over Cannda nre gctting ll.wny fl'om this: Thcy wel­come MOONEY'S BISCUITS us a mostacccptahle:;uhstit~tcfor their own bread nnd biscuits.



are the crispest, creamiest crackers made. nctte~ still, ihey arc baked in Winnipeg; right nt your very door. TileY come to you fresh as ihe product of your own oven,

You can have them in lIir-tight packages or sealed tins liS you prefer.





, For a Lecture "Tbe object of the a\'erage explorer

spoms to be to IIcqulre euough mator· lal lor a lecture."

"Yes, tbat Is my wife's aIm when she explores my pockets."

Shiloh~ Cur(!, Quid .. )" stopa coud.bs. cure,el C!old.5. I,cals \lao tbroat CInd lun.1s ~ - 20 cents.

Toacher-"BlIly, can you toll me the difference between caution and cow­ardice?"

BllIy.."."Yes, mu'am. 'Vben you're afraid yoursolf than that's caution; bllt when the other follow's afraid, that's cowardice."

Many speculators become bears at· ter they hal'6 gono broke, as bulls.



A Bonanza First Starving Author.-Wltllt wouJ(j

you do, old Illun, If you could get 5 conts a word for your stuff?

Seconr! Stnrvlng Author.-Thnl's easy, I'd write a dictionary.

merlot hns built for Honrl Doutsch do 10 Meurtho a vorltablo aerial taxi· cab. Tho machluo hus a body whIch looka for all the world JIIte thal of n. taxIcab. Tho pnssbngers onter by a side door and view tho landscape be· low through mica wIndows. Pneumat· Ic cusblons protect the Ilassongol'S In rough landings, The pilot sits In front or t:'e machine lIlw II true eharreml', n.nd controls tho machine with reg· ular Blerlot eloche and [oat tiller.

The devil seldom was~os any tlmo trying to tompt the busy man.


The Very Simple Boy. A ratltor slmplo·looklng lall haitI)(

hofore a blacl{smlth's .bop on hi. wal home from school and eyod tho dolngt of tho proprietor with muelt Inlerest

Tho brawny smltb, dissatiSfied wilt tho boy's curiosity. hold a ploeo 0: rell·hot Iron suddenly under lite youlIll ater's nose, hopIng to mako hIm bc,~ u hnsty retreat:

"ll you'l1 gIve me halt a dollar 1'1 licIt It," .ald tlte lad.

Tho smith toole Irom his pockot bnt a uollar IInu held It out.

Tho slmple,looklng youngster tool the ooln. Beltet! Lt. dropped It In hit pockot and slowly wanted away whist IIng.-Sunday MagILzlno,

The most abusod word In the Ena IIsh languago Is "guaranteed."

IO¢ .. 1-,

, E \I.ERY~WHERE ,'. '.

, . , ',.' 1

,I I,


" , l , ' ,I &1

~ " 1 ,A, I, I ~

Page 8: Ii II Veter~ns' Ii] , m t · tit it 15 not 'uown W leller e tere d h a lIlem f I J" I e~ a t Ie Jrtga( e gas ignited from it or frOID a laut- previously vOli sltqnlu fill in a bl&nk




, , '

, ,

, . . ,



I ,


.. ,


-==~~~::::-::::::-:~===::::::::::-===::::-::::::-=:::=======::::::::::.'-=---::.:.!::-~.-....:::-~================--=-.. :::::--:::::.:::::.-.:= .. -==--==-.-=-=--=. =-;---:::::~=::=~==============-=- ... -. --_.-. -= --~--- - -- -- --- ---~- --.~~------ ... -- -~------~--.---. --.... -- -- --._-_.----------------- ••••••• ~ •••••••• o ........ . iii' • • • ............ • • • •••••• I I tIi Iii---' •••• ............. , .............. ..........ue " ..........................

• • t Correspondence. i · ---_. • • • FlI.{JlI DISTnU:T Cunll.1-iKPONPli. s 'rK. •


Mis:-I Foote. of Willnipeg. pilid r5. T. BowlIIan n visit I'ec~ntlj'.

Miss Mand Hnnter. of Glad-

• • : Rath well Locals : • • • • • IntomAtitl" [tOln8 nhol1ti Pnoplo Ililtl E,,· • • BotH ill HnLhwnll nnd DiflLriCL. •

. "MAN'ITOBA • • ..........................


stone. is the guest of ~Ir. nnd 1111'1;. D. Bo\\·mall.

• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted-A new dressmaker .

The Land of Opportunities Ju~t a few of the great advnntages olTered hv thl! Province of

:'Ianitnha, showing why thost: who dl.!sire to beller their 'condition 5houid ~"ck hOllies within her borders:-

TO THE FARMER- Fertility of soil anti ~lilltatic cOIHlitions have given the Prlwil1ce of Manitoba wurld-,';ide faille os the Home or No. I Hard Whent.

'I'he Bonnl of 'rrac1c met in the 1'6\\'11 Hall on Friday, Jnll 19th . Thtre \\:0:; a good nttendonce. ill clLtClillg th~ presid<:l1t, O. Wright. G. Crook, secr!:tary. 1\[e'SIS. 8. Smile)" ll. IIlcEachern. W. i'.lc­Gregllr. A Aikens. !leur}' Bra;. A. Calt. \V. I'''rkin~ nn,l otbers.

The cold w~athcr is ~ltrel y not going to Inst, at least many are busy Iiauling ice from the rl\'er. with the thollght. no doubt, of a dish oi ice,c7enm next July.

The Indial1R of this Reservation nro! supplying thl! wants of the funners in tho! cortlwooe! line. Quite a lIumber ore tnking "d",\I1t­..ge of their husine,;s-Iii;e efTol ts.

Cha~. Conld wn~ a Winnipeg visitor last week.

Don't forget the R. R. A. dance tonight (Friday).

Rev. T Anderson took \Vedl1es· day nighl.'s train for the city. '

Miss Mary Cameron h'a~ been n city visitor for the past week.

D. Smart is taking charge or A.

To the ~ons of h~r fnrmers Mnnit,)bn vfTers free ngricltltural ed­ucation in an AgriclIltur.t1 C,)!1.:gt! ~e,:ull(lto 1I0ne on the COlltinent of America.

'1'0 1'HE ARTISAN Ai~D LAllORER-Flourishing indltslries in rapi,lIy vrogressing clti~~ h.wc plnced n premillitl upon t!\,erv d;~criptiull of s!ttllc\1 nnd ltnskillcd Iabur. There IS 1111-

limited Rnd :emlluerative \\'ork for all.

TO TI~£ INVESTOR-Abundant hvdro-electric power at low prke.· .or lIIunuflcturing anrl other purposes. Fertile lands. Var­ied allli iIlrrnitabled natur(ll lesonrccs Adeqllate transportation Llcilitit:s. All off"r to br,lin. cnpltal and energy opportunities nIH! relurns unparalleled auywhere, nnd b!:!YOIiU hi~hest expectntions. \Ve invite you to COllie und share in Ollr prosperity and futur!! greatness.

\\'rite for informntion to :-

JAS. HARTNEY, i7 YOlk St., Toronto, Ont. JOSEPH· BURKE, l i8. Logan A \·e., Winnipeg.

, 'J. F. TENNANT, Gretna. Munitoha.


-J. J. GOLDEN. Winl1ipeg Deputy Minister of Agricnlture nnd IltIllJigration,

r~. fiI~I1ERT 1 I " Painter

I Paperhanger .., PHONE 64




A generll! financial bu~iness can­rlucted. Money to loan on real property at lowest rates. ,InSllr­anc!:! and real estate agent. Re­I'res~uting all the' best 101111 nnd iu­s u rance cOlUplluies.

~~~w~~~~w~~~~~~ ~ ~

~ T. C.·Forbes ~

. ~~~ ~~: Synopsis of Canadian North-West

Land Regulations.

ANY person who is tho 111110 honel or n (umlly 01' nil)' mill.., ovor 1M )'lIIlrB (Jld, tIIll)' homu­aLend Ii (luartnr.slJotlnn of n\"dJllbltlllo­

mlulou Jumt 10 lllnuiL01Jll. ~(\ftkI\LcI.uwllu f)r ,\lborLn. '111n npElionUL mllKt. npllunr ill lJOrson "t. t.ho i)nrnlllitJu Illilill t\l(lJuc)' lIl' Sllb·.\ICAIiCY fur Lito clistrict.. 1-~IIt.ry hy IlrtlX)' Inn)' 110 n1O<lo nt 11II,t' IUCUlIO)', un curl.nlu condit.lf)U". h) rathor, mothor. flOII, dun/.thtor. IJrotliur or sisl.ur or lutolldhlK hODll'KtoluJf·I. j)Uti09-~Ix. mont.hs l rosltJollCD IIlJrm nntl cui­

I.tvRtlou oCtho lnull In unch or Lhruo ,1.'011r8. ,\ hUIII()~Ltmcl'lr 1U1\,y 11\'0 wil.hlu oillu miloy or his lIulliullt.",ul uu II rllnu uf lit. IUlitiL "I",ht)' 1\0rOl:l, tmluiY uwuod nnll Ocolll,lm! IJ)' him or bl' illS llll.l!ur,lUothof. gUll. tlnughtor. brnthur tlrtl store

luI certain distrlctl n ,hOlllllBtolulor tn 1-:001J &tllndluW' 1H1l~·llro·olUpL U llullrlllr-tlOctiou "lllng· 8hlu Ids hOlOul:!Lflnd. Prlcn $!tllO lJornero

l Dt1t.o~

-ilhlSL rOlllcle sbc mouths In oneil of (; x )'O/HI'! from f:I1LD uf hUmUtiLOnc1 olltry liliOluliillK' tho timu roqulrml tu Durn homubtul\l IIHLollt) find cnltlvl\tu Uhy Ilcrus extrn.

A 1lOlllostoll(lor whu luu oxhnUBlctl bl8 homo· st.ead right nud Clluoot out"I" n \.Ifo.ornptlnu mil)' tllko n 111lfChllilud hOIUOt;tolHl iu cOIt,nlu tllstrlct.ti. Prl"lJ $a,OQ pur nert). UULlos-Mu5t. rosldo six months in o/loll or tL1roo youre. CU1Li· vnL(, tlrty UCflltl flllll'lrllct. II bOllso weu'LI, 'fiJU Oll.

W. W. COItY, DOtllllY nf the ltlh.iI!Lor nr tho Inl,nrlor.

N. B.-UllnuthorizlJll Iluhllcnllon or dala RlI· .,ar~fdomel1t willuot hD 11Ald fnr.

CI b 1 • , colte. Cholern nnd 18ID er aiD S Dlurrhoen Remedy.

Never fuUg. Buy it now. 1L moy HM':.~ life.

~ ~

~: Rathwell ~~. i= -@- :J ~. Money to Loan on lilt- .) ~ provl:d Farm Property at low- :~ r. est rates of intert!st. Leading :~ (. LOlln Compllnic5 representcd. -I ~: Farllt Lands for s~le. : (. ' . ~: •.•• I.II.I'E L1CENSIS ISSUED. • • :J I ~ , ~ ~·.~~···~!~~~~~I

Farmers' . '.


Conshler.fhl., IlllSilll!ss wa5 tlUns·

acted. The Secrelary wns instrllcted to

write to severnl elevator complnies willi reg~rd to placing ltll' ele\ ator her~. D. Hellr), nml 'I'. Newton moved that the Councils of South anU North Norfolk ami Victoria be rC<ju~stE:d to (:sLinbte the co,t of building a road running fro III Lnvellhnm to lite w~st corner of Sec .. ~·lO 20, and thence soulh for

one mile. The nllllollllcClllent of Ihe unit­

ing uf Ln\'ellham alld Claremont into on!:! !'chool distrio.:t met wilh n lot of oppo~ition. owillg to the fuct llwt tiI!! truslees would ha"c 10

fi ltd vu ns for t h~ rone!, nrid it\\' dlcided this was 100 c)(pen~i\'e f( r

the ra t~f3 )'~I s. The question of ill r. D\·kelllan·s

ofTer for his Inmber yurd wus lelt I

O\'er for the present.

--....;.-- --. BOY~E CREEK

That thresher whistle dstur\;s slumber considerably these lUorn i nr,s.

Mrs. Chas. Holmes poid H visit to her sl,t~r, Mrs. P~rci'lal, on Sunday last.

Three farllls have cbanged halld~ wilhill the last ten dny~. and still allot her bHgalIl nearly clinched.

Clias. Holmes i{ . .!lwnl' at Lat:ell­ha1l1. and pllfpmes loading a car of 'oats ,to ship !o Ilie Land of Nod.

John Forsythe. o! Lily TIay, Lake Manitoba district. stnyed a da\' or IWO this week with C. S. HolU1('s, ant! of his futtlle' ncigh· bours. . .

It was a capsized cutter. which lIlight have turned Ollt disastrouslv. -I-Ial'!.ily 110. 'dalllage was done Now, Harn'. don't tunt those cor· ners at [\ 2;,}0 clip: rOll \IIU)' ,iot come out ,0 lucky lIext tilile.

To a fellow who owned a fine grip Said nnother, .. I,et me give you a

. ' tJ p: I,E:lld it tile for awhile­All. yes, that's (hI! style !",

Oll. I nay. wouldn't it give you the pip? '

~ow. giil~ of this district, I,say As it's I~np v!!ar YOIl cert3inly ma . Ask th~.l1lan of yoU\' heart

"Until dt!ath do lIS pnrt" To name the -er, happy dnr.


Forb!:!s' implement w:uehollse.


The Judicious Distribution of "Com' plimentaries" by the Manager 3.­cure. W.1t Dr.ssed Audience. and Save. tho Appearanco 9f a "Frolt."

Long belol'e tbe curtain goes down nt tbe end of a new production tbe mnnnger bns decided. nhi!! times In ten. wbethel' be bns n success or not. But bo docs not menn 10 bo cnught Dtlpplog In eltber el·ent. H he betleve8 tbo ptny Is D .. tro~t" or eyen u semi­Guccess the house for tbe next tew nlgbts must beur every 'outwnrd evi­dence or prosperity_ , In other words. he mnst "bnck tbe line" ot ndver'do criticism by "puperlng tile house." 1<'or a weele nt least be must mnke n .. tron t" In tbe orcbestru cbnlrs. no mnttel' If tbet'e Is desolntlon In tbe box omce. Let blm make I he pnbllc believe toe new piece bns nt­tracted n lllrgo numbor of patrons for six or eight performances nnd tbere fg

n ehnnce of enougb business to prop LIP n forced run oe n fe)V weelts, Which may hell) tbing!! 00 the road. '.rills m(!!lns tbat "paper" Ol' free tickets mnst be ~udlclously distributed.

Every mnnager uf a then tel' bus a large circle ot frleods. Tbls may be due pllrtly to b Is possession at a gcnlut personnllty. but uodoubtedly tbe bllsl­ne.ss be Is ill bus In Itself nn attrnction for mnny. A mnjorlty ot tbese people will accept PWiSCS wben tbey nre of­tered; some urc not ubove nsking for tbem. while still utbers-but tbese nre rare-wltl buy tickets. wben compll· menturles ure not tendered:

I When tbe mnDogcr has n pIny tbnt Is ·In dunger of going to pIeces for Inck ot patronago be sends tickets tu all Ibese friends of hI!! und wilen ever pos· sible obtains n promise tbllt tbey will be used by the persons to wbom be gives tbem. It Is not dUllenlt to e.\:­trnct sucb u ptedge_ Behlg on terms or more or less Intimacy with tbe mlln­agel'. the fm'ot'ed ones know bo wilt be llkely to sea tbem In tbe tbeater or It tbey nrc not there tbat be will tnl,e note ot tbose wbo do not use tbe tick­ets. Ho keeps n- record of the sent numbers upposite the nnmes of those ,wbo sbould occupy those pnrtlcutnr chulrs uDd cnn tclt lit unce whcn hIs bospltltllty bn~ bccm nbused.

Anotber closs whlcb secs many plays In New York City ,.-mtls Is l~ be tonod In department stores. l'ienrly every dtrector ot n thcntrlcal compuny-ns dlNUnct from ,t ttl(~tlter mnnnger-is on cordllli lerms wit h the hendM ot de-pnrtments In IlIl'ge retltlt mercnntlte cstllbltsbments. Buell or theso ben!la witt' nccc>pt from sl!: to a dozeu pnlrs or tlcltetR occll.lollnlty to dtstl'lbute IIlllong his SUbol·dlnutRR.

Ortcn It Is possible to get rid of 200 tlettets '01' more It! Il doy In this woy, nud when this Is I'cpclltcll In tOllr or Ove stOl'CS the OlRt!uger Is suro or the

A. Germaine. of Stockton. wag a Rathwell visitor on Wednesday,

Mrs. Dell is Pi 1I01l.d. of N ort Ii Dakota, is dsitillg ber pnrelll~ at Ratbwcll.

It is reported that Wm. Hughart bas 'taken to the tall timbers and is busy cutting wo(·d.

The organizer for the C. O. F. is ill town this week nnd is re­org-anil:ing the 10dK~.

G. A. S~arrow Ilas 'lgain leased from Mrs. A. W. CavaJInRIi the N. E., ~ of 12-8'9 [or one year.

Miss C. Paradis has heen engag­ed to teach in tbe B~ausale school district for the eominl{ year.

The members of the Preshytel ian Chu rch held their annual meet· iug on Wedut!5day afternooll.

'l'lle "gold fe\-er" has visited Rnthwell and several persons are talking about going to Minitonns to stake their clAims. \Vbere's the Health Officer?

A. D. Thompson, manager for the Ogilvie Elt!vator at Rathwell, returned from Arl1ndel, Qne .• on Tuesdny. am! reports having had a very enjoyable time.

Adam Forbes has opened up in the harness maki ng line with John McCreatll as workman. Mr. Mc­Creath is an old-time resident of tile Rathwell dbtrict.

Mr. nnd Mrs. George Morin. of E\'ebrol'·. Sask., are visiting rela­tives ill Rathwell this we!:!k. on the, return frol11 their Cbristmas holidays with the paren/ts of Mr. Morin in the city of Quebec.

Messrs_ A. Forbes. Jas. CiIl, D. Robertson, C. Hutchinsoll, T. B. Kitching. D'r. Molt and ,Rev. J. Anderson journeyed to Trehcrne Oil 'l'uesrla \' night to attend the di~trict meeting of the A.F.&A.M.

The R a til well lodge of the I nde­penderit Order of Foresters wns re­organh:ed in Rothwell on 'Wednes­da y evelling. There was n goodly llumber present and' severnl lIew me'o;bers were initiated 'into the mYlilic ri les .

W. Caswell has put lip a gllso­line light_ on the outside of his store, whieh brightens lip the west end ,of town. If the east-end merchnnts wot11d follow, his ex­ample it would be like daylight in town these nightb .

uttendance of no npPI'Cclnble number of welt dressed ~'oung WOlllen In tbe neweNt IIIltllnery Itnd style or cotrture. ench with n respectably IIttired cnvn­Iter "nnll nit on tbelr best bebuvlor_ ~'l1cBC people IIII1Y uot be ultra tnsWoD-ni>le. bllt tbey wilt nJt dJs~uco tbelr, cDvli·ot!lIIcnt. '

Mrs. Meignell loaded ,a car of household, effects tbis> week and has left to join her,husband who is located as section foreman at Dick­ens, Oil Ihe'main line oi the C:P.R. Mrs. Meignen will be sorely missed by her patrons in the dressmaking business. .

r ;",..;,·1

Unless / quullltell hc!wcn>r. gl

Direct from the Miller ! Our celcbrated Flour comc~ to yO~1 direct fron' your own mill-where you can

See It in the Making.

You kilO\\, the g-r:lill. too, and wc g'uarnntec it to he all of the best in that grain.

It is PUfn, s\"eet, and positivc­Iy the best-milled I-lour in the Innd, full of the nutrients, phosphates and gluten.

Treherne Mill Flour is Always Reliable

Chopping will be clone at the Mill every afternoon but Monday, after June 1 st •.


.~_. _____ ._.~ .• __ ..... _ .......... _____ ..... _ ••• -._ ..... --. ""---111 ...

i I. t

Successors to W. N. Scarrow

We heg to announ~p that we have pur­

chased the Implement Business lately , conducted by 11r. VV. N. Scarrow. Vic will handle all the best lincs of Ivfachincrr

Implements, including among othel' lines: and £

i The Famous John Deere Co.'s Goods The Cochshutt Co:s-n full line i Cnnadinn Fairbunhs Co.'::! Ga:o;oline Engines

~ The Rumely Line of Threshing Out fils

:. In fact the best of evcJ'ything. : come ancl see liS.

We w:tnt even'one to

t ~ o • • :


• •• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• .. •


wong Ping First-Class Hand

LAUNDRY Bos' 01 Work. Goods Al­ways Roady when Prom­Ised. FiliI' Prices. • • •

Patronize Treherne Times Advertisers . Railway Aye~ East, Treharne

"+l",,,,.ofooHo"~1 , I ' ... • ........... 10 .... 1+1- ... , I "" "'1 I ,., I I 1 , , I 1+1+1-+

INSURANCEi I represent Four of the best Companies in Canada-

-- -'

MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA The Canadian Railway Accident & Healtb Inlurance Company


Life In~urance is necessary for you to carry, if you val- ~ ue protectiqn for your family and investment foryourself. + The Mutpal Life offers splendid inducements for your 0(­

savings: they will accumulate in 'a rapid way. ~ Live Stock Insurance is necssary for the fal'l11er who I

values his stock. Come and see me re rates, etc. :t RESULTS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS I

T'RlnIERNH, MAN., Fo!b. 25, '908. MR. j. jON:I~S, Dist. Agent, Mutual Life Ass'cc Co. of Canada,

G1enboro, ~1an. Dear '5ir,- . Re Policy 2382, for $1,000.

Referring to the above-mentioned policy, I beg to inlorm you that'I duly received cheque Irom your company amounting to $I,dl 1.81 ,in settlement thereof. My policy was an Endowmel1t at 55, 26; or, in other words, an Endowmcnt in 29

'·T·.· .. ~ tc of issue, October, 1875. My first annual cash "'~~··,S3.09, and my final annual Dividend was

"h",~ui ng' ntinual increase'in annual Dividends stnce

,-",>"u., .. ;, ... r.~'I;~p~~r:~;,,;:! 'first':inrlllal P"en',iu,,, was $28. my last ~~~~~i~.~:t~~;~(~.~~ ''In,~S;:.,,W.Ill'''\.oal(ler II: , My total Pay r.nmr".n,v :'f~ ';if)~:i:Q:~d:;ir\':f~~8~r~;!i;'~~;~ therefore giving

paid to the C -'-'"._- rotection

I hi\\'c nC"~~;'~I~;~f~~~~\;~~~~~~~~:~;t,~'~~~~i;~~~

i ,

i I ~ ,