ii. list of it r rsftwl.rytool.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717mt0x/data/1488.pdfprather aaron pemberton...

"yr W ssBv "T" F""Tir! HT" "Y" """V "W 7"" "Iv JYht? Series No. 16. Fd.. II. LEXINGTON, K. MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1816. I A o. 30. . A. . THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE IS FOBlISnSD EVMT MOB DAT MOBHISO, BT F. BRADFORD, Jr. Jit Ttso Hollars per annum, paid in advance, or Three Dollars at end of the Year. Commission Warehouse JEREMIAH NEAVE & SON Of Cincinnati, Ohio, Have erected large and commodious Brick Warehouses & Cellars the reception of all kinds of Merchandise, Manufactures and Produce, for Storage, and Sale onCopnmission, for lorwarding by the mar or to country merchants. Bills and debts collected and punctually remitted. Purchises made and gene- rally all BROKERAGE arid COMMISSION transacted 8tf Cincinnati, February 19 MASONIC HALL LOTTERY. The subscribe! a have just received an additional supply of Masonic Hall lottery Tickets, now draw- ing in the city of Baltimore, the drawing of which has been suspended aboatone month, but willie-cominenc- e this day, the 25th of March, and con- tinue to draw COO tickets each day, three days in a Week, until its completion. The first drawn number to day, the 15th jhir's '''iinft flLfe.totllled tOjIi&SonaryjfpnHt oT On UielOtfi, l?th, 18th, and 19th, the fintflftwii number on'each day to be entitled to Fi.e Hundred Jollai ., each- - On 20th 1000 21st 5000 22nd 1000 2Sd - S00a. 24th , 1000 25th 5000" 26th St 27th 500 (each w- - 7 'the Tor On 8th 29th 1,000 AND THE r UK 11ETH lAY, 40,000 DOLLARS. Present pricte of tickets $15 but wdl rise as the lottery progresses. WM- - ROB1NSO ., Next door to Johu D. Clifford's Store. March 25. Storage & Commission Business. SHVLTZ & CUALFAJfT, Beg leave to jnform the Merchants of Ken- tucky, that they have commenced the Storage jjhd Commission Business, in Majsville, Ky. Where they will constantly attend to 'lie and forwarding- all goods, wares, &c committed to their care. They al .6 carry on the Copper and Tinning Business, And ihtfcnd 'keeping always on hand, a general jCdpply ot Tin Ware, which they will sell at the ' lttsburg prices, without the addition of freight N B. Orders will be strictly attended td February 10-- 7 2m GOLDSILYik. Jl. BLJ1XCHARI) nASJUST RECEIVED A FEW Gold Patent Lver Watches OF THE BEST Q.CAHTT- - AISO A TEW GOLD K( PEATKRS, Which he offers for sale at reduced priceb, set his shop opposite the Lexington Branch Bank Hat on haid a lae uesortment of GOLD & SILVER WORK, Cofree, Tea, Sugar, and Cream POTS FITCHERS, CANS, and Sauce "'JJREEN3 TUMBLERS, LADLELS, SPOONS &c &c. tH silver of which wat ranted to be as pure as dollars. The abov articles will be sold on the low- est terms for Cash. The Watches will not re Main long on hand. ONE BOX OF JEWELRY, Consisting of Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, to the value of about six hundred dollars to be sold at wholesale. Lexington, Xy Marchf. 14-t- f '50th 10,000 31st 1,000 32nd 10,000 3ith 35h 1,000 3Cth patrons in the art of reat isargams o MAY BE On early application to ERALNARD, SELDON, & Co. Who have just from New-Yor- k, and are now opening in Mr. C. Co) le's store 100m, on Main Street, two doors from the office of the Kentucky Insurance Company, 20 Packages Fashionable JDRITISU AXI) FREXCII DRY GOODS OF THE LATEST TJUPOltTATWX, COf ISTI-.- OP Superfine Broml Cloths, Stockcnnetts, Cassimeres, Silk striped Vestings, Tabbj Velvet, Levantines, Florences, Satins and Virginias. Cotton, Silk and Imitation Shawls, from 3 to Cambnck and Jackonet Muslins, an assortment of Plain, Twilled and Silk striped Gingh ms. Satin and Taffita Ribbands, Fine Cotton Thread, Laces, Buttons, Ike. Cambrick and Colerain Shirting, Uumbaztne, Muslinnetts, Callicos, iit. Also some articles of CUTLERY. AH of which they offer for sale, wholesale and re- fill, at much lower rates than the ordin.ry prices n this country 13 MarcU 27 DANCING SCHOOL. THE Subscriber tenders his most sincere thanta to his former 10,000 10,000 10,00(1 HAD, received UANL,iJNli, and. begs leave to into.m them thathe has just retumed to Lexington, having been absent for some time past improving himself in the art of his profession, and that he will open a DANCING SCHOOL in this place, in that commodious room in the corner house of Mr. Cornelius Coyle, on Jordan's Kow, which will commence on Friday and Saturday the 12Ui and 13th of April next. 13tt BENJAMIN LONG. March 20, 181C. List of Letters " Remaining1 in the Post Office at Lexington, April 1st, 1816, which, is not taken outbe- - sore three months, ral Post Office 2.3 dead letters : Atkinson Richard Armstrong Andrew II Anderson John A S 2 Abernathy Richard L Aitkin Robert .2 Alexander Wm. Admiral Benjm. Allen M. John Amiss William Abertrombie John J. t3ain William Brown Abram E. Barr Robert 2 Buckner William- - Beatty J or 13 Spun 3 Baird Martha Hrphra Philip Barker John Bell Stephen Berryman Gilson Barnett Richd. Byrne Patrick" J. Burrow es Bazil llurnes Thomas T. Bo. worth David Banks Charles BoWlds Joseph lliown Belli ,ti.,: llush Matthias' i B mberger Michael Hell llenj. Brown James R. Hush Mr Hermmg Perkins Breckinridge L Mrs. Ilaber H B. H. Blythe Mr. Bambridge Absalom" Byrd Abraham Benning Maria Bayed John M. Best Josiali Buckntr Henry Curtis John duff P .ley Cox Henry Campbell Archibald Cain James Curry J hn C ckt Wm. Archer Cross J seph Cronkshanks Andrew Clark John C demin Chiles Cob Eliza Jones Cla.kW G. Cahill William CildweUCharles Cassel Jncob Cabbeli EdwrrU D -,- Craig Lewis & John Chapman William Conner Frances Crocket Nevbold Chiles Marv Cr .ckett Joseph Cassan James Calbert George Cobb. David Coleman John Dte Sydnor Dunn J hn Dorsej Cloey Dunlap John R. Davis Fielding Daitnporl James Dunn Patsey Dawning Jordan Iluherty William Danell John Dunough Williani Elliot. John Euins William Edward . Wm. Elliott Jame: 2 Eads Thomas Edmanson (Coach maker) Ewing Mary Ann Fox Henry Foii! Eplnaim Fvryer Richard 2. rord Ilenjamin B. Fianklin Harry Forte Philip A. Erv Nicholas Frazier Mary 2 Gray James Goodm Thomas Garrett William Green Rebecca Gregg James Grten Frederick R. '. Giliens John Gundy Simon Guault John Grimes Charles Grimes John Goodwin Joseph G. Margraves Richd. Hagin James Hawkins J. Tood Hagarty Sally Hallfer Benj Harrison Ann Hurst John Hart Nathaniel Hooper Nancy M. 2 Houst n Robert Hall Sarah Hamilton Richd. Howell Air. Herkins John Hamilton John S Hodges Daniel Harrison Alex. Harlow George Harris Samuel Hart John Horwitz Doct. Hickman John Harshel Anthony 2 Hawkins Martin Houghton Ruben Harper John will be sent to the Gene A Abbott William K. Aitkin Lucetta Alsop Spencer Atkin George Ashby William R. Armstrong James Allen Charles Abbott AVilhara Amis Peter B Bourne Sarah Bennington Wm. Bainbndge It C. Bright George A. Berryman James 3. Boswell Thomas Bell William Biggs Andrew Illy the Samuel liuckner Elizabeth G. Banks Henry Buford Abiaham Bickham James Bartlet James Bryan Morgan Bryant Willis Buckhinan J. 3335Hfeffl 'lioonr.vjiiiam llerry Richard1 Bruce Waddle G. Bowles John Bibb James Burroughs George Boggs Robert C. Bell Jack How en Richard Etc. Baker Isaac L. 4 Brookie James 2 Brashear Walter S. Boardmin Nathan J. 2 Dottier John 2. Bonaffe'E. 2 C Chiles Itichard Creath Jacob Creighto n Robert Cummins Jacob Coleman George Cleveland George Canington L.ltleburry Call James Ct others Abner Champucef T Cobbet Samuel' Chamberlin Samuel Cnok Joho W. Cambel Mr. Colbert Willis Cox JNloses Oramner Mary Curry William Cassel Abraham Clay Henry Cleveland Alexander Craven John Carroll John, jun. Crittenden Thos T. 4 Clerk of the Fayette Circuit Court I) Divis Nalhan or John Donaldson Robert 2 Dunn Maitha DiwLng Mr Deatlierae Isaac Donald Moses Duncan Mary Ddpey Charlotte Duncan James M. Daugherly James E Elliott Thomas Ellerbrok Joseph Eads John Edwerd John Edmondson C R. Evans Richard Endicult Samuel F Fry Aaron Ferres John Freeman A. R. Faulconer Lewisi Fishell Michael Fisher Maddox Fidler William Grady .Samuel Gibson John Graham Christopher Garnet William Gillchnes Sylvcnus Grant William Gregory Peter Graves Bartlctt Gray Nancy Gaines Senerphon Griffith Robert n Harris Wm. Hinds Rankin Harrison Charles 0. Harris Nathaniel Heddleson J. Hay John Hamilton Eliza Haines. Evan Hopkins Jesse Hopewell Samuel Hanly John II. Harney John Humphreys Sarah Heiskill & Pollard Haydon Wm. D. Hampton Andrew Hodges Danl. or Thos. Hine Henry Harris Thomas Harrison John A Huwvermale Fred. Heron David Haydon James Hudson Philip Harrison Henry Henne Henry F I Henry John .5 ' Hunnicutt John Johnson John Jones ifenry Jones Merit S. Jamison John Jinkins Murwood Johnson'Solomon Jones John R. Kelly John Kelly John W. 1! Kendall John Ringsly Abraham Loyd Thomas C. Leonard Carlos Lewis Charles Lyle David l.unny Thomas Lauddeman Jacob Logan David Long Nicholas Lochcibie Andrew Marcel Jean Mosby John Moss Jesse 2 Madd x Notley May John L Myers Aaron 2 Mountigue Thomas Morris Joshua Mathews James tjjoreland Wm. T Morton David Moore Frances Merackin 'Jathanne Meredith Samuel Morrison David C. Martin John Murry Levia Mintnn John Moore Yelly M'Murry Prudence 2 M'Chesney John M'Clean Samuel M'Lanaham Thos. M'l'heetets Chas. M'Genness Thos. M'lntosh Daniel M'Abee Robert 2 M" Ieland WiUiarrt M'Guiee Hollaway M'Cabee Patrick M'Douell Richard M'Calley Wm. Nicholas Elizabeth Nelson James Newhall Oren s Neely Mary Nekervis Th6mas Norton Nancy Newton Thomas Ofiutt Samuel Overstreet Jerry Outon Thomas Osbin Mr. Porter TJiomas 2 Pollock Johu Prather Aaron Pemberton George Putnam Joseph 2 Page Robert Pinkard George Prentiss Thomas St, 2 Partlow John G. Pickett John Porter Sarah Palmateer William Pilchet- - Stephens Patrick Lemuel Risba Th'omas Russell Williafn Col Russell Joseph Ruth David W. 2 Robinson James C. Rollins Samuel 3 Reddick Thomas F. Richardson John 2. Russell Mary O. Rainbow I homas Roads Jacob Robert James Rolsten James Robinson John Robertson John Red Dudley Ruff John Richardson James S inds Daniel H. Smith George Scott Thomas Studman Thomas Searles James Singer Joseph Scott Ruth Stivers Mr. Sutton John t.. Scantling Bejijamin Sallee Isaac Scott Thomai . Spencer John Striker Isaac Shelby James Stuart Alary MrS. Sianor Coonrod Stevenson Thomas Sutherland John Smith Joseph Springer Westly Sanders Mivird Stuart Robert 2 Strong Return 2 Stephen John Saunders, Seaton Ec Co. Stewart William Thomas Elizabeth Thompson Martha O. Thompson Alexander Thompson John True James Taul Samuel Truedell Williarn Todd Thomas Taylor Josephua Taylor Leonard Taylor Hubbard Tyller William Trimble John Tinaey brwd Haller is' 2 Houston Hoot, s -- J Jouett Chas. Jessup Thomas i. Johnson Thos P. Jackson Thomas Jourdan John Jenkins David Jackson John Othello K' IJnapper John King Eli Kenney Willianl L Long John B. Lindsey James Langhorn M. &T. Long William La.vience ElihU Lewis Granville Lewis Jane Lindsey Andrew R. M Munns Charles Murdock Wirt. Moss David Martin Thompson Miller Benjamin Memris C Mr. Marshall Wm. Manuel Wm, Mahon James Maxwe 11 Jarece Martin James fjg Monroe James Morris Jacob Afarshall 1 homas, Miksell Jacob Monroe Nancy Miller Bernard Moore Wm H. Martin Thomas JIPc M'Crosky Elijah MDowell John M'Mickin James M'Plieeters James M'Cullough Henry M'Connell James M'Nitt Robert M'Laughlin Wm. B. M'Kpisey Sally M'Connell Mr. M'Callie James M'Chord John X Neal George Niles Aaron Nailor Polly Nicholas John Noble Elijah Netherland Kisd O .kley George O'Connor Dominick Osborne Samuel Poague John D. Puloff John Page Guin Piercy Jonathan Parker Hutchison Page Henry Payne Hugh Potts James Parrish T. Mrs. Parker Mary 2 Pieple Robert Perkins Ruthy ' Pajne Edward Patterson Andrew It Rawlins John Ray Henry Reed Maiia M, Robinson Scarlet Rogers John Ross William Richardson Joseph, sen. Rice Hojle William Robinson David Rossel William Rogers laty Risk John Rosey Cilbon Roach Richard Rankins Thomas Rankin Adam 2 Rice Johfi C. S Smee Charles Starks John Swann George Snycle Robert Stephenson George Sinclare John Simpson William Smith Margaret Stubblefield William Shields Nancy Stephen William P. Short Charles W. Skote Robert Sidner George P. Shidleton George Stout Anthony Smith Elias Scott William Stivers William Springer John Sivigart John Stone Wm or George Story Daniel 2 Spencer John btapleton tieorge Shaw Henry Stwettman James B. 3 T Tuder John, 2 Tarlton Alfred Trible William-Tucke- r Beverly Turker John Tuder Thomas Tinner Anson Thorp William Tomlin Charles 1 ivis John Rev. Tidd John Thomas Mary Tull Joseph Trout VnncMc it Underwood Thomas Vance James Vaughan David Wright John Wainwright John While Jane Williams Henson Wvatt John Waltort Ehjih Walker Francis Wier William 2 Wallace John Withnell Aaron 3 Worker Francis Wallace John Wallace WVIiam Whitehead Armstead Woifolk Elijah Whiteman Jacob Warren Elijah Williams Charles Williams William Wyatt John 2 West John Wyatt Walter Wallis gness Webb Georije Woolfolk Martha Young John li Persons enquiring st, 11111 please to say tiey are nctvetisea. JOHH FOWLER P M. 1,1815 JV.. .Lte- - A list of Letters RemaThingin the Post da) of April, which is months, will be sent to dead letters Anness Robert H Ancel Nancy Abbot Biveon Blackburn Wm. 1. Blackburn William 2 Barker John II Buchannon Levy Baldy Isaac S. Brown Travace Barnes John Brown James 2 Clerk Woodford Ct. 3 Orotliers- - Abner Calimiet Marcus 2 Collins Thomas Creath Jacc b, ReV. Canuda Philip Davis William Dawson CostaluW Davis Thomas Dnrety Nancy. Edwards John Bltrttt"AndrcTr flEUiott John Evans William Finch Artimease Ford A. Graves Wni. Grills John Harper ThomM Hamilton John Harrison Luke Hancock James Holeman Daniel Jackson John 2 Jackson David L. Jessee Thumas Johnson George- Kertley Dorrothee Kinkead John D Kelso William Kertley Lucinda Lackland John I uckett & Carlile 2 Lewis Francis Luckett Hezekiah 2 Lele Carter Lalon N cliolas Martin Henry Mills Samuel B. Mgehe Carter T. Mayo William Mosby Nicholas Jl oss John ' Miles James Manning Richard Nicholas Thomas Obannon George Philips James Payne Charles Payne John Robertson itichard Richardson Nathl. 2 Rogers Elijah Risk John Redman Jesse K. Summers Wm. Smith John H. Ssk Barnet Stevenson Thomas Spencer John Sandford James Tobboit John 1 hompson Betsy Vance Benjamin Vawter Edwd. F Esq Woods Itervie Watkins Samuel 2 Walker Richd. 8c Wm Wood Benjamin Williamson John Waikm Henry, Esq Wtntaker William Young William D. 2 15 ING BUblNl SS Le i ,0 i ZQ, r V Vorhis P. G. Vance Catharine W Wilsoh Robert Winn George Wironing tVice Woodburn Robert Woolfolk Jordan-- Wilson Alex'd. West Charles Warble Philip Williamson George Wilnot tliWrt Wilkison Joseph 2 Wilktson Edmbnd P Woi ley Joshua 'Woodruff Aaron orl)a- - vid Wilches Thonias Whitehead Armstead Ward Jnne Weleb Thomas Wyatt John Wane Clary Williamson Lettee Winchell James P., " , Waterous Cli'ah r Yates Michael for Letters in the above Office, Versailles, on the 1st not taken out within thrpe the geneial Post Office a Alexander Robert AndeisOn Richard TV M Boston John Blackburn Doct Bowland Wm 2 Biown John, Mrs. Berry James Bowmar Hai mar 2 Brown Samuel 3 Buckner John W. Clark Sally Cook Able Clagett'Chnrles Cotton George J. 2 Collins Joseph J) Davis Fores Darnell Edward Davidson Joseph Dixon 1 homas E .Ellis William Bramrtlenry Elliott James F Ford John Ford Benjamin George Jessee Gaines Elizabeth U Hancock Obadiah Hall Michael 2 Hamilton Ann Henton ThomaA Jessee Samuel Johnson John D. Jones Wm. M. 2 K Kinkead Wm.Capt. 2 Kinkead Wm. Kirkum Nancy L Long Z. Laughree E Lankford Robert Long John, sen. Lyne Thumas -- Is Mouday Wm. Moss Phebe Morrow James , Marshall Anna M. Mois Lucy M. Muns Gideon Murry Geoige X Novell Thomas O P Preston Wm. Patterson Francis n Buggies John Eq. Roper Joseph Rucker James W. Rarden Polly Ruddle Stephen S Stone Henry Stewart Duncan Smith Belford Dr. Scott James Steele John T Torbitt Jameo V Violett Thornton F. Woolford Daniel Willhoit Elijah Wilson Wiilim Wilkinson Spotswood Woldndge Green Williams John F Welhort Hnam 2 X PETER C. BUCK, p m Wanted Immediate), TWO oi three AriDrentices to the I AHi B KAJiR li 43 U rSftWl.rYTOOL. Wasted at the Lexington Manufactory Sheep's Wool of all quilities for which the following prices will be paid, viz. For common wool - . 2s to 2s. 3d. Half blood Mennd - 4s. Three quarter do - . 6s Pull bloud do - - 8s per pound. 1 he wool must be washed clean, and free of burrs at the above prices, or is in the fleece a deduction Will be made equal to what it w ill loose in washing. tn purchasing merino wool no regard will be paid to the name or particulat grade thereof, unless it will compare with fair samples of same grade fr m the subscribers flocks, sam-pi- of winch may be seen at the said Factory ortheir , whifch are kept for Hie inspec- tion of thnllp ulin U'mh tn Knm-- . n. niin.nf oA .. .. ..... ubuutiii. AVIIU.IIIUU with the qualities ar lvalue of their wool in wasning wool great ore s "in . be used not tftrnife ihecoWse part t the fliVce and tad. locks with the sine qualities J & T G PI!EN I ISS. Lexington, .March .6 14 tf i Just Imported, ANDFORS.LE, AT V. MENTELLE'S COMMISSION SltiKi-'- , Mam Street, next door to Mr Wm Leavy, FBESU GMIJIN SEEDS OF AIL KINDS iV10fl WHICH. Am. mngimlrnttr8fiuTttrrftlb&us dad. urouna A'uis jllso, A vai-i- . ty of Choice TOYS, for the Approaching ciIristmaS, u XEW-YE.tW- S GIFTS, SUCH as DOLLS, Wholesale and.Retail, BOXES, Glass and Painted, Elegant Painted ic Queen'sware SNUFF BOXES MILLS, CUP ft BALL, TCTOTUMS, and oth- ers too numerous for desci iption, REFINED LIQUORICE, in boies, for colds, and coughs, Ditto in sticks, DURABLE INK, RAISINS, by the bo ., or by the pound, An elegant and cheap set jot CHINA, An assoitment 6f QUEENS WARE. FIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, superior quality, BOSS COTTON, Ditto SPUN, of all sizes, liOMBAZETTS, and other Dry Goods, COMMON WARE, b Wholesale and Ret.U, RAPPEE SNUFF Orders from the country, attended to, punctually. 47 ' November 20. . - i, Dissolution of Partnership. .TAJ.IKM&.B L. G1UYFS, Have this day bissolved Partnership by mu- tual r nnant 'T'h- hiima th lnt .. w...... .. w ...w. v.. iv tan in. xernwiltti. conducted iff Future by J1K3 ut-vr.- .no is alone autnoriseu to rtceive and pay all debts due t. , .nd from the -- aid firm. JAMES GRAVF.S, B L. GRAVES. Mvh 1H.1S16 13-3- w "Mii'rt oi Kentucky : MKItCER CIRCUIT, sct.-M- arch Term, 1816. William Scott, Compt."l against I James Turner- - and V In Chancery. Charles Blake, defen. dants J THIS DAY came the complainant by hia counsel, and t appearing that the defendant HI ike is not an inhabitant of this common- wealth, and he having sailed to answer the complaman's bill herein oh motion of the complainant therefore, by his counsel, it is or- dered that utiles . said defendant appear on op before the first day.of the next term of this court, and answer the complaman's bill, that the same will be taken pro confesso And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be fi rthwith inserted eight weeks successively in some public news-pape- r in this conmon-uealt- h, authorised by law to make such pub. lication. A Copy Teste, '"- - HCUM'S ALLEN, r r. jX . - The .Noted Hoi-s- e Y iung Forrester, IViM .n - ' . i'jr niaien SSTr??. uing season, at my stable. 3 east ot Lexmgtnn and be let 1 ma e at the moderate price of sour dollars the season, which may be dis- charged in wheat, rve, p..kf whisky, sugar, linen, wool, or fx, on or before the sirs' day ot December 1816 ; two dollars and a half cash the single leap eight dollars to insure a mare with foal persons parting wth the nuie before she is known to be with foal, u ill be con- sidered accountable for the insurance money Any person who will pay the cash, within the season, three dollars will be accepted as full pay ; the season to end the fourth day of July Good pasture can be furnished for mares flora a distance. Due attendance will be guen.but will not be accountable for accidents YOUNG FOKRES IEIt ,s a beautiful dap. pie gray, fuU 16 hands high, rising eleven years old. Pedigree. He was got by old Forrester, v. ho "is well known here his dam by old Pilgrim, who 25 dollars m V.rginia his grand dam was Col Meade's noted mare, which sold when she was 79. .... r .. ., .7 j . dollars in tobaccco .March 20, 1816. i . FOUNDRY. The subscriber having commenced a' Brass. Iron ami l?ll Fnnmlw. Lexington, opposite Sanders's, public genetal, sliortesfnotice, ttveras, Iiouses liatter'f uons, tailor's 'ui uiuusana she was the dam of ASA 13. illl 3iUl k'lirilt, Ul UHl dog irons, vafle lions, tit larit.fr. tinnA. In the toun ol Lewis Alain Stl t l Dih. fv !... !, 1. ....! 4Tk , iiuv'.iij ilia iiciii9, aim lie iii that he now cm i kts lh rai m all I lrfit .11 t - i t! v..v.. .wuinit. u rviuiis uj uassanu nun iiiafiuijc-- i y will be cast On the and in tht best manei nlso foi court &.c i out rtC Ull HitllU l 'ICrti tail 1! UII9r Ott All m ilcra ii til li sit tuallv ittended tbeiuljjcib February S - lwu 14 W1LGUSS. ITJI13 on ml. .11 ami .n.n.... linn bt lis to, by i ;

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Page 1: II. List of it r rSftWl.rYTOOL.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7q5717mt0x/data/1488.pdfPrather Aaron Pemberton George Putnam Joseph 2 Page Robert Pinkard George Prentiss Thomas St, 2 Partlow John

"yr W ssBv "T" F""Tir! HT" "Y" """V "W 7"" "Iv

JYht? Series No. 16. Fd.. II. LEXINGTON, K. MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1816. IA o . 30.

. A. .


F. BRADFORD, Jr.Jit Ttso Hollars per annum, paid in advance, or

Three Dollars at end of the Year.

Commission Warehouse

JEREMIAH NEAVE & SONOf Cincinnati, Ohio,

Have erected large and commodious

Brick Warehouses & Cellarsthe reception of all kinds of Merchandise,

Manufactures and Produce, for Storage, and SaleonCopnmission, for lorwarding by the mar or tocountry merchants. Bills and debts collected andpunctually remitted. Purchises made and gene-rally all BROKERAGE arid COMMISSION

transacted8tf Cincinnati, February 19


LOTTERY.The subscribe! a have just received an additional

supply of Masonic Hall lottery Tickets, now draw-ing in the city of Baltimore, the drawing of whichhas been suspended aboatone month, but willie-cominenc- e

this day, the 25th of March, and con-

tinue to draw COO tickets each day, three days in aWeek, until its completion.

The first drawn number to day, the 15th jhir's'''iinft flLfe.totllled tOjIi&SonaryjfpnHt oT

On UielOtfi, l?th, 18th, and 19th, the fintflftwiinumber on'each day to be entitled to Fi.e HundredJollai ., each- -

On 20th 100021st 500022nd 10002Sd - S00a.24th , 100025th 5000"

26th St 27th 500(each

w-- 7



On 8th29th 1,000


40,000 DOLLARS.Present pricte of tickets $15 but wdl rise as the

lottery progresses.WM- - ROB1NSO .,

Next door to Johu D. Clifford's Store.March 25.

Storage & Commission Business.SHVLTZ & CUALFAJfT,

Beg leave to jnform the Merchants of Ken-tucky, that they have commenced the Storagejjhd Commission Business, in Majsville, Ky.Where they will constantly attend to 'lie

and forwarding- all goods, wares, &ccommitted to their care.

They al .6 carry on theCopper and Tinning Business,

And ihtfcnd 'keeping always on hand, a generaljCdpply ot Tin Ware, which they will sell atthe ' lttsburg prices, without the addition offreight

N B. Orders will be strictly attended tdFebruary 10-- 7 2m


nASJUST RECEIVED A FEWGold Patent Lver Watches


GOLD K( PEATKRS,Which he offers for sale at reduced priceb, set

his shop opposite the Lexington Branch BankHat on haid a lae uesortment of


tH silver of which wat ranted to be as pureas dollars.The abov articles will be sold on the low-

est terms for Cash. The Watches will not reMain long on hand.

ONE BOX OF JEWELRY,Consisting of Watch Chains, Seals and Keys,

to the value ofabout six hundred dollars to besold at wholesale.

Lexington, Xy Marchf. 14-t- f

'50th 10,00031st 1,00032nd 10,0003ith35h 1,0003Cth

patrons in the art of

reat isargamsoMAY BEOn early application to

ERALNARD, SELDON, & Co.Who have just from New-Yor- k, and are

now opening in Mr. C. Co) le's store 100m, onMain Street, two doors from the office of theKentucky Insurance Company,



Superfine Broml Cloths, Stockcnnetts,Cassimeres, Silk striped Vestings, Tabbj Velvet,Levantines, Florences, Satins and Virginias.Cotton, Silk and Imitation Shawls, from 3 toCambnck and Jackonet Muslins, an assortment ofPlain, Twilled and Silk striped Gingh ms.

Satin and Taffita Ribbands,Fine Cotton Thread,Laces, Buttons, Ike.

Cambrick and Colerain Shirting,Uumbaztne, Muslinnetts, Callicos, iit.

Also some articles of CUTLERY.AH of which they offer for sale, wholesale and re-fill, at much lower rates than the ordin.ry pricesn this country 13 MarcU 27

DANCING SCHOOL.THE Subscriber tenders his most sincere

thanta to his former






UANL,iJNli, and. begs leave to into.m themthathe has just retumed to Lexington, havingbeen absent for some time past improvinghimself in the art of his profession, and thathe will open a DANCING SCHOOL in thisplace, in that commodious room in the cornerhouse of Mr. Cornelius Coyle, on Jordan'sKow, which will commence on Friday andSaturday the 12Ui and 13th of April next.

13tt BENJAMIN LONG.March 20, 181C.

List of Letters "

Remaining1 in the Post Office at Lexington,April 1st, 1816, which, is not taken outbe- -

sore three months,ral Post Office 2.3 dead letters :

Atkinson RichardArmstrong Andrew IIAnderson John A S 2Abernathy Richard LAitkin Robert .2Alexander Wm.Admiral Benjm.Allen M. JohnAmiss WilliamAbertrombie John J.

t3ain WilliamBrown Abram E.Barr Robert 2Buckner William- -

Beatty J or 13 Spun 3Baird MarthaHrphra PhilipBarker JohnBell StephenBerryman GilsonBarnett Richd.Byrne Patrick" J.Burrow es Bazilllurnes Thomas T.Bo. worth DavidBanks CharlesBoWlds Josephlliown Belli ,ti.,:llush Matthias' i

B mberger MichaelHell llenj.Brown James R.Hush MrHermmg PerkinsBreckinridge L Mrs.Ilaber H B. H.Blythe Mr.Bambridge Absalom"Byrd AbrahamBenning MariaBayed John M.Best JosialiBuckntr Henry

Curtis Johnduff P .leyCox HenryCampbell ArchibaldCain JamesCurry J hnC ckt Wm. ArcherCross J sephCronkshanks AndrewClark JohnC demin ChilesCob Eliza JonesCla.kW G.Cahill WilliamCildweUCharlesCassel JncobCabbeli EdwrrU D -,-

Craig Lewis & JohnChapman WilliamConner FrancesCrocket NevboldChiles MarvCr .ckett JosephCassan JamesCalbert GeorgeCobb. DavidColeman John

Dte SydnorDunn J hnDorsej CloeyDunlap John R.Davis FieldingDaitnporl JamesDunn PatseyDawning JordanIluherty WilliamDanell JohnDunough Williani

Elliot. JohnEuins WilliamEdward . Wm.Elliott Jame: 2Eads ThomasEdmanson (Coach

maker)Ewing Mary Ann

Fox HenryFoii! EplnaimFvryer Richard 2.rord Ilenjamin B.Fianklin HarryForte Philip A.Erv NicholasFrazier Mary 2

Gray JamesGoodm ThomasGarrett WilliamGreen RebeccaGregg JamesGrten Frederick R. '.

Giliens JohnGundy SimonGuault JohnGrimes CharlesGrimes JohnGoodwin Joseph G.

Margraves Richd.Hagin JamesHawkins J. ToodHagarty SallyHallfer BenjHarrison AnnHurst JohnHart NathanielHooper Nancy M. 2Houst n RobertHall SarahHamilton Richd.Howell Air.Herkins JohnHamilton John S

Hodges DanielHarrison Alex.Harlow GeorgeHarris SamuelHart JohnHorwitz Doct.Hickman JohnHarshel Anthony 2Hawkins MartinHoughton RubenHarper John

will be sent to the Gene

AAbbott William K.Aitkin LucettaAlsop SpencerAtkin GeorgeAshby William R.Armstrong JamesAllen CharlesAbbott AVilharaAmis Peter

BBourne SarahBennington Wm.Bainbndge It C.Bright George A.Berryman James 3.Boswell ThomasBell WilliamBiggs AndrewIlly the Samuelliuckner Elizabeth G.Banks HenryBuford AbiahamBickham JamesBartlet JamesBryan MorganBryant WillisBuckhinan J.

3335Hfeffl'lioonr.vjiiiamllerry Richard1Bruce Waddle G.Bowles JohnBibb JamesBurroughs GeorgeBoggs Robert C.Bell JackHow en Richard Etc.Baker Isaac L. 4Brookie James 2Brashear Walter S.Boardmin Nathan J. 2Dottier John 2.Bonaffe'E. 2

CChiles ItichardCreath JacobCreighto n RobertCummins JacobColeman GeorgeCleveland GeorgeCanington L.ltleburryCall JamesCt others AbnerChampucef TCobbet Samuel'Chamberlin SamuelCnok Joho W.Cambel Mr.Colbert WillisCox JNlosesOramner MaryCurry WilliamCassel AbrahamClay HenryCleveland AlexanderCraven JohnCarroll John, jun.Crittenden Thos T. 4Clerk of the FayetteCircuit Court

I)Divis Nalhan or JohnDonaldson Robert 2Dunn MaithaDiwLng MrDeatlierae IsaacDonald Moses

Duncan MaryDdpey CharlotteDuncan James M.Daugherly James

EElliott ThomasEllerbrok JosephEads JohnEdwerd JohnEdmondson C R.Evans RichardEndicult Samuel

FFry AaronFerres JohnFreeman A. R.Faulconer LewisiFishell MichaelFisher MaddoxFidler William

Grady .SamuelGibson JohnGraham ChristopherGarnet WilliamGillchnes SylvcnusGrant WilliamGregory PeterGraves BartlcttGray NancyGaines SenerphonGriffith Robert

nHarris Wm.Hinds RankinHarrison Charles 0.Harris NathanielHeddleson J.Hay JohnHamilton ElizaHaines. EvanHopkins JesseHopewell SamuelHanly John II.Harney JohnHumphreys SarahHeiskill & PollardHaydon Wm. D.Hampton AndrewHodges Danl. or Thos.Hine HenryHarris ThomasHarrison John AHuwvermale Fred.Heron DavidHaydon JamesHudson PhilipHarrison HenryHenne Henry F

I Henry John .5 '

Hunnicutt John

Johnson JohnJones ifenryJones Merit S.Jamison JohnJinkins MurwoodJohnson'SolomonJones John R.

Kelly JohnKelly John W. 1!

Kendall JohnRingsly Abraham

Loyd Thomas C.Leonard CarlosLewis CharlesLyle Davidl.unny ThomasLauddeman JacobLogan DavidLong NicholasLochcibie Andrew

Marcel JeanMosby JohnMoss Jesse 2Madd x NotleyMay John LMyers Aaron 2Mountigue ThomasMorris JoshuaMathews Jamestjjoreland Wm.


Morton DavidMoore FrancesMerackin 'JathanneMeredith SamuelMorrison David C.Martin JohnMurry LeviaMintnn JohnMoore Yelly

M'Murry Prudence 2M'Chesney JohnM'Clean SamuelM'Lanaham Thos.M'l'heetets Chas.M'Genness Thos.M'lntosh DanielM'Abee Robert 2M" Ieland WiUiarrtM'Guiee HollawayM'Cabee PatrickM'Douell RichardM'Calley Wm.

Nicholas ElizabethNelson JamesNewhall Oren sNeely MaryNekervis Th6masNorton NancyNewton Thomas

Ofiutt SamuelOverstreet JerryOuton ThomasOsbin Mr.

Porter TJiomas 2Pollock JohuPrather AaronPemberton GeorgePutnam Joseph 2Page RobertPinkard GeorgePrentiss Thomas St, 2Partlow John G.Pickett JohnPorter SarahPalmateer WilliamPilchet- - StephensPatrick Lemuel

Risba Th'omasRussell Williafn ColRussell JosephRuth David W. 2Robinson James C.Rollins Samuel 3Reddick Thomas F.Richardson John 2.Russell Mary O.Rainbow I homasRoads JacobRobert JamesRolsten JamesRobinson JohnRobertson JohnRed DudleyRuff JohnRichardson James

S inds Daniel H.Smith GeorgeScott ThomasStudman ThomasSearles JamesSinger JosephScott RuthStivers Mr.Sutton John t..Scantling BejijaminSallee IsaacScott Thomai .Spencer JohnStriker IsaacShelby JamesStuart Alary MrS.Sianor CoonrodStevenson ThomasSutherland JohnSmith JosephSpringer WestlySanders MivirdStuart Robert 2Strong Return 2Stephen JohnSaunders, Seaton Ec Co.Stewart William

Thomas ElizabethThompson Martha O.Thompson AlexanderThompson JohnTrue JamesTaul SamuelTruedell WilliarnTodd ThomasTaylor JosephuaTaylor LeonardTaylor HubbardTyller WilliamTrimble JohnTinaey brwd

Haller is' 2Houston Hoot, s --

JJouett Chas.Jessup Thomas i.Johnson Thos P.Jackson ThomasJourdan JohnJenkins DavidJackson John OthelloK'IJnapper JohnKing EliKenney Willianl

LLong John B.Lindsey JamesLanghorn M. &T.Long WilliamLa.vience ElihULewis GranvilleLewis JaneLindsey Andrew R.

MMunns CharlesMurdock Wirt.Moss DavidMartin ThompsonMiller BenjaminMemris C Mr.Marshall Wm.Manuel Wm,Mahon JamesMaxwe 11 JareceMartin James fjgMonroe JamesMorris JacobAfarshall 1 homas,Miksell JacobMonroe NancyMiller BernardMoore Wm H.Martin Thomas

JIPcM'Crosky ElijahMDowell JohnM'Mickin JamesM'Plieeters JamesM'Cullough HenryM'Connell JamesM'Nitt RobertM'Laughlin Wm. B.M'Kpisey SallyM'Connell Mr.M'Callie JamesM'Chord John

XNeal GeorgeNiles AaronNailor PollyNicholas JohnNoble ElijahNetherland Kisd

O .kley GeorgeO'Connor DominickOsborne Samuel

Poague John D.Puloff JohnPage GuinPiercy JonathanParker HutchisonPage HenryPayne HughPotts JamesParrish T. Mrs.Parker Mary 2Pieple RobertPerkins Ruthy 'Pajne EdwardPatterson Andrew

ItRawlins JohnRay HenryReed Maiia M,Robinson ScarletRogers JohnRoss WilliamRichardson Joseph, sen.RiceHojle WilliamRobinson DavidRossel WilliamRogers latyRisk JohnRosey CilbonRoach RichardRankins ThomasRankin Adam 2Rice Johfi C.SSmee CharlesStarks JohnSwann GeorgeSnycle RobertStephenson GeorgeSinclare JohnSimpson WilliamSmith MargaretStubblefield WilliamShields NancyStephen William P.Short Charles W.Skote RobertSidner George P.Shidleton GeorgeStout AnthonySmith EliasScott WilliamStivers WilliamSpringer JohnSivigart JohnStone Wm or GeorgeStory Daniel 2Spencer Johnbtapleton tieorgeShaw HenryStwettman James B. 3TTuder John, 2Tarlton AlfredTrible William-Tucke- r

BeverlyTurker JohnTuder ThomasTinner AnsonThorp WilliamTomlin Charles1 ivis John Rev.Tidd JohnThomas MaryTull JosephTrout VnncMc

itUnderwood Thomas

Vance JamesVaughan David

Wright JohnWainwright JohnWhile JaneWilliams HensonWvatt JohnWaltort EhjihWalker FrancisWier William 2Wallace JohnWithnell Aaron 3Worker FrancisWallace JohnWallace WVIiamWhitehead ArmsteadWoifolk ElijahWhiteman JacobWarren ElijahWilliams CharlesWilliams WilliamWyatt John 2West JohnWyatt WalterWallis gnessWebb GeorijeWoolfolk Martha

Young Johnli Persons enquiringst, 11111 please to say tiey are nctvetisea.

JOHH FOWLER P M.1,1815 JV.. .Lte--

A list of LettersRemaThingin the Post

da) of April, which ismonths, will be sent todead letters

Anness Robert HAncel Nancy

Abbot BiveonBlackburn Wm. 1.Blackburn William 2Barker John IIBuchannon LevyBaldy Isaac S.Brown TravaceBarnes JohnBrown James 2

Clerk Woodford Ct. 3Orotliers- - AbnerCalimiet Marcus 2Collins ThomasCreath Jacc b, ReV.Canuda Philip

Davis WilliamDawson CostaluWDavis ThomasDnrety Nancy.

Edwards JohnBltrttt"AndrcTr

flEUiott JohnEvans William

Finch ArtimeaseFord A.

Graves Wni.Grills John

Harper ThomMHamilton JohnHarrison LukeHancock JamesHoleman Daniel

Jackson John 2Jackson David L.Jessee ThumasJohnson George-

Kertley DorrotheeKinkead John DKelso WilliamKertley Lucinda

Lackland JohnI uckett & Carlile 2

Lewis FrancisLuckett Hezekiah 2Lele CarterLalon N cliolas

Martin HenryMills Samuel B.Mgehe Carter T.Mayo WilliamMosby NicholasJl oss John 'Miles JamesManning Richard

Nicholas Thomas

Obannon George

Philips JamesPayne CharlesPayne John

Robertson itichardRichardson Nathl. 2Rogers ElijahRisk JohnRedman Jesse K.

Summers Wm.Smith John H.Ssk BarnetStevenson ThomasSpencer JohnSandford James

Tobboit John1 hompson BetsyVance BenjaminVawter Edwd. F Esq

Woods ItervieWatkins Samuel 2Walker Richd. 8c WmWood BenjaminWilliamson JohnWaikm Henry, EsqWtntaker William

Young William D. 215

ING BUblNl SSLe i ,0 i ZQ,

rVVorhis P. G.Vance CatharineWWilsoh RobertWinn GeorgeWironing tViceWoodburn RobertWoolfolk Jordan--Wilson Alex'd.West CharlesWarble PhilipWilliamson GeorgeWilnot tliWrtWilkison Joseph 2Wilktson Edmbnd PWoi ley Joshua'Woodruff Aaron orl)a- -

vidWilches ThoniasWhitehead ArmsteadWard JnneWeleb ThomasWyatt JohnWane ClaryWilliamson LetteeWinchell James P.,


Waterous Cli'ah

rYates Michael

for Letters in the above

Office, Versailles, on the 1stnot taken out within thrpethe geneial Post Office a

Alexander RobertAndeisOn Richard TV

MBoston JohnBlackburn DoctBowland Wm 2Biown John, Mrs.Berry JamesBowmar Hai mar 2Brown Samuel 3Buckner John W.

Clark SallyCook AbleClagett'ChnrlesCotton George J. 2Collins Joseph

J)Davis ForesDarnell EdwardDavidson JosephDixon 1 homasE.Ellis WilliamBramrtlenryElliott James

FFord JohnFord Benjamin

George JesseeGaines Elizabeth

UHancock ObadiahHall Michael 2Hamilton AnnHenton ThomaA

Jessee SamuelJohnson John D.Jones Wm. M. 2

KKinkead Wm.Capt. 2Kinkead Wm.Kirkum Nancy

LLong Z.Laughree ELankford RobertLong John, sen.Lyne Thumas

--IsMouday Wm.Moss PhebeMorrow James ,

Marshall Anna M.Mois Lucy M.Muns GideonMurry Geoige

XNovell ThomasO

PPreston Wm.Patterson Francis

nBuggies John Eq.Roper JosephRucker James W.Rarden PollyRuddle StephenSStone HenryStewart DuncanSmith Belford Dr.Scott JamesSteele John

TTorbitt JameoVViolett Thornton F.

Woolford DanielWillhoit ElijahWilson WiilimWilkinson SpotswoodWoldndge GreenWilliams John FWelhort Hnam 2



Wanted Immediate),TWO oi three AriDrentices to the I AHi

B KAJiR li43 U

rSftWl.rYTOOL.Wasted at the Lexington Manufactory

Sheep's Wool of all quilities for which thefollowing prices will be paid, viz.

For common wool - . 2s to 2s. 3d.Half blood Mennd - 4s.Three quarter do - . 6sPull bloud do - - 8s per pound.

1 he wool must be washed clean, and free ofburrs at the above prices, or is in the fleece adeduction Will be made equal to what it w illloose in washing.

tn purchasing merino wool no regard will bepaid to the name or particulat grade thereof,unless it will compare with fair samples ofsame grade fr m the subscribers flocks, sam-pi-

of winch may be seen at the said Factoryortheir , whifch are kept for Hie inspec-tion of thnllp ulin U'mh tn Knm-- . n. niin.nf oA.. .. ..... ubuutiii. AVIIU.IIIUUwith the qualities ar lvalue of their woolin wasning wool great ore s "in . be used nottftrnife ihecoWse part t the fliVce and tad.locks with the sine qualities

J & T G PI!EN I ISS.Lexington, .March .6 14 tf


Just Imported,ANDFORS.LE,


Mam Street, next door to Mr Wm Leavy,

FBESU GMIJIN SEEDSOF AIL KINDS iV10fl WHICH. Am.mngimlrnttr8fiuTttrrftlb&us dad.

urouna A'uis jllso,A vai-i- . ty of Choice TOYS,

for the Approaching ciIristmaS, uXEW-YE.tW- S GIFTS,

SUCH asDOLLS, Wholesale and.Retail,BOXES, Glass and Painted,Elegant Painted ic Queen'sware SNUFF BOXESMILLS, CUP ft BALL, TCTOTUMS, and oth-

ers too numerous for desci iption,REFINED LIQUORICE, in boies, for colds, and

coughs,Ditto in sticks,DURABLE INK,RAISINS, by the bo ., or by the pound,An elegant and cheap set jot CHINA,An assoitment 6f QUEENS WARE.FIDDLES, and FIDDLE STRINGS, superior

quality,BOSS COTTON,Ditto SPUN, of all sizes,liOMBAZETTS, and other Dry Goods,COMMON WARE, b Wholesale and Ret.U,RAPPEE SNUFF

Orders from the country, attended to, punctually.47 ' November 20.

.- i,

Dissolution of Partnership.

.TAJ.IKM&.B L. G1UYFS,Have this day bissolved Partnership by mu-

tual r nnant 'T'h- hiima th lnt.. w...... .. w ...w. v.. iv tan in.xernwiltti. conducted iff Future by J1K3ut-vr.- .no is alone autnoriseu to rtceiveand pay all debts due t. , .nd from the -- aidfirm. JAMES GRAVF.S,

B L. GRAVES.Mvh 1H.1S16 13-3- w

"Mii'rt oi Kentucky :

MKItCER CIRCUIT, sct.-M- arch Term, 1816.William Scott, Compt."l

against I

James Turner-- and V In Chancery.Charles Blake, defen.dants J

THIS DAY came the complainant by hiacounsel, and t appearing that the defendantHI ike is not an inhabitant of this common-wealth, and he having sailed to answer thecomplaman's bill herein oh motion of thecomplainant therefore, by his counsel, it is or-dered that utiles . said defendant appear on opbefore the first day.of the next term of thiscourt, and answer the complaman's bill, thatthe same will be taken pro confesso And itis further ordered that a copy of this orderbe fi rthwith inserted eight weeks successivelyin some public news-pape- r in this conmon-uealt- h,

authorised by law to make such pub.lication. A Copy Teste,

'"- - HCUM'S ALLEN, r r.

jX. -

The .Noted Hoi-s- e

Y iung Forrester,IViM .n -'. i'jr niaien

SSTr??. uing season, at my stable.3 east ot Lexmgtnn and

be let 1 ma e at the moderate price ofsour dollars the season, which may be dis-charged in wheat, rve, p..kf whisky, sugar,linen, wool, or fx, on or before the sirs' dayot December 1816 ; two dollars and a halfcash the single leap eight dollars to insure amare with foal persons parting wth the nuiebefore she is known to be with foal, u ill be con-sidered accountable for the insurance moneyAny person who will pay the cash, within theseason, three dollars will be accepted as fullpay ; the season to end the fourth day of JulyGood pasture can be furnished for mares floraa distance. Due attendance will be guen.butwill not be accountable for accidents

YOUNG FOKRES IEIt ,s a beautiful dap.pie gray, fuU 16 hands high, rising elevenyears old.

Pedigree.He was got by old Forrester, v. ho "is well

known here his dam by old Pilgrim, who25 dollars m V.rginia his grand

dam was Col Meade's noted mare, which soldwhen she was 79. .... r .. .,

.7 j.dollars in tobaccco

.March 20, 1816.

i .

FOUNDRY.The subscriber having commenced a'

Brass. Iron ami l?ll Fnnmlw.Lexington, opposite Sanders's,

public genetal,

sliortesfnotice,ttveras, Iiouses

liatter'f uons, tailor's

'ui uiuusanashe was the dam of


illl 3iUl k'lirilt, Ul UHldog irons, vafle lions,

tit larit.fr. tinnA.

In the toun ol LewisAlain Stl t l Dih. fv !... !, 1. ....! 4Tk, iiuv'.iij ilia iiciii9, aim lie

iii that he now cm i kts lh rai m allI lrfit .11 t - i t!v..v.. .wuinit. u rviuiis uj uassanu nun iiiafiuijc-- iy will be cast On the and in tht best

manei nlso foi court &.c

i out rtC Ull HitllUl

'ICrti tail 1! UII9r OttAll m ilcra ii til li sit

tuallv ittended tbeiuljjcib

February S

- lwu14




ml. .11 ami



bt lis

to, by i
