ii w- the virginihs knd chr0ljmhs - chronicling...

II THE WASHINGTON POST TUESDAY OCTOBER 24 VIRGINIHS KND CHR0LJMHS 3 THE w- I 1899 ID MEMORY OF HEROES Shaft to Con federate Dead Un- veiled at Woodstock BLUE AND GRAY of Handsome Iinlinn Mnrblc M anutt nCeuicterrSiir- D im lx IUonnd Marking jeijkt for a IDC Cuu c Inliori asbtcr of the Coufcdoraey w Twk Oct M KxsoWIers of mi both Confederates and ir rr n onm JI parts of Pred rick jff t p ntetMU in th cerento- r imic th unveiling of the raonu- p t 0 Confdrate d d erected in X Cem ery by Shenandoah r CitM Daugliteni of the Confed y rt j roc nrtOR to the cemetery h l J y Capt T J Adama chief W Campbell B P iii li L aiwIiMants Brgie nt Marshal James H ia tt r marched in following crier Vary Lee Chapter Chlklren v th nfv i Tacy wider Mayor Rode hTiti i ah Chapter U D C Wood Hri John W Dante Gen Will ar i LT 1 D Stepheiison chaplain Williams presl Mr St ph n on historian of Shen iod h h j trr Mls Addle Gale Miley it carriaKs Cavalry Band Shenandoah i amp ViHHlatock Commander Rhodes Turnrr Ashby Camp Winchester Lieut runnijirlir Stovor Camp Stras Ci R D Funkhouser llayuire Camp Lebanon Church CimmanJer Miller Meyers Riddlebergerr- JinL rfj Commander M Funkhouser- cc NeT Ntwmarket Lieut Commander ptU X pn Hand M Bly assistant cmmfial of the Confederacy under CiiiL J Croudrd Around the Shnff At the remHery the crowd assembled iruni the monument and Chaplain trphcTitn led In prayer Miss Addle Oile Miley of George W Miley- Jrrw v After ixixdictlon by P Hyde cf WInch ft r an old war chaplain the f r formed and returned to town there Jirntr was for 1200 vetera- ns Thtre were visitors in tuwn for the occasion At h eios of the war the remains of iJ of this vicinity except those britd their were reinterred in h hurrh Woodstock Each pave was marked with head and foot iwardc bearing name rank company tn ncimmt of the soldier AUut two years ago the Massanutten 0 n iry donated a section containing ight in the prettiest part of the corn TV the line resting place of the ieiid G nfderates The section was decd- i to Siitnariuoah Camp U C V and Srmanuoah Chapter U D C Sixtysix graves in the old cemeteries were opened and remains reinterred in a circle anund where the monument now stands In criiiiuM on the iUouumeut The monument Is seventeen feet above the base stone and twentyone feet above ih ground It is a beautiful shaft of Italian marble The front is toward the Kiuthwest and the inscription is as Lot less Erected by tbe Sb aan4oab Chapter Cttttd Davghters of the Confederacy In aecaory of the Confederate Soldiers Burled In Woodsteck Va On the subbase stone is the date 1S99 tad on the southeast side Cut kj n but destrejed 2 Cor lr9 Honor and fame the record keep On th subbase stone is the date 1SC1 sell on tile northwest side of the shaft Itkaown This vftleeiess stone In deathless song iiil 111 Mary bow ye On the other two of the subbase one are the date 1805 and C S A anJ on the northeast side of the shaft this inscription Sons of Virginia North rarollsa Georgia South Carolina Alabama MissiMippl Loalriana M d die list not with honor part Thr otlicers of Shenandoah Chapter V D c who labored earnestly for the armorial are Pre Mrs James H Williams ci i r sident Mrs George W Miley r ary Miss Nettle Kneisley treat tiTer Mr J H GrablU historian Mrs Y b st phenson registrar Miss Fuiis re in hand to fully Tn ini bt imps of the undertaking and w Uiiies are now to place mar mrktrs on of the sixtysis vnh n the circle WW Cuiliall Tried for Ohtnlninc lUoiicy- mi FaUc 1reteiihcw In JS03- f fill u Th I rlttville Va Oct 17 W W rut hai a lumber dealer who left this nriy in ISflC been arrested and wou t Jack Clmrlottesvllle on a win wrn out by Brown for cb iiMr on It is Hvl thiu rutshall procured Brown sisrutiir t a negotiable note for a large f iionty in return for which contrtctod to build a house for i i thirty days cutshall failed i tc comply with the terms of t but negotiated Browns note which bought Cutshulls note aur i by Prows out Drowns which under the deed of trust if SlYest to secure the ir i 1en plying a rental for Ills tr i MSV trial of the case ciiiuinued until next Monday Deiith of a Learned Vomuii- 1st I aft ark Va Oct 21 Information 1f inin Washington this afternoon of h at Garflvld Hospital In that Mrs ixila V Turner daughter of I and widow of the A Turner former professor ii it Holllns Mm Turner was j niin r of the faculty of the Inatl- h r many years She Is survived by Mrs Leila M Hath wife of K Hath Instructor of murtc r llj nd Joseph A Tur manager of Iloltina Instl wallace Icltue Dend- o The Pot- tri va 21Mr Wallace niil sixty at his Mr McRae was the only at Cot Sherwin S at itorarian and chief clerk retary of the Common Me catered the Confeder- my dteUmculshod himself In niaicj M aui and at the of ma lieutenant of h M Howltzen He leaves an inallpiix lit Norfolk rpoii- v Oct A of small jj i n ICa t M m itl tu Eitry o the pe th u ie ad won as po- a imritnir of board of hoiUth- Hci tin Verdict A Ttr I L Va Oct 21 Hon McCoy col iw 4i of murder of Joi4j and sentenced to ten years in j lISbLIXG OP THE f 1 in I RpiItflE Ilncei of Uult- t I ij 1 I frO She r t i f 1U L Hover Hub aid rt m lh Camp f t Hotel bur los i I laughter th shaft serve th t home lull th 1 1 I the tel reM bi each CASE It- t to Josh CU- d rv 1 t Lit d 1 I Th I Y r I l a r J t t W 1 O n r hk J Oct home here hj I h lth rl Alt blue j l Utbr tfn t r case tot r f I the vleltUon W advised J le- A II f J f jtIan tbe ofThoie Who Post Vii war fr t i the EOk Mrs rut or I set cud Deal t e SiNULtitjAS t ray has ant fly sarn L it iet it rented not 0 C I C i s Cocks tnt 4 af t M1 t MeRe La 4 z4r ae and three 5 a 3L 1i street ty 55 George s i A 1504 M the fIr > < > < > ¬ > > > > > > < < ° tho penitentiary Council for moved for a new trial and Judge at once as It was contrary to the law and the evidence McCoy was returned to the Jail anti will be tried again next month VIRGINIA OYSTER HEDS Mule Likelihood of the State Sellinc Them to Jfew YorkcriS- fwcltl u Th Put Richmond Ara Oct 17 The statement that a New York syndicate will submit a proposition to the General Assembly this winter to purchase the oyster grounds of Virginia attracts much attention in out etel and political circles All of Tidewa- ter Va will be arrayed against the pro- ject and there is little likelihood of any thlns coming of It Some of the highest legal authorities hold that State can- not of her oyster grounJs with- out to the constitution Gov Tyler does not seem to think much of the Idea He said tonight that where he had been everybody was latietted with the new fisheries law under which the State realized tt000 this year from the oater beds During Cot McKlnneys administration the representative of York syndicate offered to submit a proportion to assume the State debt In exchange for the oyster beds but the governor did not even lay it before the legislature CONTEST FOR SENATE SEAT Counsel for Scott and McGraw Pre paring Their Arguments UlcCraw Will Contend that Nnnieit of Two Member of Jieiilatnre Were Not Called and that Was Not Elected l r Majority Special to The Post Morgantown W Va Oct 23 Senator elect N B who came to this place for the day celebration Is still at the home of Dr J P Fitch where he was stricken with He expects- to be able to go Senator Scott Is busily engaged now in preparing his defense to the Boniest of his seat in the Senate by John T McGraw Senator Scott has retained as his leading counsel exSenator Charles James Faulk- ner whom he was elected to succeed Sen ator Faulkner ranked as one of the Sen ates ablest lawyers and that he would take the case for under the circum stances Senatorelects friends of the soundness of nU defense Frank L Welles Mr McGraws attorney Is now In West Virginia to conclude the taking of depositions in this case Mr Welles is very confident of the strength of the case as It now stands and regards the attempt which will ba made to oust as by no means a hopeless one In of the Republican majority- In the Senate It Is expected that the ev- Idence will be all ready by the middle of November for submission to the Senate committee When asked if he would give the grounds for the contest Mr Welles replied The most Important contention we mako is that Scott was not elected by a majority of the votes of the legislature as required by Federal law governing Sen- atorial elections This law declares that the presiding officer shall call the names of all the members present There were two members of the joint convention in question one senator and one delegate whoso names were not called and who if called would have voted for McGraw giving him 4S votes Scott 48 votes and Goff 1 vote Fortynine members of the legislature as is well known constituting a majority of the joint convention joined In a protest to the United States Senate against the seating of None vt these members voted and all of them were memters of the legislature- at the time it was organized and drew pay for the entire term Scott there fore failed to receive the majority of all the votes not the votes cast but the of all the members elected and so was legally elected Another point which we make Is that the joint nvention was held not under the law but under a private agreement ratified by seoarate resolutions in the two houses which was made by the Demo crats for the purpose of preventing the illegal expulsion of seven Sena tors Under the terms of this agreement one senatorial district and one delegate district Were disfranchised agree- ment was void and renders all acts It void Forest iu Western Maryland Special to The Pest Cumberland Md Oct 23 At Johnsons near the dividing line between Allegany and Garrett Counties four miles west of Frostburg fierce forest fires are raging both on the Little and Big Savage Moun- tains Much timber has been consumed The Borden Mining Company has a large force out fighting urea water supply is so low that should fire- break out it is feared nut enough could be obtained to fight the Heavy forest fires are between Romney and Greenspring east of Cumberland and great damage Is feared Entire Kntnte to the Widow Special to The Post Winchester Va Oct 23 The will of the late Mayor John J Williams has been admitted to probate in the Corporation Court The estate is worth 30000 nod left to Mrs Williams absolutely The will was written on October 9 1809 the day before Col Williams was Josephs Hospital Baltimore to un dergo an resulted fatally E Holmes Boyd qualified as executor Wanted on Clinrce of Embezzlement Richmond Va Oct 23 John Kelley an aged white man with embezzling at the Carnegie Plttsburg two weeks pay of his crew of help ors was arrested here today and leaves tomorrow for in charge of Detective of that city Married Without 1ureiitn Consent Special to The Pest Roanoke Va Oct 23 John Muller city councilman from the third ward and Miss Florence Carper went to Bristol Sunday afternoon and were married by Parson Burroughs The marriage was op by the brides parents and the cou town without advising any one of their intentions DUnMroun Fire Near Ieeaville Special t The Roanoke Oct 23 The elegant home lIon J L Arthur of Leesvllle Redford County was burned late Satur- day afternoon The loss la estimated at with no insurance c RailwaY to Cape henry SpecUI te Te Norfolk Va Oct Cape Henry Land and Improvement Company has beets incorporated and Is at work im- proving the bench at Cape Henry where a new seaside resort Is to be established The survey of a railroad which will Henry has been completed and will be constructed this winter Moldrr Strike In Still On S rtUl te The Pest Norfolk Va Oct 18 The strike of molders at S R White Bros plow fac- tory Is still on with 10 Immediate pros- pect of settlement The firm declines to make any statement The men are hold- Ing and none of them have applied for reinstatement Acquitted of Malpractice S 4al U Tin Pest Norfolk Va Oct 18 Dr Francis M of Berkeley was today acquit- ted in the Corporation Court of the charge of causing the death of Mrs Emma L Icy to the aside cUsp a- Xe cot Scott erysipelas Scot Scot I Scot vote rrc f I I I i poe chare Pa Mien Put ISThe 1 un- to out Coleman 1 seid he was ready set verdict the do under S S tan ti p- St of iso Peel Charge Morgan criminal malpractice > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MADE SURE OF DEATH Elmer B White of Newport Njwi Commits Suicide PLUNGED OUT OF HIS WINDOW Stood Before a Friend and Slashed HU Throat with a Knife Hurried to Window Gasping for Breath and Dropped from Secondstory SHI Said to Hare Deco Drinking heavily Wife Was VisIting Itclatircn at Time ofSulclde Effelil to Tit Post Newport Xews Va Oct 18 Elmer B White of the plumbing firm of Fifer White committed suicide at an early hour this morning by gashing his with a knife Later he felt out of ondstory window and received injuries which hastened his death Mr White had been drinking for several days and last night said he was on the verge of delirium tremens A friend sat up with him until midnight and left him resting comfortably At 4 oclock the man in the adjoining room White walking about The friend slipped on some clothes and when he reached Whites room found it vacant The trap door to the roof was open and he quickly ascended finding White walk- ing around on the roof He assisted his friend back to his room and tried to quiet him The latter sat down for a short time and then got up and went to a table to see the clock Suddenly he picked up a knife und quick as a flash thrust the blade Into his neck several times The blood spurted from the wounds White sat down again the blood flowing from his throat over his clothes to the floor Summoned n Physician His friend aroused the Inmates of the house and summoned a physician When the other tenants reached Whites room they found the Injured man stilt seated in the chair He was to say Now Ive done I suppose I will have to die He then got up and went to the window- to get fresh air as those present thought hite leaned over the sill and fell out of the window without any warning to those near him There seems to be some doubt as to whether he purposely fell through tne window cr by accident while attempt- ing to get air When carried Into the house he was not dead but the physicians could not help him Between 8 and 9 oclock he died The body will probably be sent to Rou- lette Pa where his wife is visiting rela- tives FIVE SLAYERS CONVICTED Civen Ten Years Each fur lulling a Dcpnt Marshal Special to Tie Roanoke Oct 18 William Strouth Tom Strouth Dick Dye Charles Brown and Charles Newberry charged with the murder of Deputy United States Marshal Geojjie Ratcliffe in Russell County Vir- ginia June SO were tried in the United States Court at Abingdon Va yester- day and sentenced to ten years each in the penitentiary at Moundsville W Va The crime for which these men were con- victed was one of the most atrocious ever committed in Southwest Virginia Depu- ty Marshal Ratcliffe in company with a deputy collector made a on Swords Creek Russell County destroyed a moonshine still Six young men living in that neighbor- hood armed themselves and waylaid Rat cliffe shooting him from the brush Twentyeight shots entered his body killing him Instantly The government offered 200 each for their arrest Three detectives well armed went into Russell County and after two weeks hard work located and arrested seven men charged with this murder Five of them were convicted one man acquitted and the seventh was sick and his case has been continued Those convicted were given the full penalty of the law Price of JtuilM la Too High Special to Tbe Post Clarksburg W Va Oct 23 It has been given out by prominent representatives of the Short Line Railroad that ro rails will be laid until the price of steel goes down It is the Intention of the company to use the rails of the Ohio River Railroad replace them by heavier rails like used by the Baltimore and Ohio At some points the Short Line Road is ready for rails Horrible Death of a Sawmill Hand Special to Tb Pest Buckhannon W Va Oct 23 A young man named Lewis who worked in a saw mill on Sand Run this county caught his foot in a belt today and Tas thrown against the roof breaking three rafters He fell back on belt which operated a circular saw and was carried the teeth cutting his throat breast bone and open his bowels Receiver Asked for Ioxvlmtnu Road Richmond Va Oct 21 Applications on the part of the bondholders were in the Law and Equity Court here for the appointment of a receiver for the Farmvllle and Powhatan Railroad The road Is a line running from Hundred to it has financial difficulties for some Buttery 0 on Practice I Iarch Special to The PMt Annapolis Md Oct 23 Battery 0 Sev- enth Artillery U S A under command- of Capt Williams arrived in Annapolis this evening and camped on the Naval Academy grounds They are from Wash ington Barracks District of Columbia and their destination is Fort Foote on the Potomac which they will reach after a roundabout march in thirty days Death of 3Irs Timberlake Special to The Post Fredericksburg Va 17 Mrs W W Timberlake died at her home near ChancellorsvHle in this county of consumption aged thirtytwo years She was well known and had many friend A husband and three survive her Widow of Virginias Wnr Governor Dead Lexington Va Oct 17 Mrs M S Letcher widow of John Letcher Virgic las governor from ISOO to 1S54 died today aged seventyseven years She is by seven children them Judge S Houston Col John D Letcher and Hon D Died of Injuries Special to The Post Cumberland Oct 23 Needham Will- iams who was shot while on a train on the Atlantic Coast Line at Emporia Greenville County a few days an- other traiii hand Oscar Saunders died last was arrested at the time committed to the county Jail at Successful Petroleum Teat Sfteltl la The Norfolk 21 The torpedo boat Talbot burning petroleum fuel was given another spin over the fourmile measured course off Fort Monroe at noon today She developed the greatest speed ob- tained with the fuel although only one boiler was usc1 Flour Mill Destroyed to Tfc Poet Cumberland Md Oct 23 Fire this aft- ernoon destroyed the large roller mill of the Noland Kidweil Milling Company at Great Capon Morgan County on the Baltimore and Railroad Be the mill valued at 3000 a large quantity of wheat was consumed tie trot healy hear herd POEt rid ant u aln8t swing fed ay narrow auge Bermuda ers OCt sur- vived amon Lecher Letch r hits I night Sunders Pot new Special a aides ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 2 I I KILLED HIS BROTHER Goardinc Merchant Shot While DIscus slug Business Differences S C Oct 1SN T Pitt S C was shot and killed at the Hotel Calhoun today by his brother A J of Summervllle There had between the two men for some time on account of business differences but efforts had made to reconcile them Both of brothers ere past mlodle age and they are wellknown In this section of the State They met at the hotel by appoint and went Into a reading room to A few minutes later A J began firing at his brother He times three bullets taking effect death being almost instantaneous H claims to have acted in selfdefense but upon what are not known The murderer waa arrested The prisoner was perfect- ly cool but declined to discuss the tragedy TAILOR ATTEMPTS Resented Efforts to Take the Knife Away from Him Special to Tbf Pest Grafton W Va 23 Frank Help ley of Newark tailor who came here the latter part of last week to work attempted suicide In the Central Hotel office this morning He used a dull pock- et knife Night Clerk R J Maloney tried to take the knife from him and finding he could not called the police Mean while Heipley was vigorously with the weapon When the policemen finally got the knife away he had a gash five Inches long and one and onehalf Inche3 deep His re covery is doubtful No cause can be as- signed but that he had drinking heavily He had plenty with KILLED A WIFEBEATER Sheriff Stops Ills Murderous Attacks with a Bullet ACQUITTED BY CORONERS JURY Brutal Husband Sharpened n Knife and Promised to UNC It if Wife Complained of AttHanltsDcficd Officer with a Gun and After Short Scrliiiinaec Was Shot In the IlcadIinllct Caused Instant Death Outcome Matrimonial Advertisement Special to The Post Petersburg Va Oct 20 Lewis Weaver In Chesterfield County a few was shot and In btantly killed yesterday afternoon by Sheriff W C Gill of that county Weaver had assaulted his wife and threatened to cut her throat if she told of It He went so far as to sharpen a large knife In anticipation of carrying out his threat Mrs Weaver left home yester- day morning in company with a friend and without the knowledge of her hus band She went to Chesterfield Court House and obtained a warrant for her husband from Magistrate Cheathem The warrant was given Sheriff Gill for execu tion Gill accompanied by Cheathem and George Burton a brotherinlaw of WeaV- er went to Weavers home He was found standing in his front door with a gun in one hand and a large knife In the other When told by Gill that he had come to arrest him for assaulting his wife Weaver declared that he would die before he would be taken Struck the UlKcer When Gill attempted to take him Into custody Weaver struck the officer with his gun on the head and also Magistrate Cheathem who endeavored to ward off the blow Sheriff Gill received a painful cut on the head Weaver became In his upon Gill who shot him In the Weaver fell dead A coroners inquest was held and the verdict of the jury was to the effect that in killing Weaver Sheriff Gill acted In selfdefense Weaver was a native of Germany He removed from Michigan to Chesterfield several years ago and mar ned a daughter of Mr John Rudy a wellknown resident of the county It is said that he habitually treated his wife badly and had several times since their marriage beat her Their marriage is said to have been the outcome of an advertise ment in a matrimonial newspaper WAYLAID AXD KILLED Negro Struck Private Kciine Down iii the Dark Left Senseless In Roadway Special to The Post Newport News Va Oct 21 Private Benne of the Hospital Corps at Fort Monroe Is dead from the effects of a wound which he received Wednesday night while on his way to Old Point from Phoebus and from the facts It Is likely he was murdered Wednesday night Benno visited Phoebus and missed the last car going to Old Point Knowing that his pass would be Invalid after 5 oclock Thursday morning he to walk to the fort He was home when by his own statement he was way laid and robbed by an unknown colored man The made just before his death that has been committed and It has consider able feeling among his comrades He said just as he was crossing Mill Creek Bridge he was knocked senseless by a man who stepped up behind him For nearly an hour he lay there uncon- scious and when he regained his senses walked to the tort a distance of about onfc mile When he reached headquarters he was almost exhausted and soon be came unconscious He was taken to the hospital where he lingered until lat night The cause of his death was spinal meningitis brought on bv the severe blow which he received on- I tli head The wound was bleeding profuse- ly when he reached the fort Private Benne was about thirty old His friends say that he was not a drinking man His money was gone when he reached the fort The remains were shipped to his home in Johnstown Pa where his relatives live nfe Breakers Drew a Blank to The Post Nawport News Va Oct IS The iron safe In the office of Harwood Curtis dealers was cracked by burglars time last night but as far as can be learned the intruders got no booty There was no money in the safe The men who did the work evidently kcew what they were about It Is belleved that they are the same ones who cracked the safe of Frank Beanie the broker but were frightened oft before they could open the Inner safe door be- hind which was 3000 worth of Jewelry and 950 in cash New Church at Newport News to The Newport Oct 20 The corner- stone of the new First Presbyterian Church was Hid this afternoon with Ma sonic ceremonies Richmond Jibes Mustered In This Pot Va Oct 20 The two com- panies of the historic Richmond Light In- fantry Blues were mustered into the of the State tonight and the Blues Battalion was reorganized as an independent battalion Maj the battalion before the Cuban war was reelected 5 i Charleston Pitman ben men Pitman SUICIDE Oct working ben him i reside I attacks determine statemEnt murder Special tee I PMt Epa Sot C rounds Ills who yeas pew Special p ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ s c SPOKE FOR GOV TYLER Attorney General Montague on the Stump DEMOCRATS HAVE CLEAN RECORD a Large 3Ieetlnc at lions too State OJllcial Declares Present Ad- ministration line Given More for Schools Asylums scud ren Ions Than Republicans Ever DidFarora Bimetallism and De nounces Trusts and the War Special to Tie Post Richmond Va Oct 23Attorney Gent eral A J Montague made the only he has delivered during the Houston Halifax County today There was a large crowd to hear him The was looked forward to with special because of the leading part Mr took In the May conference and In the tight for popular selection of Uuited States Senators It was thought- at one time that Mr Montague would the stump in behalf of Gov Tyler as- a candidate for the Senatorship but he felt that it was best that he as attorney general should not take that rather cate position Mr Montague took today however to pay a high com- pliment to Gov Tyler The speaker said he thought the State government had been satisfactorily administered since the return of the Democrats to power He made direct application of this to the ju- dicial executive and administrative de- partments He said Our governors have had clean adminis- trations and from close personal observa- tion I would say that Virginia has had no executive since the war more to his duty more watchful of of the people and more desirous to save to the Commonwealth any expenditures than Gov Tyler The attorney general submitted figures to show that the State Is growing more prosperous and pointed to the large ap propriations to schools colleges asylums and to pensions as one of the most signs of the time He entered a plea for better roads and coming to national issues he believed it to be neces sary to place our finances upon a bime basis and declared that unless this done we might expect frequent re- currences of panics and monetary trouble Control of Monopolies Montague urged the necessity of legislation to control trusts and bring them clearly within the common law In hibitions against monopolies He devoted considerable attention to the Imperialistic policy of the administration He would not say that In the present wretched con dition of affairs in the Philippine Islands which he firmly believed had been brought about by the most inefficient administra- tion of Mr McKinley our army should be withdrawn He maintained however that any man could read Mr McKlnleys purpose and that of the Republican party to annex these islands as colonies that there was no purpose of the doml nant party to give these people free Mr Montague strongly the idea that the Democratic party had ever been a party of expansion He said When Louisiana was acquired by Mr Jefferson he plainly admitted that he had acted beyond the Constitution and his friends to procure an amend ment of to ratify the act and it is well known that Mr Madison drafted such a resolution though it was never submitted to the people All of the territory acquired by the United States however has been obtained upon the same principles actuating the purchase of Louisiana namely that of the preservation of our republic Mr Montague asserted there wasno const tutional right to acquire or conquer the Philippine Islands Expuution Voted Down He maintained that the section of the Constitution respecting the admission of new States into the Union never con- templated for an instant the acquisition of any such territory as this He spe dally called attention to the fact that a provision was voted down by a vote of eight States to three In the Constitu- tional convention declaring that the legislature of the United States shall have power to erect new States within as well as without the territory claimed by the several States o either of them and ad mit the same into the Union Let the promulgation be made that we will withdraw our armies as soon as the Filipinos lay down their arms and es tablish a free and stable government that pending this end we will simply re- tain our army for the purpose of the preservation of peace and order and that our plighted faith will be not to use this army for oppression and wrong Mr Montague inveighed with vehemence against the militarism that must follow in the wake of our present policy He earnestly entreated a return to the old and simple faith of the fathers contented to develop our own country for the bene fit of our own that we had today a substantial taste of Imperialism out the South and our civilization and the civilization of the black man had been set back generations by the enfranchisement of the negro DEMOCRATS HEAR SWAXSOV Virginia Concressman Wins Cheers for Bryan at Stauntou Special to Tie Post Staunton Va Oct 23 A big Democratic meeting was addressed here today by Claude Swanson of the Fifth Vir Congressional District He tod lion the Virginia Democracy since wresting the State from the Republicans In 1SS1 had increased the appropriations for schools colleges asylums and disable1 Coifed crate veterans and had at the same reduced the tax rate 2 per cent Increas- ing the States Income by taxing the oys- ter interest and corporations vhich theretofore had been exempted He de claimed aghinst expansion spoke in favor of retaining a coftlirj sta tlon In the Philippines and denounced a large standing army AS needless ana Inimical to the liberty and lasting pro perity of a people Touching the oats of maintaining a standing army he quoted figures to show that the worlds nations were prosperous In an inverse ratio to the tax rate im- posed The United States took ie a from the pockets of Its people for governmental than any other firstclass pow this the Americans to undersell all Tra l doesnt fol low the it follows price list shouted the speaker mention of Bryanj Jiame was with cheers PARTY TROUIJLE ENDED Downing Convention ItcnMteinblci and A ealn NomInates Welford Special to The Putt Warsaw Va Oct 23 In accordant with thi suggestion of the Democratic committee of this county the Downing convention at that place to- day for the a can didate for the house of delegates for this and Lancaster Counties This county was delegations from Lltwalton and Currlto man districts In Lancaster County Mr John Curletl of Lancaster wits made temporary chairman and W T Morgan temporary secretary The convention re- affirmed and Indorsed the principles of the Democratic party as set forth in the Chi cago platform and recommended such a change in the Federal Constitution as would bring about the election of Senators by direct vote of the people and Indorsed 1 In Addressing spec j Interest go- on del Ion devote en- couraging talc rr I gov- ernment com- bated be- sought Hon vigor usly I I I purses enable Eel reassemble I there were fiat Iag the t fully represented and Lu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the course of Host W A Jones as the representative for this district In S Bowles of Lancaster In nomination Hon R C county Mr Welford received 767 12 votes and was declared the nominee by accla- mation The meeting was largely attend- ed and was very enthusiastic As there was a majority of regularly elected dele- gates present from the two counties there can be no question the legality and regularity of Mr nomination The recent decision of the special com- mittee of the State COmmittee being ad- verse to the contention of the faction practically gave the Welford pie of the convention for which reason the Pinkard following abstained from participating The result today is just would have been at the first meeting had Mr Pinkards friends not insisted then upon casting the of Lit walton and precincts al- though the former was unanimously against him and the latter represented by two contesting delegations A STRANGERS LONG DRIVE Hired horse anti IIugffrTwo Weeks ABO and I Still MissIng Special o Tie Post Winchester Va Oct 23 After waiting two weeks for the return of a stranger who hired a horse and buggy from him H C Shenk of Stephen City came conclusion that he had beenJiun koed He notified the district attorney of the horse and with or with the stranger The man said his name was Miller and the team to drive to CHILD ATTEMPTS SUICIDE I Eightyearold His Parents Badly Deliberately Soaked Ills Clothing with OH and Applied n Intch Tells Iliyxl clan He I Sorry that Ills At tempt Was Unsuccessful Special to The Pest Winchester Va Oct 23 An unusual and very remarkable case illustrating the sensitiveness of an eishty earold child was disclosed today by the confession of Charles Slaughter who admits that he deliberately planned suicide because he thought his parents treated him unkindly The child is very Intelligent Friday night he poured a quantity of kerosene over his clothes and when they were thoroughly saturated he applied a- lighted match The flames wrapped about his body burning the garments from his limbs and before the fire was extinguish- ed the lad had suffered serious end very painful wounds When taken to the hospital the boy endured his sufferings with little murmur- Ing and from the circumstances It was believed that he had soaked his clothing with the oil and lighted it purely in child- ish ignorance and for the purpose or watching the blaze Yesterday when ask- ed by the attending physician Dr P W Boyd why he had burned himself the lad said he had thought for some time of committing suicide and had intentionally set fire to hlmsglf ylth the hope of He said he was tired of living and to die because he had not been treated kindly The boy expressed regret that his at- tempt at selfdestruction had failed He planned the deed early Friday and wait- ed until evening when his parents were from home The upper portion of his body was horribly burned and he in- haled the flames Dr Boyd says his con- dition is serious and there Is only the slightest chance for his The physician places every confidence in the lads story and declares he was In good mental condition when he made his con- fession VIRGINIA Outstanding Bonds Literary and Schdol Funds Special to The Foal Richmond Va Oct 23 Second Auditor Rylands annual report for the fiscal year ended September 30 which the condition of the public debt erary fund and the report of the sinking fund commissioners Is just out The re port shows that the amount of bonds is- sued under of February 20 1832 known as centuries has Increased during the past year 3091124 making the amount of bonds outstanding of that Issue J18002 08367 of which 1226300 are held by the lit- erary lund and IIUWO by the commis- sioners of the sinking fund leaving In tho hands public J1766178367 The bonds with tax receivable coupons which have given the State so much trouble In past years have nearly all been surrendered only 49800 of consols and 27400 of 1040s being now outstand- ing with the probability that a number of these are lost or destroyed and will never be converted The literary fund has Its hold incs of century bonds by the purchase during the year of 33500 out of the literary fund fines making the pres ent holdings of State bonds by this fund 143032728 Riddlebergers and 220300 of centuries the annual interest on which amounting to 1742352 goes to the public schools Of the 200030 cash appropriation to the public schools 19310085 was appropriated to the counties and cities of the State 2500 to State normal institutes the rest being used for general expenses The disbursement account shows that 70757528 was paid on account of Interest on the public debt during the past year This includes 126250 on judgments for taxes with tax receivable coupons The report of the commissioners of the sinking fund shows that they received during the past year 32J4950 as dividends from the States interest In the Rich- mond Fredericksburg and Potomac road and that there Is now In the ury to the credit of this fund 4378250- 3lUethodUts Oppose Roberts Eptilal to The Norfolk Va Oct 23 At the Methodist preachers meeting today Mrs Jones State president of the Womans Christian Temperance Union presented two tions one to the legislature ot Virginia asking the enactment of a Jaw requiring the public schools to effect of alcohol on the system and to Con gross asking that body not to admit Congressmanelect Roberts the j mist from Utah Neither petition was acted upon by the meeting as a body but they were by the ministers Individually I Bible ulemimu 9j l I to Th FceU Norfolk Va Oct 23 The police are the reported disappearance of Edward Butler who has recently canvassing the the sale and Evangelist J P Kendall who employed The missing man Is front Mcrlden j Shot Man Instead of Rabbit Sjteltl to Feet Cumberland Md 0pt 23 Albert J3rant was accidentally shot in the face and breast by Thomas Males colored this morning while rabbit stunting Males wa and when the dogs a rabbit in the bushes tired not know- Ing that Brant was In the range of hI gun One shot penetrated left eye and the sight may be destroyed j Iloinentend homed to Lost Fredericksburg Va Oct ZJ The old Mason homestead Cleveland in King George County near Comoro occupied by Maj J Julian Mason was of the family except Maj Ma IB an invalid were at church I The fire originated from a defective flue j i j Con- gress C place abut I 1 o otQ I to- M his o- ff bus Sot Char e3town Boy Tr I I dIng absent S1SO0iOS3 cover t I ofthe Increase Hal t tie I e ben suburb I the to- day Cnn at a on mountaIn back of j by of the I member urritornan and oitcsrn1areward recovery FINANCES OF Aggregate s Poet team MIssing in- vestigating eel matter to police department The a higher point d- up I s Mason Special Its fire while all ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ < I C Large Republican Gathering Cheers the Governor STRONG APPEAL FOR NEGRO VOTE Decltrcs Hellns Always Ileen a Friend of the Colored Man anti PrainNi Them Equal Uielitn with the Wliite iUeprec- ntntlve Hayrwr AmlSny- Dciiiocrnts Depend Upon lilnckp mriiruit Him and Negro Unlc Special to Th Pest Upper Marlboro Oct 23 Gov Lloyd Lowndes was the star attraction at an Immense Republican mass meeting held in the court house today The meeting was called to order at noon by W T S Rolling chairman of tho State central committee Prince QepxSP County Hon Sidney and Mr R Schirm of Baltimore one of the leading Republican campaign orators of the Stali accompanied the goyernorl- A reception committee consisting of George W Curley J S Sasscer F M S Plummer and George B met the visitors Mr J Selwyan- Sasscer was made permanent chairman The governor was introduced by the chairman and received tremendous ap- plause He said his father was born In Prince George County arul lie felt as though it were his home The governor attacked the claim of Col Smith that he should be given the credit for the passage of the free schodlbotfk bill anti said 1SO000 had been appropriat ed yearly by the Republican legislature in giving the children of State free books In 1S92 the control of the schools was taken away from tile judges arid given to the executive When he came into power every school examiner in the State was a Democrat Now about one half of these are Democrats thus elitist the schools The gov- ernor said he was In favor of minority representation on school boards lint Re- publican party has reduced the State debt by 450000 A continuation of this party In power would mean an absolute cxterr- mlnatlon of the debt Between 580000000 and 590000000 has been added to the prop- erty assessment under the new assess- ment law The Republicans gave 3000 per year more to colored schools in the State than the Democrats But 104000 was due the State under Democratic rule when the Republicans took hold IMcndcd for Colored Vote Gov Lowndes declared he did not ap- peal for himself personally but tor the principles of his party which were at stake The Republicans had made prom- ises In the past and had keptfthem Ha spoke particularly of the action taken In the cases of colored men accused of crime who had been given just trials and said that he had always tried to be the po- litical friend of the colored people of Maryland The race he thought hail ad- vanced materially antI morally to a great- er extent than In any other State Ho would always help the colored people and do for them as he would for the whites The governor made a strong plea for the colored vote and seemed to Impress the large number of colored men In the gathering Speaking directly to citizens of Prince George County he said they were better off and happier than eves be- fore In their lives There was greater prosperity in the county he insisted than ever before The debts had been paid off and they had money In the banksr and more people had employment at bet- ter wages under the guiding hand of the matchless leader William McKInley than ver before In history The Republican party was harmonious he said and the Democrats had announced their In tenUonsjof supporting the ticket Several times tile governor Wits Inter- rupted by bursts of applause and cheers Mndd AiiNwerit Hiiyner Mr Schirm spoke giving an out- line of vhat the Republican party had done since It came In power He spoke of the Baltimore and Ohio reorganization bill and the Johns Hopkins University bill both of which had been unpopular but which now found great favor with the public The mechanics lien law and the charity bill were also brought before his auditors and the purposes extolled Mr Schlrms remarks were Interspersed with effective stories and created a favorable impression The chairman Introduced Mr Mudd who was well received He said the nom- inations in Charles County were the equivalent to an election anti he benevea the Republicans of prince tieorge Comity should emulate the example of his Charles Ccunty friends Mr Mudds speech was short and to the point He scored Rayner for him and said tHftt no word came from the mouth of cept vituperation He said that with tins Democrats the campaign had gotten dowji- to two issues blackguarding Mudd and the evils o negro domination An effort was made to patch up the dir ferences existing in Republican ranks in Prince George County Coy Lowndes held a conference with several of of the independent movement but no sat- isfactory conclusion wax reached Some of the Independents absolutely refused to see the governor or to consider any prop- osition looking to an adustment of the differences R H Vincent the unsuccess ful candidate for the nomination for sher iff and R W Hunter defeated for the nomination for treasurer were clogotedi with Gov Lowndes for several hours but failed to fix matters up SMITH WILL CITY Democratic Candidate Thistle It UaneeeHr to iti Into the Countlen Special to Jl Post Baltimore Oct 23 Col John Walter Smith the Democratic candidate for governor will devote himself exclu- sively to the campaign In the city of Bal timore The Democratic xnapagfira ber lievo that the counties can now be gatolyr left and that their best lactfeg arfr tot make every effort to swell their vote the city This week anti next win wltnas a warm time in Maryland polities arid the campaign will end Saturday night November 4 Coy Roosevelt wW bK u- hI Aeries of speeches tomorrow Both aides are bringing the independent U m9- cratff Into th public through published In the newspapers but the of that ilk are sWing with the although many of them say that they will support the Democratic city tIcket President John KlsuK Cow n of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Is billed to make a speech at Salisbury In Wlcom Connty on October 31 TWa to the county in which WIMIarn JL Jackson a William F Jackson who ran for Con against Col Smith In the First trict 14 the Republican for the State senate HccUtrnilau County B teltl ta Put Frederick Mrt Qct 23 Report front all the olUters of reidftt ration tar JPredtr Ick County have been flied with the board of election KU nUor and an In crease of 307 wet Iflfcl y arH regtoirailon und a gain i f 700 orer l J7 Th r aroi 1600 negro voters la ty The total vot 4tthccounr- ly U13MO Club nt 1runtburc Special to li PMU at Froatburg have a largo club with William K Noel as president John H Welgand secretary and Noah treasurw ATMARLBORO Crying for s H- ri n g Scores W- ill Mer- ck atlngpciiittcs from old next sis attnckppo Raynerexi the teaders wIN ear Mel let light letters snout Republic- ans ico of exGov Jackson am grass Die year candi- date Frederick Tin show registered this Frostburg Mel Oct Z3The Ytepubli cans organized Ilendley > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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I 1899


Shaft to Con federate Dead Un-

veiled at Woodstock


of Handsome Iinlinn MnrblcM anutt nCeuicterrSiir-

D im lx IUonnd Marking

jeijkt for a IDC Cuu c Inlioriasbtcr of the Coufcdoraey

w Twk Oct M KxsoWIers ofmi both Confederates and

ir rr n onm JI parts ofPred rick

jff t p ntetMU in th cerento-r imic th unveiling of the raonu-

p t 0 Confdrate d d erected inX Cem ery by Shenandoah

r CitM Daugliteni of the Confedy rt j roc nrtOR to the cemeteryh l J y Capt T J Adama chief

W Campbell B Piii li L aiwIiMantsBrgie nt Marshal JamesH ia tt r marched in followingcrier Vary Lee Chapter Chlklrenv th nfv i Tacy wider Mayor Rode

hTiti i ah Chapter U D C WoodHri John W Dante Gen Will

ar i LT 1 D Stepheiison chaplainWilliams presl

Mr St ph n on historian of Sheniod h h j trr Mls Addle Gale Mileyit carriaKs Cavalry Band Shenandoahi amp ViHHlatock Commander RhodesTurnrr Ashby Camp Winchester Lieutrunnijirlir Stovor Camp Stras

Ci R D Funkhouserllayuire Camp Lebanon Church

CimmanJer Miller Meyers Riddlebergerr-JinL rfj Commander M Funkhouser-

cc NeT Ntwmarket Lieut CommanderptU X pn Hand M Bly assistantcmmfial of the Confederacy underCiiiL J

Croudrd Around the ShnffAt the remHery the crowd assembled

iruni the monument and ChaplaintrphcTitn led In prayer Miss AddleOile Miley of George W Miley-Jrrw v

After ixixdictlon by P Hydecf WInch ft r an old war chaplain thef r formed and returned to townthere Jirntr was for 1200 vetera-ns Thtre were visitors intuwn for the occasion

At h eios of the war the remains ofiJ of this vicinity except those

britd their were reinterred inh hurrh Woodstock Each

pave was marked with head and footiwardc bearing name rank companytn ncimmt of the soldierAUut two years ago the Massanutten

0 n iry donated a section containingight in the prettiest part of the corn

TV the line resting place of theieiid G nfderates The section was decd-i to Siitnariuoah Camp U C V and

Srmanuoah Chapter U D C Sixtysixgraves in the old cemeteries were openedand remains reinterred in a circleanund where the monument now stands

In criiiiuM on the iUouumeutThe monument Is seventeen feet above

the base stone and twentyone feet aboveih ground It is a beautiful shaft ofItalian marble The front is toward theKiuthwest and the inscription is as Lotless

Erected by tbeSb aan4oab Chapter

Cttttd Davghters of the ConfederacyIn aecaory of the

Confederate SoldiersBurled In Woodsteck Va

On the subbase stone is the date 1S99

tad on the southeast sideCut kj n but destrejed 2 Cor lr9

Honor and fame the record keepOn th subbase stone is the date 1SC1

sell on tile northwest side of the shaftItkaown This vftleeiess stone In deathless song

iiil 111 Mary bow yeOn the other two of the subbaseone are the date 1805 and C S A

anJ on the northeast side of the shaftthis inscription

Sons of VirginiaNorth rarollsa Georgia

South Carolina AlabamaMissiMippl Loalriana

M d die list not with honor partThr otlicers of Shenandoah Chapter

V D c who labored earnestly for thearmorial are

Pre Mrs James H Williamsci i r sident Mrs George W Miley

r ary Miss Nettle Kneisley treattiTer Mr J H GrablU historian MrsY b st phenson registrar Miss

Fuiis re in hand to fullyTn ini bt imps of the undertaking andw Uiiies are now to place mar

mrktrs on of the sixtysisvnh n the circle

WW Cuiliall Tried for Ohtnlninc lUoiicy-mi FaUc 1reteiihcw In JS03-

f fill u Th I

rlttville Va Oct 17 W Wrut hai a lumber dealer who left thisnriy in ISflC been arrested and

wou t Jack Clmrlottesvllle on a winwrn out by Brown for cbiiMr on It is

Hvl thiu rutshall procured Brownsisrutiir t a negotiable note for a large

f iionty in return for whichcontrtctod to build a house for

i i thirty days cutshall failedi tc comply with the terms oft but negotiated Browns note

which bought Cutshulls noteaur i by Prows out Drowns

which under the deed of trustif SlYest to secure their i 1en plying a rental for Illstr i MSV trial of the case

ciiiuinued until next Monday

Deiith of a Learned Vomuii-1st I aft

ark Va Oct 21 Information1f inin Washington this afternoon of

h at Garflvld Hospital In thatMrs ixila V Turner daughter of

I and widow of theA Turner former professor

ii it Holllns Mm Turner wasj niin r of the faculty of the Inatl-h r many years She Is survived by

Mrs Leila M Hath wife ofK Hath Instructor of murtcr llj nd Joseph A Tur

manager of Iloltina Instl

wallace Icltue Dend-o The Pot-

tri va 21Mr Wallaceniil sixty at his

Mr McRae was the onlyat Cot Sherwin

S at itorarian and chief clerkretary of the Common

Me catered the Confeder-my dteUmculshod himself Inniaicj M aui and at the of

ma lieutenant ofh M Howltzen He leaves an

inallpiix lit Norfolkrpoii-v Oct A of small

jj i n ICa t M mitl tu Eitryo the pe th u ie ad won as po-a imritnir of board of hoiUth-

Hci tin Verdict A

Ttr I LVa Oct 21 Hon McCoy col

iw 4i of murder ofJoi4j and sentenced to ten years in



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tho penitentiary Council formoved for a new trial and Judge

at once as It was contrary to the lawand the evidence McCoy was returnedto the Jail anti will be tried again nextmonth


Mule Likelihood of the State SellincThem to Jfew YorkcriS-

fwcltl u Th PutRichmond Ara Oct 17 The statement

that a New York syndicate will submit aproposition to the General Assembly thiswinter to purchase the oyster grounds ofVirginia attracts much attention in outetel and political circles All of Tidewa-ter Va will be arrayed against the pro-ject and there is little likelihood of anythlns coming of It Some of the highestlegal authorities hold that State can-not of her oyster grounJs with-out to the constitutionGov Tyler does not seem to think muchof the Idea He said tonight that wherehe had been everybody was latietted withthe new fisheries law under which theState realized tt000 this year from theoater beds During Cot McKlnneysadministration the representative of

York syndicate offered to submit aproportion to assume the State debt Inexchange for the oyster beds but thegovernor did not even lay it before thelegislature


Counsel for Scott and McGraw Pre

paring Their Arguments

UlcCraw Will Contend that Nnnieit of TwoMember of Jieiilatnre Were Not

Called and that Was Not

Elected l r Majority

Special to The PostMorgantown W Va Oct 23 Senator

elect N B who came to this placefor the day celebration Is stillat the home of Dr J P Fitch where hewas stricken with He expects-to be able to go

Senator Scott Is busily engaged now inpreparing his defense to the Boniest of hisseat in the Senate by John T McGrawSenator Scott has retained as his leadingcounsel exSenator Charles James Faulk-ner whom he was elected to succeed Senator Faulkner ranked as one of the Senates ablest lawyers and that he wouldtake the case for under the circumstances Senatorelectsfriends of the soundness of nU defenseFrank L Welles Mr McGraws attorneyIs now In West Virginia to conclude thetaking of depositions in this case

Mr Welles is very confident of thestrength of the case as It now stands andregards the attempt which will ba madeto oust as by no means a hopelessone In of the Republican majority-In the Senate It Is expected that the ev-

Idence will be all ready by the middle ofNovember for submission to the Senatecommittee When asked if he would givethe grounds for the contest Mr Wellesreplied

The most Important contention wemako is that Scott was not elected by amajority of the votes of the legislatureas required by Federal law governing Sen-atorial elections This law declares thatthe presiding officer shall call the namesof all the members present There weretwo members of the joint convention inquestion one senator and one delegatewhoso names were not called and whoif called would have voted for McGrawgiving him 4S votes Scott 48 votes andGoff 1 vote Fortynine members of thelegislature as is well known constitutinga majority of the joint convention joinedIn a protest to the United States Senateagainst the seating of None vtthese members voted and allof them were memters of the legislature-at the time it was organized and drewpay for the entire term Scott therefore failed to receive the majority of allthe votes not the votes cast but the

of all the members elected and sowas legally elected

Another point which we make Is thatthe joint nvention was held not underthe law but under a private agreementratified by seoarate resolutions in the twohouses which was made by the Democrats for the purpose of preventing theillegal expulsion of seven Senators Under the terms of this agreementone senatorial district and one delegatedistrict Were disfranchised agree-ment was void and renders all acts

It void

Forest iu Western MarylandSpecial to The Pest

Cumberland Md Oct 23 At Johnsonsnear the dividing line between Alleganyand Garrett Counties four miles west ofFrostburg fierce forest fires are ragingboth on the Little and Big Savage Moun-tains Much timber has been consumedThe Borden Mining Company has a largeforce out fighting ureawater supply is so low that should fire-break out it is feared nut enough could beobtained to fight the Heavy forestfires are between Romney andGreenspring east of Cumberland andgreat damage Is feared

Entire Kntnte to the WidowSpecial to The Post

Winchester Va Oct 23 The will ofthe late Mayor John J Williams has beenadmitted to probate in the CorporationCourt The estate is worth 30000 nodleft to Mrs Williams absolutely Thewill was written on October 9 1809 theday before Col Williams was

Josephs Hospital Baltimore to undergo an resulted fatallyE Holmes Boyd qualified as executor

Wanted on Clinrce of EmbezzlementRichmond Va Oct 23 John Kelley an

aged white man with embezzlingat the Carnegie Plttsburg

two weeks pay of his crew of helpors was arrested here today and leavestomorrow for in charge ofDetective of that city

Married Without 1ureiitn ConsentSpecial to The Pest

Roanoke Va Oct 23 John Mullercity councilman from the third ward andMiss Florence Carper went to BristolSunday afternoon and were married byParson Burroughs The marriage was op

by the brides parents and the coutown without advising any one of

their intentions

DUnMroun Fire Near IeeavilleSpecial t The

Roanoke Oct 23 The eleganthome lIon J L Arthur of LeesvllleRedford County was burned late Satur-day afternoon The loss la estimated at

with no insurance

c RailwaY to Cape henrySpecUI te Te

Norfolk Va Oct Cape HenryLand and Improvement Company hasbeets incorporated and Is at work im-

proving the bench at Cape Henry wherea new seaside resort Is to be establishedThe survey of a railroad which will

Henry has been completed andwill be constructed this winter

Moldrr Strike In Still On

S rtUl te The PestNorfolk Va Oct 18 The strike of

molders at S R White Bros plow fac-

tory Is still on with 10 Immediate pros-

pect of settlement The firm declines tomake any statement The men are hold-Ing and none of them have appliedfor reinstatement

Acquitted of MalpracticeS 4al U Tin Pest

Norfolk Va Oct 18 Dr Francis Mof Berkeley was today acquit-

ted in the Corporation Court of the chargeof causing the death of Mrs Emma L

Icyto the aside






















1 un-



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seid he was ready set verdict





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criminal malpractice






















Elmer B White of NewportNjwi Commits Suicide


Stood Before a Friend and Slashed HUThroat with a Knife Hurried to WindowGasping for Breath and Dropped fromSecondstory SHI Said to Hare DecoDrinking heavily Wife Was VisItingItclatircn at Time ofSulclde

Effelil to Tit PostNewport Xews Va Oct 18 Elmer B

White of the plumbing firm of FiferWhite committed suicide at an earlyhour this morning by gashing hiswith a knife Later he felt out ofondstory window and received injurieswhich hastened his death Mr Whitehad been drinking for severaldays and last night said he wason the verge of delirium tremens Afriend sat up with him until midnightand left him resting comfortably At 4

oclock the man in the adjoining roomWhite walking about The friendslipped on some clothes and when

he reached Whites room found it vacantThe trap door to the roof was open andhe quickly ascended finding White walk-ing around on the roof

He assisted his friend back to his roomand tried to quiet him The latter satdown for a short time and then got upand went to a table to see the clockSuddenly he picked up a knife und quickas a flash thrust the blade Into his neckseveral times The blood spurted fromthe wounds White sat down again theblood flowing from his throat over hisclothes to the floor

Summoned n PhysicianHis friend aroused the Inmates of the

house and summoned a physician Whenthe other tenants reached Whites roomthey found the Injured man stilt seated inthe chair He was to say

Now Ive done I suppose I willhave to die

He then got up and went to the window-to get fresh air as those present thought

hite leaned over the sill and fell out ofthe window without any warning to thosenear him There seems to be some doubtas to whether he purposely fell throughtne window cr by accident while attempt-ing to get air

When carried Into the house he was notdead but the physicians could not helphim Between 8 and 9 oclock he diedThe body will probably be sent to Rou-lette Pa where his wife is visiting rela-tives


Civen Ten Years Each fur lulling a DcpntMarshal

Special to TieRoanoke Oct 18 William Strouth

Tom Strouth Dick Dye Charles Brownand Charles Newberry charged with themurder of Deputy United States MarshalGeojjie Ratcliffe in Russell County Vir-ginia June SO were tried in the UnitedStates Court at Abingdon Va yester-day and sentenced to ten years each inthe penitentiary at Moundsville W VaThe crime for which these men were con-victed was one of the most atrocious evercommitted in Southwest Virginia Depu-ty Marshal Ratcliffe in company with adeputy collector made a on SwordsCreek Russell County destroyeda moonshine still

Six young men living in that neighbor-hood armed themselves and waylaid Ratcliffe shooting him from the brushTwentyeight shots entered his bodykilling him Instantly The governmentoffered 200 each for their arrest Threedetectives well armed went into RussellCounty and after two weeks hard worklocated and arrested seven men chargedwith this murder Five of them wereconvicted one man acquitted and theseventh was sick and his case has beencontinued Those convicted were giventhe full penalty of the law

Price of JtuilM la Too HighSpecial to Tbe Post

Clarksburg W Va Oct 23 It has beengiven out by prominent representatives ofthe Short Line Railroad that ro rails willbe laid until the price of steel goes downIt is the Intention of the company to usethe rails of the Ohio River Railroadreplace them by heavier rails likeused by the Baltimore and Ohio At somepoints the Short Line Road is ready forrails

Horrible Death of a Sawmill HandSpecial to Tb Pest

Buckhannon W Va Oct 23 A youngman named Lewis who worked in a sawmill on Sand Run this county caught hisfoot in a belt today and Tas thrownagainst the roof breaking three raftersHe fell back on belt which operated acircular saw and was carried theteeth cutting his throat breast bone andopen his bowels

Receiver Asked for Ioxvlmtnu RoadRichmond Va Oct 21 Applications on

the part of the bondholders were inthe Law and Equity Court herefor the appointment of a receiver for theFarmvllle and Powhatan Railroad Theroad Is a line running from

Hundred to it hasfinancial difficulties for some

Buttery 0 on Practice IIarchSpecial to The PMt

Annapolis Md Oct 23 Battery 0 Sev-enth Artillery U S A under command-of Capt Williams arrived in Annapolisthis evening and camped on the NavalAcademy grounds They are from Washington Barracks District of Columbiaand their destination is Fort Foote onthe Potomac which they will reach aftera roundabout march in thirty days

Death of 3Irs TimberlakeSpecial to The Post

Fredericksburg Va 17 Mrs WW Timberlake died at her homenear ChancellorsvHle in this county ofconsumption aged thirtytwo years Shewas well known and had many friendA husband and three surviveher

Widow of Virginias Wnr Governor DeadLexington Va Oct 17 Mrs M S

Letcher widow of John Letcher Virgiclas governor from ISOO to 1S54 died todayaged seventyseven years She is

by seven children themJudge S Houston Col John DLetcher and Hon D

Died of InjuriesSpecial to The Post

Cumberland Oct 23 Needham Will-iams who was shot while on a train onthe Atlantic Coast Line at EmporiaGreenville County a few days an-other traiii hand Oscar Saunders diedlast was arrested at thetime committed to thecounty Jail at

Successful Petroleum TeatSfteltl la The

Norfolk 21 The torpedo boatTalbot burning petroleum fuel was givenanother spin over the fourmile measuredcourse off Fort Monroe at noon todayShe developed the greatest speed ob-tained with the fuel although onlyone boiler was usc1

Flour Mill Destroyedto Tfc Poet

Cumberland Md Oct 23 Fire this aft-ernoon destroyed the large roller mill ofthe Noland Kidweil Milling Companyat Great Capon Morgan Countyon the Baltimore and Railroad Bethe mill valued at 3000 a largequantity of wheat was consumed









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Goardinc Merchant Shot While DIscusslug Business Differences

S C Oct 1SN T PittS C was shot and

killed at the Hotel Calhoun today by hisbrother A J of SummervllleThere had between thetwo men for some time on account ofbusiness differences but efforts hadmade to reconcile them Both ofbrothers ere past mlodle age and theyare wellknown In this section of theState They met at the hotel by appoint

and went Into a reading room to

A few minutes later A J beganfiring at his brother He timesthree bullets taking effect death beingalmost instantaneous H claims to haveacted in selfdefense but upon what

are not known The murdererwaa arrested The prisoner was perfect-ly cool but declined to discuss the tragedy


Resented Efforts to Take the Knife Awayfrom Him

Special to Tbf PestGrafton W Va 23 Frank Help

ley of Newark tailor who camehere the latter part of last week to workattempted suicide In the Central Hoteloffice this morning He used a dull pock-et knife Night Clerk R J Maloney triedto take the knife from him and findinghe could not called the police Meanwhile Heipley was vigorouslywith the weapon

When the policemen finally got the knifeaway he had a gash five Inches long andone and onehalf Inche3 deep His recovery is doubtful No cause can be as-signed but that he had drinkingheavily He had plenty with


Sheriff Stops Ills Murderous

Attacks with a Bullet


Brutal Husband Sharpened n Knife andPromised to UNC It if Wife Complained of

AttHanltsDcficd Officer with a Gunand After Short Scrliiiinaec Was ShotIn the IlcadIinllct Caused Instant Death

Outcome Matrimonial Advertisement

Special to The PostPetersburg Va Oct 20 Lewis Weaver

In Chesterfield County a fewwas shot and In

btantly killed yesterday afternoon bySheriff W C Gill of that county

Weaver had assaulted his wife andthreatened to cut her throat if she told ofIt He went so far as to sharpen a largeknife In anticipation of carrying out histhreat Mrs Weaver left home yester-day morning in company with a friendand without the knowledge of her husband She went to Chesterfield CourtHouse and obtained a warrant for herhusband from Magistrate Cheathem Thewarrant was given Sheriff Gill for execution Gill accompanied by Cheathem andGeorge Burton a brotherinlaw of WeaV-er went to Weavers home

He was found standing in his front doorwith a gun in one hand and a large knifeIn the other When told by Gill that hehad come to arrest him for assaulting hiswife Weaver declared that he would diebefore he would be taken

Struck the UlKcerWhen Gill attempted to take him Into

custody Weaver struck the officer withhis gun on the head and also MagistrateCheathem who endeavored to ward offthe blow Sheriff Gill received a painfulcut on the head

Weaver became In hisupon Gill who shot him In theWeaver fell dead

A coroners inquest was held and theverdict of the jury was to the effect thatin killing Weaver Sheriff Gill acted Inselfdefense Weaver was a native ofGermany He removed from Michigan toChesterfield several years ago and marned a daughter of Mr John Rudy awellknown resident of the county It issaid that he habitually treated his wifebadly and had several times since theirmarriage beat her Their marriage is saidto have been the outcome of an advertisement in a matrimonial newspaper


Negro Struck Private Kciine Down iii theDark Left Senseless In Roadway

Special to The PostNewport News Va Oct 21 Private

Benne of the Hospital Corps at FortMonroe Is dead from the effects of awound which he received Wednesdaynight while on his way to Old Point fromPhoebus and from the facts It Is likelyhe was murdered Wednesday night Bennovisited Phoebus and missed the lastcar going to Old Point Knowing that hispass would be Invalid after 5 oclockThursday morning he to walkto the fort He was homewhen by his own statement he was waylaid and robbed by an unknown coloredman

The made just before hisdeath that has beencommitted and It has considerable feeling among his comrades Hesaid just as he was crossing Mill CreekBridge he was knocked senseless by aman who stepped up behind him

For nearly an hour he lay there uncon-scious and when he regained his senseswalked to the tort a distance of aboutonfc mile When he reached headquartershe was almost exhausted and soon became unconscious

He was taken to the hospital where helingered until lat night The cause of hisdeath was spinal meningitis brought onbv the severe blow which he received on-

I tli head The wound was bleeding profuse-ly when he reached the fort

Private Benne was about thirtyold His friends say that he was not adrinking man His money was gone whenhe reached the fort The remains wereshipped to his home in Johnstown Pawhere his relatives live

nfe Breakers Drew a Blankto The Post

Nawport News Va Oct IS The ironsafe In the office of Harwood Curtis

dealers was cracked by burglarstime last night but as far as can

be learned the intruders got no bootyThere was no money in the safe Themen who did the work evidently kcewwhat they were about It Is bellevedthat they are the same ones who crackedthe safe of Frank Beanie thebroker but were frightened oft beforethey could open the Inner safe door be-

hind which was 3000 worth of Jewelryand 950 in cash

New Church at Newport Newsto The

Newport Oct 20 The corner-stone of the new First PresbyterianChurch was Hid this afternoon with Masonic ceremonies

Richmond Jibes Mustered InThis Pot

Va Oct 20 The two com-panies of the historic Richmond Light In-fantry Blues were mustered into the

of the State tonight and theBlues Battalion was reorganized as anindependent battalion Maj

the battalion before theCuban war was reelected












































Attorney General Montague

on the Stump


a Large 3Ieetlnc at lionstoo State OJllcial Declares Present Ad-

ministration line Given More for SchoolsAsylums scud ren Ions Than Republicans

Ever DidFarora Bimetallism and De

nounces Trusts and the War

Special to Tie PostRichmond Va Oct 23Attorney Gent

eral A J Montague made the onlyhe has delivered during theHouston Halifax County today Therewas a large crowd to hear him The

was looked forward to with specialbecause of the leading part Mr

took In the May conferenceand In the tight for popular selection ofUuited States Senators It was thought-at one time that Mr Montague would

the stump in behalf of Gov Tyler as-

a candidate for the Senatorship but hefelt that it was best that he as attorneygeneral should not take that rathercate position Mr Montague took

today however to pay a high com-pliment to Gov Tyler The speaker saidhe thought the State government hadbeen satisfactorily administered since thereturn of the Democrats to power Hemade direct application of this to the ju-dicial executive and administrative de-partments He said

Our governors have had clean adminis-trations and from close personal observa-tion I would say that Virginia has had noexecutive since the war more tohis duty more watchful ofof the people and more desirous to saveto the Commonwealth any expendituresthan Gov Tyler

The attorney general submitted figuresto show that the State Is growing moreprosperous and pointed to the large appropriations to schools colleges asylumsand to pensions as one of the most

signs of the time He entereda plea for better roads and coming tonational issues he believed it to be necessary to place our finances upon a bime

basis and declared that unless thisdone we might expect frequent re-

currences of panics and monetary troubleControl of Monopolies

Montague urged the necessity oflegislation to control trusts and bringthem clearly within the common law Inhibitions against monopolies He devotedconsiderable attention to the Imperialisticpolicy of the administration He wouldnot say that In the present wretched condition of affairs in the Philippine Islandswhich he firmly believed had been broughtabout by the most inefficient administra-tion of Mr McKinley our army shouldbe withdrawn He maintained howeverthat any man could read Mr McKlnleyspurpose and that of the Republican party

to annex these islands as coloniesthat there was no purpose of the domlnant party to give these people free

Mr Montague stronglythe idea that the Democratic party

had ever been a party of expansion Hesaid

When Louisiana was acquired by MrJefferson he plainly admitted that he hadacted beyond the Constitution and

his friends to procure an amendment of to ratify the actand it is well known that Mr Madisondrafted such a resolution though it wasnever submitted to the people

All of the territory acquired by theUnited States however has been obtainedupon the same principles actuating thepurchase of Louisiana namely that ofthe preservation of our republic MrMontague asserted there wasno consttutional right to acquire or conquer thePhilippine Islands

Expuution Voted DownHe maintained that the section of the

Constitution respecting the admission ofnew States into the Union never con-templated for an instant the acquisitionof any such territory as this He spedally called attention to the fact thata provision was voted down by a voteof eight States to three In the Constitu-tional convention declaring that thelegislature of the United States shall havepower to erect new States within as wellas without the territory claimed by theseveral States o either of them and admit the same into the Union

Let the promulgation be made that wewill withdraw our armies as soon as theFilipinos lay down their arms and establish a free and stable governmentthat pending this end we will simply re-tain our army for the purpose of thepreservation of peace and order and thatour plighted faith will be not to use thisarmy for oppression and wrong MrMontague inveighed with vehemenceagainst the militarism that must followin the wake of our present policy Heearnestly entreated a return to the oldand simple faith of the fathers contentedto develop our own country for the benefit of our own that we had todaya substantial taste of Imperialismout the South and our civilization andthe civilization of the black man hadbeen set back generations by theenfranchisement of the negro


Virginia Concressman Wins Cheers forBryan at Stauntou

Special to Tie PostStaunton Va Oct 23 A big Democratic

meeting was addressed here today byClaude Swanson of the Fifth VirCongressional District He tod lion

the Virginia Democracy since wrestingthe State from the Republicans In 1SS1 hadincreased the appropriations for schoolscolleges asylums and disable1 Coifedcrate veterans and had at the samereduced the tax rate 2 per cent Increas-ing the States Income by taxing the oys-ter interest and corporations vhichtheretofore had been exempted He declaimed aghinst expansionspoke in favor of retaining a coftlirj statlon In the Philippines and denounceda large standing army AS needless anaInimical to the liberty and lasting properity of a people

Touching the oats of maintaining astanding army he quoted figures to showthat the worlds nations were prosperousIn an inverse ratio to the tax rate im-posed The United States took ie a fromthe pockets of Its people for governmental

than any other firstclass powthis the Americans to

undersell all Tra l doesnt follow the it follows price listshouted the speaker

mention of Bryanj Jiame waswith cheers


Downing Convention ItcnMteinblci andA ealn NomInates Welford

Special to The PuttWarsaw Va Oct 23 In accordant

with thi suggestion of the Democraticcommittee of this county the Downingconvention at that place to-day for the a candidate for the house of delegates for thisand Lancaster Counties This county was

delegations from Lltwalton and Currltoman districts In Lancaster County MrJohn Curletl of Lancaster wits madetemporary chairman and W T Morgantemporary secretary The convention re-affirmed and Indorsed the principles of theDemocratic party as set forth in the Chicago platform and recommended such achange in the Federal Constitution aswould bring about the election of Senatorsby direct vote of the people and Indorsed


In Addressing











gov-ernment com-bated




vigor usly







Ithere were


Iag the


fully represented and Lu















the course of Host W A Jones as therepresentative for this district In

S Bowles of Lancaster Innomination Hon R Ccounty Mr Welford received 767 12 votesand was declared the nominee by accla-mation The meeting was largely attend-ed and was very enthusiastic As therewas a majority of regularly elected dele-gates present from the two counties therecan be no question the legality andregularity of Mr nominationThe recent decision of the special com-mittee of the State COmmittee being ad-verse to the contention of thefaction practically gave the Welfordpie of the convention for whichreason the Pinkard following abstainedfrom participating The result today isjust would have been at the firstmeeting had Mr Pinkards friends notinsisted then upon casting the of Litwalton and precincts al-though the former was unanimouslyagainst him and the latter represented bytwo contesting delegations


Hired horse anti IIugffrTwo Weeks ABOand I Still MissIng

Special o Tie PostWinchester Va Oct 23 After waiting

two weeks for the return of a strangerwho hired a horse and buggy from himH C Shenk of Stephen City came

conclusion that he had beenJiunkoed He notified the district attorney of

the horse and with or withthe stranger

The man said his name was Miller andthe team to drive to


Eightyearold His ParentsBadly

Deliberately Soaked Ills Clothing with OH

and Applied n Intch Tells Iliyxlclan He I Sorry that Ills At

tempt Was Unsuccessful

Special to The PestWinchester Va Oct 23 An unusual

and very remarkable case illustrating thesensitiveness of an eishty earold childwas disclosed today by the confession ofCharles Slaughter who admits that hedeliberately planned suicide because hethought his parents treated him unkindlyThe child is very Intelligent

Friday night he poured a quantity ofkerosene over his clothes and when theywere thoroughly saturated he applied a-

lighted match The flames wrapped abouthis body burning the garments from hislimbs and before the fire was extinguish-ed the lad had suffered serious end verypainful wounds

When taken to the hospital the boyendured his sufferings with little murmur-Ing and from the circumstances It wasbelieved that he had soaked his clothingwith the oil and lighted it purely in child-ish ignorance and for the purpose orwatching the blaze Yesterday when ask-ed by the attending physician Dr P WBoyd why he had burned himself thelad said he had thought for some time ofcommitting suicide and had intentionallyset fire to hlmsglf ylth the hope ofHe said he was tired of living andto die because he had not been treatedkindly

The boy expressed regret that his at-tempt at selfdestruction had failed Heplanned the deed early Friday and wait-ed until evening when his parents were

from home The upper portion ofhis body was horribly burned and he in-

haled the flames Dr Boyd says his con-dition is serious and there Is only theslightest chance for his Thephysician places every confidence in thelads story and declares he was In goodmental condition when he made his con-fession


Outstanding BondsLiterary and Schdol Funds

Special to The FoalRichmond Va Oct 23 Second Auditor

Rylands annual report for the fiscalyear ended September 30 whichthe condition of the public debterary fund and the report of the sinkingfund commissioners Is just out The report shows that the amount of bonds is-sued under of February 20 1832 knownas centuries has Increased during thepast year 3091124 making the amount ofbonds outstanding of that Issue J1800208367 of which 1226300 are held by the lit-erary lund and IIUWO by the commis-sioners of the sinking fund leaving In thohands public J1766178367

The bonds with tax receivable couponswhich have given the State so muchtrouble In past years have nearly allbeen surrendered only 49800 of consolsand 27400 of 1040s being now outstand-ing with the probability that a numberof these are lost or destroyed and willnever be converted

The literary fund has Its holdincs of century bonds by thepurchase during the year of 33500 out ofthe literary fund fines making the present holdings of State bonds by this fund

143032728 Riddlebergers and 220300 ofcenturies the annual interest on whichamounting to 1742352 goes to the publicschools

Of the 200030 cash appropriation to thepublic schools 19310085 was appropriatedto the counties and cities of the State2500 to State normal institutes the rest

being used for general expensesThe disbursement account shows that

70757528 was paid on account of Intereston the public debt during the past yearThis includes 126250 on judgmentsfor taxes with tax receivable coupons

The report of the commissioners of thesinking fund shows that they receivedduring the past year 32J4950 as dividendsfrom the States interest In the Rich-mond Fredericksburg and Potomacroad and that there Is now In theury to the credit of this fund 4378250-

3lUethodUts Oppose RobertsEptilal to The

Norfolk Va Oct 23 At the Methodistpreachers meeting today Mrs JonesState president of the Womans ChristianTemperance Union presented twotions one to the legislature ot Virginiaasking the enactment of a Jaw requiringthe public schools to effect ofalcohol on the system and to Congross asking that body not to admitCongressmanelect Roberts the j

mist from Utah Neither petition wasacted upon by the meeting as a bodybut they were by the ministersIndividually I

Bible ulemimu9j l I to Th FceU

Norfolk Va Oct 23 The police arethe reported disappearance of

Edward Butler who has recentlycanvassing the the sale

and EvangelistJ P Kendall who employed

The missing man Is front Mcrlden j

Shot Man Instead of RabbitSjteltl to Feet

Cumberland Md 0pt 23 Albert J3rantwas accidentally shot in the face andbreast by Thomas Males colored thismorning while rabbit stunting Males wa

and when the dogsa rabbit in the bushes tired not know-

Ing that Brant was In the range of hIgun One shot penetrated left eyeand the sight may be destroyed j

Iloinentend homedto Lost

Fredericksburg Va Oct ZJ The oldMason homestead Cleveland in KingGeorge County near Comoro occupiedby Maj J Julian Mason was

of the family except Maj MaIB an invalid were at church I

The fire originated from a defective flue





C place








his o-

ff busSot Char e3town


















Ithe to-dayCnn

at a on mountaIn back ofj

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and oitcsrn1areward









eel matter to police department


ahigher point


up I


MasonSpecial Its

fire while all




















Large Republican GatheringCheers the Governor


Decltrcs Hellns Always Ileen a Friend ofthe Colored Man anti PrainNi ThemEqual Uielitn with the Wliite iUeprec-ntntlve Hayrwr AmlSny-

Dciiiocrnts Depend Upon lilnckp mriiruitHim and Negro Unlc

Special to Th PestUpper Marlboro Oct 23 Gov Lloyd

Lowndes was the star attraction at anImmense Republican mass meeting heldin the court house today

The meeting was called to order at noonby W T S Rolling chairman of thoState central committee Prince QepxSPCounty Hon Sidney and Mr

R Schirm of Baltimore one ofthe leading Republican campaign oratorsof the Stali accompanied the goyernorl-

A reception committee consisting ofGeorge W Curley J S Sasscer F

M S Plummer and George Bmet the visitors Mr J Selwyan-

Sasscer was made permanent chairmanThe governor was introduced by the

chairman and received tremendous ap-plause He said his father was born InPrince George County arul lie felt asthough it were his home

The governor attacked the claim of ColSmith that he should be given the creditfor the passage of the free schodlbotfkbill anti said 1SO000 had been appropriated yearly by the Republican legislature ingiving the children of State freebooks In 1S92 the control of the schoolswas taken away from tile judges aridgiven to the executive When he cameinto power every school examiner in theState was a Democrat Now about onehalf of these are Democrats thus elitist

the schools The gov-ernor said he was In favor of minorityrepresentation on school boards lint Re-publican party has reduced the State debtby 450000 A continuation of this partyIn power would mean an absolute cxterr-mlnatlon of the debt Between 580000000and 590000000 has been added to the prop-erty assessment under the new assess-ment law The Republicans gave 3000per year more to colored schools in theState than the Democrats But 104000was due the State under Democratic rulewhen the Republicans took hold

IMcndcd for Colored VoteGov Lowndes declared he did not ap-

peal for himself personally but tor theprinciples of his party which were atstake The Republicans had made prom-ises In the past and had keptfthem Haspoke particularly of the action taken Inthe cases of colored men accused of crimewho had been given just trials and saidthat he had always tried to be the po-

litical friend of the colored people ofMaryland The race he thought hail ad-vanced materially antI morally to a great-er extent than In any other State Howould always help the colored people anddo for them as he would for the whites

The governor made a strong plea forthe colored vote and seemed to Impressthe large number of colored men In thegathering Speaking directly to citizensof Prince George County he said theywere better off and happier than eves be-fore In their lives There was greaterprosperity in the county he insisted thanever before The debts had been paidoff and they had money In the banksrand more people had employment at bet-ter wages under the guiding hand of thematchless leader William McKInley thanver before In history The Republican

party was harmonious he said and theDemocrats had announced their In

tenUonsjof supporting the ticketSeveral times tile governor Wits Inter-

rupted by bursts of applause and cheersMndd AiiNwerit Hiiyner

Mr Schirm spoke giving an out-line of vhat the Republican party haddone since It came In power He spoke ofthe Baltimore and Ohio reorganizationbill and the Johns Hopkins Universitybill both of which had been unpopularbut which now found great favor with thepublic The mechanics lien law and thecharity bill were also brought before hisauditors and the purposes extolled MrSchlrms remarks were Interspersed witheffective stories and created a favorableimpression

The chairman Introduced Mr Muddwho was well received He said the nom-inations in Charles County were theequivalent to an election anti he beneveathe Republicans of prince tieorge Comityshould emulate the example of his CharlesCcunty friends Mr Mudds speech wasshort and to the point He scored Raynerfor him and said tHftt noword came from the mouth ofcept vituperation He said that with tinsDemocrats the campaign had gotten dowji-to two issues blackguarding Mudd andthe evils o negro domination

An effort was made to patch up the dirferences existing in Republican ranks inPrince George County Coy Lowndes helda conference with several ofof the independent movement but no sat-isfactory conclusion wax reached Someof the Independents absolutely refused tosee the governor or to consider any prop-osition looking to an adustment of thedifferences R H Vincent the unsuccessful candidate for the nomination for sheriff and R W Hunter defeated for thenomination for treasurer were clogotediwith Gov Lowndes for several hours butfailed to fix matters up


Democratic Candidate Thistle It UaneeeHrto iti Into the Countlen

Special to Jl PostBaltimore Oct 23 Col John

Walter Smith the Democratic candidatefor governor will devote himself exclu-sively to the campaign In the city of Baltimore The Democratic xnapagfira berlievo that the counties can now be gatolyrleft and that their best lactfeg arfr totmake every effort to swell their votethe city This week anti next win wltnasa warm time in Maryland polities aridthe campaign will end Saturday nightNovember 4 Coy Roosevelt wW bK u-hI Aeries of speeches tomorrow Bothaides are bringing the independent U m9-cratff Into th public throughpublished In the newspapers but theof that ilk are sWing with the

although many of them say thatthey will support the Democratic citytIcket President John KlsuK Cow n ofthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Is billedto make a speech at Salisbury In Wlcom

Connty on October 31 TWa to thecounty in which WIMIarn JL Jackson aWilliam F Jackson who ran for Con

against Col Smith In the Firsttrict 14 the Republican

for the State senate

HccUtrnilau CountyB teltl ta Put

Frederick Mrt Qct 23 Report frontall the olUters of reidftt ration tar JPredtrIck County have been flied with the boardof election KU nUor and an Increase of 307 wet Iflfcl y arH regtoirailonund a gain i f 700 orer l J7 Th r aroi1600 negro voters laty The total vot 4tthccounr-ly U13MO

Club nt 1runtburcSpecial to li PMU

at Froatburg have a largoclub with William K Noel as presidentJohn H Welgand secretary and Noah











W-ill Mer-ck

atlngpciiittcs from



sis attnckppoRaynerexi

the teaders




light letterssnout



of exGov Jackson amgrass Die

year candi-date



registered this

Frostburg Mel Oct Z3The Ytepublicans organized























