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  • 7/29/2019 IIEE_JAF


    Will be the future scarcity of EE Instructors a lead to scarcity of EE


    By:Engr. Jayson A. Francisco, REE 2010-45719

    Instructor 1, PUP EE Department

    Without EE instructors there would be no EE students. For those who aspire to be an

    electrical engineer, educators are the bridge that connects between their dream and

    reality. Instructors lay the foundation for the structure; they inculcate the basic and the

    complex. In the academic paradigm, the applications of concepts, theories, and laws

    are taught to strengthen the student's competitiveness after graduation. A students

    success relies on the knowledge and the ability of the instructor to convey the ideas. Of

    course, the task is not a one way since students also have to do their job as "students".

    In State Universities, it is the instructor's goal to inform the students responsibility in

    nation building. Students must understand that because their education is funded by the

    taxpayers, they must be part of the solution and not the problem. All industries and

    households rely on electricity so students must also be motivated in strengthening our

    economy. Ergo, instructors do not only teach technicalities of the course but also the

    responsibilities of being a state scholar. An instructors role requires hard work, passion

    and integrity.

    Being part of the academe has enticed few since 0.5% of graduates would walk towards

    this path. Of course there is an assumption that after acquiring license, an electrical

    engineer should practice their skills in the industry (corporation and government

    agencies), where they can get financial stability. There is a mind-set that they are

    trained to do the job in the industry to sharpen and not to be It also adds up that for

    careerists, the job is dead end or there is an absence of career growth. Also, concerns

    have been raised such as low salary and few to none benefits in state universities. This

    resulted to the increasing vacant professorial seats in the academe. In economics,

    scarcity means a problem; it is a looming spectre. Logically, if there is no sufficient

    voltage the machines would not function. Yes, there is a need to increase the number of

  • 7/29/2019 IIEE_JAF


    EE instructors to fill in the vacancy. A campaign must be done a campaign that will

    drive the student's interest. For example, they can do a part time instructional job whilst

    being a full time EE professional. The importance of EE instructors must be stressed.

    Also, we must address the need to increase the wage and add non-monetary

    benefits. But to attain a positive corollary, it is a must that those who will fill in the

    position are beyond qualified. In a sense, it is important that the one person must be

    familiar with teaching methodologies. Ergo, prospective instructors must also undergo

    training programs to strengthen their teaching skills. We must remember that quality

    and quantity is directly correlated to the success of the institution to produce competitive


    Since points have been raised, it is imperative that we analyze the root cause of the

    scarcity and qualification. In recent years, the government has not increasing budget for

    education. The state has been clear that it has been campaigning to lessen the number

    of state universities. Obviously, with insufficient budget allocation it is almost close to

    impossible to ask for more financial support. Would this lead towards an irresolvable

    conundrum? I dont think so. Being part of the academe, I believe that since we have

    recognized the problems and have formulated possible solution, we must continuously

    assert our right. Our institution has produced scholars and we have to produce more.

    Our government must be startled by the specter that hounds our college. We have to

    assert and reaffirm our fundamental right since what we are fighting for is for the

    nation's benefit.

    Thus, I have to rephrase my first statement, without enough competitive EE instructors

    there would be no enough competitive and efficient EE professionals.