iiei:lassiid declassified dod - home - fdr presidential ... · declassified dod r:s. .-.•

11R 310, s ... 2 - .lllllr•UVI TORCII r.->l l al.-1 ....... IIEI:LASSIID lOll r.'a -"·. ( t/Wf/N) ( no..Ull n D. ltooee.,.l t 1.1__,. DECLASSIFIED DOD r: s. .- .• < ..-JWU

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Page 1: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

11R 310, s ... 2 - .lllllr•UVI TORCII ~ r.->llal.-1 ....... IIEI:LASSIID lOll r.'a -"·. (t/Wf/N)


no..Ulln D. ltooee.,.lt 1.1__,.


Page 2: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•


... j£. UQPitl m eT'

MAO II '9'D IDlC4.

U. a. 1\t"'Clh ~4 or 1~ Po-rt 177,647

lr1Utb •

CoaMt ZpM

v. •. lrlU.Ih

• •







s:gmm 11 mn su


Lt r e pt Qg;muplcotiop tTgopt

1&. 1500

A.ll1t4 ,lo.Dtl 606 (~or• Gn4 to the coa•t)

.;; lt\1 .. t • 4 ltre~A or SI , OOO


Jlt r,,uhr• 280 tn aouon ln nor-\hvut

Licht M4 Me41um Atr-ica tlnot last report.)

Joc.'ben 124 ~le D. ·--u L1~

Dm.ASSIF1ED DOll C'Jl 6-.· (Ill',..)

'liECLASSIFIED-.. 0 . 1 Z35e; Bee. 3.3 ot Sec. 3.4 .LR 101 ly RT, MARA, O._'lhl/ t.f.

Page 3: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

• • • t or ~r1pol1. aA4 3 ~621 • tap.rte4 tor !uDt•.

aonu~ an4 4urJQ& tho 4«1 e.~od t1. conYoy ue-ort .


Page 4: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

! ·-...--- £211 F 1'00 - 1 '100 .. _. '1

( All - ·-· · ,..,..,.,.. .. , )

!!:!:!!! 'G. I. ~~ t.A6f4 CIT b Port

lr1U U • • • • •

U. 8. aD4 lrUhh --smw0111 Ill mnau

o • •• 16,000

LJI! Or oo.ltiiJIC:.U'lOI !lOOPS

u •. e. ut Br-lthb 16,500

.Ulh4 Plt.Ma 506 (A.lchn M4 " V.. ooaat)

Jit;h Mn 280

Llc;h\1 • Mt41'• Soabtra 124 l DF.C! ' ~~...-co

Page 5: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

J --....;, defadw UM • • '-bllU.d. 1141 * 41 .. QU llltt.cnll, Djtbel sou

1'01111. ltaUu torw..N •U:• 1.a Djt 'bel ft:i..rS.M u4 Djt 'btl CblrlU &Nat . ,.., .u.pporte4 by -u 0...- paboh i.uh41a& UP\ ..,..,... -.rt • ....., reporW4 alCID.C Jlll1.a .. ...,..... S.b1r to O,.bel O.tMh' w:Uh iloat •••t of Jla.re.ebo• aa4 Le'Oorla . ••tiMr pod. tbo~a• caoU .La Joru.,. t&m-1d a . loa4t niM;r W\ bylac.

U,0, ~ DOW Nport.4 OtwpJi.A& S.i~ &.I'Mo Coot\NIUa& ... r.ttw-n.a. aonb bblr • M rwlr • ....._, a nuk .out~~ of ,.. .. rwlr.,... pu"MU7 t&Ued to '"'""" rr..• atia..t: la Pl._ .,... MU by eo~~V·

lntbera IMaid.aa ......,. ... ,. ..... n1Ato.r••· D-jtbtl l:reoM. pod u-.. X.b1U p.rrhoo t .U.W ~ h a l1Ult with -u M'bU tl-Ab laolU41&& 5 ltcbt tuan. Aothlt)t Oabu .,.., bll1twe4 .-u.ppllu aA4 no' NlatorMMntt in •.a.. 90 O.NAD .u-t1lhry ,..p.ot 16AtU'1t 4 AOr~ro t Utor. ODf "D&t­'taU.oe 5 ~ohutlt rep..nt Ow4 le'ctir .U.a . MU:Datq re1DiorMd, • • tiaat-4 t \ND(th 600 I t:allaa.t, MOhMhtd tl-at.t 1D.olu41A& lei Upt te.Dbo S.bot..p by sll~M;r laAMd troopt of ,.Jl .. )' br14p 8141 8o\a Ba.ltero • n t.,. pa\n)lU.a.c Md Ur aothi t:J owr Oa.fH . ,.._. "port 'ht 8D ud el ... llt. "nl ltal1u t.4k repa.ll-t. DjtMl rkir1a. area . Latt:.r aoo.pt.4 with OODtldt"'blt NMrw,

JtU:U.t At"t:aokt • ·~ ~W la. SioU!aA •~l by n•ot a.lr..,... ~·t,.o;tii ....... , ...... 1.

AD-• S.1o111an. ..._.1, lcNdwm tra. .. a4 Le•••· ~D-:r aot:ldt)' ooa.t.'it.i'4 ot boaMr r.aocm.a.hauM.

a .. .., nJ .. u, ..cldi)- tiol.dl &ad ... ,.. ioil:a& oocd.1 tiou MriO\lll.7 h_,-,.., all a.lr op ... at1ou tor w ok oc4Uac Dl-btlr 25· 1~ a1u1oot O<llloht1D' )Lo tortlu na.:~o. &c.Mrt a.ooo.plhM4 4al.y ono aiuloo. h\lr JU~• ... t:ro,..4 1f'lth OUc probabl7 4oatro~4. 0\lr lo .... 1 ~ d .. t.ro,..4. CD 19th D.Ma'olr ... r ehollln& )'O.r'd• at Stu ... ,.. b<lll'old b)' 9 D!t-7• aa.d 3 A•20t, d.roppl:lc 11 ton.a ot HI. ~· ~ • ne•p 41eir'O,..d 4 tank• lAd 4 anaortd oa.re. 20th D.o.a.'ber ... tnor- prewntad bcabeu t"'* t'ly~s-2lat Doo.abor P..,Se Uat ... ooptAd 4 JU-88 Oil bombia& n..ld api.D.It L1bhM M atro)"b& 2 ULd prot.bly a Wrd. ~~ OD. ... ,p &tat;ro,_4 u oetlaa.•d 6o tr.aoka out or a ~• ""*'•t OOil.oJ' }6 a1lu Dl' or stu. ~~ oo pat.:rol la.tar•pWd ..t alaot doe 2 JU-88.a boa.b.i.D& al.Uotl tnlok OOD.oy. Pbv P-110• boabe-d. 'brUp owr U. ~d 11 Ab.rlt 16 a.Uu corUl ot Gable wlt.h ...._,.,._, nnl.W. OtMr a.led•• -.Aoo\1 ... ._ to "atbtr. C.~ber 25 tnr P-liO• lloabed a -u troop IOOMlllt:ra\Joo a t l tu..

~· .Foroa Q .ado ""' aorUI Bh•rte. DJ.p~; 28 M4 29. Wo tv.rt'aoe ONft l lP,Wcl. lll.Do IIW091.DC OODtU\111'4 wo .... Mly a.t loJ>t • !Wo ·~ .. robut.n w uoh allllt by Btlthb •\lb• ot at u rta. l4tA Dloeaber. r.o at-­ilt.ob on oon..oy ort 81a•r-t. 17th n. ... 'olr ldth probablo hlt oa 4 .. t1"'0)'9r.


I •

Page 6: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

• 1'17• ~ oouth n u..k eoa"t: pa\roh 6 a.r.d Ph 1Doh1d1Ac 6 tluako

dh~tobe4 to Sta 0. Bo\1 .t.rMa. P'int BID Jto)'al I r11111 1\&dUuo uul KQ 26 anl4 BripcS. MW lo••d 5 aUoo 8W MUS 7 an .. WSI' Oo~Mlla11 "'9.0~ iwly. ~6 A:N4 IAr nUewd t1w aUu 8 Mt4Ju tl lob 'by 1/18 IC!'. l,h} . .... ror;t. llllf 67 ..... "" .... ?:1 n .. .. u .... llo4j u 11 Bo\ .,. co ot 2,/1} .lll ..,. ]j2D4 n a.. l,h} to to...,.ootak. -u.lor Sir &oja . W.4J•• 1:1 !Jab baabl4 "1 •• e.iron.tt. lio u.a ••

8th .b.gh aot Scnt-..rluut. IU&b.laaden en.,...cS •bn' 16 ...., 5 all .. out or Jllld.ju &1 lab. taiUoe-4 5o:C oanaltloo u4 .. ,-.. .... prl aGPn.

J:D~ 00010phd liu roe.4 jt.eotiOD thrM aU .. W)'W I'MI" 1)'r Md :51140\ll a.ie)lt 28 144 29. C.atlfr ot lU. ohar ot ~ 29'th.

HQ 56th Rcn rcl looattd 1 11J.lo HW Ow4 Za.rp. Pt.t.l"oh looat.cl Otlft~J' Co kl.tano.

On rtorth flank two ~taoolt 5 Blltto 4u. ~olt 2.1 O.o•blr trta a.na 'ff'SII' W&ttur preo\Ried kilhd or ot.ptu,..cl.

two Gt:wa11 &1-lt.n l..n"-4 'ilm ail .. aoQtla Fori~ &lpt 28/4!9 0..-bu . l:ri4p oc Fwrblla - Oa.t" r• U • 7 blo.. up try t.l w MD. l o .. ped ~ VSl ,.trot ~. o..t ...

.,...:ob npol't c:uo Ge....a. u4 t110 ltalhtl !boo P:loMG .,..... B:ca;y Nl.D.tor-o.cl em 0. fkiri.Ao.

L1a.ioo11 otttoeJ" "port• oovot~tr attaot by O.l"JJNlo Md lt&lhno aupportecl b)' ta:dko aout.h trom Poftt Du h.ho 28th ».o.t.r ude oo.alid..r•bh prosn .. eut ot re .. -.o1r O,..d JC•b1r.

U.tury • b43 Ca lrJ,. 1b .rriwd J.l&hra fTc. Ca•• bl._.oa.

Jr,J1h 18 B-17• oUaobd love .. w1 tb 2 i ted• l>olt.be N•ul Q unobnrwd.. LliJlt bcablra ot.-taoll»4 'tlrldp1 LA EloD.Z...a witb 5 tool -e.-b1. lo hit. ole.t.d.. ltnrt-4 oooCMDtratiOO. n ot . ..... Md &1•~4 looaotl .. aordL s tax. Ul)l.t ~n ot-taobd. taU .S.pot 9 a.Uu • ~t ~ Nl• w:l~ 7 too• bab•• 12 P..)8 41.-pa\obe,cl tano6 \0 u .. w tar&"t• 1breo .__.,. .Uore.l"t OAOOUDU.f'lcl, OM~. DI.._Mr Jl lplttlrU l'r"- a-. ot~.p.c-4 12 I D-o' plu .. A PoDt o.a Pa!u ... tcNr --.;r 4••U'o,.6, t.o clMapd.. 0.. lplttlre atu ta,,. ,_ l plttln• OD pa\;rol •ho' ~ by 15 ~ l.irorott. o .. r lo\lk 1:1 .lr'bo . lo\l.k 11 J:b,a;h 4_1 w ~·· 1!u'e1 o,...- Maben ·~ pl&M ehot 60'C 1u-t Bhlua ~ptw.-4.

. ' .

- DI:..C.. ' :FmD

Page 7: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

----, ' &3£22

~ U. 1 . Strftc\b Lu .. d or l.a Pori; Bl'it11ab. • • • • •

o ... ... &riiiab

EetlM.tlld l'Dt&l StND,sth

ec:.a.t Z....t

u. s. Br1 toll ll .......

-.... f r -

~ t ou.at.o lv.actil ., , .ooo

-J e \la&tllt4 IV.~ or J9.ooo

o ••• an4 l.rttiah l6,6oo

.UlU d Plar.u (.llpna ll04 to u. •ut) 506

hcbt.rl 2110

L1pt. ·.u- 124 -·· Hta~ loebtr. 16 .OOD:Ila.1 1 HDM 21

troop C&.rthre 36 DECU ssiFIED ~

- -_(i All ED i. 1DII, lee. u Of s.o. 3.4 101

'"· ltAI\A. Dfllf~ •lc



Page 8: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

/ • Frca 9~d Gt'oup,

Sb: Bombera oo.rr:yin& 5 - 1 ,000 lbo bombo dlpo.rted to attaok Tlmil, a ouuo , and s .ru: tM ni&ht of ta. 26-27 DeOilaber, ODe plano bombed Sou11o and three bombed flmil , but tho r11ulte wore unobHr• ... d . Plane 'O!hioh bombed Stu: obHned h1 to on clooko and a .t'ire in the b&rraokt area. Interrogation o.r tM oixth ehipe orew hao not been oompletad. Tlool.,. airora.rt oarr:ying 5 - 1 ,000 pound bombo at­taoked the harbor and ohippinr; at So1u11 011 the 27th. !1.-rouo h1 te were reported on doole inotallatione. One bomb -• ""n to ex­plode at oonter o.r •-roial quay and two d1reot h1 ta wore aaclo 011

a merohant ohip, lloo.r mi1111 wre obtained on ohipo dookod at the phoeph&ta quay. The railroad ;yard w et ot - que:y -• du&s-d. llode ratal:y he&'!)' antiair ora.rt !'ire -• onoountarecl o.,.r 1M target but no enemy airora.rt wre e1&htad,

- 2 -



I. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 . LR 101 ly RT, NARA, Date_!!L Li I f.f_.


Page 9: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•



fMrii II 'll" miO+

0. I. h~ WA4eocl o r ill Port 17?,84'1

u o.ooo ll:rtchh • • • • .tJI IQWMI

._,1-.\t 4 8\r*ftC\b Of 38 , 000

Tl. I, u4 llr l t hh ------ ---- 6.66 tblcno'lfll.

CoWl ketl

u.s. --u.ooo

l! , ?QO


na:ggp 11 1'UII au

.. u ... te4 ''r•acth ot 3liii , OOO

Wp• ot Co=mtsotlop ;rgop•: u.s. aM llrithll.- l&,dOO

.Ulh4 ~ .. - .. --~ -(vUh.b IMc• of ~da)

7i&hhn ---------- 310

Vllih\ ll«!>ioro ------ 3a

Uch~ ao4 Md1WI Bo~r~but - 9~

lfa'Y Joa"Ot n ..£_ -

Page 10: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•


/ ---·r helldl atteoka 1A tbe Pic.bon area bt.t toreM t to_.. UtiiiO' to vU.h4l"av t ll&bt-

1¥· t4ftUttcaUou of prho;ara 41-.cloae ~ tact that • '*U.allon of U..

3ln h&ltu ~ Jtacii!Qt. ad. 13th U allu .&aUt~ kn..Uoa h 1G the

OI;La .. t ... Piclwu~ Ana.

AUJ. nt aor-tbtrn halt of tb. w .. ur'ft Ma4.1urn.ntAA va• patrolhd b.y

01:\e J'O 88 'b61t4 Oo Sout:Mm hA!1ce. Md tht SO\Uhtt'D bAl.t 1nclu4J.ac thli 1\tnhlA:l

Ooatt an4 eta artA north of StellY va• covered b7 tour JU 88 battd oo Siollr.

'l'wntl' J'U 88 1 1 from Slot~ cover ed the N'ortb .UrJcu Cot.U , tura.O nortb.wardl

toww.fl4 the laltrloe ADd !lnall7 la::u1td about 4&va at Noot~lhr, l'ra::l.ct. At

11 .. 11 Uu-tt o\her l1J 881 t dropped bo.mbt l.a the .ll41trt uta u4 rtt'.ll'nad to

Stoll¥. ...,tA JU 88'• carrhd out .,n orte~un to \lot Jol.\clt u .. ~4 rat-~nea


--- 2 -


Page 11: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

--nrn= Ill!IID +li!A.t.

t1. I. Structh LA.DU4 or 1n Per-t. 1'77,64?

lr1Uth 1 • I I I 140,000

v. a. ud. J rt thb


'10 , ?00

v. $, 16,000

JtrlUd 36,000

~ '10,?00

Litq or qgp..mc,mox p:!D?S

u. s. &tl4 1M. u Ill

IJ.Ut4 Planet 606 C.ucten ao4 to eta. ean)


71cbttrt 280

X.l t;.M • ~1e41wa Bomber. 124

UoaYy lo•'bnt 45

RtcoM&S .. .M.ce Zl



14ll .. \ t 4 ltr~h ot 31,000

lttt~t•4 8tr•oath ot ae .ooo


Page 12: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

/ 0 )

~ worklnc parties u.4 e=• wre obt.,. .. ~ t allu .. , , ot

1141 l tlr.

Pat.roh tMC.be4 :DJe~l &.aNile (12 ailu MU.thwe t. of NAt.«ar)

vi c.bo\t.t CDD lAC\ o

!bert bu b .. n AO otfcdn -.:.th"H7 r•rh4 hoa t~ a

h1Mt.t7 OO~lp~An1e• v Ub infant.1'7 I;Wll 111. U:• DJtbtt m. .&batra ana,

but tb.ere was tntlli,T • r t.ar a-.4 arUlltl')' .cH<rH.r b the area of

DJe'btl AbthoWI.a •

• u 41.1.8 oa the 27th of December, ens-.r 1110rtan tired on the

forward potit.lOGt of t~ 36th l risaAe.

AQ .n.., poet., ••t~te4 • • eoalittlac of I platooat , i t

locate4 6 ailtt ~t~t of Xaar tyr.

:'bt ?Stt.A llll.a\r-J ~nt r..m! the let eo.p..q ~Ul Jlbcluen

kn.Uo:~. ha• \.-. 14e:'lt1:!1R abQQ_t. & au .... .n of U. S.l4out ana

~ capt<.a.n.& 4oc:NM:nt •·

!be l'ruch were a\tackd 1u \he ana of KtlAout -,. u e:~.eq

h!MU7 \aUall<ra, .upporte4 Q;y arUlleJ71 oa nw 27th of D.o.Uu.

J. 4-.vn auack va. l*4e ~ln•t the~:~ on cbe 28th ot Decealln. TM

tBUAUon 1t reported ha ha.ncl.

The tneav hat butl c.UWnc la northa.o.et ot Orioh Sl Oued.. Jbellll'

.ortars b&Ye been locate4 3 niles nortbe••t ot Grieb 11 Out4.

JtlelfG' pat roll vert co:tacted 2 a:Uu r.ortbeut ot Ooll~Uat. t'vo

(a) oollp&Q1U ot tu.zv htt~t.t'J' S elba ao'lnhMn of Oou.lNIUat baTe

'b• ee 1ooat•4.


Page 13: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

0 ..... )

t1w C-UT vtt..b4r..w .._,, tne ,od Uont oa t.t. roa4 DQ%' Djt..l -

IJ1d1 W.d1on.

!b. •a.MV' h r~rh4 4J~ b aloac U. ptlat'al l lllt X.4Je•

11 :lab - Ooubt ll.at ar•· The e..;r ttr one pOht h btlhYt4 to

bt j\Ut taa\ of Ooubtll.-.'&o

tt:. C'.l...;r' h conatNCUn& WtDt 1n vor4rt, bclu.t.ac c a:1U\Mk

4.1 tob, ru·ou.nd Pont l>ll J'abt.

O.u 100 ptho:nu• • .o• U.T lt&lltm. vue e.a_pt-.l.f'e4 ~ '-he h•eh b tLt area betw .. -a Oud Xtltlr r t HM'Olr (13 an .. .ctQthvett. or Poe\!

Dll J'aht ) MA Djt'bd J'JcirJ.nt .

A:1 ~ COWllt!'a\t..tldt 'DeeulMtr 21 , f1"0a aftll IOGtb of Pont

Du 7~• b7 a •ix.ed. tol"ct ot Gen:.ant and Ita.Uan• r.1pporud b7 O.raa.Jf

t anJI:t, h nporttcl \Q ba•• .llll4e c:oci1Ur-al>lt pto&rtn 1a tbt area

aut of Ola4 r eblt reternlr.

A1tm:r acUrtty .otUh ot J'eriu.a h 1.l:\cuaa1~ .•

Pat;-ob ti"'a Oafca oocuc.bt \be UGi1' att.-r 4ark oa Ute 28\l:.

It va.t r tporta4 that N$kll.Q.tq hat been rtia!orceci vttb f r om

! OW" to f1Y t bwi.IU'N. ec.a.;r 'roo11•· bolu.4.1J:c U t~t. l!hl t : epart c.oal4 not be coD.tt l"Ced l17 p a.erl.al 7'tco=aitNAC-t of \~ a rea..

A b.athr:t ot tbe 432D4 Cou t A.rUll•IT tr• Orart ~· antn4

at .ltt.kra..

OptraUoMl, hQk Stotue

4 th ~n4 DlY1•1.0GI

83 Vahn\h ..

06 Ont•&4UI

11 Clo•• .rpporl



Page 14: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

J sMG?Fffi )

louue t-&rlloT w• attacked. Crb£ the aJ.cb\ 2?-28 J)ee.Uer to'

a lJ.Nratora tro. u:,. 160 Sqqa4rQ:I. :h!rQ-"-el & (34) J:rtt.hb

1,000-)I'OUd 'buhe vt-re l!ro~d.. A larp !11'1 vu o)-urYe4 at tt.

ed.p of the co.._rcl.a]. ~ a::4 a::.oU:.ar tlre at th ptao.,t~Att qu.tJ.

~ (a) oU.r fire • v ne oburYe4 on t.~ ""'" e14e of the b&rllor.

Oa C.Ce•'btr 28, 9 ~241 • tro:ra U! ... S76th Group u4 13 J.-a-4' • froa tM

88tb 0roup d.J'opped ?2 ftY-.-bWUln d;..poun.cl .lJI.t1'10aA 'bo•h OQ Sount

tvt.r'bor , K1h vere ob .. rn4 oo 2 tanlcere "' tM ooa.erclal qwt.t, e.cd.

otbor hl\1 et art.ed ttree AlOn£ the qu&1. three (3) plane• vere

hU 'b7 MUAircriJt f 1.re a.n4 Capt,U.n Uaond.t , of U. 3?6'b ~.

~• ld.lb4. 1'br .. ( 3) of our caire.ratt. w re h1 t by .,., a.lror.tt

nre t!riD4 oae 'ba4l;r ~K.. '1'vo (a) M,Z..10f 1 • wre M11•••4 abo\

tow. .t.U J>l.&M• re~4 u- bt..M ue-ep\ one airorat\ VAC-COG:lt-.4 for.

S.3 Of Sec. 3.4

Page 15: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•



IIOI'tb qua.7,

lilbt (8) \n:ckt W.r e 4 .. t.n:rt4 ler' P·34' e ? alltt cor-tJw.ut of

11r Kobup.

tea (10) eae.; planet vere encountered nort.heat~ of Pont Du Pahe.

One tntlltf " lt.ne w.e pro'bllbl:r 4utroye4 a:ul one ~4, \11th one P- 38

tho~ 4oVQ 1n tn~ ter r itory.

A P-3$ 4utrO)'t4 2: Of 3 ttLeJ%1¥ pltu~.tl approa.cblft« Toulu L .. !IAlftt.

!r.a (10) •.Mel .. ven t .. tl'01t4 u ... r X&lrouM 'lq a P-40.

!'w (2) P- ;J.B1 e on reeo:l.llai .. e:Lct ti'lC0':1DttN4 e enec;r atrcran

D..,- Poa\ ~ J~ - CAt P-38 ~1!..

A ~31 4n\rv7ri o~ e:e;:r;.-~ b. •s llcra ar••· ftA cr..,

-.:'ben wn ob .. rTe4. \o1Ll..k1~ ·~ e.:aoaa the .u.be.

~DtT-tvo (22) ~t1~~1:. eortlee v.r. flo~. !hrtt (3)

lhd.otu are alnlA&.. One !btton •• e~ot 4oVA li:T f't'hndl1 antlair-

AJi t plAntt carried out the!r uWUA! reoonual•aanot of tbe

Mt4ihrra.nt&n *""' North Atr1c~ ANe. •

.Ulh4 JtCbhn aneaced 3 XF-109 1 • o•u Pont. Du Pahe area

a'bou t AOOD.

CLASSIAED I. 0 . 12351, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 .LR 101 lly RT, MARA, o.t.--'iL ~Lt.f.

Page 16: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

!!l;e nee\ J.lr Aft au~ oea .,.rel:M,\ ••nal wtth .. o.orU.ec

4 .. \ro7u 1ft the S1eU1u ob.dotl. ~ .. robt.Dt •••••1 'blev up

Page 17: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•


o. s. s l.roOJ'II 1.an4o4 • • a Port. rn, 61.7

Sr1Ueb • ' . . lloD, OOO

v. s. and Dri t.iah 725

S'l'mQDI Itf TtJ:iXBU

u. s. 16, 000

8r1 Uah 35,000

,....b 12.1!!1! ?0, 7llO

LlM pr Qqr;;pp1utl9P 'l'rocm•

?0, 700

u. s. and Br1t1tb 16,600

Allitd PlCU'leo S06 (Alstoro ond Lo U1e out)

Nthtoro 280

Licht It lle41um Boc.ber a 124

Hea~ Bombara 45

~oonnal.eeane• 21

Troop Can-ioro ~


z.u .. ted Sl.roOJ'II of 3'9, 000


EoL( .. ted S ....... tl> ot 39, 000

liE¢1 •SSIFJED-.. o. 1231&, Sec. 3.3 Of Sec. 3.4 ILA 101 ~ RT, MARA. on ¥/_.~,-+

Page 18: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

. J ... )

!'be 2Dd ll.apthiru, b't Cc-r.-n.dioa &DCJ )/9 .&J.ct.ri.&D Int.ntzT, rit.b

... ar1.W•l'7' looat-..4 a.bcvt 10 .u •• nort.bM.et. or hJ• d pa\.rol.J.J.Jlc

--tile ... t .

•ort.h DO:"c.bwat. or BeJa approxl.a.a~ 10 u .. h locat.ed •

det.acbMDt of' the 2nd Pars.ebu.t.e S.~t.lion. Tb.11 dtt..c.b.:Ant. h patrolllr::;g

r.M DJobol Ahiod - l!oJa area.

''" 2/9 Alcerian IArantry whieb b patroll..in.l t.o the north, b

locattd.. 10 aUu north northeas t ot S.ja. Bttd(l\klrter • an4 1 bat.t.alion

lat. ParachuW 8r1cad.• 10 allea northeast of S.Ja pat.ro-lll.a.a t.o Sidi Hair.

l:n4MQ' hported entrenebina to t.M eoutb ot St.aUon De J•tna aod

h&a ooo~.q>1~ t.be JUeh pot:ld 5 llllea n.orthw .. t ot St.&t.icm c. J..tna.

fb• eMil¥ hu bM.D s-epcr-ted 10 aUt a eoutb .aut.b•"t. ot J&t, t.eur b7 :zz.1

S.tt.al.1c:e 14neut.r l\l..a1llere.

)I'd PIZ'adau:t.e S.tt..llcm 1a at Souk El lheala, r.et.lJ:Ic.

1'bl 'Ul Bat.talica •Cl""tbaaptoa.a ia eow •'- *=cb&r • r.porta 2

ott1oera ~. 1 &l...U.,; 11 eallat.ed IDNI kllled, l.4 -ow.4ed, 16 . aluinc 1n .cUoo at La:nurlne, Deeesbt.r 2J-2j:.

In t.he Y1oWt.7 or Reidoua tho 2D4 Lnd )rd S.ttalJona )rd

.Ucerian IN'ant.ry patrolled eout.h.oaat.ward a.nc1 a J)at.rol ot the St.b

Arall S\atherlf.J'Id Hichlanclora r epulsed entll)' (witbout. lon .. ) J. mllea

nor t.bwtlt.

J. •t.t.ndinc patrol ot the lat Battalion &l.rre7 RtP,..nt. nortbeut

or Hetdoua • u at.t.t.clced .mS retind. A b.1ll 5 aU•• 1outbeut. bu bMn

DLC ~ .. LED -

Page 19: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

AD .,..., patrol oU the roed Tebourbe - Wedjea 11 s.b wu

at\.&okecS b7 a patrol of G~er GUarda .t.J.cb Jdll~ ) tnei!Q', WO\IDd~

a w t.oot lS .,rt__,.... ~ pa.Cotol.. .. re locaWd J...U•• corebeut. ot Oot•bell•t-•

.&. aiM t1.tld, which .... located 7 allea toutht.,\ of Gou.btllat.,

was r-.oYeCS &Dd. a\ ~ aue \iu contact wlt.h tha ee.cq ••• aada .

At DJebel fld.rlne, prlecmera were c.e;t.urtd in op.r•Ucna whieb

Prieonera an4 aat..riel .. :te taken .mtln el1ttl1" • 1 4r1Yon back a\


It wu r.por t.d ttt.t e..oe~ a.ot.ivity in tbt Oat'l& AN& ia 1ncre•a1ng.

A O.naan patrol Oftieer .nd 4 •en "ro tahn d\\rlac the night ot

26-2'7 Dlo.ber wben 110t.crerelea ~ 4 en_,. tanka "fit torced t.o

.... Un b7 - .,..ru-.. At. 2200 %, Daceebe.r 26, .;r,.,ro.x:1a&tel7 .)0 pvat.roopa tro. U.

2D4 8&t.talloc 50'Xh Panelmte ln!'antz7, with 2 eco~ l'l-eccb

perat.roopara, ~ • auec....rul Jt:sp tor the fiUZ'PO• or dea~)'inc a

rail.r0&4 V1dc'e 6 .u .. oor1b ot El DJu. HO'IIII'tW, 1 t. •• ,..pol"t«t oa

t-he .aorn1Jic or DtcetD'ber 'n b,r air t.hat. \.be bridp . ... 1nt.ct.

78th Gon.erat.or SMoke Cor~pe.ny (Chemical) with aq\llpuot., <lepart.d.

Casablanca tor AlC1tr• •

...... l.h• n1Cbt of 25-:!6 lloo .. bor . Tbo7 clroPJ*I a fn l>ooah.

18 P·381a ud• o!teuin ..up a Pont tlu ,..,. .. - Jt&1raou.n area,

and: 24 p...,4Q'a -.de recocr.aiaa.nu aorUea 1A 1.bl Poat. Du Faba -

DECLAS...... u.D

Page 20: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

KaJ..raoun ant &nd met no dr opJ>Oaition.

!he battler aM d.o<o.U at Sou ...... boabed b7 14 S...l?'a tro. 2), soo r"t. Sever. d ..... t.o docb and •ar.houu t:J\<1 on 4 •hip• claiMd. OGe 1h1p .xploded.

A tottl or I.D ton• or tH:.b1 n:r. d.rop]..ed at. Souuo.

1 hund.nd and t-.n~ ticht.e.r aorti .. on prot.ect.lon •wupa, t.o.bt.r e$QOI"\.f .M! at.c.e.eka CD port and ahl~i.ca wr• aede b)' RAF n.oeabor 26. 2 Spitfire• daaaetd and 1 enOQf pl.ne ... probably 4ta-

P-)8'• intorcept..d &bout. 10 &!!-109 ' • at Tob .. ,. l41S Z, ahoot.!n.e:

don 2 ..

3 Ut!IT


Page 21: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

. . ---T BIO I

Jr1U•h • • ' ' . 140, 000

U, a, an4 !rit1th n s

SWi!)1H Ill 'fYUIIU


eo1>u ·hn•1

u. s. 16, 000

lr1thb 35,000



••c1a.te4 !treft£th or 39, 000


Liu or Csr;:wtts.ttop !'EAAv•· u. s. &1'14 Jrt u lb. 16,1500

Allie-d Ple.ntt !106 ( .Ushrs on4 to the eut)

11shttrt 280

Ll£}tt A Wt41u.m Bo~bera 124

Unvy !oollen 45

Rtoonnaiu.M~• 21.

11'roop Oarrhu 36


nr:cr ·"''!FlED -beCLASSIAED ~ 1 . 0 . 1235&, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 . LR 101 8y RT, NARA, Dew o~J. 1/ !t '

Page 22: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

uzr W'l'W WI JQICI

•u::r .eUu •~Nttv.at. of t'~w.r (6 alba aor-thvut of X.4Jn

11 Jab). Catual.Uee t.l1en4 U&b\.

Patroh f..Ue4 to cak.- cocta~:.\ .W\t.u\ of Oou.).eUa~.

lllcht •c...q aount..7 ... , .octh.eut of Oouhllat.

Lice of Co=ll.lA1e.u.o:~. 1"0~ 28 au .. ea.e\ ot Jol:ac1• .l*• aa'bh tor

1.,3.. ton vehicl ...

ltcbon .

lrlemy pat Nl act1v1 t.7 reportecl t nol"eai11\C 1n t>he Yictni tr

w.Jc:Nt.•q i.ovar4 o..t ...

le&prorcr?'ni ~.,.,. ot co•'toot Min t kUtr7 •J.• 443r4.

Cout A:l'ttlleq (.l:!.Ua1rcr&tt)(bto=attc v .. ,...u) eQJ"'uta fro•

C....blM.c& t-o .uct~•· ~ CQut .Lrdlle17 (ADt1dren.tt)(&t~

Mtio V•pou) ~t\aUo:l urou.u tJ"Oa Oru to Siet:r...


a J.ont.o:a Irtah 11nu at Ooo.'O.llat

1 IrlP J\u1lhn a anu eouth of Gouhllat.

31th lntantry J ripde .ad e •b lAn.h­killJ nc• JUatltert 10 ~let IOUihveat of Ooubenat.

Jatta11on 18th Rt«1 .. otll COQbat feaa a t Tt'bO'tlreoulc:.


let Co. h ~ • .,. ( 49\!1) I&U.alloft, r,or t.heaa\1 of Med,Jes 11 .. -..

S h Greb.41u -.,t.ea,, Of X.4Je• ~ JI.Jt,


J.JECLAS51F1BD ,..... .. _() sA::m

i CLASSIFlED- -0 . 12351, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 R 101

ly RT, NARA, O.te iL•/f.(.


Page 23: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

2fth llattaUoa S~b ltrM¢lhr1 tec;l.Dtai:, Plebon A: ...

lt.U. bcUe4 \17 s .drcralt, So ~.

11141Tte atta.Ue4 t:u 8 ~17 • • vt\h 40 lout of boal11. rtr•• wre:

1ta.rtd. .-oac al:dpp1.1le: &:l-4 1n cto« ~~.na. a..,.,. accva\1 .ntWrc:r-..tt

flrt ftC-ow.t.tue4. ~ ~17 •• lbot aow- ~wo a1••1tlc· l!\lo ene;v

•• lht'14av1lh (27 1111 .. 1ou.th•••t or Pont Du. l &ht); 4••t:ro:red 2

\Nolet at S141 !lou All (2? n llea ntu•t.huu ot x..trooun): one loco-

1o~O*Ot1•• a\ ~·t (.0 ail11 north or Sou•••) .

l our P-40•• •t.ra.ted teYer.J. "lt-propeU•4. ocMA-ptnc: barce•

DOrth ot SoutH, 4-ett-ro,.-~ ODI 'baz6"1 e&rl71a.& CIU011ce.

18 .1-1711 4toppe4 "2 t.on1 ot bo•b• n Stu, &Ad cW•4 tbn•

•1>1~ wok <a tar.,., 1 to:al.l) 11M ••• .._.4 < .. .u.,.).

ObllrYe4 1n railroad. :rar4 Wit ot eo..rcial ~· Wo IDNV .n..

oov.Atert•. .Lll l'lt.Ul'tlt4 aa!tl7.

CLASSIFIED- -0 . 12351, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 R101

ty RT, NARA, Dele~hl/ f.f.


Page 24: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•



>:an ot Oreocvlch

Soae area

lh:erte .. Co&Uer1

J:aet ot 6°&

.. 3 ltJ-It .. le.ed Siel}J'.

- l 411-88

2 JU-88 fl'o• Soutbe.rft J'ra.nct t:o eouth ot Steil¥.

0 or 6







Vl t.h!rl. 150 allte 2a0

W 3:Pv 3 or 4

L1e'bo::l .. C.....blaaca - l40V

Cfui.Arl" - i.Joru

~·~ of A.loru



3 or 4

KadeJ ra - Aaorte 1 ltallu

i CLA881FIED - -0 . 123M, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 R 101

ly AT, NARA, Dete~J.lif-1 ,.

Page 25: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

& !0191

Dr1U th 1 • • .A.IH SmjliMI

u. a. nnd Jrltlah

o. s. 16,000 /

r )

lti1aa~e4 $tt«ft«tb ot 39 ,000


let1&ate4 8trt~tb of :li,OOO

Ltne ot Cg'PUiP&soUo; fnopt: tr. S. e.4 lr1thb-

A.Uh4 Plene• 484 ( vl thin 200 11.11 .. ot 1'w1.1t)

l.Sa,ht a.t~4 ~tdi\1.11 Joabue

Jlea"7 lo•lt•n




43 --



CLASSIFIED- • -0 12356, Sec. 3.3 Of Sec. 3.4 101

ly RT, NARA, Date_!i/_ill fof

Page 26: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•


bECLASSIFIED -I. o. 1235&, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4 .. LA 101

AT MARA, 0...1....!!'1u.!.IW~-----------

Page 27: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

1010 1 I IPOI!

qzoo fnpbtr zt to 1?00 P.s.,tr 27 All .,.•oac-• parapllraood


U. s. Strlllllth Lenclad or in Port 153,724

llri t1oh 1 I I I I uo,ooo

AI' ST'P9T' u. s. and llr1t11h

%ot1=atod ! otal Strencth

Combat Zon11

v. s.

llri tiob.


16,000 /


19 ,700 ./


Line o! Oom=un1cat1on !roopo1

!rotal v. s. and llr1t1th

.UUed Plonoo ( v1 thin 200 aile a o! Tulli o)




lit;htero 310

N1ebb 71ahtere 32

L1611t 6 Medium :Bombere 99

~nrJ lloabero 43


~ticatod St ranstb o! 39,000


%ot1=ate4 Stronath o! 39 ,000



bECL.ASSIFIED - -I. 0 . 12356, Sec. 3.3 or Sec. 3.4 .. LR 101 8y RT, NARA, Date-':/L-'-"-'-1-I-

Page 28: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•

/ J }

I !J!!)QP LOQ+f!Op

lOth I llfut17 Jri~ lo .. 2 co~ .. ...... »cnL .Va4a.

l ot Rofal Irioh JUoilioro 9 m11oo ooutb of Cloubolla t.

16/5 I.Deno at fl.oulp.

21>4 Lon4Dn Irioh ltl.noo 4 =iloo oouth of Ooubollat.

llq4quartoro 38th Infontey Br16*M 3 mileo oouthwot of Ooubollat .

Dorb7 r .. MIU'T 4 miloo ... , of lloii&\Ua.

lna:r ta.aka and Tehlelee acU•• :S allea nortbwe~ of lear !Yr.

Th4l 2nd Coldotr ... Guar4o oapturod Djobol n .&haera. ~ 11>~

count eratt acked but w ret=ained tM poaition except 1n a fev placet .

!he """"'~' countorattackod OOLin at dow on tho 25th """' pined the

ereet. ~ 2nd Coldatr ... Guard• ~fered c&~tlea in k17 pereoonel.

!'he 3r·d Grenadier 0Uar4• counte.rattacked a.nd repined the poet t1o11.

J. battalion of the 18th Infantry (US) wao relined b)' the 3rd


'l'he Sth llorthamptone reached " defile 4 •ilea wet of ~bourba,

but vi tbdrov du.r11J6 the nisht after .,., tins oJll¥ oll.cht oppoo1Uoa.

Soutbfm $\initio: ltaltan infantry haa been r.-ported aou.tb of


German mot orcyclioto occupied tho rood Junction at'Kl Year,

north of ~••Y·


liECLASiiFJEO -.. 1. 0 . 123M, S.C. 3.3 or S.C. 3.4

LR 101 ly RT, NARA, DetltJ-1!Lf..f.



Page 29: IIEI:LASSIID DECLASSIFIED DOD - Home - FDR Presidential ... · DECLASSIFIED DOD r:s. .-.•


/ --

hlu (4) P-40' • l!O"Jtbec!. &fax Y1~h cm.e tOll ot 'ooabt oo n.ctaber 24.

Pour ( 4 ) P-40'• attac~td tr.. br-14«* cOl'\b ot Oabu.

A atn.-tv .. p1na travln at lone uploc1t4 7 .oortl aln•• ·

Ilec:u,_r 17 - 2 hlu o~ ureballt nutl u.4 a oe d.eott-f'07tl' 1e 311t rU .,.. •••

O.ct•h:r 24 - zn_,- .-.J.ba&rtne aU-"M - rteultt u:U:;:Olao

lu~ict rrom Malta r~r~• b!ttiQ& a aorth\ouc4 Tttttl wUh one to~e.o .


DICi •SS'RED -.. 0 . 12:11&, S.C. :u Of Sec. 3.4 tLR 101 ly RT, 1W'A. o.t.__y/_,.!) f~
