iimm papers 5-6-7-8 theory questions

PAPER - 5 - PURCHASEING MANAGEMENT - THEORY QUESTIONS SR EXAM QUESTION MARKS 1 J-13 16 2 J-13 16 3 J-13 16 4 J-13 16 5 J-13 16 8.1 6 J-13 Q.7 Explain the purchase procedure. What are the steps in purchasing? 16 7 J-12 16 8 J-12 16 9 J-12 16 10 J-12 16 11 J-12 16 8.1 12 J-12 16 13 J-11 Q.5. a)How purchasing executive is custodian of his firms purse? 8 14 J-11 Q.5. b) Explain the “Golden Rule of 7R’s”? 8 1.2 15 J-11 Q.6. a) what are the practical guidelines for purchasing? 8 16 J-11 Q.6. b) Write down Different purchasing methods? 8 6.6 17 J-11 Q.7.a)What are the tasks of materials management? 8 2.19 18 J-11 Q.7. b) What do you mean by vendor development? 8 19 J-11 16 20 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 a)Right service . 4 21 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 b)De-centralised Organisation. 4 22 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 c) Goals & objectives of purchasing. 4 23 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 d) Ethics . 4 24 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 e) Learning curve . 4 25 J-11 Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 f) Value Analysis . 4 26 J-10 16 27 J-10 16 28 J-10 16 29 J-10 16 30 J-10 16 8.1 31 J-10 16 BOOK TOPIC NO Sub Topic Q.2 Discuss various terms & conditions of a purchase order. List out various payment terms used in import procurement. Q.3 Elaborate the evaluation and selection procedure of vendors. What is the significance of vendor’s location? Q.4 What are the merits and demerits of ERP system in a large company? How can appropriate ERP for purchasing be decided? Q.5 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser? Q.6 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the potential areas for negotiation in purchasing? 8.6, 8.73 Q.4 Maximizing the effectiveness of the procurement process is a major goal of an organization. What steps can be taken to help ensure the process is maximized? Q.5 A key part of the procurement process is the selection of vendors. What criteria are commonly used in this selection process? Which criteria should be given the highest priority? Why? Q.6 Discuss various terms & conditions of a purchase order. List out various payment terms used in domestic procurement. Q.7 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser? Q.8 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the potential areas for negotiation in purchasing? 8.6, 8.7 Q.9 The procurement process can be described in terms of a set of activities that should be used in the purchase of goods. Briefly discuss these activities. How internet does help in your procurement process? Q.8. What is benchmarking? & Discuss the 12 stages methodology of benchmarking? Q.4 What are purchasing objectives? How can purchasing be a profit Q.5 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser? Q.6 Explain the Purchasing Procedure for a large scale manufacturing company? Please set up Purchasing Department for the same. Please draw Organization Chart for the same. Q.7 Elaborate the evaluation and selection procedure of vendors? What is the significance of Vendor’s location? Q.8 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the qualities of good negotiator? 8.6, 8.7 Q.9 What is purchase forecasting? What are the concepts used in forecasting? What are the advantages of JIT?

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IIMM Papers 5-6-7-8 Theory Questions


Page 5-PURCHASE MGTPAPER - 5 - PURCHASEING MANAGEMENT - THEORY QUESTIONSSREXAMQUESTIONMARKSBOOK TOPIC NOSub Topic1J-13Q.2 Discuss various terms & conditions of a purchase order. List out various payment terms used in import procurement.162J-13Q.3 Elaborate the evaluation and selection procedure of vendors. What is the significance of vendors location?163J-13Q.4 What are the merits and demerits of ERP system in a large company? How can appropriate ERP for purchasing be decided?164J-13Q.5 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser?165J-13Q.6 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the potential areas for negotiation in purchasing?168.18.6, 8.736J-13Q.7 Explain the purchase procedure. What are the steps in purchasing?167J-12Q.4 Maximizing the effectiveness of the procurement process is a major goal of an organization. What steps can be taken to help ensure the process is maximized?168J-12Q.5 A key part of the procurement process is the selection of vendors. What criteria are commonly used in this selection process? Which criteria should be given the highest priority? Why?169J-12Q.6 Discuss various terms & conditions of a purchase order. List out various payment terms used in domestic procurement.1610J-12Q.7 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser?1611J-12Q.8 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the potential areas for negotiation in purchasing?168.18.6, 8.712J-12Q.9 The procurement process can be described in terms of a set of activities that should be used in the purchase of goods. Briefly discuss these activities. How internet does help in your procurement process?1613J-11Q.5. a)How purchasing executive is custodian of his firms purse?814J-11Q.5. b) Explain the Golden Rule of 7Rs?81.215J-11Q.6. a) what are the practical guidelines for purchasing?816J-11Q.6. b) Write down Different purchasing methods?86.617J-11Q.7.a)What are the tasks of materials management?82.1918J-11Q.7. b) What do you mean by vendor development?819J-11Q.8. What is benchmarking? & Discuss the 12 stages methodology of benchmarking?1620J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 a)Right service .421J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 b)De-centralised Organisation.422J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 c) Goals & objectives of purchasing.423J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 d) Ethics .424J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 e) Learning curve .425J-11Q.9. Short Notes: any 4 f) Value Analysis .426J-10Q.4 What are purchasing objectives? How can purchasing be a profit centre?1627J-10Q.5 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser?1628J-10Q.6 Explain the Purchasing Procedure for a large scale manufacturing company? Please set up Purchasing Department for the same. Please draw Organization Chart for the same.1629J-10Q.7 Elaborate the evaluation and selection procedure of vendors? What is the significance of Vendors location?1630J-10Q.8 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the qualities of good negotiator?168.18.6, 8.731J-10Q.9 What is purchase forecasting? What are the concepts used in forecasting? What are the advantages of JIT?1632J-09Q.4 Describe purchase procedure in brief of any medium scale company. Also make organization chart for the company.1633J-09Q.5 What are the merits and demerits of ERP system in a large scale company? How can appropriate ERP for purchasing be decided?1634J-09Q.6 Describe importance of negotiation in purchasing. Please describe characteristics of successful negotiators. Also elaborate negotiation strategies and tactics.168.18.6, 8.735J-09Q.7 What are the purchasing objectives? What is purchasing role in corporate planning? How can Purchasing be profit center?1636J-09Q.8 What is Make or Buy? How are basic options in material outsourcing? What are the merits and demerits of outsourcing?1637D-13Q. 5 . a) How You will prepare for Negotiation ?538D-13Q. 5. b) What are various areas for negotiation ?539D-13Q.5. c) What are skills of successful negotiator ?540D-13Q. 6. How you will appraise performance of Purchase Dept. prepare detailed plan.1641D-13Q. 7. a) Discuss price cost analysis with specific example.842D-13Q. 7. b) What is the importance of interface of purchase department with other department.843D-13What are the considerations behind the decisions to "BUY" and not "MAKE" an item in house.1644D-13Q . 9. Write short notes any four45D-13Q. 9. a) Centralization and Decentralisation446D-13Q. 9. b) Buying Transport Services447D-13Q. 9. c) Public Buying448D-13Q. 9. d) Green Buying449D-13Q. 9. e) Supply market analysis450D-12Q 5. a) Explain the Ten Commandments of Purchasing83.2051D-12Q 5. b) Design a Form for Audit of new vendor factory.852D-12Q 6. a) What are various factors which are considered while deciding on outsourcing?853D-12Q 6. b) Name 8 Websites useful for Purchase Department.854D-12Q 7. a) How you will appraise performance of Purchase Department?855D-12Q 7. b) Prepare Terms and Conditions for purchase of Generator costing Rs 20 lacs856D-12Q 9. Write short notes any two i. Negotiation Skills857D-12Q 9. Write short notes any two ii. D G S & D811.311.558D-12Q 9. Write short notes any two iii. IIMM Code of Ethics83.2159D-12Q 9. Write short notes any two iv. Buying Services860D-11Q.4. Elaborate upon the Purchasing cycle?1661D-11Q.5. How can Purchasing be a profit center for the company, explain with suitable examples?1662D-11Q.6. a) what are the types of purchasing organisations?863D-11Q.6. b) what are the tasks of materials management?864D-11Q.7. Short Notes: any 4 -a) Ethical Concept.465D-11Q.7. Short Notes: any 4 b) Make or buy44.366D-11Q.7. Short Notes: any 4 c) Significance of supplies location467D-11Q.7. Short Notes: any 4 d)Learning curve44.668D-11Q.7. Short Notes: any 4 e) Price cost analysis45.1269D-10Q.4 What are the activities, duties ad functions of Purchasing Department? How Delegation of Authority plays an important role in purchasing?162.52.7, 2.1170D-10Q.5 What are the main elements of ethics code? What should be the qualities of ethical purchaser?1671D-10Q.6 Discuss various types of payment terms. How the payment term affect purchasing decision?1672D-10Q.7 Write short notes on : (a) Just-in-Time573D-10Q.7 Write short notes on : (b) Green Purchasing574D-10Q.7 Write short notes on :( c) Supplier partnership in Purchasing.575D-10Q.8 What are the factors that affect purchasing strategy? Discuss in brief about each factor.1676D-10Q.9 Expediting for execution of orders is very important in current scenario. Please establish procedure of expediting for medium scale FMCG unit.1677D-09Q.4 Maximizing the effectiveness of the procurement process is a major goal of an organization. What steps can be taken to help ensure the effectiveness is maximized? 1678D-09Q.5 A key part of the procurement process is the selection of vendors. What criteria are commonly used in this selection process? Which criteria should be given the highest priority? Why? 1679D-09Q.6 What are the components of total landed cost? Is it realistic to expect companies to consider all these components? What are the major sources of prices in the purchase of major raw materials in your company? 1680D-09Q.7 What are the roles that outsourcing and procurement play in the supply chain? What are the risks and benefits of outsourcing? When you outsource , how do you ensure timely supply of material?1681D-09 Q.8 What is negotiation? What are negotiation strategies? What are the different types of discounts offered by suppliers? What should be the Buyer-Seller Relationship? 168.18.6, 8.782D-09Q.9 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of e-procurement. How internet does help in your procurement process? Please write in brief e-procurement practices in your organization?16

Paper 6-BUSINESS LAWSPAPER - 6 - BUSINESS LAWS - THEORY QUESTIONSSREXAMQUESTIONMARKSBOOK TOPIC NOSUB TOPICNOTE BOOK PAGE15J-12Q.5] Distinguish between [any two] 1] Law and Morality81.3107D-09Q8. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANY TWO 2. Law and morality.81.31J-13Q.5] Distinguish between: (any 2) 3. Criminal law and Civil law81.416J-12Q.5] Distinguish between [any two]2] Public Law and Private Law81.430J-11Q.5}.Distinguish between [any two] 1. Criminal Law and Civil Law81.431J-11Q.5}.Distinguish between [any two]2. Public Law and Private Law81.441J-10Q.5. Distinguish between (Any two) (1) Law and morality.81.442J-10Q.5. Distinguish between (Any two) (2) Public law and private law.81.452J-09Q:-8 Distinguish between (any four) 1. Criminal law & Civil Law41.473D-12Q.5}.Distinguish between any two 1. Criminal Law and Civil Law81.474D-12Q.5}.Distinguish between any two 2. Public Law and Private Law81.496D-10Q5) Distinguish between ( any 2) 1. Substantive Law and Procedural Law81.497D-10Q5) Distinguish between ( any 2) 2. Criminal Law and Civil Law81.475D-12Q.6} Write short notes on any two- 3. Elements of a Valid Contract82.1108D-09Q.7:- Discuss meaning and essentials of valid contract.162.186D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) b) What do you mean by Capacity to Contract.42.11109D-09Q.9 Write short notes on any two. 2. Capacity to contract.82.112J-13Q.6] Write short notes on: (any 2) 1. Quasi contract82.1316.517J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 4] Quasi Contracts42.1316.543J-10Q.6. Write short notes on any two. (3) Quasi contract82.1316.518J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 1] Capacity to Contract42.22.1198D-10Q7) Discuss the essentials of a valid Contract.162.276D-12Q.9} What is breach of Contract? What are the remedies relating to damages available under the Indian Contract Act. What are the different types of damages?162.32.1644J-10Q.6. Write short notes on any two. (1) Proposal82.5077D-12Q.7} What are the legal rules of a valid acceptance? When is the communication of acceptance taken as complete.162.72.899D-10Q6) Write short notes on : (any 2) 1. Legal rules of a valid Acceptance82.73J-13Q.7] What is consideration? Discuss the various legal rules governing a valid Consideration162.916.245J-10 Q.6. Write short notes on any two. (2) Consideration 82.916.253J-09Q:- 5 Write short notes on All four 1. Consideration42.916.246J-10Q.7. Discuss salient features of Arbitration Act.164.154J-09Q:-7 Define law of Sale of Goods and distinguish between Sales and Agreement to sale.165.187D-11Q.5.Explain the essential ingredient of Contract with special reference to General offer.165.25.34J-13Q.5] Distinguish between: (any 2) 2. Sale and Agreement to Sell85.35.619J-12Q.5] Distinguish between [any two] 3] Condition and Warranty85.347J-10Q.5. Distinguish between (Any two) (4) Sale and higher purpose. 85.348J-10Q.8. Discuss about Sale and agreement to Sale. 165.35.655J-09Q:-8 Distinguish between (any four) 2. Conditions and Warranties45.378D-12Q.5}.Distinguish between any two 5. Sale and Agreement for Sale85.35.688D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) a) Sale and Agreement to sale .45.35.6100D-10Q5) Distinguish between ( any 2) 3. Sale and Lease85.3110D-09Q8. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANY TWO 1. Sale and agreement to sale85.35.6101D-10Q9) Explain the Implied Conditions in a contract for sale of goods.165.45J-13Q.9] b. Discuss the rights of unpaid seller.85.732J-11Q.9}Define unpaid seller. Explain his rights?165.76J-13Q.9] a. Explain the doctrine of 'Caveat Emptor'.85.920J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 2] Doctrine of Caveat Emptor45.9102D-10Q6) Write short notes on : (any 2) 2. Doctrine of caveat emptor85.921J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 6] Registration of Firms46.222J-12Q.7] 1] Discuss the essentials and basic scheme of the CST Act .87.179D-12Q.6} Write short notes on any two- 1. Inter State Sale of Goods87.17J-13Q.6] Write short notes on: (any 2) 3. Value Added Tax88.114.589D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) f) VAT (Value added Tax).48.114.5103D-10Q6) Write short notes on : (any 2) 4. Value Added Tax88.114.580D-12Q.5}.Distinguish between any two 4. MODVAT & CENVAT88.214.590D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) c) Importer and Exporter Code (IEC).49.78J-13Q.8] a. Explain the types of custom duties.810.214.333J-11Q.6} Write short notes on[any two]- 3. Customs Duties810.214.381D-12Q.6} Write short notes on any two- 2. Anti Dumping Duty810.291D-11Q.8.What are the documents which are needed and are to be attached with Bill of entry for import clearance.1610.482D-12Q.6} Write short notes on any two- 4. Clearance from Bonded Warehouse810.549J-10Q.6. Write short notes on any two. (4) Kinds of Partners811.150J-10Q.9. Define partnership and enumerate mutual rights and liabilities of partner.1611.156J-09Q:- 5 Write short notes on All four 4. Minor as partner411.19J-13Q.6] Write short notes on: (any 2) 2. Life Insurance811.423J-12Q.7] 2] Discuss the General Principles governing Insurance.811.434J-11Q.5}.Distinguish between [any two] 3. Sale and Hire Purchase811.435J-11Q.6} Write short notes on[any two]- 1. Fire Insurance811.483D-12Q.6} Write short notes on any two- 5. Negotiable Instruments811.5111D-09Q.5:- Discuss meaning, definition and essential elements of a negotiable instruments. 1611.510J-13Q.5] Distinguish between: (any 2) 4. Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange811.7104D-10Q5) Distinguish between ( any 2) 4. Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange811.736J-11Q.5}.Distinguish between [any two] 4. Cheque and Bill of Exchange811.857J-09Q:-9 (b) Distinguish between Bill of Exchange and Cheque.811.8112D-09Q8. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANY TWO 4. Bill of Exchange and cheque.811.824J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 3] Crossing of cheques411.9113D-09Q.9 Write short notes on any two. 3. Crossing of cheque.811.911J-13Q.5] Distinguish between: (any 2) 1. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association812.312.437J-11Q.6} Write short notes on[any two]- 2. Memorandum of Association812.325J-12Q.6] Write short notes on [any four] 5] Articles of Association412.492D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) d) Define Prospectus.412.526J-12Q.5] Distinguish between [any two] 4] Shares and Debentures812.612.758J-09Q:-8 Distinguish between (any four) 4. Director and Managing Director412.893D-11Q.9. Define Factories. What are the powers of Inspector of factories (Act 1948).1613.127J-12Q.8] 2] Discuss the important features of Minimum Wages Act813.3105D-10Q6) Write short notes on : (any 2) 3. Minimum Wages Act813.312J-13Q.6] Write short notes on: (any 2) 4. Workmen's Compensation Act 1923813.438J-11Q.8}Discuss the features of Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923.1613.484D-12Q.5}.Distinguish between any two 3. Customs duty and Excise duty814.214.394D-11Q.7.Distinguish between Central Excise duty and Custom duty.1614.214.395D-11Q. 6. Write Short Notes on (any Four) e) CZM ( Costal Zone Management).414.713J-13Q.8] b. Discuss the key features of Special Economic Zones.814.839J-11Q.6} Write short notes on[any two]- 4. Special Economic Zones814.8106D-10Q8) Disucuss the main provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).1615.151J-10Q.5. Distinguish between (Any two) (3) Offer and acceptance.816.128J-12Q.9] Explain the legal rules governing Valid Consideration. 16 marks1616.240J-11Q.7}Explain consideration. Discuss the legal rules governing a valid coonsideration.1616.214J-13Q.6] Write short notes on: (any 2) 16 marks--29J-12Q.8] 1]Discuss the various issues related to Income tax.859J-09Q:- 5 Write short notes on All four 2. Utmost good faith460J-09Q:- 5 Write short notes on All four 3. Holder in due course461J-09Q: -6 Discuss salient features of Information Technology Act 2000.1662J-09Q:-8 Distinguish between (any four) 3. Principal & Agent463J-09Q:-8 Distinguish between (any four) 5. illegal agreement & Void Agreement464J-09Q:-9 (a) Explain different kinds of Agencies and Classification of Agents:-865D-13Q. 5. Distinguish Between66D-13Q.5. a) Sale & Agreement to Sell867D-13Q5. b) Active partner and Sleeping of Dormant Partner868D-13Q. 6. 100% EOU's its advantage & its exemptions extended by the Government1669D-13Q. 7. Why condition is very much essential & warrantee is collateral to the Contract.1670D-13Q. 8. Discuss in detail the causes for Industrial dispute in any organization.1671D-13Q. 9. a) What are Quasi Contracts ? Give examples.872D-13Q. 9. b) Explain briefly VAT885D-12Q.8} What is Alternate Dispute Resolution? Why is it necessary? What are the four common method describe briefly.16114D-09Q.6:- Discuss legal environment of business.16115D-09Q8. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ANY TWO 3. Bailment and pleadge.8116D-09Q.9 Write short notes on any two. 1. Ignorance of law is no excuse.8117D-09Q.9 Write short notes on any two. 4. Doctrine of ultra vires8

Paper 7-INTL TRADEPAPER - 7 - INTERNATIONAL TRADE - THEORY QUESTIONSSRSREXAMQUESTIONMARKSBOOK ARTICLE NOSUB TOPICNOTE BOOK PAGE831D-128. a. Define the term International Trade. What are economic benefits of International Trade?81.11072D-10Q : 8 (a) Define the term International Trade. What are economic benefits of International Trade?81.1943D-115. a. Write a detailed note on the necessity and economic benefits of international and foreign trade.81.214J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) International Product Life Cycle41.6155J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) International Product Life Cycle41.6846D-129. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: b. Global Marketing & Domestic Marketing83.31087D-10Q : 8 (b) Discuss the evolution of global marketing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of global marketing?83.31098D-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) Global Marketing & Domestic Marketing43.329J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Foreign Trade Policy44.11610J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Foreign Trade Policy44.14311J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) EXIM Policy44.16012J-09Q : 5 What do you mean by EXIM Policy ? What is the importance of EXIM Policy in the international trade of India? Elaborate different features of EXIM Policy?164.19513D-116. b. Whose interests should be the paramount concern of government trade policy the interests of producers or those of consumers? Discuss.84.14.29614D-117. b. Write a detailed note on the Exim policy of India.84.111015D-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) Evaluation of EXIM policy44.212116D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) Foreign Trade Development Act 44.48517D-129. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: c. Balance of Payment & Balance of Trade85.211118D-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) Capital Account Transaction & Balance of Payment45.25.3,5.46119J-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) Balance of Payment & Balance of Trade45.32920J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 2. Types of Imports45.51721J-12Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four)i) FDI & Balance of Payments45.64422J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) i) FDI & Balance of Payment45.6323J-13Q : 8 Explain Indian Customs Act 1962 with emphasis on Customs Clearance Procedure, Customs Valuation Rules and Duty Refund.167.21824J-12Q : 8 Explain Indian Customs Act 1962 with emphasis on Customs Clearance Procedure, Customs Valuation Rules and Duty Refund.167.24525J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) vi) Bill of Entry & Shipping Bill47.36226J-09Q : 8 Which are various documents for export and import transaction ? What is the importance of these documents? Out of these, which are critical documents?167.38627D-128. b. Discuss the customs clearance procedure for import of goods.87.38728D-129. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: d. Bill of Entry & Shipping Bill87.39729D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: a. Customs clearance procedures47.311230D-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) Bill of Entry & Shipping Bill47.3431J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) FEMA48.91932J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) FEMA48.912233D-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) IBRD & WTO 49.39.4534J-13Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) WTO & GATT49.42035J-12Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) WTO & GATT49.49836D-118. b. What is GATT? Comment on the origin and functions of WTO.89.412337D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) Role of Trade Blocks in International Trade 49.49938D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: b. SAARC49.83039J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 3. Role of Export documentation410.13140J-11Q-9 Distinguish between following (any four) 5. Bill of lading & Air way bill.410.14641J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) Letter of Credit410.14742J-10Q : 7 What is the role of export document ? Which are significant export documents and name some of the common defects observed in export documents?1610.16343J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) Letter of Credit410.16444J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) Export Promotional Council410.106545J-09Q : 7 What is an export cycle ? Which are different steps involved in export of any goods from India?1610.16646J-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) Bill of Lading & AWB410.111347D-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Role of export documentation410.112448D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Export Procedures 410.1649J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) vi) ECGC410.112150J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) vi) ECGC410.114851J-10Q : 8 (a) Explain the various stages involved in processing of an export order. 810.211452D-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) Facilities of exporter410.53253J-11Q-9 Distinguish between following (any four) 1. EOU & SEZ411.14954J-10Q : 5 (b) What are different categories of exporters?811.211555D-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Categories of exporters411.212556D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) vi) Categories of Exporters411.212657D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Port Formalities 411.35058J-10Q : 8 (b) Discuss the customs clearance procedure for import of goods.812.16759J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) vi) Import Procedure412.18860D-127. a. What is an import cycle? Which are different steps involved in import of any goods in India?812.111661D-10Q : 5 Narrate the steps to be adopted for import of catalysts at Mumbai Seaport in drums / containers.1612.112762D-09Q : 7 What is an import cycle ? Which are different steps involved in import of any goods in India? 1612.1763J-13Q : 7 What are the general provisions regarding export and import of goods in our Country?1612.3864J-13Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) Export & Import412.32265J-12Q : 7 What are the general provisions regarding export and import of goods in our Country?1612.32366J-12Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) Export & Import412.33367J-11Q-9 Distinguish between following (any four) 3. Export & Import412.36868J-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) Export & Import412.311769D-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) i) Imports & Exports412.312870D-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) Imports & Exports 412.310071D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: c. EPCG scheme412.512972D-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) EPC & EPCG 412.5973J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Sale on High Sea412.92474J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Sale on High Sea412.913075D-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) Direct Imports & High Sea Imports 412.93476J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 4. Meaning and importance of Global Sourcing413.15177J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) vi) Global Sourcing413.110178D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: d. Trade deficit413.26979J-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) World Bank & EXIM Bank413.51080J-13Q : 5 What is Incoterms? Discuss in details.1613.72581J-12Q : 5 What is Incoterms? Discuss in details.1613.73582J-11Q-9 Distinguish between following (any four) 4. FOB & CIF413.75283J-10Q : 5 (a) What are incoterms ? List the incoterms.813.75384J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) FOB & CIF413.77085J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) Incoterms413.711886D-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) Abstracts on Incoterms413.713187D-09 Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) ii) Importance of Incoterms 413.75488J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Problems of International Purchasing413.88989D-126. a. Discuss the various problems associated with international purchasing.813.810290D-118. a. Discuss in detail the problems associated with international purchasing.813.81191J-13Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) Importation Cycle414.12692J-12Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iv) Importation Cycle414.13693J-11Q-8 Explain Importation Cycle 1614.15594J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) i) Importation Cycle414.15695J-10Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Forex Market414.310396D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: e. European monetary system414.47197J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) iii) Euro Dollar Market414.59098D-126. b. In the light of the theory of comparative advantage, comment on the pros and cons of free trade.81.51.710499D-116. a. In the light of the theory of comparative advantage, comment on the pros and cons of free trade.81.51.712100J-13Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) Duty Drawback Scheme & Duty Exemption Scheme410.610.727101J-12Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) Duty Drawback Scheme & Duty Exemption Scheme410.611.737102J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 1. World Trade42.33.238103J-11Q-5 Discuss foreign trade EXIM policy. Discuss policy of Import Liberalisation.164.14.6132104D-09Q : 8 What is the need for trade policy and government intervention? How tariffs, duties and subsidies are determined? Which are major types of quota permitted? 164.14.713105J-13Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) i) FDI & Balance of Payments45.68.491106D-129. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following: a. Duty Refund & Less Charge Demand87.57.6133107D-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) i) Duty Refund & Less Charge Demand47.57.692108D-127. b. What are the different prevailing exchange rates at global level? What are the various factors that affect exchange rate?88.28.4119109D-10Q : 7 What are the different prevailing exchange rate at global level? What are the various factors that affect exchange rate?168.28.439110J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 5. IMF48.38.740111J-11Q-9 Distinguish between following (any four) 2. FERA & FEMA48.98.10120112D-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) FERA & FEMA48.98.1057113J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iii) GATT & WTO49.413.313.414114J-13Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) SAARC & ASEAN49.69.828115J-12Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) iv) SAARC & ASEAN49.69.841116J-11 Q-6 What is L/c? What are different types of L/c & how many parties are involved in L/c. 16Self42117J-11Q-7 Write short note on following (any four) 6. Quantitative Restrictions4Self58118J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) ii) Export Cycle & Import Cycle4Self59119J-10Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) v) Domestic Marketing & Export Marketing4Self72120J-09Q : 6 Write short notes on following (any four) v) Export Finance4Self73121J-09Q : 9 Distinguish between following (any four) i) Pre Shipment & Post Shipment Credit4Self93122D-125. What do you understand by word Letter of Credit ? What is the importance of Letter of Credit in the international business? Elaborate different types of Letter of Credits prevailing in business?16Self105123D-115. b. The study of international business is fine if you are going to work in a large MNC, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to work in small firms. Comment.8Self106124D-117. a. Firms should not be investing abroad when there is a need for investment to create jobs at home. Do you agree? Explain.8Self134125D-09Q : 5 What do you understand by word Letter of Credit ? What is the importance of Letter of Credit in the international business? Elaborate different types of Letter of Credits prevailing in business?16Self74126D-13Q. 5. What were the mercantilists views on trade ? Hoe do they relate to current poponents of protectionism ?1675127D-13Q. 6. Are bilateral trade negotiations superior to multilateral negotiations ? Explain.1676128D-13Q. 7. What are the political and economic ramifications associated with WTO and NAFTA ? Discuss1677129D-13Q.8. a) Why are trade deficits and foreign investments politically sensitive issues and perceiced to be by some individuals an economic problem.878130D-13Q. 8. b) Summarize and critically analyze the pro and con points of free trade.879131D-13Q. 9. Write Short Notes on ANY TWO of the following80132D-13Q.9. a) Ricardian Model 881133D-13Q.9. b) Foreign Direct Investment882134D-13Q. 9. c) Balance of Payment8

Paper 8-OPR MGTPAPER - 8 - OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT - Important TopicsSRSREXAMQUESTIONMARKSTopic NoSUB TOPICNOTE BOOK PAGE451J-101 (b) Explain the characteristics & importance of production operations management?81.11.1, 1.2, 1.3622J-09Q6 a) Explain objectives of operation management.81.11.1, 1.2, 1.3943D-115. Discuss the evolution of the discipline of production management. Differentiate between production management and operations management.161.1844D-125. Production management and operations management are one and the same thing. Do you agree? Explain.161.31.3, 1.4335J-11Q.5 a) Explain the current issues in Operation Management? Provide Example.81.4696D-13Q.5. a) Eloberate on the statement strategies are formulated at three levels in an organizations2.21047D-105. What is operations strategy? Discuss the emerging trends in the area of operations strategy.162.298J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (A) Developing Operations Strategies.42.3179J-12Q5 (A) What are the various steps in developing the Operations Strategy for a Manufacturing unit?82.31810J-12Q5 (B) What are the elements of Operations Strategy?82.44411J-101 (a) What are the different elements of operation strategy?82.47012D-13Q.5. b) Indicate some of the long range decisions that are addressed in key stretagic formulations. 2.411413D-09Q.5 a) Name the element of operation strategies. Marks: 0882.45314J-105. Short Notes (c) What is ERP and explain five major reasons why companies undertake ERP?42.52515J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (A) 5 Key Performance Objectives of Strategic Management42.66716J-09Q9 a) Explain need for demand forecasting? How it differs from prediction.83.13.1, 3.28517D-126. What is forecasting? Why is it necessary in Production Function?163.111518D-09Q.5 b) What is fore casting? Why is it necessary in Production Function? Marks: 0883.13.1, 3.2, 3519J-11Q.5 b) Explain Time Series Analysis forecasting model.83.56820J-09Q9 b) Explain various methods of forecasting.83.511721D-09Q.6 b) What are different methods of metal cutting? Marks: 0884.111622D-09Q.6. a) How manufacturing Process are classified? Marks: 0884.2223J-13Q.5. (B) Elaborate on the five types of Process Flows.84.3124J-13Q.5 (A) What is meant by Process Planning? What factors are to be considered for Process Design?84.42625J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (B) Product Life Cycle44.63626J-11Q.6. a) Explain the different stages in product life cycle.84.64627J-102 (a) Explain the product Life cycle model, with some FMCG product examples?84.6328J-13Q 6 (A) What are the Seven Principles of Material Handling?85.1429J-13Q.6. (B) What are the steps to be followed in the selection & design of the material handling system?85.12730J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (C) Automation Advantages & Disadvantages45.15.1, 5.27831D-13Q. 9. a) Mechanization and automation.5.15.211132D-109. Write short notes on ANY FOUR c. Material handling45.11033J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (B) Mechanization & Automation.45.27934D-13Q. 9. b) Importance of lighting in the shop floor5.42835J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (D) Pollution Control45.79836D-118. b. Explain the various qualitative factors to be considered while taking a plant location decision.85.81937J-12Q 6 (A) What are the Objectives of Good Layout?85.92038J-12Q6 (B) Enumerate the seven Key Principles of Layout.85.93839J-11Q.7. a)Describe the objective of plant layout.85.94740J-102 (b) Define plant layout and factors including layout?85.97141D-13Q. 6. a) What are the principles of Lay out.5.97242D-13Q.6. b) Describe various type of lay out.5.98743D-128. a. Describe the objectives of plant layout.85.99544D-116. Define group technology layout. How is it superior to both product as well as process layout.165.9010145D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: c. Plant layout for services45.910546D-106. a. Define product layout. What are its advantages and disadvantages vis--vis process layout.85.911847D-09Q.7. a)Describe the objective of plant layout. Marks: 0885.95448J-105. Short Notes (d) Explain the Production Planning Control (PPC) system & Documents used in PPC.46.16349J-09Q6 b)Compare production planning with production control.86.16.1, 6.2, 6.39350D-129. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: e. Production planning and control.46.111951D-09Q.7 b) Explain Production Planning & Control. Marks: 0886.15952J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) v. Aggregate planning46.28653D-127. Write a detailed note on aggregate planning and its strategies.166.26.2, 6.310654D-106. b. Write a detailed note on aggregate planning and its strategies.86.21155J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (C) Master Production Scheduling46.49156D-129. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: c. Capacity planning.46.610957D-109. Write short notes on ANY FOUR a. Capacity planning 46.62258J-12Q7 (B) How do you compute the Materials Requirements from Master Production Schedule ?87.17.1, 7.2, 7.33959J-11Q.7 b) What are the objectives of MRP? Explain how each of these objective is achieved?87.17.1, 7.2, 7.36460J-09Q7 a) Explain MRP system87.17.1, 7.2, 7.37361D-13Q.7. a) What is manufacturing resource planing.7.18062D-13Q. 9. c) Material Requirement Planing7.1563J-13Q7 (A) Briefly describe how MRP1 System works?87.22164J-12Q7 (A) What is Materials Requirement Planning MRP1?87.2665J-13Q7 (B) What are the benefits of MRP System application?87.36066J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) vi. MRP II47.37467D-13Q.7. b) What are the benefits of MRP II system application.7.311068D-109. Write short notes on ANY FOUR b. MRP II47.31269J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (D) Machine Loading Charts Gantt Chart48.32970J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (E) Machine Loading & Priority Sequencing48.34871J-103. Describe the purchasing cycle for power sector. Provide the suitable ideas (strategic sourcing) to improve the Indian power sector.169.212072D-09Q. 8. a) Describe the purchasing cycle in details. 89.21373J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (E) Make or Buy Decisions49.55074J-104. (b) What is job design, Explain the advantages & disadvantages.810.110.1, 10.28175D-13Q. 9. d) Objective of Job design.10.21476J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (F) Principles of Ergonomics410.34377J-11Q.9 b) Explain the Ergonomics and its benefits to improve productivity.810.38978D-129. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: a. Work study.410.49979D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: a. Work study410.48280D-13Q. 9. e) Meaning and importance of productivity.11.14981J-104 .(a) What is incentive payments; Explain the various types in Incentive plans.811.711.110782D-108. a. Discuss the importance of quality. What do you understand by quality circles. Explain their relevance in quality management.812.14283J-11Q.9. a) Explain the quality control techniques.812.2784J-13Q8 (A) What is meant by Statistical Quality Control?812.33085J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (F) Statistical Quality Control Technique412.35186J-105. Short Notes (a) What is statistical quality control412.37587D-13Q. 8. a) What is meant by stastical quality control ?12.39088D-129. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: b. Statistical quality control.412.312189D-09Q.8 b) What is the statistical quality control? Marks: 08812.39790D-118. a. What are control charts? How do they help in controlling quality?812.45691J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) ii. Acceptance sampling412.56592J-09Q7 b) Explain various sampling plans.812.5893J-13Q8 (B) What is the importance of Quality Circles & Kaizen Teams?812.66194J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) vii. Quality circles412.67695D-13Q. 8. b) What is the importance of quality circles and KAIZAN teams ?12.69296D-129. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: d. Quality circle.412.610297D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: d. Total Quality Management412.711398D-109. Write short notes on ANY FOUR e. TQM412.711299D-109. Write short notes on ANY FOUR d. JIT413.141100J-11Q.8 b) What do you understand Kanban Cards? 813.388101D-128. b. What do you understand Kanban Cards?813.3122102D-09Q.9. a) What do you understand Kanban Cards? Marks: 08813.313.3, 13.423103J-12Q8 (A) What are the key elements of JIT Manufacturing?813.424104J-12Q8 (B) What are the major benefits obtained by JIT Manufacturing?813.431105J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (G) Kanban System413.452106J-105. Short Notes (b) Explain the Just in Time manufacturing method with example.413.455107J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) i. Kanban system413.457108J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) iii. Principles of JIT413.415109J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (G) 7 Wastes in the Manufacturing System413.783110D-13Q. 9. f) Seven waste in manufacturing System13.766111J-09Q8 a) Explain various types of maintenance814.114.1, 14.2, 14.632112J-12Q9 Write short note on any four of the following: (H) Benefits of Preventive Maintenance of Equipments414.4103113D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: e. Preventive maintenance414.416114J-13Q9 Write Short Notes on - any four - (H) Objectives of Maintenance Management414.540115J-11Q. 8. a) Outline various types maintenance. 814.6123116D-09Q.9 b) Explain and discuss the modern approach to preventive maintenance. Marks: 08814.796117D-117. Draw the network diagram. Find critical path and project duration:16Self37118J-11Q.6 b) What is meant by Electro Discharge Machining (EDM)?858119J-09Q5: Write short notes on following (Any four) iv. PERT4100120D-119. Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following: b. Job analysis4