i/ir .il411gsaru · word has been received that charlotte nix, graduate of the university of...

Word has been received tha t Charlotte Nix, graduate of the University of Alberta and mem- ber of the Public Health Cease of the University of British Co- lumbia, died at her home in Edmonton on Tuesday morning . Sympathy is extended by al l members of the Nursing Under - graduate Society to her family and Memo , Local Talen t At Musica l Noon Recital Modem Choir Make s Pleasing Debut More than 400 students gathered i n the Auditorium yesterday noon t o hear the Musical Society's second concert of the season. The progra m consisted entirely of student talen t and showed much promise . Especiall y popular was Myrtle Gray, charmin g co-ed pianist, who won favor wit h her spirited presentation of Brahms ' "Intermezzo" and "Valse Chromat- ique " by Godard . Other artists were Bernard Shipton, violinist, Gordo n Heron, baritone, Vera Radcliff, pi- anist, and the Musical Society choi r and orchestra, who presented a, chor- us, "Hail Poetry", from their nex t Gilbert and Sullivan production, "Pi - rates of Penzance, " An unfortunate change in the pro - gram at the last minute placed firs t the violin solo, The Prize Song, fro m Wagner's "Meistersinger,' followe d by three songs, "Star of Eve," an ari a from "Life for the Czar, " and "My - self when Young," from Persian Gar - den . Although well performed, thes e numbers lacked the color and variet y desirable at the opening of a program , and not until Miss Gray's piano solos did the audience awaken to any de- gree of enthusiasm . The choir and orchestra concluded the program with the chorus, "Hai l Poetry and "Anchors Aweigh ."—K,G . I Arts-Aggie Bal l Over At Las t All the efforts of the committee i n charge of the Arts-Aggie Ball blos- somed out in full perfection last nigh t when the greatest social event of th e fall term took place at the Commo- dore Cabaret . The music of Bob Lyons ' accomplished orchestra, th e tasteful decorations arranged for b y a committee headed by Kay Bourne , and the five act floor show at hal f time all combined to provide the bes t evening's entertainment enjoyed fo r many years . The event turned out to be an over- whelming success in every way, in- cluding financially . For the first time in nine years the gate receipts ex - (Please turn to Page 3) Four Diversified Play s Included on Annual Programme VISITING DIRECTOR S .,–.,r-- Next Thursday night twenty-si x members of the Players Club, mos t of them in their first year with th e Thespians, will step on to the stag e to present the annual Christmas plays . For the past three weeks the y and their directors have been hard at work rehearsing for big night s which come next week . As usual, four plays of different style will be presented . The most outstanding attempt this year is th e selection of scenes from "Hamlet " which will carry on the traditio n started last year in the presentatio n of a scene from "Julius Caesar." This will be under the direction of Pro- fessor Ira Dilworth. The comedy offered this time wil l be "Villa For Sale," by Sacha Guitri . The play offers scope for some ex- cellent characterizations and will b e directed by Professor Walter Gage . WELL KNOWN DIRECTO R E . V. Young, who is well known in local and radio theatrical circles , and Guy Glover, who enjoys a sim- ilar reputation in drama, will direct the other two plays on the diversifie d program . "It's the Poor Wot 'Elps the Poor " is a comedy drama with a cast o f thirteen, half of the entire numbe r of players. This play introduces man y typical Cockney types and the play- ers are busy perfecting their dialects . The fourth play, "The Mask," b y F . Tennyson Jesse, is a thrilling mel- odrama with a cast of throe . It i s guaranteed to send the shivers up th e back of even the most cynical critic . STUDENT SHOW These four plays will be shown t o the students at a special performanc e next Thursday evening. Tickets wil l be distributed free of charge, an d students are advised to get them a s soon as the box office opens . Infor- mation as to when tickets will b e The following report is th e second in the new series of ex - change stories from the flni - ', entity of Alberta "Gateway . " These stories will bring to th e students at U .B.C . news from the nearest Canadian campus, where conditions are not un- like our own . UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, ED- MONTON, NOV . 12—Modern day col - lege students are a fine upstandin g lot, according to Aimee Semple Mc - Pherson in an exclusive intervie w with the "Gateway," given shortl y after her arrival in Edmonton las t week . Asked as to her opinion o n smoking and drinking among wome n students of a university, she felt tha t it was a deplorable occurence, but TOTEM EDITOR S VERY ANGR Y Seniors Must Go To Town For Their Picture s Front Now On Once upon a time in the University of British Columbia senior student s took pleasure in having their pictures taken for the university annual , namely the Totem . That was a very long time ago, because those sam e seniors handed their time tables t o the staff of the year book and duly arrived at the stage door on time t o have their pictures taken, which was only a small duty as the whole pro- cess only occupied five minutes . Since then the institution known a s the university has fallen upon evi l days . Their young men are stil l strong and full of life but their sen- iors have fallen into decay . No long- er are they able to stagger to th e stage of the auditorium or hold u p their heads before a camera . Perhaps they feel that in beaut y and manliness they fall far behin d previous years, if so they are too self-conscious . The editor of the Totem brough t to the campus a photographer, one o f the best the city can offer . Arrange- ments were made that these senil e seniors might have their picture s taken on schedule, but neither woul d they hand in their timetables or ap- pear at the allotted hour . So, wise ones, the photographer has departed hence and has gone bac k to his studio in town . In future thos e seniors who do not consider them - selves too unsightly to appear befor e a camera must journey to him at Ar- tone Studio, 833 Granville street . Thi s must all be done before the last da y of November or no Totem will ap - pear in the spring. Appointments are to be made by telephone within the next week . The following are those of the Sen- ior classes ashamed to have their pic- tures taken . If they will phone th e Arton Studios though, special arrange- ments may be made . (Please turn to Page 3 ) Nurses To Hol d Annual Tea Sat . The Alumnae of the Nursing Un- dergraduate Society and the execu- tive of the Women's Undergraduat e Society will be special guests when the annual tea of the Nurses Under - graduate Society is held on Saturda y afternoon at the home of Katherin e Taylor, 1598 Marpole Ave . The convener for the tea will be Frances McQuarrie acrd she will b e assisted by Rae Kirkindale, Norm a Pollock, Beth McCann, Kay Taylo r and Ethel Rolston . Presiding at the tea-tables will b e Mrs. Edwin Eades, Mrs . C . H . C . Bell, Mrs . Moscovitch, Mrs. D . Beach , Mrs . F . G . C . Wood, and Miss Alliso n Reid, while Miss Doris Barton an d Miss Margaret Baynes will cut the ices . available will be in Tuesday's Ubys- soy. With last year's record of a fin e Christmas performance to equal o r excel Hugh Palmer, President of th e Players' Club, is confident of success . The quality of the plays chosen i s high and the casts and directors hav e only the finishing touches to wor k on before the curtain goes up o n opening night, next Thursday . was only being practiced by a cer- tain low element that is to be foun d on every campus , It was clrawn to her attention tha t recently a debate with the resolutio n "That co-education is a waste of time and money" had taken place here . "Would you agree with this resolu- tion, McPherson?' 'the Gateway re - porter inquire d "No, I would not . If women ar e going to take their place in the world of to-day alongside men, I think tha t they should have an adequate educa - tion at their disposal," she replied . I t was also brought to her attention tha t a group known on the campus as th e Woman Haters Club actually existed . Asked her views on this subject, sh e (Please turn to Page I D Pub and S .C.M . In Wordy Battle of Words Toda y Arousing much interest Is the debate between the pub and th e S .C .M . which will take place today noon In Arts 100. The subject and speakers chosen are promise enough of the kind of entertain- ment which threatens the audience . "Resolved that the power of the press Is greater than the powe r of the pulpit" Is she subject to be argued. Upholding the affirma- tive will be the S.C .M . speakers, while the negative will be taken by the pub. Two choice orators, Norman DePoe and Derwin Baird , w111 speak for the latter . These two, it is rumored, have been takin g voice culture lessons for several weeks in anticipation of the event , W eaken for the affirmative i l be Alf Kitchen and George Moesop . The debate Is being sponsored by the Parliamentary Forum an d is another evidence of this organlradon's endeavor to make full us e of the extended noon hour. There will be a short mass meeting in the pub just before th e debate, after which members of the Ubyssey staff will march in a body to the scene of the battle, where reserved seats will be waiting . It appears that the talents of various members of the pub are no t confined to journalism alone . They she seem to have strong tenden- cies towards the more refined accomplishments . . That !s, music. Strange sounds emitted from the pub office in the past few day s are verifications of the rumors that the audience will be entertained with some good old revival songs from the highly gifted pubsten . Christmas Plays H . Next Week : Students', Night Thursda y 4 Alberta News •- Aimee Silent O n Social Credit -- $10,000 . Budge t By LARRY ALEXANDER I/Ir .IL411gsar u Issued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publications Board of The University of British Columbi a VOL . XVIII, VANCOUVER, B . C ., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1935 No . 15 M Peace Meeting Speaker s Discuss War Preventio n Forest Industr y Has Openings Fo r U.B.C. Graduate s Vocational Speake r Tells of Many Opportunitie s MacMILLAN SPEAK S There must be some possibility o f employment for university graduates In the forestry industry of Britis h Columbia, according to Mr . H. R . MacMillan, President of the H . R. MacMillan Export Company, in hi s Vocational Guidance address to th e students last Wednesday noon i n Arts 100 . Mr. MacMillan's lecture i s the fourth of a aeries of weekly lec- tures sponsored by the Alumni As- sociation . Mr . MacMillan declares that since the forest industry has greater valu e of resources, than any other industr y In the province and since it has in - vested in it more capital than an y other industry, and since it is alread y employing more men than any othe r industry there should surely be som e positions for University students i n all that great number ; or, as he said , "The greatest single employment me- dium of men and women here ." INDUSTRY DEVELOPMEN T "There has been great developmen t of the lumber and allied industries in B.C .," Mr. MacMillan commented . He gave a short resume of the his- tory of the industries from 20 years ago right up to the present day . He pointed out that the industry is stil l In Its early stages and that it th e store of raw materials can be con - served the development can be ex- pected to go on almost indefinitely . While this development is going o n there should be an ever increasin g demand for expert workmen, an d that position the universily student s should be able to fill . Mr . MacMillan declared that it wa s not only to graduates that he re- ferred, for even in the less specialize d departments of the industry there wa s a good tisane for a university stu- dent . He assured the undergraduates that the university graduates who had already entered the profession were doing better work than their non - university trained comrades . In conclusion he summed up th e outlook for university graduates a s "rising, and probably continuing t o rise as far as one cares to estimate . " There will come a time, he thinks, when all the forestry graduates will be taken up by our own local in- dustry . The speaker was introduced to th e students by Dean Buchanan. The Science Boy s Hold A Pe p Rall y At the pep meeting for inter-mura l sports yesterday, Jimmy Orr outline d the program for the sciencemen . Jim - my says : "The sciencemen have con - descended to mingle with the arts - men in the inter-class competition s so that we may spread our pe p throughout the University , But by the looks of things the sci- ence pep seems to have settled int o the one leading man, Wilt' Williams , According to Tel Potter, astute pres- ident of science, the sciencemen hav e been slipping, He sans, ,. We have in- curred a deficit in our class party, a thing which is hitherto unknown t o science . In order to brine ; back ou r lost spirit two are going to innovate a Science Ball this year . It will tak e the form of a huge canvas ball wit h which the Artsmen will be asked t o try and push the sciencemen veer . The Aggies will have their part i n this Ball by carrying the Artsmen of f the field after the Pushover . NOTIC E Would anyone going downtown Monday afternoon at 3 :30 please no- tify C . O'Loane of their intention s through the Art's Women's Lette r Rack . NOTICE Nominations for Treasurer of Arts '36 are to be handed in at the Ac- countant's office by 11 :30 a .m ., Mon - day, Nov, 18 . Anti-Wa r Leon Ladner, K . C Mr . Ladner was the featured speak- er at the S .C .M. peace rally on Tues- day . He stated that human natur e can never be changed merely by pass- ing new and radical legislation . Institute To Hear Klinc k On Saturda y Adult Education Is President' s Topic Saturday evening lecture of th e Vancouver Institute will be given b y Dr . L . S, Klinck, President of th e University of British Columbia . His subject is "A Plan for Adult Educa- tion in British Columbia . " Dr . Klinck's official duties as'Pres- ident of a university have made hi m familiar with most of the aspects o f every problem in education : With el- ementary or advanced, cultural or technical . But during the past yea r he has had to give special attention to the problems of Adult Education , by reason of the fact that $30,000 o f the $50,000 grant made to the Pro- vincial University a year ago by tls e Carnegie Corporation of New Yor k has been allocated ,to work in thi s particular field . Much consideration was given to the most effective meth- od of spending this money by a Committee of the University Senate , and also by a special Committee o f the Faculty . The final decision wa s (Please turn to Page 2 ) PREMEDS VISI T MENTAL HOSPITA L The first of the Pre-Med tours o f meclical establishments for this ses- sion took place Saturday, when a group of thirty visited the Menta l Hospital at New Westminster . Dr . Campbell and Dr . Ryan con - ducted the students over the hospi- tal, showing them the laboratories and wards, One of the special fea- tures visited was the post morte m room, where the Club viewed speci- mens illustrating a variety of things . Treatment is, in many cases, ac- complished by the use of water an d foam baths, whose temperature i s controlled by a thermostatic tap . When one section visited this, Presi- dent Alan Day-Smith seemed skepti- cal as to the comfort of the canva s hammock . Two of the touring part y promptly seized him . and he found himself reclining in the hammock . One room was devoted to a displa y of the handiwork of the patients . among the exhibits were several rugs , paintings, and knitted work . Dr . Ryan gave a brief survey of the work of the Mental Hospital . There are 3130 mental cases in B .C ., he stated . This is equal to half o f one percent of the population . Of these, 2350 are at New Westminster , and 300 at the Industrial School ; 25 0 cases are on Vancouver Island . The number of patients increases b y approximately 120 a year, the docto r stated . These are the ones remainin g for further treatment . About 150 a year are returned to health . Representatives O f Many Profession s Give Opinion s SPONSORED BY S .C .M . With violent change through So- cialism on one side and gradual change by the evolution of the Broth- erhood of Man on the other, the mid- dle course of gradual change throug h learning as a means to achieve last- ing peace was upheld by the majorit y of the speakers at the Peace Meetin g Tuesday . , . Laborite Grace Maclnnis felt that war was the outcome of the struggl e for markets by nations which ha d capitalistic money to get rid of. So- cialism would start production fo r consumption rather than productio n for profit and the laborers woul d have enough to live on and all class struggle would be ended and wa r made impossible . The putting o f Socialism into effect would obviat e the necessity of waiting while th e whole capitalistic structure was mod- ified and reformed and altered. Peace would be immediate . A united worl d is crested . . . CHURCH ATTITUDE Churchman A. E . Whitehouse too k the extreme opposite view to Mrs . Macinnin. He thought that peace was only possible when a Brotherhood of Man was built up through the ages . This could only be done by the en- forcing of peace by a strong nation as the Romans enforced peace upo n the lesser nations, Great Britain an d fhs other powerful countries ough t to see to it that there was no war and eventually the smaller and mor e uncivilized nation would see tha t peace' is a "good thing" and a unite d world would be created . The next three speakers — Youn g College Graduate Allen Campbell , Professor A . C. Cooke and Business Man Leon Ladner all advocated the slow development and evolution of a peace "feeling" through education as the best means to attain eternal freedom from strife. Allen Campbell said that one migh t work for peace either statically o r actively. One might just refuse t o have anything to do with war or on e (Please turn to Page 3 ) Manitoba Ad . Ed . Covers Wid e Fiel d Similar to the B . C. adult educatio n is that in Manitoba where radio lec- tures and speaking tours through th e rural districts of the province are given . In addition to this however , there is a regular program of exten- sion debates, and a dramatic organ- ization aiming at the fostering o f dramatics production in countr y points. In public speaking and the informe d presentation of live issues in easil y understood form the U .M .S .U . De - bating Union, continuing a policy be - gun three years ago is sponsoring a series of extension debates . Teams, , representing the university, tour var- ious districts of Manitoba and debat e with the representatives of rura l communities . The promotion of dramatics in out - lying districts has been greatly aided by a Player's Service Guild whic h was organized lase spring . This group provides facilities for amateur the- atrical groups . All these tend to increase publi c interest in the University which feel- ing it is hoped will be furthered b y the University of Manitoba new s broadcast on the air , COMING EVENTS TODA Y Noon—Debate, Pub . vs . S.C .M . , Arts 100 . SAT., NOV, 1 6 3 :00 p .m.—Rugby, Rowing Clu b vs. Varsity, Brockton Pt . 8 :15 p .m .—Vancouver Institute , Auditorium. Evening — Phrateres Banquet , Aztec Room, Hotel Georgia. SUN ., NOV. 1 7 ornoon—Nurses' Tea .

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Page 1: I/Ir .IL411gsaru · Word has been received that Charlotte Nix, graduate of the University of Alberta and mem-ber of the Public Health Cease of the University of British Co- lumbia,

Word has been received thatCharlotte Nix, graduate of theUniversity of Alberta and mem-ber of the Public Health Cease

of the University of British Co-lumbia, died at her home inEdmonton on Tuesday morning .

Sympathy is extended by al lmembers of the Nursing Under -graduate Society to her familyand Memo ,

Local TalentAt Musical

Noon RecitalModem Choir Makes

Pleasing Debut

More than 400 students gathered inthe Auditorium yesterday noon tohear the Musical Society's secondconcert of the season. The programconsisted entirely of student talen tand showed much promise. Especiall ypopular was Myrtle Gray, charmin gco-ed pianist, who won favor withher spirited presentation of Brahms '"Intermezzo" and "Valse Chromat-ique " by Godard . Other artists wereBernard Shipton, violinist, Gordo nHeron, baritone, Vera Radcliff, pi-anist, and the Musical Society choirand orchestra, who presented a, chor-us, "Hail Poetry", from their nex tGilbert and Sullivan production, "Pi -rates of Penzance, "

An unfortunate change in the pro -gram at the last minute placed firstthe violin solo, The Prize Song, fromWagner's "Meistersinger,' followedby three songs, "Star of Eve," an ariafrom "Life for the Czar, " and "My-self when Young," from Persian Gar -den. Although well performed, thesenumbers lacked the color and varietydesirable at the opening of a program ,and not until Miss Gray's piano solosdid the audience awaken to any de-gree of enthusiasm .

The choir and orchestra concludedthe program with the chorus, "Hai lPoetry and "Anchors Aweigh ."—K,G .


Arts-Aggie Bal lOver At Last

All the efforts of the committee incharge of the Arts-Aggie Ball blos-somed out in full perfection last nigh twhen the greatest social event of thefall term took place at the Commo-dore Cabaret . The music of BobLyons ' accomplished orchestra, thetasteful decorations arranged for b ya committee headed by Kay Bourne,and the five act floor show at hal ftime all combined to provide the bestevening's entertainment enjoyed formany years .

The event turned out to be an over-whelming success in every way, in-cluding financially . For the first timein nine years the gate receipts ex -

(Please turn to Page 3)

Four Diversified PlaysIncluded on Annual



Next Thursday night twenty-sixmembers of the Players Club, mos tof them in their first year with th eThespians, will step on to the stag eto present the annual Christmasplays . For the past three weeks theyand their directors have been hardat work rehearsing for big nightswhich come next week .

As usual, four plays of differentstyle will be presented . The mostoutstanding attempt this year is th eselection of scenes from "Hamlet "which will carry on the traditionstarted last year in the presentationof a scene from "Julius Caesar." Thiswill be under the direction of Pro-fessor Ira Dilworth.

The comedy offered this time wil lbe "Villa For Sale," by Sacha Guitri .The play offers scope for some ex-cellent characterizations and will bedirected by Professor Walter Gage .WELL KNOWN DIRECTOR

E. V. Young, who is well knownin local and radio theatrical circles,and Guy Glover, who enjoys a sim-ilar reputation in drama, will directthe other two plays on the diversifiedprogram .

"It's the Poor Wot 'Elps the Poor "is a comedy drama with a cast ofthirteen, half of the entire numbe rof players. This play introduces manytypical Cockney types and the play-ers are busy perfecting their dialects .

The fourth play, "The Mask," b yF. Tennyson Jesse, is a thrilling mel-odrama with a cast of throe . It isguaranteed to send the shivers up th eback of even the most cynical critic .STUDENT SHOW

These four plays will be shown t othe students at a special performanc enext Thursday evening. Tickets wil lbe distributed free of charge, an dstudents are advised to get them assoon as the box office opens . Infor-mation as to when tickets will be

The following report is th esecond in the new series of ex -change stories from the flni -', entity of Alberta "Gateway

. "These stories will bring to th estudents at U.B.C . news fromthe nearest Canadian campus,where conditions are not un-like our own .

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, ED-MONTON, NOV. 12—Modern day col -lege students are a fine upstandinglot, according to Aimee Semple Mc -Pherson in an exclusive interviewwith the "Gateway," given shortl yafter her arrival in Edmonton lastweek. Asked as to her opinion onsmoking and drinking among wome nstudents of a university, she felt tha tit was a deplorable occurence, but



Seniors Must Go To TownFor Their Pictures

Front Now On

Once upon a time in the Universityof British Columbia senior student stook pleasure in having their picturestaken for the university annual ,namely the Totem. That was a verylong time ago, because those sameseniors handed their time tables t othe staff of the year book and dulyarrived at the stage door on time tohave their pictures taken, which wasonly a small duty as the whole pro-cess only occupied five minutes .Since then the institution known a sthe university has fallen upon evi ldays . Their young men are stil lstrong and full of life but their sen-iors have fallen into decay. No long-er are they able to stagger to thestage of the auditorium or hold uptheir heads before a camera .

Perhaps they feel that in beautyand manliness they fall far behindprevious years, if so they are tooself-conscious .

The editor of the Totem brough tto the campus a photographer, one ofthe best the city can offer . Arrange-ments were made that these senil eseniors might have their picturestaken on schedule, but neither woul dthey hand in their timetables or ap-pear at the allotted hour .

So, wise ones, the photographer hasdeparted hence and has gone backto his studio in town . In future thoseseniors who do not consider them -selves too unsightly to appear beforea camera must journey to him at Ar-tone Studio, 833 Granville street . Thi smust all be done before the last dayof November or no Totem will ap -pear in the spring. Appointments areto be made by telephone within thenext week .

The following are those of the Sen-ior classes ashamed to have their pic-tures taken. If they will phone th eArton Studios though, special arrange-ments may be made.

(Please turn to Page 3)

Nurses To Hold

Annual Tea Sat.

The Alumnae of the Nursing Un-dergraduate Society and the execu-tive of the Women's Undergraduat eSociety will be special guests whenthe annual tea of the Nurses Under-graduate Society is held on Saturda yafternoon at the home of KatherineTaylor, 1598 Marpole Ave .

The convener for the tea will beFrances McQuarrie acrd she will beassisted by Rae Kirkindale, NormaPollock, Beth McCann, Kay Taylorand Ethel Rolston .

Presiding at the tea-tables will beMrs. Edwin Eades, Mrs . C . H. C .Bell, Mrs . Moscovitch, Mrs. D . Beach ,Mrs . F . G. C. Wood, and Miss AllisonReid, while Miss Doris Barton andMiss Margaret Baynes will cut theices .

available will be in Tuesday's Ubys-soy.

With last year's record of a fin eChristmas performance to equal o rexcel Hugh Palmer, President of th ePlayers' Club, is confident of success .The quality of the plays chosen ishigh and the casts and directors haveonly the finishing touches to wor kon before the curtain goes up onopening night, next Thursday .

was only being practiced by a cer-tain low element that is to be foun don every campus ,

It was clrawn to her attention tha trecently a debate with the resolutio n"That co-education is a waste of timeand money" had taken place here ."Would you agree with this resolu-tion, McPherson?' 'the Gateway re -porter inquired

"No, I would not . If women ar egoing to take their place in the worldof to-day alongside men, I think tha tthey should have an adequate educa -tion at their disposal," she replied . I twas also brought to her attention tha ta group known on the campus as th eWoman Haters Club actually existed .Asked her views on this subject, sh e

(Please turn to Page ID

Pub and S.C.M. In WordyBattle of Words Today

Arousing much interest Is the debate between the pub and th eS.C.M. which will take place today noon In Arts 100. The subjectand speakers chosen are promise enough of the kind of entertain-ment which threatens the audience .

"Resolved that the power of the press Is greater than the powe rof the pulpit" Is she subject to be argued. Upholding the affirma-tive will be the S.C .M. speakers, while the negative will be takenby the pub. Two choice orators, Norman DePoe and Derwin Baird,w111 speak for the latter. These two, it is rumored, have been takin gvoice culture lessons for several weeks in anticipation of the event ,

Weaken for the affirmative i l be Alf Kitchen and George Moesop .

The debate Is being sponsored by the Parliamentary Forum andis another evidence of this organlradon's endeavor to make full useof the extended noon hour.

There will be a short mass meeting in the pub just before th edebate, after which members of the Ubyssey staff will march in abody to the scene of the battle, where reserved seats will be waiting .

It appears that the talents of various members of the pub are notconfined to journalism alone. They she seem to have strong tenden-cies towards the more refined accomplishments . . That !s, music.Strange sounds emitted from the pub office in the past few daysare verifications of the rumors that the audience will be entertainedwith some good old revival songs from the highly gifted pubsten .

Christmas Plays H.Next Week: Students', Night Thursda y


Alberta News •- Aimee Silent On

Social Credit -- $10,000 . Budget


I/Ir .IL411gsaruIssued Twice Weekly by the Students' Publications Board of The University of British Columbia



No. 15


Peace Meeting Speakers

Discuss War Prevention

Forest IndustryHas Openings ForU.B.C. GraduatesVocational Speaker

Tells of ManyOpportunities

MacMILLAN SPEAKSThere must be some possibility of

employment for university graduatesIn the forestry industry of BritishColumbia, according to Mr . H. R.MacMillan, President of the H. R.MacMillan Export Company, in hi sVocational Guidance address to thestudents last Wednesday noon inArts 100 . Mr. MacMillan's lecture isthe fourth of a aeries of weekly lec-tures sponsored by the Alumni As-sociation .

Mr. MacMillan declares that sincethe forest industry has greater valueof resources, than any other industr yIn the province and since it has in -vested in it more capital than an yother industry, and since it is alread yemploying more men than any othe rindustry there should surely be somepositions for University students inall that great number; or, as he said ,"The greatest single employment me-dium of men and women here ."INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT

"There has been great developmen tof the lumber and allied industriesin B.C .," Mr. MacMillan commented .He gave a short resume of the his-tory of the industries from 20 yearsago right up to the present day. Hepointed out that the industry is stil lIn Its early stages and that it thestore of raw materials can be con -served the development can be ex-pected to go on almost indefinitely .While this development is going onthere should be an ever increasin gdemand for expert workmen, an dthat position the universily studentsshould be able to fill .

Mr. MacMillan declared that it wasnot only to graduates that he re-ferred, for even in the less specialize ddepartments of the industry there wasa good tisane for a university stu-dent. He assured the undergraduatesthat the university graduates who hadalready entered the profession weredoing better work than their non -university trained comrades .

In conclusion he summed up theoutlook for university graduates as"rising, and probably continuing torise as far as one cares to estimate . "There will come a time, he thinks,when all the forestry graduates willbe taken up by our own local in-dustry .

The speaker was introduced to thestudents by Dean Buchanan.

The Science BoysHold A Pep

RallyAt the pep meeting for inter-mura l

sports yesterday, Jimmy Orr outlinedthe program for the sciencemen . Jim -my says : "The sciencemen have con -descended to mingle with the arts-men in the inter-class competition sso that we may spread our pepthroughout the University ,

But by the looks of things the sci-ence pep seems to have settled intothe one leading man, Wilt' Williams ,According to Tel Potter, astute pres-ident of science, the sciencemen hav ebeen slipping, He sans, , .

We have in-curred a deficit in our class party, athing which is hitherto unknown t oscience . In order to brine; back ou rlost spirit two are going to innovate aScience Ball this year . It will tak ethe form of a huge canvas ball wit hwhich the Artsmen will be asked t otry and push the sciencemen veer .The Aggies will have their part i nthis Ball by carrying the Artsmen of fthe field after the Pushover .

NOTICEWould anyone going downtown

Monday afternoon at 3 :30 please no-tify C. O'Loane of their intention sthrough the Art's Women's Lette rRack .

NOTICENominations for Treasurer of Arts

'36 are to be handed in at the Ac-countant's office by 11 :30 a .m., Mon -day, Nov, 18 .


Leon Ladner, K. CMr. Ladner was the featured speak-

er at the S .C .M. peace rally on Tues-day. He stated that human naturecan never be changed merely by pass-ing new and radical legislation .

Institute To

Hear Klinck

On Saturday

Adult Education Is President'sTopic

Saturday evening lecture of theVancouver Institute will be given b yDr. L. S, Klinck, President of theUniversity of British Columbia. Hissubject is "A Plan for Adult Educa-tion in British Columbia . "

Dr. Klinck's official duties as'Pres-ident of a university have made himfamiliar with most of the aspects ofevery problem in education : With el-ementary or advanced, cultural ortechnical . But during the past yearhe has had to give special attentionto the problems of Adult Education ,by reason of the fact that $30,000 ofthe $50,000 grant made to the Pro-vincial University a year ago by tlseCarnegie Corporation of New Yor khas been allocated ,to work in thisparticular field . Much considerationwas given to the most effective meth-od of spending this money by aCommittee of the University Senate ,and also by a special Committee ofthe Faculty . The final decision was

(Please turn to Page 2 )



The first of the Pre-Med tours ofmeclical establishments for this ses-sion took place Saturday, when agroup of thirty visited the Menta lHospital at New Westminster .

Dr. Campbell and Dr . Ryan con-ducted the students over the hospi-tal, showing them the laboratoriesand wards, One of the special fea-tures visited was the post mortemroom, where the Club viewed speci-mens illustrating a variety of things .

Treatment is, in many cases, ac-complished by the use of water andfoam baths, whose temperature i scontrolled by a thermostatic tap.When one section visited this, Presi-dent Alan Day-Smith seemed skepti-cal as to the comfort of the canvashammock . Two of the touring part ypromptly seized him . and he foundhimself reclining in the hammock .

One room was devoted to a displa yof the handiwork of the patients.among the exhibits were several rugs ,paintings, and knitted work .

Dr . Ryan gave a brief survey ofthe work of the Mental Hospital .There are 3130 mental cases in B .C . ,he stated . This is equal to half o fone percent of the population . Ofthese, 2350 are at New Westminster ,and 300 at the Industrial School ; 250cases are on Vancouver Island .

The number of patients increases b yapproximately 120 a year, the doctorstated . These are the ones remainingfor further treatment . About 150 ayear are returned to health .

Representatives Of

Many Professions

Give Opinions


With violent change through So-cialism on one side and gradualchange by the evolution of the Broth-erhood of Man on the other, the mid-dle course of gradual change throug hlearning as a means to achieve last-ing peace was upheld by the majorityof the speakers at the Peace Meetin gTuesday . , .

Laborite Grace Maclnnis felt thatwar was the outcome of the strugglefor markets by nations which hadcapitalistic money to get rid of. So-cialism would start production forconsumption rather than productionfor profit and the laborers wouldhave enough to live on and all classstruggle would be ended and warmade impossible . The putting ofSocialism into effect would obviatethe necessity of waiting while th ewhole capitalistic structure was mod-ified and reformed and altered. Peacewould be immediate . A united worldis crested . . .CHURCH ATTITUDE

Churchman A. E. Whitehouse tookthe extreme opposite view to Mrs.Macinnin. He thought that peace wasonly possible when a Brotherhood ofMan was built up through the ages.This could only be done by the en-forcing of peace by a strong nation —as the Romans enforced peace uponthe lesser nations, Great Britain andfhs other powerful countries ough tto see to it that there was no warand eventually the smaller and mor euncivilized nation would see thatpeace' is a "good thing" and a unitedworld would be created .

The next three speakers — Youn gCollege Graduate Allen Campbell ,Professor A . C. Cooke and BusinessMan Leon Ladner all advocated theslow development and evolution ofa peace "feeling" through educationas the best means to attain eternalfreedom from strife.

Allen Campbell said that one migh twork for peace either statically oractively. One might just refuse tohave anything to do with war or one

(Please turn to Page 3 )

Manitoba Ad. Ed .

Covers Wide


Similar to the B . C. adult educatio nis that in Manitoba where radio lec-tures and speaking tours through therural districts of the province aregiven. In addition to this however,there is a regular program of exten-sion debates, and a dramatic organ-ization aiming at the fostering o fdramatics production in countrypoints.

In public speaking and the informe dpresentation of live issues in easilyunderstood form the U.M .S .U. De-bating Union, continuing a policy be -gun three years ago is sponsoring aseries of extension debates. Teams, ,representing the university, tour var-ious districts of Manitoba and debatewith the representatives of rura lcommunities .

The promotion of dramatics in out -lying districts has been greatly aidedby a Player's Service Guild whic hwas organized lase spring . This groupprovides facilities for amateur the-atrical groups .

All these tend to increase publi cinterest in the University which feel-ing it is hoped will be furthered bythe University of Manitoba newsbroadcast on the air ,



Noon—Debate, Pub . vs . S.C .M . ,Arts 100 .

SAT., NOV, 1 63 :00 p .m.—Rugby, Rowing Clu b

vs. Varsity, Brockton Pt .8 :15 p .m.—Vancouver Institute ,

Auditorium.Evening — Phrateres Banquet ,

Aztec Room, Hotel Georgia.SUN., NOV. 1 7

ornoon—Nurses' Tea .

Page 2: I/Ir .IL411gsaru · Word has been received that Charlotte Nix, graduate of the University of Alberta and mem-ber of the Public Health Cease of the University of British Co- lumbia,

Page Two


Friday, November 15, 193 5

Telephone : Point Grey 206

issued twice weekly by the Students' Publication Boardof the Alma Meter Society of the University of Britis h


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: John Cornball

News Manager: Zoe Browne Clayton


Tuesday: John Dauphinee - Friday: John Logan

Sports Editor: Kemp Edmonds

Associate Editors: Derwin Baird, Jim Beveridg e

Associate Sports Editor Milton Taylor

Assistant Editors: Norman DePoe, Madge Neill, Pauline

Patterson, Ken Grant

Assistant Sport Editors: Dave Petapiece, Frank Turner ,Howie Hume, Bill Van Houten .

Exchange Editor: Shinobu Higashi

Literary Editor: Reg Jesup

Coiumnlw: Reg Jessup, Nancy Miles, B.A.

Feature Editor, Lloyd Hobden

Bbatug(Member C,I .P,, ,LP,A.)

Printed by Point Grey News-Gazette Ltd.

2182 West 41st Avenue

Mail Subscriptions $2.00 per yearCampus Subscriptions, $1 .50 per Year





More Alberta News(Continued from Page 1)

at first regarded it as a joke, bu twhen pressed for answer, said : "The y(the members) are probably a num-ber of youths not yet over the adol-escent stage ." Mrs. McPherson asyet had had no opportunity to seeanything of the city, but expresse dher approval of the beautiful valleyof the Saskatchewan River lying di-rectly below the Macdonald Hotel .She was reluctant to give her viewson Social Credit .


The recent row over actions of th eMen's House Committee in allegedl yfining resident students withoutwarning them of offences . for whichfines could oe imposed, has dieddown aomewlgg for the time beingpending hearing of a teat case appealfrom their rulings, being brought be-fore the Committee on Student Af-fairs, highest court of appeal in theuniversity . The Committee, com-posed of both faculty and undergrad-uates, is convening Wednesday after -

noon to consider the appeal, and fo rth , omen se of ratifying the Student ' sUnion Budget, which was formall y

passed by a meeting of the Students 'Union lest week .

Some five hundred students attend-ed the annual budget meeting of theStudents' Union Iri Convocation Halllast Wednesday, at which time R. A.Brown, Union Treasurer, presentedhis budget for the coming year . Therewere comparatively few questions andthe budget totalling about $10,000 .00was passed without geat difficulty .President R . C. Wallace of the Univer-sity, Honesty President of the Stu -dents' Union, gave a short talk atthe opening of the meeting .


Dr. Oscar Olsson, a member of theSwedish Parliament and leader in theStudy Circle movement in Sweden ,wus d visitor at the university lastweek and on Thursday evening gav ean extremely interesting talk on thehistory of the movement . UnlikeAmerica, in Sweden there is no dif-ference between knowledge and edu-cation, said Dr . 011son. In this coun-try (America) we are out for a bet -ter living, in Sweden they are outfor a better life . Many of the Swed-ish study groups have formal courses ,but the more popular ones are dis-cussion centres for popular topics ofthe day, The criticism may be made ,said Dr. Olsson, that the groups cir-culate propaganda, but they are no tcensored by the government, becauseit believes it better to have educate dpolitical parties than just politicalparties .

The Sophomore reception to Fresh -men, second of the major functionsof the year, was held in AthabascaHall last Saturday evening. The dancefell within two days of Armistic eDay, and featured red, white and bluedecorations. The programmes whichwere In keeping with the decorativ escheme, contained some very brigh tand also very atrocious puns. Thedance music was broadcast for half

an ,hour over radio station CFCN, Ed-monton.


On November 15 a local debatin gteam, composed of Tom Costigan, la wstudent and president of the DebatingSociety, and Jack Garret, secretar yof the Literary Association, will mee ta visiting team representing McGil land Toronto . Subject of the debatewill be "Resolved that this house

shall under no circumstances take up

arms." The debate will be broadcas tover CKUA, the University of Albertastation, and perhaps over the Foot -hills Network, including CFAC inCalgary and CJOC in Lethbridge .

To-day two members .of the Pub staff will

debate on the question of the power of the

press. They will try to show that it is nil, but

those of us who know better will laugh up ou r

sleeves. Why?

Last night the Arts Aggie Ball went ove r

with a bang as a huge success .

For the past three weeks this function has

been receiving unlimited publicity in the Ubys-sey, We are conceited enough to believe tha t

this was in no small way responsible for th e

success of the ball . It is duties like this that

make the annual Publications deficit smalle r

than it looks on paper ,

A correspondent in this issue proposes theformation of a U.B.C . Film Society to sponsor

the artistic triumphs of the screen which d onot reach local houses because of their un-certain status from the commercial standpoint .The letter points to the reception of "MariaChapdelaine" as proof of the potential suppor tsuch a venture would receive.

We wish to endorse these suggestions . Van-couver is surely large enough to provide thenecessary support for special showings . In thepast a manager has occasionally gambled witha "Maedchen in Uniform" or "Road to Life, "but practically all the notable French, Russianand German pictures of the last few yearsremain unknown to the city. There shouldbe no difficulty in arranging special showing sat local houses—"prestige pictures" are a partof show business.

There is, I believe, a Film Society at Wash-ington University which presents such picture sonce a week in a local neighborhood theatre .It would be fitting if U.B.C. could link its namewith a similar project in Vancouver .

The Toronto "Varsity" reports the wordsof a speaker for peace in headline form as"Would Put In Trenches Clergy Who Favo rWar." The poor old clergy have had to takeit on the chin quite a lot since the War . ThePhilistines characterize them as "war monger sin war time, peace mongers in peace time, "

and like the patriot, "always willing to sacri-fice your life for your country !" This is ofcourse unfair since it takes all sorts to make"the clergy", and while there can have bee nfew more disgusting exhibitions than that ofa clergyman recruiting from his pupit, we d osuppose—sincerely hope—many more clergy-men felt equally revolted at it .

We say this in defence of the cloth becaus ewe feel the S.C .M. will deliver some pretty tell-ing broadsides against it in the debate withthe Pub this noon on the respective merit sof paper and pulpit . And let us warn you, i fthe cloth does not emerge triumphant from thedebate, it can not be attributable to lack o fenthusiasm on the part of the Pub. RevivalistChoral Society .



Phrateres initiation and installation

ceremony will comemnce at 5 :30 on

Saturday, Nov . 16, in the Aztec Room

of the Hotel Georgia . All old mem-

bers are requested to be present to

welcome new ones .

The banquet will begin at 7 :30. Al l

those wishing to attend must sign the

list on the notice board to-day .


One of the older clubs on thecampus, the Philosophy DiscussionClub, decided at Tuesday night'smeeting to change its name to thePsychology Club, While great respect

was held for the older name It wasfelt that the new title was more fit-ting since Psychology and its alliedsubjects have been in greater prom-inence for the past few years. Dis-cussions of Philosophy will, however,still be part of the club's program .

"Sermons in stones, books in the running

brooks and poet's in goal ." Someone shouldwrite a book under that title . It could be

comprehensive history of poetry, beginning

far back of the Elizabethan poets who werein for debt, back to the biblical prophets whowere deprived of their liberty .

And it could come all the way forward tothe November issue of "Agenda," bimonthl ypublication of the inmates of Washington stat e

penitentiary .This issue features the poetry of Paul

Bailey, Yakima schoolteacher who is servingan indeterminate sentence in the state penalinstitution for forgery. An excerpt from oneof his poems entitled "We Fools" reads :"We know how ill we wear our silver wings ,We know how flat and thin the wine we pour.Yet if by chance we build one line that sings ,We are contentAnd dream our genius heaven-sent ."

Another poem, "Creatures Apart," is ad -dressed from those on the inside to those onthe outside:

"We are the homeless ones ,Flotsam Adrift.You are the lucky ones ,We are the few,We are the men with the numbered shirts,Save for a miracle ,We are you . "

It sounds as if he has been reading T . S .

Elliott, Some day I shall hire a hall and turn i t

over to "The Hollow Men" and "We Fools"and make some psychological observations . I fit should end up in a nice big scrap, I'm givinganyone ten-to-one odds and choosing the Hol-low Men .


I wish you Ubyssey people would lay off th eAdult Education project . Your consciouslyvirtuous opinions reflect the peace of yourcloistered sanctuary but they don 't seem tohave much regard for cold, hard fact .

I'm covering the lectures up here in Cran-brook for the local paper and find them in-telligently and enthusiastically attended. I'mdoing it on a space rate but that fact is onl yof interest to myself and G .M.A. Corporation .My motives in defending the project are notmercenary .

You, who attend the University, pay up-ward of $145 per year in fees, and this by n omeans covers the cost of your education . Therest of the necessary money is made up of en-dowment funds, and more particularly, by aprovincial government grant .

And where do you think the governmentgrant money comes from? It comes from th epocket of the mooch public (mooch being gra-phically defined as the heaven-sent super -sucker) . The public has been forking out re -gularly for some years now, and many of thosewho pay receive no direct benefits .

Thus if that splendid organization, the Car-negie Trust Fund, provides the touchstonewhereby the public finally gets something fo rits money, it seems like smashing a cobwebwith an axe for you to take a carping attitudetoward lowered academic standing .

When one reaches university age one issupposed to be able to work without super-vision, and it seems to me the least the stu-dent body can do, as a gesture of appreciationtoward the generosity of the public, is to mak ean effort to do so for a part of each year.

British Columbia is too large an area for it suniversity to become a personal possession ofeach British Columbian through the athleti cprowess of its Thunderbirds, or the brillianceof its artistic organizations .

Queerly enough the public expects instruc-tion from its university first, and through thi sit is more likely to become a source of prideto the province than a sometimes vaguely re-sented area where the most fortunate youn gpeople retire for four years to emerge withwonderful knowledge outside the ken of thegeneral public .

Dr. George Weir


In a short interview given to the

Ubyssey Thursday noon, Dr. George

Weir, Minister of Education, said he

was unable to express an opinion o n

the much-discussed Adult Education

plan .

"It is entirely a University affair, "

he said, "and as such is outside our

sphere of activity . But it is similar

in plan to the correspondence courses

and eduactional activities of the Gov-

ernment .

"All these programs have the sam e

aim, and much greater efficiency

could be attained by co-operation.

They should all form part of an in-

tegral educational scheme .

"Although these problems can no tbe solved merely by a plan on paper ,still by the end of another year ther eshould be a further unity in thesepolicies. "

NOTIC EAll notices for this department

should be in the Ubyssey office notlater than 10 o'clock on Mcedays andThursdays. Notices should be no.onger than 30 words.

President To Speak

At Institute(Continued from Page 1) .

to expend approximately $10,000 ayear for three years for this purpose ,and, after careful deliberation, it wasdecided to leave all arrangements inthe hands of President Klinck, wh oduring recent months has devotedmuch of his time to review of factsand conditions revealed in specialinvestigations made throughout theProvince during the past summer . Hislecture on Saturday night will setforth Dr . Klinck's own impressions o fthe Provincial Adult Education sit-uation, and also what is proposed—within the limits of the assigned ap-propriation—as a program of actionfor the three-year period.EDUCATION DEMANDED

Education is a lifelong and contin-uous process . Every year the demandfor improvement in educational fa-cilities becomes more insistent . Inthe larger centers local educationa lauthorities, like school boards, en-deavor to meet this need by the or-ganization of Night Schools for thosewho are past school age, and who de-sire instruction in gainful occupa-tions . In embarking on its program ,the University seeks to make its owncontribution to communities who havenot the population, the facilities, orthe money, to undertake such wore .The response to these new undertak-ings has already abundantly prove dtheir desirability and their necessity ,and is such as to justify extensionsand enlargements of the work as in-itially planned . This will be the storyPresident Klinck will tell to his Van-couver Institute audience on Satur-day evening .

The meeting will be held in theUniversity Auditorium. The chairwill be taken at 8 :15 by Mr . GeorgeE. Winter, President of the Institute .

All Institute lectures are free to thepublic . The B. C. Electric providesan adequate bus service .

Co-ed Gown Shop


Taffeta and Crepe Evening Dresses

Shipment due Wednesday, Nov, 13, from the east .

Also Lingerie and Hosiery


how they enjoyed their banquet .

Then - Ask the Sciencemen

Then - - when arranging your next function, ask the

Committee to see us . 20,000 people last year couldnot be wrong .


Sey. 5742




Just at the Bus Stop



The next meeting of Le Cercl e

Francais will be held on Tuesday ,

Nov. 19, at 8 p .m. The Universit y

Women's Club will be the hostess o f

the evening at the home of Mrs .

Frank F . Smith, 1427 West 40th ave.

ROWING CLUBThe final races between the A . and

B. crews will be run off on Satur-

day at 2 :30 . B. and C. crews wil l

race at 3 o'clock. All members of

the respective crews are asked to be

on time.


There will be a meeting at 12 :1 5

on Monday in Arts 100 to elect a1 Treasurer and to discuss plans fo r

the Class Party to be held on Nov .28. All seniors (Arts and Commerce )please attend .

MENORAH SOCIETYA meeting of the Menorah Society

will be held this Sunday at 8 :15 p.m.at the home of Miss Janice Grossman ,1741 West 40th. All members areurged to be on time.

For dearest friends, no

gift can carry the same

personal sentiment as

your portrait so fittingly


You owe them you r



Geo. T. Wadds


will delight them

1318 Granville St.





Birks are noted for thevariety and quality oftheir Dollar Gifts .

A Gift at


for everyone — young o r


Visit the store now while th eselection is complete,


Diamonds - Vancouver, B.C .

Yours For Service



Page 3: I/Ir .IL411gsaru · Word has been received that Charlotte Nix, graduate of the University of Alberta and mem-ber of the Public Health Cease of the University of British Co- lumbia,

Friday, November 15, 1935


Page Three

Around The CampusBy Darby

Certain prominent male undergrad shave developed a queer habit lately .They a ill be acting perfectly norma lwhen all of a sudden a dangerou slook will come into their eyes an dthey start to run, exclaiming, "Lookout . here She comes!" At other time sthey will come dashing into the Pu boffice and shout, "What'll I do, She' safter me?" The affliction has affect-ed men in high places, so high thatwe cannot mention their names, butthere's no doubt about it, they cer-tainly are worried about the elusive"She" . Evidently "She" makes theround of social functions, for afterevery party or ball, the next morn-ing's topic of conversation is, "Well ,I hear She was there last night, didShe get you?" And the answer, "No ,thank goodness." Whoever or what -ever "She" is, the matter will bearInvestigation .

I• *Some people are still a little hazy

as to the situation of this campus,An exchange paper arrived at the of-fice the other day addressed to th e"Ubyssey, Victoria, B.C." Surely we'renot that dead.

*w •


Despite pressure from intereste dparties we feel it our duty to expos ea new campus racket, the game of the

stolen olives. It is well known tha tthe only source of .olives at this in-stitution is Council banquets . The ti ngods cat them every Monday nigh tbefore adjourning for business. Atthese dinners are Council and a pressrepresentative, no one else, Yet ,every Tuesday morning the corne rdrawer in the Ubyssey office containsa small but full dish of olives.

How do the olives get there, an dwhy? Well, to continue, later ever yTuesday three co-eds enter the Pub .These three co-eds are known t oevery student ' on the campus, andwhat is more, they are respected fo rtheir high positions and held in highregard by all other co-eds. Whywould three co-eds come into thePub on Tuesday? The answer, dearreader, is that they come to eat theolives left by , . . ah, that is the mys-tery . Page Winchell, only we haveno key-hole in the Pub,

• t S

It's a great life if you don't week -end .

Perhaps it is not universally know nThat, while there are five flights o fstairs in the Science Building, thereIs also an elevator which operates be-tween the first and sixth floor . Thismeans of transportation is open onl yto a favored few, and the privilegeis jealously guarded. Yet the othe revening four young engineers foundthe door of the elevator unlocked. Itwas the opportunity of a life time,and for fifteen mintues they travelledluxuriously between the top and bot-tom floors . They arrived at thei rdestination late but happy .

• r r

The practice of duelling seems to be.returning. A few weeks ago we re -ported the famous pub duel and nowwe hear of another encounter. Thistime Alan Walsh ,met Stuart DeVlt tin mortal encounter in the PlayersClub costume room . They used theswords from "Hamlet" for weaponsand both merged with sundry cutsand bruises,

• r r

The Pep Band needs horns, an dthey ned 'em badly too . Accordin gto Harry Bigaby if they only had afew more horns everything would b ehunkey dorey, so all horn playersare urged to turn out next time theband meets. Incidentally the PepBand is getting into the public eye .The other evening Cal Winter dedi-cated a number to them on his gasprogram .

Lost and Found 1LOST—Red wool Scotch scarf, re -

turn to Peggy Thompson.

FOUND — Fountain Pen, betwee nLibrary and Science Building, a weekago . Owner please communicate withJ . Kadzielawa .

LOST—"Elements of Human Psy-chology" and "Qualitative Chemica lAnalysis" Finder please notify Eri cRobertson through Arts Letter Rack .

LOST—Balzac's "Gobseck ." Pleasesee D. Baird in Ubyssey office.

FOUND—In Gym after 'Pea-Danceon Saturday, a pair of yellow brownleather gloves. They are now in theCouncil office ,

Six Speakers AtPeace Meetings

(Continued from Page 1 )

might support wholeheartedly the ex-isting peace machinery and makepeace his objective and aim in life.


Professor Cooke did not commit him -self very definitely to any one meansto gain peace but said that everyoneought to study the history and cause sof war and economic strife so thathe could express a sane and consid-ered view if called upon. Only byintense study and learning could oneget the ability to distinguish betweentruth and propaganda. Only byknowing the truth could one becomeimmune to appeals to false patriotismand fear and emotionalism . Wheneveryone could do this we wouldhave no more wars created by thepoliticians for their own ends. Wewould have peace.

Leon Ladner agreed with the twoproceeding speakers in that peac ewould only be got through educa-tion but he warned against expectinghuman nature to change . We mustnot hope for revolution to accomplis hwhat evolution must do, The major-ity of the people will get a feelingfor peace but there will always b esome unprincipled ones who will needpolicing . Therefore force will alwayshave to be present . When the Leagu eof Nations gets full support it will bein a position to do this policing andwill be a great factor in the fight forpeace. Until then every citizen mus tdo what he can to create and to makepeace the ultimate end of internation-al trends .

Direct :4

Council AngeredOver SciencemenNo business of importance was con-

sidered on Tuesday night, as Counci ldragged and bickered its way througha list of routine considerations .

The C. P. S. game had realized aprofit of $120 .10, it was announced .The Alumni Day Tea Dance ha dshown a favorable balance of approx-imately $25.00.

The Science Class Party came upfor unfavorable criticism, when i twas revealed that the budget had no tbeen turned in for ratification untiltoo late for Council to consider it be -fore the party . The matter was hel dover until the financial statementshould be turned in .

Permission was granted for theHockey Club to play an exhibitio ngame in the near future . They werealso granted permission to play thei rfirst game with U. of W.

Arts•Aggie BallSuccessful

(Continued from Page 1 )

Margaret Anderson, Roger Bain, Wil-liam Beckett, Donald Bell, John Ber-ry, Myrtle Blatter, Margaret Buch-anan, Cecil Chatfield, John Clayne ,Bill Clarke, Raymond Clayton, GeorgeCormack, Alex Campbell, James Al-len, W. R. C . Claudinen, Frank Clark ,Paul Clement, Lloyd Easler, GilbertHatcher, Cedric Hornby, Evelyn Jen-kins, Barbara Jones, Alfred Moxon ,Harold Pearson, James Sadler, CharlesWood, Doreen Davies, Jean Dawson,Gordon Draeseke, Dorothy Eliot ,Margaret Elliot, Sidney English, Will-iam Ford, David Foubister, EdmundFulton, Margaret Gillett, Frank Gol-ightly, Cameron Gorrie, WilliamGrant, Robert Gross, Harold Hoiko-lon, Bill Hamilton, John Harrison ,Netta Harvey, Jo Henning, Hugh Her -bison, Ewart Hetherington, Willia mHolborke, Harry Housear, Doroth yHudson, Harold Jeffrey, Francis Jou-bin, Joseph Kadzielawa ,

Stuart Lane, Henry Law, Ala nLunn, Margaret McDonald, WilfredMcDonald, Alexander McGeachie ,William McGill, John McHugh, Al-exander McInnis, John McIntyre,George McKee, Neil McKellor, Rober tMcKeown, Constance McNeely, Lach-lan McRae, Kenneth McDonald, Jame sMalkin, James Manson, Hugh Mathe-son, Alan Mayhew, Alan Mercer ,Yuriko Mizuno, Donna Moorehouse ,Rex Mor rison, Betty Moscovitch ,Jayne Nimmons, Stanley Nowlan ,Peter O'Brien, Hiroshi Okuda, Ed -ward Ouchi, Roy Paine, Hugh Palmer ,Rodolphe Paradis, Grant Paterson ,Douglas Patterson, Mae Peacock, Sid-ney Pettit, Vincent Pinhorn, LenniePrice, Eva Qu'alch, Vera Radcliff ,Miles Ritchie, John Russell, Willia mRyall, William Sargent, Irene Savit-sky, Norma Schroeder, Jack Smith ,Roger Stanier, Frank Stevens, JackStevenson, Clayton Stewart, WinifredStewart, Juliet Sullivan, Gerald Suth-erland, Patience Sweetnam, SidneySwift, Fuji Tanaka, Bernard Taylor,Archibald Thompson, Frank Thorne -lee, Judson Thurber, William Thom-kinson, Boris Turin, Thomas Vance,Peggy Wales, Irene Wallace, Jac kWallace, Joan Wharton, Isobel Whe-lan, Harry Willis, Bruce Woodsworth ,Frances Wright .

In Science: Kelso Blakeney, Thom -as Brock, Stanley Bruce, BernardBrynelsen, Yit Chew, Dante Ciscone,Robert Craig, Alfred Cummings, Will-iam Cunningham, Bernard Elworthy,Donald Ferguson, Fred Forester,George Fyke, Edward Gautschi, HughGodard, George Green, William Gw-yer, Thomas Hazlitt, Victor Hill, Rob-ert King, Albert Kirby, Ewart Lang-ille, Sam Lipson, Murray McDonald ,Thomas McGinn, Garnet McLellan ,John Melvin, James Mitchell, NormanMoodie, James Motherwell, JamesOrr, Kenneth Patrick, Telfor Potter ,John Reid, John Richardson, CarmenRidlan-1, Bruce Robinson, ElliotSchmidt, Ed . Senkler, Donald Smith ,Alexander Urquhart, Robert Walker,William White, George Williamson,George Wilson, Victor Zanadvoroff .

In Nursing : Anne Black, MaryBlack, Norma Cameron, Lyle Creel -man, Eleanor Graham, Frances Mc -Quarrie, Lorna Makepeace, Charlott eNix, Madeleine Putnam, Ethel Rols-ton, Sarah Ross, Ruth Sheldon, Viv-ian Williams .

Public Stenographer 'Neat, Accurate Work

At Popular Lending Library4489 W. 10th Ave,

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E. V. YoungMr, Young, who is well known in

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Totem Editors AreVery Angry

(Continued from Page 1)

ceeded the expenditures . Approxim-ately 250 paid admission to the func-tion, which was budgeted for twohundred .

The success of the affair can begreatly credited to the efforts of th eexecutive, Alan Morley and JimmieAllen in supreme command as presi-dents of Arts and Agriculture respect -ively. Ewart Hetherington was i ncharge of the ticket sales, Kay Bourn edecorations, Jay Gould, Telfer Potte rand Eveline Hebb were on the com-mittee ,

Patrons In attendance at the Ballware Brigadier-General and Mrs . Vic -tor Odium, Mr, and Mrs. J. W . deB.Farris, President and Mrs . L. S.Klink, Dean and Mrs . Daniel Bu-chanan, Dean and Mrs. F. M, Cle-ment, Dean M. L. Bollert and Col ,and Mrs . H. T. Logan .

The floor show was given by threeprofessional dance acts, a banjo play-er and a radio singer . All were great-ly enjoyed by the five hundredwatchers.


The letter from Les Allen, referredto in the Editorial, was, due to lac kof space, omitted from this issue I twill appear on Tuesday .

West Point GreyUnited ChurchCorner 8th and Tolmi e

Minister : REV. BRUCE GRA Y

Sunday 7 :30


Speaker: George Pringle

The Home-Town Newspaper

Trinity 411 1



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Page 4: I/Ir .IL411gsaru · Word has been received that Charlotte Nix, graduate of the University of Alberta and mem-ber of the Public Health Cease of the University of British Co- lumbia,


W L D Pts.Varsity 4 1 0 8Rowing Club 4 1 0 8All-Blacks 4 1 0 8Occaslonals 1 4 0 2Ex-Britannia 1 3 1 3Ex-Magee 0 5 1 1

INTRA-MURAL STANDING SFROSH 50 pls .SOPHS 200 pts.JUNIORS 450 pts.SENIORS 200 pis.Page Four


Friday, November 15, 1935

Rugby Leadership At Stake Saturda y* *


. ' *V ::1u°suty MellonM iuIlers Out For Second

Hoopers Tangle WithV.A.C. On Saturday

Senior "B" Team Plays Monda yTomorrow night at the V . A. C. Gym, Varsity's SeniorA Hoopers will fight in out with Bill Edward's Vacs for the cov -eted third place slot of the Inter-City Basketball League, th eproceedings starting at 8:00 p .m. At present, both squads ar etied with two points, which were garnered by defeating eac hother once .

Cheap Dirt. Dirt Cheap

Although the spares are not ex-U.B .C. men even an entire first stringis the farthest anyone has progressedalong this line. Playing guard onthe squad are Laurie Nicholson andWalmsley who wore the blue andgold several years ago . The forwardline is that which carried the Thun-derbirds so near the Dominion Champ-ionship last year—Bardsley, Willough-by and Henderson .

Do not be surprised to hear a lotabout this team in the near future .With those men in the lineup the ymust be good .

t S •

At the start of this season, ourSenior A Hoopmen, who were at tha ttime very, very green, and ratherhopeless, seemed destined to dwellin the cellar position of the Inter-City Basketball, But, strange as i tmay seem, our boys, under new man-agement, have shown vast improve-ment in their playing, and their abil-ity to win games.

To ardent Basketball followers ofthe past few years, this change maynot seem quite so strange, for thoseworthies will remember that it wasunder the present coach of the Blueand Gold squad, Dr. Montgomery,that the University of British Colum-bia won its one and only Dominio.Championship.

Thus, the Senior A's, after theirexcellent showing against Adanacs o nlast Saturday night, are quite posi-tive they can take the V.A .C. squad .Something which they haven't beengetting up to the present, and some -thing they need is support.

condition with odd games in secon ddivision league. He is a speedy three-quarter with a magic toe, well knownas a drop-kick artist. Bob Brown o f

Victoria is fast and nails them har das well . He is the man who wrecke dthe Varsity game with Victoria Replast year by booting a goal .

Varsity will place her hope in thecare of the same bunch of "fightin gfools" who defeated Vancouver Re plast week . This includes Bird as full-back; Flash Wilson, wing three-quarter ; Roberts, Mercer and Leggetton the three-quarter line, Smith an dCarey behind the scrum, and the bigpush composed of Harrison, Pot Mit-chell, Jimmy Pyle, Robin Porter, Ba dMan Senckler, Pearson's friend Ma-guire, Shirley Griffin and Pansy Pear-son, whose two new curses have soelectrified the team.

The frosh team, leaders in their lea-gue play at Oak Street at 2 :30 Satur-day against the challengers .

The team is composed of Harrison ,Knox, Campbell, Wood, Rennie, Rob-ertson, Thorneloe, Walsh, Linklater ,Griffin Wilson, McKeown, McCullock ,Veatch, Smith and Trussel.

SOCCE R M E NSET TO CRASHWIN COLUM NGreenwood and QuayleExchange PositionsThi s Saturda y will see th e Soccerteam chalk up a win over the Col -umbia Hotel if the team plays th efootball that it played last Monday ,when the boys held the Forst team toa draw in one of the finest game splayed in a long time .Last Monday, the team played s owell that the coach, Charlie Hit -chi ng has decided to keep the line -up the same for this fight with theHotel men. The most note-warth ychange in the team, however, willbe the appearance of a new left -winger, Stan Greenwood. This manmade an excellent goalie, but It wa sfound that he fills the bill as win gman with even better technique .Dan Quayle (former back) wil lguard the poets in the forthcomin ggame. With these slight changes i nthe line-up, the senior soccer menwill put up a fight that may put th eHotel men in the background .Captain Bill Wolfe says that up tonow, the main weakness in the tea mwas in the forward line. It lackedthe necessary punch and pep . Nowwith this new winger and a wel lbalanced forward line, the defect hasbeen remediedThe Junior team has been goingthrough the paces on the practice fieldwith the Seniors . This team, with theaid of players from the Senior squad ,should be able to give a good accoun tof themselves .The Senior line-up will be as fol -low s : Dan Quayle, goal ; Croll, Suther -land, backs ; Sweetman, Wolfe, Thur -ber, half-backs ; Greenwood, Okuda ,Godard, McBurney, Irish, forwards ;Sager, spare .—HUME.

2nd Div. RuggersPlay Important Til t

Last Saturday, Varsity's Secon dDivision English Rugby Eleven de -feated New Westminster's wonde rteam—a team that hadn't been beat -en for three years—and consequentl yare now tied with West Vancouverfor first place In the league . To-morrow afternoon they meet Wes tVancouver and a win will give themundisputed leadership of the league.Due to Harry Robson's ankle Smit hhas been moved up to the first tea mand Harvey Carruthers, last year' sstar of the second team, has con -sented to emerge from retirement t otake his place . Whitelaw, another o flast year's stars, who celebrated hi sreturn to the game last Saturdaywith a brilliant display of kickingwhich was largely responsible fo rVarsity's victory, will again be play -ing fullback tomorrow .For the information of anyone wh owishes to see a championship team i naction without having to pay for it ,and at the same time be supporting aVarsity team, the game will be playedon Douglas Park at 2 :30.

Women Improve,This Time Lose 29-1 0A much improved Varsity Women' sSenior basketball team held th estrong Blue Ribbon squad to a 29 .1 0victory . In the first quarter, the stu -dents jumped into the lead when En aClarke sank a beautiful shot fromcentre floor . Inspired by this, the yplayed their very best and held thevictors scoreless till quarter time . Inthe second and third periods how -ever, it was a different tale, Wit hEna Clarke, a star guard, out of th eplay since she had three fouls an dwas being saved for the closing min -utes of the game, Varsity's defenc eweakened and Blue Ribbons gained 2 6points. The Blue and Gold girl scould not effectively check Netti eHume and Peggy Riley who combine dto score most of the victors' points .—NEVISON .

2 MEN WANTE DTO BATCHEvery Convenienc eEasy on the Pocket Boo kDalhousie A partment sP. G. 83311 ..X11-1A~IY~M-YY-IY~AI~11-II~III.~A1 1

The dreams and ideals of man yUniversity basketball enthusiasts bothpast and present have almost ap-proached their fulfillment this year .A team whose first string consistsentirely . of ex-Varsity stars is nowplaying in Trail, B.C.

Rowers Meet VarsityIn Brock ton Feature

Mercer Returns To Give Thunderbird sAdded Strength

With two great victories packed away in the moth-proofcedar chest of history for posterity to gloat on, the pigski npursuers feel in fine fettle, ready and eager to meet the gallop-ing red shirts in their belated first test of strength . The importof this is that Varsity and the Vancouver Rowing Club fiftee nmeet in a crucial engagement for league leadership on Satur-day, and both aggregates of oval ball artists are primed for th efight of the season .

Parading the same team of stou tboys who hit a few of the Rep mentoo hard In the Armistice Day clas-

sic when the Blue and Gold me nbeat the heavier "chosen" forwards

on a day built for them .

Both teams are part of a three-wa ytie for first position in local circles .

Rowing Club were defeated by All -

Blacks last Saturday on the North

Shore, but this doesn't denote any

weakening of the team . All-Black shave a habit of winning their hom egames, defeating Varsity there as well .While the Splashers lost their leaguegame Saturday the Debbie men foun dtheir own strength, defeated the cag yOccasionals, and rolled over the Van-couver "Rep" that had seven Oars .men pushing; which shows power toburn.

Rowing Club has Roxborough an dhis stalwarts with a couple of ne wthreats to Varsity's realiziation of herhopes, Leroy and Brown, who havereturned to rugby after an absenceand may play Saturday . Leroy, form-erly of Rowing Club, left active pla ythree years ago, but has kept in

A hard-fighting Varsity Women' sGrass-hockey team received their sec -ond defeat of the season when Ex -Magee proved to be to much fo rthem . However, the Co-eds' pla yshowed a great improvement ove rthat of the preceding game ; the for -ward line was especialy good . ButEx-Magee was really the better tea mand deserved their victory ,The U. B . C . team won their gam eby default, which puts them on to pin their division .

Second Defeat

Inter. Hooper sFor' Grass Hockey . Scoreless Wonder s

A very good demonstration of ho wto play scoreless basketball was givenby Varsity's Inter . women's team asthey lost 23-5 to Woods Jewellers .After gaining 5 points with very goo dplaying in the first few minutes o fthe game, the Co-eds relaxed enoug hto become scoreless wonders and t oallow the Jeweller girls to have aneasy victory. Woods deserved thei rwin, as they settled down and playe da good combination game .—NEVISON .

-4 Coach "Doc" Montgomery of th eBlue and Gold squad has been work -ing overtime in shaping up the boy sfor this battle, and after last Satur -day's game with Adanacs, great thing sare expected .The players with their numbers ar egiven below :11—Spud Davis, 22—Kyle Berry, 33George McKee, 55—Bill Patmore, 86Joe Pringle, 77—Bruce Miller, 88Twidle Detwiller, 99—Chawley Hard -wick, 00—Luke Lucas .Monday night, the Senior B's, fres hfrom their initial victory of a wee kago, will be playing at 8 o'clock a tthe Normal Gymnasium .


"Sport Days" On Tuesday And Frida y

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The program for all intra-mura lsport until Christmas was announce dtoday. The managers still feel tha tnot all the students who are able t oturn out for exercise are doing so .So, as long as you at t. able to walk ,get in touch with one of the captain slisted below and help your divisio nalong .TUESDAY, 12t hBasketball—Juniors vs . SeniorsRugby—Juniors vs . SeniorsGrass Hockey—Frosh vs . Soph .Soccer—Frosh vs . Soph .FRIDAY, 15t hBasketball—Fresh vs . SophRugby—Fresh vs . Soph .Grass Hockey—Juniors vs Senior sSoccer—Juniors vs . Senior sTUESDAY, 19thBasketball—Soph v s , JuniorsRugby—Soph vs . JuniorsHockey—Fresh vs. Senior sSoccer—Fresh vs. SeniorsFRIDAY, 22n dBasketball—Fresh vs. JuniorsRugby—Frosh vs. JuniorsHockey—Soph vs . SeniorsSoccer—Soph vs . Senior sTUESDAY, NthBasketball—Soph vs . Senior sRugby—Soph vs . Juniors

Hockey—Frosh vs . JuniorsSoccer—Frosh vs. JuniorsFRIDAY, 29t hBasketball—Frosh vs . Senior sRugby—Fresh vs . Senior sHockey—Frosh v s, JuniorsSoccer—Soph vs . JuniorsBOARDS OF STRATEG YFROSH-Manager—Gordie CruiseCaptainsRugby—WatsonBasketball—Norri eGrass Hockey—Cornis hSOPHS-Manager—Dave Care yCaptainsRugby—Brow nBasketball—DietrichGrass Hockey—Trompou rJUNIORS-Manager—Stratt Legget tCaptains - -Rugby—Colthurs tBasketball—Lafon dSoccer—RadcliffeSENIORS-Manager—Alan Hil lCaptainsRugby—Pearso nBasketball—McKe eSoccer—Thurber CIGARETTE S


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