i.i.t. kanpur department of physics. department founded in 1960 when institute started


Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started



Page 2: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Page 3: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Faculty :

34 (38) + 4 + 2

Research Staff :

2 ( 2)

Non-teaching Staff :

36 (36)

Postdocs :

3 ( 3)

Graduate Students : 44 (65) M.Sc. (Integrated) : 68 (95) M.Sc. (Two-Year) : 52 (59) M.Sc.-Ph.D.(Dual) : 25 (26)

Present StrengthPresent Strength

Page 4: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Projects (in Rs. Lakhs approx)Including those running currently


Publications in JournalsWeb of Science data only


Books authoredincluding Hindi & English textbooks (MHRD)


Ph.D. Degrees (’99-’04) 25

M.Sc. Degrees (’99-’04) 127

6-year Performance6-year Performance

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CME Condensed Matter Experiment 10

CMT Condensed Matter Theory 10

HEP High Energy Physics Theory 8

LP Lasers & Quantum Optics 4

NPE Nuclear Physics Experiment 2

Research AreasResearch Areas

Page 6: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Integrated M.Sc. (5 year)

M.Sc. (2 year)

M.Sc.-Ph.D. (Dual Degree)

Graduate (Ph.D.)

Core Teaching (M.Sc.,B.Tech.)

Interdisciplinary programmes

Teaching ProgrammesTeaching Programmes

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Strengths Strengths & &

Unique FeaturesUnique Features

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• Wide range of International Wide range of International Collaborations Collaborations & Recognition& Recognition

Humboldt Foundation NSF, USADFG CERN, Geneva Fermilab, Chicago KEK, JapanMPI, Dresden Brookhaven Natl. LabArgonne National Laboratory AS-ICTP, TriesteUniversity of Cologne University of Florida University of Kansas Texas A & M University

Indo-German exchange programme (DAAD)

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Impact Category


2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 TOTAL Avg/person

A: High > 4.0 2 5 2 7 3 4 23 1.0

B: Fairly high

3.0 – 4.0 3 11 8 6 3 11 42 1.7

C: Middle 2.0 – 3.0 9 10 8 5 7 14 53 2.1

D: Less 1.0 – 2.0 12 17 16 22 24 23 114 4.6

E: Low < 1.0 9 22 13 7 10 5 66 2.6

 TOTAL 35 55 47 48 47 78 310 12.4

Yearwise Avg/person 1.4 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.1 


Publications by ImpactPublications by Impact

Data taken from Web of Science up to August 2003

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• Substantial Participation in Substantial Participation in Interdisciplinary programmes Interdisciplinary programmes

within within IIT, KanpurIIT, Kanpur

Laser Technology Programme

Materials Science Programme

Nuclear Engineering & Technology

Bioscience and Bio-engineering Department

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•M.Sc.Teaching of exceptional M.Sc.Teaching of exceptional quality quality – now a brand– now a brand

Brilliant & Successful Alumni: e.g.

in MIT, Harvard, Caltech, Princeton, Chicago, UIUC, etc abroad

in TIFR, BARC, IISc, IMSc, IOPB, HRI, CAT, IITs, IUCs etc. in India

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Graduating StudentsGraduating Students

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Some well-known AlumniSome well-known AlumniBehera, S.N; Choudhury, Debajyoti; Choudhury, Debashish; Dhar, Deepak; Gopakumar, Rajesh; Gupta, Anjan K.; Kar, Sayan; Kumar, Alok; Jain, Jainendra; Maharana, Jnan; Madhukar, A.; Minawalla. Shiraz; Narain, K.S.; Narayan, Onuttam; Nigam, R.S.; Pathak, K.N.; Raychaudhury, Arup K.; Sen, Ashoke; Senthil, T.; Sharatchandra, H.S.; Sharma, D.D.; Srivastava, Ajit M.; Verma, Harish C.; Wadia, Spenta R & many more…

Page 14: I.I.T. KANPUR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. Department founded in 1960 when Institute started

Research in Condensed Matter Physics

• Physics of Conducting materials

• Superionic Conductors

• Disordered Transition Metal Alloys

• Physics of photonic and electronic materials

• Novel Materials from Inorganic Semiconductors

• New Focus on Organic Semiconductors & Photonics

• Molecular Electronics

• Semiconductor defects

• Amorphous Semiconductors

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Research in Condensed Matter Physics (contd.)

• Physics at Low Temperatures:

• Disordered metallic systems

• Superconductors

•Complex systems:

• Statistical physics

• Nonlinear dynamics

• Atmospheric Physics

• Soft matter and biological physics

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Research in High Energy Physics

• Quantum Field Theory

• Non-covariant gauges

• Nonlocal theories

• Renormalization Theory

• Gravitation, Strings & Cosmology

• Gödel Universe

• Black holes

• String theory

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Research in High Energy Physics (contd)

• Particle Phenomenology

• Electromagnetic Form Factors of proton

• Collider physics

• Indirect searches for new physics

• Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

• Astrophysics

• Polarized Radiation from Distant AGNs

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Research in Nuclear Physics

• Positron annihilation

• Mössbauer spectroscopy

Research in Laser Physics

• Non-linear Optics

• Laser Raman Spectroscopy

• Laser Plasma Applications

• Medical Physics

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Special Special

Thrust AreasThrust Areas

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• Develop New Research Areas–Nonlinear dynamics & complex systems

–Soft matter, biophysics

–Nanoscience & nanotechnology

– Spintronics

–Electronic & photonic materials

–Strings, collider physics, QGP

• Faculty recruitment

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• Strengthen PG Program: all areas– Vigorous recruitment drive

– Ensure timely completion

& placement

• M.Sc.-Ph.D Dual Degree


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• Development of Research Labs

–Experiments at liquid helium temperatures

–SQUID and High Magnetic Field Labs

–Pulsed laser deposition

–Glancing-angle X-ray diffractometry


–Positron annihilation

–Picosecond plasma spectroscopy

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• Community Service

–Design of School-level experiments

–Training for Physics Olympiad

• Distance Education Program