iiti vol xxv no 148 paducah ky tuesday per k thrifty king...

A iiWi T i iiinir f< r fr r f > f f I ITI i IT i 111 I VOL XXV NO 148 PADUCAH KY TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 22 1909 TEN CENTS PER WEEK 11 k Thrifty King Leopold Plans Sale i r pf Palace Furniture and All Art Collection Before His Abdication h f Kieies Celt Win English a lice Fram Field el I r TwentyThree New Princess Is torn in Spain I Li + and Causes Much- lejeicing i rr Brussels Juno 22Thp arrival o- fanarteert to take an Inventory of t thetrRltare JB the royal palace f ii t regarded afi9iiHimaUon of the re 3fporttthst jl King Leopold is preparing to abdicate the throne and go 1 to Paris to the Belgians ate Indignant believing the king Intend to Ml tie mlpubll3 pi 3i ly and pocket the I proceeds La iind Ii I silent ai to Ma plant E 4Xeenes Cult Wins 1rl kenLondon June 21Keenoa Coro ¬ won the juvenile plato race at i Newbury today beating a held of 23 S Fire Damp Explosion Votkam Huigarla June 22 Styen were kMled and eight Injured In a fire damp explosion In the mines A DwiiM v for Spain Madrid Jlitt 2A dangiiter was Lorn to the tang and quee iff Spain at c oclorit tits morning nt La Grand Via palaci vhf condltju of thu mother and daughter I la reported most favorable I There Ii rejoicing over tho girl aa both the other children are boys Ii IThfrtUre hall Madras India June 22 A defec ¬ the rail ditched the mall twin Twelve wore killed and fourteen In i jured I d s IoI1Ct UalvFndl Prof WH Sugg emptiest of the High school trill J J4IITe this evening for Chicago1 Where ho wilt continuo his work In th4 University of Chicago Ffofttteor Bun may be ablo to get a Ills maters degree In history and education tbm summer although he I is engaged In other work Mr Bugs and two daughters Frances and Lenin tuft at noon for Madlsonvlllol to spend the summer with relative I f Mans Go to KvannvHIc One hundred and fortyfive Padu n rah people I left today at noon on the I r 4 4escuulon to Evanpvlllc Thrt special train Dyersburg Tenn thlc imornlnr and arrived at Podueah at r + noon On the return trip the train will leave Rvansvlllo tomorrow night and will teach Paducah at Midnight J 1 t Sportt Kalvasha Juno 22 A rusnor re ¬ porte that the Roosevelt party has not yet killedany elephants Tho colonel Is booming impatient at his failure to get a ehot nt one Ho bag ¬ gad another lion but the real honors of the Sotlk hunt belong to Kermit f fIle killed the Urgent and flwst lion tl + I Is yet encountered Other gamo plentiful Tbo Hoosovolts got thrco a BiraftW twothoelns two elands BndI elr ttopl All are standing tho op p ewlve climate In good sbai > e le ill A runner says tho expresident Is lOwell acclimated he can follow the pace of natives without fatigue The party suffered no hardships on the trip to Sotlk After a two days trip over the desert Roosevelt began bUnt- Ing without waiting for tho tents to bepltcbedillotgaa I and Flagler New York June 22There I Is a report In Wall etreet today that JP Morgan will become fiscal agent for J Flaglers Florida East Coast railroad t the railroad to tho sea Flaglcr J1 fJ 1lold t9 Morgan ten millions of the j twelve millions bond Ireua and George W Perkins Morgans part ¬ N ner will become director of the road 7 The advanced age of Flagler who I Is 8011 raid to bo one reason be desires J toiget a strong banking house to back the unlquejlrallroadj Tulsa May Have Unit Team Tulsa Okln Juno 22 President D M Shlvely of tho Western Asso ¬ ciation Is hero endeavoring to place a team here Ho may transfer the Joplln or Webb City club American Beef 0 K r I Chicago June 2Armoul re- ceived ¬ t an order from tho British gor t F ofF ber This I Is the second big order trace the beef pcandel and Indicates that American beef Is Improved Dr Will Kvers of Mayfield 18 I V doi i I Tiin LONGEST DAY Tomorrow will be the longest day of the year ouu nilnnto longer than today and until July 1 there will not be any de croHRO In the length of the day e according to the nlinnnnc Sum ¬ men Logan lost night at 0 oclock The Sun peeped over e the eastern horizon IRIS morn lag at A81 oclock and the last rays will disappear In the west thin evening nt 727 oclock To II mOrrow and Um remaining days In the month the sun will rise at 48f oclock and will remain shining until 7t2H oclock I i DEATH WARRANT WILL BE READ TO CONDEMNED MAN clack Suit Purchased and Arrangements Made For r Hanging Since tho final edict from Governor WHUon that ho would not Interfere with the death sentence of Qoorg- Freeman the condemned negro mur- derer j sentenced to be hanged next Friday morning the county officials hare been busy arranging the las j details for the execution Freeman exhibited no outward sorrow when Informed of tbo decision and still 1 rfclarW that he la ready to meet hit doom Those In touch with Freena- caq s sea that ho Is weakening rapidly His appetite has gone and he bared e touches the food that Is sent to h1 call Sheriff Ogltvte will tend the death warrant to Freeman Thursday afternoon and will leave Intruct for him to to ready early Fridayl J morning The reading of tho l J warrant was withheld until all hopot Of having tbe death sentence oma muted to life Imprlsonement had pasted Sheriff Ogllvle and Magi lochclothier I I- I black suit for Freeman and ordered the black tapv After a religious service In tho cell Friday morning Sheriff Ogllvle will handcuff tho prisoners hands behind him and tho march to the scaffold I will begin On the scaffold the Rev Father IT A Connolly Freeman spiritual adviser will 1> o allowed to pray for the last time with tho con demned man and Freeman will haveii In tho opportunity to moke a short talk C before the trapdoor IB sprung by tho sheriff County Physician E Young and Dr D L Bradldy will examine thef f body of Frooraai and actor he I Is pro nouncod dead It will ha turned over to Coroner Frank BakT Sheriff Ogilvie boo AWcHxitod the 60 tickets to the witnesses allowed by law Every day there ate tunnyn hundred requesta for ticket bu every request Is pow refuted bfcaupo no moro tickets are to be had Police will be on guard to keep the court- yard clear of curiosity socket oBy received a letter from Sheriff O 0 Cummings of Harrlsburg 111 asking the sheriff for two tickets to the hang- Ing ono being for his deputy Ha Instructed the sheriff to wlro an answer to the letter at his expense I and to send the tickets by registered mall If the request Is granted Sheriff Ogilvie regretted It but every ticket has been given out I WEATHER of EttAIY J- t I A Partly cloudy with showers tonight t b- and Wed efKla continued warm highest teinjRraturo yesterday 83 i toweftt today 08 Rainfall restehUy te bidi KRONES REVENGE ON HIS ENEMIES IN LYON COUNTY After They Pay 2000 to Ills Client He Protects County From Loss And Leaves Sheriff Cash te Bear Brunt ACTION AGAINST 6OLUIKIIS t Eddyvlllo Ky June 22 Special All tbo magistrates of Lyon coun j I ty excepting Magistrate Qrlffes aadI j I Sheriff Sam Cash may have to chip i icourt j i federal court against the night rid era of Lyon County County Attor- ney ¬ Walter I Krone secured a tem- porary ¬ injunction against the counS ty paying the money whlbb will bot finally heard at tbe next circuit court term The fiscal court with Squire Grit fee absent appropriated f 2000 to bo contributed to the fund which Lyonf county defendants were f wake a compromise of the suits filed In the federal court by Henry Dennett Judge Rucker and others t to A voucher was made payable to Tom Parker Gray a magistrate and Dom j ocratlc candidate for county judge He Indorsed It to Sheriff Sam Cashe who deposited his own note as col ko j 12000 which was paid plnlnllffaS over to the attorneys for the Attorneyt 1 ron who said tho money was np proprlated without consulting himp will throw the loss It successful I revs ed There Is a bit of humor lathe sit pollllcale the trying times a year ago when ho was standing guard with a gun by froms night riders who had forfeited his life He was one of the attorneys or tho plaintiffs In the federal dourti I and naturally profits out of the payment of the 2000 That money tee covered from the payees and Jfr Krono has probably received his feeltl coNow placed themselves In tho awkward position and protects the JL rpCNlonnlly r Kronor taint Verdict Ag Soldiers Princeton Ky June 22TAfter thirty hours deliberating tho Jury pI the case of R Sidney Smith VI L Franks R D Cook Ewlag Mac Farland and IU Q Oana which has l is been on rM hero for the last few days returned a verdict for plaintiff for 1000 against L C Franks tbo action ns to the ether defendants having been dismissed on preemp tory Instructions This Is what IB commonly known hero as tbe suit the soldiers and grew out of Sergeantt Franks of the squad under hint last November The plalatls alleged false arrest and Imprisonment and Un- lawful assault This had been one the most stubbornly fought easel r for many years and attracted wldo Interest Both sides wit likely 1 appeal reCONVENTION NOMINATION OF A COMMISSIONER l to That the Democratic nominee to flll out tho unexpired term of the late McD Ferguson as state railroad com of missioner from the First railroad dls t trlct will be selected br a convention there I is little doubt To have a pri- mary would entail a heavy expense The executive commIttee composed the executive commltcemen from the First Second Third and Fourth lIlonn districts with flmltteeman f Chairman will have charge of ar ¬ rangemente for selecting the nominee Members of the committee are Flrik district W A Berry Paducah Se ond Dr Qoodson of DIxon Thlr l Henry Lazarus of Dowling Grecrf Fourth 8am Spaulding of Lebanri 1 C Rhea of Russellvlllp commit t tee man from tho state at large J e chairman IUlla ai i Mr F W Katterjohn rater from Chicago this morning and for astir Bluff L For J j MORE GIRLS LOST THAN CHINAIIBN- SAYER BY METHOD r Superintendent of Mission Tells of Evils of 1 Mott Street New York mad Doesntt Blame the Chinks New York JuSe22r Elde Slgels tragic death haW uncovered the evils of the system of individual religious Instruction In the Chinese missions Public Indignation Caroused over the close oclaUo Liopwhlle girls and mjddleaged Chinamen isolated from the women of thelr own race Helen Clark director of the Helen F Clark mission said More women mission ¬ arles are degraded hy Chinese men there are Chinese converted For seventeen anf 1 hero urged tho folly of white women endeavoring to christianize Chinamen All about mo I have seen ruin and wrecked and I have seen young vain frivolous womei > daIberately flirting with and leading Chinese pupils on What a puzzle raustftuch women be men unaccustomed to freedom for women It is tat strange they mis ¬ judge the behavior that oven an Americas would question The Chin are unromantic The only ex ¬ planation I see la the Oblnamoaa and gentleness to women Ctin Gain Twttifles Chu Gain tettlfleit today at thee e e igel inquest He was held under I 1000 bond to insure his further apI lie testified that EIleI I never made love > to me except in lottters I never made love to her at ail1 He said ho irati well ocqqualnt with Ikggirl and i tier mother who react frequently to his restaurant lie visited their home He 1 th a Chris ¬ tian but vas not taught Christianity 1 tho Slgels Lings Roommate Get Third Degree j New York June 22Carey of the homicide bureau began an examina ¬ on that probably will continue all Gay of Shlng Sin Lings roommate who arrived from West Galway and was brought here last night Hq to obtain valuable information Ling The Sigel funeral was last night The father brothers and a few near relatives were present he mother Is In a serious condition a Connecticut Ilnltarlums IThis I Vancouver June 22Pollee have not yet learned the identity of theI Chinaman held at Rcvolstoke on BUBot clan of being Leon Ling He lai I well dressed and speaks good English The police say be couldnt give a sat ¬ factory account of himself t t t RAILROAD SHOPS HAVE EXPECTANT AIR THIS MONTH Everything is looking rosy at the llllaols Central railroad Shops for a full force Jn every department and a working day of nine hours beginning July 1 No official notice has been- ceived to Increase the force but the officials are confident that order will be received The shops aro overwhelmed with work and this week a slight increase boat been mado In the machine and boiler j departments aMAny Out In the reductions have returned Is th a city and expect tOxTetura toI I work next weekri Master Mecnanic J H Nash is In Atlantic City attending a meeting tho National Master Mechanics as of iioclatlon but ho will return tho last j wlilhavo t tlIcarrYlng t Increase the force H McCourt general superintend i entof the southern lines passed through the city last night envroute rom the south to Evansvlllo Ind HANDSOMK WDOW VIOTTH- OP ITALIAN ABUSES New York Jan 22 tfollle Myian O 2i1 JVear8 old a widow Is rallying to daffrom the effects of terrible mis treatment by several Italians Mich Padora one of tho accused was- rrested The woman has been miss ng slnee Salurdap nlptt She wal to fled l to a iced In PadoraAoeh h apartment by the police who b- Search tko dowi f toe rrl i Miss Elsie Sigels Slayer a Complicated Affair n gomcrnll SIIs Juno 22Terry Hall SOB of a Baptist preacher wa drunk and disorderly mid C McMellon tho local judge who l- at ftJtfethodl8t minister attempted to arrest him Jack Bond Inter farted end shot and killed JIcMellon Constable A O Lott then up- S ¬ pastel and engaged in a harmless pistol duel with Bond after which Marshal CT Gates assisted by hull dog arrested Bond and Hall The dog downed both men nails throat being lacerated = Centralia Fire Burn Two Whole Block Centralia HI Juno 22 Two blocks of the business section were destroyed by a fire this morning Adams Inquest Moline III Juno 22An Inquest was held today on Mrs Clara Adams wife of a pioneer resident of Rapid City who was found terribly beaten and Eliot yesterday The chief wit PANAMA LIBEL CASE- EVIDENCE IN EUROPE New York Juno 22Jtls an nounced today that United Stattea District Attorney Wlso will sail July 13 for Europe to bo present when evldenco la taken in the Now YorkI World and Indianapolis News Ibel cases in connection with the pur- chase ¬ of the Panama canal Parts stockholders of the old canal com- pany ¬ are to be examined I Capo Cod Canal Boston June 2Wlth a silver August belmont today turned the I first earth in the construction of the Cape Cod canal The ceremony was on the old Perry estate at Bburnvlite The canal will too 12 miles long from Buzzards bay to Barnetable hay J J PKABYS P1UKKDS THINK BEI I HAS REACHED NORTII POLE I Washington June 22 Friends InI this city of Commander Robert EdI j I win Peary United States navy tbet t explorer who left the United States last July for the frozen north say they believe Peary by this time has reached the goal of his ambition and has successfully planted the stars and s at the north pole No news has been received ftom Pfiary since he left Etah North Greenland August 17 1908 in the ship Hoofjovclt Jar a dash as tar Into icebound seas as that vessel would carry him before being frozen In by the winters cold If he has 1 been successful In attaining this atuch sought goal the news of his disco 1 verery will not reach a point of telegraphic communication until of August or September next If he chat la the tar north and make another endeavor next spring Miss Charlotte Brandon and Mrs Hflwoll Gordon attired today to visit their brother Mr J S Jackson Jr Charged with malicious 3ult- with Intent to kill Claudo English and Horace English were put on trial morning In police court Adam Hugh oe who brought the charge ttbO English brothers was la- ourt with lids head all tied up suffering with two fractures of the lower Jaw bono on the left and the ght side- lfughes Is the manager of the Fish ervllie baseball team and in a game ball played Sunday Juror 6 on the Illinois Central shop diamond With P A C toad Hughes team wal- Ictorlous At the beginning of the game it was agreed between the two teams that each team should put a ball In play and the victorious team get both balls At tho close of the game the um ¬ plro turned the two bells over to Manager Hughes but It seems that a question arose over the umpiring which several members of the P A team said was rotten and unfelt and that Hughes could sot have the ball tho P AC tetra put In play Hughes story dt the affair as told In court is that the two English treys demanded one hall Hughes refused give up the ball saying that life team had won It h > a fair erne Hughes sold that Horace English ex 1Otvoma a bat jina IUaw u passes at the Inquest were the wom ¬ ans daughters Tbe husband is being sought He may be able to throwI light on the tragedy- GARDENERS I WILL BE GIVEN PREFERENCE S 1 I The board of public works motE this afternoon at the city hall at 331 1 oclock Tho purpose of the meetingI was to discuss the ad visibility I screening the market house Bids have been asked for- t Benches on tia market will be allotted for the n ° six months It is the purpose of thet board to give thee producers pane over the hucksters As usu thEre is a greater demand for bend t es than tho board can supply and j tar this reason the board will give U J producer the advantage The o gardeners will be given tho choice locations I I II PHILIPPINE IMPORTS LARGER j1 I Exports Total About OaeThlrd ValuoC Merchandise Bought Washington June 23Pendl n legislation for closer commercial re Jatlons between the United States and the Philippine Isianas lends especial Interest toa statement of the m T j merco of those Islands just complletJs by tho bureau of statistics from th- summary j of the commerce IIPhlllpplno j tllmreau tldepartment of Imports into tha Ilands Tho official figures of tbo United States government of exports to tha Philippine Islands In the calend year 1908 show tho total value i all merchandise declared for export atlon to the islands 990GC97 while the official figures of import from the Unted States late the Phil Ipplrxj IslanJs exclusive of govern inent fntrles and supplies grant od tree entry In connection with the construction of tho railway system the Philippine Islands In tbo came year aro but 5101 836 r r Got f3ooo Grcenbay Wls Juno 22Two masked men this morning held up a T messenger in the United States Ex press transfer room and escaped with 5000 There is HO clew W hoHil Adam Hughe Ir Up To Police Judge t ton his He fro who gets the balls Hughes said I ho started away from tho crowd and I Horace English started after him with a bat Hughes turnod to look backand as ho did English struck him side of tho right Jaw bono with a bat Hughes said that the other English fellow came up on the oth side of him and struck him on the left side of the jaw and by that time the rest of tfce plarora gtle > I DIbors I The English boys both denied have tug bats in their hands during the for mlxup but claimed several other sh members of the teams had ball bate and if Huahes was truck with ball 1 than tats it was by somo hand < other than theirs Clan < 1 < En fUhwu held to answer bebaU snarl Thurman proprietor of tbo St Skim She ofEpgllsh ognlzed for his appearance Yeggs Get 3600 Locke N Y Juno 22Yeggab- lew the safe of the Citizens Nation- al Corn 1 bank today and took 3600 They Oats escaped aft rftrlng at villager Pray rattled by the explosion LarA STOPWATCHES PATROLMEN TIME 11 AUTOS WHOLESALE ARRESTS OF ALLEGED SCORCHERS MADE BY POLICE CRUSADE AGAINST RECK- LESS DRIVING ON CITY STREETS Patrolmen armed with stopwatches are on the rtack of scorchers and 11 warrants today show with whatzest the patrolmen have taken to their new toyd The police have figured out just s how many city blocks It takes to make a mile and just about tbe num ber of seconds it should take a skoot wagon to trarel the distance of a city block In order to be running within tha regulation of the ord- nance Patrolman E II Morris whose beat comprises a part of the auto speedway South Third street has been active in taking notice of the speed of the machines on his beat ofPatrolmen YIck and Crocs are also getting their feet wet in the game This morning Patrolmen Mortis VIck rt owners of automobiles who have tnietr speedway calledh appear police court are VE Cochran June 17 also DrDL erld I0r Frank Fetter June 18 Roy Mc Klnney June 19 T J Stab iA Ppl l lock Henry Potter and Herbert Wal lersteln Juno 21 Pollock was fined 5 on confession scorching today River Charges Are Assured 22n 1h senate passed the jolatreseln lion offered by Senator Frye whtek insures the continuation of tho river and harbor Improvements sew IB countrym According to the terms of the last CJfectedo balances of the appropriations there d made are to be covered lato the ton JUly l 1 Tho approprla ions for the river had harbor works f exempted by ° the r 9olutioB > during the day Blame For Collision Laporte lad June 22At the algbtt cured evidence witch Is said to place the blame on Conductor Kinney and Motorman Reed who overran orders An unknown victim died today nak Ing the lIt eleven Wellmaa Off For role PartaJ JHBO 22Walter Wellmaa whit 1 teabeul to undertake soother NorTh Ieltl expedition and his party leaf flits afternoon fro Tronsee Norway where they win embark oa the steamer Arctic for Spitsbergen hey are tae at the latter puce July 1 I t Tischer Get CeftitGt tIj Ta several opplicaati for wtfaty teachers certificates were successful lathe examlnatloa conducted last Friday and Saturday by S J Bllllag ltnt > school Hperlat fi4e t < The followlag were given certlScatev Mrs J b iRagsdale Miss Moreea RHdolph Miss Bessie Tapp Miss Eleanor Browning Mist Grade Hages and Messrs Walton Roves Ragshalo certificate The examination for col- ored ¬ teachers state and county certifi ¬ cates will be held next Friday at tire court house rI Tales From Missouri 22Jokeh to two years to the peahen < tiary The sheriff arranged a parole the prisoner to work lit o eriffs livery stably but Dlx said > tie would rather go to the penitentiary wdrk J She Was a KeateeWaa Scdalla Mo June 22Mrs Eliza ¬ Fox the oldest woman la Mis ¬ died this morning at Smlthton was 112 yenta old and a native Kentuckyis + J Chicago Markets > July High iA1ra Wheat 109 108 1gfs Ck14 C8 if UIH M3 Kg 1186 1170 1172 v n < 1 99 L iOH J r j

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Page 1: IITI VOL XXV NO 148 PADUCAH KY TUESDAY PER k Thrifty King ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052114/1909-06-22/ed-1/seq-1.… · A iiWi T f i iiinir f < r fr r f f IITI i IT i111

A iiWi T i iiinir f < r fr rf >





k Thrifty King Leopold Plans Salei

r pf Palace Furniture and All ArtCollection Before His Abdication



Kieies Celt Win Englisha

lice Fram Field elIr TwentyThree

New Princess Is torn in SpainI

Li + and Causes Much-


rr Brussels Juno 22Thp arrival o-fanarteert to take an Inventory of

t thetrRltare JB the royal palace fiit regarded afi9iiHimaUon of the re3fporttthstjl King Leopold is preparing

to abdicate the throne and go 1toParis to the Belgians ate Indignantbelieving the king Intend to Ml tie

mlpubll3 pi 3i ly and pocket theI proceeds La iind IiI silent ai to Ma

plantE4Xeenes Cult Wins

1rl kenLondon June 21Keenoa Coro ¬

won the juvenile plato race ati Newbury today beating a held of 23

SFire Damp Explosion

Votkam Huigarla June 22Styen were kMled and eight InjuredIn a fire damp explosion In the mines

A DwiiM v for SpainMadrid Jlitt 2A dangiiter was

Lorn to the tang and quee iff Spainat c oclorit tits morning nt La GrandVia palaci vhf condltju of thumother and daughter Ila reported mostfavorableI There Ii rejoicing overtho girl aa both the other childrenare boys IiIThfrtUre hall

Madras India June 22 A defec¬

the rail ditched the mall twinTwelve wore killed and fourteen In

i jured


ds IoI1Ct UalvFndlProf WH Sugg emptiest of the

High school trill JJ4IITe this eveningfor Chicago1 Where ho wilt continuohis work In th4 University of ChicagoFfofttteor Bun may be ablo to get

a Ills maters degree In history andeducation tbm summer although heIis engaged In other work Mr Bugsand two daughters Frances andLenin tuft at noon for Madlsonvlllolto spend the summer with relative I

f Mans Go to KvannvHIcOne hundred and fortyfive Padu

n rah people Ileft today at noon on theIr 44escuulon to Evanpvlllc Thrt special

train Dyersburg Tenn thlc

imornlnr and arrived at Podueah atr + noon On the return trip the trainwill leave Rvansvlllo tomorrow nightand will teach Paducah at Midnight


tSporttKalvasha Juno 22 A rusnor re¬

porte that the Roosevelt party hasnott yet killedany elephants Thocolonel Is booming impatient at hisfailure to get a ehot nt one Ho bag ¬

gad another lion but the real honorsof the Sotlk hunt belong to Kermit

f fIle killed the Urgent and flwst liontl + IIsyet encountered Other gamo

plentiful Tbo Hoosovolts got thrcoa BiraftW twothoelns two elands BndI

elr ttopl All are standing tho opp ewlve climate In good sbai >e

le ill A runner says tho expresident Is

lOwell acclimated he can follow thepace of natives without fatigue Theparty suffered no hardships on thetrip to Sotlk After a two days tripover the desert Roosevelt began bUnt-

Ing without waiting for tho tents to

bepltcbedillotgaaI and Flagler

New York June 22There IIs areport In Wall etreet today that JPMorgan will become fiscal agent for

J Flaglers Florida East Coast railroadt the railroad to tho sea Flaglcr

J1fJ 1lold t9 Morgan ten millions of thej twelve millions bond Ireua and

George W Perkins Morgans part ¬

N ner will become director of the road7 The advanced age of Flagler who IIs

8011 raid to bo one reason be desiresJ toiget a strong banking house to back

the unlquejlrallroadj

Tulsa May Have Unit TeamTulsa Okln Juno 22 President

D M Shlvely of tho Western Asso ¬

ciation Is hero endeavoring to placea team here Ho may transfer theJoplln or Webb City club

American Beef 0 K

r I Chicago June 2Armoul re-


t an order from tho British gor

t FofFber This IIs the second big ordertrace the beef pcandel and Indicatesthat American beef Is Improved

Dr Will Kvers of Mayfield 18IV doii


Tiin LONGEST DAYTomorrow will be the longest

day of the year ouu nilnntolonger than today and untilJuly 1 there will not be any decroHRO In the length of the day

e according to the nlinnnnc Sum ¬

men Logan lost night at 0oclock The Sun peeped over

e the eastern horizon IRIS mornlag at A81 oclock and the lastrays will disappear In the westthin evening nt 727 oclock To IImOrrow and Um remaining daysIn the month the sun will riseat 48f oclock and will remainshining until 7t2H oclock






clack Suit Purchased and

Arrangements Made Forr


Since tho final edict from GovernorWHUon that ho would not Interferewith the death sentence of Qoorg-

Freeman the condemned negro mur-derer

jsentenced to be hanged next

Friday morning the county officialshare been busy arranging the las jdetails for the execution Freemanexhibited no outward sorrow whenInformed of tbo decision and still1rfclarW that he la ready to meet hitdoom Those In touch with Freena-caq

ssea that ho Is weakening rapidly

His appetite has gone and he bared etouches the food that Is sent to h1

call Sheriff Ogltvte will tend thedeath warrant to Freeman Thursdayafternoon and will leave Intructfor him to to ready early FridaylJmorning The reading of tho l


warrant was withheld until all hopotOf having tbe death sentence omamuted to life Imprlsonement hadpasted Sheriff Ogllvle and Magi

lochclothier II-

I black suit for Freeman and orderedthe black tapvAfter a religious service In tho cellFriday morning Sheriff Ogllvle willhandcuff tho prisoners hands behindhim and tho march to the scaffold I

will begin On the scaffold the RevFather IT A Connolly Freemanspiritual adviser will 1> o allowed topray for the last time with tho condemned man and Freeman will haveiiIntho opportunity to moke a short talk Cbefore the trapdoor IB sprung by thosheriff

County Physician E Young andDr D L Bradldy will examine theffbody of Frooraai and actor he IIs pronouncod dead It will ha turned overto Coroner Frank BakT

Sheriff Ogilvie boo AWcHxitod the60 tickets to the witnesses allowedby law Every day there ate tunnynhundred requesta for ticket buevery request Is pow refuted bfcaupono moro tickets are to be had Policewill be on guard to keep the court-yard clear of curiosity socketoByreceived a letter from Sheriff O 0Cummings of Harrlsburg 111 askingthe sheriff for two tickets to the hang-Ing ono being for his deputy HaInstructed the sheriff to wlro ananswer to the letter at his expense I

and to send the tickets by registeredmall If the request Is granted SheriffOgilvie regretted It but every tickethas been given out







Partly cloudy with showers tonighttb-

and Wed efKla continued warmhighest teinjRraturo yesterday 83 itoweftt today 08 Rainfall restehUy

te bidi




After They Pay 2000 to IllsClient He Protects County

From Loss

And Leaves Sheriff Cash te

Bear Brunt


tEddyvlllo Ky June 22 SpecialAll tbo magistrates of Lyon coun jI

ty excepting Magistrate Qrlffes aadIjISheriff Sam Cash may have to chip iicourtji

federal court against the night ridera of Lyon County County Attor-ney


Walter IKrone secured a tem-porary


injunction against the counSty paying the money whlbb will botfinally heard at tbe next circuit courtterm

The fiscal court with Squire Gritfee absent appropriated f2000 to bocontributed to the fund which Lyonfcounty defendants were fwake a compromise of the suitsfiled In the federal court by HenryDennett Judge Rucker and others ttoA voucher was made payable to TomParker Gray a magistrate and Dom jocratlc candidate for county judgeHe Indorsed It to Sheriff Sam Cashewho deposited his own note as colkoj

12000 which waspaidplnlnllffaSover to the attorneys for the

Attorneyt 1ron who said tho money was npproprlated without consulting himpwill throw the loss It successful

Irevs edThere Is a bit of humor lathe sitpollllcalethe trying times a year ago when

ho was standing guard with a gun byfromsnight riders who had forfeited hislife He was one of the attorneysor tho plaintiffs In the federal dourti Iand naturally profits out of the

payment of the 2000 That moneyteecovered from the payees and JfrKrono has probably received his feeltlcoNowplaced themselves In thoawkward position and protects the JLrpCNlonnllyrKronor

taintVerdict Ag SoldiersPrinceton Ky June 22TAfter

thirty hours deliberating tho Jury pI

the case of R Sidney Smith VI LFranks R D Cook Ewlag Mac

Farland and IU Q Oana which has lis

been on rM hero for the last fewdays returned a verdict for plaintifffor 1000 against L C Franks tboaction ns to the ether defendantshaving been dismissed on preemptory Instructions This Is what IB

commonly known hero as tbe suitthe soldiers and grew out ofSergeanttFranks of the squad under hint last

November The plalatls alleged falsearrest and Imprisonment and Un-lawful assault This had been one

the most stubbornly fought easel r

for many years and attractedwldo Interest Both sides wit likely 1





That the Democratic nominee toflll out tho unexpired term of the lateMcD Ferguson as state railroad com ofmissioner from the First railroad dls t

trlct will be selected br a conventionthere Iis little doubt To have a pri-

mary would entail a heavy expenseThe executive commIttee composed

the executive commltcemen fromthe First Second Third and Fourth

lIlonn districts withflmltteemanf

Chairman will have charge of ar ¬

rangemente for selecting the nomineeMembers of the committee are Flrikdistrict W A Berry Paducah Seond Dr Qoodson of DIxon Thlr l

Henry Lazarus of Dowling GrecrfFourth 8am Spaulding of Lebanri 1

C Rhea of Russellvlllp commit ttee man from tho state at large J

e chairmanIUllaai


Mr F W Katterjohn raterfrom Chicago this morning andfor astir Bluff


For J




SAYER BY METHODrSuperintendent of Mission

Tells of Evils of1 Mott StreetNew York mad DoesnttBlame the Chinks

New York JuSe22r Elde Slgelstragic death haW uncovered the evilsof the system of individual religiousInstruction In the Chinese missionsPublic Indignation Caroused over theclose oclaUo Liopwhlle girls andmjddleaged Chinamen isolated fromthe women of thelr own race HelenClark director of the Helen F Clarkmission said More women mission ¬

arles are degraded hy Chinese menthere are Chinese converted

For seventeen anf 1 hero urged thofolly of white women endeavoring tochristianize Chinamen All aboutmo I have seen ruin and wrecked

and I have seen young vainfrivolous womei > daIberately flirtingwith and leading Chinese pupils onWhat a puzzle raustftuch women be

men unaccustomed to freedom forwomen It is tat strange they mis¬

judge the behavior that oven anAmericas would question The Chin

are unromantic The only ex ¬

planation I see la the Oblnamoaaand gentleness to women

Ctin Gain TwttiflesChu Gain tettlfleit today at theee


igel inquest He was held underI

1000 bond to insure his further apIlie testified that EIleII

never made love> to me except inlottters I never made love to her atail1 He said ho irati well ocqqualnt

with Ikggirl andi tier mother whoreact frequently to his restaurant lievisited their home He 1th a Chris¬

tian but vas not taught Christianity1

tho Slgels

Lings Roommate Get Third Degree jNew York June 22Carey of the

homicide bureau began an examina ¬

on that probably will continue allGay of Shlng Sin Lings roommatewho arrived from West Galway andwas brought here last night Hq

to obtain valuable informationLing The Sigel funeral

was last night The father brothersand a few near relatives were present

he mother Is In a serious conditiona Connecticut IlnltarlumsIThisI

Vancouver June 22Pollee havenot yet learned the identity of theIChinaman held at Rcvolstoke on BUBot

clan of being Leon Ling He laiIwell dressed and speaks good EnglishThe police say be couldnt give a sat¬

factory account of himself t





Everything is looking rosy at thellllaols Central railroad Shops for afull force Jn every department and aworking day of nine hours beginningJuly 1 No official notice has been-

ceived to Increase the force butthe officials are confident that

order will be received Theshops aro overwhelmed with workand this week a slight increase boatbeen mado In the machine and boiler jdepartmentsaMAnyOut In the reductions have returned Is

th a city and expect tOxTetura toII

work next weekriMaster Mecnanic J H Nash is InAtlantic City attending a meeting

tho National Master Mechanics as ofiioclatlon but ho will return tho last j

wlilhavo ttlIcarrYlngt

Increase the forceH McCourt general superintend i

entof the southern lines passedthrough the city last night envrouterom the south to Evansvlllo Ind


New York Jan22 tfollle Myian O2i1JVear8 old a widow Is rallying todaffrom the effects of terrible mistreatment by several Italians Mich

Padora one of tho accused was-

rrested The woman has been missng slnee Salurdap nlptt She wal to

fledl to a iced In PadoraAoeh hapartment by the police who



tko dowif toe rrli

Miss Elsie Sigels Slayera

Complicated Affairn

gomcrnll SIIs Juno 22Terry Hall SOB of a Baptist preacherwa drunk and disorderly mid C McMellon tho local judge who l-

at ftJtfethodl8t minister attempted to arrest him Jack Bond Interfarted end shot and killed JIcMellon Constable A O Lott then up-

pastel and engaged in a harmless pistol duel with Bond afterwhich Marshal CT Gates assisted by hull dog arrested Bond andHall The dog downed both men nails throat being lacerated

=Centralia Fire Burn

Two Whole BlockCentralia HI Juno 22 Two

blocks of the business section weredestroyed by a fire this morning

Adams InquestMoline III Juno 22An Inquest

was held today on Mrs Clara Adamswife of a pioneer resident of RapidCity who was found terribly beatenand Eliot yesterday The chief wit



New York Juno 22Jtls announced today that United StatteaDistrict Attorney Wlso will sail July13 for Europe to bo present whenevldenco la taken in the Now YorkIWorld and Indianapolis News Ibelcases in connection with the pur-chase


of the Panama canal Partsstockholders of the old canal com-pany


are to be examinedI

Capo Cod CanalBoston June 2Wlth a silver

August belmont today turned the I

first earth in the construction of theCape Cod canal The ceremony wason the old Perry estate at BburnvliteThe canal will too 12 miles long fromBuzzards bay to Barnetable hay J




Washington June 22 Friends InIthis city of Commander Robert EdIjIwin Peary United States navy tbettexplorer who left the United Stateslast July for the frozen north saythey believe Peary by this time hasreached the goal of his ambition andhas successfully planted the stars and

s at the north poleNo news has been received ftom

Pfiary since he left Etah NorthGreenland August 17 1908 in theship Hoofjovclt Jar a dash as tar Into

icebound seas as that vesselwould carry him before being frozenIn by the winters cold If he has 1

been successful In attaining thisatuch sought goal the news of hisdisco1 verery will not reach a point oftelegraphic communication until ofAugust or September next If hechatla the tar north and make anotherendeavor next spring

Miss Charlotte Brandon and MrsHflwoll Gordon attired today to visittheir brother Mr J S Jackson Jr

Charged with malicious 3ult-with Intent to kill Claudo Englishand Horace English were put on trial

morning In police court AdamHugh oe who brought the charge

ttbO English brothers was la-

ourt with lids head all tied upsuffering with two fractures of the

lower Jaw bono on the left and theght side-lfughes Is the manager of the Fish

ervllie baseball team and in a gameball played Sunday Juror 6 on the

Illinois Central shop diamond WithP A C toad Hughes team wal-

Ictorlous At the beginning of thegame it was agreed between the twoteams that each team should put aball In play and the victorious teamget both balls

At tho close of the game the um ¬

plro turned the two bells over toManager Hughes but It seems that aquestion arose over the umpiringwhich several members of the P A

team said was rotten and unfeltand that Hughes could sot have theball tho P AC tetra put In playHughes story dt the affair as told Incourt is that the two English treysdemanded one hall Hughes refused

give up the ball saying that lifeteam had won It h> a fair erneHughes sold that Horace English ex

1Otvoma a bat jina IUaw


passes at the Inquest were the wom ¬

ans daughters Tbe husband is beingsought He may be able to throwIlight on the tragedy-






The board of public works motEthis afternoon at the city hall at 331 1

oclock Tho purpose of the meetingIwas to discuss the ad visibility I

screening the market house Bidshave been asked for-

tBenches on tiamarket will be allotted for the n°

six months It is the purpose of thetboard to give thee producerspane over the hucksters As usuthEre is a greater demand for bend tes than tho board can supply andj tarthis reason the board will give U Jproducer the advantage The ogardeners will be given tho choicelocations I



Exports Total About OaeThlrd ValuoCMerchandise Bought

Washington June 23Pendl n

legislation for closer commercial reJatlons between the United States andthe Philippine Isianas lends especialInterest toa statement of the m T jmerco of those Islands just complletJsby tho bureau of statistics from th-summary j

of the commerceIIPhlllpplnojtllmreautldepartmentof Imports into thaIlandsTho official figures of tbo UnitedStates government of exports to thaPhilippine Islands In the calendyear 1908 show tho total value iall merchandise declared for exportatlon to the islands 990GC97while the official figures of importfrom the Unted States late the PhilIpplrxj IslanJs exclusive of governinent fntrles and supplies grantod tree entry In connection with theconstruction of tho railway system

the Philippine Islands In tbo cameyear aro but 5101 836r r

Got f3oooGrcenbay Wls Juno 22Two

masked men this morning held up a Tmessenger in the United States Express transfer room and escaped with

5000 There is HO clew

WhoHilAdam HugheIr Up To Police Judget ton




who gets the balls Hughes saidI

ho started away from tho crowd andI

Horace English started after himwith a bat Hughes turnod to lookbackand as ho did English struckhim side of tho right Jaw bono witha bat Hughes said that the otherEnglish fellow came up on the othside of him and struck him on theleft side of the jaw and by thatt timethe rest of tfce plarora gtle> I


The English boys both denied havetug bats in their hands during the formlxup but claimed several other shmembers of the teams had ball bateand if Huahes was truck with ball1 thantats it was by somo hand< other thantheirs

Clan<1 < EnfUhwu held to answerbebaUsnarlThurman proprietor of tbo St Skim

SheofEpgllshognlzed for his appearance

Yeggs Get 3600Locke N Y Juno 22Yeggab-

lew the safe of the Citizens Nation-al

Corn1 bank today and took 3600 They Oats

escaped aft rftrlng at villager Prayrattled by the explosion LarA








Patrolmen armed with stopwatchesare on the rtack of scorchers and 11warrants today show with whatzestthe patrolmen have taken to theirnew toyd

The police have figured out just s

how many city blocks It takes tomake a mile and just about tbe number of seconds it should take a skootwagon to trarel the distance of acity block In order to be runningwithin tha regulation of the ord-nance

Patrolman E II Morris whosebeat comprises a part of the autospeedway South Third street hasbeen active in taking notice of thespeed of the machines on his beat

ofPatrolmen YIck and Crocs are alsogetting their feet wet in the gameThis morning Patrolmen Mortis VIckrtowners of automobiles who havetnietrspeedwaycalledhappear police court are VECochran June 17 also DrDLerldI0r Frank Fetter June 18 Roy McKlnney June 19 T J Stab iA Pplllock Henry Potter and Herbert Wallersteln Juno 21

Pollock was fined 5 on confessionscorching today

River Charges Are Assured22n1h senate passed the jjolatreselnlion offered by Senator Frye whtekinsures the continuation of tho riverand harbor Improvements sew IBcountrymAccording to the terms of the lastCJfectedobalances of the appropriations thered made are to be covered lato the

ton JUlyl 1 Tho approprlaions for the river had harbor works f

exempted by ° the r 9olutioB >

during the day

Blame For CollisionLaporte lad June 22At thealgbttcured evidence witch Is said to place

the blame on Conductor Kinney andMotorman Reed who overran ordersAn unknown victim died today nakIng the lIt eleven

Wellmaa Off For rolePartaJ JHBO 22Walter Wellmaa

whit 1teabeul to undertake sootherNorTh Ieltl expedition and his partyleaf flits afternoon fro TronseeNorway where they win embark oathe steamer Arctic for Spitsbergen

hey are tae at the latter puceJuly 1

I t

Tischer Get CeftitGt tIjTa several opplicaati for wtfaty

teachers certificates were successfullathe examlnatloa conducted lastFriday and Saturday by S J Bllllag

ltnt > school Hperlat fi4e t <

The followlag were given certlScatevMrs J b iRagsdale Miss MoreeaRHdolph Miss Bessie Tapp MissEleanor Browning Mist GradeHages and Messrs Walton RovesRagshalocertificate The examination for col-ored


teachers state and county certifi ¬

cates will be held next Friday at tirecourt houserITales From Missouri

22Jokehto two years to the peahen <tiary The sheriff arranged a parole

the prisoner to work lit oeriffs livery stably but Dlx said >tie

would rather go to the penitentiarywdrk J

She Was a KeateeWaaScdalla Mo June 22Mrs Eliza ¬

Fox the oldest woman la Mis ¬

died this morning at Smlthtonwas 112 yenta old and a native

Kentuckyis +


Chicago Markets>July High iA1raWheat 109 108 1gfs

Ck14 C8 ifUIH M3 Kg1186 1170 1172

v n < 1 99L iOHJ r j