i!ix larfy yo!/!l!c j(;175 35mastershistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/orw-1968-05.pdfoil...

~ , \ i I ~ --- ' i!iX ·~i ~t ~~~J.=.--~-~~~~~--------___,;,..;...;;.;.;;....;.:..i.;_~,;;;;;;._..u..J.:.-.~- vvLlIT- lE IV, LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35 -Pittsburgh Qor rather !:C:iKeesp~rt, Pao), ;ray 25 -(Special to the Chio Rn.ce t.ialker :t'ran Chiei' Judge Dro John Blackburn)-Thc 35 Kj,1 c u~~tionai Rn.ce turned into another e.xhibition · by I..ar1'7 Yo,mg, uho nay . be the best diata.nce -w a lker in the · U.So This is not to detract fran ~-Aerschenz' a Ret!W.nsey' s, or lad.any' s !)er.fo1"i!lance o fut 1;.ihen a lead of more t::-.a.nhalf a +aP can be attained on thif? cou:rse !'ran these men yo-,1 are doin,_r; rema.r!mbly trcJ.1.., (Iid., The lap on the aho ;.,pi1.1g r center course e.t .i..?C 1 ~ esport ic jtwt under one mile.,) (:iell, rats, he says that in the next paragroph., l'Jhy don 't I read what :r am about to type?) 1 1 00 co~1rsc is about half up hill and half dotm., has no ohade, ia arou~ the ,;eriphcry of a sho',i~)il\'r center o.IXl io s<uething 1-. sa than a mile per lapo The day- wan bright and ouney, air tenr,erature tms 77~ wt ao the asphalt heated up, it reached 80 t-y the em of the raceo This was ritrictq a local phena?1ena, since themanetcrs a,.'cly frcn the aophalt jun.,~lc did not sha-1 this ri.Deo · , Datt Rujsyna. led the first lap or so td.th Bob Botnan in close atterdanceo · Then it i-rao Bot.n!lan in the 1ead tar several la.pso During this mr'.cy' phaoe of the race, Young, •-erm~henz, lio.:w.nskj, ard I.atid wal.ked as a groupo ~llortly after the hal.ftray mark, Dot-t.:AB.n had sl~1ed and drop!)ed back to rourth place, an:l Young, t-dth ljerechenz, took t!'!.e lea.do Rutyna had dropped out earlier uith irhat trcre said to be liver and kidney ailmentso I uamei.•ed at the tine who had ne.de this diagnosis': · And if true, t·1hy on earth would anyone start a r-cace ,_.Ji th these problena? · Youl'l,,'.; a11d l:erschenz t~1011 walked for $one tine side by aide, bot h of them: ahOH"- inc exceU.ent fort10 The_,latter part of tho race ,ia.s marked b:, (1) YounP, gradually drm-tlng e.uay fra:t the field, ( 2 ) fumlrul dropr>ine out due to hoal hlioters, ( 3) th$ Herochenz-:aa::w.nsky duel fo~ second place, (4) Lai1u drtpping out 't·dt.h a painf"ul hiP.11 (5) I.ada.ey's atrone finishing 't.m.lk., (6) Jerry Bocci 1 8 steady well-styled wa1Js.11whicb. ca...t"l'icd hL"c:. pa.st several til-:i.r.g people in the la.at 10 Ko ' :There uere no disqualifir.o.tions row. the style prise, ha~ there been one, 't-1':>ul.d have gone to either Yoi.mg · or. i:e;rochens. · Editor : Thanks to Doc !°Ol " the inte~sting reporto 1-Ja WeN hoping that inthe mean.time iie mi~ht get the official ~ :sulto, bl.lt no such lucko Young's time waa about . 2:53, ,-J'hich io very good in the heat on that stupid course.. Hers-1-ias about .four minutes back v.i.i;h Ra!Ulnsk;y r"'lght on hin heels. Shail I.ad.a.ey was , a minute or two over 3 hourso 'l'hooe are the til:1es as clooe aa Doc rem~bered thEmo Ron Kulik, not mentioned above,11t-as fitth., so 111t1ot have been fairly close th~outo Bocci was sixth, wt pretty well. back.. Ron Daniel 'tla3 t~1e only other notatable there, and like Laird and l?ot·n&m, he dropped out. llortla.rrl 'tma hane in Columrua enja.ying the State hieh school track meet and Bla i:kl:llrn was hane in Van 'iJert, enjoying hi:J wif'eo

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Page 1: i!iX LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35mastershistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ORW-1968-05.pdfOil Edito1~' o com::ients: Ron goesAto n~te Ear:i.on Dari.iel aa Race talldng iiife of the

~, • •

\ i I ~ --- ' i!iX ·~i ~t ~~~J.=.--~-~~~~~--------___,;,..;...;;.;.;;....;.:..i.;_~,;;;;;;._..u..J.:.-.~­

vvLlIT-lE IV,

LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35 -Pittsburgh Qor rather !:C:iKeesp~rt, Pao), ;ray 25 -(Special to the Chio Rn.ce t.ialker

:t'ran Chiei' Judge Dro John Blackburn)-Thc 35 Kj,1 c u~~tionai Rn.ce turned into another e.xhibition · by I..ar1'7 Yo,mg, uho nay . be the best diata.nce -wa lker in the · U.So This is not to detract fran ~-Aerschenz' a Ret!W.nsey' s, or lad.any' s !)er.fo1"i!lanceo fut 1;.ihen a lead of more t::-.a.n half a +aP can be attained on thif? cou:rse !'ran these men yo-,1 are doin,_r; rema.r!mbly trcJ.1.., (Iid., The lap on the aho ;.,pi1.1gr center course e.t .i..?C1~ esport i c jtwt under one mile.,) (:iell, rats, he says that in the next paragroph., l'Jhy don 't I read what :r am about to type?)

1100 co~1rsc is about half up hill and half dotm., has no ohade, ia arou~ the ,;eriphcry of a sho',i~)il\'r center o.IXl io s<uething 1-. sa than a mile per lapo The day-wan bright and ouney, air tenr,erature tms 77~ wt ao the asphalt heated up, it reached 80 t-y the em of the raceo This was ritrictq a local phena?1ena, since themanetcrs a, .'cly frcn the aophalt jun.,~lc did not sha-1 this ri.Deo ·

, Datt Rujsyna. led the first lap or so td.th Bob Botnan in close atterdanceo · Then it i-rao Bot.n!lan in the 1ead tar several la.pso During this mr'.cy' phaoe of the race, Young, •-erm~henz, lio.:w.nskj, ard I.atid wal.ked as a groupo ~llortly after the hal.ftray mark, Dot-t.:AB.n had sl~1ed and drop!)ed back to rourth place, an:l Young, t-dth ljerechenz, took t!'!.e lea.do Rutyna had dropped out earlier uith irhat trcre said to be liver and kidney ailmentso I uamei.•ed at the tine who had ne.de this diagnosis': · And if true, t·1hy on earth would anyone start a r-cace ,_.Ji th these problena?

· Youl'l,,'.; a11d l:erschenz t ~1011 walked for $one tine side by aide, bot h of them: ahOH"­inc exceU.ent fort10 The_,latter part of tho race ,ia.s marked b:, (1) YounP, gradually drm-tlng e.uay fra:t the field, ( 2 ) fumlrul dropr>ine out due to hoal hlioters, ( 3) th$ Herochenz-:aa::w.nsky duel fo~ second place, (4) Lai1u drtpping out 't·dt.h a painf"ul hiP.11 (5) I.ada.ey's atrone finishing 't.m.lk., (6) Jerry Bocci 1 8 steady well-styled wa1Js.11whicb. ca...t"l'icd hL"c:. pa.st several til-:i.r.g people in the la.at 10 Ko

' :There uere no disqualifir.o.tions row. the style prise, ha~ there been one, 't-1':>ul.d

have gone to either Yoi.mg· or. i:e;rochens. ·

Editor : Thanks to Doc !°Ol" the inte~sting reporto 1-Ja WeN hoping that inthe mean.time iie mi~ht get the official ~ :sulto, bl.lt no such lucko Young's time waa about . 2:53, ,-J'hich io very good in the heat on that stupid course.. Hers-1-ias about .four minutes back v.i.i;h Ra!Ulnsk;y r"'lght on hin heels. Shail I.ad.a.ey was , a minute or two over 3 hourso 'l'hooe are the til:1es as clooe aa Doc rem~bered thEmo Ron Kulik, not mentioned above,11t-as fitth., so 111t1ot have been fairly close th~outo Bocci was sixth, wt pretty well. back.. Ron Daniel 'tla3 t~1e only other notatable there, and like Laird and l?ot·n&m, he dropped out. llortla.rrl 'tma hane in Columrua enja.ying the State hieh school track meet and Bla i:kl:llrn was hane in Van 'iJert, enjoying hi:J wif'eo

Page 2: i!iX LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35mastershistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ORW-1968-05.pdfOil Edito1~' o com::ients: Ron goesAto n~te Ear:i.on Dari.iel aa Race talldng iiife of the



n~ t 6 t .r2 t c.lr~st ~age, t!!L ~~ (&_J&JlotA~~ to ~~!ll~L one b'an Ron Daniel)-FL· SIUI Another grent SO kml l:\>b Kitchen returnfl - hungry. (h'hoo,s, accOl"Clirlg to tho Daniel cow I Ghoulcl have a Double ~oh before that last sentence. Ulv dontt you people get rid of 701r lousy editor. a~, back to the CopJ'o) Double Flash and ½l Daniel race 1-Jalks a tun So 1cm tdthout streettra~ -arn just boats Iada.D;y.

It!' nm, you've got to want to see the tLies: Kitchen 4:26:56, Daniel 4:29:04, . Ladat\Y 4:2!J:(1J, 8aul. pchell 4:~, H0tde Jacobsen 5:00:.30, Kulik, l-iacDomld, and

Hayden did not . finisho .

Place: c. u. 'r>oot Collcee all-ueather track, eeene of other record races. \feather: Overcast, lieht · breeze at otnrt, · intermittant nhot'181"6 around 2 hrs.,

more shatieres v.t 3?.: hrs arn a doun,aur after 3 3/4 hrs to end. Taiip­eratt-q-e abrut 60.,

ibis was a Senior and Junior ~·,etropolita.n Asoociation C3Bmpionohip sponsored by the _ I-ill.rose A.A It was supr,o~ed to be a clooed l"Qce, mt quite WlBX!')ectedly Kitchen and Sc!1ell shot-red U!> :fran r;e.r J.linglrun, oo ue lot t.'lm race.

After a f'~ eta.rt b.'r all, Jadm\y am J!\Vl)8l1' otarted to ee.oe a1ey- !ran Kulik and l{itchcn. T!:tru 3 miles at about 8:25 pace. A1"ter 6 miles in about 50 mimtes, IadatV' ca 1r.1ented that Kitchen o.m Kulik uere st.art~ to clooe. They 11ere about l mimte oock Kitchen about 20 - 30 yards in front ot Kulik. i~ orJ.eina]. thought (before the · race~ uas that ,~ulik uould be t:1e b:i.cceat throat late in t:1e race am I h9ped to have an COO on him by :~5-30 km. "~ray, tre started to ;:lick up the pace £ran 7 thru 14 mil.ea - 10 miles 1:23 :30, 12 lllileo 1:40. After an 8:10 am an 8:06, Shaul thought I was insane am let ce go. ( ed. fllvti.1e I try a stunt like that vi.th Rl.acld:l1rn he thtisko I am insane too, am tells me so. lht being more insane, he t!1en proceeds to pnoo t1e.) First I lapped Ifullk, then LadaJ\f • am thon Kitchen. iie i,ent together as a group for a uhile. Kulik '\:188 t!1e firot to drop back am then lad~. Kitchen t-ru.ked uith me to about 23 mileo. lU'O\lm 30 km m, caught Kulik again (he uaa having sa!le r,roblans becauoe he ohort:cy- therea1'tor drop'."0(1 out am. l.eft) • . I uas 2:47 at · 20 miles and 3:02:52 at 2l 3/4 (35 km), uith Kitchen one lap back, about 2:lo-2:15.

AbO·~t 23 miles ue lap,ed Ladarcr a.rxl he ,nmt uith uo. rw it also stcrtcd to rain and so:.10 short cold breezes t J0'1"8 bl.uoin · • Kitchen alXl Uld&?\Y stnrtod to eaoe aua7 f'r<n tie, am I started to · r,nsh to catch than, but ID3' ur,per r:lght quadraceps am groin stnrtcd to knot up, so I thoueht it best to let than go. ~ 2.6 aileo they had :moved rut about a 220. The rnin eaoed up bit mth about 3 ailoa top it started to pour, smilar to the 35 km in larch. i:ith 10 laps to ~o Kitchen oaueht me am Ladar\r was juot 1 lap back. I l·Jent with Kitchen for about • :20 bit t.lie naiocles wanted to knot aa,,..e more. 1~1ac am alack, Bob caug.1t l!le again 'tlith an C80 to go (440 tor him). lodaey ,me 100 ynrdo back. !lips rol.lJ.ne am aplaohing as hard :.a I could, I just held o· ·r tho taDt chtlrgina l.edmv. ·

I wao most i'l,resoed td th the 31.rong finish over the la.st 10 km for both !Citc~1on and ladaey. It wao an · ~olie record for 509

Page 3: i!iX LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35mastershistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ORW-1968-05.pdfOil Edito1~' o com::ients: Ron goesAto n~te Ear:i.on Dari.iel aa Race talldng iiife of the

Oil Edito1~' o com::ients: Ron goesAto n~te Ear:i.on Dari.iel aa Race talldng iiife of the Year. Th;_s lllarkod tile oecom roal diot.D.nce race ,,rt1ei-•e ohe :recorded tines, aided her 1188.17 huabalxl, and BOt ':">(JUl"Cd on to boot. . <llecs ue can't argue too much with the nanim.tione since ue aren't even giv.t.ng our ·wives mch ahnncc to be heroes thin year and ~heiJ probBb:cy uouldn't be it ue did. As I recall, they sta;yod real close to tho fire while ,m ,-,ere· out for oufT IIeu Year's ll:vea test last year.

As to tho mce, . l .'cCarthy thOUBht he knew uhen to q,.~ietly duck out. I guess I . did,too. I.act winter li1en I was launching 1!IY' quicklJ" forgotten 50 km plans, I fieur, I !!light make it down around 4:30, which uould be good enough. Hoo Hahl Vas I effer tll"Onga Good thine ' I didn't wacto all the valuable t:t-ne otriving for a mediocre 4:30 And that's i-1hat & branded that t:J;1e as a couple years ago in aane rambling disoussio i about the naucity 0£ <lUI' perf'01'2!la?1Ce8 at the distances. l{-:30, I said, t-ms juct on the border or eotting into decent times. So knat-r 1-re have cane or age11 Four IJliYs under 4:30 on the track (Young, Kitchen~ Dani.el, and I.e.ird), one (!)lY juot short. .(Klopferj n.nd r,roro 'b:cy rea.dy' to do mch bettor knot-1, one other umer on the rad (Kulik), and Dooley and_·probo.licy Rananslcy' all rEaey to go wner. 'l'his is as ,-,>od depth £le a1110nc except ~t Ge:rmaey-am Jfucoia has: including the lritioho Arxl rur depth ic even better at · 20. If everyone oto.yu ,-dth it, I ca; see a third place in ·nc:-ct; year' o L!.!gtmo Cup am ms.ybe a zood clutllenee to the ~sld.os for sccon1. Bit of course, firot the1·e is this year's Ol3)n~ics to think of; .am hen,; did . I get

.on to that fJ,an as~ little !-iet AAU race,·~ • . ·:~;~*!:-?:-;!-!:-i! ... ;:-:~;:-:;-;:.;~;<;:~~;';:-::-::-:: .. ;{-;}-;:-!H:-;~:H1-;~H~::~~~~;r;,~C" ~H'r*~~:Ht-:H:-'.r~-;:-ir;:~,!..;~:~-iH;""~-~-;!-;~::~-:~:,:*

A . few results,- and i-:e ~ve on,4r a few::

?!at Osk 20 mn, ?Jet-r York, l-Iay 1.3 {]ardicap mce, but I mn lioting tho · fast times only-, That• ri D.ll I have.) 1. Dave Ranar:sl<y 1:30:04 2. Ray Scrnero l:31:2 .5 3o John Knifto1 1:32:46 4o Ron Daniel 1:.3.3:0C. f;o n~1 we eet an ide.:: · of what Somers can <}~ a loneer diotancc and also t:i.m tha.t. he can ~ beaten. Still a pretty good debut at t:.1e d:totance though. Ranansky ot:i.ll appears aa if he will be tou0h for aeyone to handle at 201ml.

Cant. Ronald _ L. Zimi :.:Enorial Ra,1e \;aJ.k, 10 im, I-ay 30, Hansen Stadium Track, Chicagc 1. Jerry Bocci, Eotor City Striders 4£:37.5 2.• i-latt llutyna, Green~ Gold A.C 49:·39o! 3o Jim Clinton 52:,25 (Jil!l, I thirk 't-TD.o· set ·balk by an 'injt117 when he wo COirl:JJg alo114 pretty well.) 4. I.arr.v I.arson, l7ili-raukee T.C 57:3f;.; (The I.aroona ~ tfith my w:tre

. on the Track t.: Field llewo tour 1,o To!~o and he otat,ted to al.le after ~turning and isn • t ·doing oodq.) s. Rich Godin, .. Green ~ Gold 59 :42. Style -award to ~. No atails on this one. I ,-iaa entered., rut decided I would rather stay bane and f'in-i .sh wilding I!\V' little !iorcedes SSit Sportstrogon, 1929 vintage. Blac!cburn wao going to go, blt uas still ouf£cril')8 .frw hio bJm hip developed in Detroit. . .

Seoto San 05.ovanni · 30 Km, 1·1:t.lau., ltcl3- - 1. Peter ~ger, Great Bl"i.tain 2125:24 2. Henri Delerue, Fftnce 2:27:0:t 3. Abdon ~ch 2:30:53 (Pamioh tmo report~ training at altitude for sa~et:hie. Evidentq d1dn1t help him much.)

· '

7 J;a.J.es Track, Iorxlon, l~ 1 - lo 1.en ~quS?lin 51:38 2. Ray Middleton 52:02 t. E. SUthei-lam 52:54 4. John i-i1Xlllin 52:58 -

In Aust1-alia, I-Jo,Jl. Frcaoon bao b;;d tl·ro m:Ue olockir:rgo or 13:24..4, 13:11 (6:31 mile). and 13:l.7, l'lhich is a good turn f>f speed. Freanan iron the silver medal at 20 km in Rane behim Golubnichi ·

2 I-al.es, liendon, Engl.am, April 16-::i. ···&lbleton 13:31.6 2. u. Hollot-Ja.1' 13:4506

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~a· lro (' I fie ~~ /0

A$hl t>n:!.~ ('!;do., rc :r 19--J.::.:::: ::01.·tl:1.i~ (':..:.;;.i:.'s ::.;;;1 oc01'E.li h.i.a i'ircri;. vi~oey in the la.st z:iJJ_i.on raceo in. the Chio 20 kn cl}SUpi onoh.ip today o T'ne race \·ms held on Ashlam Col.lece'o ne-~.t all-l1eat hor tl'P..ck in cool te; 1pei?atures, uit..lt oecnssional rui 'llii:;ht, and ll. li,cht ohm-;er at t :1e endo The ti :ie was an unsensatioml 1:42: 00 b .rt ~ood enon.gh to keep Chuck !-kn-tell (l: 51:25) under controlo The only other ot.arter t-ra.o Fo1-i•ect Cori.rad» ·uho ca.11.cd it a day at arowxl C mileo.,

Chuck moved rieht u:i.th oo thrOU&l the first faro miles in about 16:15.. l;w chi41f goo.l in this one t·mc to better~ 20 Ian time on tho t.ray to 25 in Detroit (1:42:51)0

Bci."lg ~u I h .. ;.dn1t done aeyth:i.ng to i: .:prove myoeJ.r in th e t i:ro i.ntervening t·reeks am cond.d er i ng that I tried to tnl.k a good 20 am t :·l.en h~ on u.1:, there,, I fi ,r;u.red

t ;1~t t his woul.c p;:i.ve a zood idea or the accuracy of th at course. 'f1wn-1 wa.c. !~ma ps ncir::e £1 el1n -- t hat t he f.a::it t:i1;1es up t l1f.:1~0 l:ere attr i 't1.1ta'hle to a short c~ roeo 1 d 1.~ln1 t . ··l1rli<..-ular..J~ go alo~ i'.'ith sueh thoi.J.ghts but he:rie t-~-:Lo a C:;.:i.nee to sc oo i'ir.~yti.1;r,, u.t, ;fv'J. ~ec u.r t \11;1 ti:. :1.cs l did m..'ln,,.60 t o iJ1prova hut ! ti1ink :i: felt 1--,;orne than .'i did t.iSter ·-u:c- .1.'til.1 25 in Detroit , ao l don! t , su~'.Y:_')C.ue :r r1rovcd an-..rt1ti."'lgo ~-;till ,11 I did )l'{Y.Je on<J t :d.~.., - t :.tat rr?l not in ve1:7r good shapeo fut I didn 1 t n, ed t o ::rr:t,m t:!1at,o

;~T'{r,m.y, after t hnt first tvro miles,. r f"..:i.lled tt-:·a.y. trm Gbu.ok l.rl1ilo ;!Jai?1t.·;dr.i n.g .--~!)1.)i)t ·uo s-D:::,c '"D,ce and Jii :-YDed hi.":1 at'Ol,,md f'oll.t' :-'rl.looo Ht, sta yed with 1·0:r-r100,1~1y a n : le t11r.:t t.l: iO 1 t!ld ch :1::r•000.bly :1elp ecl httJ fi nal tkiCo I raana. :ed tc hox~ on to tm ti~fB':1 ;'!c1.CtJ to about t.~"'l iJ. 1les ( abr~ut 1: 21.:30$ 1 don't have t :1e ::.:ti.Lit~ ) a..""ld then g)Ort

of t m~.}.,lcd i no ltr se cord ~nd thL'>"d ]..ape o.t t: H~ f i:!1a1 mil e t-rere in 2; TO>' 00 r i".l':.de H r,;.•e,:).t of:to1•t ?n t !w, l ant lap, 1--:i.cld.,ne nl.1 t he t-rayj n.~1,·, lo - r hr':Y..i enot:1or 2:10 " J.., )•,:·-n h.4 t;''l;' t""'·,;,-,, -f-"'·'" t i,e ~e,n ....i.h + ·h·1"' .......,.. .. ~,, ... -;, ,..-, t i·;" t ·"'·11~.,.,, la. r: .,..,., 1, ..... .,..,,.,+ '-a i,:n • r-. "'"~ ~ , - ..,,.a,...,".., ·~ , .,.., ;,. L~ ., ,C,:~4t U.i.,.:: • .,. Q ~ \A. ii,4 ,'il, - .... $f ~ l. .. • .., .'-. - JChJw J.• j -.,'\4 A.;,V f.!1-<.4\.."' V 4l..., ---C·

·beer.i aba .,t. Q!J.5 on !tis fL--w-1 railao Forrcct-» ~-:i10 ha! lHtl e t.;j.zai; t o tZt-r;,in ,-.,-hat -:rt-th ~11.~ ot:.~t\J .. r.;s n r'ld. r:a2}AS'C.ria1 , d.'ut i es t'1ilh t.I·1e !s.a ~1.l~11(t C~i .. l.cr;e t ra~k t.{'..nr.ij s .. Ui~r~i -:i1 .. t11 us tor ·t.: · c · f ~t 1:!.p a : id t;_1.on r1l~t!ffl to aro-:.:11:l a 10 :.05..rt.'tt.-s :--,,,1.eeo gl...Q,('ekbur·1.1 r.-me hoir~ t::njo;-rl~ie his \ tl;t"~ u~ai.no -;~-; · ,.. !---:=-~~'!t-}!--;.~( ;..~;r"";}.' ";!•;: ·:!·t~;t~<':~.;~~~-.;:: .. ;!-;;--;~~~:-;:-;:-t· ,1':-;r-:~.~-?:--~i· ;- ;--: r::--=~.~ ·:-r;f--~1 ;¢~~~ ... ~~--~:-~ ..;~~ .. ~-!;-1~ .. ;'! ... ;:..:-~-~:-:;-~.,-:ti-':"'"3~-;}·: :-;. '"';{j: ·~~1~~~~ ... ~-~4-, .. ~~-;~··..:.:--:.- . :·-

Er-:i:tish ?k•.t i orir.1. ;"~G kms. r:ay ll - lo :fiau.1 !JihiJJ, liJh l9 2o John ,,¢bb 1 :32 ~13 3" ,-~t o!' ,P,J.JJAJ?,C:" lrJ 2: :3f? l+o J:...ke \:;arhu~t 1:33 :3 5 So Sh~un Ltg ht,.rnal'l. l::3l;.i0--J 60 ~ ;.:,::;.,1.cfld, on :L:~,'.:.t0() 7 o Ro11 i.ial lt-rork l:3li~:?.5 Co Roy Hut:~iies l r35f~ 9o TJ:J.11 Sut lu~rJ.ar:&. 1.:35~3.4 10 0 Ge0rgo l1l!nPl5-n. 1:35:113 llo Len Du.qllart.i.n J.~35:-50 l2o Ro1a11d ~ rd jt 1 . -:.;c~~f'V'j "'!"l ~nt1 n r·~ ,\ .i ..-,'!b 1--~>'t·l.6 14·. c, 11*',0- " "l ,"~:'7.lf:f> 1.:: ~1 1 F-M·'~ 1 •""1··,g;e; 'I(.,. . , _~, .. ~ •.Jc;,, ,J.,..Jo !.J\ .,..__.,. . . d .. .. f v !:\. . . .. ~_;; • 0 .:. o .&,~! ,.i. -1.~ ..t.•_,,,.,, •.rt.J .,,JO ~ . Ui;;),C) • ·•.:J • i• J' .!..Vo

Cr'i~~-I'! Eley 1 ~,'3C:03 170 :'o n 1rkhD~ l·.3 C;_3[:'; lSo Aleo 1.hnyard :!.fro~41 l9o Dc>n TfHU~8Ml, 1:J( ·J+b 200 ;;;:c.,.,_ ~.u:iloa, bJ L'~59 ;U o , 'o l!iibl~rt.oo. 1.::n ~02 220 ;· ., n n1no:n 1:.39 :l:_"3 ~~) a !;sl~~,J:::. T~lley ] .. :39 :5~ 2i+o ~-·o I~\iA~ont 1:4 t):lt5 179 Gt-urted 2 16C1 fit i...1-E~'l.ooo ,._Ti!st. v.ot · tlm~~ r~,cult,::, t()'ja;v .an:l ye s·h~l4'day I t'Y)')(:m. t,hr1t ,.~ l:i,,1:v~ .~~l"'f"...ate1· da:)t11 t han l.:;,,i:· BrH,:i..r.:ho :.el 1 :1 I !;,I.tea~ tre don't ho:\f'C 2:1-~I: ;.1'iU r•e,.;J.dy· t.n g,:\ im1 a:i.:-1: 40 ~t, b'4t · ,,;r,? <r.o '.:nve f1 Vt, ~;r si;;t tbilt t-,: ·,;.\sa(' ca: ·\ftb.lc of g.~t.ne il.e. tuc t A'3 Nib.JJJ. ' a trl..nrd.ng ti neo ;_k,. 1.t ds'.n1rr.i~ Oli \ ;.h;~'i;, I ::iean ''et.I <.!,;,.th , I [t t'\f!3 !3o !-Jih!ll .a~-.id ;.:~bb 1~~-~ ai t0{.".ct! 1~r for t.,, .. , l:11~t 11) ?<!:to t:1hi ll ·t.!ic!?. t1;'lde a br.&'l,k .er:d op.:.:n>;Xl z 100 yn,roo~ bl;i.t ~:ebb (,"-lltirJht. td ; ~.~ :u-1 jv.nt, be.f ora 15 t:n.o Ni h:.il1 t heril ~;;-::.:1,e t1.n0tl,cJ" b,r~ k ti.ncl t-h:1.~ -i;.j_, 1e ~ontilr- ..1,;d 'i/: '.lLU 1J.li<!Yo 1::.i:CJ..tl.~cr ot .:.:rf;.(;..'-d (f.tU,Q D:t~t: ,); ; , OC,,,--)}.d:.(-,);lr-o~·;'.'.Otiif,e ,:,:f' h.u: h.l'.":fti',O __ ., ....... , . r 1'1•'• . ~ c ·11 n-..:i ... ~·co tt1~•t')l"n'h ~;.,, ....... , < !d~lr~1v · o·:~(>'ri "·i,.::1 ..,.,.,,.,·,r·d. haJ..f~ J, 4<t$ ~ V .1. • < ~~ .l.• A ~t.. · j U l\u. '~ .., ~, .. 1 . .! '...1.1.;,t ,.(,;..a, ~ " ti, .,.~..._)I" , .., ..,&. l .?t.~ · lJ_ ...., .. , ,.,. ..,.

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(5) _oss o.f a T ood tiend

Also received some 1.iecy-oad ne1·m to.lay, this being that Race lJa.lldng• s fine old gentler.an, Bert Life, iied in _ _'.i.'oronto on Hay 310 Bert had been in tho hospital for observntion ·when Jack t-n.s in :.i.:orontr, early in l-Ia.y o He waa suffering tran loss o:f ~)eripheral vision at that til:1e. On Hty- 23 ho lw.d brain ourgery c111d a 1na.li(!,mnt .tumor i·ro.s remove<!.. Cn the .3.1.at ho <liedo 'i·;e all extend our dee:-;est sy!ll~'lO.thiea to Bert's uife am to the Canadb.n race-1-m.lk.ne fraternity.. Bert contributed a great deal to the sport as a com:,ct:d;or, o·:.ticfol, rranoter, and 1;:ioot:cy-an a denr :i'rio61 of all race i-ra.lkcrs.. His pitl,J· canr:1ents from time to time certainly. enlivened the zngos of the 0~1i'io He. l'dll surely be mio,!e:d by al.lo ii"'·::-K~~!H:";:-;!--;:~~-:(";:-:EH; ... ;H{-;:-3HHH~;:--;HHHH~8t-;.E-;;.~~-!~~;;.J,HH};. !~-~·!H:-::-;:.-.;!{!~'?r::-~: .. ;:**!M:-}t-:HH~l:~HBHt--~!-~:-!!---~Z-{~;:-;:-i~::-!,~\~~~:{h~-~;~-

Results of i'-.ia.tional Jro 15 Kilaootcr, Y10i 1 liland _ 0.t-egon, Hay 26, 196C - le, Steve 4yre:t>, ?or-tlancJ. TC 1:20:33 2. 1-1.nrk :.--r:t1:e, Santa Clara Valley Youth Village l:2C:l5 3., Ken Fouler, Sundowners Limited 1:29:0: . 4., IIm·rard Austin., Glacier S~),>rto Club 1:29:33 5o larrrJ O'Ueil, GSC 1:29:40 6. 1-~nuel Adriano SGVY"'l 1:32:ll:. 7o Greg I>al:.1er, Spokane, °Lia.sh. 1:34:5 80 .Les ~\1:U'ds, ~."ortlAnd Uortheast Y!-lCA 1:.35:33 9o Don Jacobs, f~C 1:36:26 Tyrer had nearly a t!U'ee minute lead in th< firut 5 ld.lanctero (25:42) am although olo,-Jine tq 2C r.d.nutes for tllo last 5, he 1-;1,r1 going away. ~rice wao a solid second a.11 t:10 way,; Auotin, in f'ourth, n:l.ppod La.1cy 0'Hoil in the la:.;t 5 kr:t and gained near.cy- a hill mii:rute on Fm-rler '1:"!~-!:-~-~~H:-;:--;:"'!~;:-::~:-;:-:·:-:~-!~;:-:~--!:*:'c-!:-~-:!-!HH~X*'A-~;H.~;*;:~HH ,~'!' -iMH~~{.:-Ht-:t-::~~:~~~~:~Hf-X-=k:H:,'!~~n'-!~-;:-;a~~;:~~-;!~:-;i-~:~':'-;*

Here are some 5 km oplita on that great 25. in Detroit: DeHoon 23:25, 46:55., l:(:,:J:47, 1:32:28., l:5.~:13 (note tha.t :1e ;·iad 45:26 for t:10 laot

10, l1:.'!:lch io t-1hore he uon the race) Young 23:12, 46:34, l:(1):46, 1:32:42, 1:57 ·10 IaW 23:13, 46:34, 1:09:4.C, 1:33:30, 1:58 ·33 .a.annoy btiwii 23:35, 47:04, 1:10:40, 1:311-:l.6, 1: S9:l3 i-1erschenz 23:13, 47:413, 1:11:57, 1:35:52., 2:00:33 ~ianoky 23:¼, 46:44, 1 :10:40, 1:3.5:062:00:4,8 .Klopfer 23:35, Ji.7:l0P.:U:10, l:36:ll, 2:0..'Z:00 :,~m.nnan 24:00, 48:22, ·_1:13:56, 1:37:35, 2:02:37 Daniel 23:35, 47:0/h 1:11:50, l:3{;:20, 2:0L}:31 Knifton 24:00, 41":28, 1:13:30, 1:38:59, 2:0!;:59 .. ~r;!-;{-:.:~~=~;'*;H1--::'*'3~EH:-'~'"H~:HHH"r'A-:~:c-;:-~~-1**'-'*~~H;--;}-~~:--::.,J-'..HH*:..~*~-l-Ht-;:-;:~r;:--i~;i"'iH:--::~n:.z~-{!-;:~}-!:-~~H:~;-::.:.;:-::--Jr

";·:ell, hore it j_s Saturday, the third day in the 0R.:1 s !>rintine schedule and the mail has juot arrived uith two results of interest. F:i.rot. on lay 12 in Los An..1cles, I.arr;y Yrune t1on a 35 Ion· track l'm.lk, in "~ih no on,3 seemed to have much interest. At least o~ tl ·ro finished am eight dro :1,~·~1fflich iD a pretty- hieh attrition rate.. larl"7• r. time 1-m.s 2:5C:20.r with Larry ;;alker seoom i.11 '3:0G:47.6. This is the 1'1.rthest I can reme:":lbor Larry 'i~' s !1av:tne imlked am its not a 1:nd performance. Among the drop outs t·rere Don Oe?-loon at 12½ miles in 1:33:55, ,-mich isn't a bed vorkout, Jim Hanley at 14i in 2:01:24, and Ebb lkA-11Dan at 10 miles in 81:55. ·

The ~r 1"8ce ,-r.ia a 15 km at Chino won ~ Bu~ B&Juu in 1:12:38.4. Ron laird tJaa a distant oocom in 1:15:31.6., and it is beginning to look more am more like Ron1 s ~J problems a.re going to keep hJm sh~ of hio . fOl'IJl or last year am this could trell keep hiEl off the <lqmr:xlc team. John Kelq was third in 1:16:49.S am Jahn doesn't appear to be mak1ng tho irogress we had expected. Jim HD.nlqr 08lle fa.trtb 1n 1:19:05090 .

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S:r.,eakinr, of the O:cympico., hm.~e briefly is the si>ol"Y on qualifying in the ·walkso The winner at both tone ·Bea.ch ( 20 km) am San FJ:ancioco ( 50 km) will autanatically quo.li.f}ZBgx.., providing he dernonatrates hio competitive excellence in ~~1e final trial at altitude. This is a bit nebulous. Hou excellent is excellent;. Ho\:lever, they had t:1e same eriter,ia f'or track and field in •64 and llency Carr ma.de it alright d£f a fourth place in the F.i.nal Trials.

'.l"ae other two positions in each ualk uilJ. be determined in final trials at Iake Tahoe - the 20 on Septen.ber 9 and the 50 on Sept: mbcr 12. A max:i.ntum of nine at each distance 'trill be selected frail the Long Beach and San.Francisco ( n,ine in . addition to the winner i.e.) for participation in the ti.clal trials and for altitude training y,rior to that. There will be a briefing on all detallo for the firot ten .finishers iml!ied.iate:cy-after both the Los Arr ·eles am ~n F.rancisco races.. Those desirir.ig :f'u1~her information il.mtediatiily may contact Bill Roos., 2$35 I·t •. Lincoln Ave,;,, Chicago~ Illinois 6o657.

So now, I m-:iy as ,-rell go out on the 1:imb again and tell yOll QOW I 'think those Long Beach and SF races are going to ewe wt. 20 K.. .lo Don Der-Joon - right not1 the only thing I can see stol)?ing Don ii either heat., uith t·.!hich he has had trouble in the pa.st. or the judges. However, he oeems to have cleared ·u~ ney style ~roblems. After hio ·exce!)tionally otrong .finish and runa:1-my victory nt Detroit its hard ·to i'!lngine him .being beaten. 2o Ta!! Dooley - Not too much heard from Tan rt :cently hit he is definitely ready°o He will be stroneer than Der-loon but not as .fast. .3. I.arry Yoong - La.rl.7 is just so darr,i strong now arxi · o£ murse has good speed t,o boot • . fut I don't f'eel he can quite match t'.1e ot~1e1 .. two at this distance. 4. Ron laird - Ron hao rea1q. ·been hampered 'i:rf long standing injuries .arid illnesses this season. I'm .sure he tzill be ready mentally but may not ~tmid u9 peyoically. It doesn't look like he is going to be back to last year• s form by the time of this race, though. Could finish a$mere from first to tenth, since .it is so hard to asoesa hi.a condition. 5,. Dave· Ranansk;y­I can't aee Dave beating aey of the :first three. Ile could finish much louor if he lets his nerves get hjr:1.. 6. Ray Sa-!iers - Still a pretty un:)redicta.ble quantityo Hay have problems i1" it io very hot. The b·ro gt\VG r.ioot likely to µpset . the above ·are Bill Ranney and Rudy I!a.luza. Bill Bas really COT!le on this year and will certainly hang in clo3e all tile t-ray ~ Ile will have no trouble with t he judges and off the record

· DerJoon and Romansky ~oold. Rudy has been able to can:>ete so little for the past year that one just doesn't know tmat he is ca,able of right n0\10 If he is back aeyt·1here clooe to 1 66 he trill be up there though. · 50 -lm - lo . JxJ.rcy Young - others are coming on strong rut I think Larry ia just too t~.i,gh 1~ht nm·r. He probably doesn't lmow hi:'!Welt juut imat he can do. · 2o Tan Dooley - yep, Dooley again. He's strong, fast, am e, should be relaxed for this one. 3o Goetz iQoryfer - It's going to get very tight at this point bu.t Goetz is stronger than others and has more 50' tJ under his bolt. 4. Bob Kitchen ..;.. lJever thouel'tof Ihb at this distance uritil the other~- but its hard to iMore a 4:26 on t,~10 track. And I don• t think I have observed &llfono tdth more guts and determipation. 5o Rill Ranney - Bill. inay do better tha.."l. this. Ao I said, ~1C has real.ly' come on thin ye.no. .6. Ron Daniel - Ir he doesn't get r.eyched out, or what ever has :tappened to him in a lot of import.ant races in the po.ot. Again, yo~'t ignore a 4:29 on the track, oo he has to be physicall;r ready'. Jb.ll!t8Jl could surprioe me., ,Ranansky ,dll be tough, · and Kulik io inconsistent and un,redictal)le. Laud, of course, is a ·real possibility, rut his physical r,roblails ocen almost to preclude I good 50 at this point. John Kelly is another .posa~b-il:ity, but doee~ scm quite up td,1off recent per.f'onnances. That• s it. Let• s forgot about the racec and. sem the ~ I'v ~e namod to lake Tahoe. Cbt The :times? Very fast, man, very fast.

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Friday, June 2l - ?JAAU 2 1-lle, sa.cre.mento, Calif. · Saturd~, June 29 - NJ\.i.U 20 fdl~tE>r.t Long Beach, Calli'ornia, 5 p.m. Friday, Jucy ; - ?JA/ U One Hour, Kalispell, Hontana, 9 a.a . Sunday, July 15 - M:.:.u 50 Km, ,san Francisco Friday am Saturday, July 19-20 - J .Hiles ar:d 6 I-files at u.s. !-Jaster' a Track am

Field Cham!')ioru,hi 1:,s, San Diego, Oal.if'omia. Open to allV'one over 40. Entry blanks f'ran Rajiph Smith, San Diego Recreation De!)Qr"b,icnt, 83.lboa Park, San Diego, Calif.


Took in another outota?xling jazz concert a fmr UR~ which I am sure you are all eager to hoar about. i'ltis t:\me it t188 tbe nett Dave Brubeck trio with Gerry I-full.ieano Irubeck, as you prob:l.~ knm-1, broke up hio quartet laot rail a:rter aancthing like 15 years., He spent o.:1x months relaxing and composing am then got , toeether t-rith 1.hl..J.iean to form this new group, lJhich they plan to keep together for about six monthso During that time they will record am play 19 concerts. 'lhl.a ·was only their sixth concert. I believe, mx1 b0t1 we got th8Jl in Col.uml:ns ,men their engagements are so limited, I don't kn0\1. ~, I 1m glnd ,ro did. Gerry l-1uUigan has long been one or rrr:,. favorite musicians am I al't,ays liked the Jrubeck qtUll"tet vc17 r.1uch, althrugh more for Paul Desmond than Dave Brubeck. The new grrup includes Jack Six on bo.s.s and Allen Dauson on drumo. They plAyed several f"am;Jar t:1ines, wt not in a famUiar ,-ray. They are unique in their armngmenta am in their .sown, di.f :~erent f'ran oiti1or tlle Brubeck quartet, or aI\Y of l•atlligan• S small groups.

T:1e concert opened with •133.sin Street in a. very swinging l!lodcrn arranger!lent, definitely not the usual dixielaIXl trent.':tent of the taune. They had selected this and their second number/nm-1 Orleans~ because they had just returned fr<lll a ,-reek in Nett Orleans. Third selection lra.e a familiar ilullisan originaJ., 11Li.ne for Lyons: The trea.ment wns brand new, hotrever, al.though as Gerry pointed out he still had to play the harmoey' part• Ile can,osed the thine am never geto to plq mel.~o The firot set elooed ,-tlth a selection fran Brubeck's ~ended uork, ~Oratorio! This was what he spent l!Dlch or Ids ~ix months on. It's a e001pooition for symnhony, choir, and jazz c::,mbo ar:d the part o.f",i'they did t-as very appealine.

- 1!1e accord set ,,rao devoted ~ to things they m ttere plann:ing for an upeootlng engagement in !·~co City, starting with a thing called• An Indian Tune~ Three of the things they did in thia set had just been utitten tor tho !-jexican trip aoo t!1e otho3ts lrere nmjirrangements., so they uere a hit ap),rehensive what they uere goi~ to do~ us. They needn't :Mive been. 'lhe rapport bett-zt.:en J1J11oicia.ns or this calibre is always amazing. Fo.Uow:tne IrxUan To.ne, they did A.iiapola (sp), first made ·famous by !Iel cn O'Connell with TO.nJI\V Do1-oey. Brubeck did thin ·•s to it Helen 01 Connoll or Tommy Doroey never dremned of, bit they uere all thl

1r:i.Bht things.

Hmct \·1ere ·faro I-itilligan t~s ~">ine Beans am one uith the naiffeAin tho airo They uare tom betucen Lullaby de i!e."'Cico nrrl Siesta. I wwld choose the latter, aD it set that mood si!:iply beautitul.ly-. 7he .concert clooed uith a south of the border type tuno that I should knot·r rut can't ~t ll\Y ax fi~er on the title of am uith t !1e otandaro:o.it of Ii<ni1cre1! &>th. 1'181"8 done in the swinging, forceful otyle that marks thin erent ncr.·r group. If you have the ohance to hear them~ don't pass it upo They ,-rl.ll have sano recordo out ooon, am I'm sure they will be uorth your money.

I'll save the last r:e.ge for mackblrn to trite up tonight's big Clllo AAU 2 ililc. lay t7,f to ·eet the next is:me out ear:cy- ,-rl.th a blnch of nothing in it and then ca 11e out again as soon ao posoi ble after the 50 ,-rith coverage ot it am tho 20. This w.f.ll get us blck close to our or-lginal publiohing da,te. Ee have lost alJnoot a month in Ml a little over three years since t·re stl ·.rtedo fut t~ have probe.b]i exceeded the longevity of aey other race walki~ publi~ttion in this muntry am our reliablllty aim. too bo.do Qir content., rnaybe. .fut not our reliability.

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Fridey, June 21 - tlAAU 2 I-lle., Sacramento, Cal.it. · Sa.turd~, June 29 - NAAU 20 Kilometer~ Long Beach, Calli'ornia., 5 p.m. Friday., July 5 - rIA/U One Hour, Kalispell, 1-Iontana., 9 a.a. Sunday, July 15 - ?-1\ :.IJ 50 Km., san Francisco Friday and Saturoa..y., July 19-20 - J 1-!iles arrl 6 I-files at U.S. I.faster• s Track and

.Field Championships, San Diego, Calii'ornia. Open to 8.1\VOne over 40. Entr:f · blanks f'ran ~ Smith., San Diego Recreation Department, Bllboa Park, San Diego, Calif.


' Toole in another outota~ng · jazz concert a rw t~ which I am sure you a.re all eager to hoar about. This time it t·ms the neu Dave &-ubeck trio with Gerry­Hulligan. Br'ubeck., as )"Otl problb:cy' kn0t1., broke up hio quartet laot fall after oaucthing like 15 years. He ~ent six montho relaxing and compooing and then got toeether tdth nuJJ.iean to torm ·this new: group, 11hioh they plan to keep together for about aix months. DurL"lg that time they t-d.11 record and play 19 concerts. This

v ,as only their sixth concert, I _believe, am h0t-r we got then in ColUl!lb.ls wh~ their engagements . are so l:iln:ited, I don'~ knat-1. A'f1YWIJ¥, I•m glad we did. Gerry 1-hlllgan has 'long been one of rrr:, .favorite muoicians am I~ liked the Irubeek quartet · vcey much, although -more for Paul Desmond than Dave lrubeck. The new grrup includes Jack Six on bass and Allen Dat·mon on drums. - They played several famil.ar t:li.?JBs, but _not in a fa.mj]ja.r l'ra.y. Ti1ey a.re unique in their arrangements am in their -soum, dif :~·erent fran either tlle Brubeck quartet, E>l" 8J\Y' of 1-iulligan• a small grrups.

T:1e concert opened td.th"Iasin Street in a. VOr<J swinging modern a.rrangefaent, definitely._ not the usual. d:ixi..elarid tren:t.':lent of the "1ne. They had selected this and their _second number/nm, Orleans: because they l1ad juot returned fran a 1-:eek , in Neu Orleans. Third selection ims a familiar i-ru~D'cln original.,"Line for cyans! The treatoent wao br?,nd nm·1, hO\-mver, although as Gerry pointed ottt he still had to · play the ha.rmoey !'.X).rt. He can,osed. the thine al'Ji newr geto to rll.q mel~ o The :first set - clooed uith a selection £ran lrubqck's e:xflended uork., •0rntor10: This lras uha.t he spent much of Ms jix months on. It's a canpooition for syinuhol.\V, choir, and jazz c~:mbo and the part of A they did t-.ias very appea].ine.

The occom aet t-rao devoted )11"irnar:i.:cy-to thingo they- JrD were planning for an . upcoming engagement in ~-~co City., starting with a thing oalled 6 An Indian iune~

Three oi' the things they did in thio set had juat been u:titten for the l-1exican trip atxl t!10 othcil ·were lle'ljirrangements,, so . they uere a bit aprirehensive what thw were goin.i! to do 1iil* us. Tiley nocdn't :mve been. The l'6pport, betuc:en DlWlicians of this call bre is aluays a,;nzing. -Followir)8 Imian Tune, they did A.-napol.a ( sp)., first made famous by ~ielcn o•. Connell with Tarin\Y D01-sey. &-u.beck did thin ·•s to it Helen 01 Connell or Tommy Doroey never dreamed of, rut they tJere all thl right things . next uere _ tuo Hulligan thil'13s ~,.,ine Beans a.rd one uith the ~e:in tho airo They uers torn betucen Inl.laby de Ea..uoo arrl Siesta. I wwld choose the latter, as it oet that mood amply beautifully. 'l1e concert clooed tr.ith a south of the border tY!)e tune t.liat I should knO\·t rut can't !,Jilt 11\Y ax fineer on the tj;tle of am uith t!1e . ::ru:mdard; Out of Iio1i1ere! &th _ were done in the swinging, forceful t,'tyle that marks thin ereat nc.·r group. Ii' you have the chance to hear them., don't pass it upo 'lhey irl.11 have sano records out coon, and I'm sure they ,dll be uorth your money.

I 111 save tlle last IE,ge for Ill.a.ckhtrn to 1ri te up tonight 1 s big . Cldo A.faU 2 Hilo. lay t7Y to ·eet tlle next isoue out ear:cy t·.tl. th a b.lnch of nothing in it ·and then . cane out again as soon no posaible after the SO trl.th coverage of it and tho 20. · This wil.l get us rock close to our or-lginal publishing date. Ee have lost almost a month in• a little over three years since t·,e stD.rted. ' Iht tJe have . r,l:'obab~ . exceeded the 1ongev:ity­of &l\V' other race -walld~ ~blicution in this ex>untry am our relial:xi.lity aint too rod. o.ir content, maybe. fut not rur reliability.

Page 9: i!iX LARfY YO!/!l!C j(;175 35mastershistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/ORW-1968-05.pdfOil Edito1~' o com::ients: Ron goesAto n~te Ear:i.on Dari.iel aa Race talldng iiife of the




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