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International journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 1 Issue 1, February 201, ISSN: 2348 - 4470 (Online) Comparison of various classification algorithms on iris datasets using WEKA Kanu Patel 1 , Jay Vala 2 , Jaymit Pandya 3 1 Assist. Prof, I.T Department, BVM Engineering College, V.V.Nagar [email protected] 2 Assist. Prof., I.T Department, GCET Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected] 3 Assist. Prof, I.T Department, GCET Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected] Abstract: Classification is one of the most important task of data mining. Main task of data mining is data analysis. For study purpose various algorithm available for classification like decision tree, Navie Bayes, Back propagation, Neural Network, Artificial Neural, Multi-layer perception, Multi class classification, Support vector Machine, k-nearest neighbor etc. In this paper we introduce four algorithms from them. Study purpose we take iris.arff dataset. Implement this all algorithm in iris dataset and compare TP-rate, Fp-rate, Precision, Recall and ROC Curve parameter. Weka is inbuilt tools for data mining. So we used weka for implementation. Keyword: classification, K-nn, ROC, FP-rate, Decision tree, WEKA I. INTRODUCTION Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining algorithms which carry out the assigning of objects into related classes are called classifiers. Classification algorithms include two main phases; in the first phase they try to find a model for the class attribute as a function of other variables of the datasets, and in the @IJAERD-2014, All Rights Reserved 1

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International journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)Volume 1 Issue 1, February 201, ISSN: 2348 - 4470 (Online)

Comparison of various classification algorithms on iris datasets using WEKA

Kanu Patel1, Jay Vala2, Jaymit Pandya3

1Assist. Prof, I.T Department, BVM Engineering College, V.V.Nagar [email protected]

2Assist. Prof., I.T Department, GCET Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected]

3Assist. Prof, I.T Department, GCET Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected]

Abstract: Classification is one of the most important task of data mining. Main task of data mining is data analysis. For study purpose various algorithm available for classification like decision tree, Navie Bayes, Back propagation, Neural Network, Artificial Neural, Multi-layer perception, Multi class classification, Support vector Machine, k-nearest neighbor etc. In this paper we introduce four algorithms from them. Study purpose we take iris.arff dataset. Implement this all algorithm in iris dataset and compare TP-rate, Fp-rate, Precision, Recall and ROC Curve parameter. Weka is inbuilt tools for data mining. So we used weka for implementation.

Keyword: classification, K-nn, ROC, FP-rate, Decision tree, WEKA


Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cuts costs, or both. Data mining algorithms which carry out the assigning of objects into related classes are called classifiers. Classification algorithms include two main phases; in the first phase they try to find a model for the class attribute as a function of other variables of the datasets, and in the second phase, they apply previously designed model on the new and unseen datasets for determining the related class of each record [1][3]. There are different methods for data classification such as Decision Trees (DT), Rule Based Methods, Logistic Regression (LogR), Linear Regression (LR), Naïve Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Linear Classifier (LC) and so forth. The comparison of the classifiers and using the most predictive classifier is very important. Each of the classification methods shows different efficacy and accuracy based on the kind of dataset [2]. In addition, there are various evaluation metrics for comparing the classification methods that each of them could be useful depending on the kind of the problem. Among the other criteria for comparing the classification methods, one could mention; precision, recall, error rate, confusion matrix.

In this article, using a new method, five usual data classification methods (Decision tree, Multi-layer perception, Naïve Bayes, C4.5, SVM) have been compared based on the AUC

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criterion. These mentioned methods have been applied on the random generated datasets which are independent from a special problem. This comparison is based on the effect of the numbers of existing discrete and continuous attributes and the size of the dataset on the AUC [2].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2, preliminary work or previous works related to this area and the motivations of performing the new work have been presented. Section 3 provides an explanation about dataset for classification methods. Reporting the results of the applying classification methods on the datasets is presented in section 4. Section 5 evaluates the results and investigates the efficacy of the classifiers. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper and describes future works.


As our intention is to choose the best algorithms for iris datasets which can be integrated in our weka tool, we have to search among those that can support categorical and numeric data, handle incomplete data, offer a natural interpretation to instructors and be accurate working with small samples. Therefore, we analyses five of the most common machine learning techniques, namely Decision Trees, Bayesian classifiers and Multi-layer perception,C4.5, SVM. We rule out the use of Support Vector Machine techniques because of their lack of a comprehensive visual representation was used to perform the analysis [5].

a. Classification: Classification is a data mining (machine learning) technique used to predict group membership for data instances. For example, you may wish to use classification to predict whether the weather on a particular day will be “sunny”, “rainy” or “cloudy”. Popular classification techniques include decision trees and neural networks.

b. Decision treeDecision tree learning uses a decision tree as a predictive model which maps observations about an item to conclusions about the item's target value. It is one of the predictive modelling approaches used in statistics, data mining and machine learning. More descriptive names for such tree models are classification trees or regression trees. In these tree structures, leaves represent class labels and branches represent conjunctions of features that lead to those class labels.In decision analysis, a decision tree can be used to visually and explicitly represent decisions and decision making. In data mining, a decision tree describes data but not decisions; rather the resulting classification tree can be an input for decision making. This page deals with decision trees in data.There are many specific decision-tree algorithms. Notable ones include:

ID3[6][7] (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) C4.5 (successor of ID3) CART (Classification And Regression Tree) CHAID (CHi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector). Performs multi-level splits

when computing classification trees. MARS: extends decision trees to better handle numerical data.c. Multi-layer perceptron

A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a feed forward artificial neural network model that maps sets of input data onto a set of appropriate outputs. A MLP consists of multiple layers of nodes in a directed graph, with each layer fully connected to the next one. Except for the

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input nodes, each node is a neuron (or processing element) with a nonlinear activation function. MLP utilizes a supervised learning technique called back propagation for training the network.[1][2] MLP is a modification of the standard linear perceptron and can distinguish data that are not linearly separable

d. SVMIn this section, we study Support Vector Machines, a promising new method for the classification of both linear and nonlinear data. In a nutshell, a support vector machine (or SVM) is an algorithm that works as follows. It uses a nonlinear mapping to transform the original training data into a higher dimension [8]. Within this new dimension, it searches for the linear optimal separating hyper plane (that is, a “decision boundary “separating the tuples of one class from another). With an appropriate nonlinear mapping to a sufficiently high dimension, data from two classes can always be separated by a hyper plane. The SVM finds this hyper plane using support vectors (“essential” training tuples) and margins (defined by the support vectors).We will delve more into these new concepts further below.

e. Bayesian classifiersBayesian classifiers are statistical classifiers. They can predict class membership probabilities, such as the probability that a given tuple belongs to a particular class. Bayesian classification is based on Bayes’ theorem, described below. Studies comparing classification algorithms have found a simple Bayesian classifier known as the naïve Bayesian classifier to be comparable in performance with decision tree and selected neural network classifiers. Bayesian classifiers have also exhibited high accuracy and speed when applied to large databases. Naïve Bayesian classifiers assume that the effect of an attribute value on a given classis independent of the values of the other attributes [8]. This assumption is called class conditional independence. It is made to simplify the computations involved and, in this sense, is considered “naïve.” Bayesian belief networks are graphical models, which unlike naïve Bayesian classifiers allow the representation of dependencies among subsets of attributes. Bayesian belief networks can also be used for classification.

f. C4.5C4.5 is one of the decision tree based algorithm. It’s a higher version of ID3. We implemented this all five algorithm in to Weka and compare their results.

g. WEKA ToolsWEKA is a data mining system developed by the University of Waikato in New Zealand that implements data mining algorithms using the JAVA language. WEKA is a state of- the-art facility for developing machine learning (ML) techniques and their application to real-world data mining problems. It is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms are applied directly to a dataset. WEKA implements algorithms for data preprocessing, classification, regression, clustering and association rules; It also includes visualization tools. The new machine learning schemes can also be developed with this package.WEKA is open source software issued under General Public License [4].The data file normally used by Weka is in ARFF file format, which consists of special tags to indicate different things in the data file (foremost: attribute names, attribute types, and attribute values and the data). The main interface in Weka is the Explorer. It has a set of panels, each of which can be used to perform a certain task. Once a dataset has been loaded, one of the other panels in the Explorer can be used to perform further analysis

III. DATASETIn this paper for comparison of all classification we used “iris.arff” dataset the basic information of iris is given below.

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Relevant Information: This is perhaps the best known database to be found in the pattern recognition literature --- Predicted attribute: class of iris plant. --- This is an exceedingly simple domain.Number of Instances: 150 (50 in each of three classes)Number of Attributes: 4 numeric, predictive attributes and the classAttribute Information: 1. sepal length in cm 2. sepal width in cm 3. petal length in cm 4. petal width in cm 5. class: -- Iris Setosa -- Iris Versicolour -- Iris VirginicaMissing Attribute Values: None


For implementation, we used weka tools. First of all open weka tools and select dataset in this paper we used iris dataset and it’s inbuilt of weka. First look of weka look like.

Above figure show the basic information of dataset. like list of attribute and class variable. A data set contains value of all attribute. We can change that value using weka.

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Above figure gives the value of iris dataset of every attribute. After preprocessing we directly go for classification select classifier from classification algorithm and click on start button. weka run that selected algorithm on iris dataset. its display output regarding all parameter like error rate and confusion matrix. In this paper we implemented four algorithm Decision tree, multiclass, naive byes and multi layer perceptron.

At last confusion matrix of multi layer perceptron algorithm is.

=== Confusion Matrix ===a b c <-- classified as

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50 0 0 | a = Iris-setosa0 48 2 | b = Iris-versicolor0 2 48 | c = Iris-virginica


We tested the four aforementioned algorithms using different parameter settings and different numbers of folds for cross validation, in order to discover whether they have a great effecton the result. Finally, we set the algorithms with default parameters and used 10-foldcross validation we show the classification accuracy and rates obtained with the four algorithms for the iris dataset.

TP-rate FP-Rate Precision Recall ROC AreaDecisionStump 0.667 0.167 0.5 0.667 0.833MultilayerPerceptron 0.973 0.013 0.973 0.973 0.998NaiveBayes 0.96 0.02 0.96 0.96 0.994MultiClassClassifier 0.96 0.02 0.96 0.96 0.977

Table 1 Comparison of all four algorithms







ROC Area0








Fig. 1 Comparison of all four algorithms in chart form


In this paper, We compare four algorithm on iris dataset with some parameter. In iris dataset contain simple and class attribute. Decision tree will implement on iris dataset then its less efficient than all other like multilayer perceptron, Naive Bayes and Multiclass classifier. In all algorithm multilayer perceptron is more accurate and efficient in all parameter like TP-rate, FP-rate, Precision, Recall and ROC area.


[1].P-N. Tan, M. Steinbach, V. Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining,” Addison-Wesley Publishing, 2006. [2] M. Kantardzic, “Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms,” John Wiley & Sons Publishing, 2003. [3] I.H. Witten, E. Frank, “Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques,” Morgan Kaufmann Publishing, Second Edition, 2005.

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[4] Y.S. Kim, “Comparision of the decision tree, artificial neural network, and linear regression methods based on the number and types of independent variables and sample size,” Journal of Expert Systems with Application, Elsevier, 2008, pp. 1227-1234. [4]. WEKA at http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/weka.[6] J.S R Jang (1993). ANFIS Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy inference System. IEEE transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Vol. 23, no3, pp 665-685[7] Mansour Y (1997). Pessimistic decision tree pruning based on tree size. In Press of Proc. 14th International Conference on Machine Learning. Pp.195-201.[8] Basic of Classification in data mining source from: Wikipedia

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Research of Page ranking algorithm on Search engine using Damping factor

Punit Patel1

1Assist. Prof., Computer Department, VGI, Mandvi-Kutch, [email protected]

Abstract: The web consists of a huge number of documents that have been published without any quality control. To retrieve necessary information from World Wide Web, search engines carry out number of tasks based on their respective structural design. Various Search engine follow, different algorithm for ranking pages & produce different result. Search engine generally returns a large number of web pages in response to user queries using algorithms. This paper discusses the idea of page rank algorithm based on the number of visits by the client or user. In this paper, a detailed study is being performed on the Page Rank, the Google’s algorithm and check the damping factor value 0.85

Keywords: Search Engine, PageRank, World Wide Web, SEO


The World Wide Web (Web) is most well-liked and interactive source to broadcast information today. As on today WWW is the largest information repository and set of all nodes which are interconnected by hypertext links. With the quick growth of the Web, users get easily vanished in the rich hyperlink structure. The main aim of website owners is to providing accurate data based on the user’s requirement. so, discover the content of the Web pages and retrieving the users’ interests from their actions have become gradually more important. Search Engine Optimization was a term used in the late 90s to show up the importance of a web page’s position in results of the search engine. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a well defined process which is used to improve the website rank and also helps to increase traffic to a web site using search engines. SEO process also helps to increase the number of users to a Web site by high ranking in the search results of a search engine [1]. Higher page rank of websites that means that website is more visited by users. Careful optimization of web sites by Search Engine Optimization that increase the websites visibility in the different search engine Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others. The results obtained by a search engines are a combination of large amount of appropriate and inappropriate information. Normally users visit only that website which is top of the lists. SEO is one type technique which helps to find out and get page rank of website from large number of other sites in response to user’s search query. So various ranking algorithm such as Page Rank, HITS are available that helps the users to navigate in the results. These ranking method uses by search engine that sort and displayed the result to users. So users can easily find the best result.In this paper, Page rank Algorithm which works on the number of inbound links and outbound links of web pages. The main goal of the algorithm is to find out relevant information according to users requirement/query. So, this idea is very valuable to exhibit most precious pages on the top of the result list on the basis of user browsing behavior.

II. DATA MINING OVER WEBNow a day, the web revolution has had a profound impact on the way we search and find information at home and at work. The web has also become an enormously important tool for communicating idea, conducting business and entertainment. Web mining is a data mining technique used to extract information from World Wide Web [2]. Millions of web pages are

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published every day and millions of are modified or removed. Web pages are written in a different language and provide information in variety of sources such as text, video, audio, image, and animation etc.

Figure 1 Process of Web Mining

A. Web Mining Categories Web mining can be classified into three categories Web Structure Mining, Web Content Mining and Web Usage Mining as depicted in literature [3, 4].

Figure 2 Classified Web Mining

Web Content Mining : Web Content Mining is the process of discovering useful information from the contents of Web pages. Web content mining involves text, images, audio, video information. It is related to text mining because most of website contents are text. It is also related to image mining. Process of Image mining is quite difficult compare to text.

Web Structure Mining: It deals with searching and modeling the web’s link structure. Web structure mining consists of nodes (Web pages), as well as edges (hyperlinks) linking between two related pages it is the process of discovering structure information from the Web. Web structure also consist of In-degree and Out-degree Hyperlinks: A Hyperlink is used to connect a different Web page to other web page of different location. Different technique of web structure is Page Rank, HITS and so on.

Web Usage Mining: Web Usage mining has been used for various purposes: A knowledge discovery process for mining marketing intelligence information from

web data. In order to improve the performance of the website, web usage logs can be used to

extract useful web traffic patterns. Web usage mining provides valuable knowledge about user behavior on WWW. One of the major goals of web usage mining is to reveal interesting trends and patterns which can be provide useful information about

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the user of a system. It includes web server log such as user’s IP, referral URL, response status and HTTP request and other.


Google has the most well known ranking algorithm called the Page Rank algorithm that has been claimed to supply top ranking pages that are relevant. The Page Rank algorithm was used and enhanced by Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin [5]. Page Rank algorithm describes the popularity of web page or website. This Page Rank algorithm is depend on the link Analysis in which ranking of web page is decided based on outbound links and inbounds links [6]. That means it’s totally bed on link of WWW and Google uses this algorithm for searching the web pages based on number of hyperlinks such as Inbound and outbound.Inbound Links: Inbound links are those links that is comes from other site to your website, it is also known as “backlinks”. Google consider only relevant links point to your site but you cannot control which sites point to your site. If your website content is unique and rich then there are much chances those links will be “do follow” otherwise links will be consider as “no follow” Outbound Links: Outbound links are those links that is pointing to other site from your website and you have more control over these links.

Figure 3. Outbound links pointing to other site

A page has high rank if the other pages with high rank linked to it [7]. It is given by:-

PR (A) = (1-d) + d (PR (Ti)/C (Ti) + ... + PR (Tn)/C(Tn))

Let A be the page and whose page rank is PR(A). Let PR (Ti) is the Pagerank of pages Ti which link to page A, C (Ti) is the number of outbound links going out from page Ti and d is a damping factor assume to be between 0 and 1 usually 0.85. Sometimes does not

click on any links & jumps to another pages at random. It follows the direct links. (1-d) is the probability of jumping off to some random pages; every page has a

minimum page rank of (1-d). It follows the non-direct links.

To calculate the Page Rank of any Page We required to know the Page Rank of each page that point to it and number of the outbound links from each of those pages.


Let us consider a simple example of three web page A,B and C shown in figure.1. Page A contains 1 outbound link that is pointing to Page B.

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2. Page B contains 2 outbound links that is pointing to Page A and Page C.3. And Page contains 1 outbound link that is pointing to Page A4. The initial page Rank of each page is considered to be 1.

Figure 3. Three web pages links between each other

The Page Rank of each page is computed by following equationPR (A) = 0.2 + 0.4PR (B) + 0.8PR (C)PR (B) = 0.2 + 0.8PR (A)PR (C) = 0.2 + 0.4PR (B)The result of above equation is givenPR (A) = 1.2PR (B) = 1.0PR (C) = 0.66Evolution for page rank of 4 pages with different damping factor. Here outbound link Is constantbut every time damping factor change

Evolution for page rank of 7 pages with different damping factor. Here outbound link Is constant but every time damping factor change.

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No Damping factor Home About Product Contact Gallery Facebook Twitter

1 0.6 0.295 0.105 0.148 0.127 0.150 0.105 0.0702 0.7 0.313 0.102 0.146 0.127 0.153 0.102 0.0583 0.75 0.321 0.100 0.145 0.126 0.155 0.100 0.0524 0.8 0.329 0.099 0.144 0.126 0.157 0.099 0.0465 0.85 0.336 0.098 0.143 0.126 0.159 0.098 0.0416 0.9 0.344 0.097 0.142 0.126 0.160 0.097 0.035

Table 1: Damping factor on famous sites

No Damping factor Home About contact Product

1 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.252 0.05 0.274 0.242 0.242 0.2423 0.1 0.295 0.235 0.235 0.2354 0.2 0.333 0.222 0.222 0.2225 0.3 0.365 0.212 0.212 0.2126 0.4 0.393 0.202 0.202 0.2027 0.5 0.417 0.194 0.194 0.1948 0.6 0.438 0.188 0.188 0.1889 0.7 0.456 0.181 0.181 0.18110 0.75 0.464 0.179 0.179 0.17911 0.8 0.472 0.176 0.176 0.17612 0.85 0.48 0.173 0.173 0.17313 0.9 0.487 0.171 0.171 0.171

Table 2: Damping factor analysis on different input

V. CONCLUSIONThe Page Ranking algorithms which are an application of web mining play a vital role

to easier navigation for users. In this literature review we have discussed about Web Mining and its categorization, beside this we have explained page rank algorithm and how it employ with different concept such as number of users that visit the web pages. And also analyze the page rank of web pages for search engine. Based on the survey, we take the different damping factor for analysis and find out that the general scenario of damping factor is 0.85 that means most probably 0.85 values is used for page ranking of web page. In the traditional Google PageRank algorithm, the damping factor is the major element to change the page ranking in hyperlink diagrams. Analysis results indicate four categories of PageRank based on the damping factor d. All websites have Minor changes in PageRank value regardless of how d changes after 0.85 value of pagerank is change slightly.


[1] Parveen Rani, Er. Sukhpreet Singh: An Offline SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Based Algorithm to Calculate Web Page Rank According to Different Parameters, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Vol 9, No 1, July 15 ,2013 [2] Tamanna Bhatia,” Link Analysis Algorithms For Web Mining “, IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2011.[3] R.Cooley, B.Mobasher and J.Srivastava, “Web Mining: Information and Pattern Discovery on the World Wide Web”. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’97), 1997. [4] Zdravko Markov and Daniel T. Larose, “Mining the Web: Uncovering Patterns in Web Content, Structure and Usage Data”. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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[5] Neelam Duhan, A. K. Sharma, Komal Kumar Bhatia.Page Ranking Algorithms: A Survey (2009).[6] Brin, Sergey and Page Lawrence. The anatomy of a Large-scale hypertextual Web search engine. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, April 1998.[7] Tushar Atreja, A. K. Sharma, Neelam Duhan. A comparison study of Web Page Ranking Algorithms,IPAJOURNALS

Study of Recursive and Iterative Approach on Factorial and Fibonacci Algorithm

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Vatsal Shah1, Jayna Donga2

1Assist. Prof., IT Dept. , B.V.M Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected]. Prof., IT Department, MBICT, V.V.Nagar [email protected]

Abstract: Algorithm is wide area for research. In part of algorithm is solved various real time problem like job scheduling, shortest path and Eight Queen etc. For finding a solution multiple approaches work on single problem. In this paper we work on that direction. There are two main basic algorithm can be implemented in different nature. In this paper we study factorial and Fibonacci algorithm solved by simple iterative approach and recursive approach. At last we compare number of parameter like their number of operation, memory utilization and Time complexity.

Keyword: Iterative, Recursive, Time complexity


Algorithm is collection of finite set of un ambiguous instruction that occur in sequence. lots of approaches available in algorithm for solving a problem. We discuss basically two approaches are iterative and recursive. Recursion is an important problem solving and programming technique and there is no doubt that it should be covered in the first year introductory computer science courses, in the second year data structure course, and in the third year design and analysis of algorithms course. While the advantages of using recursion are well taught and discussed in textbooks, we discovered that its potential pitfalls are often neglected and never fully discussed in literature. For the purpose of our discussion, we shall divide recursive functions into linear and branched ones[1]. Linear recursive functions make only one recursive call to itself. Note that a function’s making only one recursive call to itself is not at all the same as having the recursive call made one place in the function, since this place might be inside a loop. It is also possible to have two places that issue a recursive call (such as both the then and else clauses of an if statement) where only one call can actually occur. The recursion tree of a linear recursive function has a very simple form of a chain, where each vertex has only one child. This child corresponds to the single recursive call that occurs. Such a simple tree is easy to comprehend, such as in the well known factorial function[3-4]. By reading the recursion tree from bottom to top, we immediately obtain the iterative program for the recursive one. Thus the transformation from linear recursion to iteration is easy, and will likely save both space and time. However, these savings are only in the constant of linear time complexity for both recursive and iterative solutions, and can be easily disregarded.


Iterative functions – are loop based imperative repetitions of a process (in contrast to recursion which has a more declarative approach). Iterative is part of Pseudo code and it is a language similar to a programming language used to represent algorithms. The main difference respect to actual programming languages is that pseudo code is not required to follow strict syntactic rules, since it is intended to be just read by humans, not actually executed by a machine[5].

Recursive function – is a function that is partially defined by itself and consists of some simple case with a known answer. A recursive procedure is a procedure that invokes itself.

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Also a set of procedures is called recursive if they invoke themselves in a circle, e.g., procedure p1 invokes procedure p2, procedure p2 invokes procedure p3 and procedure p3 invokes procedure p1. A recursive algorithm is an algorithm that contains recursive procedures or recursive sets of procedures[7]. Recursive algorithms have the advantage that often they are easy to design and are closer to natural mathematical definitions Example: Fibonacci number sequence, factorial function, quick sort and more.  Some of the algorithms/functions can be represented in an iterative way and some may not.

The particular recursive algorithm for calculation Fibonacci series is less efficient. Consider the following situation of finding fib(4) through the recursive algorithm

int fib(n) : if( n==0 || n==1 ) return n; else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)Now when the above algorithm executes for n=4


fib(3) fib(2)

fib(2) fib(1) fib(1) fib(0)

fib(1) fib(0) It's a tree. It says that for calculating fib(4) you need to calculate fib(3) and fib(2) and so on.

Notice that even for a small value of 4, fib(2) is calculated twice and fib(1) is calculated thrice. This number of additions grows for large numbers.

There is a conjecture that the number of additions required for calculating fib(n) is

fib(n+1) -1So this duplication is the one which is the cause of reduced performance in this particular algorithm.

The iterative algorithm for Fibonacci series is considerably faster since it does not involve calculating the redundant things.

It may not be the same case for all the algorithms though.


In implementation point of view, We can use any of language for implementation. C programming is simple and we use for implementation of Fibonacci series and factorial using both approaches.

Factorial algorithm

Iterative approach of factorial

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Recursive approach of factorial

After implementation of factorial using both approach for taking input size starting from 10 to 100000.

N Recursive Iterative10 334 ticks 11 ticks100 846 ticks 23 ticks1000 3368 ticks 110 ticks10000 9990 ticks 975 ticks100000 stack overflow 9767 ticks

Table 2: comparison of Iterative and recursive for factorial

The reason for the poor performance is heavy push-pop of the registers in the ill level of each recursive call.

Fibonacci Algorithm:Iterative approach of Fibonacci

Recursive approach of Fibonacci

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After implementation of Fibonacci using both approach for taking input size starting from 5 to 100000.

N Recursive Recursive opt. Iterative5 5 ticks 22 ticks 9 ticks10 36 ticks 49 ticks 10 ticks20 2315 ticks 61 ticks 10 ticks30 180254 ticks 65 ticks 10 ticks100 too long/stack overflow 158 ticks 11 ticks1000 too long/stack overflow 1470 ticks 27 ticks10000 too long/stack overflow 13873 ticks 190 ticks100000 too long/stack overflow too long/stack overflow 3952 ticks

Table 2: comparison of Iterative and recursive for fibonacciAs before, the recursive approach is worse than iterative however, we could apply memorization pattern (saving previous results in dictionary for quick key based access), although this pattern isn't a match for the iterative approach (but definitely an improvement over the simple recursion).


In this paper we discuss both approaches on different algorithm so we conclude that the matrix method of generating Fibonacci numbers is more efficient than the simple iterative algorithm, though in order to see its benefits, you will probably have to work with numbers consisting of hundreds of bits or more. We can directly use previous find value in to next steps. For memory purpose iterative is more appropriate compare to recursive. For smaller numbers, the simplicity of the iterative algorithm is preferable.


[1] F. B. Chedid and T. Mogi, “A simple iterative algorithm for the towers of Hanoi problem,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 39, pp. 274–275, May 1996.[2] R. L. Kruse, C. L. Tondo, and B. P. Leung, Data Structures and Program Design in C. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1997.[3] A. B. Tucker, A. P. Bernat, W. J. Bradley, R. B. Cupper, and G. W. Scragg, Fundamentals of Computing I. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.[4] T. L. Naps and D. W. Nance, Introduction to Computer Science: Programming, Problem Solving, and Data Structures. St. Paul, MN:West, 1995.[5] E. B. K offman, Pascal. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995.[6] T. A. Standish, Data Structures, Algorithms, and Software Principles. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.[7] E. B. Koffman and B. R. Maxim, Software Design and Data Structures in Turbo Pascal. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.

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Discover Multi-Label Classification using Association Rule Mining

Kanu Patel1, Niki Kapadia2, Mehul Parikh3

1Assist. Prof, I.T Depart, BVM Engineering College, V.V.Nagar, [email protected] 2Assist. Professor, Computer Department, BIT,Babaria [email protected]

3Assist. Prof., Computer Department, GEC, Modasa, [email protected]

Abstract: Association rule mining and classification are two major task of data mining. They are attracted wide attention in both research and application area recently. I propose a method for classification rules from multi-label dataset using association rule analysis. Multi label dataset contains multiple class label attribute for predict target variable. We classify that attribute using different approaches like naviye-baies, decision tree, Back propagation, Neural based classification and association rule based classification. Finding association rule from dataset we have to apply various algorithms like Apriori, Fp-Growth, etc. I proposed Fp-Growth algorithm for finding association rule from dataset because of Fp-Growth is an improved algorithm of Apriori and Fp-Growth is more efficient than Apriori. The number of associations present in even moderate sized databases can be, however, very large – usually too large to be applied directly for classification purposes. Therefore, any classification learner using association rules has to perform three major steps: Mining a set of potentially accurate rules, evaluating and pruning rules, and classifying future instances using the found rule set. Implementation of improved Fp-Growth algorithm gives accurate and classify rule. This approach is more effective, accurate and efficient than other tradition algorithms.

Keywords: Rule mining; Association rule, Mulans; Classification; Fp-Growth ;ImprovedFp-Growth;


The classification problem is to build a model, which, based on external observations, assigns an instance to one or more labels. A set of examples is given as the training set, from which the model is built. A typical assumption in classification is that labels are mutually exclusive, so that an instance can be mapped to only one label. However, due to ambiguity or multiplicity, it is quite natural that most of the applications violate this assumption, allowing instances to be mapped to multiple labels simultaneously. For example, a movie being mapped to action or adventure, or a song being classified as rock or ballad, could all lead to violations of the single-label assumption? Multi-label classification consists in learning a model from instances that may be associated with multiple labels, that is, labels are not assumed to be mutually exclusive. Most of the proposed approaches. [1] for multi-label classification employ heuristics, such as learning independent classifiers for each label, and employing ranking and thresholding schemes for classification. Although simple, these heuristics do not deal with important issues such as small disjuncts and correlated labels. In essence, small disjuncts are rules covering a small number of examples, and thus they are often neglected. The problem is that, although a single small disjuncts covers only few

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examples, many of them, collectively, may cover a substantial fraction of all examples, and simply eliminating them may degrade classification accuracy [2]. Small disjuncts pose significant problems in single-label classification, and in multi label classification these problems are worsened, because the search space for disjuncts increases due to the possibly large number of label combinations. Also, it is often the case that there are strong dependencies among labels, and such dependencies, when properly explored, may provide improved accuracy in multi-label classification. we propose an approach which deals with small disjuncts while exploring dependencies among labels. To address the problem with small disjuncts, we adopt a lazy associative classification approach. Instead of building a single set of class association rules (CARs) that is good on average for all predictions, the proposed lazy approach delays the inductive process until a test instance is given for classification, therefore taking advantage of better qualitative evidence coming from the test instance, and generating CARs on a demand-driven basis. Small disjoints are better covered, due to the highly specific bias associated with this approach. We address the label correlation issue by defining multi-label class association rules (MCARs), a variation of CARs that allows the presence of multiple labels in the antecedent of the rule. The search space for MCARs is huge and to avoid an exhaustive enumeration. Which would be necessary to find the best label combination, we employ a novel heuristic called progressive label focusing, which makes feasible the exploration of associations among labels..


In this section, we explain the concept of association rule mining and classification.2.1 Association rules Mining

In data mining, association rule learning is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases. It is intended to identify strong rules discovered in databases using different measures of interestingness.[1] Based on the concept of strong rules, Rakesh Agrawal et al.[2] introduced association rules for discovering regularities between products in large-scale transaction data recorded by point-of-sale (POS) systems in supermarkets. For example, the rule   found in the sales data of a supermarket would indicate that if a customer buys onions and potatoes together, he or she is likely to also buy hamburger meat. Such information can be used as the basis for decisions about marketing activities such as, e.g., promotional pricing or product placements. In addition to the above example from market basket analysis association rules are employed today in many application areas including Web usage mining, intrusion detection, Continuous production and bioinformatics. As opposed to sequence mining, association rule learning typically does not consider the order of items either within a transaction or across transactions.

Many algorithms for generating association rules were presented over time.

Some well known algorithms are Apriori, Eclat and FP-Growth, but they only do half the job, since they are algorithms for mining frequent item sets. Another step needs to be done after to generate rules from frequent item sets found in a database.2.1.1 Apriori algorithm

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Apriori[6] is the best-known algorithm to mine association rules. It uses a breadth-first search strategy to count the support of item sets and uses a candidate generation function which exploits the downward closure property of support.2.1.2 Eclat algorithmEclat is a depth-first search algorithm using set intersection.2.1.3 FP-growth algorithmFP stands for frequent pattern. In the first pass, the algorithm counts occurrence of items (attribute-value pairs) in the dataset, and stores them to 'header table'. In the second pass, it builds the FP-tree structure by inserting instances. Items in each instance have to be sorted by descending order of their frequency in the dataset, so that the tree can be processed quickly. Items in each instance that do not meet minimum coverage threshold are discarded. If many instances share most frequent items, FP-tree provides high compression close to tree root.Recursive processing of this compressed version of main dataset grows large item sets directly, instead of generating candidate items and testing them against the entire database. Growth starts from the bottom of the header table (having longest branches), by finding all instances matching given condition. New tree is created, with counts projected from the original tree corresponding to the set of instances that are conditional on the attribute, with each node getting some of its children counts. Recursive growth ends when no individual items conditional on the attribute meet minimum support threshold, and processing continues on the remaining header items of the original FP-tree. Once the recursive process has completed, all large item sets with minimum coverage have been found, and association rule creation begins.2.2 Classification.Classification refers to an algorithmic procedure for assigning a given piece of input data into one of a given number of categories. An example would be assigning a given email into "spam" or "non-spam" classes or assigning a diagnosis to a given patient as described by observed characteristics of the patient (gender, blood pressure, presence or absence of certain symptoms, etc.). An algorithm that implements classification, especially in a concrete implementation, is known as a classifier. The term "classifier" sometimes also refers to the mathematical function, implemented by a classification algorithm, that maps input data to a category.2.2.1Multi-label classificationIn machine learning, multi-label classification is a variant of the classification problem where multiple target labels must be assigned to each instance. Multi-label classification should not be confused with multiclass classification, which is the problem is categorizing instances into more than two classes.Several problem transformation methods exist for multi-label classification; a common one is the binary relevance (BR) where one binary classifier is trained per label. Various other transformations exist: The Label Combinations (LC) transformation, creates one binary classifier for every possible label combination. Other transformation methods include RAkEL[5] and Chain Classifiers(CC)[6]. Various problem transformation methods have been developed such as Ml-kNN[7], a variant of the k-nearest neighbors lazy classifiers.

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In this Section, We have to apply methods or algorithms on datasets for generating rules. So first we have to preprocessing the datasets after getting final data we have to apply FP-growth algorithms for finding association rule and then after we have to prune that rules so ultimately we got classify rules of that datasets. This section combines the methods for class association rule mining, pruning and classification in different ways and evaluates their performances. The results are not only used to compare the performance of the different classification approaches but also to evaluate the underlying mining processes. The main focus of the experiments is on the rule mining algorithms. Therefore classification using association rules provides a mechanism by which to compare the different mining approaches. In this chapter we compare Fp-growth and Improved Fp-growth. Therefore, we primarily focus on their interestingness measures, because this is the main difference between the two mining algorithms. The different interestingness measures induce a different rule ranking.3.1 DatasetsIn order to compare the different approaches we use standard benchmark datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository our selection of datasets and their properties. Their size ranges from a few tens of instances to one thousand instances and they are composed of varying numbers of numeric and nominal attributes. The class attribute is always nominal. Some of them contain missing values. In this paper we use Contact-lenses, soybean,CAL500 and weather nominal datasets for finding rules. 3.2 The proposed algorithmIn this paper first we have to select datasets from the UCI data repository or MULAN. The data sets contain multiple class label attribute so we can use it .FP-Growth algorithm apply on that dataset. now we find occurrence of all item sets and arrange in descending order.. Based on that, Construct FP-tree for storing data in tree format. After that generates Association rules. Algorithm: Create FP-treeInput : A database DB and a minimum support threshold ξOutput : FP-tree

Procedure CreateFP-treescan the DB once to collect the frequent items and their support then sort in support ascending and create the header table.

FP-tree is nullfor each transaction ti in DB

select and sort the frequent items in ti according to the order in the header tablecallInsertTree(FP-tree, ti)

end for

Procedure InsertTree( root, tran)for each item ki in transactionif root has a child N that N.item_name = ki

increment N 's count by 1 & root = N

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elsecreate the new node ki is the child of root link the header table to node

end ifend for

After apply FP-Growth algorithm we get some rule. This rules are not classified now we pruned that rules using any classifier but In this paper we introduce one new classified Improved Fp-Growth algorithm. In this classifier apply the concept like this. Right side rules contains always class label attribute and Prune that rules so we can eliminating redundant rules.


In this paper, Experimental result is shown that the Improved FP Growth algorithm is more accurate in terms of rules as well as time over here we compare both algorithm for weather-nominal and CAL500 datasets. Improved Fp-growth algorithm is faster than FP growth and is generate accurate rule or we can say more efficient. Below table & diagram is gives the comparison.

Table 1: Comparison of rule mining and classification on two datasets

Comparison based on number of rule and time taking for execution between fp-growth & Improved Fp-growth. In diagram Red is for CAL500 and blue is for weather-nominal. Y axis denoted no of rule and time respectively in diagram

Fig. 1 In graph representation of comparison


In this paper we conclude that It produces classifiers that contain rules with multiple labels.It's an efficient method for discovering rules that requires only two scan over the training data. We have to use Fp-Growth algorithm for finding association rule so Fp-growth requires only two time scan the datasets so we can reduce our time using this algorithm. Using multi-label classification we overcome of all problems arise in single-label classification In addition, the propose technique is able to extract rules with up to multiple labels from the datasets, which results in a higher classification accuracy for test instances. Using this method we generate generalize rule and reduce number of association rule. Which

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prunes redundant rules, and ensures only effective ones are used for classification. so we can optimize the memory space and generate accurate rule.

REFERENCES[1]G. Eason, B. Noble, and I.N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of

Bessel functions,” Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529-551, April 1955. (references)[2]J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68-

73.[3]I.S. Jacobs and C.P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G.T.

Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271-350.[4]K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,”

J. Name Stand. Abbrev., in press.[5]Y.orozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and

plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740-741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].

[6]M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989

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Comparision of Dynamic and Greedy Approach for Knapsack Problem

Jay Vala1, Jaymit Pandya2, Dhara Monaka3

1Assist. Prof. I.T. Department G H Patel College of Engg & Tech [email protected]. Prof. I.T. Department G H Patel College of Engg & Tech [email protected]

3Assist.Prof. B.C.A. Department Nandkunvarba BCA Mahila College, [email protected]

Abstract— The aim of paper is to analyze few algorithms of the 0/1 Knapsack Problem. This problem is a combinatorial optimization problem in which one has to maximize the benefit of objects without exceeding capacity. As it is an NP-complete problem, an exact solution for a large input is not possible. Hence, paper presents a comparative study of the Greedy and dynamic methods. It also gives complexity of each algorithm with respect to time and space requirements. Our experimental results show that the most promising approaches is dynamic programming.

Keywords-knapsack, dynamic programming, greedy programming, NP-Complete, complexityI. INTRODUCTION

The Knapsack Problem is an example of a combinatorial optimization problem, which seeks for a best solution from among many other solutions. It is concerned with a knapsack that has positive integer volume (or capacity) V. There are n distinct items that may potentially be placed in the knapsack. Item i has a positive integer volume Vi and positive integer benefit Bi. In addition, there are Qi copies of item i available, where quantity Qi is a positive integer satisfying 1 <= Qi <= Infinity. Let Xi determines how many copies of item i are to be placed into the knapsack. The goal is to:


Subject to the constraints


If one or more of the Qi is infinite, the KP is unbounded; otherwise, the KP is bounded [1]. The bounded KP can be either 0-1 KP or Multiconstraint KP. If Qi = 1 for i = 1, 2, …, N, the problem is a 0-1 knapsack problem In the current paper, we have worked on the bounded 0-1 KP, where we cannot have more than one copy of an item in the knapsack[1].

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II. DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO PROBLEM1) Greedy ApproachA thief robbing a store and can carry a maximal weight of w into their knapsack. There are n items and ith item weigh w i and is worth vi dollars. What items should thief take? This version of problem is known as Fractional knapsack problem.The setup is same, but the thief can take fractions of items, meaning that the items can be broken into smaller pieces so that thief may decide to carry only a fraction of xi of item i, where 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1[2][3].2) Dynamic ApproachAgain a thief robbing a store and can carry a maximal weight of w into their knapsack. There are n items and ith item weigh w i and is worth vi dollars. What items should thief take? This version of problem is known as 0-1 knapsack problem.The setup is the same, but the items may not be broken into smaller pieces, so thief may decide either to take an item or to leave it (binary choice), but may not take a fraction of an item[2][3].


George Dantzig proposed a greedy approximation algorithm to solve the unbounded knapsack problem.[1] His version sorts the items in decreasing order of value per unit of weight,  . It then proceeds to insert them into the sack, starting with as many copies as possible of the first kind of item until there is no longer space in the sack for more. Provided that there is an unlimited supply of each kind of item, if   is the maximum value of items that fit into the sack, then the greedy algorithm is guaranteed to achieve at least a value of  . However, for the bounded problem, where the supply of each kind of item is limited, the algorithm may be far from optimal[4].

Pseudo code for greedy knapsack algorithm is given below.

Input: v- array of values, w-array of weights, c-capacityOutput: Profit of Knapsack

Load <- 0i<-1 while load < c and I <= n do if wi < c – load then take all item i else take (c – load) /wi of item i i<-i+1

III. DYNAMIC ALGORITHMA similar dynamic programming solution for the 0/1 knapsack problem also runs in pseudo-polynomial time. Assume   are strictly positive integers. Define   to be the maximum value that can be attained with weight less than or equal to   using items up to  [5].

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We can define   recursively as follows:

 if   (the new item is more than the current weight limit)

 if  .

The solution can then be found by calculating  . To do this efficiently we can use a table to store previous computations.

Pseudo code for dynamic knapsack algorithm is given below.Input: {w1

,w2, . . . wn }, W , {b1

,b2, . . . bn }

Output: B[n, W]

for w ¬ 0 to W do // row 0 B[0,w] ¬ 0 for k ¬ 1 to n do // rows 1 to n B[k, 0] ¬ 0 // element in column 0 for w ¬ 1 to W do // elements in columns 1 to W if (wk £ w) and (B[k-1, w- wk

] + bk > B[k-1, w])

then B[k, w] ¬ B[k-1, w- wk ] + bk

else B[k, w] ¬ B[k-1, w]

IV. RESULTSImplemented knapsack problem with different values of weight and profit or value in Turbo C.If we consider a data value is w={1, 2, 5, 6, 7}, v={1, 6, 18, 22, 28} and Carrying capacity W= 11 then output of greedy is:

Fig. 1 Solved by Greedy approach

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Same data values and solving by Dynamic programming.

Fig. 2 Solved by Dynamic programmingAfter implemented knapsack problem in c programming for different values of weight and profit. Result of both methods gives optimal solution and time .

Method Input Data Capacity Profit Time


W={2,3,4,5} V={3,4,5,6}

9 12 16.86

W={1,2,5,6,7} , V={1,6,18,22,28}

11 42.67 28.73

W={10,20,30,40,50} V={10,30,66,50,60}

100 158 26.68


W={2,3,4,5} V={3,4,5,6}

9 12 12.69

W={1,2,5,6,7} , V={1,6,18,22,28}

11 40 17.47

W={10,20,30,40,50} V={10,30,66,50,60}

100 156 19.65

Table 1. Comparison of Greedy and Dynamic with different values.

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Fig 3(a) Fig 3(b)



Fig 3(c)Fig 3 (a, b, c) Comparison of greedy and dynamic

V. CONCLUSIONIn this paper we conclude that for particular one knapsack problem we can implement two methods greedy and dynamic. But when we implemented both method for different dataset values then we notice something is like, we consider comparison parameter as optimal profit or total value for filling knapsack using available weight then greedy is better than dynamic. If we consider time then dynamic take less amount of time compare with greedy. so we can say that dynamic is better than greedy with respect to time.


[1]. George B. Dantzig, Discrete-Variable Extremum Problems, Operations Research Vol. 5, No. 2, April 1957, pp. 266–288,doi:10.1287/opre.5.2.266[2] Gossett, Eric. Discreet Mathematics with Proof. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2003.[3] Levitin, Anany. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2003.[4] Mitchell, Melanie. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Massachusettss: The MIT Press, 1998.[5] Obitko, Marek. “Basic Description.” IV. Genetic Algorithm. Czech Technical University (CTU). http://cs.felk.cvut.cz/~xobitko/ga/gaintro.html[6] Different Approaches to Solve the 0/1 Knapsack Problem. Maya Hristakeva, Dipti Shrestha; Simpson College

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