ik hadn*mom«> by n~ aner by tflf. r1.1,1bilemar.alar,barnedbegato tt»v.,. i.!.....1 |ha...

HADn*MOm«> ftmn n - osv.. 11« k, k,. ate i r UM AT PRICKS To mit nil. TIMM._ ^|i m( Ai. instri mi m-;«;»>;,,|;" b* r:^»-1-.. -..r No. BM BlBalaaj. New-Vork. flljmo.i'e'h.. I'»'1»- . o^r.f.. «"*.."¦. fr,,n "; 't. niil be a\n:\ j and raitkfmly »err.d m It pr-*-i.t PlANOfcand MELUDLoN>..New. *»<. ¦SOBOu /' » . K *»»aadNew \ .be. .»,¦. M g,jlo» Tb« WATERS lent.- *od pr-p. m '.«.»¦. i ¦ L i Vll^ bS prW. .t fbe ir t IM-,.1 Muafc UeBCT of MI HC a.*-' V HORACE WATERS, Ha 333 Broatwav. \ \ KN, BACON a Co!, faMcceeaora t.i BaeuB a Raven), PIANO-FORTE BUNUFACTURERS Ware rv..ui ISAOrandrt., new li: .flway, where a fuil laeortmaal of LaatfBaeatt may be found, Ml iuaively «I our own UBauuflt |ur. ¦ arieuted m every re.pe. t, _ ?VI'LLNDID PLANO^Hare iweet and pow*r- %J fbl tube*, f.Diabed throughout iu the Le-rt w irlUBaalike ui.u iw r plain well a* .»iiau.ei.tal, are offered t-.r aale very |..w by IhI.sEM. b LOW5UN, at ...r PWory, No. JM Ear. I at., between lit end Zd av*. Tb«« aie «Uo worth tl.e a t. uUoa «f «Vale.» Aleo. two aecoud hand Flavia_ Buir» bo auction. A M Miiwii V i BT BANGS, BROTH KB m Co.-Trade-Sale Reeta*. Wo. 13 fariVrow. ^_ f!..o. A. Li.avii r, AutlUaerr. By 0E0. A. LEAA I'J I & Co., Trade S loon . N«*. 377 > lid B*J >*»¦¦» »T. ( rn-r mi Wtr'e '. tar Bale ,4 Book,, MtatVouery, Work* of Art, A.c. C aMlgBtJiairl <at Li blatte» aoih iie.1. TUESDAY and WEDNF.SD * V, t> 2r: aid 21, < aamenr.lag at 4 o'ebrf-k ea. h dav, will be -o.d a a- ion a t'a'.i".' as of v 1 » »11- STANDARD TUEOLOIIICAL BOOK!, laelaoli Braoj .choice Eut lab Htat.ai »1 and MliueSangoai Work*, the w.i .1 ¦cfinpriiiiig an exteniive private Library. Ca'aloji.ei uiay 1" had 0:1 amah aIkon. OEO. A. LEAVITT k C Riouku. KiaetLxtD. A u tlouier. BY JHGHAUOS K1NGSLAND <t CrO..ShW- Room. No. 1.W t ha»iile-r. at-Tills HA V" at I"1 o'clock (aedeieryday uut.l di.|v.a. .l of). B K. ' Ca. will .eUtatAo» lion Pat ir »I tire at «A at on.*m»ii'ed anl piain ,ilt Mirr .r». 1111 hofat.y Ulaaae* and Kianira, all alaMaad kin.I.; E nrravioaa in «rveiy vai.eiy of Iramea. Tefn«.Bilia over t}\W, no*. ». ti moalbi. approved pap. BaV r + at, . aaa Alan, an loa f Biitanii'a and Tla'. J Warf fit atrtajrt arbomtt BMy OOBOefn. Tirmt, f aab. IJICUTOR'S BALK OF REAL ESTATE.. The two r ARMS, cor taioio« IWok in Ir. j and twenty a<-re», E II irly of the late JACOB i hanta, ai'.ia'ed in the .hip of vVa.hinztou. Bergen County, State of New Jeraey, will he aaa r. d «' 11 bl aah at the I naa of Peter WoTtaadyai*, ea Ttlt'KSHA > li.e fotirtk day .1 Maroh i.e.t «t .. .-a. p. m. Ala... a in ol laa TIMBER LAND, confainini aome twelve arrea. CoadRtaM made known on day ol Sale. TECNTS BANTA S.iivi.ing Kx' Ttr.nkv IJ Ltr.bi., Auctioneer. SjI arooto No. ifl Na..« »i. ENRY II. LEEDS A Co. will lell at aaetion, eoTHCHSDAY, Kl b. I«. at |0l uVkx k.at No. 17 C larUon- at..»ent.-el HOI BEHOLDfURNlTCRE.i «aiatlog>.t Tapj Caipet», large 1'i. r Qlaaaea, Oil PaxatbajB, ina'canv rarlog B.utearoi. t> d in haircloth, marhli -top Center-Talih a, iii«lio^a!iv eiahlmidt Imtra.Work Table, Oileluth Pier and Card Tab!«* H ,- Stand, Sola Bed*tead*. nakbofany-fraine Pi.-r Ubtaeea, b'.-ath-T B'd., Mattti *.. *, PU iwa, in. I..-.-1 .. BWruVlnp Wat at. Cotta«- Ch*ir», Cub Coilnt-rpo. <. yi.i.t- Clock, and C.tidcla- braa, t hli a, Olaa*, Kit.-beuu aie, a..-. de without rex rv. fflZWj _ laMKI BL MlLLBa, A n tioneer. * p08IT]Vfi SALE of HOUSES and LOTS hi I BROOKLYN..Wnl be -11 on THURSDAY, E-h. 11. at th.- Meetaaaaa' Faekjaaaa, New-York, 3 briik tfooar* sudLot* on Warn-n et and 1 Ot'sce on 'th-at.. near fth-av. 7u n«r cent of the putelia» money can leuiain. Trie perfeel For pitticu- lara w e Ai.i tu ear. Two COUNTRY SEATS si AUCTION.One on tie- i.;h if Match, at 8 o'clock p.m., eoatalalni DwHllni Hoa*aa anl two Bare* ul Laud, la the extt.'r of tli . vi!- I**' of W e.tp.r*; ano'lier Mi the Ulli ol M»r, u, at 11 <.'. I. eh a. aa., la Dtaaury Villape. formerly owuel by Wm. A. B*il> Fag particular, inquire at the Bmig^iock Bark. Weatport. or of F. S. V. RLDMAN, Daaaary. Cntiirrt. ^arbconre and iron. CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC.. Areni.an and HuM-i> 1 . ."...U'. a KNIVES aid PORKS; Rnlvea only; floof and Uame Carver*; TahW- Steel«, Silver platvd Kork», Spoon*, Ceilcr», ex.; Japanned I'.a Trayiand Wafera i-i araat vaiioty; and a la'** «Morto HOltSE-FCn NISHLNU H ARDWARK, Far aale by i HAS. S. LITTLE A Ca, No*. H and "I Ft It r »t YNGOT COFpäj^"SPELTER, BAKCA TIN, J ANTIMONY, if., tn »ai> hy IOUN W. QI'INCY AC.. N... 91 Wi nii-»». MOUNT HOPE CUT NAILS.Very OUklitT. Agent*. .. JOHN W. Qi IN"( V A Co., No, WUllam it OIAIIES a SON*" HHi rVELS and SPADES. e For rale by JOHN W. QI INCY 4 C ... No. Bt Willi», n »t. TTHOMAS 1'IG IKON.Soft, fit*, itroi g, and « warranted inbatltnte for 8 oteb Pi^. JOHN W. fjUINl t k Co N ., .>¦ W . -. Groceries anö Prooisions. ALLAN A R«»sE. N... ..'..»« Washin^t-u et., above Barclay-at tlfler. wlolraa'e, very low. r>e« "ew fxt MoAer.-l. tlObbla. o»w Halifax PL bled tierimfe, V. ty bnrf (01 r.atfeOeoige'aBaukCodhah. FlebledCodfieb, HvJd > k. CUe >'. Batter, prime Chee*e. Lanl. Potk,Ctt] livtu*. Sboillden. li-ei. Oieea Teaa, Black Trat, Rio* Salt, Oil*. Candle*, S:. Btrrey. Allot m Qfalhy, warranted |o.>d. \ .rv aaeaatai kaooej. 3utter, Ch.eae, Egg», Potato *, i'ouitiy, liti.t at..l Bean*, . >'.d ¦ cou.u.i.aloii I) RIED AlTLE»S-v%000 bu^hel« for SALE. Apply at No. 11 Murrav-.t. BUTLER, CECIL k RAvVSON. FRESH YEAST ALWAYS READY!. The -What Cl.rci- TRABT CAKES, laaae or pure Rim wll kirpat y lei ith of'.in., in et.y i,..».in. One cake will ra a batch of .a., a or bleed f>t lamily uf. Pri.e 12 rani* p - il ». P. r a.le at ail the principal giooetie*, and at wiiolemle H S W SMITH. No. »'l Br.«l«..v. JO B N D W I Q H t & Co.. MaJicfaetiirer* of ÜOI B1.E-RK.HNED AND FAMILY SALER \TJS; *L»i>, SUPER-CARBON \TE OP rfOTiA, SAL SODA, ETC., N«. ii (i'J-*tip, ll*i.. v. r ..ptaxe. New-York. TUBE i REAM OF TARTAR ALWAYS ON II AND. um ''^ä^8.1 .>(»(> "C ANTON TEA U ARKIIOI SE." Impi itant to the pnb:i\ Or *. red .cti m in Beb ¦ of fun fln<en>». Provieioii«, eJndce Teaa, I'h.ur. 9 :g*-<. ujSaaaad ail other >-r«da kept by fir*' la-. Otoeert and IWDealeta, ebeap faf . a.b. Choice new-crop Teaa from Zto. to San. New*Oriceul Si;g*r« V. to 7 larfined Sngai* n" r. Baara' price*, whole^lo an 1 Matt. OT-TOWN FAMILIES and COUNTRY DEALERS would do w.'l to buv their pa THoMAS R. AiiNi.w, Importer aad Dealer in Choi.* TEAS, Kir.e llrocetl.¦«. Pro leioea fco., fco. No. aio Otm owich lt., earner ol Mm ray, New York Copartner*,)!? Notices. epOPARTNERMIIP..The undor*isu,.j Rare tail Jy.M .?"TY"A a oaaartnerablp under the Brag and rtyle ..t' LAKK. D<»DOV, k C-o.. for the purp <oe of tratia». ing ZS. awnklap. Kxehatge *».d Stock C mimlMlon B niu»-* iu the (ityotNtw \otk. LfTTIIKR C CLARK.' EDM IRD DODOE Tlios. p. Hl NTINGTON. John ii M V\u ELL. v-v^a rw .... DAVID CRAWFORD Jr. New Yotk. Feb IJ Iii». JOSEPH W. CLARK. pOyARTNERfHIF^taaaaderahaxad have thl. day fono-.U a,KT aw Iii' .'CLARK, BR0TH1 U-l 4. lo..fc»r Ü.e putp..^. ,, tatMaakiai a Oeueral Binkiug Ex- .liaaaaaadAadK-ctton BuiineM in th- ( tv of , JosKPH W. CLARK. EDVj ARU DODOE Ba.leaaw.rcb.LS.ltO«._VeDR^D^ABR^ PITA! LI IE ¦ P i 8 3 T . 8 I O M R . At KERM AN V MII.Ll.lt, No. ioi IfkaaaaW. Adjoining The Heiald rdRce, N -w York. JAMES ACRKRMAN, EDW, A MILLER. IKON WORKS, Noa. 196, I>, ISOnnd 1SJ Baal ttth at .Tbo uuderaigaed have tbla day told the »..>l-w!'.l, atock «od otmtr etJi-et* MBaartad with the abore Work*, to Mr, WILLIAM F. HARNED. who will oondud the hat ¦. heretofofe. In eonw-qoenre of tM*. Mr. B. HarueJ will ,-ca.r > *<t a* our Atint fiuui and after the Mtb U»t. JOHN' NTCHOL, New-T.dk, Feb. 1\U». O. B. BILLEKWE A.. William r. BARNED, i.. ia»*rttta| to the akaaa, baaata lufo.m'l.a fiV»i,d. and t..- pi.!.I u»t he will *r:\ HOCS> SMITH. RULING auI IRON FOUNDERY Ri Sl- NEhS. at the above t umbeta. a* formerly ivuJucted bv U*ra.-d A, Rot. .3 Bile alar, bega to tt»v . ,. i. !. ... ...1 |ha Ban '¦¦ * of Mr. MaR. Barned and Mr. Mattben Rothen, who w It t. the 1 rmer a* Aretrl at 1 the !*fer ¦. S Work*, and who w III lev 'e-belr whole tlra and att. nti uituthceS lent janformance ot all order* taderan act* w.th which be may be |j -New Yoik, F.b. I«, ma, LAND ROUTE.NEW-YORK TO PROYI- DKNUE, he On, and after Oct. M, 1S.TT Train of the FtOVIDF.NtE, HARTFORD and FISURlLL RAILROAD will leave HartJord ttter the arrival there of th* El pre a* Train of aha Mew folk and Now Haren, and New Haven and Hartibrd aad a-fliiadalil Rattrvadi, which hawe* New York at t a ra. SAMUEL NOTT, Sup«Uv.«leat. 1) i X »U II h * i *. r*i -*r. BY ALBKKT II. NICOLAI.Olce N- 4 Brood*A-BE4*M aR A! CTION SALES of 8To< (B, bom'S. NOTES I '-'her tie. ort-« KV f day Stoeh* mi Bn_it *sn*fhfaa . 1 t: pel i *.. *..'.. «... ». the b- 4MB1 Hoard. S*!' THIi HAY tt 12? ?«¦ _,(»>. Mer.hAo't' Ex.Lsiixe K'Tfi.ii parti- olar* *.-» r»ra. afBM if J i-ru*. ol M jiiiri. f n rb-r and Mo-nlii* F«pr>as. SiMBOk I'ttrrt. A .('burner. BY 6IME0N DRAI'EH ft S ». 16 P rr r. of V\ i! .n- --Rsnilar a -<n S*.e.s'he M Exchenr* E»K.R IIA. Stvt«ai.}P*ü(JfVMih'»-.iv..d»t Priv*te Ski<. BALE THIS DAT, at 12 (.cloth, I -< .'. At.auv II Mri m A c*i .r.*-r.Ome* Ma M\\all-at. R1.1,1 LAH SALE ..' STOl K8 I HI- DAT, ». !.¦¦ ,,, ... ». .!... Mn'liajf*' E\<barse*. e*"-prlwt,i Mi ii batd*', le-aih- r Mai. .fact uren. and Importer.1 «-4 Traders PANK BT04 KS . St Mark « Exrhinte, NVwYt orld and Meeropnlrrail IlfSl R- AA''LtT«rrK.?>-'' rVM MI TI AI. INSt RANCH SCRIP. Urn SACRAMENTO counti BONUS m^jpmumjknretryBVEDBESDA Y iM >.\Ti RDAY. (MSi On it*, oi Niaoa«a PlBI luii" a Coxraav i No. it: wv:.-. r.-h.:» ia» > nlTIDEKD..A BBtni-annuAl ImM-imI of TKN" (I'll PF.R CENT lia« tiiia da* i.e. r. drrlared by »h» Board tat DhmIMl. pa>ab.- u d.m*od. L. 0. IR VINO Se. retary Orrics Of TtU HtW-TOBB Fl«.. aM> mabub toaBBABCBi Co.Mr.ivv, N. w York, E hruary 3. 1«j«. > DiTIDElST)..The VlneUm Imve tbi» dsrtV- elated a SEMI-ANN1 ai. DIVIDEND of TEN PER I ENT. i-svaUe on dt-nund a: tie fti"- of the f ->mp*riT, Ni. 7J W*ll-*t. D. L'NDEHIIILL, Secretary. Clin»»»- R»vk N»w-Y«.rk. r ' - ii IVIDKM)..A MatiannasJ dividend1 of p'OUB PER CKNf oa tlir Capitai St'-rk of this Bank biib-i l*ied p*v*b.e <n «nd alter th« 12th iusf. Tb* T ¦». .f.: Bra* . ill be tdoard r.titU tbat dar«. Bv order of the Boa' 1 8. R COMSTOt K Cashier. D~~I\TDKND. the Ml 11 AT. BENEEIT LIP? INSURANCE Co., (Arenry No. 11 Wall-M H. .i»r..1ir*d«div;d. nd( f TIIIRTV-E1VI, PER PENT oa all the poli' i< i in 'or. >. bwreesl prior to Jan. 1 IfBY, an 1 bit orler-d the payment of the öiudeud declared Januar*. 18'*». JOS L. 3. J. P. LORD At>n'*_ Thi Nrw-Yoax Civ?a<L B«IB*UI>1 »nir / Ta» aaVBJtB'l On ic*. Al Btav. F. b. 3. 1853. 1 KT5TH 8EMI-ANNUAL I>I\II>KM>.-The Dinrtnra of ti.ii Company Ba~* derland a BrMeBi of POUR PER CEN1 *i, the Caaml Block tb- r-.f. «:> <d Itaawt can Inga fair Iii. >iv montlia which expired] on the first ii.altrt, payahleon the twer.ti.th day of February iu-'yi'. upon st'<k reti«ter> <l it Nearerork, BBataai St Albany, and m BW lifaBttatl d iv of M ,rch next upon Btor.k re»ristered it London. St<-< kb'biers whose stock is r, /istere^ it New York wn") ra- eeivetbeirDividend«attbe .fti eol 1>; KCAN SHERMAN k O.; tin*.- u boae atork is reni^. red at Bo»t'.n a! tl.tfi. «¦ 'f J. E. 'illAVER _ BROTIIEaR tk ..- whose Mnefc ii re«i«t< red it Albany, at tb- ALBANY CITY BANK; tie wie.«, »fori u niicirij at I..nd<,n. it th«. I NION BANK OF LONDON. tbe litter at the rite of 4 I to the d .Mar. 1... Trausf. r Books, arw h ire U'.w loe'd, wl!i he re..p..rir I at N«-» V mk, Albmv and B'.-i.-n on tbe a*nrala| of Tl*ESDAT, I.,- ZU u«y ot i ebr..ary ii.ataut, OILBERT L UTLSON, Tr i.urer. LoatLLABB Fmr laftrBAtCB Co. . Ofii. e Me. haii.c Bank B lildfa I N I. 5 Ki i. York Fen r. iBSA S riMIK DIRECTORS hare THIS DAY d.-. lar. d J a SI.Ml- \NNL AL I)IV IDEM! of euht ii, p. r c. nt payableoaifisjearl CARLISLE n'HIWOOD. aWretary. OrricitM mi La Cbob*b abb Mi waitrbbI R Co .j No. IB N'is-Ai Ni w V «k. Feb. Id. IBS*. 5 HE IM KREST .. ti e FAEII M0RT0AGE8 td this Comp.ny arklel '.y ll* '. rn.s of 'he Mor*|af. i, fed due Jim. 1, IBSB, will be f aid on pre.. *4tion of the Coup.ai ai the Orlire of tbe f, mp»i.v. n .. IM Ii, id»»T. in the C ity of Albany, on and aft.-i tbe »iL inst. rpHE FIREMEN'S ] IJND1N8ÜRANCE COM- J PANY..DE< I.AI(ati') i 'if INTI STIOM t i FORM A COMPANY EOR PIRE INSDRANCE.VTf, |A«aadeT- »irii' d h. n hy live notice of oa: latontl l-> a.*o< i*te md f..rai an Ii corivratVu Company agntahij to >u AM ' f the Leaislatur* of the Stute of ,\V» Xoik. < ritit.i d " Aa Aet to provide for the iiiK.rporufion of lasol.f Ii < omi'tnie.." MM 1 June »i, 1x53, for the p**f*jo*e of ruskinit insuraie e on dwcliiu.'.. leeiaei, stores *ud ad Line's <.' bnildii.es. «...I BMa nouseliold furniture, meridian- ds*a ei d other property, aiaimit «u or . .. by fire, and th* riaka ofinl-ind aai ini*ion and tr*usnort«tio;i. Sucri Company to eor atyleof "1 III' FIREMEN'S H ND IKSI LANCE COMPANY,'" a:.l to bv lo, ated in the City of Ne« York. JOHN S. GILES OERARD STI'VVESANT. I'll 11 l.l P \\ ENOS, DAVID HOADLEY, HENRY A IU LR. jo.IN ( HENDERSON, ZOPHAR MILLS, JOHN IACOB ASTOR, Jr., CHARLES Mi DOUOALL, D \ NIEI. F. TIEMAHN, PETES H. TITUS, EUGENE RETELTAS A. E. oi KP.R8HACSEN, PRANELIN II. DELANO. DAVID M1LL1KEN, MEREDITH HOWLAND, ALBERT .1 DEI.ATOI R, HESin MOROAN. JAMES "i WATKINS, LOI Ii DECOPPET, .H)~kl'll B \ AIINCM, Jr., CHARLES L. VOSE, GEOROE \V HATCH, BENJ M. W HITLOCK .IAMI S PRYES EDWARD COOPER, HKNRY H. ELLIOTT, JV.MEr-i: JOHNSTON, \K< HIBAI.I* T r INN M. M VAN BEUREN i;;:i'iui,VVi'^r- w.-.::.«.:. \>.!i!., BENJAMIN II L1LLIE, JOHN E DEVLIN, RDWARD S.HALL, « E. A 1IINRICHS. JAMES B. WINDLE, WM. WHITEWRIOHT, .Ii, IOHN CARLE. Jr., LINDLEY M HOFFMAN i.ni ( i l.AKK. HENRY m. GRAHAM, llnMHt MORGAN, LEWIS FRANCIS, AMES S. ASPINWALL, THUM AS o. ALM kOE, JOHN McEESSON NATHAN II. OIIAHA.M. NeW-York, Feh. S, IBM._ SATI IKK & CHURCH of San Knuiciiro hav- in*, ht *n **.i(iimiei.t mad-, by thi-rn to the 1111.I0r.i41esjL PET rr IS AY LOIS r iv. n a pt- f-i..i.e- |. t .f'he B**I*J ed ' state Vo ilnitt* of irnouuts not t-xr.Iin| Our 11 ia 11 i Dod»rs, drawn bv .aid SATI1ER A- CIH RCH upon the Amort- can Euhana* Bank, vtlo tin r pay able at the .suiter of that Bank or sxtaewherej m *poa Dwaal A Co., o* upou lie- igeui* tar cor- n-af.oi;di-nts of Drüsol k Co.. Notice 1*ben-byrfrtnk*the aiddan M dl dri'r. ao pr-f- n-ei t1 ft'!.e-, ai'-" |uin d t.. p:es< nt lu di drafts f ir pajment to tbe r .1 ... 11 .'ne.i at hi- ft. ... N .. 76 Bits! ! .t in tie- City isf New Turk, "ii r b< U tf lb'- fir-* dny of Apid Deal; and that in dffkult uf aneli imai iilmMt rrlthln that Hmt| the holders «f sm h draft* wRL faipuiaoaaeeof a provision to that eff-ct co.tüned in th» ... ifrnmei t. I*> liable to!o*e th« besxofll >.f tie- preference *j presided for theka. 1 lr'.R NAYLOR, NeB-Yoik, Jap. 2,1MB, saalnra of Sather a ci. m h. \TEW-YORK loa LIVERPOOL U. S. M, 8 II Cn.,No.MWall-«t Naw-Toaa, Pek 1" l£5fl. NOTICE.A a*cetUk| of the Sto<kbolders of thi* Company w .; be I. Id I,: th- Offi. e ul tbe Comp*ny M THL'RSDAY, -5th ins'snt. at 11 o'.-l. rk in. Tbeatjni leiHtioa for FIVE DIRECTORS f thii C .mpa'.r Will \~ held *t the Otliceol tb* C iupa..* ou Till KSDAi, .'tb Mar. h. bilweeu the hours "f 12 m an.I .' p in By order, W. I. YOCLE «.-er tary. DU NC A NT S II E U M A N A Co., I! ANKERS. Com. r of PINE and NARSAC-STS., N w-York, % i- it. CliH I I.AR N0IE3 *ud LETTBRJ of CREDIT, ft.i IraTrriel*. available iu ad Ihr pi.ii i. dBB** ol Uli wo: d. Also. MERCANTILE CREDITS, fee us.- In EUROPE, CHINA, Ac. \MILKY t\ NÖRBIS, STO( k AND NOTE BROE1 RS a No St Ex'-iianjo-p'ace. REFERENCES Wm. A. Booth, a**}., Pre.id. nt a-n. E\cL»r.*e B«uk. N. Y. C. iv H .1 -t» m>. eso.. Preddent Maulifali Co.. N( w Y'ork. TI Hi ii. \\ H. B Ot.ni v, New-York. FaABKI IR ha»'\,r»q., PreaideM Menli'i'«' !-i k ]'.¦*¦ CftABI i - Sri tori e.q Caahu r. Ob.be Ba'ik, Boston. T. Avoiii D*M> esq.. President S,,*).,.» II, \, R-^tou. Meiara. OlLBBBI k Sons. Biiukeia. B**J*ea Meaaa. Oobcb, Ki kitwood A Co. fhi. if» ri Mrtets. Fl.\CMl >. Lvstir. A Mil li b. Milwaukee. Wi*. vljUIOj) WANT KD-On iioiid «..,] Murt- lU|l»vv BM improt kaiedl bit) um C.rst.d .t., wosth twice theuuount. Ko brohoraB* ».lowe L kpplyta i. I INOERSOLL, No. 250 s-vh-.t between tbe hour, of tead 4- IKKINuls CENTRAL NOTES and ACCK!*T- ANCES wanted t>» E. A. BENEDICT. Ro, BJ WillUrn 4t JnonniRCf (Tompatiirs. A TsLANTIG PTRE IN8URANCE COMPANY S\ OE brook li N .At tbe Anu tal BlnllBB this day tb* loll'Wii* tl, iu I. no n wer* thust-n Director., vi»: john d cocks edward BR1DHF (V.AR di NNING. i c ROI Mi ,- G. A JARMS. wm. II SIMONTON JAMES VAN NOSTR \ND LEV! 11 BRIOHAM j s T STISANAUAN. CURTIS nubile. EDWARD A. LAMBERT, J. S WHITNET. WALTER s. CHIEFITH. Jos w. GREENE CHARLES CHRISTMAS. SEY.Mot R BTRKFLL. j. a. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM POOLE T/.UA lewis. CIURLES STANTON ROBERT H P. LR DELL. WM. W. WICBB4L A. P. OSTROM. sami El. OSROBNE, K. P. perrin, S. W. MOORE s. L. HUSTED, JOHN R WKIOHT NEHKMIAH KNIGHT. william L CiKiMVTT.L, j. j. van NOMRAND. jos R SKIDMORE. nathaniki. PUTNAM, MOSRS TAYLOR, JAMES \\. MARTENS. WM h SLOCl'M, DAVID B. rayi.is, john ai-STVNE. JOHN sciiENI K. matthew \ assar j* I iMom-arj,, JoHN D. COCKS. Fao. a ** unanimoune re- *^Mln*Ma*Bi. HOBATIO DOBB, Sr.-etwr. \1 ARKET FIRkT^NSUK' VNCE COMPANY. Pitll'v-r, ln'.'?! ''"a üt-u 0D ,h" i,h instxat. iSasPJ h. holt. Stephen lininoton, SHLAd o ,X> -CtHAM. EN Ol h K e Tt H A M OLIVER ¦ &«.*.*. WILLIAM A. CCMMISGS, HlNRilioivi}\l.,Rn' HENRY LYLES, JB. aLEI ed i im^ B,tKU STKK x Al t NT,VK W ii 11 am h Sil 't- GEORGE B WHITFlELü. BTEPHEB W*oi't&h , U,K1 r E.vIkYER, EIJSHA i WAi-rl^-'.. 1>v*' " SMIT" Ni l >. 'N shVk Anoi, lK< SIS W «« " K ii . n ry a rVevf ¦ Robert f. baoe DANIEL T Wll! VT< * TERM RE. ALBERT L DB^AMPi ABH1 I r\\\ rft*°' lollN M Rliii k A'um Tlll.OR, A*>UER TAYLOR, isq «», -4 I je-nh-u. aa-i N..V.:k El >,,'-!:SiU'' >"^MVS>'>- ay Ucmoüola. EV. MORGAN A Oe ha*. REMOVED k a RMBaaMBaEi |r ii -. ä . j,. (T9m H .ml fJroft'&eionai Natu;«. lldt.il AN Mid FOKEH.S. PATBK1 * J. P. PJ RSPJOW, N< ». 5 WAI.T.-HT.. N. A rental rfcfl ml tmatioB M free by enefl. I/I'VS : l:l> H. I>I\<»N, |f. D., Edil r..f The S «.;- » l. T -r ,\ Pivki Tm'i« .,nS. nalD.. ce»*. attend* bs. ..-.»..* la OPERATIAE srR'il.Kl «i i ONBULTATIONS Iba mm ob» i:» d»*-ne»« e: N<». I** ». (afire1. » in I 7 to 9 nth*' Ateo :ne: b>«nh' |* ti M. y .ril- brejpitn.' Theo4V» Tar i> t !».!.»' N... 1 VeM* m A. ..r II..,.«- wn*re *.. weary K .»!.?.. i'n ..if t'i rt ,.? be'-* *> jo r .mpUmentery viat* ». t.'-n- D-u.utj lr» t> V ^^^^^^^^^^ Coal. pOAL it ftEDUCED PRICE for FAMILY V/ L'SE -The DELAVA A Hi. *. 1 HI DSON CANAL COM¬ PANY bare redoexd the pri.e of their LACKAWANNA ( OAL t §)iearl '- '. akSnaed App y at u,-^ yar.ii. I aXetUabaTtet, N R. Cor. Ittb-et. and <*fa *v C n tu rend Fl at «*. T. f~. And No 25 Atlantic««.. Brook'fa. O; at lb* Company* Omca. No. 29 Wim« ,. r Fi r»*-- flOAL MINES la RENT .1W ABmIrb) Su* V :M !( Ill mrnnv WÜllBBaife flOIOf u.S at *¦*. ' 8W No. 13« S. 'i'll Sd-*t. Paladelphi* for the rest oi 'b*r B.i! bflNOI - «u.U. MINES litBaled* tee Allegheny Ten- -. 'u> F.-t l.» «.:» Bei.ioed is IS Air Co>.n?v. PruoojivnriH, tmOttoOf n o" ) The propn**'* to rU'r the pri'» per tau. Um n. ,i tfje pnpo*ed tern., of »e'tlem. r:t *nd !eLZ*h at \»w. Theo minei hxve been v worked fortwa »e«*o». by the (oupany. theeotJ baa b«.B f. und of . vetv g-.p. rior quality for *m:tb and otb»r pot* p ..«-.. it.d c».u mand* a ready *e!e. Tor min < have a rapacity >qu»! to the pr dot-ion of 100 000 ten* ¦ year, ix» free fr« w at. r and admit of lava* rittn.iuo. josttta w ASff P.. . (Pecan Steamers, Pit CALIFORNIA.OREAT REDUCTION in PA8- > SAOl -TboMtrandfph ndid-.. an..!, pQUAKERCITT, I tot . but b H (I. Sfai.tel4torax.anan.b-r. wiLleare ttta port I r ASPJ.SU ALL fr m Pi. r No. 41. N rth River, aa tue kh of Marrh.it 2 '. k p in. .oni.er.lru a' Panama wirk the well. tana a and UTertta ateamaklf Stern Kerada, wbarb arM b<- in rra ... to aaoered witk aha Pwaaragaf* aad Elpiaai alract ta, I 11 r fr. lib1 r pa.aw app-v o . CHAJJ MONOAN a. SDNS. N I 15 w'Jna rre.r,^ vew-YiiRK nn.l SAN FKANCISC'O steam- II SHIP LINE Ha PAN AM 4 RAILRli.M*..The fir»t-ela..« tu amahip NORTHERN LIOHT, RSM tun>, K. L. Tlitkelaa-uh. n.ai'er n 10 aal! fr m Pl.r No. 3 North River, ou WEDNESDAY. March 10 for ASP1NWALL eoan< :inr with t.he firvt-elaaa ateam.hip OR!/AB A. 2.500 tum. T. H. Klethen maater. 1'avirwr tiu Prar.ci.ro Mar. fa 5. Pol freirh' ar..! paaaar* apply ONLY to D. TOR RAM E, dam! No. 5 Boa Ln| Orcaa, New-York. D0YAL MAIL steam>HII* ARABIA.For 11 LIVERPOOL .Tha A R \ RI A. J Stnaa, Ceraaaajader, aril kail face* th. oinpej.y. l*..-k n" Jera. v fi'v, with the Ma;.* and I'M«en(er* for Enrxrpa, .... WEDNESDAY th.- 17th inat. Paia. nt< are r> |u- *te.l to be on hoard l.y A o'clock a m. E ( UNARD No 4 Bowlinr Oreen. TWE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Pram Haw-Tark kg Uverpool: ci-rratirPa*a**j* ..'»» 8r- nd Cabin I'u^M". 73 Pr.,m B'^ton to Liv.Tt»«;: Thief fjatla Pa.rtse.fll* Se. on.i Cabin P*«.*«e. W The .,,1... fr. m Raab n ^*11 at Halifax. PKR.xIA, (\pt Jadkloa, CANADA. Capt. Lanf. ARABIA Cap! J Slanta, AMERK L, Capt \\i«k-nan, A.SIA, (.tit E. Ü. lerkt, NUUARA. Ci(it. Ryne, AFRTl a Capt ETROPA, Caat. J. LrB k. Thea. \>...'.» raffTy a v ar white oaht at maak head green on ¦larboard bow red ua p>rt how ARABIA. Bi M. Leave* N. York..\\edj>e*d*y, Peb 17 NIAOARA Wlekman....LeaTra lo«t3n...Wkga*aliT. Beb 14 A HIM I Sham i.Le.ieaN. Y..rk..Wedne* lay. March! AMRRK VI. ".Leave*Bo*toa..Wwdawday, .. to EUBOPA. Leiteb.Lean . N V. rk Wadaaaday, .. 17 CANADA. Lara.Leave* Be»Wn Wvdn..day, 21 B.-ith* not .. ir. .1 uatl paid for. An aaaarieneed Sur*. « on board. Taeowner*of the** *aip* u.et fa» acoaan'»!.'« for O l. Rhar. Bullion, Sf»-cie. Jewelry Pn-' io'n Stone* or Met*.*, *i ,. ..' lading are ai/ned thetet'or and the Tllu* thereof toerriu exprr»*.-J, For freight or naamge ajrplv to E CI NARP, No ill Vinifl^n. rpHE LIVERPOOL, NEW-YORK and PHIL- 1 ADELI'HIA BTEAMSU1P c.jVli'AN Vi Clyi.- h tilt iron »cr"w .:¦ «m i|». citv OK BALTIMORE.t,3rT) tnna....Capt R MMR CITV OP WASHINGTON .. .5.1») teni ...(»;.'. P.C. PetHe. ( |1 lOV MANCHESTER....2,111» turn....Capt. J. K-une-iy. KAN0AROO.1.H74 tiiu«....( apt. J-8r~y. The uudetu^ted or other taaarll are Intended -i taii a* loiiowtt Fkon Ltvttgroou. RAN0APO0.W.dne.Uy.Jan. 13 CITV OP BALTIMORE ...W. Ine dar.Ian. -1 ( 11 l OP WASHINGTON..W.HÜie.daT.FaRM E ANG AIIOO.A\ wln»*d«v.Feh 34 CITI OK BALTIMORE Wt J: . ..lay.Ma-.hi.l CITY OF WASHINGTON Wedneadat .Marob 34 And each alternate WcrHe»d»y. R AN.JAROO."*.*.". .TüTraiüv".Feh. 4 CI1 .' OP BAI.TIMORK-Tb'Taday. ... Fab. 18 CITE OF WASHINGTON Tiwraday.Mareb 4 RANO AROO.Th'.r»day.Mar. h 18 CITY Of BALTIMORE .Thur«!ay.April 1 city of Washington. Thiradiy.Aptiits And earn alt. r..al* Tb.iradav, At lSo*eloeh, nr».n, from Pier No.'t4 N. R. Path or, Ca»ii I'ttuci -iV m NeW'Tork Had PhüateU pbW 8*7', from Liv. .-p...!. ?! gafaa ai, 17 guim a<, ai..l g. ineax ae ¦- ling to the a. somrn !.»..:.,« la the State it ..mi.«.l having th.- akBM pri-, il. je In the labxaB, Including au-wanl'* f.M. Taian-CLA(i Paaitacf *,.A BraH-1 auaabaa of thtrd- oia.* pa... ng ua 111 belaiin. aaalii ml In ei aauiB proviil.ui aa i lfm PcWclpbJa and New-York, #JU. tr^m Llrar- poel »4.S. Taaea itcamrrtare ronv.me'ed w*th IrnproTel water tight com¬ part on 'iti. V. ,i v we rarrict an exp- ad lexgnoa. and or-ry aitei.ti .a pa.d t tie < mtt«. a..^ ar.i _i ^.iu of pal- ¦aaatia Pmo, c- fdaatyool from B' upwa'A Bhlpptrl M Bp . v>iU pl«a*e B-vti - that Innrat.ne by the fatai'Uol It .t mpany*aa r...w I.« done In Naw Totk ai< ia Eijila- d ou the i«jii- t. r.iu a. by the Mail paddle at. attier*. for freirht or p*m*ge, apply at the office of the Com; i'iy. JOHN G DALE, Wo. l3B.-.a.lw*y, Mew-York, Agmm, or WM. 1NMAN. I and 13 Tower Buildiugi. Liverpool Agent, CV3B SAVANNAH and FLORxDÄ^-UNITED I STATES MAIL LINE..The favorite .teatnllp Kit VK.VMA, CapUin tleoic. R. Sch. E. k miü leave on VA EDNESDAT, Feb. 17. at .1 o'cl.K-k p m frm Pu t No. 4 North River. Bill* of lading n,-. .-J only on board. For fn-Uut o: patuge apply to SAMUEL L MITCHILL A SON. Mo. 13 Bn>adway. S' -amen for f'orida nuuei at Savannab. leaving every Uon- day W.-Ji ¦- liy and Fiiiay. Tbl. >oip it aaw ready to re- r. in Fieight. v e YY-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITED II STATES MAIL STEAMERS .The *hip* »tnpo.ingSAM Lin* are: Tb» ATLANTIC, Capt Oliver Erdridge, the BAL¬ TIC Capt. J » po t th. ADRIATIC, Capt. Jameg Wert. (heal ihlp* have le-T. b<ffil by e-ntr»rt y f>r Ooverti- B-ent ». :vi -e, every rat-» n»* be. taken Ii t tana, ag al.o in their angiuri to in*;::« *:r-igrh and *t>eed; ani la r ac. u.-n Ktado'.i lor p*ne^/e:« are uueq.aled tor eiegaa.-e and ¦aanaal Theahraaaaiaet tt-i B-ie h*»e lmp-"v»t Maat4bjM eompart an-nti. an-i no exp-i*s ha* b.-. a ip.r-| t.. Baaha th- 'n a'l aj g.jod nti. *: the thor ugh exauii.iat.jn firei. tneu ptuvo* lieu mod* afeaaatnaatinn jet aa. cj .ai. j. Price of paaaage from ReW-TogB to Liverpool |0 f|-^ ibtL. Blä); ii. a.lJ 1 B7j. F.-oio Liverp-xJ tj Kaw-Teab, 3ii*ni M guioret Au aipaill laid . n ¦ u xu*. ueu u. eaou amp. N j betii*can be *re :r> antO pall for PROPOSED DAIEd OF SAILING rain ktw roxk I raoat uvrxroot.. SATURDAY.... 'an. IV. WEDNE8DAT..Frfa 8. 1|A$ SATl'RDAT....Feb. IS, ISStlWEDNESDAY..Mar. 8. IV* 8ATI P.DAY....M*r-h :l 1V-1 U'KDNK-iDAY..Mar. 3*. 18M 8ATUR!)Av....Ap-i' I-), IBM WEDNESDAY. .Apr. ft, 1A5« SATURDAY....April 84. 18.V:WEDNESDAY..Ma* 12. 8ATI RHAV... M.y » Hi WEDNESDAY..M.y W. l<t'*3 BATI RD.AY . May tt IBMiW'E£NESDAr..Jiu>a ü. 14M 8ATI RI'.AY....Juje I. 1W,v, EDNESDAT.. Ium it, 1»V BATURDAT.... Jaa« 1J lisal WEDNESDAT..Jal» 8, 1*54 For l.-rntht or po-ag. M l'J to.. EDVVAlTlT K. ( OLU.NS N V Wa N,» Tj.-A BROWN, SHIPLEY 1 Co L: t nooL r g WATNWmiOHT i. Ci Paria The cwt.r-itu»..-*hip« BrlTJaotbe BataaBAaMaRcaaM *. re;, .ti. ipe> b>, )ew-iry. ru « ...... u; MrUli, 'iajtw billi of ia.iing *v* a gned tiMreloi a--J U- **... thereof *xpre**ed therwn. _ j jREÄt REDl'CTl(>N~öf FARE to EUBOPE. Sa. Maar Tori M Sou-.uamp-iTo New-Y nk. fnm So tthtmp- laa Haare er Raaaaaai | . on Havre or Bremen: Kin: Cabin.-$>.«', Fir»: Cabin.4>|oo I o:id Cabin. 4" *eccnd < ahm. 6.S Me. rage. . *' Steel***-. the I *m padd.e wheel rte*u..rtip. ARIEL : . ED 1... '.ow ouit'ias ih r ai * NOR I |l .-.tar '.".t't.t. y, it a.-d Caaaaat/. command, r. to wil front Pier N > 3. North R i.t at 11 on tr- riiel». earryii g the I nited Sta*. i Mail, vig; Luve Ntw Yo kl. r Bwita- Itretne*. ft.r S.«'h»mnto!. ami". I. H*»:e»r.d Brennb So. thamUon. f. r NcirYoik ARIE! Sal Mar. :.. Bat r \ - iv.4.. a pi. .1 KURTHSTAB.Sal k| Batwda«,May 131Wad. Men Thea» at.au.aldp. .i b at Havre. Speci- delivered in London atid Pane, r . t rht r pa.aage api D TORRÄNCF. Agent IS., B .tili- aj |f. t. STEAM to SÖlTHAMWfoN and ifÄVKET. Tb- niagnilif» r . rteim.hl? t ANDERB!LT. T\2S8 ;..nj P E Lei. vr, ma.-, r wi. »a wri, the MAILS: noH na roRI tarn xoith rtoH >o: h.mptos aaoiuvax ..atrt >\ ts-i in»it.. ronia yon, BATI RDAY.Ate-!' K U I BNESDAT.Aprils SATURDA!. M.v «r1w>.DNESDAY.1i SATURDAY.J-ly 5 WEDNESDAY .J ly 31 V e .«Waag» tk'Ording to jvtti. t of r-vai: Etrr. coMu BltC and »130: arrond rahin. #50 arc Baetrk* d< Hb r-ed in Lond. B aad Parla. For fcright orpaefaa* appiv M D TORR A NC K \---' s rt w i.-.g Ore--. N" / Steamboats ano BailroatYs. J^Lt'sHINC RAILROAD.Lf*ovea Fu!t>u Mir ke-\\ h*jf by rtcamer l.ianc Ciry. at » and ;.i» m aad I i and 3:3> p ui The can bjate Finahirui. L I ar the aame < n. aa aad eaeaai gbag p«.«-rgei, w.th the Boa: *: H^nt «..l'.iat Tbreuab m bt'.y a tatt.' Kare 2A rent*. Ai M M SMITH. R..*!re7. HDD90H RrYER RAILROAD..Fmu De¬ cember l 1EÖ7, 1 tau.« w. leaee Chamber*-«. Station a* wRawai Expre a Train*. S 31 a m. at d 4: *5 p. a Albar.v Paa- nngt Ttala. li:*>a. ¦».; dlra Sing, 4 p. m frr P ghxeew. .i I 30 a. m and 8:8* p ¦,J for Peek*IiQ. 5 So p at Toe P< uhke,ifate. Peek*kill and M Sing Train* nop at the W»* S . aa, P*nrt-jrr- ukuo at Chamber*. Carat..pte-r and 3!ti^u Ti».i.« f n New-Tort b-a.e Tt..y at 6.13a m. aad 12:33 and y ti p tu. ^Eaac A! 1*1 )*'7 and 1.38 a m and 1 and 8:10 p. m. A. F Skl'TH. s ,r»-,...., 1wA 10NO ISLAND RAII.ROAI T rn » ä*j*jäa J End taave Brooklyn » r Oreeaportat 10 a a* : far "nirq at* 43 p m I * Heaaa<(e*d at 1* a a., 8 43aad i a. ax and a. Juat.-agg l a. a, 8;l»7»a*»«.St p a. r LX»R BOSTON ami PROVIDLNVK t^NKW- r post ot fai l m tr-ts. tp ^ ^ re*m« BAY *T ATE Cm*. i*.* Lc. rUF-MT. T! RSPAT aad SATi RDa> at 4oclerk p.an. t :to- STATI »rMRVrinj Cap* B-jytnn .^»- J'*" *.»* . -, honda, N.KDNHDAY aied PR .'»^"«^ "T* p./ : *f «-. c-a-theBati- T beOitoo ul«* *H^rr^-.*''. r^-^ u 11. «7 mnmmm "Fr.'.«cTb^ .. f,-w^J^-au^gl. ^ P- °l,""'uy I rjWfj Ar-,' Cn "«.17' W b ft TflF. RKGl'LAJ? MAIL LINE rtaSTOKWO- rOK f . B »ST »H trd PROVIDEV E-!n.od loahe- Vk4»»»VtX»ndr»«^ . Tn. . - PLYM »1ThW'K. I »(*. J - ^ "4 com Vol.. .pk. Cape. W. H. fmi". it. .v..-.-. .. »... »« rROATRENCE and boston anal prot- iurn( k RAILROAD^ inrmi N-w V. rk J»: y . ex- tgakiMBana K I n rti n«.t.'«wkin »»»e B»tte-r- .ae, h 4 oVlnct p B-. end8t«B»ing»e**t » >' p ¦ orouthnaf .ivx, of the ror :r*i- wi.:. 0 !.*»** B»a:«u it VWb. ox. T - commodore fn* N-w v rk M adey JS tiMSaj tnd Fndav. tr >m Suratoaton T.e»d*y. Tmiraday end Saturday The PLYMOUTH RO0K.Tr N- ». T rk T leeday, nsndaf ¦ : >»: May from S^.tAxt*''*! Monday. WV lne*.l** * *f t May. Pot-nger* ptwed froeaW..uina-'« per r»Jlr>«d t.. Prurience »-id B iL 'he Ktpr>M M«i! Train i-ichtng tul p kM ¦ »1 mm «. of th.*- i-t r*ber r..t.-*. end ir ample time for «il trio carly- BkanüapLiar* c.o ^.nn* North and E»*t Paaavn*-. -htt pr-i-r It rv«.a:l * lv«*rd the r-arm-r er.j.rv * i.igbf* r-f. u-.irturb.-1, MtBknwt ii .. -Afc.id U»t* tt/.otAji-.u lu thot-JB*. m. tralii k> Pro. id- bbs. . A Lwuu'T »>-<v>rEp«V.ri tb-> fte-emey and trait: throbJR * V.rWpV*»«fo. hertha. r«t*-roomi m f~l«bt if»f>'T .| v,.^, tb' rv,n at, or at tb- r n ight OSfce, P n Na. i N'Jf-k Birer. or m the ofri, » bj x 10 Battery pl»f». _ CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY. C<J.Uieetini at Nra Hamf/on with tha DvUware. Wka- aanua and AVe*tetD a. «J and at Itaatuo vtUi the Leoiat Vail, y Ra«/f*t _ . FALL AUR.ANOFMF.NT eorameortet CX !S. lA*T~t>aTa N. w Tork for Eaetoo and .ntern.ediat« p<Ve« fn rn Pi-r N". J, North Rirrr. at 7t a. m.. U m. acd»t p rn. i tot » ...-.%.... ,j ahoae trai&i ar^at i » o n, T>it aloT* UEt aaaBM at EHiaOefh artth traina 00 the N«» Jetapp Baflraad, arMafe laata New Y .rk from the fmi of Court- aodt at, at 7) and U a m arid 3:30 and 3 p. a. Pateeoreri for the Oeiawaro, Laekawanna and Werfe« Rail¬ road will leave at 74 a m. Bfjf. K ; mah Valley Railroad at 7, a m. and 13 m. JOHN O. STKRNd. Byp. riat.-tideaf. NEW-YORK and HARLEM RAILROAD.. WINTER ARRANOEMRNT Co»menein( WBDNEBDAY. Jaa« M Traina Lea». I»epol r..r: r A\ Lite and l>n:r N a i' t 9:0o a. m.. .Mai; Train f r Albany, atopping at W/RUasu and all S'afior.. aartl ." ?' p. m... Kxpre.« Train f.r Albar.T. -toppin/ at Uae pr Mfatior.a only. 6;!3p. ni...For White Piaiaa. «t->ppin' a" all in'.erm-l.i » tioua. Train Leate IVpoteor. 26th at. and 4»h aT.. New-York: 8:13 a. 01...For A\ nliam.bridfe, ttoppiu< at all mt-rmedii'e .--a- Maaa. UM a, :n...Kor AVhite PUi.-.t. rtaffbaj at tfl IMh II» BBtt> Bra- tlon». 2:3o p. m...Kie Wiliau ahridre, »t. ppintat al; i derm- Iii e Sta- tiont. 3:f* p. a.. .For Mil>r»on. »*oppin| at VYllHlBktM1d|l aadBtl ieferrre.liate >- .tiona north. 4:(0 p, rr.. .For Cruton Kali«, ttopping at a.l Itterjiedi*:.'S;t tioBI i:H1p m ..I..r AATUanitbriJ*-*, «toppin» jt afl intermediate. Station». Rt 11 K\i\...Traina Leave Albanyf r New York: . t'.a. m Ma:! at. pp::.« a- *.. Mation. a^xive and at Wu.taTi.- bridge. f-13 p m.. Expreea. itoppir t *. prin. ipa! S'nti ina only. UM J CAMPBELL.aVii iliifialaal VEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD.. ll On and aft. r Till R.SDA Y. Jan. 31. UVi, and uutil furth*r n. 'ire. Pa'.. :.<er Traina wui leave Pier dot of D sane it. ai f low*, vir: DUNKIRK EXPRESS at 6:3* a. m for Diokirk and prinripal iUrnr.edlate Sta'i >:ia. MAIL TRAIN at «:»>a m., for Duakirk and Buffalo U mediate Stationa. ROCKLAND PABBENOERRd 3 p. m from foot Chamhrra it , via Pi. in eat. fei S itfema aad Lniermedhata kaati aka. WAY PASRENOER at I p. m f..r Newb irgb. Middlete.wn and i Mali. ' The ai>. ve Train ton daily, flondava eveept.-1. Mi.HT EXPRERat ai 5 p. m daily, Iji Donkirk, and, Stinday« arxrrpted, for Buffalo, Tl.. -e Expret. Traina r..r.n. at Elm!-a wi'k »h» E'rtilra, Caaaaanigna aad Niarara Fall* Railn«d. for Niarara Fi" I! ihaaatoa with the Baiataat aul Bingha utoii Raiiroret. for Bvraeu..', at C.-n.ii.g with Üka BaaTalo, Cornis! aad Narw-Tork K«ilr.*d, for Baad»atari ad Or. at Brad mm the Delaware, Larktwanns ard W. it. rn laRroad, fof Beraatoa; at H.aiv-lla- ville with the Buffalo ..i N-w York Ci-y Railroad, fcf B iffaJo; at Buffalo and Duukirk with lb- I.'ke Shore Raiirad. fer Ct-ta- land. Cincinnati, Toioo... I). -rolt, Cbi. «0, A.-. R F. HE.ADl.EY. Aa<!«tant Preai.lent KEW-YORK Bod NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. 1837. WINTER ARRANOE.MF.NT C.mineii. inj D. <.. SI. Is37. Pai.eurer Station in New-Yor*. corn, r PTthrBt. and fta-ar.; utraact on Yttk-at. TRAINS LEA\ K NK.U -MIRK KorNcw-Hawo. 7:*M. 8 a. m (ex.): 13:1.. i. 10 (. 1.1 ani 4:2" p.m. Er Uli.!*. f*i\ 7.''. 8 a. in. (ea.). i3:*S, 3:10 (ex.) aul 1:38p, ir i..i Ml toid. S'ralhird iaiitield. Botttap Ml an.! Waat' p. rt,7:JHa. m. 13:46, I:.Hp. Ba, For Norwalk 7:^' a. Bk.: 12: Ä 5:10 x I, l. -o. .*;.>. p. 111. For Dtri.-n at d Or.-enwich. 7:20 a n. l»:4.1. 4:.". p. m. Kor M'amlord, 7:*i. 8 lex ) a. m. 12:43.^3:10 lea.), 4.20. 4^1^ m- ( k^*J?^t Cheater and Interim-- CONNKi TINOTRAINS. FtarRoalon. ta tn. (a*.), 3:18 p. m. i.-i.i. K..r lltrtfer.I and Sprii flit id. I a. m. (ex.) StlS p. m. (ex ). For Oaaaai li'-u' Rivr Raiiickd to Montreal. Bam. Mat.) and 3:10 p. m. !. x.) to North¬ ampton K..r (.anil Riiiruni. I a. in. (ex | tad 12:43 p. m. For H. iiaaloLli Railr aJ, Ciui. For Ntngniuck Railr.Ntd, r a. m, and ;op. m. For Danbury aod Smw.!* Ra'lroad. 7:98a ax,, 3:pi p.m. JAMES H. IIOYT. Siperinteiiient. N'EW-JERSF.Y RAILROAD.F»r FIIILA- DELPHIA and the 80L'TH and AA'KST, via .IFK.SK.T CITY..Mail ai d Expreai Bnat leave N. w- Y .rk at 8 and 11 a. to. a id t and 8 p. n..; fare (13: 11 and 4 go to K-n-inrton. T.ir.Hijjb Ti.-keUai.ld f.r Chad oati (417 and 418 S>.) and tint W*4t, and for Baltim..re, AA'aahinitou, Norfolk, be, and through bag. gage checked to AA'a.blngtou Inltn. and 6 p. m. traiua. AV. AVOODRL'FF, Aaaiatant S iperiute-ndent, No bataate wt'i be ajaaMai for any train uul. -a d.-liveted aul checked fifteen miuutea in advance of the time of leaving. NEW WII)E-(.ArOE ROITE fr.nti NE\V- A ORK t. ROCHESTER..The ROCHESTER AND HENESFK VALLEY RAILROAD ii now open, aul. in cm rmtthawBlitie BnSalo, Cotataaaad New-Tcertaad New Yoik and E.-ie RaLnad.. f..run a dm-ct r.ile from New fork to Roche.ter. The dirt-, 'ncaa aftUt aaaag, tor»ther wi»ii the rip »rlof nf .:. all .rd.-d bv tb» wide can. render, it by lar th nuat gaadiaMa b. tween lie et'-ve named citlea. Tii ketl i an pr.icured jt the New York and Erie K Ticket Off.ce,f...t .t Dt an n No. IBS Ufoaiaay; liaa,I .'era. y City, llagga^. (hg krd tluough. Fr. t'iit* wi" b«' Irai .p« rtal be'w.. a New Y rk tad Roche.vr v. H Jupat. h. Ar.y inlorn.ation d-.ired la reflanj thaiata cau b-- oÜaRed. \n ea Iii « on tbeO-irral Kreight Agen* ofthe New-Tork and Erb-Bahr, ad, Erle B:.IIdii.x«. r C. R TAFTAN, Expcaai r.. 1,-ht Ag. l.i No I "i Hi adwae. Ri trmfjtt BB Hat Irxflalo, CornlBl and New-Tofl RnIr«iio:i Sucday. J. A. REDF1ELD. Sup rrinnmi I8fc PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD THK ORK AT CENTRAL ROUTE. To- Peanayhranbt Ra>l..«d eoaaeaai at Ptttaburtb with rWadr > a I Bl Si L Ig Mo Alton, Oai.-na tad Cbjetan VI Frankri rl I^-xie.gtoa and Loni.vill.-, Ry Terre Haute, Maiiaoe, Lifay.-tte and Iu.lianip.eS». Ind.: Cira innali, Diyt.«., aprii gheld, b«Mantan»e, Sanduiky, ToMdo, Cieveiand. CUcubiia, /ane* viUe Maoil' in and Wooater, Ohio; ale., with the »--»in pa. kate b »r. team a;.J to New 0:.. aug, St- Loiui, Lo uaviLe aid Ctooic- aati Throngt Ticket« fer the F.aat can be bad at any of Iba tbcTe- tjawl aard p»a ea ir. the A\'. »t Paaaracen wi'l liud thii the ahorVa*. moat BtTaedltl 18 and v.n.for'abl.. ro..i »w>-. :' the K»i. <i l W. at. FROM NEW ,. k TO CINCINNATI IN 30 ilOfRA FROM NFAV-YORE TO CHU AOO IN »i H0( RS FROM NEW-TORK To ST. LOCH IN 4b HOl'RS. Fai at Una ai any other Route. See uani bi!la in the hotaia of thla city. threrifb Ti k.ta at furtlier ini .rmallm, may b- ba! a: !aa a*.* of the PENBSYLVANIA RAILROAD, No. 3 Aator H »iae. Rroadway, ^^antaeyi. _J L ELLI'/TT. Agent PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.- Tbe GREAT CENTRAL P.Oi TE. aaaaa. t the A' acta: iti. i with AA'nterri. N. rth w. «>rn and *.otb-w.-a'^ri a^ataa by a rontlnso'ia Railway ir. at, Thii Road 1.4.. r.n> at PUtenniaVl with daily !iae of Sleacnera to all por*i on the Wtat- arn Rivera, and at Ciere'aod and Sand.iaky with »teamer« to a!' aorta oc tne North we»»eno Lakea.r %«ing the moat di/«ei aheap and reliable route by wbach FRClviUT an he liiaataaa 'aj and tr.m the On at AA'trt. RATES BETWEEN PHlLADEI.PHrA aal PITTSBL'ROR Flk.T Ci. in .B « t», Sn » i, U-xa and Cap*. B e.ka, ) Dry Oca liaVm boxe«, bal. a and trank»/, Druga (iu ¥¦ aaaM F hole«and baiva)^.Feather*, Fun, kc.\ Xun §}. SicokD CLtat..Domaaek Sbretiug. Shix*.u.g and | Ti -kir-g (in origtnai bal.-i) Dn.gi ;ia r*»k»i. Tlard- _ ward, Lea'lier (It miliur boxaa), Woulaxul Sheep I . ."if » gSaM.aawaagd.fci.\\ KA'Bi- Taixo Ol .<»» . Anvüa, StawL Chaina (In caaka), ) Hemp, Bacc and P .rk. aalted (l.maa or in aaeAa), Söcer.tafi Tobacco, manufactured, except Cigar*, or cut, ate. ) 100 R. FourvM Cl*»i..CoffVe. Fi»h, Ba-. n. Beef and] P. ( iin ciak« or box.-*, Eaatwatd), Lard and Lard I m _ Oi, N*iu. *.-!. Am. (iermai. Clay, Tar, Plica, i' 9 R.«n, kr.I FLJft-7V IP bbl until f irtler n-.tlca. Oa »ia.33c i> MS B) until farther n .tie*. Ct.TTog. $if> bald, not aaawMtfl *ai ft wttght, axttl furtbat DOtie*. In ahippt-g rwcta from any »M:it «a*t of Fhl!»1elphl*. be pag tic lar hi n.ark the tankage ¦ Via Petinajiva. B) S AB Biitbiii^ FariaoT Ar.g»T».-Har-l», Wij-m!ry k C, M-mphl* Teu., R r BeaefcCax, St. Lemi*. P. O. O'Reilly A C-j., Evn.vi'W, lad. Dum.ar.iU, Bv': k Co and Carter k Jewett. Lo-u.vi!ie, Ry B C. Me.d-.rn, Madierm, Ind.; H. Brown fc Co.. and Irwin A Co Cincinnati. N. W. Oraham A Co. Zauearjia, Ohio L-eeh k Co , No. 34 Kllby it., Bo«ton; Lee,o fc Co.. C Aatat Bk a*. New York, and No. 40 South at., New-York; E J ffegeeder. Pi-ilaoelphia, laagraw a. It ... Baituxiorv D. A a !' ¦.. .a Ii H HOUSTON. (Ten-ral Frei«- Agent. Phl^paM, H J LOMUAF.RT, Sup»nnte&deat, Aitoo.ia, Ba. Jecuery 1,186«. (pood* toi »ignid to the Agent« of tht* Road at Philadelphia ca Ktebt rgh wi'l bei intidia ¦ Barail drtenrioa. Ätcbical. SAND>' SARSAI'ARILLA..Tbi* ple-agaxit. tim- pie and moat elEracio 'i .egrti. .;.-r- oe,!v | bltMd. and tbe eure t f >croft:lou» rid cnttneoa* d ». ***», may be taken at tbi* ¦Banal with the great «. BaanaM by everyone Th.. i civ eaotmi. reer-*ary to be u*ed i. to obtain the original and arti Prepared a-d *o. i bj A B k D. SANDS. No. i New York. Legal Notices. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surr»e»te of the Cotnty of New-York, notice i* hereby gi*-n to all per- wec. having r'».m. agamat AN ILL1 AM S\ Ml.4 lata of the CUy N w Y ik. d.c»«.ed, to pr-.. nt th* war wvh roueher* »bereut, f.. the »i.b*erib«r. at bet r-.uj-ti.» N >. 387 F.uthth av eaoe. Ui fbe Citv in New York. ot. or kef BB the ee\..nteeiitb .lay ¦« April itevt .Dated New >, ort, the thirteenth day od (>-t»bet 1137 (.*UUw»3mU ] ELUABk TN «J . MF.4 Tie. kig^ ' IK H RSUANGS ml M *>rJ ,r °* th* Sl,rr af the ( nty cf New.York a**i-ei. hen >r *.> ». . p*' . . i .son. **J**i *' MA THAN B \N '3. jM* dtj «: N * York, derei*. L to pr---*jt II - -*a»e. *»¦.».> ru-n ther- . to '.. (oW-iber, v hi* * -o, N >. SI . . **" Ctt* of N< i- Vor» ob ot before Ik* fmifh .!.» «' Masai BeH I)*!- «1 Nt . V. :k. tb* fir.' da» . Id r*emt«-r. IBS? .**-l*v>6uU FRANCIS N BANOS Adrnlnirfrofor N~ EW-YÖRK MTRKMK COUBT-Citf nnd Cocutr of N w-Teth -JAMBS K CXlR w.m.t > MI ÜANO F Vrü'-A.M.M » -m ..fr».» t mvid « ,,...¦-,.. nerved, -r. EMILIANO P. BrRiJA- MIKI: Y"u ar. fc. n by tun.. d ami r-q« i M *n»w* tee ii iJ.ji» In tiiU .¦.t-.n. »heh w.U he 6>n the >BV» "I the CVrk of the Citymat I itj N*o V-..k. *? tu» CVy IU.. .aid C *y *fid'o *rrv. »topy if fSB MlnB IB* MM <*.>«. [.¦uit .*» Ihr r hrnkrii *t their < BV " N I: I Broadway, h* City of New % n*». «hhla tvr-otv d*» . »f*. I wrnae ./»»». .vmo >na on vu. eicln*ive ot Ike da* of *i»rh aervie«. m l If you foil t~.nrw.-fh- **td cmrliirrf wlfkentbe f me «*>r-**t I. the noun* to tbi*wtloa rill t»ke judemewt »a»ln*» too tir rbe eum kt.i.j-..t r* web invteat from Ik* »j i»t ..f >-p tr*r»«. one »b«>u'*nd»nih' h nidred *t.d fiffr w\ n. ben I' toe en*f* ot Ihi. .< IB n .freed D-ev-mb. I I* 1*VT I |i I T I> Sil FRU I »<>'». P'ai-'lrl X >"...».. P S -TI I B*yMnl .I(Sil f « n.d Ck . «»*.*. '**. f. J l»»rti»\\ _ NOTICE Ml*mbf Kiv.Mi. that nn BBjrflntiM will !>. road- «-.th.-l>t:i*?.r»of tA«8ta***4 >. w V « *t B* ajl*Ut*l*llif. fJTM Art aavndlu* »b» A"»<>f Itt oranratWrn of :iil BtTOER'S PEMALP INSTITi TE.1 ¦ «».> . aid Iritlfit. to luraf. I i-i t!i« City of N'w )»rk af 11» lha Pi-Trn'h W*rd iu tbo City of Kow ¥»r>. la»ra*rw SC P K KM K C OCR T.Countv of Kins*.. HBBBTDAl afrimtBOWABDJ rX>wBB8 aad Mir. I.IK D l.nait" lohn Cl»» and Ann I Vi« *nfr DatiJIS II i r< rr> *ud Mam-rto. hi* wife. G«orxr W. Brawn. Samuel C. C Mania Jan". Jut..*, llinr* Jo*)**. ftr-Jamin Ifi-wkir* Dat.irl UraS. JoLn All«i Jaroh S Abrim*. J.-bn I Joho»»n. Matthew (Jar Purr. J >hn Tread»-!l. jr.. J*»-" TV>oi*>n ll'ti lirritiT BabSit. Abraham R Lawrrnre. t>wh} Kra-.rw, Cyr»* \i. L, Dti 9*1 M loaephWil John Br»iia*^H«**r* a:.t- aal r*,-1i of them: Von »re hereby a mrnon.-.l. and 'r<Vl4f^ to *l.w. rthe eaaaiaml in IMa action whu-b U BM w** a* i f the Co-^ntT of Kin... K IM Cltr Ha.1. m ^OjJ « Br.^klvn. ... -«d o,,.ty. and k* ^rre . e .pf _of >o..r .n.we o tle*.;d.vrnpuiiutontbe .uh«riber, at hu olfice No-8- M.' rh.n;.' Km h«7,e. in the City of New\ofk. «Ithin «f>. r th.- at rrire 4 Ihi* mmmom on you. ea*aaati a o|, tae aaa m aaeh leiTtte .nd .. yon tau to .n.w.r the .....I e-ra^ withm the t:rreaf..re..id. thepla-nt ffiu thl* a- >--n Will apply M tbe four, f-r the relief dem»u.led in the complaint. HENRY HAY PlamtiC* Attoney. Dat.d O- f. N-ri3. IAVT. , The complain* mentioned in the forefoinj Mmmm« wa* aiej wi-h the l'.etk «I the County of Bin«* »t the I > Ii*.. Ul .-e City of Br.»ja!ynouthe23<iu»y -f Oetfktt¦.»**¦. ,M jfll.aMwW _II. HA l. Piu.ititl - A" rt.ey. CtTREME COLTTT.-OLTV'EI. L LAWSON Oaal kLONZO HIOLZY. ToALONZO IIIOLBY, I frudant- Youare rebv »ommoned and req 'ir.-.l to *n«*-er tne c. ti r: unt iu ti.i* t.-i-n'. whieh v in b* filed in the mm* of tke eleii < f the city and county of N«w V--rk. a* SB* City Umil m :ty ot New-York, ai.il hi *rnre at*ayy -f v .ur anaw-r t.. tMe raid conpiaiut ill tlie .'..burih. r. at In* < He N < \' N »«.»¦: at., city ot New York, a ithin twi nty d*y alter the a. r .; e M tbi* ii.mmon* on toii. -Iu«ixe of foe d»y of nch «erTl.-.-; a d if »ouf.il to »u.wet the said complaint within the tune afore- tai.l the r!*ittiU in thi* u lion wfll tak" judÄineot *r*in.. you for the .urn it .ixty one d-.lar* and faaSj eent<, with inter.-.t Bji ui the first day of May, DM thou-u. 1 rlfht bimdjtwd and MP .even. bt(ide« the co*?* of tbi* action DaMd Dc cmher a".', ia*>7 Waacfe niatalM rai Ik I in the offl-e of add <:.>rk on toe S MACKAT, PIVntirT. Attorney.^ CUrREME < OUBT of the STATE m m:w- k> YOB K -i HARvEBM PETERS EDWARD J. PETERS aaair.t JONAH HOLT, FREDERICK \ BOIjT, ALERAM- lir I! H'l.TON. Tin'MVS COOOIN8 tad Kill» ARU A MctltNE Summon* tor m-«o. y demand ou contract. Horn. n..» aer ) To the above t»n:ed llefeii-laut-: E*M and e*.-b -t you .le hereby ...mm.-u- d and n-quired to anawer the complaint in thMai tlon wbi.-b will be fib d Ii. the ,.tti -e of the < lere «I the iVyii.tO ttyof New York, *t the t .tv 11.11 in (aid md to (. rve ¦ coi y of your *n»wer to the .*"! compUint on the (ub- a ,ib. r, at i* oBie« N». M Wall (t in **:d eity. wituin tw-nty day* alter the a.-nIre of ll.ia sunimoiK on y at exeliwive of the a*y af Meh*eTT*re;mmi it yoa f«il to*nrwei the (*id cnmpialat »iil.-n the time ator.-.aid.tli'e |.l*niulf. will t»ke uidain-n' »i*in»t yiHi lor the »um of Poor Hue Ired »n.l ThirtyfoorNWBM Thitty four C'nf«. altli mtere.t lYeaa th* Bfeh u*r of D'-oember. one ilonrand euth'hundred ind tillyeven, be«(de the aaeM of IM* arHaa Datrd D»«eniber BE 18jT. The eompUlIit in the (hove action w»( fi'ed iu the (aid C..-r»'( OtJi'e, Ju.uary 18, l&'.J. A. J. HEATH PUilnfitf. Attoniey. ja^nlavvfiu W No. M V\ *ui et. T<> THE PRESIDENT OF THE VNITED STATES. LBTTBH XIX. "Nt>TBlBO, ijiijii Htiitie. *'is eeieemcd a more cei - " tahaifBof the tlnutialiing condition >d" any uatioo. ,l Iben the lowBcaa of interest".or in other worde, the ttUedeitttioB of the charge for |be u-u- of thai greate-d; of all the iDrtruiiu-iitp tiecd by shj>> called nosey, it le, Mr. l'n i-ident, an evidence of lbs existence of that fcelit 2 f MettTRj wliich alway.- attend* advance of civiiizatiou.tlie rate of ititcn st bsfag very bifjh iu all countiie? ih which BfOBJBftJis inner'H-', BBfJ a^BBtanAf htendiiy an BrVpSAS . ut»ard toward thotS in w'.i.-li BMM are more nnd more ennlil.-d to OOBlbtJMI their eliiirt* for the |ip>moti<iii of IbeCQBMBaM goo I -in fybioh popnlBlMM ami wealth teereeai - in wbieb the lead beooeaoe ni<»re pnuleetivf.in whieli thepticea of rnv iiinteiiul* tend to ii?e. and tlio.-e of finielied <oiniri" i: aa to f ill.and in which, con-t-'jnently, the power to pBPebasa tli> jjiecioiit) BMdBM BIBJBkYBtl frBBB yenr to year. That power, and the tendency to SOBUa* in tho rate of iiitcre>t, eii-tin every ciitiiinutiity, iti the preeiM ratio o* the activity of the rireiilation of labor and it- jirfMlucf". The BMM pi ifeil thi exi-tiiip; IBBptj of iiii.tiey. nnd the more it M utilized, the eiore rap: 1 i-i the drt ulation. and the creater the tendency to m- crean- in the ability for further pniehniea. The MBS tl;< 8i'pply, and the h M it is iitalized. the nloweriti the wcictiny liiciilatioti, and the ((renter the tendency to load the money that had before been pnrchnied. Iu the om cam, labor obtainn powei otbt oepitaL Rad ti e rated' iatereet falle. In the ntbf t fSpilBI ob- t; Ising ii;c retMkfd coutiol over labor.the rale of tutor- . -. risCB. 1;.' ti:11 tie-e clarsce of p.ienom-na ob- thiLn in all those coMitriea that follow in tin- lead of FiiiEi .:.impi rtiii.' raw matoriaL', nud tXBiMliag the products of tlieLr ioii in the uum* perfect form. The e. ottd found in all of IhOM that follow in the dir.-r- tioa i.nff indicated by KSBfaBOj BEBjkwtlag the rude pet duet-" of the BbH, and rt-imiiortiUkf them a^iiiti in a in iahed -tut' the i .ie*» w th Ireleed. ladle, .fii- n ail b, Portugal. Turkey, Mexico, nnd all the Rf ite* of SottlbefR America. In fnther proof of tUi-t. we may take tlie rubaaa phetMNBeM pieeetdedby tMuraeleea «< cur poUejrbas trJutaged from Ubbb to IIbbb, wttbla the la-t ball cen¬ tury, lr the period of ft e trade tliat fo lowed the i le-e i I the pjieal laiOpiBB WOE, CaTCIllBiioa aIbmbB ie.-1-eii labor Wii< i verywhere BBBtod DCilda Uofl msb »i.-'ill.and BMtaej wasaoaPooBad bigBa In (hit which filJowed the pne.-age of the highly prot-clive .I« f ls-.'s, Bvavfikiafi we* aMitaat.iba circulation ha\ lag tin n been rapid, labor in d -nimd. product ion freut, and money low in price. The ac ne bain^ once more ebargco), production de'-lmod, »i lb BMMaBT ios«- with L'reat rapid.tv . b*M*MRBBgi at 1 sagtB, s-j entirely tu.at:.unable, that BBaBfl BBspeadad, BtatCfl iJefauited, ai d the k*edera] fJrOfeCBBkeaf wan wholly btukrupt. The ] rot« tree pofJi j being againadopi sd, nrodtti 'ion incr"a.-td with great rapi'fly, while the rate of iuter- BSt tsiL It Laa duw li.-.-n BagB for voarn, and for the reflroii that production ha* legs tteamilfa* I Ttfularlt ieHinrttg in iti ratio to pofiuin'.oit. In proof of line, we have, Mr. Pieeid'nt. the faet tbal the con- WOkptkaiof nod, cloth and Irea beare now a BBasUsr proportion lo the kfumbers of the peoplt than ii did ten yenr* i-ince. The fa. m of the pa-t three vein- tbas otn ipond exactly- with those obeerv.-d Lb taoee a* Mlovred IHri«;. BToaeywai then high.fartign oat!« w. re hjfgl.and emigration to the Waat wot pieat. .speculation was theu rife, bs it ao reeeallj ha>- be«Bi l»ut tiaiiy d.uiinution of prodntiion laid tue ii't dation of the dtitresi ahd rum that beoBBM so ut iver-al iu 181.'. Tiiet r*a! proeperity is totally inconei*ti-nt w.th an advani ing rate of interest, is a fact who*e truth i" pr- vediby every chapter in the world s history. In that direction, lie centralization and Slavery.in¬ crease in the charge for the use of money b in'p; evi¬ dence of urcwtli in the power of the accumulations of the pact over the labor cf the pr'aent.of cajdjtelorei labor. In proof of this, we have the fact, that throitBhout an important portion of the ITbJbb, the I'r' -Nlaverv feeling keep* steady pace with the ex- hanrion of the land con-equent nrwin the export of it> it'^Jucts in their rudeat shapes.with the exp >rt of the precicus metiL*.and w.tb the incrans« fn the price of money. Money is often spoken of as capital; and thus w.s are tob] that interest is hizh because " capital i< *e m e.' TVere would, howtver, be as BBkV L propriety in Äay- Lng that rents, tolls or frei^hta were blgfa 0 bsaBSB .. ip- ..ui wa- - aiee. Interest is always high when ttiryaey, from whataoever cau.-e, is rc*rce; and the ingh [«ru«i i tun pad for it* use cause» a deduction froa the pn tit* of the trader, from the rants of houses Bad trtBH the freights of s'iips. The owneref money then profits at the exj»en?« of all other capitalirte. Interest is the o ti peusation paid for the use of the iarjram« called moaey, a luifor that alt nr. In count ries in which iti high, the rate of profit is uecessar.'.y .... he BBbMJ the charge for the tiae of money entere eo largely uitu the tradet a calcnlatiotis. '1 he hikih profile of our Western States ara said to he the cauae of tue high i ate rent that ie paid, but Beja, as i verywhere, modern peUtieal eennomy a':!)-.': tutes etTect for caua»-. Intersst there ia high, because mot ej .(he Ibio^ ftr which alone interest M p»:d. is icarce and berause ita acarcity eaab.es the men wtio laiictmsnan l th-s u-o o: flkBCsnaVj Bjf esc'iaaga, tMrtaiti IteM l.rnfit#. »»5 mmtm»% 0 h*,.^ wV neeC»^dYB!C*S 0* hjetn Bad'*. ,, . trbo rHviM 03 1 4 ' »-J lt«> \\ i rdf a kj I . 1 ¦ ft-a; rt, . Bete t v '* BBS**) «A4 '..<- n m ».i"C« thee command tu- use o< t-,v ,./-4 nachtat -%. l>-'""f»' 171 '¦" «4VrWif ,. *},.,).-. r»»Tf u-e it than th- trans}*)**? Joss It i Aner en.r Mr. PmMMl. t. - D .. if f..**, that when tnvt») the w-< Wat ^ me... *i a-haa. v .., .... rrooi b**d i- hand-cirra^ -r. It *e becomes asore |WoBper»a* from dav to da* a a h< n it - nn c. and rtiTu!atee *..w\j m :,.),<: tj l..-a|.|*a:.. It U Capital that B) BSj|( hut rn..nö -the nsadiine by balp ai which the^ i and < tp.tal are kenf in mot-.., aad .. . el irff m..\.-oi!y m thefanhtoaef . \. times, when 'k--'" tr'l<J,',, f"'»«.'*s» r4kj Uuro tiia. CM la m h.uire-. iaad«, far,*. r,ei faraace«, atiaat, -'ay-. :;.»«».«".'">.', »«"4 1% rrp.rtv. Ua, in thtj last ten >»a -. beeaav pre§H . labor to the e«'ettef -h. u-anr:; of milW- a*Tslattern: aad rat. we every. -e *ec road* ba i fitit-hed and ualikeh toot. tJm) ,,.t-r!ttid.a!tl,.i:_ - ' .."'....vwit m . rtopped for want of demand for thetr prvidneBj lain rere aaabas te> at laaaa at i in*>a bash ii.-arf..n|e'.!edtii .uitail the operation, have**of the i di< ultv t-xp-rieiietd »e^MsUBlB» the tn.-iu« *itb which to mt teWir 4\emm\ Why it tide ao iVot.cef tint !v, b.'auseot any dim notion ot ftw'*', forthat it rrcater than t tan'ever bo-n. V on 'it i ossible bow to announce tlta'. by ratx* of atv«»ange of polfry. t!"' pxi,,,rt "' -"M mt"4 V ,;, 11.; d, at.j that the uuaxtiiy :n the count.} vaak ateadil} b^iMreated, Ktaanteg bete the i'-odiea of CaUtori «. d ot¥ v an tiki fortbantu »»e«-..tiv jtbaav ,taat «uri ,heap-ci '(tt'ation woul.l t". onn.enre %ai pr.*i..iity wou'd r. ¦¦ -tji. utth.; lanl. and yet. the differ'ewe in the aenajJaw year woul-i not amonnt to « «idartV r ./ o»c cr«' a/«f rffrwp.?f .*< f/r«. .». ;j.r , /. ,A<" f*aair>. Capital would be ini reaaeday a aa)Htwa to minute as waive!)- to be il>oerc.ible aad vet the i the value ai whti-tt it would be fit barg"* would h. augment, i hy tl.i.UMB.l* of n Dior-. At p en it all ie a'agnint. ami there u little t H e. Tlun.ali bri ou in^ !'.!e and moti.«.the tor;» txeited would be {.roat. ..... It in BSt, hi.wi'v. r. Mr. Pl\ IMai t, II the quantity of ,..., ,.v bj a cotiitituu t v that we aie find the ttftol itl BWfParity,« the ir.dex t.> the r»te0f ia, bereid but in the rapidit} with which it circaJadja s adiaaei at..l rafaJarkjr In the motion f .tv^trb teqnltit« tor the prodaction ot rxraUeaea, and ta t reuee i f motion ami fon e risult^ Crom co.ifi lemv. rha nlil L. Id bv the Imnk,. t:.e peopleja»i ta» rrrerameat It laiataei etdbyn.manat.m.ont,. 000 what wm held but a few yearn aince; but there bt tie ii" ragalarity in tba tocietarjr tiinvi-nioiit-^redk in u;tu h Inpaited. a coaauojttaana af thia it u that 1be cirtulatioa it - U »ud that the. rate of in- tereat ha- for ^-ani been io vary IukIi tv greatly to hunt tkd «li.-io«';l;hi t^e: MM in an;. Bpi ttv.ina ra, qtiiriti" time for tin tr r^Jbfoiiiia. Tha moneyed r«p<- tnlirt pn titK bv tnia^btadning treble or ijnadraph) the iieiinl rate oi intcrett: but the miner, the f. under, ti.tii n^oinner and the eh'th-moker hive b^n. and nr.- ing, ruined by it. The exigence i f eradu i- an evideuce Ol the ei «t- eacej oftaal rontldenoa of naan In hit t :i irw, whirh alwaynatteadJa tha frowth of rae is aiioa. Dow it tenda tu ttiiatata the toetetary bm ; cm. aal than to aagnMBl tka watjaattiva poarat iaaowafltta. hibited by a reeent rrenx h aeoaorntat t nl I amta- rjui. 6. Mi. I'm nidi Bt, to pn vt t tor route I .litratioa the folloaioi; entrai t dmb bi* work: .'On on.--wie. *n\-M. ('.»{iii'üti. " arn ata a aaV Cfciokt, a blaekt-miih, tnai a wheelarip*'!». whow .bopd ate cloned, aot perhaps beraaaaof any want ot row iiiateiutln, bat baanateat*abeem. <iauiaad for tbiii prodartf. Eawaatie, are mnntifeiturer« in waLt of tiiai'liiuerv, and termers in aaed of airn niltural iiiiphm« nl'.' Why, now, i> it that thene latti da not ghre ta iba forianr, that rdei> for irantaf ul.kh thi v coi.titiue tilV ' Bwaota tinlatter ii um b.> pHid in int ties, winch money the other* oau- n t at the mom. nt pay; and yel raey Ims.1, in »hops or bair.-*, abtinilom e of CtmntoditM thn! they dostre na4b) the posse ti ¦ of wbleh msan of the ueighboiiDgpnopls would re granily mvrroi. Why ¦h.thi v n- t exchaupe ' Uerauer unecl exrhiinge 11i:m "iuij o-Kihle.f it v ataaa torwjeaoa by «Hin«;; bad na they in theii turn mitit <b niaml money, they run find noparehnst rn. Hern we have s lusMneioa of'alior on lioth .-i-I..., and it \* in ra^* like tbi*. that prodaotion is lausjraid Baal loss ty reapetataa, altbouicu -uirounded by all the el-nn'titi of life, motion, aad prosperity .... ... " Meai.i ti!i\'bt. howev.tr. bv imi t .. remnv inx tlat difficulty that thuii e\ift^. Ii" the nwhlatst, tho biacksiiiltti. aud the whee|w in'l.t. rnfass ta deliver their pioductf.esccpt for road; unmey, it i< not V'tAiie* of anv doubt tbav < u*. itain oi the luttue aoieentyof the taruu r, or the manufin tuii'r; but baaalaaa it a InccaYvantanl to tin n to make credil sales tdit would <!iniitiit-It their active capital, and perhap«, di-ablo than) from continuing their operations. Let.cacli one, tha% ia deliverii.g Inn articles, ne he ha« cotfl.I.-nee in the .i.i uro ability of those who r.oar detnatid tbeta, requirs lily, in place of money, n note that, in hit. turn, hs t aae, with those who faraiaa ksW. (.in this coasa* tii ii, ireulatioii will lie r. -tabliMbed, and labor wih he reeiinn d. Trne. taut we iiiust firnt ho mtre that ii..-. roten, when accepted, will be received etat» where, as, otherwise, it baaoantS at oucc a simpt* -nie (,a credit. Thi« «i-rfaiiity, however, cannot bt obtaii.ed, and therefore thoy refj-ie the notes I.it I..I M.-.. ..1 at>\ "|.. ot f!l.-|. t| >f l, ntt* \ nlue, but b. cull-e oi doubrn of the Di --ihility of do*- f posing of them. At thia moment a bank iTtrrrsassL ntid Miy«: ' Vou, maehintrt, deliver yoar mtehiaeTTj you, Llai kriinith, your htiMraaaeats; you, pluwiota', voar raw iiiHteriiiln; you, tiianuffietmvi, your inviu- iHituri |; nOCl pt, »itB COaaVaOaon, noten Itayable at a ti iure rime, prtmded you have full bali« intheg»öd- ness of those who will thBJ bei onie your debtora. I will take charge of all UtOBt notes, ami hold them ui til ti.ey nhall become itm firing you in exchange ti I i. I. i mied by me, thul you will lie certain Ki linl at nsaversa] neawptanoa.' IValhadth, al diffi cult} at an end.sales Deteg saada, <i.kh| . elTCalBtisaa ¦ad prodaa^ioa bascomiag Mtoratjsd. Tin re are no Im gat raw tuateria!*, iu. lruiuciitg nor aarudaets of aay ¦Ii ¦< rit't i n rasaaaaahag, tviu for a moment, uneoi- ployed." H ire in here, Mr. President, no change intboqaia- tsty of ejapital oaaad by tha cjtiimuaity, and yet, its membi is .. eta paastagfrnaaasjjdatd of apathy aad eners to oae nfaotivity and produ .ti\i-ae»a -«b- aaiiaa;nvary bm ta sal bis labor.racpjviu^ in ei- baaa* tha rommoailtaas required for the c inaittnptioa p| wive: end families, who before were like to auifa! for want rf the coutT.oa r.ecep*aties of life. Unat, however, ia it that ^iven value to thaea aataa, and why la it that they circulate *»> much more traalytftsBj Uoae ot the Maftitriith and tha tarmer? liecnus« then eiitln in the BOBsMnitfi n confidence that b*> Btad /Ann ftoui! a mih oj BBfSJM »iijj'n u nt t'> rrdrrin null n.(Ui; > y t..e if them, tihtno,, unit ho»c\ieT, pn '<</". Without the ftxtstj tu . of that b.-lief, they aaaU not oiraaawte, a* would tana be eeeo, were there eatablkahad a drain of gold predai sg a etaadv iiiirinuti. n of the «juatitity iu tha p.Hjeii.ioo of the bank, until at length c\en u nin^to fhrta faile.l ta bn paid on i re>entatioo. From tbat moiaeat ti ir ireulatioii would be stopped: the HU.tieneioa of rm,vi in.nt would BgatB take plac..the blacksmith, ihe iimchiniet and the wheelwright again mourning o\i r iaatnuaeals that they would glad'v »\i hange f-r food and sloth I and the fanner and the' manufacturer suffering from the difficulty of obtaining machinery for the t'er (.loductiiiD f f fiiod and chrf. Tog. Mont* ,tt» ssaaatf irdhal tmlt<> t:. fcwWsaafape, naai |%«*j7w man-Ihr emit* of hmt,on, rtunc* ,;.nll, potrrr. Withdrew the fuel, and the elements of which wafer - 11 ii j o (1 eeaaa to move, and the tnacbine becoosea itatioaaiy. V ithdrawo! of tue food from man is fol- nwid by paialyaie and death; and such, preeiflr, ihe < ff 11 of failnreof the necessary supply of mi'mrr .tl epiodncf r of motion among the tkanauiof wMaft i alaty is compoaed. V ben, tberifore. the fanner complajvi that mor.cv b Katce, and the laborer, meehauie and manufac- tmtr repeat the cuiplaint, they are right. It »s mow y thai is needed, and their common aenne do- a not in manner deceive tin m. In every country of tft*> world, pleasant feelings are ..*.< iterj bj heinmg of tha incoming of gold and silver, because therewith am associated ideas of activity and euer?}-; while ..other . .jtitrary, ftar and w.rrow are excited bj their outKoiat; .there" being therewith associated idea* of dullness, in- ttivify. suflering and death. The former, Mr. Presi¬ dent, have been the feelings prevalent throughout thia ¦ ouLtry in the (losing }< ars of the never*, trials wa have Bade of the protective policv, to wit: in 1816. I»:tl aid IBIo- the precious metals hav ing Utaa Sowed in, confidence n\ < been mutual, and uortey having been readily ibtaiLsble at tha legal rate ot interest. Ihe latter leelaagl have prevailed in the closiug ve*ra- of' v r\ trial tt the frte-trad* system.th'.i* aiattla having then flowed salt.caifidei.ee ha\ing d *aa- jst-ared.snd the charge for the use of uwu- v having raci^ed frtm l'J »o .¦>! p«T i tut. 'Ihe cause of all the difference, then obet'ved is t* tha trtb be foaad in the fact that, in the first, the i.r of tha t'- tdt a! (iovernnac t.t has tended to promote th. growth of < ml mat.on amoag our people, to intrea« tha laciiitie. of exchange, and to aurruieut pro-ludio*. whenas. io the other, it ha* tetaed to .lc*trov the ,.'»¦..« fasset iatUn. to !.-..en the facilities ofintsf- < ourse, and to diminish the productive power. In the one, we have been enabled to obtain tauawvasj avk> ibiBery, pas.-itig from the turnpike to me railroad* fr<mthe sailing ship to the steamer, f.om the haad- bOfB to the powtr-kiom. and from inedaanabk> pap«* nu ue\ to area! sj trie t irca!atioii. lathe other oar machinery haa ateadily deferioiated. railroads gwnj to rn in, steamers diminishing in num.W, the swaas* .adtae IgoaigtT'ng p'.tca tola* wagos. aadaaec**

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Page 1: IK HADn*MOm«> BY N~ Aner BY TflF. R1.1,1BileMaR.alar,Barnedbegato tt»v.,. i.!.....1 |ha Ban'¦¦ * ofMr. and Mr. Mattben Rothen, who w It t. the 1 rmera* Aretrl at 1 the!*fer ¦

HADn*MOm«> ftmn n -

osv.. 11« k, k,. ate i rUMAT PRICKS To mit nil. TIMM._^|i m( Ai. instri mi m-;«;»>;,,|;" b*

r:^»-1-.. -..r

No. BM BlBalaaj. New-Vork.flljmo.i'e'h.. I'»'1»-

. o^r.f.. «"*.."¦. fr,,n "; 't. niil be e» a\n:\ jand raitkfmly »err.d m It pr-*-i.t

PlANOfcand MELUDLoN>..New. *»<. ¦SOBOu/' » . K *»»aadNew \ .be. .»,¦. M g,jlo»

Tb« WATERS lent.- *od pr-p. m '.«.»¦. i ¦

L i Vll^ bS prW. .t fbe ir t IM-,.1 Muafc UeBCT ofMI HC a.*-' V HORACE WATERS, Ha 333 Broatwav.

\ \ KN, BACON a Co!, faMcceeaora t.i BaeuBa Raven), PIANO-FORTE BUNUFACTURERS Ware

rv..ui ISAOrandrt., new li: .flway, where a fuil laeortmaalof LaatfBaeatt may be found, Ml iuaively «I our own UBauuflt|ur. ¦ arieuted m every re.pe. t,


?VI'LLNDID PLANO^Hare iweet and pow*r-%J fbl tube*, f.Diabed throughout iu the Le-rt w irlUBaalike ui.u

iw r plain well a* .»iiau.ei.tal, are offered t-.r aale very |..w byIhI.sEM. b LOW5UN, at ...r PWory, No. JM Ear. Iat., between lit end Zd av*. Tb«« aie «Uo worth tl.e a t. uUoa

«f «Vale.» Aleo. two aecoud hand Flavia_

Buir» bo auction.A M Miiwii V i

BT BANGS, BROTHKB m Co.-Trade-SaleReeta*. Wo. 13 fariVrow.


f!..o. A. Li.avii r, AutlUaerr.

By 0E0. A. LEAA I'J I & Co., Trade Sloon . N«*. 377 > lid B*J >*»¦¦» »T. ( rn-r mi Wtr'e '.

tar Bale ,4 Book,, MtatVouery, Work* of Art, A.c. C aMlgBtJiairl<at Li blatte» aoih iie.1.

TUESDAY and WEDNF.SD * V, t> 2r: aid 21, < aamenr.lagat 4 o'ebrf-k ea. h dav, will be -o.d a a- ion a t'a'.i".' as of v 1 »

»11- STANDARD TUEOLOIIICAL BOOK!, laelaoli Braoj.choice Eut lab Htat.ai »1 and MliueSangoai Work*, the w.i .1¦cfinpriiiiig an exteniive private Library.

Ca'aloji.ei uiay 1" had 0:1 amah aIkon.OEO. A. LEAVITT k C

Riouku. KiaetLxtD. A u tlouier.

BY JHGHAUOS K1NGSLAND <t CrO..ShW-Room. No. 1.W t ha»iile-r. at-Tills HA V" at I"1 o'clock

(aedeieryday uut.l di.|v.a. .l of). B K. ' Ca. will .eUtatAo»lion Pat ir »I tire at «A at on.*m»ii'ed anl piain ,ilt Mirr .r». 1111

hofat.y Ulaaae* and Kianira, all alaMaad kin.I.; E nrravioaa in«rveiy vai.eiy of Iramea. Tefn«.Bilia over t}\W, no*. ». timoalbi. approved pap. BaV r + at, . aaa Alan, an loa fBiitanii'a and Tla'. J Warf fit atrtajrt arbomtt BMy OOBOefn.Tirmt, f aab.

IJICUTOR'S BALK OF REAL ESTATE..The two r ARMS, cor taioio« IWok in Ir. j and twenty a<-re»,E


irly of the late JACOB i hanta, ai'.ia'ed in the.hip of vVa.hinztou. Bergen County, State of New Jeraey, willhe aaa r. d «' 11 bl aah at the I naa of Peter WoTtaadyai*, eaTtlt'KSHA > li.e fotirtk day .1 Maroh i.e.t «t .. .-a. p. m.Ala... a in ol laa TIMBER LAND, confainini aome twelvearrea. CoadRtaM made known on day ol Sale. TECNTSBANTA S.iivi.ing Kx'

Ttr.nkv IJ Ltr.bi., Auctioneer. SjI arooto No. ifl Na..« »i.ENRY II. LEEDS A Co. will lell at aaetion,eoTHCHSDAY, Kl b. I«. at |0l uVkx k.at No. 17 C larUon-

at..»ent.-el HOI BEHOLDfURNlTCRE.i «aiatlog>.t TapjCaipet», large 1'i. r Qlaaaea, Oil PaxatbajB, ina'canv rarlogB.utearoi. t> d in haircloth, marhli -top Center-Talih a, iii«lio^a!iveiahlmidt Imtra.Work Table, Oileluth Pierand Card Tab!«* H ,-Stand, Sola Bed*tead*. nakbofany-fraine Pi.-r Ubtaeea, b'.-ath-TB'd., Mattti *.. *, PU iwa, in. I..-.-1 .. BWruVlnp Wat at.Cotta«- Ch*ir», Cub Coilnt-rpo. <. yi.i.t- Clock, and C.tidcla-braa, t hli a, Olaa*, Kit.-beuu aie, a..-. de without rex rv.fflZWj_

laMKI BL MlLLBa, A n tioneer. *

p08IT]Vfi SALE of HOUSES and LOTS hiI BROOKLYN..Wnl be -11 on THURSDAY, E-h. 11. atth.- Meetaaaaa' Faekjaaaa, New-York, 3 briik tfooar* sudLot*on Warn-n et and 1 Ot'sce on 'th-at.. near fth-av. 7u n«r centof the putelia» money can leuiain. Trie perfeel For pitticu-lara w e Ai.i tu ear.

Two COUNTRY SEATS si AUCTION.Oneon tie- i.;h if Match, at 8 o'clock p.m., eoatalalni

DwHllni Hoa*aa anl two Bare* ul Laud, la the extt.'r of tli . vi!-I**' of W e.tp.r*; ano'lier Mi the Ulli ol M»r, u, at 11 <.'. I. eha. aa., la Dtaaury Villape. formerly owuel by Wm. A. B*il>Fag particular, inquire at the Bmig^iock Bark. Weatport. or of

F. S. V. RLDMAN, Daaaary.

Cntiirrt. ^arbconre and iron.

CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC..Areni.an and HuM-i> 1 . ."...U'. a

KNIVES aid PORKS; Rnlvea only; floof and Uame Carver*;TahW- Steel«, Silver platvd Kork», Spoon*, Ceilcr», ex.;

Japanned I'.a Trayiand Wafera i-i araat vaiioty; and a la'**«Morto

HOltSE-FCn NISHLNU H ARDWARK,Far aale by i HAS. S. LITTLE A Ca, No*. H and "I Ft It r »t


IOUN W. QI'INCY AC.. N... 91 Wi nii-»».

MOUNT HOPE CUT NAILS.VeryOUklitT. Agent*. . .

JOHN W. Qi IN"( V A Co., No, WUllam it

OIAIIES a SON*" HHi rVELS and SPADES.e For rale by JOHN W. QI INCY 4 C ... No. Bt Willi», n »t.

TTHOMAS 1'IG IKON.Soft, fit*, itroi g, and «warranted inbatltnte for 8 oteb Pi^.

JOHN W. fjUINl t k Co N ., .>¦ W . -.

Groceries anö Prooisions.ALLAN A R«»sE. N... ..'..»« Washin^t-u et.,

above Barclay-attlfler. wlolraa'e, very low. r>e« "ew fxt MoAer.-l.tlObbla. o»w Halifax PL bled tierimfe, V. ty bnrf (01r.atfeOeoige'aBaukCodhah. FlebledCodfieb, HvJd > k. CUe >'.Batter, prime Chee*e. Lanl. Potk,Ctt] livtu*. Sboillden. li-ei.Oieea Teaa, Black Trat, Rio* Salt, Oil*. Candle*, S:.

Btrrey.Allot m Qfalhy, warranted |o.>d. \ .rv aaeaatai kaooej.3utter, Ch.eae, Egg», Potato *, i'ouitiy, liti.t at..l Bean*, . >'.d

¦ cou.u.i.aloii

I)RIED AlTLE»S-v%000 bu^hel« for SALE.Apply at No. 11 Murrav-.t.


FRESH YEAST ALWAYS READY!.The -What Cl.rci- TRABT CAKES, laaae or pure Rim

wll kirpat y lei ith of'.in., in et.y i,..».in. One cake willra a batch of .a., a or bleed f>t lamily uf. Pri.e 12 rani* p -

il ». P. r a.le at ail the principal giooetie*, and at wiiolemleH S W SMITH. No. »'l Br.«l«..v.

JO B N D W I Q H t & Co..MaJicfaetiirer* of


SUPER-CARBON \TE OP rfOTiA, SAL SODA, ETC.,N«. ii (i'J-*tip, ll*i.. v. r ..ptaxe. New-York.


um ''^ä^8.1 .>(»(>"C ANTON TEA U ARKIIOI SE."

Impi itant to the pnb:i\ Or *. red .cti m in Beb ¦ of funfln<en>». Provieioii«, eJndce Teaa, I'h.ur. 9 :g*-<. ujSaaaad ailother >-r«da kept by fir*' la-. Otoeert and IWDealeta, ebeap faf. a.b. Choice new-crop Teaa from Zto. to San. New*OriceulSi;g*r« V. to 7 larfined Sngai* n" r. Baara' price*, whole^lo an 1Matt. OT-TOWN FAMILIES and COUNTRY DEALERSwould do w.'l to buv their paTHoMAS R. AiiNi.w, Importer aad Dealer inChoi.* TEAS, Kir.e llrocetl.¦«. Pro leioea fco., fco.

No. aio Otm owich lt., earner ol Mm ray, New York

Copartner*,)!? Notices.

epOPARTNERMIIP..The undor*isu,.j Rare tailJy.M .?"TY"A a oaaartnerablp under the Brag and rtyle ..t'LAKK. D<»DOV, k C-o.. for the purp <oe of tratia». ing aü

ZS. awnklap. Kxehatge *».d Stock C mimlMlon B niu»-* iu the(ityotNtw \otk. LfTTIIKR C CLARK.'EDM IRD DODOETlios. p. Hl NTINGTON.John ii M V\u ELL.

v-v^a rw ....DAVID CRAWFORD Jr.New Yotk. Feb IJ Iii». JOSEPH W. CLARK.

pOyARTNERfHIF^taaaaderahaxad have thl. day fono-.Ua,KT awIii' .'CLARK, BR0TH1 U-l4. lo..fc»r Ü.e putp..^. ,, tatMaakiai a Oeueral Binkiug Ex-.liaaaaaadAadK-ctton BuiineM in th- ( tv of S° ,JosKPH W. CLARK.EDVj ARU DODOEBa.leaaw.rcb.LS.ltO«._VeDR^D^ABR^

PITA! LI IE ¦ P i 8 3 T .

8 I O M R .

At KERM AN V MII.Ll.lt,No. ioi IfkaaaaW.

Adjoining The Heiald rdRce, N -w York.JAMES ACRKRMAN, EDW, A MILLER.

IKON WORKS, Noa. 196, I>, ISOnnd 1SJ Baalttth at .Tbo uuderaigaed have tbla day told the »..>l-w!'.l,

atock «od otmtr etJi-et* MBaartad with the abore Work*, to Mr,WILLIAM F. HARNED. who will oondud the hat ¦.heretofofe. In eonw-qoenre of tM*. Mr. B. HarueJ will ,-ca.r >

*<t a* our Atint fiuui and after the Mtb U»t.JOHN' NTCHOL,

New-T.dk, Feb. 1\U». O. B. BILLEKWE A..

William r. BARNED, i.. ia»*rttta| to the akaaa, baaatalufo.m'l.a fiV»i,d. and t..- pi.!.I u»t he will *r:\HOCS> SMITH. RULING auI IRON FOUNDERY Ri Sl-NEhS. at the above t umbeta. a* formerly ivuJucted bv U*ra.-dA, Rot. .3Bile alar, bega to tt»v . ,. i. !. ... ...1 |ha Ban '¦¦ * of Mr.MaR. Barned and Mr. Mattben Rothen, who w It t. the1 rmer a* Aretrl at 1 the !*fer ¦. S Work*,and who w III lev 'e-belr whole tlra and att. nti uituthceS lentjanformance ot all order* taderan act* w.th which be may be

|j -New Yoik, F.b. I«, ma,

LAND ROUTE.NEW-YORK TO PROYI-DKNUE, he On, and after Oct. M, 1S.TT Train of the

FtOVIDF.NtE, HARTFORD and FISURlLL RAILROADwill leave HartJord ttter the arrival there of th* Elprea* Train ofaha Mew folk and Now Haren, and New Haven and Hartibrd aada-fliiadalil Rattrvadi, which hawe* New York at t a ra.

SAMUEL NOTT, Sup«Uv.«leat.



X »U II h * i *. r*i -*r.


bom'S. NOTES I '-'her tie. ort-« KV f day Stoeh*mi Bn_it *sn*fhfaa . 1 t: pel i *.. *..'.. «... ». the b- 4MB1

Hoard. S*!' THIi HAY tt 12? ?«¦ _,(»>. Mer.hAo't'Ex.Lsiixe K'Tfi.ii parti- olar* *.-» r»ra.afBM if J i-ru*. olMjiiiri. f n rb-r and Mo-nlii* F«pr>as.

SiMBOk I'ttrrt. A .('burner.

BY 6IME0N DRAI'EH ft S ». 16 Prr r. of V\ i! .n- --Rsnilar a -<n S*.e.s'he M

Exchenr* E»K.R IIA. Stvt«ai.}P*ü(JfVMih'»-.iv..d»tPriv*te Ski<.BALE THIS DAT, at 12 (.cloth, I -< .'. .¦

At.auv II Mri m A c*i .r.*-r.Ome* Ma M\\all-at.

R1.1,1 LAH SALE ..' STOl K8 I HI- DAT,». !.¦¦ ,,, ... ». .!... Mn'liajf*' E\<barse*. e*"-prlwt,i

Mi ii batd*', le-aih- r Mai. .fact uren. and Importer.1 «-4 TradersPANK BT04 KS .

St Mark « Exrhinte, NVwYt orld and Meeropnlrrail IlfSl R-

AA''LtT«rrK.?>-'' rVM MI TI AI. INSt RANCH SCRIP.Urn SACRAMENTO counti BONUSm^jpmumjknretryBVEDBESDAY iM >.\Ti RDAY. (MSi

On it*, oi Niaoa«a PlBI luii" a Coxraav i

No. it: wv:.-. r.-h.:» ia» >

nlTIDEKD..A BBtni-annuAl ImM-imI of TKN"(I'll PF.R CENT lia« tiiia da* i.e. r. drrlared by »h» Board

tat DhmIMl. pa>ab.- u d.m*od. L. 0. IRVINO Se. retary

Orrics Of TtU HtW-TOBB Fl«.. aM> mabub toaBBABCBiCo.Mr.ivv, N. w York, E hruary 3. 1«j«. >

DiTIDElST)..The VlneUm Imve tbi» dsrtV-elated a SEMI-ANN1 ai. DIVIDEND of TEN PER

I ENT. i-svaUe on dt-nund a: tie fti"- of the f ->mp*riT, Ni. 7JW*ll-*t. D. L'NDEHIIILL, Secretary.

Clin»»»- R»vk N»w-Y«.rk. r'

- ii

IVIDKM)..A MatiannasJ dividend1 of p'OUBPER CKNf oa tlir Capitai St'-rk of this Bank biib-i

d« l*ied p*v*b.e <n «nd alter th« 12th iusf. Tb* T ¦». .f.: Bra*. ill be tdoard r.titU tbat dar«. Bv order of the Boa' 1

8. R COMSTOt K Cashier.

D~~I\TDKND.the Ml 11 AT. BENEEIT LIP? INSURANCE Co.,(Arenry No. 11 Wall-M

H. .i»r..1ir*d«div;d. nd( f TIIIRTV-E1VI, PER PENT oa allthe poli' i< i in 'or. >. bwreesl prior to Jan. 1 IfBY, an 1 bit orler-dthe payment of the öiudeud declared Januar*. 18'*».

JOS L. 3. J. P. LORD At>n'*_Thi Nrw-Yoax Civ?a<L B«IB*UI>1 »nir /

Ta» aaVBJtB'l On ic*. Al Btav. F. b. 3. 1853. 1

KT5TH 8EMI-ANNUAL I>I\II>KM>.-TheDinrtnra of ti.ii Company Ba~* derland a BrMeBi of

POUR PER CEN1 *i, the Caaml Block tb- r-.f. «:> <d Itaawtcan Inga fair Iii. >iv montlia which expired] on the first ii.altrt,payahleon the twer.ti.th day of February iu-'yi'. upon st'<kreti«ter> <l it Nearerork, BBataai St Albany, and mBW lifaBttatld iv of M ,rch next upon Btor.k re»ristered it London.

St<-< kb'biers whose stock is r, /istere^ it New York wn") ra-

eeivetbeirDividend«attbe .fti eol 1>; KCAN SHERMAN kO.; tin*.- u boae atork is reni^. red at Bo»t'.n a! tl.tfi. «¦ 'f J.E. 'illAVER _ BROTIIEaR tk ..- whose Mnefc ii re«i«t< red it

Albany, at tb- ALBANY CITY BANK; tie .« wie.«, »fori u

niicirij at I..nd<,n. it th«. I NION BANK OF LONDON.tbe litter at the rite of 4 I to the d .Mar.

1... Trausf. r Books, arw h ire U'.w loe'd, wl!i he re..p..rir I atN«-» V mk, Albmv and B'.-i.-n on tbe a*nrala| of Tl*ESDAT,I. ,- ZU u«y ot i ebr..ary ii.ataut,


LoatLLABB Fmr laftrBAtCB Co. .

Ofii. e Me. haii.c Bank B lildfa I N I. U» 5Ki i. York Fen r. iBSA S

riMIK DIRECTORS hare THIS DAY d.-. lar. dJ a SI.Ml- \NNL AL I)IV IDEM! of euht ii, p. r c. nt

payableoaifisjearl CARLISLE n'HIWOOD. aWretary.OrricitM mi La Cbob*b abb Mi waitrbbI R Co .j

No. IB N'is-Ai Ni w V «k. Feb. Id. IBS*. 5HE IM KREST .. ti e FAEII M0RT0AGE8

td this Comp.ny arklel '.y ll* '. rn.s of 'he Mor*|af. i, feddue Jim. 1, IBSB, will be f aid on pre.. *4tion of the Coup.aiai the Orlire of tbe f, mp»i.v. n .. IM Ii, id»»T. in the C ity ofAlbany, on and aft.-i tbe »iL inst.

rpHE FIREMEN'S ] IJND1N8ÜRANCE COM-J PANY..DE< I.AI(ati') i 'if INTI STIOM t i FORMA COMPANY EOR PIRE INSDRANCE.VTf, |A«aadeT-»irii' d h. n hy live notice of oa: latontl l-> a.*o< i*te md f..raian Ii corivratVu Company agntahij to >u AM ' f the Leaislatur*of the Stute of ,\V» Xoik. < ritit.i d " Aa Aet to provide for theiiiK.rporufion of lasol.f Ii < omi'tnie.."MM 1 June »i, 1x53, forthe p**f*jo*e of ruskinit insuraie e on dwcliiu.'.. leeiaei, stores *udad Line's <.' bnildii.es. «...I BMa nouseliold furniture, meridian-ds*a ei d other property, aiaimit «u or . .. by fire, and th*riaka ofinl-ind aai ini*ion and tr*usnort«tio;i. Sucri Company to



in*, ht *n **.i(iimiei.t mad-, by thi-rn to the 1111.I0r.i41esjLPET rr IS AY LOIS r iv. n a pt- f-i..i.e- |. t .f'heB**I*J ed ' state Vo ilnitt* of irnouuts not t-xr.Iin| Our 11 ia 11 iDod»rs, drawn bv .aid SATI1ER A- CIH RCH upon the Amort-can Euhana* Bank, vtlo tin r pay able at the .suiter of that Bankor sxtaewherej m *poa Dwaal A Co., o* upou lie- igeui* tar cor-

n-af.oi;di-nts of Drüsol k Co..Notice 1*ben-byrfrtnk*the aiddan M dl dri'r. ao pr-f- n-ei

t1 ft'!.e-, ai'-" |uin d t.. p:es< nt lu di drafts f ir pajment to tber .1 ... 11 .'ne.i at hi- ft. ... N .. 76 Bits! ! .t in tie- City isf New

Turk, "ii r b< U tf lb'- fir-* dny of Apid Deal; and that in dffkultuf aneli imai iilmMt rrlthln that Hmt| the holders «f sm h draft*wRL faipuiaoaaeeof a provision to that eff-ct co.tüned in th»... ifrnmei t. I*> liable to!o*e th« besxofll >.f tie- preference *j

presided for theka. 1 lr'.R NAYLOR,NeB-Yoik, Jap. 2,1MB, saalnra of Sather a ci. m h.

\TEW-YORK loa LIVERPOOL U. S. M, 8II Cn.,No.MWall-«t Naw-Toaa, Pek 1" l£5fl.NOTICE.A a*cetUk| of the Sto<kbolders of thi* Company

w .; be I. Id I,: th- Offi. e ul tbe Comp*ny M THL'RSDAY, -5thins'snt. at 11 o'.-l. rk in.Tbeatjni leiHtioa for FIVE DIRECTORS f thii C .mpa'.r

Will \~ held *t the Otliceol tb* C iupa..* ou Till KSDAi, .'tbMar. h. bilweeu the hours "f 12 m an.I .' p in

Byorder, W. I. YOCLE «.-er tary.


Com. r of PINE and NARSAC-STS., N w-York,% i- it.

CliH I I.AR N0IE3 *ud LETTBRJ of CREDIT,ft.i IraTrriel*. available iu ad Ihr pi.ii i. dBB** ol Uli wo: d.


fee us.- In EUROPE, CHINA, Ac.


a No St Ex'-iianjo-p'ace.REFERENCES

Wm. A. Booth, a**}., Pre.id. nt a-n. E\cL»r.*e B«uk. N. Y.C. iv H .1 -t» m>. eso.. Preddent Maulifali Co.. N( w Y'ork.TI Hi ii. \\ H. B Ot.ni v, New-York.FaABKI IR ha»'\,r»q., PreaideM Menli'i'«' !-i k ]'.¦*¦CftABI i - Sri tori e.q Caahu r. Ob.be Ba'ik, Boston.T. Avoiii D*M> esq.. President S,,*).,.» II, \, R-^tou.Meiara. OlLBBBI k Sons. Biiukeia. B**J*eaMeaaa. Oobcb, Ki kitwood A Co. fhi. if» riMrtets. Fl.\CMl >. Lvstir. A Mil li b. Milwaukee. Wi*.

vljUIOj) WANT KD-On iioiid «..,] Murt-lU|l»vv BM improt kaiedl

bit) um C.rst.d .t., wosth twice theuuount. Ko brohoraB* ».lowe Lkpplyta i. I INOERSOLL, No. 250 s-vh-.t between tbehour, of tead 4-


wanted t>»E. A. BENEDICT.

Ro, BJ WillUrn 4t

JnonniRCf (Tompatiirs.A TsLANTIG PTRE IN8URANCE COMPANYS\ OE brook li N .At tbe Anu tal BlnllBB this day tb*loll'Wii* tl, iu I. no n wer* thust-n Director., vi»:john d cocks edward BR1DHF(V.AR di NNING. i c ROI Mi ,-


*^Mln*Ma*Bi. HOBATIO DOBB, Sr.-etwr.

\1 ARKET FIRkT^NSUK' VNCE COMPANY.Pitll'v-r, ln'.'?! ''"a üt-u 0D ,h" i,h instxat.iSasPJ h. holt. Stephen lininoton,SHLAd o ,X> -CtHAM. ENOl h Ke Tt H A MOLIVER ¦ &«.*.*. WILLIAM A. CCMMISGS,HlNRilioivi}\l.,Rn' HENRY LYLES, JB.aLEI ed i im^ B,tKU STKK x Al t NT,VKW ii 11am h Sil 't- GEORGE B WHITFlELü.BTEPHEB W*oi't&h ,

U,K1 r E.vIkYER,EIJSHA i WAi-rl^-'.. 1>v*' " SMIT"Ni l >. 'N shVk Anoi, lK< SIS W «« " Kii . n ry a rVevf ¦ Robert f. baoeDANIEL T Wll! VT< * TERM RE.ALBERT L DB^AMPi ABH1 I r\\\ rft*°'lollN M Rliii k A'um Tlll.OR,

A*>UER TAYLOR, isq «»,-4 I je-nh-u. aa-i

N..V.:k El >,,'-!:SiU'' >"^MVS>'>- ay


EV. MORGAN A Oe ha*. REMOVED ka RMBaaMBaEi b» |r ii -. ä . j,. (T9m H .ml

fJroft'&eionai Natu;«.

lldt.il AN Mid FOKEH.S. PATBK1 *J. P. PJ RSPJOW, N< ». 5 WAI.T.-HT.. N.

A rental rfcfl ml tmatioBM free by enefl.

I/I'VS : l:l> H. I>I\<»N, |f. D., Edil r..f TheS «.;- » l. T -r ,\ Pivki Tm'i« .,nS. nalD..

ce»*. attend* bs. ..-.»..* la OPERATIAE srR'il.Kl «i

i ONBULTATIONS Iba mm ob» i:» d»*-ne»« e: N<». I**». (afire1. » in I 7 to 9 nth*' Ateo:ne: b>«nh' |* ti M. y .ril- brejpitn.' Theo4V» >» Tar i> t

!».!.»' N... 1 VeM* m A. ..r II..,.«- wn*re *.. wearyK .»!.?.. i'n ..if t'i rt ,.? be'-* *> jo r .mpUmentery viat*

». t.'-n- D-u.utj lr» t> V^^^^^^^^^^

Coal.pOAL it ftEDUCED PRICE for FAMILYV/ L'SE -The DELAVA A Hi. *. 1 HI DSON CANAL COM¬PANY bare redoexd the pri.e of their LACKAWANNA ( OALt §)iearl '- '. akSnaed App y at u,-^ yar.ii.

I aXetUabaTtet, N R.Cor. Ittb-et. and <*fa *vC n tu rend Fl at «*. T. f~.And No 25 Atlantic««.. Brook'fa.O; at lb* Company* Omca.

No. 29 Wim« ,. r Fi r»*--

flOAL MINES la RENT .1W ABmIrb) Su*V :M !( Ill mrnnv WÜllBBaife flOIOfu.S at *¦*.' 8W No. 13« S. 'i'll Sd-*t. Paladelphi* for the rest oi 'b*rB.i! bflNOI - «u.U. MINES litBaled* tee Allegheny Ten-

-. 'u> F.-t l.» «.:» Bei.ioed is IS Air Co>.n?v. PruoojivnriH,tmOttoOf n o" ) The propn**'* to rU'r the pri'» per tau.

Um n. ,i tfje pnpo*edtern., of »e'tlem. r:t *nd !eLZ*h at \»w. Theo minei hxve been

v worked fortwa »e«*o». by the (oupany. theeotJbaa b«.B f. und of . vetv g-.p. rior quality for *m:tb and otb»r pot*p ..«-.. it.d c».u mand* a ready *e!e. Tor min < have a rapacity>qu»! to the pr dot-ion of 100 000 ten* ¦ year, ix» free fr«w at. r and admit of lava* rittn.iuo.

josttta w ASff P.. .

(Pecan Steamers, Pit

CALIFORNIA.OREAT REDUCTION in PA8-> SAOl -TboMtrandfph ndid-.. an..!, pQUAKERCITT,

I 9» tot . but b H (I. Sfai.tel4torax.anan.b-r. wiLleare ttta portI r ASPJ.SU ALL fr m Pi. r No. 41. N rth River, aa tue kh ofMarrh.it 2 '. k p in. .oni.er.lru a' Panama wirk the well.tanaa and UTertta ateamaklf Stern Kerada, wbarb arM b<- inrra ... to aaoered witk aha Pwaaragaf* aad Elpiaai alract ta,

I 11 r fr. lib1 r pa.aw app-v o .

CHAJJ MONOAN a. SDNS. N I 15 w'Jna rre.r,^vew-YiiRK nn.l SAN FKANCISC'O steam-II SHIP LINE Ha PANAM 4 RAILRli.M*..The fir»t-ela..«tu amahip NORTHERN LIOHT, RSM tun>, K. L. Tlitkelaa-uh.n.ai'er n 10 aal! fr m Pl.r No. 3 North River, ou WEDNESDAY.March 10 for ASP1NWALL eoan< :inr with t.he firvt-elaaaateam.hip OR!/AB A. 2.500 tum. T. H. Klethen maater. 1'avirwrtiu Prar.ci.ro Mar. fa 5. Pol freirh' ar..! paaaar* apply ONLY to

D. TORRAM E, dam! No. 5 Boa Ln| Orcaa, New-York.

D0YAL MAIL steam>HII* ARABIA.For11 LIVERPOOL .Tha A R \ RI A. J Stnaa, Ceraaaajader,aril kail face* th. oinpej.y. l*..-k n" Jera. v fi'v, with the Ma;.*and I'M«en(er* for Enrxrpa, .... WEDNESDAY th.- 17th inat.

Paia. nt< t» are r> |u- *te.l to be on hoard l.y A o'clock a m.

E ( UNARD No 4 Bowlinr Oreen.


Pram Haw-Tark kg Uverpool:ci-rratirPa*a**j* ..'»»8r- nd Cabin I'u^M". 73

Pr.,m B'^ton to Liv.Tt»«;:Thief fjatla Pa.rtse.fll*Se. on.i Cabin P*«.*«e. W

The .,,1... fr. m Raab n ^*11 at Halifax.PKR.xIA, (\pt Jadkloa, CANADA. Capt. Lanf.ARABIA Cap! J Slanta, AMERK L, Capt \\i«k-nan,A.SIA, (.tit E. Ü. lerkt, NUUARA. Ci(it. Ryne,AFRTl a Capt ETROPA, Caat. J. LrB k.

Thea. \>...'.» raffTy a v ar white oaht at maak head green on

¦larboard bow red ua p>rt howARABIA. BiM. Leave* N. York..\\edj>e*d*y, Peb 17NIAOARA Wlekman....LeaTra lo«t3n...Wkga*aliT. Beb 14A HIM I Sham i.Le.ieaN. Y..rk..Wedne* lay. March!AMRRK VI. ".Leave*Bo*toa..Wwdawday, .. toEUBOPA. Leiteb.Lean . N V. rk Wadaaaday, .. 17CANADA. Lara.Leave* Be»Wn Wvdn..day, 21

B.-ith* not .. ir. .1 uatl paid for.An aaaarieneed Sur*. « on board.Taeowner*of the** *aip* u.et fa» acoaan'»!.'« for O l.

Rhar. Bullion, Sf»-cie. Jewelry Pn-' io'n Stone* or Met*.*,*i ,. ..' lading are ai/ned thetet'or and the Tllu* thereof

toerriu exprr»*.-J, For freight or naamge ajrplv toE CI NARP, No ill Vinifl^n.

rpHE LIVERPOOL, NEW-YORK and PHIL-1 ADELI'HIA BTEAMSU1P c.jVli'AN Vi Clyi.- h tilt iron

»cr"w .:¦ «m i|».citv OK BALTIMORE.t,3rT) tnna....Capt R MMRCITV OP WASHINGTON .. .5.1») teni ...(»;.'. P.C. PetHe.( |1 lOV MANCHESTER....2,111» turn....Capt. J. K-une-iy.

KAN0AROO.1.H74 tiiu«....( apt. J-8r~y.The uudetu^ted or other taaarll are Intended -i taii a* loiiowtt

Fkon Ltvttgroou.RAN0APO0.W.dne.Uy.Jan. 13CITV OP BALTIMORE ...W. Ine dar.Ian. -1( 11 l OP WASHINGTON..W.HÜie.daT.FaRME ANGAIIOO.A\ wln»*d«v.Feh 34CITI OK BALTIMORE Wt J: . ..lay.Ma-.hi.lCITY OF WASHINGTON Wedneadat .Marob 34

And each alternate WcrHe»d»y.R AN.JAROO."*.*.". .TüTraiüv".Feh. 4CI1 .' OP BAI.TIMORK-Tb'Taday. ... Fab. 18CITE OF WASHINGTON Tiwraday.Mareb 4RANOAROO.Th'.r»day.Mar. h 18CITY Of BALTIMORE .Thur«!ay.April 1city of Washington. Thiradiy.AptiitsAnd earn alt. r..al* Tb.iradav,

At lSo*eloeh, nr».n, from Pier No.'t4 N. R.Path or, Ca»ii I'ttuci -iV m NeW'Tork Had PhüateU

pbW 8*7', from Liv. .-p...!. ?! gafaa ai, 17 guim a<, ai..l g. ineaxae ¦- ling to the a. somrn !.»..:.,« la the State it ..mi.«.l havingth.- akBM pri-, il. je In the labxaB, Including au-wanl'* f.M.Taian-CLA(i Paaitacf*,.A BraH-1 auaabaa of thtrd-

oia.* pa... ng ua 111 belaiin. aaalii ml In ei aauiB proviil.ui aai lfm PcWclpbJa and New-York, #JU. tr^m Llrar-poel »4.S.Taaea itcamrrtare ronv.me'ed w*th IrnproTel water tight com¬

part on 'iti. V. ,i v we rarrict an exp- ad lexgnoa. andor-ry aitei.ti .a pa.d t tie < mtt«. a..^ ar.i _i ^.iu of pal-¦aaatiaPmo, c- fdaatyool from B' upwa'ABhlpptrl M Bp . v>iU pl«a*e B-vti - that Innrat.ne by the

fatai'Uol It .t mpany*aa r...w I.« done In Naw Totk ai< ia

Eijila- d ou the i«jii- t. r.iu a. by the Mail paddle at. attier*.

for freirht or p*m*ge, apply at the office of the Com; i'iy.JOHN G DALE, Wo. l3B.-.a.lw*y, Mew-York, Agmm, orWM. 1NMAN. I and 13 Tower Buildiugi. Liverpool Agent,

CV3B SAVANNAH and FLORxDÄ^-UNITEDI STATES MAIL LINE..The favorite .teatnllp Kit VK.VMA,CapUin tleoic. R. Sch. E. k miü leave on VA EDNESDAT, Feb.17. at .1 o'cl.K-k p m frm Pu t No. 4 North River. Bill* of ladingn,-. .-J only on board. For fn-Uut o: patuge apply to

SAMUEL L MITCHILL A SON. Mo. 13 Bn>adway.S' -amen for f'orida nuuei at Savannab. leaving every Uon-

day W.-Ji ¦- liy and Fiiiay. Tbl. >oip it aaw ready to re-

r. in Fieight.v e YY-YORK and LIVERPOOL UNITEDII STATES MAIL STEAMERS .The *hip* »tnpo.ingSAMLin* are: Tb» ATLANTIC, Capt Oliver Erdridge, the BAL¬TIC Capt. J » po t th. ADRIATIC, Capt. JamegWert.(heal ihlp* have le-T. b<ffil by e-ntr»rt y f>r Ooverti-

B-ent ». :vi -e, every rat-» n»* be. taken Ii t tana, ag

al.o in their angiuri to in*;::« *:r-igrh and *t>eed; ani la r

ac. u.-n Ktado'.i lor p*ne^/e:« are uueq.aled tor eiegaa.-e and¦aanaalTheahraaaaiaet tt-i B-ie h*»e lmp-"v»t Maat4bjM eompart

an-nti. an-i no exp-i*s ha* b.-. a ip.r-| t.. Baaha th- 'n a'l aj g.jodnti. *: the thor ugh exauii.iat.jn firei. tneu ptuvo* lieu mod*afeaaatnaatinn jet aa. cj .ai. j.

Price of paaaage from ReW-TogB to Liverpool |0 f|-^ ibtL.Blä); ii. a.lJ 1 B7j. F.-oio Liverp-xJ tj Kaw-Teab, 3ii*niM guioret Au aipaill laid . n ¦ u xu*. ueu u. eaou amp. N j

betii*can be *re :r> antO pall forPROPOSED DAIEd OF SAILING

rain ktw roxk I raoat uvrxroot..SATURDAY.... 'an. 1« IV. WEDNE8DAT..Frfa 8. 1|A$SATl'RDAT....Feb. IS, ISStlWEDNESDAY..Mar. 8. IV*8ATI P.DAY....M*r-h :l 1V-1 U'KDNK-iDAY..Mar. 3*. 18M8ATUR!)Av....Ap-i' I-), IBM WEDNESDAY. .Apr. ft, 1A5«SATURDAY....April 84. 18.V:WEDNESDAY..Ma* 12.8ATI RHAV... M.y » Hi WEDNESDAY..M.y W. l<t'*3BATI RD.AY. May tt IBMiW'E£NESDAr..Jiu>a ü. 14M8ATI RI'.AY....Juje I. 1W,v, EDNESDAT.. Ium it, 1»VBATURDAT....Jaa« 1J lisal WEDNESDAT..Jal» 8, 1*54For l.-rntht or po-ag. M l'J to..EDVVAlTlT K. ( OLU.NS N V Wa N,» Tj.-A

BROWN, SHIPLEY 1 Co L: t nooLr g WATNWmiOHT i. Ci Paria

The cwt.r-itu»..-*hip« BrlTJaotbe BataaBAaMaRcaaM *.re;, .ti. ipe> b>, )ew-iry. ru « ...... u; MrUli, 'iajtw billiof ia.iing *v* a gned tiMreloi a--J U- **... thereof *xpre**edtherwn.


j jREÄt REDl'CTl(>N~öf FARE to EUBOPE.Sa. Maar Tori M Sou-.uamp-iTo New-Y nk. fnm So tthtmp-

laa Haare er Raaaaaai | .on Havre or Bremen:Kin: Cabin.-$>.«', Fir»: Cabin.4>|ooI o:id Cabin. 4" *eccnd < ahm.6.SMe. rage. . *' Steel***-. 4»

the I *m padd.e wheel rte*u..rtip. ARIEL : .¦ .

ED 1... '.ow ouit'ias ih r ai * NOR I |l .-.tar '.".t't.t. y,it a.-d Caaaaat/. command, r. to wil front Pier N > 3. North R i.t

at 11 on tr- riiel». earryii g the I nited Sta*. i Mail, vig;Luve Ntw Yo kl. r Bwita- Itretne*. ft.r S.«'h»mnto!.ami". I. H*»:e»r.d Brennb So. thamUon. f. r NcirYoik

ARIE!Sal Mar. :.. Bat r \ - iv.4.. a pi. .1KURTHSTAB.Sal k| Batwda«,May 131Wad. MenThea» at.au.aldp. .i b at Havre. Speci- delivered in London

atid Pane, r . t rht r pa.aage apiD TORRÄNCF. Agent IS., B .» .tili- aj |f. t.

STEAM to SÖlTHAMWfoN and ifÄVKET.Tb- niagnilif» r . rteim.hl? t ANDERB!LT. T\2S8 ;..nj P E

Lei. vr, ma.-, r wi. »a wri, the MAILS:noH na roRI tarn xoith rtoH >o: h.mptos aaoiuvax

..atrt >\ ts-i in»it.. ronia yon,BATI RDAY.Ate-!' K U I BNESDAT.AprilsSATURDA!. M.v «r1w>.DNESDAY.1iSATURDAY.J-ly 5 WEDNESDAY .J ly 31V e .«Waag» tk'Ording to jvtti. t of r-vai: Etrr. coMu

BltC and »130: arrond rahin. #50 arcBaetrk* d< Hb r-ed in Lond. B aad Parla.For fcright orpaefaa* appiv M

D TORR ANC K \---' s rt w i.-.g Ore--. N" /

Steamboats ano BailroatYs.

J^Lt'sHINC RAILROAD.Lf*ovea Fu!t>u Mirke-\\ h*jf by rtcamer l.ianc Ciry. at » and ;.i» m aad I

i and 3:3> p ui The can bjate Finahirui. L I ar the aame< n. aa aad eaeaai gbag p«.«-rgei, w.th the Boa: *: H^nt

«..l'.iat Tbreuab m bt'.y a tatt.' Kare 2A rent*.Ai M M SMITH. R..*!re7.

HDD90H RrYER RAILROAD..Fmu De¬cember l 1EÖ7, 1 tau.« w. leaee Chamber*-«. Station a*

wRawai Expre a Train*. S 31 a m. at d 4: *5 p. a Albar.v Paa-nngt Ttala. li:*>a. ¦».; dlra Sing, 4 p. m frr P ghxeew..i I 30 a. m and 8:8* p ¦,J for Peek*IiQ. 5 So p at ToeP< uhke,ifate. Peek*kill and M Sing Train* nop at the W»*S . aa, P*nrt-jrr- ukuo at Chamber*. Carat..pte-r and 3!ti^uTi».i.« f n New-Tort b-a.e Tt..y at 6.13a m. aad 12:33 and y tip tu. ^Eaac A! 1*1 )*'7 and 1.38 a m and 1 and 8:10 p. m.

A. F Skl'TH. s ,r»-,...., 1wA

10NO ISLAND RAII.ROAI T rn » ä*j*jäaJ End taave Brooklyn » r Oreeaportat 10 a a* : far "nirq

at* 43 p m I * Heaaa<(e*d at 1* a a., 8 43aad i a. ax and a.Juat.-agg l a. a, 8;l»7»a*»«.St p a.


LX»R BOSTON ami PROVIDLNVK t^NKW-r post ot fai l m tr-ts. tp ^ ^re*m« BAY *T ATE Cm*. i*.* Lc.rUF-MT. T! RSPAT aad SATi RDa> at 4oclerk p.an.t :to- STATI »rMRVrinj Cap* B-jytnn .^»- J'*" *.»*

. -, honda, N.KDNHDAY aied PR .'»^"«^ "T*p./ : *f «-. c-a-theBati- T beOitoo ul«*

*H^rr^-.*''. r^-^ u i« 11. «7 mnmmm

"Fr.'.«cTb^ .. f,-w^J^-au^gl. ^ P-°l,""'uy I rjWfj Ar-,' Cn "«.17' W b ft

TflF. RKGl'LAJ? MAIL LINE rtaSTOKWO-rOK f . B »ST »H trd PROVIDEV E-!n.od loahe-

Vk4»»»VtX»ndr»«^.Tn. . - PLYM »1ThW'K. I »(*. J - ^ "4

comVol.. .pk. Cape. W. H. fmi". it. .v..-.-. .. »... »«

rROATRENCE and boston anal prot-iurn( k RAILROAD^ inrmi N-w V. rk J»: y . ex-

tgakiMBana n» K I n rti n«.t.'«wkin »»»e B»tte-r-.ae, h 4 oVlnct p B-. end8t«B»ing»e**t » >' p ¦ orouthnaf

.ivx, of the ror :r*i- wi.:. 0 !.*»** B»a:«u it VWb. ox.

T - commodore fn* N-w v rk M adey JS tiMSajtnd Fndav. tr >m Suratoaton T.e»d*y. Tmiraday end SaturdayThe PLYMOUTH RO0K.Tr >¦ N- ». T rk T leeday, nsndaf¦ : >»: May from S^.tAxt*''*! Monday. WV lne*.l** * *f t May.Pot-nger* ptwed froeaW..uina-'« per r»Jlr>«d t.. Prurience

»-id B iL 'he Ktpr>M M«i! Train i-ichtng tul p kM ¦ »1

mm «. of th.*- i-t r*ber r..t.-*. end ir ample time for «il trio carly-BkanüapLiar* c.o ^.nn* North and E»*t Paaavn*-. r» -htt pr-i-rIt rv«.a:l * lv«*rd the r-arm-r er.j.rv * i.igbf* r-f. u-.irturb.-1,MtBknwt ii .. -Afc.id U»t* tt/.otAji-.u lu thot-JB*. m. traliik> Pro. id- bbs. .

A Lwuu'T »>-<v>rEp«V.ri tb-> fte-emey and trait: throbJR* V.rWpV*»«fo. hertha. r«t*-roomi m f~l«bt if»f>'T .| v,.^, tb'rv,n at, or at tb- r n ight OSfce, P n Na. i N'Jf-k Birer. or m

the ofri, » bj x 10 Battery pl»f». _

CENTRAL RAILROAD of NEW-JERSEY.C<J.Uieetini at Nra Hamf/on with tha DvUware. Wka-

aanua and AVe*tetD a. «J and at Itaatuo vtUi the LeoiatVail, y Ra«/f*t _ .

FALL AUR.ANOFMF.NT eorameortet CX !S. lA*T~t>aTaN. w Tork for Eaetoo and .ntern.ediat« p<Ve« fn rn Pi-r N". J,North Rirrr. at 7t a. m.. U m. acd»t p rn. i tot » ...-.%.... ,jahoae trai&i ar^at i» o n,T>it aloT* UEt aaaBM at EHiaOefh artth traina 00 the N«»

Jetapp Baflraad, arMafe laata New Y .rk from the fmi of Court-aodt at, at 7) and U a m arid 3:30 and 3 p. a.

Pateeoreri for the Oeiawaro, Laekawanna and Werfe« Rail¬road will leave at 74 a m. Bfjf. K ; mah Valley Railroad at

7, a m. and 13 m. JOHN O. STKRNd. Byp. riat.-tideaf.


Co»menein( WBDNEBDAY. Jaa« MTraina Lea». I»epol r..r: r A\ Lite and l>n:r N a i' t

9:0o a. m.. .Mai; Train f r Albany, atopping at W/RUasuand all S'afior.. aartl

." ?' p. m... Kxpre.« Train f.r Albar.T. -toppin/ at Uae prMfatior.a only.

6;!3p. ni...For White Piaiaa. «t->ppin' a" all in'.erm-l.i »

tioua.Train Leate IVpoteor. 26th at. and 4»h aT.. New-York:

8:13 a. 01...For A\ nliam.bridfe, ttoppiu< at all mt-rmedii'e .--a-

Maaa.UM a, :n...Kor AVhite PUi.-.t. rtaffbaj at tfl IMh II» BBtt> Bra-

tlon».2:3o p. m...Kie Wiliau ahridre, »t. ppintat al; i derm- Iii e Sta-

tiont.3:f* p. a.. .For Mil>r»on. »*oppin| at VYllHlBktM1d|l aadBtl

ieferrre.liate >- .tiona north.4:(0 p, rr.. .For Cruton Kali«, ttopping at a.l Itterjiedi*:.'S;t

tioBIi:H1p m ..I..r AATUanitbriJ*-*, «toppin» jt afl intermediate.

Station».Rt 11 K\i\...Traina Leave Albanyf r New York:

. t'.a. m Ma:! at. pp::.« a- *.. Mation. a^xive and at Wu.taTi.-bridge.

f-13 p m.. Expreea. itoppir t *. prin. ipa! S'nti ina only.UM J CAMPBELL.aVii iliifialaal

VEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..ll On and aft. r Till R.SDA Y. Jan. 31. UVi, and uutil furth*rn. 'ire. Pa'.. :.<er Traina wui leave Pier dot of D sane it. ai

f low*, vir:DUNKIRK EXPRESS at 6:3* a. m for Diokirk and prinripal

iUrnr.edlate Sta'i >:ia.MAIL TRAIN at «:»>a m., for Duakirk and Buffalo U

mediate Stationa.ROCKLAND PABBENOERRd 3 p. m from foot Chamhrra it ,

via Pi. in eat. fei S itfema aad Lniermedhata kaati aka.

WAY PASRENOER at I p. m f..r Newb irgb. Middlete.wn andiMali. '

The ai>. ve Train ton daily, flondava eveept.-1.Mi.HT EXPRERat ai 5 p. m daily, Iji Donkirk, and, Stinday«

arxrrpted, for Buffalo,Tl.. -e Expret. Traina r..r.n. e» at Elm!-a wi'k »h» E'rtilra,

Caaaaanigna aad Niarara Fall* Railn«d. for Niarara Fi"I! ihaaatoa with the Baiataat aul Bingha utoii Raiiroret. forBvraeu..', at C.-n.ii.g with Üka BaaTalo, Cornis! aad Narw-TorkK«ilr.*d, for Baad»atari ad Or. at Brad mm the Delaware,Larktwanns ard W. it. rn laRroad, fof Beraatoa; at H.aiv-lla-ville with the Buffalo ..i N-w York Ci-y Railroad, fcf B iffaJo;at Buffalo and Duukirk with lb- I.'ke Shore Raiirad. fer Ct-ta-land. Cincinnati, Toioo... I). -rolt, Cbi. «0, A.-.

R F. HE.ADl.EY. Aa<!«tant Preai.lent


C.mineii. inj D. <.. SI. Is37.Pai.eurer Station in New-Yor*. corn, r PTthrBt. and fta-ar.;

utraact on Yttk-at.TRAINS LEA\ K NK.U -MIRK

KorNcw-Hawo. 7:*M. 8 a. m (ex.): 13:1.. i. 10 (. 1.1 ani 4:2"p.m. Er Uli.!*. f*i\ 7.''. 8 a. in. (ea.). i3:*S, 3:10 (ex.) aul1:38p, ir i..i Ml toid. S'ralhird iaiitield. Botttap Ml an.! Waat'p. rt,7:JHa. m. 13:46, I:.Hp. Ba, For Norwalk 7:^' a. Bk.: 12: Ä5:10 x I, l. -o. .*;.>. p. 111. For Dtri.-n at d Or.-enwich. 7:20a n. l»:4.1. 4:.". p. m. Kor M'amlord, 7:*i. 8 lex ) a. m.

12:43.^3:10 lea.), 4.20. 4^1^ m- ( k^*J?^t Cheater and Interim--

CONNKi TINOTRAINS.FtarRoalon. ta tn. (a*.), 3:18 p. m. i.-i.i. K..r lltrtfer.I and

Sprii flit id. I a. m. (ex.) StlS p. m. (ex ). For Oaaaai li'-u' RivrRaiiickd to Montreal. Bam. Mat.) and 3:10 p. m. !. x.) to North¬ampton K..r (.anil Riiiruni. I a. in. (ex | tad 12:43 p. m. ForH. iiaaloLli Railr aJ, Ciui. For Ntngniuck Railr.Ntd, r a. m, and

;op. m. For Danbury aod Smw.!* Ra'lroad. 7:98a ax,, 3:pip.m.JAMES H. IIOYT. Siperinteiiient.


CITY..Mail ai d Expreai Bnat leave N. w-Y .rk at 8 and 11 a. to.

a id t and 8 p. n..; fare (13: 11 and 4 go to K-n-inrton. T.ir.HijjbTi.-keUai.ld f.r Chad oati (417 and 418 S>.) and tint W*4t,and for Baltim..re, AA'aahinitou, Norfolk, be, and through bag.gage checked to AA'a.blngtou Inltn. and 6 p. m. traiua.

AV. AVOODRL'FF, Aaaiatant S iperiute-ndent,No bataate wt'i be ajaaMai for any train uul. -a d.-liveted aul

checked fifteen miuutea in advance of the time of leaving.


HENESFK VALLEY RAILROAD ii now open, aul. in cm

rmtthawBlitie BnSalo, Cotataaaad New-Tcertaad New Yoikand E.-ie RaLnad.. f..run a dm-ct r.ile from New fork toRoche.ter.The dirt-, 'ncaa aftUt aaaag, tor»ther wi»ii the rip »rlof nf .:.

all .rd.-d bv tb» wide can. render, it by lar th nuat gaadiaMab. tween lie et'-ve named citlea.

Tii ketl i an I» pr.icured jt the New York and Erie KTicket Off.ce,f...t .t Dt an -¦ n No. IBS Ufoaiaay; liaa,I.'era. y City, llagga^. (hg krd tluough.

Fr. t'iit* wi" b«' Irai .p« rtal be'w.. a New Y rk tad Roche.vrv. H Jupat. h. Ar.y inlorn.ation d-.ired la reflanj thaiata cau b--oÜaRed. \n ea Iii « on tbeO-irral Kreight Agen* ofthe New-Torkand Erb-Bahr, ad, Erle B:.IIdii.x«. r C. R TAFTAN, Expcaair.. 1,-ht Ag. l.i No I "i Hi adwae.Ri trmfjtt BB Hat Irxflalo, CornlBl and New-Tofl RnIr«iio:i

Sucday. J. A. REDF1ELD. Sup rrinnmi I8fc


To- Peanayhranbt Ra>l..«d eoaaeaai at Ptttaburtb with rWadr> a I Bl Si L Ig Mo Alton, Oai.-na tad Cbjetan VI

Frankri rl I^-xie.gtoa and Loni.vill.-, Ry Terre Haute, Maiiaoe,Lifay.-tte and Iu.lianip.eS». Ind.: Cira innali, Diyt.«., aprii gheld,b«Mantan»e, Sanduiky, ToMdo, Cieveiand. CUcubiia, /ane*viUe Maoil' in and Wooater, Ohio; ale., with the »--»in pa. kateb »r. team a;.J to New 0:.. aug, St- Loiui, Lo uaviLe aid Ctooic-aatiThrongt Ticket« fer the F.aat can be bad at any of Iba tbcTe-

tjawl aard p»a ea ir. the A\'. »tPaaaracen wi'l liud thii the ahorVa*. moat BtTaedltl 18 and

v.n.for'abl.. ro..i l» »w>-. :' the K»i. <i l W. at.FROM NEW ,. k TO CINCINNATI IN 30 ilOfRAFROM NFAV-YORE TO CHU AOO IN »i H0( RSFROM NEW-TORK To ST. LOCH IN 4b HOl'RS.Fai at Una ai any other Route.See uani bi!la in the hotaia of thla city.threrifb Ti k.ta at furtlier ini .rmallm, may b- ba! a: !aa

a*.* of the PENBSYLVANIA RAILROAD,No. 3 Aator H »iae. Rroadway,

^^antaeyi. _J L ELLI'/TT. Agent


iti. i with AA'nterri. N. rth w. «>rn and *.otb-w.-a'^ri a^ataaby a rontlnso'ia Railway ir. at, Thii Road 1.4.. r.n> '» atPUtenniaVl with daily !iae of Sleacnera to all por*i on the Wtat-arn Rivera, and at Ciere'aod and Sand.iaky with »teamer« to a!'aorta oc tne North we»»eno Lakea.r %«ing the moat di/«eiaheap and reliable route by wbach FRClviUT an he liiaataaa'aj and tr.m the On at AA'trt.RATES BETWEEN PHlLADEI.PHrA aal PITTSBL'RORFlk.T Ci. in .B « t», Sn » i, U-xa and Cap*. B e.ka, )Dry Oca liaVm boxe«, bal. a and trank»/, Druga (iu ¥¦ aaaM Fhole«and baiva)^.Feather*, Fun, kc.\ Xun §}.

SicokD CLtat..Domaaek Sbretiug. Shix*.u.g and |Ti -kir-g (in origtnai bal.-i) Dn.gi ;ia r*»k»i. Tlard- _ward, Lea'lier (It miliur boxaa), Woulaxul Sheep I . ."if »

gSaM.aawaagd.fci.\\ KA'Bi-Taixo Ol .<»» .Anvüa, StawL Chaina (In caaka), )Hemp, Bacc and P .rk. aalted (l.maa or in aaeAa), Söcer.tafiTobacco, manufactured, except Cigar*, or cut, ate. ) 100 R.

FourvM Cl*»i..CoffVe. Fi»h, Ba-. n. Beef and]P. ( iin ciak« or box.-*, Eaatwatd), Lard and Lard I m _

Oi, N*iu. *.-!. Am. (iermai. Clay, Tar, Plica, i' 9R.«n, kr.I

FLJft-7V IP bbl until f irtler n-.tlca.Oa »ia.33c i> MS B) until farther n .tie*.Ct.TTog. $if> bald, not aaawMtfl *ai ft wttght, axttl furtbat

DOtie*.In ahippt-g rwcta from any »M:it «a*t of Fhl!»1elphl*. be pag

tic lar hi n.ark the tankage ¦ Via Petinajiva. B) S AB

Biitbiii^FariaoT Ar.g»T».-Har-l», Wij-m!ry k C, M-mphl* Teu.,

R r BeaefcCax, St. Lemi*. P. O. O'Reilly A C-j., Evn.vi'W,lad. Dum.ar.iU, Bv': k Co and Carter k Jewett. Lo-u.vi!ie,Ry B C. Me.d-.rn, Madierm, Ind.; H. Brown fc Co.. andIrwin A Co Cincinnati. N. W. Oraham A Co. Zauearjia,Ohio L-eeh k Co , No. 34 Kllby it., Bo«ton; Lee,o fc Co.. N»C Aatat Bk a*. New York, and No. 40 South at., New-York; EJ ffegeeder. Pi-ilaoelphia, laagraw a. It ... Baituxiorv D. Aa !' ¦.. .a

Ii H HOUSTON. (Ten-ral Frei«- Agent. Phl^paM,H J LOMUAF.RT, Sup»nnte&deat, Aitoo.ia, Ba.

Jecuery 1,186«.

(pood* toi »ignid to the Agent« of tht* Road at Philadelphia caKtebt rgh wi'l bei intidia ¦ Barail drtenrioa.


SAND>' SARSAI'ARILLA..Tbi* ple-agaxit. tim-pie and moat elEracio 'i .egrti. .;.-r- oe,!v |

bltMd. and tbe eure t f >croft:lou» rid cnttneoa* d ». ***», may betaken at tbi* ¦Banal with the great «. BaanaM by everyone Th..i civ eaotmi. reer-*ary to be u*ed i. to obtain the original and

arti Prepared a-d *o. i bj A B k D. SANDS. No.i New York.

Legal Notices.

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surr»e»teof the Cotnty of New-York, notice i* hereby gi*-n to all per-

wec. having r'».m. agamat AN ILL1AM S\ Ml.4 lata of the CUyN w Y ik. d.c»«.ed, to pr-.. nt th* war wvh roueher*

»bereut, f.. the »i.b*erib«r. at bet r-.uj-ti.» N >. 387 F.uthth aveaoe. Ui fbe Citv in New York. ot. or kef BB the ee\..nteeiitb .lay¦« April itevt .Dated New >, ort, the thirteenth day od (>-t»bet1137 (.*UUw»3mU ] ELUABk TN «J . MF.4 Tie. kig^


IK H RSUANGS ml M *>rJ ,r °* th* Sl,rraf the ( nty cf New.York a**i-ei. hen >r *.> ». . p*'

. . i .son. **J**i *' MA THAN B \N '3. J» jM*dtj «: N * York, derei*. L to pr---*jt II - -*a»e. *»¦.».> ru-n

ther- . to '.. (oW-iber, v hi* * -o, N >. SI . . **"

Ctt* of N< i- Vor» ob ot before Ik* fmifh .!.» «' Masai BeHI)*!- «1 Nt . V. :k. tb* fir.' da» . Id r*emt«-r. IBS?.**-l*v>6uU FRANCIS N BANOS Adrnlnirfrofor

N~EW-YÖRK MTRKMK COUBT-Citf nndCocutr of N w-Teth -JAMBS K CXlR w.m.t > MI

ÜANO F Vrü'-A.M.M » -m ..fr».» t mvid «,,...¦-,.. nerved, -r. EMILIANO P. BrRiJA-MIKI: Y"u ar. fc. n by tun.. d ami r-q« i M *n»w* tee

ii iJ.ji» In tiiU .¦.t-.n. »heh w.U he 6>n the >BV» "I the

CVrk ofthe Citymat I itj N*o V-..k. *? tu» CVy IU.. "»

.aid C *y *fid'o *rrv. »topy if fSB MlnB IB* MM <*.>«.

[.¦uit .*» Ihr r hrnkrii *t their < BV " N I: I Broadway, h*City of New % n*». «hhla tvr-otv d*» . »f*. I wrnae ./»»»..vmo >na on vu. eicln*ive ot Ike da* of *i»rh aervie«. m l If youfoil t~.nrw.-fh- **td cmrliirrf wlfkentbe f me «*>r-**t I. the

noun* to tbi*wtloa rill t»ke judemewt »a»ln*» too tir rbe eumkt.i.j-..t r* web invteat from Ik* »j i»t ..f >-p

tr*r»«. one »b«>u'*nd»nih' h nidred *t.d fiffr w\ n. ben I' toe

en*f* ot Ihi. .< IB n .freed D-ev-mb. I I* 1*VTI |i I T I> Sil FRU I »<>'». P'ai-'lrl X >"...»..

P S -TI .« I B*yMnl .I(Sil f « n.d Ck '« . «»*.*. '**.

f. J l»»rti»\\_

NOTICE Ml*mbf Kiv.Mi. that nn BBjrflntiM will!>. road- «-.th.-l>t:i*?.r»of tA«8ta***4 >. w V « *t B*

ajl*Ut*l*llif. fJTM Art aavndlu* »b» A"»<>f Itt oranratWrn of

:iil BtTOER'S PEMALP INSTITi TE.1 ¦ «».>.aid Iritlfit. to b» luraf. I i-i t!i« City of N'w )»rkaf 11» lha Pi-Trn'h W*rd iu tbo City of Kow ¥»r>. la»ra*rw

SC P K KM K C OCR T.Countv of Kins*..HBBBTDAl afrimtBOWABDJ rX>wBB8 aad Mir.

I.IK D l.nait" lohn Cl»» and Ann I Vi« *nfr DatiJISII i r< rr> *ud Mam-rto. hi* wife. G«orxr W. Brawn. Samuel C.C Mania Jan". Jut..*, llinr* Jo*)**. ftr-Jamin Ifi-wkir*Dat.irl I» UraS. JoLn All«i Jaroh S Abrim*. J.-bn I Joho»»n.Matthew (Jar Purr. J >hn Tread»-!l. jr.. J*»-" TV>oi*>n ll'tilirritiT BabSit. Abraham R Lawrrnre. t>wh} Kra-.rw, Cyr»*\i. L, Dti 9*1 M loaephWil John Br»iia*^H«**r*a:.t- aal r*,-1i of them: Von »re hereby a mrnon.-.l. and 'r<Vl4f^to *l.w. rthe eaaaiaml in IMa action whu-b U BM w** a*

i f the Co-^ntT of Kin... K IM Cltr Ha.1. m ^OjJ «

Br.^klvn. ... -«d o,,.ty. and k* ^rre . e .pf _of >o..r .n.we o

tle*.;d.vrnpuiiutontbe .uh«riber, at hu olfice No-8- M.'

rh.n;.' Km h«7,e. in the City of New\ofk. «Ithin«f>. r th.- at rrire 4 Ihi* mmmom on you. ea*aaati a o|, tae aaa m

aaeh leiTtte .nd .. yon tau to .n.w.r the .....I e-ra^ withmthe t:rreaf..re..id. thepla-nt ffiu thl* a- >--n Will apply M tbe

four, f-r the relief dem»u.led in the complaint.HENRY HAY PlamtiC* Attoney.

Dat.d O- f. N-ri3. IAVT. ,The complain* mentioned in the forefoinj Mmmm« wa* aiej

wi-h the l'.etk «I the County of Bin«* »t the I > Ii*.. Ul .-e

City of Br.»ja!ynouthe23<iu»y -f Oetfktt¦.»**¦. ,Mjfll.aMwW _II. HA l. Piu.ititl - A" rt.ey.

CtTREME COLTTT.-OLTV'EI. L LAWSONOaal kLONZO HIOLZY. ToALONZO IIIOLBY, Ifrudant- Youare b» rebv »ommoned and req 'ir.-.l to *n«*-er tne

c. ti r: unt iu ti.i* t.-i-n'. whieh v in b* filed in the mm* of tke

eleii < f the city and county of N«w V--rk. a* SB* City Umil m

:ty ot New-York, ai.il hi *rnre at*ayy -f v .ur anaw-r t.. tMe

raid conpiaiut ill tlie .'..burih. r. at In* < He N < \' N »«.»¦:

at., city ot New York, a ithin twi nty d*y alter the a. r .; e Mtbi* ii.mmon* on toii. e» -Iu«ixe of foe d»y of nch «erTl.-.-; a d

if »ouf.il to »u.wet the said complaint within the tune afore-tai.l the r!*ittiU in thi* u lion wfll tak" judÄineot *r*in.. you for

the .urn it .ixty one d-.lar* and faaSj eent<, with inter.-.tBji ui the first day of May, DM thou-u. 1 rlfht bimdjtwd and MP.even. bt(ide« the co*?* of tbi* action DaMd Dc cmher a".',

ia*>7Waacfe niatalM rai IkI in the offl-e of add <:.>rk on toe


MctltNE Summon* tor m-«o. y demand ou contract. Horn.n..» aer ) To the above t»n:ed llefeii-laut-: E*M and e*.-b -t you.le hereby ...mm.-u- d and n-quired to anawer the complaint in

thMai tlon wbi.-b will be fib d Ii. the ,.tti -e of the < lere «I the

iVyii.tO ttyof New York, *t the t .tv 11.11 in (aid mdto (. rve ¦ coi y of your *n»wer to the .*"! compUint on the (ub-

a ,ib. r, at i* oBie« N». M Wall (t in **:d eity. wituin tw-ntyday* alter the a.-nIre of ll.ia sunimoiK on y at exeliwive of the

a*y afMeh*eTT*re;mmi it yoa f«il to*nrwei the (*id cnmpialat»iil.-n the time ator.-.aid.tli'e |.l*niulf. will t»ke uidain-n' »i*in»tyiHi lor the »um of Poor Hue Ired »n.l ThirtyfoorNWBMThitty four C'nf«. altli mtere.t lYeaa th* Bfeh u*r of D'-oember.one ilonrand euth'hundred ind tillyeven, be«(de the aaeM ofIM* arHaa Datrd D»«eniber BE 18jT.The eompUlIit in the (hove action w»( fi'ed iu the (aid C..-r»'(

OtJi'e, Ju.uary 18, l&'.J.A. J. HEATH PUilnfitf. Attoniey.

ja^nlavvfiu W No. M V\ *ui et.


LBTTBH XIX."Nt>TBlBO, ijiijii Htiitie. *'is eeieemcd a more cei -

" tahaifBof the tlnutialiing condition >d" any uatioo.,l Iben the lowBcaa of interest".or in other worde, thettUedeitttioB of the charge for |be u-u- ofthai greate-d; ofall the iDrtruiiu-iitp tiecd by shj>> called nosey, it le,Mr. l'n i-ident, an evidence of lbs existence of thatfcelit 2 f MettTRj wliich alway.- attend* advance ofciviiizatiou.tlie rate of ititcn st bsfag very bifjh iu allcountiie? ih which BfOBJBftJis inner'H-', BBfJ a^BBtanAfhtendiiy an BrVpSAS . ut»ard toward thotS in w'.i.-li BMMare more nnd more ennlil.-d to OOBlbtJMI their eliiirt* forthe |ip>moti<iii of IbeCQBMBaM goo I -in fybioh popnlBlMMami wealth teereeai - in wbieb the lead beooeaoe ni<»re

pnuleetivf.in whieli thepticea of rnv iiinteiiul* tendto ii?e. and tlio.-e of finielied <oiniri" i: aa to f ill.andin which, con-t-'jnently, the power to pBPebasa tli>jjiecioiit) BMdBM BIBJBkYBtl frBBB yenr to year.That power, and the tendency to SOBUa* in tho rate

of iiitcre>t, eii-tin every ciitiiinutiity, iti the preeiMratio o* the activity of the rireiilation of labor and it-

jirfMlucf". The BMM pi ifeil thi exi-tiiip; IBBptj ofiiii.tiey. nnd the more it M utilized, the eiore rap: 1 i-ithe drt ulation. and the creater the tendency to m-

crean- in the ability for further pniehniea. The MBStl;< 8i'pply, and the h M it is iitalized. the nloweriti thewcictiny liiciilatioti, and the ((renter i« the tendency toload the money that had before been pnrchnied. Iutheom cam, labor obtainn powei otbt oepitaL Radti e rated' iatereet falle. In the ntbf t fSpilBI ob-t; Ising ii;c retMkfd coutiol over labor.the rale of tutor-. -. risCB. 1;.' ti:11 tie-e clarsce of p.ienom-na ob-thiLn in all those coMitriea that follow in tin- lead ofFiiiEi .:.impi rtiii.' raw matoriaL', nud tXBiMliag theproducts of tlieLr ioii in the uum* perfect form. Thee. ottd found in all of IhOM that follow in the dir.-r-tioa i.nff indicated by KSBfaBOj BEBjkwtlag the rudepet duet-" of the BbH, and rt-imiiortiUkf them a^iiiti in ain iahed -tut' a« i» the i .ie*» w th Ireleed. ladle, .fii-n ail b, Portugal. Turkey, Mexico, nnd all the Rf ite*of SottlbefR America.

In fnther proof of tUi-t. we may take tlie rubaaaphetMNBeM pieeetdedby tMuraeleea «< cur poUejrbastrJutaged from Ubbb to IIbbb, wttbla the la-t ball cen¬

tury, lr the period of ft e trade tliat fo lowed thei le-e i I the pjieal laiOpiBB WOE, CaTCIllBiioa aIbmbBie.-1-eii labor Wii< i verywhere BBBtod DCilda Uoflmsb »i.-'ill.and BMtaej wasaoaPooBad bigBa In (hitwhich filJowed the pne.-age of the highly prot-clive.I« f ls-.'s, Bvavfikiafi we* aMitaat.iba circulationha\ lag tin n been rapid, labor in d -nimd. product ionfreut, and money low in price. The ac ne bain^ oncemore ebargco), production de'-lmod, »i lb BMMaBT ios«-with L'reat rapid.tv. b*M*MRBBgi at 1sagtB, s-j entirelytu.at:.unable, that BBaBfl BBspeadad, BtatCfl iJefauited,ai d the k*edera] fJrOfeCBBkeaf wan wholly btukrupt.The ] rot« tree pofJi j being againadopi sd, nrodtti 'ionincr"a.-td with great rapi'fly, while the rate of iuter-BSt tsiL It Laa duw li.-.-n BagB for voarn, and for thereflroii that production ha* legs tteamilfa* I TtfularltieHinrttg in iti ratio to pofiuin'.oit. In proof ofline, we have, Mr. Pieeid'nt. the faet tbal the con-

WOkptkaiof nod, cloth and Irea beare now a BBasUsrproportion lo the kfumbers of the peoplt than ii didten yenr* i-ince. The fa. m of the pa-t three vein-tbas otn ipond exactly- with those obeerv.-d Lb taoee

a* Mlovred IHri«;. BToaeywai then high.fartignoat!« w. re hjfgl.and emigration to the Waat wotpieat. .speculation was theu rife, bs it ao reeeallj ha>-be«Bi l»ut tiaiiy d.uiinution of prodntiion laid tueii't dation of the dtitresi ahd rum that beoBBM sout iver-al iu 181.'.

Tiiet r*a! proeperity is totally inconei*ti-nt w.th anadvani ing rate of interest, is a fact who*e truth i"pr- vediby every chapter in the world s history. Inthat direction, lie centralization and Slavery.in¬crease in the charge for the use of money b in'p; evi¬dence of urcwtli in the power of the accumulations ofthe pact over the labor cf the pr'aent.of cajdjteloreilabor. In proof of this, we have the fact, thatthroitBhout an important portion of the ITbJbb, theI'r' -Nlaverv feeling keep* steady pace with the ex-hanrion of the land con-equent nrwin the export ofit> it'^Jucts in their rudeat shapes.with the exp >rt ofthe precicus metiL*.and w.tb the incrans« fn theprice of money.Money is often spoken of as capital; and thus w.s are

tob] that interest is hizh because " capital i< *e m e.'TVere would, howtver, be as BBkV L propriety in Äay-Lng that rents, tolls or frei^hta were blgfa 0 bsaBSB .. ip-..ui wa- - aiee. Interest is always high when ttiryaey,from whataoever cau.-e, is rc*rce; and the ingh [«ru«ii tun pad for it* use cause» a deduction froa thepn tit* of the trader, from the rants of houses Bad trtBHthe freights of s'iips. The owneref money then profitsat the exj»en?« of all other capitalirte. Interest is theo ti peusation paid for the use of the iarjram« calledmoaey, aluifor that alt nr. In count ries in which itihigh, the rate of profit is uecessar.'.y .... he BBbMJ thecharge for the tiae of money entere eo largely uitu thetradet a calcnlatiotis.

'1 he hikih profile of our Western States ara said tohe the cauae of tue high i aterent that ie paid, butBeja, as i verywhere, modern peUtieal eennomy a':!)-.':tutes etTect for caua»-. Intersst there ia high, becausemot ej .(he Ibio^ ftr which alone interest M p»:d.is icarce and berause ita acarcity eaab.es the menwtio laiictmsnan l th-s u-o o: flkBCsnaVj Bjf esc'iaaga,

tMrtaiti IteM l.rnfit#. »»5 mmtm»% 0 h*,.^wV neeC»^dYB!C*S 0* hjetn Bad'*.

,, . trbo rHviM 03 1 4 ' »-J lt«>\\ i rdf a kj I . 1 ¦ ft-a; rt,. Bete t v '* BBS**) «A4'..<- n m ».i"C« thee command tu- use o< t-,v ,./-4

nachtat -%. l>-'""f»' 171 '¦" «4VrWif,. *},.,).-. r»»Tf u-e it than th- trans}*)**? Joss

It i Aner en.r Mr. PmMMl. t. - D .. if f..**,that when tnvt») the w-< Wat ^ me... *i a-haa.v .., .... rrooi b**d i- hand-cirra^-r. It *e becomes asore |WoBper»a* from dav to da*a a h< n it - nn c. and rtiTu!atee *..w\j m:,.),<: tj l..-a|.|*a:.. It U Capital that B) BSj|(

hut rn..nö -the nsadiine by balp ai which the^i and < tp.tal are kenf in mot-.., aad

.. . el irff <» m..\.-oi!y m thefanhtoaef. \. times, when 'k--'" tr'l<J,',, f"'»«.'*s»

r4kj Uuro tiia. CM la m h.uire-. iaad«, far,*.r,ei faraace«, atiaat, -'ay-. :;.»«».«".'">.', »«"4 1%

rrp.rtv. Ua, in thtj last ten >»a -. beeaavpre§H

. labor to the e«'ettef-h. u-anr:; of milW- a*Tslattern: aad rat. we every.

-e *ec road* ba i fitit-hed and ualikeh toot. tJm),,.t-r!ttid.a!tl,.i:_ -

' .."'....vwitm . rtopped for want of demand for thetr prvidneBjlain rere aaabas te> at laaaa at i in*>a bashii.-arf..n|e'.!edtii .uitail the operation, have**ofthe i di< ultv t-xp-rieiietd »e^MsUBlB» the tn.-iu« *itbwhich to mt teWir 4\emm\ Why it tide ao iVot.ceftint !v, b.'auseot any dim notion ot ftw'*', forthatit rrcater than t tan'ever bo-n.V on 'it i ossible bow to announce tlta'. by ratx*

of atv«»ange of polfry. t!"' pxi,,,rt "' -"M mt"4 V,;, 11.; d, at.j that the uuaxtiiy :n the count.} vaakateadil} b^iMreated, t» Ktaanteg bete the i'-odieaof CaUtori «. d ot¥ v an tiki fortbantu »»e«-..tiv jtbaav,taat «uri ,heap-ci '(tt'ation woul.l t". onn.enre %ai

pr.*i..iity wou'd r. ¦¦ -tji. utth.; lanl. and yet.the differ'ewe in the aenajJaw year woul-i not amonnt to

« «idartV r ./ o»c cr«' a/«f rffrwp.?f .*< f/r«. .».

;j.r , /. ,A<" f*aair>. Capital would be ini reaaedaya aa)Htwa to minute as waive!)- to be il>oerc.ible aadvet the i the value ai whti-tt it would befitbarg"* would h. augment, i hy tl.i.UMB.l* of

n Dior-. At p en it all ie a'agnint. ami there u littlet H e. Tlun.ali bri ou in^ !'.!e and moti.«.the tor;»

txeited would be {.roat. .....

It in BSt, hi.wi'v. r. Mr. Pl\ IMai t, II the quantity of,..., ,.v bj a cotiitituu t v that we aie find thettftol itl BWfParity,« the ir.dex t.> the r»te0f ia,bereid but in the rapidit} with which it circaJadjas adiaaei at..l rafaJarkjr In the motion f .tv^trbteqnltit« tor the prodaction ot rxraUeaea, and ta

t reuee i f motion ami fon e risult^ Crom co.ifi lemv.rha nlil L. Id bv the Imnk,. t:.e peopleja»i ta»rrrerameat It laiataei etdbyn.manat.m.ont,.

000 what wm held but a few yearn aince; but therebt tie ii" ragalarity in tba tocietarjr tiinvi-nioiit-^redkin u;tu h Inpaited. A» a coaauojttaana af thia it u that1be cirtulatioa it - U »ud that the. rate of in-

tereat ha- for ^-ani been io vary IukIi tv greatly tohunt tkd «li.-io«';l;hi t^e: MM in an;. Bpi ttv.ina ra,

qtiiriti" time for tin tr r^Jbfoiiiia. Tha moneyed r«p<-tnlirt pn titK bv tnia^btadning treble or ijnadraph)the iieiinl rate oi intcrett: but the miner, the f. under,ti.tii n^oinner and the eh'th-moker hive b^n.and nr.- b« ing, ruined by it.The exigence i f eradu i- an evideuce Ol the ei «t-

eacej oftaal rontldenoa of naan In hit t :i irw,whirh alwaynatteadJa tha frowth of rae is aiioa.Dow it tenda tu ttiiatata the toetetary bm ; cm. aalthan to aagnMBl tka watjaattiva poarat iaaowafltta.hibited by a reeent rrenx h aeoaorntat t nl I amta-

rjui. 6. Mi. I'm nidi Bt, to pn vt t tor route I .litratioathe folloaioi; entrai t dmb bi* work:.'On on.--wie. *n\-M. ('.»{iii'üti. " arn ata a aaV

Cfciokt, a blaekt-miih, tnai a wheelarip*'!». whow

.bopd ate cloned, aot perhaps beraaaaof any want

ot row iiiateiutln, bat baanateat*abeem. <iauiaadfor tbiii prodartf. Eawaatie, are mnntifeiturer«in waLt of tiiai'liiuerv, and termers in aaed of airn

niltural iiiiphm« nl'.' Why, now, i> it that thenelatti da not ghre ta iba forianr, that rdei> for irantaful.kh thi v coi.titiue tilV ' Bwaota tinlatterii um b.> pHid in int ties, winch money the other* oau-

n t at the mom. nt pay; and yel raey Ims.1, in »hopsor bair.-*, abtinilom e of CtmntoditM thn! they dostre

na4b) the posse ti ¦ of wbleh msan of the

ueighboiiDgpnopls would re granily mvrroi. Why¦h.thi v n- t exchaupe ' Uerauer unecl exrhiinge11i:m "iuij o-Kihle.f it v ataaa torwjeaoa by «Hin«;;bad na they in theii turn mitit <b niaml money, theyrun find noparehnst rn. Hern we have s lusMneioaof'alior on lioth .-i-I..., and it \* in ra^* like tbi*. thatprodaotion is lausjraid Baal loss ty reapetataa, altbouicu-uirounded by all the el-nn'titi of life, motion, aadprosperity .......

" Meai.i ti!i\'bt. howev.tr. bv imi t .. remnv inx tlatdifficulty that thuii e\ift^. Ii" the nwhlatst, thobiacksiiiltti. aud the whee|w in'l.t. rnfass ta delivertheir pioductf.esccpt for road; unmey, it i< not V'tAiie*of anv doubt tbav < u*. itain oi the luttue aoieentyofthe taruu r, or the manufin tuii'r; but baaalaaa it aInccaYvantanl to tin n to make credil sales tdit would<!iniitiit-It their active capital, and perhap«, di-ablo than)from continuing their operations. Let.cacli one, tha%ia deliverii.g Inn articles, ne he ha« cotfl.I.-nee in the.i.i uro ability of those who r.oar detnatid tbeta, requirslily, in place of money, n note that, in hit. turn, hs

t aae, with those who faraiaa ksW. (.in this coasa*tii ii, ireulatioii will lie r. -tabliMbed, and labor wihhe reeiinn d. Trne. taut we iiiust firnt ho mtre thatii..-. roten, when accepted, will be received etat»where, as, otherwise, it baaoantS at oucc a simpt*-nie (,a credit. Thi« «i-rfaiiity, however, cannotbt obtaii.ed, and therefore thoy refj-ie the notes

I.itI..IM.-.. ..1 at>\ "|.. ot f!l.-|. t| >f l, ntt*\ nlue, but b. cull-e oi doubrn of the Di --ihility of do*-

f posing of them. At thia moment a bank iTtrrrsassLntid Miy«: ' Vou, maehintrt, deliver yoar mtehiaeTTjyou, Llai kriinith, your htiMraaaeats; you, pluwiota',voar raw iiiHteriiiln; you, tiianuffietmvi, your inviu-iHituri |; nOCl pt, »itB COaaVaOaon, noten Itayable at ati iure rime, prtmded you have full bali« intheg»öd-ness of those who will thBJ bei onie your debtora. Iwill take charge of all UtOBt notes, ami hold themui til ti.ey nhall become itm firing you in exchangeti I i. I. i mied by me, thul you will lie certain Ki

linl at nsaversa] neawptanoa.' IValhadth, al difficult} i» at an end.sales Deteg saada, <i.kh| . elTCalBtisaa¦ad prodaa^ioa bascomiag Mtoratjsd. Tin re are noIm gat raw tuateria!*, iu. lruiuciitg nor aarudaets of aay¦Ii ¦< rit't i n rasaaaaahag, tviu for a moment, uneoi-

ployed."H ire in here, Mr. President, no change intboqaia-

tsty of ejapital oaaad by tha cjtiimuaity, and yet, itsmembi is .. eta paastagfrnaaasjjdatd of apathy aad

eners to oae nfaotivity and produ .ti\i-ae»a -«b-aaiiaa;nvary bm ta sal bis labor.racpjviu^ in ei-baaa* tha rommoailtaas required for the c inaittnptioa

p| wive: end families, who before were like to auifa!for want rf the coutT.oa r.ecep*aties of life. Unat,however, ia it that ^iven value to thaea aataa, andwhy la it that they circulate *»> much more traalytftsBjUoae ot the Maftitriith and tha tarmer? liecnus«then eiitln in the BOBsMnitfi n confidence that b*>Btad /Ann ftoui! a mih oj BBfSJM »iijj'n u nt t'> rrdrrinnull n.(Ui; > y t..e if them, tihtno,, unit ho»c\ieT,pn '<</". Without the ftxtstj tu . of that b.-lief, theyaaaU not oiraaawte, a* would tana be eeeo, were thereeatablkahad a drain of gold predai sg a etaadviiiirinuti. n of the «juatitity iu tha p.Hjeii.ioo ofthe bank, until at length c\en u nin^to fhrtafaile.l ta bn paid on i re>entatioo. From tbat moiaeatti ir ireulatioii would be stopped: the HU.tieneioa ofrm,vi in.nt would BgatB take plac..the blacksmith,ihe iimchiniet and the wheelwright again mourningo\i r iaatnuaeals that they would glad'v »\i hange f-rfood and sloth I and the fanner and the' manufacturersuffering from the difficulty of obtaining machineryfor the t'er (.loductiiiD f f fiiod and chrf. Tog. Mont*,tt» ssaaatf irdhal tmlt<> t:. fcwWsaafape, naai |%«*j7w

man-Ihr emit* of hmt,on, rtunc* ,;.nll, potrrr.Withdrew the fuel, and the elements of which wafer- 11 ii j o (1 eeaaa to move, and the tnacbine becooseaitatioaaiy. V ithdrawo! of tue food from man is fol-nwid by paialyaie and death; and such, preeiflr, *»

ihe < ff 11 of failnreof the necessary supply of mi'mrr.tl epiodncf r of motion among the tkanauiof wMaft

i alaty is compoaed.V ben, tberifore. the fanner complajvi that mor.cv

b Katce, and the laborer, meehauie and manufac-tmtr repeat the cuiplaint, they are right. It »s

mow y thai is needed, and their common aenne do- anot in manner deceive tin m. In every country of tft*>world, pleasant feelings are ..*.< iterj bj heinmg of thaincoming of gold and silver, because therewith amassociated ideas of activity and euer?}-; while ..other. .jtitrary, ftar and w.rrow are excited bj their outKoiat;.there" being therewith associated idea* of dullness, in-ttivify. suflering and death. The former, Mr. Presi¬

dent, have been the feelings prevalent throughout thia¦ ouLtry in the (losing }< ars of the never*, trials wahave Bade of the protective policv, to wit: in 1816.I»:tl aid IBIo- the precious metals hav ing Utaa Sowedin, confidence n\ < been mutual, and uortey havingbeen readily ibtaiLsble at tha legal rate ot interest.Ihe latter leelaagl have prevailed in the closiug ve*ra-of' v r\ trial tt the frte-trad* system.th'.i* aiattlahaving then flowed salt.caifidei.ee ha\ing d *aa-jst-ared.snd the charge for the use of uwu- v havingraci^ed frtm l'J »o .¦>! p«T i tut.

'Ihe cause of all the difference, then obet'ved is t*thatrtb

be foaad in the fact that, in the first, the i.r of that'- tdt a! (iovernnac t.t has tended to promote th. growthof < ml mat.on amoag our people, to intrea« thalaciiitie. of exchange, and to aurruieut pro-ludio*.whenas. io the other, it ha* tetaed to .lc*trov the,.'»¦..« fasset iatUn. to !.-..en the facilities ofintsf-< ourse, and to diminish the productive power. In theone, we have been enabled to obtain tauawvasj avk>ibiBery, pas.-itig from the turnpike to me railroad*fr<mthe sailing ship to the steamer, f.om the haad-bOfB to the powtr-kiom. and from inedaanabk> pap«*nu ue\ to area! sj trie t irca!atioii. lathe other oar

machinery haa ateadily deferioiated. railroads gwnjto rn in, steamers diminishing in num.W, the swaas*.adtae IgoaigtT'ng p'.tca tola* wagos. aadaaec**