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  • 8/8/2019 IL-17 and TB



    Regulatory T cell frequency and modulation of IFN-gamma and IL-17 in active andlatent tuberculosis

    Nancy D. Marin a,c, Sara C. Pars a, Viviana M. Vlez a,d, Carlos A. Rojas b, Mauricio Rojas a, Luis F. Garca a,*

    a Grupo de Inmunologa Celular e Inmunogentica, Centro de Investigaciones Mdicas, Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln, Colombiab Grupo de Epidemiologa, Facultad de Salud Pblica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln, Colombiac NDM is recipient of a predoctoral scholarship from Colciencias, Bogot, Colombiad VMV is recipient of a Joven Investigador award from Vicerrectora de Investigaciones, Universidad de Antioquia, Medelln, Colombia

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 24 February 2010

    Received in revised form

    5 May 2010

    Accepted 20 May 2010



    Latent infection

    Regulatory T cells

    Interferon gamma


    s u m m a r y

    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play an essential role in immune homeostasis. In infectious diseases Tregs may

    inhibit protective responses facilitating pathogen multiplication and dissemination, but they may also

    limit the inflammatory response diminishing tissue damage. Although there is experimental and clinical

    evidence that Tregs are induced during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, their role in the immu-

    nopathogenesis of tuberculosis is still not completely understood. In this study, the phenotype, frequency

    and activity of circulating Tregs in active and latent tuberculosis were evaluated. Phenotypic analysis

    showed that Tregs were CD4CD25highFOXP3CD45ROCD127-. High levels of circulating Tregs were

    found in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis, compared to individuals with latent infection. Treg

    activity was evaluated by ELISPOT by determining the effect of CD25 cell depletion on the frequency of

    IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells after in vitro stimulation with ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. Treg depletion

    increased the frequency of IFN-g producing cells, without affecting the frequency of IL-17 producing cells,

    in both active and latent tuberculosis, irrespective of the antigen used. Neutralization of IL-10 did not

    have any effect on the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells. Altogether, these results suggest that

    during active tuberculosis Tregs inhibit protective Th1 responses, but not the proinfl

    ammatory Th17responses, facilitating mycobacterial replication and tissue damage.

    2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

    1. Introduction

    According to the World Health Organization, one third of the

    word population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb),

    but only 10% of the infected individuals would develop active TB

    during their lifetime.1 It is well known that bacterial, host and

    environmental factors influence the development of active TB.2e4

    In most of cases, the host immune response controls the Mtb

    replication and a latent infection (LTBi) is established, but when the

    host immune response fails to control the tubercle bacilli replica-tion, active TB (ATB) is developed.5 Latency is maintained by a fine

    balance between the pathogen persistence and the immune

    response, therefore perpetuating the risk of reactivation. Thus, the

    immune response against Mtb infection is associated with

    the establishment of latency, but the phenomena responsible for

    the development or reactivation of ATB in absence of an immu-

    nosuppressive event are not well understood.

    Tuberculosis has many clinical manifestations, but the most

    common form is pulmonary tuberculosis. Individuals with

    pulmonary tuberculosis spread bacilli in aerosol, transmitting the

    infection to other persons. The extent and the strength of the

    exposure affect the transmission rate, thus a higher exposure to M.

    tuberculosis results in a higher risk of infection andactive disease.6,7

    Household contacts (HHC) in close contact to patients with ATB are

    exposed to high bacterial loads and therefore, they have a higherprobability to be infected and develop active disease.6

    T cell responses are critical components of the protective

    immunity against M. tuberculosis. IFN-g producing Th1 cells are

    essential to control the mycobacterial replication by inducing

    macrophages antimycobacterial mechanisms and activating CD8

    cytotoxic cells,8e10 butTh1 cells alone do not explainthe resistance/

    susceptibility to infection and disease.11,12 Th1 cells are important

    for protection, but they are also involved in the inflammation and

    tissue damage that occurs during active TB.13 The more recently

    described Th17 cells have also been associated with Mtb infec-

    tion.12,14 IL-17 is produced early during immune response against

    * Corresponding author. LFG. Grupo de Inmunologa Celular e Inmunogentica,

    Sede de Investigacin Universitaria, Cra 53 N 61-30, Lab. 410, Medelln, Colombia. .

    Tel.: 57 4 219 6446; fax: 57 4 219 6450

    E-mail address: [email protected] (L.F. Garca).

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect


    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : h t t p : / / i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / t u b e

    1472-9792/$ e see front matter 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


    Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261

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  • 8/8/2019 IL-17 and TB


    Mtb and it has been proposed to be associated with reactivation in

    latent TB infected individuals.15,16 Importantly, the kinetics of IFN-g

    and IL-17 production and the phenotypic and functional charac-

    teristics of Th1 and Th17 cells are different,15,17,18 as well the

    susceptibility to Treg suppression, which is diminished in Th17

    cells.19 Knowing the role of IFN-g in the defense against Mtb and its

    ability to inhibit IL-17 production,20 in addition to the proposedrole

    for IL-17 in tuberculosis, it is important to understand their regu-

    lation and function during latent and active TB. There is evidence

    that many ATB patients present suppression of Mtb specific T cell

    responses, including decreased production of IL-2 and IFN-g,[21e23]

    suggesting that T cell responses during infection are subject to

    regulatory mechanisms; however, little is known about IL-17

    producing cells during Mtb infection and the development of active


    The suppressive mechanisms described in the immune response

    against Mtb include increased activity of regulatory T cells.24e34

    Tregs are recruited to infected organs down-regulating the

    immune response against Mtb infection and preventing the clear-

    ance of M. tuberculosis by suppressing antigen specific CD4 cells

    and interfering with antigen presenting cells.28,30,33 Thus Tregs

    have the capacity to control the tissue damage while dampening

    the adequate control of mycobacterial replication,29 allowing thepersistence and the establishment of a chronic infection, but they

    may also be involved in the reactivation and dissemination of Mtb.

    Regulatory T cells with the CD4CD25FOXP3 phenotype

    (Tregs) represent 5e10% of circulating CD4 cells,25,27,35 but in

    humans only thesubset expressing higher levels of CD25 (a chain of

    IL-2R) exhibit a strong suppressive capacity.36 Tregs are a key

    component of peripheral tolerance suppressing auto-reactive T

    cells and preventing autoimmune diseases. However, there is

    strong evidence that Tregs are involved in the immune response

    against Mtb and have been detected in a higher frequency in TB

    patients peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) associated

    with decreased effectors responses.25,27,30e32

    The immunological and physiological events triggered after the

    establishment of active TB have been extensively studied, but thoseevents responsible for maintaining the latency and causing reac-

    tivation in immunocompetent individuals are not yet well defined.

    Therefore, in this study the frequency of Tregs and their effect on

    IFN-g and IL-17 production in response to mycobacterial antigens

    were studied in individuals with ATB, LTBi individuals with a high

    level of exposure (HHC) and LTBi individuals with a low level of

    exposure (no HHC) to Mtb. Results show an increased frequency of

    circulating CD4CD25high and CD4CD25highFOXP3 cells in ATB

    patients compared to LTBi individuals. The functional evaluation of

    these cells showed a higher capacity of CD4CD25high cells to

    inhibit the IFN-g production and a lesser capacity to inhibit IL-17

    producing cells in both ATB and LTBi individuals. These results

    suggest an important role of Tregs in the reactivation of the latent

    infection and the development of active tuberculosis by decreasingIFN-g responses, while IL-17 may continue facilitating the accu-

    mulation of cells in the inflamed tissues.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Study population

    Thirty-one newly diagnosed, active TB (ATB) patients were

    recruited at the Tuberculosis Control Program in Medelln

    (Colombia) and its metropolitan area. ATB patients had acid fast

    smear or culture positive for Mtb. ATB patients were studied before

    or within the first 2 weeks of anti-TB treatment. Thirty-eight

    subjects with latent TB infection (LTBi) were selected according to

    an IFN-g positive response to CFP-10, as evaluated by ELISA in

    seven-days whole blood culture supernatants, as previously

    reported by our Group.5 LTBi individuals included 26 HHC of

    pulmonary TB patients who were followed for 3 years between

    2005 and 2008 in our cohort study, remaining healthy without

    clinical evidence of active TB.6 A household contact was considered

    to be someone who had spent time regularly (weekly) in the same

    household as the index case (active TB) for at least one month prior

    to the time when the index cases diagnosis was confirmed. Twelve

    LTBi individuals who were not household contacts (no HHC) and

    who did not have a recent documented exposure to active TB were

    selected among laboratory personal according a positive response

    to CFP-10 as described by del Corral H et al. 6 All subjects studied

    were HIV negative, as tested by DoubleCheckGold HIV 1&2 kit

    (Orgenics, Courbevole, France), following the manufacturer

    instructions. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of

    the Instituto de Investigaciones Mdicas of the Universidad de

    Antioquia and a written informed consent was obtained from all

    participants. Individuals infected with HIV, using immunosup-

    pressive drugs, with diabetes, or younger than 15 years old were


    2.2. Sample preparation

    Ten to 20 mL of blood were obtained using heparin as antico-

    agulant, and the PBMC were obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque density

    gradient centrifugation (Biowittaker, Walkersville, MD). PBMC

    were washedtwice in PBS (Invitrogen,Carlsbad, CA) andcountedin

    a hemocytometer. Viability, as tested by trypan blue staining, was

    always !95%.

    2.3. Mycobacterial antigens

    Recombinant ESAT-6 and CFP-10 were provided by the

    Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Colorado State

    University, Fort Collins, CO through the Tuberculosis Vaccine

    Testing and Research Material Contract No. HHSN26266400091C

    NIH, NIAID (N01-AI-40091). PPD (RT50) was obtained from StatensSerum Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark).

    2.4. Phenotypic analyses

    The expression of CD4, CD25 and FOXP3 were determined in

    freshly isolated PBMC. One million PBMCs were incubated at

    room temperature for 30 min with anti-CD4-FITC (clone RPA-T4)

    plus anti-CD25-PeCy5 (clone M-A251) (BD Biosciences, San Diego,

    CA). Mouse IgG1k-PeCy5 (clone MOPC-21) was used as isotype

    control. Thereafter, cells were washed with PBS and non-per-

    meabilized cells were fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde (J.T.Baker.

    Phillipsburg, NJ). For FOXP3 detection, cells stained for CD4 and

    CD25 were fixed and permeabilized using anti-human FOXP3

    staining buffer (eBioscience). Thereafter, anti-FOXP3-PE (clonePCH101) or rat IgG2a-PE isotype control (Clone eBR2a) was added

    for 30 min 4 C. One hundred cells were acquired and the analysis

    included identification of CD25FOXP3 cells and

    CD25highFOXP3 cells within the CD4 gate. The CD25 pop-

    ulation was defined by isotype control and the CD25h population

    was defined as the population expressing higher CD25 MFI on

    a dotplot. To further evaluated the memory phenotype of Tregs as

    previously reported,37 CD45RO expression on CD4CD25/high-


    cells was evaluated in some representative samples, using

    anti-CD45RO-APC (clone UCHL-1) plus anti-CD4-FITC (clone RPA-

    T4) and anti-CD25-PeCy5 (clone M-A251) (BD Biosciences. San

    Diego, CA), followed by intracellular staining with anti-FOXP3-PE.

    Mouse IgG1k-PeCy5 (clone MOPC-21), mouse IgG2ak-APC (Clone

    eBM2a) and rat IgG2a-PE (Clone eBR2a) were used as isotype

    N.D. Marin et al. / Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261 253

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    controls. One hundred thousand cells were acquired in FACS

    Canto II Flow Cytometer (San Jose, CA) and analyzed using

    Cytomation Summit (Fort Collins, CO) and BD FACSDiva Software

    v6.1.2. (San Jose, CA). Furthermore, for a better characterization of

    Tregs, the CD127 expression that had been associated with cells

    with effector phenotype, and lacking in Tregs,26,38 was evaluated

    in 1 106 PBMC cells using anti-CD127-FITC (clone eBioRDR5)

    (eBioscience) plus anti-CD4-ECD (clone SFCl12T4D11) (T4)

    (Beckman Coulter. San Diego, CA) and anti-CD25-PeCy5 (clone M-

    A251) (BD Biosciences), followed by intracellular staining with

    anti-FOXP3-PE. Mouse IgG1k-FITC (clone MOPC-21) and mouse

    IgG1k-PeCy5 (clone MOPC-21) were used as isotype controls. To

    determine CD127 expression, 1 105 cells were acquired in

    a Coulter EPICS XL Flow Cytometer (Hialeah, FL).

    2.5. ELISPOT

    The frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells was evaluated

    by ELISPOT using human IFN-g and IL-17 ELISPOT kit (eBioscience),

    according to the manufacturers instructions. Briefly, each well in

    MultiScreenHTS 96-well filter plates (Millipore. Billerica, MA) was

    covered overnight with either anti-IFN-g or anti-IL-17 capture

    antibody at room temperature, followed by blockade with RPMI-1640 (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum

    (Invitrogen) plus Penicillin/streptomycin (Biowittaker) (complete

    medium) at room temperature for 1e2 h. Then, 1.5 105 PBMC per

    well were cultured in duplicate wells with complete medium in the

    presence of ESAT-6 (1 mg/ml), CFP-10 (5 mg/ml), and PPD (10mg/ml)

    for 48 h at 37 C, 5% CO2. Non-stimulated wells were used as

    controls. After incubation, supernatants were discarded and the

    plates washed, followed by incubation with anti-IFN-g or anti-IL-17

    detection antibodies for 2 h at room temperature. The wells were

    washed again and HRP-streptavidin was added for 45 min, light

    protected, and after washing, the AEC substrate (BD Pharmingen)

    was added. The reaction was stopped with distilled water. When

    theplates were dried,the spot forming unitswere determined in an

    ImmnunoSpot Reader

    (CTL, Shaker Heights, OH). Readingsobtained in the nil control were subtracted from samples stimu-

    lated with antigens. The spot forming units (SFU) are reported as

    SFU 106 cells.

    2.6. Evaluation of the suppressive function of Tregs

    To evaluate Treg activity two strategies were used. First, the

    frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells in non-depleted and

    CD25high-depleted PBMC cultures stimulated with ESAT-6, CFP-10

    and PPD was compared. Second, CD4CD25high cells, obtained by

    sorting, were added back into CD25high-depleted PBMC cultures,

    and the IFN-g and IL-17 production in response to CFP-10 and PPD

    was compared with CD25high-depleted, non-reconstituted PBMC

    cultures, and non-depleted PBMC cultures.

    2.6.1. Depletion of regulatory T cells

    The depletion of Tregs was performed using the Human

    Regulatory T Cell Isolation kit (R&D systems, Minneapolis, USA)

    following manufacturer instructions. Briefly, 6e7106 PBMC were

    washed in MagCellet buffer 1 and incubated for 15 min at 4 C

    with suboptimal amounts of anti-CD25 ferrous beads (8 ml

    compared to 15 ml recommended by manufacturers), ensuring the

    depletion of the CD25high population. Thereafter, 1 ml of Mag-

    Cellet buffer 1 was added and the mix incubated for 6 min on

    the MagCellet magnet, allowing the CD25 cells to attach to the

    magnet. CD25-depleted PBMC were collected and washed with

    complete medium. Cells were counted and the efficiency of




    depletion was confi

    rmed byfl

    ow cytometry using

    anti-CD4 plus anti-CD25 followed by intracellular staining with

    anti-FOXP3 antibodies, as described above.

    To determine the effect of CD25high depletion, 1.5 105 non-

    depleted PBMC or Treg-depleted PBMC were cultured in ELISPOT

    plates in duplicate wells in absence or presence of ESAT-6 (5mg/ml),

    CFP-10 (5 mg/ml) and PPD (10 mg/ml) for 48 h at 37 C, 5% CO2. Non-

    stimulated plates were used as controls. After incubation, the spot

    forming units were determined as described above.

    2.6.2. CD4CD25high Treg reconstitution assay

    Ten million PBMCs were stained with anti-CD4-FITC and

    anti-CD25-PECy5 antibodies and sorted in a MoFlo XDP Cell

    Sorter (Beckman Coulter. Brea, CA). CD4 cells were gated on

    a dotplot allowing the selection of CD4CD25high positive cells

    to be sorted. Sorted cells were collected in RPMI-1640 plus

    penicillin/streptomycin, and added to Treg-depleted PBMC

    cultures at the same proportion of Tregs that were present

    before depletion of Tregs with magnetic beads. The effect of

    CD4CD25high reconstitution on IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells

    was compared with the response of non-depleted PBMC

    cultures and CD4CD25high-depleted PBMC in response to CFP-

    10 and PPD and evaluated by ELISPOT as described above. The

    purity of CD4CD25high cells sorted was !80% with a FOXP3expression !85%.

    2.7. Neutralization of IL-10

    For IL-10 neutralization, 1.5 105 PBMCs were preincubated

    in duplicate wells in ELISPOT plates in absence or presence of

    0.125 mg/mle2 mg/ml of neutralizing anti-human IL-10 antibody

    (R&D systems), as suggested by the manufacturer, or 0.25 mg/

    mle2 mg/ml of goat IgG Isotype control (R&D systems) for

    30 min at 37 C. Thereafter, CFP-10 (5 mg/ml) and PPD (10 mg/ml)

    were added for 48 h at 37 C, 5% CO2. The ELISPOT was per-

    formed as described above and the SFU are reported as

    SFU 106 cells.

    2.8. Statistical analysis

    The frequency of CD4CD25/highFOXP3 Tregs in LTBi no

    HHC, LTBi HHC and ATB individuals were compared by Krus-

    kalleWallis and Dunns post test. Wilcoxon test was used for

    evaluate differences between non-depleted and Treg-depleted

    PBMCs. Statistical differences and significance are shown in each

    graph. Statistical significance was considered when p 0.05. All

    analyses were carried out using the Prism 5 software (GraphPad,

    San Diego, CA).

    3. Results

    3.1. Clinical characteristics of studied groups

    Twelve individuals with LTBi no HHC, 26 individuals with LTBi

    HHC and 31 smear or culture positive ATB patients were studied.

    Their median (range) ages were: 31(27e61) years for LTBi no HHC,

    38(15e68) years for LTBi HHC and 45 (16e70) years for ATB

    patients. The male/female ratio for each group was: 4/8 for LTBi no

    HHC, 9/17 for LTBi HHC and 22/9 for ATB (Table 1). Twenty-eight

    ATB patients had pulmonary tuberculosis, 2 patients had military

    tuberculosis and another one had laryngeal tuberculosis. Most

    pulmonary TB individuals had a high bacterial load as detected by

    acid fast staining of sputum smear.

    N.D. Marin et al. / Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261254

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    3.2. Regulatory T cells CD4CD25FOXP3 are CD127 and


    For the characterization of regulatory T cells, different surface

    and intracellular markers associated to Tregs were evaluated.

    Although CD25 is a marker of regulatory T cells, it is also expressed

    by effector cells after activation, albeit at lower expression.39

    Additionally, the transcription factor FOXP3 is considered the best

    marker for regulatory T cells40 and therefore the phenotypic anal-

    ysis of Tregs was done within the CD4 population according to the

    total and high CD25 expression, in addition to FOXP3 (Figure 1A).

    Previous reports have shown the differential expression of CD127

    (a chain of IL-7R) between effector and regulatory T cells. Regula-

    tory T cells are CD127 negative whereas effector cells are positive

    for this marker.26,38 Thus, CD127 expression on

    CD4CD25/highFOXP3 Tregs was evaluated and !97% of them

    were negative for CD127 (Figure 1B). Additionally, Tregs have been

    reported to exhibit a memory phenotype,37 thus the expression of

    CD45RO was also evaluated and more than 95% of

    CD4CD25/highFOXP3 cells were found CD45RO (Figure 1C).

    Therefore, the complete phenotype of Tregs studied under ourexperimental conditions was CD4CD25highFOXP3 CD127


    3.3. Active TB patients have a higher frequency of Tregs and HHC

    have lower levels

    To determine whether the frequency of circulating CD4 cells

    expressing low or high CD25 is different in LTBi and ATB, the

    percentage of CD4CD25 and CD4CD25high in LTBi no HHC, LTBi

    HHC and ATB individuals were compared. There were not differ-

    ences in the frequency of CD4CD25 cells among the groups (data

    not shown). ATB patients had a higher frequency of CD4CD25high

    cells (5.35% [Interquartile range, IQR 2.6e

    6.3]), compared to LTBiHHC individuals who had the lowest frequency of CD4CD25high

    cells (median 1.7 [IQR 1.2e2.8]) (p < 0.001) (Figure 2A). The

    frequency of CD4CD25FOXP3 cells was similar among LTBi no

    HHC, LTBi HHC and ATB individuals (Figure 2B). Active TB patients

    had a higher frequency of CD4CD25highFOXP3 (median 2.0 [IQR

    1.3e2.7]) compared to LTBi HHC (median 0.95 [IQR 0.6e1.8])

    (p < 0.001). No differences were observed between LTBi no HHC

    compared to LTBi HHC and ATB patients (Figure 2C). When ATB

    patients were compared with the two groups of LTBi individuals

    considered together, the percentages of CD4CD25high and

    CD4CD25highFOXP3 (data not shown) were still increased in the

    ATB group (p 0.0025 and p 0.004, respectively). Thus in the

    remaining sections of results, the 2 groups of HHCs will be shown

    together. These results indicate that during active TB there is

    a higher frequency of circulating CD4CD25highFOXP3 Tregs

    compared with latent TB infection.

    3.4. Active TB patients have more IFN-g producing cells in response

    to mycobacterial antigens than LTBi individuals

    It has been reported that during ATB there is a reduced

    production of IFN-g in response to different stimuli.21,41,42 There-

    fore, the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells in response to

    ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD was evaluated by ELISPOT in 48 h cultures.

    ATB patients, compared to LTBi individuals, showed higher

    frequency of IFN-g producing cells in response to CFP-10

    (p 0.0071) and PPD (p 0.0009). No differences were found in

    response to ESAT-6 between the studied groups (Figure 3A), nor in

    the frequency of IL-17 producing cells in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10

    and PPD. In addition the IFN-g/IL-17 ratio in response to ESAT-6,

    CFP-10 and PPD wasevaluated andthe IFN-g/IL-17 ratioin response

    to CFP-10 was 14.7 [IQR 9.9e32.9] for ATB patients and 8.7 [IQR

    2.9e14.6] for LTBi individuals (p 0.0097). No differences were

    found in the IFN-g/IL-17 ratio in cultures stimulated with ESAT-6 or

    PPD (Figure 3B).

    3.5. Tregs suppress IFN-g producing cells but not IL-17 producingcells

    There is evidence that Tregs can suppress both Th1 and Th17

    responses,34,43 but IL-17 producing cells seem to be less susceptible

    to suppression by Tregs.19 To investigate the effectof Tregs on IFN-g

    and IL-17 production in response to mycobacterial antigens in LTBi

    individuals and ATB patients, non-depleted PBMC and Treg-

    depleted-PBMC cultures were stimulated with ESAT-6, CFP-10 and

    PPD and the frequency of the IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells was

    evaluated by ELISPOT. Depletion reduced the number of

    CD4CD25high cells by 94 5.6% in LTBi individuals and 91 11.8%

    in ATB patients (Figure 4 and data not shown). The depletion of

    CD25high cells resulted in a significant increase in the frequency of

    IFN-g producing cells responding to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD in LTBiand ATB subjects (Figure 5A). On the contrary, depletion of

    CD4CD25high cells did not affect the frequency of IL-17 producing

    cells, with the exception of the cultures of LTBi individuals stimu-

    lated with PPD that showed a lower frequency of IL-17 in CD25high-

    depleted cultures (p 0.034) (Figure 5B). These findings suggest

    that Tregs have a less suppressive capacity on IL-17 production, and

    a higher susceptibility of IFN-g producing cells to the suppression

    by regulatory T cells.

    Tofurther confirm that Tregs areresponsiblefor the suppression

    observed, reconstitution of Tregs in Treg-depleted PBMC cultures

    was performed. CD4CD25high Tregs were purified by sorting and

    added back into Treg-depleted PBMC cultures maintaining the

    initial proportion of Tregs observed before depletion. The results

    were not conclusive (data not shown) because there was a highvariability among LTBi and ATB individuals studied.

    3.6. Tregs suppress IFN-g and IL-17 production is not IL-10-


    Regulatory T cells suppress effector responses by different

    mechanisms.44,45 One of these mechanisms is controlled by IL-10.

    To evaluate whether the effect of CD4CD25highFOXP3 cells on

    IFN-g producing cells observed under our experimental conditions

    is IL-10-dependent, different concentrations of neutralizing anti-IL-

    10 or isotype control antibody (0.125 mg/ml to 2 mg/ml) were added

    to PBMC cultures stimulated with CFP-10 and PPD. However, the

    addition of IL-10 did not affect the response to CFP-10 and PPD in

    either LTBi or ATB individuals (Figure 6). These results suggest that

    Table 1

    Demographic and clinical characteristics of the populations studied.

    Latent TB no


    Latent TB


    Active TB

    Median age (range) 31 (27e63) 36 (15e68) 42 (16e70)

    Gender Male 4 9 22

    Female 8 17 9

    AFB sputum 3

    6 15




    Type of clinical




    1 laryngeal

    2 miliary

    N.D. Marin et al. / Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261 255

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    IL-10 is not involved in the suppression of IFN-g and IL-17responses to mycobacterial antigens under our experimental


    4. Discussion

    The events responsible for reactivation of tuberculosis in indi-

    viduals latently infected with M. tuberculosis are poorly understood.

    Patients with active tuberculosis frequently have decreased levels

    of IFN-g and IL-2, and high levels of immunomodulatory cytokines

    IL-10 and TGF-b in response to mycobacterial antigens.21,25,46,47

    Tregs, which are increased during active TB, have been associated

    with the regulation of immune functions such as self-tolerance,

    autoimmunity and anti-tumor response,48,49 but they also have

    been associated with the regulation of the immune response in

    infectious disease.50,51

    In some conditions Tregs may regulateeffector cells during long-persistent diseases protecting them from

    the tissue damage caused by effector cells,52,53 but during a chronic

    infection, like M. tuberculosis infection, they may be deleterious

    because they may down regulate antigen specific T cells, damp-

    ening the effective macrophage activation and therefore the Mtb

    replication control.29,30,33,54 However, the role of Tregs in TB is not

    well understood; nor it is clear whether their expansion is a cause

    or a consequence of the disease. Probably they are expanded as an

    adaptive host response to limit the inflammatory reaction and

    tissue damage induced during the immune reaction against the

    mycobacteria. But it is also possible that they are expanded in

    response to M. tuberculosis infection by recognition of particular

    bacterial products, such as ManLAM that promotes Treg expansion

    in a PGE2-dependent manner


    or through the induction of IL-10

    Figure 1. Phenotypic characterization of Tregs according to CD4, CD25, FOXP3, CD127 and CD45RO expression. Cells were stained with anti-CD4, anti-CD25, anti-CD27 and anti-

    CD45RO followed by intracellular staining with anti-FOXP3. One hundred thousand cells were analyzed for CD25/FOXP3 expression and the CD127, CD45RO expression were

    evaluated among CD4 cells. (A) Top CD4CD25FOXP3 T cells and bottom CD4CD25highFOXP3 T cells. (B) More than 97% of CD4CD25hFOXP3 cells were CD127 negative and

    (c) more than 95% were CD45RO positive. A representative experiment is shown.

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    and TGF-b produced during the infection, as supported by previous

    reports showing increased levels of IL-10 and TGF-b in patients

    with active TB.46,47,55,56

    In this study, we compared the frequency of Tregs and their

    suppressive capacity on IFN-g and IL-17 production in individuals

    with active TB and two groups of latently infected individuals.

    Latent TB infection in our study was confirmed by a positive IFN-g

    response to CFP-10 as previously defined.6 They were classified as

    HHC or not-HHC according to whether or not they had a recent and

    prolonged exposure to a TB index case. HHCs were exposed to high

    bacterial loads and probably this exposure had conditioned their

    specific immune response and the ability of establish an effective

    response against M. tuberculosis infection.

    The phenotypic characterization of human Tregs is difficult

    because they lack specific markers. In this study we used the most

    accurate available markers: CD25high and FOXP3 expression,57 and

    additionally, the expression of CD45RO and the lack of CD127

    expression confirmed their phenotype as regulatory T cells. The

    expression of CD45RO and the lack of CD127 suggest an activated

    memory phenotype of these cells and it is in concordance with the

    high expression of CD25.26,37,38 As previously reported by other

    authors,we found a higher frequency of CD4CD25highFOXP3 cells

    in patients with active TB, compared to individuals latently infectedwith M. tuberculosis,25,30,32 but no differences were observed

    between no HHC and HHC LTBi individuals. This finding might be

    explained by the time elapsed (about 2 years) between the initia-

    tion of anti-TB treatment of the index cases and the recruitment of

    their HHCs for this study. The low levels of CD4CD25highFOXP3

    cells in HHC LTBi support their ability to control the mycobacterial

    replication, despite their high exposure to the mycobacteria, pre-

    venting reactivation of latent TB and the development of active


    In agreement with previous reports using the same procedure,58

    we found a higher frequency of IFN-g producing cells in ATB

    patients in response to CFP-10 and PPD, compared to LTBi indi-

    viduals. However, these results are not in agreement with other

    reports that show decreased IFN-g production during ATB.23,41,42The explanation for such discrepancy could be the culture time

    and the type of T cell involved. Whereas in short-term cultures

    (24e48 h), as used herein, IFN-g is produced mainly by effector T

    cells that do not require proliferation to initiate cytokine produc-

    tion, in long-term cultures (120e144 h) IFN-g is produced mainly

    by central memory T cells that require IL-2-dependent prolifera-

    tion.59,60 It is also known that TB patients have decreased IL-2

    production in response to different mycobacterial antigens.21,41

    The hallmark of the regulatory T cells is their capacity of control

    effector T cell responses, like cytokine production and cell prolif-

    eration. Thus to assess Treg activity in ATB patients and LTBi indi-

    viduals, the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells in

    non-depleted and Treg-depleted PBMC cultures stimulated with

    ESAT-6, CFP-10 andPPD was evaluated by ELISPOT. The depletionofTregs in both ATB patients and LTBi individuals PBMC cultures led

    to an increased frequency of IFN-g producing cells, indicating that

    Tregs were actively functioning. However, the depletion of Tregs in

    PBMC cultures did not affect the frequency of IL-17 producing cells

    in response to the antigens used, except in response to PPD in

    latently infected individuals, indicating a differential susceptibility

    of Th1 and Th17 cells to the suppression exerted by Tregs. The

    reason why IL-17 producing cells are less susceptible to the

    Figure 2. Frequency of circulating (A) CD4CD25high, (B) CD4CD25FOXP3, and (C)

    CD4CD25highFOXP3 cells in individuals with latent and active TB. PBMC were stained

    with anti-CD4-FITC plus anti-CD25-PeCy5, followed by intracellular staining with anti-

    FOXP3-PE. One hundred thousand cells were analyzed and the total and high CD25

    expression was evaluated among CD4 cells. (A) ATB patients had higher frequency of

    CD4CD25high T cells, whereas LTBi HHC had the lowest frequency. No differences were

    observed in LTBi no HHC compared to LTBi HHC and ATB individuals. (B) The

    proportion of CD4CD25FOXP3 Tregs was not different among studied groups. (C)

    Active TB group had a higher frequency of CD4CD25highFOXP3 compared to LTBi

    HHC individuals. KruskalleWallis test and Dunns multiple comparison post test

    ***p < 0.001.

    N.D. Marin et al. / Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261 257

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    Figure 3. Comparison of the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells in ATB patients and LTBi individuals in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. (A) PBMC from ATB patients

    and LTBi individuals were stimulated with ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD and the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells was evaluated by ELISPOT as described in Materials and

    Methods. ATB patients compared to LTBi individuals had a higher frequency of IFN-g producing cells in response to CFP-10 and PPD. (B) The IFN-g/IL-17 ratio was compared between

    LTBi individuals and ATB patients in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. ATB patients had a higher IFN- g/IL-17 ratio, compared to LTBi individuals, in response to CFP-10

    (p 0.0097). Mann Whitney test was used and p values are shown in the graphs.

    Figure 4. Effectiveness of CD4CD25high depletion. Seven million PBMC were depleted of CD25high using anti-CD25 ferrous beads as described in Materials and Methods. The

    effectiveness of depletion was evaluated in the cell fraction that was not attached to the magnet. (A). Thefi

    gure shows a representative example of LTBi ( n

    22) and ATB (n

    15) .

    N.D. Marin et al. / Tuberculosis 90 (2010) 252e261258

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    suppressive effect of Tregs is not yet clear; however, it is possible

    that Th17 cells are dependent on TGF-b, produced by Tregs for their

    expansion or differentiation.61 In fact, in LTBi individuals, PBMC

    stimulation with PPD down regulated IL-17 producing cells in Treg-

    depleted PBMC, compared to non-depleted PBMC. This finding is

    not in agreement with a recent report34 showing in TST individ-

    uals that both IFN-g and IL-17 are susceptible to the suppressive

    effect of Tregs. One possible explanation may be the differences in

    the methodology used to evaluate this phenomenon. Also, it must

    be noted that our ATB patients were studied before or within the

    first 2 weeks of anti-TB treatment. Although it is unlikely that such

    a short time under treatment would decrease the number or the

    activity of Tregs, we cannot rule out this possibility, since in the

    guinea pig model of TB it has been demonstrated that the standard

    anti-TB treatment eliminates Tregs.62 Unfortunately, our experi-

    ments of Treg reconstitution did not provide consistent results. It is

    possible that manipulation of the Tregs during the sorting proce-

    dure affected their suppressive capacity, but more probably that the

    Figure 5. Effect of Treg depletion on the frequency of IFN-g and IL-17 producing cells in response to mycobacterial antigens. One hundred and fifty thousand non-depleted and

    Tregs-depleted PBMC, as described in Materials and Methods, were stimulated with ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD for 48 h at 37 C, thereafter, the SFU were determined by ELISPOT. (A)

    Frequency of IFN-g producing cells in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. The depletion of CD25high cells increased the frequency of IFN-g producing cells in LTBi individuals and

    ATB patients in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. (B) Frequency of IL-17 producing cells in response to ESAT-6, CFP-10 and PPD. The frequency of IL-17 producing cells was lower

    in Treg-depleted cultures from LTBi individuals in response to PPD, but no differences were observed in response to CFP-10 and PPD in LTBi and ATB individuals. Wilcoxon test was

    used and p values are shown for each graph.

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    amount of Treg cells added back to the depleted cells, which in our

    experiments was equivalent to the pre-sorting percentage, was not

    enough to suppress the effector cell response, since other authorshave used a higher proportion of Treg/effector cells.32,63

    Despite the high levels of Tregs in inflamed tissues during

    tuberculosis disease,25 the persistence of the inflammatory process

    may indicate a selective suppressive function of different compo-

    nents of the adaptive immune response. It is possible to suggest

    that the high suppressive capacity of Tregs on IFN-g producing cells

    and the low suppressive capacity over IL-17 producing cells

    observed in our experiments, allow the persistence of IL-17

    producing cells in inflamed tissues and thus the perpetuation or

    recrudescence of the inflammatory reaction.15,64

    IL-17 is considered a proinflammatory cytokine and it has been

    proposed to participate early in the defense against M. tuberculosis,

    due to its capacity to induce cytokine and chemokine production,

    favoring the recruitment of other cells, including neutrophils, to thesites infected with M. tuberculosis.65 The role of neutrophils in

    tuberculosis is controversial.66e68 Neutrophils are important

    components of the innate immune system and are considered the

    first line of defense against many invading microorganisms.69 On

    the other hand, previous studies considered the neutrophils to be

    deleterious in the defense against M. tuberculosis. High levels of

    these cells have been observed in patients with active disease70 and

    TB susceptible animals were found to accumulate neutrophils in TB

    lesions compared to resistant animals.67,71

    Regulatory T cells have an arsenal of suppressor mechanisms

    including IL-10 production,44 high level of this cytokine have been

    detected in patients with active TB.72 In tuberculosis, IL-10 is

    produced as a result of the chronic stimulation by mycobacterial

    antigens and produced by Tregs and Tr1 regulatory cells.73,74

    IL-10production in patients with active disease is associated with anergy

    to the stimulation with mycobacterial antigens,47 dampening

    proliferation and cytokine production by effector cells. However, in

    agreement with previous reports,33 the neutralization of IL-10 in

    cultures stimulated with CFP-10 and PPD showed no association of

    IL-10 with the inhibition of IFN-g and IL-17 production, suggesting

    that Tregs use another suppressive mechanism, different from IL-10

    production, to inhibit effector T cell responses. Future studies

    should focus on the elucidation of the suppressive mechanisms

    used by Tregs to inhibit proliferation and cytokine production in

    response to mycobacterial antigens by TB patients, since the

    increased frequency of circulating Tregs and their suppressive

    activity on IFN-g production during active disease and their low

    suppressive capacity on IL-17 producing cells support their

    involvement in the development of tuberculosis disease. Currently

    the role of Tregs in the latency phenomenon is not clear and more

    studies are necessary to clarify it, and to possibly used them as

    predictive biomarkers for the development of active TB in people

    with a high risk of infection or disease by M. tuberculosis.


    The authors thank the patients and the healthy volunteers for

    their acceptance to participate in this study. We also thank the

    Tuberculosis Control Programs of the Servicio Seccional de Salud de

    Antioquia andthe Secretaria de Salud de Medelln forallowing us to

    have access to the clinical records of patients. This work was sup-

    ported by Colciencias, (Bogot, Colombia) grant 1115-408-20488

    Funding: None

    Competing interests: None declared.

    Ethical approval: Not required.


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    Figure 6. Effect of anti-IL-10 on the frequency of IFN-g producing cells in response to

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