•sk&ki^m. *&'w.~>! t*

•Sk&ki^M. *&'W.~>! t*<» ^ ** / t*a*f HM"fr*M*'"|W' tfm^ft^ft^f^tm fT ^ «> i. & : .;'tS'' &&M&$mm* toAY, SS « W.vS £5 ?MNitt»Edici<**V: i •801 ite To » ! Bishop Pays FwajWrifayf e fa SWwT*^ ; "W^ /i '' Funeral ttna for $steV £<^s^ W h i t e s t Dean o| N ^ a w t h C t o H e g e . M i f s t o i ^ a y ^ ^ S l O ^ ^ ^ ^ Alices, Monday. Hi* Exeii^w His BKctfteney Bishop Kearney. jLSsustag. the Eishap were Bishop Kenraey jecited,A«fe-i& - - .- , ,— *- Rev- William H. Shannon, chap- lowing: " " x l^oliege Founder Closing Jds-irlbute^L Teresa Marie at the fune) ices, Monday; His Jain. o*<the? College, and Hev, Ed sard'J. Xiintz of the College fac- ulty- Rev. Maynard A. Connell ana Rev. J. Joseph O'Connell were acolytes. , Paying tribute to Sister Ter- dsa Matte, T3lshop Kearney said: "AIT through this diocese her w«r3« goes on because every girl wh&m sne 'touched personally, everyone "who came under her influence, everyone who listened to fcer talks-carried away a \fery beatatfM pattera of her own ex- jtfnpfla ana: her own life. These S^u^l^Tolmcn-scattered an over the -coimtiy-~th£se are her mon- uraentsand the things that they As streams that ran e'er gajftpit mines, Nt -i"" Yet humbly, calmly gl&fe, t Nor seem to know tha *•**»£. that sfein« Beneath their gentfe. tUlmf So veiled beneath the sample* gnlse . , )( Thy radiant renins MHMH, .- And that widens chamedaJIoaer* Seemed worthkti in th^owa* If souls coiiMalwy* dwftf-ahwe laou ne'er haoatf tfgtt/ tJMs£ afiheres . * ' : >-*'* ,; v* Or could we k «p t h e « « ! « wit- iaaro f-' - »».'t*r We ne'er hid mi tH« Jky*. •**** «U»l?|i-i 2 *, EXMIRA CATHOLIC HIGHLIGHTS yes, what we were oil await* lag has been viewed tlte, Junior Day, T. V. "53" at Elrnira Catho- lic High School:, The Juniors proved capable e^tertaintbBS as the entire student body fcelaxeoli watching imitations of their fav- orite television stars' ana pro- grams. ' * _ ' * - ,, To begin the "Junior Day'Tel- ecagt," Emcee Don StorgW*; an Though mm » jjf^iwp^fe; ' UM6t, ' >.i' **' *•' Thouj& falreat forms vn -imp To live *vHlt thaw -K-jftMP |n£ .: . isw^et- '-***' This: to remember th^e; >*^P If 1N. Hata 3t-£J»lri Thomas P. Cooonors, Very Bev. His^r. John a mandaD, Rertsrend: Fathers Daniel A. lord^*SJ^ Louii W. Ede-kn&n, Michiel J. KEfefc Joseph H. GefeD, |^*J«. seohJEraer, Jiancis W, l^gP^ jfoha;'Jt* Ball* OjarJes JTMa- honey/Alberts Geiger, John S* fl&ye^" l*onard A. &<$!&'J$m % Murjny fc .tSSB^ Joeejh G. ]ifert«et, Etausc A„ Sj^toiara,. (iharlei B. Co«nn?l^ t ^ t o ^ J , CBWen. *:*^ JLtteadla? toe Ittoertd iwere * Usjse gremp of Naattettt College .Alumnae In carp and gown, the: iicM^* oi Na2areth eeUege, a iicK»Uon or the Naareth Col .^''lalg^bcpS:- Cl^ttfl(|r^W»aaete4 by ^^SpdaSata, 6| lli4^,0attioao aljl^ School In ,,^|p»ir|iait&a^h:-iab#^a^ {»candl-, |^iP^f^«|:1%#|loitttOR prayer f& W^ ^_>wd^at«r r««?Ivl«f SodaUty medabt ^•'^^'japrlSE^Kua:^ Obaowy, May .^Q|al^':t!Mi^^>'^fe>&aibOTe> crowned the- t Wj*hft.8tjrtUA.«ielth flowers. Her at- tendant* were Sodallats 'Dorthea, Woldadk, ice O'Connpr, Anne Mlphalke, .Carol Patricia Boyle and Beverly Kinney. Rev. Bartholomew O'Brien, assistant pastor, St, Petefvand Fail Church, Elmira, spoke, BenedlcttoJi w»» jflven^iy Bev. Wai|am A, Burns, principal. Directors were "Slater JOary Stephen, Sodality. Moderator, and Slater . Joachim. r^*- utsTo Awards At es Banquet . .Gfrl-Se&rt?, atHlUes and their $(irehh|' 4 wHl «t£nd>the «i»ual lolnfliiete; sponiwred :i by both. jBOtis*? In OttP'iAdR-ojt towde^ Haft Hhnira, ^Ttwsdsiy ^vientaR. Jane aft. Mrs.. John, Woyak and The Jubilees Ard Silver By 3IABY E. FITZGERAMJ x Executive Director, Catholic family Service x But the <l^ys aw golden too as seven Diocesan Priests 'observe thejj* Silver Jubilees ojf ordination during these June dftys, in tfie months of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Each Jubflarlan, att.plwhom Watte ojided'another accomplish' ment to her lagg list by slnginf «T11 Walk Aiorle." A short skit "Mis Honor" featured Jon* Dwyer, Joseph Godwin MikO Cogswell, John Lynch. Hugh M£» FarJand and Dotty Mtoods. ' - Nest Tferesa Carozza sanf "Make Believe," and Mary Kay Lynott^anced to the tune oil rDalsy Bell." Gandy Dancers Ed Casey> Mike Cogswell, John spotlight werA Id' CftS^* and' Elizabeth MiUffien In "Take a Letter mss Smiths *\ » Tom Tierriey was the papa In •m'e Papa Who Pays," assia|e<f by Mar«ie Ol-eaty and Tom Reidy. "Aways" was sung by Anrf Tuflllaro, Rita ?odlew«kl fr Rita Dooley, Teresa -Carozza, Ar> lene Miles, Helen Stermer and nnm^ssmmu ^ * fiuftff tr&M- »™£mnta2on I**** ^- J - Butjefe have been des- ^ . r ^ ^ ^ r S S s f ^ i n S riKh»ted .eachairraen. oJ the IS'.CA. "The entire Senior l ^ j J r ^ i S r x Pmwian- niuie class- of fiie College .Ibrraed-aJ -ISSLS^J^JSt^^Xt gttird of* J?onc* through which the funeral proceulon paaaed. rflEAf rf. yKLT vLcAJlfMv WW, - . *., -'• . K :MdtfQCaVJjt^.]iQU»a^ tl^ ; ' / ; " : .. - ' / * ia*l Jt MKL,'JCiSW4 B-'kACIOii. lift Hit fiHK- :• ^^^••P ^^a* a^^awaia*^*^a^ta^aja^K ip ^P^ 1 |a^P^^aa^aaa|^ai '^M^najwKflpana^H||f* F , ^ ".•'MSurtyL- A"y<y., : * I awaawpHa* ^n^iiPyr awNNnr «WaT v f f l Q I , . * -• "flpQ 5- MA«N Si* •aWlaiwa i CI I? 1 if AD V If A If 4 If A IT filiDAn Ull f. mCJlliinun "" QCNtMAL BiSlfkAMCl •"' T ^ v 's, ^a^p^warwlaTinal!! JPIlIffrIMllVw*»-< at- ^J _*» * - •- . —•--•---t, ' •> . . x > ' "'• './\^: '..'"'• mmmmmrmmmmmmmii* ttmmumtm until IIIIIII .injiV Spohaored by Etnirm Council, Knighta of Coltnnfeua, the ::Efidi- j cott-^olnaaon »W«ker» Ghp|u» aeated tonliht CWdayi'JuaB 6> f * at « 4 I In St BiW» n^r audi* torturn, I^^nWin Street ^Tnomaa J". Conina, chalrrrain,' itated that thla hijlhly talented gtottp of- 100E,*otce« ate'ai i*ai tr«&ied-amarl«a^hwlale en^fird* zttion. I"cdkwin«_the periorrnance' a Amos will be held in Columhus Cenaw ior jneni>er* of the COur^. m r their Irjsndafjnd the Chorus personnel; willtae jueata, Berrurd J. JUxherii ^ ISctoir-A. CjUj*- ?fe' at* i ,"„..__ ii ' ltoi*eM-of'tiae ChoruM will be gocats of tl« Knlfhbiat a dinner grtor 10. fh* ahow. \. ./ ' ;•-«—Jw^p," ' BRAHn % flfli a»UJa IWUlAJttt mUummmmtimtikti* ^•^BaW^*" *J^Paaa>P laT^ft T^W! •^^T*PW- _ ^^P^HWi *^|^WF'ipK • imliMi i i| i mil., i»iiiii.M^iii •«M»II> > .ii'imn,. .i*-HI'mil \i •W |ll "' 1l|, j»* 1 LIQUOR STORE *^ ; / - - i - i ^ •"- ••*" ' , aeAtu^ai ML^fcaaMt * a—*L." - • ^' ^- /i : 'l§!te*i^$a«*^ wwi fiiwiiQ:/-iri.ii ' 2-1 ft SS! J&HteJL. •wM^Mi^^aW^B^Hrill^^Br^^^a^aBBBUi^aaBBaatta^B^BaB^—->——~* aaiuiaui«auaBj. i.WBm*|Pllupilju V , «jjuJa«Bt mum, »wfc" »«a»r A at^a»icw«.T- l irigHg" mukn »II : «I iilltr^llilJwwil.iiMi <i>g»r»«,.i,a^»i > »^Mi,,, i. ,i. , ,,n, .^j'^ •OWN F. SEHERIN WMEASTSTATE ST. <kit«raVla«urMfc»'" ; - * Hilf PHARMACY •K-^'r Tat *»ri flMWaaUaaa attiatatat !«»**, ICY. »>i» «<»»» i«» »*'*l«i»»liiin»iin>i ar itaa ^w fwa> iWJiUlJU. i y j y y | | uMQrr j .„ . a»lf ^WiWPlP' TPWWJ ^w^bu ^*^^^^^ <a^^aaaa^FM ^^^* tfaUaBaHMaaV AiaJiaV a*J)av WaatWili •ifaw*i #Tia^ forkers In Show assistant pastor will .present these guests': MW« Alice Jensen, Girl Scout Sleld Director and Mrs. C^tHtad Decker. Girl Scout Cora-1 tnlaUjtewr. ^ •• -. A ^BXiit PP" ceremony will %• held fite S Brownie* symbolic of Shefr; approach' to* GM-Scoutlhg, >Yr«. Robert. JMalimsy fcJeMei: made by JUfe Jensen. Tl»**Curt*c¥Bsr^ h i g h e s t award Jtn,GM Scouting -wJiroe« 0 | .preiented- by 1J^KDec|a* tt- Ve¥ oecaaiu^, s««nbet»--<)tGirlScout5Hwp#,,; ^Attm^omli la Glen Cemetery Mf •axiBaaaTAan jBaax^aiJLiflU - . Watkbaa Gkat — A Requkm Mali ^ * a heM %' St. Mary 1 * .Ce?o|HWSr jb*;Bridajr^fcjr.306% Memorial lay to hoooc the dead etpedally the aoldiera buried in mj^m^^^S^i *%i m^^o t mmtrA » liia^v.waW'-Ref., _"Jlemu|c4' -A.: Klowann, patter. Approxhttaitly ,^uaT"-yolrt' i ^| : -Ai"i3plBte& : axe; trying to ndifc lunds in order tfr'^MEitct M a t P ^ ^ ' ^ - i n ^ ^ ^ lettenfc-s£ojiiM&-,-^;|^. our pariah, rjecareatiOQ jprogrun tot tfo- tSiSmiti :wtt agers^ * •' the repoae of tbe «oulj)f Saauel were ordataedon June XI, 1927, will each mark a total of Nine Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-One Days in the Holy Priesthood on the Silver Ann"- years may be Silver but surely, the days are Golden 1907, as ydu present your statistics. »f. RETR6SPECJ!, h& wffl heap the>prds ( oJ the Apostolic versary ol that day. And so, the $*&§<$#> "T^Ouare a priest for- -Uver by tradition W* 7 remember th&. first in the annals of Heaven and of earth. ' / StatlsUcs are seldom interest-, lftg because often they aif j ^ sehted in r topbitag>array to ilttgotse the oinlssloB* & wMch brganlzations. parishes and in- dividuals are guilty. But, as(., there Is an eisrtptiaa* to etfery of this group, B4wnfe Pendants irute, so also, {t la with this. «W be, jstesenttdVto aU numbers I 0 n e defiiitloii of J*tatis#* fthe Of the .two Brownie Troops and r iyster|iaUe complfittQa of In- .GM Scout Baug«s wJU also bWaftce f 6r the tntereneeof sen- *^-—•• yresehtations ^ill lKf^rlraiits*-^ mTgTir well be j^osentoythoie who are honored as th^^rMcieri"* at the Masses Tneleaderftjr-'tid* g^ni^la;ji&* ivint* for these Sll- glorious privijegi the-Cod. Man from Masses, the »bf bringing place in S^nffSS SnS^t PSes^Clu^it^ S& S^lftusE^ '«» beginning- of S a sn^rtl- . . . . , . •Wtt, laajr^anftmusiCf . cal accounting, Cleaely related^hood by sSven and arrive at blessing of his Mother and Dad, when iveryone was crying be- cause? hearts were full- ot hap. pines*, Gratitude too. will come to th* dfewgfound jn his think- ingf'as>h«> r e m e m b e r s the mother, Whop* 1JA& led him through boy* hood dream? to,the Altar of GOoWand all those dear ones 'whole sacrifices made the great Tferjr possible. His first Mass >•— a n d t h e words "This is my Body" as his fingers trembled and awe en- gulled him. Emblazoned across the altar he seemed to see the words, "Thjs Is God to my hands, the God I brought down Heaven, the God I^riU % the'tongues- of my loved All these thoughts and- mem orles and rnany more.wiJLbe to the hearts of the SSvcr Jubflar- ians these anniversary days. Sta- tistlc* are not meaningless as you multiply the days of priest- U- Jm. '-y^'ms* • f% , would be ther-atartilng; r o w o f 15 From Area QBX feures * tt tt **» p°^ bie to m i -«k' wr *% l^ttfet yd&g- aica :fejen* the Mm*i ofjS^e^te^receJved ie- *&m, &om the, Cteivtarsity of compute the number times, vhea the'Sacred Host* -ware dis- tributed to the faithful. And then, Jubilee Preach ydu could consider> the total ber.;OJL»ern«m»jr tfee tidBidns of l?dM JDWne at;-the-107th Com< inenc^^t'Ejtercfees hed*''Stm- day 0t.^-w(*» r Da»e- caiupHs, -GraduattsJtofc-v ^Jt6(3^eS'>^'^!««- .ft* *%!*&> «po«V - & & Wm £ jFmcrestai,, '3aV£i^<SMAts«: GeraW E.-3t*)cht, •JEkSJi; m ,CwtntterceV^ptpp %, . r|*Biitt,-B,S.tePhy^cs; Anthony : I*. Bpaao,' ; B.S, in Mcch. Sng.; pierc^J lT«ier a^. Skeret^ B. Aero-*- Ehg,j -¥lctbr tf. B.'A; B k i u d i. WoUel ttAerd.3prg.., •• / V *.. \ , Auburn, Iiconard JEf Killan, '%$* ih'1^fih.f eeneya^fternard ~ " v * *"" "' $oim»ercef jparto of our reefbife... ... •• Continuing your classlflcaBon of jfectf, even ydu as a Priest, -Wffl oe j n i a ^ i as $m try Jo- flguft^tBapU»«tt% CarflessMte, Marriages aiidE«eeenii*» tlheaon. X0U*Wo«ad see — each Priest " jabiiayiatt, ^tfcttag % *ouf at m& &1S. MifaJ#jfa^'&tJfc ranoving 5-T dustry, Ernest.E, %&i Ithaca, Peter X. r,L A.; Palmyra, Bobcat B. B,S»ia Commerce. 1" " •X- Jlmmh Jlngl* Scys; Thijhoppanj " > , " - ' -•• s '•:- •• •: i ••:.". - I .> .- » » l , f J <l 'iflU^W^MIUl^^ • »,l«'llll«,l^»<.<^.MIi^a,'>J',»' ^(IddttuSk l l l i l K»/.i: ma '"C.'.f..- ! 56ft H MAIN ST ,* ELMIRA.KY. TaVpl W ' W a^Tfc ftl lHallRpWpafc war « ^a'^P'a js^awWapa^p^aS^F •••> JflaJv^a^iaapa JIPW^WP w|pHal Xv»flU^ftt iy$ ^.- ..»,. ,.,.ij..^.,. r t • ..I- tjj^M^. .1,,,. » - • > . > » —"if-i if iir i »;. « » »„, ^ni, J,,j Ham^afWaapBi^ •^p^f awa^^ay, ^p*-t- -tat, 1W' aaMy AMpv^wiaJli j*^^^_^b ^^^taMu^^^^^i^^^M, aaaVftaa^ . f !^.P ,f **"•'*!??. - :*—«»!«•»»»..<.' L . lLi ,.^ Pi i aW'#PWa^'«a*#p>'#*iMiWMi'ilii<aiawjp* w*i(W»JmiialP ; * _-». * „ . ._ *^ - ^ llami j | WAtirlut f ' *»WftMie4.^S Mvyl Iff allXIIIf ; .A~ m M Mm CA^^, & v , MIMOWAU •«• m«dijmfct I amaq^aaaMaaa\aa»aB»aJa1 , ^ibly. In loving 1 giving, should not .each and everyejie OJTUSK whether or not we are personally close to these Jubilarians, jofo ^ith them In wards, fallfaijf Irom priesjfly Hos >tbe , beautiful. Co; and. springing; from^the msp.ira> tion of, the Holy Spirit, many of whfchv icii on goM soli and bor? jM«a,& tftoujtlM ioM-Perhaps, o» .the sujblwt bf.Avords^ you way* his© a ,#ifetsurlag sttck, Joe te^mt^.thit wo,Qld,reprc- sen^athe Jioura- wlih, coftvgris. Intimate ibpet, in our gehool throUgh-dodu^staia of orig inal sfa b&ih those- Souls and standing b? as.Hfe becomes con- fused " anT* ' the Sacrament of Penance' i* needed, You watch l !unt'a*be.«nite* ^""ff ***% -"^ Iwotofn te Hol^ Matrimony and |then^nlme.thr*sh6ld of eternity, as be .atiaqlef souiafor thehr last -Btttin.^liei^^feat&Jtuj^ a««ifc -'-im: J»v other flwughts, .^ w ^a^vi|^ i ;.Wiir/.bri|g i^t ; Joh'n Burns w a s a most con- vincing Costello, with Dan Kelly as AWwtt. Shirley Kinney, Mar- gie Q'&eary, Regina Schlefen, Dotty Woods and And Scanlin favored us. witti their Veralon of "Staging in the Rain." Martin and Lewis were portrayed hy Ed Casey and Mike Cogswell. "WITH A SONG In My Heart" proved the vocal ability df Re- gina Schlefen, Madonna JVatte and Hita Dooley. "Malls" McFar> land and hla Carpet Tacks; Mike Cogswell, George Cassldy, John Dwyer, John Earley. Bin y». dyke. Bob Hutbert, John X.ynch, Don Morgan, Willie Minch, Ton? Tiemey. Mike Cogswell, and Tom lleidy, brought the hbuse down with their band. wplie Mbich and Don Morgan were twe* convincing darky boys in "Dusty'and Shadow." Mary tfoann Briggs, Mary Farrcll< Ariene Miles, Rita Podjesld ami Helen Stermer favored us witit %ld tamp Lighter." "Was It Wofth It," a comedy act, BtaTjred/ Pat Mayshak and Hugh McFar{ land. Teresa Carozsp, Kathleen; Morgan and Arleiie Rifles sangc" "Serenade of the Bells." £ —The-Class- ff *§sr~&wg-'Wwtl>.«,.. is the Hour"' followed by "Ave!, " Marie, O Maiden,76"Mother'' and!*- . the "Alma Mater," sung by the| ^ entire students' Ibodv. The assem. S '** s Three, Thousajid, Wine " Seventeen Days, &e His M Prfayer, Pray that eia* DJvfae Savour will rencW His I$$Q Di- vine In each Priestly soul and att«ngthen them for. the years; t©> corne., ., Were we to search through ehdle$s page% ft is .certain that 'we could not find more appro- priate words than those of S t Ofeav the l o n t ^ ^ s i b a g a t e #e Ausustiife. Words tha't trilght bfr Chosen as a climax for statistics by each of our jubilarians and by us in our prayers for them. 7* "Breathe i n m 4 O fibty! Spirit, thai my thoughts may be holy 1 ' —in these days so close'to the Feast oi Pentecost "Act in me* O Holy Spirit, that my worJc, too, may be holy"—that aiy patience; may -be eTpJes* arid ljke td .•Thfiie, ^<Draw my' heart —• Sfrenghen me, O Holy Spirit r ird rnf?'' noiv and plway, long ait^oU ^leave* me on thi* earthv-That on the "day of-m/ Golden Jubilee,—i'I v always may •'be^holy^ • J : ; i o- ' Trapplatlae Sjater Iflalhthc^tfyja, 3 ^Ban-t-tNC)*- . J o i l i l r , Sfefadeieihe Bonhomm^, who''*ftrv^:a*1^ Abbess of &0 -tiappisahe. consent"tiiUoV »»»».*,• - i -~— r—- iai^^'iorl M.yemi b ^ e " the- closfe~*S"i5a feara-'of June^l^ ^ar, f d!e4>here atutoe dp.of 63. ~m**citM&ia tsk&jmi* mM&tJ*&gM%: *- *irv.;c.irtrAaT«ocAK, '/'__ - r"'lNHMitf-' - •* v - tii»«»«<|i»'«iip« mm^f'iutrmm »'. ly *»i ,»<.>>.<.r».»l»-|.».J»»»i».<.«.. THQHt %M%% »»«'«»twi'Minn mm •••••»» MO R ETON CLEANERS m*9 VMi W in* UehVery CSttMflU- KNAPP'S Depdrfniffrt* Stem WAVERLY, N. Y. K» CoiAttlOfll fa 9011 CLARK **- A t&miBt ****** **-/*«#* \ 0B# »f At latgHi Smto *f Att* «&m* «fewr wilt****** *****?»***?" *»t^ *«»««* « M*w fmk Sfafaf # da* mmr "in *^«* M ?** de * n w* SMti»m* m Rtiiorttion tFmm wv y **®*® m »»*•**' rww^m J»IJI)I)> »r»n I r it f'" 1 "™ »**n*Mit I . . - » • • ! . . , „«,m «,,»!,• mtiiiiinn mini « ., , John H. Murray ! LUCKNER •V SON RJNilAI SiftVICE > Pfdy fhaliiory For Wofid facte* KncourOB* Othar* to Join With You V mmm •f(P H. S. BENNEH INCOItroilAttD Cya KnuavlaaUatu by QMrgiLHitkiyJr, tww Eyts Dtifrvt Tfii lit! CtmnH Us fir Yttr • 110-M2 a GRAY ST. Dial 6720 Elmira a=e The assem- entire student bly elosed w8h.W^few_ words' from our' prijfcipal, Father Burns. - ' The ^Jiiniors^expressecl ttielr thanks to Sister Amadeus for her Untiring efforts in helping to make Junior Day a success. ,—o 1 Forty Hours Forty Hows devotions will be held In the following churches Of the Diocese of Rochester: Sunday, ^Jtme 8—Stanley, St. Rita, Webster. 4 I G \ Go /ivtil 'clzinj ,;%fiw ^ J ln 4 ' Slate "/'.LOVl '<^.anoU i.'a Ion : )that 'ft their '* mak« vj h \ Stop smoking! : meujcally formulated Eiid-Hab Cut down smoking or breok lha hoblt complataly wilh tht aid of END-KAB lozangti. Sqf#, ti1f*dk», racommtn dad by physicians. JPHARMACY Ptascripfion OafWary Strvica So. Miia md Hadtoti Strcit* Elmlro, N.Y. TURNER REfRIGERATIQB CO. \ •-wsmiuroiis— ' ^ HtSSSIAN'BEFttlGERATED DISPZAV CASES 4 1 4 - 4 1 6 CARROLl ST. ELMIRA, N.Y. ^ the »i for bol in Th On we hai LO ral pra arj be* lnj Yw \ leism has t riflce has > Fath< year, to aa being Seed 1 quart Moon muni yout tar ate oth dial yot Ful Pr« Jb. Co Bi askit tha^: lous Colun Tht 400.QC quest inff jects whlct are t It MO pital the 86M presi -r\a;t-i-h. H-. DIAL 4324 E*Ubll*hed 1»6 v-Vt' Vast Clem | W-'w!'. lift f JACOBS BROS. )WHtim- '" »hM«iSI-M ...'-, *Maiaitt» w. t. - , II .Inc. QUAUTY MILK'end. DAIRY PRODUCTS «^3--305 kite 5ttee t St. Ignatias Loyola Church filto)' ' ' "• ' ''' ' i CrijtT) «ml W»H J»in» Street, & Hollind'i SCHIS f r p, JA; : iMI—<«A<lt»»M*ll»«—l«l»i mNEBURG t GLEASON Ml «.to St. ; ,, , He*Mll. «. r. Aienoy C^ham GoW^tripe uvi nu uriQicttv WJ^BURO a'OtrJitltfN IMC?.. < ,| - "CWtBa'ft.Haif r- ; : ' »l**|li«»<Mlia»IIWI«»»t»».M<»lHI»>ll—H. .stiiiiiii>- *•'*•-: TRUST COMPANY I trmtltmumtttrnMi BRAUMSCHWEIGER'S 320 Cani.iao#' |»|, Wf ,^; ""-'tm' nrr' , ; iii»i»ma, IIUM,!!^.,-„,„,„, ^ *tochaj^ip Oloeeae ,. I Now 8ub««)b* ItaHstfir*'^ ^BaWWBwBBSIBaBiraSHBPJBSC 1 .^assBnosiMi^aaai " *• " w '™ f ~ w ^ ,, ™*^^ ,l W"*^" , !^'"a^aaBB»aj| f a3a*»-a«*>t«*--* -#^»»ttfc»^ MMMMi Mtaaa ^ 4 . ji >-.^ ^ ^*^»^^ ^M»W , « ^^- , * .*~.*a*.*~...* - ' « ~*~~»-t *w«v^ /..«j.. rf ,.*- i - -W-.^,,.-,--.-."!. ft,.*J«~~ i.*.-. .*> '>^*-*»> A .•*.U> ..... ~4'.i

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Post on 07-Jul-2019




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•Sk&ki^M. *&'W.~>!

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t*a*f HM"fr*M*'"|W' tfm^ft^ft^f^tm

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&&M&$mm* toAY, SS « • •

W . v S £5 ?MNitt»Edici<**V: i •801

ite To

» !

Bishop Pays FwajWrifayf e fa SWwT*^ ;"W^ / i ' '

Funeral ttna for $steV £ < ^ s ^ W h i t e s t Dean o | N ^ a w t h C t o H e g e . M i f s t o i ^ a y ^ ^ S l O ^ ^ ^ ^ Alices, Monday. Hi* Exeii^w His BKctfteney Bishop Kearney. jLSsustag. the Eishap were Bishop Kenraey jecited,A«fe-i&

- - .- , „ ,—*- Rev- William H . Shannon, chap- lowing: „ " "x

l oliege Founder Clos ing Jds-irlbute^L

Teresa Marie a t the fune) ices, Monday; H i s

Jain. o*<the? College, and Hev, E d s a r d ' J . Xiintz o f the College fac­ulty- Rev. Maynard A. Connell ana Rev. J. Joseph O'Connell w e r e acolytes. ,

Paying tribute to Sister Ter-dsa Matte, T3lshop Kearney said: "AIT through th i s diocese h e r w«r3« goes on because every girl wh&m s n e 'touched personally, everyone "who came under h e r influence, everyone w h o listened to fcer talks-carried away a \fery beatatfM pat t era of h e r own e x -jtfnpfla ana: h e r own life. These S^u^l^Tolmcn-scattered an over the -coimtiy-~th£se are her mon-uraent sand the things that they

A s streams t h a t ran e'er gajftpit mines, Nt -i""

Yet humbly, calmly gl&fe, t

Nor seem to know tha *•**»£. that sfein«

Beneath their gentfe. tUlmf So veiled beneath the sample*

gnlse . , ) ( Thy radiant renins MHMH, . -

And that widens chamedaJIoaer*

Seemed worthkti in th^owa* If souls coiiMalwy* dwftf-ahwe

l a o u ne'er haoatf tfgtt/ tJMs£ afiheres . * ' : >-* ' * , ; v*

Or could we k « p t h e « « ! « wit-iaaro f - ' - »».'t*r

We ne'er hid m i tH« Jky*.

•**** «U»l?|i-i 2 * ,


yes, what we were oil await* lag has been viewed tlte, Junior Day, T. V. "53" at Elrnira Catho­lic High School:, The Juniors proved capable e tertaintbBS as the entire student body fcelaxeoli watching imitations of their fav­orite television stars' ana pro­grams. ' * _ ' * - ,,

To begin the "Junior Day'Tel-ecagt," Emcee Don StorgW*; an

Though mm » jjf^iwp^fe; ' UM6t, ' >. i ' **' *•'

Thouj& falreat forms vn -imp T o live *vHlt thaw -K-jftMP | n £ .: . isw^et- '-***'

T h i s : to remember th^e; >* P

I f 1N. Hata 3t-£J»lri

Thomas P. Cooonors, Very Bev. His^r. John a mandaD, Rertsrend: Fathers Daniel A. lord^*SJ^ Louii W. Ede-kn&n, Michiel J. KEfefc Joseph H. GefeD, |^*J«. seohJEraer, Jiancis W, l^gP^ jfoha;'Jt* Ball* OjarJes JTMa-honey/Alberts Geiger, John S* fl&ye^" l*onard A. &<$!&'J$m % Murjnyfc .tSSB^ Joeejh G. ]ifert«et, Etausc A„ Sj^toiara,. (iharlei B. Co«nn?l t ^ t o ^ J , CBWen. *:*^

JLtteadla? toe Ittoertd iwere * Usjse gremp of Naattettt College .Alumnae In carp and gown, the: iicM^* o i Na2areth eeUege, a iicK»Uon or the Naareth Col

. ^ ' ' l a l g ^ b c p S : - Cl^ttf l ( |r^W»aaete4 by ^^SpdaSata, 6 | l l i 4 ^ , 0 a t t i o a o alj l^ School In , , ^ | p » i r | i a i t & a ^ h : - i a b # ^ a ^ {»candl-,

| ^ i P ^ f ^ « | : 1 % # | l o i t t t O R prayer f& W ^ ^_>wd^at«r r««?Ivl«f SodaUty medabt ^ • ' ^ ^ ' j a p r l S E ^ K u a : ^ Obaowy, May .^Q|al^':t!Mi^^>'^fe>&aibOTe> crowned the-

t Wj*hft.8tjrtUA.«ielth flowers. Her at-

tendant* were Sodallats 'Dorthea, Woldadk, ice O'Connpr, Anne Mlphalke, .Carol

Patricia Boyle and Beverly Kinney. Rev. Bartholomew O'Brien, assistant pastor, St, Petefvand Fa i l Church, Elmira, spoke, BenedlcttoJi w»» jflven^iy Bev. Wai|am A, Burns, principal. Directors were "Slater JOary Stephen, Sodality. Moderator, and Slater

. Joachim.

r ^ * -

utsTo Awards At es Banquet

. .Gfrl-Se&rt?, atHlUes and their $(irehh|'4wHl «t£nd>the «i»ual lolnfliiete; sponiwred :iby both. jBOtis*? In OttP'iAdR-ojt towde^ Haft Hhnira, Ttwsdsiy ^vientaR. Jane aft. Mrs.. John, Woyak and

The Jubilees Ard Silver By 3IABY E. FITZGERAMJ x

Executive Director, Catholic f a m i l y Service x

But the <l ys a w golden too as seven Diocesan Priests 'observe thejj* Silver Jubilees ojf ordination during these June dftys, in tfie months of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Each Jubflarlan, att.plwhom

Watte ojided'another accomplish' ment to h e r lagg list b y slnginf «T11 Walk Aiorle." A short skit "Mis Honor" featured J o n * Dwyer, Joseph Godwin MikO Cogswell, John Lynch. Hugh M£» FarJand and Dotty Mtoods. ' - N e s t Tferesa Carozza s a n f "Make Believe," and Mary K a y L y n o t t ^ a n c e d t o the tune oil rDalsy Bell." Gandy Dancers Ed Casey> Mike Cogswell , John

spotlight werA I d ' CftS^* and' Elizabeth MiUffien In "Take a Letter mss Smiths *\ »

Tom Tierriey was the papa In •m'e Papa Who Pays," assia|e<f by Mar«ie Ol-eaty and Tom Reidy. "Aways" was sung by Anrf Tuflllaro, Rita ?odlew«klfr Rita Dooley, Teresa -Carozza, Ar> lene Miles, Helen Stermer and nnm^ssmmu

^ * fiuftff tr&M- »™£mnta2on I**** - J - Butjefe have been des-^ . r ^ ^ ^ r S S s f ^ i n S riKh»ted .eachairraen. oJ the IS'.CA. "The entire Senior l ^ j J r ^ i S r x Pmwian- niuie class- of fiie College .Ibrraed-aJ -ISSLS^J^JSt^^Xt gttird of* J?onc* through which the funeral proceulon paaaed.

rflEAf rf. yKLT vLcAJl fMv WW, -. *., -'• .K:MdtfQCaVJjt^.]iQU»a^ t l ^ ; ' / ; ":.. -

' / * i a * l J t MKL,'JCiSW4 B-'kACIOii. lift Hit fiHK- :• ^ ^ ^ • • P ^^a* a^^awaia*^*^a^ta^aja^K i p ^ P ^ 1 |a^P^^aa^aaa|^ai '^M^najwKflpana^H||f* F

, ^

".•'MSurtyL- A"y<y., : *

I awaawpHa* n iiPyr

awNNnr «WaT v f f l Q I , . * -• "flpQ 5- MA«N S i * •aWlaiwa

i CI I? 1 i f AD V I f A I f 4 If A IT filiDAn Ull f. mCJlliinun

"" QCNtMAL BiSlfkAMCl •"' T

^ v 's, a^p^warwlaTinal!! J P I l I f f r I M l l V w * » - < at- ^J _*» * - •- . • — • - - • - - - t , ' •> . . x > ' " ' • „ ' . / \ ^ : ' . . ' " ' •

mmmmmrmmmmmmmii* ttmmumtm u n t i l IIIIIII .injiV

Spohaored by Etnirm Council, Knighta of Coltnnfeua, the ::Efidi-j cott-^olnaaon »W«ker» Ghp|u»

aeated tonliht CWdayi'JuaB 6>f* at « 4 I In St BiW» n^r audi* torturn, I^^nWin Street ^Tnomaa J". Conina, chalrrrain,' itated that thla hijlhly talented gtottp of- 100E,*otce« ate'ai i*ai tr«&ied-amarl«a^hwlale en fird* zttion. I"cdkwin«_the periorrnance' a Amos will be held in Columhus Cenaw ior jneni>er* of the COur . mr their Irjsndafjnd the Chorus personnel; willtae jueata, Berrurd J. JUxherii ^ ISctoir-A. CjUj*-?fe' at* i,"„..__ii '

ltoi*eM-of'tiae ChoruM will be gocats of tl« Knlfhbiat a dinner grtor 10. fh* ahow. \ . . / '

; • -«—Jw^p," '

BRAHn % flfli

a»UJa IWUlAJttt mUummmmtimtikti*

^•^BaW^*" *J^Paaa>P l a T ^ f t T ^ W ! • ^ ^ T * P W - _ ^^P^HWi *^|^WF'ipK •

• imliMi i i| i mil., i»iiiii.M^iii • « M » I I > > .ii'imn,. .i*-HI'mil \ i

• W | l l " ' 1 l | , j » * 1

LIQUOR STORE * ^ ; / - - i - i ^ •"- • • ••*" '

, aeAtu^ai ML fcaaMt * a—*L." - • ' -


wwi fiiwiiQ:/-iri.ii '

2-1 ft SS! J&HteJL. •wM^Mi^^aW^B^Hrill^^Br^^^a^aBBBUi^aaBBaatta^B^BaB^—->——~*

aaiuiaui«auaBj. i.WBm*|PllupiljuV, «jjuJa«Bt mum, »wfc" »«a»r A a t^a»icw«.T- l irigHg" mukn

» I I : « I i i l ltr^lli lJwwil.i iMi < i > g » r » « , . i , a ^ » i > » ^ M i , , , i. , i . , ,,n, . ^ j ' ^


<kit«raVla«urMfc»'"; - *


•K-^'r Tat *»ri

flMWaaUaaa attiatatat

!«»**, ICY. »>i» « < » » » i«» »* ' * l« i»»l i i in»i in>i m » p »

ar itaa ^w fwa>

iWJiUlJU. i y j y y | | uMQrr j

.„ . a»lf ^WiWPlP' T P W W J ^ w ^ b u ^*^^^^^ <a^^aaaa^FM ^^^*

tfaUaBaHMaaV AiaJiaV a*J)av

WaatWili • i f a w * i #Tia^

forkers In Show

assistant pastor will .present these guests': MW« Alice Jensen, Girl Scout Sleld Director and Mrs. C^tHtad Decker. Girl Scout Cora-1 tnlaUjtewr. ^ •• -.

A BXiit PP" ceremony will %• held fite S Brownie* symbolic of Shefr; approach' to* GM-Scoutlhg, >Yr«. Robert. JMalimsy fcJeMei:

made by JUfe Jensen. Tl»**Curt*c¥Bsr^ h ighes t

award Jtn,GM Scouting -wJiroe«0| .preiented- by 1J^KDec|a* tt- Ve¥ oecaaiu^, s««nbet»--<)tGirlScout5Hwp#,,; ^Attm^omli

la Glen Cemetery Mf •axiBaaaTAan jBaax^aiJLiflU -. Watkbaa Gkat — A Requkm

Mali ^ * a heM % ' St. Mary1* .Ce?o|HWSr jb*;Bridajr^fcjr.306% Memorial l a y to hoooc the dead etpedally the aoldiera buried in

mj^m^^^S^i *%i m^^otmmtrA » liia^v.waW'-Ref., _"Jlemu|c4' -A.: Klowann, patter. Approxhttaitly

, uaT"-yolrt'i |:-Ai"i3plBte& :axe; trying to ndifc lunds in order tfr' MEitct M a t P ^ ^ ' ^ - i n ^ ^ ^ lettenfc-s£ojiiM&-,-^;| . our pariah, rjecareatiOQ jprogrun tot tfo- tSiSmiti :wtt agers^ * •'

the repoae of tbe «oulj)f Saauel

were ordataedon June XI, 1927, will each mark a total of Nine Thousand O n e Hundred and Thirty-One Days in the Holy Priesthood on t h e Silver Ann"-

years may be Silver but surely, the days a r e Golden

1907, as ydu present your statistics.

» f . RETR6SPECJ!, h& wffl heap t h e > p r d s ( o J the Apostolic

versary ol that day. And so, the $*&§<$#> "T^Ouare a priest for--Uver b y tradition W * 7 ™ remember th&. first

in t h e annals o f Heaven a n d of earth. ' /

StatlsUcs are seldom interest-, lftg because often they aif j ^ sehted in a»rtopbitag>array to ilttgotse the oinlssloB* & wMch brganlzations. parishes and in­dividuals are guilty. But, as(., there Is a n eisrtptiaa* to etfery

o f this group, B4wnfe Pendants irute, so also, {t la with this. «W be, jstesenttdVto aU numbers I 0 n e defiiitloii of J*tatis#* fthe Of the .two Brownie Troops and riyster|iaUe complfittQa of In-.GM Scout Baug«s wJU also b W a f t c e f6r the tntereneeof sen-*^-—•• yresehtations ^ill l K f ^ r l r a i i t s * - ^ mTgTir well be

j^osen toy thoie who are honored as th^^rMcieri"* at the Masses

Tneleaderftjr-'tid* g^ni^la;ji&*

ivint* for these Sll-

glorious privijegi the-Cod. Man from

Masses, the »bf bringing

place in

S ^ n f f S S S n S ^ t P S e s ^ C l u ^ i t ^ S& S ^ l f t u s E ^ • '«» beginning- of S a sn^rtl- . . . . , . •Wtt, laajr^anftmusiCf . cal accounting, Cleaely related^hood by sSven and arrive at

blessing of his Mother and Dad, when iveryone was crying be­cause? hearts were full- ot hap. pines*, Gratitude too. will come t o t h * dfewgfound j n his think-ingf'as>h«> remembers the mother, Whop* 1JA& led him through boy* hood dream? t o , t h e Altar of GOoWand al l those dear ones 'whole sacrifices made the great Tferjr possible.

H i s first Mass >•— and the words "This i s m y Body" a s his fingers trembled and awe en-gul led him. Emblazoned across the altar h e seemed to s e e the words , "Thjs Is God to my hands, t h e God I brought down Heaven, t h e God I^riU % the'tongues- of m y loved

Al l these thoughts and- m e m orles and rnany more.wiJLbe to t h e hearts o f the SSvcr Jubflar-ians these anniversary days. Sta-tistlc* are not meaningless as y o u multiply t h e days of priest-

U - Jm. '-y^'ms* • f% , would be ther-atartilng; r o w o f

15 From Area QBX feures*tt tt **» p°^bie to

mi -«k' wr *% l^ttfet yd&g- aica :fejen* the

Mm*i ofjS^e^te^receJved ie-*&m, &om the, Cteivtarsity of

compute the number o£ times, vhea the'Sacred Host* -ware dis­tributed to the faithful.

And then, Jubilee Preach ydu could consider> the total ber.;OJL»ern«m»jr tfee tidBidns of

l?dM JDWne at;-the-107th Com< inenc^^t'Ejtercfees hed*''Stm-day 0t. -w(*» rDa»e- caiupHs, -GraduattsJtofc-v ^Jt6(3^eS'>^'^!««- .ft* *%!*&>

«po«V - & & Wm £ jFmcrestai,, '3aV£i <SMAts«: GeraW E.-3t*)cht, •JEkSJi; m ,CwtntterceV^ptpp %, . r|*Biitt,-B,S. te Phy^cs; Anthony : I*. Bpaao,';B.S, in Mcch. Sng.; pierc^J lT«ier a . Skeret^ B. Aero-*- Ehg,j -¥lctbr tf. B.'A; B k i u d i. WoUel ttAerd.3prg.., •• / V *.. \ , Auburn, Iiconard JEf Killan, '%$* ih'1^fih.f eeneya^fternard ~ " v * *"" "' $oim»ercef

jparto of our reefbife... . . . •• Continuing your classlflcaBon

of jfectf, even ydu as a Priest, -Wffl oe jn ia^ i as $m try Jo-flguft^tBapU»«tt% CarflessMte, Marriages aiidE«eeenii*» tlheaon.

X0U*Wo«ad see — each Priest " jabiiayiatt, tfcttag % *ouf at

m& &1S. MifaJ#jfa^'&tJfc ranoving

5 - T

dustry, E r n e s t . E , %&i Ithaca, Peter X.

r,L A.; Palmyra, Bobcat B. B,S»ia Commerce. 1" "

•X-Jlmmh Jlngl* Scys;

T h i j h o p p a n j "

• • > , " - • '

-•• s ' • : - • •

• : i • • : . " .

- I . > .- »» l , f J <l


• », l«' l l l l«, l^»<.<^.MIi^a, '>J',»'


l l l i l K»/.i:

ma '"C.'.f..-

! 56ft H MAIN ST ,* ELMIRA.KY.

T a V p l W ' W a^Tfc ftl l H a l l R p W p a f c w a r «

^a '^P 'a js^awWapa^p^aS^F •••> JflaJv^a^iaapa JIPW^WP w|pHal Xv»flU^ftt iy$

^ . - ..»,. ,. , .ij..^.,.r t • . .I- t j j^M^. .1,,,. » - • > . > » —"if-i if iir i » ; . « » »„, ^ni, J,,j


•^p^f awa^^ay, ^p*-t- - tat , 1W'

aaMy AMpv^wiaJli

j * ^ ^ ^ _ ^ b ^^^taMu^^^^^i^^^M, aaaVftaa^

.f!^.P,f**"•'*!??. - :*—«»!«•»»»..<.' L .lLi,.^ Pi iaW'#PWa^'«a*#p>'#*iMiWMi'i l i i<aiawjp* w*i(W»JmiialP ; * _-». * „ . ._ * ^ - ^ l l a m i j | W A t i r l u t f ' *»WftMie4.^S

M v y l v« Iff allXIIIf ; .A~mMMm CA^^, & v ,


•«• m«dijmfct I


, ^ ib ly . I n loving 1 giving, should not .each and everyejie OJTUSK whether o r not w e are personally close to these Jubilarians, jofo ^ i t h them In

wards, fallfaijf Irom priesjfly Hos >tbe , beautiful. Co; and. springing; from^the msp.ira> tion of, the Holy Spirit, m a n y of whfchv icii on goM soli and bor? jM«a,& tftoujtlM ioM-Perhaps, o» .the sujblwt bf.Avords^ you way* his© a ,#ifetsurlag sttck, Joe te^mt^.thit wo,Qld,reprc-sen^athe Jioura- wlih, coftvgris.

Intimate ibpet, in our gehool

throUgh-dodu^staia of orig inal sfa b&ih those- Souls and standing b? as.Hfe becomes con­fused " anT*' the Sacrament of Penance' i* needed, You watch

l!unt'a*be.«nite* ^""ff ***% -"^ Iwotofn te Hol^ Matrimony and |then^nlme.thr*sh6ld of eternity, as be .atiaqlef souiafor thehr last -B t t t in .^ l i e i^^ fea t&J tu j^ a««ifc -'-im: J»v other flwughts,

.^w^a^vi|^ i;.Wiir/.bri|g i^t ;

Joh'n Burns w a s a most con­vincing Costello, with Dan Kelly as AWwtt. Shirley Kinney, Mar­gie Q'&eary, Regina Schlefen, Dotty Woods and And Scanlin favored us. witti their Veralon of "Staging in t h e Rain." Martin and Lewis were portrayed h y Ed Casey and Mike Cogswell.

"WITH A SONG In My Heart" proved the vocal ability d f Re-gina Schlefen, Madonna JVatte and Hita Dooley. "Malls" McFar> land and hla Carpet Tacks; Mike Cogswell, George Cassldy, John Dwyer, John Earley. Bin y » . dyke. Bob Hutbert, John X.ynch, Don Morgan, Willie Minch, Ton? Tiemey. Mike Cogswell, and Tom lleidy, brought the hbuse down with their band.

w p l i e Mbich and Don Morgan were twe* convincing darky boys in "Dusty 'and Shadow." Mary

tfoann Briggs, Mary Farrcll< Ariene Miles, R i ta Podjesld ami Helen Stermer favored us wit i t %ld t a m p Lighter." "Was It Wofth It," a comedy act, BtaTjred/ Pat Mayshak a n d Hugh McFar{ land. Teresa Carozsp, Kathleen; Morgan and Arleiie Rifles sangc" "Serenade of the Bells." £ —The-Class- ff *§sr~&wg-'Wwtl>.«,.. is the Hour"' followed by "Ave!, " Marie, O Maiden,76"Mother'' and!*- . the "Alma Mater," sung by the| ^ entire students' Ibodv. T h e assem. S '** s

Three, Thousajid, Wine " Seventeen Days, &e His

M Prfayer, Pray that eia* DJvfae S a v o u r will rencW His I $ $ Q Di­vine In each Priestly soul and att«ngthen them for. the years; t©> corne., .,

Were we to search through ehdle$s page% ft is .certain that 'we could not find more appro­priate words than those of S t

Ofeav the l o n t ^ ^ s i b a g a t e # e Ausustiife. Words tha't trilght bfr Chosen as a climax for statistics by each of our jubilarians and by us in our prayers for them. 7*

"Breathe in m 4 O fibty! Spirit, thai my thoughts may be holy1' —in these days so close'to the Feast oi Pentecost "Act in me* O Holy Spirit, that my worJc, too, may be holy"—that aiy patience; may -be eTpJes* arid ljke td .•Thfiie, ^<Draw my' heart —• Sfrenghen me, O Holy Spirit — rird rnf?'' — noiv and plway,

long ait^oU leave* me on thi* earthv-That on the "day o f - m / Golden Jubilee,—i'Iv always may •'be^holy^ • J : ; i •

o-' Trapplatlae Sjater

Iflalhthc tfyja,3 ^Ban-t-tNC)*-.Joililr, Sfefadeieihe Bonhomm^, w h o ' ' * f t r v ^ : a * 1 ^ Abbess of &0 -tiappisahe. consent" tii UoV

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mM&tJ*&gM%: *-*irv.;c.irtrAaT«ocAK, '/'__ - r"'lNHMitf-' - •* • v -

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THQHt %M%% • » » « ' « » t w i ' M i n n mm •••••»»


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KNAPP'S Depdrfniffrt* Stem


K» CoiAttlOfll fa 9011 C L A R K **- A t&miBt ****** **-/*«#* \ 0 B # »f At latgHi Smto *f Att*

«&m* «fewr wilt****** *****?»***?" • *»t^ *«»««* « M*w fmk Sfafaf #da* mmr "in *^«*M ?** de*n w* SMti»m* m Rtiiorttion tFmm wv y **®*®m »»*•**' rww^m

J»IJI)I)> »r»n I r it f'"1"™ »**n*Mit I . . - » • • ! . . , „«,m «,,»!,• mtiiiiinn mini « . , ,

John H. Murray ! LUCKNER •V SON RJNilAI SiftVICE

• > Pfdy fhaliiory For Wofid facte* KncourOB* Othar* to Join With You


mmm •f(P


Cya KnuavlaaUatu by


tww Eyts Dtifrvt Tfii lit!

CtmnH Us fir Yttr

• 110-M2 a GRAY ST.

Dial 6720 Elmira


The assem-entire student bly elosed w8h.W^few_ words' f r o m our' prijfcipal, Father Burns. - '

The ^Jiiniors^expressecl ttielr thanks to Sister Amadeus for her Untiring efforts in helping to make Junior Day a success.

,—o 1 Forty Hours Forty H o w s devotions will be

held In the following churches Of the Diocese o f Rochester: •

Sunday, ^Jtme 8—Stanley, St. Rita, Webster.


I G \

Go /ivtil

'clzinj ,;%fiw ^Jln 4

' Slate "/'.LOVl '< .anoU i.'a Ion

: )that 'ft their '* mak«




Stop smoking!

: meujcally formulated


Cut down smoking or breok lha hoblt complataly wilh tht aid of END-KAB lozangt i . Sqf#, ti1f*dk», racommtn dad by physicians.

JPHARMACY Ptascripfion OafWary Strvica

So. Miia md Hadtoti Strcit*

Elmlro, N .Y .




414-416 CARROLl ST. ELMIRA, N.Y. ^

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DAIRY PRODUCTS «^3--305 k i t e 5tteet

St. Ignatias Loyola Church f i l to) ' ' ' "•

' ''' ' i CrijtT) «ml W»H J»in» Street,

& Hollind'i SCHIS fr p, JA;:


m N E B U R G t GLEASON Ml « . to St. ; , , , He*Mll. « . r.

Aienoy C^ham GoW^tripe

uvi nu uriQicttv WJ^BURO a'OtrJitltfN IMC?.. < , |

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.stiiiiiii>- *•'*•-: TRUST COMPANY I



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