illegal migration. italian coast guard rescues 200 eritrean refugees november 23, 2009


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Italian coast guard rescues 200 Eritrean refugees November 23, 2009

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Van Flips and 28 Illegal Immigrants Jump Out

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The image of 27 desperate migrants hanging from a trawler net

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For two days, the men had been forced to hold on to an 18in walkway around the top of the net after their own dilapidated wooden dinghy had sunk off the Libyan coast. None could swim, they had virtually no food or water and when they were eventually rescued by the Italian navy after their perilous nine-day crossing, the men were within hours of death.

In interviews for a forthcoming Panorama documentary, the five men, all aged 18 to 23 and from Ghana, Niger and Nigeria, tell how they left their families and their livelihoods behind in order to forge a new life in Europe. They paid $1,000 (£500) each to a gang of people traffickers and congregated at a meeting place on the Libyan coast. But instead of the large, metal ferry they had been expecting, they were led down the beach to a small wooden dinghy and told to get in.

On the seventh day of their crossing, the men spotted a Maltese commercial fishing trawler, but the captain refused to take them on board, fearing a change in course could jeopardise his lucrative catch.

Yet as the migrants' boat started taking on water, they were left with no choice but to lunge for a huge fishing net towed behind the trawler

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After two days on the net, 80 miles out to sea and ignored by the boat's captain, their hopes began to fade.

In the end an Italian naval vessel that was in the area by chance dispatched a helicopter to pick them up. The Italian government, aware of the extreme adversity the men had experienced, granted all 27 one-year 'humanitarian status' which enables them to stay in the country, but none of them can speak the language and they have found it impossible to find regular work.Approximately 30,000 African boat people enter Italy each year but - like the tuna net migrants - few of them speak the language and 80 per cent of them are believed to make their way to France or the UK.For the 27 tuna net refugees, they might have made it across the Mediterranean but they are still, in many ways, cast adrift in unfamiliar territory.Up to 10,000 people are believed to have drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean from Africa in the past five years.

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TORONTO, Ont. - The Canada Border Services Agency has called it an "unbelievable case of concealment", after an Asian man managed to get on an Air Canada flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver disguised as an elderly, white man.

On October 29, the man came boarded flight AC018 wearing a silicone face and neck mask, glasses, brown pants and a cardigan. Although Air Canada staff noticed his young looking hands, they did not ask for photo ID at the boarding gate. All he showed was an Aeroplan card and a boarding pass.

His disguise was revealed when he went to a washroom on the plane mid-flight, and came out as himself.

A former CSIS intelligence officer told CTV the man most likely went through the more elaborate security checkpoints using his own identification.

"It's only when it came to the last stage before boarding, that he probably met his accomplice, swiped the boarding pass, went to the washroom, put (on) his disguise and then show the boarding (pass)," he said.

"We did not ask for photo ID, and this is (a) basic procedure, this is the regulation."

The officer also told CTV that this illustrated a major security breach.

"The terrorists are anybody who wants to board a plane illegally, can come out with new ideas and new perspectives," he said.

There is word that the Asian man was seeking refuge in Canada. He has not been identified at this time.

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World Net Migration Rates

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•Illegal migration -->the movement of people into a country without following its immigration laws and procedures

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How to enter Canada Legally1. Skilled worker & profession -

arranged employment or skilled worker with at least 1 year experience in one of the occupation Approved occupations

(, Proof of funds (,

2. Score 67 points on 6 selection factor point system (

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How to enter Canada Legally3. Quebec-selected skilled worker

Immigrate to Quebec

4. Canadian Experience Class - temporary foreign worker with at least 2 years of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada or foreign graduate from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least 1 year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada

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How to enter Canada Legally5. Investors, entrepreneurs and

self‑employed persons - all must show 2 years experience

Investor with net worth of at least $800,000 and willing to invest at least $400,000 in Cdn. economy

Entrepreneurs - worth at least $300,000 and willing and able to contribute to Cdn. economy (create jobs)

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How to enter Canada Legally

6. Self-employed - relevant experience to contribute to cultural and athletic life of Canada or purchase and manage a farm.

Only required to score 35 out of 100 (5 factor selection process

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How to enter Canada Legally7. Provincial Nominee - Most provinces in

Canada have an agreement with the gov’t of Canada - allows them to nominate immigrants who wish to settle in that province

Provincial nominee must first apply to the province where he/she wishes to settle and complete its provincial nomination process

The province will consider your application based on its immigration needs and your genuine intention to settle there

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How to enter Canada Legally8. Family Sponsor - one can sponsor spouse,

common-law partner, conjugal partner, dependent child (including adopted child) or other eligible relative (such as a parent or grandparent) to become a permanent resident

Financial responsibility - spouse and dependents over 22 years old 3 years

Any other relative and dependents under 22 years (until 25) old 10 years

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How to enter Canada Legally9. Refugee - must show the government

of Canada a person fears persecution or whose removal from Canada would subject them to a danger of torture, a risk to their life or a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment due to race, religion, political opinion, nationality or membership in a particular social group, such as women or people of a particular sexual orientation

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Who is Canada looking for?

What is Canada’s Cultural Identity?

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How to enter U.S. Legally

A green card holder (also called an immigrant and a "lawful permanent resident") is a foreign national who has been granted the privilege of living and working permanently in the United States

Green card - refers to the official card issued by the US government to lawful permanent residents (immigrants) as evidence of their authorization to live and work in the United States

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How to enter U.S. LegallyOfficially called Form I-551, the Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien Registration Receipt Card)

It is called the Green Card because of the original color of the card many years ago

Represents security to its holder- instantly communicates to law enforcement officials and US employers the right to permanently live and work in the United States

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1.Employment Immigrant Green Cards - permanent employment opportunity in the United States (Employment based immigration)

There are five categories of employment-based immigration Green Cards

1st Preference - top of field (Prize winners)

• Extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics

• Outstanding professors and researchers• Certain multinational executives and


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2nd Preference EB-2 - Green card for degrees, sciences, arts, business

• Members of the professions holding advanced degrees or their equivalent

• Exceptional ability in the sciences, arts or business

3rd Preference EB-3 - Green card for Professionals or skilled workers

• Professionals with a baccalaureate degree (not qualifying for a higher preference category)

• Skilled workers (minimum two years training and experience)

• Other workers (requiring less than two years' training or experience)

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4th Preference - Green card for special immigrants• Certain overseas employees of

the U.S. Government• Former employees of the Panama

Canal Company• Retired employees of

international organizations• Certain dependents of

international organization employees

• Certain members of the U.S. Armed Forces

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5th Preference - Green card for investment immigration

• Create employment for @ least 10 worker-authorized employees (not individual or relatives)

• capital investment must be $1,000,000 in high employment areas and $500,000 in targeted employment areas(rural areas and areas with unemployment rate 150% that of national average)

• capital may include cash, equipment, inventory, other tangible property, and easily convertible cash equivalents.

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2. Green Card Lottery - Each year, 50,000 immigrant visas (green cards) are made available through a lottery to people who come from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States

None of these visas (Green Cards) are available for people who come from countries that have sent more than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the past five years

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Visa through the Diversity Visa Lottery Program - obtain green card and be authorized to live and work permanently in the United States & also be allowed to bring your wife or husband and any unmarried children under the age of 21

Qualifying countries

Eligibility Quiz

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3. Family Immigration Green Cards - can obtain a Green Card and become a lawful permanent resident based on the fact that you have a relative who is a citizen of the United States or a relative who has a Green Card (is a lawful permanent resident) and is willing to sponsor you for a Green Card

Your relative must prove they can support you by providing proof that their income is at least 125% > U.S. poverty level for their household size, including you and all other sponsored family members

Husband or wife;Child under 21 years old;Unmarried son or daughter over 21;Married son or daughter of any age;Brother or sister if person is at least 21 years old; orParents if person is at least 21 years old

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4. Refugee • Is of special humanitarian concern to the United

States• Person must be located outside of the United

States• Must demonstrate that they were persecuted or

fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group

• Is not firmly resettled in another country and is admissible to the United States

• A refugee does not include anyone who ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion

• case may include spouse, child (unmarried and under 21 years of age), and in some limited circumstances, other family members

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