iloto-day. paoets. the richmond · 2017-12-18 · ilo paoets. to-day. the richmond hispa f1so-l...

IlO PAOEtS. TO-DAY. THE RICHMOND HISPA f1SO-l WHOLR NUMBER, 12,883. RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY. APRIL 5. 1891. =«li_^n»_Ì _Y)_rjfVt¡S - 6*&> &18*t>CUtZ If jon are intereeted in Presa Qooda . you'll enjoy a glance at tho lire«« Goode coun¬ ter just now. We never saw it more winsome. Whether it la¬ the dressy woollen ma¬ terials or the Wash Drees Fattrice, the story la the same . that is, each cut¬ ting of pricee «or seen r.!yli»h materials ao early m the 1 lie*«« random chooairjge giro a I ol prices : t ilfs-k Plaid All-Wool Material», >,.»-. wide. In all th·» d-etrabl· colore, for a ., trd -tii-ual pries» to 50. ; ·. ly «lr-rant-appfiating Wiry French .inali tti»- licht and medium »had·* of i»i». gray, and gr»*_, 4(1 lnche· wide, at 60c » yard llaity «x««,iil«lte-hade» and texture of - Intob Henrietta* *t 86c a yard. .1 prlcotl; tka for your Bla**«**, Reefer«, or Spring in every onlor, 44 In· he» wide, 81 a .·.' lnche« wldo, 81.25 a yarj ; »illy Imported Urea» Patterà* at 88.50 t». «??.ß?, worth nm· half much more; 0 Drtsa Pattern« of Mixed and Chocked ·¦:·.usual value 8.r>; '. nnd t-'-T.'» lire** Pattern»of chtvkeci ...lied very light color Cheviot» are worth Almost a hnndrod pieces of little- 1 Dress Goods.that is, 10 and '¿5c. a raid, including atyloa ot l'Initia and Stripes in douhlo width material t the samo patterns as the 50 and . uiiiteriala. 1 el»tc-t-teplngrr>athnn*aln»ar*thef»atlne·". ufi» «iifferrni na*tir«·* and »trip««· aad colors'k. navy line, n-.l, garnet, nn« brown ground* with whit* and cokted tlk'iiri'S, the Id.BtlOBl .,'i/illly that hae alway» f..r -it)«. a yard.aelllng hero now for .W, * jard; A ossee! d.-ilntlly-beautlfal Pre** Mull», dainty In thin..<·.«*, dainty In color·and Otturc«, lieht .-roin.l» will, ??,,??? and dark figure», 8.TB with licht figure·.worth »ei.tiig if you dou't want to buy.Ju*t 12)4/·. a y aid ; Cr»am lire»»* Battete, % of a wide, with bold, colored nobby figure*, ¦liffor.-nt ci.lore, worth a Btf Bftta her* . a yard; IdOlovee; Marguerite a^t^atVftV- t5»r> «^5%4*?4~£ A m«e of Mght Shirt! prim» »riling her· for « '.r Cent«mer! Kid Olovee: Marguerite rea rrÍ^*t*v-*d'Í0*it 7^»te\Aj from onr «iront m New . ork tell as that New York müliner« ar-cept Tiassl and Jewelled ¦f* msBi« Bonnet Deco- W^-^fii ^V ration« aa the ¡, ¿?». _tJ2_A.^V* -.adine* effects for this season. Our showing of these things both in the rmtL-rns and «eparate trim¬ mings should be positive proof of the latones« «if «.ur » W i t h the asnal taking of order« and the selling of ntitriramed Hats, Flower«, dmamont», end Trimminirs the milli¬ nery-room will have a special sale this week. About 50 rnttern Hat» thai were trlrn-Tied for onr onenlnc to sell from «5 to «10 merely «waitfnit r-'ir «election at «-.'.Or», «a.uu, «4.0», and «5.00 each. For freo Jislrilm- tion thi« week . · Mme. Demorest's Monitor of Faeh- ion« " for May, dt- vot'tl to illustra tion« and descrip tions of tbo Lest and Ihtobt fashion- able desiirns. Come and get a copy. If· are areni« f«.r Pattern.··«, Ihe only reliable perl,«-t-nttlns pal- lerna. We are ««ent» for D«more»t Sewlnu-Machlne«» at . li)..">0; come and see It; y«.u may »ave «li.», if you lire ?«.Ini; lo )>uy ? machino; " Mine. Domoreet'« Portfolio and Whut to Wear," «peclal prli-e IB·, a <*opy. Are you attending to the mon'» ward· robe? Don't let them go out nnd buy their Undo rw ear, ¡Shirt«, Tiee, and th· liko anywhere and everywhere. Show this advertieement to them. Those few item« alone may convince them where it always to ¿their interest to buy. 1,000 pair of Beamier» Sort», itolld black, each pair »tnmp««l with a (tuaranteo from the maker that they won't «tain the feet or turn Is the iiMiial pilce.oar prloe 1.1c. n, pair ; Metal-Tipped Eln«tlo Pospenrter«, with drawer» »tipixirtoi-, ««»lid white t»r <»l«Ti»f««l.35c. is II..- imual price -our price 15c a pair; Flo-i-iiii»-F.ieI nek Beanti »Ilk« ami Flannel». I- -la e.,l,,r« aii'l cream while», hundred·» of (liff'-reiit Btylfl·.aelUn« new three for 25c. when tho«n ar* ion« yon may pay Ha each for their duplicato»; Llght-Weluht Merino Shirt*, woven French n«v-k», 50?. each ; UgkwWflifBt All-wool Shirt«, pore white or Cray, woven French peck«, «1 «»ach. Aitent« for Mme. Deinore»t'» Paper Pattern»; Demoreat'e Sew In «-? achine at «10.50. 77lr^&tíJ-t?iz*> tpT&A&txcC Mm». I),'m.r<*»t'» Paper 1?li__YAi*y-6&_p7_?Aoac£ Hare yon no.ioed how often onr ad- vMsi-tements talk ahont Spr i Dg We i gh t Blazers and Itoefers for ladiea and children? The reason ia that almost every day a o m e new bar gain ia placed for aale, aa spring wraps are now con- s i d e r o d a j^ necessity. ^g Here ara Home of the pecials : Ladt**' Reefer Jacket», ttght-atttog back», double row of large pearl button·, elegant quality of tan or black English broadcloth. worth 87.60.««pedal prie· 81-60 ; Totin·* Ladle·' and Mle-e»' Ten and fir*y Mixed Tailor-Mad« Blazer», new »hape, round end·.worth 87.*?ß<1t.1 prie« 85 : Pam* to Tan Broad-loth-worth 86.50-*p*e1al prie* 84 ; LaAle*· Navy-Blue Plagnnal Bieter·», gilt cord¬ ed.worth 810.«jiectalpriée 8"."01 Ladle»' Tallor-Made Dlack Diagonal Reefer Jacket*, with tab·.worth 812.-pedal prit»* ß8.."»0 ; Ladles' and Mie»*»' Reefer .ïacxete of *oft-flnt»h, rough-appearing Tan and Gray Cheviot» for 87.60 , Children'· Navy-Blue Reefer« for four, »It, eight, ten, and twelve year» of age at 81.36, 81.75, 82.50, 84, and 84.08. Continuing the «reat sale of Glove- Fitting Jerseys there will be o (Te red thia week : All-Wool French Cloth Black Jerseys, perfoct- flttlng, with black braided vest·, that ar· worth* price 75c for any »Ire. 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,42, 44, buat nieaaure ; Fine« of All-Wool Black French Cloth Jersey*, with lapped tailor Beam», aonie »tending and turned d.rwn-oollar», nome reefer style, Mme lapel», Bom· vest front, aome braided.worth from 82 to $3.tbe price 81.50 each. Ilere are «tapie article» that every lady will need eooner or later. You can depend on their »oiling very fast, bo come to see them soon *a possible. Agent» for Royal Statole»* Black Ho·* for gentlemen, ladles, and children. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. New attraction» are «hown In onr MILLINERY PARLORS daily. Each day during the «««aeon Is OPENINO-DAT with this house. Th» I«.»»*»» fore« of modl«te« employed here are constantly producing new and unique Ideas in «hado« and «tyln« ot trimming. lland-inade Shape« receive much attention, and they are formed on Idea« exclu«lvo with this bouse, you will not find tbem duplicated »¡.««'whore. Tbe »amo rich material which compose» the Imported Hate u»i»d and arranged In the most attractive form, and If the foreign ticket« were placed on these Ila.« produoed by our Modiste» you would not th._ of disputing their being Imported. The only noticeable dif¬ ference is tbe price, which Juet about bali. · Another Shipment of Holy Spring1 Jackets, Reefers, and Blazers «»»» opened up on Friday. I-adloa can And a fnllvnrlety of size«, style» and color» now for themselves as well as for children. Onr stock of ?????? for Children was never as attractive at tin» present time. Special Offering..Cloaks and Capes for Children. One lot BOUND MTTI.L CAPS, 10c. ; one lot OFEN-WORK MULI. CAPS, I.V. ; one lot 3-P1ECB EMBROIDERED MULL CAPS, 23.*. ; one !·-: G??? SU is* ?? ?? ? TH* CAPS, 25c; one lot EMI1R0IDERED 3-PIECE CAPS-good quality, 38c; one lot KMRKOIDKKKD AM) S1III.RKD k"«"1 quality, «He; one lot ORIENTAL LACE CAPS, Ma Finer grade MULL AND LACE CAP.« all iimrked at attractive price« during this ««rtlo. We nino «how an elegant line of high-grade novelties In exclusive etyloe lu CAPS AND 8???????) HATS. 1ONOCASHMERE INFANTS* CLOAKS, Cream and Tan Embroidered Cape«, «1.60; «ame »tylo with EMBROIDERED SKIRT AND -, I !. 11.',.'». ; ?«««! quality CASHMERE CLOAKS, Embroidered Cape and Skirt.usual price «3.for this «ale, «.j.-rO ; fine I.OSO AND SHOUT « \SIlMr.LK CLOAKS· nome made plain, others Embroidered ta both Tan and Cream, price «3; flrmr grade» In INFANTS'CLOAKS at «4, *.., «T.'.O, «10, and $15. All new desiane and choice patterns ; SIIORT CLOAKS In Light-Weight Scotch Flannols, 811k. and Cashmere, In all eizM and style·. ? G Its W ca l'S AN D APRONS In endlbss variety of styles and prices. ?? RASOI. COVERS ior Baby-Carriages In Ecrue and Cream I see, .hown In many styles and prices ranging trout '¿bo. to «5. KAUFMANN & CO., 4oi east broad st. __- ¦_- 303___ ? ROAD «TIT MEXTCCRia WE ARE SURE THAT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY CARPETS. DOING YOUR SHOPPING HERE. MATTINGS. RUGS. ««_, »__?___·???^^ DRESS GOO-t8.-_a^&«>t_-__ ____XtStíSi3S [worth 81* yard« Thi. we k lb. 8G??????? »nJ^most. BAB ?-CAB . 1 · 10 more pieces Just received of the GRAT and TAN ALL- ?G????????-? inches wtde-sJOc- a yard; all the new 1KB Mia» ? ?·¦· ..vutc-rr A _4,1 inches «.»?. -at BOc worth 760.; *_^.?__£ woolTH-ATHÍHt««..· SSsRlETTA-lö___*.^wld*-al 85- .Blue, and other '»^¡,'^ Aad*. and BI^CK MLB LVh -??? ^^J^" our Black (Joods D«v .---._-wàww^iABN_T-1ffi .Vü-ÍwaÍB'we'AeaBeS^ ^inch-wide URNRIETTAat 81 ''li,Y'md?ii¿!B.mA^ír«Ii^ .._ rm*aÄ«onmn,t Ses; China. Sta Mattiasaal St-G* yard; 40* Matting* at üóc a yartLVJe iïïSnt to ¿ave you money ou th*»· geoda Ba.m-nteof Matting to b«>clo**d oat cheap. "LAPIKS'MCSMN UK_«__W_AR.-«^**nh»», «2V· ¿-»were, aso. ; Skirt*. 60a ; Gown*. 60c. ; OaVnaSut.¿Gß?*·. worth 81; (iarmenU at 80c. worth 81-g5-_, CHINA ML-«.all and o-ora-d??. a yard. ltil» week Ihe SI ,mAr?P\ »î_; . .-«G to.-luge-wlll be »old »? 70?. · y*ra._ 1··?, iK\; a ,«_ ... ntalulug 24 «sheet* of faper and 24 ; «OOP HWANBlDOWN, be. · box ; »·" «..._»_. vurruHB- ':;.,, s. ............ MKvs KL> BlllRTB-tB* Baal Mo. B-lrt «ii*-*__apea ou twos- ^T^efùjë K_.NAlLB,e for fi«.; WtTLBB- .a yard. , , Nir-RHIn ?a, ntta «UERKll BUIRTa-tae ··'·> -3* ______[ ?, l'otte Doi, 88-a yard; -}«'»-"??*a! ? and Btrtp-d HUk N<*U«¡6 wartb 8J, m d?£ WAC., 76«^LJ»^-4^8J:PH. ISAAC SYCLE & CO.. « ritorti «mom au ^,, ·>**_* ltük». H«* 8*t>*r_eca KP«*·. BSVSa-T B-tTBB. LYONS. SLâTER * MONTAGUE, ATTORN «TB AKD 00?»?__?>?· AT LAW, NOTA-1-8 PUBLIC, a-csalte.-t.a_af·«'· -*_a-a_.T*-«l» sadM-M, BAB I ?I « (VI_u san. We had an enormous «ale on Baby-Carriage* during the part week. Extremely low prie«* and pretty .tytc* caused It. Tb* prie· .tart* at THBBE-NINKTY. 8100. 83.H0. 83.90. A ,..·. sot 1 IM.K-TIIRRAlï and _AKKKTA « i,i^-kandColocsJd--tA*l»ri»*a*«»%rt«at 10 a pair. .___--_- . _J_f -iron« Rattan Carriage (not .Alllow), KMBBÔlbWfTWlp, «^^DRA. s\Apria?*a«ï ß»_« g*fi SfcariCÎ fAavttTiaîfï ¿e. V^^Ä ? -«.Çrriaae. ?-- fe« «.¦itami··.·· «- -*>---» -* *··»···' aepBa ?? Bea our 88 Carriage. Sea our 80.50 Cantag¬ li·-· i* a description of our 810 Carriage-a new* .tylo: It of a fln* quality Rattan, and ha* round arm aud head ecroU* closely wound with Cane and Silk Plash end·; upholstered in Qneet Bilk l', any color. Batto Varaaol to roaU-h; .pringa, axle·, and all Iron-work nicely plated. Hex* a dea-riptk·« of our 813.50 «'arrias*·: Very bandeo.te *aroll body ot flne»t Rattan wound with Cane, curved front, with whoat- g-uard»: extra quality «pringa; uphvlsterad la bs**t Silk )'lu»h, either froUd «Kdoreorcom btoatlon potou; Bn· Malin Parasol, wl'.h Iseo edge.a J grand Carriage in every reepsvt. Keinem ber, ] we have Carriage* from 83.SH) to 840. Any«»tor8CllAH 8ILK-w_rranted aUSllk- 87>»o.ayard._ --r-r-rr -??«·.??ß~?«.·, · lot of BUSTLES wortB 10, 16, j>0 26, and 35c.your choice lOc._ SaBY-cAJ__AUB~PAH_-«I^OVER8, 26c au G?p?· «?-???Gß BOLLO BLACK CALI- fòfcS 6c; sfatPSON-S BLACK FIUUKBD CAL- 1CO-8, e>tt\c_- - NOTE LOCATION. win p-mttia* ta aB aaate aad Patte« Niâtes atait» «y-B«P_k*eBaattv bb_aO--_ mHE EDPCATIOMAI-_ RICHMOND SCHOOL OF BTENCWRAFH«. ary l«hatei»^R^\-raÄ. crupal, of as-stanta. *^___?_ß_ uug-t »» sss-t SSSgnsA^^ B-rryappacw««« to.»__-_s^_»_er ê*-**~ <"» w Copying ef *T**F__BJ^»-4t_i*4aBert piGABfl! ClOABSl Wehav· niArt-reeelved a large V* ot UON^- nEAD 1NV1NC1BL1 CIQ-JÄ Thta la a 16- or^fw-SS^eata quality and w* offer them to our friwAl» for t_a a·« van day*at th. low price frfaa«p«»»lt0-85deM* T»e>'»r,Pu,a-> *f\s2F^^ ·* *'-r tak* advantaa* and jj-iA-ta*· tama, tAtij .M^^4USn__eTaU__31ta«*0r^ ß?%? UMaaatMaXut.' We doubt if there a lady «bo . tore that woald tak« the trouble to make an Apron. Tbe price at which .ell Apron« wonld hardly ¦^ repay your tTonble. «A «patdal lot of f»ill-«i«e Apron» of Whit* India Linon, tacked with embroidery lV>unc»s h<* nme.1 ii'.wn the «dee, ird hemmed «t'Inr«; »irto, full-!»« tti'-li.d Black Indi» Lln»jn Aprons at lUc, each worth 35 to 40c ; Black Drawn-Threa.l India Unen Aprons, full size, 40c., each from 75c ; Fine Black Sattetn Aproias, wide be« and pockets, 49c Yon don't want to go to thr» tronble of making your summer Inilerskirt when jou «can set* it ready made «t such pnces Solid Oray st We. ; ¦.l. Black, an t Oray, 75e. S Gray will» black braided, 85c ; ! Btriped .Moiialr, «l; Mla-k Satteen, «1 and «1.0«; Black or Oray Mohair, "12.50' Oray Mohair, black braided, «"2.60 to «5. All jierfe- tly made, with pleating», raffling«, and the like. 1,000 pound« moro of Linen Note Faner at ?G-? a pound by the packag«"·. Weighed before your ere· ao yen can, calculate how much yoa can aaro on your purchase. Don't wait too long. The laut lot didn't last over a week. Aboul 50 pair French _»I»*-Tbrea«l Hoelery In the meet striking and daintiest colore.sell¬ ini? for I)*«.·, a pair, worth «2 to «3 ; »neb · »ale yon seldom got a chance ml ; 4,000 CoU»re<l.I-*1e-tir«vl Satteen Wlni.orTlMflt 3c each.u-«ual priée 5c; 3,000 Light and Dark Figured and Plaid and Siripel Saltateli Wind·* Tie« at 5c each.usual pri'-e 10c If yon aro thinking about Window- Rhad.-e see our patented arrangement·, which cnabke you to pnt them up Íroureclf and prevent« children or «errant rom pulling them off the rollerà Plain Linen Shade«, 33c ; Fringed Linen Siiadee, 40c ; Fringed (lll.-.l Shailee, .10c; .'/.ni: Shad«-« for parlor window», 75c and «L Decorated Shades, 4? and ??¬ ? gent« for Fine Evan«'» Toilet Artici··; "Th· Famuli«" Uníauudered Shirt». VJZr^sZrtÜ-CXkcp-&At>Cr{£, Special Attractions FOB THIS WEEK. We Are Showing : 50 piece» NOVELTY CHEVIOT 8UITINQS, In th« newest effect«, at 48c a yard ; HENRIETTAS in the now Una and fray» at 25, 60, 75, and 85c a yard ; COMBINATION SIITS at «8 a pattern; I'.L.M'K FAILLE SILK, the usual «1 «juallty, now 7.V. ; cniNA SILKS, 33c a yard worth 50c ; Lovely OINOIIAMS, dree» »tylea, »4c a yard; Samples of LADIKS' HANDKERCHIEFS bough! and to be »«old at a «acrilice. some fine »heer linen good» amongst the lot, and yoar choice of any at 8c apiece; LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, »lightly 1m- perfect, and only 7c. »piece; 1 lot of 8HIRT1M, PRINTS only 34c « yard ; Remnant» of the 12}4c quality OCTINO CLOTHS at 84c a yard ; Fin« 8ATINE8 at 10c a yard; BOYS' PLAITED WHITE SHIRT-WAISTS, linen oollare and cuff», only 50c ; BOYS' OUTINO-SHIHTS only 25c «piece; BLAZERS and REEFERS, In Un, gray, navy. cream, and black, at «L75, «2.50, «3, $3.25, »3.50, and «4; GENTLEMEN""·« 25 and 50c TECK SCARFS, .lightly sollod from display, only 10c apiece; Remnant» Fine CIIECK MUSLINS, 84c a yard ; DIME POCKET REGI8TKRINO BANKS only 25c apiece. ISAAC HELD, 609 BROAD STREET. f»p5J SOMETHING NEW. TRI MARLIN 1801 MODEL, SK-CALIBRf, REPEATIXO RIFLE. Can ba taken apart, cleaned, and oiled in a tew «ecoodiu Strong, ?«-- rable, accurate. ., . SpaVtineV Richmond depot for I_VWN-T_S- N1S, BASE-BALL, and ß?????? GOODIi. A SUPERB «tock of FISHING TACKLK, <"__£_- (.L'ET, GUNS, Ac., ALL AT FACTOBT PRIC». UA URLS FUPPEN A CO., 1411 *_* Mala »trees, B-bxaond. Va. Catalogne »«at on aas^tatto-, ap6-l»* WALL PAPERS nr ktskt trru? JOHN KJBBN-TJLT MU.TBOX, TUaaA -^--????----' ? O TOWER E R 201 AND 203 EAST BROAD. PROPRIETORS. IRON FRAME BLACK GRENADINE at 85c, well wor-.h «?..·'? a ynr I ; SATIN ß????? GRENADINE, warranted pure «tin, «ni«» ¡it ·. » yard; .^_- LIOHT-TAN end GRAY M.L-WOOL CHEVIOTS, r>·* ???? pr|.-<» SO .. n«l'ice-l to Mi'· " BLACK BROCADED GRENADINE, «rerraulcd pomsillk.onlvt'.i»'-. ? yitr-1. __ All of our 1 L'i .»iii'-edtoDV. Th-e geolsar» full prl «-..-p?« are tbe .ame the rcgnlir 2.V, gixide. THE ABOVE DRESS ONLY 91.SO. BLACK SILK and WOOL (¡LORIA,full 48lnche» wide, only «1.25 a yard AU «had«»« of CHINA SILKS reduce«l to 33c, regular prie« 50c. a yard 100 .losen of extra size COTTON TOWELS at 50c a half-down ; Lar«» and «mall POLKA-DOT IMITATION CHINA SILKS, 15c a yard; 75 piece« of GINGHAM.the regular 124c and 16MB goo·., only a little »oiled from the window.reduced to 10c a yard. Are yon reedy to make your BOYS WAIST for th» «ummerÎ Wo have the I.INEN-KINISH CHEVIOTS at »4c ; regular price 17.·. Yoa cannot find any material mor« «ululilo than the·« Cheviot«. GENTLEMEN'S PORK LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS, reinforced baok and front, Unen cuff« ; made of e*(>ceU»nt cetton.workman»bip cannot be excelled.only 50c GENTLEMEN'S PLAIN BOSOM OUTING FLAN¬ NEL SHIRTS «,-nly .«('¦. THE ABOVE GOWN ONLY 80C. LADIES' TAN, BLACK, and ??.G? BLAZER JACKETS, «pedal price only «2.50; I.AD1 Kb' TAN BLAZERS, trimmed In large pearl button» and velvet .»llar, only «7.50 ; LADIES' BLAKEHS, embroidered collar» and rillLDHKVH KEEKER JACKETS only «1.25; LAIiIKS· PINK, BLUE, au«l CRIAM PUKE SILK V KST only 75c. : PURE SILK UMBRELLAS, cherry handles.or- I,... ut-1 will t-t-..'l.'-?p-« «???? ·?·).»>; Fancy handle« in GLORIAS, fuU 20-_ch, only SIM**>'n-N*S SOLID BLACK CALICO only 5c per (????'?'???'ß MUSLIN CA"PS, 0 «tylee, only 25c ; MOUSELTNE DL' SOIE. 40ç atnrú. PLAIN BLACK SWISS FLOUNCING from 85o. POLKA-Dij'l' SWISS, embroidered wilh colored «lots, only «125.a yard; SWISS FLOUNCING In one-half, three-quarter», and full «vidth, from .·"«·. to «4 a yard; LINKN SHEETING, full «0 inches wide, only l)5c. a yard ; Our U and .'.<).·. BOOKS reduced to Ha ; CHErK Ml'SI.IN. 4c ayahl; .??.? PLAIN INDIA LINKN. In lenglh» 10 to20 yard», only li'dc, worth 10·'·; 50 pleoea of CHECK MÍSLIN at 7c, regular -lS-lnchVlLk: and WOOL OLORIA only 11 a 40??*^????? ??? GLORIA only «1.50 a 60 Äent »tyles In DRESS GOODS at »3.20 a ILN(^ED-;BORDER and KNOTTED-FR1NGE '.'»)\VELr.«.iiT S.*·.: KREM l!-W<)\KN«»»liSl-.TS only 50c; HlKNt II PERCALES, for boy« and mlsee» »bill-waist», only l*.'»4c a yard; PURPLE CALI« O'-uly^. a yard. A great many new BLACK LACES and NETS lu«t received. We ere headinarter« for these goods. You will fliid patterns here that can¬ not be had this ride of ?«·}???«?*"«-. __-.___ ? ? ? ? ?. IM ? ?'« U G.?(·1 LAR-MADE MIXED UALF-UOSK-a real bargain-at UIMmciwSHADI«, epring rolier and aU nx- TB»ííSr_OLLANI) SHADE (fringed) «mir 47c; Good COCOA DOOH-MA S, 60c- .h.___. AU CARPETS made and laid free of charge.a »aring of about I.V. a yard- _ REMNANTS OF MATTING ·» Is» «-»a corti LARGE PLAID DAMASK ??1????, regular price 50c , now 4'.'c LARGE BLOCK MATTING, 25c a yard, regalar price 35c. ; ? LACE-CURTAIN BARGAINS. LIGHT-GRAY BENOALINE only «186 a yard, 22-iDclTwoÖL CASHMERES only l'Oc tytlí; LADIES' PIO! E WAISTS only ·_.·**; _. LUMES' POLKA-DOT SA 1 INE \V AlSfS,,«L75, EMKN'L SATIN ? ?"?«. p»? .¿????'?? GENTLEMEN*» MEDIl M-WEIGHT 8HIBTB PAR^^L-C'ÓVICRS froin 25c to «2.50 ; ) ?? 11 ON LACE at 3, 4. 5, an«! ?·*· » VjM, LADIES' CASHMERE ^"h^^J^l,. LADIE.*«· PURE BLACK »l_-K 1106ttgt*}, SClf(>PPKir8 FAST-BLACK HOSE only Me; MOUSlHETAIRE GLOV-iotìy («c; PUKE rlLACK and COLORED SILK GLOVÏ, to match any dress, only 50c ; COLOHEDSILK Ml LLooly -.He »yard, NOVELTY BRAIDS only *'*·. tP,*;*U_T. .·_-- GENTIJ-lEN'B COLoBED-IIC-lJbRED LINEN BANÜKKRCIIIEFS, 10c.: CKLLULl'ID« H-s, l.rc. aprtir; ,___,.. 20 «tyl·« In GENTLEMEN'S 4-r"LY UN-5 COL- LAK» only 10c RIBBON BARGAIN»^ win oBer aU SMALL WARES thi» wee« about 25 per «-out» reduction- 8PIC E-CA BIN KTS only « 1 ;.___ COMB- AND BRUHP-CABINBT8 only «L BABY-CARRIAGES, BABY-CABR1AG18. W. han«*· motnmtwJ&eotCerrtíeymmmAa. guaraotM «o keep »am· In good «-?«"** tor tnt year. Idlios.Stgle& Soh, aim segoso ind broad» A. Hutzter's Sons, a) 315 east Broad street. Owing to Ita peraltarla*· the weather so far thia season baa beea aa unwelcome guest, but contrary to general usage tt Baa noi «eriously af- feeted the sale of STYLISH Dress Goods to the band« of tasteful dealer*. This la due In part to the great variety of choice new fabrica that have been displayed and the opportunity thru given to to set off the femi¬ nine form divine to all tt* Irresistible »ttracttve- Baas Thia year we were among the first to the mar¬ ket, and may without Injustice to other* claim that onr stock of choice fabric» was second to no other to the city. The demand thu« far has been somewhat greater than our supply, noceseltaltog continual reorders. We now have about the best selection of choice novelties wo have ever shown and per¬ haps the be»t to the city, to which we Invite · cordial Inspection. .special care haa been given to the «election of the neweet pattern· to CHINA SILKS. . of which we have a great variety, ranging to price from 60c to 81 per yard, those »t 81 being equal both In quality and design to any «old to this city or northern markets at 81.25. One of the best branchos of our trade till· sea¬ son le the EMBROIDERY LACE DEPARTMENT. Our »ripply bere te greater by 60 per «Net. than heretofore, and we have Just received a Une of CHANTILLY LACES from two te «even- teen Inches In width which embrace* the oBeice the mattiet »Sorda Fast-Black Hosiety la almost a lMBtry with ne. Those who bave bonghi from na heretofore always come back for more, while tho·* who have not dona ao would do wall to make a ehange» Mattings, Mattings. ft» have every variety (excepting the com¬ moner grade) of CRÍNESE AND JAPANESE MATTINO». Our prioea are very low.20 per cent, lose than last year.because there \s no tariff to pay now. Order« eiecuted promptly. A. Hutzlet s Sons, 315 cast Broad street. [ap 5-8uAW] Spring Underwear» With our variable and changeable climate It haa become a matter of great comfort, If not of necessity, that * man should have UNDERWEAR SUITED TO THE SEASON, else yon are fatigued and weighed down with heavy underwear, and yet It la too early to pot on summer. Now we are Just the peoplo who can obviate all that by selling you Underwear that Is suited to this spring season In SILK, LIGHT-WEIGHT WOOL, MERINO, and BALBRIGGAN, at price· that are "Rook Bottom," trat at Uta same time goods that are Qrat-claas CONSTABLE BROS., Shirt-Makers, imam, 1^19 east Broad street. 'Phone 707. ^ BOOKS. STATIONERY.A*. V_XU_J3I_E BOOKS AT REDUCED PRicaa. Cat heart's Baptiat Encyclopedia, 3 volnme*. 8-vo, ene half laorot-so-Ol., 600 portrait* and plate», new, ; Lab·'» History of Art, 8 vol¬ ume·, R-ve, one half Rutel», new, 80 ; Oreeiy'» Three Year* uf Arctic Herricea, 2 volume·, e-vo, .Beep, new, 8/7 ; Du Chalilo'» vitto« Ag«. 2 to¡- 8-ro, c'.atb, aew, 85 ; I'ylu'· Merry Adven¬ ture* of Bob.t Rood, b-vo cloth, plate·, new, fi.".:·: Edward»'» (Amelia B.i Thousand Mile» Up th* Mile, 8-vo, .oth, new, 82.60 ; Hhaler's Aspect of the Earth, 8-vo, cloth. pUti*. new, 82.50. i. ft. RANDOLPH A KNOU8H. 1308 and 1304. Mate ait-eec *P 6-it Rlctuoond, Va. ?ICYC LIM TO^e AaJB. FOR a_LB POR 830, A flOOBIOT- CÏ.E, AO-lttca - Cai-m--," a**rty new. Ab» ply to W. T. FORD, at Medical Coitege, ¡venas ha-t*«-!i»h *nd M-r*balL «¦*&»..·_ FORS_JL_;A,'N^W__«_I_sMrUF-^ TY BTC1CLI ???? LAMÍ·. Oood as as*. o««aaitf;aio«eag-. ???GG?__?8?????_?G?1)_?, s*Mi* MITTELDOEFEES* NEW GRANITE BUILDING, 217 EAST BROAD'STREET. _ ..- . -.oi- ««. FIRE! WATER! FIRE! WATER THE H. B. CLAFL1N CO. FIRE I Twenty case« more of DAMAGED GOODS jus* i^dvad, will be <n «a, Monday Morning, a Th·»*«' will ouïr lest two «luv·*.call early. 10*4 BLEACHED SHEETING «t 17i.--re4rnlar prit» 215c. : 10-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETINO at 15Jo. -raeraUr price '.Ao. ; GRAYLOCK SOLID OINOHAMS at 8¡c.«guiar price 12J0. | INDIA LINENS at 5c.-r»-gular price 10e*. ; BLACK STRIPED LAWNS atOe.-^larprfc« 15e. ; CHECKED NAINSOOK MUSLIN atto.N-gular prio* 15tìt J BLACK INDIA MUSLIN at. O'c-regular price M- ; ?ßß?ß?ß MERlafMAC SHIRTING at 4jc-r*gular price 8j«\ ; One case FARMERS' CHOICE 4-4 BLEACHED at 6.0. -regnUr prie· *\t\ |_ We hare employed an extra force of «clerk· to wait on the traila to avoid nuli for these go«*-. Call tv.trly. Store open at 7:30 o'olock A. M. DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS All the neweit shade« in G-ray« «nd Tana from 12Jc yard to $1.50. I 'r. « ?'««l».··< a large »tock importo«! directly for ua from 94,50 to |28 a Bohi Buk»,Surah«, Faille«, Armure», C.Ioria Cloth, the newtet Dreaa Gooda ami, 1% all »leides, at il. 47, price etawbere $2. . ( 'ulore«! Surah« in all «hade« at 42c, réguler price fâe. China Silks in Plain, Figured, and Polka·Dot«, all color«, »at the tory low*·« price.« for the beet goo«!». Wash Fabric« in Gingham«, Zanzibar«, Char-brays, Prints, Pert-ale«, Oatiap. all at reduced price«. Light Shade Cheviot« at 40c, doubl» » width, -regular price at other boaee«, (¡Oa. Double-Width Boucle Cheviot« at 45c«, regular price 7.V. Tana aad Ora*.. Trimming« of all kinds.Silver and Gilt, Deede«. Heading«, Vtlrcta, Tin··!· la Steel, Silver, and (¡old Passamcntcne«. Narrow Blink Lace Flouncing· in all the now pattern· fur Trimming Cole nnd I'ta.'k Pr« eses at popular pricea, Black Silk DraiM-ry Neta at 75«., 98c., $1.19, $1.35, $1.63, $1.9S, t_15, |2.«r7, $2.98, and SI.·»!, all to feg «.'out. lee« than regular pricea. BLACK DRESS GOODS. PRIESTLEY'S BLACK DRESS GOODS. Wo liiiv·« just opened a large «took of Prii-tlev'« Black and Blaek-and-GlM» Dr«««« Goods. Every piece warranted tho beet Black and the beat wearing fOOOl in tho market. Priestley's Black Henrietta«, Wool «nd Silk Warp Black Clareattea, Iroa Fra«· Greniuline» iu I'lain. Plaid, and Striped. rrieetlty'a Black Serges, Black Nan'«·Yelling.plain and bordered, Blank Challies, Black Armun-s. Our »tock of Black Goods is the largest and moat complete in thi« city. On» pricea aro tho lowest MATTINGS, MATTINGS, MATTINGS. Mattings from auction at auction pnces. Whito and Rod-Cln'ck Matting« al lie. jrcr yard ;Fanoy Mattings at 14, 17, 19, 21, 28, 2«, 20, 32, and .17.c. for «71> ask. .eamlce« Matting ; Floor Gil-Clothe at 25, 30, and 35o. Linoleums at 50, and 75c, the best good«. 11 » ·»> I -1 »estr» «nd Scarfs in China Silk.a new «apply just opened. Window-Shades at 25, 30, and 35c Embroideries at low price« from the large auotion aale in New York. Jewelry.a large new aupply. Underwear for 1.... ies, ( 'h ¡Idren, and OcnUetnMe. Outiug-Shirt« and Boys Percale Waist« at 25o., worth 5Ua D. & E. MITTELDORFER'S NEW GRANITE-FRONT STORE. 217 EAST BROAD STREET. APRIL, 1891. APRIL, 1801. ¦to:- BREEDEN, TALLEY &C0. 150 yards Lilac Fijrorsd Pl-naa a* 4a, which is about half plica ; 17 pieces of 12,0. Zephyr Üinghatas for 10c. per yard ; 4 pieces of Lattice Striped Whita Muslin at H Jo. worth 10c. ; 10 pieces of Black Barred Lining ?a߬ ? m at Se. worth H\a. ; We havo sold all of onr 25?. Unbleached Canton Flooael for 12 io. and are now selling our 20c. quality for 12|ß. Ihe reason is that wo hare a eurploH uf those. Don't yon want to help ca reduce the qnantity and help jouraolf-by aaving 7jo. per yard? Another lot of that 10c. Black Farmer'« Satin reduced to _·>. ; Remuants of Brown and Black Colored »Jeans at 6.C. worth lUo. ; Wo have an excellent Caaraa for dreaa- facing at ?2,c. per yard ; Fine Light-Weight Unbloacbad Cotton for lining at lo. ; Gilbert'- Fancy Silici», tho asconde of the _88A ¡?ratie, for l'J ·.<·. per yard. Wo sell an average of 30 to 40 yarda of these a day, so they must be very chesp. f>_ Unbleached Canion Flannel to save your nie.» linen table cloths from wearing out. This wo sell at 60c 25 pieces DreMniakers' Cambria, in all colors, at 5o. par yard ; 6 pieces of Gloucester's Dark Calicoaa in drees styles at 5c worth 6.0. ; Bargain Sheetings, bleached and an- bleached, 10. wide, at 20o. per yard; Kentucky Jeans for boya' wear at 12jc: per yard ; Pink, Blue, Green, Slate, and Black V. L Buttons, 2 dozen for 5c, Borna of these ar« worth 10c per dozen. Children's Black Lisle Hose rediioed form 50 to 25c a pair ; Boya' Cardigan Jacket* (3 or 4) at 39c These will fit a large boy or a small man. Wa hare about a doaen. Jerseys left which we want to ektee out at 50c aad aiaea 32, 34. 36 only. Look at our 60c. Gentlemen's and Boya' Shirts, ia tizos 11, to 18; Gentlemen'sCanton Flannel, Merino, aad Jeaas Drawers at d??. a pair. Velvets for trimming are «asaac Wa havo aome very desirable V elveta al fl to ft*.25 per yard. I 1 piece Seal-Brown All-Silk Velvet at $2.75, a decided bargain ; Polka-Dot is the cry. Polka-Dot to scanne and high. That ia why. Foa Polka-Dot they aigh. Polka-Dot Branderburg, a beautiful Waah Fabric nearly a yard wide, at 20c ; Half-Wool Polka-Dot ChaUiea at 20a, in new effects ; Polka-Dot China Silk, Black ground with White dot, at 50c ; Lovely Largo Dot (I'olka) China Silk, wider than usual, at SI.25 par yard ; Polka-Dot French Cbslli, all Wool Plum ground with small White dea* ' at 75c per yard ; All-Over Cambria Kmbroidery at 26a. per yard; Oar 20c All-Wool Nun'e-Ve-Inga ait almost clos. <i. Ol the lot we haa· left there ia a pretty Ss*a*pent-*Uraa· and Dark-Tan. Lady's-Cloth, 45 inchea widn, in baaaaar* fu! Graya, Tana, ia, reduced ta H per yard. * Thia Cloth is noapauratl for the price, and ia auitobla lot Dreaaea and Wrap·* Tan and Gray Henrietta, 45 inchea aide, all Wool, beautiful, âne qu__ty,eB |1 per yard ; Choice novelties in China Silke, Faner Surah Silks, and Combinatioa. Wat«. Bobea; 5 pieces Armenian Serge, 36 inehea w_la, at 12,c Thia ia a Cotton fabria made in imitation of Serge, and tea» cobra are handsome 2 pieces Cotton Tycoon Ropa, ground with white -guru, at 8}_> Wash Gooda ara in demand Make them up to be ready foa thai warm weather. In thia fine we y_*__ the palm to none here Drees Oingha&a, 81, 10, 12», 26, IB, 87|c; Par-alee, 8,, 10, and Ujc j French Dimity, 26c ; Colored Striped Malla, 124«, | lagnred Linen Lawna, «US*, I*aok at oar beautiful Fase ma itomeMirrora. jt.t,-MiiiMemn*onT¿ HAIR ON THE FACE, NECK. ARIS OB UT PART OF THE. OUICELY OI-MOUIO ANO REMOVIÓ WITH TH· MWI ????ß?ß .atr_ »rowIh W __«B'¿__*«-*. e.i\^W»r»r»lllk· .l each -aMlUaMtM, fkatMIWatl-im -a««.«««)·*·-*· 0»»il»fl_«a ioetreit ot -trie·. ·! .00 l%M^·^^ .., »a. Inomfn fcUt.« osannilaIMe* W.'« ¦>¦¦> r·^» ff IM Mtff t*lH°.7l till* --tu «JttaiMVa»«*!*«,a«t ?.«*·, Ih« k··«. <»··_. bo»/k9|. iiV£rB«Hi·) kltir «ttMBMIt olii ? etttr »__¡$*niiMt ?·» *»ia>"^¡ rtrA

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Page 1: IlOTO-DAY. PAOEtS. THE RICHMOND · 2017-12-18 · IlO PAOEtS. TO-DAY. THE RICHMOND HISPA f1SO-l WHOLR NUMBER, 12,883. RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY. APRIL 5. 1891. =«li_^n»_Ì _Y)_rjfVt¡S-6*&>&18*t>CUtZIf


WHOLR NUMBER, 12,883. RICHMOND, VA. SUNDAY. APRIL 5. 1891. =«li_^n»_Ì_Y)_rjfVt¡S- 6*&> &18*t>CUtZIf jon are intereeted in Presa Qooda

. you'll enjoya glance attho lire««Goode coun¬ter just now.We neversaw it morewinsome.Whether it la¬the dressywoollen ma¬terials or theWash DreesFattrice, thestory la thesame . thatis, each cut¬ting of pricee

«or seen r.!yli»h materials ao early m the1 lie*«« random chooairjge giro a

I ol prices :

t ilfs-k Plaid All-Wool Material»,>,.»-. wide. In all th·» d-etrabl· colore, for

a ., trd -tii-ual pries» to 50. ;

·. ly «lr-rant-appfiating Wiry French.inali tti»- licht and medium »had·* of

i»i». gray, and gr»*_, 4(1 lnche· wide, at 60c» yard

llaity «x««,iil«lte-hade» and texture of- Intob Henrietta* *t 86c a yard..1 prlcotl;tka for your Bla**«**, Reefer«, or Spring

in every onlor, 44 In· he» wide, 81 a.·.' lnche« wldo, 81.25 a yarj ;

»illy Imported Urea» Patterà* at 88.50t». «??.ß?, worth nm· half a» much more;

0 Drtsa Pattern« of Mixed and Chocked·¦:·.usual value 8.r>;

'. nnd t-'-T.'» lire** Pattern»of chtvkeci...lied very light color Cheviot» are worth

Almost a hnndrod pieces of little-1 Dress Goods.that is, 10 and '¿5c.

a raid, including atyloa ot l'Initia andStripes in douhlo width material

t the samo patterns as the 50 and. uiiiteriala.

1 el»tc-t-teplngrr>athnn*aln»ar*thef»atlne·" ufi» «iifferrni na*tir«·* and »trip««·

aad colors'k. navy line, n-.l, garnet,nn« brown ground* with whit* and coktedtlk'iiri'S, the Id.BtlOBl .,'i/illly that hae alway»

f..r -it)«. a yard.aelllng hero now for.W, * jard;

A ossee! d.-ilntlly-beautlfal Pre** Mull», daintyIn thin..<·.«*, dainty In color·and Otturc«, lieht.-roin.l» will, ??,,??? and dark figure», 8.TB

l« with licht figure·.worth »ei.tiigif you dou't want to buy.Ju*t 12)4/·.

a yaid ;

Cr»am lire»»* Battete, % of a

wide, with bold,colored nobby figure*,¦liffor.-nt ci.lore, worth a

Btf Bftta her* I«H» . a yard;

IdOlovee; Marguerite

a^t^atVftV- t5»r> «^5%4*?4~£

A m«e of Mght Shirt!prim» »riling her· for

« '.r Cent«mer! Kid Olovee: Margueriterea

rrÍ^*t*v-*d'Í0*it 7^»te\Aj from onr«iront m New . ork tell as that New Yorkmüliner« ar-cept Tiassl and Jewelled¦f* msBi« Bonnet Deco-W^-^fii ^V ration« aa the

¡, ¿?». _tJ2_A.^V* -.adine* effectsfor this season.Our showingof these thingsboth in thermtL-rns and«eparate trim¬mings shouldbe positiveproof of thelatones« «if «.ur

» W i t hthe asnaltaking of order«and the sellingof ntitriramedHats, Flower«,

dmamont», end Trimminirs the milli¬nery-room will have a special sale thisweek.About 50 rnttern Hat» thai were trlrn-Tied for

onr onenlnc to sell from «5 to «10 merely«waitfnit r-'ir «election at «-.'.Or», «a.uu,«4.0», and «5.00 each.

For freo Jislrilm-tion thi« week. · Mme. Demorest'sMonitor of Faeh-ion« " for May, dt-vot'tl to illustration« and descriptions of tbo Lestand Ihtobt fashion-able desiirns. Comeand get a copy.If· are areni« f«.r

Pattern.··«, Ihe only reliable perl,«-t-nttlns pal-lerna.We are ««ent» for D«more»t Sewlnu-Machlne«» at

. li)..">0; come and see It; y«.u may »ave«li.», if you lire ?«.Ini; lo )>uy ? machino;

" Mine. Domoreet'« Portfolio and Whut to Wear,"«peclal prli-e IB·, a <*opy.Are you attending to the mon'» ward·

robe? Don't letthem go out nnd buytheir Undo rw ear,¡Shirt«, Tiee, and th·liko anywhere andeverywhere. Show thisadvertieement to them.Those few item« alonemay convince themwhere it i« always to¿their interest tobuy.

1,000 pair of Beamier» Sort», itolld black, eachpair »tnmp««l with a (tuaranteo from themaker that they won't «tain the feet or turn

Is the iiMiial pilce.oar prloe 1.1c.n, pair ;

Metal-Tipped Eln«tlo Pospenrter«, with drawer»»tipixirtoi-, ««»lid white t»r <»l«Ti»f««l.35c. isII..- imual price -our price 15c a pair;

Flo-i-iiii»-F.ieI nek Beanti »Ilk« ami Flannel».I- -la e.,l,,r« aii'l cream while», hundred·» of(liff'-reiit Btylfl·.aelUn« new three for 25c.when tho«n ar* ion« yon may pay Ha eachfor their duplicato»;

Llght-Weluht Merino Shirt*, woven Frenchn«v-k», 50?. each ;

UgkwWflifBt All-wool Shirt«, pore white or

Cray, woven French peck«, «1 «»ach.Aitent« for Mme. Deinore»t'» Paper Pattern»;

Demoreat'e Sew In«-? achine at «10.50.

77lr^&tíJ-t?iz*> tpT&A&txcC

Mm». I),'m.r<*»t'» Paper

1?li__YAi*y-6&_p7_?Aoac£Hare yon no.ioed how often onr ad-

vMsi-tementstalk ahontSpr i DgWe i gh tBlazers andItoefers forladiea andchildren?The reason iathat almostevery daya o m e newbar gain iaplaced foraale, aaspring wrapsare now con-s i d e r o d a

j^ necessity.^g Here araHome of thepecials :

Ladt**' Reefer Jacket», ttght-atttog back»,double row of large pearl button·, elegantquality of tan or black English broadcloth.

worth 87.60.««pedal prie· 81-60 ;

Totin·* Ladle·' and Mle-e»' Ten and fir*y MixedTailor-Mad« Blazer», new »hape, roundend·.worth 87.*?ß<1t.1 prie« 85 :

Pam* to Tan Broad-loth-worth 86.50-*p*e1alprie* 84 ;

LaAle*· Navy-Blue Plagnnal Bieter·», gilt cord¬

ed.worth 810.«jiectalpriée 8"."01

Ladle»' Tallor-Made Dlack Diagonal Reefer

Jacket*, with tab·.worth 812.-pedal prit»*ß8.."»0 ;

Ladles' and Mie»*»' Reefer .ïacxete of *oft-flnt»h,rough-appearing Tan and Gray Cheviot» for

87.60 ,

Children'· Navy-Blue Reefer« for four, »It, eight,ten, and twelve year» of age at 81.36, 81.75,82.50, 84, and 84.08.

Continuing the «reat sale of Glove-Fitting Jerseys there will be o (Te red thia

week :

All-Wool French Cloth Black Jerseys, perfoct-flttlng, with black braided vest·, that ar·

worth* price 1» 75c for any »Ire.

32, 34, 36, 38, 40,42, 44, buat nieaaure ;

Fine« of All-Wool Black French Cloth Jersey*,with lapped tailor Beam», aonie »tending and

turned d.rwn-oollar», nome reefer style, Mme

lapel», Bom· vest front, aome braided.worthfrom 82 to $3.tbe price 1» 81.50 each.

Ilere are «tapie article» that every lady will

need eooner or later. You can depend on their

»oiling very fast, bo come to see them a» soon *a


Agent» for Royal Statole»* Black Ho·* for

gentlemen, ladles, and children.

MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS.New attraction» are «hown In onr MILLINERY PARLORS daily. Each day during the «««aeon Is OPENINO-DAT with this house. Th»

I«.»»*»» fore« of modl«te« employed here are constantly producing new and unique Ideas in «hado« and «tyln« ot trimming.

lland-inade Shape« receive much attention, and a» they are formed on Idea« exclu«lvo with this bouse, you will not find tbem duplicated

»¡.««'whore. Tbe »amo rich material which compose» the Imported Hate U» u»i»d and arranged In the most attractive form, and If the foreign

ticket« were placed on these Ila.« produoed by our Modiste» you would not th._ of disputing their being Imported. The only noticeable dif¬

ference is tbe price, which 1» Juet about bali. ·

Another Shipment of Holy Spring1 Jackets, Reefers, and Blazers«»»» opened up on Friday. I-adloa can And a fnllvnrlety of size«, style» and color» now for themselves as well as for children. Onr stock of

?????? for Children was never as attractive a» at tin» present time.

Special Offering..Cloaks and Capes for Children.One lot BOUND MTTI.L CAPS, 10c. ; one lot OFEN-WORK MULI. CAPS, I.V. ; one lot 3-P1ECB EMBROIDERED MULL CAPS, 23.*. ; one

!·-: G??? SU is* ?? ??? TH* CAPS, 25c; one lot EMI1R0IDERED 3-PIECE CAPS-good quality, 38c; one lot KMRKOIDKKKD AM) S1III.RKD

k"«"1 quality, «He; one lotORIENTAL LACE CAPS, Ma Finer grade MULL AND LACE CAP.« all iimrked at attractive price« during

this ««rtlo. We nino «how an elegant line of high-grade novelties In exclusive etyloe lu CAPS AND 8???????) HATS.

1ONOCASHMERE INFANTS* CLOAKS, Cream and Tan Embroidered Cape«, «1.60; «ame »tylo with EMBROIDERED SKIRT AND

-, I !. 11.',.'». ; ?«««! quality CASHMERE CLOAKS, Embroidered Cape and Skirt.usual price «3.for this «ale, «.j.-rO ; fine I.OSO AND SHOUT

« \SIlMr.LK CLOAKS· nome made plain, others Embroidered ta both Tan and Cream, price «3; flrmr grade» In INFANTS'CLOAKS at «4,

*.., «T.'.O, «10, and $15. All new desiane and choice patterns ; SIIORT CLOAKS In Light-Weight Scotch Flannols, 811k. and Cashmere, In

all eizM and style·.? G ItsW ca l'S AND APRONS In endlbss variety of styles and prices. ?? RASOI. COVERS ior Baby-Carriages In Ecrue and Cream I see,

.hown In many styles and prices ranging trout '¿bo. to «5.

KAUFMANN & CO., 4oi east broad st.__- ¦_-





««_, »__?___·???^^DRESS GOO-t8.-_a^&«>t_-__ ____XtStíSi3S[worth 81* yard«

Thi. we k lb. 8G??????? »nJ^most. BAB ?-CAB .

1 · 10 more pieces Just received of the GRAT and TAN ALL-?G????????-? inches wtde-sJOc- a yard; all the new1KB Mia» ? ?·¦· ..vutc-rr A _4,1 inches «.»?.-at BOc worth 760.; *_^.?__£ woolTH-ATHÍHt««..· SSsRlETTA-lö___*.^wld*-al 85-

.Blue, and other '»^¡,'^ Aad*. and BI^CK MLB LVh -???^^J^" our Black (Joods D«v

.---._-wàww^iABN_T-1ffi .Vü-ÍwaÍB'we'AeaBeS^^inch-wide URNRIETTAat 81''li,Y'md?ii¿!B.mA^ír«Ii^.._

rm*aÄ«onmn,t Ses; China. Sta MattiasaalSt-G* yard; 40* Matting* at üóc a yartLVJeiïïSnt to ¿ave you money ou th*»· geodaBa.m-nteof Matting to b«>clo**d oat cheap."LAPIKS'MCSMN UK_«__W_AR.-«^**nh»»,«2V· ¿-»were, aso. ; Skirt*. 60a ; Gown*. 60c. ;OaVnaSut.¿Gß?*·. worth 81; (iarmenU at 80c.worth 81-g5-_,CHINA ML-«.all and o-ora-d??. a


ltil» week Ihe SI ,mAr?P\ »î_; . .-«Gto.-luge-wlll be »old »? 70?. · y*ra._

1··?, iK\; a ,«_ ...

ntalulug 24 «sheet* of faper and 24; «OOP HWANBlDOWN, be. · box ;

»·" «..._»_. vurruHB-

':;.,, s. ............ MKvsKL> BlllRTB-tB* Baal Mo. B-lrt

«ii*-*__apea ou twos- ^T^efùjëi¡ K_.NAlLB,e for fi«.; WtTLBB-

.a yard. , ,

Nir-RHIn ?a, ntta

«UERKll BUIRTa-tae··'·>-3* ______[

?, l'otte Doi, 88-a yard; -}«'»-"??*a!? and Btrtp-d HUk N<*U«¡6 wartb 8J,

m d?£ WAC., 76«^LJ»^-4^8J:PH.ISAAC SYCLE & CO.. «

ritorti«momau ^,,·>**_* ltük». H«* 8*t>*r_eca

KP«*·. BSVSa-T B-tTBB.


NOTA-1-8 PUBLIC,a-csalte.-t.a_af·«'· -*_a-a_.T*-«l» sadM-M,

BAB I -· ?I « (VI_u san.

We had an enormous «ale on Baby-Carriage*during the part week. Extremely low prie«*and pretty .tytc* caused It. Tb* prie· .tart* at

THBBE-NINKTY.8100. 83.H0. 83.90.

A ,..·. sot 1 IM.K-TIIRRAlï and _AKKKTA« i,i^-kandColocsJd--tA*l»ri»*a*«»%rt«at

10 a pair..___--_- . _J_f -iron« Rattan Carriage (not .Alllow),KMBBÔlbWfTWlp, «^^DRA. s\Apria?*a«ï ß»_« g*fi SfcariCÎfAavttTiaîfï ¿e.V^^Ä ? KÄ -«.Çrriaae. ?--fe««.¦itami··.·· «- -*>---» -* *··»···' aepBa


Bea our 88 Carriage. Sea our 80.50 Cantag¬li·-· i* a description of our 810 Carriage-a new*

.tylo: It I· of a fln* quality Rattan, and ha*

round arm aud head ecroU* closely wound with

Cane and Silk Plash end·; upholstered in Qneet

Bilk l', any color. Batto Varaaol to roaU-h;

.pringa, axle·, and all Iron-work nicely plated.Hex* 1» a dea-riptk·« of our 813.50 «'arrias*·:

Very bandeo.te *aroll body ot flne»t Rattan

wound with Cane, curved front, with whoat-

g-uard»: extra quality «pringa; uphvlsterad la

bs**t Silk )'lu»h, either froUd «Kdoreorcom btoatlon

potou; Bn· Malin Parasol, wl'.h Iseo edge.a Jgrand Carriage in every reepsvt. Keinem ber, ]

we have Carriage* from 83.SH) to 840.

Any«»tor8CllAH 8ILK-w_rranted aUSllk-87>»o.ayard._ --r-r-rr-??«·.??ß~?«.·, · lot of BUSTLES wortB 10, 16,j>0 26, and 35c.your choice lOc._SaBY-cAJ__AUB~PAH_-«I^OVER8, 26c

au G?p?· «?-???Gß BOLLO BLACK CALI-fòfcS 6c; sfatPSON-S BLACK FIUUKBD CAL-1CO-8, e>tt\c_-


win p-mttia* ta aB aaate aad Patte« Niâtes

atait» «y-B«P_k*eBaattv bb_aO--_



ary l«hatei»^R^\-raÄ. crupal,of as-stanta. *^___?_ß_ uug-t »» sss-t

SSSgnsA^^ B-rryappacw«««to.»__-_s^_»_er ê*-**~ <"» wCopying ef *T**^»-4t_i*4aBert

piGABfl! ClOABSl

Wehav· niArt-reeelved a large V* ot UON^-nEAD 1NV1NC1BL1 CIQ-JÄ Thta la a 16-

or^fw-SS^eata quality and w* offer them to

our friwAl» for t_a a·« van day*at th. low pricefrfaa«p«»»lt0-85deM* T»e>'»r,Pu,a->

*f\s2F^^ ·* *'-rtak* advantaa* and jj-iA-ta*· tama, a» tAtij

.M^^4USn__eTaU__31ta«*0r^ß?%? UMaaatMaXut.'

We doubt if there i« a lady «bo

.tore that

woald tak«

the trouble

to make an

Apron. Tbe

price at

which w«

.ell Apron«

wonld hardly¦^ repay your


«A «patdal lot of f»ill-«i«e Apron» of Whit* IndiaLinon, tacked with embroidery lV>unc»sh<* nme.1 ii'.wn the «dee, ird hemmed «t'Inr«;»irto, full-!»« tti'-li.d Black Indi» Lln»jnAprons at lUc, each worth 35 to 40c ;

Black Drawn-Threa.l India Unen Aprons, fullsize, 40c., each from 75c ;

Fine Black Sattetn Aproias, wide be« andpockets, 49c

Yon don't want to go to thr» tronble ofmaking your summer Inilerskirt when

jou «can set* it ready made «t such pnces

Solid Oray st We. ;¦.l. Black, an t Oray, 75e. S

Gray will» black braided, 85c ;! Btriped .Moiialr, «l;Mla-k Satteen, «1 and «1.0«;Black or Oray Mohair, "12.50'Oray Mohair, black braided, «"2.60 to «5.

All jierfe- tly made, with pleating», raffling«,and the like.

1,000 pound« moro of Linen NoteFaner at ?G-? a pound by the packag«"·.Weighed before your ere· ao yen can,calculate how much yoa can aaro on

your purchase. Don't wait too long.The laut lot didn't last over a week.Aboul 50 pair French _»I»*-Tbrea«l Hoelery In

the meet striking and daintiest colore.sell¬ini? for I)*«.·, a pair, worth «2 to «3 ; »neb ·»ale yon seldom got a chance ml ;

4,000 CoU»re<l.I-*1e-tir«vl Satteen Wlni.orTlMflt3c each.u-«ual priée 5c;

3,000 Light and Dark Figured and Plaid andSiripel Saltateli Wind·* Tie« at 5ceach.usual pri'-e 10c

If yon aro thinking about Window-Rhad.-e see our patented arrangement·,which cnabke you to pnt them up

Íroureclf and prevent« children or «errantrom pulling them off the rollerà

Plain Linen Shade«, 33c ;Fringed Linen Siiadee, 40c ;Fringed (lll.-.l Shailee, .10c;.'/.ni: Shad«-« for parlor window», 75c and «LDecorated Shades, 4? and ??¬

?gent« for Fine Evan«'» Toilet Artici··; "Th·Famuli«" Uníauudered Shirt».


Special AttractionsFOB


th« newest effect«, at 48c a yard ;

HENRIETTAS in the now Una and fray» at 25,60, 75, and 85c a yard ;

COMBINATION SIITS at «8 a pattern;I'.L.M'K FAILLE SILK, the usual «1 «juallty,

now 7.V. ;

cniNA SILKS, 33c a yard worth 50c ;

Lovely OINOIIAMS, dree» »tylea, »4c a yard;Samples of LADIKS' HANDKERCHIEFS bough!

and to be »«old at a «acrilice.some fine »heer

linen good» amongst the lot, and yoar choice

of any at 8c apiece;LADIES' JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, »lightly 1m-

perfect, and only 7c. »piece;1 lot of 8HIRT1M, PRINTS only 34c « yard ;

Remnant» of the 12}4c quality OCTINOCLOTHS at 84c a yard ;

Fin« 8ATINE8 at 10c a yard;BOYS' PLAITED WHITE SHIRT-WAISTS, linen

oollare and cuff», only 50c ;

BOYS' OUTINO-SHIHTS only 25c «piece;BLAZERS and REEFERS, In Un, gray, navy.

cream, and black, at «L75, «2.50, «3, $3.25,»3.50, and «4;

GENTLEMEN""·« 25 and 50c TECK SCARFS,.lightly sollod from display, only 10c

apiece;Remnant» Fine CIIECK MUSLINS, 84c a yard ;





TRI MARLIN 1801 MODEL, SK-CALIBRf,REPEATIXO RIFLE. Can ba taken apart,cleaned, and oiled in a tew «ecoodiu Strong, ?«--rable, accurate. ., .

SpaVtineV Richmond depot for I_VWN-T_S-N1S, BASE-BALL, and ß?????? GOODIi.A SUPERB «tock of FISHING TACKLK, <"__£_-


1411 *_* Mala »trees,B-bxaond. Va.

Catalogne »«at on aas^tatto-, ap6-l»*








IRON FRAME BLACK GRENADINE at 85c,well wor-.h «?..·'? a ynr I ;

SATIN ß????? GRENADINE, warranted pure«tin, «ni«» ¡it ·. » yard; .^_-

LIOHT-TAN end GRAY M.L-WOOL CHEVIOTS,r>·* ???? pr|.-<» SO .. n«l'ice-l to Mi'· "

BLACK BROCADED GRENADINE, «rerraulcdpomsillk.onlvt'.i»'-. ? yitr-1. __

All of our 1L'i .»iii'-edtoDV. Th-egeolsar» full prl «-..-p?« are tbe.ame a» the rcgnlir 2.V, gixide.


BLACK SILK and WOOL (¡LORIA,full 48lnche»wide, only «1.25 a yard

AU «had«»« of CHINA SILKS reduce«l to 33c,regular prie« 50c. a yard

100 .losen of extra size COTTON TOWELS at50c a half-down ;

Lar«» and «mall POLKA-DOT IMITATIONCHINA SILKS, 15c a yard;

75 piece« of GINGHAM.the regular 124c and16MB goo·., only a little »oiled from thewindow.reduced to 10c a yard.

Are yon reedy to make your BOYS WAIST forth» «ummerÎ Wo have the I.INEN-KINISHCHEVIOTS at »4c ; regular price 17.·. Yoacannot find any material mor« «ululilo thanthe·« Cheviot«.

GENTLEMEN'S PORK LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS,reinforced baok and front, Unen cuff« ; madeof e*(>ceU»nt cetton.workman»bip cannot beexcelled.only 50c



LADIES' TAN, BLACK, and ??.G? BLAZERJACKETS, «pedal price only «2.50;

I.AD1 Kb' TAN BLAZERS, trimmed In large pearlbutton» and velvet .»llar, only «7.50 ;

LADIES' BLAKEHS, embroidered collar» and


V KST only 75c. :PURE SILK UMBRELLAS, cherry handles.or-

I,...m» ut-1 will t-t-..'l.'-?p-« «???? ·?·).»>;Fancy handle« in GLORIAS, fuU 20-_ch, only

SIM**>'n-N*S SOLID BLACK CALICO only 5c per

(????'?'???'ß MUSLIN CA"PS, 0 «tylee, only 25c ;MOUSELTNE DL' SOIE. 40ç atnrú.PLAIN BLACK SWISS FLOUNCING from 85o.

POLKA-Dij'l' SWISS, embroidered wilh colored«lots, only «125.a yard;

SWISS FLOUNCING In one-half, three-quarter»,and full «vidth, from .·"«·. to «4 a yard;

LINKN SHEETING, full «0 inches wide, onlyl)5c. a yard ;

Our U and .'.<).·. BOOKS reduced to Ha ;CHErK Ml'SI.IN. 4c ayahl; .??.?

PLAIN INDIA LINKN. In lenglh» 10 to20 yard»,only li'dc, worth 10·'·;

50 pleoea of CHECK MÍSLIN at 7c, regular

-lS-lnchVlLk: and WOOL OLORIA only 11 a

40??*^????? ??? GLORIA only «1.50 a

60 Äent »tyles In DRESS GOODS at »3.20 a

ILN(^ED-;BORDER and KNOTTED-FR1NGE'.'»)\VELr.«.iiT S.*·.:

KREM l!-W<)\KN«»»liSl-.TS only 50c;HlKNt II PERCALES, for boy« and mlsee»

»bill-waist», only l*.'»4c a yard;PURPLE CALI« O'-uly^. a yard.A great many new BLACK LACES and NETS

lu«t received. We ere headinarter« for thesegoods. You will fliid patterns here that can¬

not be had this ride of ?«·}???«?*"«-. __-.___? ? ? ? ?. IM ? ?'« 1» U G.?(·1 LAR-MADE

MIXED UALF-UOSK-a real bargain-at

UIMmciwSHADI«, epring rolier and aU nx-

TB»ííSr_OLLANI) SHADE (fringed) «mir 47c;Good COCOA DOOH-MA S, 60c-

.h.___.AU CARPETS made and laid free of charge.a

»aring of about I.V. a yard-_

REMNANTS OF MATTING ·» Is» «-»a cortiLARGE PLAID DAMASK ??1????, regular

price 50c , now 4'.'cLARGE BLOCK MATTING, 25c a yard, regalar

price 35c. ;


LIGHT-GRAY BENOALINE only «186 a yard,

22-iDclTwoÖL CASHMERES only l'Oc tytlí;LADIES' PIO! E WAISTS only ·_.·**; _.LUMES' POLKA-DOT SA 1 INE \V AlSfS,,«L75,


PAR^^L-C'ÓVICRS froin 25c to «2.50 ;?« ) ?? 11 ON LACE at 3, 4. 5, an«! ?·*· » VjM,LADIES' CASHMERE^"h^^J^l,.LADIE.*«· PURE BLACK »l_-K 1106ttgt*},SClf(>PPKir8 FAST-BLACK HOSE only Me;MOUSlHETAIRE GLOV-iotìy («c;PUKE rlLACK and COLORED SILK GLOVÏ, to

match any dress, only 50c ;COLOHEDSILK Ml LLooly -.He »yard,NOVELTY BRAIDS only *'*·. tP,*;*U_T. .·_--GENTIJ-lEN'B COLoBED-IIC-lJbRED LINEN

BANÜKKRCIIIEFS, 10c.:CKLLULl'ID« H-s, l.rc. aprtir; ,___,..20 «tyl·« In GENTLEMEN'S 4-r"LY UN-5 COL-

LAK» only 10c

RIBBON BARGAIN»^W· win oBer aU SMALL WARES thi» wee« a«

about 25 per «-out» reduction-8PIC E-CA BIN KTS only « 1 ;.___COMB- AND BRUHP-CABINBT8 only «L

BABY-CARRIAGES, BABY-CABR1AG18.W. han«*· motnmtwJ&eotCerrtíeymmmAa.

W« guaraotM «o keep »am· In good «-?«"** tortnt year.

Idlios.Stgle& Soh,aim segoso ind broad»

A. Hutzter's Sons,a)

315 east Broad street.

Owing to Ita peraltarla*· the weather so far

thia season baa beea aa unwelcome guest, but

contrary to general usage tt Baa noi «eriously af-

feeted the sale of


Dress Goodsto the band« of tasteful dealer*.

This la due In part to the great variety of

choice new fabrica that have been displayed and

the opportunity thru given to to set off the femi¬

nine form divine to all tt* Irresistible »ttracttve-

BaasThia year we were among the first to the mar¬

ket, and may without Injustice to other* claim

that onr stock of choice fabric» was second to no

other to the city.The demand thu« far has been somewhat

greater than our supply, noceseltaltog continual

reorders. We now have about the best selection

of choice novelties wo have ever shown and per¬

haps the be»t to the city, to which we Invite ·

cordial Inspection..special care haa been given to the «election

of the neweet pattern· to


of which we have a great variety, ranging to

price from 60c to 81 per yard, those »t 81 being

equal both In quality and design to any «old to

this city or northern markets at 81.25.

One of the best branchos of our trade till· sea¬

son le the



Our »ripply bere te greater by 60 per «Net.

than heretofore, and we have Just received a

Une of CHANTILLY LACES from two te «even-

teen Inches In width which embrace* the oBeice

the mattiet »Sorda

Fast-Black Hosietyla almost a lMBtry with ne. Those who bave

bonghi from na heretofore always come back for

more, while tho·* who have not dona ao would

do wall to make a ehange»

Mattings, Mattings.ft» have every variety (excepting the com¬

moner grade) of CRÍNESE AND JAPANESE

MATTINO». Our prioea are very low.20 per

cent, lose than last year.because there \s no tariff

to pay now.

Order« eiecuted promptly.

A. Hutzlet s Sons,315 cast Broad street.

[ap 5-8uAW]

Spring Underwear»With our variable and changeable climate It

haa become a matter of great comfort,If not of necessity, that *man

should have


else yon are fatigued and weighed down withheavy underwear, and yet It la too early to poton summer. Now we are Just the peoplo who

can obviate all that by selling you Underwearthat Is suited to this spring season In


at price· that are "Rook Bottom," trat at Utasame time goods that are Qrat-claas

CONSTABLE BROS.,Shirt-Makers, imam,

1^19 east Broad street.'Phone 707.




Catheart's Baptiat Encyclopedia, 3 volnme*.8-vo, ene half laorot-so-Ol., 600 portrait* andplate», new, 8« ; Lab·'» History of Art, 8 vol¬ume·, R-ve, one half Rutel», new, 80 ; Oreeiy'»Three Year* uf Arctic Herricea, 2 volume·, e-vo,.Beep, new, 8/7 ; Du Chalilo'» vitto« Ag«. 2 to¡-

8-ro, c'.atb, aew, 85 ; I'ylu'· Merry Adven¬ture* of Bob.t Rood, b-vo cloth, plate·, new,fi.".:·: Edward»'» (Amelia B.i Thousand Mile»Up th* Mile, 8-vo, .oth, new, 82.60 ; Hhaler'sAspect of the Earth, 8-vo, cloth. pUti*. new,82.50. i. ft. RANDOLPH A KNOU8H.

1308 and 1304. Mate ait-eec*P 6-it Rlctuoond, Va.


FOR a_LB POR 830, A flOOBIOT-CÏ.E, AO-lttca - Cai-m--," a**rty new. Ab»

ply to W. T. FORD, at Medical Coitege, ¡venas

ha-t*«-!i»h *nd M-r*balL «¦*&»..·_FORS_JL_;A,'N^W__«_I_sMrUF-^TY BTC1CLI ???? LAMÍ·. Oood as as*.



217 EAST BROAD'STREET._ ..- . -.oi- ««.


Twenty case« more of DAMAGED GOODS jus* i^dvad, will be <n «a,

Monday Morning,a

Th·»*«' will ouïr lest two «luv·*.call early.10*4 BLEACHED SHEETING «t 17i.--re4rnlar prit» 215c. :

10-4 UNBLEACHED SHEETINO at 15Jo. -raeraUr price '.Ao. ;GRAYLOCK SOLID OINOHAMS at 8¡c.«guiar price 12J0. |

INDIA LINENS at 5c.-r»-gular price 10e*. ;BLACK STRIPED LAWNS atOe.-^larprfc« 15e. ;CHECKED NAINSOOK MUSLIN atto.N-gular prio* 15tìt JBLACK INDIA MUSLIN at. O'c-regular price M- ;?ßß?ß?ß MERlafMAC SHIRTING at 4jc-r*gular price 8j«\ ;One case FARMERS' CHOICE 4-4 BLEACHED at 6.0. -regnUr prie· *\t\ |_We hare employed an extra force of «clerk· to wait on the traila to avoid

nuli for these go«*-. Call tv.trly. Store open at 7:30 o'olock A. M.

DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODSAll the neweit shade« in G-ray« «nd Tana from 12Jc yard to $1.50.I 'r. *¦ « ?'««l».··< a large »tock importo«! directly for ua from 94,50 to |28 a Bohi

Buk»,Surah«, Faille«, Armure», C.Ioria Cloth, the newtet Dreaa Gooda ami, 1%all »leides, at il. 47, price etawbere $2. .

( 'ulore«! Surah« in all «hade« at 42c, réguler price fâe.China Silks in Plain, Figured, and Polka·Dot«, all color«, »at the tory low*·«

price.« for the beet goo«!».Wash Fabric« in Gingham«, Zanzibar«, Char-brays, Prints, Pert-ale«, Oatiap.

all at reduced price«.Light Shade Cheviot« at 40c, doubl» » width, -regular price at other boaee«, (¡Oa.Double-Width Boucle Cheviot« at 45c«, regular price 7.V. Tana aad Ora*..

Trimming« of all kinds.Silver and Gilt, Deede«. Heading«, Vtlrcta, Tin··!· laSteel, Silver, and (¡old Passamcntcne«.

Narrow Blink Lace Flouncing· in all the now pattern· fur Trimming Colennd I'ta.'k Pr« eses at popular pricea,

Black Silk DraiM-ry Neta at 75«., 98c., $1.19, $1.35, $1.63, $1.9S, t_15, |2.«r7,$2.98, and SI.·»!, all to feg «.'out. lee« than regular pricea.


Wo liiiv·« just opened a large «took of Prii-tlev'« Black and Blaek-and-GlM»Dr«««« Goods. Every piece warranted tho beet Black and the beat wearing fOOOlin tho market.

Priestley's Black Henrietta«, Wool «nd Silk Warp Black Clareattea, Iroa Fra«·Greniuline» iu I'lain. Plaid, and Striped.

rrieetlty'a Black Serges, Black Nan'«·Yelling.plain and bordered, BlankChallies, Black Armun-s.

Our »tock of Black Goods is the largest and moat complete in thi« city. On»pricea aro tho lowest

MATTINGS, MATTINGS,MATTINGS.Mattings from auction at auction pnces. Whito and Rod-Cln'ck Matting« al

lie. jrcr yard ;Fanoy Mattings at 14, 17, 19, 21, 28, 2«, 20, 32, and .17.c. for «71>ask. .eamlce« Matting ; Floor Gil-Clothe at 25, 30, and 35o. Linoleums at 50,and 75c, the best good«.

11 » ·»> I -1 »estr» «nd Scarfs in China Silk.a new «apply just opened.Window-Shades at 25, 30, and 35cEmbroideries at low price« from the large auotion aale in New York.Jewelry.a large new aupply. Underwear for 1.... ies, ( 'h ¡Idren, and OcnUetnMe.Outiug-Shirt« and Boys Percale Waist« at 25o., worth 5Ua



APRIL, 1891. APRIL, 1801.¦to:-


&C0.150 yards Lilac Fijrorsd Pl-naa a* 4a,

which is about half plica ;17 pieces of 12,0. Zephyr Üinghatas for

10c. per yard ;4 pieces of Lattice Striped Whita Muslin

at H Jo. worth 10c. ;10 pieces of Black Barred Lining ?a߬

?m at Se. worth H\a. ;We havo sold all of onr 25?. Unbleached

Canton Flooael for 12 io. and arenow selling our 20c. quality for12|ß. Ihe reason is that wo hare a

eurploH uf those. Don't yon wantto help ca reduce the qnantity andhelp jouraolf-by aaving 7jo. peryard?

Another lot of that 10c. Black Farmer'«Satin reduced to _·>. ;

Remuants of Brown and Black Colored»Jeans at 6.C. worth lUo. ;

Wo have an excellent Caaraa for dreaa-facing at ?2,c. per yard ;

Fine Light-Weight Unbloacbad Cottonfor lining at lo. ;

Gilbert'- Fancy Silici», tho asconde ofthe _88A ¡?ratie, for l'J ·.<·. per yard.Wo sell an average of 30 to 40 yardaof these a day, so they must be verychesp.

f>_ Unbleached Canion Flannel to save

your nie.» linen table cloths fromwearing out. This wo sell at 60c

25 pieces DreMniakers' Cambria, in allcolors, at 5o. par yard ;

6 pieces of Gloucester's Dark Calicoaain drees styles at 5c worth 6.0. ;

Bargain Sheetings, bleached and an-

bleached, 10. wide, at 20o. peryard;

Kentucky Jeans for boya' wear at 12jc:per yard ;

Pink, Blue, Green, Slate, and BlackV. L Buttons, 2 dozen for 5c, Bornaof these ar« worth 10c per dozen.

Children's Black Lisle Hose rediioedform 50 to 25c a pair ;

Boya' Cardigan Jacket* (3 or 4) at 39cThese will fit a large boy or a smallman. Wa hare about a doaen.Jerseys left which we want to ekteeout at 50c aad aiaea 32, 34.36 only.

Look at our 60c. Gentlemen's andBoya' Shirts, ia tizos 11, to 18;

Gentlemen'sCantonFlannel, Merino, aadJeaas Drawers at d??. a pair.

Velvets for trimming are «asaac Wahavo aome very desirable V elveta alfl to ft*.25 per yard. I

1 piece Seal-Brown All-Silk Velvet at$2.75, a decided bargain ;

Polka-Dot is the cry. Polka-Dot toscanne and high. That ia why. FoaPolka-Dot they aigh. Polka-DotBranderburg, a beautiful WaahFabric nearly a yard wide, at 20c ;

Half-Wool Polka-Dot ChaUiea at 20a,in new effects ;

Polka-Dot China Silk, Black groundwith White dot, at 50c ;

Lovely Largo Dot (I'olka) China Silk,wider than usual, at SI.25 par yard ;

Polka-Dot French Cbslli, all WoolPlum ground with small White dea*


at 75c per yard ;All-Over Cambria Kmbroidery at 26a.

per yard;Oar 20c All-Wool Nun'e-Ve-Inga ait

almost clos. <i. Ol the lot we haa·left there ia a pretty Ss*a*pent-*Uraa·and Dark-Tan.

Lady's-Cloth, 45 inchea widn, in baaaaar*fu! Graya, Tana, ia, reduced ta Hper yard. * Thia Cloth is noapauratlfor the price, and ia auitobla lotDreaaea and Wrap·*

Tan and Gray Henrietta, 45 inchea aide,all Wool, beautiful, âne qu__ty,eB|1 per yard ;

Choice novelties in China Silke, FanerSurah Silks, and Combinatioa. Wat«.Bobea;

5 pieces Armenian Serge, 36 inehea w_la,at 12,c Thia ia a Cotton fabriamade in imitation of Serge, and tea»cobra are handsome

2 pieces Cotton Tycoon Ropa,ground with white -guru, at 8}_>

Wash Gooda ara in demandMake them up to be ready foa thaiwarm weather. In thia fine we y_*__the palm to none hereDrees Oingha&a, 81, 10, 12», 26, IB,

87|c;Par-alee, 8,, 10, and Ujc jFrench Dimity, 26c ;Colored Striped Malla, 124«, |lagnred Linen Lawna, «US*,

I*aok at oar beautiful Fase maitomeMirrora.




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