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TIlE SUN THURSDAY NOVEMBKIl 20 1000 n III TliniHIMY XOMMIHH V iwfl- rlpllnrn l Illl I AHVersliifilh- IAIIV P V miNiiAv IrYfsrI- lAIIV AM MNIV Ysr- IIAIIV AMIW NIIAY pM Mnath 1- IlMlSg llMll- TIIK 11 N New Votk rilr- pnMKlo in No I rest Irand llofel and Klm ii Nn 10 Mnue Mild Oitt UrtnMf- ifcr frlinJt uha Mro ut wrtl pi nuifrMp- kNfrilH iUMi r r l iJrlWl r lurn iflfl Why H Turkir rnlloil Turkey1 mailer of contwniwirmiious Imirmt- iIntcrot we copy from our iMroimM n tim orary UlwAtopfon IMMHJ 7Vnf nbjiilncil pKo of philological In formtU in- Wuy the turkey I CAlId a turkey hns been much alsnuted wllbwt r scliln any definite cunrliulnn one theory In thai thC lutkey iiAinnl himself by Mi peculiar cluck which sounds like tutu lurk lurk Die iiiime l lilinwlf Bubbler vlion he raid cobble cobble hut HIP cnmieotlon of liU nlHol nr of turk turk turk with ilm of tlio bird Ii merely a fnneiiul sup- position which was put forth by a writer In Xoltf ant Qtirrits Another ejplnnatlon refers tho dcepro I color of hi wattles Turkey roil lienco turkoy ThU may bo HMiii iM- alonK with the other tincry tan un- B0ti firtory and unnecessary When this clorlnun American bird second only to tim bnldluiir In tho nlTee- t Inns of tho pioplt1 and on certain occasions perhaps even mor beioveil IM HIPO rnoro was Introduce to tlio notleo of Ku- ropo In tho Hint half of the Sixteenth cen- tury It receive ViiiioiH names Indleativn of n rrinoto ctMcrnphleal origin It wu very ntronKo and very fonlsn niul It was variously ftyled co J or lieu of cock or hen of Calicut mid Turkeycock or- Turkeyhen lu Fnffllsh usnso Turkey cock or Turkoyhen has been nhortoned to turkey In French the 007 illnJe nn1 tho pout itlndt havn become respectively dindon ami divide that l to say turkey malo and female Tho obvious derivation of dinde gufilclently pro VIM the parallel derivation of turkey In the KngMi The word Turkey itself in the geographi- cal sense as ratIng to tho country of tho Osminll or Ottomans I not Turkish but Persian Turk applied to the Inhabi- tants of a vast region of central A la some fantastic phllologlsta refrr Us origin to TcitK a son of IAPIIKTH reci trreil as TINAS In the ponerations of Non ac- cording to tho King James version Hut IthougUTurkeyii KIIATYAM never know this estimable bird elso ho might have sung The Cnrvrr eatTM nor pAuseth he o e Whether the hungry cutst contfnlfd bt- Ddik mIni or while what matter to the Knife And plattfred 1Jwl what matters It to Thee A Illy ll tram oil thy sUitxwird bow A chunk of deeper hue rut anyhow TODAY U here Toiionnow may nol Oh either help happltesj enair It as you Ret It and give thanks same Heredity Illustrated by tho English Racehorse Tho question What do wo Inherit from our parent was recently discussed In an Illuminating way at the Xowcstloupon i Tyno Royal Infirmary by Dr THOMAS Oiivni profi or of physiology at tho Newcastle College of Medicine An inter citIng feature of tho lecture was tho proof of tho tranamlttlhlllty of certain parental fiialitlw adduced from tho hlstorj of tho racehorse that was not a thoroughbred ever i WOO the Derby Curzon who was u half breci all but succeeded in becoming tho exception to tho rule but hu just failed ho ran second In tho Derby of 1SD5 It In a figniflcant act that nearly every winner- of the great races last year was a descend- ant of St Simon who did not run In tin Derby bocauao bis brooder died while tho hurst was a yearling hut who beat the Derby winner of his year From first last St fcimon was nn unbeaten horse He won easily hU last race at High Oosforth Park rj a threeyear old shortly after which ho retired with a splendid constl- tutlon rr the ud Duritig this nn t at the stud ho begat stock that won no fewer than 222 rnces collectively valued at Jllioc O Other siren have not hut have approached him In distinction Among these may bo mentioned The Baron who fifty years ago was the sire of Stock well and llataplan animals more valuable In the stud than on the cuurw Stock well was tho giro of Donca iter who was the of Pend Or who was the sire of Ormonde who was tho sire of Orme by whom was begotten Flying Fox who won tho Derby In 18J9 Here we have n line of fiuiious racehorse which like that of St Simon ROM directly bok to the Parley Arabian the father of the best blood In tho rncehorees of today On the ma ternal side the htraln tan bo traced bock to the Ciodolphln Barb another slro who bin contributed to the production of tie iliMlnctUhod breed How do the sexo differ from ono another reiMrds pood in the case of the mce bar Ur Uiivi ilons not agree with those experts who assert that tho best innrtH nro Iho bint horsfn Ho concedix that piolnbly a inan lit wo years old 1 iii r t nn u hotw nt that agi just girls mich- maturity curlier than boys hi thinks howiver lint niiiKH ilctcrlnratn more itkly than horiv jimi on whole com te with ibnii nnfrMirably yivf ldf I In point out tlmt the Derby IH open to both MVN yet during 12u ycjiin only lire mares have won that nor namely Mivinor In SOl HHnk Honnlo In lij in jiS7 It may m i hit innrix arts at a dUaOvanta- as regards thn Derby which IK run In ihr- mo th of May when mans aro not in tlu best phynteal health an I f plrits m- tnartx month Is Septomber when leger Is run Here then a race in which tnnn and hor te on iiiil term XoviTllielecs tlrce 177H t year In which i at raco was iwUibllsi niar have nly won sn tlmo out of mum It Hiems therefore that bet n Derby anil tho St legor ti gr tist- ppixsl lie brtn db hoiviM nnd not by manw V nceil noi Kty In the bre vling of racnhorsos It u al hitoly nccmwry that t u greitNt taiv should i taken to mate sires of repute with nitre that are also well bred and dltlngulshod as An cxamplo of t1Jb U1t- r lnI- 0 u 2 fII- I tI I I 1 II 10 I Ill I I the cole I duel 1 cal one to Both 1 I I I I wee Take t I I I I Enl h C tx oar r I j Irn r I 1 n n I n j lat t1 t I rom I 1 0 racer I In e II t iii UIl ill Ii fri II h ire dU4J jak1jS4Ip Ii a- ft the j 4 turkey bbh L I far fetehtI cagl I 1 A mid- i i PerSIan OMAn t Ti p t1 I ii 1 come- t f I to- t I r i I I IiI I briM I i mid ShOt IiVI I J t Iii Iii atm hot t t k ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < I mch A mum WAX Unwind In JMJ I who lipjfitii In run whrn Inn jrrnM I old unit fnMliriiU1 lo run nnlll dm wn- filnit ycirn old Win m il tncry nnd won 11 limn o i CM rncii IITII lullfw In liiif Mho linciiinii- Ihn ilniii of Sf mniii tM lie won Um M I cr NnwmiiiKiir b mil thn Mfc of MiTiiilt wlifi won din l irliy while llerinll was Im slrn of i nNo won Ihn Derby facti rrndnr II lndl Mini fit far as fiinhorMM aro c l Ihn iiuitlltliN Dial tiiHin which u liluli valtm 14 iliinn urn InliTill What Minll wn ty iliiii of WIIIXMAXNM theory hut- iiefinlrnl i urn not triiitinllli I- VDr Oiivpn nri4wiT thai oven If It be con cnilrd thai tin germ plvm alone U triinrttnlt- tn th m Is yet Implatidvl In the ntielntit of- Ihnerlliitnwloiiiyto varliitlon Tlnxtriict- uti of the CITIII plas thin mtsceptibln to variation cannot i inlliicncnl chnrartnr of that xiir rounds it t well known that Fngllrh- rn Ihorurt the product of very clo n d- Ing In niul In In time Imttmu family too rlo n Inlnrtilitig or consatiutilniHJiis mitr- riiigM nro belUivnd In caiisn ouch mental physic il dofnrt In thn olTsprlng us- vifmiitUm Itioanlty and various ner- vous disorders Dr Ouvrn Is ono of mutiny observers w o assert Unit wher- ever there art defects in the parents or In the family the marrlaK of first coiwliw- U certain to bo followed by an In ttxvdef chll Iron Hut If cloin Inbreeding In tho human family Is bad why has not this forum of bnedlni carried on for FO ninny years in time Knullsh raojhorse hat similar results a nrittor of fact there nro many who believe that till Kngllh racehors of to de ttiernte not in Mxed for short ILitnnces but In other pnrtlcnnri Dr OIIVGII or hU part has no doubt that the horses are run too young for by tho chime they reach tour years of ago many of thorn are practically hone in Ho ro KariU hprlnt running for man or nnl mal biJ for thn reason that the dis- tance is c jverod at an ux M d vo speed from tho stirt to tho flnUU and consequently subjects tho heart to an inordinate strain To sprint running coupled with time cumu- lative effect of close Inbreeding are at- tributed tho greater delicacy of consti- tution the diminished reslstaneo to cold ant time lots of staying power remarked In the racehorse of today KnglMi brooders feel It seems that fresh Infusion of blood Is necessary ant that this can bo attained by the mating of nn EnglUh Hay witi n purebred dam brought from America or Australia wlio o prak coAiors transported years ago to an poll show a valuable poll Kreo whl h hat not deterloratotl In thn- iMfondants amlil faroff surroundings Iawlni from horsus to non Dr DIIVKI- IInilsu that if time of in an nunehlevous they must be very much aggravated in time human race whim there is u family history of phthWs What Is Inherited Indeed I not no touch tho disoa o as a tmscoptlblllty to It an inability to oppos coimtllutlonal ro hifitane Ho is convinced that on htiman- itary grounds alon conmiiiiptivm should not marry He recognizes however that marringo1 are regulated not by reason but by sentiment and that even w en patholugicnl clrrtnutunccji aro made clear to ono of tho contracting parties a f ellng of optimism usually prevail Time ouimlttee on Foreign Relation Tho death of Senator DAVIS leaves the Committee on Foreign Relations without a chairman Tho Uepuhllrnii nimbens of thU commlttw In rder of their Btandlnc are Senator Fun of Maine Senator ClLLOU of llllcols Senator IxiliJC of Muaehu rits- Snator CLARK cf Wyoailnj- flenaUir roiiAKHlt of OMi Senator WOICOIT cf Coiuriuta All of theMe statesmen urn good Amer- ican Senator FHYE who In the ordinary courso of thing would FUcceed Senator DAVIM as chairman is tho President pro tcmpore of tho Senate and until the tth of next March will perform tho duties of Vice IreIclcnt which devolved upon him at tho death of Mr HOUAIIT Senator CfUojt is already chairman of tho Committee on Com- merce and a member of that on Appro- priations Ills term wilt expire next March Tin Illinois Legislature has yet to pass upon the question of his reflection j Senator IOIHJU hat nearly a full term before him His previous service on the Commute on Foreign llolations has ctrengthened by experience his natural uptltudo for that special post Ills energy j Is equal to hU talent Ills familiarity with tho Important questions which will concern tho committee nt tho approaching session Is cscelled by that of no oman In public life There cvnld be no prudent arrangement more satUfaotory to the country or better calculatexi to American intorotts in International oiTalrs than one by which tho Hon Ilrxrv IOIXIK should- oasumo time responsibilities from which death has released CfSHMAN K DAVIS Ilio City and Its Irtntinu Them ho1 been pomo parade recently of opinions In favor of the municipality into the printing business by stab HsbltiR n printing office This schema j has boon tried in lloston and has bivn a niPlaucholy failure It was adopted by Mayor Qrivcr and the outcome was o ills j mal that It was nVvidrincd by Mayor HIT Mayor KCI up a printing an l o depart metit de j a gemral repair thop Theri upon city co t from 2n to Vj p j cent morn than when done by private Ilio Itustiin ofllni s11 for n fifth of ito cost A Now York printing plant would cost nearly a j million dollars Mv city of NPW York n obtaliu from vnriou llrms engiid in printing than those paid by thn general public in the ordinary course of liu ir while i the charges made to the city by the Ho ton municipal printing of were nearly double those which are now paid by thU city for printing For ln lairi the I tOt for primingthe city law brie was to the city of Hostm nearly ii ibli hat which it was to the city of Now York d irinn the awo period of iimn The ottiblHlunent of a municipal printing ofllro tn tiH ry would bo a costly experiment for ttm tax payrrs unit lu only pnrp i woiill be to iMtiblMi an nsyltiit for worknvi com pnjrnt and Incompetent who found favor with the oOMaU Under the nynfin now in v 10 In this city tho riion employe1 m tlio city printing olliee except whom at u WM r fi I f- Url Ink hit I I I I I allOt of tln tho A I ncor n Iro j t he I 3to I I i nOT cir ole all I It i I I I t hem pun iii mmmi fly I l over S I tin I w Iii Stir Ii I I tel mlii t I I liii roil er I lie t lie i iii t lie 1 ire limit I i diy iTt tA Inbreeding n iii moat It dot lit C en- tering Q INv rh omi rat ins ii icpttl pni lit I ii rote g r ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > worlc nn munlrlpal nonlr eM work for Mini limirn a dny but In lh rlly print ln ofili cl hi hour lalwir only would b fincoiiry In oflrr I F Tiirr then Mill wu Hilt nlofin would ndil II per tout 1 1 un coil of prodiirtlon A lovrrniiKiit or innnlrlpil printing iifflco has never linen nl l linn out of the Mrs qiinllly or at Ihn mnrlnt o t country dollnrn annually l dliio during Ihren months In thn y ir Iwforo iiirt t rm open In HcpfinW- biforn tnx H urn pnld In irlober and b forn thn elccilin is hld III During tho months then com- paratively thy printing nefdnd and at n eon ivtienen of this tin whole munic- ipal printing plant tho whom stall of- oltlclal prliilero would b t Idle U propoiod by any ono that thn city hhoulil go Into printing except for ofllclal work anil tho opportunity which private nipirn now working for time city have of th ir fnulllliiH for general during the dull months of each year could not ho counted upon In light of hero can bo no- poMible excuse for this city already over- burdened with taxation engaging In a biisliw which hitherto has always teen found to bo a Mwrco of loss the Govern- ment or municipality undertaking It Secretary Long Naval Programme The report of the Secretary of the Navy U of morn than usual general intcrent- locniise it contains a full account of tho part the navy hat taken in the Philippines ami In the siege nnd relief of Titntcin rind Pokln- Of more Importance however Is tho Pot wherein Mr IONO i etit forth the rifllrial of tho Administration in tho matter of new vuuelt It will bo remembered that tho various permanent boards have put out programme for future construction Thin General Horrd of which Admiral DKWUT U Prcsl clout suggest the construction of two bat tlehlps two armored cnilser six gun bouts two destroyew three torpedo boats ono transport nnd ono training fihlp Tho programme of the Hoard on Construction called for three 13500ton- buttlwlilpi two 13000ton armored cruisers six Hinnllcr cnilsern and miscellaneous vcHseU gunboats coWers rernlr Hhl rt to till number of twentyseven The minority member of this lastnamed board proposed tIme construction of two 14000 ton battleship two armored cruisers of the same idzo two protected ruLers some- what smnllur and twelve lightdraft gun- boats The Secretarys programme Is In tho nature of u compromise In view of tho number of largo lighting authorized of which some have hardly been begun ho asks for two battleships nnd two armored of lightdraft gunboats nnd for colliers transportH train- ing ships and repair ships without ppecify- Ing any particular number Theso last are tho necessary accompaniment of the general Increase of the navy Ve have battleships afloat and In re- serve niul Home eight others under con- struction including those authorized but not actually begun The crying need of the navy Is for Miirll gunboats to bo used in time shallow harbors and rivers of our Insular possession and this need will exist long after the prOent state of hos- tilities Is ended for pollen duty around their coasts Theso small vowels are tho only craft that our yards will bo ablo to construct for many months so crowded ore they with naval construction already Tho Secretary might well havo been loss conservative In his programme so far as these small vessel are concerned Mr LONVJ renews certain recommendations regarding naval bureau and his recom- mendation for a fair nwthod of rewarding officers for gallant nnd meritorious service rather than tho present Illogical system j which rewards ore at time expense of an- other anil ndds thereto n plan for bestowing medaU of honor nnd medals for faithful i sorvloa nnl for courage on oillccrs and men which has proved feasible in foreign navie and would certainly be successful hero The proposition to revive tho rank of ViceAdmiral mil for Immediate atten- tion It can rationally have hilt ono end In view that of giving to Admiral SAMP BOX tho honor that must In Justice crown all rewards Incident to the Spanlfh war In any future bonk of Gulden Deeds the rarer of Jons MOON nnd J wuitv nuith- nvii a 1laco On Motidny ttin bitlldinxs over thn shaft of lli coal mine nt White Oak W VA tOt on frf Moov time ciiicliioor pent j down tho clevntor car to the men In time hnf and whn ho found that they had not nil s nt It lawn a wconri time thOUgh th vnKlno room Itlf wn on fim nnd ho was In momentary dread of nn from dynamite tnrod tiarljy Ssiiixr thi mine HiiiperlntendiMit rushed throush the flames arid unrriid out th drnunilte nail then rn tuned and IKH out the flames nn the cnslncers clnthlnic while latter rnn the rulno thnt vta hnlstlnR the men from the bottom of thn haft U1 commonilnw to Kny that there are horocs In prnce as well as In war but It la true and In i Oak are two of them Guilds Mrk twk n Dew I IK of lle al the Vat ttrilty of IVnnsylranla ytsltttay IAftaiMpAM- ITltl IlctUr It again The game of football will MIIT port nnd freer from unlmadvcr- Mori wliin nil forinntlons dad us tnndom at least of tile limw are nhnlbiied The d clfton to remove the wreck of the Maine In th harbor of Havana Is wise con iiieriiilly If for nn other reason Ilnvntin- lin wlnt Is known ns n blind harhor with n Mrniin f llowlni Into It and with only the current of till tides tn dir Its vvnters The liirlmr U nlrendy rraniK rl nnd I the formailni nf a shoul nliout th wreek Miilnn would hn II wrioilM olxtaeln to Ihn mad f iinrt At the Name time wn vould- Miirott tint n wiVmmiil buoy or n Hirlit of- w inn tduriiut Oo ilierd vhere th M is In marl tlu ni ot wheru the ltiir tragedy oenirrril- nvntn Miniill toll up n dorrn tiiin In the SIMP- wltlln HIP mat tin r tK Wr han II m Mit lj Inr thr p i nur vll hmiil up n tluif eirriiMilon Vfrii un thr itt r I n u CM rich hv riling ihrsiwr rr l uurll llrfiirr loldu fiml tlllill- Mm opoly mrporntloti Keep up piles it iltli whlliKilllns ih ntier tu nthers thou th y nvor botialit l fore Via hive Just cpiotcrl from a jour ni who livfnr h recent election wns an nrdent dlolplenf Ilrnnliin u s the linco nnd propnos to set ni the machinery nf tin rus All tho WB hope that Hnrfiln will liloom tind boom with nvn Mr AltTllllt SitttVANS Chmil t crfjI- Vil by it U tn muMrUni with lialxt- IthnMr tutorlioitoi Kititnt Tranttiin- Mlchts few product of tnenH minds can lay clair to that and If The I it Chor is to have It no or mod crude It it fortune tlKUhtl UIIJIIIIHT genius of tho lout to take a buck to the ccnlusj for catching Um car of the earth The Chord will live as lone prob I n t OmCf I n S k I < l i I t t lon I MIL I cnll5 l4nu tom rix I I i I I i W i l cad rxlIt lon the lat I lit wreck > I hIt 11 than thc f It I U ham1r I It weilci that the holt Lot Ii liver lit IL lime bvc- m limp i im I II ii I iIi Va4li imigtitm osts tim iiiIilriii of I ii cii Fly till I lie tiflhtini mint I rig lie NfV i ni ion iiMIf II rig ion lit t iii mill I riot si r ion sly ii I II Ii mig bud imot t lie i each for time hat bury ti i t rum ertmi mice of- t hi c ted lies net rari hal of ac- t I ti ottef ics 1 Vet now t sin its cuts prove seat ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < > M If llnw If m nf utrlllntf hilt nnl- linnitllin lhrxi h MlMITAM will M fi- mrpilor il noire fur Onwnnl Chrl tl n M- dliT limn fur The lwt until or Ilnnfoff- nnd tmt nut ltii Mh T IKTMIIO Otiwurd- tlif Itinn H ildlrr Is n hinn tun- Inlhnllr Nifl llf iind N fn- ToTMBFlilTCn Of Tim HtN Hlr A fnwtlfitf- nf ititiiiiiiitpflni t olitirl rrrcnlly tonrrnntn for Ihn fcilerntlolMi KOOlelles will In held New ViifK on lhnnk fflrln r A ilin of work wen uircn In the ITCM oom dnj CIte hf Ihn Klifht they lll hni Mfumrner of Iroii- iIlif WIs In II innnr nllr l or suppo e 1 ifrloynrif urn listed er n thn Indian rhonn- nro mvntlniod Hut time negro iUf ntlon U quite A few iiisttnm effecting our black oouiiUyinpn which comm worthy of study riml How Catholic fooletlm- tnnd In reitnrd to the lows of Ihn oiithfrn- HliiUnt fnrhlridliiK rnnrrlaco nf black anJ- whllm Horns of lh States makn such mar rim Invalid otlmn lll nl only Catholic Church rnoenli the tnnrrOtfnof a hlnok and n perfectly Inwfnl No Church Impedi- ment nfl ct color Second How do Catholics and Catholic oc- ltls stand In regard to the ranchlsemcnt of neifroen- No Keimlhle nccro objects to uniform qunll- flmllnns for votIng whether of education or of both I he negroes grandfather clause and alto to the unjust ap- plication of time test Certainly Cnthollo societies whose member ship Is largely mild tip of a raco which for BC I suffered political dLsfranchlc ment at the hands of i ought to put forth n strong ener clzlnir word for fair play to the hlacc man sal no flyer to thn Unoritnt white man Those effect tint colored Catholics of on Snuthlind thU In why we a k them A brlif study moreover of Irosl- ilentlal prove pertinent The Prot- o tnni cctlon nf our couniry the H tub went for ho however wus supported hi nearlv all the Catliollo new ivipers nearly nil time Catholic llthops nnd Yt rt of the ouuntry 10 Iho a that In which illcs likened In the words of the Prophet tn time for grapes left on the tho vine r vlnlifte fiOonoo Cnthollcs not more nre to he found In the Southern which voted for Are wo to b ll T tint th Calhollo of the Vorlh voted ntnlni McKinley I nr witch our abound neptihhcnn ma thin unit o on No York lilt If with fully 1 million Catholic Inhabitant gave j thiiiismd innjnrlt In tnct If time iihnllo of thn North voted against McKinley hn would Invo ben defeated It ieem to u therefore tint mba Catholic pre i and lilt hollc Inderiitlon to der over In th fo iills of time recent election How much wlclit have Catholic p pens In InllnenclnB tho nolllos of their ub c Ihers low inuol wel ht have Catholic priests la- wlnnlne ovo th lr floclu to cro n can for political ofllot 110w much TIn extract from Ilrownson fit this note Thee be Discourse on Civil nnd ReligIous flh- erlv dn riot appear however to lniv liv Cat ho c or ua of United Rtit c nil der ted n to nd hostile to Illierty whether civil or roliir hut iII I probably owlne either tolh their enrlnf or to the Inn th it their author Is n Frenchman antI n former per of France Mad he Iwii n or hal ho been born a Vinkeo nd a Yankee whn will not concede thato l n tnthrillc It Is not nece nry to do imllonnUzi himself nnd a cner In his intlv Inn they wotitil doubtl s hnv hon o d them a moro funrldnble opposition nn yet roceUed mont the Catholic organs of Kuroi e Ilcrotnlna A Catholic In thl countrv tans becoming IrlOunnn or nt ln t a nnd If one lcotne n tfeod Irlhnmn good European 0 n do tiled nntlA crime hu n Cnth 1lc let him defend what dortrlnes hi This Is from nn nrilcln on Civil and HelUlous BrotMnn 7 u for July ISM Work Vol 20 30- 0lUiTmorE finaiL What the Snbitltute letter Carrier Want To rnK KniTon or TImE Sw Sir It has been stated that the uh tltuto letter carriers will try to have n bill passed at tfio coming session of Concrcts providing for the pay- ment of n regular salary to them The substitute letter carrier of the country- In general nnd of Xew York In particular positively do not want a alary What they do want and whnt they seek to have accorded them by legislation Is time mensuro before Con cress known as the Grout bill This bill fath- ered by Iteprejentativo Grout of Vermont that n nuh tltuto serve a probation- ary term of nniiths at the hn Is eligibly to appointment as a car- r of time third grade serves n vein o i dei the probationary riod ho Is ouglbloton- piKilnl milt ns n of t he second irnilend If ho ervi tWo then to the first crate Th salaries of tlm trades arc third 00 er- nntimn second Jsn first flnoo The net nlso to of tho second clas In hinall cities having few carriers only nnd 0110 nr two tmhstltutos where thn make lltilt lie idB motley n bonus- of io This um to pny the nubs for their trouble III amid nl o- to keep imii lunketi to hnrness III the servlen- thereliy dulni uwny with tho necessity nf pointing new men yearly provisions time to In flr nail weonil years who have served this riUiilred tlmo over probationary period which incin nil drawing less than Hole aniuuii Under the existing law a sub receives tic tine rata of them reculnr whoM work he ice hut no matter how long he may wrv- as n iih when he Is appointed n he- Mirls tit J6W iiniiutn As n rule the subs usimll In New York nl Uvut niako more limn lfi i yearly Therefore II 1 n hnrd to tn a year for HO little mnnev The Urotit Mil dos nwny with this With the IjHvntlnti of New York Bilbs of nil the of the X A I C It Is the intention of the ibs of Xow York to organize to help along tlm cTii e nnd nho to tt few llopliw Ton Brx with Its uiiinl lao of fair iie Justice will lend us lu aid we lire AM or inr Sriis pun OSB or TIIK Srns SEW VORK soY o Cavalry florae at Ibe none Show To Tilt KniTon OK TUB On the lost diy of the Hore Show the ribbon was nwnrded In tho military class to a bob tailed horsa Us rider with short stirrups ritlnif to time trot amid both hands The like of thli Is unheard of In American military practice nil cavalry horses have tnils our troopers tho trot tho reins In one hand Will you kindly explain the wherefore of this decision Many besides myself are inter oited were In fact nmuzod as I was when two veterans of the cavalry service on mounts selected b cnu o fulnlllnc the conditions as to lo and hone of time tnlted Ktntes Cavalry requlreinenti equipments rrfcct were sum- marily honn the cite the prize going to n- Jutnplne on n bobtailed park hack Ier halls JiilC not a soldier was fur hi rncland I believe some of reslments hoI horses and th men tot If thl dont think It should hii bivn announced In advance that the military lat conform to llritlsh Imrroil Donor ame for Ihlllpplnpt Wanted To Till KntToit OF Tin svn sin Now that the under American control would It not t f In urdrr to name them more apptoprlMfl The PhllpplneJ wrrf named alter Infamous mill Philip very nome ts ynonymoul ltll bigotry UnuHinff vice and opprf loi Why not name lbr e- l jnd lnhnnur of that vest emancipator Lincoln Ir how would McKlnley Islands or Henry l l nj sound Guoiian FBNTRICK NEW YOIIK NOT rs To TUB nunoil OK TUB suisfr In talklnc- InAmerltnni train lmil sap part of the Lnton I nutlcr thrlr an t m lo quf llons tt Inrarl Introductory expletive Why Kt fry conrrrwllnn li loaded these whys Yet I netrr ttr It used In Aiurrlrnn II AMIUTON Canada Nor 24 S A Cabinet of SlxTootert 7 on Jon Hally Cfianltli In tbe Cabinet train A phyalcal point r f lew he plrndld Al leant bait of Ihm are well our list Christmas number of Strfinrri Sdatstlnt appeal cutRtoiu In a rotated cover by Maifirld rki and wllli a ChrUtma1 supply nf rood thlnti by- way of nmlrnls It U an eictllfct numbs the con- tribution prose rrrne and Illustrations bclDf ClOD slitently Interutlcc and attracttTi thAI lit tin ItlllnII sail lot overlnokici rIicro are ItoeAlholl end Time whlt 1111 tile prlIuly or of objoct to the time recent Ina of lIhl Time tll cay to cII1IUal wrlll Jnrll Ut So York ell f hat have enoumib did ffIlidudI IIlr tnennadtv to undrrslnrd n for II r II na Ire dorn In ov 2 l r dill R I I I pa und niembrs rend SUNSir long rlnlnl ni wall tic Ian 011 toilet 111111111 the This hrnr pmeetled II I men sla feet lat sill la Inns SVa I his t the the I nl Ill Ill the lIil1i4 lie apostle fro silver tbs tmtiitol ttmIt i time Maia nuirieC t cv Bryan ofowITi Mont tilm c lice I I lie toil cf eondimctors tie ni anvi Pad sars I lie the large eitict ore organiid are nlem s The using cit th- e tin trot Ani ciT are silo Sthr almost Aii hr the sub paper GflAIIu PrOM IhP are I- d > > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ < > > ¬ > iioir rnwHttrw rv v tin tht lew Nttf Mlnrti tie rue law inli mmle tot t Its trIal wn feNirli- II flrns it irotiHn welrhlllir VI I IIIU ln reliKliy of fieifly Jf l fe r ciiiliil- I or nenrlr J7 e fiiiil which 1111110 In Iho n n tint It will citrrv further IM ni t l M erfii HUM In ihn wr rld Itiiisllinilil remote nt nn rlnviillnn of il4rn n iilci hated hy Miiinr liuil of tint lulled lnti Artillery l inllei I The army 12Inch win found In our coa t fires n lirtilmiind projectlln- with n velocity nf Jnji fiintwcnlid Kin of cnuro a iiniih flintier ranui I army Inltich Ktm reiintlv completed nl- Wfllrrtllet Arsenal I eit etnl lo l e iVif- iKiliecon U nf iiiu7ln velocity lo n iirojectlln- wrl hlnif 2io fioundsi innlniuni ranvo- neennllnir Mnjor IricnlU will ho 21 mlloi nt nn elovntlon of 411 deureesl Xn KuniHnn gun cnn comiuirn with thl In niurlo energy iriklnr restilu III thin navy cuti have ohtnlnwl by tin IIMI nf n very jiowerful- puwtler smokeless a Innircr barrel or burn and a lighter projectllo l t in briefly conilder how the o clmncus produced HIH effect desired The fixed elcmentn In army un which lilTed the muzzle velocity ant maximum pressure aro II Caliber or diameter of time born 2 Capacity of this powder chamber which holds the charge- S Travel of time projectile In tho bore 4 Wclirht of limo projectile Tho variable elements are 1 Qunllty of powder 2 Weight of powder charge J Density of loading that Is tho relative apace occupied by n given weight of powder 4 Rate of powder combustion In th gun therefore lining a particu- lar projectile with n particular kind of powder wo may vary time nmxzln velocity only by varying the weight of the thnrgo Hut In designing now guns nil the fixed elements may bo chanced In the case of this new gun tho caliber established at 12 Inches but to obtain a higher muzzle velocity the designer was Influenced by tIme following considerations In the first plnoe the rftvy smokclovt powder according to IJeut Strniws United states Nary Inspector of Ordnnnco at Indian lliMd Proving flround has proved excrllent In quid Ity and In the 0Inch gun 40 calibers long gave a muzzle velocity of over Sooo foot ec onds with 17 tons pressure and It Is expected that In the new 50callber guns now building It will give the inio or a creaUsr velocity with less pressure In the next place tbe smokeless powders have tho remarkable property of giving greater velocities and lower maximum pnssurr In the bore than the old powders This la due to the fact that they are flowburning powders and although the maximum pressure Is less the aggregate pressure on tho projectile while It Is In the bore Is greater consequently the projectllo has n higher velocity Time longer a projectllo remains In the boro the longer the Runes act on It consequently Increased lennth of born limited by friction- In the bore nnd time time time powder takes to bo entirely cot mined must give Increase velocity Experiment hus shown however that beyond certain point nothing gained by Increasing the length of time gun more- over exclusive length local great eight and unwleldiness of the piece The best length of liars depends on the powder mUlti other amid has generally been determined by calculation In tile Inrzn caliber guns as It Is too expensive to test experimentally Finally having obtained Increased muzzle velocity by time UKO of n cood powder and by Increasing the length of time bore the tnny to made shorter nod still be steady- In Its flight with a consequent further Increase In velocity The length nf tho projectile Is determined among other corsldnrnlions by what Is netr siry to prevent It frnm tum- bling or nether by what will keep Its point steady to thn front on which condition Its accuracy largely depends But the greater tho velocity the heM time tendency to tumble hence n tmovlnc projectile need not be so lone ns a slowmoving one to obtain this result Hut n reduction In weight of pro- jectile there l eing less matter to move still further Increases tho muzzle velocity and this element Is therefore also effective In giving greater nui771e velocity To sum uti then the new navy gun uses an excellent mckolcss powder giving hlh velocities combined with low pressures It la KXaJIbfrs long which Is not excessive while army gun only 40 It fires nn MO pound projectile while the Army gun tires one of tono pounds nnd sinO the dinmetur Is tIme same In both the length of thin former Is less These are time main factors that determine- Its great power but of courwi there are many other elements Involved the designer did not find the problnm so simple as appears fron tills brief explanation Theatrical Hence To TilE EniTon or Tint SUN Sir In these days when n revival of publlo spirit gives promise of ninny practical reforms Is u not about time that time longsuffering patrons of our playhouses should rebel against the speculator evil one can reasonably object to the highest standard of prices at which a management can fill Its housn Hut n linen of public should not only publish Its rates but should by law adhere to said rates This would not Inhibit extra prices for freclal per- formances If need be but it would restore to the public Its right to buy a ticket at the ad I am familiar with one Broadway house whoso business Instincts will one of these days get tIme better of It Seats In the orcliestra But If you wish to nttend on n given evening can you get one nf these seaw on that day or time day before or two days beforo es If you know how Try them on time telephone- All eoldl Oo III person Same result Hut dont you see thnt bulnevsllkp looking gentle man nt the entrance whom the hnhltuis Imvo- onine to understand to b an employee of time house Weil ho has nj want of them any time Yes four seats together fifteen minutes the curtain will pay him 3 n sent nr Kio If youre lucky Is nn Imposition which the foster It may with truth Im said that we are- a not generous ponplp lavish In our patronage reeking cof t HO wo lin amused very proper It Is thnt our folks should gamer a thorn of lie nimble MI long as the Is not dunod Hut hnll not public sentiment prevail aunlnrt this game of SEW K II S lime One and Oily Hfllilon To Tnr EDITOR Tint SIS Sir Tour crltlcl ni8 on MMH remnrls maids ntlhe hate i lgiou conference hId In this city nnd time letter of SMn this morrlngs number of your have Interrst d me There Is but one religion In the world nr rather In mens h art neil that Is limo rollirlnn Its positive side Is the rlchl ltd ntcntlve th ab orniici of evil This re- ligion Is found In the hears of men of till na- tions under Iho urn With thin Christian It takes form of time worship or Invo nf God for this tensm that being Inspired ns ha Is with the love of rlgh recig- nlrcs In Ood thn Kmrrnof nil right nod truth precisely ns time finn who s Inspired with the love of music recognires tho noul of mu lc In tho great cotnro ers lod IhiisrevoilK Him MIf to Ih nirlMiRti thrntigh Inspiration cr ym nnd amnvlctlon- nf oiil IH Chri ins faith i nthnbiMsof III taint Mian nnd hHkriow- ledijenfmnny of the thN anti of theM life to come Is Inutidtd upon ths faith and upon It nloii hlmslf li wmin enlightened bv the source f right tin lh t nl who loVe rig t should bn Imllariv that they miy be lo attain right and Iruti to th of revelations mm have differed auU mil continue lodiffr thniuh i er feet harmony retarding ll inspiration or In tIme spirIt of ODd which Is the spirit of rlgntenu n A and truth Von Xov 27 LIBIIUU sill 1tfoIUlhlt1I n tui ti U 2 I t i I It t Theo hen annie wn II the I I lilt o 2 I 01 before 011 thelllrrohll no pr lnI nf1 Ia 27 01 paper of t I lIw iii kimowlitce of rveaulimus om 11 n lin I III olh r aw ItuflItl sYy hilts lit sIirIiIlft oril nine t lit eok till Ii I s wi I Ii tit Ii- I I Its i cii I that hums rimiul 4 I Ill con- siderations pro- jectile amuse- ment verttesi IriL iwlillo ducats or love love Ito e I tin I ills CflflVili lou t Ice a the Clii cf lIfe hOist i < < < < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IIIK Mtinn UIK wrrntirA- n Uinnifnl ht ri lrnmln nl tlfnlnlmi Idsi- Hrirn llUfrnnrlilimrnl M fssrnlUI tun Illiltoii nr HI I i i fend wliii lunch liitrput lime nflld UK- nMented frm i Minr ti limn In rnr r n- illifrtiirhKetiient if neiffil III I will IHIVI never been Hniilh or hftvr ni el- I Ilm heller Iifllieiil nf flilllheril while ti I Inr- I ili I lipsllnin In ny ulllinilt fiHr if iiirn I dlcMiin thnt lit bist elettptil In Hniilh- nnd iipptrclnlo Hi jilt Hint us lime n In U n rf our liistiiiiiinns his Intoiesi i i isyn- llled with our In the that lii iiiiri clvltu Hie niurn the lo vole nfier the wnr iifdrr t tleti- p sllng cnnillllnr has hIts e rs ho was tnlsed III Imvo Iver want nnd tmesuliy the llfo of II entirely- unlllled him In lie wes a child m lir- nn ctperlenm cdiicntlnn went nnd cnn Neiiuently liccniun tlm prey rils pnw- nf iincnipuliiis pnlltielans who represented niter wnr the ltciubllcnn- pnrty In most si tlnns nf till South men who to keep their Infltierici over wnrked on his pixKlnns amid him tho men of the riouth nnd rcgnnl them us lila rfn niln ull to carry out their criipiilnui phi Us tlnno clrciiinstnmcs the whlln men were forced to rnnko common eause against the ne ro fr thi iirotoctlnii of their lives liberty and Institutions whether from prin- ciple they sided with the Democrats or llepub- llran as no silfrcspectlng whltn omen front any section would care to nrsoclntn with any but very few of the whltn men who liontod trio party In time South after the war It wns fur reasons thnt time color Iind to be druwn My pcojilit did not do It but when it was nn haul to accept It It was nlHin to ovcry think- ing mar nf thnt If the negro was given this mrer In vote by the Hcpubllcnn party to further the ends greed of tint roprewntn- tlve if that pirty It would cnwin the white men for to stand solid against that party amid still today It Is not n question of niirty out nf Ilm negro from take away time curso nf his life Mneo freedom came to and nl o tho cnuso butt keeps tutu South snlld Ilemnve him from politics ho censes tn heroin a prey nf politicians only his Interest tn work out do Xorthnrn bankers today before making nn otTer Southern bonds ask tn know time white and colored fluId If proportion Is nearly equil will not hid ns an colored bv such R that there cnn be nn question of negro nile The 8 cent of my city under rule after the war sold for To on time dollar they bring IISO If money the Northern not approve the negro voting and Just ns surely ns negro Is removed from In South I think time solid South bo broken I therefore think that time negroes as a class will bn and physi- cally by being disfranchised ns the Intelligent nnd wealthiest negroes nro found In communltlnn where their number Is fo small ns not to have Influence over and they are thus prevented from being time prey men and If they tied not been allowed lo vote for two generations nfler freedom them would be no race question to agitate the Inday To In a div to know to provide himself physi- cally mentally and morally for gene had that kind to do- wns nlono sufficient to turn his head and make a fool of him or ono else In like Our Government however was not they expected the nerro to vote Intelligently had taken whatever In that direction but had aided and abetted unscrupulous politicians to The way tIme Government has trusted the negro Is n digrnen to the Time Indian and the Cuban urn helped In but the darky Is only and educated the men of the South and their Northern frlerJs- Thn South Is only In It Infancy aa to Its un developed resources but In every line where who met the North as she has outstripped her on account of richer resources with the nsalttono of Northern brains and We are fut the coal producers of the world Our cotton mills art time of tho cotton world and our trout Is becoming n factor In the Iron market As wo tltors from the different section wn will become free traders and protectionists and I expect to to hear crying for protection anti the North for free to tarns cause that at pres- ent makes It the reverse Hut one thing Is evident This Is the white mans country and Is to remain so The ram has always ruled and never been subjects except abort Vine STEWART WALIK- BITNcnBcno Va Nov is Commercialism and Altruism To THE EtUTon o THE Stw Sir Tour editorial article of today One cf Mr Hewitts Superficial Views points out that com- mercialism Is essential to continued progress end that to lessen the doslre for accumulating wealth would do Infinite harm especially to the working claM So far so good When however Mr Hewitt that thn time spirit of altruism probably meant that the altruistic tendency century will propor- tionately If this Is his hope and no fault can be found with his forecast- If hereafter the great employers of men give a larger of attention to tile social and economic status nf their employee and thereby bring about a better and cnnl- inl demagogues will find their calling HALTIMOnE Md Nov 27 Thanksgiving GIve thanks Ilrcstis you are alive today end still are able In a way Tu do however malt aorar good You know Its not the multitude That dots crrat thlnr how short and slow The sirps that lead where you would to Glee thanks Derauw youre well acd Btronr Hut If youre not It wont br wrong To rime a thank or iso you torrid I tors and trn strsl- lTbAtloiWnfs mote than nose at all Glue thanks Derails you have tn tat A turkey and oil kinds of mst And oysters nab other things That do not swim or nlci But If you dont then you ran t- Mr t thankful that you will r frrr From ah those nclioi and troubles which Mstlntnlh food that Is too r Ich ilvr thanks IVrause th countrys free And loaded with Irotprrltyj If you think not you f till ran throw A trw thanks In teriuw you know Your countrys got blamed sight more Than any nn this earthly shore ilir thanks IlecAtue your flag Is where Youve put and Its Maying there Hut If It Isnt rtonl you fret Hut Just gill thanks because you Let It It romes ijtwn twill t nn top If nil tic others that must drop lr tlmnks- llccauw youre rich and great Tine pet f fortune and nf Msle Hut If youre not lhti1 what that Iraies- 1or you to gather nf the stcetra- If power mend plenty nnd the frlil- Tu win Is really niece delight Than wlnnlnir MI you nuclit tn set How rry thankful you shnuld be flume tlianlu- llrrtuv yimre crowlnz old As one ly one Ihe y AM unfold Wltii knowleilRr more serene ACceptance of the happy mean Hut If youre riot and youth still holdS Ynu fast audtir the iifVrtrunolds lie thankful still lieracsr In tooth the yenis cure uu of your yvuth- Glrr thanks ihrlharkt If not for what you lists or are To own a urirld or t a Why then for what Has not been yours or you are nnl Remembering that no greater bliss Is In time juod we Than till that we miss Arid no man lltrs- llowrter rich or poor Who could not tr worse You U sure Therefore Glee WttUA J LAKTTOW n r Tit ii Ii- I I I It II t 1111111 III I 11 lId In r lilt i till ii CIII u1t1k muiliI i Ileiti were srlt 0 Is P11 I ti Ii uiii lie eIiifflt If t ImegrIl Inn 10111 hell CY hi lien II Ill ii Ill i shim te tIlt 0 nil I nil n nil car t a genera tim t lie i i iiam Icy miimi ute tin is it hi Ito ii U miller him its the t4ntmtii ices ill the talk circum- stances Ill take advnntho of the a spirit of commercialism will steadily ruw less and a unparalleled in hmistory need not be feared I know- S oul and goon a wider sIB mme thanks star get sItu rosy than i < > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ UDe llnn s lnnhrtt si lreni Mhertl- Annlhein frl H nf Vl n here etc conslniil finiues In tie ufTn 11 Hnmn npily In nil iinn li its In e- llflc ill ii HiilIP Bpplir lohtlm i mil ifciiillfc hill in Out ril in lie rlmiirr nil limb In Ilm samn dlr r Ion tn HIM ssrnnrt hnvn tin one pirpiT the iiuilini n- if li KlflccliHi Anen lien Ihn fnri if liw Ihe il frfclil nmrnt III Mi- iTlipc di f iinehi lng rn nil by liptnorraiii- If gslnniff They nriid p i eil nnd a in- nn lenfprredn enTi fliic- btdwbrnlllig hnr e llplng nnd s IXIIII VM- er Into he humor In from voMtn ir tin vnllng Kith UK nulliners Times tvs etnH- friin i rKln Ho In nod are found only in South rrii States The n Ix Ing fanls It rooms that lime ten Ihn literal enfnrcement of Hi second section if the Fourteenth nn lfntloral Amindinent fully comn II the nullification senil- ment is now inking nn a rapid growth thm thin srernlng Indlfferenic nf national officials lin- srwournecil the ir i In a few years iimrelhiexnintilndf iti Southern pnmoetarv- vlll have spread until Wnt horito fore exempt from tln frightful forms ol ice ffiinchl en cnt all incept the elect will hive been robbed iimler forms of law of nil participation n governmental affairs Tolerance lists been Indulged with the hops that Southerners would see the error of thlr way and correct their own conduct that thin better judgment of the thinking element would straight them creaked timings hut menus on heels nf ln xo thick and fist till It now seems time fur was ut hand eniailon In CongreM tn apiortlon d and the bol should be shifted front lo volfH recorded nvd counted Thero lint n point of view from such a I liitlng hn absolutely just T o- Hinttor seoiionn Pslng representation would be without onu for comnlnnt States nnlnlng would get only what wan One district In Ohio hisonst rind recorded IH many voten ns th whole Stnte f nr at nmo e cOin tot Cuogrssmsn It U not met thnt one of those casting no greater vote than a district In other Slate vhoulil lava eleven and the district one Con I Its true that those acts of dlsfrtnohl fm nt by State tony t ati odl franlilsei knows 1111 worthy nrid the tint It Is aNn trim If n Hlnte hnn n large class o tho that It I that numerous nn- warthvcitizens should leave wider and fuller than worthy citizens or that a maS of unworthy entitles the I nm nsr to a n omber of Congress for fewer It Is n that If tin over n i of the tabulated vote for fIve yearn sin a I decided the extent of that the known for offloial entertained In the South that the ballot would achieve n free of nctlon two of the Fourteenth Amendment Messrs smn and we guarantee an Increase of human liberty The Perils Turnip Patch WILUAMSPOHT Pa Nov 15 On the top of Bald Eagle Mountain just where the old turnpike breaks over the brow down Into Black Hole Valley ls a queer field of rock which years and years ago was christened The Devils Turnip Patch The rocks which are of a reddish sandstone have the sUlking peculi- arity of all standing on end thus formng a jagged surface that won ton It Its name from the early settlers In bygone days their way from Northumberland to WIN the fourinhands trarvraed the the strange garden of was a constant source of wonderment to the traveller Added to Its Interest as a natural U a a romantlo song beneath ones feet where the source of this stream U nor con anybody find where It empties Itself Into Black The rock field cover an are of two or three acres with Its widest toe north then narrowing to the the angle Is lost In a fringe of stunted hemlocks cause of this mountain freak but the theory obtaining most crorlsnoa It 1 a of the Glacial Age the rocks being a collection St ber In Georgia From tin Sannnalt Ntvi- TH Bun to tnltr Into a serious dlMB at a of the etymology of the robust and bueollo Soobborl Hers U this defender of tnuta Imixrlil- lim militarism the money power and all that corn neretallim stands for this dweller la the Umple of llammoa and neiWoor neighbor to she Oetopua elucidate the lanruaftof the glens and the newground Qeldil- M would be bad enough If THE Srjjf were true lo the suburban vocabulary and wrote word soot boy or at least iubboy but It ur- ban Ignorance by writing U down atbojr and itubboy Now of course nobody who wu out of tight of Printing House Square and out of sound of the Broadway cats ever beard either of those barbarous sibilant corruptions of the true smooth and sonorous word Could cnn the rdltor of TOR SUN say stboyl to a dog a quarter of a mile away to that the doc would hear UT last syllable might posslWr reach dog If he were ptrUcularly acute of ear but the hissed nnl one would be absorbed by the atmosphere within twenty feet On Ibe other band soobborl can be projected by good lungs a mile down the wind and half a mite against It There are few other rallying cries that haTe so great carrying piwer In wlregrau Georgia there are hunters who can send that message to a fat hound or a coon dog a mile and a quarter and dog will know what II means every time What l the etymology nf the word Ob thats all nonsense II probably hasnt any II Is dog language sad means get there quick and catch him you measly whelp The queillon of origin Is lost ID the larger fart that It Is the only Intelligible thing that a man can soy to a dog when be means for the brute to do tile level best to catch and hold the varmint that Is ahead of him until the man gets there Nominating llanna for President In 1008- Kromfn Clncfnnolf En ufr r The Encuir has already recorded the riprtsstftB- nf the American Loyal Republican Uacue of ClOTS land as to who should President of the tJnlled Sliites Later nctbn of tIme same general tenor Is by the M A lUnna RepublIcan Club of the city The of that organttatlon In- dorse and present the name of lion Xarcuj A henna the nation for the moil tidied poJltlon In the gift of the Ameilcun people President nt the United Bates In 1004 as the most fitting trib- ute to A gstlsnl leader an honest man and the best friend of labor In the nation Well why not Why sloiild Mr Ilnnna not b the Ilrpubllran nomInee And If the neit President must be A Hepubllcan why should he not be the Gen- eral of I Jioo Rabbit Dilrlnc Out JIntton In England from rn Wrof Jour ml- Th sheep AS A source nf toed supply Is beginning tnfiidn lit U particularly the Au trals- clnnxnlmal In two yrirs thiMippy has more than donMrd the end of last month our Im- pitls this reached the large bulk of 160 tons uf deal rabbits Thl gent wright ol dead rsbb Is rqulislenttonbotil ftioooi N w Zraland sheep tid to even a larger number of Australian Automobile for Naplri- rroml London Dillv Krvi- Th hackney coach proprietors and rsb drltrr of Nsples are mme enterprising than tIne Loi They h tattled themselves fltcuumoblle company for the purpose of transforming baci csirntella Inti autoniiiMles wltoln three years their detlre being thus to forestall any foreign society lhatmlght Initodurr the lieS node of locomotion A Ilrllrrrr In Ilosslim- H Codtln n tin Ktming n Francis Parkman Unugli A frirnt Pent helmeted only In what might be railed n led Ilcmor- tbAt Ls A Democracy whnw dptnioni were shaped and whose action was deteimlred bf men of known rapacity Why lie Preferred lo Stay From llniton Ettitnt rrcnrrffr- 1andlnrdVou will otiltge me TOO rent now three months mrrdur Unless run pay you miut move Or Is the term Ifcan you cart afford In that e mlrM perhaps Tenant No I think Id rather I li The Prti Iifwre w s eu tiers em t q dli unIt ii ill IC Mu ti ucla a I inn ti Pa ptiv lint ut rein time seer 5 I iiitt flu amid I n rita ny tIm set worse evil evil action is due them Mates tit be just ato juicIly of ii ycioc hunt time loclite mmmiworihv voteof many Southern States would qmmlckl grow or Congress sentntion and it Ii safe to vredlet with the wel dotn not aieiy known Give a ittrat en- forcement Prom the PMtixdelpMa Record wheeled old that skirts the Turnip Patch and stream of water beneath the stand ing stones the flowing of whloh forms to and elders have pushed into present positioA by moving ice essays word actually attempting to forests and the exposes Its ever The the itt be he rest seine members to tIme Itepubtlcans of Trait mien I ins the and dora a eAr ill oflfS Into en ice ney catehet and C few ifs b lou case at the present rat than t4 oblIged to lice IIIW- Un of pay on move I < < > < < > ¬ ¬ > > > °

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Post on 28-Feb-2020




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Page 1: im I e I 1- I I I i I 1111 1 miimi · III n TIlE SUN THURSDAY NOVEMBKIl 20 1000 TliniHIMY XOMMIHH V iwfl- rlpllnrn


rlpllnrn l Illl

I AHVersliifilh-IAIIV P V

miNiiAv IrYfsrI-lAIIV AM MNIV Ysr-


IlMlSg llMll-

TIIK 11 N New Votk rilr-

pnMKlo in No I rest Irand llofel and

Klm ii Nn 10 Mnue Mild Oitt UrtnMf-

ifcr frlinJt uha Mro ut wrtl pi nuifrMp-

kNfrilH iUMi r r l iJrlW l r lurn iflfl

Why H Turkir rnlloil Turkey1

mailer of contwniwirmiious Imirmt-

iIntcrot we copy from our iMroimM n

tim orary UlwAtopfon IMMHJ 7Vnfnbjiilncil pKo of philological In

formtU in-

Wuy the turkey I CAlId a turkey hns been much

alsnuted wllbwt r scliln any definite cunrliulnnone theory In thai thC lutkey iiAinnl himself by Mipeculiar cluck which sounds like tutu lurk lurk

Die iiiime l lilinwlf Bubblervlion he raid cobble cobble

hut HIP cnmieotlon of liU nlHol nr

of turk turk turk with ilmof tlio bird Ii merely a fnneiiul sup-

position which was put forth by a

writer In Xoltf ant QtirritsAnother ejplnnatlon referstho dcepro I color of hi wattles Turkey

roil lienco turkoy ThU may bo HMiii iM-

alonK with the other tincry tan un-

B0ti firtory and unnecessaryWhen this clorlnun American bird second

only to tim bnldluiir In tho nlTee-

t Inns of tho pioplt1 and on certain occasions

perhaps even mor beioveil IM HIPO rnorowas Introduce to tlio notleo of Ku-

ropo In tho Hint half of the Sixteenth cen-

tury It receive ViiiioiH names Indleativnof n rrinoto ctMcrnphleal origin It wuvery ntronKo and very fonlsn niul It wasvariously ftyled co J or lieu of cockor hen of Calicut mid Turkeycock or-

Turkeyhen lu Fnffllsh usnso Turkeycock or Turkoyhen has been nhortonedto turkey In French the 007 illnJe nn1tho pout itlndt havn become respectivelydindon ami divide that l to say turkeymalo and female Tho obvious derivationof dinde gufilclently pro VIM the parallelderivation of turkey In the KngMi

The word Turkey itself in the geographi-cal sense as ratIng to tho country of thoOsminll or Ottomans I not Turkish butPersian Turk applied to the Inhabi-

tants of a vast region of central A lasome fantastic phllologlsta refrr Us originto TcitK a son of IAPIIKTH reci trreilas TINAS In the ponerations of Non ac-

cording to tho King James version HutIthougUTurkeyii KIIATYAM

never know this estimable bird elso homight have sung

The Cnrvrr eatTM nor pAuseth he o e

Whether the hungry cutst contfnlfd bt-

Ddik mIni or while what matter to the KnifeAnd plattfred 1Jwl what matters It to Thee

A Illy ll tram oil thy sUitxwird bowA chunk of deeper hue rut anyhow

TODAY U here Toiionnow may nolOh either help happltesj enair

It as you Ret It and give thankssame

Heredity Illustrated by tho EnglishRacehorse

Tho question What do wo Inherit fromour parent was recently discussed In anIlluminating way at the Xowcstloupon i

Tyno Royal Infirmary by Dr THOMAS

Oiivni profi or of physiology at thoNewcastle College of Medicine An intercitIng feature of tho lecture was tho proofof tho tranamlttlhlllty of certain parentalfiialitlw adduced from tho hlstorj of tho

racehorsethat was not a thoroughbred ever i

WOO the Derby Curzon who was u halfbreci all but succeeded in becoming thoexception to tho rule but hu just failedho ran second In tho Derby of 1SD5 It In afigniflcant act that nearly every winner-of the great races last year was a descend-

ant of St Simon who did not run In tinDerby bocauao bis brooder died while thohurst was a yearling hut who beat theDerby winner of his year From firstlast St fcimon was nn unbeaten horse Hewon easily hU last race at High OosforthPark rj a threeyear old shortly afterwhich ho retired with a splendid constl-tutlon rr the ud Duritig this nn t

at the stud ho begat stock that wonno fewer than 222 rnces collectively valuedat Jllioc O Other siren have nothut have approached him In distinctionAmong these may bo mentioned The Baronwho fifty years ago was the sire of Stockwell and llataplan animals more valuableIn the stud than on the cuurw Stockwell was tho giro of Donca iter who wasthe of Pend Or who was the sire ofOrmonde who was tho sire of Orme bywhom was begotten Flying Fox who wontho Derby In 18J9 Here we have n lineof fiuiious racehorse which like thatof St Simon ROM directly bok to theParley Arabian the father of the best bloodIn tho rncehorees of today On the maternal side the htraln tan bo traced bockto the Ciodolphln Barb another slro whobin contributed to the production of tieiliMlnctUhod breed

How do the sexo differ from ono anotherreiMrds pood in the case of the mce

bar Ur Uiivi ilons not agree withthose experts who assert that tho best innrtHnro Iho bint horsfn Ho concedix thatpiolnbly a inan lit wo years old 1 iii rt nn u hotw nt that agi just girls mich-maturity curlier than boys hi thinkshowiver lint niiiKH ilctcrlnratn more

itkly than horiv jimi on wholecom te with ibnii nnfrMirablyyivf ldf I In point out tlmt the DerbyIH open to both MVN yet during 12u ycjiinonly lire mares have won that nornamely Mivinor In SOl HHnk Honnlo Inlij in jiS7 It may m i

hit innrix arts at a dUaOvanta-as regards thn Derby which IK run In ihr-mo th of May when mans aro not in tlubest phynteal health an I f plrits m-

tnartx month Is Septomber whenleger Is run Here then a race in

which tnnn and hor te on iiiilterm XoviTllielecs tlrce 177H t yearIn which i at raco was iwUibllsi niarhave nly won sn tlmo out of mum

It Hiems therefore that bet nDerby anil tho St legor ti gr tist-ppixsl lie brtn d b hoiviM nndnot by manw V nceil noi KtyIn the bre vling of racnhorsos It u alhitoly nccmwry that t u greitNt taivshould i taken to mate sires of reputewith nitre that are also well bred anddltlngulshod as An cxamplo of

t1Jb U1t-



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I mch A mum WAX Unwind In JMJI who lipjfitii In run whrn Inn jrrnMI old unit fnMliriiU1 lo run nnlll dm wn-

filnit ycirn old Win m il tncry nndwon 11 limn o i CM rncii

IITII lullfw In liiif Mho linciiinii-

Ihn ilniii of Sf mniii tM lie won Um MI cr NnwmiiiKiir b mil thn Mfc ofMiTiiilt wlifi won din l irliy while llerinllwas Im slrn of i nNo wonIhn Derby facti rrndnr II lndl

Mini fit far as fiinhorMM aroc l Ihn iiuitlltliN Dial

tiiHin which u liluli valtm14 iliinn urn InliTill What Minll wn

ty iliiii of WIIIXMAXNM theory hut-

iiefinlrnl i urn not triiitinllli I-VDr Oiivpn nri4wiT thai oven If It be concnilrd thai tin germ plvm alone U triinrttnlt-tn th m Is yet Implatidvl In the ntielntit of-

Ihnerlliitnwloiiiyto varliitlon Tlnxtriict-uti of the CITIII plas thin mtsceptibln tovariation cannot i inlliicncnlchnrartnr of that xiirrounds it t well known that Fngllrh-rn Ihorurt the product of very clo n d-

Ing In niul In In time Imttmu family toorlo n Inlnrtilitig or consatiutilniHJiis mitr-riiigM nro belUivnd In caiisn ouch mental

physic il dofnrt In thn olTsprlng us-

vifmiitUm Itioanlty and various ner-vous disorders Dr Ouvrn Is ono ofmutiny observers w o assert Unit wher-ever there art defects in the parents orIn the family the marrlaK of first coiwliw-U certain to bo followed by an In

ttxvdef chll IronHut If cloin Inbreeding In tho humanfamily Is bad why has not this forum ofbnedlni carried on for FO ninny years intime Knullsh raojhorse hat similar results

a nrittor of fact there nro many whobelieve that till Kngllh racehors of to

de ttiernte not in Mxed for shortILitnnces but In other pnrtlcnnri Dr

OIIVGII or hU part has no doubt that thehorses are run too young for by tho chime

they reach tour years of ago many of thornare practically hone in Ho roKariU hprlnt running for man or nnlmal biJ for thn reason that the dis-

tance is c jverod at an ux M d vo speed fromtho stirt to tho flnUU and consequentlysubjects tho heart to an inordinate strainTo sprint running coupled with time cumu-

lative effect of close Inbreeding are at-

tributed tho greater delicacy of consti-

tution the diminished reslstaneo to coldant time lots of staying power remarked Inthe racehorse of today KnglMi broodersfeel It seems that fresh Infusion ofblood Is necessary ant that this canbo attained by the mating of nnEnglUh Hay witi n purebreddam brought from America or Australiawlio o prak coAiors transported yearsago to an poll show a valuable pollKreo whl h hat not deterloratotl In thn-iMfondants amlil faroff surroundings

Iawlni from horsus to non Dr DIIVKI-

IInilsu that if time ofin an nunehlevous they must bevery much aggravated in time human racewhim there is u family history of phthWsWhat Is Inherited Indeed I not no touchtho disoa o as a tmscoptlblllty to Itan inability to oppos coimtllutlonal rohifitane Ho is convinced that on htiman-itary grounds alon conmiiiiptivm shouldnot marry He recognizes however thatmarringo1 are regulated not by reasonbut by sentiment and that even w enpatholugicnl clrrtnutunccji aro made clearto ono of tho contracting parties a f ellngof optimism usually prevail

Time ouimlttee on Foreign RelationTho death of Senator DAVIS leaves the

Committee on Foreign Relations withouta chairman Tho Uepuhllrnii nimbensof thU commlttw In rder of theirBtandlnc are

Senator Fun of MaineSenator ClLLOU of llllcolsSenator IxiliJC of Muaehu rits-Snator CLARK cf Wyoailnj-flenaUir roiiAKHlt of OMiSenator WOICOIT cf Coiuriuta

All of theMe statesmen urn good Amer-ican

Senator FHYE who In the ordinary coursoof thing would FUcceed Senator DAVIM

as chairman is tho President pro tcmporeof tho Senate and until the tth of nextMarch will perform tho duties of ViceIreIclcnt which devolved upon him at thodeath of Mr HOUAIIT

Senator CfUojt is already chairmanof tho Committee on Com-

merce and a member of that on Appro-

priations Ills term wilt expire next MarchTin Illinois Legislature has yet to passupon the question of his reflection j

Senator IOIHJU hat nearly a full termbefore him His previous service on theCommute on Foreign llolations hasctrengthened by experience his naturaluptltudo for that special post Ills energy j

Is equal to hU talent Ills familiarity withtho Important questions which will concerntho committee nt tho approaching sessionIs cscelled by that of no oman In public life

There cvnld be no prudent arrangementmore satUfaotory to the country or bettercalculatexi to American intorottsin International oiTalrs than one by whichtho Hon Ilrxrv IOIXIK should-oasumo time responsibilities from whichdeath has released CfSHMAN K DAVIS

Ilio City and Its IrtntinuThem ho1 been pomo parade recently of

opinions In favor of the municipalityinto the printing business by stab

HsbltiR n printing office This schema j

has boon tried in lloston and has bivn aniPlaucholy failure It was adopted byMayor Qrivcr and the outcome was o ills j

mal that It was nVvidrincd by Mayor HITMayor KCI up a printing

an l o depart metit de j

a gemral repair thop Theriupon city co t from 2n to Vj p j

cent morn than when done by privateIlio Itustiin

ofllni s11 for n fifth of ito cost A NowYork printing plant would cost nearly a j

million dollarsMv city of NPW York n obtaliu from

vnriou llrms engiid in printingthan those paid by thn general public

in the ordinary course of liu ir while i

the charges made to the city by the Ho

ton municipal printing of were nearlydouble those which are now paid by thUcity for printing For ln lairi the I

tOt for primingthe city law brie was tothe city of Hostm nearly ii ibli hat whichit was to the city of Now York d irinn theawo period of iimn The ottiblHlunent

of a municipal printing ofllro tn tiH rywould bo a costly experiment for ttm taxpayrrs unit lu only pnrp i woiill be toiMtiblMi an nsyltiit for worknvi compnjrnt and Incompetent who found favorwith the oOMaU

Under the nynfin now in v 10 Inthis city tho riion employe1 m tliocity printing olliee except whom at






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worlc nn munlrlpal nonlr eM work forMini limirn a dny but In lh rlly println ofili cl hi hour lalwir only would bfincoiiry In oflrr I F Tiirr then Millwu Hilt nlofin would ndil IIper tout 1 1 un coil of prodiirtlon A

lovrrniiKiit or innnlrlpil printing iifflco hasnever linen nl l linn out of theMrs qiinllly or at Ihn mnrlnt o t

country dollnrn annually

l dliio during Ihren months In thn y irIwforo iiirt t rm open In HcpfinW-biforn tnx H urn pnld In irlober and b fornthn elccilin is hld III Duringtho months then com-

paratively thy printing nefdnd andat n eon ivtienen of this tin whole munic-ipal printing plant tho whom stall of-

oltlclal prliilero would b t Idle U

propoiod by any ono that thncity hhoulil go Into printing except forofllclal work anil tho opportunity whichprivate nipirn now working for time cityhave of th ir fnulllliiH for general

during the dull months of eachyear could not ho counted upon

In light of hero can bo no-

poMible excuse for this city already over-

burdened with taxation engaging In abiisliw which hitherto has always teenfound to bo a Mwrco of loss the Govern-ment or municipality undertaking It

Secretary Long Naval ProgrammeThe report of the Secretary of the Navy

U of morn than usual general intcrent-locniise it contains a full account of tho partthe navy hat taken in the Philippines amiIn the siege nnd relief of Titntcin rind Pokln-Of more Importance however Is tho Pot

wherein Mr IONO i etit forth the rifllrialof tho Administration in tho matter

of new vuueltIt will bo remembered that tho various

permanent boards have put out programmefor future construction Thin GeneralHorrd of which Admiral DKWUT U Prcslclout suggest the construction of two battlehlps two armored cnilser six gunbouts two destroyew three torpedoboats ono transport nnd ono trainingfihlp Tho programme of the Hoard onConstruction called for three 13500ton-buttlwlilpi two 13000ton armored cruiserssix Hinnllcr cnilsern and miscellaneousvcHseU gunboats coWers rernlr Hhl rt

to till number of twentyseven Theminority member of this lastnamed boardproposed tIme construction of two 14000ton battleship two armored cruisers ofthe same idzo two protected ruLers some-what smnllur and twelve lightdraft gun-boats

The Secretarys programme Is In thonature of u compromise In view of thonumber of largo lighting authorizedof which some have hardly been begun hoasks for two battleships nnd two armored

of lightdraftgunboats nnd for colliers transportH train-ing ships and repair ships without ppecify-Ing any particular number Theso lastare tho necessary accompaniment of thegeneral Increase of the navy

Ve have battleships afloat and In re-

serve niul Home eight others under con-struction including those authorized butnot actually begun The crying need ofthe navy Is for Miirll gunboats to bo usedin time shallow harbors and rivers of ourInsular possession and this need willexist long after the prOent state of hos-

tilities Is ended for pollen duty aroundtheir coasts Theso small vowels aretho only craft that our yards will bo abloto construct for many months so crowdedore they with naval construction alreadyTho Secretary might well havo been lossconservative In his programme so faras these small vessel are concerned

Mr LONVJ renews certain recommendationsregarding naval bureau and his recom-mendation for a fair nwthod of rewardingofficers for gallant nnd meritorious servicerather than tho present Illogical system j

which rewards ore at time expense of an-

other anil ndds thereto n plan for bestowingmedaU of honor nnd medals for faithful i

sorvloa nnl for courage on oillccrs andmen which has proved feasible in foreignnavie and would certainly be successfulhero The proposition to revive tho rankof ViceAdmiral mil for Immediate atten-tion It can rationally have hilt ono endIn view that of giving to Admiral SAMPBOX tho honor that must In Justice crownall rewards Incident to the Spanlfh war

In any future bonk of Gulden Deeds therarer of Jons MOON nnd J wuitv nuith-nvii a 1laco On Motidny ttin bitlldinxs overthn shaft of lli coal mine nt White Oak WVA tOt on frf Moov time ciiicliioor pent j

down tho clevntor car to the men In time hnfand whn ho found that they had not nil s

nt It lawn a wconri time thOUgh thvnKlno room Itlf wn on fim nnd ho was Inmomentary dread of nn fromdynamite tnrod tiarljy Ssiiixr thi mineHiiiperlntendiMit rushed throush the flamesarid unrriid out th drnunilte nail then rntuned and IKH out the flames nn the cnslncersclnthlnic while latter rnn the rulno thntvta hnlstlnR the men from the bottom ofthn haft U1 commonilnw to Kny that thereare horocs In prnce as well as In war but It latrue and In i Oak are two of them

Guilds Mrk twk n Dew I IK of lle al the Vatttrilty of IVnnsylranla ytsltttay IAftaiMpAM-ITltl

IlctUr It again The game of footballwill MIIT port nnd freer from unlmadvcr-Mori wliin nil forinntlons dad us tnndomat least of tile limw are nhnlbiied

The d clfton to remove the wreck of theMaine In th harbor of Havana Is wise coniiieriiilly If for nn other reason Ilnvntin-lin wlnt Is known ns n blind harhor withn Mrniin f llowlni Into It andwith only the current of till tides tn dir Itsvvnters The liirlmr U nlrendy rraniK rl nnd I

the formailni nf a shoul nliout th wreekMiilnn would hn II wrioilM olxtaeln to Ihn

mad f iinrt At the Name time wn vould-Miirott tint n wiVmmiil buoy or n Hirlit of-

w inn tduriiut Oo ilierd vhere thM is In marl tlu ni ot wheru the

ltiir tragedy oenirrril-

nvntn Miniill toll up n dorrn tiiin In the SIMP-wltlln HIP mat tin r tK Wr han IIm Mit lj Inr thr p i nur vll

hmiil up n tluif eirriiMilon Vfrii un thr itt r I

n u CM rich hv riling ihrsiwrrr l uurll llrfiirr loldu fiml tlllill-Mm opoly mrporntloti Keep up

piles it iltli whlliKilllns ih ntier tu nthersthou th y nvor botialit l fore Via hive Justcpiotcrl from a jour ni who livfnr h recentelection wns an nrdent dlolplenf Ilrnnliin

u s the linco nnd propnos to setni the machinery nf tin rus All thoWB hope that Hnrfiln will liloom tind boom with


Mr AltTllllt SitttVANS Chmil t crfjI-

Vil by it U tn muMrUni with lialxt-IthnMr tutorlioitoi Kititnt Tranttiin-

Mlchts few product of tnenH minds can layclair to that and If The I it Chor is tohave It no or mod crude It it fortunetlKUhtl UIIJIIIIHTgenius of tho lout to take a buckto the ccnlusj for catching Um car of theearth The Chord will live as lone prob I



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M If llnw If m nf utrlllntf hilt nnl-

linnitllin lhrxi h MlMITAM will M fi-

mrpilor il noire fur Onwnnl Chrl tl n M-dliT limn fur The lwt until or Ilnnfoff-nnd tmt nut ltii Mh T IKTMIIO Otiwurd-tlif Itinn H ildlrr Is n hinn tun-

Inlhnllr Nifl llf iind N fn-

ToTMBFlilTCn Of Tim HtN Hlr A fnwtlfitf-nf ititiiiiiiitpflni t olitirl rrrcnlly tonrrnntnfor Ihn fcilerntlolMi KOOlelles will Inheld New ViifK on lhnnk fflrln r A

ilin of work wen uircn In the ITCM oom dnjCIte hf Ihn Klifht they lll hni Mfumrner of Iroii-iIlif WIs In II innnr nllr l or suppo e 1

ifrloynrif urn listed er n thn Indian rhonn-nro mvntlniod Hut time negro iUf ntlon U quite

A few iiisttnm effecting our blackoouiiUyinpn which comm worthy of study

riml How Catholic fooletlm-tnnd In reitnrd to the lows of Ihn oiithfrn-

HliiUnt fnrhlridliiK rnnrrlaco nf black anJ-whllm Horns of lh States makn such marrim Invalid otlmn lll nl only CatholicChurch rnoenli the tnnrrOtfnof a hlnok andn perfectly Inwfnl No Church Impedi-ment nfl ct color

Second How do Catholics and Catholic oc-

ltls stand In regard to the ranchlsemcnt ofneifroen-

No Keimlhle nccro objects to uniform qunll-

flmllnns for votIng whether of education or ofboth I he negroes

grandfather clause and alto to the unjust ap-

plication of time testCertainly Cnthollo societies whose member

ship Is largely mild tip of a raco which for BC Isuffered political dLsfranchlc ment at the handsof i ought to put forth n strong enerclzlnir word for fair play to the hlacc man salno flyer to thn Unoritnt white man Those

effect tint colored Catholicsof on Snuthlind thU In why we a k them

A brlif study moreover of Irosl-ilentlal prove pertinent The Prot-o tnni cctlon nf our couniry the H tubwent for ho however wus supportedhi nearlv all the Catliollo new ivipersnearly nil time Catholic llthops nnd Yt

rt of the ouuntry 10 Ihoa that In which

illcs likened In the words of the Prophettn time for grapes left on the tho vine rvlnlifte

fiOonoo Cnthollcs not more nre to hefound In the Southern which voted for

Are wo to b ll T tint th Calhollo ofthe Vorlh voted ntnlni McKinley I nr

witch our aboundneptihhcnn ma

thin unit o on No York lilt If withfully 1 million Catholic Inhabitant gave

j thiiiismd innjnrlt In tnct Iftime iihnllo of thn North voted againstMcKinley hn would Invo ben defeated Itieem to u therefore tint mba Catholic pre iand lilt hollc Inderiitlon toder over In th fo iills of time recent election

How much wlclit have Catholic p pens InInllnenclnB tho nolllos of their ub c Ihers

low inuol wel ht have Catholic priests la-

wlnnlne ovo th lr floclu to cro n canfor political ofllot 110w much

TIn extract from Ilrownson fitthis note Thee

be Discourse on Civil nnd ReligIous flh-erlv dn riot appear however to lniv

liv Cat ho c or ua of UnitedRtit c nil der ted n to ndhostile to Illierty whether civil or roliir

hut iII I probably owlne either tolhtheir enrlnf or to the Inn th it their author Isn Frenchman antI n former per of FranceMad he Iwii n or hal ho been born aVinkeo nd a Yankee whn will not concedethato l n tnthrillc It Is not nece nry to doimllonnUzi himself nnd a cner Inhis intlv Inn they wotitil doubtl s hnv hono d them a moro funrldnble opposition

nn yet roceUed montthe Catholic organs of Kuroi e Ilcrotnlna A

Catholic In thl countrv tans becomingIrlOunnn or nt ln t a nnd If onelcotne n tfeod Irlhnmn good European0 n do tiled nntlA crime hu nCnth 1lc let him defend what dortrlnes hi

This Is from nn nrilcln on Civil andHelUlous BrotMnn 7 u forJuly ISM Work Vol 20 30-

0lUiTmorE finaiL

What the Snbitltute letter Carrier Want

To rnK KniTon or TImE Sw Sir It hasbeen stated that the uh tltuto letter carrierswill try to have n bill passed at tfio comingsession of Concrcts providing for the pay-

ment of n regular salary to themThe substitute letter carrier of the country-

In general nnd of Xew York In particularpositively do not want a alary What theydo want and whnt they seek to have accordedthem by legislation Is time mensuro before Concress known as the Grout bill This bill fath-ered by Iteprejentativo Grout of Vermont

that n nuh tltuto serve a probation-ary term of nniiths at the

hn Is eligibly to appointment as a car-r of time third grade serves n vein oi dei the probationary riod ho Is ouglbloton-piKilnl milt ns n of t he second irnilendIf ho ervi tWo then to the first crateTh salaries of tlm trades arc third 00 er-nntimn second Jsn first flnoo The netnlso to of tho second clas Inhinall cities having few carriers only nnd0110 nr two tmhstltutos where thn makelltilt lie idB motley n bonus-of io This um to pny thenubs for their trouble III amid nl o-

to keep imii lunketi to hnrness III the servlen-thereliy dulni uwny with tho necessity nfpointing new men yearly provisions

time to Inflr nail weonil years who have served thisriUiilred tlmo over probationary periodwhich incin nil drawing less than Holeaniuuii Under the existing law a sub receivestic tine rata of them reculnr whoM workhe ice hut no matter how long he may wrv-as n iih when he Is appointed n he-

Mirls tit J6W iiniiutn As n rule the subsusimll In New York nl Uvut niako morelimn lfi i yearly Therefore II 1 n hnrd

to tn a year for HO little mnnevThe Urotit Mil dos nwny with this Withthe IjHvntlnti of New York Bilbs of nil the

of the X A I C It Is the intention of theibs of Xow York to organize to help along

tlm cTii e nnd nho to tt fewllopliw Ton Brx with Its uiiinl lao of fairiie Justice will lend us lu aid we lire

AM or inr Sriis pun OSB or TIIK SrnsSEW VORK soY o

Cavalry florae at Ibe none ShowTo Tilt KniTon OK TUB On the

lost diy of the Hore Show the ribbon wasnwnrded In tho military class to a bobtailed horsa Us rider with short stirrupsritlnif to time trot amid both hands

The like of thli Is unheard of In Americanmilitary practice nil cavalry horses havetnils our troopers tho trot tho reins In onehand

Will you kindly explain the wherefore ofthis decision Many besides myself are interoited were In fact nmuzod as I was whentwo veterans of the cavalry service on mountsselected b cnu o fulnlllnc the conditions asto lo and hone of time tnlted Ktntes Cavalryrequlreinenti equipments rrfcct were sum-marily honn the cite the prize going to n-

Jutnplne on n bobtailed park hack Ierhalls JiilC not a soldier was

fur hi rncland I believe some ofreslments hoI horses and

th men totIf thl dont think It should

hii bivn announced In advance that themilitary lat conform to llritlsh

Imrroil Donor

ame for Ihlllpplnpt WantedTo Till KntToit OF Tin svn sin Now that

the under American control would Itnot t f In urdrr to name them more apptoprlMflThe PhllpplneJ wrrf named alter Infamous millPhilip very nome ts ynonymoul ltll bigotryUnuHinff vice and opprf loi Why not name lbr e-

l jnd lnhnnur of that vest emancipator LincolnIr how would McKlnley Islands or Henry

l l nj sound Guoiian FBNTRICKNEW YOIIK NOT rs

To TUB nunoil OK TUB suisfr In talklnc-InAmerltnni train lmil sap part of the Lnton I

nutlcr thrlr an t m lo quf llons tt InrarlIntroductory expletive Why

Kt fry conrrrwllnn li loaded these whys YetI netrr ttr It used In Aiurrlrnn

II AMIUTON Canada Nor 24 S

A Cabinet of SlxTootert7 on Jon Hally Cfianltli

In tbe Cabinet train A phyalcal point r f lew heplrndld Al leant bait of Ihm are well


list Christmas number of Strfinrri Sdatstlntappeal cutRtoiu In a rotated cover by Maifirldrki and wllli a ChrUtma1 supply nf rood thlnti by-way of nmlrnls It U an eictllfct numbs the con-

tribution prose rrrne and Illustrations bclDf ClOD

slitently Interutlcc and attracttTi

thAI littin ItlllnII sail lot

overlnokicirIicro are

ItoeAlholl end


whlt 1111


prlIuly or of objoct to the

time recentIna



Time tllcay to cII1IUal wrlllJnrll Ut So York


f hat

have enoumib



IIlrtnennadtv to undrrslnrd



r IIna

Ire dorn In

ov 2






und niembrs





niwall tic Ian 011




This hrnr




sla feet


sillla Inns SVa

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apostlefro silver tbs


ttmIt itime

Maia nuirieC t cv


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I I lie

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tin trot






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iioir rnwHttrw rv v tintht lew Nttf Mlnrti tie

rue law inli mmle tot t

Its trIal wn feNirli-II flrns it irotiHn welrhlllir VI

I IIIU ln reliKliy of fieifly Jf l fe r ciiiliil-I or nenrlr J7 e fiiiil which 1111110

In Iho n n tint It will citrrv further IM ni t

l M erfii HUM In ihn wr rld Itiiisllinililremote nt nn rlnviillnn of il4rn n iilcihated hy Miiinr liuil of tint lulled lntiArtillery l inllei

I The army 12Inch win found In our coa tfires n lirtilmiind projectlln-

with n velocity nf Jnji fiintwcnlidKin of cnuro a iiniih flintier ranui

I army Inltich Ktm reiintlv completed nl-

Wfllrrtllet Arsenal I eit etnl lo l e iVif-iKiliecon U nf iiiu7ln velocity lo n iirojectlln-wrl hlnif 2io fioundsi innlniuni ranvo-neennllnir Mnjor IricnlU will ho 21 mlloint nn elovntlon of 411 deureesl Xn KuniHnn

gun cnn comiuirn with thl In niurlo energyiriklnr restilu III thin navy cuti have

ohtnlnwl by tin IIMI nf n very jiowerful-puwtler smokeless a Innircr barrel or burnand a lighter projectllo l t in briefly conilderhow the o clmncus produced HIH effect desired

The fixed elcmentn In army un which lilTedthe muzzle velocity ant maximum pressure aro

II Caliber or diameter of time born2 Capacity of this powder chamber which

holds the charge-

S Travel of time projectile In tho bore4 Wclirht of limo projectile

Tho variable elements are1 Qunllty of powder2 Weight of powder chargeJ Density of loading that Is tho relative

apace occupied by n given weight of powder4 Rate of powder combustion

In th gun therefore lining a particu-lar projectile with n particular kind of powderwo may vary time nmxzln velocity only byvarying the weight of the thnrgo Hut Indesigning now guns nil the fixed elementsmay bo chanced In the case of thisnew gun tho caliber established at 12

Inches but to obtain a higher muzzle velocitythe designer was Influenced by tIme followingconsiderations

In the first plnoe the rftvy smokclovt powderaccording to IJeut Strniws United statesNary Inspector of Ordnnnco at Indian lliMdProving flround has proved excrllent In quidIty and In the 0Inch gun 40 calibers longgave a muzzle velocity of over Sooo foot econds with 17 tons pressure and It Is expectedthat In the new 50callber guns now buildingIt will give the inio or a creaUsr velocity withless pressure

In the next place tbe smokeless powdershave tho remarkable property of giving greatervelocities and lower maximum pnssurr Inthe bore than the old powders This la dueto the fact that they are flowburning powdersand although the maximum pressure Is lessthe aggregate pressure on tho projectile whileIt Is In the bore Is greater consequently theprojectllo has n higher velocity

Time longer a projectllo remains In the borothe longer the Runes act on It consequentlyIncreased lennth of born limited by friction-In the bore nnd time time time powder takesto bo entirely cot mined must give Increasevelocity Experiment hus shown howeverthat beyond certain point nothing gainedby Increasing the length of time gun more-over exclusive length local great eightand unwleldiness of the piece The best lengthof liars depends on the powder mUlti other

amid has generally been determinedby calculation In tile Inrzn caliber guns asIt Is too expensive to test experimentally

Finally having obtained Increased muzzlevelocity by time UKO of n cood powder and byIncreasing the length of time bore the

tnny to made shorter nod still be steady-In Its flight with a consequent further IncreaseIn velocity The length nf tho projectile Is

determined among other corsldnrnlions bywhat Is netr siry to prevent It frnm tum-bling or nether by what will keep Its pointsteady to thn front on which condition Itsaccuracy largely depends But the greatertho velocity the heM time tendency to tumblehence n tmovlnc projectile need not beso lone ns a slowmoving one to obtain thisresult Hut n reduction In weight of pro-jectile there leing less matter to move stillfurther Increases tho muzzle velocity andthis element Is therefore also effective In givinggreater nui771e velocity

To sum uti then the new navy gun usesan excellent mckolcss powder giving hlhvelocities combined with low pressures It laKXaJIbfrs long which Is not excessive while

army gun only 40 It fires nn MO poundprojectile while the Army gun tires one of tonopounds nnd sinO the dinmetur Is tIme same Inboth the length of thin former Is less

These are time main factors that determine-Its great power but of courwi there are manyother elements Involved the designerdid not find the problnm so simple as appearsfron tills brief explanation

Theatrical HenceTo TilE EniTon or Tint SUN Sir In these

days when n revival of publlo spirit givespromise of ninny practical reforms Is u notabout time that time longsuffering patronsof our playhouses should rebel against thespeculator evil

one can reasonably object to the higheststandard of prices at which a managementcan fill Its housn Hut n linen of public

should not only publish Its rates butshould by law adhere to said rates Thiswould not Inhibit extra prices for freclal per-

formances If need be but it would restore tothe public Its right to buy a ticket at the ad

I am familiar with one Broadway housewhoso business Instincts will one of these daysget tIme better of It Seats In the orcliestraBut If you wish to nttend on n given eveningcan you get one nf these seaw on that dayor time day before or two days beforo esIf you know how Try them on time telephone-All eoldl Oo III person Same result Hutdont you see thnt bulnevsllkp looking gentleman nt the entrance whom the hnhltuis Imvo-onine to understand to b an employee of timehouse Weil ho has nj

want of them any time Yes four seatstogether fifteen minutes the curtain

will pay him 3 n sent nr Kio Ifyoure lucky

Is nn Imposition which the

foster It may with truth Im said that we are-a not generous ponplp lavish In our patronagereeking cof t HO wo lin amusedvery proper It Is thnt our folks shouldgamer a thorn of lie nimble MI longas the Is not dunod Hut hnll not publicsentiment prevail aunlnrt this game of


lime One and Oily HfllilonTo Tnr EDITOR Tint SIS Sir Tour

crltlcl ni8 on MMH remnrls maids ntlhe hatei lgiou conference hId In this city nnd time

letter of SMn this morrlngs number of yourhave Interrst d me

There Is but one religion In the world nrrather In mens h art neil that Is limo rollirlnn

Its positive side Is the rlchlltd ntcntlve th ab orniici of evil This re-ligion Is found In the hears of men of till na-tions under Iho urn With thin Christian Ittakes form of time worship or Invo nfGod for this tensm that being Inspired nsha Is with the love of rlgh recig-nlrcs In Ood thn Kmrrnof nil right nod truthprecisely ns time finn who s Inspired withthe love of music recognires tho noul of mu lcIn tho great cotnro ers lod IhiisrevoilK HimMIf to Ih nirlMiRti thrntigh Inspiration cr ym

nnd amnvlctlon-nf oiil IH Chri insfaith i nthnbiMsof III taint Mian

nnd hHkriow-ledijenfmnny of the thN anti oftheM life to come Is Inutidtd upon ths faith andupon It nloii

hlmslf li wmin enlightened bv thesource f right tin lh t nlwho loVe rig t should bn Imllarivthat they miy be lo attain right andIruti to th ofrevelations mm have differed auU milcontinue lodiffr thniuh i erfeet harmony retarding ll inspiration or In

tIme spirIt of ODd whichIs the spirit of rlgntenu n A and truthVon Xov 27 LIBIIUU

sill1tfoIUlhlt1I n tui


U 2









the I

I lilt






thelllrrohll no pr lnInf1








lIw iii kimowlitce of


11 n lin I


olh r



sYyhilts lit sIirIiIlft orilnine t lit eok

till Ii I s wi I Ii

tit Ii-

II Its


cii I that hums

rimiul 4

I Ill





verttesi IriL



or love love



I tin I ills CflflVili lou t Icea the Clii






< <











IIIK Mtinn UIK wrrntirA-n Uinnifnl ht ri lrnmln nl tlfnlnlmi Idsi-

Hrirn llUfrnnrlilimrnl M fssrnlUItun Illiltoii nr HI I i i

fend wliii lunch liitrput lime nflld UK-

nMented frm i Minr ti limn In rnr r n-

illifrtiirhKetiient if neiffil III

I will IHIVI never been Hniilh or hftvr ni el-

I Ilm heller Iifllieiil nf flilllheril while tiI


Iili I lipsllnin In ny ulllinilt fiHr i f iiirnI dlcMiin thnt lit bist elettptil In Hniilh-

nnd iipptrclnlo Hi jilt Hint us lime n In Un rf our liistiiiiiinns his Intoiesi i i isyn-llled with our

In the that lii iiiiri clvltu Hie niurn thelo vole nfier the wnr iifdrr t tleti-

p sllng cnnillllnr has hIts e rs howas tnlsed III Imvo Iver want nnd tmesuliy

the llfo of II entirely-unlllled him In lie wes a child m lir-nn ctperlenm cdiicntlnn went nnd cnnNeiiuently liccniun tlm prey rils pnw-

nf iincnipuliiis pnlltielanswho represented niter wnr the ltciubllcnn-pnrty In most si tlnns nf till South men whoto keep their Infltierici overwnrked on his pixKlnns amid him tho

men of the riouth nnd rcgnnl them uslila rfn niln ull to carry out their criipiilnuiphi Us

tlnno clrciiinstnmcs the whlln menwere forced to rnnko common eause againstthe ne ro fr thi iirotoctlnii of their livesliberty and Institutions whether from prin-

ciple they sided with the Democrats or llepub-llran as no silfrcspectlng whltn omen frontany section would care to nrsoclntn with anybut very few of the whltn men wholiontod trio party In time South afterthe war It wns fur reasons thnt timecolor Iind to be druwn My pcojilit did notdo It but when it was nnhaul to accept It It was nlHin to ovcry think-ing mar nf thnt If the negro was giventhis mrer In vote by the Hcpubllcnn party tofurther the ends greed of tint roprewntn-tlve if that pirty It would cnwin the whitemen for to stand solidagainst that party amid still today It Is not nquestion of niirty out nf

Ilm negro fromtake away time curso nf his life Mneo freedomcame to and nl o tho cnuso butt keeps tutuSouth snlld Ilemnve him from politics hocenses tn heroin a prey nf politicians only

his Interest tn work outdo Xorthnrn bankers today before

making nn otTer Southern bondsask tn know time white and coloredfluId If proportion Is nearly equil will nothid ns an coloredbv such R that there cnn be nn questionof negro nile The 8 cent of mycity under rule after the war sold forTo on time dollar they bring IISOIf money the Northern notapprove the negro voting and Just ns surelyns negro Is removed from InSouth I think time solid South bo broken

I therefore think that time negroes as a classwill bn and physi-cally by being disfranchised ns the

Intelligent nnd wealthiest negroesnro found In communltlnn where their numberIs fo small ns not to have Influence over

and they are thus prevented frombeing time prey menand If they tied not been allowedlo vote for two generations nfler freedomthem would be no race question to agitatethe Inday To In adiv to know to provide himself physi-cally mentally and morally for gene

had that kind to do-

wns nlono sufficient to turn his head and makea fool of him or ono else In like

Our Government however was notthey expected the nerro

to vote Intelligently had takenwhatever In that direction but had

aided and abetted unscrupulous politicians to

The way tIme Government has trusted the negroIs n digrnen to the Time Indian andthe Cuban urn helped In but thedarky Is only and educated the

men of the South and their NorthernfrlerJs-

Thn South Is only In It Infancy aa to Its undeveloped resources but In every line wherewho met the North as she hasoutstripped her on account of richer resources

with the nsalttono of Northernbrains and We are futthe coal producers of the world Our cottonmills art time of tho cotton world and ourtrout Is becoming n factor In the Iron marketAs wo tltors from the differentsection wn will become free traders andprotectionists and I expect to to hear

crying for protection anti the North forfree to tarns cause that at pres-ent makes It the reverse

Hut one thing Is evident This Is the whitemans country and Is to remain so The

ram has always ruled and neverbeen subjects except abort Vine


Commercialism and AltruismTo THE EtUTon o THE Stw Sir Tour

editorial article of today One cf Mr HewittsSuperficial Views points out that com-mercialism Is essential to continued progressend that to lessen the doslre for accumulatingwealth would do Infinite harm especially tothe working claM So far so good

When however Mr Hewitt that thntime spirit of altruism

probably meant that the altruistic tendencycentury will propor-

tionately If this Is his hope and nofault can be found with his forecast-

If hereafter the great employers of mengive a larger of attention to

tile social and economic status nftheir employee and thereby bring about abetter and cnnl-inl demagogues will find their calling


ThanksgivingGIve thanksIlrcstis you are alive todayend still are able In a wayTu do however malt aorar goodYou know Its not the multitudeThat dots crrat thlnr how short and slowThe sirps that lead where you would toGlee thanksDerauw youre well acd BtronrHut If youre not It wont br wrongTo rime a thank or iso you

torrid I tors and trn strsl-lTbAtloiWnfs mote than nose at allGlue thanksDerails you have tn tatA turkey and oil kinds of mstAnd oysters nab other thingsThat do not swim or nlciBut If you dont then you ran t-

Mr t thankful that you will r frrrFrom ah those nclioi and troubles whichMstlntnlh food that Is too r Ichilvr thanksIVrause th countrys freeAnd loaded with IrotprrltyjIf you think not you f till ran throwA trw thanks In teriuw you knowYour countrys got blamed sight moreThan any nn this earthly shoreilir thanks

IlecAtue your flag Is whereYouve put and Its Maying thereHut If It Isnt rtonl you fretHut Just gill thanks because you LetIt It romes ijtwn twill t nn top

If nil tic others that must drop

lr tlmnks-llccauw youre rich and greatTine pet f fortune and nf MsleHut If youre not lhti1 what that Iraies-1or you to gather nf the stcetra-If power mend plenty nnd the frlil-Tu win Is really niece delightThan wlnnlnir MI you nuclit tn setHow rry thankful you shnuld beflume tlianlu-llrrtuv yimre crowlnz oldAs one ly one Ihe y AM unfoldWltii knowleilRr more sereneACceptance of the happy meanHut If youre riot and youth still holdSYnu fast audtir the iifVrtrunoldslie thankful still lieracsr In tooththe yenis cure uu of your yvuth-Glrr thanksihrlharktIf not for what you lists or areTo own a urirld or t aWhy then for whatHas not been yours or you are nnlRemembering that no greater blissIs In time juod weThan till that we missArid no man lltrs-llowrter rich or poorWho could not tr worseYou U sureThereforeGlee WttUA J LAKTTOW


r Titii




1111111 III

I 11

lId In




till iiCIII u1t1k muiliI i Ileiti were srlt 0

Is P11 I ti Ii uiii lie eIiifflt I f t ImegrIl


hell CY hilien

II Ill ii Ill i shim tetIlt

0 nilI nil

n nil car t a generatim

t lie i i iiam Icy

miimi ute tin isit hi Ito


U miller


itsthe t4ntmtii







take advnntho of the


spirit of commercialism will steadily ruw

less and a unparalleled inhmistory need not be feared I

know-S oul





mme thanks
















UDe llnn s lnnhrtt si lreni Mhertl-Annlhein frl H nf Vl n

here etc conslniil finiues In tie ufTn11 Hnmn npily In nil iinn li its In e-

llflc ill ii HiilIP Bpplir lohtlm i

mil ifciiillfc hill in Out ril in lie rlmiirrnil limb In Ilm samn dlr r Ion tn HIM ssrnnrt

hnvn tin one pirpiT the iiuilini n-

if li KlflccliHi Anen lien Ihn fnriif liw Ihe il frfclil nmrnt III Mi-

iTlipc di f iinehi lng rn nil by liptnorraiii-If gslnniff They nriid p i eil nnd a in-

nn lenfprredn enTi fliic-btdwbrnlllig hnr e llplng nnd s IXIIII VM-

er Into he humor In from voMtn ir

tin vnllng Kith UK nulliners Times tvs etnH-friin i rKln Ho In nod are found only in Southrrii States

The n Ix Ing fanls It rooms that lime tenIhn literal enfnrcement of Hi second section ifthe Fourteenth nn lfntloral Amindinentfully comn II the nullification senil-ment is now inking nn a rapid growth thm thinsrernlng Indlfferenic nf national officials lin-srwournecil the ir i In a few yearsiimrelhiexnintilndf iti Southern pnmoetarv-vlll have spread until Wnt horitofore exempt from tln frightful forms ol iceffiinchl en cnt all incept the elect will hivebeen robbed iimler forms of law of nilparticipation n governmental affairs

Tolerance lists been Indulged with the hopsthat Southerners would see the error of thlrway and correct their own conduct that thinbetter judgment of the thinking element would

straight them creaked timings hutmenus on heels nf ln xo thick and fist

till It now seems time fur wasut hand eniailon In CongreM tnapiortlon d and the bol should be shifted front

lo volfH recorded nvd countedThero lint n point of view from such a

I liitlng hn absolutely just T o-

Hinttor seoiionn Pslng representation wouldbe without onu for comnlnnt Statesnnlnlng would get only what wanOne district In Ohio hisonst rind recorded IHmany voten ns th whole Stnte f nr

at nmo e cOin tot Cuogrssmsn ItU not met thnt one of those casting nogreater vote than a district In other Slatevhoulil lava eleven and the district one Con

I Its true that those acts of dlsfrtnohl fm ntby State tony t ati odl franlilsei

knows 1111 worthy nrid the tintIt Is aNn trim If n Hlnte hnn n large class o tho

that It I that numerous nn-warthvcitizens should leave wider and fuller

than worthy citizens or that amaS of unworthy entitles the

I nm nsr to a n omber of Congress forfewer It Is n that If tin overn i of the tabulated vote for fIve yearn sin a

I decided the extent of that the

known for offloial entertained Inthe South that the ballot would achieve n free

of nctlon two of the FourteenthAmendment Messrs smn and weguarantee an Increase of human liberty

The Perils Turnip Patch

WILUAMSPOHT Pa Nov 15 On the topof Bald Eagle Mountain just where the oldturnpike breaks over the brow down Into BlackHole Valley ls a queer field of rock whichyears and years ago was christened The DevilsTurnip Patch The rocks which are of areddish sandstone have the sUlking peculi-arity of all standing on end thus formnga jagged surface that won ton ItIts name from the early settlers

In bygone daystheir way from Northumberland to WIN

the fourinhands trarvraed the

the strange garden of was a constantsource of wonderment to the traveller Addedto Its Interest as a natural U a

a romantlo song beneath ones feetwhere the source of this stream U nor

con anybody find where It empties Itself IntoBlack

The rock field cover an are of two or threeacres with Its widest toe north thennarrowing to thethe angle Is lost In a fringe of stunted hemlocks

cause of this mountain freak but the theoryobtaining most crorlsnoa It 1 aof the Glacial Age the rocks being a collection

St ber In GeorgiaFrom tin Sannnalt Ntvi-

TH Bun to tnltr Into a serious dlMB at aof the etymology of the robust and bueollo

Soobborl Hers U this defender of tnuta Imixrlil-lim militarism the money power and all that cornneretallim stands for this dweller la the Umple ofllammoa and neiWoor neighbor to she Oetopua

elucidate the lanruaftof theglens and the newground Qeldil-

M would be bad enough If THE Srjjf were true lothe suburban vocabulary and wrote word sootboy or at least iubboy but It ur-

ban Ignorance by writing U down atbojr anditubboy Now of course nobody who wu

out of tight of Printing House Square and out ofsound of the Broadway cats ever beard either of thosebarbarous sibilant corruptions of the true smoothand sonorous word Could cnn the rdltor of TORSUN say stboyl to a dog a quarter of a mileaway to that the doc would hear UT lastsyllable might posslWr reach dog If he wereptrUcularly acute of ear but the hissed nnl onewould be absorbed by the atmosphere within twentyfeet On Ibe other band soobborl can be projectedby good lungs a mile down the wind and half a miteagainst It There are few other rallying cries thathaTe so great carrying piwer In wlregrau Georgiathere are hunters who can send that message to a fathound or a coon dog a mile and a quarter anddog will know what II means every time

What l the etymology nf the word Ob thats allnonsense II probably hasnt any II Is doglanguage sad means get there quick and catchhim you measly whelp The queillon of origin Islost ID the larger fart that It Is the only Intelligiblething that a man can soy to a dog when be meansfor the brute to do tile level best to catch and holdthe varmint that Is ahead of him until the mangets there

Nominating llanna for President In 1008-Kromfn Clncfnnolf En ufr r

The Encuir has already recorded the riprtsstftB-nf the American Loyal Republican Uacue of ClOTS

land as to who should President of thetJnlled Sliites Later nctbn of tIme same generaltenor Is by the M A lUnna RepublIcan Club of the

city The of that organttatlon In-

dorse and present the name of lion Xarcuj A hennathe nation for the moil tidied

poJltlon In the gift of the Ameilcun people Presidentnt the United Bates In 1004 as the most fitting trib-ute to A gstlsnl leader an honest man and the bestfriend of labor In the nation

Well why not Why sloiild Mr Ilnnna not b theIlrpubllran nomInee And If the neit Presidentmust be A Hepubllcan why should he not be the Gen-

eral of I Jioo

Rabbit Dilrlnc Out JIntton In Englandfrom rn Wrof Jour ml-

Th sheep AS A source nf toed supply Is beginningtnfiidn lit U particularly the Au trals-clnnxnlmal In two yrirs thiMippy has more thandonMrd the end of last month our Im-

pitls this reached the large bulk of 160 tonsuf deal rabbits Thl gent wright ol dead rsbb Isrqulislenttonbotil ftioooi N w Zraland sheep tidto even a larger number of Australian

Automobile for Naplri-rroml London Dillv Krvi-

Th hackney coach proprietors and rsb drltrr ofNsples are mme enterprising than tIne LoiThey h tattled themselves fltcuumobllecompany for the purpose of transforming baci

csirntella Inti autoniiiMles wltolnthree years their detlre being thus to forestall anyforeign society lhatmlght Initodurr the lieS node oflocomotion

A Ilrllrrrr In Ilosslim-H Codtln n tin Ktming n

Francis Parkman Unugli A frirnt Penthelmeted only In what might be railed n led Ilcmor-

tbAt Ls A Democracy whnw dptnioni wereshaped and whose action was deteimlred bfmen of known rapacity

Why lie Preferred lo StayFrom llniton Ettitnt rrcnrrffr-

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