image of the divine

The first in the series The Journey WithinBy Clive G. McPherson 1 Image of the Divine

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Image of the Divine (The Journey Within) is the first in a series of books written from a unique perspective, which allows anyone of average education to come to an awareness of who you are and why you are here. It is a short story which takes you on a special inward journey back through time and space, gradually stripping away all that holds you firmly in this physical realm and eventually introducing you to your true self; you become the central character of the story thereby creating a more vivid experience of the scenarios that you will have to travel through on your way to self-discovery.


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The first in the series“The Journey Within”

By Clive G. McPherson

Image of the Divine

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Image of the Divine

This is an introduction to a book which takes you on an amazing journey of self-discovery through time and space, back to the core of your being.

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The Meaning of Life

Mankind for many years have longed for an answer to the meaning of life; until recently, important questions were left unanswered . . .

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Important Questions

. . . such as; "Where did I come from?", "Why am I here?", "Where am I going?", "Who am I?", "Is there really a God?", "If God does exist, then what is His purpose?"

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Gradual Awakening

The human race is gradually awakening through the expansion of the mind to realise its true identity, and as we do so an unlimited source of power is being tapped into like never before.

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A Better Understanding

The dormant depths of the mind are no longer ignored; they are being studied and exercised extensively, to enable us to better understand its full potential.

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Psychogenic Process

The study of the mind which is also known by various metaphysical names such as the spiritual realm, has now reached into previously unexplored deep regions of the psyche to reveal the truth of the psychogenic process inherent in every single human being on the face of the earth.

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Two-Fold Purpose

This book has a two-fold purpose in that it, addresses the previous questions from a non-scientific perspective, and opens your understanding to the truth of who and what you are.

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Eluding Truths

It will gradually awaken your mind to truths which may so far have eluded you.

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Layman Terminology

It presents in layman terminology an easy to understand, storybook style explanation on the origin of the universe and mankind; . . .

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A Unique Perspective

. . . it introduces you to the workings of the psychogenic process which is the genesis of all that exists and provides a unique perspective on your origin using an innovative non-technical approach.

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Ignorance is Bliss

Many have not even considered these important questions; they are ignorant of such matters and have not bothered to research material such as the one you are now reading; . . .

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You Must Take Action

. . . furthermore most people who have read metaphysical material for the purpose of improving their life don't actually put the information into practical use thereby rendering the whole exercise useless.

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Technical Explanations

This is especially true when the content delves into detailed metaphysical or scientific explanations of the subject matter; . . .

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Negative Effect

. . . this approach has the negative effect of losing the attention of minds that have not yet been prepared to receive the hidden truths of what they are reading.

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Bridging The Gap

This book seeks to address this issue by bridging the gap; it prepares your mind for stronger metaphysical material by presenting its content in a style which can easily be understood by anyone of average education.

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The Essential Message

You will not be distracted by any scientific theories being put forward; you will be able to grasp the essential message of the material presented, whilst engaging your mind in the details of an interesting journey through space and time.

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Simple To Understand

It is simple to understand and invites you to exercise your mind by encouraging you to play an active role in the story as you read it.

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It’s All About You

By doing so, you will be creating a vivid sense of interaction between you and the environment and situations presented therein; in fact, you the reader will become the main character of the story.

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An Inward Jorurney

Your divine consciousness will be awakened like never before, you will be taken on an inward journey that will reveal all you need to know to enable you to come to an awareness of who you are, what you are and why you are here.

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The Spiritual Realm

We are so fixated by this physical realm which we live in, that the majority of us have great difficulty relating to the spiritual realm and many doubt whether it actually exists or has any effect on us at all; . . .

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The World Within

. . . this journey will shed light on this area of confusion from a new angle and open your mind to the world within and its relationship to the world without.

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Who Am I?

Take a good look in a mirror and ask yourself "Who am I?" then be still and wait for an answer. The answer will come; it will come in a gentle sense of realisation that there is much more to you than meets the eye.

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Open-Minded People

The fact that you are reading this introduction to Image of the Divine is itself an indication that you, like many other open-minded people already believe that we are more than what meets the eye; . . .

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What Lies Beneath

. . . even though they believe this truth most have still not bothered to investigate what lies beneath this veil of flesh; they are satisfied to live each day allowing life to happen to them, instead of through them.

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All In Vain

They go through life moaning and groaning about how things are not what they want; they may even attempt to change their lives by adjusting people and the things around them only to find that it was all in vain.

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Nothing Changes

They just end up with new people and things that have the same effect on their lives as before, nothing has changed.

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Law Of Attraction

Why does this happen?

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Law Of Attraction

The answer is actually simple . . . you are attracting those things into your life.

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Delayed Manifestation

Things that are manifesting into your life today are things which you have attracted into your life previously.

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Piece of the Puzzle

Don't let that last statement fool you into thinking that this book is just another detailed explanation on the workings of the Law of Attraction; The law of attraction is just a small piece of the puzzle.

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If you hang around with people who steal, then you are attracting the effects of that type of relationship into your life.

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Typical Example

Example: A friend may steal something and take it back to your house, and although you may not have known that the stolen item is actually in your house, you still get arrested when the police find it hidden on your property.

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What are you Attracting?

You attracted the situation to you by accepting the wrong type of people into your life.

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You must go Within

The strength for you to make the necessary changes in your life lies deep within you; but to make those changes you must go within yourself and tap into your unlimited potential.

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Go Within, or Do Without

You must go within, or do without.

If you fail to make the journey within, you will have to do without the things you really want in life.

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Make Changes

You have to be strong enough to make the necessary changes within you so that you can be brave enough to make the appropriate changes around you.

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Your Inner Strength

The inner strength and courage that you seek will only manifest when you come to realise the truth of who and what you are.

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Don’t Be Affraid

Many people go through life doing things that they don't really want to do, but they do them anyway because they are afraid of saying no to friends and family members.

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Inner Convictions

They don't want to offend anybody, but the fact is that every successful person has had to boldly express their inner convictions and act upon them regardless of what others may think.

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An Inspired Idea

Imagine . . . in the quiet of the night as you lay on your bed, an innovative way of doing something comes to your mind, you ponder it for a while and start to imagine the success you would achieve as you follow through with this inspired idea; you eventually fall asleep with this thought on your mind.

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The next day you wake up and remember the thoughts that occupied your mind before you fell asleep, but now your intellect takes over and you start to see the obstacles that could arise as you attempt to act upon the inspired idea . . .


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Full of Doubt

. . . and before you know it, you are full of doubt regarding the possibility of realising your dream.

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Childish Fantasy

You end up discarding yet another great idea as just a childish fantasy, only to learn sometime later that someone else has made a fortune out of the idea that you had earlier tossed aside because you were too afraid to take action.

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Don’t Just Dream

It's not enough to dream, you must act upon the dream, because a dream is only a dream until you act upon it, and then it becomes reality.

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Locked in a Dream

Perhaps you have dreamed for years about taking a world cruise but you have never taken any steps towards making it happen and therefore it stayed as a dream.

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Take Action

The moment you decide to start putting some money aside and making plans of how to make it happen, you pull it from the realm of the mind into the physical realm. It is no longer a dream.

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Physical Form

Take a look around you, every man-made item that is within the range of your vision started off as a thought in the mind of someone who was bold enough to act upon that thought to give it a physical form in this physical realm.

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Image of the Divine

Every man-made thing that exists had to travel from the spiritual realm of the mind into physical existence via the psychogenic process.

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