imaging in heavy-ion collisions

Imaging in Heavy- Ion Collisions D.A. Brown, A. Enokizono, M. Heffner, R. Soltz (LLNL) P. Danielewicz, S. Pratt (MSU) RHIC/AGS Users Meeting 21 June 2005 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48. Talk Outline: • Background • Nontrivial test problem • Inverting a 3d correlation • Implications for HBT Puzzle • CorAL Status

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D.A. Brown , A. Enokizono, M. Heffner, R. Soltz (LLNL) P. Danielewicz, S. Pratt (MSU). Imaging in Heavy-Ion Collisions. Talk Outline: Background Nontrivial test problem Inverting a 3d correlation Implications for HBT Puzzle CorAL Status. RHIC/AGS Users Meeting 21 June 2005. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Imaging in Heavy-Ion Collisions

D.A. Brown, A. Enokizono, M. Heffner, R. Soltz (LLNL)

P. Danielewicz, S. Pratt (MSU)

RHIC/AGS Users Meeting21 June 2005

This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48.

Talk Outline:

• Background

• Nontrivial test problem

• Inverting a 3d correlation

• Implications for HBT Puzzle

• CorAL Status

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The Koonin-Pratt Formalism

We will invert to get S(r) directly

The pair’s final state wave-function, we can compute this if we know the interaction. This is

the kernel K(q,r).

The source function, it gives the probability of producing a pair a distance r apart in the pair CM


Source function related to emission function:

We work in Bertsch-Pratt coords., in pCM

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3d HBT at RHIC

Boost may have interesting observable consequence (Rischke, Gyulassy Nucl. Phys. A 608, 479 (1996)):

• If there is a phase-transition, hydro evolution will slow in mixed phase. • Will lead to long-lived source• Huge difference in Outward/Sideward radii

Rout/Rside == 1! (in LCMS)Experiment analysis wrong?

• Coulomb correction?Theory screwed up?Interpretation confused?

• Instant freeze-out?• Gaussian fits?

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The Test Problem, part 1

• T = 50 MeV -- source temperature• Rx= Ry= Rz= 4 fm• = 20 fm/c, ballpark of lifetime (23 fm/c)

Emission function is Gaussian with finite lifetime, in lab frame:

(lab pair CM boost) + == non-Gaussian source!

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The Test Problem, part 2

Combine with ++ kernel to get correlation using Scott Pratt’s CRAB code

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Breaking Problem into 1d Problems


Expand in Ylm’s and Legendre polynomials:

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Breaking Up Problem, cont.

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Imaging Summary* Use CorAL version 0.3

* Source radial terms written in Basis Spline representation– knots set using Sampling Theorem from Fourier

Theory– use 3rd degree splines

* Use full Coulomb wavefunction, symmetrized

* Use generalized least-square for inversion

* Use constraints to stabilize inversion

* Cut off at finite l, q in input correlation

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Comparison to 1d Source Fits

• Fits & imaging extract same core parameters:

• Rinv = 5.38 +/- 0.13 fm • = 0.647 +/- 0.029

• Same 30% undershoot for fits and images• Gaussian fits can’t get halo• CorAL Gaussian fit == “best” Coulomb correction

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3d Results

• Nail radii• Height low by 30% • Nail integral of source• Resolve halo in L & O directions

Measured Gaussian parameters (from source!): RS: 3.42 +/- 0.21 RO: 7.02 +/- 0.25 RL: 5.04 +/- 0.31 S(r=0): 10 +/- 1x10-5 : 0.442 +/- 0.067

Can extract the important physics!

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Core Halo ModelNickerson, Csörgo˝, Kiang, Phys. Rev. C 57, 3251 (1998).

f is fraction of ’s emitted directly from core, effectively = f2 in source function

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Core Halo Model, cont.• From exploding core, with Gaussian shape:

• Flow profile simple, but adjustable:

• From decay of emitted resonances, has most likely lifetime (23 fm/c)

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Simple Model, Interesting Results

Set Rx=Ry=Rz=4 fm, f/o=10 fm/c, T=175 MeV, f=0.56

High velocity ’s get bigger boost. Boost + finite tail, but only modest core increase, in L,O directions.

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Focus on Outwards Direction

Lifetime effects have dramatic affect on non-Gaussian halo in outwards direction.

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Focus on Outwards Direction

… but only modest core changes.

Gaussian RO fits:

Baseline: 5.63

Instant f/o: 4.78

No : 5.35

No lifetime: 4.48

max=0.35: 6.51

radii in fm,

fit w/ r<15 fm,

fit tolerance 1%

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Focus on Sidewards Direction

Minor changes deep in tail reflecting geometry of induced halo.

All curves have core radii ~ 4 fm.

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Focus on Longitudinal Direction

Rapidity cut eliminates tail, otherwise similar to outwards direction.

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Take Home Messages from Model* Need emission duration + particle motion to get

lifetime effect

* Finite lifetime can create tail, w/o changing core radii substantially

* RHIC HBT puzzle could be Gaussian fit missing tail from long lifetime

* Resonance effects detectable, but similar to freeze-out duration effects

* Don’t be fooled by acceptance effects

Since source tails hide in Coulomb hole of correlation, imaging RHIC data should shed light on puzzle

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CorAL Features* Variety of kernels:

– Coulomb, NN interactions, asymptotic forms – Any combination of p, n, , K+-, , plus some exotic pairs

* Fit a 1d or 3d correlation w/ variety of Gaussian sources * Directly image a correlation, in 1d or 3d* Build model correlations/sources from

– OSCAR formatted output, – Blast Wave, – variety of simple models

* Build model correlations/sources in Spherical or Cartesian harmonics

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CorAL Status* Merging of three related projects:

– original CorAL by M. Heffner, fitting correlations w/ source convoluted w/ full kernel

– HBTprogs in 3d by D. Brown, P. Danielewicz, imaging sources from correlation data w/ full kernels

– CRAB (++) by S. Pratt, use models to generate correlations, sources w/ full kernels

* Rewritten in C++, open source, nearly stand alone (depends on GSL only)

* Developed on MacOS X, linux, cygwin* Time scale for 1.0 release: end of summerish

(sorry, probably not in time for QM2005)

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Extra Slides

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Low Relative Momentum Correlations

Signal, pairs from same event (these

guys are entangled)

Background, pairs from different event, same cuts(looks like signal, but no


• When C=1, there is no correlation• Removes features in spectra not caused by entangled particles

A versatile observable: can use nearly any type of pair

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3d HBT at RHIC

Work in Bertsch-Pratt coordinates in pair CM frame:

Boost from lab pair CM means lifetime effects transformed into Outwards/Longitudinal direction.

Long (beam)



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What do the terms mean?

• l = 0 : Angle averaged correlation, get access to Rinv

• l = 1 : Access to Lednicky offset, i.e. who emitted first (unlike only)• l = 2 : Shape information: access to RO, RS, RL:

C20 RL

C00-(C20±C22) RS ,RO

• l = 3 : Boomerang/triaxial deformation (unlike only)• l = 4 : Squares off shape

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Sampling TheoremIf we can ignore FSI, the 1-dimensional kernels are:

The l = 0 term is just a Fourier Transform. Sampling Theorem says for a given binning in q-space, source uniquely determined at certain r points (termed collocation points) spaced by:

Sampling Theorem may be generalized to the l > 0 terms giving

Here the ln are the zeros of the Spherical Bessel function.

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To reconstruct the source at these collocation points, choose knots:

In general the spin-zero like pair meson kernel is much more complicated than this:

and these knots are only an approximation to the best knots.

Setting knots

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Representing terms in sourceWe use basis splines to represent the radial dependence of each source term:

Basis splines are piece-wise continuous polynomials:

Setting knots for the splines is crucial for representing source well

0th-order 1st-order 2nd-order

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Representing the Source FunctionRadial dependence of each term in terms of Basis Splines:

• Generalized Splines:

– Nb=0 is histogram,

– Nb=1 is linear interpolation,

– Nb=3 is equivalent to cubic interpolation.

• Recursion relations == fast to evaluate, differentiate, integrate

• Resolution controlled by knot placement

• Form basis for RR2, but not orthonormal

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The inversion processKoonin-Pratt eq. in matrix form:

• kernel not square• kernel possibly singular

• noisy data• error propagation

this is an ill-posed problem

Practical solution to linear inverse problem, minimize :

Most probable source is:

With covariance matrix:

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Constraints for 3d problem(s)

Inversion can be stabilized with constraints. Constraints we use:

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Outwards/Sidewards Ratio

Gaussian fits driven by r < 10 fm where ratio close to unity.

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Simple Model, Interesting ResultsTurn off resonance production (f=1)

L,O tail reduced somewhat, S tail gone.Core lifetime causes tail same size as resonances.

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Simple Model, Interesting Results

Instant freeze-out (f/o=0 fm/c)

Kills core-induced non-Gaussian tail,but resonance induced tail of similar magnitude.

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Simple Model, Interesting Results

No resonances (f=1), instant freeze-out (f/o=0 fm/c)

Essentially kills non-Gaussian tail. Obviously need finite time effect for tail.

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Simple Model, Interesting Results

Apply PHENIX acceptance cut of max=0.35

Kills contribution from high pL pairs, so kills core’s tail in L direction

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Simple model, interesting resultsNo flow

Lowers source, but not much else

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Simple model, interesting resultsSmall temperature


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Simple model, interesting resultsNo flow, small temperature