imf corporate credit card program/t-card - rfp 288 · relevant experience to provide a corporate...

- 1 - IMF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) # 288 - CORPORATE CREDIT CARD (T-CARD) PROGRAM The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is seeking Proposals from qualified firms with relevant experience to provide a Corporate Credit Card (T-Card) Program to the IMF. This is one of two RFPs for Corporate Credit Card Services that will be distributed. The other RFP (Number 305) is for IMF’s Ghost Card Program. The IMF intends to award contract(s) for an initial term of five (5) years [May 2008 through April 2013] with two (2) optional one-year extensions. Proposals shall be submitted in compliance with the following requirements: Annex A - Instructions to Bidders Annex B - Statement of Work (SOW) Annex C - Glossary Annex D - Mandatory Requirements Annex E - Requirements Matrix Annex F - IMF General Terms and Conditions of Contract Annex G - IMF Supplier Registration Form ( ) Requests for clarifications concerning this RFP should be submitted to the undersigned ([email protected] ) no later than by 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on November 19, 2007. The IMF will provide the appropriate response by November 26, 2007. An addendum and/or clarification(s) to this RFP may be issued, if necessary. The complete procurement schedule is provided with Annex A (article 2.0) of this RFP. The IMF reserves the right to vary the scope of the specifications and/or change the intended form of agreement for this procurement, or, to reject any or all bids and award one, more than one, or no contract(s) as a result of this Request for Proposal. The IMF shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by bidder(s) in preparing and submitting a Proposal. The IMF is providing the best available data concerning spend and other information for the confidential review by bidders. However, the IMF disclaims any liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of data provided in the RFP or any subsequent exchange of information. Bidders proceed at their own risk in relying on data and estimates contained in the RFP and attached information.

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Page 1: IMF Corporate Credit Card Program/T-Card - RFP 288 · relevant experience to provide a Corporate Credit Card (T-Card) Program to the IMF. This is one of two RFPs for Corporate Credit

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is seeking Proposals from qualified firms with relevant experience to provide a Corporate Credit Card (T-Card) Program to the IMF.

This is one of two RFPs for Corporate Credit Card Services that will be distributed. The other RFP (Number 305) is for IMF’s Ghost Card Program.

The IMF intends to award contract(s) for an initial term of five (5) years [May 2008 through April 2013] with two (2) optional one-year extensions.

Proposals shall be submitted in compliance with the following requirements:

Annex A - Instructions to Bidders Annex B - Statement of Work (SOW)

Annex C - Glossary Annex D - Mandatory Requirements

Annex E - Requirements Matrix Annex F - IMF General Terms and Conditions of Contract Annex G - IMF Supplier Registration Form (

Requests for clarifications concerning this RFP should be submitted to the undersigned ([email protected]) no later than by 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on November 19, 2007. The IMF will provide the appropriate response by November 26, 2007. An addendum and/or clarification(s) to this RFP may be issued, if necessary. The complete procurement schedule is provided with Annex A (article 2.0) of this RFP. The IMF reserves the right to vary the scope of the specifications and/or change the intended form of agreement for this procurement, or, to reject any or all bids and award one, more than one, or no contract(s) as a result of this Request for Proposal. The IMF shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by bidder(s) in preparing and submitting a Proposal. The IMF is providing the best available data concerning spend and other information for the confidential review by bidders. However, the IMF disclaims any liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of data provided in the RFP or any subsequent exchange of information. Bidders proceed at their own risk in relying on data and estimates contained in the RFP and attached information.

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Please note that any contract award is subject to successful vendor registration with the IMF Procurement Division. All bidders are requested to include a completed vendor registration application with their Proposal. The supplier registration form can be obtained from IMF Procurement’s web site as follows: Sealed Proposals shall be submitted and must be received at the address shown below, NO LATER THAN 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on November 29, 2007. Late Proposals will be rejected. Proposals and envelopes in which Proposals are submitted must be marked for RFP # 288 – IMF T-Card Program. Proposals should be sent by courier services to IMF’s off-site Receiving Area as follows: International Monetary Fund c/o Pitney Bowes IMF Receiving Area 3310 New York Ave, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Contact for the New York Ave. address is Arun Charan (202-526-4688) or Michael Johnson (202-526-6042).

Should you require additional information, please contact Ms. Christina DeNale,

Procurement Officer (202-623-4827). Attachment(s):

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1. Nature of Proposal Instructions These instructions are provided for general information for the preparation of the Proposals and are not part of the documents comprising the Proposal or the Contract, and are not to be interpreted so as to change any Contract provision, condition or specification. 2. Procurement Schedule Issuance of the Request for Proposal: October 30, 2007 Due Date for bidders to submit 2:00 pm on November 19, 2007 questions to the RFP: IMF’s Response to questions November 26, 2007 received from bidders: Proposal Due Date: 2:00 pm on November 29, 2007 Anticipated Commencement Date: May 1, 2008 In addition to submission of the Proposal by the required date, an organization submitting a Proposal may, at the option of the IMF, be required to make a formal presentation to and/or attend a meeting to discuss the Proposal. For the purpose of Proposal evaluation, the IMF reserves the right to contact any references listed in the submitted Proposal to validate any claims made by bidder. 3. Preparation of Proposals Bidders should send technical and financial Proposals in two separate sealed envelopes. Bidders shall provide full details of how they intend to perform the services covered by this Request for Proposal, giving sufficient information to demonstrate their understanding of the requirements and their capability to provide the services. 4. Submission of Proposals and Final Submission Date

4.1 The Proposal should be submitted as hard copies, consisting of one (1) original and six (6)

copies. Proposals shall be sealed in a package and delivered according to the instructions on the cover letter of this RFP. Proposals must be submitted no later than 2:00 PM. Eastern Standard Time on November 29, 2007. The IMF reserves the right to reject late Proposals.

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4.2 In addition, electronic versions (WORD FORMAT) of bidders completed responses to Annexes D and E of this RFP should be sent to [email protected]

5. Proposal Format 5.1 Cover Letter

The cover letter must be signed by a person authorized to submit the Proposal. The cover letter must clearly identify the bidder and indicate specific points of contact for discussions and clarifications of the Proposal. The cover letter must explicitly indicate if the bidder does, or does not accept the IMF’s General Terms and Conditions as identified in Annex F. In the event that the Bidder does not accept or wishes to discuss alternative and/or additional terms and conditions, the bidder must explicitly indicate which items are not accepted and propose specific alternative language as appropriate. The IMF reserves the right to decline without further comment any Proposal which does not accept the IMF’s Legal Immunities and Disputes clause. 5.2 Technical Proposal Bidders shall submit technical Proposals in response to the statement of work and according to the format provided under Annexes D and E of this RFP. Bidders must include their firm’s financial statements of past two years. The Technical Proposal shall include a proposed Implementation Plan with major milestones. 5.3 Financial Proposal Pricing information shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope and in a format as per section 5.3.1. of this Annex. Pricing information shall not appear in any other section of the Proposal.

The contract is intended to be for initial five years plus two optional one-year extensions. All amounts shall be indicated in US Dollars. The IMF is exempt from all sales tax. Bidders must submit a complete financial Proposal according to the structure provided as follows:

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1. Payment:

a. Payment Frequency: ______________ b. Payment Method: ______________ c. Grace Period after invoice or billing: _ _ days

2. Fees:

List all proposed fees associated with your card products, indicating which you will waive for the IMF: a. Individual Card Fee, per year: $ __________ b. Individual Card Fee, per year, if rewards program is available: $ __________ c. Late Payment Fee, per occurrence: ____% of outstanding balance due after ____. Finance Charges: ____% of outstanding balance due after ____. d. Foreign Exchange Transaction Fees: ____% of gross purchased amount and/or

any other related fees:$ ______ e. ATM cash withdrawal fees (U.S. and International ): $ _____ _____ f. Commercial cash advance withdrawal fees per transaction ____% g. Card Issuance: Delivery: Standard ____ days $_______ Express ____ days $_______ h. Card Sleeves: ___________ i. Emergency Card Replacement, per request: $__________

j. Cards provided on a “Rush” Basis, per request: $_________ k. Copy Retrieval Fee, per request: $__________ l. Electronic Reporting System Fee: Set-Up Fee: $__________

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Training Fee: $__________ (Reference Annex B, 3.2 ) Maintenance Fee: $__________ Other: __________ $__________ m. Monthly Data Transmission Fee per Transmission Endpoint: $__________ n. Cost of frequent flyer points program: $________________p.a.____

o. Based on the IMF’s card data given in Annex B, the insurance premium for liability of the IMF for lost or stolen cards, fraud not exceeding:

i) $50 $_________ ii) $100 $_________ iii) $250 $_________ iv) $500 $_________ v) $1000 $_________

3. Rebates:

a. Volume Rebate:

Net Purchase Volume Incentive Fee (in basis points)

Quarterly Payment

Incentive Fee (in basis points) Yearly Payment

$0 to $5 million >$5 million to $10 million

>$10 million to $20 million >$20 million

b. Speed of Payment Rebate:


Monthly Bill Outstanding *

Incentive Fee (in basis points)

Quarterly Payment

Incentive Fee (in basis points) Yearly Payment

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

* represents the number of days between billing and payment

4. Contract signing bonus offered:

5. Please describe in detail any incentive / rebate reductions based on spending factors such as average transaction size or spend per card:

6. Enumerate all fees for optional, value-added products/services, indicating which you

will waive for the IMF: 7. How can the IMF maximize its financial incentive:

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5.4 Service Level Agreement Bidders should submit their proposed Service Level Agreement. 6. Proposal Validity Any Proposal shall be irrevocable after the final submission time and shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the Proposal Due Date. 7. Acceptance of the Proposal-Award of Contract

7.1 Bidder acknowledges the right of the IMF to reject the Proposal in whole or in part, and

to waive any informality or irregularity therein. Bidder also acknowledges the right of the IMF to reject a Proposal if the bidder fails to submit the data required by the Proposal documents or if the Proposal is in any way incomplete or irregular. Bidder further acknowledges that the IMF is not bound to accept the Proposal.

7.2 Awarding of the Contract will be made at the absolute discretion of the IMF and shall not

be questioned or challenged by the bidder. 8. Representation by Bidder By making a Proposal, bidder represents to the IMF: (i) That bidder has read and understood all RFP documents, and that RFP and IMF

requirements are acceptable to the bidder; and (ii) That bidder’s Proposal is based upon the services and upon the terms and conditions

set forth in the solicitation documents. 9. Confidentiality

The information provided by the IMF in, or in connection with, this Request for Proposal is for the sole purpose of this Proposal process and is to be considered strictly confidential. Any information learned by bidder in connection with this solicitation shall not be revealed by it or used for any purpose other than the preparation of bidder’s Proposal.

10. Proposals Evaluation Criteria

The Proposals may be evaluated according to the following criteria, but not necessarily in this order or weight:

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1. Acceptance of IMF’s General Terms and Conditions of Contract and adherence to

Proposal instructions 2. Quality and depth of the response to the Statement of Work 3. Company’s Experience and Qualification 4. Platform Functionality 5. Project Team 6. Authorization and Controls 7. Business Continuity and Systems Backup 8. Billing and Payment 9. Acceptance 10. Liability 11. Management Information/Technology 12. Implementation 13. Account Management and Customer Service 14. Financial Proposal

11. Future Requirements The IMF reserves the right to order value-added and customized products and services throughout the contract period.

The IMF reserves the right to negotiate pricing on added-value-added products and services.

Contractor shall provide and make available technological and system enhancement as improvements are made.

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The International Monetary Fund (hereafter the “IMF” or “Fund”) is an international organization, organized under the Bretton Woods Agreement, with its Headquarters located at 700 19th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20431. Further information about the organization can be obtained at

The IMF currently does not have an existing T-Card Program in place. The Fund’s objective is to eliminate cash advance payments to its staff traveling worldwide and streamline processes by reducing administrative efforts. The Corporate Travel Card (T-Card) will be issued to IMF staff1 for travel expenses incurred. The IMF’s T-Cards will be issued only to its staff and long-term experts but not to short-term experts, contractors or vendors. The T-Card program will be administered through the Travel Payments Section (TPS) of the IMF’s Finance Department (FIN). TPS will have overall responsibility for the T-Card program.


The Fund’s estimated annual T-Card charge volume is expected to be $16.0 million plus. There is no guarantee that the estimated volume will be realized. The IMF will require T-Cards to be issued to approximately 1,400 of its 2,700 staff members.


IMF staff will use the T-Card, provided by the Corporate Credit Card Contractor (hereafter called the “Contractor”), to pay for hotel charges, meals, local transportation, and other travel-related costs. All IMF staff members, including long-term experts who are expected to travel in the next year, will be required to apply for and use the T-Card, which will be individually owned by the staff members and long-term experts, with the IMF acting as a guarantor. Staff members will be expected to pay the Contractor directly for their charges. Use of the T-Card will be mandatory for hotel charges and optional for other business travel- related charges. The use of the T-Card to cover personal charges will not be permitted. The IMF will require a 60-day payment period on the balance due to ensure that staff traveling on extended missions have sufficient time to submit travel claims and gain reimbursement from the IMF prior to the T-Card payment due date. 1 80 percent of Fund Staff are non-US nationals who hold G-4 Visas. Non-US staff are not required to hold a Social Security Number (SSN).

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The Contractor shall provide skilled personnel together with the supervisory, management, financial and administrative services and products necessary to successfully meet the IMF’s requirements.

Contractor shall utilize its best efforts to ensure that the products and services offered are current with commercial practice and assist in maximizing efficiencies to the Fund. Products and services offered should be state-of-the-art and provide the technological advances that are consistent with the commercial marketplace, unless otherwise directed by the IMF .

1. Project Team 1.1 Contractor’s Project Management. Contractor shall assign project management responsibilities for implementation, administration, supervision and coordination of the contract to a dedicated staff who shall be readily accessible to the Fund. Contractor must designate a “Contract Coordinator” who shall be an overall point of contact for the IMF. Contractor shall assign a dedicated point of contact to handle disputes, finance and administration. Contractor shall provide a toll-free or collect customer service telephone number for use by all IMF cardholders and TPS. IMF shall have the right to interview and personnel dedicated to the program. The IMF may consider the option of program administration on IMF’s site on a schedule to be mutually agreed. 1.2 Account Coordinator. Contractor shall assign a principal Account Coordinator who will be the day-to-day liaison with the IMF. The Account Coordinator should have at least five years of continuous work experience in the Corporate Credit Card industry and five years work experience in the procurement or purchasing field. 2. Program Management

2.1 T-Card Product / Platform Functionality

2.1.1 Contractor shall provide Corporate Credit Cards, issued against an internationally accepted credit card issuing organization.

2.1.2 Card Design and Embossing. Contractor shall work with the IMF‘s Project Manager to ensure final card design integrity and industry specifications. Contractor shall be responsible for the overall card design and embossing/printing of the cards. The card design shall be accepted and approved, in writing, by the IMF. The IMF logo will not be part of the card design.

As a minimum, Contractor shall be able to emboss/print each card with the following:

EMBOSSED/PRINTED: a. Cardholder’s name b. Account number incorporating IMF staff ID number and

IMF identifier

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c. Card expiration date

d. Contractor’s customer service toll-free or collect number shall appear on the back side of the card.

Contractor shall work with the IMF to come to a mutually agreeable solution for the placement of information on the card.

Contractor shall provide uniquely numbered cards for each individual authorized.

2.1.3 Card Delivery. Contractor shall at its own expense, send the T-Card to the cardholder or designated distribution point within a minimum of eight working days after Contractor receives cardholder account setup information. Contractor shall, at his own expense, ensure the card has been received by the cardholder or designated distribution point.

2.1.4 International Card Issuance. Contractor shall indicate its ability and the cost to issue the T-Card to IMF staff members and long-term experts based in overseas offices.

2.1.5 Non U.S. National Staff Background Checks

The Contractor shall, at its own expense, conduct background checks on any non-US national IMF staff member T-Card applications, in order to comply with US State Department Patriot Act requirements. Identify the procedures that your company follows to comply with the Patriot Act requirements.

2.1.6 Employee’s Number. Contractor shall accept using the cardholders’ employee number in lieu of Social Security Number whenever such information is requested. If a nine digit number is required, the employee number will be pre-filled with zeros to nine digits. IMF staff employee numbers can be both numeric and alphanumeric.

2.1.7 Card Renewal. T-Cards shall normally be reissued every 24 months to each active cardholder. Renewal dates for T-Cards issued to long-term experts will coincide with their contract terms. At least 90 calendar days prior to the expiration of each account or card, Contractor shall submit a report to TPS listing each expiring account or card. The report shall contain all information necessary for the IMF to renew the account or card. Cards shall automatically renew unless otherwise directed by TPS. If accounts or cards are not to be renewed, TPS will notify the Contractor, in writing, 45 calendar days prior to account or card expiration. Renewed cards shall be sent no earlier than 40 calendar days before the expiration date of the existing card and no later than 20 calendar days before the expiration date of the existing card.

. All renewal credit cards shall be reissued and sent to the cardholder or designated distribution point unless otherwise notified in writing by TPS.

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2.2 Authorization and Control

2.2.1 Control Features. Contractor shall provide a means during the transaction authorization process to provide its standard commercial authorization controls and as requested by TPS. Contractor shall also have the ability to promptly change authorization controls as requested by the IMF. The authorization controls shall include:

a) Amount per transaction limit; b) Amount per month limit; c) Transactions per day / week / month limits; d) Credit limit; e) Balance limit; f) Automatic controls that flag and deny invalid cards (lost, stolen, suspended or

canceled); g) Daily ATM withdrawal limit; h) Merchant blocking capability.

2.2.2 Transaction Authorization. Contractor shall adhere to the authorization procedures established by Contractor or Contractor’s IMF or Credit Card Association. Transactions that violate the restrictions established by the authorization controls shall be denied authorization at the point-of-sale. Contractor shall have a system which provides domestic and international transaction authorization support, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The authorization system shall have a backup system in place should Contractor's normal authorization system malfunction or become otherwise inoperable. Immediate override capabilities shall be provided to allow the authorized TPS or TGS Managers to direct Contractor to authorize specific transactions that may otherwise be prohibited. Contractor shall have a method in which to ensure that the request to override a transaction is from an authorized individual. In accordance with standard commercial practices, Contractor shall monitor account transactions to identify any unusual spending patterns or frequencies (for example, identifying multiple purchases having the characteristics of a “split purchasing” pattern (a single purchase split between two or more other purchases); alerting to attempted purchases at excluded merchants; flagging purchases that are made on dates and times that are outside of normal cardholder spending patterns) and at a minimum, notify TPS through exception reporting of any unusual spending patterns or frequencies.

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2.3 System Backup.

Contractor shall have available a redundant backup system and procedures to ensure that services are not interrupted during system failures, or normal system maintenance procedures such as database updates. The backup system shall secure and protect all databases, information and systems in the T-Card Program against deliberate or inadvertent loss, degradation, alteration, or damage of information. The backup system shall be seamless and ensure continuity of the IMF’s T-Card Program.

2.4 Release of Information.

Information related to IMF’s T-Card Program, including but not limited to names, addresses or any other cardholder information shall not be released, sold or made available to any third party (also see Data Protection Clause in IMF’s General Terms and Conditions, RFP Annex F). 2.5 Billing and Payment

2.5.1 Posting of Transactions: All electronic transactions (both credits and debits) shall be posted to the account within two (2) business days from the date of contractor’s receipt of the posted and settled transaction. Posted credit transactions shall include the reference number assigned at the time of the original charge or another identifier that will enable the cardholder to match the original charge with the credit.

Contractor shall ensure that there are adequate tracking controls for manually processed transactions. This may mean requiring merchants to maintain receipt records long enough to allow for signature identification on disputed transactions.

Contractor shall ensure that charges made in a foreign currency are converted into US Dollars on the statement of account, invoice, and related reports using a favorable conversion rate established by an interbank rate or where required by law, an official rate. This rate shall be the one in existence at the time the transaction is processed. Contractor shall identify the conversion rate used on the statement of account, invoice and related reports.

2.5.2 Consolidated Invoice. Contractor shall provide monthly consolidated invoice within five working days after the end of each monthly billing cycle, to the individual IMF staff members, TPS and TGS for all T-Card activities.

2.5.3 Cardholder Statement of Activities. Within five working days after the end of each monthly billing cycle, Contractor shall send each cardholder a Statement of Account which lists all transactions made during the billing cycle. Cardholder shall not receive a Cardholder Statement if there was no activity during the billing cycle. Items that must be included on each Cardholder Statement are as follows:

a. Statement Date b. Cardholder Name and Address c. Cardholder Account Number d. Date of each purchase/credit

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e. Processing number for each purchase/credit f. Merchant name for each purchase/credit g. Merchant location for each purchase/credit h. Amount of each purchase/credit i. Sufficient space after each purchase/credit for annotating an item description and

up to 50 space appropriation citation. j. Total statement amount k. Cardholder’s certification statement “I certify that, to the best of my knowledge

and belief, all of my statements are true, correct, complete, and made in good faith, and subject to IMF General Administrative Orders and other administrative policies and procedures.”

l. A line for cardholder signature and date m. A line for manager signature and date n. Instructions for handling disputes and any commercial card regulations

concerning disputed items o. Cardholder’s balance limit

Cardholders shall also have the ability to access their Statements of Account electronically via a secure internet connection, with encryption enabled and an encryption key as defined by the IMF. Cardholders will retrieve the invoicing data from a system designated by the Contractor that is protected appropriately, including at minimum logon controls and segregation of the IMF transactional data from that of other accounts.

TPS shall have the ability to access all Cardholders’ Statements of Account electronically via a secure internet connection, with encryption enabled and an encryption key as defined by the IMF. TPS will retrieve the invoicing data from a system designated by the Contractor that is protected appropriately including, at minimum, logon controls and segregation of the IMF transactional data from that of other accounts.

2.5.4 Payment. Contractor shall accept payment by check or electronically and shall post such payments within two (2) business days of receipt of payment. Contractor shall ensure that their accounting system enables the accurate and timely posting of account payments.

2.5.5 Rebate. Contractor shall issue rebate checks to the IMF within 60 days from the

due date on a quarterly basis and in the event of contract termination or expiration, 60 days from the date of termination or expiration.

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2.6 Acceptance 2.6.1 Contractor shall provide a product with widespread domestic and international

acceptance by a variety of merchants that supply goods and services. Contractor shall have a mechanism in place to add new merchants and merchant types to their network as needed by the IMF. Contractor shall assist, as requested, in promoting the benefits of accepting the card and recruiting merchants that do not currently accept the card and upgrading point-of-sale capability to enable richer transaction data capture.

2.6.2 Enhanced Data Capture:

Contractor shall support Levels 1, 2, and 3 data as provided by the merchant. The Contractor shall support industry-specific addendums available at the time of contract award and as made available during the life of this contract.

2.6.3 Hotel Folio Data:

Contractor shall provide a summary of their ability to capture and provide hotel folio data.

2.6.4 Contractor shall successfully accommodate program volume growth. All upgrades or replacement of equipment and software required by Contractor to accommodate program volume growth are Contractor’s responsibility. Contractor shall ensure that any change requiring a contract modification, or any major change or enhancement related to the resident platform that is brought about by program volume growth, is effectuated in a smooth, seamless manner, with minimal disruption to the T-Card program.

2.7 Liability

2.7.1 Security Requirements. Contractor shall, at a minimum, meet the security

requirements/measures/procedures of any Bank or Credit Card Association to which it belongs, or Contractor’s own security procedures, as it relates to the protection of the integrity, security and proper functioning of all databases, information and systems. Contractor’s security requirements/measures/ procedures, when accepted by the IMF, shall be incorporated into any resulting contract. Contractor’s security requirements/measures/procedures shall protect the integrity, security and proper functioning of all databases and systems involved in the operation of the IMF’s T-Card Program. The databases and information processing systems containing IMF information shall have security measures to protect against deliberate or inadvertent loss, degradation, alteration, release or damage of information from unauthorized access.

2.7.2 Investigation Assistance. Contractor shall assist any investigative unit of IMF concerning alleged wrongdoing or suspected fraud, waste, or abuse by IMF staff or those entities doing business with the IMF using the T-Card. Reciprocal assistance from the IMF with regard to investigations shall be provided to the Contractor.

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2.7.3 Cardholder Liability for Lost or Stolen Cards. Neither the IMF nor cardholders shall be liable for any purchases made on cards reported lost or stolen. The IMF will notify Contractor when it becomes evident that a card is lost or stolen. The liability of the IMF for lost or stolen cards shall not exceed the lesser of $50 or the amount of money, property, labor, or services obtained before notification to Contractor.

2.7.4 Contractor shall have robust real-time fraud monitoring and shall provide training on fraud prevention.

2.8 Management Information/Technology

2.8.1 All program and transaction data shall be available to the IMF electronically. At a minimum, the electronic access system shall:

a) Provide the ability to perform the functions for program implementation and

program management which include, but not limited to: • T-Card application and account set-up; • Account maintenance; • Activating/deactivating a card; • Renewing a card; • Updating and adjusting required authorization controls; • Data extracts and management reports of card activity;

b) Provide electronic review and manipulation of all captured transaction

information to include the ability to sort data by any field; filter out unnecessary information; edit account allocation manually as needed; and split transaction amounts across multiple cost categories prior to processing. This includes summary roll-up, review and manipulation at different levels. It is critical that the Fund receives codes allowing to identify hotels, and hotels expenditures, to allow verification of daily rate paid, and separation of personal incidental’ as part of hotel expenditures;

c) Provide standard commercial reports; d) Provide the ability to generate ad hoc reports;

e) Provide the ability to download/export reports in Excel, Pdf format and into PeopleSoft;

f) Be user friendly; g) Ensure that all program and transaction data on the IMF T-Card Program is

secured, at a minimum, according to standard commercial practices and the requirements herein;

h) Provide the ability to export Fund transactions into either a fixed-length or comma-delimited file suitable for processing by PeopleSoft; The file should be staged on a secure FTP server within the provider’s domain, allowing the Fund to ‘get’ the file in an automated fashion;

i) Provide the ability to dispute transactions electronically as well as track transactions from the time of charge through final resolution of the charge;

j) Provide the ability to perform electronic reconciliation;

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k) Be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year; l) Be a web-based solution that is easily deployable to users, that operates under

MS Internet Explorer 6.0; m) There should be no requirement to install and operate vendor software on

Fund’s personal computers and servers; n) Operate on an Oracle or Microsoft SQL. Server database platform.

2.8.2 Record Retention & Retrieval. Contractor shall maintain detailed records of all purchases for a period of three years and summary data for period of seven years after transaction. At any time during the contract or the retention period, Contractor shall provide requested information at Contractor’s expense concerning individual transactions within 10 working days after Contractor receives written or verbal request from the IMF Procurement Officer or the TPS. All verbal requests shall be followed up, in writing, no less than three working days after the verbal request.

2.8.3 Transaction Data. Contractor shall record at a minimum, the following transaction data for each cardholder purchase.

Date of Purchase

Cardholder Name

Account Number

Fund Employee Id

Merchant Activity code / NAICS

Merchant Name

Merchant Address (city and state)

Country of Purchase – standard 3-char ISO code

Purchase Amount ( USD )

Purchase Amount ( Local Currency )

Purchase Currency Code – standard 3-char ISO code

Currency Exchange Rate

Currency Exchange Rate Date

Currency Conversion Fee

Date purchase was processed by Contractor

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Contractor processing/reference number

For relevant vendors, the customer code field, which may contain IMF specific data

2.8.4 Posted credits shall include a reference to the original charge.

2.8.5 Reporting Requirements. Contractor shall provide its standard commercial reports. The IMF may choose to receive some or all of the standard reports unless noted below. The IMF shall determine frequency, distribution points and method of transmission. Report information must coincide with invoice information and transaction data information.

a. IMF Expenditure Categorization Reports. Contractor, at the request of the IMF, shall be able to roll up or break down the reports at various levels. These reports shall be made available to any office designated by the IMF and shall be mailed or send electronically within five working days after the end of the IMF’s billing date or more frequently, if applicable. Departments may choose to receive some or all of these reports and shall determine distribution points and method of transmission at time of delivery order.

b. Cardholder Activity Report. A report which lists all cardholder activities, including transaction date and type, amount of purchase, merchant name and location.

c. Report of Lost/Stolen Transactions. This monthly report details any transactions on account numbers reported lost or stolen.

d. Detail Transaction File. A detail transaction file which shall include, at a minimum, the cardholder transactions including cardholder name, cardholder number, merchant name, purchase amount, merchant activity code / NAICS, 20 character alphanumeric field, and 15 digit alphanumeric field to support monthly processing. The detail transaction file shall be available to the TPS on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis at the discretion of the IMF.

e. Monthly Declined Transactions Report. A report to TPS on a monthly basis or more frequently if requested, of any attempt to use a T-Card that has been declined.

f. Delinquency Report. This report to TPS lists all delinquent account balances summarizing delinquency levels in terms of 30, 60, 90, 120 + days.

g. Summary Quarterly Vendor Analysis Report. This report lists vendors, service type and location in total dollars and total number of transactions as a means of providing data to negotiate better discounts.

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h. Hotel Spend and Transaction Data. This report shows the amounts spent for hotels by hotel property, number of nights and by individual staff member.

i Current T-Card Holders.

j T-Cards due to expire.

k. T-Cards due for cancellation.

2.8.6 Additional Desired Capabilities.

a. Support, as a payment tool, for other PeopleSoft standard transactions.

3. Implementation Cooperative, orderly, and seamless transitions are crucial to the IMF T-Card program requirements. Failure to transition in accordance with the requirements may be cause for termination for default. 3.1 Implementation Plan. Contractor will develop an implementation plan to include notification and card acceptance verification, management information / technology system, second phase migration to a PeopleSoft based solution (if an integrated solution is proposed and accepted by the IMF) and assist the IMF in executing the T-Card Introduction Program upon approval of Contractor’s recommendations. Contractor shall furnish training to the IMF and exercise its best efforts to effect a cooperative, orderly, and seamless implementation of the contract. All Contractor costs associated with implementation shall be borne by Contractor.

Bidders shall include an Implementation Plan with their Proposal. The Implementation Plan should include major milestones, a schedule and information/data that Contractor will request from IMF.

3.2 Training Requirements.

3.2.1 Contractor shall provide a training plan which includes system training for all program participants. Upon request of the IMF, Contractor shall provide on-site training, at no cost to the IMF, to all participating business units concerning implementation procedures and commercial credit card regulations. Any travel related expenses associated with on site training shall be borne by Contractor. Any software or technology trainings, other than those provided by Contractor’s Account Coordinator, will be provided under separate terms and at a cost that is mutually agreed by the parties.

3.2.2 Contractor shall provide the IMF with all training materials relevant to this credit card program in an electronic media.

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3.3.3 Within fifteen (15) calendar days of Contractor’s receipt of the IMF’s distribution instruction, Contractor shall provide, at no cost to the IMF of the following training guides. Updates and revisions shall be automatically distributed, at no cost to the IMF.

(i) Program Administrator Guide: Contractor shall develop a guide for use by the IMF . This guide shall be sufficiently detailed to serve as a stand-alone reference for the IMF to operate the T-Card program. At a minimum it shall include:

a) T-Card application procedures. b) Account set-up and maintenance procedures; c) Transaction dispute procedures; d) Reconciliation procedures; e) Account suspension and cancellation procedures; f) Payment requirements; g) Authorized uses; h) A list of cardholder, IMF responsibilities; i) A list, samples and explanation of contract reports and how to read them; j) Explanation of electronic access screens, necessary key sequences and

functions for performing the account set up, cardholders maintenance and management; and

k) Toll-free or collect task order manager telephone numbers.

(ii) Cardholder Guide: Contractor shall develop a guide for use by individual cardholders. This guide shall be sufficiently detailed to serve as a stand-alone reference for the cardholder. At a minimum this guide shall include:

a) Procedures for reporting lost or stolen cards; b) Replacement card ordering procedures; c) Explanation of electronic access screens, necessary key sequences and

functions for reviewing purchases and disputing a transaction electronically (as applicable);

d) Account suspension and cancellation procedures; e) Payment requirements; f) Authorized uses of the card; g) Foreign currency conversion procedures; h) List of cardholder responsibilities; and i) Toll-free or collect customer service telephone numbers.

(iii) Billing Guide: Contractor shall develop a sufficiently detailed guide to

serve as a stand-alone reference on billing and payment for the T-Card Program. At a minimum it shall include:

a) Explanation of billing cycles; b) Transaction dispute procedures; c) Reconciliation procedures; d) Account suspension and cancellation procedures;

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e) Payment requirements; f) Authorized uses; g) A list, samples and explanation of forms relating to invoices, transaction

data and transaction disputes and how to read them, required timeframes for submittal, etc.;

h) Explanation of electronic access screens, necessary key sequences and functions for performing the billing and payment requirements; and

i) Toll-free or collect customer service telephone numbers. 4. Account Management and Customer Services

4.1 Transaction Disputes. The Monthly Activity Statement invoice will be manually or electronically reconciled by the cardholder, or designee. It is the IMF and/or cardholders’ responsibility to notify Contractor of any items in dispute within 60 calendar days of receipt of the statement. The IMF or the cardholder will notify Contractor in writing or on-line via the electronic access system, telephone or other means (e.g., facsimile ) of its intention to dispute the amount within sixty days following the billing cycle ending date of the billing statement on which the transaction or fee first appears. Contractor shall provide immediate credit to the cardholder’s account upon receipt of a dispute notification. Contractor shall promptly investigate the disputed amount. If the investigation determines that the disputed amount is properly payable by the IMF or the cardholder, the credit shall be removed and the transaction rebilled. No fees (including interest, financial charges, or late fees) will accrue because of the disputed amount pending resolution of the dispute. In the event that any charges are discovered by Contractor to be fraudulent, Contractor shall be responsible for recovering such amounts through the appropriate authorities. Contractor shall provide the accounts payable office and TPS with a copy of all Contractor correspondence regarding disputed items upon request.

4.2 Replacement of Lost or Stolen Cards. Contractor shall replace lost or stolen cards both domestically and internationally within 48 hours.

4.3 Customer Service. Contractor shall provide dedicated customer service and billing adjustment personnel accessible to both domestic and international cardholders through toll-free or collect telephone numbers, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. These services shall include, at a minimum, transaction authorization and verification, reporting of lost or stolen cards, cardholder account inquiries, and account maintenance. Contractor shall provide dedicated customer service support for the IMF from 8:00AM., Eastern Standard Time until 6:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time each working day.

IMF can request full-time on-site administration on a schedule to be mutually agreed with the Contractor.

4.4 Quality Assurance. At a minimum, Contractor will maintain a quality assurance program which shall:

a) Ensure the responsiveness and effectiveness of the program manager assigned to the IMF;

b) Ensure the quality of the card products and card services provided under this contract;

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c) Ensure that the information captured for reports in accordance with this contract is complete, accurate, and timely;

d) Ensure timely delivery of cards; e) Ensure that customer service assistance is available in accordance with the terms and

conditions of this contract and is prompt, cooperative and courteous; f) Ensure that complaints and disputes are handled in a timely manner; g) Ensure that payments received on all accounts are posted in accordance with the

terms and conditions of this contract; h) Ensure that transitions are seamless; i) Ensure timely telephone response; j) Annually assess IMF and user satisfaction with the card program(s) and contractor

performance. This can be accomplished through satisfaction surveys or other approved tools that provide comprehensive feedback on all aspects of the card program(s) and contractor performance. Contractor shall submit the results of the survey or other approved tools, as well as the methodology and participants utilized, to the IMF no later than the 30th calendar day following each 12 month contract period. The IMF reserves the right to verify survey results;

k) Contractors are to offer an incentive Service Level Agreement (SLA) that measures the performance of the categories outlined and the impact of these.

5. Post Contract Requirements. On the final expiration date of the contract, all accounts must be deactivated; however, all transactions dated prior to the expiration date shall be processed. Contractor shall continue to generate and distribute all records, reports and copies of documents and refunds as was originally required under the expired contract, with respect to all transactions dated prior to the expiration date and all disputed transactions, until all activity under the contract is completed. Unless otherwise specified, the requirement for Contractor to perform work after the expiration date of the master contract or delivery or task order shall not exceed 180 calendar days, or until final conclusion of the activity, whichever is sooner. Contractor shall reconcile each account balance and settle each transaction dispute within the 180-calendar day period.

6. Customized Services

6.1 Customized services within the scope of this contract, which require Contractor to utilize existing practices or processes specified in the contract, may be requested in writing by the IMF at no cost to the Fund. Customized services which can be accommodated within the scope of this contract which utilize or require Contractor to create or establish a new practice or process may also be requested in writing by the IMF; however, process for these associated services will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis between Contractor and the IMF.

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FIN: Finance Department

PA: Program Administrator TPS: Travel Payments Section of the IMF Finance Department. TGS: Technology and General Services Department

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Bidders will receive a Pass/Fail rating on this section. In order to be considered for further evaluation, Bidders must meet all the mandatory criteria described below (Phase 1 evaluation). All questions should be answered on this form or an exact duplicate thereof. The IMF reserves the right to verify any information contained in Bidder’s response or to request additional information after the Proposal is received. Incomplete or inadequate responses, lack of response or misrepresentation in responding to any questions will affect your evaluation.


1. Bidder must have at least five (5) years experience in providing proposed credit card services/products in U.S.A.


2. Bidder must have T-Card volume of at least $60 million in the last financial year.


3. Bidder must have electronic information management and reporting system for proposed credit card products and services.


4. Bidder must have experience in implementing proposed products and services in a PeopleSoft environment


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In order to facilitate the review of the Proposals, the RFP is being provided in an electronic format with space for the Bidder’s response. Unless otherwise indicated, the Bidder must respond to cells of the RFP in the adjacent cell (on the right side of the page) and all vital information should be contained in such adjacent cell. For ease of presentation the Bidder may adjust the file so as to narrow the column of cells labeled “Request for Proposal No. 288” or widen the Bidder’s Response” column. Where the space is insufficient for a response, Bidder may attach additional information on a separate page. Each Bidder must respond to every stated question or requirement and indicate that Bidder confirms acceptance of and understands the IMF’s stated requirements. The Bidder should identify any substantive assumption made in preparing its Proposal. The deferral of a response to a question or issue to the Contract negotiation stage is not acceptable. Any item not specifically addressed in the Bidder’s Proposal will be deemed as accepted by the Bidder. Where the Bidder is presented with a requirement or asked to use a specific approach, the Bidder must not only state its acceptance, but also describe, where appropriate, how it intends to comply and identify any related fees or costs not included elsewhere in the Proposal. Failure to provide an answer to an item will be considered an acceptance of the item. Where a statement of non-compliance is provided, the Bidder must indicate its reasons and explain its proposed alternative, if applicable, and the advantage and disadvantage to the IMF of such Proposal. REQUIREMENTS MATRIX T-CARD

Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response


1. Provide the full name, address and phone number of your corporate headquarters, and the address and phone number of the contact person for this Proposal.

2. Give a brief description of the size and organizational structure of your company. Include an organizational location chart showing headquarters, payment processing centers, service centers, etc. Include a list with the following information for each location: the address, hours of operation, and what functions each of the locations performs.

3. Describe the structure of your proposed service

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

structure. Include names and contact information of key contacts within your firm. Identify the individuals responsible for the IMF’s Account during implementation and service, their responsibilities and a brief biography. Describe the roles, responsibilities and experience of your account management staff that will serve the IMF.

4. Are your account management personnel located locally?

5. Do any third-party partners perform other functions, such as systems support or customer service? If so, explain.

6. Briefly describe your experience in the business of providing credit card and expense management services. How many employees does your company have in key areas providing the service?

7. Provide current financial information on the company or issuing bank, including an annual report, statement of assets or other financial information.

8. Submit a complete Dun & Bradstreet Duns Financial Profile Report or equivalent

9. What is your company’s status regarding Sarbanes-Oxley compliance?

10. Give the total number of credit card clients in your portfolio and total charge volume.

11. Describe any partnerships, marketing alliances, or other business relationships in place with E-Commerce companies or other business partners.

12. Describe your commitment to the credit card markets and how they fit into your organization’s business strategy.

13. Please provide three references comparable in size and requirements (international usage) to the IMF whose account you have acquired within the past two years. Give the name, title, address, telephone number and number of years you have been contracted with the company. Please include the following information for each reference provided: a. Company Name b. Company Address

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

c. Contact Name, Title, Phone Number, Email d. Term of Contract e. No. of card holders f. Type of credit card g. Average monthly card transaction amount and number of transactions.

14. Please provide three references of companies you provide credit card services for which you now provide PeopleSoft interfaces. Give the name, title, address, telephone number and number of years in your partnership. Please include the following information for each reference provided: a. Company Name b. Company Address c. Contact Name, Title, Phone Number, Email

15. Please provide three lost account references. Give the name, title, address, telephone number and number of years in your partnership and the reason for the loss.

16. List the five most compelling reasons why the IMF should select your proposed T-Card program


T-Card Product / Platform Functionality (SOW Section 2.1)

17. What card platform(s) does your program employ (e.g. MasterCard, Visa, Amex, or other)? Why? If more than one is used, which would you recommend for the IMF program and why?

18. Describe the capability of the types of credit cards you can provide and explain how each is typically used.

19. Do your credit cards function in the same way in both the U.S. and all international markets?

20. Describe the card management process, including the timing and costs for:

a. New card issuance b. Renewing cards c. Deletion of cards d. Removal of invalid cards e. Handling of lost/stolen cards

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

f. Replacing cards (including emergency situations)

g. Modifying a cardholder’s profile (including limit changes and SIC/MCC overrides)

21. Describe how cards are distributed. Confirm

your compliance with our requirement on Card Delivery as described in the SOW.

Describe options for express and regular delivery options and extra charges.

22. Confirm your compliance with the requirement on Employee’s Number as described in the SOW.

23. Confirm your compliance with the requirements on Card Renewal as described in the SOW.

24. Explain your card/account deactivation process.

25. Is online application and approval currently available? If not, when would it be made available to the IMF employees?

26. Discuss your company’s procedures for compliance with the Patriot Act and how this will affect your relationship with the Fund and Fund employees

Authorization and Controls

(SOW Section 2.2)

27. Confirm compliance with requirement on Control Features as described in the SOW.

Outline the controls available with your proposed credit card program(s).

28. Describe your flexibility and control over limits.

29. Can credit card controls be changed at any time? Describe the control options and change procedures.

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

30. If the supplier does not have an electronic approval process, describe how a credit card transaction is approved.

31. Can cash refunds be obtained on returned items?

32. Please provide statistics on fraud associated with your program covering the last three years.

Business Continuity and System Backup (SOW Section 2.3)

33. Describe your company’s disaster preparation and recovery plans including time frames to become fully operational after a disaster. Explain how you would provide system backup as required in the SOW.

34. Describe your procedures for ensuring that your technology systems function properly. What resources do you provide to support your technology tools ?

35. Indicate your down-time statistics for the past two years?

36. Describe any continuity of service precautions taken or planned to maintain maximum up-time.

37. Confirm your compliance with requirement on Release of Information as described in the SOW.

Billing and Payment (SOW Section 2.5)

Provide a point to point response to the following requirements as stated under 2.5 Billing and Payment in the three SOW sections.

38. SOW 2.5.1 Posting of Payment

39. SOW 2.5.2 Consolidated Invoice

40. SOW 2.5.3 Medium (a) of Invoicing

41. SOW 2.5.3 Cardholder Statement of Activities

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

42. SOW 2.5.4 Payment

43. SOW 2.5.5 Rebate

Describe your compliance with quarterly rebate payments.

Do not provide Rebate Proposal here. Provide rebate structure in the Financial Proposal.

44. Describe options for billing, billing cycles and payment as well as the costs for each option.

45. Are there advantages of one billing option over another for your proposed credit card program? Please describe.

46. How will IMF staff members receive billing statements?

47. Provide a sample of your billing statements(s) and activities (Cardholder) statement(s).

48. Is your billing information accepted as a legitimate receipt by the IRS?

49. Identify the countries in which you have the capability to issue T-Cards to IMF overseas employees

50. Describe options for issuing T-Cards to U.S. residents who are on temporary overseas assignments.

51. How will overseas employees receive their billing statements?

52. What information will be available on the statement for overseas transaction?

53. Describe how foreign currency is reported and how exchange rates are set when processing foreign charges.

54. What is your procedure for obtaining duplicate billing statements?

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

55. Who do we contact regarding billing inquiries?

56. Describe your payment terms.

57. Can you reproduce lost charge slips? Is there a charge for reproduction? What is the typical turn-around time to provide copies of charge slips?

58. Do you offer online access to billing information and/or payment options?

59. Can cardholders and their manager view transaction information online? If yes, describe the functionalities available.

60. Where are your payment processing centers located?

61. What are your delinquency procedures?

62. Describe how you can assist the IMF in recovering value-added taxes paid on international expenses billed to the T-Card.

Acceptance (SOW Section 2.6)

63. Describe the acceptance of your cards in the U.S. and abroad.

Please indicate which countries accept your credit cards and the extent of ATM availability to facilitate cash withdrawals.

64. Identify the cities and countries in which your card is NOT accepted.

65. How do you define card acceptance and how do you calculate card acceptance figures?

66. Describe your company’s initiative toward incorporating merchants/suppliers that do not currently accept the credit card. List any merchants that typically do not accept the credit

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

card and the reasons they do not accept it.

67. How can your company assist the IMF in closing coverage gaps if any are discovered?

68. What program features do you have that could drive compliance to preferred suppliers/merchants?

69. Describe the issuer’s merchant support function. Is a third-party alliance established? If so, describe the nature of the alliance.

70. How does your company handle merchant enrollment, education and ongoing management of hardware and software?

71. What resources does your company dedicate to supporting merchants?

Liability (SOW Section 2.7)

72. Describe all liability options.

73. Who is responsible for charges incurred as a result of a lost or stolen card?

74. Explain what liability the IMF would have in the following situations:

a. Card is not received by cardholder, but is used by another IMF employee.

b. Card is taken from cardholder and used by another IMF employee without authorization.

c. Card is used to purchase merchandise not authorized by the IMF.

75. Does the issuer provide fraud insurance? If so, what are the stipulations and fees (if any) associated with the insurance?

76. Describe your security provisions regarding unauthorized charges / fraud / internet.

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

77. What security mechanisms do you have in place to prevent fraudulent use of your system by company employees and external parties ?

78. How would the losses due to fraud and misuse impact the rebates due to the IMF?

79. How can you determine the legitimacy of a telephone/mail order charge?

80. How can the IMF minimize or eliminate our risk of exposure?

81. Will Contractor notify the IMF of any unpaid charges by T-Card holders.

82. What happens if unauthorized charges are incurred before a card is reported missing or the card security is compromised?

83. How can the IMF ensure that employees will not misuse the cards?

84. If charges remain unpaid by the T-Card holder after the 60 day grace period, would the IMF,as guarantor, have any additional time to pay such outstanding amounts without incurring interest or late charges ?

85. If the IMF declined to pay ( In the event Contractor had approved unauthorized purchases ) would Contractor pursue remedies against the T-Card holder (eg : collection agencies ) before seeking to enforce the guarantee against the IMF?

86. List any pre-set spending restrictions associated with your credit card program.

87. Will credit checks be performed?

Management Information/Technology (SOW Section 2.8)

88. How do you ensure the accuracy and integrity of

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

captured data?

89. What third party processor, if any, is used for authorizations and transaction posting?

90. Describe the management information reporting systems that will be available to our company.

91. Does your program require any client-side software?

92. Describe how your card program will interface with the IMF PeopleSoft system.

93. Do you, or a partnering organization, offer an automated expense processing tool?

94. What are the installation options for the reporting packages (e.g. stand-alone PC, Client/Server, Internet, intranet, LAN/WAN)?

95. Describe the system requirements for your reporting systems. What are the hardware and software requirements for using your card transaction reporting software packages, including minimum RAM and disk space, minimum processor speed and modem specifications? Are program updates needed? How are program updates disseminated?

96. Are the reporting tools Web-based?

97. What reports are available through the reporting packages? Provide samples of available reports.

a. How frequently can reports be generated?

b. Can reports be generated for various levels of our organizational structure? List options for report distribution to managers, functional staff personnel and cardholders.

c. How are the reports distributed (hard copy, electronic, internet, data base access)? d. Can reports be generated for various time

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

frames or accounting periods? e. Is historical information available? If so, how far back is the information available? f. What are the inquiry and ad hoc reporting capabilities of your reporting package?

g. Please provide samples of applicable reports and statements.

98. Are the reporting packages e-mail capable?

99. What support do you provide for recreating files that may have been corrupted, lost or destroyed?

100. Describe your options for customized reporting.

101. How often can customized reports be generated?

102. What technical support is available for your reporting packages and what hours is technical support available?

103. What physical and software security measures does your company take to protect the confidentiality of the company’s transaction information?

104. How do your reporting tools interface with our company’s financial systems, such as accounts payable and general ledger?

105. Can multiple users access your reporting simultaneously?

106. What information do merchants capture at the point of sale?

Describe the level [ 1, 2 and or 3 ] and amount of information/data you could pass electronically from the merchant to the IMF ?

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

107. What regulatory information (e.g., sales tax, minority-women-disabled-owned business) will you provide and how frequently do you provide?

108. How does your proposed card solution assist the IMF with VAT (Value Added Tax) refund filing?

109. Are there any special hardware or software requirements for using the software that interfaces with our internal systems?

110. Is customized programming required to accomplish the interface? If so, is there a cost associated with this programming?

111. How does your company define enhanced data?

112. What data will be available for overseas transactions?

113. Describe any new expense management / technology solutions that you have recently introduced or are developing that could benefit the IMF.

114. Confirm compliance with SOW subsections 2.8? Record Retention & Retrieval.

Implementation (SOW Section 3)

115. Describe your implementation procedure Proposal for the IMF T-Card program.

116. Provide an implementation schedule including tasks, action owners and projected timeframes for completion.

117. Provide samples of any agreements (e.g. software licensing) anticipated to be needed to implement the proposed card program.

118. What kind of transition support will your company provide to the IMF? Please confirm availability of a testing environment and describe

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

testing strategy to be used.

119. How will you assist the IMF in communicating information about the new card programs to our employees?

120. What training programs do you offer? What initial and ongoing training do you provide for program administrators and cardholders?

121. Indicate if resources from the IMF, and to what extent, will be required to assist your company with the implementation.

122. Will the IMF be assigned a dedicated implementation team?

123. Identify the personnel responsible for implementation and describe their roles and responsibilities.

124. Will your implementation staff remain actively engaged after initial program set-up? If yes, for how long and to what extent.

125. Discuss any challenges/obstacles associated with effective implementation.

Account Management and Customer Service (SOW Section 4)

126. What benefits could you provide for the IMF T-Card holders?

127. How will your company track and measure the performance of our account?

128. Do you monitor performance indicators? If so, what key performance measures do you track?

129. How will this information be communicated to the IMF?

130. Describe your customer service capabilities including the following: a. Hours of customer support coverage

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

b. Toll-free or collect number access c. Dedicated representative for our account d. Cardholder account management e. Cardholder complaints f. Quality measures for response time g. Online access for account maintenance, reports, etc.

131. Please provide a sample incentive SLA that measures the proposed key service levels.

132. What other customer assistance resources will your company offer for our cardholders and what hours are these services available?

133. Will you consider installing an ATM machine in IMF headquarters for the convenience of our travelers requiring cash advances? If yes, who will fund the ATM.?

134. Will you issue traveler’s checks to IMF T-Card holders? Will there be fees associated with this service?

135. Are declining balance cards available to individuals identified by the IMF?

136. How will our employees be supported while traveling overseas?

137. Is online account program management available for program administrator use? For cardholder use? If so, please describe.

138. Describe your company’s emergency and after-hours support available for our T-Card holders and travelers, in the U.S. and abroad.

139. Specify the various types of domestic / international assistance that your service can

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

provide. You should address but not necessarily be limited to the following:

a. Medical

b. Legal

c. Passport / Visa

d. Transportation

140. Describe how cardholders obtain replacement cards in the U.S. and while abroad. Indicate the amount of time that is required for the cardholder to receive a replacement card. State what charges are involved for lost or stolen credit cards.

141. Describe the process and timeframe.

142. Describe the options you could provide for an IMF T-Card holder if, while traveling, all personal effects (credit cards, identification, cash etc ) have been stolen ?

143. Describe any insurance that could be provided to T-Card users ( common carrier, baggage, car rental, etc.). Would there be a cost to the IMF for this insurance coverage?

144. Is there a reward program associated with your card program? If so, please describe and identify any associated costs.

145. How are billing disputes for cardholder accounts resolved? Define the dispute-resolution process including steps, time frame and responsibilities of the parties involved. Are disputed items removed from the invoice while under investigation?

146. What is the typical timeframe for problem resolution?

147. How are cardholder concerns and issues escalated in your customer service organization?

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Item # Request for Proposal No. 288 Bidder’s Response

148. Does your program require a program administrator? What roles and responsibilities will that person have? How much training is required?

149. Will your company share industry best practices with us to ensure that our expense management programs remain optimized?

150. Do you have a dedicated consulting team?

151. Provide samples of your:

a. Program Administrator Guide

b. Cardholder Guide

c. Billing Guide

152. Confirm compliance with requirement on Post Contract Requirements as described in SOW.

153. Based on your understanding of the IMF T-Card program, what products and services would you recommend ?

154. What benefits could you provide for the IMF T-Card holder ?

155. Please identify all applicable costs associated with all of your products and services described within your RFP response.

156. What other factors should be considered when quantifying the total value of your program offering?

157. What makes your credit card program unique and why should it be selected by the IMF?

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1.0 Relationship of Parties The parties intend that the appointed firm (Contractor) shall perform the services provided for and described herein solely as an independent Contractor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and neither the Contractor nor any of its agents, employees or servants shall be considered an agent, employee or servant of the IMF. 2.0 Contract Termination 2.1 Termination for Convenience: The IMF may terminate this Contract for convenience and without cause at any time by giving Contractor at least sixty (60) days prior written notice designating the termination date. An equitable adjustment in the contract price shall be made for completed service, but no amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services. 2.2 Termination of Contract for Cause: If, through any cause, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner their obligations under this contract, or if the Contractor shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this contract, the IMF shall thereupon have the right to terminate, specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. In such event all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, and reports prepared by the Contractor under the contract shall, at the option of the IMF, become the property of the IMF. Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to the IMF for damages sustained by the IMF by virtue of any breach of contract by the Contractor for the purpose of set off until such time as the exact amount of damages due to the IMF from the Contractor is determined.

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2.3 Transitional Period Services The Contractor will agree to continued uninterrupted interim services and application of incentives upon notice of termination without cause, or in the event of expiration without renewal, to allow for the orderly and seamless transfer of data and services to a new provider. This transitional period will include the notice period and an additional 90 days. Transitional assistance at no added cost or fees will be provided including the same level of services, incentives and reporting as provided during the term of the Contract and the contract’s financial terms will continue to apply. The IMF will also have the right to give notice of early termination of transitional services if appropriate in the transfer of card business to the new provider. Transitional services also apply on IMF’s request if termination is noticed for cause by the IMF. Details of transitional services will be provided in final contracting. 3.0 Billing and Payment The Contractor agrees to submit itemized monthly invoices and supporting documentation in accordance with IMF’s requirements described in the Statement of Work (RFP Annex B), “Billing and Payment”. 4.0 Ownership The IMF shall have the exclusive ownership of and right to use any documents or other tangible products of the services provided for herein, except to the extent that they incorporate property already owned by any other party including Contractor. Contractor shall inform the IMF of such ownership, shall license or obtain any necessary license for the IMF's use of such property, and shall hold the IMF harmless from any claims for unauthorized use of such property. Contractor acknowledges exclusive ownership by the Fund of all data pertaining to the card program whether collected or processed by Contractor or any affiliates or subsidiaries, and under no circumstances will any card data of the IMF be sold, used for marketing or released to third parties without the express consent of the IMF. 5.0 Communications with Cardholders All communications with individual IMF cardholders shall be limited strictly to the purposes of this Contract and the IMF shall be advised in advance for approval of those communications of general applicability and not related to a particular billing dispute or issue. Sales and marketing to IMF cardholders of other products and services is prohibited unless approved by the IMF.

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6.0 Immunities of the International Monetary Fund: Taxes and Disputes Article IX of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, as incorporated into the laws of the United States and the District of Columbia by the Bretton Woods Agreements Act (22 U.S. Code Section 286h), provides that the International Monetary Fund, its property and its assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, are immune from every form of judicial process. In addition, the IMF, its assets, property, income, and its authorized operations and transactions, are immune from all taxation and from all customs duties, and the IMF is immune from liability for the collection or payment of any tax or duty. Accordingly, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or any documents to which it refers, it is expressly agreed and understood that – (a) Contractor will not invoke the IMF's immunity to avoid any taxes for which Contractor is legally liable, but will inform the IMF immediately of any attempt to impose a tax to which the IMF's immunity appears to apply, and will cooperate with the IMF at IMF's expense with respect to any such attempt. b) The IMF is immune from all forms of judicial process, including lawsuits and summons in connection therewith; the IMF does not waive that immunity in relation to this Agreement. All claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled by the mutual agreement of the parties. Provided, however, that failing such agreement, the claim or dispute shall be settled by arbitration. Upon written notice by a party that a claim or dispute shall be submitted to arbitration, each party shall appoint an arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall act as president of the Tribunal. If the party receiving notice of arbitration fails to appoint an arbitrator within thirty days of receiving notice, then the first arbitrator shall be the sole arbitrator. The Tribunal shall conduct arbitration according to procedures and standards agreed by the parties or, in the absence of an applicable agreement, according to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect, in so far as determined to be relevant by the Tribunal. The arbitral case shall be decided according to the terms of this agreement and the law of the District of Columbia. If a claim or dispute would have been barred by a time limitation had it been asserted in a court of the District of Columbia, then the Tribunal shall declare the claim or dispute to be extinguished on the merits and the arbitration shall conclude. Any award or procedural decision of the Tribunal shall, if necessary, be made by a majority and, in the event that no majority may be formed, the presiding arbitrator shall proceed as if he were a sole arbitrator. In the event of default by either party in respect of any procedural order made by the Tribunal, the Tribunal shall have power to proceed with the arbitration and to make its award. Unless the Tribunal decides otherwise in its final award, each party shall pay the costs it incurred, including attorneys' fees and the fees of witnesses, in relation to the preparation and presentation of its claims or responses in the arbitral proceedings, and the costs of the conduct of the arbitral proceedings, including arbitrators' fees, shall be equally shared by the parties. The award of the Tribunal shall be rendered within thirty (30) days of the final hearing on the dispute. Such award shall be in writing and in duplicate, one to be delivered to each party. The arbitral award of the Tribunal shall be final and binding upon the parties. The submission of a claim or dispute to arbitration shall not be considered to be a waiver of the immunities of the IMF.

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7.0 Compliance with Laws The Contractor shall, at its expense (and not as a Reimbursable Expense), perform its obligations in a manner that complies with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and requirements of all Federal, state and municipal governments, courts, departments, commissions, boards and offices, any national or local Board of Fire Underwriters, any environmental agency, or any other body exercising functions similar to those of any of the foregoing that may be applicable (in the absence of any IMF immunity and regardless of whether such laws are enforceable against the IMF or its property) to the services covered by this agreement.

8.0 Governing Laws This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction in reference to any matters contained herein.

9.0 Assignment

Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the IMF, assign, transfer, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise encumber its rights to receive payments from the IMF under this Agreement for any reason whatsoever.

10.0 Insurance and Liability

For the duration of the Agreement, the Contractor shall purchase and maintain at its own expense and in companies acceptable to the IMF, the below listed insurance for the protection from claims which may arise out of or as a result of the Contractor’s work under the Agreement, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by one of its subcontractors or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. Without limiting the obligations or liabilities of the Contractor, the Contractor shall obtain the following insurance:

10.1 Worker’s Compensation: (a) State: Statutory

(b) Employer’s Liability: $1,000,000 per accident 10.2 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance including Products/Completed Operations, Personal Injury, Advertising Injury and Blanket Contractual Liability:

(a) $1,000,000 Per Occurrence (b) $2,000,000 General Aggregate (c) $2,000,000 Products Completed Operations (d) $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury

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10.3 Automobile Liability Insurance (owned, non-owned or hired) in the amount of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit

10.4 Umbrella Liability Insurance providing excess liability for items 10.1b, 10.2, and

10.3 above. Coverage to be at least as broad as the primary program:

(a) Bodily Injury and Property Damage - $3,000,000 (b) Products Completed Operations - $3,000,000 (c) General Aggregate - $3,000,000

10.5 Professional Liability

(a) $2,000,000 Per Claim (b) $2,000,000 Aggregate Professional Services as defined in the insurance policy must encompass all work performed for the IMF as specified in the Statement of Work section. Policy shall be endorsed to include coverage for punitive damages or most favorable venue. Coverage shall include contingent bodily injury and property damage that arise out of Contractors or subcontractors work. Policy should include worldwide coverage.

10.6 Network Security

$2,000,000 Per Claim $2,000,000 Aggregate Policy shall be extended to include identity theft coverage.

The insurance policies under this Agreement (except Workers’ Compensation, Professional Liability and Network Security) shall contain the name the IMF as an additional insured. The General Liability policy shall include the IMF as an additional insured for both premise and completed operations. All insurance coverage required under this Agreement shall be with insurance companies that are rated “A-VIII” or better by the A.M. Best Company. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any and all Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance or similar laws as now or hereafter in force, applying to the work and accepts exclusive liability and will indemnify, defend and hold the IMF harmless against any demands for levies or taxes with respect to the work payable under any such laws. In the event that the Contractor is not required by the governing jurisdiction where the work is performed to purchase Workers’ Compensation Insurance, the Contractor may make no claim against the IMF for any workplace related injury, no matter the cause. The Contractor assumes all responsibility for loss arising from any Subcontractor and will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the IMF from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses arising out of Contractor’s failure to secure workers’ compensation coverage. The Contractor is an independent Contractor and there is no employee relationship to the IMF.

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The Contractor shall also require each subcontractor to carry proper and adequate policies covering workers’ compensation, general liability, automotive liability, umbrella liability, professional liability where appropriate and such other coverage as will protect Contractor and the IMF during the performance of the Agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the IMF and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. The Contractor shall furnish the IMF with certificates of insurance prior to commencement of the work. The Contractor shall not cause or allow any insurance to be canceled nor permit any insurance to lapse. All insurance policies shall include a clause to the effect that the policy shall not be canceled or reduced, restricted, or limited until 30 days after the IMF has received written notice of such change. The Contractor shall waive all rights of recovery against the IMF. The Contractor shall require the same of any Subcontractors by appropriate agreements written where legally required for validity, similar waivers each in favor of the IMF. The policies shall provide such waivers of subrogation by endorsement. 11.0 Confidential Information Contractor agrees that it as a company and all of its employees or contractors assigned to perform work hereunder will abide by the following nondisclosure conditions:

(a) will not disclose, deliver, or use for the benefit of any person other than the IMF, or its authorized agents, any restricted or confidential information or

material he or she receives from the IMF, other than material or information previously in the records of the undersigned or obtainable prior to such disclosure, delivery, or use, from third parties or from the public domain;

(b) will adhere to any policies or instructions provided by the IMF as to the

classification, use or disposition of any restricted or confidential information or materials;

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(c) will not use any restricted or confidential information or material for personal


(d) after the completion or termination of an Agreement, will continue to adhere to the first three clauses above; and

Contractor further agrees to take such steps as may be needed to ensure that the terms of the nondisclosure statements are observed during and after the term of this Agreement. Confidential Information includes all data pertaining to the IMF and its travel and expense program and personal information collected from or processed about the IMF and its cardholders. Unauthorized disclosure will be cause for immediate termination for material breach. This prohibition includes but is not limited to sale or unauthorized disclosure to third parties and use of individual non aggregated data for marketing and research.

12.0 Data Protection

12.1 General Compliance

Contractor shall during the Term comply with all applicable laws, regulations, regulatory requirements and codes of practice in connection with all processing of personal data by Contractor pursuant to its obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, by complying with all the provisions of Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of such Data and any relevant data protection statute or recommendation issued by the data protection authority in all applicable jurisdictions (the “Data Protection Laws”), and shall not do or cause or permit to be done, anything which may cause or otherwise result in a breach by IMF of the same. Contractor will oblige its employees and Subcontractors (if any) to comply with applicable Data Protection Laws and to undertake in writing only to collect, process or use any personal data received from IMF for purposes of providing the Services and not to make personal data received from IMF available to any third Parties.

12.2 Security

Contractor warrants and undertakes that, as part of the Services provided to IMF, it shall take, implement and maintain all such technical and organization security procedures and measures necessary or appropriate to preserve the security and confidentiality of personal data processed by it and protect such personal data against unauthorized or unlawful disclosure, access or processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, including any technical and organizational security procedures and measures as may be required or directed by IMF from time tot time. Contractor, however, agrees, all IMF’s request, to provide relevant assistance to IMF to devise appropriate technical and organization measures.

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By executing this Agreement, IMF appoints Contractor as a data processor of IMF Data. As a processor of such data, Contractor will process IMF Data as specified herein. Contractor may perform such processing as it reasonably considers necessary or appropriate to perform the Services. Upon expiration or termination of the Agreement and, if necessary, IMF will give the data protection authority prompt notice of the termination of the appointment of Contractor as IMF’s data processor.

12.3 Trans-border Data Flows

Contractor will not transfer any IMF Data across a county border unless Contractor reasonably considers such transfer appropriate or useful for Contractor’s performance of the Services or obtains IMF’s prior written consent. IMF is solely responsible for determining that any transfer by Contractor or IMF of IMF Data across a country border complies with the applicable data protection laws.

12.4 Contractor as a Data Processor

Contractor understands and acknowledges that, to the extent that performance of its obligations hereunder involves or necessitates the processing of personal data, it shall act only on instructions and directions from IMF. Contractor shall comply promptly with all such instructions and directions received by Contractor from IMF from time to time. Contractor undertakes not to disclose personal data to any Third Party in any circumstances other than at IMF’s specific written request or in compliance with legal obligation. Contractor shall provide each cardholder with written notification of Contractor’s privacy policy and practices and an opportunity to opt out of any use of the cardholder’s personal data beyond what is required for the Services.

12.5 Transfer Outside of the European Union or Outside of a Country Considered as Providing an Adequate Level of Protection Pursuant to Article 25 of the EU Directive 95/46 of 24 October 1995.

As part of the Services provided to IMF hereunder, Contractor undertakes to transfer IMF’s personal data to its Affiliates, which may be located in territories considered as not providing an adequate level of protection only if necessary for the performance of the Services. With respect to trans-border data flows mentioned under Section 12.3 above, Contractor also undertakes to execute, as part of the Services provided to IMF any documents, including any data transfer agreement, which may be required for IMF to comply with the Data Protection Laws.

12.6 Data Subject Right of Access and Rectification

If IMF desires to provide information to a data subject regarding that individuals’ personal data, Contractor will reasonably co-operate with IMF in providing such information to the full extent necessary to comply with Data Protection Laws, and where a request by a data subject is made directly to Contractor, it shall as soon as reasonably practicably notify IMF upon receipt of a request (whether oral or in writing) from such an individual providing sufficient details and information as are required by IMF to comply with its obligations under the Data Protection Laws. If further to this request the personal data must be rectified, Contractor undertakes to amend the personal data as instructed by IMF.

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13.0 Indemnification

(a) The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the IMF harmless against any loss or damage that may be sustained by reason of the Contractor's failure to comply with the aforementioned federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes. (b) The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the IMF harmless against any action taken by a third party against the IMF. 14.0 Terminated Employees The IMF will not assume responsibility for terminated employee’s card obligations in any case where notice is given the card company as soon as reasonably practical.

15.0 Publicity Regarding Agreement

(a) Contractor may publicly release statements of the fact regarding the Agreement, including the name of the IMF, only upon the IMF's prior review and approval in writing. Requests for such review and approval should be directed to a Procurement Officer. (b) The Contractor agrees not to refer to awards in commercial advertising in such manner as to state or imply that the services or products provided are endorsed or preferred by the IMF or are considered by the IMF to be superior to other services or products.

16.0 Pricing and Incentives

All pricing and incentives shall be fixed for the term of the Contract and not reduced or changed without the consent of the IMF. Retroactive adjustments will not be permitted under any circumstances.

17.0 Changes

The IMF may, at any time, by written order, require changes in the services to be performed by the Contractor. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor’s cost of, or time required for, performance of any services under a contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made. 18.0 Audit The IMF reserves the right to inspect and audit the Contractor’s accounting, financial and other records and documents which are relevant to the performance of an Agreement.

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Any such inspection or audit shall be undertaken at the IMF’s cost, and shall occur during normal business hours, and shall be conducted in a manner so as to not unnecessarily interfere with the business of the Contractor. Contractor will maintain complete, accurate and verifiable records of all costs charged and/or chargeable to the IMF under an Agreement or any extension(s) thereof, and agrees to retain such records for a period not less than three (3) calendar years following a termination of an Agreement or after final payment, whichever occurs last. The Contractor shall diligently cooperate with the IMF’s representatives during any such inspection and audit and hereby waives any objection it may have to such inspection and audit, unless specified in writing and duly acknowledged by both parties in any Agreement. 19.0 Background Investigations (applicable if Account Manager will be on-site) Prior to commencing work at IMF facilities, Contractor shall engage an investigative agency specializing in background investigations to conduct, at Contractor’s expense, a criminal history check of each agent or employee of the Contractor whom Contractor expects will enter IMF’s facilities. The investigative agency is subject to the approval of the IMF. If Contractor requires assistance identifying an appropriate investigative agency, the IMF’s Security Services Unit can be contacted at (202) 623-7196/7193/6545 for a list of approved investigative agencies. The criminal history check of each such employee shall identify any records of criminal convictions in Maryland, Washington, DC, and the counties of Arlington, Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia, and the City of Alexandria, Virginia, as well as for each jurisdiction where the agent or employee has lived for the previous seven years or after his or her 18th birthday (whichever is the shorter period). For each employee checked, Contractor shall obtain from the investigative agency, on the agency’s letterhead, a report containing the date of the criminal records check, the jurisdictions checked, and the results of the check. Each report shall be maintained on file by Contractor at all times during which Contractor is providing services to the IMF and for six months thereafter. The Contractor’s copies of reports shall be made available to the IMF upon request. When Contractor receives the reports of all criminal history checks, Contractor will prepare a letter indicating the name, date of birth, Social Security number and jurisdiction checked for each agent or employee. In respect of each agent or employee for whom no criminal record was found, the letter will state that the investigative agency’s report indicates no criminal record found.In respect of each agent or employee for whom a criminal record was found, the letter will state criminal report enclosed. Contractor will deliver (a) the letter, and (b) one copy of each report by the investigative agency which indicates any criminal activity or no criminal activity to:

Security Services Unit International Monetary Fund 700 19th Street, NW Washington, DC 20431

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No agent or employee of Contractor/Contractor/Sub-Contractor will be authorized to enter any IMF facility to perform work under this Agreement without the aforementioned criminal history check. THE IMF RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY ACCESS TO THE IMF’S FACILITIES TO ANY INDIVIDUAL.