(imiig gifts. commissioner's sale~of tra(anyh › lccn › sn85038614 › ... · (imiig gifts....

(iMIiG GIFTS. Santa Claus cn His Christ¬ mas Rounds. LIVELY SCENES. TU NrtfU NM wit* Bu»r lvaai»rn--l Plrti« Wftru. The holidays draw nigh, and prepara¬ tion to enjoy them in proper style can¬ not long be delayed. Theclear. bracing weather is most opportune and suita¬ ble for shopping, and the streets present a lively appearance, lilied as they are from morning until late at night with the tinsy throrrr making their Christ¬ mas purrbMefj. BtUfJ Maj augurs well for a bright and joyous festival. The NaKoral Administration is once morl¬ an tb* bands of the Democracy, and Virginia, redeemed from the thraldom of Mahone, prepares to inaugurate a Lee a* her Oovirnor. What if the times hasc been hird- Thc tlood ode to prosperity is surely upon us. Whiitif Vanderbilt is dead ; does he not leave his million* behind him t H hat, oven, if the Legislnture ir about to leave us; ahall wi cover ourselves with sack¬ cloth and a«hes for that' Oh, no. Cheerfulness w the sunshine which drive* awsy Oe fog of turnery. The .Otc Mafpoa-. -sed. the more hopeful and gay we are. the sooner *.<. will drive away porrow and berm io learn that philosophy of Mark Tapley. which i- summed up in his memorable words. .'There's nothing like Btiag jolly uiiJer dilhculties." So we say, ..Away with melancholy, as the li"lc boy said when his school nistis died." Christmas is a good time to banish it. to drown it, like cate, in a MB of hap pi-' ss. And now, friends, old and tMnnj, who metn to assert the divine right to be joyous, be sure and prepare MT th- festal nay. Da so not extrasagantly. but still not parsimoniously ; and. we repeat, ts the time is shun, .lo so at ome. la Banatt joh iii your prepara¬ tions we bop you to peruse carefully the following notices <>f estaMishrueiits we base viMted and can vouch fur : A. Saks 4 Co., IOU Main street.-- "QBBUj Hi}' bai'M BS Hiv MUM chu buy, |i*it Ml . .prraactl In fancy; rich, no? Kandy; hi ibeepparal ott i rortalme the man. A Bil tl ey c. B'chmontl Who s«lr-t Wtwty . ml well Ate I. me le.plen.b nt st A. Ktiks ,1 Co.'B. Son c or e has said that a good be¬ ginning is half the battle. Accord¬ ingly we are c-en now at the outset half through this chapter, for it is truly a good beginnini: to lend off with such a worthy clntbiag-bonM. lt hus become a familiar establishment to etery liti/cn of Richmond, every one of whom is alreiiiy aware of the high rep'itati n tin firm enjoys. Those ciis- totuors who have dealt with this house nie tata to leave a place where they have nana bo des eily treated. Tie? stork this season is much larger than at lt.,- same period of any previous jt-ar. .suits of every description may be found herc, :ind the mo-t faaiHtont cannot help being pleased. Sack and frock suits, Priaot Alberts, dress suits n.t.U nf eli tl., assimere, cheviots, diago¬ nal, ami coi.,screw are among the few of the many styles to be lound in this large and exieMtnt assortment. Then, there are overt Met of all datcrifAieaa, to suit any buyer and every pocket. Boya1 and i bil uTBa'l lothing are anana B spe¬ cialty by this liouse. and mothers would do well io ca'.l at 1<>13 before par- eba-ng i l-.v.-L-.-re. Examine th--' snioking-juikets, umbrella.-, glove.:, ho¬ kierj . suspenden;, and the like. Von will lind Mr. William (ians, thc of thc house, ever ready with his corps of aide aKMstantr, to minister to your wants. '1 hen, too. they arc offering their entire stock al " .slaughter pt ptior to their remus al to int store now occupied by John il. Tyler .V Co. Go to < ians. Hr a ill put you in conceit with yourself. a E. B. TAYLOR, china importer. IOU Main street.. Tbross assay H i broken .-rock.-rs, Ki.|,ai. in- l.alise ball; Co H. E. B. Tay lot 'a Btete 'TWllie lineal <.( them ail. Step lightly then, young man, for the falrt. s in this store aro neb. taie, fra¬ gile, and costly. Mr. Taylor, being a china impot ter, deals in the standard wares of the day. Thc manufacture of porcelain, like other things, hus been wonderfully unproved within this cen¬ tury. Originating in Japan, it tyraad to Europe earlv in the middle ages sn-! theme to America. After the discovery of America and the Spanish conquest; in Central and South America a tlood of wealth poured into Kurope. The condition of the masses underwent a gieat change for ihe better. a:il the de¬ mand for the luNuries of lue increased steadily, foremost among these was ¦the demand for porcelain-ware of Men artistic >aloe. To lill this want the manufacturers at Worcester, Vienna, Dr< lulen, and France were taxed to then utmost capacity. Manufactories were started in A tnt rica, and, although well patronized at home, made a sorry show¬ ing with the stand .td European wales. RaaWailstlata, it was reserved for an American to render his name famous in the biston of the art. Mt. Haviland, perceiving that the gn at defect of the American waie was a coarse, thick body, due to absence of proper ingre¬ dients, resolved to seek the pure kaolin. Accordingly he started a manufactory at Limoges, France, where he produce* a porcelain e<|ualto the standard wares. But we arc digressing from Taylor and bis Club'.mas presents. Ile hits them In gnat lariat*. Elegant bric-a-bTack. choice bisque, brass sets, superb din¬ ner- and tea-sets, and all kinda of nov¬ elties in china. Do not omit Taylor's in your Christmas rounds. M. B. RniaOJ .V Oo . ""-> Main street .'AIn'I got no foite-piam. Bo lot-all! < on.e iimiIii youl bow. This wm the burden of an old song which is aa mai apMpia to-day as any thing could well be. especially vs In wa retied upon the almost s-ndless Mod of supetb pianos kept bf Manly H Ramos A Co. They have one mak from Baltimore.the celebrated Knabt three from New York, and two fror Botton. Their prices range from $2u upwards, lhere is no present vo could give a lady who is musically in dined thai would be more aeceptabl than a piano. It is a royal gift, an Ramos has some royal instrument). Ht has. lu stiles, organs, sheet mtisi, piano-covers, stools, and literature Kiamir.* this Mock before you d* id e'tewhere. C. Gknnkt I Co.. M7 east Uti street.. "lie drew ap Ut*, hair, Anil down ne dui **l; He vs nt** hera letter Twa* 11ni* enonvh yet " and afterwards be found that he wa loo late. Tba kequel of this tudor lunate circumstance abowed two fact worthy of being recorded : Fir*!, ntvei troat to < in urnslani ea, when promsti nation it involved ; and secondly, in ra gard to time, be like old Devy Crock .tl.bo aure you are right before yoi £o ahead. Had tho ton-late young man ava baan provided with a chronometer from Genoet's jewelry store he would Mtier baie been loft, for ht woulJ hart knew that ha had no tina* te aper*. T_e etily wey to rnak* aaaand* aeario to flu* rt once to 817 Mein street arid buy -a beautiful diamond Christmae present and send it as a paaoa-affcrinti;. Tbe fact it, C. Gannet _ Ce. have a full line of watches and jewelry that* en examination will convino* you they are felling at the lowest prioes. Wkbt. Johnston I Co., 911 Main street.Thia it a weM-kriown finn that is almost a synonym of liichtn >n '. They are offering'* full line of Christ¬ mas goodt.in plush goods, tine bocks, and Christmas-cards. Their stock of books embraces the works of all fa¬ mous authors in niisceiUay, history, travel, biography, poetry, and fiction. Sf ecial attention should be celled to the new and handsomely-bound editions of famous writers. They h*ve also religious books in great number* from the f ens of tbe greatest writers, and prayer-books and Bibles in different binnu gs. Their stock in foreign and domestic stationery is as large as any in the city. An inspection of their stock will amply repay one. if in want of anything in this line. Air the goods are marked at very low prices and are within the reaeh of al). C. mit abd I MB-BB, 820 Main street..Theso enterprising jewellers Bates the most tempting finery to the ( husHubs public. Watches, lockets. .1.ailis, sleeve- and bosom-buttons, and all the charming bijouterie whieh the ingenuity of the goldsmith and the lapidary can fashion for the pleasure and ornament of society. I Hi,, where shall we lind the money wherewith ts [.ratify our taste? We pity the over- ilesirous whose purse is thin. Select with taste and prudence, accomodating your wishes to your means. If you tiny hut one plain trinket, and feel that that is all that you should buy, that trinket will afford >ou as much happiness as does the most costly ornament in the house to fie BOfSOS who ia aftle to buy it. Sn teing and so leaving each confining .fl fancy within the pale of his bjbbb* ¦ ill of Qed.Std I Moses's visitors tins ,'hristm.ta will be happy, and they will profit by them. But this store ts n rroat temptation.it is so brilliant, so Motanting. Yet if Wa are never empted where is thc virtue of resist¬ ing temptation'. So try Goddard I Moses for presents, fur rings, ami rinhsts. and necklaces. French clod,.-, ihcrww.re, and the more solid hh<1 OS-w fabrics that try men's purses. A. Antoni, 1105 Main street.. AadOtS Hie little busy b*« Improve each ablnlag boor, l.i^i-'.. ise do ) on Hf Antoni. With boney from lu* bower. Ah' here, ladies, ia concentrated the inpound essence of al J that is sweet. \en thct greatest sweat of all. fait a omen. >s here. The} know where to ind the Lest confections, ami eonae- juently po t«> AittnnrV Here, chil- ires, you may feast yo ir eyea ami your tomat us. too. Also, von can arni f ml ronjp yourselves for thc grand fusilade ind " gall.bastiBg" clang, and clatter- tang, ami launder of Christmas. emita Chins has duly made his jp- ryesrsace at tb. store. Of course he bas. And we'd like to know what 1 uncial hubbub would drown your ¦mud cl a'sli of anns- or arrest your fes¬ tivities! Ko*childrsn,we ain't tobe inti rn: pt ed by such contemptible things (hat unduly <Ji--tiirb less composed and lelAnoatested people than you and we ire ! There are fruits and candies and reworks, including cannon-crackers a fact which von will assuredly an- Bonnee to the public. Thees are great times for girl* and boya. Above all, Antoni's candies (his own mala-), he is selling at wonderfully reduced rates. Lght pounds of tandy for a dollar. think of that. Bat you must visit An¬ toni to be ss.sued. 8. W. DaBWOOB I SOB, Governor street.. li all of Vanderbilt's weal.1 wei, mina, Ansi I vi antci lo furnish mj hawaie verj line, To Harwood 4 Bon'* I'd straightway go, For they keep tb* baal furniture there, you know. Yes, 8. W. Harwood .V Son do keep a well-selected stock of furniture. W hat they liav is generally useful, ta.-;teful withal, and always nt moderate pures. They bell'.ve in i|iiick sales and sinai! pronta. They are olfering, not for a period of "thirtynays," atgrestly-re- dui cd prices, faacy tables, chairs, cab¬ inets, lounges, and the like, just suited fer the holidays. Mr. Harwood, Sr., is one of the finest judges of furnituic. ard we understand the son isa " hip of the old block." They not only sell furniture, but manufacture some of the finest ami most durable in quality. Take a t hnstmas lounge at Har-oods', ami you will sever regret it. S. H. II vw ES, Eighteenth and Cary stieits.. How iiiipic will thal family ne. Which round the hearthstour tlrawa W h> 11 m m. irate burna cheerfully Tb* ....!.: Boram Baw**, There ia little comfort for Christmas without fuel. The tires BBUSt bc kept burling bright, and around them the futnily wi51 gather lor the innocent and leal aajoyssent of 1 briatinas. Thc biautie- of thc BOSSOS will be lellceted and re-iefiectel by their cheerful vvaimth. Mr. Hawes is a gentleman ol rare lategrity, and when you ordet from hun you nay re-1 aaBUtsd he will send you jual what lie announces. .. Chitsiiias fm]," Lbj in a good lunary in time, aba youl holidays wil surely not lc happy. Lol 111 KT ,v Co., 5i'5 east BrOBt street.. I'. 1. \ ant bi the Inv aol lon new. vv tn 11 alva* lo ever] mau Tb* righi to bay bl* tiirimutt I |s>n tie instalment p un. Ba you believe, dear reader, in tha symbol of good luck, the horseshoe If you do not you are the great ccption. We aic not yiven ourselve to any kind of superstition, yet we hav gtcat regard for the hor.-.eshoe. Kotbei is an exemplification of what thi I edal proteitive lor quadrupeds can d for man. Ile has placed himself withi it.made it his Hade-mark as it were- and what good fortune has his coming nc proved to thc good people of this foy He -ells line turn miro an.1 ho.isefurnisl mg goods of latest styles, both for eas 11 and ss the instalment plan. How man I nor. but hard-working, people has h 11 not enabled by this instalment plan t ' j make home comfortable and at th J same time *ave up much ol' their earr ¦ - f Rothert has os hand for the hoi . days household comforts that wil! sn CnHi the moderate and plethoric purse Fail not to give this store a call. . - J. A. GBioo, I'ace Block.. Her little feet ot fault lea* mould, 1 Sra ate.Mt tovaty to babold hair Cinderella. « ,. ure told,' Pies*.id 'ustsuch a pair- I _iulv ey 111 rn, U n aU and small. I |*tn ihegroiiud they lightly fall. Like taniwha te* at an eltiu bau, And leav. no imprint ther*. i Yes, but Giigg it aldo to lit her M 0 - any other man." He is a man of grei , iindtr,^tunUiii:), and you should consul ' j him at this season ; for if you desir to keep on thc best footing with sociut j your feet must be well shod, not ord for their comfort and the protec Hon of your health, but also fo their comely appearance. Grigg wil put you juat upon that looting. Ht ladies' shots for bad weather, mis,,., j and chi ld len's walking-show, heavy .ole boots, and voahem tn all atyle*. then his Bloater stecksftw Meo.chel.en:- admiration. WoMwuvandlbia worthy gentleman. We are not positively «n- formed that Cinderella's fairy thoos were manufactured by Grigg, but we repeat that be ono alt as pretty a foot aa Cinderettae. And we wish to Bay that there raj CbristmM fMt and Christ¬ mas shoes M well as Christmas heads and hats, and months and lips: and don't omit the shoes, whieh are at the very foundation of all good and excel¬ lence. tivvENri i Minor, opposite the post- office.. It In nai«aaotMi drugs tbev do deal. V\ hlrh In th*- ami are intuntleil to heal. Per He bright Christina* Hade, lu a slock they havetaM. TI.Ht to artistic taste doth appeal. As the holidays approach Messrs. Owens A Minor announce that they have a new and fine stock of fancy odor- and toilet-cases, powder-puffs, puff- boxes, bisque figures, and a full line of fancy and toilet articles, and everything che usually sold in a drug-store, all of which is offered at thc very lowest puces. This young and energetic lirm is fast building up a fine business here. They are go-ahead, steady business¬ man and der*erve sucooss. Call and see w hat they oller for tHiristmas. Bknhhkim A BtPiriii R, 010 Main street..Although comparatively new. this linn is already recognized as one of the leading clothing-heuses in the State, comparing favorably in point of styles and fashions with New York hotfBM. Crest care ts taken in thc manufacture Of their clothing, and unlike much of the ready-made stock sold in smaller sn ts. that sold by Bcndl.eitn 4 Bro¬ ther will be found to be equal in many raapecta to garments wade to order. Not only is their stock ono of tho largest, but thc assortment is complete in every department, and. best of al!, goods sold l.y them, they say, will turn out as re¬ presented. Don't delay, therefore, but visit their attractive store before thc rush. W. i>. Blair A Co., 1100 Main treat.Tba custom of thc tune-hon- Oied 'nm is at all times to k*3p abreast svith the nire ; to stock their establish¬ ment with every 'essential to the house- kilter's larder or the epicure's taste, 'i be most improved condiments in beau- liful and tempting packages aro found kino by aide with tba original, unadul- t< t Veil, ard incomparable Virginia hain Cordials, cheeM, potted goods, canned goods, sherries and cooking-wines, Cali¬ fornia and other wines, their colcbrated brandt of Montrose and "li* Select" whiskeys, together with everything ap¬ pel taining to a first-class grocery. What will make a man so self-satis- lied Hs a full supply of all thcaa arti- jlcs whit h ate calculated to please the palate and asMiage the cravingsof appe¬ tite? livery one can be satisfied in rbis regard bj making a selection at W, !'. P'.iiir | Co's. Their tempting display ol CbristmM cheer is ali that can be desired ; and, in fact, your holi¬ day preparation will not be corcplote utMOM you give them a call. If a pi aentfor a friend is desired, nowhere caa you obtain articles more aootptable than at their store. <>i\e thom a call and be happy. I.. Wai-nkb. Sixth and Broad streott.. He'll eoap and perfume von befi.reiiand. To prepare rbrtbefeaai a ml the ball; Ami ss In n ul! is o er he'll he riH.ly To J .si, son ss lier, er sun call. Mr. Wagner has knowledge of a great variety of subjects, not the least of which i to attend to his own business and nm a first-class family diug-store. He cornel forward at this season with articles .-niteil to the holiday trade. See hil nani little family niedicine- ihe.-t, bis freeb slock of Map-flguret, perfumery , plato-, hand-, and stand-mir- rora; you x\ ill like them. Wi ELIAMA A FORD, corner Kourth and Broad streets..These gentlemen base a full line of boots and shies, satchels and ti miks. They can suit young or old of cither sex. No lady or gentleman should just now be in- differently shod; and what on earth can make a fine dress or well-titling suit presentable unless the feet are wull fitted with handnomely-iiiade shoes or boots ? The first look you have of any uni i,n meeting is at the face, and next at the foot. If both are pleating-, the first impression il good, and that is a great point gainod. 'I he face you can make yourself, the shoemaker make- the foot. A word to the wise is enough, Hm -Kim!.!. Emporium, 533 Broad street..The wonders of the world will never cease. They seem to be multiply¬ ing day by day : and as we stand befon | this store, who.se windows are re splendent with enticing household gOddi I of every kind for holiday presents, wt are compelled, by force of conviction to add this to the number of wonders j Think of it, children ; and you of limit¬ ed meant, think of it! Here it thi place you may niter without a dollai in your pocket, and, in company wit! the wealthiest, purchase the best thi store altords. v. es, the Household Fm porii in u a wonderful institution, am oilers ont- of the largest, uni at thi same time one of the cheapo**, ttaekl of holiday goods in this citv. Thi natue talla just what kind ol goods an kept there, only you must see the Em pariah* to appreciate their style and ex cellence. Fbemh I Chink, 15o'» Mai street, oller, at their .. headquarters fo Christmas presents," everything thati usually found ut a first-class book au .stationery establishment, together wu a great variety of holiday goods in th way ol' books for children and book for grown people, together with Chrisl mas and New-Year cards, albums, pit Hires, nritin<,-dcs.,s, work-boxe-. an games for children, toys, and maaMB tnstruments. Tau will lind it to you interest to patronize these young nie at this season. Jackson's-, 803 Brand street..1 this establishment doesn't make grei pretensions it is all the more worthy c commendation for its very excellei , stock. Here you lind all thc useful an j, charming furniture to set oil the tabl , and adorn the feast. There are chin toys. Bohemian-glass toilet-seis. sase , Ac. together with decorated china dir ,. ncr-, tea-, and chamber-sets. The won ,. inM achivemeuts of art in fashionin I j day into multiform and eviiuisit -hapes gre indescribable. Jackso makes a charming array of these tr umphs of genius. They are ntjaJrithjl adapted to Christmas pledges of th best feelings of the heart. See his mu-,} j stock. Wii.kum H.TATUM, family jjrocei ll Broad street, invites all "to com j and price his line stock. Mr. Tatut J has had great experience in his line < t j business, and housekeepers will lin t here a great many things just suited t e their wants, and Imiti that it is th place to equip themselves for a Christ mas of rare enjoyment. .1. EL Vai.kntink, 1408 and )53 Main street..A valentine announce ment at Christmas would at first seen rather paradoxical. The announce . j nu ht cf this one, however, is moi proper, rn addition to a general stook of siK-ttXi good* always on han-l, ho is ottering <wre shaw-caae* for Christina* at manufacturers' pnosa. There it nothing tike properly displaying; your |i«odo. It is the next best thing to ad¬ vertising them .in the Dispmtsh. So now jg the tmie. and this the ri**0 to '" ire yr ur show-cases. II. A. Catlin, Florist, Office No. fi Xfatbtereet; Green-houses, 72d south Laurel street,.At last we have flow- erf. iloar. lovell Dower*.that make this world beautiful and that typify all tbe ages and all the virtues, and aro brought in to grace all thc vicissitudes in life from the cradle to the grave. What oology can we oller you that could fie extravagant. But what is the usc of praising what is above praise. Pear flowers ! ye rob misery of her dolor, ye diminish the pain of toe sick-bed, and ye adorn all festivity and ye illu¬ minate all joy. What would tin-world f>e without ye? Catlin is an energetic florist. He has within tbe year built SSlasaive green¬ houses, ami is prepared to furnish flowers for Christmas, New-Year's re¬ ceptions, and at acy momert you will call. T-fttlTifTT L. Tod:), corner Sixth and Clay streets..No ene knotts better than Charles L. Todd how to select a stock of plain and fancy groceries that will moet tho demands of O-riStasaa buyers. Long experience hac taught him exactly what will suit tin people. His present stock embraces everything in the grocery line calculated tc please thc most fastidious. Hz has thc solids and the tweets and the necessary con¬ diments to make your larder a tking to envy. He can, in fact, furnish all that is necessary to enable you to have an old-fashioned Christmas. Give him a call and Le satistied. N. Klkin. tils east IfSad street, has a fine stock of Christmas good*. In addition to stove* and tinware.tnd what is more oaeful in a Louse than tinware'.he deals in bouee-fut-iahrog goods generally. Herc you can buy a great variety of articles that are .teful as well as ornamental.articles that wil! not be simply unsubstantial reminders ol the holiday Reason, but void abide for a long time and always ba handy. And now, dear reader, we have con¬ cluded our rounds. We trust, if our .-c ry has not interested you. that at least we have gives you sonic informa¬ tion. The Dispatch wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New-Year, for III} sf If. " I pray tliee item, inlier. I have don* tbe* worth) ser¬ vile; Told th** nolle*, med* ao mi*ta kl nat ten -i Without or grads* 01 grumbling* An Insane Mother's Awful Dei <l. An olympia (Washington Territ fl specieI says: Web.eadey atoning, at Long Braille, about eight miles from thia place, a deplorable event occurred, i «s ot which was received here Wed¬ nesday night. Mrs. Miner, a relative nf Mr. l'avnl Chambers, has for some time manifested symptoms af insanity, and, BCCOfdiog tfl report, eba Tie dav eve¬ ning saturated papers with coal- oil and distributed them around the house, telling one of her chil¬ dren, in response to a question, that she was wetting them wi.h water. Farly Wednesday morning she made a remark that she was about to destroy the whole family, anti her hus¬ band, fearing that she was about to at¬ tempt to take hi- life, proceeded to put her out of the room. Un opening the door be discovered that the bona* was in flames. Reaching ihe front door with one of his children, be found it locked ami the key removed. He ran to the hack door and found it nailed up, Finally he and his li*tie daughter suc¬ ceeded in escaping through a window. Both wi rc badly burned. The unfor¬ tunate mother, with her four otherchil- dien. was burned to death. The sur¬ vivors were taken to the residence of .Mr. Chambers for medical treatment. Moonshiner* I upinred. A Chattanooga Special -ays Sunday- night last Marshal- Chapman and Mi- Corkla left thia city for the point oa Lookout mountain where Cnited States Marshal Kellett was murdered by moonshiners. Monday morning they reached the spot and dh.OVSrad smoke i-suirlg from the crevnes in the rock. Tracing its toniice ihe officers un¬ earthed a .-till-hoiise and found the oc¬ cupants engaged in making a run of moonshine whiskey. The Outlaws were taken by surprise and made no eirort at resistance. After securing their prisoners the officers inspected the premises and found a good supply of mash and whiskey on hand. Twenty-eight thousand gallons of beer and 300 gal¬ lons of whiskey were emptied into the mountain gulches. Three large copper stills with caps, worms, and appur¬ tenances were destroyed. The officers then turned their attention to the cap¬ ture of the murderers of Captain Kel¬ lett, and yesteruay aeres men. sup¬ posed to have bein implicate 1. Bete arrested. <'nc. supposed to be the lingleatler. is still at large, but officer* aro on his trail. A . '..ss., .,, I'urBKrupti. Iii .si ,n (Hube., When Hun. If. If, Omni!!' heard tin: glut ions news his countenance lighted up with a classical smile as he exclaim¬ ed " Urines capitibn.s suis rapici- mus.(we have yanked them bald- headed).as Ca sar remarked on the day he overcame the Nervii! " rriIE GRAPF-CURE, SAL-MUSCJITELLE, . A NATURAL Sick-Headache and Dyspepsia Cure IN AMERICA, Ita ciyatailired salts, as extracted fma grapes and fruit, a most wonder: from Natures laboratorv. Have !t Tn youl home* aud travele-a specific foi tb*.aa.I weary, or worn-out. lt cii'vs tick-bead ache,dyepepala. stomach-aud bowal-e g. plaint; removes biliousness, stimulate* Ck liver to a healthy aciiu:i. counteract* th« effects of Impure waler and tue exceesivi uae of alcoholic bevi-rugee. and prevent* t hi absorption of malaria. Suppiie* the systeu the weat of sound, ripe fan:. BBSPABBB uv Tilt LONDON SAL MUSCATELLE CO london, england. Beware of imitatlona. The geuulue lr "blue wrappers only.'' **-Bend for clretilara to G. KVAN'i VITCH, General American Manager, Post o.fice Bex 19«». New Vork city. Mention ibis paper. Sub-Agent* for HAL-MUHCATELLE nv Die foiiowiuK di uggm'.i: T. Roberts Baket Powhatan E. Dupnv. 427 Broad street J»*ee Child. Third and Main; K. H. M. Har r son, Broad ami Eoushee; Polk Miller J Co., 900 Main; ll M. Hhelld A Co., Plftl tnd Marshall: ii. W. I-rimer. Soo weat Mar Lhall; William li. Booti. Seventeenth am lianklin; A. A. Booti. Twanty-flfth am bread; Owen* A Minor, apposite poal-offloe -94 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING NEATLY DONE, ._ATTRB i>-a--ut r*n_-*««wnui A arr IIOR^BA LEM -;**^R***u~^ By J.Tbompson Brown A-Oa.. Heal Mtal* Agent* u>l Anttliwiecr*, 1118 Main at r.-e i. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF TWA LOTH ON THK MOUTH LINE OP CARY STREET BETWEEN PINE AND LACBRLBIREETB. i Ia Chancery Court- nf Johnson * executors jL .f nVhmo.i.1. MBliist {isscnv. enterarl Dw Jnhuton and of*. ) .,.,,..,. .Jp ,a*,9. By virtue of the above decree, tbe under¬ signed, special conitiia*sl<»n..r .hereby ap¬ pointed for the purpose,win proaaM toad, on FRIDAY. Dkckmbbh IS, IMS, . 14 o slick I'. M., tin above property. Iielr.g TWnLOTHof SI feet each, villi a denni of about t :r. feel to an alley, coin int m-lug '41 feet from Hie sou th weat corner of Cary and l'lne*treeUi and fronting together St feet on the eolith line of Cary between Tines id La arel alice m. Tr..<a*: One fourth cash; lalnnce In six. twelve, and eafhteea moa th* n tores t ad'l- etl. and title retained until all Hie perena***- ninney ia paid and a conveyance ur-lc red by the.nun. K. M. M. Ul IRK. Coiniiilstloiicr. J. THOMItSOW Hiuisvn A Co.. Aueiioneeru. JtamMBt Exr.ccri.hs. PLAINVIPVB, lOAMI .Ii.iin-on AN*> AiJt.. Dr.ncarn- AV'ls, IN lill rB a BUBB I O'.IKTOK TUB CM v Ol Bu llMosi-: I, Bet niiiln li Bern clerk of sa'-d court. 0 rt tts that Hie bond raqalrad ol UM ape- cml coaiuiiaaioner by UM Beera* In sad ians.-o. Deeember lb, Ds8D, has beeuduly gist ll. Olsen tinder my hand '.lils 121 h day of 1 I-, .ino i, ItM, BENJAMIN H. BKRIIV. de lt Clerk. _ Ai OTION SALK <»F PLOBfD V OtaVRORB..I will sel? nt my eton KRIDAY.at 1 o'clista shari. J*, barrels rn choice t-LoRiDA OHANOEU. AH dealers ins lied lo atteml. K. Pi >W fe.E's Agent, do iy.jt« mu .-ait Main - . By E. B. Cook, Auctit'iieer. No. 24 Mnth stree*. LTkN!TI KL, "lc!.TO-DAY, AT A io o Hock b ll! sell nt hiv lure a larre Mtortmenl of Dice PnRNrrCBK umbrae WK KARI OR nii'l CBAMKEU Bl I M and oil.er articles III Hie huu*eke.-pl'ic lane;'] mw HOME BEWINO MACHINIC In unod oater: S mists DATES; birr-' KM.i.lsil WALNOTB. KB COOM, de ls Auctioneer. tl 4 I lOlt IH« LEW-tn I ll re buy*. By l ni i..-I n Tupper, Heal hs».i> Agent ami Aiirtleueer, lois Maui stied. pOrninSSfONEtvi BALI OF A V ROUSE AND UiT'iv THK W'iRl'il SH K OP OBLKANB KTRKET KKfsVKKN .HURD AND FOURTH s, IRK I; rs. HOCK KTlt-i Uv i il'< i-ni it I. cn-eiit Hu-Clninc--- > Coori of the fi', ol Blebmood In nie -nit ni Basan, by. Ac, rr, Basan a al enteredon the win day of Decambar, ihw, h.. nmi. r-ignt-.i.t i-eisi rommUatoaer, will Mil ai lin'..!-¦ ruc1.1ii, on theprembjes,on WI- DNEHDAl , lu CBUBBB BS, !*»» al K oe ok P VI. il ai HOD8R mil LOT ruin Hm: atu¦ 111 lt Ct et on the north Uaeoi Orleanattreel between Third and Koomi street* and having a depth ol *o feet tn a io-li ii,i ii ley. The iii-Hiu. s.s of thia in..; ri ki tbe cellar-is ni ks ma ken tl s al ililli!.- iis liii inst stint III Tbbus: i'in-Um'.! eash. and the bs In bIx and twelve months purchaser giving BaB itinl.le nolea for aaine. bearing 8 P tent. Interval from from dav ot sale, and lite retained till all th< purchase-money li I :i 'i .uni deed ortlen il by the Coart. i.KOROE I. Iloui'htt Ii:.. sp.-, m: c. Dmbwloner, Fcbhab Tarran, Aoetloneer, b us, ac ki aim iic A'iaiubtRa* ¦ AN AM. Als.. I ,' I I s | V >. | . -I ¦; nil in sm ms 1.1-1: i ,o run Citv or Bun S o.N ll, I, Benjamin li. Berry, clerk of m J cou ri. certify that Hie bond required of theep* con ii Uaioner i>y the deere* n the -a .1 r Hi-' ..' i-o- nu fl ll. I -'. '.», Leen ¦lu s .- veli. i.is.i, nm!, i my I.ami Ins lt'.th .Liv ..f ,, inbel ls--. .'. i- BENJAMIN H BERRY. CALE <' »-~ AND OOI 'LD WATi'llK-s CLOCKS s SI' Bo, ISO KABT 1UWAD BTREET. liss li u t removal and change of bm ol Mr, ll. Joel l will sen as ahove.com- in. cing SATCBDAY Nil HIT at 6o'clock, ami eontlnuing nightly blt Block ta disposed of :i nif.-a-s.ni nen t ol WATCHEe) CLOCKH, and IEWELRY, embracing many anlelea for Cbrlttmat present*,which can t»- bongbtai a great Mcrinci E. B. COOK, .le ls- -I \.|,-" lo let i. ly Kum,-in Tupper, Heal Kalala ak- ni ami Au.; ora Br. 1010 Main street. CALK I'.v. AUCTION OF BKSIR \- 0 BL* OAMBLI s HILL DWKLLINd No. S1U MM 1 ll MU Kl II sI'Kr.nr WI III- IN HALF a BUJ ARK OF THK PARK i ss in se ii> auction, on the premlsee, on TUE8DA1 lu i siiir.K M. ISM, Bl 4 O'Clock- I'. M. the iii.use PR IBERIA The iii us. as seven roo and with little outas could he nut in ttrst-elaa*or> der. The lot flouts 20 fi-12 feel liv 1 Thia mIc should attraci Iheattantlon ol lartieBseeking a good investment or thia** anthill* a pl.-ii sa nt nonie lu ii ile, mn tl ul im-1 Impros ii ii localltj. 'Iikjin: One fourthcaah; Miance is\. twelve! ami eighteea month*, di note*secured bj g deed of trust, t percent, Interest added. H RMAN hiter. de Hi lr 18 20AB2 Auctioneer, By Oeorge W Mayo Auctioneer, (Jno, K. Km !.llm Jr., Balesman,) No 2H Ninth street, KK< l.l\ KU'S SALK OF THK PBR- sm sal ffrctb 'jk his«i rachel Mi DON VLB, KM! ABED, v r AUCTlo v As reet is. i i-i the estate "i Mi*< R, Mc Donald, deceased, I will aril ai auction, rn ssh BOAT, nu Kn ii in-i av i. Bl 11 O'clock ii! Ul* -.if Vlr. .. E. An¬ il cl M. t: weat Cary atteel near the tj cor- l '.rale lui i- i. peri ol the PERM! iNAL PROPERTY, consisting ol ll .1 HKHOLD FURNITURE BEDD1NO. HTOYE-J, md leans mlacellaneoua arl de*. A laritf lot of KfttlALIAH for different - - eleUeeandCLOTHINU will ba sold at the auction-house of tienrge Vi Mayo No. 28, Ninth street, on MONDAY thetut.ai IOU o'clock. C. R. H VNDs. deli R. HIM > ESS OI'I'tUlTI M I IIS. I/OR S A L E A RARE CHANCE f.'too WILL BOT Block. Fixture*, ami Hood-Wi ll ..r a ROAD-STREET CONPECTIONEBY. mos doing :i sr.1 basin***. .1. THOMPSON BROWN a CO Rea! Estate Anet de D', ll ins .Main ttreet, MIK HIM. L'DR U KN . g* So tatt Rot¦ketisair.-et; FACTORY. No, 111 nm tn TwMI] -n nilli at reel. Bo, tot i.-ifii Fourth Krat t. So. li'^s noriii loiirth sue"*. No, «i4 north Beventh ttret i. No. 420 south Laurel stn Bi No, t-24 Noutii Laural street. No. si2 | south 'Hurd street. .m. tit sm s' linker street. No KU'S ss est Clay street. A| Dil IO MANRINO c. stai'I.i.s | .. .I, lt-a'aBnsi nm vi Hu F't'i: BEST, MAT VI,KN i>i:-ffl BIRABLK RFRIDENCI Sn Tilla SMI Marshal ttreet. now uctupled h] Ml Koli A. -ss. ail modern - pplj pu-iiin.es. or 10 ll li. PELOU7.L. 101 (io.. el nor si net. _de 17-8 I70B BEKT, THAT COMFORT-dfj I AKKE ANK DRSlRABLY-LOBal CATI D RESIDENCE, No. 200 corner ol Crace nud .leCJeraoti s:ieets. font.. nine r.-oii.s. eal .- . en, Large lol 'ii lBflie-i urn! s'ah'e In real. Por nnezptrad ti rm. rani ul'. $'" pei month. Appij IOI1N T.OOBDIN. u-ai Estate Ag. ni litliil* and Kif s, i,til sm. ts. CHjB BENT, THAT DESIRABLE dj A ANO CONN ENIERTLY-LOCATEO BM IlKBIDENCE No. 1 .'. non B coota lalntseven rooroi bath, Ac., ::i good reyaii rent -. :y low. Apply to JOHN i Oi DD IN Real Estate Agent, di 18 ll Bank and Eleventh street*. J" fOB BEST, THAT \VH\ UfTm BI BA BLI AND vs-lXK-LOCATEIiia sTOBK, Hiu, COMPORTARLI DWELL- INO above, No. Sit Mal Broad itreel I ; LEK STRAUS -ic Ko, ui: .vinni Kfret-t. 170B HINT. THAT CONVE-dfJ I NIRNTLY-LOCATED DWRLUNOBM No 221 Mas ii street, containing tit rooms beside* detached kitchen with two roooia Kent st rs rcuMinahie. Apply to .lOtiN I. (.ODDIN. Ri il imitate Agent. Bank and Eleventh sire.!*. de l-'eoilMt li him k intuit.i ali ra H t UH. tJCKBRIDQI ALUM W ATEIL To insure tl >. above in a PURE state am1 the REALamcle. parties shouLt add rea* JAMES A. PRAZIER Rockbrtdge Aluin Spring*. Va. noivFaui tUTTON-MltlU Btt.AI.. 4111. 4 IKE. Ac fJHBAJ FOI CASH. ALWAYBON hand. COTTONBEEDMKAL. UREMIC MEAL OIL-CAKK. MI1.1/.PEED. Cuni.-est on:>. and ia auy ouanllty. WILLIAM N. HAXALL de 6-2m Balli mo. e, Vld. Al 4 MOB »*l.r%. miers rt* I* rs ' By George E. Crawford. Auettewtor, MSI Haul. *tr«et. COMMISSIONERS' SALK or NICE CRAMED HOUrtK ON THE NORTH BIDE OE DCVAL STREET. HKTWEKX El BUT AND HT. .IAME-1 BTREKTM. TDK LOT ERoNHNO SOPKKT ANO RCNNI.Nll HACK 111 KELT- Cy virtue of a decree of 'Richmond Chancery Court In tbe suit of Whitlock, An., n. Rawson Ac. ealat.1 1>" eOBtbtf ia, 188*. th.' undersigned.a**pnolAl runt in isslnnere. will nell the arHive-inen- tioneil ritUPB-TT.al i.nbllcanction.on WEDNESDAY, DBt'BBBBBgt, 1889, at 4 o'clock P. M.. on Hie premise*. TxKMf: one third eosb : balance at six nnd twelve months, Internet add.st from day ©feole. J. W. ANDERSON, M.. .All ALLAN. Hpeolal Commissioners. Wuitiotk amii Wrr*:, Pur istiffh. Ai.Aissr Raws.i^ ano ais., Daraan* am . ls tub Chabcbbt Cockt ok tue Cn v of Riciit tn.mi. 1. Heiiiaiiiin H. Kerry, olerk of auld Bowl certify that tb* bg.a raqa.ad of 'nc opecl*!eomml.looei*by the decree in said .luise of ISth Dei-ember, 1885, ha* b«ell duly g'veti. Given under gay hand thia Duh day of ¦December. 18AV BENJAMIN H. BB.RT, Clerk. de 17_ By Par..a Tupper, Heal Estate .Baal and AactlOBBtfi ISM Main street. TRUSTEE'S SALlf: Of PERSON- ALTYON THE EARM OCCUPIED HY .1..!.. 0, LAWRANCE. ON THE HK'»\D- B'tt'lv BOAD IN THE COUNTY OP CHEM- THitEIELD. T\t<> AND A II V LP MILE"* ERDM THE C!TY OP MAN0H-8TER.- I'.v vlriueof a ilctl of |IU*I executed liv I. L. il. lawrence :«> tue undersigned.dat* Lee'inber lt, ISS4 mid r.ibri In the I'he-.tertli td t milty Court Clerk « ellice in deisi-book 7(t. pane i:.7. default Saving been mad* lo la* payment of the nun of Itoe,tl.rain **tur*d sud bains r*ou**t*d «o to ito by h.- i*-n>" < utrte* holding antler kiviii deed, I siiHil -.-il b} kaeUoo, on Hie pienn-. | n 'I III lf-l>AV itt-, kmi.ki' gf I"- »t ll ..-loci; A. M., the follow lag PROPER¬ TY H-. lied to ll said deed l I ii or Stove, I Open Ha (gTi i Doubl* 'irtii .'Iiiitess. i.iuh' Single Haraees, I Mernie-'lop burra Barbie-Top .Vu-i- atand I do/, n Choirs, i Rock lng Chaim 't led lead*, ll I-. Plow, 3 Shove., I Mad¬ dox. I Grab Moe. --V 'ce. I Clock. 8 Mir- rms l atnrble I'op'i.¦'.'.-. 100 yerda Ingrain Carp*t.fltalrCerpet, Ru* Carpel l Ixmnxe l !oi fro her. ,i nH ind Pork*. Karoseoe Htove I'l.iui-is. Hpriug Wagon. I Agrtcal- turill Mi.I. <l i'h '¦>'- I Co vs Wain.lt Un¬ it hu V\ n'mii Stand, 4 B i ic- Eaayand at sale .MAN Tl ii'Et: dais__ Tmatse. i yr eampaofl * Adamaon, Beal .itat* Anetionesraand Inauranee Acant*, sis Bull -.> k t Mi h. hatti r. v... rriU STEES' SALEOF ONE OF TUE I Musi ATTRACTIVE BRICK KKsi- DEMCEH IN THE CITY Or MANCBEsi- TEH rt-e of two ti Isoi tru.l exe- | cuud ic J. T. Jewetl to the tn.-tees tb. flt lab 1 ti lober 16 1884 univ i... rdi .' Coori of the .-ny of Mai el catt r, n .1 H ok, V n tm page SW Land thi ¦'. .tutu n Novembi r it iskj oleo n id. d ti s.d ortlee, l>- i- B.M>k. Volume pose 7i."«. ii beei. inau! .nt'.r ..!ti.in bonds a cured bel n, ind bell V lb* M ¦! li Klllltllttg I Ililli Ci: i nf the .'vi. ¦¦ -. WEDNEEDA) li., t '.ci lt BS I ;it 4 o clock !'. M.. thal VEK'i DESI ll NEW Hitit K RESIDENCE, contain ttlKlllt Vevell H 'til* t'.«, |OI OD at bli .ti tho not t id. nf Hain Btu! I'm. if IBS fe* Ic lt st traci iva on t corni lenee* .! nly ci .' Ht. ¦!. li - . .. 'II-!.' * I'lllill ¦>. lo ¦ Vt ell 0. Bl i i ir Inti rest fro V. WI BK .I til' UV LI i, C. C. M, 1. Trw' leers. de 1 : .. ut man Ti ! ion Ma ti itreet. rfRl ST I E'S S tLEOJ 1 WO-STORY 1 tr RAM* CEN KM EM No Ul. Lf\ Ai. si kkk Bj virtue of a I tiiist, i a ted bj v. fe, ic l-i' imf ie ol lt.. inn.' Court, D. H. eil i ....'. In tbe payi hem ic l*t v. 1 si....: m 4! ¦'. clot i: P. 'i the above rred- I'KOi'KRTl .t..... .ute is. eof I > il :. nd Uguie, 11-1 -i Cash j- ¦. note for tl 7< ,i qc* aa mm".h.i I at aa T. TOPPER, JH..T lit r. de 19 WOOLEN MILL AND M A< illX.l- RY TOR HALE, tf . deed ..; ns- -. ci :. d to h* tm lei ii RJI ilMuNn VIKi.IMA V. OGLE: MILL on .li ly 1884, and rc le :n tl. Ciel k's ii. Ik it ol Helli.co .-uni ly Vu.. I- lng requested thereto ny the hoi di ra ol eb ind Diet ..c. pa ¦' I.:!. M., on 1 ill RHDAV. v\. v "v B, I --.'. ¦ p hill ¦ '" on, on tbe promts. -. lb. entire I'LANTol the d s st Dgol .i LOT OP GKO M' ly of H. tu leo, ad oin lng Hie cl ...:. ol i.. tl I ll.'..ll ml -' l-c, ACKEH itory Brick-and-Wood M ll Bu i ia m i'.- feet, m th tln-moi and and-lron Bolli r house. 18 ¦¦.'. al - or twreu ¦.. ^.n - glne oi - power Btei Boiler; two s. iv.it go Inch Cards; tblrlj broad Looms; ii. om- ly ll. vv Hud ,1, tlls.1 ion ti it the poi leta lied tn iv tpply Io P. IL U VHKEKV'tl rotary, Cost uffl ¦* Itt th. no td, Va. JOHN II. i.t", DAVID N. WALKER, it.- l-l i s tl i vl\-j 83 j" lan l 5,8.1 ., 15.18 j -. IB 88-181 p<'MM MMISSIONERS' SALE M. UT. HILL GOLD-MINE LOI ISA "I NTV. VA. Ky \ 11. .. i.i de re* if i he I'ln lit Court of the cot il of Louisa Inthi H neof Vu'- .ii ir.I .'ii the ¦- 'ih da got . court of the style ol " How nd. vvli si ,.st ,. gi, ,..i,' rio '-'.I m: Corni ..i.' coi mba pointed for lie vt III ..!:..! for -a' C' urtbouee, v n i.ii MONDAY Iam vf.-, ll. 1886 1'Hi. -LATE Hil.I. GOLD .MINK i EB Ol LAN! i e rul w^v, r i ci ..f in* property ria* up >u :t k>- lo ii bv Lite- Brother! ouu tbe adjoining ..!¦>['¦ oust I- v VERY RICH AND VALUABLE MINI: i.-. iii t.'.'. ¦rn h|s'. men of the ore lytl.i bo an.ia bondi v..in approved peraonal se- ¦ala, roi deferred payment*. Or, 1 of Hie euri maj be pa d In raab in* wcurl- ij in the iM.niis foi de:- ned paymeii. alli ie di* p. used with, (neither case, the legal title will be retained by the co ul us «.j.i ,- tioual aecnrlty until tb* purchase money sii.ii iiuve wen fully paid and it d. ed or¬ der ii bj court, l-ni!!..-: information maj bo I by ap- Bf IO I lie comm ailoni rs, .* L tttls* Vu. PRANK V. WINSTON. UEOBiiK K. ANDERS IN, WILLIAM K. rtilti;. ¦i|*;ciai Corni M To vi i r I hereby certify that Ut* bond rentuvc .' Hie spi dal mmmualouaraa ppolute di' ri 'n thc hanoi rv au l >* ard. I -e.. ra. Tb* r-Bte-HJU Uold-Mlnlni Company rt ali on tba ISth la; ol s- temi ir ls»S and pi-tnlltui In the Wroull louit nf -uid louniy, baa naen dnlj exe euted i'. i; li appro i 'i aaenrlty. (liven i.n.iet- mr band thia 8th day of Pe. cember, H85. SAMUEL H. PARSONS.Oerk. iw _ FTNCLAIMED PROPERTY Ui *J POLICE CO ORT. The Ti;iiiotvmg MONEYS, OOODs WA BE8 and .MEKt'HANDiyE ware lu tn unclaline.l on the drat Monday In D*e*m Lor, IS8*. vi/.: 5i:i.:<0 I>( CCUKENCY. niarkeil Charloi Mason I SIXTY-NINB CENTS IN 0TJK--5CY marked Thotua* Allen; S SATCHELS, containing Wcar;tiu' Appa ret, Pistols, Watches. Brass Jewelry, arni .Miscellaiieous Articles, marked Wi lian V. Morton ; J SATCHELM. contulnltm Wearing A pi* rel and Miscellaneous Article*, ownen Lot of PJHTOLfl. WATCHES. KNIVES, am MlBCELI.ANKOCS AKTh'LEB. th. ownen ot which are tinkum, n. All larsons intereated or claiming auy <> said properly aro te.,ii'.icd lo ;..m -,,i , factory prtsil of Onwershlp on or b*Bsr* WEI NEBDAY. DngM«KR'J3, lss.',, at I o clock, at which time all property (ex ce pt lunney then remaining lu my euatodt uncial mt-'Will he sold at public auction a the Collet. Court. tbe highest bidders, fo cash. D.C.RICHARDSON, do8-2w Police .Lillico. alA*T«NaAfcias--rui*ira Ra**_ By W. H. Lyne A tv>.. Heal Estate Agenteaad AircMooeorB. 1118 Main ttreet. PUBLIC SALE~OF THE VALUA- i HI r Hi* IRK AT THE SOUTHEAST COBNKR OP BROAD AND TWENTIETH HT BEETS, Attn HIX VALUABLE DWELLING* ON BKOAD AND ON TWENTIETH STRKETB, ADJACENT THERETO. AND A VACANT LOT ON EIGHTEENTH STREET NEAR VENABLE STREET. BELONOINO TO THK. sRsTdaCBlO* RICH¬ ARD HEDOWICK, DEI EASED. In parstiatice of a decree of the Bach 'nomi chancery Court, ta ina Mil meroin styled Taylor, wBoeuee, tte., t Bedgwlek and oi»," entered on Um ltth day of Deoember, 1S88. the undersigned, special '-oiriruiaalnii ms. vs III sell by public auction, on tun |>lell>!s«-. on TKKHDAY. Km BMUBn M. 1 at 1 o'ci.-.-k I*, al .tin- Rt-; IL ESTATE teen. liol,i tl In said tb ree. and COOsl*tl0g]Di lust. Tin- BRICK BTORK, with dwelling over same. No. M01 BBsg Uro. 1 Hir-,-1. fioi.ilng aiaiut 2H teal mi Broad stn ut. with a depth ot alu mt Tn ii -1. a apaelou*, tursttau- Hal Mid convenient hoUM nil ,, MOB) de¬ sirable, weli-eatabllahadbualiieM stand second. rWO-HTORY-AND-BAHEMKNT brice DWELLING No 2"<H east Broad atreel adjoining -aid slot*, with lo aboul sn me dluienaltaiH ns the above, and MIMI a desirable ami well-amiiigcl dwelling. Third. TWO-STORY AND- BASKMKNT BRU'K 'I KN EM KM No 827 nor'n fa-en- tleth sr reel. frontlnK BbOQl 18 feet and hav- im< a depth of about 7ijre.-i * I-ourtli. TWO-STORY-ANIMIAHEMENT BRICK TENEMENT No. 227v, noun ['wi ¦¦- Beth street, fronting about l < feel and ii is lng ii d.-pi h ot about TO Mat. r triH run BToUY- AND-BAMKMENT FRAME TENEMENT No I north! rem t eih street, fronting about '...¦' on Twentieth afreet, and running back tl fe. t. - mii. TWO-STORY. AND ll tSRMRNT FRAMETENKMKNT No ttl north Twen- -iii Ntuei, fronting about _.'. (Ml on 1 w. nf n -ii- .-I, an running ,. tl h. i. Seventh. Two- STORY and \-k- V.! n r BRICK TEN EM EST N Twentieth *ir.et. Ironti lg about 18 feel ami running hack ahou -.¦ feet. i ntl i VACANT LOT fronl n i. bi "ii Um bb*i aid ol i i. tnth street between Venable *nd m streets. A plat ol mn ey ano.. let db n fi - one of the »ald red I esta d Bl 'i ii..¦ .-ls, le. Tl nu-: <ine ii r-i cash equal loalallmi n's a: iii ! months the purchaser to eiecut. ii able nott s tor in- d fei red ps inti real a-tdi d iron .! ,j ol the inp. 11> :n-in. md .i re to theroniralwlonert ano sn ! po lc es >.t luaura chas.-m.mes la paid and a conveyam :'. red bj Hie Court, and etui*, eel loll ... ntirn - TA/.EWELL Kl,Li IT, HI Md '. CANNON >i.. com VV. H. Ks sa A Co., A lion Vis ioi:. si no V-.s-.-t -ti .v N I- ii s ni' Rn ii bobo, i, Bel iniln H. Rei t cinrt, fi 11 nv thal the bon .- lof .-if thi f li th Di ce tu ber, 188 given. n tinder ms- hand i . ll l-l is-.v. BEN.I \M1\ H.BERRY ll I.- -.ii i-oii ,v Ada Kcal k'state lusnrsnee Vg si Hal] - ;,-.-I m Va / 'OMMISSIONER'd S ILE Ol , " ll AND HT FRONTU I lil' i ASTSIDEOPFII vv N EVERETT IND M V i' KY BTREI K'j ki: V a tillered al I' in 1--' .,.ault Mus .- o -. OU rilCRHDAY. Dtci i M..ll, il VAM Ai AND I.' i 'I i;sis One n.ni'' ll ts i, nild : we ve, ;in ', pur- a i; p. r ci nt. Interest fruin iIh um! utTe ' I liv tu IAMKH M. PERI H i - 11.VST 1 ii COI l Ol THI Cl i s ..| .si s V \. ol' Hie lill ll.l.s ufOCtOl* I. 1-- -' ll. I'. 1 si |»M*ARTI tr*: 4»«' RTEAWRRB. ()NLY ONIJ DOLLAR NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, ANO NEW- KOKI m NEWS. ANDONLV DIRECT R"l I'E WITHOUT TRANSKhRliK t'HA.\iiE0K ANY KINO, l-cUvsttlcfe ts loss, r. VIRGINIA STEAMBOAT iOMPAST ri JAMES-RIVER 1 ll t'v.iR NHBUH.K. PORTSMOUTH, NEW¬ PORT H NEWS, Cl ARKMONT, A.Nu \ MES-RIV ER LAN DINGS DIRECT; ONNECTS AT N..KIOLK CLOSELY WI ll ALL LINK-- lu EASTERN HHnRI-: OK V IK'ilM \ OLD BALTIMORE, AND THE NORTH AFTERNOONj AT NI WPOBT'HNEWa WITH STEAMER ACCOMAC FOR B.MITUPIEI D: ATC! MlKMuNl WITH V.TLANTB AND DANVILLE RAI LRU \ WAVERLY, HI, is-!...il. \ND ALL BTA1 IONS. ONLY ALL-WATER I JAMES RIVER KY DAI '(..,.. GREAT mi ..isr KOUT K. IAMKHTOW n, ri ll '.\!' AND W '..: SCENERY. CHEAPEoT ROI KA TEM MICH LESS THAN HA LI¬ CHAROKO BY ANY OTHER ROUTt KARE ro NORFOLK <l Nu I. MIT. WAT-LANDING FARES front 2V to ,1 Second-clBM ne,..!* still lower. ARK Ti VV vs ,- i;i.\. . EAKK TO HICKSI OR FIRST-CLASS MEALS i.N EUROPEAN KLAN. Tl.e elegantly rebuilt and Hal itM u - A Ri l-.K, (carr) I. C. GIFFORD. Coin, lUllt,.r i Richmond MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. A-... KK1DAY ai 'A M. (STREET CARR C »NN1 Kl LL TIME) for above-named plaoat, ar¬ riving at Norfolk al 8 P. M. Returning lout .' and Newport* Newa on alternate da a arriving a' Richmond aiK.m. 4 P, .vi. Througn tickets o' ni,lat Garb* r's Agency, lOoO Mum street. Ha«> aaa .. !**h. STATE-KOOils ENGAGED .OK DAY uR MIGHT. FREIGHT. freight received dally fur Norfolk, Ports¬ mouth, Bmltbfleld, Hampton, Waverly, and iiml Hlcksford \a.; Wathiug'on. I), c.; Newla-iu. Washington, and Tarboro N, Ci Bil Station* on ai antic and Ha railroad, Seaboard and Kiwuokn railroad Norfolk southern ia road, and Eattern North Carolina Kein>r-ii;y; alto, for Enateru Btioro of Virginia, and Bil regular landing* on Jame* river, at LoWhJiT RATES, auj through billa lMUsd L. B. TATUM, Superintendent, oe SO No. HOI Matu ttreet and Rocketta. OLD DOMINION STEAM-^MB, BHiP COMPANY. '¦*«dtMa FOR NEW YORK. Steamer* .eave Richmond BVER1 TUES¬ DAY, FRIDAY, and sji N'UAY, Steamers lease Nt-sv fork tor Ri eb mood EVERY TUESDAY, Till'RSDAY, and SATURDAY Bl i P.M. BaK.-.e:iK r BCCOIurnodatlOM uiisiir|Mt»vd Cabin fare to New York (Inelodlng meak amt berth'. 110; itu l-ti p ticket* tin .-it<e. w'.tu siii«i:steuce, »7; wlthoul tul*:steuce. |S. Kr«"s<!'t forwarded and through billa oi lading taned mr pointe beyond New York. Freight ri I di I P. M. Manifest Hosed 00 Mulng-dayt on* fioui befoi-e departuie. KaaaeliK rs l.-iTi.g R ind :.y Hu Chesapeake and Ohio ra.,-..a a' -isa M (ita Newpoits Newe) and tu-< R'.cuniom: sud l'etembuig rai road at 10:4tA. M. rn MONDAYS. TUESDAY H. WEDNESDAY S THURSDAYS and sATKRDAYS wi. make connections at NORF'OLK with ta, tteauiers leaving tbeae day*. SAILINGS I'tllS WEEK. ROANOKE, Captain Couch, SUNDAY December 1 *!b. at '.. o'chwk A. M. OLD DOMINION, Captain BXITB, TUES DAY, Dei-ember Kith, al 2 o'clock P. M. WYANOKE. Captain Hulphsks, rRI DAY, ivrember ism, at 2 o'clock P. M. GEO ROE W. ALLEN A CO.. Agents. No. 1801 Malu alieet and M K: Company t wharf. Hocketta, pUILADELPIIlA, RlCU-ttm MOND AND NnREOLE steams.i.K company. Appointed Miling days: Every TUESD.V audFRIDAY al 12 M.. and evary SUNDA at a A. M. Freight for Tnsaday*' and rriday* steam er* received till 11:80 A. M.; tor Sundayi ¦teamer tlU I P. M. Saturday. Freight rt eelved dally till B P. M. isa* '¦HTfWiML General PaaMnger Ageut, Offio* Rocket la, . W"P. CLY DB A KO., BOBO General Ag tn la, Rtll noan Ult*, RICHMOND ANO ALI.riUANT BAILBOAD. *"¦ SCHEDULED,- i'KAIN*i IN KKPECT MoVhMBEB ti ISM TWO DAILY TRA(ANyH (EXCEPT wes* BBBWBSS RICHMOND AND LTBCHBi KU. Tbrongh Accoin- .Vgt.i Mall, mottaiKm. - Tiuuaa _ INO. 1. »No. B. .n'o.*: Leave * Rlchmo'd Sn 0 AM BM P M * on r .ts Arrlv* Bootuvie U:0* AM Tn I'M |*:tg pm Ifardsvl'e ll 17 A VI 8.10 I' .1 u «-, f M Lynchb'a. 1«0 PM a io A M Lexlna'n. SrM PB sst A M UllflOUr"* 3:3'» PM ARRIVE BI CH MON I 8:00 P.M. MAIL dany U»). lfl4fA.lt. ACCOMMODATION daily (ex- c.'j.t Sunday j. f:40A. M. NIOHT EXPKERM dully (ex. cept B.ad.j i. CONNECTION* At Richmond with ass-- ¦'..¦i I'ailway* and Richmond, Predarle l Polo* mac railroad; at Lynchbarg w itlrglata Midland railway and Norfo.k V , ralln*d; atClutoa forget ".*i|».»itB and Ohio railway; at Lexington wi.j Balli¬ more and Oblo ral Toad. Mreying-car altai-'wit t$ irtj ft ,-rrtl lo l.t.' rhhurii. Train* marked t da.:, (*1 apt -tuudoy). Ticket* eold lo ill |*tlu*s. om. a: ian-, eaal Main street. 1000 Mh.u. mu at h., g. mond and Aliegliany depot, t- ah th ami Canal stre-fa. J. B VI vfw CRIB!. General Pasaenger aud Expr*l Agent. C1__-TaPEAKE AND OH RAIL* J WAY.-Nov EB BBB I 1--3: LEAVE BICHBOND 7:40 A.M. Throng MatieseafO Sunday, < :.yiu.:i bu lit 8:13 A. M. For Sewpol a New* td Pola) Oom fort Bud Nm. * U;iy ex¬ cept Sunday. 8:50 P.M. PorNOwpof s N-..* ii i Point, and Norfolk. Except -tun.lay, 4;00P. M. R. P, st..I }. ru.n aoeoni* mod*! lon. excel Hi lal. 1."3 P. M. Eur Loo s inart, Inst Express Cn Imai ARRIVE Blt S 43 A. M. Kr-:n E., I Iud P. J inetlaa* 11:85 A. M. Prom Norfu '. and .New,- 1:40P. M. Prom local pt West. exeeptSui S:goP. M. Eioin o.d Point Newport's N ,. vt« ii 1 N >. j' Bundey. 8.35 P. M. Prom I.'i. i ' Cluela. natl. Poal Depot: Seventeenth and Hi i. l al ree te. TickeUat lOOOMankti. au I. pot, 1' W. H'M.KB, General Base* Vgent, Wu t wt- C. Rt lt kb a Ki. > dent, ICUMOND IND DANVILLE RAILROAD COM Iv St HEDI LE IN Er rn I' Bl "DAT, l'K. .'l.MHEB 1NS5. LEAVE k: hmi 1:00 A. B..<Througn.| til ,,oi. ly. -tor a v . p Richmond and h.ct.n* . ro( Kn gil. Ol |in.m4 cn saiei. VlUa mid III O, | , . y y local |H)lii: | for Cola e**'; bIho ' \ ( s#w - Pullman v -nond LoOreeni loAo« gusta v, t, and Danv leta on changi S:SIP.B..(Throm uilw>- illie.'t- 11>. H' K-- ,. p. it u t* OB i. 1 Vfe.-tcleil- lniri{ Sunday i. . . '.hiv u ::, VV N. C. rall- road: at A ville. Hu \,,vi. 11| 4.m- auj HouHlvv. s". Pullman H uah- VI: ¦¦ '.¦ !l,.r.iti» Aslo'v ., j.my s a 8:45 P. M.-,Voik H dally) Sto|-* Bl td eu¬ lie.:* Ht W |S. eepl Sm ,..r tot Halt. -th, 0:00 P. B..(Bo ti A lotion. dStlJ e\c lay) for Coal- 7:10 A. B..(York B i rroto Twantj '. ie,nit daily . vi pl Mi .lay; fw v, ssl Po ABBI VE AI 150. 7:00 A.M.- Prom A labor*. Rllle'uli. 1 ,.,[ Mla points iib. 8:41 A. M.-Mic,i Boa Alt (da Hy I . 10:10 A. M.-Vinni W ) Hat. tl more hi. (daily except 4 "7 P. B..Prom ¦ Allan* ta. Nea 1 ¦south* west (d »20 P. M. Tr lg .mlay) fr>.m A nonarOt.iras: 1000 Ma otrosit, *nr\ st the Richmond and .Inroad depot Virginia air. ' VI |.U.'ER, Oeiirra Meng i Agent, Sol. HAAS, Tra mc Manager. E. B. Thomas. Qenera Monager. ile rt ATLANTIC COAST LINE. RICHMOND ABD PETEBBBOBQ RAILt HOAD TIME-TABLE, Oommenclng BUNDA] BS, 18bt, irainaon rms rt* * rolloWt I 1 RAI Nu Kt .so. ln-avt. Ai Richmond. Pel it. ih tSA.M. '<¦ v '.lafn. 48. «lO'49A.M. ll t- .'. tra a. I". ?a:48l'.M. S.-.S BU. »t:ii0I'.M. «c .. \ .i i.ist'n. lg. U:».i P.M. ll':08 I". M. J train. TRAIN- -. KO . leave "". I'etersburg. K 41. M58A.M. 5:4-A VI Ef.tr Mail. 18, ll 1" AM h.08 A tv i'i*1at'n. 45. »1005A.M 103'. v M. io ni., h train, 85. '18:88 P. B. Ito P, Ivi v d slat a. 47 .BiOOP.B 8:00 P. M i >ugU txaia* .Dally. tDaliyb-- BTOPP1NU- Nu*. 40, IS anti 4t .aka ii i - "pe. No. 45 atoiie only on Blgl Ida 4 ' hi..I IB *t..p on i'en- traiia and Mencbeeter. v* o as. lg. aud 88 atop at a.l sui * PULLMAN.i Alt SI :. Ou traits No to 14 Ul he- tween B.mington -r"u. on train* No 40 4^ 4 17 Bleep nn-rsm bet*., u Waahlngton r.a. On trains Noe. 47 and 4- * lg car* be- tm. ii New York and THE ONLY ALL*BA IL Ri l. I'D NOB* LIIA VB. Bicnai'd.-l":i'.'A. v gorfog '."P-j;. Kiontn'd.' 8 4- P V n .. in P.M. Norfolk...t ii: 10 A.M. H 1 '.3 A.M. Norfolk...* B:3»A.M K ' OP. M. Nisi ^4 and 33 .Bl "> lo and from Ear:.iv Hie 1 south* weeteru points, aid :- tn* Norfolk and Weetem . .miii- u,ti»{ dally and Nu lida Uy. * JR KENLT, Baperlntendent Of it I -,. >i tatton. T. M. Kat.«>a,U*n*ral P*ss*ng*g Agent, Hoi. Haas. Tn.il Vi no 14 IOBMOMD, FREDERlChlSBURQ AND POTOMAC RA1LRO V!' -H. tied- nie commencing NOVI MBEIt 13, 1888- oaaterr st*ndard I 0 00 A. M.. leave* I stton dally; s''ii*"'i gi .tsujoud. Janel m :. ricks' from l*< k* og.a. 11:07 A. M., kravatB) rd-H reel itatioo ;* - ly ci' Sleeper from t .v ,,nmg. ton. 6:.0 P. M., leave*Byrd mia!. ly. B;e>-[« froiu Ja- ison vj,a to New V. li.ii! Char, leeton IO Nea , 10:29 A. M., arrives at Byrd-Btreat .tation sally. Sloper from N-wYors to Jae.son im New iork to Chorleetn 2:18 P. B., arrives at Byn! s ree'station daily; Bt.n-* ul I n-derlcka* harg. Milfoid. au' J met ton. sleeper from Wa*ir.t'.*toa to 0.aiitatoa nit f. Wash. tnat<" 9:08 P. M., arrive* ai Byrd-Htrt*! station dally ev.'j t sun laj ASHLA ND TBA ' DAIl.T kXl'KtT atrsBi 4:00 P. M., accommodation, asvtfl Broad- Street aiatiou; air.ves al .\au- ia ml at .V P. M. « 04 P. M.. lt-vee Ell*; BITlV** at Aati- landat 044 P. M. 7:60 A.M., arrives ot Eil*; .ev.ee Ash¬ land at t:4t A.M. 8 55 A. M accommodation, arrive* at Btt*d-S'tret stHiiou ; leavev Ashland at 8 A. Vi 5 59 P. M., arnveeatElUa; .... Van a:, d at 5:1'4 P. M. C. A. TAYLOR, Oenere. Ticket AcenL E. T. D. Mybbs, Oeueral is>iu»-r.uteni!«nt. R ICUMOND, FREDHKICKSBl'Kli AND PO1OMA0 RAILROAD. THROUOH ALL-RAIL PAHT-PREIOMT UNE TO AND PROM BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA. NIW YORK, AND EASTERN AND WEST¬ ERN CITIES. ONLY TWELVE HOC RB BETWEEN RICHMOND AND BALTIMOBJC IN BACH DIRECTION. OotTMpoudlualy quick ttmo to otb** point*. Through h \\» of "i"v lasued ot low ra tee. C. A TAYUIB. Jy 1 Ocnrral 1 .sMtuiter AccnL B OOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY -XBOrjTXD at tba DD1PATCB PBJjra

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Page 1: (iMIiG GIFTS. COMMISSIONER'S SALE~OF TRA(ANyH › lccn › sn85038614 › ... · (iMIiG GIFTS. Santa Claus cn His Christ¬ mas Rounds. LIVELY SCENES. TUNrtfUNMwit* Bu»r lvaai»rn--l

(iMIiG GIFTS.Santa Claus cn His Christ¬

mas Rounds.

LIVELY SCENES.TU NrtfU NM wit* Bu»r lvaai»rn--l

Plrti« Wftru.

The holidays draw nigh, and prepara¬tion to enjoy them in proper style can¬

not long be delayed. Theclear. bracingweather is most opportune and suita¬ble for shopping, and the streets presenta lively appearance, lilied as they are

from morning until late at night withthe tinsy throrrr making their Christ¬mas purrbMefj. BtUfJMaj augurs wellfor a bright and joyous festival. TheNaKoral Administration is once morl¬

an tb* bands of the Democracy, andVirginia, redeemed from the thraldomof Mahone, prepares to inaugurate a

Lee a* her Oovirnor. What if thetimes hasc been hird- Thc tlood ode

to prosperity is surely upon us. WhiitifVanderbilt is dead ; does he not leavehis million* behind him t H hat, oven,

if the Legislnture ir about to leave us;

ahall wi cover ourselves with sack¬cloth and a«hes for that' Oh, no.

Cheerfulness w the sunshine whichdrive* awsy Oe fog of turnery. The.Otc Mafpoa-. -sed. the more hopefuland gay we are. the sooner *.<. will

drive away porrow and berm io

learn that philosophy of Mark Tapley.which i- summed up in his memorablewords. .'There's nothing like Btiagjolly uiiJer dilhculties." So we say,..Away with melancholy, as the li"lc

boy said when his school nistis died."Christmas is a good time to banish it.

to drown it, like cate, in a MB of hap pi-'n« ss. And now, friends, old and tMnnj,who metn to assert the divine right to

be joyous, be sure and prepare MT th-

festal nay. Da so not extrasagantly.but still not parsimoniously ; and. we

repeat, ts the time is shun, .lo so at

ome. la Banatt joh iii your prepara¬tions we bop you to peruse carefullythe following notices <>f estaMishrueiitswe base viMted and can vouch fur :

A. Saks 4 Co., IOU Main street.--

"QBBUj Hi}' bai'M BS Hiv MUM chu buy,|i*it Ml . .prraactl In fancy; rich, no? Kandy;hi ibeepparal ott i rortalme the man.A Bil tl ey c. B'chmontl Who s«lr-t Wtwty

.ml wellAte I.me le.plen.b nt st A. Ktiks ,1 Co.'B.

Son c or e has said that a good be¬ginning is half the battle. Accord¬ingly we are c-en now at the outset

half through this chapter, for it is

truly a good beginnini: to lend off withsuch a worthy clntbiag-bonM. lt husbecome a familiar establishment to

etery liti/cn of Richmond, every one

of whom is alreiiiy aware of the highrep'itati n tin firm enjoys. Those ciis-

totuors who have dealt with this housenie tata to leave a place where theyhave nana bo des eily treated.

Tie? stork this season is much largerthan at lt.,- same period of any previousjt-ar. .suits of every description maybe found herc, :ind the mo-t faaiHtontcannot help being pleased. Sack andfrock suits, Priaot Alberts, dress suits

n.t.U nf eli tl., assimere, cheviots, diago¬nal, ami coi.,screw are among the few ofthe many styles to be lound in this largeand exieMtnt assortment. Then, thereare overtMet of all datcrifAieaa, to suitany buyer and every pocket. Boya1and i bil uTBa'l lothing are anana B spe¬cialty by this liouse. and mothers woulddo well io ca'.l at 1<>13 before par-eba-ng i l-.v.-L-.-re. Examine th--'snioking-juikets, umbrella.-, glove.:, ho¬kierj . suspenden;, and the like. Vonwill lind Mr. William (ians, thcof thc house, ever ready with his corpsof aide aKMstantr, to minister to yourwants. '1 hen, too. they arc offeringtheir entire stock al " .slaughter ptptior to their remus al to int store now

occupied by John il. Tyler .V Co. Goto < ians. Hr a ill put you in conceit withyourself.


E. B. TAYLOR, china importer. IOUMain street..

Tbross assay H i broken .-rock.-rs,Ki.|,ai. in- l.alise ball;

Co H. E. B. Tay lot 'a Btete'TWllie lineal <.( them ail.

Step lightly then, young man, for thefalrt. s in this store aro neb. taie, fra¬

gile, and costly. Mr. Taylor, being a

china impot ter, deals in the standardwares of the day. Thc manufacture ofporcelain, like other things, hus been

wonderfully unproved within this cen¬

tury. Originating in Japan, it tyraadto Europe earlv in the middle ages sn-!theme to America. After the discoveryof America and the Spanish conquest;in Central and South America a tloodof wealth poured into Kurope. Thecondition of the masses underwent a

gieat change for ihe better. a:il the de¬mand for the luNuries of lue increasedsteadily, foremost among these was

¦the demand for porcelain-ware of Menartistic >aloe. To lill this want themanufacturers at Worcester, Vienna,Dr< lulen, and France were taxed to thenutmost capacity. Manufactories were

started in A tnt rica, and, although wellpatronized at home, made a sorry show¬ing with the stand .td European wales.

RaaWailstlata, it was reserved for an

American to render his name famous inthe biston of the art. Mt. Haviland,perceiving that the gn at defect of theAmerican waie was a coarse, thickbody, due to absence of proper ingre¬dients, resolved to seek the pure kaolin.Accordingly he started a manufactoryat Limoges, France, where he produce*a porcelain e<|ualto the standard wares.But we arc digressing from Taylor andbis Club'.mas presents. Ile hits themIn gnat lariat*. Elegant bric-a-bTack.choice bisque, brass sets, superb din¬ner- and tea-sets, and all kinda of nov¬

elties in china. Do not omit Taylor'sin your Christmas rounds.

M. B. RniaOJ .V Oo . ""-> Main street.'AIn'I got no foite-piam.

Bo lot-all! < on.e iimiIii youl bow.

This wm the burden of an old songwhich is aa mai apMpia to-day as anything could well be. especially vs Inwa retied upon the almost s-ndless Modof supetb pianos kept bf Manly HRamos A Co. They have one makfrom Baltimore.the celebrated Knabtthree from New York, and two frorBotton. Their prices range from $2uupwards, lhere is no present vocould give a lady who is musically indined thai would be more aeceptablthan a piano. It is a royal gift, anRamos has some royal instrument).Ht has. lu stiles, organs, sheet mtisi,piano-covers, stools, and literatureKiamir.* this Mock before you d* ide'tewhere.

C. Gknnkt I Co.. M7 east Utistreet..

"lie drew ap Ut*, hair,Anil down ne dui **l;

He vs nt** hera letterTwa* 11ni* enonvh yet "

and afterwards be found that he waloo late. Tba kequel of this tudorlunate circumstance abowed two factworthy of being recorded : Fir*!, ntveitroat to < in urnslani ea, when promstination it involved ; and secondly, in ragard to time, be like old Devy Crock.tl.bo aure you are right before yoi

£o ahead. Had tho ton-late young manava baan provided with a chronometer

from Genoet's jewelry store he wouldMtier baie been loft, for ht woulJ hart

knew that ha had no tina* te aper*.T_e etily wey to rnak* aaaand* aeario

to flu* rt once to 817 Mein street aridbuy -a beautiful diamond Christmaepresent and send it as a paaoa-affcrinti;.Tbe fact it, C. Gannet _ Ce. have a

full line of watches and jewelry that* enexamination will convino* you they are

felling at the lowest prioes.Wkbt. Johnston I Co., 911 Main

street.Thia it a weM-kriown finnthat is almost a synonym of liichtn >n '.

They are offering'* full line of Christ¬mas goodt.in plush goods, tine bocks,and Christmas-cards. Their stock ofbooks embraces the works of all fa¬mous authors in niisceiUay, history,travel, biography, poetry, and fiction.Sf ecial attention should be celled to

the new and handsomely-bound editionsof famous writers. They h*ve also

religious books in great number* fromthe f ens of tbe greatest writers, and

prayer-books and Bibles in differentbinnu gs. Their stock in foreign anddomestic stationery is as large as anyin the city. An inspection of theirstock will amply repay one. if in wantof anything in this line. Air the goodsare marked at very low prices and are

within the reaeh of al).

C.mitabd I MB-BB, 820 Mainstreet..Theso enterprising jewellersBates the most tempting finery to the( husHubs public. Watches, lockets..1.ailis, sleeve- and bosom-buttons, andall the charming bijouterie whieh the

ingenuity of the goldsmith and thelapidary can fashion for the pleasureand ornament of society. I Hi,, whereshall we lind the money wherewith ts[.ratify our taste? We pity the over-

ilesirous whose purse is thin. Selectwith taste and prudence, accomodatingyour wishes to your means. If youtiny hut one plain trinket, andfeel that that is all that youshould buy, that trinket will afford>ou as much happiness as does themost costly ornament in the house to

fie BOfSOS who ia aftle to buy it. Sn

teing and so leaving each confining.fl fancy within the pale of his bjbbb* ¦

ill of Qed.Std I Moses's visitors tins,'hristm.ta will be happy, and they willprofit by them. But this store ts n

rroat temptation.it is so brilliant, so

Motanting. Yet if Wa are never

empted where is thc virtue of resist¬ing temptation'. So try Goddard IMoses for presents, fur rings, amirinhsts. and necklaces. French clod,.-,ihcrww.re, and the more solid hh<1OS-w fabrics that try men's purses.

A. Antoni, 1105 Main street..AadOtS Hie little busy b*«Improve each ablnlag boor,

l.i^i-'.. ise do ) on Hf Antoni.With boney from lu* bower.

Ah' here, ladies, ia concentrated theinpound essence of al J that is sweet.\en thct greatest sweat of all. fait

a omen. >s here. The} know where toind the Lest confections, ami eonae-

juently po t«> AittnnrV Here, chil-ires, you may feast yo ir eyea ami yourtomat us. too. Also, von can arni f ml

ronjp yourselves for thc grand fusiladeind " gall.bastiBg" clang, and clatter-tang, ami launder of Christmas.emita Chins has duly made his jp-

ryesrsace at tb. store. Of course hebas. And we'd like to know what

1 uncial hubbub would drown your¦mud cl a'sli of anns- or arrest your fes¬tivities! Ko*childrsn,we ain't tobeinti rn:pted by such contemptible things(hat unduly <Ji--tiirb less composed andlelAnoatested people than you and weire ! There are fruits and candies andreworks, including cannon-crackers

a fact which von will assuredly an-Bonnee to the public. Thees are greattimes for girl* and boya. Above all,Antoni's candies (his own mala-), he is

selling at wonderfully reduced rates.

Lght pounds of tandy for a dollar.think of that. Bat you must visit An¬toni to be ss.sued.

8. W. DaBWOOB I SOB, Governorstreet..li all of Vanderbilt's weal.1 wei, mina,Ansi I vi antci lo furnish mj hawaie verj

line,ToHarwood 4 Bon'* I'd straightway go,For they keep tb* baal furniture there,

you know.

Yes, 8. W. Harwood .V Son do keepa well-selected stock of furniture. W hatthey liav is generally useful, ta.-;tefulwithal, and always nt moderate pures.They bell'.ve in i|iiick sales and sinai!pronta. They are olfering, not for a

period of "thirtynays," atgrestly-re-dui cd prices, faacy tables, chairs, cab¬inets, lounges, and the like, just suitedfer the holidays. Mr. Harwood, Sr.,is one of the finest judges of furnituic.ard we understand the son isa " hipof the old block." They not only sellfurniture, but manufacture some of thefinest ami most durable in quality.Take a t hnstmas lounge at Har-oods',ami you will sever regret it.

S. H. II vw ES, Eighteenth and Carystieits..How iiiipic will thal family ne.Which round the hearthstour tlrawa

W h> 11 m m. irate burna cheerfullyTb* ....!.: Boram Baw**,There ia little comfort for Christmas

without fuel. The tires BBUSt bc keptburling bright, and around them thefutnily wi51 gather lor the innocent andleal aajoyssent of 1 briatinas. Thcbiautie- of thc BOSSOS will be lellcetedand re-iefiectel by their cheerfulvvaimth. Mr. Hawes is a gentleman olrare lategrity, and when you ordetfrom hun you nay re-1 aaBUtsd he willsend you jual what lie announces... Chitsiiias fm]," Lbj in a goodlunary in time, aba youl holidays wilsurely not lc happy.

Lol 111 KT ,v Co., 5i'5 east BrOBtstreet..

I'. 1. \ ant bi the Inv aol lon new.vv tn 11 alva* lo ever] mau

Tb* righi to bay bl* tiirimuttI |s>n tie instalment p un.

Ba you believe, dear reader, in thasymbol of good luck, the horseshoeIf you do not you are the great e»

ccption. We aic not yiven ourselveto any kind of superstition, yet we havgtcat regard for the hor.-.eshoe. Kotbeiis an exemplification of what thiI edal proteitive lor quadrupeds can dfor man. Ile has placed himself withiit.made it his Hade-mark as it were-and what good fortune has his coming nc

proved to thc good people of this foyHe -ells line turn miro an.1 ho.isefurnislmg goods of latest styles, both for eas

11 and ss the instalment plan. How manI nor. but hard-working, people has h

11 not enabled by this instalment plan t' j make home comfortable and at th

J same time *ave up much ol' their earr¦

- f Rothert has os hand for the hoi. days household comforts that wil! sn

CnHi the moderate and plethoric purseFail not to give this store a call.

. -

J. A. GBioo, I'ace Block..Her little feet ot fault lea* mould,

1 Sra ate.Mt tovaty to baboldhair Cinderella. « ,. ure told,'Pies*.id 'ustsuch a pair-I _iulv ey 111 rn, U n aU and small.I |*tn ihegroiiud they lightly fall.Like taniwha te* at an eltiu bau,And leav. no imprint ther*.

i Yes, but Giigg it aldo to lit her M 0- any other man." He is a man of grei, iindtr,^tunUiii:), and you should consul' j him at this season ; for if you desir

to keep on thc best footing with sociutj your feet must be well shod, not ordfor their comfort and the protecHon of your health, but also fotheir comely appearance. Grigg wilput you juat upon that looting. Htladies' shots for bad weather, mis,,.,

j and chi ld len's walking-show, heavy

.ole boots, and voahem tn all atyle*.then his Bloater stecksftw Meo.chel.en:-admiration. WoMwuvandlbia worthygentleman. We are not positively «n-

formed that Cinderella's fairy thooswere manufactured by Grigg, but we

repeat that be ono alt as pretty a foot

aa Cinderettae. And we wish to Baythat there raj CbristmM fMt and Christ¬mas shoes M well as Christmas headsand hats, and months and lips: anddon't omit the shoes, whieh are at the

very foundation of all good and excel¬lence.

tivvENri i Minor, opposite the post-office..It In nai«aaotMi drugs tbev do deal.V\ hlrh In th*- ami are intuntleil to heal.Per He bright Christina* Hade, lu a slock

they havetaM.TI.Ht to artistic taste doth appeal.As the holidays approach Messrs.

Owens A Minor announce that theyhave a new and fine stock of fancy odor-and toilet-cases, powder-puffs, puff-boxes, bisque figures, and a full line of

fancy and toilet articles, and everythingche usually sold in a drug-store, all ofwhich is offered at thc very lowest

puces. This young and energetic lirmis fast building up a fine business here.They are go-ahead, steady business¬man and der*erve sucooss. Call and see

w hat they oller for tHiristmas.

Bknhhkim A BtPiriii R, 010 Mainstreet..Although comparatively new.

this linn is already recognized as one ofthe leading clothing-heuses in the State,comparing favorably in point of stylesand fashions with New York hotfBM.Crest care ts taken in thc manufactureOf their clothing, and unlike much ofthe ready-made stock sold in smallersn ts. that sold by Bcndl.eitn 4 Bro¬ther will be found to be equal in manyraapecta to garments wade to order.Not only is their stock ono of tho largest,but thc assortment is complete in everydepartment, and. best of al!, goods sold

l.y them, they say, will turn out as re¬

presented. Don't delay, therefore, butvisit their attractive store before thcrush.

W. i>. Blair A Co., 1100 Maintreat.Tba custom of thc tune-hon-

Oied 'nm is at all times to k*3p abreastsvith the nire ; to stock their establish¬ment with every 'essential to the house-kilter's larder or the epicure's taste,'i be most improved condiments in beau-liful and tempting packages aro foundkino by aide with tba original, unadul-t< t Veil, ard incomparable Virginia hainCordials, cheeM, potted goods, cannedgoods, sherries and cooking-wines, Cali¬fornia and other wines, their colcbratedbrandt of Montrose and "li* Select"whiskeys, together with everything ap¬pel taining to a first-class grocery.What will make a man so self-satis-

lied Hs a full supply of all thcaa arti-jlcs whit h ate calculated to please thepalate and asMiage the cravingsof appe¬tite? livery one can be satisfied inrbis regard bj making a selection atW, !'. P'.iiir | Co's. Their temptingdisplay ol CbristmM cheer is ali thatcan be desired ; and, in fact, your holi¬day preparation will not be corcploteutMOM you give them a call. If a

pi aentfor a friend is desired, nowherecaa you obtain articles more aootptablethan at their store. <>i\e thom a calland be happy.

I.. Wai-nkb. Sixth and Broadstreott..He'll eoap and perfume von befi.reiiand.To prepare rbrtbefeaai a ml the ball;

Ami ss In n ul! is o er he'll he riH.lyTo J .si, son ss lier, er sun call.Mr. Wagner has knowledge of a great

variety of subjects, not the least ofwhich i to attend to his own businessand nm a first-class family diug-store.He cornel forward at this season witharticles .-niteil to the holiday trade.See hil nani little family niedicine-ihe.-t, bis freeb slock of Map-flguret,perfumery , plato-, hand-, and stand-mir-rora; you x\ ill like them.

WiELIAMA A FORD, corner Kourthand Broad streets..These gentlemenbase a full line of boots and shies,satchels and ti miks. They can suityoung or old of cither sex. No ladyor gentleman should just now be in-differently shod; and what on earthcan make a fine dress or well-titlingsuit presentable unless the feet are wullfitted with handnomely-iiiade shoes or

boots ? The first look you have of anyuni i,n meeting is at the face, and next

at the foot. If both are pleating-, thefirst impression il good, and that is a

great point gainod. 'I he face you can

make yourself, the shoemaker make-the foot. A word to the wise is enough,

Hm -Kim!.!. Emporium, 533 Broadstreet..The wonders of the world willnever cease. They seem to be multiply¬ing day by day : and as we stand befon

| this store, who.se windows are re

splendent with enticing household gOddiI of every kind for holiday presents, wt

are compelled, by force of convictionto add this to the number of wonders

j Think of it, children ; and you of limit¬ed meant, think of it! Here it thiplace you may niter without a dollaiin your pocket, and, in company wit!the wealthiest, purchase the best thistore altords. v. es, the Household Fmporii in u a wonderful institution, amoilers ont- of the largest, uni at thisame time one of the cheapo**, ttaeklof holiday goods in this citv. Thinatue talla just what kind ol goods an

kept there, only you must see the Empariah* to appreciate their style and ex


Fbemh I Chink, 15o'» Maistreet, oller, at their .. headquarters foChristmas presents," everything thatiusually found ut a first-class book au

.stationery establishment, together wua great variety of holiday goods in thway ol' books for children and bookfor grown people, together with Chrislmas and New-Year cards, albums, pitHires, nritin<,-dcs.,s, work-boxe-. an

games for children, toys, and maaMBtnstruments. Tau will lind it to youinterest to patronize these young nieat this season.

Jackson's-, 803 Brand street..1this establishment doesn't make greipretensions it is all the more worthy ccommendation for its very excellei

,stock. Here you lind all thc useful an

j, charming furniture to set oil the tabl, and adorn the feast. There are chin

toys. Bohemian-glass toilet-seis. sase

, Ac. together with decorated china dir,. ncr-, tea-, and chamber-sets. The won

,. inM achivemeuts of art in fashioninI j day into multiform and eviiuisit

-hapes gre indescribable. Jacksomakes a charming array of these trumphs of genius. They are ntjaJrithjladapted to Christmas pledges of thbest feelings of the heart. See his mu-,}

j stock.

Wii.kum H.TATUM, family jjroceill Broad street, invites all "to com

j and price his line stock. Mr. TatutJ has had great experience in his line <t j business, and housekeepers will lint here a great many things just suited te their wants, and Imiti that it is th

place to equip themselves for a Christmas of rare enjoyment.

.1. EL Vai.kntink, 1408 and )53Main street..A valentine announcement at Christmas would at first seenrather paradoxical. The announce

. j nu ht cf this one, however, is moi

proper, rn addition to a general stookof siK-ttXi good* always on han-l, ho is

ottering <wre shaw-caae* for Christina*at manufacturers' pnosa. There itnothing tike properly displaying; your|i«odo. It is the next best thing to ad¬vertising them .in the Dispmtsh. So now

jg the tmie. and this the ri**0 to '" ire

yr ur show-cases.

II. A. Catlin, Florist, Office No. fiXfatbtereet; Green-houses, 72d southLaurel street,.At last we have flow-erf.iloar. lovell Dower*.that makethis world beautiful and that typify alltbe ages and all the virtues, and aro

brought in to grace all thc vicissitudesin life from the cradle to the grave.What oology can we oller you that couldfie extravagant. But what is the usc

of praising what is above praise. Pearflowers ! ye rob misery of her dolor,ye diminish the pain of toe sick-bed,and ye adorn all festivity and ye illu¬minate all joy. What would tin-worldf>e without ye?

Catlin is an energetic florist. He haswithin tbe year built SSlasaive green¬houses, ami is prepared to furnishflowers for Christmas, New-Year's re¬

ceptions, and at acy momert you willcall.

T-fttlTifTT L. Tod:), corner Sixth andClay streets..No ene knotts betterthan Charles L. Todd how to select astock of plain and fancy groceries thatwill moet tho demands of O-riStasaabuyers. Long experience hac taughthim exactly what will suit tin people.His present stock embraces everythingin the grocery line calculated tc pleasethc most fastidious. Hz has thc solidsand the tweets and the necessary con¬

diments to make your larder a tking to

envy. He can, in fact, furnish all thatis necessary to enable you to have an

old-fashioned Christmas. Give him a

call and Le satistied.

N. Klkin. tils east IfSad street,has a fine stock of Christmas good*.In addition to stove* and tinware.tndwhat is more oaeful in a Louse thantinware'.he deals in bouee-fut-iahroggoods generally. Herc you can buy a

great variety of articles that are .tefulas well as ornamental.articles that wil!not be simply unsubstantial remindersol the holiday Reason, but void abidefor a long time and always ba handy.And now, dear reader, we have con¬

cluded our rounds. We trust, if our

.-c ry has not interested you. that atleast we have gives you sonic informa¬tion. The Dispatch wishes you a merryChristmas and a happy New-Year, forIII} sf If.

" I pray tlieeitem, inlier. I have don* tbe* worth) ser¬

vile;Told th** nolle*, med*ao mi*ta klnat ten -iWithout or grads* 01 grumbling*

An Insane Mother's Awful Dei <l.

An olympia (Washington Territ fl

specieI says: Web.eadey atoning, at

Long Braille, about eight miles fromthia place, a deplorable event occurred,i «s ot which was received here Wed¬nesday night. Mrs. Miner, a relative nfMr. l'avnl Chambers, has for some timemanifested symptoms af insanity, and,BCCOfdiog tfl report, eba Tie dav eve¬

ning saturated papers with coal-oil and distributed them aroundthe house, telling one of her chil¬dren, in response to a question, thatshe was wetting them wi.h water.

Farly Wednesday morning she madea remark that she was about to

destroy the whole family, anti her hus¬band, fearing that she was about to at¬tempt to take hi- life, proceeded to puther out of the room. Un opening thedoor be discovered that the bona* was

in flames. Reaching ihe front doorwith one of his children, be found itlocked ami the key removed. He ran

to the hack door and found it nailed up,Finally he and his li*tie daughter suc¬ceeded in escaping through a window.Both wi rc badly burned. The unfor¬tunate mother, with her four otherchil-dien. was burned to death. The sur¬

vivors were taken to the residence of.Mr. Chambers for medical treatment.

Moonshiner* I upinred.A Chattanooga Special -ays Sunday-

night last Marshal- Chapman and Mi-Corkla left thia city for the point oaLookout mountain where Cnited StatesMarshal Kellett was murdered bymoonshiners. Monday morning theyreached the spot and dh.OVSrad smokei-suirlg from the crevnes in the rock.Tracing its toniice ihe officers un¬

earthed a .-till-hoiise and found the oc¬

cupants engaged in making a run ofmoonshine whiskey. The Outlawswere taken by surprise and madeno eirort at resistance. After securingtheir prisoners the officers inspected thepremises and found a good supply of mashand whiskey on hand. Twenty-eightthousand gallons of beer and 300 gal¬lons of whiskey were emptied into themountain gulches. Three large copperstills with caps, worms, and appur¬tenances were destroyed. The officersthen turned their attention to the cap¬ture of the murderers of Captain Kel¬lett, and yesteruay aeres men. sup¬posed to have bein implicate 1. Betearrested. <'nc. supposed to be thelingleatler. is still at large, but officer*aro on his trail.

A . '..ss., .,, I'urBKrupti.Iii .si ,n (Hube.,

When Hun. If. If, Omni!!' heard tin:glut ions news his countenance lightedup with a classical smile as he exclaim¬ed " Urines capitibn.s suis rapici-mus.(we have yanked them bald-headed).as Ca sar remarked on the dayhe overcame the Nervii! "




A NATURALSick-Headache and

Dyspepsia CureIN AMERICA,

Ita ciyatailired salts, as extracted fmagrapes and fruit, a most wonder:from Natures laboratorv. Have !t Tn youlhome* aud travele-a specific foi tb*.aa.Iweary, or worn-out. lt cii'vs tick-beadache,dyepepala. stomach-aud bowal-e g.plaint; removes biliousness, stimulate* Ckliver to a healthy aciiu:i. counteract* th«effects of Impure waler and tue exceesiviuae of alcoholic bevi-rugee. and prevent* t hiabsorption of malaria. Suppiie* the systeuthe weat of sound, ripe fan:.



Beware of imitatlona. The geuulue lr"blue wrappers only.''**-Bend for clretilara to G. KVAN'i

VITCH, General American Manager, Posto.fice Bex 19«». New Vork city.Mention ibis paper.Sub-Agent* for HAL-MUHCATELLE nv

Die foiiowiuK di uggm'.i: T. Roberts BaketPowhatan E. Dupnv. 427 Broad streetJ»*ee Child. Third and Main; K. H. M. Harr son, Broad ami Eoushee; Polk Miller JCo., 900 Main; ll M. Hhelld A Co., Plftltnd Marshall: ii. W. I-rimer. Soo weat MarLhall; William li. Booti. Seventeenth amlianklin; A. A. Booti. Twanty-flfth ambread; Owen* A Minor, apposite poal-offloe-94


i>-a--ut r*n_-*««wnui

A arrIIOR^BALEM-;**^R***u~^By J.Tbompson Brown A-Oa..

Heal Mtal* Agent* u>l Anttliwiecr*,1118 Main at r.-e i.



i Ia Chancery Court- nfJohnson * executors jL .f nVhmo.i.1.

MBliist {isscnv. enterarl DwJnhuton and of*. ) .,.,,..,. .Jp ,a*,9.

By virtue of the above decree, tbe under¬signed, special conitiia*sl<»n..r .hereby ap¬pointed for the purpose,win proaaM toad,on

FRIDAY. Dkckmbbh IS, IMS,. 14 o slick I'. M., tin above property. Iielr.gTWnLOTHof SI feet each, villi a denni ofabout t :r. feel to an alley, coin int m-lug '41feet from Hie sou thweat corner of Cary andl'lne*treeUi and fronting together St feeton the eolith line of Cary between Tines idLa arel alice m.Tr..<a*: One fourth cash; lalnnce In six.

twelve, and eafhteea moa th* n tores t ad'l-etl. and title retained until all Hie perena***-ninney ia paid and a conveyance ur-lcred bythe.nun. K. M. M. Ul IRK.

Coiniiilstloiicr.J. THOMItSOW Hiuisvn A Co.. Aueiioneeru.

JtamMBt Exr.ccri.hs. PLAINVIPVB,lOAMI .Ii.iin-on AN*> AiJt.. Dr.ncarn-AV'ls, IN lill rB a BUBB I O'.IKTOK TUBCM v Ol Bu llMosi-:I, Bet niiiln li Bern clerk of sa'-d court.

0 rt tts that Hie bond raqalrad ol UM ape-cml coaiuiiaaioner by UM Beera* In sadians.-o. Deeember lb, Ds8D, has beeudulygist ll.Olsen tinder my hand '.lils 121 h day of

1 I-, .ino i, ItM,BENJAMIN H. BKRIIV.

de lt Clerk._

Ai OTION SALK <»F PLOBfD VOtaVRORB..I will sel? nt my eton

KRIDAY.at 1 o'clista shari. J*, barrels rn

choice t-LoRiDA OHANOEU. AH dealersins lied lo atteml.

K. Pi >W fe.E's Agent,do iy.jt« mu .-ait Main - .

By E. B. Cook, Auctit'iieer.No. 24 Mnth stree*.

LTkN!TI KL, "lc!.TO-DAY, ATA io o Hock b ll! sell nt hiv lure a larreMtortmenl of Dice PnRNrrCBK umbraeWK KARI OR nii'l CBAMKEU Bl IM and

oil.er articles III Hie huu*eke.-pl'iclane;'] mw HOME BEWINO MACHINICIn unod oater: S mists DATES; birr-'KM.i.lsil WALNOTB. KB COOM,

de ls Auctioneer.

tl 4 I lOlt IH« LEW-tn I ll re buy*.

By l ni i..-I n Tupper,Heal hs».i> Agent ami Aiirtleueer,

lois Maui stied.

pOrninSSfONEtvi BALI OF AV ROUSE AND UiT'iv THK W'iRl'ilSH K OP OBLKANB KTRKET KKfsVKKN.HURD AND FOURTH s, IRK I; rs. HOCKKTlt-i Uv i il'< i-ni it I. cn-eiit Hu-Clninc---> Coori of the fi', ol Blebmood In nie

-nit ni Basan, by. Ac, rr, Basan aalenteredon the win day of Decambar, ihw,h.. nmi. r-ignt-.i.t i-eisi rommUatoaer, willMil ai lin'..!-¦ ruc1.1ii, on theprembjes,on

WI- DNEHDAl , lu CBUBBB BS, !*»»al K oe ok P VI. il ai HOD8R mil LOTruin Hm: atu¦ 111 lt Ct et on the north UaeoiOrleanattreel between Third and Koomistreet* and having a depth ol *o feet tn a

io-li ii,i ii ley. The iii-Hiu. s.s of thia in..; riki tbe cellar-is ni ks ma ken tl s al ililli!.- iis liii

inst stint IIITbbus: i'in-Um'.! eash. and the bs

In bIx and twelve months purchaser givingBaB itinl.le nolea for aaine. bearing 8 Ptent. Interval from from dav ot sale, andlite retained till all th< purchase-money liI :i 'i .uni deed ortlen il by the Coart.

i.KOROE I. Iloui'htt Ii:..sp.-, m: c. Dmbwloner,

Fcbhab Tarran, Aoetloneer,b us, ac ki aim iic A'iaiubtRa*

¦ AN AM. Als.. I ,' I I s | V >. | . -I ¦; nilin sm ms 1.1-1: i ,o run Citv or BunS o.N ll,I, Benjamin li. Berry, clerk of m J cou ri.

certify that Hie bond required of theep*con ii Uaioner i>y the deere* n the -a .1r Hi-' ..' i-o- nu fl ll. I -'. '.», Leen

¦lu s .- veli.i.is.i, nm!, i my I.ami Ins lt'.th .Liv ..f,, inbel ls--.


SI' Bo, ISO KABT 1UWAD BTREET.liss li u t removal and change of bmol Mr, ll. Joel l will sen as ahove.com-in. cing

SATCBDAY Nil HITat 6o'clock, ami eontlnuing nightlyblt Block ta disposed of :i nif.-a-s.ni nen t ol


embracing many anlelea for Cbrlttmatpresent*,which can t»- bongbtai a greatMcrinci E. B. COOK,

.le ls- -I \.|,-" lo let i.

ly Kum,-in Tupper,Heal Kalala ak- ni ami Au.; ora Br.

1010 Main street.

CALK I'.v. AUCTION OF BKSIR \-0 BL* OAMBLI s HILL DWKLLINdNo. S1U MM 1 ll MU Kl II sI'Kr.nr WI III-IN HALF a BUJ ARK OF THK PARKi ss in se ii> auction, on the premlsee, on

TUE8DA1 lu i siiir.K M. ISM,Bl 4 O'Clock- I'. M. the iii.use PR IBERIAThe iii us. as seven roo u« and withlittle outas could he nut in ttrst-elaa*or>der. The lot flouts 20 fi-12 feel liv 1Thia mIc should attraci Iheattantlon ol

lartieBseeking a good investment or thia**anthill* a pl.-ii sa nt nonie lu ii ile, mn tl ul im-1Impros ii ii localltj.'Iikjin: One fourthcaah; Miance is\.

twelve! ami eighteea month*, dinote*secured bj g deed of trust, t percent,Interest added. H RMAN hiter.de Hi lr 18 20AB2 Auctioneer,

By Oeorge W Mayo Auctioneer,(Jno, K. Km !.llm Jr., Balesman,)

No 2H Ninth street,

KK< l.l\ KU'S SALK OF THK PBR-sm sal ffrctb 'jk his«i rachel

Mi DON VLB, KM! ABED, v r AUCTlo v

As reet is. i i-i the estate "i Mi*< R, McDonald, deceased, I will aril ai auction, rn

ssh BOAT, nu Kn ii in-i av i.

Bl 1 1 O'clock ii! Ul* -.if Vlr. .. E. An¬il cl M. t: weat Cary atteel near the tj cor-

l '.rale lui i- i. peri ol the PERM! iNALPROPERTY, consisting ol ll .1 HKHOLDFURNITURE BEDD1NO. HTOYE-J, mdleans mlacellaneoua arl de*.A laritf lot of KfttlALIAH for different - -

eleUeeandCLOTHINU will ba sold at theauction-house of tienrge Vi Mayo No. 28,Ninth street, on MONDAY thetut.ai IOUo'clock. C. R. H VNDs.deli R.



Block. Fixture*, ami Hood-Wi ll ..r a

ROAD-STREET CONPECTIONEBY.mos doing :i sr.1 basin***.

.1. THOMPSON BROWN a CORea! Estate Anet

de D',ll ins .Main ttreet,


L'DR U KN . g*So tatt Rot¦ketisair.-et; FACTORY.No, 111 nm tn TwMI] -n nilli at reel.Bo, tot i.-ifii Fourth Krat t.So. li'^s noriii loiirth sue"*.No, «i4 north Beventh ttret i.No. 420 south Laurel stn BiNo, t-24 Noutii Laural street.No. si2 | south 'Hurd street..m. tit sm s' linker street.No KU'S ss est Clay street.A| Dil IO

MANRINO c. stai'I.i.s | ..

.I, lt-a'aBnsi nm vi Hu


SMI Marshal ttreet. now uctupled h] MlKoli A. -ss.ail modern - '¦ ppljpu-iiin.es. or 10 ll li. PELOU7.L. 101 (io..el nor si net. _de 17-8

I70B BEKT, THAT COMFORT-dfjI AKKE ANK DRSlRABLY-LOBalCATI D RESIDENCE, No. 200 corner olCrace nud .leCJeraoti s:ieets. font..nine r.-oii.s. eal .- . en, Large lol 'ii

lBflie-i urn! s'ah'e In real. Por nnezptradti rm. rani ul'. $'" pei month. Appij

IOI1N T.OOBDIN.u-ai Estate Ag. ni

litliil* and Kif s, i,til sm. ts.

CHjB BENT, THAT DESIRABLE djA ANO CONN ENIERTLY-LOCATEO BMIlKBIDENCE No. 1 .'. non Bcoota lalntseven rooroi bath, Ac., ::i goodreyaii rent -. :y low. Apply to

JOHN i Oi DD INReal Estate Agent,

di 18 ll Bank and Eleventh street*.


sTOBK, Hiu, COMPORTARLI DWELL-INO above, No. Sit Mal Broad itreel I

; LEK STRAUS-ic Ko, ui: .vinni Kfret-t.

170B HINT. THAT CONVE-dfJI NIRNTLY-LOCATED DWRLUNOBMNo 221 Mas ii street, containing tit roomsbeside* detached kitchen with two roooiaKent st rs rcuMinahie. Apply to

.lOtiN I. (.ODDIN.Ri il imitate Agent.

Bank and Eleventh sire.!*.de l-'eoilMt

lihim k intuit.i alira H t UH.


To insure tl >. above in a PURE state am1the REALamcle. parties shouLt addrea*

JAMES A. PRAZIERRockbrtdge Aluin Spring*. Va.


tUTTON-MltlU Btt.AI.. 4111. 4 IKE. Ac



Cuni.-est on:>. and ia auy ouanllty.WILLIAM N. HAXALL

de6-2m Ballimo. e, Vld.

Al 4 MOB »*l.r%.miers rt* I*rs


By George E. Crawford. Auettewtor,MSI Haul. *tr«et.


BIDE OE DCVAL STREET. HKTWEKXEl BUT AND HT. .IAME-1 BTREKTM. TDKLOT ERoNHNO SOPKKT ANO RCNNI.NllHACK 111 KELT- Cy virtue of a decree of'Richmond Chancery Court In tbe suit ofWhitlock, An., n. Rawson Ac. ealat.1 1>"

eOBtbtf ia, 188*. th.' undersigned.a**pnolAlrunt in isslnnere. will nell the arHive-inen-

tioneil ritUPB-TT.al i.nbllcanction.onWEDNESDAY, DBt'BBBBBgt, 1889,

at 4 o'clock P. M.. on Hie premise*.TxKMf: one third eosb : balance at six

nnd twelve months, Internet add.st from day©feole. J. W. ANDERSON,

M.. .All ALLAN.Hpeolal Commissioners.

Wuitiotk amii Wrr*:, Pur istiffh.Ai.Aissr Raws.i^ ano ais., Daraan*am. ls tub Chabcbbt Cockt ok tueCn v of Riciit tn.mi.1. Heiiiaiiiin H. Kerry, olerk of auld

Bowl certify that tb* bg.a raqa.ad of 'nc

opecl*!eomml.looei*by the decree in said.luise of ISth Dei-ember, 1885, ha* b«ellduly g'veti.Given under gay hand thia Duh day of

¦December. 18AVBENJAMIN H. BB.RT, Clerk.

de 17_By Par..a Tupper,

Heal Estate .Baal and AactlOBBtfiISM Main street.


.1..!.. 0, LAWRANCE. ON THE HK'»\D-B'tt'lv BOAD IN THE COUNTY OP CHEM-THitEIELD. T\t<> AND A II V LP MILE"*ERDM THE C!TY OP MAN0H-8TER.-I'.v vlriueof a ilctl of |IU*I executed liv I.L. il. lawrence :«> tue undersigned.dat*Lee'inber lt, ISS4 mid r.ibri In theI'he-.tertli td t milty Court Clerk « ellice indeisi-book 7(t. pane i:.7. default Savingbeen mad* lo la* payment of the nun ofItoe,tl.rain **tur*d sud bains r*ou**t*d«o to ito by h.- i*-n>" < utrte* holding antlerkiviii deed, I siiHil -.-il b} kaeUoo, on Hiepienn-. | n

'I III lf-l>AV itt-, kmi.ki' gf I"-»t ll ..-loci; A. M., the followlag PROPER¬TY H-. lied to ll said deed

l I ii or Stove, I Open Ha (gTi i Doubl*'irtii .'Iiiitess. i.iuh' Single Haraees, I

Mernie-'lop burra Barbie-Top .Vu-i-atand I do/, n Choirs, i Rocklng Chaim 'tled lead*, ll I-. Plow, 3 Shove., I Mad¬dox. I Grab Moe. --V 'ce. I Clock. 8 Mir-rms l atnrble I'op'i.¦'.'.-. 100 yerda IngrainCarp*t.fltalrCerpet, Ru* Carpel l Ixmnxel !oi fro her. ,i nH ind Pork*. KaroseoeHtove I'l.iui-is. Hpriug Wagon. I Agrtcal-turill Mi.I. <l i'h '¦>'- I Co vs Wain.lt Un¬it hu V\ n'mii Stand, 4 B

i ic- Eaayand at sale.MAN Tl ii'Et:

dais__ Tmatse.i yr eampaofl * Adamaon,

Beal .itat* AnetionesraandInauranee Acant*,

sis Bull -.> k t Mi h. hatti r. v...


| cuud ic J. T. Jewetl to thetn.-tees tb. flt lab 1 ti lober 16 1884univ i... rdi.' Coori of the.-ny of Mai el catt r, n .1 H ok, V n tm '¦

page SW Land thi ¦'. .tutu n Novembi rit iskj oleo n id. d ti s.d ortlee, l>- i-B.M>k. Volume pose 7i."«. iibeei. inau! .nt'.r ..!ti.in bondsa cured bel n, ind bell

V lb* M ¦! li Klllltllttg I Ililli Ci: i

nf the .'vi.¦¦ -.

WEDNEEDA) li., t '.ci lt BS I

;it 4 o clock !'. M.. thal VEK'i DESI llNEW Hitit K RESIDENCE, containttlKlllt Vevell H 'til* t'.«, |OI OD

at bli .ti tho nott id. nf HainBtu! I'm. ifIBS fe* Ic ltsttraci iva on t corni lenee*

.! nly ci.' Ht. ¦!.

li - . ..

'II-!.' * I'lllill ¦>. lo ¦Vt ell 0. Bl

i i ir Inti rest froV. WI BK

.I til' UV LI i,C. C. M, 1.


de 1 :

.. ut man Ti!

ion Ma ti itreet.

rfRl ST I E'S S tLEOJ 1 WO-STORY1 tr RAM* CEN KM EM No Ul.Lf\ Ai. si kkk Bj virtue of a Itiiist, i ated bjv. fe, ic l-i' imf

ie ol lt.. inn.'Court, D. H. eil i


In tbe payihem ic l*t v. 1 si....:

m 4! ¦'. clot i: P. 'i the above rred-I'KOi'KRTl.t..... .ute is.

eof I

> il

:. nd Uguie,11-1 -i Cash j- ¦.

note for tl 7<,i qc* aa mm".h.i I at aa

T. TOPPER, JH..Tlit r. de 19


deed ..; ns- -. ci :. d to h* tm leiii RJI ilMuNn VIKi.IMA V. OGLE:

MILL on .li ly 1884, and rc le :n tl.Ciel k's ii. Ik it ol Helli.co .-uni ly Vu.. I- lngrequested thereto ny the hoi di ra ol

eb indDiet ..c. pa ¦' I.:!.

M., on1 ill RHDAV. v\. v "v B, I --.'.

¦ p hill ¦ '" on, on tbe promts. -.

lb. entire I'LANTol the ds st Dgol .i LOT OP GKO M'ly of H. tu leo, ad oinlng Hie

cl ...:. ol i.. tl I ll.'..llml -' l-c, ACKEH

itory Brick-and-Wood M ll Bui ia m i'.- feet, m th tln-moi andand-lron Bolli r house. 18 ¦¦.'. al -

or twreu ¦.. ^.n -

glne oi - power Btei Boiler; twos. iv.it go Inch Cards; tblrlj broad Looms;

ii. om-ly ll. vv Hud ,1, tlls.1

ion ti it thepoi leta lied tn

iv tpply Io P. IL U VHKEKV'tlrotary, Cost uffl ¦* Itt th. no td, Va.


it.- l-l i s tl i vl\-j 83 j" lan l 5,8.1 .,15.18 j -. IB 88-181



Ky \ 11. .. i.i de re* if i he I'ln lit Courtof the cot il of Louisa Inthi H neof Vu'-

:¦ .ii ir.I .'ii the ¦- 'ih dagot .

court of the style ol " How nd. vvlisi ,.st ,. gi, ,..i,' rio '-'.I m:

Corni ..i.'coi mba pointed for lievt III ..!:..! for -a'

C' urtbouee, v ni.ii

MONDAY Iam vf.-, ll. 18861'Hi. -LATE Hil.I. GOLD .MINK

i EB OlLAN! i


rul w^v,r i ci ..f

in* property ria* up >u :tk>-

lo ii bv Lite- Brother!ouu tbe adjoining ..!¦>['¦ oust I-


¦rn h|s'. men of the ore

lytl.i bo an.ia

bondi v..in approved peraonal se-

¦ala, roi deferred payment*. Or,1 of Hie euri

maj be pa d In raab in* wcurl-ij in the iM.niis foi de:- ned paymeii. alliie di* p. used with, (neither case, the legaltitle will be retained by the co ul us «.j.i ,-

tioual aecnrlty until tb* purchase moneysii.ii iiuve wen fully paid and it d. ed or¬der ii bj court,

l-ni!!..-: information maj bo I by ap-Bf IO I lie comm ailoni rs, .* L tttls*


¦i|*;ciai CorniM To vi i r

I hereby certify that Ut* bond rentuvc .'

Hie spi dal mmmualouaraa ppolutedi' ri 'n thc hanoi rv au l >*ard. I -e.. ra. Tb* r-Bte-HJU Uold-MlnlniCompany rt ali on tba ISth la; ol s-temi ir ls»S and pi-tnlltui In the Wroulllouit nf -uid louniy, baa naen dnlj exeeuted i'. i; li appro i 'i aaenrlty.(liven i.n.iet- mr band thia 8th day of Pe.

cember, H85.SAMUEL H. PARSONS.Oerk.iw



and .MEKt'HANDiyE ware lu tnunclaline.l on the drat Monday In D*e*mLor, IS8*. vi/.:5i:i.:<0 I>( CCUKENCY. niarkeil Charloi


marked Thotua* Allen;S SATCHELS, containing Wcar;tiu' Appa

ret, Pistols, Watches. Brass Jewelry, arni.Miscellaiieous Articles, marked Wi lianV. Morton ;

J SATCHELM. contulnltm Wearing A pi*rel and Miscellaneous Article*, ownen

Lot of PJHTOLfl. WATCHES. KNIVES, amMlBCELI.ANKOCS AKTh'LEB. th.ownen ot which are tinkum, n.

All larsons intereated or claiming auy <>

said properly aro te.,ii'.icd lo ;..m -,,i ,

factory prtsil of Onwershlp on or b*Bsr*WEI NEBDAY. DngM«KR'J3, lss.',,

at I o clock, at which time all property (exce pt lunney then remaining lu my euatodtuncial mt-'Will he sold at public auction athe Collet. Court. U» tbe highest bidders, focash. D.C.RICHARDSON,do8-2w Police .Lillico.

alA*T«NaAfcias--rui*ira Ra**_By W. H. Lyne A tv>..

Heal Estate Agenteaad AircMooeorB.1118 Main ttreet.








In parstiatice of a decree of the Bach 'nomichancery Court, ta inaMil meroin styledTaylor, wBoeuee, tte., t Bedgwlek and

oi»," entered on Um ltth day of Deoember,1S88. the undersigned, special '-oiriruiaalniims. vs III sell by public auction, on tun

|>lell>!s«-. on


at 1 o'ci.-.-k I*, al .tin- Rt-; IL ESTATE teen.liol,i tl In said tb ree. and COOsl*tl0g]Dilust. Tin- BRICK BTORK, with dwelling

over same. No. M01 BBsg Uro. 1 Hir-,-1.fioi.ilng aiaiut 2H teal mi Broad stn ut. witha depth ot alu mt Tn ii -1. a apaelou*, tursttau-Hal Mid convenient hoUM nil ,, MOB) de¬sirable, weli-eatabllahadbualiieM standsecond. rWO-HTORY-AND-BAHEMKNT

brice DWELLING No 2"<H east Broadatreel adjoining -aid slot*, with lo aboulsn me dluienaltaiH ns the above, and MIMI a

desirable ami well-amiiigcl dwelling.Third. TWO-STORY AND- BASKMKNT

BRU'K 'I KN EM KM No 827 nor'n fa-en-tleth sr reel. frontlnK BbOQl 18 feet and hav-im< a depth of about 7ijre.-i *

I-ourtli. TWO-STORY-ANIMIAHEMENTBRICK TENEMENT No. 227v, noun ['wi ¦¦-

Beth street, fronting about l < feel and ii is

lng ii d.-pi h ot about TO Mat.r triH run BToUY- AND-BAMKMENT

FRAME TENEMENT No I north! remt eih street, fronting about :¦ '...¦' on

Twentieth afreet, and running backtl fe. t.- mii. TWO-STORY. AND ll tSRMRNTFRAMETENKMKNT No ttl north Twen-

-iii Ntuei, fronting about _.'. (Ml on1 w. nf n -ii- .-I, an running ,.

tl h. i.Seventh. Two- STORY and \-k-

V.! n r BRICK TEN EMEST NTwentieth *ir.et. Ironti lg about 18 feelami running hack ahou -.¦ feet.

i ntl i VACANT LOT fronl ni. bi "ii Um bb*i aid ol i i. tnth

street between Venable *nd mstreets.A plat ol mn ey ano.. let db

n fi - one of the »ald red I estad Bl 'i ii..¦ .-ls, le.

Tl nu-: <ine ii r-i cashequal loalallmi n's a: iii !months the purchaser to eiecut. iiable nott s tor in- d fei red psinti real a-tdi d iron .! ,j olthe inp. 11> :n-in. md

.i re to theroniralwlonertano sn ! po lc es >.t luaura

chas.-m.mes la paid and a conveyam:'. red bj Hie Court, and etui*,eel loll ... ntirn -

TA/.EWELL Kl,Li IT,HI Md '. CANNON>i.. com

VV. H. Ks sa A Co., A lion

Vis ioi:. si noV-.s-.-t -ti .v

N I-

ii s ni' Rn iibobo,i, Bel iniln H. Rei t cinrt,

fi 11 nv thal the bon .- lof.-if thi

f li th Di ce tu ber, 188given.

n tinder ms- hand i .

ll l-l is-.v.BEN.I \M1\ H.BERRY

llI.- -.ii i-oii ,v Ada

Kcal k'statelusnrsnee Vg

si Hal] - ;,-.-I m Va


BTREI K'j ki: V a

tillered alI' in 1--' .,.ault '¦ Mus .-

o -. OU

rilCRHDAY. Dtci i

M..ll, il VAM AiAND I.' i

'I i;sis One n.ni'' ll ts i, nild: we ve, ;in ', pur-

a i; p. r ci nt. Interest fruin iIhum! utTe

' I liv tuIAMKH M. PERI

H i

- 11.VST 1ii

COI l Ol THI Cl i s ..| .si s

V \.

ol' Hie lill ll.l.s ufOCtOl* I. 1---'

ll. I'. 1 si

|»M*ARTI tr*: 4»«' RTEAWRRB.



l-cUvsttlcfe ts loss, r.











GREAT mi ..isr KOUT K.IAMKHTOW n, ri ll '.\!' AND W '..:



WAT-LANDING FARES front 2V to ,1Second-clBM ne,..!* still lower.ARK Ti VV vs ,- i;i.\. .



Tl.e elegantly rebuilt and Hal itM u -

A Ri l-.K,(carr)

I. C. GIFFORD. Coin, lUllt,.ri Richmond

MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. A-... KK1DAYai 'A M. (STREET CARR C »NN1Kl LL TIME) for above-named plaoat, ar¬riving at Norfolk al 8 P. M. Returning

lout .'and Newport* Newa on alternate da a

arriving a' Richmond aiK.m. 4 P, .vi.Througn tickets o' ni,lat

Garb* r's Agency, lOoO Mum street. Ha«>aaa .. !**h.STATE-KOOils ENGAGED .OK DAY


freight received dally fur Norfolk, Ports¬mouth, Bmltbfleld, Hampton, Waverly, andiiml Hlcksford \a.; Wathiug'on. I), c.;Newla-iu. Washington, and Tarboro N,Ci Bil Station* on ai antic and Harailroad, Seaboard and Kiwuokn railroadNorfolk southern ia road, and EatternNorth Carolina Kein>r-ii;y; alto, for EnateruBtioro of Virginia, and Bil regular landing*on Jame* river, at LoWhJiT RATES, aujthrough billa lMUsd

L. B. TATUM, Superintendent,oe SO No. HOI Matu ttreet and Rocketta.



Steamer* .eave Richmond BVER1 TUES¬DAY, FRIDAY, and sji N'UAY,Steamers lease Nt-sv fork tor RiebmoodEVERY TUESDAY, Till'RSDAY, andSATURDAY Bl i P.M.

BaK.-.e:iK r BCCOIurnodatlOM uiisiir|Mt»vdCabin fare to New York (Inelodlng meak

amt berth'. 110; itu l-ti p ticket* tin.-it<e. w'.tu siii«i:steuce, »7; wlthoul

tul*:steuce. |S.Kr«"s<!'t forwarded and through billa oi

lading taned mr pointe beyond New York.Freight ri I di I P. M.Manifest Hosed 00 Mulng-dayt on* fioui

befoi-e departuie.KaaaeliK rs l.-iTi.g R ind :.y Hu

Chesapeake and Ohio ra.,-..a a' -isa M(ita Newpoits Newe) and tu-< R'.cuniom:sud l'etembuig rai road at 10:4tA. M. rn

MONDAYS. TUESDAY H. WEDNESDAY STHURSDAYS and sATKRDAYS wi.make connections at NORF'OLK with ta,tteauiers leaving tbeae day*.


December 1 *!b. at '.. o'chwk A. M.OLD DOMINION, Captain BXITB, TUES

DAY, Dei-ember Kith, al 2 o'clock P. M.WYANOKE. Captain Hulphsks, rRI

DAY, ivrember ism, at 2 o'clock P. M.GEOROE W. ALLEN A CO.. Agents.

No. 1801 Malu alieet andM K: Company t wharf. Hocketta,


steams.i.K company.

Appointed Miling days: Every TUESD.VaudFRIDAY al 12 M.. and evary SUNDAat a A. M.Freight for Tnsaday*' and rriday* steam

er* received till 11:80 A. M.; tor Sundayi¦teamer tlU I P. M. Saturday. Freight rteelved dally till B P. M.

isa*'¦HTfWiMLGeneral PaaMnger Ageut, Offio* Rocket la,. W"P. CLY DB A KO.,

BOBO General Agtn la,

Rtll noan Ult*,




RICHMOND AND LTBCHBi KU.Tbrongh Accoin- .Vgt.iMall, mottaiKm. -



INO. 1. »No. B. .n'o.*:Leave


Rlchmo'd Sn 0 A M BM P M * on r .tsArrlv*

Bootuvie U:0* AM Tn I'M |*:tg pmIfardsvl'e ll 17 A VI 8.10 I' .1 u «-, f MLynchb'a. 1«0 PM a io A MLexlna'n. SrM PB sst A MUllflOUr"* 3:3'» PM

ARRIVE BICHMON I8:00 P.M. MAIL dany U»).lfl4fA.lt. ACCOMMODATION daily (ex-

c.'j.t Sunday j.f:40A. M. NIOHT EXPKERM dully (ex.

cept B.ad.j i.CONNECTION*

At Richmond with ass-- ¦'..¦i I'ailway*and Richmond, Predarle l Polo*mac railroad; at Lynchbarg w itlrglataMidland railway and Norfo.k V ,ralln*d; atClutoa forget ".*i|».»itBand Ohio railway; at Lexington wi.j Balli¬more and Oblo ral Toad.Mreying-car altai-'wit t$ irtj ft ,-rrtl lo

l.t.' rhhurii.Train* marked t da.:, (*1 apt -tuudoy).Ticket* eold lo ill |*tlu*s. om. a: ian-,

eaal Main street. 1000 Mh.u. mu at h., g.mond and Aliegliany depot, t- ah th amiCanal stre-fa. J. B VI vfw CRIB!.

General Pasaenger aud Expr*l Agent.


LEAVE BICHBOND7:40 A.M. Throng MatieseafOSunday, < :.yiu.:i

bu lit8:13 A. M. For Sewpol a New* td Pola)

Oomfort Bud Nm. * U;iy ex¬cept Sunday.

8:50 P.M. PorNOwpof s N-..* ii i Point,and Norfolk. Except -tun.lay,

4;00P. M. R. P, st..I }. ru.n aoeoni*mod*! lon. excel Hi lal.

1."3 P. M. Eur Loo s inart,Inst ExpressCn Imai

ARRIVE BltS 43 A. M. Kr-:n E., I Iud P. J inetlaa*11:85 A. M. Prom Norfu '. and

.New,-1:40P. M. Prom local pt West.

exeeptSuiS:goP. M. Eioin o.d Point Newport's

N ,. vt« ii 1 N>. j' Bundey.

8.35 P. M. Prom I.'i. i ' Cluela.natl. Poal

Depot: Seventeenth and Hi i. l al ree te.TickeUat lOOOMankti. au I. pot,

1' W. H'M.KB,General Base* Vgent,

Wu t wt- C. Rt lt kb aKi. > dent,


St HEDI LE IN Er rn I' Bl "DAT, l'K..'l.MHEB 1NS5.

LEAVE k: hmi1:00 A. B..<Througn.| til ,,oi.

ly. -tor a v . pRichmond andh.ct.n* . ro(Kn gil. Ol |in.m4cn saiei.VlUa mid III O, | , . y ylocal |H)lii: |for Colae**'; bIho ' \ ( s#w


Pullman v -nondLoOreeni loAo«gusta v, t, andDanv letaon changi

S:SIP.B..(Throm uilw>-illie.'t-

11>. H' K-- ,. p. it u t*OB i. 1 Vfe.-tcleil-lniri{Sunday i.

. .

'.hiv u ::, VV N. C. rall-road: at Aville. Hu \,,vi. 11| 4.m- aujHouHlvv. s".Pullman H uah-

VI: ¦¦ '.¦ !l,.r.iti»Aslo'v ., j.my

s a8:45 P. M.-,Voik H dally)Sto|-* Bl td eu¬

lie.:* Ht W |S.eepl Sm ,..r totHalt. -th,

0:00 P. B..(Bo ti A lotion.dStlJ e\c lay) for Coal-7:10 A. B..(York B i rrotoTwantj '. ie,nit

daily . vi pl Mi .lay; fwv, ssl Po

ABBI VE AI 150.7:00 A.M.- Prom A labor*.

Rllle'uli. 1 ,.,[ Mlapoints iib.

8:41 A. M.-Mic,i Boa Alt(da Hy I .

10:10 A. M.-Vinni W ) Hat.tlmore hi. (dailyexcept

4 "7 P. B..Prom ¦ Allan*ta. Nea 1 ¦south*west (d

»20 P. M. Tr lg .mlay)fr>.m A

nonarOt.iras: 1000 Ma otrosit, *nr\st the Richmond and .Inroaddepot Virginia air. '

VI |.U.'ER,Oeiirra Meng i Agent,

Sol. HAAS, Tra mc Manager.E. B. Thomas. Qenera Monager. ile rt



Oommenclng BUNDA] BS,18bt, irainaon rms rt* * rolloWt I

1 RAI Nu Kt

.so. ln-avt. AiRichmond. Pel

it. ih tSA.M. '<¦ v '.lafn.48. «lO'49A.M. ll t- .'. tra a.I". ?a:48l'.M. S.-.SBU. »t:ii0I'.M. «c .. \ .i i.ist'n.lg. U:».i P.M. ll':08 I". M. J train.

TRAIN- -. KO. leave"". I'etersburg. K

41. M58A.M. 5:4-A VI Ef.tr Mail.18, ll 1" AM h.08 A tv i'i*1at'n.45. »1005A.M 103'. v M. io ni., h train,85. '18:88 P. B. Ito P, Ivi v d slat a.47 .BiOOP.B 8:00 P. M i >ugU txaia*

.Dally. tDaliyb--BTOPP1NU-

Nu*. 40, IS anti 4t .aka ii i - "pe. No.45 atoiie only on Blgl Ida 4 '

hi..I IB *t..p on i'en-traiia and Mencbeeter. v* o as. lg.aud 88 atop at a.l sui *


Ou traits No to 14 Ul he-tween B.mington -r"u. ontrain* No 40 4^ 4 17 Bleep nn-rsmbet*., u Waahlngton r.a.On trains Noe. 47 and 4- * lg car* be-tm. ii New York andTHE ONLY ALL*BAIL Ri l. I'D NOB*

LIIAVB.Bicnai'd.-l":i'.'A. v gorfog '."P-j;.Kiontn'd.' 8 4- P V n .. in P.M.Norfolk...t ii: 10 A.M. H 1 '.3 A.M.Norfolk...* B:3»A.M K ' OP. M.

Nisi ^4 and 33 .Bl "> loand from Ear:.iv Hie 1 south*weeteru points, aid :- tn*Norfolk and Weetem . .miii-

u,ti»{ dally and Nu lida Uy.* JR KENLT,Baperlntendent Of it I -,. >i tatton.

T. M. Kat.«>a,U*n*ral P*ss*ng*g Agent,Hoi. Haas. Tn.il Vi no 14


nie commencing NOVI MBEIt 13, 1888-oaaterr st*ndard I0 00 A. M.. leave* I stton

dally; s''ii*"'i gi .tsujoud.Janel m :.ricks' froml*<k* og.a.

11:07 A. M., kravatB) rd-H reel itatioo ;* -

ly ci' Sleeperfrom t .v ,,nmg.ton.

6:.0 P. M., leave*Byrd mia!.ly. B;e>-[« froiu Ja- ison vj,ato New V. li.ii! Char,leeton IO Nea ,

10:29 A. M., arrives at Byrd-Btreat .tationsally. Sloper from N-wYorsto Jae.son im Newiork to Chorleetn

2:18 P. B., arrives at Byn! s ree'stationdaily; Bt.n-* ul I n-derlcka*harg. Milfoid. au' J met ton.sleeper from Wa*ir.t'.*toa to0.aiitatoa nit f. Wash.tnat<"

9:08 P. M., arrive* ai Byrd-Htrt*! stationdally ev.'j t sun lajASHLA ND TBA '

DAIl.T kXl'KtT atrsBi4:00 P. M., accommodation, asvtfl Broad-

Street aiatiou; air.ves al .\au-ia ml at .V P. M.

« 04 P. M.. lt-vee Ell*; BITlV** at Aati-landat 044 P. M.

7:60 A.M., arrives ot Eil*; .ev.ee Ash¬land at t:4t A.M.

8 55 A. M accommodation, arrive* atBtt*d-S'tret stHiiou ; leavevAshland at 8 A. Vi

5 59 P. M., arnveeatElUa; .... Van a:, dat 5:1'4 P. M.

C. A. TAYLOR, Oenere. Ticket AcenLE. T. D. Mybbs, Oeueral is>iu»-r.uteni!«nt.






OotTMpoudlualy quick ttmo to otb**point*. Through h \\» of "i"v lasued otlow ra tee. C. A TAYUIB.Jy 1 Ocnrral 1 .sMtuiter AccnL