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j * ^a^aeaWTO^^^g^^g^aggg^B^g S » SSalto BI«k corns*. Item ana m fij^»!*»i».l'--% j W V- -:.-. , ..- i. I "" r ""~i»r. J . W. Randall, _o»alffiB*"i£4 Swawat 0«B* «•&?"••* * BJaES&m cu»w» etrrsta, ""A." J*r. Wkf«*4»>rr|*dP.,, ffin ataxia* atteet, AlMoa, H. T. OBM. l,.'».!Bot»er, 'aka'e " JjeBoy tt. Sanfojrdj jEu, and OmJtt».iWw- - S. 8. Spencer, J nartcE o'tie Peat! and Attorney at l i t . Office ?^*^5S^^[«!i«* Henry Aruutroag, . rtOSHBY'fo' OllttAants. Offlee, No. 31 Bar- A »»•' Block, Alblcn- *t»«ipg!f«ri.~ - nA8niosABtE~nim DRESSER end B « H I.u«nlng In the ToneoriaUln. proopiljr ex- ited StoWeM"" 1 ^ <*>*• «^ 4 U £°*V?»* 'tfVeiftnretiYoaad lmtoorator »> only M cent* Sfwff fl8««»'«r «^W,M. (fc,S?A.Otocer, H. A. Bennett.* . . . 1 si the PoatoOloC. , 0 » 8 a ^ P * I R XOS Ald& KfiSTDS OJ\PBOI>TJ0E, Ch«M.J>,.»0«*.> A 0 "" 1 «A88i HtJTUAfiUFE IKS CO. NIAGARA LITE INS CO. O^U BuKoornTr W» »<T Canal St*. AlUon ~? t"«tt. .T'tV 1 !<«•**# t«W .. ..^wieftew^SiS^«^j^^^|i^l5ft^^^i : r MpjSERIES, VOL. r .39. •*** ^ s;;sg' CBIPPLED JANE. A MOIHIK'S iiKHT Taej aalrl ate might recover, If we sent bar down to tet&oaea, But ftil U f»r the rldi men < cWMieu, and. we knew . "l'icouia notbft, 3<5irtnliT«Jathoraftl.a tho Ltnwliiafairt} F«of lad we Mi? her, d»y br (l*y, 'Grow {.&!• *«d utaottd and crook.*), UU her bat chaaco dltd an-ftj ^jidniJ* I'mdjlog and on«c xboa jou thqught ; .tbUImoan«d with JJ»1D [wMtaoaiiina jnjer to II«,cn and tWnJdJJ..ol* Folks will ba kind to Johnny j hti temper la intrry and "ight; With aa o)Qch IQTO la hiq boumt »jca and a eiurdj ttpBO of right And no one would qufnrcl wttl Suain » » ptom am meek and mild And neatly as w!t>o aaa tvu an for all the look a inch a chllil | Bat JtaowiH bowtjrd %u& t^wird ;florpo,»nct cannlnp, end hardt Sha won't belloTt tbo'a a burden, bo thankful, nor win regard, God htve meroy upon h e r ; God W h e r guard tod guide t How w(lV A^apgera bear with her, when, at tlmea, •ren 1 fait tried f Whon th« ugly Bralle at pleasure gota otor hor tt^ low face, And. UwtftsUnB of htfUh, "wr *n h.ouc*. aalclwni (iar Upgttld pate; Whon with dwaitlih itreoyth iho tltcs, and' pluoka 1 with aaolQibhftnd, Thobuileit parson n«ar hist. tol«bl heront »n lh» Jaad; Or whon ihe Blta in koma oomer, no oao'i iom pinion or car*, . Hn-ldUd up ID aoma dorUomo puuga, or croiiebod on a atap of tbe stair ; When far o0the children axe plajlog, *n<l tha birds singing load In the «x.j, And aha looks through tha cloud of her headaeh*, to —«owi atrthaojuaara^j^,, - * . . ^ S Idle—God bate pity opoo htrl—bow hippy tlch man. piuat ha 1— For Ibey a^dlbetn"|$t lure i«C0»«ed-ir wa lent bar down to tha i*>. Who Knowoth tho Heart P StiMV Snt Btilm ill »orl do»« In thi Burt Kiilll, ud on rtajoiu- l i m m uul t»Uj inH^ntw*. TEKH SXTBAdtKq WITHOUT PAIN, j. A. aiaAioBT. ilUo.. r.h- «. 1MI. j L NORTHROP DE11TI8I , NO. 64 MAIN 8TfiE BT Aibioa N Y. orar Qrorar & No6l« 8bo« Store All DOIAJ op«rmtiona latrtlited to our e*re will r»ertT« Prompt A. Corcliil Attention. Ttitb •xtrmeUd vlthomt pain \if tha QH of N YTROU8-OXSDE GAS. Df r?AjS IE, thojimtoier « » * m . Th» J bwk t Wfci thusgkt h«-<ii3tt'tidohudiitj,-,o» k»Jd h a w n u g h t It, Btttjj W»*«-. yoi/.'S* couldn't a e a »»jthmg ^t^-WM^k**.' all that yHi\t, BoV-woalflbatfe bsiHU' work, «nd wlkMiktl! IBe »ttM»o«ojfcW without a n y laot, a«dtj«'<'«l»«tCDil« a'clock catat, (Cbi'Jsjf i»o^»>ia<i^^F things Wo got oit jiMaukjiUJfc*' ploguglies »ud flzfid Up '«S'pwp& work the openot ngainst. I»» W»u r .to open - a n y wf o 4 gaoo I got a pnftlnhM with my opener. Ktt«y oun't .itia^l loogigunst.t. . ». j J "Dofor©-«o got fti work, 'QsutKiatS: TiiflAioat * 6 thc>,Biuttk &wi ^ w4 Slfh, a fino brace owl bit, h.« undo ,*'-««aJUj holo Ihroagb tlio ptkuel of tUa Jaor, then ha uod A bit of ootd 10 * . w u « » i d stuik tho wiro tb'rongb. tho doer; be ••flSUit p u l l e d oo tlio othot „ »ido,.|od. know L u t a J a o k <|»t\.ii|>Wt), iioaviog t b e wire through, tho doot'WO, riggid a aptiugih'sn«n«r M 4b»ti"iit would stnfco ou > hook mdL m»ke a drill i|m<l-vcaloid ot a olosrnqUe like;* bejl. 3acfc was to jmll tho wir* irjd keop HI posted by i-t of outtido nii^ii and didgew.''Then wo got ta-*Ptlt; and 1 got tho opopcr to bear,'- We undo llttls or oo noiso, still, wo.ttopptd WQrk»ben«vor Jiok^a bulli t*" 8 * 9 ?* tbui), which uicaot danger, two th*?: tneiDt ahead igain; wbilo tbreft.'lbetr that lomo ouo was either oai&ing ' I r\)CR ATTSNTION. ; '\sS: mm Ttpilai—ombr»olM_ii«,l »KS, ing publioa- uoi»or New Tork,"««%a>4,PbUad«l. poiA pnbliaherfl T , PHi _SttJlo'« Col- ohfd rrtmora, Unen 'BikjUKja^ Pi- lar Uolla. Th« 8t»^|»rfNM«U— In library »nd »ntlqj|»!ll»dlngl. H.rdlng'BoJiilona'ot *tmllj 3ibl|), Boxwood, Diblc.wilh Pholo(t»iih Al- bania. Nolson'a snii'Pott A Amor/'a linoof am»U ?nj<s9. BablUr, and Tealatnenla, Mahogany A JJIaqk JVainot Ika—Plain u>d paflalicafSunaio and J^frlraoa,' and cbain bags. Porto Fo- ; Dressing Casta. Ohanksra I PhoCograpbh Alfinllll, Back i GaromorT'nosrdB, DominoM, jPlaying Oiit4»,^eUlif BlpoH, Brast{all'a Bnlldlag Bloots, Irory ijid OinKnliJiiav T«biatsv_Monohoir Baliej 1 ; Woh'tofa, SeoHhTlatd Ooodl, tfloti Bokes, Moalo TotloaV Tranipatora i .„$latea, and otfier rinoy tjaoda, AI«P, 1»41 klada of flUtfonorv,I!I»ofc_books> M!«- lailajfesaVooSrarPWirPenollB. ill tbe Rochester dailin, tbe Nav York dailies and weeklies, reooired rtgularty. Ordsrs for Book-blndlnj promptly attended to. Remember Bar- lia'i Poat Office NOTTS Room, Albion, N. T June & Wilson's Boot & Shoe Store, Removed to Oagh's Block, No. 76 MAIN STUKBT. W E dexira (to espreu oar tbAaka for the moat libarai patronise *o far vxtanded to as, and BQtlf; the public that taj nssortmeat of Bret elaaa roodj for Men'i, Boyi't Ladloa' and Children'i Wear. IS OSTTRPABSID, »Ddorjrpric«B will talvayi fonnd aa LOW u atjoallj f°<xl irtielaa oan ba beught for anywhei «• CUSTOM WOHU ^"l eootlna* to b« » •peei&lItT, »nd, nring none bn t 11 * *»« •tock, ftnd implorrl&g only competent »ork- ^•o. t»a nwflilr IoM*otee«ntlrB«»tlaC»ctloD » U'NK. E- WILSON. 0, ^ho that ca^JGlJiPirb-art'a Oaapaat call lattaHiminltOiPiaaanre ot throbbing .lib pilo f Forth* j(ai(er#ltl be nj »h«n lie hop.. it»»l •••/. AUlllintand aloir Uka > touiml traJn. Who booth thatham* of tha banrl't fooJi>t draaat, h-«»"illliartea;.t«OI|hlt hoi; anil •mil WhoemtattthHa(wra,ami taunt it» r»«n. Whan aorrow bftfoc* orar It hearj aiwl cbilt ' 0, tha world hath no part In thi Ufa of Use b.«» l TJfisiarhad are tta oonflleu, nahaadad its vo«t, It dreUathalone Ita eosqoeata ankaowa. Aid 111 deep walla of fetltoj, ah I who »n»ll 4U- eloae. TboeKh tha cara-tadoq htaatai may b*<Urk with oo- U Ita piUa tmdlu UUalab 1) throbtaXo. Ipart; Tha glanea roaj b« brtgUt wb.n It dwalUth to nlahl^ Asd QoO aloa* Kaowath tba lira oj t n e heart. —CHiOAOO l*0IT- THE SURF BANK EOBBEH5". A DETEOTIVK'D FTORT Wtlliom Hatroy, or, aa ho W'^toilor knowD, Kughah hill, had that j»prait>|i pleaded go'liy to a oriino which giro bim lo ilit Staio 1'coitoBtiojy for lilo. aod ai 1 took him back lo h u coll lie told mo to come aod aco bim the next dav, aod pcrbapa ho could toll mo ef mo- thing ihct would astonish mo Wc do- tcotiics are not BO easily astonished, howovor, nod the oft-ropoitod «B»oranoc» by hopoleu criminals, ibat they could and would astouud us with woodoifol rovclatiooa, too ofleo loll us litilo or nothing mere than wo know. A few now dodgea, aomo robboty yet in ita Iti- faooy ana only conceived, BDd occasion- ally IOOIO really usoful olues or informa- tion, generally beiDg Iho ^nbslanco of iho pritoner'a <jonfpa»(0pa, » o d made in hopoi gf ita bchoR filo^to ihorton md milisalo tho presont ponijbmont and Otofinemeot. It was not with tho ox- pcotnlion cf hearing aDytljiDC of con- acqnence that I want iho j cxt day lo BDglbh Bill's coll. Thai Do w.s o eel obraied burglar, fhiorana onminal I haJ long known, bat as I gaaid boforo, jt< is solditn ibjlt roliablo ,lnf .trnatloo. whioh oan bo made of uso \o u^ dotee- HTeaJa farnishod by snch toon. '^BiUBComod nooo tho wofao from iho aovoritJ of tho ecntoneo which ho had so lately roooiveJ.iboU|.'b tq a loss bnrn- oned criminal'bo haro tborjghts ofim- priaonrnont, for lifp is generally so tp- pallino. eg to »g0 them to a few hours m ;B[1 MiSHOOD : How Lost, Hovf Restored. Joat PnbUahett, a naw edition of DT' ColTarwen'a Celobrated Em} on thi- Radlcll e«re (altboat medicinal ot . i i Bpennalorrhooa, or Seminal Womkoasa, "'oliotarr Seminal LoeWB-Impotenoy; UenUUnd "Utol InctpuU;, ImpedimaeU to H«rrleg», etc | "lo. CoMumptloo, Eptlepaj and fite, Induced •aiHndttlranee or aasoal e'jtrmragance. IfPftc*, ID a tet |ed emrelopa, only ill cent*. rb» eeutinued Author in tola admirable way ««ulj aemooatrmtea from a thirty yeara" inccesafol Pfwtlee. that tho alarming- conwqoencel of 8clr- ^M may be tadteall; enrtrd wlthoat tha dangerona "" "f Internal medleloo or the application of tbe "»•; poi&Unt ontamode of enre at onco eimplo. ^tlo and eaectnal, by me&nl of which orery aof- "rtr, DO matter whal hla eondltlon may bo, may Cora "?«'ja«aply,.pilrate!T, and radically lajThle Lecture uoold be In the handi of erery ™ » »nd erery mao to t h e land. watnnderaaaitoany addrata, In a plalo enrel- iii? lil * raea'Ptoflix cenbtortaro poatare atampe. "» Jr Cnlnrwatri "Marrtoga Oolde," pflee S5 ota aadreaa tha Pohlllhar.. 0HA8.J O.0LINK400., B Imn, „„ Toaa, Pot OBoe Bao.*,4l» Bni lillf h»ti cauhled tho cos t over nnd over again, and now that llfp game was np, tbo race run, and oil ch.Doo pooo.he was prepared to pay iho penalty, and moot hbs f a ' 0 I'l* 0 * mm It is euoh men aa ibeso alooo that pako aooocosful burglars or criminals T&o ee^a.rrTwfeee bis dooir) has eom© will hptb been a Cflwatd boforo, and ib<- onanoes aro that the"Wry |Doato cow- afrjice bas boon tbo moans Df uostoady- ing his nerve or hruid, and led to hie deteotion and csptoro. •Yon soo, Bir,' he Baid, (and I will give it nearly in his own words) '1 hove eomothing on my mind to tell yon that t think yon ought to know Yoa run mo down in this 'ore pamo. and you did it well. I ain't goiog to blaroo yon lor that; it's your basincm—oot but It's e mean kind of business, loo, this running of a man down, but somebody bas got to do it, I suppose, and alter all it nto't any meaner than a man like mo doing something that requires officers to run him down However, that's neither here nor Iboro, and I half forgive yoa for bagging mo. I don't duito torgivo yon; you see—perhaps thnt'll oomo, and it will come if you and mo pull togolher in this little pieoo of business, and yoa 6x tho folks os Bxed mo, t h e villains.' I told Bill that I oould mako no iroaty or bargain with, that all oar dealings must consist of his confosiion to me, but if he was able to give eueh information as would result in my get- ling track of tho rogues, ho might rest assured that I would follow up tho trail and arrest thero, and see duo punish- ment rooted out to them if i t lay in m y powe Woll, said Bill, that'll have to do, I suppose ; all I ask is to get them fixed, and so here goes for what tho parson used to oall an open oonfeesion. You 11 remember the robbery of tbe Surf Hank down on Tide street, near tho river. How tbo bank Rot protty near stripped and how no ono over got a traco of t h o follows who broke in.' I remembered i t loo woll, for tbo oon-soooess of the detective foreo ID not being ablo to Bnd ovon tho remotest olue, had been a constant gall to UB,8nd Iho papers had taken oaro that wo sbo d havo a rub on iho old sorcevory two o r throe days. 'Woll,' said' Bill, 'roe and my pais Bxed np that thing, and if tho oiher fellows had. worked i q a a n l wouldn't 4ow»ahtde»ajjkatfca <4iok abont «l«t»a\ be hers now. I'd be i Tirtuooa 'fiper tha utt^daft, aad^ carefully draw* ill. in Australia, or a «sptclable rjilii?*- mating baSoi our *ha opening, \ . oofWcsta living on my money, and. , "Jirry -Shin iiggad up a.'p»p.« talcing, good care a^f mjielf, Thit's, two, with *b»pi«o of 4oWwatt«»p,aj»d' whit I bid oat to do, bat I didn't g*fc tnadtit qoata «ti»djj and no ona'could thorooka t o d o i t OD.thaokB to ihonr. aee from a b o « , any ehanga. Atioatt villain pals of mine, and I thought I'd.. "" _.,---- have another try to mike a ruga, tod that's what Bottled mo to what I tin. now Well, you see,' ho continued, 'wa had oor oyoa on that hank a long tipo, nnd I'll tell you how it came about 'Ono night me and some fellows vera ont in a boat on tho rivo", avlooklDg jrmind for something that might handy, nnd OQtomg around a pier what should wo. tun into tut a Dolico bSat.- Well, wo palled nahoro arid struok the. latmont hard and stove in the boat. 'Tho othor follatg grabbed tho.whirf; rtcd ran rip it like eats and off thp; went, but I was kinder stunned dud con'dn't follow. I looked aronnd for a moment or so, and jright nearjoio_ woa. tbo mouth of a great fewer. I acmio- limcs would trip up aod go down on all fours in the oboah whioh flowed about sic inohea deep in tho bottom of iho sewor. 'After a llttlo I stopped to listen.and found thoro was no ono olter no. I I sd passrd Iwo or throe glimmers of light OB I rari, and aright ahead of mo was antther. Going up loitv, I fouod- <he light to pome down an opening from iho street. •Dotting a foothold against tho will of tho sower, I olamberod up and stuok my head through the oponiDg. It wast i DO of ihoso long and narrow surfaoa ponings whioh enter tbo so«rora urjdor tbo aidowalk at tho strcot corners. The i.olo won big enough for mo t o got my ooJ aucl shoulders through, but no moro Tho gas abovo was burning brightly, and ns I lookod aronod tbo (irsl thing I sow the Hurf B a n k right oloso to mo, tho width of tbo eldowalk only soparating. Just then I hoard the s l o w , steady walk of a policeman, and tucked in my head lie passed wiiliio ihroo foot of me, and tho first thing that struok ma was now it I hod a grudgo ngmimt that fellar, how easily I could out with my revolvor and Bhoot him ; and then X thought who would ever look down la the sewer for tho mao who shot him 1* \ n d how oasily I ot old go down to the rivor and got off. 'It flashed thon ovor mj mind—II a foliar was to rob a plaoo and had a pal down in thosowor, bow nicely be could hand him tho swag and then walk off with his bands in hla pocket, and if oaught, nothing could bo proved. 'Those tbines sot mo thinking, I eoneluded I'd dropped on a> first rate thinac You know youraolf thoro alo't any difficulty worth mentioning in iba vray of UB follows gotling into a bink in tho oily, but tho polico eavfcoh ua as wo go homo through tho alreots. 'Woll, to mako a long story abort, I laid out to btoa. into thai wery bank whioh was BO hand; to tbo ttewera. I had tho ohoico of pala, and I picked oat Ihoao I thought 1 could tiusl., I was miauken in that, but I'll fool %m yet I got i fellow to hire tbe* basement undor tho hank, and then for a month or so I lot iho matter lie still. only 1 wne maturing my plana all t h e wbilo. At last all was roady, and aix of ua had aworn lo aland by catoh other through thick sod tbin, and lo ihavro equally tho dangrr and tho stuff, only 1 was to havo ton per cent on Iho share of tbo othora for finding out md plavnning the lay 8cotoh Dob and mo Oontlornan Tim and Jerry Mudgo was lo bo tmldo tbo baaomonl—Gentleman Tim was the man that hired it for at broker's ofEoa—and Charley Forria wava to bo in tho ttroot. We all fonr were in tho basement ono 8atorday, and aa lime for looking np onmo throo of ua got iolo u big prema Buppwd lo bo fall of papers. flontlo man Tim thon walked out of tho oHioe and gnvo tho janitor iho koy for it Ho thon come baok nnd opened tbo door whioh ho had not lockod.and oamo iuto tho office. Flo then locked the door from the In- side with a f.lao key, aod joined ni lo ibo pnas. Wo lookod tbo door of that insido. and there wo four follaars stood, paokod loi;othor libo sardines. Soon wo hoaid iho janitor oron the office doer and eomo in to eltan oat. He swopt around nnd arranged tbinga aa litllo as wo could tell by the noi»o he made, and then bo oloarod o n t and left as I-wanted to nnooto real bad whon t-e was in iho office, but 1 managed to atop it After be had gone we stepped out Wo had abundanoc of time boforo na. only wo had to keop a till for tho lime, as tho janitor was most likely sweeping tho bank up Btairs. So wo had a good irnnot-o, and got to w.rk about midnight 'Tho firat thing was to pot down (be plaster overhead without ooiao, which wo did by holding a blanket undor i* and piokrng It gentlyand in small pie- ces. Wo thon got to the laths, and Jorry Mudgo' tho onrpentor among ua, on* thorn off with n fino saw. I forgot to say wo had bong blankota before the windows,- end as ihoro wcro iron abut- ters both noiso and light were out off from tho etroot. For a moo t h pwiouw Oontlornan Tim had been bringing to tho fffice, in small quantities, socb things as wo nooded.and wo had a good stookof evoryihing on band. 'Wo tbon straok thofloorof tho tan h nnd Gentleman Tim, standine on t b o proas, soon sowed out a pioco some three feel square Luckily, thoro was somo loose matrinff overhead, and not aa Dailed down oarpet, and it lay oiaotljpr ovcr wbero wo had out. Ton see I had ofion boen in tbo bank,and had taken tho bearing of things. Scotch Bob **e . safe lookmaker, nnd ho thought be could open any combination look if h e only bad time. 8o to work h e wont. We fellows wont bolow and loft h i m to kitnr- sell as he oould work bolter that way You see wo bad not intended to roniowo an/thing that night Tho l i m e would b»e too short. Wo were only to g e t ready to go tbfongh tbo vaults safe and g e t sway with tho Btoff on Sunday night. All night Bob worked, and I walobed and listened, wbilo tho others slop*. Wo knew tho janitor visltod tbo banJc OffBandayabofit noon, IO Bob Mttt* t t ti< riJaT u j . < ,<. jt MtB-i *«awt«.^ it. H ^m^ f^ 9fA mmmmasmmmimmmm'i' afa^ava lai| aolawtai aMJiiar m »W - ( aaaa^j $a4too« « 4 g ^ p W eo)«ra)il hi. rjfraJ^J*Bj(frW>t and "nnoleanli™ _!_' ^ .'* " " _ ".. . 1 i'lpti jtVlta Otiaaiu ahaitvtlwa •jttn-Tar the^wUateidict ofptfr. " _ ^ . V iSTi all ^MuJStrl'L iB^foriiHi fk«ni}e|;lo. b<i«*o'p«ttfSv»aVfe JaUl-'ia #^ptloai|i|rings.a|ltJ*W9iije«UPK.ol t^' ft»li:ga.w* iOr«U»dsuitt.o!Hl tanluWMHt} mm »M «a)i*srff«S WiaitMiWl-, papers abaotb.-.Hftd -iet»i!;,'\»4lt tand.tQ .f«UAa,man of oprraptiqn v Ut^%ilto«i»vii, .wlt-nover .thoro ii^l^jillghtas.^ r^junp, ^ ^.Wiws&wH **#?• ' 9 M mont, mould form's, and »;• knpir opt how many or what kind of'dUaaie, taa;> bioriglriateid'and'fo-tewdby-' ,'uqhcor- ruption.-' liotvia ttm> fofa'momont''lor tb»Ti.ktv»*'ilo»wisi,<ito' idnitf' bl"oa»i &{ghpua^.*nj 1 . l urad, 1 op r big«:,hedre^ the liuk, or ibat aomo polioawao lva», ^a northjuh oonjn|a«b f$ba>r soouja,. aa. searching aaloug under tho atoopf, .and would, w h o n he got to tbo bank Itoop) moat likely discover Jaok a. hu'lfj onrlod up. "Should this happen bo waa to foign aleop and at tbo worst, oould only bo mado to tnqvo on. Howsvar (Tory. thing was propitionat, and tho ball only Bounded t h e one tapr-wtVenover tbo pr> tioemin drtsw uoar tho bank. Be bad worked a b o u t an' hoor, and 1 fall lore) a oooplo moro would lot me thjotlgb, tho door, whon Bob who hid not dt»- conllouod his attempts to unfold tho combination of tbo look, uttered a Joy- ful iiclamatlon, and immcdiitaly tbo pondttoos door swuDg opoo. Ht had hit upon tho oomhination, partly by look and p*rlly from his knowltdge Of looki, T h o Inner door was of but lit bindgraooo to us, and wo ware loon in tho fault. Gentleman Tim prodiioed aomo Indiaui rubber baga whioh ha had' provided, aaod Into thorn wa bunlodjy plaotd t h o wealth ot notes, atooka »a)d" bills whioh wo found. A lot of dopqe- itora' |ID oaali boxoa wcro ringed arouqd and those w»o broko opon and add»d tho contoata to our pilo. "Tbo bags now became fall and yot •till mora was to be had for the taking, I t would n o t do for ono ol a* to load himielf w i t h eroo a rioglo dollar, for jf arrtnod on tha atraat on aoaploioo, wa must haro nothing traettblo * Wlha bank ibout our persons. A long, law trunk was to the vault, and by maaa- aring Its thieknaM. wo found it would ju»l enter eb« aoarer at tho comer. Now a>mo lbs moat dangeroas part of tbe work. By pulling tho atria*, tho wo and ol whioh was in Jaokfa hand, we commonicatod to him through arranged aignala that wo wara ready to comoout- In anawer ho Informed tta tbroogh tho same channel, that the poliooman waa still near. Aflat wait- ing fifteen minutes Jack telegraphed thai llio comal was clear, and one by ono wo slipped out of tho baok by tba front door, and handed tho bog of ilnff, whlobwe carried down tha aluiMiray to Charley. ptued o n in different way. to meet, aa bj arraogmonl, io an hnur afterward* at tho mouth of the aowar. I oamo o a t of tho bank laa», carrying tho Hunk, which I gave to Chtrloy, and llion pasted down toward! tho matte. "I waited an boar and tbon went to tho sower mouth and waitod in tho shade of t h o nlcr an hour or more, but nonoof tho followki oamo. At lut I slippsd a p Iho scwor and found no (JhirloT. "I then aiw how I had bean fooled. Tha villains had oomo together and made off with tho spoils bafora I gvt tbcro. "I OOTCT sot ay** Qn on * ° ' 'boas fellows s i n c e If I bad, one would havo d i e d , bo it ms or bte- "Thp b a n t offered a big reward, aod I bid my doubts aa to whether it wouldo't be hotter to poioh and claim it. sod ao got something. But aa I had | no bond* to rotnrn to thorn, I feared the; wonldo't act square with mo. Now I'm £ait and may aa. silLjaako tbo best of it. ff sou pan do anitKipg toosloh "era I'll bfilgM,fiad—If jmii cant, it oaan't be lijilpWhOoly If JOn do jour brat,.** I «aid."Mforo,-A f-i- gi«« too aall clftnfoHirjB'llng •«J««™- Llttla mpriiamaiua to tft tmeJirj'fTho olnmgi*en mo by Euglb|]^^ara bolllfei- on tett^itiOWJa«»l>«J- live in waSaiTln—and-po doubt a«Hjr, ra- ioioaln tfco.lrnil. of tboif moii «ao otttw tUtAm, I.-ajfe-g"*« othir d a y "and told bTm ^tt«»5*feU- Ho didn't onjoy iho v newii i f e t m Jpnt will m a n y ottMM oomparerT their fata to bis and damned them for their treachery- Af I loft hi laid "I don't knowaal forgive you fjmta, <iol If aooommodatioD ia of tho rod*. to .|m4 ijho .f«t,-.!)«» wo ahall find tho walls and ooiUuga por. hapi whitowiihcd with llmo, beautifully i ' poaalbly thoy may h*o tnido of tho old- fashioned T)liio and w'dit'o; gitighim or oheok-pattorn | I atrip of oarpot it ODO lido of t b a bed, or possibly tall around it, a ohair or two, and a table completes tho fumitore) but how o'oan .and twaat- axoejllng amd hcalth-givlDg every thing appears 1-r-and not oaly uppauui, bat u io. No muily.-Xu»tj.imolli—no decay- ing matter op, tip walla to croato dua- eaio. Io euoh a room wo lis down with ptiuure, and tlao rwfroihM- No woo. dor that heallh eonaoa biok to, ui, and wilh tho aid of fresh ilr, rognlir and ajmplo habiia, and.. g ooci appotlto, wo roglib lost itrongth and onorgj, and go baok again to Iho daily routine of oily life liko gianta rofra«hod, to balllo nnd to.l' with tho world again—for a timo. " Now, in our town-houaea wo roverao this auto of thing* adtogolhar. Every iaoh of'floor must bo covered with tbjok Oirpala. »hioh iro parhapi only taken dp ondjln three iiionthi, and in wW^s'aildto-iw^bowK^ » •A^titwi.ltttU^oWeft^^ Of two lc.iil.tiva 0b»mbaW> ! diipSw» O tha ,e»»K -tyii "Utiaiadwa lli*»||irj;W( warethemaelfrtlgaiond^b^tlii v^iwaf^ij-g,.. \<ibi^t^a Mtpf a* " aaTentaau .jMt*,«|«d 'WJla* a aorthi gMo by talking fepublli'niam W'tlfi fioblti anil {oieltt^WBKMItiBC^i*!*; f lafdi»tif«ilWl*B : b6tU'»M«a. -•-' A-- 51 MUuritg blr ralgn, 1 EugUad and Bai. ^iud»e*i«iiW^tticd'tbfi).i!bi^ rMtayaWmioMntarnil-wmaauoioatlQa by tail,'and'#it ^BoW'^ttifV W0tad«T«lop«J*lU»iBi»i(»lIjile4»rii Ity} btiV Whin Lottia Philippo mada'hLi eBoapa in a haokbuy ooioh and rwohtd Kuglanduplain Mr, Smith, within utubwliaid Mi two'd, 'tha b|tt«r-'io support tho dla^ttl**' of » Briton, th«r« wlto on)* two A-W llwir'of railtotd from I'ar i into tha proviu''.e« 1 and tha imlustrial Intereit of Frinoo hid ad- vanced little linoe tho beginning of tbo tha; «Vk by IM Mm' ^ ItMay ->»>t» Mates. wwaW^v^raVk imk>haa.alS-|w^a,.- B»d<ltiwttk^V«a)WlaiS Mt%4 apfrtanaaaj <tt»«|»lj '- J '-- imm ^tiii>„ „„..__...,. t%WnpWli'ie«l^lti f »#,.Uaj 1) ii aw »t-it,b,i fetrHt*^;^ .-__.-iaa,..„.a,.a_..a..^kt.^^ at Qttatoia^iii^ f tkUuNaw,ar«k:„,Wairtli, '8« ,i_^JIr, •wry ^:Mw|Paa. »W#liaaW.ia, « ailaiaw*fciljiata ajaaaajBaw* a|a^law»la^Ww PKW PPW , ? ,, ^ ^ aaraarttail ofdort k.|i drtUrtJliWP^aajtiii a ABdrawi,«of I8».^ifth AtMaa^iAl-1 alagiat W«ml|wjr*«mtd«ly|^[# ^' thoii who oan i prioa.'ror'wtit'k „-,-- - ., Motohowiti, OM> k«ito!iv.(Miwil!lfi fttqaoallyipaid) fMi^t^iawklaaj ,of; t WW! OM> k«id^. s dolk»r|!ll ........ ... i f«; ^t^iawklaaj lOJSj. fa**jmWifa $$*\* •«• # *>»pHyt»yfc^ t ;f t .^ H! . ; .( f .^^ Adven* ol-'Autojaui, I ik«V ajaat- aaaaaaBBal tw 'tawiaa Ina r»»T»aiaw*am«m ;•*' f «iaa M _-iM ;( aa«ifa at : wltaaaat^afcatj itra laav- ^ ^ , aAjh aB^^aAaJBaBBaaaBBaa' ^haaBBaaaBBaBaalBBBV ovor get out of hero, and havo a ohanoo to shoot you from a »ower- r wby I won't that**s all" . •> • 11 aw ' TUB Brsuaious ASPKOT.—Tb» Journal of CofliWefrce rekrot* to-SOT. tho roligions sispiiot of tbo European qao»' tioo io mnoh urgod in rospootablo qoar- tell, as tfiat paper h » « ^ « a ° ? ^ 1 a in Prussia.'B ProfesUnttam aa So ally of spiritual Christianity than in tbo Frdnob>- mio'i Bomaniarn. Tbo Journal it right. Bellgiop satera. no, htorfjpw tbo liaueat of tho presont war than do«i liberty. Governments aro never mora rollglouB than tho eeoilmont of their pooplos makoi It politic for thorntobe, and at tJhe.nreseot S^JteJg»£ noi l i e aSeffflanB oan bo called irpioos pooplo. It wontd. bo >Jjd »«!7 in wblohtiiavtion roligiooi indifforenluni » tho' moi-o prortttaooed ittd nmvertab many oaaaa, once in twolve monlha; and whan ih'oy wro ' tikao up, tha amounv o f doit, dirt, Tito. wlrtoh gathora ufidoYoeattMKcmMo Wit lima" la alkrnt- ing, from a aanltary point of View. When tha oarpot has boon down for a length of timo, tho dust rises by tbo preaaura-and motioav of walking, and thni makes tt.o air wo broalba Impure ; this will baa the oaaa- howovar oarefally they era bruabod and iwaptj this U •hi) one fruitful earxso Tit bad .amolla, for wherever dual accumulates, foal amolla will alio oxist. In hoosea where much gas ia burnt in the lower rooma, tho bearoomj above aro almost Invaria- bly unhealthy, as tbo burnt air uoinds to tbo bedrooms, vitiates tbo air, and thus iujora tha sleepers. W o bollewe that thoro is no remedy for this, except every bnrnor bt oonnoolod by tobos or oiherwfaa to a ventilating shaft, whioh will remove the burnt air and oioapsd gas as last aa thoy sue produced. Aod we cannot eoi why this may not be Jono oheaplv and cfTootually lo houaaa andohopa whicYaro lalltj in houio* to bo built tho matter would ba almpli All walls whioh havo to bo papered, oven if they aro new, ahould be well rubood down with a largo pieoo of pumioa-itono, out and mbbod to a fiat sido—tola will lake off all bits and nro- jootiont. All boles, oraoka, and broken pltooi should then bs oatafallj iloppod with plaatar of Paris. Tbo smallest orovioa will serve aa a breeding'plaoo for vormio, and no bouae is Ml° from them, ai they ar* often i o the wood when tbo houaa ia built. W both or thoy gat into the oa.ound wood whan on ihipbowd, or araa brought from tbe forcit, is a quoation we cannot solve. Whon tbo wtlla aro woll nabbed down and woll dulled, thoy may be ela.d and papared Jo Iho uaaal manner, but oaro abould b o takou ( b a t all cdf-oa, oorf,era, s R d laps aro well pasted down, so that thoro may bo no opening foe vorniln to gat onddr tho paper. But, il wa aro aooutto ra-pspor a badroom, or, In laot, anyrootn, tho old jpapar abould in oil oaios bo stripped ont, and every particle of tho old paste washed oleau off tba Willi, every nolo avod-oroviooahonld be stopped aa bifore described. Tba walla ahould than bo washed over with a weak mixture of oarbolie acid and water, or rather diainfootant, in order to doitroy any retniina of^ mpuld or fangi which miy bavo girmlnatod from tbo decay of tho flonr-pasto. ^ Except tbli ii done, tho mould is araro to ap poar again, md qwioltly, for there ia scarooly any thing io dlffioalt to oradi dite if opoo it gats bold; but if these prcoaiituorji woro taken ovary timo room ia r.e-papired, our bodrooma would bo muoh moro healthy than thoy sow are. A 8 ro 't improvement would bo mado in -our bedroom; if t b e walla bo- hind tho -klrting boifda w*jr« plaitored or ,oorn«nt«d down to t h e uooriog- boirda, iniUid of their being, as DOW. uoplastarefl, thni Ipiviog » cavity for fhoio«omi)lition of dull, aod Iho har- oontury. Ai bit goter&mOnt bid navcr aliolt- ed my cordiality from tho peopli. bin ovcrkhrow wai (fatally looompllihid. Tba incident wbieh wo l u t in tha dbilnof lu oauiaa wu uid to b* tba won trivial that ovor 'ad to a ravcla. lion. Lcidlog mambon of thaligitl- miM and liberal partioa oppokd hi* administration, and, u politloal bio q'uou were than cuitomtry, arraajod to hqldomof thaaa it whioh it Wu lntoadad to propoao tbo Inoooont tout •Roforrn and Right of M,iU?|.' »a govornmeut forbade tho baoqaat, (hi pofiulaoo booima excited, abd tba na- tional guard, ordired lo Bra on tha p i o plo, fratornliod with Ibooj. Tha mult Introdaoed 'Mr flmitb 1 to the ihorai ol Groat Britain n a fuglllro. The Count of Paris, grandion of Loaia l'hlllpni, Is now oblof reprannt- ativo of tho family Ho ii aatd te bo a mm of good ohaiaatar aid fair ability, and to b* on* who profi«ea,.iaBd«ijr bollove in liberal Ideal. Tha aldir Una of tha Bourbons hiving and ad with th* Count da Obambord, who wiled htpuair Usury V„ ind died tut year at Froliadorf neir Vitnna, th* Oount of Parla I* the (igitimtt* bilr to the Fronoh tirowo, although ha doe* oot reproacnl a family oho by toy service* or flattery bavo loqolrad any lien npoa th* gratitnd* or atTiotlon of tho peoplo. It doea not *aea likely that th* grandson of th* notor-popnlar Ind ultimately dethroned l<oBia I'hllllppe should, as h heir, bo that <r«* oholo* of the Preoeb peoplo. Vat th* Count of Paris hu many roil or iMomd personal quilltles whioh render him apparently ono of tbe ollgtbl* noraoni in Eoropo for the Ibrona of*. Bnt, both ii to tha form of government and har.obolo* of a king, if aha wlihca lo hav* one, all ihonld bo l«ft entirely io tha peoplo of that oouotry aloo*. Tho old error of tho virions oounlrla* by wbloh l'ranoo was overran wai in Interfering with hor people to Ibo ehoic* of • rulor. Wo need not lay again how much wo ahould rogrtt to is* tula wrong ropeatod, oor that In the ond it would be foand to b* tb* mMt Impolitlo (tap Prussia oould adopt Twp».«Wj.f9,wll<*tai •"*•* iitloa ot tha tattaH Mm., __, „ oomiDg of a grttiftit 'coolaiA -wW4' *«i»i*I*l»eOll.» «0BIB*B*«w« "wwrttk luainwr'a wffirlig, w.*m«irm|»l 1B wiloootlng th* ippwaah t ot&}|,|J|jr- th* awhorltj• of J^afaiHt' endnote, by tho »vfd.B,e**cf all b ilBi»».jiWo»'1aM **M : ltiW«»l*ll| lB'tb**«dlllilo»al'd«tl *«»-'*lWa» nighU,.W*.U»MaW4** 1 | l a»lall »alr**f el .11)* awn »Ml»».-*J»«fe Hser'li i Held *rop*, tuilajr tod •i*tftlt%'-';" of ttnlvartilpllity.' WekitrrTMt It U—it way be tkit tk* lUinatdlitii HMOM MB*> OBt fNffAfMt lut With ilia r*tu*!»g'iit*iir •r* iar* w« h m vnvtmttmtH\tm. aeu> MTir *»id» tiakt »i» with mob a t|op igd dmhfM,mm ia our IIVM hive Mm, ator* Mrgicoii cbang'ai, "or. w u i i i j ^ l f W a M i l S tt**am»ala"1*»f A*^ •*"*'•'-» sfc « tj T- 0«t apo* tho** who •lwr|*itkj* laa£. ohugt to dioay. It II, trJwJar''— not ind Haiww .IPatwiW^t«l^'li*|«9*iawlia ^Miliilm •; r i*ki» « M a . * ^ ^ W ^ - * d a » » « a . ^P''^BBBB*aBl a f ^ ^ ^ ^ B d k t tyKaaBBBVaaBBBBBBBaE jJadWaBBBBBaL A %'W cKRT *,w$f 1 £ " *".J '1 If I 'b^Mr 9«ptt >-46- ,Jaf^P|i^Wl»'1iV;4aMiM{t Jb ""• not roU ti?athi U.TU mrrlj ^e^ry ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ t y y v a raBWrawt tWaaWaT *arw mmmXSSSp.* take on yillow, pdrpt*, *iliirO« obi a* tb* ripanliig frolM do. ' Th«'li|w oaually witm luratniE wkitk heugiti^t oa iaoh drop*, ihould glf* m, *WtM>i tXiriordlnirv ihow ol oolor^ le. t M wooda ' ' I BntaiVtrthU ipUidid, ipMWfataaT •how will «eau tb*- dr»t>i»«»e. .TIM 0ila*ei*iWll»4*tila'lwh*«Mjltt*«* ^V^0i>H^*^ a*wJ*rfvto«*a, *f fi^'^ireaHe^aj.),,^^ ISrWil Jaaaw ».W,*Sw*«'l*;aml af ii ta VeeUag e'er lh< haM> Hteatl taUa. aadUIaElai af Uu ti/a ttal era aa. am), will fill with tha teavai. Olo Bull Alloa Gary, in a loiter to th* Horns Journal, tolls tbe following *hariotirl»- tio anecdote of Olo Bull.who had beard of har Uracil: " Ono morning, Juit provioru lo his doparluro for fall far- away home, ho sent hli card, aiklog norm iaalon to oomo ind pl*y for me aomo of thi old JTorwcgim aln, whioh. he holds exceedingly prasipni, and plays only at hi* own flitfide, and to listener* who b*T« lofflithing of Us* weird, and jolomn, ind propMU* in ihemaalfM. B* ««», I Wa* Ml l.0w In roturnlng zratelol asiuranoei of''p*r- miMion," md wy mtMingir tir«*ntl- oam* baok lo mo, billing oa bUjihOnl- tier a OH* OofiUlnrag tht)i« BtfVitoally ennoing Inlirprater* of tbit divine lh«- aio which Uoatlve to tba tool of only one man In ill tba world.. In duo lima oamo tbo groat magloiio himself, nuk- ing ma forget for mdr* thao oa* hoar, by tbo iwoetneM and btlgbttiow of that imlloofbii, indbyth* roogh gold of hii broken apocob (iho; mora oharmlng, I think, for it* v e r y Itn^orfiotloni), that bo poiioHod any Sner gift tbin tbit of conversation. It wai l great delight to look Opon tboio two violioa.ooj of th*Ji oontnrios old, I bollove, wbloh, wr»pt in qoeobly garnlttfro ind tondorly oar- ed for, hive crossed and r«ero*scd the oocan so many times, and acootopiniad their muter tbroagh noirly all oivilia- od lands, feeding so many haogry boarte and olorati.og ind Inapifing *o many darkoned and uddcnld eouls." l**T*e will fall. The «.lMiholy du^ -^gi^g^^awssiiitoiawett, i i ^ - w r t a * th* uddHl of tha year, a* "•"-* A ilati, will ooae, Tk* Uan of tii , _ ... TSi'wllf wind* will iwe*p ov«t tM WtaM. Tki- taai aong of thadipartllg btlrli will (141 ootheaer like* faaitalkyma-r»a>d, tad yit lent.—ff. T._ Imfor ... Tire loolUb ind BiitM itaetott ctf tbo publlihiri of BigiiliH, lad U- luitntad and <itory, piptw,' of dlltatjr thalrlMBis a. w«k QT M,|f*f^ " ihilr lotual pablieattoa, hu ofUri l)i th* IBbjMt 6f eoaarJliist. t* 1* u only th* out** of * grail dial of failoB to tb* nadar. but cftasvlia. th* p*p.*ri thaaaMlyulBtMiar-ltali. log blunders. IB ]U lM«i b«t|ajj dau Hiptembir third, bat wk|ib..wa* ptlnlad and «litJita'«4 >WSWtt''tlayW igo, th* Niw Yotk /riyytf-fVwiliki* good a»rip> .ft lb* abiiraiiy )&M ouitom. 1Up((»*B4e> 8j!ijt«,fvte «im ,ii'is,»wi ii_- • I . l i _ a. I i. i i!MV-tfa Ctf sc% J fi ,c» kka.^.-va rx* -.« ~ad>~ »t I |.:» d a aejs J ii . <e» «ui!ss.* BWRtr •The ITtlM olittw.aid ll»-Wir. *(, •'• »—• lrftRAM foMH«at*>itsa{ *'.ffW boring of inloo a n d . othor vermin, and tbo consequent conservation of bad smolis. 'A very nioa etylp of deooriling a bedroom is to piperlt with ono of tboio. eolf-colorod paper* (that is, pipor t h a t hu beeti colored iot tbo pnlp)—°f whioh thoro aro many tints made. Thoy may bo had from thirty to thirty-aix. inohel wide. IS tho roam is done with one of tuoio, of * suitable* ;tinty«»d a neat flo- tll border run round the top and Pol- and Hew York'* Man Milliner. n^i»Tr.^^J™thft church are fiit^rttion), th* reiolt-will be pieuinjr ^^\S*J^^$^x& ^fj^*T^f: d h.,e adalL fa >iaha».a.*OBIlte^--a9«/«to|tTV«^By 0|b^ that have CTtr. i*a«i»-iid aalor wpon tkafin.-iBd i*fcoi Thrao doon wcit of Broadway, oo ointh street, ia tbo fiuntiihlng oiUbiiih- tnept of I man drcaimakor and dosflune. designer, Monsieur Mosohowlti, l young Hungarian. Bis plioo ii ele- gantly furnished, and on your arrival Miss Russell, an American and th* joaiorpartner in lbs-how*, (Ml!*** you and ukea your order*, or givei yon Information. Veryftwdrsue, ar* to b* seen; nooo are on aihtbition. Bat thoio tbit ire in the miker'n bands are «xeeated in * etyle equal to- Worth.'* own dwlgui, for itoiobowitt Wtf * pa- JedriftvJki OinlraW; ia^Jrlio •v-liii^lli'i _ luranov di.l.r- thst -^ do ai WaW b* <*imply *b.»r|,»l Jkll,' •*** lefdaafa •ill r.aUbar, ia lo ih. U u daUd U,. third of 8itWhh,Jhtfm}ftti$ proelimatioB Wu ptMWul fajfjirH all th*fflbirniBtWpalri f... T4Mip-- tbitweatrtMr/ofmigaa, r IColW. liled with italtlfyiag fliilf .oaiM/tsj*| i«foar of tb* ***** !*MijiHtaaj4|l«ra fitly tbit Mjt, ft«Ua|^B*» r Ht.:b»*««,': oiptad tb* asalloe »'J'aWftlViT* f 6.1tl. 0 damnation bllng g.rior'.llr BotiMdtoth* pipirf' of : 'jl weik'a'*4r/ liar date. "• > •' - T<>'4 Art J l 0 N 0 l t M i , % i r t » } ? « M ^ .tor, I* .md ibk ?«& m, im t t>m trouble, frorn wliietj t w i f i r . ^ V i d ? by a lawyer who had kbata tVatgUti about galling hi* pay lor.ilii*-»M»J Th* liwyejrjlwd jmP9!$$h*f$f* t ' Sit-, MdDair^ji bon,. WM.f>f$Bf«tl. while «nllyrrpir^niig''o»t rM&* by tb*Mr1rlMlatf»gWi;"Uk>»^*y^ fellow who k**y»»i W ' ' '" — Wm, oat ih* IfiUif & "edlftrff 1lM bo taottlyi' - ,. ocnWid on th* wMrlftioa ^tftkiki boo** baiwerwoatd b«B lb* «b|U.*%|fd feoaaWwa* pronbttttiid 10^ Inuo.^ man. ' A ftValfjltamtf ,n1»3*» agrut oo^motiooin tk* vilUJ*, at ik' «harih bad takiair* in •4mt*iN)n& ou way#«4mWHi..^Ali'l if hi wa* t^^mm»m^^m Wa»l«hr»c«Weja^«l*»*i «M *0]tlv kasp bit W«!t»J., i^,w#,**»»4#*fd. Hltw N3 AtMotr Otrr--JTiEat. J .,fcxw«l.QOO 'hi**. {mif^diy^-Diim^McH VeWepta'-w *a#ira attWOeWfUrl J*l »»• .aats*rpw*}aaafi^j»aj» »;;r.,f#a t»t«vtv«i O.' C'TikJOfMaXM ^'' v ' ''|lpo«laii«lant *A» '•''' •.'•Ry*^rtow> '^mfiiiSi' i. ( o'$i '.rwtftji*, lo •pi •«•>! >i h?$ ,-Mi£ffltmtfS ' • BJiD WBtf&pfmWfi tm il t Wd'vtk*«l't! Cwri'atewll ' »r..»-iif el *fjgfa»0lfgj$^'i$ ""v^aJ. ft r-TTll 'iiin

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^ a ^ a e a W T O ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ g ^ a g g g ^ B ^ g

™ S » SSalto BI«k corns*. Item ana mfij^»!*»i».l'--% jW V- -:.-. , ..- i. I ""r""~i»r. J. W. Randall, _o»alffiB*"i£4 Swawat 0«B* «•&?"••* *

BJaES&m cu»w» etrrsta, ""A." J*r. Wkf«*4»>rr|*dP.,, ffin a t a x i a * atteet, AlMoa, H. T.

O B M .

l,.'».!Bot»er, 'aka'e

" JjeBoy tt. Sanfojrdj

jEu, and O m J t t » . i W w - -

S. 8. Spencer,

JnartcE o'tie Peat! and Attorney at l i t . Office

? ^ * ^ 5 S ^ ^ [ « ! i « * Henry Aruutroag,

. rtOSHBY'fo' OllttAants. Offlee, No. 31 Bar-A »»•' Block, Alblcn-

*t»«ipg!f«ri.~ -nA8niosABtE~nim DRESSER end B « H I.u«nlng In the ToneoriaUln. proopiljr ex­

i t e d S t o W e M " " 1 ^ <*>*• « ^ 4U£°*V?»* 'tfVeiftnretiYoaad lmtoorator »> only M cent* S f w f f fl8««»'«r « ^ W , M . (fc,S?A.Otocer,

H. A. Bennett.*

. . . 1 si the PoatoOloC. , 0 » 8 a ^ P * I R XOS




O^U BuKoornTr W» »<T Canal St*. AlUon ~?

t"«tt. .T'tV 1

!<«•**# t « W

.. .. wieftew SiS « j ^ |i l5ft ^ i:





s;;sg' C B I P P L E D J A N E .


Taej aalrl ate might recover, If we sent bar down t o tet&oaea,

But ftil U f»r the rldi men < cWMieu, and. we knew . "l'icouia notbft ,

3<5irtnliT«Jathoraftl.a tho Ltnwliiafairt} F«of lad we Mi? her, d»y br (l*y,

'Grow {.&!• *«d utaottd and crook.*), UU her bat chaaco dltd an-ftj

^jidniJ* I'mdjlog and on«c xboa jou thqught ; .tbUImoan«d with JJ»1D [wMtaoaiiina jnjer to II«,cn and tWnJdJJ..ol*

Folks will ba kind to Johnny j hti temper la intrry and "ight;

With aa o)Qch IQTO la hiq boumt »jca and a eiurdj ttpBO of right

And no one would qufnrcl wttl Suain » » ptom am meek and mild

And neatly as w!t>o aaa tvu an for all the look a inch a chllil |

Bat JtaowiH bowtjrd %u& t^wird ; florpo, »nct cannlnp, end hardt

Sha won't belloTt tbo'a a burden, bo thankful, nor win regard,

God htve meroy upon her; God W h e r guard t o d guide t

How w(lV A^apgera bear with her, when, at tlmea, •ren 1 fait tried f

Whon th« ugly Bralle at pleasure gota otor hor tt^ low face,

And. UwtftsUnB of htfUh, "wr *n h.ouc*. aalclwni (iar Upgttld pate;

Whon with dwaitlih itreoyth iho t l tcs , and' pluoka1

with aaolQibhftnd, Thobuileit parson n«ar hist. tol«bl h e r o n t »n lh»


Or whon ihe Blta in koma oomer, no oao ' i iom pinion or car*,

. Hn-ldUd up ID aoma dorUomo p u u g a , or croiiebod on a atap of tbe stair ;

When far o 0 t h e children axe plajlog, *n<l tha birds singing load In the «x.j ,

And aha looks through tha cloud of her headaeh*, t o — « o w i atrthaojuaara^j^, , - * . . ^ S

Idle—God bate pity opoo htrl—bow hippy tlch man. piuat ha 1—

For Ibey a^dlbetn" |$ t l u r e i«C0»«ed- ir wa lent bar down to tha i*>.

Who Knowoth tho Heart P

StiMV Snt Bti lm i l l »orl do»« In thi Burt K i i l l l , u d on rtajoiu-

l imm uul t»Uj inH^ntw*. TEKH SXTBAdtKq WITHOUT PAIN,

j . A . aiaAioBT. i lUo . . r . h - «. 1MI.

j L N O R T H R O P

D E 1 1 T I 8 I , NO. 6 4 M A I N 8 T f i E BT Aibioa N Y. orar Qrorar & No6l« 8bo« Store All DOIAJ op«rmtiona latrtlited t o our e*re will r»ertT«

Prompt A. C o r c l i i l A t t e n t i o n .

Ttitb •xtrmeUd vlthomt pain \if tha QH of


Df r?AjS IE,

thojimtoier « » * m . Th» Jbwk tWfci thusgkt h«-<ii3tt'tidohudiitj,-,o» k»Jd haw n u g h t It, Btttjj W»*«-. yoi / . 'S* couldn't a e a »»jthmg ^ t ^ - W M ^ k * * . ' all that yHi\t, BoV-woalflbatfe bsiHU' work, «nd wlkMiktl! IBe »ttM»o«ojfcW without a n y laot, a«dtj«'<'«l»«tCDil« a'clock catat , (Cbi'Jsjf i»o^»>ia<i^^F things W o got o i t jiMaukjiUJfc*' ploguglies »ud flzfid Up '«S'pwp& work the openot ngainst. I » » W»u open - a n y wf o4 gaoo I got a pnftlnhM with my opener. Ktt«y oun't .itia^l loog igunst . t . . ». j J

"Dofor©-«o got fti work, 'QsutKiatS: TiiflAioat *6 thc>,Biuttk &wi ^ w 4 Slfh, a fino brace owl bit, h.« undo ,*'-««aJUj holo Ihroagb tlio ptkuel of tUa Jaor, then ha u o d A bit o f ootd 10 * .wu«»id stuik tho wiro tb'rongb. tho doer; b e ••flSUit pulled oo tlio othot „ »ido,.|od. know LutaJaok < | » t \ . i i | > W t ) , iioaviog t b e wire through, tho doot'WO, riggid a aptiugih'sn«n«r M 4b»ti"iit would stnfco ou > hook mdL m»ke a drill i|m<l-vcaloid ot a olosrnqUe like;* bejl. 3acfc was to jmll tho wir* irjd keop HI posted by i-t of outtido n i i ^ i i and didgew.''Then wo got ta-*Ptlt; and 1 got tho opopcr to bear,'- W e undo llttls or oo noiso, still, wo.ttopptd WQrk»ben«vor Jiok^a bulli t * " 8 * 9 ? * tbui), which uicaot danger, two th*?: tneiDt ahead igain; wbilo tbreft.'lbetr that lomo ouo was either oai&ing '



mm Ttpilai—ombr»olM_ii«,l


ing publioa-uoi»or New Tork,"««%a>4,PbUad«l .

poiA pnbliaherfl T , PHi

_ S t t J l o ' « Col-ohfd rrtmora, U n e n 'BikjUKja^ P i ­lar Uolla. Th« 8t»^|»rfNM«U— In library »nd »ntlqj|»!l l»dlngl.

H.rdlng'BoJiilona'ot * t m l l j

3ibl|), Boxwood,

Diblc.wilh Pholo(t»i ih Al­bania. Nolson'a snii'Pott

A Amor/'a linoof am»U ?nj<s9. BablUr, and Tealatnenla,

Mahogany A JJIaqk JVainot Ika—Plain u>d paflalicafSunaio and

J^frlraoa,' and cbain bags. Porto Fo-

; Dressing Casta. Ohanksra I PhoCograpbh Alfinllll, Back i GaromorT'nosrdB, DominoM, jPlaying Oiit4»,^eUlif BlpoH, Brast{all'a Bnlldlag Bloots, Irory

ijid OinKnliJiiav T«biatsv_Monohoir Baliej1; W o h ' t o f a , SeoHhTlatd Ooodl,

tfloti Bokes, Moalo TotloaV Tranipatora i .„$latea, and otfier rinoy

tjaoda, AI«P, 1»41 klada of flUtfonorv,I!I»ofc_books> M!«-

lailajfesaVooSrarPWirPenollB. ill tbe Rochester dai l in, tbe Nav

York dailies and weeklies, reooired rtgularty. Ordsrs for Book-blndlnj

promptly attended to. Remember B a r -lia'i Poat Office NOTTS Room, Albion, N. T

June & Wilson's Boot & Shoe Store,

R e m o v e d to O a g h ' s B l o c k ,

No. 76 M A I N STUKBT.

WE dexira (to espreu oar tbAaka for the moat libarai patronise *o far vxtanded to as , and

BQtlf; the public that taj nssortmeat of Bret elaaa roodj for

Men'i, Boyi't Ladloa' and Children'i Wear.


»Ddorjrpric«B will talvayi b« fonnd aa LOW u atjoallj f°<xl irtielaa oan ba beught for anywhei «•


^"l eootlna* to b« » •peei&lItT, »nd, nring none bn t11* *»« •tock, ftnd implorrl&g only competent »ork-^•o. t»a nwflilr IoM*otee«ntlrB«»tlaC»ctloD


0, ^ho that ca^JGlJiPirb-art'a Oaapaat call lattaHiminltOiPiaaanre ot throbbing .lib pilo f

Forth* j(ai(er#ltl be n j »h«n lie hop.. it»»l ••• / . AUlllintand aloir Uka > touiml traJn.

Who b o o t h thatham* of tha banrl't fooJi>t draaat,

h-«»"illliartea;.t«OI|hlt hoi; anil •mil WhoemtattthHa(wra,ami taunt it» r»«n.

Whan aorrow bftfoc* orar It hearj aiwl cbilt '

0, tha world hath no part In thi Ufa of Use b.«» l TJfisiarhad are tta oonflleu, nahaadad its vo«t,

It dreUathalone Ita eosqoeata ankaowa. Aid 111 deep walla of fetltoj, ah I who »n»ll 4U-


TboeKh tha cara-tadoq htaatai may b*<Urk with oo-

U Ita piUa tmdlu UUalab 1) throbtaXo. Ipart; Tha glanea roaj b« brtgUt wb.n It dwalUth to nlahl^

Asd QoO aloa* Kaowath tba lira oj t n e heart. —CHiOAOO l*0IT-



Wtlliom Hatroy, or, aa ho W'^toilor knowD, Kughah hill, had that j»prait>|i pleaded go'liy to a oriino which giro bim lo ilit Staio 1'coitoBtiojy for lilo. aod ai 1 took him back lo h u coll lie told mo to come aod aco bim the next dav, aod pcrbapa ho could toll mo ef mo-thing ihct would astonish mo Wc do-tcotiics are not BO easily astonished, howovor, nod the oft-ropoitod «B»oranoc» by hopoleu criminals, ibat they could and would astouud us with woodoifol rovclatiooa, too ofleo loll us litilo or nothing mere than wo know. A few now dodgea, aomo robboty yet in ita Iti-faooy ana only conceived, BDd occasion-ally IOOIO really usoful olues or informa­tion, generally beiDg Iho ^nbslanco of iho pritoner'a <jonfpa»(0pa, »od made in hopoi gf ita bchoR filo^to ihorton md milisalo tho presont ponijbmont and Otofinemeot. It was not with tho ox-pcotnlion cf hearing aDytljiDC of con-acqnence that I want iho j cxt day lo BDglbh Bill's coll. Thai Do w.s o eel obraied burglar, fhiorana onminal I haJ long known, bat as I gaaid boforo, jt< is solditn ibjlt roliablo ,lnf .trnatloo. whioh oan bo made of uso \o u^ dotee-HTeaJa farnishod by snch toon. '^BiUBComod nooo tho wofao from iho aovoritJ of tho ecntoneo which ho had so lately roooiveJ.iboU|.'b tq a loss bnrn-oned criminal'bo haro tborjghts ofim-priaonrnont, for lifp is generally so tp-pallino. eg to »g0 them to a few hours



M i S H O O D :

How L o s t , H o v f R e s t o r e d . Joat PnbUahett, a naw edition of DT' ColTarwen'a Celobrated Em} on thi-Radlcll e«re (altboat medicinal ot

. i i Bpennalorrhooa, or Seminal Womkoasa, "'oliotarr Seminal LoeWB-Impotenoy; U e n U U n d "Utol InctpuU;, ImpedimaeU t o H«rrleg», etc | "lo. CoMumptloo, Eptlepaj and fite, Induced b» •aiHndttlranee or aasoal e'jtrmragance.

IfPftc*, ID a t e t |ed emrelopa, on ly ill cent*. rb» eeutinued Author in tola admirable w a y

««ulj aemooatrmtea from a thirty yeara" inccesafol Pfwtlee. that tho alarming- conwqoencel o f 8clr-^ M may be tadteall; enrtrd wlthoat tha dangerona "" "f Internal medleloo or the application of tbe " » • ; poi&Unt ontamode of enre at onco eimplo. ^ t l o and eaectnal, by me&nl of which orery aof-"rtr, DO matter whal hla eondltlon m a y bo, may Cora "?«'ja«aply, .pilrate!T, and radically

lajThle Lecture uoo ld be In the handi of erery ™ » »nd erery mao to t h e land.

watnnderaaaitoany addrata, In a plalo enrel-i i i ? l i l * raea'Ptoflix cenbtortaro poatare atampe. " » Jr Cnlnrwatri "Marrtoga Oolde," pflee S5 o ta

aadreaa tha Pohlllhar.. 0HA8.J O.0LINK400.,

B I m n , „„ Toaa, Pot OBoe Bao.*,4l»

B n i lillf h»ti cauhled tho cos t over nnd over again, and now that llfp game was np, tbo race run, and oil ch .Doo pooo.he was prepared to pay iho penal ty , and

moot hbs fa ' 0 I'l*0 * mm

It is euoh men aa ibeso alooo that pako aooocosful burglars or criminals T&o ee^a.rrTwfeee b i s dooir) has eom© will hptb been a Cflwatd boforo, and ib<-onanoes aro that the"Wry |Doato cow-afrjice bas boon tbo moans D f uostoady-ing his nerve or hruid, and led to h i e deteotion and csptoro .

•Yon soo, Bir,' he Baid, ( a n d I will give it nearly in his own words) '1 hove eomothing on my mind to te l l yon that t think yon ought t o know Yoa run mo down in this 'ore pamo. and you did it well. I ain't go iog to blaroo yon lor that ; it's your bas incm—oot but It's e mean kind of business, loo, th i s running of a man down, but somebody bas got to do it, I suppose, and alter all i t nto't any meaner than a man like mo doing something that requires officers to run him down However, that's neither here nor Iboro, and I half forgive yoa for bagging mo. I don't duito torgivo yon; you see—perhaps thnt'll oomo, and it will come if you and mo pul l togolher in this little pieoo o f business, and y o a 6x tho folks os Bxed mo, t h e villains.'

I told Bill that I oould mako n o iroaty or bargain with, that all oar dealings must consist of his confosiion to me, but if he was able to give eueh information as would result in my get-ling track of tho rogues, ho might rest assured that I would follow up tho trail and arrest thero, and see d u o punish­ment rooted out to them if i t lay in m y powe

Woll, said Bill, that'll h a v e to do, I suppose ; all I ask is to get them fixed, and so here goes for what tho parson used to oall an open oonfeesion. You 11 remember the robbery of tbe Surf Hank down on Tide street, near tho river. How tbo bank Rot protty n e a r stripped and how no ono over got a traco of tho follows who broke in.'

I remembered i t loo w o l l , for t b o oon-soooess of the detective foreo ID not being ablo to Bnd ovon tho remotest olue, had been a constant ga l l to UB,8nd Iho papers had taken oaro t h a t wo sbo d havo a rub on iho old sorcevory two o r throe days .

'Woll,' said' Bill, 'roe and my pais Bxed np that thing, and if tho oiher

fellows had. worked iqaan l wouldn't 4ow»ahtde»ajjkatfca <4iok abont «l«t»a\ be hers now. I'd be i Tirtuooa 'fiper tha utt^daft, aad^ carefully draw* i l l . in Australia, or a «sptclable rjilii?*- mating baSoi our *ha opening, \ . oofWcsta living on my money, and. , "Jirry -Shin iiggad up a . ' p » p . « talcing, good care a f mjielf, Thit's, two, with *b»pi«o of 4oWwatt«»p,aj»d' whit I bid oat to do, bat I didn't g*fc tnadtit qoata «ti»djj and no ona'could thorooka todoi t OD.thaokB to ihonr. aee from a b o « , any ehanga. Atioatt villain pals of mine, and I thought I'd.. "" _ . , - - - -have another try to mike a ruga, tod that's what Bottled mo to what I tin. now

Well, you see,' ho continued, 'wa had oor oyoa on that hank a long tipo, nnd I'll tell you how it came about

'Ono night me and some fellows vera ont in a boat on tho rivo", avlooklDg jrmind for something that might b» handy, nnd OQtomg around a pier what should wo. tun into tut a Dolico bSat.-Well, wo palled nahoro arid struok the. latmont hard and stove in t h e boat.

'Tho othor follatg grabbed tho.whirf; rtcd ran rip it like eats and off thp; went, but I was kinder stunned dud con'dn't follow. I looked aronnd for a moment or so, and jright nearjoio_ woa. tbo mouth of a great fewer. I acmio-limcs would trip up aod go down on all fours in the oboah whioh flowed about sic inohea deep in tho bottom of iho sewor.

'After a llttlo I stopped to listen.and found thoro was no ono olter no. I I sd passrd Iwo or throe glimmers o f light OB I rari, and aright ahead of mo was antther. Going up loitv, I fouod-<he light to pome down an opening from iho street.

•Dotting a foothold against tho will of tho sower, I olamberod up and stuok my head through the oponiDg. It wast i DO of ihoso long and narrow surfaoa • ponings whioh enter tbo so«rora urjdor tbo aidowalk at tho strcot corners. The i.olo won big enough for mo t o got my

ooJ aucl shoulders through, but no moro Tho gas abovo was burning brightly, and ns I lookod aronod tbo (irsl thing I sow the Hurf Bank right oloso to mo, tho width of tbo eldowalk only soparating.

Just then I hoard the slow, steady walk of a policeman, and tucked in my head l i e passed wiiliio ihroo foot of me, and tho first thing that struok ma was now it I hod a grudgo ngmimt that fellar, how easily I could out with my revolvor and Bhoot him ; and then X thought who would ever look down la the sewer for tho mao who shot him 1* \ n d how oasily I ot old go down to the rivor and got off.

'It flashed thon ovor mj mind—II a foliar was to rob a plaoo and had a pal down in thosowor, bow nicely be could hand him tho swag and then walk off with his bands in hla pocket, and if oaught, nothing could bo proved.

'Those tbines sot mo thinking, I eoneluded I'd dropped on a> first rate thinac You know youraolf thoro alo't any difficulty worth mentioning in iba vray of UB follows gotling into a bink in tho oily, but tho polico eavfcoh ua as wo go homo through tho alreots.

'Woll, to mako a long story abort, I laid out to btoa. into thai wery bank whioh was BO hand; to tbo ttewera. I had tho ohoico of pala, and I picked oat Ihoao I thought 1 could tiusl., I was miauken in that, but I'll fool %m yet I got i fellow to hire tbe* basement undor tho hank, and then for a month or so I lot iho matter lie still. only 1 wne maturing my plana all t h e wbilo. At last all was roady, and aix of ua had aworn lo aland by catoh other through thick sod tbin, and lo ihavro equally tho dangrr and tho stuff, only 1 was to havo ton per cent on Iho share of tbo othora for finding out md plavnning the lay

8cotoh Dob and mo Oontlornan Tim and Jerry Mudgo was lo bo tmldo tbo baaomonl—Gentleman Tim was the man that hired it for at broker's ofEoa—and Charley Forria wava to bo in tho ttroot.

We all fonr were in tho basement ono 8atorday, and aa lime for looking np onmo throo of ua got iolo u big prema Buppwd lo bo fall of papers. flontlo man Tim thon walked out of tho oHioe and gnvo tho janitor iho koy for it Ho thon come baok nnd opened tbo door whioh ho had not lockod.and oamo iuto tho office.

Flo then locked the door from the In­side with a f.lao key, aod joined ni lo ibo pnas. Wo lookod tbo door of that insido. and there wo four follaars stood, paokod loi;othor libo sardines. Soon wo hoaid iho janitor oron the office doer and eomo in to eltan oat. He swopt around nnd arranged tbinga aa litllo as wo could tell by the noi»o he made, and then bo oloarod ont and left as I-wanted to nnooto real bad whon t-e was in iho office, but 1 managed to atop it

After be had gone we stepped out Wo had abundanoc of time boforo na. only wo had to keop a till for tho lime, as tho janitor was most likely sweeping tho bank up Btairs. So wo h a d a good irnnot-o, and got to w.rk about midnight

'Tho firat thing was to pot down (be plaster overhead without ooiao, which wo did by holding a blanket undor i * and piokrng It gentlyand in small pie­ces.

Wo thon got to the laths, and Jorry Mudgo' tho onrpentor among ua, on* thorn off with n fino saw. I forgot t o say wo had bong blankota before the windows,- end as ihoro wcro iron abut­ters both noiso and light were out off from tho etroot. For a moo t h pwiouw Oontlornan Tim had been bringing t o tho fffice, in small quantities, socb things as wo nooded.and wo had a good stookof evoryihing on band.

'Wo tbon straok tho floor o f tho tan h nnd Gentleman Tim, standine on tbo proas, soon sowed out a pioco some three feel square Luckily, thoro was somo loose matrinff overhead, and not aa Dailed down oarpet, and it lay oiaotljpr ovcr wbero wo had out. Ton see I had ofion boen in tbo bank,and had taken tho bearing of things. Scotch Bob **e . safe lookmaker, nnd ho thought b e could open any combination look if h e only bad time. 8o to work h e wont. W e fellows wont bolow and loft h i m to kitnr-sell as he oould work bolter that way You see wo bad not intended to roniowo an/thing that night Tho l ime would b»e too short. Wo were only to g e t ready t o go tbfongh tbo vaults safe and g e t sway with tho Btoff on Sunday night. All night Bob worked, and I walobed and listened, wbilo tho others slop*. Wo knew tho janitor visltod tbo banJc OffBandayabofit noon, IO Bob Mttt*

t t t i < riJaT u j . < ,<. jt M t B - i *«awt«.^

it. H ^ m ^

f^ 9fA mmmmasmmmimmmm'i'

afa^ava lai | aolawtai aMJiiar m »W

- ( aaaa j $a4too« « 4 g ^ p W eo)«ra)il hi.

rjfraJ^J*Bj(frW>t and "nnoleanli™ _!_' ^ . '* " " _ ".. . 1 i'lpti jtVlta Otiaaiu ahaitvtlwa

•jttn-Tar the^wUateidict ofptfr. " _ ^ . V iSTi all ^MuJStrl 'L


fk«ni}e|;lo. b<i«*o'p«ttfSv»aVfe J a U l - ' i a

#^ptloai|i |rings.a|ltJ*W9iije«UPK.ol t ^ ' ft»li:ga.w* iOr«U»dsuitt.o!Hl tanluWMHt} mm »M «a)i*srff «S WiaitMiWl-, papers abaotb.-.Hftd -iet»i!;,'\»4lt tand.tQ .f«UAa,man of oprraptiqnvUt^%ilto«i»vii,

.wlt-nover .thoro ii^l^jillghtas.^ r junp, ^

^.Wiws&wH **#?• '9M mont, mould form's, and »;• knpir opt how many or what kind of'dUaaie, taa;> bioriglriateid'and'fo-tewdby-' ,'uqhcor­ruption.-' liotvia ttm> fofa'momont''lor tb»Ti.ktv»*'ilo»wisi,<ito' idnitf' bl"oa»i &{ghpua^.*nj1.lurad,1oprbig«:,hedre^

the liuk, o r ibat aomo polioawao lva», ^ a northjuh oonjn|a«b f$ba>r soouja,. aa. searching aaloug under tho atoopf, .and would, w h o n he got to tbo bank Itoop) moat likely discover Jaok a. hu'lfj onrlod up.

"Should this happen bo waa to foign aleop and a t tbo worst, oould only bo mado to tnqvo on. Howsvar (Tory. thing was propitionat, and tho ball only Bounded t h e one tapr-wtVenover tbo pr> tioemin drtsw uoar tho bank. Be bad worked about an' hoor, and 1 fall lore) a oooplo moro would lot me thjotlgb, tho door, whon Bob who hid not dt»-conllouod his attempts to unfold tho combination of tbo look, uttered a Joy­ful iiclamatlon, and immcdiitaly tbo pondttoos door swuDg opoo. Ht had hit upon tho oomhination, partly by look and p*rlly from his knowltdge Of looki, T h o Inner door was of but lit bindgraooo to us, and wo ware loon in tho fault. Gentleman Tim prodiioed aomo Indiaui rubber baga whioh ha had' provided, aaod Into thorn wa bunlodjy plaotd tho wealth ot notes, atooka »a)d" bills whioh wo found. A lot of dopqe-itora' |ID oaali boxoa wcro ringed arouqd and those w»o broko opon and add»d tho contoata to our pilo.

"Tbo b a g s now became fall and yot •till mora was to be had for the taking, It would n o t do for ono ol a* to load himielf w i t h eroo a rioglo dollar, for jf arrtnod o n tha atraat on aoaploioo, wa must haro nothing traettblo * W l h a bank ibout our persons. A long, law trunk was to the vault, and by maaa-aring Its thieknaM. wo found it would ju»l enter eb« aoarer at tho comer.

Now a>mo lbs moat dangeroas part of tbe work. By pulling tho atria*, tho wo a n d ol whioh was in Jaokfa hand, we commonicatod to him through arranged aignala that wo wara ready to comoout- In anawer ho Informed tta tbroogh tho same channel, that the poliooman waa still near. Aflat wait­ing fifteen minutes Jack telegraphed thai llio comal was clear, and one by ono wo slipped out of tho baok by tba front door, and handed tho bog of ilnff, whlobwe carried down tha aluiMiray to Charley. ptued on in different way. to meet, aa bj arraogmonl, io an hnur afterward* at tho mouth of the aowar. I oamo o a t of tho bank laa», carrying tho Hunk, which I gave to Chtrloy, and llion pasted down toward! tho matte.

"I waited an boar and tbon went to tho sower mouth and waitod in tho shade of t h o nlcr an hour or more, but nonoof t h o followki oamo. At lut I slippsd a p Iho scwor and found no (JhirloT.

"I then aiw how I had bean fooled. Tha villains had oomo together and made off with tho spoils bafora I gvt tbcro.

"I OOTCT sot ay** Qn o n * ° ' 'boas fellows s i n c e If I bad, one would havo died, bo it ms or bte-

"Thp b a n t offered a big reward, aod I bid my doubts aa to whether it wouldo't b e hotter to poioh and claim it. sod ao got something. But aa I had | no bond* t o rotnrn to thorn, I feared the; wonldo't act square with m o . Now I'm £ait and may aa. si lLjaako tbo best o f it. ff s o u pan do anitKipg toosloh "era I'll bfilgM,fiad—If jmii cant, it oaan't be lijilpWhOoly If JOn do jour brat,.** I «aid."Mforo,-A f-i-gi«« too aall clftnfoHirjB'llng •«J««™-

Llttla mpriiamaiua to tft tmeJirj'fTho olnmgi*en mo by E u g l b | ] ^ ^ a r a

bolllfei- on tett^itiOWJa«»l>«J-live in waSaiTln—and-po doubt a«Hjr, ra-ioioaln tfco.lrnil. of tboif moii «ao

otttw tUtAm, I.-ajfe-g"*« othir d a y "and told bTm ^ t t « » 5 * f e U -Ho didn't onjoy ihov newii i f e t m Jpnt will many ottMM oomparerT their fata to bis a n d damned them for their treachery- Af I loft hi laid "I don't knowaal forgive you fjmta, <iol If

aooommodatioD ia o f tho rod*. to.|m4 i jho .f«t,-.!)«» wo

ahall find tho walls and ooiUuga por. hapi whitowiihcd with llmo, beautifully

i '

poaalbly thoy may h*o tnido o f tho old-fashioned T)liio and w'dit'o; gitighim or oheok-pattorn | I atrip of oarpot it ODO lido of t b a bed, or possibly tall around it, a ohair or two, a n d a table completes tho fumitore) but how o'oan .and twaat-axoejllng amd hcalth-givlDg every thing appears 1-r-and not oaly uppauui, bat u i o . No muily.-Xu»tj.imolli—no decay­ing matter op, tip walla to croato dua-eaio. Io euoh a room wo lis down with ptiuure, and tlao rwfroihM- No woo. dor that heallh eonaoa biok to, ui, and wilh tho aid of fresh ilr, rognlir and ajmplo habiia, and..gooci appotlto, wo roglib lost itrongth and onorgj, and g o baok again to Iho daily routine of oily life liko gianta rofra«hod, to balllo nnd to.l' with tho world again—for a timo.

" Now, in our town-houaea wo roverao this auto of thing* adtogolhar. Every iaoh of'floor must bo covered with tbjok Oirpala. »hioh iro parhapi only taken dp ondjln three iiionthi, and in

wW^s'aildto-iw^bowK^ »

• A ^ t i t w i . l t t t U ^ o W e f t ^ ^ Of two lc.iil.tiva 0b»mbaW>!diipSw» O tha ,e»»K -tyii "Utiaiadwa lli*»||irj;W( warethemaelfrtlgaiond^b^tlii

v ^ i w a f ^ i j - g , . . \ < i b i ^ t ^ a M t p f a* " aaTentaau .jMt*,«|«d 'WJla* a aorthi gMo by talking fepublli'niam W'tlfi fioblti anil {oieltt WBKMItiBC i*!*;

f lafdi»tif«ilWl*B :b6tU'»M«a. -•-' A-- 51 MUuritg blr ralgn,1 EugUad and Bai.

^iud»e*i«iiW^tticd'tbfi).i!bi^ rMtayaWmioMntarnil-wmaauoioatlQa by tail,'and'#it ^BoW'^ttifV W0tad«T«lop«J*lU»iBi»i(»lIjile4»rii Ity} btiV Whin Lottia Philippo mada'hLi eBoapa in a haokbuy ooioh and rwohtd Kuglanduplain Mr, Smith, within utubwliaid Mi two'd, 'tha b|tt«r-'io support tho dla ttl**' of » Briton, th«r« wlto on)* two A-W llwir'of railtotd from I'ar i into tha proviu''.e«1 and tha imlustrial Intereit of Frinoo hid ad­vanced little linoe tho beginning of tbo

tha; «Vk by IM Mm' ^ I t M a y l » ->»>t» M a t e s . wwaW^v^raVk

imk>haa.alS-|w^a,.-B»d<ltiwttk^V«a)WlaiS M t % 4 apfrtanaaaj <tt»«|»lj '-J '--

imm ^t i i i>„ „„..__...,.


f »#, .Uaj 1 ) i i a w »t- i t ,b , i fetrHt*^;^

. - _ _ . - i a a , . . „ . a , . a _ . . a . . ^ k t . ^ ^

at Qttatoia^iii^ f tkUuNaw,ar«k:„,Wairtli, '8« ,i_^JIr,


^:Mw|Paa. » W # l i a a W . i a , «

ailaiaw*fciljiata ajaaaajBaw* a | a ^ l a w » l a ^ W w P K W P P W , ? , , ^ ^


ofdort k.|i drtUrtJliWP^aajtiii a ABdrawi,«of I8».^ifth AtMaa^iAl -1 alagiat W « m l | w j r * « m t d « l y | ^ [ # '

thoii who oan i prioa.'ror'wtit'k „ - , - - - ., Motohowiti, • OM> k«ito!iv.(Miwil!lfi fttqaoallyipaid) fMi^t^iawklaaj ,of;t

WW! OM> k«id^.sdolk»r|!ll

. . . . . . . . . . . i f « ; ^t^iawklaaj lOJSj. fa**jmWifa $$*\* •«• # *>»pHyt»yfc^t;ft.^H!.;.( f . ^ ^

Adven* ol-'Autojaui, I ik«V

ajaat- aaaaaaBBal tw 'tawiaa Ina

r»»T»aiaw*am«m ;•*'

f «iaaM_-iM ;(aa«ifa at : wltaaaat afcatj itra laav-^ ^ , a A j h aB^^aAaJBaBBaaaBBaa' ^haaBBaaaBBaBaalBBBV

ovor g e t o u t of h e r o , and havo a ohanoo to shoot y o u from a »ower- r wby I won't that**s a l l "

. •> • 11 aw '

TUB Brsuaious ASPKOT.—Tb» Journal of CofliWefrce rekrot* to-SOT. tho roligions sispiiot of tbo European qao»' tioo io mnoh urgod in rospootablo qoar-tell, as tfiat paper h » « ^ « a ° ? ^ 1 a in Prussia.'B ProfesUnttam aa So ally of spiritual Christianity than in tbo Frdnob>-mio'i Bomaniarn. Tbo Journal it right. Bellgiop satera. no, htorfjpw tbo liaueat of tho presont war than do«i liberty. Governments aro never mora rollglouB than tho eeoilmont of their pooplos makoi It politic for thorn to be, and at tJhe.nreseot S^JteJg»£ noi l ie aSeffflanB oan bo called irpioos pooplo. It wontd. bo >Jjd » « ! 7 i n

wblohtiiavtion roligiooi indifforenluni » tho' moi-o prortttaooed ittd nmvertab

many oaaaa, once i n twolve monlha; and whan ih'oy wro ' tikao • up, tha amounv o f doit, dirt, Tito. wlrtoh gathora ufidoYoeattMKcmMo Wit lima" la alkrnt-ing, from a aanltary point of View. When tha oarpot has boon down for a length of timo, tho dust rises by tbo preaaura-and motioav of walking, and thni makes tt.o air w o broalba Impure ; this will baa the oaaa- howovar oarefally they era bruabod and iwaptj this U •hi) one fruitful earxso Tit bad .amolla, for wherever dual accumulates, foal amolla will alio oxist. In hoosea where much gas ia burnt i n the lower rooma, tho bearoomj above aro almost Invaria­bly unhealthy, as tbo burnt air uoinds to tbo bedrooms, vitiates tbo air, and thus iujora tha sleepers. Wo bollewe that thoro is no remedy for this, except every bnrnor bt oonnoolod by tobos or oiherwfaa to a ventilating shaft, whioh will remove the burnt air and oioapsd gas as last aa thoy sue produced. Aod we cannot eoi why this may not be Jono oheaplv and cfTootually lo houaaa andohopa whicYaro lalltj i n houio* to bo built tho matter would ba almpli

All walls whioh havo to bo papered, oven if they aro new, ahould be well rubood down with a largo pieoo of pumioa-itono, out and mbbod to a fiat sido—tola will lake off all bits and nro-jootiont. All boles, oraoka, and broken pltooi should then b s oatafallj iloppod with plaatar of Paris. T b o smallest orovioa will serve aa a breeding'plaoo for vormio, and no bouae i s Ml° from them, ai they ar* often i o the wood when tbo houaa ia built. W both or thoy gat into the oa.ound wood whan on ihipbowd, or araa brought from tbe forcit, is a quoation we cannot solve. Whon tbo wtlla aro woll nabbed down and woll dulled, thoy may b e ela.d and papared Jo Iho uaaal manner, but oaro abould b o takou (bat all cdf-oa, oorf,era, sRd laps aro well pasted down, so that thoro may bo no opening foe vorniln to gat onddr tho paper. But, il wa aro aooutto ra-pspor a badroom, or, In laot, anyrootn, tho old jpapar abould in oil oaios bo stripped ont, and every particle of tho o l d paste washed oleau off tba Willi, every nolo avod-oroviooahonld be stopped aa bifore described. Tba walla ahould than bo washed over with a weak mixture of oarbolie acid and water, or rather diainfootant, in order to doitroy any retniina of^ mpuld or fangi which miy bavo girmlnatod from tbo decay of tho flonr-pasto. ^ Except tbli ii done, tho mould is araro to ap poar again, md qwioltly, for there ia scarooly any thing io dlffioalt to oradi dite if opoo it gats bold; but if these prcoaiituorji woro taken ovary timo room ia r.e-papired, our bodrooma would bo muoh moro healthy than thoy sow are. A 8ro't improvement would bo mado in -our bedroom; if t b e walla bo-hind tho -klrting boifda w*jr« plaitored or ,oorn«nt«d down to t h e uooriog-boirda, iniUid of their being, as DOW. uoplastarefl, thni Ipiviog » cavity for fhoio«omi)lition o f dull, aod Iho har-

oontury. Ai bit goter&mOnt bid navcr aliolt-

ed m y cordiality from tho peopli. bin ovcrkhrow wai (fatally looompllihid. Tba incident wbieh wo l u t in tha dbilnof l u oauiaa wu u i d to b* tba won trivial that ovor 'ad to a ravcla. lion. Lcidlog mambon of thaligitl-miM and liberal partioa oppokd hi* administration, and, u politloal bio q'uou were than cuitomtry, arraajod to hqldomof thaaa it whioh it Wu lntoadad to propoao tbo Inoooont tout •Roforrn and Right of M,iU?| . ' » a govornmeut forbade tho baoqaat, (hi pofiulaoo booima excited, abd tba na­tional guard, ordired lo Bra on tha p i o plo, fratornliod with Ibooj. Tha m u l t Introdaoed 'Mr flmitb1 to the ihorai ol Groat Britain n a fuglllro.

The Count of Paris, grandion of Loaia l'hlllpni, Is now oblof reprannt-ativo of tho family Ho ii aatd te bo a mm of good ohaiaatar aid fair ability, and to b* on* who profi«ea,.iaBd«ijr bollove in liberal Ideal. Tha aldir Una of tha Bourbons hiving and ad with th* Count da Obambord, who wiled htpuair Usury V„ ind died tu t year at Froliadorf neir Vitnna, th* Oount of Parla I* the (igitimtt* bilr to the Fronoh tiro wo, although ha doe* oot reproacnl a family oho by toy service* or flattery bavo loqolrad any lien npoa th* gratitnd* or atTiotlon of tho peoplo.

It doea not *aea likely that th* grandson of th* notor-popnlar Ind ultimately dethroned l<oBia I'hllllppe should, as h • heir, bo that <r«* oholo* of the Preoeb peoplo. Vat th* Count of Paris hu many roil or iMomd personal quilltles whioh render him apparently ono of tbe ollgtbl* noraoni in Eoropo for the Ibrona of*. Bnt, both i i to tha form of government and har.obolo* of a king, if aha wlihca lo hav* one, all ihonld bo l«ft entirely io tha peoplo of that oouotry aloo*. Tho old error of tho virions oounlrla* by wbloh l'ranoo was overran wai in Interfering with hor people to Ibo ehoic* of • rulor. Wo need not lay again how much wo ahould rogrtt to i s* tula wrong ropeatod, oor that In the ond it would be foand to b* tb* mMt Impolitlo (tap Prussia oould adopt

Twp».«Wj.f9,wll<*tai•"*•* iitloa ot tha tattaH Mm., __, „ oomiDg of a grttiftit 'coolaiA -wW4' * « i » i * I * l » e O l l . » « 0 B I B * B * « w « " w w r t t k

luainwr'a wffirlig, w .*m«irm|» l 1B wiloootlng th* ippwaahtot&}|,|J| th* awhorltj• of J^afaiHt' endnote, by tho »vfd.B,e**cf all b ilBi»».jiWo»'1aM **M:ltiW«»l*ll| l B ' t b * * « d l l l i l o » a l ' d « t l *«» - '* lWa» n i g h U , . W * . U » M a W 4 * * 1 | l a » l a l l »alr**f

el .11)* awn »Ml»».-*J»«fe Hser'li i

Held *rop*, tuilajr tod •i*tftlt%'-';" of ttnlvartilpllity.' WekitrrTMt It U—it way be tkit tk* lUinatdlitii HMOM MB*> OBt fNffAfMt

lut With ilia r*tu*!»g'iit*iir •r* iar* w« h m vnvtmttmtH\tm. aeu> MTir *»id» tiakt »i» with mob a t|op igd dmhfM,mm ia our IIVM hive Mm, ator* Mrgicoii cbang'ai, "or. wui i i j^l fWaMilS tt**am»ala"1*»f A * ^ •*"*'•'-» s f c « t j T -

0 « t apo* tho** who •lwr|*itkj* laa£. o h u g t to dioay. I t II, trJwJar''— not ind

Haiww . I P a t w i W ^ t « l ^ ' l i * | « 9 * i a w l i a

^ M i l i i l m •; r

i*ki» «Ma.*^^W^-*da»»«a .

^P''^BBBB*aBl a f ^ ^ ^ ^ B d k t tyKaaBBBVaaBBBBBBBaE jJadWaBBBBBaL A

%'W c K R T *,w$f 1 £ " *".J '1 If I 'b^Mr 9«ptt

>-46- ,Jaf^P|i^Wl»'1iV;4aMiM{t

J b ""•

not roU ti?athi U . T U m r r l j

^e^ry ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ t y y v a raBWrawt tWaaWaT *arw


take on yillow, pdrpt*, *iliirO« obi a* tb* ripanliig frolM do. ' Th«' l i |w oaually witm luratniE wkitk heugiti^t oa iaoh drop*, ihould glf* m, *WtM>i tXiriordlnirv ihow ol oolor^ le. t M wooda ' ' I

BntaiVtrthU ipUidid, ipMWfataaT •how will «eau tb*- dr»t>i»«»e. .TIM

0i la*ei* iWll»4*t i la ' lwh*«Mjl t t*«*

^V^0i>H^*^ a*wJ*rfvto«*a, *f f i ^ ' ^ i r e a H e ^ a j . ) , , ^ ^ I S r W i l Jaaaw ».W,*Sw*«'l*;aml af

i i

ta VeeUag e'er lh< haM> H t e a t l t a U a . aadUIaElai af Uu t i /a ttal era aa. a m ) ,

will fill with tha teavai.

Olo Bul l

Alloa Gary, in a loiter to th* Horns Journal, tolls tbe following *hariotirl»-tio anecdote of Olo Bull.who had beard of har Uracil: " Ono morning, Juit provioru lo his doparluro for fall far­away home, ho sent hli card, aiklog norm iaalon to oomo ind pl*y for me aomo of thi old JTorwcgim a ln , whioh. he holds exceedingly prasipni, and plays only at hi* own flitfide, and to listener* who b*T« lofflithing of Us* weird, and jolomn, ind propMU* in ihemaalfM. B* « « » , I Wa* Ml l.0w In roturnlng zratelol asiuranoei of''p*r-miMion," md wy mtMingir tir«*ntl-oam* baok lo mo, billing oa bUjihOnl-tier a OH* OofiUlnrag tht)i« BtfVitoally ennoing Inlirprater* of tbit divine lh«-aio which Uoatlve to tba tool of only one man In ill tba world.. In duo lima oamo tbo groat magloiio himself, nuk­ing ma forget for mdr* thao oa* hoar, by tbo iwoetneM and btlgbttiow of that imlloofbii , i n d b y t h * roogh gold of hii broken apocob (iho; mora oharmlng, I think, for it* v e r y Itn^orfiotloni), that bo poiioHod any Sner gift tbin tbit of conversation. I t wai l great delight to look Opon tboio two violioa.ooj of th*Ji oontnrios old, I bollove, wbloh, wr»pt in qoeobly garnlttfro ind tondorly oar­ed for, hive crossed and r«ero*scd the oocan so many times, and acootopiniad their muter tbroagh noirly all oivilia-od lands, feeding so many haogry boarte and olorati.og ind Inapifing *o many darkoned and uddcnld eouls."

l**T*e will fall. The «.lMiholy d u ^ -^gi^g^^awssiiitoiawett, i i ^ - w r t a * th* uddHl of tha year, a* "•"-* A — ilati, will ooae, Tk* Uan of

t i i

, _ . . . TSi 'wllf wind* will iwe*p ov«t tM WtaM. Tki-taai aong of thadipartllg btlrli will (141 ootheaer like* faaitalkyma-r»a>d, tad yit lent.—ff. T._ Imfor . . .

Tire loolUb ind BiitM itaetott ctf tbo publlihiri of BigiiliH, lad U-luitntad and <itory, piptw,' of dlltatjr thalrlMBis a. w«k QT M, | f* f^ " ihilr lotual pablieattoa, hu ofUri l)i th* IBbjMt 6f eoaarJliist. t* 1* u

only th* out** of * grail dial of failoB to tb* nadar. but cftasvlia. th* p*p.*ri thaaaMlyulBtMiar- l ta l i . log blunders. I B ] U lM«i b«t |a j j dau Hiptembir third, bat wk|ib..wa* ptlnlad and «litJita'«4 >WSWtt''tlayW igo, th* Niw Yotk /riyytf-fVwiliki* good a » r i p > . f t lb* abiiraiiy )&M ouitom. 1Up((»*B4e> 8j! i j t« , fvte

« i m , i i ' i s , » w i

i i _ - • I . l i _ a. I i. i i!MV-tfa Ctf

sc% J fi , c » kka.^.-va rx*

-.« ~ad>~

» t • I |.:» d

a aejs J ii . <e» «ui!ss.*


•The ITtlM ol i t tw.aid l l»-Wir. *(, •'• » — • • l r f t R A M

foMH«at*>itsa{ *'.ffW

boring o f inloo and . othor vermin, and tbo consequent conservation of bad smolis.

'A v e r y nioa etylp of deooriling a bedroom is to p iper l t with ono of tboio. eolf-colorod paper* (that i s , pipor that hu beeti colored iot tbo pnlp)—°f whioh thoro aro many tints made. Thoy may bo had from thirty to thirty-aix. inohel wide. IS tho roam is done with one of tuoio, of * suitable* ;tinty«»d a neat flo-tll border run round the top and Pol­


H e w York '* Man Mill iner.

n^i»Tr.^^J™thft church are fiit^rttion), t h * reiolt-will be pieuinjr

^^\S*J^^$^x& ^fj^*T^f:dh.,e a d a l L fa >iaha».a .*OBIlte^--a9«/«to | tTV«^By 0 | b ^ that h a v e

CTtr. i * a « i » - i i d aalor wpon tkafin.-iBd i*fcoi

Thrao doon wcit of Broadway, oo ointh street, ia tbo fiuntiihlng oiUbiiih-tnept of I man drcaimakor and dosflune. designer, Monsieur Mosohowlti, l young Hungarian. Bis plioo ii ele­gantly furnished, and on your arrival Miss Russell, an American and th* joaiorpartner in lbs-how*, (Ml!*** you and ukea your order*, or givei yon Information. Very ftw drsue, ar* to b* seen; nooo are on aihtbition. Bat thoio tbit ire in the miker'n bands are «xeeated in * etyle equal to- Worth.'* own dwlgui, for itoiobowitt Wtf * pa-


OinlraW; ia^Jrlio •v-liii^lli'i _ luranov di.l.r- thst -^ do ai WaW b* <*imply *b.»r|,»l Jkll,' •*** lefdaafa •ill r.aUbar, ia lo ih. U u daUd U,. third of 8itWhh,Jhtfm}ftti$ proelimatioB Wu ptMWul fajfjirH all th* fflbirniBt Wpalri f... T4Mip--tbitweatrtMr/ofmigaa, r IColW. liled with italtlfyiag fliilf .oaiM/tsj*| i« foar of tb* ***** !*MijiHtaaj4|l«ra fitly tbit Mjt, ft«Ua|^B*»rHt.:b»*««,': oiptad tb* asalloe » 'J 'aWft lViT* f6.1tl.0 damnation bllng g.rior'.llr BotiMdtoth* pipirf' of:'jl weik'a'*4r/ liar date. "• > •' - T<>'4

Art Jl0N0ltMi,%irt»}?«M^

.tor, I* .md ibk ?«& m, imtt>m trouble, frorn wliietj twi f ir .^Vid? by a lawyer who had kbata tVatgUti about galling hi* pay lor.ilii*-»M»J Th* liwyejrjlwd jmP9!$$h*f$f*t'

Sit - , M d D a i r ^ j i b o n , . WM.f>f$Bf«tl .

while «nllyrrpir^niig''o»t rM&* by tb*Mr1rlMlatf»gWi;"Uk>»^*y^ fellow who k**y»»i W ' ' '" — Wm, oat ih* IfiUif & "edlftrff 1lM bo taottlyi' - ,. ocnWid on th* wMrlftioa ^tftkiki boo** baiwerwoatd b«B lb* «b|U.*%|fd feoaaWwa* pronbttttiid 10 Inuo. man. ' A ftValfjltamtf ,n1»3*» agrut oo^motiooin tk* vilUJ*, at ik' «harih bad takiair* in •4mt*iN)n& ou w a y # « 4 m W H i . . ^ A l i ' l

if hi wa* t^^mm»m^^m Wa»l«hr»c«Weja^«l*»*i « M *0]tlv kasp bit W«!t»J., i^,w#,**»»4#*fd.



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