immanuel lutheran church january 2019 2019-1.pdf · lorn fairow. we thank everyone who attended the...

The Good News Letter Inside this issue: Pastor’s message continued…. 2 News from the Church Boards 3 LWML & Christian Education 4 Members to Celebrate, Upcoming Events & missed messages 5 Our Church Family & Volunteer Schedule 6 Calendar & Bible Study 7 Immanuel Lutheran Church LCMS 3834 Rockingham Rd Davenport, Iowa 52802 Office: 563-324-6431 Secretary Pastor Ferch 563-726-5459 Pastorferch Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 While at the Seminary we discussed the fact that many peo- ple are just simply unaware of when they should contact their pastor. Often we think the pastor is too busy for us to bother him with what we are going through. The goal of this list is to help members know some examples of when pastor would desire, and expect a call from the church members as he shepherds the flock. You receive life threatening news You want to talk about major problems (Marriage, sub- stance abuse, family, etc.) There is a restoration in the family after major problems You need to hear you are forgiven for your sins There is a death in the family There is a need for prayer You are admitted to the Hospital (Hospital staff and nurses will call for you) There is a struggle with an issue of faith (Spiritual, mental or emotional distress) There is domestic violence or any form of abuse There are potential new members in need of instruction/ confirmation A baptism is necessary The family is planning a move The family will be away for an extended time from home or church The family is going on vacation over a Sunday A family member moves into a nursing home or assisted living There is a criminal act against the family or home There is a fire or other kind of accident There is a suicidal issue A theological question that cannot be answered The pastor has offended you or someone you know There are thoughts about leaving the church or congrega- tion There is a loss of employment A child moves to college A family member is arrested or put in jail

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Page 1: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

The Good News Letter

Inside this issue: Pastor’s message continued….


News from the Church Boards 3

LWML & Christian Education 4

Members to Celebrate, Upcoming Events & missed messages


Our Church Family & Volunteer Schedule 6

Calendar & Bible Study 7

Immanuel Lutheran

Church LCMS

3834 Rockingham Rd

Davenport, Iowa 52802

Office: 563-324-6431


Pastor Ferch



Immanuel Lutheran Church

January 2019 While at the Seminary we discussed the fact that many peo-

ple are just simply unaware of when they should contact their

pastor. Often we think the pastor is too busy for us to bother

him with what we are going through. The goal of this list is to

help members know some examples of when pastor would

desire, and expect a call from the church members as he

shepherds the flock.

You receive life threatening news

You want to talk about major problems (Marriage, sub-

stance abuse, family, etc.)

There is a restoration in the family after major problems

You need to hear you are forgiven for your sins

There is a death in the family

There is a need for prayer

You are admitted to the Hospital (Hospital staff and nurses

will call for you)

There is a struggle with an issue of faith (Spiritual, mental

or emotional distress)

There is domestic violence or any form of abuse

There are potential new members in need of instruction/


A baptism is necessary

The family is planning a move

The family will be away for an extended time from home

or church

The family is going on vacation over a Sunday

A family member moves into a nursing home or assisted


There is a criminal act against the family or home

There is a fire or other kind of accident

There is a suicidal issue

A theological question that cannot be answered

The pastor has offended you or someone you know

There are thoughts about leaving the church or congrega-


There is a loss of employment

A child moves to


A family member is arrested or put in jail

Page 2: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

Page 2 The Good News Letter

Special Thank You from the family of

Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for

Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-

cial thank you to these individuals who provided the

food for the luncheon. Dorothy Jones for cheesy po-

tatoes, Shirley Reed for pie, Betty Garrow for pie,

Betty Hepner for baked beans, Sherri Moeller for

dessert, Bev Rebarcak for macaroni salad, Donna

Ray for scalloped corn, Sharon Evans for scalloped

corn and salad, Julia Sindt for potato casserole, Mar-

tha Day for green bean casserole, scalloped potatoes

and lemon pie, Doris Haussmann for Cranberry nut

bread, Karen Schroder for pie and bean casserole,

Janice Dawson for Carrot/pineapple salad, Judy

Bennett for salad, Jeanette Bachman for potato cas-

serole and coleslaw, Jan and Darrell Heilmann for

potatoes, cookies and caramels. As well as everyone

for their thoughts and prayers. We are very grateful.

A marriage is being planned

There is a discussion of medical assis-

tance to get pregnant

Someone in the family becomes pregnant

There are difficulties during pregnancy

or a miscarriage in the family

There are thoughts of abortion or adop-


A new child comes home

Someone does not see or understand how

God is helping them

Something good happens!

Pastor is called by God as your Under Shep-

herd of Christ on this earth. The Bible tells us

“For everything there is a season, and a time

for every matter under heaven: a time to be

born, and to die, a time to plant, and to har-

vest; a time to kill, and to heal; a time to

break down, and to build up; a time to weep,

and to laugh; a time to mourn, and to dance;

a time to embrace, and to stop; a time to

keep silent, and to speak; a time to love, and

to hate; a time for war, and for peace.” Ec-

clesiastes 3:1-8. Pastor is there to point to

Christ through everything life throws at us.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Ferch

Carol and I would like to thank you all for

the Christmas gift. Your support and gen-

erosity is appreciated. May God bless you

all! Pastor, Carole, Madi & Lillie

Missed bulletin messages Due to my recent injury, my work hours and my mental capacity have been limited. I have struggled with keeping up here in the office, so I apologize. Here are the messages I have missed in previous bulletins over the month of December. Thank you for under-standing, Kali Gruenhagen, Office Secretary Thank you to everyone who helped with the

Children’s Christmas Program that was per-

formed at Immanuel on December 16th. The

children did a fantastic job! Thank you to

the members of the congregation who showed

their support of our church’s youth by

coming to the Christmas program.

Juliana Buckelew

Our annual Board and Committee planning

day is scheduled for Saturday January 12

at 10 am. Pizza Lunch Provided. There

will be a special voter's meeting follow-

ing fellowship on Sunday January 13 to

vote on a path forward regarding the pre-

school. Please plan to attend.

Lamar Buckelew

Page 3: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

Page 3 January 2019

News From the Church Boards President Planning and Special Voter’s


Welcome to 2019! The begin-

ning of each new year nearly

always brings thoughts of re-

newal, revival and hopes of a

better year to come than the

one just ended. I would like to

wish each of you more bless-

ings than you can imagine

however, don’t forget to stop

every now and then and count

the many that we already have

but that we don’t think about

often. Be thankful for health,

family, friends, shelter, food,

our church and the many other

items we may take for granted


For those of you that were

elected to board, committee

and/or council positions,

please note that the 2019

church planning meeting will

be held starting at 10 am on

January 12. Pizza lunch will be

provided. Please come with a

refreshed mind and a positive

outlook for our church in the

new year.

Additionally, I want to thank

each of you that returned a sur-

vey related to the direction we

should take regarding the pre-

school. I have posted the re-

sults in the hallway for all to be

able to see but if you have any

questions on these results,

please let me know and I can

clarify. At our last Church

Council meeting, we reviewed

the results of the survey and

agreed to call a special voter’s

meeting to be held after fel-

lowship on January 13 to vote

as a church on the future of the

preschool. I ask that you all

please attend if possible and


Lamar Buckelew

Board of Trustees Winter is here and we need

your help in keeping our

parking lot and walkways

clear of snow. Please consider

donating time and shoveling

talents by adding your name

to our volunteer list on the

sign up board. We look for-

ward to your assistance.

If you have any personal

items stored at the church

please take them home other-

wise those items will be con-

sidered property of the

Church and free to be used,

moved or disposed of if nec-


Thank you, Board of Trustees

Board of Elders

The Board of Elders would like

to wish and pray that you all

have a wonderful and blessed

New Year.

We ask that all who will be in-

volved in our annual Church

planning meeting be sure to

attend and be prepared to dis-

cuss the upcoming year.

Reminder that the church

office is a workspace for

church business and is the

church secretary’s work-

space. If you borrow some-

thing from the desk please

return it to the spot you found

it. The computer is only to be

used by the pastor, secretary,

treasurer and elders…please,

if you need something that

may be saved on the com-

puter please ask Kali, Pastor,

Brian or I and we will be

happy to get it for you…


Blessing to you all

Dave Conger Chairman

Board of Elders

Board of Education We are getting very close to

our Hy-Vee receipts goal of

$50,000. Please continue to

bring them in.

Our Shinning Stars Director is

hoping to start family movie

nights every other month

starting on Jan 26th.

Board of Ed will be meeting

with council to review survey

response in regards to pre-


I would like to personally

thank all those who stepped

up and shared their time, tal-

ents, skills, brains, muscle,

donations and vacation days

for the benefit of Christian

education, here at Immanuel

this past year. It was a year of

changes, learning, tears and

rejoicing! We are looking for-

ward to the upcoming year of

new and continued opportu-

nities on sharing God’s word.

As always, we will be looking

to recruit new volunteers

Page 4: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

LWML meeting at noon

on January 15th with a

pot luck lunch. See you


Please join us -

All ladies of Immanuel

are members of LWML.


Dorothy Jones

Confirmation is for children in 6th-8th

grade. Class is every Wednesday

(August-May) at 6:30 pm. All are wel-

come to join us for dinner before class

at 6 pm.

Confirmation will resume January 9th.

Shinning Stars begins

at 6:30 pm, with a

meal being provided at

6:00 pm. Parent pick-

up will at 7:30pm.

Volunteers are being sought. Anyone in-

terested in helping to feed, teach, play

games, do crafts, sing worship songs, clean

up, or just help out, please see a member

of the board of education or Sue LaMan-

tia......Thank you and God bless.

Shining Stars will resume January 9th. My Contact info: Sue LaMantia 563-505-5121

[email protected]

LWML &Christian Education Page 4 January 2019

Lutheran Woman’s Missionary League

Board of Education, cont….

please consider sharing your

time and talents with us. Also feel

free to share any ideas you may

have that can improve our pro-


Amy Dawson, Chair

Page 5: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

“For where two or

three are gathered

in my name, there

am I among them.”


If you have any prayer requests, they can be

submitted to the prayer basket in the

narthex or online at the church website: or check out the

18:20 prayer group FaceBook page!

Page 5 January 2019

Birthday Celebrations Zoe Heilmann 1/03

Christine Whipple 1/04

Brandi Conger 1/12

Ron Knutsen 1/13

Beverly Rebarcak 1/26

Mackenzie Sloan 1/27

Ernest Seitz 1/30

Baptism Celebrations Don Vance 1/01

Katherine Pezley 1/13

Betty Garrow 1/15

Christine Whipple 1/26

Johnna Gamble 1/27

Anniversary Celebrations

Our monthly Christian Fellowship adults

(couples or non-couples) is January 12th

from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Please consider

joining us. Young adults from 16 years old to older young adults are invited to join us

for a light dinner with all kinds of homemade and purchased snacks. Then the games

begin. There are games that are available, or you can bring yours to share with

the crowd. We have a “host a game night” sign-up sheet on the wall across

from the office (sign-up Alley).

Adult Christian Fellowship

Game Night

Immanuel’s Prayer Group Matthew 18:20

“Night to Shine” Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation

Friday, February 8, 2018 from 6-9 pm

At The Tax Slayer Center, Moline, Illinois

For more information or

to register a guest or to volunteer:

Page 6: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

Terri Schofield

Shari Bribriesco

Margaret Zellmer

Don Ferkel

Darlene Luebken

John Maynard

Archie & Charlotte Hahn

Immanue l Lu theran

Chur ch

Our Church Family People in our Care

Page 6 January 2019


6: Doris Haussmann & Dorothy Jones

13: Don & Jan Stewart

20: Betty Garrow & Diane Cox

27: Darrell & Jan Heilmann

Elders on Duty

6: Dave Conger & Darrell Heilmann

13: Brad Schofield

20: Brad Schofield & Dave Conger

27: Darrell Heilmann

Confirmed Members 173

Gains & Losses

We Mourn the loss of Lorn Fairow who was called home on December 15th.

Attendance & Offerings

We give thanks to God for the blessing of gifts

given through his people.

Date Attendance Communion Offering

12/2 74 60 $2,614

W. 12/5 43

12/9 73 $1,705

W. 12/12 31

12/16 72 60 $1,595

12/19 38

12/23 84 $1,877

12/24 85 no record

12/25 28 no record

Our Weekly Budget needed is $2,532

January Volunteer Schedule

Acolytes 6: Xander Pezley & Landon Brown

13: Dallas Wolfe & Alex Conger

20: Charles Buckelew & Aidan Weaver

27: Eli Harris & Landon Brown

Fellowship Server

6: Youth Group

13: Don & Jan Stewart

20: Darrell & Jan Heilmann

27: Amy & Janice Dawson

Altar Guild Mary Strassburger & Doris Haussmann

If you are unable to serve either a certain day or month, please

contact another lady to fill in.

Page 7: Immanuel Lutheran Church January 2019 2019-1.pdf · Lorn Fairow. We thank everyone who attended the funeral for Lorn, for those who donated and contributed. A spe-cial thank you to

Sunday Bible Class – Join us at 10:30 am following fellowship. We are focusing on our Lutheran

Confessions using the resource Lutheranism 101.

Evening Bible Study – We are studying the Book of Hebrews on Tuesdays at 6 pm. Everyone is welcome

to join us!

Men’s Bible Study – Men’s Bible Study meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month. We meet for breakfast at

8 am at Rockingham Rd. Hy-Vee and then meet at Immanuel at 9 am. Our next meeting is January 12th.

Ladies Bible Study – Meets every Tuesday morning at 10 am. We are currently studying Life Light

Confirmation - If your child will be in 6th-8th grade join our confirmation class on Wednesday evenings at

6:30 pm. Classes resume January 9th.

Shining Stars - Is for all ages from 3 years old through 5th grade. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



3. 4. 5.

6. 9am Communion

10am Fellowship

10:30 Sunday

School & Bible


7 8. 9am Pastor’s

Circuit meeting

held here at


9. 6pm Dinner

6:30 Confirma-

tion & Shining


10. 6pm Trustees

11. 12. 8am Men’s Break-


9am Men’s study

10am Special Vot-

ers meeting

10:30am Elders

11am Board of


6pm Game Night

13. 9am Worship

10am Fellowship

10:30 Sunday

School & Bible


14. 15. 10am Ladies




12pm LWML

potluck lunch

16. 6pm Dinner

6:30 Confirma-

tion & Shining


17. 5:30pm Board of


6-7:30pm Youth




20. 9am Communion

10am Fellowship

10:30 Sunday

School & Bible


21. 22. 10am Ladies


23. 6pm Dinner

6:30 Confirma-

tion & Shining


24. 6pm Council



27. 9am Worship

10am Fellowship

10:30 Sunday

School & Bible


28. 29. 10am Ladies



6pm Dinner

6:30 Confirma-

tion & Shining



Office Closed

January 2019