immunohistochemical techniques and

Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 56, pp. 131-148, 1984 Immunohistochemical Techniques and Their Applications in the Histopathology of the Respiratory System by Ilona Linnoila*t and Peter Petruszt Subsequent to the first report in the 1940s on incubation of tissue sections with fluorescein-conjugated antibodies for localization of antigens, a great number of modifications were introduced to improve the validity of immunohistochemistry which has become a growingly popular tool. The use of immuno- enzymatic techniques eliminates the need for expensive fluorescence microscopy equipment, the lack of permanency of preparations and the lack of electron density required in ultrastructural localization of antigens. Regardless of the technique, it is also important to choose a correct fixation which allows the proper preservation of antigens and morphology and the penetration of antibodies through the entire thickness of the preparation. A variety of immunohistochemical techniques have been applied to study several components of the lung, such as collagen, surface active material, lung specific antigens, and enzymes and the detection of tumor markers, immunoglobulins and infectious agents in the respiratory system which is reviewed. The large surface area and the multiplicity of cell types provided by the respiratory tract epithelium of humans for exposure to microbial as well as toxic substances in the environment make this organ system very vulnerable but a good early indicator of adverse health effects. Immunohistochemistry provides valuable information complementary to the immunochemical and biochemical characterization of this barrier. Introduction In recent years immunohistochemistry (IHC) has become an increasingly popular and effective tool in research and diagnostic laboratories. The manifest success of this method is due to technological improve- ments, increased availability of purified antigens, antisera, and other reagents, and the accumulation of practical experience in a variety of applications. IHC combines the advantages of the high specificity and affinity of antibodies in recognizing tissue antigens with the high topographical resolution of light and electron microscopy. It can thus provide information which would be difficult or impossible to obtain by other techniques (1-6). Applications of IHC have contributed significantly to our knowledge about the distribution and pathological reactions of several components of the lung such as collagen, surface active material, lung-specific antigens, and enzymes; the method has also been applied to the detection of tumor markers, immunoglobulins, and *Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20205. tPresent address: National Cancer Institute-Naval Medical On- cology Branch, Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD 20814. tDepartment of Anatomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. infectious agents in the respiratory system. The first part of this review will deal with general principles of IHC techniques, while the second part will discuss particular applications relevant to pulmonary physiology, pathology and toxicology. Immunohistochemical Techniques Development of Immunohistochemical Techniques The origin of the IHC techniques goes back to the early 1940s when Coons et al. (7) reported that fluorescein-conjugated antibodies were useful in demon- strating bacterial antigens in infected tissue. The sim- ple principle of this "direct" technique is schematically illustrated in Figure 1A. The method involved a single incubation of the tissue preparations with the fluorescein- conjugated antibodies directed against the antigen to be localized. Subsequently this original technique under- went many modifications, all aimed at improving its practicability and efficiency. The first major innovation (8) eliminated the need for conjugating each individual antiserum with the fluorescent dye by using uncon- jugated antibodies in the first step, followed by a secondary conjugated antibody directed against the

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Page 1: Immunohistochemical Techniques and

Environmental Health PerspectivesVol. 56, pp. 131-148, 1984

Immunohistochemical Techniques andTheir Applications in the Histopathologyof the Respiratory Systemby Ilona Linnoila*t and Peter Petruszt

Subsequent to the first report in the 1940s on incubation of tissue sections with fluorescein-conjugatedantibodies for localization of antigens, a great number of modifications were introduced to improve thevalidity of immunohistochemistry which has become a growingly popular tool. The use of immuno-enzymatic techniques eliminates the need for expensive fluorescence microscopy equipment, the lack ofpermanency of preparations and the lack of electron density required in ultrastructural localization ofantigens. Regardless of the technique, it is also important to choose a correct fixation which allows theproper preservation of antigens and morphology and the penetration of antibodies through the entirethickness of the preparation. A variety of immunohistochemical techniques have been applied to studyseveral components of the lung, such as collagen, surface active material, lung specific antigens, andenzymes and the detection of tumor markers, immunoglobulins and infectious agents in the respiratorysystem which is reviewed. The large surface area and the multiplicity of cell types provided by therespiratory tract epithelium of humans for exposure to microbial as well as toxic substances in theenvironment make this organ system very vulnerable but a good early indicator of adverse health effects.Immunohistochemistry provides valuable information complementary to the immunochemical andbiochemical characterization of this barrier.

IntroductionIn recent years immunohistochemistry (IHC) has

become an increasingly popular and effective tool inresearch and diagnostic laboratories. The manifestsuccess of this method is due to technological improve-ments, increased availability of purified antigens,antisera, and other reagents, and the accumulation ofpractical experience in a variety of applications. IHCcombines the advantages of the high specificity andaffinity of antibodies in recognizing tissue antigens withthe high topographical resolution of light and electronmicroscopy. It can thus provide information which wouldbe difficult or impossible to obtain by other techniques(1-6).

Applications of IHC have contributed significantly toour knowledge about the distribution and pathologicalreactions of several components of the lung such ascollagen, surface active material, lung-specific antigens,and enzymes; the method has also been applied to thedetection of tumor markers, immunoglobulins, and

*Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20205.tPresent address: National Cancer Institute-Naval Medical On-

cology Branch, Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD 20814.tDepartment of Anatomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel

Hill, NC 27514.

infectious agents in the respiratory system. The firstpart of this review will deal with general principles ofIHC techniques, while the second part will discussparticular applications relevant to pulmonary physiology,pathology and toxicology.

Immunohistochemical Techniques

Development of ImmunohistochemicalTechniquesThe origin of the IHC techniques goes back to the

early 1940s when Coons et al. (7) reported thatfluorescein-conjugated antibodies were useful in demon-strating bacterial antigens in infected tissue. The sim-ple principle of this "direct" technique is schematicallyillustrated in Figure 1A. The method involved a singleincubation ofthe tissue preparations with the fluorescein-conjugated antibodies directed against the antigen to belocalized. Subsequently this original technique under-went many modifications, all aimed at improving itspracticability and efficiency. The first major innovation(8) eliminated the need for conjugating each individualantiserum with the fluorescent dye by using uncon-jugated antibodies in the first step, followed by asecondary conjugated antibody directed against the

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FIGURE 1. Immunohistochemical techniques: schematic representa-tion of their development. (A) The direct technique with labeledprimary antibody (7). (B) The indirect, sandwich, or two-layertechnique (8,12) with labeled anti-IgG in the second layer. (C) Thethree-layer immunoglobulin-enzyme bridge (11,21,22) with unla-beled antibodies; anti-IgG in the second layer forms the bridgebetween first- and third-layer antibodies; binding sites of thethird-layer antibody (usually anti-HRP) are free to bind markerenzyme. (D) The PAP (23) method; preformed peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes (dashed circle) are used in the thirdlayer. (E) The double bridge (27); incubations with second- andthird-layer antibodies are repeated, in this order, followed by asingle incubation with HRP (F) The double PAP technique (28);second- and third-layer components are applied repeatedly (morethan twice if necessary). For additional explanations, see the text.

immunoglobulins of the species from which the first orprimary antiserum was derived (two-layer, sandwich orindirect technique) (Fig. 1B). For example, rabbitantiserum to the antigen is followed by fluorescein-conjugated sheep anti-rabbit gammaglobulin. Since thelatter antibodies recognize determinants common to allrabbit IgG molecules (Fc region), a single conjugatedreagent can be used for the localization of any number oftissue antigens as long as suitable rabbit primaryantiserum is available. In addition, since several mole-cules of the labeled antibodies can bind to one moleculeof primary antibody (a feature not shown in Fig. 1),substantial amplification of the staining is achieved.This technique is still used today with good success inmany laboratories throughout the world. However,difficulties in preparing effective conjugates, the needfor expensive fluorescence microscopy equipment, fre-quent incidences of disturbing background fluorescence,the lack of permanency of the resulting preparations,and the lack of electron density of the fluorescent labelhave all combined to stimulate the search for moreconvenient and versatile labels. The first such "sub-stitute" label was ferritin (9), which is still popular sinceit permits high resolution at the electron microscopelevel. Ferritin can be used as a label chemically conju-gated to the primary or secondary antibodies instead offluorescein, as in Figure 1A or 1B. It can also be used aspart of a more efficient ferritin bridge (10), to bediscussed later. Several enzyme labels were suggestedand among these horseradish peroxidase (HRP) emerged

as the most popular (11,12). This enzyme, when usedwith suitable substrates (13,14), produces colored reac-tion products which are properly localized, stable, andelectron dense, permitting ordinary light microscopy aswell as electron microscopy. Other enzymes are alsobeing used with good results with the various methodsrepresented in Figure 1: acid phosphatase (15), alkalinephosphatase (11), glucose oxidase (16,17), and smallerhemelike molecules with peroxidase activity (18-20).These labels eliminate most of the disadvantages ofimmunofluorescence except the inconvenience and theloss of potency due to chemical coupling of the label tothe antibodies. This last problem was solved in 1969when Avrameas (11), Mason et al. (21), and Sternbergerand Cuculis (22) independently described the so-calledunlabeled antibody or bridge methods. In these tech-niques, antibodies directed against HRP (and derivedfrom the same species as the primary antibody) areused as a third layer. Thus, all chemical labeling iseliminated, since HRP will bind to the third-layerantibodies by immunological mechanisms as an antigen(three-layer, bridge, or unlabeled antibody-enzymetechniques) (Fig. 1C). The ferritin bridge introduced byWillingham et al. (10) works on the same principle,using affinity-purified antiferritin antibodies in the thirdlayer. The bridge technique afforded further amplifica-tion over the two-layer sandwich as well as the addi-tional benefit of avoiding chemical labeling of antibodiesaltogether. In a further improvement, Sternberger etal. (23) demonstrated that HRP and its antibodies formstable soluble complexes (Peroxidase-Anti-Peroxidaseor PAP complexes) and these can be applied as a singlereagent in the third layer (Fig. 1D). Effective measuresimproving the binding of the primary antibody to tissueantigenic sites (extended incubation times), preventingnonspecific binding (blocking with normal sera, use ofhigh dilutions of primary antisera), and optimizing theconditions for the enzyme-substrate reaction have re-sulted in a degree of efficiency never before possible inIHC staining (24-26). Furthermore, it has been shown(27,28) that additional amplification (and greater sen-sitivity) can be achieved by extending the length of thebridge through repeated incubations with the second-and third-layer components (double bridge techniques,Figs. 1E and 1F).Protein A (29) may be used instead of the anti-IgG as

the second-layer component (30), either to bear asuitable marker or to form a bridge with anti-HRPantibodies. In recent years, colloidal gold particles havebeen used as markers with good advantage (31-34).Additional variants of the bridge principle rely on theavidin-biotin system instead of immunological binding(35,36). These methods are very promising and seem tooffer certain advantages over the "classical" bridgeprocedures; however, it remains to be establishedwhether or not the use of protein A, avidin or biotin asIHC reagents creates any unexpected problems withregard to specificity.


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Preparation of Tissue

It has been shown, especially with the more efficientenzyme labels and multilayer techniques, that manyendogenous and exogenous tissue antigens are remarka-bly resistant to the effects of denaturing (alcohols,acetone) and crosslinking (aldehyde) fixatives and rou-tine paraffin embedding procedures. For lung tissue,frozen sectioning after filing of the alveoli with opti-mal cutting temperature (OTC) embedding compound(Tissue-Tek II, Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN) toensure expanded state of the lung parenchyma, followedby acetone fixation was found excellent for immuno-fluorescent studies (37). Frozen sectioning and theconcomitant loss of structural integrity may be replacedby sectioning fixed tissue blocks in a special instrument,the Vibratome (Oxford Instruments, Columbia, MD).Sections of up to 100 ,um thickness can be prepared and,after permeabilization (see below), stained with any ofthe available peroxidase techniques. After evaluationwith the light microscope, the stained sections or partsof them can be embedded in plastic and further pro-cessed for electron microscopy. Such 'pre-embedding"staining is one of the most powerful approaches avail-able today (38-42). More detailed guidelines for theselection of fixation and embedding procedures aregiven by Sternberger (5) and Pearse (4). Following thesuggestion of the latter author, it is recommended that asuitable series of methods be tested whenever a newproblem is being considered. This should include: rou-tine formaldehyde fixation, paraffin embedding; routineBouin's fixation, paraffin embedding; cold ethanol oracetone fixation, paraffin embedding; any of the abovefixatives, frozen or Vibratome sectioning; fresh frozensections, any suitable- fixative. Fixation must be fol-lowed by thorough washing in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS) to remove excess fixative and thus facilitateoptimal immunostaining.

Penetration of the antibodies through the entirethickness of the section is essential for best results. Theorganic solvents used during paraffin processing appearto render such sections permeable; however, when fixedfrozen or Vibratome sections are used, treatment of thesections with detergents (38,43,44) or ethanol (Petrusz,unpublished) is essential before application of the pri-mary antibody.

Unmasking of Antigens in Tissueswith Proteolytic EnzymesThe detection ofmany tissue antigens is facilitated by

treatment of the sections with proteolytic enzymesprior to IHC staining. Such treatment results in bothintensification of specific staining and reduction ofnonspecific background. This is well documented forimmunoglobulins (45-48) and various infectious agents(49-51), and promising results were observed withneuropeptides (52) and pituitary hormones (Petrusz,

unpublished). Trypsin (49), pepsin (53), and pronase(47) have all been recommended, and the requiredconditions seem to vary with both the methods of tissueprocessing and the enzyme used. As pointed out byCurran and Gregory (46), pretreatment with proteolyticenzymes permits the use ofmuch higher dilutions of theprimary antisera, thus reducing nonspecific backgroundand staining of unwanted antigens (see below).

Criteria of ValidityPerforming IHC staining is relatively easy, but cor-

rect interpretation of the results presents some unusualproblems. Interpretation should be based on generallyaccepted criteria of validity. Such a set of criteria,including efficiency, accuracy, precision, sensitivity andspecificity, have been proposed by Petrusz et al. (54).These criteria have been defined and procedures havebeen outlined whereby IHC staining can be improvedand the results interpreted in terms of these criteria.Among the proposed criteria of validity only two,efficiency and specificity, will be discussed here, sincethese are the most essential ones and have directbearing on the performance and interpretation of IHCstaining. For further details, the reader is referred toother publications (2,4-6,54,55).

EfficiencyEfficiency in IHC staining is defined as the signal-to-

noise ratio in a stained preparation. Clearly, the im-provements represented in Figure 1 from A to F are allaimed at maximizing the signal, i.e., the quantity orintensity of label attached to a given antigenic site inthe tissue. Efficiency may also be improved by facilitat-ing the binding of the primary antibody to the tissueantigen (extended incubation time, low ionic strengthbuffer, close to neutral pH detergents in buffer) and bytaking effective steps to reduce any possible back-ground staining. The latter can be achieved by saturat-ing nonspecific binding sites with proteins from normalsera, by using purified antisera if necessary, and ingeneral by adjusting the conditions of all incubations tofavor specific but to prevent nonspecific binding. Effici-ency may be improved by treating sections withproteolytic enzymes prior to immunostaining. Optimalefficiency in a given system is best found by titration,determining the dilution of the primary antiserumwhich produces maximum specific staining withoutnonspecific background. Naturally, a prerequisite of thisprocedure is prior rigorous standardization of all othersteps involved in the particular technique used. Suchstandardization and titration should precede all defini-tive IHC work.

SpecificityTwo fundamental sources of nonspecifi city have been

defined in IHC staining: method nonspecificity and


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antibody nonspecificity (5,55). This approach to speci-ficity is useful because it is generally valid for all IHCtechniques and it offers relatively simple practicalguidelines to solve or prevent actual problems ofnonspecificity.Method nonspecificity essentially includes all staining

that commonly would be described as "artifact'" It mayarise from binding to the tissue of any other stainingcomponent than the primary antibody (e.g., protein-protein interactions) (56) or from generation of a falsesignal through mechanisms unrelated to the IHC stain-ing (e.g., endogenous peroxidase, tissue autofluores-cence). The use of the highest possible dilution of theprimary antiserum and omission of individual steps(reagents) from the staining sequence will be veryhelpful in identifying and eliminating some of theseproblems. As a perplexing example, mast cells havebeen constantly reported (57-62) to bind antibodies intheir granules by immunofluorescence and immuno-peroxidase techniques. Many naturally occurring sub-stances (e.g., collagen, porphyrins, cartinoids) showautofluorescence. In addition, exogenous substancessuch as drugs (acridines, certain antibiotics, salicylicacid derivatives) and other chemicals can be detected byfluorescent microscopy and thus can be the sources offalse positive results in immunofluorescent studies (60).With immunoperoxidase techniques, endogenous peroxi-dase activity may be particularly disturbing in lungtissue where peroxidaselike enzymes are present inmacrophages (60,63), in erythrocytes and leukocytestrapped in the rich vascular system (64), on surfaces ofalveolar cells (64), and in epithelial cells lining thebronchial tree (64,65). Unless proven otherwise, itshould be assumed that such enzymatic activity sur-vives the fixation and embedding procedures commonlyemployed. Endogenous peroxidase can be (1) toleratedif it is known and not disturbing, (2) inactivated by anyof several available methods before immunostaining(1,59,66-68), or (3) reacted with a substrate producingdifferent color than that used for the immunostaining(69).The ultimate question to be answered in every IHC

staining is the question of antibody specificity: howconfident can one be concerning the identity of thetissue antigen localized. From this point of view, IHCdoes not differ from other immunochemical systems: thespecificity of the antibodies responsible for a given IHCstaining can only be defined by studying the interactionof these antibodies with known antigens of high purity.However, IHC methods per se are not based on competi-tive interactions such as, e.g., radioimmunoassay (RIA).In RIA only those antibodies will be operative whichrecognize (bind) the radioactive tracer; all other anti-body populations present in the antiserum can beexcluded from consideration. In IHC, all antibodypopulations which find a complementary antigenic sitein the tissue will bind and produce staining. Conse-quently, inhibition of the IHC staining with known andpure antigens (absorption) is the only direct method to

gain information on the specificity of the staining, i.e.,on the identity of the antigen localized. This informationis not absolute, since it evidently refers only to theantigenic site and not to the entire molecule of theantigen. When an antigenic site occurs as a partialsequence in two or more larger molecules (a frequentpossibility), it is clear that the absorption test alone willnot be sufficient for identification of the tissue antigensstained. (It should be noted that this as well as most ofthe previous arguments apply to both conventional andmonoclonal antibodies.) In such cases, one possiblerecourse is to search for antisera which might recognizea different portion of the antigen not shared with othermolecules. Otherwise IHC results must be supportedby physiological or biochemical data concerning theidentity of the antigen localized.

Absorption or "blocking" is usually done by combiningknown amounts of the antigens with working dilutionsof the primary antiserum. If the antigen binds to thesites that are critical for immunostaining, subsequentstaining will be blocked or inhibited. Since the tissueantigen is in insoluble phase, it will be favored by theantibodies versus the antigen added in soluble form;therefore, it may be necessary actually to removeantibodies from the solution, either by creating suitableconditions for the formation of an insoluble precipitate,or by using antigen coupled to insoluble carrier particles.Similar liquid or solid phase systems may also be usedto assess cross-reactivities of antisera and to purifyantisera by removing unwanted antibody populations.Further theoretical and practical questions concerningspecificity and other criteria of validity have beendiscussed elsewhere (54,55).

Interpretation of StainingThe great popularity of IHC techniques leaves no

doubt about their usefulness and practicability However,for correct interpretation of the results it is extremelyimportant to follow certain routine rules of standardiza-tion and to perform all necessary controls. In our view,method specificity in most cases should be practicallyabsolute, with only very few exceptions (e.g., peroxi-daselike activity in blood cells when specific staining isclearly separated from the vascular compartment). Themethod, including the enzyme-substrate reaction,should be standardized so that conditions are optimaland do not vary from one staining to the next. This willensure reproducible results when identical materialsare used. Titration should establish the optimal dilutionof the primary antiserum and no staining should bepresent at extremely high dilutions (method specificity).Antibody specificity should be evaluated by at least oneof the available absorption procedures and addition ofexcess antigen should inhibit the staining. Moreover,any additional other evidence (physiological, biochemi-cal, pathological) should be sought and evaluated tosupport the validity of the conclusions drawn from IHCresults.


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Immunohistochemistry of SpecificComponents of the Lung

CollagenIn much of the early immunochemical work on

extracellular sites of collagen and reticulin, which is notreviewed here, it was difficult to assess the role ofcontaminating antigens, particularly serum proteins.However, in 1969 Nagasawa and Shibata (70) foundimmunofluorescence in human alveolar capillary base-ment membrane with fluorescein-labeled antiserum tohuman glomerulal basement membrane. Engel andCatchpole in 1972 (71) demonstrated immunofluorescencein alveolar walls and in the lamina propria of the airwaysin the rat using a specific antiserum against rat tailcollagen. The antibody reacted with several forms ofisolated collagen but not with rat serum. Basementmembranes and reticular fibers of other organs werealso stained.

Subsequently, purified antibodies to distinct types ofinterstitial collagens and procollagens (types I, II, andIII) were used for a qualitative survey on distribution ofvarious collagens in many IHC studies on healthy aswell as diseased tissues (72). Purified antibodies againstboth human and mouse type IV collagen reacted inindirect immunofluorescence tests with basement mem-branes in various human and mouse tissues includingthe lung (73). The findings indicated that variousbasement membranes might contain related or identicalcollagenous proteins with a high degree of interspecieshomology. All types of collagen (types I, II, III, IV andAB2 or V) have been found in the lung (74). In animmunofluorescence study of pulmonary fibrosis withaffinity-purified antibodies in 1980, Madri and Furth-mayr (74) assessed the relative amounts of collagens indifferent locations. TIype I collagen was markedly in-creased in alveolar septae, type III was markedlyreduced and observed only perivascularly, type V wasconsiderably increased in the interstitium and located inareas of smooth muscle cell proliferation. No changewas noted with type IV collagen. These IHC resultswere consistent with the results obtained with variousother methods such as dissection, isolation and composi-tional analysis.The previously cited IHC work on collagen of the lung

was performed on fresh frozen material with fluoresceinlabel. But there is cumulative evidence that at leastcollagen type IV antigenicity is preserved throughconventional formaldehyde-fixation and paraffin process-ing (75,76). Ultrastructural localization of a solublecollagen antigen (77) and type IV antigen (78) wasobtained in the trachea of chick embryos and endothe-lial cells of gums, respectively, by a post-embeddingimmunoperoxidase technique. At the time of preparingthis article immunoelectronmicroscopical studies oncollagen synthesis in the lung were not available. In thefuture they may provide useful information on the

pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis which composes 20%of the noninfectious diseases of the lung, and is oftenassociated with drugs or toxic substances.

Surface-Active MaterialFollowing the discovery in 1958 of the surface-active

lipoprotein layer, so-called surfactant, that forms theinterface between gas and liquid in the alveoli (79), thedemonstration of the material was dependent upon thesurface tension lowering effects of lung extracts until anIHC study by Craig (80). In 1964 he obtained anantiserum to washed foam from autopsied human lungsthat did not cross-react with human serum proteins andwas localized by fluorescence microscopy on the alveolarwalls of human lungs. Since all commonly used fixativesdissolved the antigen from specimens, he mainly usedunfixed cryostat sections for his study on the distribu-tion of surface-active material in the lungs of infantswith and without respiratory distress. He described theprogression from intracellular to both intracellular andalveolar, and then to solely alveolar localization, of thespecific antigenic protein during the gestation period.

In a number of immunochemical analyses, differentpreparations of surface-active material were found alsoto contain serum protein antigens (81). Ultrastructuraldemonstration of plasma proteins, namely autologousalbumin and IgG in the alveolar lining material of thenormal rat lung was reported by Bignan et al. (82-84)with an immunoperoxidase technique: fibrinogen wasnot found under normal conditions. Deposits of C3, IgG,fibrin and occasionally C4, factor B and IgM weredemonstrated by immunofluorescence also in hyalinmembranes of infants who died with group B streptococ-cal sepsis or idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome(85). Thus it was suggested that immunologic processesmight contribute to the pathogenesis of certain acutelung injuries in infants.

In 1973, Klass (81) used absorbed rabbit antibodyagainst dog pulmonary surface-active material that didnot cross-react with dog serum. Specific staining incryostat sections of dog lung was observed in the alveoliand also in the walls and mucosal surfaces of the largeairways but was lost from the alveolar surfaces afterfixation and processing of the tissue. An RIA ofpulmonary surface-active material in sheep lung wasdeveloped in the same laboratory (86) and offered forevaluation of the maturity of the lung. In 1977, Sueishiet al. (87), using immunoelectron microscopy afterpre-embedding immunoperoxidase staining of glutaral-dehyde fixed cryostat sections, were able to demon-strate surface active material in the alveolar lininglayer, close to tubular myelin figures and in lamellarbodies of Type II pneumocytes in rabbit lung. Noreaction product was detected inside the epithelial cellsof airways. Their antibody was raised in ducks against aprotein extracted from saline endobronchial washingsfrom normal rabbit lungs (88), and absorbed with rabbitserum (89). Although ultrastructural morphology was


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compromised, immunohistochemically the results wereconvincing. In 1981, Williams and Benson (90) improvedultrastructural localization of the major surfactantprotein with an antibody to purified material from ratlung. In adult rat lung, the antibody labeled the roughendoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of Type IIcells only, suggesting that these cells synthesize theprotein.

Katyal and Singh (91) studied surfactant apoproteinfirst in the lungs from adult, newborn, and fetal rats bythe use of IHC. With antiserum specific for primatesurfactant, they demonstrated in 1980 that the extentand intensity of staining for apoprotein was markedlyincreased in reactive Iype II pneumocytes in nonmalig-nant pulmonary disorders when standard formalin-fixedparaffin sections were used (92). The same antiserawere useful in IHC diagnosis of some bronchioloalveolarcarcinomas which consisted of Type II pneumocytes(93). According to Bhattacharyaa et al. (94-96), aspecific glycoprotein of molecular weight 36,000 appearsto be a component both in lung lavage and lamellarbodies of various normal animals as well as in alveoli ofpatients with alveolar proteinosis (Fig. 2).

Studies with "Lung-Specific" AntibodiesPreparing an organ-specific antibody for the lung to

be used as a tool in IHC studies on fetal development ortumor formation may seem attractive. The fact that thelung can be composed of as many as 40 different celltypes presents an inherent problem. Ten Have-Opbroek(97-99) prepared an antiserum specifically recognizingthe antigenic determinants of adult mouse lung tissue.With IHC, the antigen appeared to be localized in 1rypeII cells. Akeson (100) demonstrated the presence of

lung tissue-specific (NL-1) antigen(s) in normal lungtissue with IHC using a selected antiserum against alung tumor cell line.

Immunohistochemistry of Enzymesin the Lung

LysozymeIHC investigations (101) have demonstrated lyso-

zyme in a number of different cell types, includingserous cells of bronchial glands (102), pointing to therole of the enzyme as an antibacterial agent (103). Inrespiratory tissue, lysozyme was localized with theimmunoperoxidase technique on formalin-fixed paraffinsections (92, 104) in alveolar macrophages, Type IIpneumocytes, ciliary layer of the trachea and in secre-tory cells in laryngotracheal glands in various rodentsand man. Specific staining was obtained with rabbitanti-rat lysozyme or anti-human urinary lysozyme anti-bodies but not with antibodies against egg whitelysozyme. Interestingly, the respiratory system of thehamster, which is a useful experimental animal due toits relatively low pulmonary infection rate (105), seemedto be devoid of the lysozyme based on immunohisto-chemical as well as biological activity studies (101). Asan interpretative caution,- Spicer et al. (101) testeddifferent fixatives and the specificity of the IHC stain-ing in lung. In their thoroughly controlled system,laryngotracheal serous cells still possessed an unex-plained, selective property of (nonimmune) binding ofimmunoglobulin. Such binding was also noted in mastcells (61). However, Bowes et al. (106) reported specificultrastructural localization of lysozyme in serous cell

FIGURE 2. Localization of a unique glycoprotein in the alveolar Iyrpe II cells of the rat lung (immunoperoxidase-bridge method) (26). Arrowspoint to dark precipitate in the alveolar walls associated with a specific antibody (a gift from Dr. S. N. Bhattacharyya) to the 36,000 molecularweight glycoprotein which was purified from lamellar bodies (94-96). A formalin-fixed 6 ,um thick paraffin section counterstained withtoluidine blue x 1300.


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granules in human bronchial glands. In comparativestudies of lysozyme between conventionally reared andgerm-free rats (107), IHC was of limited value, butproved to be very useful in an ontogenic study of theenzyme (108,109).

Pulmonary Monooxygenase EnzymesThe cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase

system, which metabolizes endogenous as well as for-eign compounds, is also present in the lung (110),although at a lower concentration than in the liver.Recent IHC localization of cytochrome P-450 isoen-zymes and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase inspecific cell types of the lung such as in Clara cells andTlype II pneumocytes probably reflects the fact thatthese enzymes are present in cells in high enoughconcentrations to be involved in organ specific carcino-genesis or toxicity (111-114). The antigenicity of cyto-chrome P-450 (Fig. 3) is retained after paraffin embed-ding of paraformaldehyde-fixed tissues (113,114). IHCprovided valuable information complementary to theimmunochemical and biochemical characterization ofpulmonary monooxygenase system (115). With regardto sensitivity, IHC techniques are likely to be superiorto conventional histochemistry, allowing better cellularand subcellular resolution. However, the method re-quires at least partial purification and characterizationof the enzyme of interest, which is not always feasible.Also, immunoreactivity does not necessarily reflect thepresence of biologically active enzyme.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzymein Pulmonary Endothelial Cells

Angiotensin-converting enzyme is a mammalian pepti-dase which metabolizes circulating bradykinin and

catalyzes the change of angiotensin I to angiotensin II,the vasoactive agent of the renin-angiotensin system.Bradykinin and angiotensin I are metabolized duringtheir passage through the vasculature of the lung. Ryanet al. (116) demonstrated with IHC that the convertingenzyme was actually localized along the luminal surfaceof pulmonary endothelial cells. For pre-embeddingultrastructural localization the authors used the anti-converting enzyme antibody coupled to microperoxidaseon glutaraldehyde or, preferably, paraformaldehyde-picric acid-fixed tissue (117). The strategic locationsuggested that the enzyme might help regulate theentry of bradykinin and angiotensin II into the systemicarterial circulation. Furthermore, this regulation couldeasily suffer from diseases that specifically damage thepulmonary endothelium as demonstrated with IHCtechniques in Rocky Mountain spotted fever (118).The converting enzyme, localized by immunofluores-

cence, appeared as a good marker for studying thedevelopment of the pulmonary vascular bed in rabbits(119) or for identifying of pulmonary arterial endothe-lial cells from calves in vitro (60). Besides the convert-ing enzyme, other antigens (120-122) have also beenlocalized in the endothelial cells by IHC thus providingpossible tools for further studies on these metabolicallyimportant cells of the lung.

Other EnzymesEndogenous peroxidases have been histochemically

demonstrated in various alveolar and bronchiolar cells,including macrophages (123,124), and we have alreadydiscussed the implications in regard to nonspecificstaining with immunoperoxidase techniques. Further-more, endogenous peroxidases may hamper the use ofIHC to demonstrate exogenous horseradish peroxidase,

FIGURE 3. Localization of cytochrome P-450I in the apices of nonciliated epithelial cells of a terminal rabbit bronchiole (PAP-technique) (5): (A)control, treated with normal serum; (B) arrows point to the reaction product associated with the specific antiserum which was diluted1000-fold and located in Clara cells (113-115); L, lumen of a bronchiole. IAS, interalveolar septa. These photomicrographs courtesy ofDr. C. J. Serabjit-Singh. x620.


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FIGURE 4. Photomicrographs of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) (127- 129) in the lung (immunoperoxidase-bridge method, (26). (A) Localizationof NSE in neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) and in solitary cells (arrowheads) of the bronchial epithelium of the guinea pig. Note that bronchiallumen (L) is filled with erythrocytes which contain endogenous peroxidase, x440. (B) A thick bundle of NSE-containing nerve filaments(arrows) under a bronchial smooth muscle (sm) of the hamster; L, lumen of a bronchus x470. The antibody to NSE was a gift fromDr. P Marangos.

which has been used as a marker for capillary (125) orepithelial (126) permeability.A glycolytic neuron-specific enolase isoenzyme, which

was originally extracted from bovine brain (127), wasrecently demonstrated in neuroendocrinelike cells offetal lung using IHC (128). Neuron-specific enolase hasalso been found in other endocrine (APUD or "amineprecursor uptake and decarboxylation") cells of thecentral and peripheral divisions of the diffuse neuroen-docrine system (129). This isoenzyme can provide thecapability of using the same IHC marker to delineatevarious autonomic (e.g., adrenergic, cholinergic andpeptiderdic) nerves in the lung as well as differentpulmonary neuroendocrine cells, which with IHC havebeen shown to contain for instance calcitonin (130), andbombesin (131,132) (Fig. 4). In addition to enzymes,protease inhibitors have been localized by IHC in therespiratory system (133,134).

Markers of Lung TumorsWhen the concept of IHC tumor markers was

generated, it was hoped that a marker would beidentified for each histologic type. Unfortunately, thatgoal has not been realized (135,136). Carcinoembryonicantigen (137), which was first discovered in extracts ofcolonic tumor (138), was found in 20 to 30% of bronchialsquamous cell carcinoma or lung adenocarcinomas byIHC (139,140). The IHC localization of intracellularkeratin appeared helpful in establishing the epithelialnature of poorly differentiated neoplasms, but in apreliminary survey, primary lung tumors could not beclassified by keratin content (141).

Human chorionic gonadotropin and immunoreactivegrowth hormone were localized in bronchogenic carcino-mas with immunofluorescence (142,143). These hor-mones have been associated mainly with large cellcarcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the lung (144). Inan IHC study of 29 oat cell carcinomas of the lung,Deftos (145) demonstrated the presence of calcitonin,1-endorphin or ACTH in all but three tumors. TheIHC localization of histaminase (146) as well as selectedpolypeptide hormones, such as bombesin (147), in smallcell carcinoma of the lung revealed that within eachtumor different cells contained different amounts of thecompound.

Bell used IHC to demonstrate an antigen highlyassociated with oat cell carcinoma and undetectable innormal adult tissue (148). The antigen was also charac-teristic of certain normal neural crest-derived cells inthe peripheral nervous system (149). The IHC localiza-tion of the antigen was further correlated with thepresence of cytoplasmic neurosecretory granules (150).In addition to this, neuron-specific enolase appeared asa good marker for oat cell carcinomas of the lung as wellas for other neuroendocrine tumors (151). These mark-ers allow advance morphological investigations on smallcell carcinomas and other lung tumors that have re-cently demonstrated to be quite heterogeneous withregard to cellular composition (152,153). So far theresults are in concert with the suggestions of Bensch etal. (154-156) and Hattori et al. (157-159), that smallcell carcinoma and carcinoid tumor of the lung mayoriginate from the pulmonary neuroendocrinelike cell(Kultschitzky-cell).

In summary, IHC techniques have been useful and


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are well established in the field of tumor markers(160-1 64), although the search for better markers is stillwarranted. Moreover, the IHC results of Katoh et al.(165) demonstrated that blood group antigens weregood markers of normal human bronchial epithelial cellsand that the loss of blood group antigens might beindicative of carcinogen-induced transformation of hu-man bronchial epithelial cells.

Localization and Roles ofImmunoglobulins in the Lung

Immunoglobulins in the LungPart of the defense system of the lung against

micro-organisms is attributed to immunoglobulins. InIHC studies, plasma cells and other immunoglobulin-containing cells were found mostly in the submucosalglands but were also present in the lamina propria of thehuman tracheal and bronchial epithelium. The greatestnumber appeared in the main bronchi. The cells wereoccasionally present around small bronchi and bronchi-oles and were virtually absent from alveolar walls (166).Cells containing IgA were much more numerous thanthose containing IgG, IgM, or IgE. The study wasperformed with direct immunofluorescence on unfixedcryostat sections which can be unsatisfactory in resolu-tion of anatomical details. IgA was demonstrated inepithelial cells of intramural glands of the humantracheobronchial tree and at the luminal margin ofassociated ducts near their origin (167,168). Mogi (167)improved the localization by using alcohol-fixed paraffinsections according to the method of Hamashima andKyogoku (169). Since secretory IgA differs in chemicaland immunological properties from serum IgA, Mogiemphasized that individual antisera specific for thesecretory component and/or secretory IgA should beused. A careful summary of IHC studies on variousaspects of glandular immunoglobulin transport in manwas presented by Brantzaeg (170). There was a strikingpreponderance of IgA-producing immunocytes adjacentto glands of the respiratory tract, and serous glandularcells selectively transported dimeric IgA. The epithelialoccurrence of IgG, most of which was serum derived,was less conspicuous and restricted to the interstices.The same epithelial cells were demonstrated to producea glycoprotein, the secretory component, which wascharacteristically associated with IgA in apical parts ofthe cells. Pentameric IgM was handled by the glands ina way similar to dimeric IgA, but local synthesis of IgMwas normally negligible in the respiratory tract. Forsatisfactory morphology the author used a modifiedSainte-Marie (171) method with direct fluorescence.Requirements and comments for reliable immunohisto-chemistry of immunoglobulin-containing cells were alsogiven (170). It is important to realize that epithelial cellsand eosinophilic granulocytes are most prone to become

nonspecifically stained in glandular sites (172,173) as wepointed out previously.Rudzik et al. (174) performed an interesting experi-

ment where bronchial and intestinal lamina propria ofrabbits was repopulated with IgA-containing cells aftertransfer of homologous bronchial and Peyer's patchlymphocytes. Direct fluorescence on formalin-fixed cryo-stat sections was used as described by Bienenstock etal. (175). The immunoperoxidase technique on alcohol-fixed paraffin sections was applied in studies of therespiratory tract immune system in the pig (176,177)and in sheep (178,179). In sheep, IgM was the mainimmunoglobulin seen by immunofluorescence and per-oxidase techniques in the nasal and bronchial glandsbefore suckling; after suckling also IgG was found at alllevels of respiratory tract. In adult sheep, IgA becamethe major locally appearing immunoglobulin of therespiratory system. Alley et al. (178) suggested thatimmature epithelial cells such as those found in prolifera-tive areas of diseased airways would be actively en-gaged in immunoglobulin transport.

Response to InfectionsImmunoglobulin production in lungs of hamsters

experimentally infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniaewas studied by Fernald et al. (180) with indirectimmunofluorescence in acetone-fixed cryostat sections.In control lungs only IgA-containing plasmacytes werefound, but during the infection varying numbers of cellswhich also contained other immunoglobulins, infiltratedthe peribronchial spaces. Non-immunoglobulin-stainablelymphocytes increased in number, too. However, it isimportant to recognize clinically silent infections suchas caused by Mycoplasma pulmonis in rats, since theymay significantly change the results of IHC studies onrespiratory system immunity in laboratory animals(181).

Immunological ReactionsWith direct immunofluorescence on unfixed cryostat

sections obtained from asthmatic patients through au-topsy or surgery Gerber et al. (182) demonstrated thatIgE was present in the bronchial epithelium and alongthe basement membrane. IgE was observed in thebronchial glands of all patients with asthma and to alesser degree of many patients with chronic bronchitisor normal bronchi. IgE was not detected in mast cells.The presence and distribution of other immunoglobulinsdid not differ from that in normal bronchi. In patientswith lung cancer Zeromski et al. (183) found largeamounts of immunoglobulins in plasma cells with apredominance of the IgA and IgG classes.

l'ype II immune reactions have been thought to beinvolved in several so-called diffuse lung diseases,where the presence of immune complexes was verifiedby IHC. In procainamide-induced systemic lupus erythe-matosus specific nuclear fluorescence with deposition of


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either IgG or IgM and also C3 was found in pleura bydirect immunofluorescence (184). Churg et al. (185),using formaldehyde-fixed paraffin sections, found IgGin alveolar walls and vessels of a patient with systemiclupus erythematosus. This was in agreement withstudies of Inoue et al. (186) who were able to demon-strate granular deposits of IgG, complement (C3) andDNA in the alveolar walls and in the alveolar capillarywalls in systemic lupus erythematosus pneumonitis. Inrheumatoid lung both IgM and IgM-rheumatoid factorcomplexes as well as IgG were localized in alveolarwalls, vessels and adjacent to rheumatoid nodules(187,188). In IHC studies on Goodpasture's syndrome,which is characterized by development of antibodies toalveolar and glomerular basement membrane antigens,IgG and complement (C3) were localized both in alveolarwalls in the lung and in glomerular basement mem-branes of the kidney (189-191). An experimental modelsharing these features and thus resembling Good-pasture's syndrome was developed by injecting rabbitanti-rat lung serum into normal rats (192). Based onimmunofluorescence, Levy et al. (193) reported anexample of autoimmune disease characterized by thepresence of antitubular and antialveolar basement mem-brane antibodies associated with immune-complexglomerulonephritis. In this study both human and ratlungs were used in order to demonstrate indirectimmunofluorescence with the patient's serum.

Farmer's lung or allergic alveolitis' also belongs todiffuse lung diseases which involve typie II and possiblyArthus-type reactions. The main source of sensitizingagents for this disease are Miropolyspora faeni andThermoactinomyces vulgaris, and the IHC studies withpatients' antisera were able to include the localization ofthe causative agents (194). Although the most consis-tent finding was a diffuse interstitial pneumonitis, thewalls of the bronchioles appeared rich in antigen whenthe immunofluorescence technique on acetone-fixedcryostat sections was used (195). The lungs showedgreat numbers of fluorescing histiocytelike cells withanti-C3 complement, suggesting the antecedent pres-ence of antigen-antibody complexes. In an immuno-fluorescent study on bovine hypersensitivity pneumo-nitis, also caused by M. faeni, Wilkie et al. (196) foundthat pretreatment of frozen sections with pH 2.8glycine-HCI buffer was a necessary prerequisite forspecific staining for the antigen. The authors felt thatthe buffer 'unmasked" the antigen by effectively elutingantibodies bound to the antigen in vivo. Thus, routineimmunofluorescent staining of M. faeni antigen intissues of individuals with specific serum antibody titersmay be inhibited by prior combination with the antibody.Antigens of M. faeni were located in apparent associa-tion with alveolar macrophages. In order to elucidatethe pathogenesis of farmer's lung, a number of animalmodels were recently developed (197). Schallibaum etal. (197) exposed rabbits intratracheally to enzyme I,which is a highly immunogenic esterase isolated fromM. faeni. After repeated exposures, intracellular

antigen, immunoglobulin and complement could bedemonstrated in histiocytes by direct immunofluores-cence on alcohol-fixed cryostat sections. The authorssuggested that direct enzyme action might contributeto the farmer's lung type pneumonia in elicitingtissue damage.

Diagnosis of Diffuse InterstitialLung DiseaseSo far immunofluorescence has found little applica-

tion in diagnostic histopathology oflung tissue (198-200)though it has been very valuable in renal disease.Hogan et al. (201) studied small needle biopsy speci-mens from 30 subjects with signs of diffuse interstitiallung disease; immunofluorescence examination of biop-sies from six cases yielded positive results. The authorsevaluated their study critically and in their summarythree points received general attention: (1) Eosinophilsand macrophages frequently demonstrated nonspecificstaining (45). To avoid such pitfalls, it was necessary toidentify positively any particular fluorescing cell bystaining the same section with hematoxylin and eosinafter immunofluorescence was completed. (2) An alter-native to ascertain that the antibody deposits werespecific would be to demonstrate deposits of comple-ment or antigen in relation to antibody. However, suchan approach would be applicable only to a small group ofuncommon pulmonary diseases (other than infections)with known causative agents. (3) The small proportionof positive results obtained in their study might indicatethat immunologic processes were involved at only onestage in the progression of disease or of response to awide range of injuries that often have no humoralimmune background. Thus Hogan et al (201) concludedthat the artifacts encountered in lung IHC render itdifficult to obtain consistent results. Furthermore, theway in which the specimens are obtained may contrib-ute to the difficulty. A needle biopsy, as in the study byHogan et al. (201) may not provide enough propermaterial of the affected area. On the other hand, inautopsy material the amount of autofluorescence isoften increased. Fortunately, in most of the cases,satisfactory material can be obtained through openlung biopsy.Based on direct immunofluorescence on fixed and

unfixed cryostat sections of idiopathic interstitial pneu-monias, Schwarz et al. (202) suggested that immunecomplex deposition might play a role in pathogenesisand that once mural fibrosis supervened, these com-plexes (IgG and C3) were no longer demonstrable.Physiologic abnormalities appeared to correlate withthe presence of fibrosis, which leads one to emphasizethe results of the previously mentioned IHC studies oncollagen (74). In this regard it was not surprising thatWarvik et al. (203) demonstrated evidence of antibodyand complement deposits in alveolar capillaries in only 6instances out of 33 cases of fibrosing alveolitis with asimilar immunofluorescence technique. In 17 cases


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there was evidence of antibody in plasma cells orgerminal follicles.

Application ofIHC in diffuse lung diseases is challeng-ing and important since diffuse lung diseases form alarge group in pulmonary pathology and are on manyoccasions associated with previous exposure to toxicagents (dusts, asbestos) or drugs.

Immunohistochemical Approachto Infections of the Lung

Microorganisms Pathogenic to ManPresently IHC applications in diagnostic pathology of

infections of the human lung are scanty despite the vastliterature on the IHC of various microorganisms. Inselected cases where other methods either failed orwere not practical, IHC techniques were used. A goodexample is Legionnaires' disease pneumonia (204), inwhich final diagnosis requires identification of theorganism in the tissue, sera or both. The causativeorganism has been positively identified by immuno-fluorescence in tissue sections from biopsies or autop-sies and in secretions from the lung (205-207). As analternative to fresh or fresh-frozen material, formalin-fixed paraffin sections can be used (205,208). RecentlySuffin et al. (208) identified Legionella pneumophila intissue sections by a new immunoenzymatic (glucose-oxidase) procedure (17), that can be adapted to routinediagnostic practice.

Rickettsia rickettsii is typically difficult to demon-strate with histochemical stains (209,210) in tissuesections because of its small size, poor staining contrastbetween the organisms and tissues, and the affinity ofthe stains for normal tissue structures such as mast cellgranules which, because of their size and morphology,can be mistaken for rickettsiae. Using direct or indirectimmunofluorescence, Hall and Bagley (211) succeededin identifying R. rickettsii in formalin-fixed paraffinsections after trypsin digestion. The morphology inthese sections was far better than in frozen sections.Distribution of rickettsiae and the vasculitis of thepulmonary microcirculation coincided according to theimmunofluorescence study of Walker et al. (118). Theseauthors speculated that the striking invasion of thepulmonary vascular endothelium affects importantnonrespiratory (e.g., metabolic) functions of the lung,contributing to the pathophysiology of Rocky Mountainspotted fever. The organisms were never observedwithin the alveolar lining cells or bronchial epithelium,and thus person to person aerosol transmission of thedisease appeared unlikely.

If microorganisms cannot be cultured, IHC tech-niques provide a valuable tool for pathologists, asdemonstrated by immunofluorescent identification ofPneumocystis carinii on ethanol-fixed cryostat sectionsof the human lung (212). Bacteriologic culture of speci-

mens taken at autopsy usually gives negative results,but this may be due to the organisms being nonviable,instead of not being present. Danielson et al. (213)performed direct immunofluorescence studies on Haemo-philus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis in post-mortem formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues in-cluding the lung. The identification of the bacteria wasfacilitated by counterstaining with lissamine rhodamineB (RB-200)-labeled antistaphylococcal globulins to coun-teract nonspecific staining and tissue autofluorescence.This may be of importance in demonstrating the organ-isms in the lung which is often invaded also by staphylo-cocci via the respiratory tract after death. Immuno-fluorescence studies on H. influenzae in the respiratorytract by means of a direct method on acetone-fixedcryostate sections failed to demonstrate any correlationbetween the presence of these bacteria and the atopicstate (214). In addition to this, there are a few scatteredreports of immunofluorescence techniques in identifyingviruses or mycoplasma in the human lung (215,216).The use of immunofluorescence is deemed necessary

when it is difficult to identify various pathogenic fungiby conventional histopathologic methods. IHC tech-niques add an attractive dimension of serologic speci-ficity. Kaplan and Kraft (50) demonstrated how fivedifferent fungi could be identified by the direct fluo-rescent antibody method in trypsin digested, formalin-fixed paraffin sections as well as in sections that hadbeen previously stained by the hematoxylin and eosin,the Brown and Brenn or the Giemsa procedures. Thebeneficial effect of trypsin treatment was also demon-strated after the mounting of organisms on egg albumin-coated slides in comparison with the results on clearslides. In tissue sections Kaplan and Kraft (50) recom-mended 1% trypsin for 1 hr at 37°C as a most favorabledigestion method.

Experimental Infections in AnimalsIn experimental work, IHC techniques have been

often used to localize various infectious agents in theairways and lung in order to investigate in detail theroutes of spread of specific micro-organisms. This hasbeen correlated with conventional histopathologicalfindings. In immunofluorescence studies on the patho-genesis of infection with influenza A virus in micefollowing exposure to aerosolized virus, Yielma et al.(217) came to the conclusion, in agreement withLemercier et al. (218), that viral replication happenedearlier in the bronchi than alveoli. This appeared to bein disagreement with the findings of Denk and Kovac(219,220) who claimed that after intranasal inoculationthe replication started closer to alveolar sacs and laterspread to the bronchi. Acetone fixed cryostat sections(217), ethanol-fixed paraffin sections (218) and unfixedcryostat sections (219,220) were used. Tada and Ishida(221) inoculated mice intraperitoneally with the PR8strain of influenza virus and localized the virus with adifferent immunofluorescence technique (222). In brief,


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FIGURE 5. Localization of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in human fetal trachea infected in organ culture (indirect immunofluorescent technique).Specific fluorescence 48 hr postinfection is limited to ciliated epithelium (ce); (Bm) basement membrane. Reproduced with permission fromCollier and Clyde (236).

their method required antivirus antibody to be appliedwith fresh non-immune serum (containing complement)on acetone-fixed cryostat sections, and subsequentincubation with a fluorescent antibody against comple-ment. Initial spread of virus, which was first located inreticular cells in the lung, was found to differ from thatafter intranasal inoculation of influenza virus (223 -226).The course of herpesvirus infection was studied in

rabbits (227) and in infant mice (228) by direct im-munofluorescence on acetone-fixed sections. The in-fluence of the route of administration of Newcastledisease virus on host response in chickens was studiedby Beard and Easterday (229) with immunofluorescence.In domestic animals fluorescent antibody studies onparainfluenza 3 virus infections in lambs (230) and inenzootic pneumonia of pigs (231) have been useful. Hill(32) used peroxidase technique on ethanol-fixed paraffinsections to demonstrate mycoplasmas in animal tissues.Single organisms could be demonstrated and there wasno nonspecific staining in the lung.

In an effort to further examine host response toinfection, immunofluorescence was used to demonstratethe Newcastle disease virus in the brain and trachea, aswell as globulins and specific antibody against the virusin mononuclear cells, mucous glands and mucus intracheal mucosa of chickens which had been seriallysacrificed during 1 to 120 days after infection (232). Asimilar study on chronic pneumonia in swine withexperimentally induced African swine fever was per-

formed with antisera against viral antigen, porcineimmunoglobulin, complement and fibrinogen on serialunfixed frozen sections (233). The same approach wasalso applied to human autopsy material (142). Localiza-tion of immunoglobulins in the lung has been discussedin the preceding section of our review.

In Vitro Models for EnvironmentalResearchThe large surface area provided by the respiratory

tract epithelium of humans for exposure to microbial aswell as toxic substances in the environment makes thisorgan system very vulnerable but a good early indicatorof adverse health effects. However, the complexity ofpulmonary defense mechanisms complicates definitionof the interactive effects of pollutants and infectiousagents. As a model, tracheal organ culture obtainedfrom human fetuses as well as animals was utilized tomaintain organized differential respiratory epitheliumin vitro (234). In this system Collier (234) used immuno-histochemistry as a major tool for investigating theepithelial injury by Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Fig. 5),respiratory syncytial virus or parainfluenza virus type3. A similar system was used in studies of murinecytomegalovirus infection (235). These experimentsdemonstrated that individual infectious agents caninvade the organized epithelium in different ways. The


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information was useful in defining the susceptible celltype for different pathogens, and can be further appliedto explore the injury produced or modified by differentpollutants and toxic agents.

We thank Drs. A. Rabson and J. Costa for their comments, Ms.Jocelyn von Glatz for her assistance in the collection of the literatureand Ms. Sue Hostler for the skillful typing of the manuscript. Part ofthe research was supported by USPHS grants HD 13781 and NS14904.


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