imogen's daughters - chapter 2

Imogen’s Daughters – Chapter 2 Welcome back to- who the hell are those jerks stealing the front page? Oh, now I remember. These guys were part of a plot I was going to start for this legacy. Now don’t run away in fear, there won’t be a plot in this legacy; I’m just going to have gold, old-fashioned generation popping… just kidding; you know that I always break down and include a plot in some way or another. You’ll see- YOU’LL ALL SEE! MWAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, so last time, Kamilah was elected to be the heir for generation 2…

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Post on 16-Nov-2014



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The legacy continues, a mysterious girl shows up at the door.


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Imogen’s Daughters – Chapter 2

Welcome back to- who the hell are those jerks stealing the front page? Oh, now I remember. These guys were part of a plot I was going to

start for this legacy. Now don’t run away in fear, there won’t be a plot in this legacy; I’m just going to have gold, old-fashioned generation

popping… just kidding; you know that I always break down and include a plot in some way or another. You’ll see- YOU’LL ALL SEE!


Anyways, so last time, Kamilah was elected to be the heir for generation 2…

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…which meant it was time for us to say goodbye to the eldest and our spare, Rachel.

“I still can’t believe I’m going to La Fiesta Tech next week,” she sighed in disappointment, “They accept everyone who applies.”

Rachel set down the receiver.

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“At least I’m getting a huge-ass scholarship out of this.”

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Rachel arrived at LFT that night prepared for the world… and to be abandoned by her Creator there for now. I’m decided not to play the

spares until I’m sure that this legacy is on its feet. That means nothing until at least generation five. Rachel is the first on my list to be played

because she’s the oldest.

Another note is that any heir who doesn’t need college for their lifetime want won’t go to college. Too boring if I have to take pictures.

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With her older sister out of the house, Kamilah began a career in Music to earn her own money.


I failed to mention that Kamilah doesn’t really interact with others despite her 9 outgoing points.

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As for our founder Imogen, she was ready to celebrate her last birthday with all 54 candles on the cake. No, I didn’t count them; I just

assumed that’s the number because sims reach elderhood at age 54.

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Imogen grew into an outfit that was… alternative. I let her keep it out of sheer laziness and… well, laziness.

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Kamilah was next to go the college where she met Daniel (or David) Hiatt, the next DNA donor.

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With D. Hiatt in love with her, Kamilah dropped out of college and returned home to start up generation three.

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9 months later, Kamilah went into labor in her old bedroom.

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First she gave birth to Dwight Sanderson, a boy with grey eyes and black hair…

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… and then to Diana, who shared her brothers features. Due to matriarchy rules, Diana was automatically crowned heiress.

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Time flew by quickly and soon the twins were toddlers. Diana was revealed to be a Cancer while her brother Dwight donned the

personality of a Scorpio.

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Toddlerhood went by just as quickly as infancy and soon the twins had become children.

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… and part of me hopes that Diana grows up into her face.

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“Hey Dwight,” Diana called out to her twin brother, “why is mom in her underwear?”

“Di, this is a legacy; does that answer your question?”

“Kind of.”

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“I promise that I will never by a naked heiress like mommy.”

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As the years went by, the kids got their first As, the house expanded and it was time for another birthday.

“I feel tingly.”

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Diana grew up first and rolled Fortune as her aspiration. Her lifetime want is to be a City Planner.

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Dwight went next and rolled Romance with the lifetime want of being a Hall of Famer.

You know what this means?

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Yup, it’s throw out the spare and age up the heir time!

“This green goop tastes an awful lot like toxic waste.”

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I used the same Elixer of Life on Kamilah and Imogen so their ages could stay the same. So what? I’m at least keeping everyone going

quickly. You’ve seen an entire generation go by in 30 pages; be happy.

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“Grandma, why is the Creator making everything seem like it only took a day?”

“Because it did only take a day in his time. You were just a baby this morning for him, but you’ll be a fully fledged adult, maybe even elder,

by the time this chapter is through.”

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“Being an elder would be icky!” Diana spouted, “I want to go to college!”

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Life moved on, Imogen passed away (R.I.P.) and Diana became an adult. Thank you whoever for making her grow into her face and look


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Meet DNA donor #3, Juan Reamon. Juan is a family sim, a fact I know due to my BACC. Juan was the sim who helped me populate the town

quite easily as well as he helped build up most of the first 5 businesses. Juan deserves a chance to have a little fun now.

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On page 39, Diana goes into labor and gives birth to…

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…little baby Vincent Sanderson, the generation four spare or heir only if he rolls knowledge as his aspiration. Vincent has black hair and grey

eyes like both of his parents.

Yup, no creativity here.

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Diana began to lay Vincent down in his crib for the night and kissed his tiny forehead.

“Goodnight my sweet little boo; mommy will see you in the morning.”

Vincent gurgled as his mother waved him goodbye. He began drifting off further and further into his own little dream land until he was fast


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Diana called her twin brother as soon as she was out of the nursery, “Dwight, you’ll never believe what happened- wait, what? Samantha

just had a daughter? Who’s Samantha?

WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL US THAT YOU GOT MARRIED?” Diana suddenly remembered to hush her voice.

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“Diana, Samantha and I just met nine months ago. When I found out she was pregnant with my daughter, I had to propose.”

“So what’s your little girl’s name?”

“Her name is Storm Cordial.”

“Why didn’t you just tell us; mom and I wouldn’t judge you for knocking some girl up.”

“Sam isn’t just some girl- look, I’ve said too much. Her and her sister’s identities, as well as mine and Storm’s, need to be kept hidden from


“Wh-?” the phone line was cut off, “-whatever, Dwight.”

Diana’s next call was for someone a little less crazy; her lover Juan.

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“Mmpfh!” Diana tackle-hugged Juan Reamon as she planted her glossed lips on his, “do you want to me your son?” she asked.

“S-sure, honey.”

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“Well, he’s down for a nap right now, so we could have a little fun until morning,” Diana giggled.

“Can I stay here a couple of days.”

“Sure, it would be wonderful for Vince to get to know you.”

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Despite the above, the few days Juan could share with his flesh and blood were not just concentrated to re-pregnating Diana Sanderson.

But despite all of this fun, Diana still had something that was nagging her.


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When Diana arrived home from the hospital, her mother sat her down for a heart to heart… well, not really a talk, but similar feelings were


Kamilah cocked her head to the side and gave her daughter a sympathetic look signaling ‘what’s wrong, honey’.

“Mom, I think Dwight’s gotten himself into a dangerous relationship with a woman named Samantha Cordial.”

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Kamilah began to move her hands around frantically before she snapped, “Diana, this is one of those few serious mother-daughter

moments where I need to speak rather than listen; your brother is old enough to take care of himself and, if there is ever a problem, he

knows that he can always come back home.”

Diana nodded, “Mom, why is it that you don’t like talking to people.”

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Kamilah breathed in, “Because I have no deep seeded issues that I need to talk about. Everyone else just uses other sims to bounce their

problems off of, yet I don’t need that.”


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Kamilah watched over her tiny grandson and whispered delicately to him, “Goodnight, little one; pretty soon you’ll be a big brother.”

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As he slept, Vincent dreamed of the many possibilities of what those words would mean.

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Around the time Diana had reached the seven month milestone in her pregnancy, Vincent was ready to become a toddler (and a bit cranky

because his naptime was interrupted).

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It was clear that little Vincey had many of his father’s features, one such example being his lips. But, despite all that, there was still a

portion of his mother’s face visible.

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“Come on, Vincent, I know I heard you say something earlier,” Diana looked down at her son, “can you please repeat it for me.”

Vincent shook his head to indicate ‘no’.

“There’s a cookie in it for you.”

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“Cookie? Mama, I said baba earlier! Can I have cookie now?”

Diana’s jaw dropped and she began to squee, “You can already speak in full sentences?!”

“So more cookie?”

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Vincent Sanderson developed very rapidly during his final few months as the only child in the matriarchy household. Note that nice,

moderate sized word known as ‘final’.

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Diana screamed out in pain, “This hurts!”

Her shrieks filled the house, “Mo-om, help me!”

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Within moments, a little girl with the same phenotypes as her older brother; she was promptly named Esther, the fourth generation heiress

to the Sanderson Matriarchy and the third of Imogen’s daughters.

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“Hey mom, I get it now! You’re the first of grandma’s daughters and I’m the second.”

Kamilah whispered as she took Esther for her first feeding, “Why didn’t I try and get pregnant a second time?”

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One year later, Vincent had become a child while Esther still awaited her transition to toddlerhood. It was on his birthday that fate began to

unfold itself.

It all started with a strange knock on the door.

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Diana peered out into the hallway and saw the shadowy figure of a little girl standing outside in the rain.

“I’m coming!” she shouted to the girl.

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The little girl panted slowly, “I… I made it…” her words were heavy and her face was flushed.

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Diana walked out to greet her, “Sweetie, what are you doing all the way out here?” she asked in a motherly tone; something was very

familiar about this girl.

“Are… are you…,” she was still panting, “Diana Sanderson?” the little girl let out a wheeze.


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“I… I’m Storm Cordial,” the little girl stated.

Diana’s heart skipped a beat, “You’re Dwight’s daughter, right? What are you doing here?”

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“Daddy… he sent me here to… be safe from them.”

“Them?!” Diana had heard Dwight refer to someone as ‘Them’ nearly 6 years earlier.

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Diana looked down at her niece, “Who are ‘them’?”

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“The bad people that froze mommy, daddy and Aunty Kim and dragged them away.”


So here’s where I’ll leave you for now. I’ve covered two generations of the family and have caught up with the spares. I don’t have the stats

out yet, you’ll get them when the kids become teens. I’d like to introduce you guys all to Storm Cordial, the only first cousin of

generation four.

I need to get playing (and finish my English essay), so I’ll see you all later (on Boolprop or LJ).

-Bye for now,Reggie