impact magazine issue 6 june 2011

ImpAct June 2011 Summer Ball 2011

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EFIA TQ College Magazine


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ImpAct June 2011

Summer Ball 2011

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Wan Jui Cheng

IAP Student


ImpAct Team

Sergey Erentsenov

IB Student Journalist

Quizzes & Puzzles

Ronny Tang A Level Student


Wing Yee Cheung

IAP Student Journalist


IT Teacher Editorial Support

& Design

Thi Hong Hanh Nguyen

IB Student Journalist

Thi Thu Thuy Nguyen A Level Student


Wan Jui Cheng

IAP Student Journalist

Nien Yun Hsu IAP Student


Hong Ngoc Nguyen

IB Student Journalist

Mariska Dahm IB Student Journalist

Andrea Zanaria

IAP Student Journalist

Joao Lee

IAP Student Journalist

Hi, welcome to our first issue of IMPACT for 2011, the magazine for EF International Academy Torquay.

Each issue IMAPCT Magazine designates space for creative and expressive coverage of the College, students, events and more, therefore if you would like to contribute to the magazine please contact one of our team.

The end of my first year in EFIA Torquay and what a wonderful year it was. I have so many memories studying here, not just the lessons, but also the people I have met. We have celebrated people’s birthdays, visits many places and developed our English skills along the way. I am so thankful for my time here as I have seen the many changes in my life.

See you next year.

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Alton Towers & Warwick University Page 04

Precious values of the world Page 07

IB Graduation Page 11

Ashcombe Adventure Centre Page 14

Prep Course Review Page 15

Preparation Course Graduation Page 16

Summer Ball Page 19

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Alton Towers &

Warwick University

Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh (Victoria)

The furthest and the most memorable trip with school was a trip to Alton Tower before our

Spring Break. It brought us good times and memories after a whole busy term with studying and

our January exam sessions.

After a short trip visiting Warwick university we spent 2 days and one night at Alton Towers

Theme Park. We were totally impressed at the atmosphere and the view here especially with

colorful backgrounds .We seemed to be back in our childhood. It is a family resort with many

shared-rooms. 4 students shared a room; however, it was more convenient than we first

thought. The rooms had good facilities with a good sense of decoration themed around a sunny

holiday destination hotel resort.

The room looked totally smart and warm. From our window, we could see the whole view of the

theme park. Moreover, we were also very pleased with our buffet dinner and breakfast. Just 3

words to describe: delicious, surprised and wonderful. The first reason is about the variety of

food. It was filled with all nationalities from Asian to African. With really helpful staff and good

service, we really enjoyed our meal. I should mention the chocolate fondue and ice cream. The

weather started to be hot so ice cream was a good choice and we couldn’t ignore chocolate

fondue because it was so attracting and sweet. After enjoying our meal, we had free time in the

resort. Some students joined the bar with their friends dancing and drinking. The rest of us

spent time in the souvenir shop or played games in our rooms and took lots of photos.

We had a good night to save energy for tomorrow and that would be fabulous.

The second day came and we spent the whole time in Alton Tower Theme Park. It was not so far

from resort area to the Theme Park. It was the part that every student had waited for from the

Photography: Holly

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beginning of the trip. There are lots of rides and attractions

in the park. They are divided into many groups: Thrill rides,

Laughs and Frights, Young fun and Attraction. We can try

from the amusing one to the most thrilling one such as

Oblivion. It reminded me of a small country in front of us.

There were lakes, pools, castles and forests. They have

something really old and modern. It doesn’t matter if you

don’t like these thrilling rides because you can enjoy your

time in the attraction area.

Going on the sky train to see the whole view of Alton Tower

or playing some water games such as the Flume. You will

get wet but it is supper fun. Or if you are interested in

taking photos, go and find some castles, there are lots of

things you can find amazing to take pictures of. What

attracted boys and some of girls were the most thrilling games area. They tried all of them

without a hesitation. Seriously, they were so brave. Thirteen, Air, The Blade , Nemesis, Oblivion,

Rita, Ribsaw and Submission –all of them were so thrilling in their own ways. Yelling , shouting

feeling ill after and during the rides but almost all of the students had fun. Thirteen: you will go

backward in the darkness. Nemesis: going in a circle, it sounded interesting. Blade: you will be

lifted higher and higher. Air: upside down and you will feel like “Hello! I’m flying”. Oblivion:

never dare yourself to go on this with the history of heart attack because it will be very shocking

and crazy but somehow it is not, just fun and challenging.

A whole day in Alton tower seemed not to be enough for some of us who wanted to try some of

the games several times. Nevertheless, it was time to say goodbye and see you next year. We

had so much fun there with

lots of laughs, scares and

surprises. Thank you David

and Debbie who gave us

opportunities to join this

trip. Thank you Andy,

Mandy, Bob, Muriel, Holly

and Oliver for taking care

of us during this long trip.

We will remember it as the

most wonderful time this

school year.

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Photography: Holly

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Precious values of the world

Caring and sharing

Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy (Christina)

Our world has 195 different countries and each country has their own culture and history as well

as political views. Moreover, each country has lots of different ethnicity. However, even with

this wide range of diversity all over the world, all mankind always share some precious values

such as caring, loving and sharing which live quietly among us every day. Those priceless values

help to connect the world together as a whole big family, help each of us to understand the

meaning of being a human among others, and above all they assist by giving us strength to move

forward through difficulties and challenges. More specifically, those values have clearly

demonstrated its importance through some disaster our world has gone through over times,

and most recently the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Caring and helping each other through difficulties: On Friday, 11 March 2011, a terrible natural

disaster happened which led to lots of traumatic incidents from earthquake, tsunami to nuclear

crisis. Thousands of houses and buildings have been destroyed, also not even mentioning the


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loss of thousands of human lives. Many Japanese lost their families as well as friends; countless

drops of tears have fallen. Facing that dreadful situation, the Japanese people and government

were not standing alone; it seemed like the whole world were standing by them, sharing the

wounds and the lost people who were trying to deal with the disaster. Just after less than a

week from the start of the disaster, there were more than 128 countries and 33 international

organisations such as the United Nations, the European Councils and also the International

Committee of Red Cross asking to assist Japan to recover from the tragedy. Millions of dollars

have been donated from all over the world and sent to Japan. By creating websites and lots of

organizations, money has been gathered in many ways from fundraising to auctioning.

Specifically, US $120 million has been donated by American Red Cross, and also S$3.15 million

from Singapore Red Cross. Not only did

Japanese receive material but also spiritual

support, many volunteers and relief teams

have been sent to Japan just after the

earthquake in order to find the missing

people, construct the temporary houses,

clean up the area, and also help the

civilians setting down to start a new life.

The question is “why do countries all around the world do that?” and “why do we care?” It

seems to be awkward to ask like that because the answer is so clear and obvious. Because we

are humans that we care for Japanese, because this world is a huge family in which every

member cares for each other in difficulty. If a family member is hurt, the whole society feels the

pain. That is the reason why many hearts in this world have beaten the same beats as Japanese

in that tragedy, the reason why many people have felt the same pain as Japanese feel. Not only

do people care for each other in that specific incident in Japan, our history has proven that

humans care for each other all the time, not just in global disaster such as Katrina storm in USA

a few years ago or recently the Tsunami in Indonesia, but also in simple little things happening

around us everyday such as giving someone a lift, holding the doors for others. Those simples

things thought seem to be meaningless, they are proving that human always care. Simply, caring

shows that we are members of the whole big family- the world.

Sharing even if you have nothing to share: I wonder if you have ever heard of the story about a

little child with nothing but still want to share with a poor old man. In this moving story, a poor

beggar has insisted a little child give him some money; though the child has searched

everywhere, he still did not have any pennies. With a sad face, the boy hold the beggar’s hands,

crying and say that “Really sorry but I don’t have anything to give you, really sorry”. That saying


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has shined the beggar life when knowing that there is still somebody in this world sharing

something with him, sharing the love, the pain he has to go through. The same story has

happened in real life not just in some moral stories people say to teach children. In the Japanese

disaster, the pictures of all citizen queuing orderly, and quietly to have supplies has made lots of

people awake. No fighting, no noises, just order and respecting elderly or poorer people to have

supplies first even when even some of them had nothing left after the earthquake, no home, no

money, no food, no water and even no family.

So, again what does this tell us? Many meaningful things can be said through this simple action

of Japanese people. Many people will say that it is because of the culture of Japanese who are

famous for queuing; some may claim that because they have been taught since childhood that

kind of manner. Personally, I will say that yes, that comes from the culture, yes that comes from

what they have been taught. However, this culture, these childhood lessons are just simply

coming from one precious values spreading all around the whole society- Sharing for others.

When people know the importance of sharing, they will understand respect, concessions, and

above all love.

Yes, it has clearly stated that those

precious values live among us,

demonstrated themselves through some

global care such as the incident in Japan in

March, 2011. Now it might be the time to

ask “why do they are so importance to

our society?” and “what would happen if

caring and sharing did not exist in this

world?”. I can barely imagine how the



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earth would be if that were real. Our warm world would turn into a cold and selffish world with

no love, no emotions, as cold as the North and South Poles. Nobody would understand each

other anymore, no more development would process because there would be no sharing and

learning around the world. Even if there were any inventions, they would keep for themselves

No need to imagine that unrealistic world, we just have to take a look at how Japan is recovering

from the natural disaster in March based on the international aid. From then, vice versa, we can

simply answer the questions above.

Just compare two different pictures of Japan road in and after 6 days of the earthquake, you will

come to realize how fast it took Japan to recover. Without helping, caring and sharing within the

countries and also internationally, it would be impossible for Japan to have that magical


Last but not least, I just want to say that: Caring and sharing will open our minds, will help us to

realize how meaningfull to be a member of our big family- the world. Because we are family,

because we are human, we care and share for each other unconditionally.

Source: www.

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IB GRADUATION Wyn Morgan (IB2 Tutor)

On Tuesday May 24th EFIA held its first ever IB Graduation ceremony at the Grand Hotel in

Torquay. The ceremony was to celebrate the achievement of the first IB cohort of students at

EFIA in completing the diploma course. Wyn (IB2 tutor) gave a speech to remember the funnier

and memorable moments of the two years and David gave a speech on the next steps of the

students’ academic lives.

After the ceremony photographs were taken both inside and outside and then students, staff

and parents sat down for a meal which was very enjoyable. Once the meal was over students

said their goodbyes to each other as some were flying home the following day. Overall, it was a

very enjoyable afternoon and evening and a fitting way to celebrate the IB students graduation.

I would just like to take this opportunity to wish all the IB2 students the best of luck with their

results in July and their journey into university life.

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Ashcombe Adventure Centre

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Wan Jui Cheng

I remember when I came here I didn’t know anyone. EFIA is in Torquay, a beautiful small town.

There are friendly old people a small harbor and sea birds. You can see that here is a really good

place to study English. The students are from different countries so you get to hear different

languages. Rebecca was our English lecturer teacher, she taught us the poem ‘the tempest’, she

read the story dramatically and we loved it. She helped us to feel like we were the people in the


We had many trips on our course and you can travel by yourself. I have been to Edinburgh with

my friends. Edinburgh is very romantic with classical building and beautiful views. Every three

months we had one week for study called study week. I went to London with my friends to visit

China town you can eat Chinese food, go to Chinese markets, there also have a Chinese hospital.

On our school trip we went to Bath which has many museums. My favorite museum was the

fashion museum with clothes from different centuries and you can see the difference between

the past and modern fashion.

We will celebrated people’s birthdays and we wrote birthday cards together and bought gifts

and we sometimes found a nice restaurant to celebrate.

Our school had a lot of parties like the Christmas party and the Summer ball. We celebrated our

school life and danced and this also gave us the opportunity to dress up in long dresses and

smart suits.

The UK is crazy about playing football. I love Liverpool football team. If you go to a pub you can

see people shouting for their team. It’s really exciting to see your favorite team score the

winning goal.

At the end of term we had to sit the IEST exam and achieve a minimum 4.5, this part of the

course changed our timetable to English, English and more English. This sound crazy and was

very difficult for us, but after a month of intensive lessons we took the exam and we were all

relieved to have finished. We now wait excitedly for the results.

I really loved my time here and have learned so much about studies, people and me.

Photography: Christina

Photography: Christina

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Prep Course Graduation

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EFIA Summer Ball 2011 May 2011

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Have a good summer break

and see you in September 2011

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If you would like to contribute to ImpAct,

please contact a member of the team.