impact of open media at the ou

Director of Open Media Unit Andrew Law

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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Slides for a talk on "Impact of Open Media at the OU" given by Andrew Law, Open University at a UKOLN workshop on "Metrics and Social Web Services: Quantitative Evidence for their Use and Impact" held at the Open University on 11 July 2011. See


Page 1: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Director of Open Media Unit Andrew Law

Page 3: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Blessed with Data …

Page 5: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Objective Outcomes

Public Awareness More awareness of OU (in new places/demographics)

Public Engagement More positive experience of OU (quality and innovation)

Retention, progression and conversion to Active Learning

Better recruitment and retention(role in progression?)

Increase or enhance OU AssetsROI

Improved T&L Income

Strategy – purpose

Page 6: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Objective Measure

Public Awareness Recognition, Mosaic, Reach, Demographics

Public Engagement Volume, Duration, UU, Page View, Loyalty

Retention, progression and conversion to Active Learning

Migration to S@OU, Registrations, Progression, Completion

Increase or enhance OU AssetsROI

Contribution to course assetsDirect income

Strategy – purpose and KPIs

Page 8: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Does Size Matter?

Page 9: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Does Size Matter … looking at trends?

Page 10: Impact of Open Media at the OU

• Demanded more clarity on purpose (KPIs for channels)

• Demanded more uniform comparisons (single dashboard)

• Led to investment (money and attention)• Led to further enhancement of successful


Has data had impact?

Page 12: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Open Media – Performance Improvement

Page 13: Impact of Open Media at the OU

Open Media – Performance Improvement

Page 14: Impact of Open Media at the OU

• Served management interests • Will it serve user interests? • Recommendation services

• Follow this ... try this

• Reputation/Credibility services• Follow me ... trust me

Where next with data?