impact of wheat stripe rust in iran: breeding and control strategies


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Mostafa Aghaee and Farzad AfshariSeed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII)


Page 1: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies
Page 2: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Mostafa Aghaee and Farzad AfshariSeed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII)

Page 3: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Area (1000 ha) under cultivation of wheat & barley in Iran (2009-2010)

Crop Wheat Barley Total

Irrigated 2443 722 3165

Rain fed 4204 952 5156

Total 6647 1675 8321Ministry of Agriculture

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Agro. Zone 1000 ha(%)

Zone INorthern Warm and Humid


Zone IISouthern Warm and Dry


Zone III , Temperate781(30.7%)

Zone IV , Cold870(34.1%)

Total 2548

%95 of cultivated varieties are improved Varieties

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Area, Production, and Yield changes of wheat in Iran During 1980’s and 2000’s

Yield (Kg/ha)

Production (000 t)

Area (000 ha)



s% 2000’s 1980’

s% 2000’s 1980’s

85 3729 2017 120 9562 4343 19 2561 2151

ماخذ: آمارنامه وزارت جهاد کشاورزی

Page 6: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Zone Diseases

Zone I

Yr, Lr, FHB, Pm, Septoria Leaf and glum blotch, Take-all, common root rot

Zone IILr, Yr, Sr, Septoria, bunts, leaf blotch

Zone III

Yr, Lr, Karnal Bunt, Take-all, Common root rot, common Bunts, viral disease

Zone IV

Yr, Lr, Sr (Late season), viral diseases, dwarf Bunt,

Important wheat diseases in the 4 agro- ecological zones of Iran

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Page 8: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Yr27/Avs Avocet S

Virulence on Yr27

Appearance of new race of yellow rust , virulent to Yr27 in 2004 in Fars province, and later on in many part of the country causes large amount of yield losses on commercial varieties

Page 9: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

منطقه Most used Var. Yield loss%

Yield loss1000 ton

Newly released / IntroducedYRR varieties/ Lines


BCRoshan, Kavir, Shiraz, Chamran, Ghods, Falat,

Marvdasht 12 133Bam, Parsi, Sivand,

Naishabour, Arg, Sistan, Behrang, Bahar


Toos, Bez., Omid, Alvand, Shariar, BCRoshan,

Navid20 139 Gaspard, Gaskozhen, Pishgam,

C-78-14, MV-17

Warm North

Tajan, Shirody, Shanghai, Milan, N-80-19 4 19 Morvarid, Daria, Arta, Nai 60

Warm South

Chamran, Yavarous, Verinak, Hirmand,

Karkhe, Star1 12 Behrang, S-80-18،

S-83-3، S-78-11

Total 300

Estimated crop loss due to Yellow rust diseases during 2009-10 cropping season in Iran

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Wheat breeding program

Wheat breeding program is carried out in 4 different climatic zones, & in 33 research stations all over the country.

The rusts and other diseases are mainly inspected in selected stations, and appearance of new races are early warned.

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Page 12: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Using this procedure, appearance of new race of yellow rust , virulent to Yr27 on Atila 50 (Chamran) was alerted in 2004 in Fars province, and last year it appeared in many part of the country. Breeding strategies are enjoys from this early warning system to breed new resistant cultivars suitable for different epidemic prone zones.

Wheat breeding program

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Page 14: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

New Released Wheat Cvs .

Because of screening of all wheat germplasm against with the related pathotype of yellow rust with virulence for Yr27 from eight years ago, all newly released wheat varieties in irrigated areas including:

Morvareied, Sivand, Parsei, Uroum, Meihan, Pishgam and Aflak were resistant through the country. With the intensive research work a plenty of resistant lines are under final consideration which will be released shortly.

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Morvarid (Res. Yr in Gorgan) Morocco (Sus.)

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Promising New lines (N-85-5) of wheat Res. to Stripe rust

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Page 18: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

کرمانشاه89شدت بیماری زنگ زرد روی ارقام حساس – اردیبهشت

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Page 20: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Sus. variety Sivand, a newly released YRR


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Parsi Newly released YRR and Ug99


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Sivand Newly released YRR and Ug99 resistant

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Pishgam Newly released YRR and Ug99


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Promising YRR Genotype

Sus. variety

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Page 26: Impact of Wheat Stripe Rust in Iran: Breeding and Control Strategies

Promising YRR lines for cold area

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Conclusion Remarks and Future Tasks

Being a devastating disease, YR causes a huge crop losses in epidemic situation in Iran

Crop losses in 2010 cropping season estimated about 300,000 tons (~US$110 m)

Fungicide application is recommended as a mean of protection and control of the disease in emergency situation

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Monitoring of rust races, race analysis and screening of germplasm are continued

Seed multiplication of promising lines is started sometimes 3-4 years before releasing, by this way the new varieties are in hand of farmers on time

Replacement of susceptible varieties & Crop diversification is a strategy followed in different climatic zones. Since last 3 years >10 R varieties have been released, majority of them are resistant to both YR and SR (ug99)

Conclusion Remarks and Future Tasks

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